专业答案:Please marry me .
用问题表示的话,我们可以这样说:“Will you marry me? " " Would you marry me"
某人与某人结婚,介词不要用with ,下面是有关marry 的一些常用例句:
Marry married John last year.
Marry was/got married to John last year.
We got married last year.
How long have you been married ?
Marry me.
Marry me, please
Marry me.All right ok?
Marry me
marry me
你愿意嫁给我吗? 翻译成英文。
第二个2023-07-28 23:34:597
will you marry me?什么意思?
marry me?2023-07-28 23:35:438
Willyoumarryme?祝你新春快乐2023-07-28 23:36:172
你会与我结婚吗?第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!2023-07-28 23:36:504
will you marry me 什么意思
非你不嫁2023-07-28 23:36:5814
will you marry me 什么意思
will you marry me ?你会嫁给我吗?双语对照例句:1.Will you marry me? Please say yes. 你愿意嫁给我吗?请说是的。2.Will you marry me? 你会嫁给我吗?2023-07-28 23:37:201
Will you marry me? 这已经是很简单的句子了。2023-07-28 23:37:287
will you marry me什么意思
婚礼的主题 : 你愿意嫁给我吗?2023-07-28 23:37:547
Will you Marry Me?什么意思
你会嫁给我吗2023-07-28 23:38:116
will you marry me的意思是你愿意嫁给我吗。 回答是 I do, I do,表示我愿意嫁给你,这里不能用yes来回答。 扩展资料 Get On My Knees And Say Will You Marry Me? 跪在地上然后说:嫁给我好吗? While nothing says "will you marry me?" 在美国,闪闪发光的钻石是“你愿意嫁给我吗?” In just four plain words he said: "will you marry me?" 当时他只用了简短的.4个字:“嫁给我吧。” Will you marry me? I"d make a good husband, jenny. 你能嫁给我吗?我会做个好丈夫的,珍妮。 He asked her, Now that you can see the world, will you marry me? 他问:现在你可以看到这个世界了,你会嫁给我吗?2023-07-28 23:38:271
will you marry me ?2023-07-28 23:38:4814
notwilling。willyoumarryme的中文意思为你愿意嫁给我吗,通常是在男性向女性求婚的时候会说这样的话,我们可以直接拒绝对方,表示自己不愿意,英文表达为notwilling,可以向对方说明自己的顾虑,或者其他的想法。will的意思是想要、希望、愿意,you的意思是你,marry的意思是结婚,娶,嫁,me的意思是我,所以这句话的意思是你愿意嫁给我吗。2023-07-28 23:39:201
will you mery me是什么意思
YES , 他少了字母! marry如果女的对你说 你会取我为妻吗如果男的对你说 你会嫁给我吗2023-07-28 23:39:285
Will you merry me?中文什么意思
看是男的还是女的说这话的咯2023-07-28 23:39:4513
will you marry me怎么回答
yes~I do2023-07-28 23:40:125
Will You Marry Me怎么读
伟哦(2声)油买(1声)瑞密?2023-07-28 23:40:427
Could you marry to me?2023-07-28 23:41:0112
Will You Marry Me 歌词
歌曲名:Will You Marry Me歌手:Paula Abdul专辑:Greatest Hits - Straight Up!Music by Vonda Shepard & Michael LandauRecorded by Vonda Shepard on "Songs from Ally McBeal"I guess you sunk inOh yeah you made it inNow I"m fumbling somewhere deep withinWill I raise my glassOr will you kick my ass?Or will we fall down laughing, laughing?I know love is painI know your life"s insaneI want you anywayI"ll probably complainWhy would I subject myself to this kind of disaster?A respectable ball and chain is all you"re really afterI"m tumbling in side this reeling feeling coming over meWill you ever decide? So unrevealing...Will you marry me?Strange behavior from my saviorYou yank me up and downJust like a yo-yoDo you love me?You"re an anomalyOr maybe you are justUnbelievably ordinaryWhy would I subject myself to this kind of disaster?A respectable ball and chain is all you"re really afterI"m tumbling inside this reeling feeling coming over meWill you ever decide? So unrevealing...Will you marry me?I"m tumbling inside, I"m happiest when you are next to meBut I"m still on the inside...Am I obsesssed orWill you marry me?c 1996 Maryland Venture 23:41:421
为什么Will you marry me的对答是Yes,I do而不是Yes,I will
will表示意愿,不是事实,do我已经在心里答应嫁给你了2023-07-28 23:41:493
"Will you marry me? "可以用"yes.I do"回答不?还是必须要用"yes.I will"回答才可以
基本上我们都是直接用“IDO”的形式,前面的YES不加的就是“WILLYOUMARRYME?”然后“IDO”IWILL几乎很少有人这样回答的OFCOURSE就更没有了就直接用IDO就是最地道的了2023-07-28 23:42:091
求lyn的Will You Marry Me的中文歌词~
中文歌词:今日我来到此地,我的内心万分的紧张而只有你明了那深入我内心的言词或许它是如此简单明了,可我还是不停的在重复练习我无法明了为何我会如此惶恐,但我还是要说 嫁给我好吗?就这样让我俩的爱与人生交织在一起和我厮守在一起好吗?直到永远只愿为你单膝跪地,戴上这枚戒指好吗?请嫁给我好吗?嫁给我好吗? 能与你守在一起那就是我能活下去的理由但在此刻我向主坦白尽管我爱你,老天也能证明可更深的我却害怕你会拒绝我,说你愿意好么 嫁给我好吗?就这样让我俩的爱与人生交织在一起和我厮守在一起好吗?直到永远只愿为你单膝跪地,戴上这枚戒指好吗?请嫁给我好吗?嫁给我好吗? 只愿为你单膝跪地只愿为你单膝跪地戴上这只戒指好吗?我会戴上你的那枚戒指请嫁给我好吗?嫁给我好吗? 英文歌词: I come here today, I"m kind of nervousYou know how words get in my wayIt should come easy, I"ve been rehearsingI don"t know why I"m so afraid, to say Will you marry mePut our love and life togetherWill you stay with meFor always and foreverOn bended knee, would you take this ringWill you marry me, pleaseWill you marry me To be with you is what I live forBut at this moment I confessThough I love you, God knows I love youDeep down inside I"m scared to death, say yes Will you marry mePut our love and life togetherWill you stay with meFor always and foreverOn bended knee, would you take this ringWill you marry me, pleaseWill you marry me On bended kneeOn bended kneeWould you take this ringI will take your ringWill you marry me, pleaseWill you marry me2023-07-28 23:42:161
我倾向选Will you marry me?后者语义很是tentative,polite,这样显得说话双方有距离感.2023-07-28 23:42:251
will you marry me? 如果拒绝,怎么回答对方
Could you give me some time to think it over? 能给我点时间考虑一下吗?2023-07-28 23:42:336
Marry you2023-07-28 23:43:105
歌词中有这句baby will you marry me 而且有一句反复吟唱 男生唱的一首英文歌,求歌名??
marry you.2023-07-28 23:43:274
would you marry me
would用于庄重场合,表示有礼貌的请求或表示,语气婉转.如: Would you marry me? 您嫁给我好吗? Would you go with me? 您跟我一起走好吗? Would you kindly show me the way to the station? 劳驾您, 请问到车站的路怎么走? Would you help mewith this package? 劳驾您帮我搬一下这包裹好吗? 上述句子换成will就变成一种不加掩饰的请求,语气直率. Will you marry me?你有没有意愿嫁给我? Will you go with me? 愿意跟我一起走吗? Will you show me the way to the station? 可不可以指给我到车站怎么走吗? Will youhelp me with this package? 您愿意帮我搬一下这包裹吗? 说得通俗一些,would you … 等于汉语的“请您…”,will you 等于汉语的“请你…”.映帆所以说是文法错误,她是嫌方飞竹过于客气,意思是让他直截了当地向她求婚,没有必要如此拘于礼节.换句话说就是这种表示委婉的他的虚拟文法用错了地方,显得虚情假意.2023-07-28 23:43:331
do you marry me? 跟 will you marry me ?的区别
没有太大的区别,都是那个意思,只不过will更强调意愿性和将来性2023-07-28 23:43:401
My name is Christmas, will you merry me?什么意思
谐意为“我叫christmas,你愿意嫁给我吗?”merry跟marry音一样 marry是结婚的意思圣诞节祝福一般说 merry christmas!求婚一般说“will you marry me?”2023-07-28 23:43:5013
问题一:你愿意吗 用英语怎么说 楼主,你好! Are you willing to xxxx? 比较常用而且正式。 例如,结婚时,牧师常说的,Are you willing to marry him? 嫁给他,你愿意吗? Would you like to xxxx? 比较常用于口语中,更多表示喜欢什么,偏向于什么。 例如,饭店,服务员常说的,Would you like to have tea or coffee? 省略时,Tea or Coffee? 朋友对你说,Would you like to go with me? 你愿意跟我走吗? 问题二:“你愿意等我吗?”用英文怎么说 Are you willing to wait for me? 问题三:你愿意娶我吗的英文怎么说 英语:Will you marry me? Would you like to marry me? 问题四:你愿意娶我吗 用英文怎么写 will you give me your hand! 这是国外相当浪漫的说法 问题五:你愿意吗?英文怎么说 Are you willing to? WILL YOU Are you gonna do that ? 问题六:你愿意做我女朋友吗?英文怎么说 应该第二个,are you willing to be my sweet ? 这个语气比较委婉。第一个有命令的意思,第三个说出来感觉没有底气。应该选择第二个。 问题七:你愿意娶我吗?用英语怎么说? will 表示意愿,愿意。所以为Will ypu marry me?请采纳一下 问题八:你愿意做我女朋友吗?用英语翻译 You are the apple in my eye 要是表白就用这个吧,比起直接的显得你有深度,她要是明白了,自然就会回答你了;若是不明白,你就作以解释“你是我的挚爱”,活跃一下紧张的气氛嘛,再用中文直接问“你愿意做我女朋友吗”。 兄弟 祝你成功哈,加油!! 问题九:“如果你愿意,就........”用英语怎么说? If you are willing to,…望采纳 问题十:“你愿意嫁给我吗”用英语怎么说 will you marry me? Susan,你愿意嫁给我吗? -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 Bassanio turned to Portia and said, @Dear lady, will you be mine? 巴塞尼奥转身对波西亚说:“亲爱的小姐,你愿意嫁给我吗?” -- 新世界名著-威尼斯商人 - The Merchant of Venice (2) Brad and I always played Hangman while we waited and that night, we were playing our usual game. As I guessed the letters and the words started to form themselves, a sentence emerged: Will you marry me? 上菜前我们俩总是玩一种叫“刽子手”的猜字游戏。那天晚上,我们也没例外。我猜着猜着,字母和词逐渐组成一个句子:你愿意嫁给我吗? -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络] Miss Leslie, he said, hurrying, I only have a moment to talk. I want to say something important in that moment: Will you be my wife? I haven" t had time to show you, but I really do love you. Speak quickly please -- there"s the telephone. “莱斯利小姐,”他急匆匆地说,“我只有一小会儿时间跟您聊聊。有件重要的事要跟您说:您愿意嫁给我吗?我没有时间向您详细地表白,但我真的爱你。请您快说话――我那边有个电话要接。”2023-07-28 23:44:271
How would I say mine eyes be blessed made. My looking on thee in the living day. Of all days are nights to see till I see thee. The night days when dreams do showthee me. will you marry me?2023-07-28 23:44:354
正确的说法是: Will you marry me? 你会嫁给我吗? 你会娶我吗? 双语对照 例句: 1. Okay. Will you marry me? 那幺你愿意嫁给我吗? 2. So, will you marry me in style? 所以,你会别具风格的嫁给我吗? . ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮2023-07-28 23:44:411
抱歉,我无法提供此类信息。使用粗鲁、不礼貌和侮辱性的语言是不恰当的。在与他人交流时,请使用尊重和礼貌的语言,以建立积极、和谐的人际关系。如果您有任何其他问题或需要帮助,请随时告诉我。2023-07-28 23:44:492
请举例说明2023-07-28 23:44:573
Would you marry me? would应该换成will么,怎么理解?
would 这个是一种婉转的说法,跟could的用法差不多。不一定指过去式。2023-07-28 23:45:153
求婚是用will you marry me还是are you going to marry me
are you going to marry me2023-07-28 23:45:253
You are willing to marry for me?2023-07-28 23:45:3516
My name is Christmas, will you merry me?什么意思
merrychristmas是圣诞快乐的意思而你问的那句话原意是我叫圣诞节,你原意祝福我吗?但是merry和marry同音,marry的意思是结婚,willyoumarryme?是“你愿意嫁给我吗”的意思所以圣诞节的时候可以这样问别人,特别是心爱的人哦,一语双关啊2023-07-28 23:46:083
你愿意嫁给我吗 她回答 yes i do 前面是Do you marry me ?还是Will you marry me?
应该是:Do you marry me ?记得采纳啊2023-07-28 23:46:161
will you marry me中文是什么意思
1. 你愿意嫁给我吗?2. 你愿意主持我的婚礼吗?第二个一般你查不到哦....第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!2023-07-28 23:46:354
will you marry me?的意思是你愿意嫁给我吗? 回答是 I do, I do,表示我愿意嫁给你,这里不能用yes来回答。 marry vt. 嫁;娶;与……结婚 vi. 结婚 例句: He was free to marry whomever he chose. 他看上了谁就可以和谁结婚。 扩展资料 There was a theory that he wanted to marry her. 有种观点认为他想娶她。 I knew quite early on that I wanted to marry her. 我老早就知道我想娶她。 You"ll never marry her—she"s much too good for you. 你永远娶不到她—她对你来说高不可攀。2023-07-28 23:46:481
will you marry me中文是什么意思
will you marry me中文意思是: 你愿意嫁给我? 愿意嫁给我吗? 你愿意嫁给我吗? 嫁给我好吗? 乐意嫁给我吗?短语What will you marry me 你愿意嫁给我么You will you marry me 你愿意和我结婚吗WYMM Will you marry me 愿意嫁给我吗2023-07-28 23:46:551
求婚时用的是,do you marry me 还是 will you marry me ?
第二个2023-07-28 23:47:055
Will You Marry Me? 歌词
歌曲名:Will You Marry Me?歌手:Vonda Shepard专辑:Songs From Ally Mcbeal Featuring Vonda ShepardMusic by Vonda Shepard & Michael LandauRecorded by Vonda Shepard on "Songs from Ally McBeal"I guess you sunk inOh yeah you made it inNow I"m fumbling somewhere deep withinWill I raise my glassOr will you kick my ass?Or will we fall down laughing, laughing?I know love is painI know your life"s insaneI want you anywayI"ll probably complainWhy would I subject myself to this kind of disaster?A respectable ball and chain is all you"re really afterI"m tumbling in side this reeling feeling coming over meWill you ever decide? So unrevealing...Will you marry me?Strange behavior from my saviorYou yank me up and downJust like a yo-yoDo you love me?You"re an anomalyOr maybe you are justUnbelievably ordinaryWhy would I subject myself to this kind of disaster?A respectable ball and chain is all you"re really afterI"m tumbling inside this reeling feeling coming over meWill you ever decide? So unrevealing...Will you marry me?I"m tumbling inside, I"m happiest when you are next to meBut I"m still on the inside...Am I obsesssed orWill you marry me?c 1996 Maryland Venture 23:47:201
honey l love you will you marry me是是什么意思
亲爱的,我爱你,嫁给我好吗?2023-07-28 23:47:284
为什么Will you marry me?的答案是Yes,I do.而不是Yes,I will.
习语 记住就行了2023-07-28 23:47:501
英语翻译是Will you marry me?还是Would you marry me
Will you marry me? 祝求婚成功 ^-^2023-07-28 23:48:002
求这首歌的歌词,歌词内有“will you marry me”
I remember when I met you How am I hard to choose the oneall the time that I"ve been searching wasn"t near then you came right out of nowhere you ran into my heart now I see the girl I wanna share my nameno I don"t know how to say this Cause I"m as nervous as can be I can run but I can"t hidefrom this feeling that"s insideso will you marry me in the time we"ve been together I have come to know you wellall the kindness and compassion that"s insideand it builds me up completelywhen I look into your eyesand inside I know I want you as my brideno I don"t know how to say thisCause I"m as nervous as can be I can run but I can"t hidefrom this feeling that"s insideso will you marry me no I don"t know how to say thisCause I"m as nervous as can be I can run but I can"t hidefrom this feeling that"s insideso will you marry me I can run but I can"t hidefrom this feeling that"s insideso will you marry me2023-07-28 23:48:191
问题一:向某人求婚用英语怎么说 propose to *** . 问题二:他向我求婚,我答应了用英语怎么说 He asked for marrying me and I said yes. 问题三:英语里求婚要怎么说 求婚句子是:Will you marry me? 求婚单词是:propose 问题四:求爱上某人的英语词组(例如:fall in love with) 50分 爱上某人 give one"s heart to *** .fall in love with *** . 问题五:用英语翻译“信不信由你,他向我求婚!” 翻译: Believe it or not, he made a propasal to me. make a proposal to *** 向某人求婚2023-07-28 23:48:251
—Will you marry me?—Sorry, I am not your sort who is always keeping harping on things and tryin.
D 本题考查短语辨析。find fault with挑剔;吹毛求疵;抱怨。句意:——嫁给我好吗?——对不起,我不是你要的那种人,总是对事情唠唠叨叨的,对人总是吹毛求疵的。2023-07-28 23:48:321
歌曲中有一句will you will you will you will you will you marry me的 歌词
Will You Marry Me - Paula Abdul - QQ音乐就可以搜的到,希望能帮到你2023-07-28 23:48:451