地道的表达应该是 This is to certify (或declare,state,evidence) 或 we hereby certify!
CET-6大学英语考试六级证书Certificate of College English TestThis is to certify that ___________, a student of Grade ______ at Department of __________, ___________ University/Institute, passed the examination of College English Test Band-6 (CET-6)in January/June XXXX. Upon examination, he/she has fulfilled the band 6 requirements College English Syllabus Band Six with excellent/qualified score and is hereby awarded the Certificate of CET-6.
Department of Higher Education
State Education Commission (国家教委)
Ministry of Education (教育部)Date of Issuance: Certificate No.:
hereby 英[u02cchu026au0259u02c8bau026a] 美[u02cchu026aru02c8bau026a] adv. 以此方式,特此; [例句]I hereby sentence you for life after all the charges against you have been proven true鉴于对你的所有指控都证明属实,我特此宣判你无期徒刑。2023-07-28 03:03:251
关于合同的英文表达 一.hereby 英文释义:by means of , by reason of this 中文译词:特此,因此,兹 用法:常用于法律文件、合同、协议书等正式文件的开头语;在条款中需要强调时也可用。 语法:一般置于主语后,紧邻主语. 例1: The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. 参考译文: 业主特此立约保证在合同规定的期限内,按合同规定的方式向承包人支付合同价,或合同规定的其它应支付的款项,以作为本工程施工、竣工及修补工程中缺陷的报酬。 注释: (1)hereby: by reason of this 特此 (2)covenant: v. make a formal agreement 立约,签订合同、条约; n. legal agreement具有法律约束的正式合同 (3)completion of the Works: 工程的竣工 (4)therein: in the Works在本工程中 (5)the Contract Price: 合同总价,指工程的总造价 (6)such...as: 关系代词,相当于that, which (7)under: in accordance with 根据,按照 (8)the provisions of the Contract: terms and conditions of the Contract合同条款 例2: We hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statement is true and correct and all available information and data have been supplied herein, and that we agree to provide documentary proof upon your request. 注释: (1)hereby:特此 (2)to the best of our knowledge:as far as we know据我们所知 (3)foregoing statement:above-mentioned statement上述声明 (4)herein:in this, in the statement在声明中 (5)documentary proof:证明文件 参考译文: 特此证明,据我们所知,上述声明内容真实,正确无误,并提供了全部现有的资料和数据,我们同意,应贵方要求出具证明文件。 例3: This Contract is hereby made and concluded by and between Co. (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and Co. (hereinafter referred to as Party B) on (Date), in (Place), China, on the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through amicable consultation. 注释: (1)hereby:特此 (2)hereinafter referred to as Party A:以下称甲方 (3)on the principle of equality and mutual benefit:在平等互利基础上 (4)through amicable consultation:通过友好协商 参考译文: 本合同双方, 公司(以下称甲方)与 公司(以下称乙方),在平等互利基础上,通过友好协商,于 年 月 日在中国 (地点),特签订本合同。 例4: This agreement is hereby made and entered into on (Date), by and between Co. China (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and Co. (hereinafter referred to as Party B). 注释: (1)this agreement is hereby made and entered into:特此订立本协议 在法律文件中表示“订立本协议”可用以下4个动词:sign (make, conclude or enter into) this agreement, 按照同义词连用的写作特点,可用上述4个动词中的两个来表示)。 (2)hereinafter referred to as Party B:以下简称乙方 参考译文: 本协议特由中国 公司(以下简称甲方)与 公司(以下简称乙方)于 年 月 日订立。 二 hereof 英文释义: of this 中文译词:关于此点;在本文件中 用法:在表示上文已提及的“本合同的、本文件的??”时,使用该词。例如表示本合同条件、条款时,可以说“the terms, conditions and provisions hereof”,这里hereof表示“of this Contract”;又如表示本工程的任何部分,可用“any parts hereof”,这里hereof表示“of this Works”。 语法:一般置于要修饰的名词的后面,与之紧邻。 hereof和thereof的区别:hereof强调“of this”。例如,上面的“the terms, conditions and provisions thereof”中的thereof表示of the Contract;“any parts thereof”中的thereof表示of the Works。 例1 Whether the custom of the Port is contrary to this Clause or not, the owner of the goods shall, without interruption, by day and night, including Sundays and holidays (if required by the carrier), supply and take delivery of the goods. Provided that the owner of the goods shall be liable for all losses or damages including demurrage incurred in default on the provisions hereof. 注释: (1) Whether the custom of the Port is contrary to this Clause or not:不论港口习惯是否与本款规定相反,whether? or not:不论??是否 (2) the owner of the goods:货方 (3) without interruption:无间断地 (4) carrier:承运人 (5) in default on the provisions hereof:违反本款规定 hereof:of this Clause 参考译文: 不论港口习惯是否与本款规定相反,货方都应昼夜地,包括星期日和假日(如承运人需要),无间断地提供和提取货物。货方对违反本款规定所引起的所有损失或损坏,包括滞期应负担赔偿责任。 例2 Foreign trade dealers as mentioned in this Law shall, in accordance with the provisions hereof, cover such legal entities and other organization as are engaged in foreign trade dealings. 注释: (1) foreign trade dealers:对外贸易经营者 (2) as mentioned in this Law:本法所称 (3) the provisions hereof:the provisions of this Law 本法规定 (4) legal entity:法人 (5) be engaged in foreign trade dealings:从事对外贸易经营活动 参考译文: 本法所称对外贸易经营者,是指依照本法规定从事对外贸易经营活动的法人和其他组织。 例3 The establishment of a limited liability company or a company limited by shares shall comply with the conditions and provisions of this Law. A company complying with the conditions and provisions hereof may be registered as a limited liability company or a company limited by shares. Provided that if a company fails to comply with the conditions and provisions hereof, the company in question shall not be registered as a limited liability company or a company limited by shares. 注释: (1)a limited liability company:有限责任公司 (2)a company limited by shares:股份有限公司 (3)provisions hereof:本法规定 hereof: of this Law (4)may be registered as:登记为 参考译文: 设立有限责任公司、股份有限公司,必须符合本法规定的条件。符合本法规定的条件的,登记为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司;不符合本法规定的条件的,不 得登记为有限责任公司或股份有限公司。 例4 If, as a result of withdrawal or any other reasons, an arbitrator fails to perform his duties as an arbitrator, another arbitrator shall, in accordance with the provisions hereof, be selected or appointed. 注释: (1) as a result of withdrawal or any other reasons:回避或者其它原因 (2) arbitrator:仲裁员 (3) the provisions hereof:the provisions of this Law 本法规定 (4) be selected or appointed:选定或指定 参考译文: 仲裁员因回避或者其它(转 载于:wWw.cnboThwiN.cOM 博 威范文 网: 协议书英文怎么写 )原因不能履行职责的,应当依照本法规定重新选定或指定仲裁员。 例5 In the event of conflict between the provisions on arbitration formulated and prepared prior to the effective date of this Law and the provisions of this Law, the provisions hereof shall prevail. 注释: (1) conflict:相抵触 (2) prior to the effective date of this Law:本法施行前 (3) the provisions hereof shall prevail:以本法为准 hereof:of this Law 参考译文: 本法施行前制定的有关仲裁的规定与本法的规定相抵触的",以本法为准。 例6 Where, in accordance with laws, the circumstance(s) specified in Article 15 and Article 16 of this Law is /are confirmed, the organization with compensatory obligations shall pay compensation in any of the circumstance in question. Where the claimant for compensation demands the confirmation of one of the circumstances specified in Article 15 and Article 16 hereof, and the demanded organization refuses to make the confirmation, the claimant shall have the right to lodge a complaint. Where the claimant claims compensation, the claim, shall, first, be lodged to the organization for compensatory obligations. The provisions of Article 10, Article 11 and Article 12 hereof shall apply to/ in the procedures of compensation. 注释: (1) the organization with compensatory obligations:赔偿义务机关 (2) shall pay compensation:应当给予赔偿 (3) the claimant for compensation:赔偿请求人 (4) Article 15 and Article 16 hereof:本法第十五条、第十六条 hereof:of this Law (5) shall have the right to lodge a complaint:有权申诉 (6) claims compensation:要求赔偿 (7) apply to/ in:适用 More Examples: The comment applies equally here. /That argument does not apply in this case. /That applies to at least nine-tenths of the people we see about. /These remarks apply to every town in this kingdom. /The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. 参考译文: 赔偿义务机关对依法确认有本法第十五条、第十六条规定的情形之一的,应当给予赔偿。 赔偿请求人要求确认有本法第十五条、第十六条规定情形之一的,被要求的机关不予确认的,赔偿请求人有权申诉。赔偿请求人要求赔偿,应当先向赔偿义务机关提出。赔偿程序适用本法第十条、第十一条、第十二条的规定。 例7 If an arbitrator involved in one of circumstances specified in Item 4, Article 34 of this Law, and if it is serious, or those specified in Item 6, Article 58 hereof, the arbitrator in question shall, in accordance with the law, bear the legal liability and responsibility. The arbitration commission shall remove the name of the arbitrator in question from the list of arbitrators. 注释: (1) arbitrator:仲裁员 (2) Article 58 hereof:本法第五十八条 hereof:of this Law (3) bear the legal liability and responsibility:承担法律责任 (4) the arbitration commission:仲裁委员会 (5) remove the name of the arbitrator in question from the list of arbitrators:将其除名 参考译文: 仲裁员有本法第三十四条第四项规定的情形,情节严重的,或者有本法第五十八条第六项规定的情形的,应当依法承担法律责任,仲裁委员会应当将其除名。 例8 If, pursuant to this Law, the relevant responsible authorities with the duty of approvals fail to grant approval to such an application as meets the requirements and provisions hereof, or the company registration authorities fail to register a company whose application meets the requirements hereof, the party in question may, in accordance with laws, apply for reconsideration or bring an administrative suit. 注释: (1) the relevant responsible authorities with the duty of approvals:履行审批职责的有关主管部门 (2) meets the requirements and provisions hereof:符合本法条件 (3) the company registration authorities:负责公司登记的主管部门 (4) the requirements hereof:本法条件 hereof: of this Law (5) apply for reconsideration:申请复议 (6) bring an administrative suit:提起行政诉讼 ;2023-07-28 03:04:001
whereas,鉴于,在合同中的鉴于条款只是一个引语,表示考虑到或者情况既然如此,它并不是合同的实质内容,所以如果要翻译,并不一定要有什么固定翻译,而是要结合前后文的意思,怎么顺怎么翻喽.下面两个也一样. whereby 因此,由是. hereby 以此,特此,专此.2023-07-28 03:04:151
hereby 参考例句: It is known as chiromancy.手相术以此而闻名。 In exchange for; in a switch for交换;以此易彼 Compare one thing with another以此例彼 In this way, they celebrate the coming spring and express their wish for a harvest year.以此贺新春,祈丰年。 With a pious mind, they asked for God"s blessings.以此虔诚的心理求神保佑。 These flowers are a small token of my gratitude.谨以此花聊表谢忱。 By means of these seven considerations I can forecast victory or defeat.吾以此知胜负矣。 They kept stirring up trouble,thereby hoping to break up the co - op.他们不断捣乱,企图以此破坏合作社。 The whole discussion pivots on this one point.整个讨论内容均以此点为准。 He delighted in terrorizing the guests by his bullying.他用恃强欺弱来恫吓客人,并以此取乐。 hereby是什么意思: adv. 据此,特此 I hereby reserve my judgment.我特此保留我的评断。 I hereby declare you man and wife.我据此郑重向你们夫妇声明。 We hereby inform you that your last shipment have apparently be lost.上批货物显然已经丢失,特此告知。 I hereby affirm that:1 All the information given in this form is true and correct.申请人保证:上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的。 We hereby inform you that your last shipment has apparently been lost.上批货物已明显遗失,特此通知。2023-07-28 03:04:221
hereby: by this mean 借此,特此herein: in this 此中,于此herewith:with this 随函hereto:to this 到此为止;至此therein:在那里,在其中(指提及的地点、物体、文件等thereby:by doing or saying that 因此,由此thereafter: after that 其后,此后,据此2023-07-28 03:04:301
翻字典去,找到here后,后面不就有一批符合要求的吗2023-07-28 03:04:404
英语问题 这两种有什么区别
thus 比较强调原因 可以理解成"既然这样"的意思 着重"因" hence 比较强调由因而出结果 着重"果" 此外hence后有时候会省略动词 therefor 使这比较常用 也是比较正式的 表示"所以" thereby 一般有承接关系 可以理解为"从而" therefore; 因此;所以 一般引导句子 so conj.因而, 所以, 那么, 这样看来 therefore consequently 可以用在句首,不需要逗号搁开。 accordingly 于是, 从而, 因此 hereby可以说是“在此”、“依此”的意思 whereby 一般翻译为"依上所述" herewith是with this letter的意思2023-07-28 03:04:491
herein, in this place or thing or document 在此处,如此,鉴于thereafter,from that time on 其后,从那时以后thereon, on that关于那hereby, by means of this 特此(申明,……)thereby, by that means or because of that 因此,从而whereby, by what means or because of what 借此(在...旁,凭什么)whereof, 甚么的,关于甚么的,以什么的Q1. thereafter (此后)Q2. thereby (因此)2023-07-28 03:04:582
hereby adv. [公文、布告等用语]兹,特此; 以此; 由此,藉此 Notice is hereby given that... 特此布告. I hereby resign my office. 特此辞职.2023-07-28 03:05:161
以此 用英语怎么说 hereby
therefor,so2023-07-28 03:05:253
hereby certify什么意思
We hereby certify that... 后面是证明的内容。不能单独用“Hereby certify that” 通常在开头就直接写“This is to certify that .....”或“It is hereby certified that......”,即为“特此证明”之意。2023-07-28 03:05:321
问题一:“特此证明”(用于末尾的那种)英文怎么说啊? 10分 this is to certify that Hereby certify 这两条都可以 问题二:“特此说明”用英语怎么说 地道的表达应该是 This is to certify (或declare,state,evidence) 或 we hereby certify! 举例: CET-6大学英语考试六级证书Certificate of College English TestThis is to certify that ___________, a student of Grade ______ at Department of __________, ___________ University/Institute, passed the examination of College English Test Band-6 (CET-6)in January/June XXXX. Upon examination, he/she has fulfilled the band 6 requirements College English Syllabus Band Six with excellent/qualified score and is hereby awarded the Certificate of CET-6. Department of Higher Education State Education mission (国家教委) 或 Ministry of Education (教育部)Date of Issuance: Certificate No.: 问题三:“特此证明”(用于末尾的那种)英文怎么说 在中文中,一般是先写所证明之事,然后在最后面另起一段,加上“特此证明”。或者是在开头就写“兹证明。。。。” 在英文中,通常在开头就直接写“This is to certify that .....”或“It is hereby certified that......”,即为“特此证明”之意。(注:这两种写法都很常见。) 例文: 张旭 Letter of Certification To whom it may concern: This is to certify that AAA Co., Ltd (hereinafter called “A”) has established partnerships with BBB pany (hereinafter called “B”) regarding of the highway construction, railway construction, bridge engineering, rail transit, airport, ports and wharves etc. As the agent of A in C country, B pany will provide construction materials, equipment and resources etc. for A. Hereby certified! Tel: ************* Fax: ************* E-mail: ************* ************* ADD: ************* Certifier: A Date: October 10th, 2012 问题四:不知道“特此证明”用地道的英文怎么翻译? 特此证明 IN WITNESS WHEREOF 供参考 问题五:特此声明 英文怎么翻译? 特此声明英语可以说成(hereby certify),一般用在文本后面了:)~ 比较地道的说法,常用的如某某公司的特此声明We hereby certify that... 如实例:)~ (我方)特此声明上述所提供全部属实! We hereby certify that the information disclosed herein is true and correct. :)~ 问题六:“特此证明”(用于末尾的那种)英文怎么说啊? 10分 this is to certify that Hereby certify 这两条都可以 问题七:“特此说明”用英语怎么说 地道的表达应该是 This is to certify (或declare,state,evidence) 或 we hereby certify! 举例: CET-6大学英语考试六级证书Certificate of College English TestThis is to certify that ___________, a student of Grade ______ at Department of __________, ___________ University/Institute, passed the examination of College English Test Band-6 (CET-6)in January/June XXXX. Upon examination, he/she has fulfilled the band 6 requirements College English Syllabus Band Six with excellent/qualified score and is hereby awarded the Certificate of CET-6. Department of Higher Education State Education mission (国家教委) 或 Ministry of Education (教育部)Date of Issuance: Certificate No.: 问题八:“特此证明”(用于末尾的那种)英文怎么说 在中文中,一般是先写所证明之事,然后在最后面另起一段,加上“特此证明”。或者是在开头就写“兹证明。。。。” 在英文中,通常在开头就直接写“This is to certify that .....”或“It is hereby certified that......”,即为“特此证明”之意。(注:这两种写法都很常见。) 例文: 张旭 Letter of Certification To whom it may concern: This is to certify that AAA Co., Ltd (hereinafter called “A”) has established partnerships with BBB pany (hereinafter called “B”) regarding of the highway construction, railway construction, bridge engineering, rail transit, airport, ports and wharves etc. As the agent of A in C country, B pany will provide construction materials, equipment and resources etc. for A. Hereby certified! Tel: ************* Fax: ************* E-mail: ************* ************* ADD: ************* Certifier: A Date: October 10th, 2012 问题九:不知道“特此证明”用地道的英文怎么翻译? 特此证明 IN WITNESS WHEREOF 供参考 问题十:特此声明 英文怎么翻译? 特此声明英语可以说成(hereby certify),一般用在文本后面了:)~ 比较地道的说法,常用的如某某公司的特此声明We hereby certify that... 如实例:)~ (我方)特此声明上述所提供全部属实! We hereby certify that the information disclosed herein is true and correct. :)~2023-07-28 03:05:381
特此证明herebytocertify;[例句]我特此证明:本表所填写的内容和提供的材料真实无误。iherebycertifythat:alltheinformationonthisformistrueandcorrect.2023-07-28 03:05:471
更新1: 请不要以机器翻译 Ryan,您好!您的问题解答如下: 原文中译如下: 从这些可以辨别出所有人,显示上海振华重工有限公司〔在此名为卖方〕为了和考虑到从 "JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd." 收取总数共 388 765 美元〔三十八万八千七百六十五美元正〕的款项,对比于我们来自 "JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd." 的所有应收权益,该款项就是代表着全额的和最终的付款,而借此使 "JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd." 免除及永远卸下不论性质,并以任何方式从卖方所提供予 "JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd." 的所有供应/工作/服务所产生的或相关于的所有索赔、损失、赔偿、缴款需求、代价、费用、开支、应付款项等(「索赔」)。根据合约就是参照上文一样。 另附上原文如下: Know all men by these(1) present that Shanghai Zhenhua(2) Heavy Industries Company Ltd. [herein(3) name referred(4) as a Seller] for and in consideration of(5) the receipt of sum of USD388 765 [USD Three hundred and eighty eight thousand seven thousand sixty five only] from JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd.(6) representing full and final payment against all our dues(7) from JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd. hereby(8) releases(9) and forever discharges(10) JSW Jaigarth Port Ltd. of all claims(11) loss damages demand(12) costs charges expenses dues e whatsoever in nature(13) ("Claims") any manner(14) arising out of(15) or related to all supply /work /services rendered(16) by Seller to JSW Jaigarth Port Ltd. Under(17) the contracts as referred to(18) above. 另附上原文注释如下: Know all men by these:中译原意为「从这些可以辨别出所有人」("know" 在此意指辨别、认出),但因未知这句跟后文的实际关系,所以只能以原意译出,请多多包涵。Zhenhua:「振华」二字的普通话拼音。herein:在此。refer(red):提及、谈到。in consideration of:考虑到。JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd.:因未能从网上找到这间公司的中文译名(应也没有),所以只好把这英文名称真接用在中译上,请多多包涵。(另,因在网上只找到拥有 "Jaigarh" 这字的而没能找拥有 "Jaigarth" 这字的名称,所以从原本更改为前述的名称,如有错误,望祈指正)due(s):应收权益或应付款项。hereby:借此。release(s):免除。discharge(s):卸下。claim(s):索赔(申索赔偿)。demand:需求(原文意指缴款需求)。whatsoever in nature:无论性质("whatsoever" 同 "whatever",但语气较重,"nature" 在此意指性质)。 manner:方式。arise(arising) out of:产生自。render(ed):供给。under:根据、按照。 refer(red) to:参照、参考。 (不确定和不知道中译的词汇的相关解释,都是查找自网上。另外,译得不好,请多多包涵) **希望能够对您有帮助** **上述解答虽或系网上,但还请其他回答者不要予以抄袭和拷贝,感激不尽** 参考: 苗克阿肯 RECEIPT AND RELEASE I …………………………………. (identity tax number ……….. passport ……. No ………… date of issued ………) residing at ………….. hereby agree and acknowledge receipt of USD ………….. (………….. United States Dollars) ……………………as pensation for death of my hu *** and ………… ………… at my bank account ………..……………… (banking details) from “……………..” who act as owners of m/v “…………”. I accept this payment in full and final settlement of all claims of whatsoever nature howsoever arising wheresoever arising whether manifest now or hereafter relating to death of …………. ……….. which occurred on the …………. during his employment on board the ship “……………..”. I further acknowledge that in consideration of the above payment I do hereby release from all liabilities aforesaid the following parties:- a) The ship the Owners the Master and the crew and all servants or Agents of the Owners operators managers (their servants and Agents inclusive) of the ship “……………..”. b) Any insurers insurance anization insurance and indemnity association of any of the parties mentioned in such paragraph (a) above who may be the subject of claims arising out of the matter. I …………………………………… undertake to indemnify the owners managers operators their servants and/or agents and insurers of the “……………..” in respect of any claims for damages or costs brought in the future on my behalf by any party whatever by direct action contribution indemnity or otherwise which is directly or indirectly as a result of death of ………………… which occurred on the ……………….during his employment on board the ship “…………..”. For the avoidance of doubt I acknowledge that this Release and Receipt Agreement is intended to be valid in all jurisdictions of the countries in which I or my next of kin or heirs/dependants/creditors and/or other similar capacity have a right to bring an action for damages against the parties mentioned above under a) and b). If noithstanding the preceding sentence any claims are brought by any party claiming as relative friend dependent creditor heir(s) and/or other similar capacity against the parties referred to under a) and b) then such claim will be wholly and pletely for the account of the undersigned to settle who hereby fully undertakes to indemnify each of the parties referred above under a) and b) above for any liability arising in respect for such a claim including interest and all related costs. I hereby undertake in consideration of the aforesaid payment to take all such steps as may be required of me to perfect this release and indemnity agreement so as to make it a legally binding document in any jurisdiction of the World. I confirm that I have carefully read this form and having done so I attach my signature below in presence of 2 witnesses: 我知道所有的人,这是目前上海振华重工企业有限公司,LTD。本文名简称为卖方考虑在收到388765美元的总和 - 三百美元andLakh88000七千六十五]从JSW Jaigarth的港有限公司支付全部和最终对我们的会费JSW Jaigarth港有限公司现予公布,永远排放JSW Jaigarth港有限公司永远排放的所有索赔,损失,损害赔偿,需求,成本,费用,开支,费用等任何方式,任何性质(“声明”)而产生的或与之相关的所有电源/工作/服务的Sellor呈现JSW Jaigarth港Ltd.Under的合同,上面提到的。 知道所有的这些男子现时的上海振华重工公司有限公司 [此处名称被称为卖方],并将收到的款项的美元 388 765-[美元三百 andLakh 仅 9 万 5065] 从 JSW Jaigarth 港口有限公司代表所有会员费完全和最终付款从 JSW Jaigarth 港口有限公司特此发布和永远放电 JSW Jaigarth 港口有限公司永远放电的所有索赔、 损失、 损害赔偿、 需求、 成本、 收费、 开支、 会费等任何性质 ("索赔") 以任何方式所产生的或与有关的所有供应 /work /services 呈现 JSW Jaigarth 埠 Ltd.Under 到 Sellor 的合同如上文所述。 参考: me 知道所有的这些男子现时的上海振华重工公司有限公司 [此处名称被称为卖方],并将收到的款项的美元 388 765-[美元三百 andLakh 仅 9 万 5065] 从 JSW Jaigarth 港口有限公司代表所有会员费完全和最终付款从 JSW Jaigarth 港口有限公司特此发布和永远放电 JSW Jaigarth 港口有限公司永远放电的所有索赔、 损失、 损害赔偿、 需求、 成本、 收费、 开支、 会费等任何性质 ("索赔") 以任何方式所产生的或与有关的所有供应 /work /services 呈现 JSW Jaigarth 埠 Ltd.Under 到 Sellor 的合同如上文所述。2023-07-28 03:05:531
《乱弹琴》同生今世亦前缘同尽沧桑一梦间往事不堪回首论放生池畔忆前愆血肉淋漓味足珍一般苦痛怨难伸设身处地扪心想谁愿将刀割自身《乱弹琴》还将旧卷续新嗜莫是东郡频阑素白首重来谁是伴我今身亦随网落鹪鹩但愿巢一枝鸾停鹄诗意何如症探西施归入吾好教情冢定姑宿《乱弹琴》纤年溪水太沧浪幽人独醉月荒凉泄漏天际又何访笑偶疯癫皆由它叼蝉不向耳根来柳阳到处水西流仙人白鹤渺烟霞野日昏昏操暮鸦《乱弹琴》字自无意人有意色自无心人有心自古情字亦难了一见穿心天钓命花若有情还怅望水应无事莫潺湲终知此恨销难尽辜负南华第一篇2023-07-28 03:06:0415
Herebycertify2023-07-28 03:06:312
herebycertify望采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢2023-07-28 03:06:413
英语without fee is hereby granted怎么翻译?
再次不收取任何的费用。2023-07-28 03:07:013
特此声明 英文怎么翻译?
Hereby declare2023-07-28 03:07:197
英语高手进啊~~~I hereby attach the detail information for your reference这句对吗?
附上详细信息以供您参考。完全正确。2023-07-28 03:07:434
Hereby description是什么意思
Hereby description特此说明如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢2023-07-28 03:07:502
we do hereby certify that the merchandise is of bangladesh origin,是什么意
我们特此证明这批货品的原产地为孟加拉;2023-07-28 03:07:592
Hereby notified2023-07-28 03:08:074
Hereby notified2023-07-28 03:09:059
Because is a primary school students, so a certificate issued by the not very normal, it is said that you can use. Under the help translate it ~So-and-so is NaFengXian solid level 2007 primary school children four (7) class was reading student, complete in July 2011 primary school grade four studies.So-and-so is NaFengXian jiangxi province first high school level 2010 a (16) class was reading student, complete in July 2011 higher education.Hereby certify2023-07-28 03:10:163
展开全部特此证明herebytocertify我们所填写的资料准确无误,健康状况适合参加比赛,特此证明。Wecertifythattheparticularsarecorrectandwearephysicallyfittoparticipateintheevent.2023-07-28 03:10:259
I hereby authorize是什么意思
I hereby authorize特此授权;在此允许并授权2023-07-28 03:10:413
全部协议:本协议构成,包含了全部协议和双方的理解就此事和任何陈述,担保,承诺或协议前双方协议所取代,并在此明确排除。2023-07-28 03:10:525
宣布,指向听众宣读某个决定、信息,古代指在一定位置张贴告示,将一定的信息公之于众。下面就由我为大家带来关于宣布的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。 关于宣布的相关短语 宣布 chalk it up 正式宣布 announce officially 宣布日 Date of declaration ; Announcement Date 据宣布 It is announced that 宣布无效 overrule ; set aside ; 宣布散会 Closing the Meeting ; declare the meeting over 宣布和平 declare peace 关于宣布的相关短句 declare the vote closed; 宣布表决结束 declare independence; proclaim independence; 宣布独立 declare a meeting open; call a meeting to order; 宣布会议开始 declare martial law; proclaim martial law; 宣布戒严 declare sb. guilty; 宣布某人有罪 declare the ballot closed; 宣布投票结束 declare sth. invalid; declare sth. null and void; 宣布无效 announce amnesty; 宣布赦免 denounce; 宣布中止 legitimate; 宣布为合法 illegitimate; 宣布为非法 make an announcement 宣布一件事 关于宣布的词语辨析 advertise, broadcast, announce, proclaim, publish, pronounce, declare这组词都有“宣布,公开”的意思,其区别是: advertise 指通过文字和图像资料等的反复宣传而引起公众的注意,有时隐含令人不快或言过其实的意味。 broadcast 专指利用广播或电视传播消息或发表见解。 announce 多指首次宣布大家感兴趣或可满足大家好奇心的事情。 proclaim 指官方宣布重大事件或施政方针,语体比announce正式。 publish 专指通过报刊或其它媒介向公众公布事情。 pronounce 词义与announce, declare接近,但较多用于指法律判决方面的宣布。 declare 侧重正式就某事清楚明白地宣布。 关于宣布的相关例句 1. The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution declaring the republic fully independent. 爱沙尼亚议会已经通过了宣布共和国完全独立的决议。 2. He stood emotionless as he heard the judge pass sentence. 他面无表情地站在那里,听法官宣布判决。 3. The White House quickly announced that the policy is under review. 白宫很快宣布该项政策正在审核中。 4. Today he is formally announcing his candidacy for President. 今天他将正式宣布参加总统竞选。 5. He vociferously opposed the state of emergency imposed by the government. 他激烈反对政府强行宣布进入紧急状态。 6. With characteristic impetuosity, he announced he was leaving school. 一贯性急冲动的他又宣布要退学了。 7. She was planning to announce her engagement to Peter. 她正计划宣布她和彼得订婚一事。 8. Certain areas have been declared off limits to servicemen. 已经宣布一些地区军人不得出入。 9. President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of announcing a date for the referendum. 卡翁达总统兑现了他的承诺,宣布了全民公决的日期。 10. She is expected soon to hand down a ruling. 估计她很快会宣布裁决结果。 11. The Liberal leader has announced his party"s withdrawal from the ruling coalition. 自由党领袖已宣布该党退出执政联盟。 12. Closures and job losses are again being announced with monotonous regularity. 倒闭和失业的消息又在一次次地反复宣布着。 13. He announced big tax increases for the next two financial years. 他宣布在接下来的两个财年里将大幅提高税收。 14. Tony announced it was time to see about lunch. 托尼宣布该做午饭了。 15. She was bursting to announce the news but was sworn to secrecy. 她急不可待想宣布这个消息,但却发过誓要守口如瓶。 关于宣布的双语例句 当他宣布竞赛的优胜者时,大家都静静地倾听。 Everyone was silent as he announced the winner of the competition. 老师宣布她将惩罚那个坏学生。 The teacher blazoned she would punish the bad student. 我决不背离我已经宣布的在这个问题上的政策。 I will never swerve from my declared policy on this matter. 我特此宣布她已经当选。 I hereby declare her elected. 公司在年底宣布分发高额股息。 The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. 我现在宣布会议开幕。 I now declare this meeting open. 你们已经宣布了你们的意愿,现在将宣布你们的誓言。 You have already declared your intention and will now declare your vows. 之后,布兰妮又很快宣布姻缘无效。 That union were quickly annulled. 但这两个计划的具体细节都还没有宣布。 But details of both plans have yet to be announced.2023-07-28 03:11:071
以下是 考 网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《商务英语合同注意事项》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 第一部分、用词方面 多用正式或法律上的用词,与口头表述不同,合同是法律性的正式书面文件,使用正式的、法律的用词是必要的。合同起草者应多加强这方面的学习。比如: 1、At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install the equipment. 应乙方要求,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。assist 较 help 正式; 2、The personnel shall not to partake in any political activities in Iraq. 所有人员不得参加伊拉克国内的任何政治活动。partake in 较 take part in 正式; 3、The Employer shall render correct technical guidance to the personnel. 雇主应该对有关人员给予正确技术指导。render 较 give 正式; 4、Party A shall repatriate the patient to China and bear the cost of his passage to Guangzhou. 甲方应将病人遣返中国并负责其返回广州的旅费。repatriate 较 send back 正式; 5、This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China. 本合同受中国法律管辖,并按中国法律解释。construe 较 explain,interpret 正式; 6、The Employer may object to and require the Contractor to replace forthwith any of its authorized representatives who is incompetent. 雇主认为承包人委派的授权代表不合格时,可以反对并要求立即撤换。require较ask正式;公文体forthwith 较 at once 正式; 7、The Chairperson may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors. 董事长可以根据董事会过1/3董事的提议而召集临时董事会议。convene,interim 都是正式用词。 8、In case one party desires to sell or assign all or part of its investment subscribed, the other party shall have the preemptive right. 如一方想出售或转让其投资之全部或部分,另一方有优先购买权。法律用词assign 较 transfer 正式。 9、In processing transactions, the manufacturers shall never have title either to the materials or the finished products. 加工贸易中,厂方无论是对原料还是成品都无所有权。 法律用词title 较 ownership 正式。 10、The term "Effective date" means the date on which this Agreement is duly executed by the parties hereto. “生效期”指双方合同签字的日子。 法律用词execute 较 sign 正式。 第二部分、用词方面 多使用"here","there","where"等前缀,下面这么多是不是有点头昏眼花?初学时确实容易搞混,告诉你个小窍门,here 代表 this,there 代表 that,where 代表 what/which,就容易记多了。 hereafter = after this time; 今后 hereby = by means/reason of this; 特此 herein = in this; 此中,于此 hereinafter = later in this contract; 在下文 thereafter = afterwards; 此后,后来 thereby = by that means; 因此;由此;在那方面 therein = from that; 在那里;在那点上 thereinafter = later in the same contract; 以下;在下文 whereby = by what; by which; 由是;凭那个 wherein = in what; in which; 在哪里;在哪点上 …… 第三部分、用词方面 多用"shall"代替"will"或"should"加强语气和强制力。合同中,shall并非单纯表示将来时,而常用来表示法律上可强制执行的义务,具有约束力,宜译为“应”、“应该”、“必须”; will无论语气还是强制力要比shall弱,宜译为“将”、“原”、“要”;should通常只用来表示语气较强的假设、比如“万一”。 1、This Contract shall become effective upon and from the date on which it is signed. 本合同签字生效。 2、This Contract shall be written in English in four copies. Each party shall keep two copies. 本合同应以英文写成,一式四份,双方各持两份。 第四部分、用语方面 一、力求严谨,明白无误: 1、The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as an integral part of this Contract. 下列文件应被认为、读作、解释为本合同的组成部分; 2、This Contract can only be altered, amended or supplemented in accordance with documents signed and sealed by authorized representatives of both parties. 本合同只能按照双方授权代表签名盖章的文件进行修改或增补; 3、All activities of ABC Co. shall be governed by the laws, decrees and pertinent rules and regulations of China. ABC公司的一切活动必须受中国的法律、法令和有关规章条例的管辖。 二、多用主动语态,少用被动语态: 1、Party B is hereby appointed by Party A as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore. (不宜) 乙方被甲方委托为在新加坡的销售代理商; 2、Party A hereby appoints Party B as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore. (适宜) 甲方委托乙方为在新加坡的销售代理商; 三、多用现在时,少用将来时,尽管很多条款规定的是合同签订以后的事项: 1、Licensee may terminate this Contract 90 days after a written notice thereof is sent to Licensor upon the happening of one of the following events: 当有下列事件之一发生,被许可人提前90天向许可人发送书面通知后,可以终止合同: 2、Licensor becomes insolvent or a liquidator of Licensor is appointed; 许可人无力偿付债务或其破产清算人以被指定; 3、The patent described in Article 2 is not issued within 30 days from signing this Contract; and 第二条规定的专利未在签约后30天之内发布; 4、Licensor fails to perform its obligations under this Contract. 许可人未能履行其合同义务。 四、直接表达方式用得多,间接表达方式用的较少: 1、This Article does not apply to bondholders who have not been paid in full. (用得少) 本条款不适用于尚未全部偿付的债券持有者。 2、This Article applies only to bondholders who have been paid in full. (用得多) 本条款只适用于已全部偿付的债券持有者。 五、尽量使用一个动词,避免使用“动词+名词+介词”的同意短语: 1、Party A shall make an appointment of its representative within 30 days after signing the Contract. 甲方应于签约后30天内指派其授权代表。宜用appoint代替 make an appointment of. 2、Party A will give consideration to Party B"s proposal of exclusive agency. 甲方愿意考虑乙方代理的建议。宜用consider代替give consideration to. 第五部分、下列特殊用语使用频繁 一、WHEREAS 鉴于 正式而重要的合同,尤其是英美法系的合同,多用它在前文中引出签约背景和目的,起连词作用: WHEREAS the Employer is desirous that manpower can be rendered available for the construction of High-Rise Residential Complex in Baghdad, Iraq; 鉴于雇主欲请劳动力建造伊拉克巴格达的高层住宅综合大楼; WHEREAS the Contractor is desirous to provide the manpower for the Works; 鉴于承包人想为此工程提供劳动力; 二、WITNESS 证明 在合同前文中常用作首句的谓语动词: This Agreement, made by …… WITNESSES WHEREAS……, it is agreed as follows: 本协议由……签订证明:鉴于……特此达成协议如下: IN WITNESS WHEREOF 作为所协议事项的证据,该短语常用于合同的结尾条款: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives on the date first above written. 作为所协议事项的证据,双方授权代表于上面首次写明的日期正式签订本协议一式两份。 三、IN CONSIDERATION OF 以……为约因/报酬 约因是英美法系的合同有效成立要件之一,没有则合同不能依法强制履行。但是,大陆法系的合同则无此规定。 Now Therefore, in consideration of the premises and the covenants herein, contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 兹以上述各点和契约所载条款为约因,订约双方协议如下: In consideration of the payment to be made by Party A to Party B, Party B hereby covenants with Party A to complete the building in conformity with the provisions of the Contract. 乙方特此立约向甲方保证按合同规定完成工程建设,以取得甲方所付的报酬。 四、NOW,THEREFORE 兹特 此短语用于WHEREAS条款之后引出具体协议事项的常用开头语,并与其后hereby的结合。如果无HEREAS条款,则本短语可省略: NOW, THEREFORE, it"s hereby agreed and understood as follows; 兹特协议和谅解如下: NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS 兹特立约为据,本句话也是用于WHEREAS条款之后引出具体协议事项。 五、PRESENTS = the present writings 是主语,WITNESS是谓语: NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that it is hereby agreed between the parties hereto as follows:兹特立约为据,并由订约双方协议如下: 六、IN THE PRESENCE OF 见证人 本短语只在有见证人时使用—在订约双方当事人签名的下方由见证人签名作证,一般是相关的律师(Attorney)或公证处(Notary Public): IN THE PRESENCE OF the parties hereto have hereunder set their respective hands and seals: 作为协议事项的证据,订约双方各自签名盖章如下: 第六部分、其他短语 For and on behalf the first Party(甲方代表): The EMPLOYER (雇主)… Capacity (职位) … In the Presence of (见证人) … Capacity (职位)… Address (地址)… For and on behalf of the Second party(乙方代表): The CONTRACTOR (承包人) … Capacity (职位)… In the Presence of (见证人) … Capacity (职位)… Address (地址)…2023-07-28 03:11:141
So it is.2023-07-28 03:11:225
特此证明 [词典] hereby to certify; [例句]我特此证明:本表所填写的内容和提供的材料真实无误。I hereby certify that: All the information on this form is true and correct.2023-07-28 03:11:382
hereby 英 [u02cchu026au0259u02c8bau026a] 美 [u02cchu026aru02c8bau026a] adv. 以此方式,特此; [例句]I hereby sentence you for life after all the charges against you have been proven true鉴于对你的所有指控都证明属实,我特此宣判你无期徒刑。2023-07-28 03:12:011
"Hereby" 通常用作副词,表示通过某种方式或手段表达或表示,或者用于表明某种关系或效果。具体用法包括:表示声明或正式通知。例如:I hereby declare this meeting open.We hereby notify you that your application has been accepted.表示通过某种手段、方法或途径做某事。例如:I hereby confirm my booking by email.You are hereby authorized to access the restricted area.表示某种效果或关系。例如:By signing this document, you hereby agree to all the terms and conditions.You hereby give your consent to the use of your personal information for research purposes.在上述例句中,“hereby”强调了声明、确认、授权、同意等行为的正式性和权威性。2023-07-28 03:12:151
hereof herewith hereby 的区别及各自的用法是什么?
日常生活中很少用的。 1.hereofadv. 关于这个本, 此; 在本文(件)中 upon the receipt hereof据比收条more hereof later (关于这一点)详见后文 2.herewithadv. 同此, 并此(信中用语)以此方法enclosed herewith并此附上I am sending you herewith a cheque. 现附上支票一张。 3.herebyadv. [公文、布告等用语]兹, 特此; 以此; 由此, 藉此 特此布告。 I hereby resign my office. 特此辞职。 4. hence 作为副词,后面一般不加Of[hens]adv. 从此时起, 从此处 The sports meet will be held three days hence. 运动会在三天后举行。 这是手工做的, 因此很贵。2023-07-28 03:12:231
hereof herewith hereby 的区别及各自的用法是什么?
日常生活中很少用的。 1.hereofadv. 关于这个本, 此; 在本文(件)中 upon the receipt hereof据比收条more hereof later (关于这一点)详见后文 2.herewithadv. 同此, 并此(信中用语)以此方法enclosed herewith并此附上I am sending you herewith a cheque. 现附上支票一张。 3.herebyadv. [公文、布告等用语]兹, 特此; 以此; 由此, 藉此 特此布告。 I hereby resign my office. 特此辞职。 4. hence 作为副词,后面一般不加Of[hens]adv. 从此时起, 从此处 The sports meet will be held three days hence. 运动会在三天后举行。 这是手工做的, 因此很贵。2023-07-28 03:12:311
hereof herewith hereby 的区别及各自的用法是什么?
日常生活中很少用的。 1.hereofadv. 关于这个本, 此; 在本文(件)中 upon the receipt hereof据比收条more hereof later (关于这一点)详见后文 2.herewithadv. 同此, 并此(信中用语)以此方法enclosed herewith并此附上I am sending you herewith a cheque. 现附上支票一张。 3.herebyadv. [公文、布告等用语]兹, 特此; 以此; 由此, 藉此 特此布告。 I hereby resign my office. 特此辞职。 4. hence 作为副词,后面一般不加Of[hens]adv. 从此时起, 从此处 The sports meet will be held three days hence. 运动会在三天后举行。 这是手工做的, 因此很贵。2023-07-28 03:12:401
鉴于因此...2023-07-28 03:12:523
thus 比较强调原因 可以理解成"既然这样"的意思 着重"因" hence 比较强调由因而出结果 着重"果" 此外hence后有时候会省略动词 therefor 使这比较常用 也是比较正式的 表示"所以" thereby 一般有承接关系 可以理解为"从而" therefore; 因此;所以 一般引导句子 so conj.因而, 所以, 那么, 这样看来therefore consequently 可以用在句首,不需要逗号搁开。 accordingly 于是, 从而, 因此hereby可以说是“在此”、“依此”的意思 whereby 一般翻译为"依上所述"herewith是with this letter的意思2023-07-28 03:13:091
hereby是adv.前面没有be动词所以应该是hereby certifycertify sb (as) sth certify (that)...2023-07-28 03:13:172
hereof adv. 关于这个 本, 此; 在本文(件)中 upon the receipt hereof 据比收条 more hereof later (关于这一点)详见后文 hereto ad. 到此为止, 关于这个 【法】 至此为止, 至此 (法律) =to this contract (本合同所指的) 与 hereto 相关的例句 According to the schedule of payment attached hereto 根据在此附上的付款计划表 We attach hereto two extra copy of invoice covering our shipment. 关于所装运货物,兹附寄发票副本两份。 herein, in this place or thing or document 在此处,如此,鉴于 (另有说明)thereafter,from that time on 其后,从那时以后 thereon, on that关于那 hereby, by means of this 特此(申明,……) thereby, by that means or because of that 因此,从而 whereby, by what means or because of what 借此(在...旁,凭什么) whereof, 甚么的,关于甚么的,以什么的 Q1. thereafter (此后) Q2. thereby (因此)2023-07-28 03:13:361
问题一:“特此证明”(用于末尾的那种)英文怎么说啊? 10分 this is to certify that Hereby certify 这两条都可以 问题二:“特此说明”用英语怎么说 地道的表达应该是 This is to certify (或declare,state,evidence) 或 we hereby certify! 举例: CET-6大学英语考试六级证书Certificate of College English TestThis is to certify that ___________, a student of Grade ______ at Department of __________, ___________ University/Institute, passed the examination of College English Test Band-6 (CET-6)in January/June XXXX. Upon examination, he/she has fulfilled the band 6 requirements College English Syllabus Band Six with excellent/qualified score and is hereby awarded the Certificate of CET-6. Department of Higher Education State Education Commission (国家教委) 或 Ministry of Education (教育部)Date of Issuance: Certificate No.: 问题三:“特此证明”(用于末尾的那种)英文怎么说 在中文中,一般是先写所证明之事,然后在最后面另起一段,加上“特此证明”。或者是在开头就写“兹证明。。。。” 在英文中,通常在开头就直接写“This is to certify that .....”或“It is hereby certified that......”,即为“特此证明”之意。(注:这两种写法都很常见。) 例文: 张旭 Letter of Certification To whom it may concern: This is to certify that AAA Co., Ltd (hereinafter called “A”) has established partnerships with BBB Company (hereinafter called “B”) regarding of the highway construction, railway construction, bridge engineering, rail transit, airport, ports and wharves etc. As the agent of A in C country, B pany will provide construction materials, equipment and resources etc. for A. Hereby certified! Tel: ************* Fax: ************* E-mail: ************* ************* ADD: ************* Certifier: A Date: October 10th, 2012 问题四:不知道“特此证明”用地道的英文怎么翻译? 特此证明 IN WITNESS WHEREOF 供参考 问题五:特此声明 英文怎么翻译? 特此声明英语可以说成(hereby certify),一般用在文本后面了:)~ 比较地道的说法,常用的如某某公司的特此声明We hereby certify that... 如实例:)~ (我方)特此声明上述所提供全部属实! We hereby certify that the information disclosed herein is true and correct. :)~ 问题六:“特此证明”(用于末尾的那种)英文怎么说啊? 10分 this is to certify that Hereby certify 这两条都可以 问题七:“特此说明”用英语怎么说 地道的表达应该是 This is to certify (或declare,state,evidence) 或 we hereby certify! 举例: CET-6大学英语考试六级证书Certificate of College English TestThis is to certify that ___________, a student of Grade ______ at Department of __________, ___________ University/Institute, passed the examination of College English Test Band-6 (CET-6)in January/June XXXX. Upon examination, he/she has fulfilled the band 6 requirements College English Syllabus Band Six with excellent/qualified score and is hereby awarded the Certificate of CET-6. Department of Higher Education State Education Commission (国家教委) 或 Ministry of Education (教育部)Date of Issuance: Certificate No.: 问题八:“特此证明”(用于末尾的那种)英文怎么说 在中文中,一般是先写所证明之事,然后在最后面另起一段,加上“特此证明”。或者是在开头就写“兹证明。。。。” 在英文中,通常在开头就直接写“This is to certify that .....”或“It is hereby certified that......”,即为“特此证明”之意。(注:这两种写法都很常见。) 例文: 张旭 Letter of Certification To whom it may concern: This is to certify that AAA Co., Ltd (hereinafter called “A”) has established partnerships with BBB Company (hereinafter called “B”) regarding of the highway construction, railway construction, bridge engineering, rail transit, airport, ports and wharves etc. As the agent of A in C country, B pany will provide construction materials, equipment and resources etc. for A. Hereby certified! Tel: ************* Fax: ************* E-mail: ************* ************* ADD: ************* Certifier: A Date: October 10th, 2012 问题九:不知道“特此证明”用地道的英文怎么翻译? 特此证明 IN WITNESS WHEREOF 供参考 问题十:特此声明 英文怎么翻译? 特此声明英语可以说成(hereby certify),一般用在文本后面了:)~ 比较地道的说法,常用的如某某公司的特此声明We hereby certify that... 如实例:)~ (我方)特此声明上述所提供全部属实! We hereby certify that the information disclosed herein is true and correct. :)~2023-07-28 03:13:431
兹证明的英语怎么翻译?是hereby cartify还是this is ....?
你好!去掉hereby,直接写成:Thisistocertifythat仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。2023-07-28 03:13:521
hereof adv. 关于这个 本, 此; 在本文(件)中 upon the receipt hereof 据比收条 more hereof later (关于这一点)详见后文 hereto ad. 到此为止, 关于这个 【法】 至此为止, 至此 (法律) =to this contract (本合同所指的) 与 hereto 相关的例句 According to the schedule of payment attached hereto 根据在此附上的付款计划表 We attach hereto two extra copy of invoice covering our shipment. 关于所装运货物,兹附寄发票副本两份。 herein, in this place or thing or document 在此处,如此,鉴于 (另有说明)thereafter,from that time on 其后,从那时以后 thereon, on that关于那 hereby, by means of this 特此(申明,……) thereby, by that means or because of that 因此,从而 whereby, by what means or because of what 借此(在...旁,凭什么) whereof, 甚么的,关于甚么的,以什么的 Q1. thereafter (此后) Q2. thereby (因此)2023-07-28 03:13:591
问题一:“特此证明”(用于末尾的那种)英文怎么说啊? 10分 this is to certify that Hereby certify 这两条都可以 问题二:“特此证明”(用于末尾的那种)英文怎么说 在中文中,一般是先写所证明之事,然后在最后面另起一段,加上“特此证明”。或者是在开头就写“兹证明。。。。” 在英文中,通常在开头就直接写“This is to certify that .....”或“It is hereby certified that......”,即为“特此证明”之意。(注:这两种写法都很常见。) 例文: 张旭 Letter of Certification To whom it may concern: This is to certify that AAA Co., Ltd (hereinafter called “A”) has established partnerships with BBB pany (hereinafter called “B”) regarding of the highway construction, railway construction, bridge engineering, rail transit, airport, ports and wharves etc. As the agent of A in C country, B pany will provide construction materials, equipment and resources etc. for A. Hereby certified! Tel: ************* Fax: ************* E-mail: ************* ************* ADD: ************* Certifier: A Date: October 10th, 2012 问题三:“特此说明”用英语怎么说 地道的表达应该是 This is to certify (或declare,state,evidence) 或 we hereby certify! 举例: CET-6大学英语考试六级证书Certificate of College English TestThis is to certify that ___________, a student of Grade ______ at Department of __________, ___________ University/Institute, passed the examination of College English Test Band-6 (CET-6)in January/June XXXX. Upon examination, he/she has fulfilled the band 6 requirements College English Syllabus Band Six with excellent/qualified score and is hereby awarded the Certificate of CET-6. Department of Higher Education State Education mission (国家教委) 或 Ministry of Education (教育部)Date of Issuance: Certificate No.: 问题四:不知道“特此证明”用地道的英文怎么翻译? 特此证明 IN WITNESS WHEREOF 供参考 问题五:特此证明用英语怎么说 特此证明 hereby to certify; [例句]我特此证明:本表所填写的内容和提供的材料真实无误。 I hereby certify that: All the information on this form is true and correct. 问题六:英语里“特此证明”怎么说 特此证明 hereby to certify 我们所填写的资料准确无误,健康状况适合参加比赛,特此证明。 We certify that the particulars are correct and we are physically fit to participate in the event. 问题七:英文证明信中的“特此证明”怎么说 应该翻译成 This is to certify that ... 或 we hereby certify that ... 特别注意:中文的特此证明在文件最后,翻成英文要放在最前面。 请看范例: 在职收入证明 兹证明:***,***,***年***月****日出生。****年****月进入*****有限公司,主要负责*****。 ****获得*****,并于****年起担任我公司****经理至今。其年收入为人民币***万元。 *****************有限公司 2005年7月25日 Working and Ine Certificate This is to certify that Mr. ***** (male, born on ******) is conferred ***** License and Certificate of *************. He has been working as the Manager of ********Department in ************ Co., Ltd. since ***** and is in charge of the ****** in our business. ********"s yearly ine is RMB ******. ********************* Co., L罚d. (Seal) 25 July,2005 问题八:特此声明 英文怎么翻译? 特此声明英语可以说成(hereby certify),一般用在文本后面了:)~ 比较地道的说法,常用的如某某公司的特此声明We hereby certify that... 如实例:)~ (我方)特此声明上述所提供全部属实! We hereby certify that the information disclosed herein is true and correct. :)~2023-07-28 03:14:051
this is to certify that Hereby certify这两条都可以2023-07-28 03:14:142
找一首歌的名字 英文歌的!
找一首歌的名字 英文歌的! Tina Inez - All You Do :v.youku./v_show/id_XMzgzMTc5MjQ=_rss. 找一首歌女的唱的英文歌的名字 The Show Lenka 找一首歌的名字 是英文歌 男生唱的 阿摩司唱的英文版《有何不可》 试听:songtaste./song/2348689/ 歌词: Hey , hey my girl , listen to me. May I be your close friend? Without hesitation , just tell me I just wanna see and wanna hear Play the guitar wanna wait and see I wish I can win Your *** ile and your heart Sing the same song togehter under the linder tree I look into your eyes Those lollipops are so sweet Two dimples are so charming Lovely girl, my heart beats Like an innocent angel from the heaven Sprinkle the sunshine right on me Somethings are truly meant to be Give me your phone number Just drop me a *** all cute hint I practice it day and night Ring you some day , say my love And if you love me , don"t s to think Follow this pace, just sing as I sing Music says what I wanna say So many years ago , The fairy tales are old The Legends changed a lot But those true loves still glow With our hearts and soul Let our love to make a whole new world We can paint a rainbow as we all grow So many years ago , The fairy tales are old The Legends changed a lot But those true loves still glow With our hearts and soul Let our love to make a whole new world We can paint a rainbow as we all grow Love is my only word 寻一首歌的名字(英文歌) Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - Fyi by Hikaru Utada(宇多田光) 下载地址 :mp3.baidu./m?f=ms&rf=idx&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=Merry+Christmas+Mr.+Lawrence+-+Fyi&lm=-1 歌词 I give you my heart Hold on, let me sign it Your senorita a.k.a. your best friend Hereby, let it be known Love like never before I"m always at your service You just have to holler at me NYC, NYC what, what? Tokyo, Tokyo what, what? Send it off from the streets to the highest To the highest, high MP3, MP3 players Work it out, work it out hustlers Om Mani Padme Hum, Hum You know why I"m gonna be yours tonight We"re gonna oooh-aaah FYI We"re gonna be up all night I"ll see you later Call me, you know my number Like Captain Picard I"m chillin" and flossin" It"s 7 O" clock I issue the warning That"s right, we"re stealing this show Damn right, letting "em know Were sipping chardonnay from 2PM on our working day Chinga-ling Chinga-ling, what, what? Chinga-ling Chinga-ling, what, what? Take me down to the fields where the grass is Where the grass is lime MP3, MP3, players Work it out, work it out hustlers On Mani Padme Hum, Hum You know why I"m gonna be yours tonight We"re gonna oooh-aaah FYI We"re gonna be up all night I"ll see you later Call me, you know my number See I don"t need a freeloader-er No, I don"t want a freeloader-er If you want a pi-iece of this stuff Got to give, got to give something You know why (You know why) I"m gonna be yours tonight (Yours tonight) We"re gonna oooh-aaah FYI (FYI) We"re gonna be up all night (Up all night) I"ll see you later (See you later) Call me, you know my number You know why (You know why) I"m gonna be yours tonight (I"m gonna be yours tonight) We"re gonna oooh-aaah (Oooh) FYI (FYI) We"re gonna be up all night (We"re gonna be up all night) I"ll see you later (See you later) Call me, you know my number . . . 求一首歌的名字英文歌 :dongroom./images/backgound2.mp3 Babyface - The Loneliness Im sitting here Thinking bout How im gon-na do without You around in my life and how am I I gon" get by I ain"t got no days Just lonely nights You want the truth Well girl im not alright Feel out of place and out of time I think im gonna lose my mind So tell me how you feel (im lonely) Are you for real (so lonely) Do you still think of me (i think of you) Baby still (are you lonely) Do you dream of me at night (like i dream of you all the time) So let me tell you how it feels (its like everyday i die) Wish i was dreaming but its real (when i open up my eyes) Let me tell you how it feels (and don"t see your pretty face) I think that i will never love again I miss your face I miss your kiss I even miss the arguments That we would have from time to time I miss you standing by my side I"m dying here its clear to see There ain"t no you, God knows there ain"t no me Don"t wanna live, I wanna die If I cant have you in my life So tell me how you feel (im lonely) Are you for real (so lonely) Do you still think of me (i think of you) Baby still (are you lonely) Do you dream of me at night (like i dream of you all the time, so lonely) Oh let me tell you how it feels (its like everyday i die) Wish i was dreaming but its real (when i open up my eyes) Let me tell you how it feels (and don"t see your pretty face) I think that I will never love again So tell me how you feel (im lonely) Are you for real (so lonely) Do you still think of me (i think of you) Baby still (are you lonely) Do you dream of me at night (like i dream of you all the time, so lonely) Oh let me tell you how it feels (its like everyday i die) Wish i was dreaming but its real (when i open up my eyes) Let me tell you how it feels (and don"t see your pretty face) I think that I will never love again So tell me how you feel (im lonely) Are you for real (so lonely) Do you still think of me (i think of you) Baby still (are you lonely) Do you dream of me at night (like i dream of you all the time, so lonely) Oh let me tell you how it feels (its like everyday i die) Wish i was dreaming but its real (when i open up my eyes) Let me tell you how it feels (and don"t see your pretty face) I think that I will never love again So tell me how you feel (im lonely) Are you for real (so lonely) Do you still think of me (i think of you) Baby still (are you lonely) Do you dream of me at night (like i dream of you all the time, so lonely) Christina Aguilera - F.U.S.S :mp3.baidu./m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=f.u.s.s&lm=-1 是michael buble的everything,用酷狗搜寻的 Daniel Powter - Free Loop the mass era :mp3.baidu./m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=the%20mass%20era 求一首歌英文歌的名字 最初的梦想 - 范玮琪 词:姚若龙 如果骄傲没被现实大海冷冷拍下 又怎会懂得要多努力 才走得到远方 如果梦想不曾坠落悬崖 千钧一发 又怎会晓得执著的人 拥有隐形翅膀 把眼泪装在心上 会开出勇敢的花 可以在疲惫的时光 闭上眼睛闻到一种芬芳 就像好好睡了一夜直到天亮 又能边走着边哼著歌 用轻快的步伐 沮丧时总会明显感到孤独的重量 多渴望懂得的人给些温暖借个肩膀 很高兴一路上我们的默契那么长 穿过风又绕个弯心还连着 像往常一样 最初的梦想紧握在手上 最想要去的地方 怎么能在半路就返航 最初的梦想绝对会到达 实现了真的渴望 才能够算到过了天堂 如果骄傲没被现实大海冷冷拍下 又怎会懂得要多努力 才走得到远方 如果梦想不曾坠落悬崖 千钧一发 又怎会晓得执著的人 拥有隐形翅膀 把眼泪装在心上 会开出勇敢的花 可以在疲惫的时光 闭上眼睛闻到一种芬芳 就像好好睡了一夜直到天亮 又能边走着边哼著歌 用轻快的步伐 沮丧时总会明显感到孤独的重量 多渴望懂得的人给些温暖借个肩膀 很高兴一路上我们的默契那么长 穿过风又绕个弯心还连着 像往常一样 最初的梦想紧握在手上 最想要去的地方 怎么能在半路就返航 最初的梦想绝对会到达 实现了真的渴望 才能够算到过了天堂 最初的梦想绝对会到达 实现了真的渴望 才能够算到过了天堂2023-07-28 03:14:211
(用于末尾)特此证明的英语 怎么说
应该翻译成 This is to certify that ... 或 we hereby certify that ...特别注意:中文的特此证明在文件最后,翻成英文要放在最前面。 请看范例:在职收入证明兹证明:***,***,***年***月****日出生。****年****月进入*****有限公司,主要负责*****。****获得*****,并于****年起担任我公司****经理至今。其年收入为人民币***万元。*****************有限公司2005年7月25日Working and Income CertificateThis is to certify that Mr. ***** (male, born on ******) is conferred ***** License and Certificate of *************. He has been working as the Manager of ********Department in ************ Co., Ltd. since ***** and is in charge of the ****** in our business. ********"s yearly income is RMB ******.********************* Co., Ltd. (Seal)25 July,20052023-07-28 03:14:282
“特此证明”的英文是“Hereby certify”,它是一个词语搭配,详细的解析内容如下。读音:hereby certify 的英式读音是 /ˌhɪə.baɪ ˈsɜː.tɪ.faɪ/,美式读音是 /ˌhɪrˈbaɪ ˈsɜr.təˌfaɪ/.释义:此处特此证明、此谨证明。用法:hereby certify 是一种正式用语,常用于书面文件或正式声明中,表示正式证明或确认某事。词形变化:动词 certify 的词形变化:第三人称单数:certifies过去式:certified过去分词:certified现在分词:certifying词语搭配:1. hereby certify that...:特此证明...2. hereby certify the authenticity:特此证明真实性3. hereby certify as true and correct:特此证明属实且正确4. hereby certify the completion of:特此证明完成5. hereby certify the accuracy of:特此证明准确性词义解析:hereby certify 表示正式证明或确认某事的意思。双语例句:1. We hereby certify that the information provided is true and accurate. 特此证明所提供的信息真实准确。2. I hereby certify that I have completed the required training. 特此证明我已完成所需的培训。3. The company hereby certifies the authenticity of the document. 公司特此证明该文件的真实性。4. This letter hereby certifies that Mr. Smith is an employee of our company. 本函特此证明史密斯先生是我们公司的员工。5. We hereby certify that the project has been successfully completed. 特此证明该项目已经圆满完成。2023-07-28 03:14:362
关于商务英语写作的小窍门 I will talk to him with regardto the new policy. The candidates who had the mostmoney won. You should study all newinnovations in your field. In accordance with the plan,the company sold all the machines. Losses caused by the strikeexceed the amount of $450,000. Mr. Wilson replaced the oldantiquated machinery with the new machinery. There are many obligations thatwe must meet. V.Rewrite the following sentences in conversational style. 1. I hereby acknowledge receipt of you July7 letter. 2. Anticipating your reply by return mail,I remain. 3. We take pleasure in advising that ContractNo. 2017 is hereby canceled. 4. I shall appreciate the pleasure of yourreply. 5. This is to advise that henceforth allinvoices will be submitted in duplicate. 6. You are hereby advised to endorse theproposal and return same to the undersigned (署名人). 7. In replying to your esteemed favor ofJuly 7, I submit under separate cover the report you requested. 8. Replying to your letter of August 3 wewould state that we deem it a great pleasure to accept your kind offer to serveon the committee. VI.Decide whether the direct or indirect order is preferable in each of thefollowing situations, and give brief reasons. A letter turning down a jobapplicant. A letter from a recent collegegraduate requesting a letter of recommendation from a former instructor. A letter asking when the nextyear"s automobile show will be held in the local place. A letter to decline an offer ofproducts A letter to sell a new product ;2023-07-28 03:14:511