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2023-07-28 12:14:37
TAG: 关于

前 厅 部

the front office:前厅部


Room Reservation: 客房预订处

Book : 预订

Confirm :确认

Counter :柜台

Double room:双人房

Single room:单人间

Twin room : 标准间

Deluxe suite :豪华套房

Presidential suite :总统套房

Room change :房价

Special rate :优惠价

Service change:服务费

Discount :折扣


Credit card:信用卡

Cash :现金

Name tag :标签,行李牌

Luggage/baggage: 行李

Suitcase :箱子

Handbag :手提包

Valuable :贵重物品

Breakable :易碎的

Full name:全名

Fill in :填写

Nationality :国籍

Departure date :离店日期

Signature :签名

Passport :护照

Receipt : 收据

Fine : 罚金

Sundry fee : 杂费

Bill : 账单

Invoice : 发票

Mis-check : 算账出错

Overpay : 多付

Currency : 货币

Airmail :航空邮寄

Ordinary bill :普通邮寄

Registered mail : 挂号信

Charge to the room :挂账

Free of charge :免费

Exchange rate : 兑换率

Hotel policy :酒店的规定

Express : 快件

Deposit :压金

Off-season : 淡季

Peak-season : 旺季

Arrival list : 来客单

Telephone directory : 电话号码本

A long distance :长途电话

A local call : 市内电话

Extension : 电话分机

Elevator : 电梯

Supermarket : 超市

餐 饮 部

一、 器皿

bowl :碗

chopsticks :筷子

spoon :调羹

fork :叉子

napkin :餐巾

cork :软木塞

screw :开瓶器

二、 酒水

cocktail : 鸡尾酒

liquor : 烈酒

sake : 米酒、清酒

bitters : 必打士、苦味酒

gin fizz : 金酒菲士

bloody mary : 血玛利

orangeade : 桔子水

fruit juice : 果汁

pepsi : 百事可乐

seven-up : 七喜





apple juice: 苹果汁




drink list:饮料单

wine list:酒水单







red wine:红葡萄酒

white wine:白葡萄酒

rose wine:玫瑰葡萄酒

dry wine:干葡萄酒

semi-dry wine:半干葡萄酒

semi-sweet wine:半甜葡萄酒

sweet wine:甜葡萄酒

natural still wine:无汽葡萄酒

sparkling wine:有汽葡萄酒

fortified wine:强化葡萄酒

aromatized wine芳香葡萄酒

lemon : 柠檬


1、 dim sum:点心

2、 soybean milk:豆浆

3、 rice gruel:稀饭

4、 porridge : 粥

5、 deep-fried dough sticks:油条

6、 sesame seed pastry:芝麻饼

7、 steamed stuffed bums:肉包

8、 dumpling:水饺

9、 pickle : 泡菜

10、 wonton:馄饨

11、 dessert : 甜点

12、 sandwich : 三明治

13、 noodles : 面条

14、 longevity noodles : 长寿面条

15、 noodle soup : 汤面

16、 fried eggs : 煎蛋

17、 boiled eggs : 水煮蛋


a la carte : 点菜

tabled"hote : 套餐

appetizer : 开胃品

soup :汤

salad :色拉

entrée :主菜

fry :煎

deep-fry :炸

sauté :嫩炒

braise :炖

boil :煮

steam : 蒸

simmer : 煨

grill : 烤

bake : 烤

roast : 烤

stuff : 酿、填

smoke : 烟熏

lukewarm : 微温

oily : 太油

rare : 生一点

medium : 中等火候

well-done : 全熟

underdone : 不熟

light : 清淡的

heavy : 口味重的

seasoning : 调味品

chili : 辣椒

jam : 果酱

poultry : 家禽

shark"s fin 鱼翅

shrimp : 虾

pigeon : 鸽子

crab : 螃蟹

eggplant: 茄子

vegetable : 蔬菜

fungus : 蘑菇

fillet : 里脊

rump : 腿肉

steak : 牛排


steamed carp : 清蒸鲤鱼

sweet and sour croaker : 糖醋黄花鱼

stewed turtle : 清炖甲鱼

stir-fried eel with brown sauce:干烧黄鳝

sweet and sour pork chops :糖醋排骨

fried crisp pork : 脆皮锅酥肉

plain sauté shrimps : 清炒滑虾仁

chicken cubes with chili peppers : 辣子鸡丁

pork shreds with fish seasoning : 鱼香肉丝

smoked crisp fish : 烟熏酥鱼

special spicy chicken : 怪味鸡

noodles Sichuan style : 担担面

fried rice YangZhou style : 扬州炒饭

fried soybean scum roll : 炸响铃

DongPo pork : 东坡肉

hangzhou roast chicken : 杭州烤鸡

cold duck web : 拌鸭掌

three-delicious-in gredient soup:三鲜汤

Sichuan chicken cube-lets : 宫保鸡丁

Roast chicken : 烧鸡

Chicken chops : 白斩鸡

Chicken in casserole : 沙锅鸡

客 房 部

switch : 开关

IDD : 国际直拔

DDD : 国内直拔

Turn-down service : 做晚床

Wardrobe : 衣柜、衣橱

Mattress : 床垫

Air-conditioner : 空调器

Laundry : 洗衣

Express service : 快洗

Iron : 熨烫

Mend : 修补

dry-cleaned 干洗

indemnity : 赔偿

shrink 缩水

fade 褪色

colo***st : 不褪色的

laundry bag 洗衣袋

shirt 衬衫

coat 大衣

trousers: 裤子

toilet, lavatory 恭桶

toilet *****, toilet roll 卫生纸

toilet ***** holder 卫生纸架

toilet cover 恭桶盖

toilet seat 恭桶座圈

hand towel 毛巾

towel rack, towel rail 毛巾架

wash basin, hand basin 面盆

faucet, tap 水龙头

shaver outlet, shaver point 剃须刀插座

bathtub, bath浴缸

bath towel 浴巾

shower 淋浴喷头

shower curtain 浴盆帘

soap dish 浴皂盒

toilet articles 盥洗用品

towel 毛巾


shampoo 洗发香波

hot water 热水

soap 肥皂

detergent 洗衣粉

tooth paste 牙膏

hangers 衣架

tooth brush 牙刷

toilet mirror 梳妆

shaving brush 剃须刷

shaving cream剃须膏

comb 梳子

hair drier 吹风机

nail scissors 指甲剪

bathroom 浴室

shower bath, shower 淋浴

dresser 梳妆台

mirror 镜子

toilet, lavatory, washroom 卫生间

water closet, W.C. 厕所;抽水马桶

bathrobe 浴衣

waste-***** basket 废纸篓

carpet 地毯

slippers 拖鞋

closet 壁橱

chairs 椅子

nightstand 床头柜

shoe-shiner 鞋刷

Executive Office办公室

Labor Union工会

Chinese Communist Youth League Committee共青团

Housekeeping Department房务部

Food & Beverage Department餐饮部

Health & Recreation Department 康乐部

Sales and Marketing Department 营销部

Finance Department 计财部

Engineering Department工程部

Administration Department行政事务部

General Manager 总经理

Deputy General Manager副总经理

Executive Office Director 办公室主任


Department Manager部门经理

Assistant Manager大堂副理



waiter/waitress 服务员

cleaner 清扫员

floor attendant楼层服务员



operator 接线员






walk-in guest 未预定散客

Front Office前厅

Front Desk 前台

Concierge 委托代办


lobby bar大堂吧

exchange rate汇率

Telephone Exchange总机

International call 国际长途

local call本地电话

long distance call长途电话

interior line内线

outside line外线

Business Center 商务中心

Shop Center购物中心

Laundry Service洗衣房

Chinese/Western Restaurant中西餐厅

Room/Housekeeping Center客房中心


Strong Current强电

Weak Current弱电

luggage/baggage room行



corridor 走廊





single room单人间

double room 双人间

standard room 标准间

executive room 商务间


presidential suite总统套房

conference room会议室

Multi-function hall多功能厅

price/daily rate房价

special rate折扣价

registration/check-in 登记入住


postpone/delay 延迟



service charge 服务费

discount 打折


tape 打印

fax 传真


ticket booking票务预订

service directory 服务指南

wake-up/morning call 唤醒服务


tidy up小整

turn-down service做夜床服务




breakfast ticket早餐券

room card房卡

key 钥匙

credit card信用卡

Great Wall Card 长城卡

Peony Card牡丹卡

American Express Card运通卡

VISA Card 维萨卡

travel check旅行支票

foreign currency外币

passport 护照

deposit 押金


extension 分机

arrival date抵店日期

departure date离店日期


I.D. Card身份证



Cigarette 香烟





first name名




***(male female)性别


private room包间

soft drinks软饮料

cold drinks冷饮

hot drinks热饮

mineral water矿泉水


black tea红茶

green tea绿茶


black coffee清咖啡



instant noodles方便面


wine list酒水单





stir-fry 炒

fry 煎

deep-fry 炸

bake 烤、焗

stew 炖

order 点菜


food 食物

breakfast 早餐








table cloth桌布






CREAM BATH是什么意思用什么名称?

cream bath沐浴护理品;护发;洗澡用乳霜例句Baby Bath Cream 1 Bottle. Cleanse body.婴儿沐浴乳1瓶清洁身体。2.Industry: Body Soap; Skin Care Cream; Skin Lotion; Hand cream; Bath powder; Perfume;所属行业:沐浴液;护肤膏霜;护肤乳液;护手霜;痱子粉;香水;3.Industry: Skin Care Cream; Hand lotion; Hand cream; Bath powder;所属行业:护肤膏霜;洗手液;护手霜;痱子粉;4.Bath cream disposal is affixed on wall nearby.沐浴露是放在旁边的墙上的。5.At present, the main production bath salts (cream foam type), exfoliating bath gel, bubble bath gel, shampoo, face cream and other products;目前,主要生产浴盐(膏状泡沫型)、去角质浴露、泡泡浴露、洗发露、洗面奶等产品。
2023-07-28 02:28:121

CREAM BATH是什么意思用什么名称

CREAM BATH沐浴乳双语例句:1.Baby Bath Cream 1 Bottle. Cleanse body. 婴儿沐浴乳1 瓶清洁身体。2.Bath cream disposal is affixed on wall nearby. 沐浴乳是放在旁边的墙上的。
2023-07-28 02:28:213

cream bath是什么意思

2023-07-28 02:28:294


2023-07-28 02:28:362


body lotion是身体乳,cream bath是沐浴露,bady scrub是磨砂膏。沐浴露就不用说了,磨砂膏是在沐浴露之后使用,深层清洁,祛除角质层,也就是死皮~建议一周一次洗完澡之后使用身体乳,起到保湿滋润的作用,女孩子一定要用哦,皮肤保养趁早开始哦
2023-07-28 02:28:463

急求cream bath和shower gel的区别是什么?

“cream bath”和“shower gel”都是洗澡用的清洁用品,但它们在使用方式和功效上存在一些区别。1. 外观和使用方式:cream bath是不透明的乳液或雪花膏状,通常在盆浴时使用,也就是我们常说的“泡澡”。而shower gel通常是透明的啫哩膏状,适用于淋浴,也就是我们常说的“洗澡”。2. 功效:在功能上,cream bath和shower gel有细微的差别。cream bath可以留有皮肤天然保护膜,使肌肤滋润,同时抵御细菌及毒物的侵袭。而shower gel的pH值中性,对肌肤没有刺激,清洗后能帮助皮肤保持天然保护膜,使肌肤滋润,同时帮助抵御细菌及毒物的侵袭。总的来说,cream bath和shower gel在外观、使用方式和功效上存在一些差异。您可以根据自己的皮肤类型和喜好来选择使用哪种清洁用品。
2023-07-28 02:29:003

朋友送的一个礼盒,里面有 shower gel,cream bath,body lotion,body scrub ,做什么的,使用顺序?

shower gel就是沐浴露,只是这种是啫喱质地,不含皂基的cream bath就是泡沫浴,(含)奶油浴。body lotion就是身体乳。body scrub身体磨砂膏,去死皮用的。使用顺序的话先沐浴乳,然后视情况使用磨砂膏或者泡沫浴,建议一周一、二次,但是最后身体乳是一定要用的,身上擦干后马上涂哦,腿部由下向上,可以紧致腿部肌肤哦,身体其他部位画圈轻拍,然后再洗手做脸部保湿,因为身体水流失发比较快。
2023-07-28 02:29:071

SWEET PEA和CREAM BATH还有Hand and Nail cream分别是什么意思

1.SWEET PEA 是一种花的名字 麝香豌豆花 17世纪末在西西里岛被发现,因为有浓郁的花香,所以英文名被叫做 Sweet pea2. 沐浴乳 BODY LOTION跟它差不多3。 护手霜 (这种说法蛮少见的吧) 望采纳。!
2023-07-28 02:29:153

bath cream是沐浴露吗

2023-07-28 02:29:221

bath cream和body wash和body cream的区别

bath cream和body wash 都是洗澡用的沐浴露的意思,没啥差别;body cream是身体霜,润肤霜的意思
2023-07-28 02:29:303


2023-07-28 02:30:081


润肤乳cream bath 沐浴乳
2023-07-28 02:30:175


whitening milk bath cream美白 、面奶、 沐浴、 乳霜
2023-07-28 02:30:322


  东南大学成贤学院是东南大学用全新的办学理念和运行模式举办的独立学院,培养普通全日制本科学生;学院具有独立法人资格、独立校园、实行相对独立的教学管理。学院实行董事会领导下的院长负责制,东南大学校长易红任董事会董事长、法定代表人,东南大学党委副书记左惟任董事会副董事长、学院院长。    学院坐落于东南大学浦口校区,占地1200亩,建筑面积30万平方米。学院共设有6个党政管理部门:党政办、组织人事部、财务与资产管理部、学生工作部、教学部、后勤管理部;3个直属机构:教育技术中心、图书档案馆、电工电子实验中心;9个系(部):土木工程系、机械工程系、建筑艺术系、电子工程系、电气工程系、计算机工程系、经济管理系、化工与制药工程系、基础部。开设专业31个(含专业方向),在校生9235名,全院教职工数总计627人,专任教师438人,其中,副高以上职称的198人。    东南大学成贤学院办学所在地是原东南大学本科教学基地,教学、实验、运动、生活设施等一应俱全,在此基础上,学院每年仍投入数千万元进行新建和改造,良好的办学条件和优质的教学资源为培养应用型高级专门人才提供了理想的环境。学院建有多媒体教室125个,计算中心、物理实验中心、电工电子中心三个院级公共实验中心和金工实习基地总面积约5万平方米。图书馆藏书52万余册,电子图书与东南大学共享。建有后藤体育馆、足球场、篮球场、羽毛球场、网球场、沙滩排球场、乒乓球室等体育场地。现有18栋学生宿舍、3个学生食堂、1 个大学生活动中心。校园网主干千兆,覆盖所有教学和行政区域。与东南大学主校区千兆互连,有教育网和电信网路由。    东南大学用优质的教学资源和强势的学科支撑成贤学院办学,并对成贤学院的教学组织和管理负责,对学院的建设规划、专业设置、教学组织、学科建设、师资配备、学生管理、招生和就业、安全保卫等工作进行指导、帮助和考核。以东南大学专家为核心的管理团队和教师团队,秉承东南大学优良深厚的文化传统,注重新的办学理念的建立,大胆探索高层次应用型人才的培养模式,取得了明显的成效,也赢得了主管部门和社会各界的广泛赞誉,各项事业发展在同类院校中处于领先地位。自2004年以来,在江苏省的录取分数线始终稳居同类院校之首。2007年经江苏省主管部门批准东南大学成贤学院17个专业列入江苏省本二批次招生,2008年19个专业(含方向)在江苏省本二批次招生,是全国列入本批次招生专业和人数最多的独立学院。2010年学院有20个专业(含方向)在江苏省本二批次招生。    学院自成立以来,始终坚持“抓生源,重质量,强特色,上规模,创品牌”的发展战略。“把教学质量放在第一位”是学院现任董事长、东南大学校长易红对学院领导班子的一贯的要求。学院始终坚持本科教育的教学基本要求,在重视基础理论教育的同时,积极探索和逐步完善实践教学体系。2008年我院高等数学课程的教学研究课题《独立学院高等数学课程教学基本要求与教学方法的研究》获“十一五”国家课题重点立项(课题编号:FIB070335-B2-04,为课题主持单位)。近年来,学院积极组织学生参加国家和江苏省内的各类竞赛活动,均取得优异的成绩。
2023-07-28 02:30:514


2023-07-28 02:31:169


2023-07-28 02:31:3610

H&M的bath pearls怎么用啊

2023-07-28 02:32:032


  芦荟原产于地中海、非洲,因其易于栽种,为花叶兼备的观赏植物,颇受大众喜爱。芦荟是集食用、药用、美容、观赏于一身植物新星。那么你知道吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   芦荟的英语说法:   aloe   芦荟相关英语表达:   芦荟汁 aloe juice   芦荟素 aloin   芦荟苷 Barbaloin   芦荟面膜 Aloe Mask   芦荟酸 aloietic acid   芦荟纤维 aloe fibre   芦荟的英语例句:   1. Aloe may have an *** gesic effect on inflammation and minor skin irritations.   芦荟可能对发炎以及轻微的面板炎症具有镇痛作用。   2. Aloe Vera is used in moisturisers to give them a wonderfully silky texture.   芦荟用于润肤霜中,使之具有美妙的丝般润滑感。   3. Dry jujubes , e jiao dry lemon tea drink any aloe vera benefits?   阿胶枣干芦荟干柠檬泡茶喝有没有好处?   4. Includes Aloe Vera to help soothe sore and cracked nipples.   富含芦荟以帮助防止和减轻疼痛或裂开的 *** .   5. Plus, naturally derived Aloe and Chamomile extracts calm and soothe skin.   含有芦荟和洋甘菊萃取,安抚舒缓面板.   6. Let"s enjoy the *** ooth skin brought by our aloevera shower cream.   让我们享受由芦荟温和沐浴乳所带来的面板光滑感.   7. The healing properties of aloe Vera are numerous and well known.   芦荟具有多种愈合能力,并因此知名于世.   8. Aloe Vera has anti - pruritic properties so will help to reduce itching.   芦荟具有止痒效能,所以将有助于减少发痒.   9. Aloe Vera, celery, grapefruit and cabbage juices promote healing of ulcers.   芦荟 、 西芹 、 西柚和椰菜汁等都有促进溃疡复原的作用.   10. Let"s enjoy the sweet dream brought by our Aloevera bath oil.   让我们一起享受由芦荟浴油带来的甜美梦幻之浴.   11. Main positions: Witch hazel, Sage extract, lactic peppermint enzyme, Aloe extract.   主要成份: 金缕梅 、 鼠尾草精华 、 乳酸薄荷酶 、 芦荟提取液.   12. In order to explain the occurrence regulation Alternaria obpyriformis T.   为了解芦荟黑斑病的发生规律,进一步为防治提供理论依据.   13. Marigold and Apricot . Soothing Chamomile makes it ideal to calm and protect.   适合宝宝淋浴或浸浴时使用. 性质温和的沐浴露能在清洁的同时,芦荟、盏草属及杏树的精华可保持面板滋润.甘菊亦有舒缓及保护的作用.   14. The determination of many different aloe dry powder samples shows better results.   应用于多种芦荟干粉样品的分析,获得满意的结果.   15. For instance, Aloe and Milk massage lotions are available for client"s selection.    *** 膏更有芦荟及牛奶两种味道以供客人选用.
2023-07-28 02:32:101


勺子是spoon 叉子是fork
2023-07-28 02:32:218


一套化妆品叫lavender dream,里面有show gel , cream bath ,body lotion?怎么用?
2023-07-28 02:33:2110


2023-07-28 02:34:245


爱茉莉集团有下列品牌:1、顶级护肤品牌Amore Pacific、Sulwhasoo(雪花秀)、HERA。2、一线护肤品牌LIRIKOS(俪瑞斯)、IOPE、VERITE。3、二线护肤品牌Laneige(兰芝)、Mamonde(梦妆)、innisfree、Teen:Clear。4、韩方护肤品牌雪花秀、韩律。5、天然护肤品牌Primera(芙莉美娜)、Innisfree(悦诗风吟)。6、彩妆品牌HERA、eSpoir、Etude House(伊蒂之屋)。7、男士护肤品牌雪花秀、HERA、IOPE、Odyssey、兰芝、梦妆、悦诗风吟。8、香水品牌Castelbajac Parfums、Espoir(艾丝珀)。9、洗护品牌吕、Miseen Scene、illi(一理)、Happy Bath、松盐、Median、Dantrol。10、健康食品O'sulloc、O'garden、Natrue Beauty Food。品牌地位:爱茉莉太平洋集团作为韩国排名第一、世界排名前20名的国际化妆品集团,无疑是韩国女性的“美丽秘密”所在。爱茉莉旗下的第一大品牌LANEIGE兰芝是韩国女性化妆品市场占有率最高的化妆品品牌,深受众多女性朋友的青睐。在纽约第五大道,著名百货公司柏格朵夫古曼公司(Bergdorf Goodman)副总经理Bill Brobston更是将爱茉莉的Time Response Skin Renewal Cream试用装和产品推荐书一起寄给2000多名的VIP客户。并在推荐书上写明:爱茉莉化妆品“以亚洲稀有名贵植物为原料,采用高新科技,帮助皮肤保持最完美状态”。为了让更多女性了解自己的肤质,爱茉莉在韩国最繁华的明洞中心街上设立了美丽之星护肤中心。每位来到这里的女性都可随意使用产品,还可以向专业美容顾问咨询自己的皮肤状况,学习更多的皮肤护理知识,了解如何关爱自己的皮肤。无论年龄大小,心情永远25岁。体现“二五共感一代”的情感与生活形态,为拥有年轻意识的女性精心准备的品牌。崇尚自然的Natural Mind、追求自身幸福和自爱(Self-loving)的女性内涵尽在LANEIGE(兰芝)。IOPE是在韩国首次推出的医学化妆品,本着“产品基本价值至上”的品牌哲学,坚持使用上层原料,开发品质卓越的产品,所以一直以来深受消费者的大力支持和信赖。继推出抗皱化妆品Retinol2500以来,陆续推出紧肤化妆品PowerLifting、新美白化妆品Whitegen,此外,还引进先进PNS技术,领先未来肌肤科学。MAMONDE力求“富有女人味的美丽”,不断追寻女性美。在肌肤变为干性的关键时刻进行集中护理,让干性化的肌肤吸取自然的生命力,变得柔软滋润。以上内容参考:百度百科—爱茉莉太平洋集团
2023-07-28 02:34:481


1. 五年级上册英语小作文 my day I always get up early in the morning.I usually have my breakfast at 6:30.I"m never late for school,I have lunch at 12:00,I have dinner with my family.After I finish my homework I often play some games with my family.Only then will I to relax.Although this is a busy day, but I feel full and satisfied. 翻译 我的一天 我总是早上早起。我通常在6点半吃早餐。我上学从不迟到,我在12点吃午饭,我和我的家人共进晚餐。我做完作业后我经常玩一些游戏与我的家人。我才会放松。 虽然这是一个忙碌的一天,但我感到完全满意 2. 小学五年级英语小作文10篇,内容不限 1、我的好朋友 My Good Friend My name is Daming.I have a good friend . Her name is Liu Yun. She lives in China . Her mather is a singer. She likes swimming. Her father is a TV reporter. He likes listening to mnsic. Liu Yun likes piaying the violin and riding her bike. Every morning , she goes to school on foot. Every evening, she reads newspaper ai home. Then she goes to bed at nine. This is my good friend Liu Yun. 2、我的家乡 I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snow. How about you? 3、我 HI!My name is Tess. I am a girl. l can speak English very well.I like English very much. I am thin and tall. I am ten years old.I am lovely ,too. I look like a big pig.I like my tachers.I like my school.It"s big.It"s beautiful.It"s clean.There are three buildings in my school. One is school building .One is dance studio. The other is dormetory.There is a playground, too.We can play on it .I like everything!!!!! 4、最好的朋友 I have a best friend. She has long,straight,black hair,big,black eyes and a *** all nose.She is very thin and kind,she is cute,too. Her English and Chinese is very good.She is hard-working. She favorite season is summer,because it"s hot ,she can eat ice- cream.She like playing the piano ,reading books and singing songs. Who"s she? She is my best friend ---Sun Mengqi.She has a very good English name,too---Angle. 翻译: 我有个最好的朋友。 她有着长长的黑色直发,大大的黑眼睛和一个小鼻子。她很瘦,对人非常和蔼,她也很可爱。 她的英语和语文非常好。她学习十分认真。 她最喜欢的季节是夏季,因为夏天很热,她能吃冰淇凌。她喜欢弹琴,读书和唱歌。 她是谁?她就是我最好的朋友——孙梦琪。她还有一个很好听的英文名——Angle.(安琪儿) 5、我的家 My family lives in ShenZhen. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is tall and thin. He is a handsome man. He has big eyes. His hair is straight. He likes to watch TV and movies and read books. My mother works in an office. She cooks very well. She likes to read books, too. She is short and thin. My sister is a student. She is an independent girl. She is very graceful. I am a student, too. But I study in a junior high school. I go to school every weekend. I like to play dodge ball and listen to music very much. much. I like my family because each family member helps me a lot. 6、我的英语老师 In my life, Ms. Wang is the most important person to me. Her teaching skills are diverse. In class, she usually uses games and posters. She works hard for us. When other teachers rest, she still keeps working and working. When we are mischievous, she is good at giving systematic guidance. We are really grateful for what she has done for us. We want to say ”thank you” to her. 7、母亲节 Mother"s Day es on the second Sunday in May each year. On that day this year, I bought a sweater and some flowers for my mother to thank her for her hard work for me. Receiving my gift, my mother was very happy. 翻译:母亲节是五月的第二个星期日。 今年母亲节那天,我为母亲买了一件毛衣和一束鲜花作为礼物,感谢母亲为我付出的辛苦。母亲收到礼物后,非常高兴。 8、你喜欢我吗 Hello! Everyone. I"m a little rabbit. My name is Hanhan. Look! I"m very lovely. My eyes are red. My ears are long. My hair is white. My tail is short. I like carrots very much. I have a good friend. She"s my little master. Her name is Zhou Xun. We always play games together. I like her very much and she likes me, too. 9、钱 Money is indeed important, but money cannot buy everything. A miser may think that “money talks,” but if you only give your attention to making money, you may lose many things, such as health, friendship and love. I don"t think we should regard money as everything. Money is just a tool that can help us solve problems or enable us to live a fortable life. What we should do is to use it appropriately and not bee misers. This way, all of us can lead a happier lives. 10、保护水资源 Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We can"t live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on. At work, people use water to put out fires, to grow vegetables, to make things in factories and so on. We also can swim in the sea. Water is important for us, isn"t it? A poem: Water 。 3. 有没有五年级上册的英语小作文,或短文,带翻译的,单词控制在15个 I have a beautiful badroom.It has a bad,a desk and a bookcase.There are many useful books in it.Hou about yours? 我有一个漂亮的卧室。有一张床,一张桌子和一个书柜。有很多有用的书在里面。你的怎么样? There are three people in my house.There are mother, father and me. 有3人在我家。他们是妈妈、爸爸和我。 4. 小学五年级英语作文带翻译 my family Do you know my family? You don"t know? OK, let me intro you. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father, Kenh, he is a manager. Does he have any hobbies? Of course. He likes sport, especially table tennis. But my mother and I don"t like this hobby. He play table tennis very will. My mother, rose, she is a housewife. And she has the same hobby with a majority of other housewives—going shopping. I, Jessica, oh! I think I have a lot of hobbies! Drawing pictures, collecting stamps, reading books……OK, OK, I like drawing pictures, it"s the best! This is my family. Do you know now? 你知道我的家人?你不知道吗?好的,让我介绍你。 有三种人在我的家人。他们是我的爸爸,妈妈和一 我的父亲,午,他是一个经理。他是否有什么爱好?当然。他喜欢运动,尤其是乒乓球。但我和我的母亲不喜欢这个爱好。他打乒乓球。 我的母亲,玫瑰,她是一位家庭主妇。和她有相同的爱好与大多数其他的家庭主妇,逛商店。 我,杰西卡哦!我觉得我有很多的爱好!画画,集邮,看书。。好,好,我喜欢画画,这是最好的! 这是我的家人。你知道吗? 5. 小学语文五年级上册第二单元作文怎么写 卖麻团的老人 卖麻团了,卖麻团了……"又是这该死的叫卖声把我从梦中吵醒,不用说,现在是五点三十分,离我该起床的时间还有半小时.不知怎地,就在最近,我们这来了一个卖麻团的老头子,他每天五点半的时候就开始叫卖了,无论是平时,还是周末;无论是晴天,还是刮风下雨,都雷打不动.每天都是他搅乱了我的好梦,我本应在六点起床,这时候被他吵醒,让我睡又不敢睡,起又不想起,只好在床上翻来覆去,白白浪费半小时的时光,别提有多难受了,为此我对这个卖麻团的十分痛恨,听到这个叫卖声就头痛心烦,不知在心里恶狠狠地骂过他多少次了.然而直到有一天,我对这个卖麻团的老爷爷的看法,一下子改变了.那是一个很晴朗的星期天的早晨,我照例还是被这可恶的叫卖声吵醒,我用被子紧紧捂住头,心里别提有多狠这老头了,难得有这么一个休息日,也不让人好好睡个懒觉,真是可恶!忽然,在声声刺耳的叫卖声中,传来了一声又一声百灵鸟的啼鸣声,清脆悦耳,宛转悠扬,我的心不禁一动,反正也睡不着,不如出去看看早晨的景色,顺便看看这到底是一个怎样的老人,手艺究竟如何,于是我掀开被子,麻利地穿了起来.我拿了点零钱,走出家门,嘿,好晴朗的天哟,天空一碧如洗,阳光灿烂,我的心一下子也开朗起来.我顺着叫卖声找寻那位卖麻团的老人,远远就看见一个老人被一大群孩子围着,我心想,怪不得天天来叫卖,原来生意不错.我赶忙紧走几步,走近一看,心中不由得有些吃惊,我心中卖麻团的是一个全身沾满油污、邋遢龌龊的人,没想到眼前的这位老人他穿一件洗得发白的旧军装,却上下整洁得体,显得干练精神.我暗暗产生了几分好感,递过手中的零钱,说:"给我来两只."老人一手接过钱,另一只手拿起一双筷子和一只方便袋,夹出两只麻团放到袋子里温和地说:"小心,拿好."我接过来,拿出一只,咬了一口,真是又香又脆,口感极佳,味道好极了,我不禁对他喜欢起来,细细地打量着他:饱经风霜的脸上留下道道岁月刻磨的皱纹,身体硬朗,脸上始终对孩子洋溢着可亲的笑容,怪不得孩子围了一大圈,怪不得孩子这么愿意吃,怪不得天天来叫卖……我满怀惬意吃着麻团往回走…… 谁知刚走了几步就被老人叫住了,我的心不由得"咯噔"一下,心想我不是刚付过钱吗,怎么,想讹我?我心中刚升起的对他的好感一下子风吹云散,荡然无存了,我愤怒地转过身,刚想发作.谁知这位老人从口袋里掏出四块半钱递给我,歉意地对我说:"小同学,刚才忙,没功夫找你钱,实在对不住."我莫名其妙,他忙说:"你给了我五块钱."我恍然大悟,原来因为着急,没在意错把五块当成五角了,望着老人递过来的钱,想起自己头脑里的念头,我的脸红一阵白一阵,不知怎么办才好,老人看到我这样,关切地问:"小同学,怎么啦?哪儿不舒服?"我无言以对,我真恨我自己,我怎么能用这样的眼光来看待这样一位用辛苦劳动养活自己的老人呢?我忙把老人递过的钱又伸了过去,说:"没什么,全买了."老人将剩下的麻团全给了我,说:"多两只,免费赠送."我说什么也不肯收,可老人笑呵呵地说:"这就算是亏本大甩卖,买五赠一吧."说完,头也不回地走了…… 望着老人越来越远的背影,我对他产生了无比的敬意,我的心中也不禁感慨万分:平时所接触的小商小贩们,他们都是以次充好,以少充多,欺骗顾客,人与人之间哪有什么诚信?今天,这个老人为我上了生动的一课,人间需要诚信,更要爱惜诚信。 6. 人教版五年级英语小作文 There are four people in my family, my father, mymother, my sister and I. My father and mother are teachers. My father teaches maths. My mother doesn"t teach maths. She is a teacher of English. They work hard. Mysister is a worker. She goesto work early. She has lunch at home. She usually es homefrom work at 5:30. I am a student, I study hard, too. We are all very happy. 在我家里有四个人,我的爸爸,我的妈妈,我的姐姐和我。我的爸爸妈妈都是老师。我父亲教数学。我妈妈不教数学。她是一位英语老师。他们努力工作。我的姐姐是一名工人。她上班很早。她在家里吃午饭。她通常在5:30下班回家。我是一个学生,我也很努力学习。我们都很幸福。 7. 五年级英语小作文 Last Sunday I went to the park with my friends.There were many people in it though it was very hot.When we were walking in the park, we saw a little boy crying near the lake. We asked him why he was so sad.He said nothing and pointed to the lake. We were puzzled and surprised."What"s wrong? Who is in the water? Your mum? Your dad?" The boy didn"t answer. We wanted to help him, but we can"t. After a while, a puppy came out of the water.The boy picked it up and *** iled. Oh,my God.
2023-07-28 02:35:061


【 #英语资源# 导语】英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作能力比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型。以下是 考 网为大家整理的小学四年级英语作文400字【十篇】,欢迎阅读参考。 【篇一】小学四年级英语作文400字   Hello, today is May Day. I and My father, mother and sister went shopping. We bought, lollipops, ice creams, cornflakes, toasts, butter, orange, milk and rolls. And my mother bought toys for me. Such as: train, ball, balloon, car, doll, plane and skateboard. After that we went to zoo. I saw rabbit, tigers, snails, and lions, hamsters, budgies and zebras. My sister asked me “what do your like?” I answered “I like skipping rope. That"s very nice.” She said “Here is you prize, Sunny!” “Oh, thank you! I love it!” I shouted. We sat under a tree. After lunch we drank some milk.   Today I am very happy! 【篇二】小学四年级英语作文400字   Look! This is my new classroom. It"s very big and nice. There are two boards, six windows, two doors, a teacher desk, eleven lights, a TV, many desks and chairs. The boards are green and black. The desks and chairs are yellow. And the doors are green. The teacher"s desk is big. We often clean the classroom. So, our classroom is very clean .   I like my classroom very much. I think my classmates all like it ,too. 【篇三】小学四年级英语作文400字   I am happy .I have my own room . Look!This is my room.It"s small but clean.There is a desk and a bed.There are some dolls on my bed .There are two chairs. There is a bookshelf,too.My bookshelf has two layers. I put the story—books on the first layer. I put the other kinds books on the second layer. I often clean it .There are two big windows. On the windows,you can see some nice flowers.I like to watch them grow. And there is a balcony outside the room. I love my room very much.Can you introduce your room? 【篇四】小学四年级英语作文400字   Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We can"t live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on. At work, people use water to put out fires, to grow vegetables, to make things in factories and so on. We also can swim in the sea. Water is important for us, isn"t it? 【篇五】小学四年级英语作文400字   My mother is 35 years old. She has long black hair and big eyes. She takes me to school every day. In the evening, she help me with my homework. If I"m hungry, she will cook my favourite meals. She"s always trying to encourage me to try something new. I think my mother is the best person in this world. She is always be there for me when I need her. I love her so much. She is my hero. 【篇六】小学四年级英语作文400字   Water is very important to us. If there is no water, we will die. We can eat nothing for few days, but we must drink water every day. Besides, if there is no water, the plants will not grow, and the animals will not live. Therefore, there will no food for us. But the water has been severely polluted nowadays. Much water is not suitable for drinking. For our human beings and our planet, we must protect water. Without it, there would be no life any longer in earth. 【篇七】小学四年级英语作文400字   My school is very beautiful. It is in Guicheng, near the Qiandeng Lake. Do you know it? It is Nanhai Experimental Primary School. I like my school very much.   There is a big playground in my school. We have P.E. class on the playground and we often play sports on it , too. Our teaching building has five floors. My classroom is on the fifth floor. It is big and clean. The computer rooms are on the third floor. There is a library on the second floor. There are many books in the library. I often read books here. There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building, too. 【篇八】小学四年级英语作文400字   One day, my mother bought two little rabbits for me. I"m very happy.   From that on, the two little rabbits became my good friends. They have two little ears, red eyes, with white and fat boby. They"re marvellous.   Everyday, they play with each other happily. One day, I couldn"t find them. I asked my mother: ”Where are they? ” My mother told me that She didn"t know. At last, I found them in the grass. They were very dirty. I was angry, but when I looked at their lovely faces, I was happy again.   I love my little rabbits, and they love me. They are my good friends forever. 【篇九】小学四年级英语作文400字   Let me say something about the picture.   There are two tall trees in it. Under the tree there is a long chair. And there is an old man reading about swimming. Near the old man, there is a boy painting. I think he loves painting very much. Next to the painting boy, there are two boys playing football. They are happy. But the football is in the river. Near the river, there are three children fishing. They go fishing about twice a week and they always go to the People"s Park. They like fishing. In the river, there is clear water and some fish swimming in it. The sky is clear, the sun is shining brightly, the weather is warm.. There are two birds flying in the sky, they are happy. Wow, that is a fun picture!   Dear friends, can you draw the picture? 【篇十】小学四年级英语作文400字   I like my village. Do you know why? Let me tell you. In my village, there are many clean rivers. There are many fish there. They are active and cute. The air is fresh. There are no tall buildings in my village. I can run on the grass. I can fly kites, too.   Do you want to know the four seasons in my village?   In spring, the weather is warm. In summer, the weather is very hot. I can eat ice-cream. It"s sweet. And I can swim in the lake. In fall, I can go hiking and pick apples. They are tasty. In winter, it"s very cold. But it doesn"t snow! What a pity!   I like my village very much. It"s so pretty. Do you like my village?
2023-07-28 02:35:131

shower gel 是什么东西?

1)Sweet Pea/ Pois de senteur - 香豌豆2)shower gel /gel de douche - 沐浴凝胶(洗身体的),相当于于浴液3)with Lavender Extract hand cream /creme pour les mains -含有熏衣草精华素的护手霜4)bubble bath /bain moussant - 泡澡液(倒进浴盆里泡澡起泡用的)5)body lotion/lotion pour le corps - 护肤霜 (浴后涂到身上的)6)ingredients:sodium sulfate,sodium carbonate,sodium bicarbonate,citric aciid,hydroxypropyl cellulose,fragrance,may contain FD 这个是来自加拿大淋浴的一套用品
2023-07-28 02:35:221

请问以下几种THE BODY SHOP的产品在香港SASA的价格?

the body shop产品比较天然,尤其茶树精油这类东西本来就不添加激素类物质,男女都可以使用
2023-07-28 02:35:403


2023-07-28 02:36:024


简短的英语绕口令   英文单词是多音节词,因此有些绕口令十分简短。下面我跟大家分享一些英语绕口令,希望对大家有所帮助!  1、Greek grapes.希腊葡萄。   2、Inchworm"s itching蠕动的瘙痒   3、Flash message! 闪烁的信息。   4、Knapsack straps.背包带子。   5、Black bugs" blood.黑虫的血。  6、Cheap ship trip便宜的海上旅程。   7、Ed had edited it.埃已将它编辑了。   8、Are our oars oak? 我们的桨是橡树吗?   9、Good blood, bad blood.好血,坏血。   10、Real wristwatch straps.真正的表带。   11、Chop shops stock chops.印章店备有印章。   12、Freshly fried fresh flesh.鲜炸鲜肉。   13、Freshly-fried flying fish.鲜炸飞鱼。   14、Dust is a disk"s worst enemy.尘埃是磁盘的最大敌人。   15、A noisy noise annoys an oyster.嘈吵的噪音惹恼牡蛎。   16、Diligence dismisseth despondency.勤奋能驱除沮丧。   17、Do drop in at the Dewdrop Inn.到露珠旅馆要进内一坐。   18、Brad"s big black bath brush broke.布拉德的大浴刷子断了。   19、Flee from fog to fight flu fast.避开浓雾,感冒会快点痊愈。   20、Will will not write a real willWill.不会写真实的遗嘱。   21、Girl gargoyle, guy gargoyle.女孩造型的滴水嘴,男孩造型的滴水嘴。   22、I wish you were a fish in my dish.我巴不得你是我碟中的鱼。   23、Crisp crusts crackle crunchily.松脆的面包皮被嚼得嘎吱嘎吱地响。   24、Double bubble gum bubbles double.双重的泡泡糖能吹双重的泡泡。   25、Listen to the local yokel yodel.听听那个本地土包子唱的岳得尔调。   26、Betty better butter Brad"s bread.贝蒂最好替布拉德的面包涂牛油了!   27、Give MrSnipa"s wife"s knife a swipe把史立巴先生的太太的.刀子抹净。   28、Friendly Frank flips fine flapjacks友善的法兰克用手捻着美味的饼干。   29、I washed all the wheels and the works.我把所有轮子和车间都洗了。   30、Lily ladles little Letty"s lentil soup.莉莉替小历蒂盛小扁豆汤。   31、A bloke"s back bike brake block broke一个家伙的脚踏车后制动器坏了。   32、Cedar shingles should be shaved and saved.雪松盖板应刨好和妥为保全。   33、I wish I had not washed this wristwatch.我希望我没有洗这块手表就好啦。   34、A box of biscuits, a batch of mixed biscuits.一盒饼干,一炉杂饼干。   35、Kris Kringle carefully crunched on candy canes.克里斯克理高小心地嚼甘蔗。  36、Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread.弗雷德喂特德吃面包,特德喂弗雷德吃面包。   37、Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better batter.贝蒂搅拌一些牛油,令脆浆更可口。   38、I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!我叫喊,你叫喊,我们都喊着要冰淇淋!   39、I correctly recollect Rebecca MacGregor"s reckoning.我准确地记起丽贝卡麦格拉歌的账单。   40、Gertie"s great-grandma grew aghast at Gertie"s grammar格蒂的曾祖母被格蒂的文法吓呆了。   41、A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail.一只老虎将领带系紧,清洁它的尾巴。   42、Just think, that sphinx has a sphincter that stinks!试想想,那个狮身人面像的括约肌发臭了!   43、Bright blows the broom on the brook"s bare brown banks.布赖特吹动在小溪旁棕色的土地上的扫帚。   44、Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.给爸爸一杯用铜制咖啡杯盛着的正统咖啡。   45、Cheryl"s chilly cheap chip shop sells Cheryl"s cheap chips.雪露的便宜辣椒薯条店卖便宜的薯条。   46、Xmas wrecks perplex and vex.X-ray checks clear chests.圣诞节使人困惑又使人恼火。X光照出清楚的胸透照片。   47、Betty and Bob brought back blue balloons from the big bazaar.贝蒂和鲍勃在大型的义卖市场买了蓝汽球回来。   48、If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews? 如史调咀嚼鞋子,史调应否选择他正在咀嚼的鞋子呢?   49、Since this wristwatch got all washed, oh,how it jumps and jerks! 由于这块手表已经洗了,瞧它一跳一跳的!   50、A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood大黑虫咬大黑熊,大黑熊流血了! ;
2023-07-28 02:36:081


OK^^八年级英语(仁爱版)上册语言点归纳(Unit2)Keeping healthyTopic 1 How are you feeling today?一、重点短语1. have a cold/a toothache /a fever/a cough/a backache/a stomachache/a sore throat /the flu /sore eyes 感冒/牙疼/发烧/咳嗽/背疼胃疼/咽喉发炎/流感/眼疼2. take a rest=have a rest 休息3. not read for too long 不要看书太久4. boiled water 开水5. stay in bed 卧病在床,躺在床上6. have a good sleep 好好睡一觉7. feel terrible 感觉难受8. day and night 日日夜夜9. You`d better=You had better 你最好-------10. not so well 很不好11. not too bad 没什么大碍12. much better 好多了13. go to see a doctor 去看病14. take /have some medicine 吃药15. take------to----- 把--------带到--------16. send------to------- 把-------送到-------17. hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶18. lie down 躺下19. look after=take care of 照看,照顾20. brush teeth 刷牙21. have an accident 发生一次意外/事故22. don`t worry 别担心23. worry about 担心--------24. nothing serious 没什么严重,没什么大碍25. check over 诊断,仔细检查26. thank you for------------ 因--------而感谢你27. buy------for---- 为------买------28. not------until---- 直到-------才----29. ice cream 冰淇淋30. both----and--- ------和-------都是----31. take some cold pills 吃感冒药32. plenty of 许多,大量二、重点句型1. What`s wrong with you/him/her?你/他/她怎么了? 同一句:What`s the matter with-------? What`s the trouble with------?2.You should see a dentist.你应该去看牙医。这是一种表达建议的句子。还可以用以下句式: you`d better(not)-------how /what about--------why not/don`t you --------3.I`m sorry to hear that.听到这个消息我很难过。这是表示同情别人的句子。4.You look pale.你看起来很苍白。(1)在英语中表示气色不好,苍白,不用whit,而用pale (2)“look ”在这里译作“看起来”,作连系动词,后接形容词。如:You look beautiful。你看起来很漂亮。与look用法相同的连系动词还有 tast ,sound ,smell ,feel 。如:The soup tastes very delicious .这汤尝起来真香。Your voice sound nice.你的声音听起来很动人。The flowers smell sweet .这些花闻起来很香。The silk feels smooth 丝绸摸起来很光滑。5.------Shall I take you to the hospital?我送你去医院吧? -------No,thank you.不用,谢谢。Shall I do----需要我做-------吗?take sb to-----------把某人送到某地6. I`ll take some medicine and see how it goes. 我打算先吃药看看情况再说。“goes”在这里指事情的进展。“it ”用来代指病情。如:How is everything going?一切进展如何?Everything is going well.一切进展顺利。7.You`d better drink hot tea with honey.你最好喝加蜂蜜的热茶。tea with honey 加了蜂蜜的茶,with表示一种伴随状态。类似的表达还有: some coffee with sugar and milk加了牛奶和糖的咖啡 some tea without sugar不加糖的茶8.Michael had an accident yesterday.昨天迈克发生了事故。 had an accident发生了事故9.But my left leg still hurts when I move it.可是当我挪动脚时,还是有点儿疼。句中“hurt”译为“疼痛”,作不及物动词。后不可接宾语。如:my head hurts.10.Your X-rays show it`s nothing serious.你的X光照片显示没什么严重的问题。nothing serious 没什么严重的。nothing ,something ,anything等不定代词,被形容词修饰时,形容词位于其后。如:I have something important to say.我有一些重要的事情要说。11.Stay in bed and don`t move your leg too much.躺在床上,不要总是挪动你的腿。12.Michael`s friends bought some chocolate for him .迈克的朋友给他买饿一些巧克力。buy sth for sb.双宾语的运用。使用双宾语时,在人宾前需要使用介词,有时用“to”有时用“for ”,这与动词本身有关,表示动词的方向,多用“to”,表示动词的目的,多用“ for ”give sth to sb. pass sth to sb.bring sth to sb. take sth to sb.cook sth for sb. buy sth for to sb .13.------but I couldn`t read them until today.但是直到今天我才读了它们。not ----until直到------才-------until 在肯定句动词一般用延续性动词,在否定句中动词一般为短暂性动词。如:He will wait for his father until ten o`clock.他将等他父亲一直到10点钟。He won`t leave until his father comes.他直到他父亲回来才离开。三、语法学习1、 had better 的形式和用法1) 固定短语had better具有情态意义,也可以看作情态动词。译为“最好”,它只有一种形式,没有人称和数的变化,后常跟动词原形,是给人提出建议的一种方式。如: You had better go to see the doctor你最好去看医生。You`d better eat a lot of fruit and drink plenty of water.你最好多吃水果,多喝水。2)Had better的否定结构为 had better not。如:You`d better not eat hot food你最好别吃辛辣的食物。You`d better not work today.你今天最好别工作。2、 shall的用法1) 作助动词时,英式英语中表示将来,可与第一人称连用,但在口语中所有人称都用will。如:this time next week Ishall/will be in New York.下周这个时候我就在纽约了。拄:美语则不管什么人称,一律用will。2)作情态动词时表征询意见,用于第一人称的疑问句中。如:Shall Itake you to the hospital?要不要我带你去医院?What shall we do this weekend?这个周末我们要作什么呢?Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking一、重点短语1. stay up late熬夜2. be bad for对------有害3. be good for对------有益4. too much太多,过分5. do morning exercises做早操6. keep long fingernails长长指甲7. play sports right进行适当的体育锻炼8. go to school without breakfast不吃早餐去上学9. have a bath洗澡10. take a fresh breath呼吸新鲜空气11. read ----about---读关于-------12. Ren`ai English Post仁爱英语报13. ask sb to do叫某人做某事14. give up放弃15. read in the sun在太阳底下看书16. throw litter about乱扔垃圾17. on the lawn在草坪上18. put------into------把-------放进-----19. exercise on an empty stomach空腹锻炼20. get into进入21. keep the air clean and fresh保持空气清新22. wash hands before meals饭前洗手23. potato chips炸薯条二、重点句型1. Staying up late is bad for your health.熬夜有害健康。1) stay up late熬夜2) be bad for对--------有害。类似的短语还有: be good for---对------有好处3) staying up late is---动名词作主语。当我们需要一个动词充当主语时,常用此动词的动名词(即doing)形式。如:Playing basketball is good for your heath.打篮球对你的身体有好处。Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.躺在床上看书对眼睛有害。Swimming is my hobby.游泳是我的爱好。2. It will keep you active during the day.它会使你在白天保持活力。keep sth/sb .+adj.保持某物/某人在某种状态。如:keep your fingersails clean.保持你的指甲干净。keep our streets clean.让街道保持干净。3. Different foods help us in different ways不同的食物对我们有不同的作用. in different ways.译为“用不同的方式”。4. If we eat too littele or too much food-----如果我们吃太少或太多食物------little 少得几乎没有,表否定,修饰不可数名词。a little有一些,表示肯定,修饰不可数名词。与 little ,a little类似的用法的还有 few, a few 。few少得几乎没有,表否定,修饰可数名词。 a few有一些,表示肯定,修饰可数名词。5. Walking is good exercise and it is necessary for good health. 散步是很好的锻炼,它是身体健康必不可少的。be necessary for----对--------来说是必不可少的 如:Sunshine is necessary for our life.阳光对于我们的生活来说是必不可少的。Food is necessary for life.食物是生命所必需的。三、语法学习1) 情态动词must及其否定形式 must not must 译为“必须做------”其否定意义“不必做-------”,用don`t have to 表示,而不用must not 。如:——must Ifinish it tonight?——No, you don`t have to.而must not 译作“禁止做--------”。如:You must not throw litter about.Don`t throw litter about.别到处乱扔垃圾。2) 情态动词maymay有两种含义,表示请求允许,译作“可以”。如:May I come in ?我可以进来吗?表示推测,译作“可能”。如:You may get a headache when you work too hard.当你工作太累时你可能回感到头疼。You may get a headache when you can`t get enough sleep. 当你睡眠不足时,你可能会头疼。enough sleep 充足的睡眠。enough 修饰名词时放在前后均可;当它修饰形容词时,一般放在形容词后面。如:strong enough足够强壮Topic 3what should we do to fight SARS?一、 重点短语1. hurry up快点,赶快2. go ahead(尤指经某人允许)开始,干下去,走在前面,领先3. do more exercise多锻炼4. do some cleaning做扫除5. all the time一直6. have to不得不,必须7. keep away远离-------8. just a moment稍等一会儿9. get through拨通(电话);通过10. take care of照顾11. care for照顾(病人);照料;喜欢12. talk with和----交谈13. enjoy oneself过得愉快14. Chinese medicine中药15. since then从那时起16. get lost丢失了,迷路17. on one`s way to----在某人去----------的路上18. by mistake错误地19. ask for leave请假20. healthy food健康食物21. crowded places拥挤的地方22. do one`s best尽力23. change clothes often常换衣服24. wash hands often常洗手25. ring------up打电话给--------26. leave a message 留口信27. take a message带口信28. call----back给------回电话29. take an active part in积极参加30. the name of----- -------的名称31. what do you think of------ ? 你认为---------怎么样?32. have a good time=enjoy oneself过得愉快33. next time下次34. let -------out让-------出去35. teach oneself on the Internet网上自学36. be afraid of害怕-----,恐惧-------二、 重点句型1. Sure,go ahead.当然可以,请问吧!ahead 意思是向前,这里的go ahead原意为向前走,在这里译作继续问问题,相当于go on2. Please tell my father to take care of himself 请告诉我爸爸照顾好自己。take care of 照顾,照料。同义词:look aftertell sb to do sth ask sb to do sth want sb to do sth get sb to do sth 表示让某人去做某时事3. can I take a message?我能为您梢个口信吗?take a message 梢口信leave a message 留口信give a message to --------给某人一个口信4. I`ll tell her when she comes back.她一回来我就告诉她。本句是由when引导的时间状语从句。当主句的动词用一般将来时时,从句一般用现在时。如: He`ll phoneme when he arrives in Beijing .当他到北京时,他将回给我打电话。5. ------,he took an active part in the battle against it.他积极投身于抗击“非典”的战斗中。against 与---相对抗take part in--------参加--------;加入到某种活动中take an active part in----积极参加,如:You should take an active part in the sports meet in your school.你应该积极参加你们学校的运动会。6. He cared for the patients.他日夜关心着病人。care for sb--- 关心某人7. It`s my duty to save the patients. 救治病人是我的职责。it`s------to do----- 做某事是---------在此句式中,“to do --- ”是真正的主语,而“it ”是形式主语,类似的句式有:It`s dangerous to climb the tree.怕树很危险。8. Long time no see. 好久没见!这是一句常用口语,在久别重逢的朋友之间,还可以说“Haven`t seen you for a long time!”。9. I tought myself on the Internet. 我在网上自学。1) on the Internet 在网络上。介词on用来表示在网上、电视上、收音机里、电话里。如:2) on the phone, on the radio ,on tv3) teach oneself自学,近义词组为: learn by oneself10. How often does Mr Brown exercise? 布朗先生多长时间锻炼一次?how often对频率提问,回答用 once/twice/three times-----a day/a week/----- ;exercise在这里为动词,意思是“锻炼,运动”。三、 语法学习1.反身代词的形式单数 复数myself ourselvesyourself yourselveshimselfherself themselvesitself2、反身代词的用法1)“by+反身代词”表示“单独地,独自一人地”。如:The boy couldn`t make the model plane by himself那个男孩不能独自制作飞机模型。2)反身代词常与一些动词连用。如:“teach+反身代词”表示“自学”;“ hurt+反身代词”表示“伤到自己”。如:Jane teaches herself English.简自学英语。Lily fell down and hurt herself yesterday. 昨天莉莉自己摔伤了。注:反身代词与个别动词搭配使用,意思发生变化。如:“help +反身代词+to----”表示“随便吃-----”;“ enjoy+反身代词”表示“-----玩得开心”。Help yourself to some strawberries,please.请随便吃些草莓。They enjoyed themselves at the party last night.昨晚在晚会上他们玩得很开心。3)反身代词作名词或代词的同位语时,起加强语气的作用,可译为“亲自,本人”。如:You `d better ask your teacher about it yourself.你最好亲自去问你的老师
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铁路牛津火车站位于城市西部的Park End路上,可以乘公交车27号线到市中心,旅游巴士也在站前广场发车。车站距离市中心不到1公里,如果没有携带大件行李,也可以直接开始步行观光。从牛津到伦敦帕丁顿的火车每30分钟一列,单程票价14.9英镑,1小时到达;从牛津到考文垂的火车每30分钟一列,单程票价15英镑,1小时到达;从牛津到伯明翰的火车每30分钟一列,单程票价18英镑,1.5小时到达;从牛津到伍斯特的火车每30分钟一列,单程票价11.5英镑,1小时20分钟到达;从牛津到赫里福德的火车每30分钟一列,单程票价14.7英镑,5小时到达;往西南方向的火车必须在Didcot Parkway车站换车(3.8英镑,15分钟),从这里到巴斯的火车有很多班,单程票价9.8英镑,1.5小时到达。公路从伦敦到牛津可以在伦敦Marble Atch、Notting Hill Gate地铁站或维多利亚车站乘坐到牛津的巴士,行车时间1小时40分钟,每15-20分钟一班,往返票价11英镑。从希思罗机场到牛津希思罗机场中央车站有到牛津的班车,往返票价20英镑,行车时间约1小时20分钟。前往其他地方的大多由National Express公司经营:每天有五班车前往伯明翰,9.25英镑,2小时;每天有一班车前往巴斯,10.05英镑,2小时;每天有一班车前往布里斯托尔,14英镑,2小时15分钟。绝大部分的长途汽车停靠市区西北部St. John路上的格罗切斯特·格林汽车站,距离市中心不过500米。站前有公交车X6号线。 布雷克威尔书店Broad St.上三一学院旁周一至周六9:00─18:00,周日11:00─17:00。人文荟萃的牛津是英国知识的殿堂,连书店都相当有看头,拥有存书2万册以上的四层的布雷克威尔书店(Blackwell"s Bookstore),已经成为游客造访牛津的观光点之一,在此可一窥牛津知识宝库之究竟,不仅沐浴沈浸在牛津学术风中,还可选购几本喜爱的书。充满学术氛围的牛津,书店的密度也相当高。在这里可以买到世界各地出版的书籍,即使书店没有现货,也可以代为邮购。世界上最大的学术书店Blackwell,就位于博德莱安图书馆对面。这座百年老店外表虽然不大起眼,但内部空间非常巨大,必须要依赖指示牌才能找到需要的类目。书店的顶层是二手书店,经常能找到绝版的好书。 书店的墙上嵌着一块著名的木牌,也已经有上百年的历史了。上面写着:没有人会来问你要什么,你想随手翻阅任何书籍,尽管自便。如果你需要,店里职员随时为你服务。不论顾客来看书或是买书,都会受到一样的欢迎。爱丽丝的店记得那只会消失的猫,以及扑克牌军队吗?童话书「爱丽丝梦游仙境」(Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland)就是以牛津为故事背景,故事中的主人翁爱丽丝也是确有其人,与牛津基督教会学院有相当渊源。爱丽丝梦游仙境的作者本名为道格森(Charles Lutwidge Dodgson),卡尔(Lewis Carroll)则是他广为人知的笔名,卡尔曾在基督教会学院中就读,后来就在母校教授数学并出版许多学术著作,闲暇之余常与当时学院院长李道尔(Liddell)的几个女儿游玩,帮她们照相或发明各种新奇的游戏,因此建立了深厚的友谊。特别是二女儿爱丽丝(Alice),常常是卡尔摄影的模特儿,卡尔总是告诉爱丽丝许多有趣的故事,陪伴爱丽丝渡过欢乐快乐的童年,爱丽丝梦游仙境就是其中大众最耳熟能详的精彩故事。除了爱丽丝梦游仙境外,卡尔的著名童话著作还有「Through the Looking Glass」,这些故事中的场景都以牛津这个大学城为主。基督教会学院对面有一家爱丽丝的店(Alice"s Shop),建筑物本身已经有500年左右的历史,是爱丽丝小时候常光顾的糖果店,因此也在卡尔的著作「Through the Looking Glass」中出现,故事中这家由一只羊经营的商店,总是摆满各种新奇的物品,但每当爱丽丝想要触摸时就会漂浮在空中,好奇的爱丽丝就和羊老板划船一探究竟,到底结果如何呢?就直接到爱丽丝的店瞧瞧吧!爱丽丝的店有各种与爱丽丝故事相关的纪念品,还可代为安排爱丽丝主题之旅到爱丽丝和卡尔的家参观。Outlet牛津附近的折扣村Bicester是欧洲最著名的名牌折扣村之一,各种欧洲一线品牌常年打折,尤其是英国本地品牌,是最佳的购买地点。地址:Bicester Village交通:在牛津格罗切斯特·格林汽车站坐X5号公共汽车,到Bicester Village下车,车程约20分钟,往返票价8英镑。或者在兰道夫旅馆门口坐27号公共汽车,票价稍低,不过要花40分钟左右。彼斯特名牌购物村彼斯特名牌购物村(Bicester Villae)是英国最著名购物村之一,又可称之为“名店村”,和巴黎的La Vallé Village齐名。这里是许多游客购物必经之地,每年有很多欧洲游客圣诞节之前专门到这里来买东西。 牛津的夜生活很安静,很少有喧闹的酒吧,学生们更喜欢在咖啡馆和俱乐部中高谈阔论。演出实验戏剧的小剧场、放映经典影片的电影院也是学生们的最爱,也为大学城增添了浓浓的书卷气。Kings Arms是一个很受欢迎的俱乐部,它在15世纪时是牛津的马车站。白马俱乐部在宽街上,气氛友好并提供纯正的啤酒。Phoenix影院的历史可以追述到1913年,该影院放映各类型的影片,包括经典电影、独立制作的小成本电影以及打字幕的外语影片。影院楼上是一个舒适的咖啡吧,在那里,您可以在电影开始前和朋友一起品尝一杯鸡尾酒。Sheldonian剧院位于白马俱乐部对面。该剧院被欧洲委员会誉为“牛津建筑的珍宝”,这幢美丽的建筑被用于校长会议、公众庆典、音乐会和独奏会。Po Na Na 电话249 171,地址 13 Magdalen St,这家酒吧兼夜总会营业到深夜。Oxford Playhouse 电话 305305 地址 Beaumont St,约翰·吉尔古德(Sir John Gielgud)和朱迪·丹奇(Dame Judi Dench) 都曾关林演出。这里有戏剧、舞蹈和音乐等各种演出。在白天,划着船游览牛津各个学院也是一件赏心乐事。曼达琳桥、Folly桥或Bardwell路都可以租到小船。划船还是一项传统的竞技活动,主要的院际划船比赛在五、六月间持续八个星期,八月则会举行盛大的牛津城市皇家赛舟会。“五月清晨”活动:为了庆祝牛津城从“原始”的凛冽冬日,向万物趋于永恒、千态复苏的生机春晓转变,牛津人就发明了这一略显疯狂的节日。每当到了此刻,整个城市的子民们都会倾尽全力庆祝这一节日,牛津城万物复苏、生机勃勃。 博物馆 牛津大学博物馆 阿须摩林博物馆,英国最古老博物馆 Pitt Rivers Museum Museum of Natural History, home of (the remains of) the Oxford Dodo Museum of the History of Science, in Britain"s oldest purpose-built museum building Bate Collection of Musical Instruments, St Aldate"s 其他 牛津博物馆 Museum of Modern Art 牛津科学馆 Oxfordshire Visual Arts Development Agency (Ovada) 大学建筑牛津大学出版社(牛津各学院以外的建筑) 博德利图书馆 The Clarendon Building(被用作电视及电影的布景) The Radcliffe Camera (one of several institutions named after John Radcliffe) The Sheldonian Theatre 牛津大学出版社 商业区市中心以外地区 牛津市不大,但麻雀虽小五脏俱全,为了满足来自世界各地的学生的需要,各种风味美食都不难找到,当然也有中国人开的中餐馆。想要找便宜可口的饭菜可以去Cowleylu路上的学生一条街。另外吃法式面包到Morton"s(电话200860 地址 22Broad St 三明治2英镑),它还有一家分店在大棚市场(周一至周六8:30am-5:30pm),从Market、Cornmarket和High大街都可以进入。这个市场里还有多家甜点和外卖餐馆,包括供应纯天然食品的Alphabar。Turf Tavern地址:4 Bath Pl介绍:这家建于16世纪的酒馆值得去畅饮一番,隐蔽在一条小巷里Head of the River地址:Folly Bridge介绍:年度各学院划船比赛优胜者指定饭店,位置优越,有一个夏季室外就餐庭园Edamame地址:15 Holywell St营业时间:周二至周日午餐时间,周四至周六晚餐时间介绍:学生用餐的热门去处,这家日本餐馆有集体用餐的餐桌,饭菜价格理想Nosebag Restaurant/Makan La地址:6 Michael"s St价格:汤2.75英镑,主菜6.25英镑介绍:汤料足,可选择蔬菜多,这家楼下餐馆受亚洲饮食启发,供应面条和特色素菜,包括一种香辣的 mee goreng(5英镑)George & Danver Ice Cream Cafe地址:55Little Clarendon St分店营业时间:至午夜介绍:供应下吃,但是到这里来主要是品尝家庭风味的泽西冰淇淋 牛津市的星级酒店多数集中在市中心一带,价格较高,一般都附带早餐。Parklands是性价比比较高的中档旅馆,距市中心不到1.5公里。外观是维多利亚风格的住宅,屋内设施却很现代化。单人间59英镑,双人间89英镑。5-9月是旅游旺季,特别是7-8月,最好事先预定。比较物美价廉的小旅馆分布在东部的伊夫利路、考利路,北面的班伯利路、阿宾登路等地,单人房价格20-30英镑左右。牛津城本身面积很小,步行到市中心也不过15-20分钟。火车站附近的牛津青年旅舍(New Oxford YHA Hostel)热情好客而又价格低廉,一个床位只要19.5英镑,双人间46英镑。并且提供自助洗衣设备。牛津青年旅舍 YHA Oxford地址:2A Botley Rd价格:成人/18岁以下者 宿舍/床位 19.5/14.4英镑,双人间46英镑介绍:这家规规矩矩的小旅馆位于一座新建的楼房里,就在火车站后面。它理所当然拥有很高的住宿率,尤其在假日和夏季,那么提前预定吧牛津背包客旅馆 Oxford Backpackers地址:9A Hythe Bridge St价格:8至18床位宿舍12英镑,四床位宿舍13英镑介绍:这家旅馆离市中心很近,客房很大威廉斯宾馆 Williams Guest House地址:14 Holywell St价格:单/双 35/50英镑介绍:新学院对面,它的餐厅墙壁镶嵌着木板,有情调浪漫的壁炉,增添了一种宁静的感觉圣米迦勒宾馆 St Michael"s Guest House地址:26 St Michael"s St价格:单/双/四 35/55/66英镑介绍:这家朴实无华的旅馆离 Gloucester Green 只有一个街区牛津国际露营地 Oxford Camping International地址:426 Abingdon Rd价格:每位 成人/帐篷 4.45/4.5英镑,背包客含露营地 4.15英镑介绍:大约在市中心以南3英里(4.8公里),靠近 Park‘n"Ride停车场,全年营业
2023-07-28 02:36:391


2023-07-28 02:36:551


初中英语小短文0Myschoolday Hi,I"mxxx.I"m13yearsoldandIstudyinxxxMiddleSchool.Myschoolis...EverymorningIgetupatsevenandhavebreakfast.AndthenIgotoschoolathalfpastseven.Lessonsbeginateighto"clock.WehavefourlessonsinthemorningandChineseismyfavouritelesson.Weusuallyhave10minute"sbreakbetweentwolessonsandatabout12o"clockwefinishourmorninglessons.Ihavelunchatschoolattwelvethirty.IlikeschoollunchandIalwayshavericewithmeatandvegetables.AfterlunchIoftentalkwithmyfriendsorplaybasketballwiththem.Intheafternoonlessonsstartathalfpastoneandfinishatfouro"clock.Iplaygamesafterschoolwithmyfriendsandthengohomeathalfpastfour.IntheeveningIdomyhomeworkandthenwatchTV.Atteno"clockIgotobed.It"sreallyabusydaybutIlikeit. 英语小作文1《Lovelyrabbit》 Therabbitisakindoflovelyagainkindanimal.Itcanrunveryquickly.Itlikesmosttheturnipandgreenvegetableses.Manypersonsconsiderasthepettoittobringbackahellotokeep.Ialsokeptarabbit,butitdied.Infact,therabbitisalsomoredifficulttokeep.Wehadbetterletrabbitreturntointhegreatuniverse,lettingitgrownbyitself,theoneselfjustseekthefoodtoeatto.Stillhave,letusalsoprotectotheranimalstogether. 2Whoisshe? Ihaveafriend.Sheismybestfriend.Sheisagirl.Sheista11.Shehastwobigeyesandabigmouth.Sheisabeautifulgirl.Shelikessinging,andsheisgoodatit.Whoisshe?SheisChenJie. 3Itisabigdayforus Todayisasunnyday,IamveryhappybecausemymotherandIwenttoalibraryinthemorning.Ireadalotofbooks.Wewenthomeat5o"clock. Itisabigdayforus! 4MyTeacher IlikeEnglishclassverymuch,becauseIcanseemydearteacher-----MissLiao. MissLiaoisverybeautiful.Shehastwobigeyes,asmallmouth.Sheisagoodteacher.Sheisveryclever.SheplaygameswithusintheclassandwelearnEnglishhappierandfaster. 5Meetmymother Oneyearago,mymothercamebackfromWuxi.Myuncle,myaunt,mygrand-mother,myfatherandIwenttotheairporttomeetmymother.Inmyuncle"scar,Iwantedtosleep,butIwantedtoseemymothertoo.Finally,Ifelltosleep.WhenIwokeup,mymothersatnexttome,wewereveryhappy. 6TheConcert Theforestwillhaveaconcerttomorrow.Thesnake,thelionandtheelephantwillplaytogether.Thesnakewillsing,theelephantwillplaythedrums,andthelionwilldance.Thetigerwillnotplayintheconcert,buthewillgotoit! 7Chengdu"sClimate IliveinChengdu,IlikeChengduverymuch,becauseChengDu"sclimateisverypleasant. Inspring,It"salwayswarminMarchandApril.ItoftenrainsinMay. Insummer,It"salwayshotinJune,JulyandAugust.Thesunshineseveryday. Inautumn,It"salwayswarminSeptember,OctoberandNovember,anditrainssometimes,Ilikeautumnbest. Inwinter,It"softencoldinDecember,JanuaryandFebruary.Ilikethisseasontoo,becausemybirthdayisinwinter. likeChengduandIlikeChengDu"sclimatetoo,Dearfriends,welcometoChengdu! 8Mywintervacation Ihadahappywintervacation.InthevacationIwenttopandabasewithmyparents. Thereweremanygiantpandasandlesserpandas.Thegiantpandaswereverynice.Theireyesandearswereblack,thearmsandthelegswereblacktoo.Buttheirfaceandbodywerewhite.Thegiantpandaswerefatverymuch. Isawthreebabypandasdrankmilkbythemselves.Oneofthemlieonthegrassland,theothertwopandassatonthegrassland.Everyoneofthemhadamilkbottleintheirhand,theydrankmilkhappily.WhenIsawthemdrankmilk,IfeltthatmilkwassodeliciousandIwantedtodrinkmilktoo. Butbamboowasthepandas"mainfood.Thegiantpandascaneat30kilogramsbambooeveryday. IwasveryhappyinmywintervacationandIlikedgiantpandaverymuch. 9Ihaveninelittlegoldfish.Eightgoldfishareallorangeandoneisblack.Iliketheblackonebest.WecallitXiaoHei.Itsbodyisblack.Ithastwobigandroundeyes,asmallmouth,andabigtail.Thoughit"sverysmall,itswimsfast. Ioftenfeedthemandchangewaterforthem.Wearegoodfriends 10Myfavouriteseason Myfavouriteseasonissummer.IoftenwearmyshortsandT-shirt.SometimesIwearmyjeans.Insummeritisoftensunnyandhot.Sometimesrainyinsummer.Iusuallyswimwithmyfather.SometimesIeatice-creamathome. 11MyChinsesTeacher IhaveaChinsesTeacher.HernameisLuiXiaohong.SheisfromLanchang.She"sveryactiveandstrict.Shehastwobigeyes.She"sverynice.Butsheisshort.Sheliketosmile.Idon"tknowwhatseasonshelike.BecauseIdon"tknowherverywell.Herclassisveryfunny,Ilikeit. Inaword,IlovemyChineseTeacher 12Father"sDay YesterdaywasFather"sDay.Ihadplannedtogivemyfatherapresent.ButIdidn"trememberituntilinthemorning.Itwastoolatetopostacardtohim.SoIdecidedtobuysomething.WhenIwasinthedepartmentstore.Ifounditwasnoteasyformetochoosesomethingrightforhim.SuddenlyI gotanidea.Iranhomeandopenedmycomputer.ImadeabeautifulcardandmailedhimthroughtheInternet.thenIbegantomakesupper.Whenfathercamehome,hewasverygladtofindabigmealonthetable.thenIaskedhimtocheckhise-mail.Hewasamazedtofindabeautifulcardinhise-mail-box. Whatawonderfulsurprise! 13WhenIgotsettled,thetotaluseofthemicrowavetodotheirownthingstoeat.Oneday,myfathersawme,IamafraidtosaythatIgrewupasacook.Iimmediatelyshakenlikearattle-drumhead,yousaid:"Thatisnotmyideal.WhenIgrowupIwanttoIT(informationtechnology)industries."Yes,Iboughtacomputerfiveyearsagoafterhisfather,Iamfamiliarwithitdaybyday.Untillastyear,andIhaveformedadeepbondwithit.Fromthenon,Iwantsuccessintheinformationtechnologyindustrytomakecontributionstothecauseofnationalcomputer.ButmyfathersaidIcouldonlydointhefield"testingthegame,"iswhatthenewgame,andalwaysletmeplaywith,thereporttherewillbeanygames.Ithinkwhathesaidisnottheirfault,Ialwaysplaygamesrecently,thosewhodonothaveaveteranlikeFlash.Inrecentdays,Isproutedoutofabadidea:Iwillbeplayingthegamethatthenetworkservertotheblack.Myaccountwillrevisethehighestlevel.However,IXiangliaoyouxiang,thisiswrong,butwascaughtbythepolicenetworkisnotgood.Whenhackersbutalsoneedhighcomputerskills.AsamemberoftheITindustryismyideal,Iwouldliketoadvancethisgoal,toimprovetheircomputerskills 14ChinaSealisteningtothestoryoftheEastChinaSeaGrandpastresses.ItisawareoftheEastChinaSeausingmilesapart,cannotbedescribedinavastsea,with1000960highenoughtodescribethedepthofthesea.ItisveryenviousoftheEastChinaSea.Therefore,itaskedtheEastChinaSeagrandfather:"GrandpaEast.WhythenhasthevastEastChinaSeasodeep?"Eastgrandfathertoldit:"Ialsoanotherlittledropofwater,Iandmanypartnersaroundtheclocktomuddypooltogetherasmallpartnership,itbecomesasmallstream.Butwedonotstoppace,theUnitedStatesiscontinuingtopourforward,andthenbecamerivers.Finallymanyriverscometogether,itbecomesasea,theformationoftheEastChinaSea."smalldropasked:"Wereallyhavesomuchpower?canbeturnedintoastream,intoariverintothesea?"EastGrandpareplied:"Ofcoursenot!cannotbecomesmallriversflow,soyoucanbecomethesea.Also,intothesea,Donotforgettheexistenceofsmallwaterdroplets,nottooverlookthepowerofsmallwaterdroplets,butitisthesourceofourlife!Withoutit,Wewouldnot."smalldropintheEastChinaSearememberhisgrandfather,finallybecamethefamousSouthChinaSea. 15happyday TodayI"mveryhappy,afterIhavebreakfast,Igotopark. It"sasunnyday,thebirdissinging,I"msingingtoo.WhenIgettopark,Iseesomegirlsareplayinggames,soIjointhem.Weplayveryhappy.ThenIhavelunchwithmyfriends.Webothhaveagoodtime.what"sahappyday! 16MothersDay 母亲节是五月的第二个星期日。今年母亲节那天,我为母亲买了一件毛衣和一束鲜花作为礼物,感谢母亲为我付出的辛苦。母亲收到礼物后,非常高兴。 Mother"sDaycomesonthesecondSundayinMayeachyear.Onthatdaythisyear,Iboughtasweaterandsomeflowersformymothertothankherforherhardworkforme.Receivingmygift,mymotherwasveryhappy. 17Doyoulikeme? Hello!Everyone.I"malittlerabbit.MynameisHanhan.Look!I"mverylovely.Myeyesarered.Myearsarelong.Myhairiswhite.Mytailisshort.Ilikecarrotsverymuch.Ihaveagoodfriend.She"smylittlemaster.HernameisZhouXun.Wealwaysplaygamestogether.Ilikeherverymuchandshelikesme,too. 18SaveWater保护水资源 Waterisveryimportantforus.Wemustdrinkwatereveryday.Wecan"tlivewithoutwater.Wateriseverywherearoundus.Athome,weusewatertowashclothes,towashdishes,tocookrice,tocleantheflat,tohaveshowers,tomakedrinks,tocleanourteeth,tohaveabathandsoon.Atwork,peopleusewatertoputoutfires,togrowvegetables,tomakethingsinfactoriesandsoon.Wealsocanswiminthesea.Waterisimportantforus,isn"tit? Apoem: Waterhasnotasteatall. Waterhasnocolor. Water"sinthewaterfall. Thepump. Thetap. Thewell. Wateriseverywherearoundus. Waterisintherain. Inthestream. Inthepond. Andintheriver. Andintheseaagain. Thereisn"tmuchwaterontheearth.wemusttosaveit.Itisnotinexhaustible. Itisveryvaluable. 19Dogs-狗 Ilikedogs.Manypeoplelikedogs.Dogsandpeoplearefriends.Somedogsalsododifferentlindsofwork.Dogsareusedtokeepwatch.Theytellpeoplewhendangeriscoming.Somedogsareusedtokeeppeoplesafe.Theysrealsousedtomoveanimalslikesheeporgoats.Somedogsareusedfordifferentkindsofhuntingandsomedogshelpthepolice. 20HappyHoliday MayDayiscoming.I"msohappybecausemyfatherandmymothertakemetoWuQuanParkthisholiday. Inthepark,Iseemanytreesandbeautifulflowers.Therearemanychildrenandmanyhappyplayinggames,too. Myparentstakemetothezoo.Therearelions,tigers,eagles,bears,deer,monkeys,andsoon.Ilikethemonkeysbestbecausetheyareverycleverandtheymakeuslaugh.Howlovelytheyare! Ihaveagoodtimethatday.Whatabeautifulandhappyholiday
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1.描写猫的英文句子 Five days of sunshine to under the chair, he got out of the body, fuzzy mat forward a build, an exaggerated due to a stretch and narrowed narrowed eyes suddenly give the aura, a loud enough for him to master guy bowel sounds true is too sweet. Whenever night es, cat is special spirit, it stare big round eyes kept the door of the house in mice waiting quietly for a targeted appear, cats will suddenly robot in the past will never caught, then having a delicious meal. 五日的阳光照到椅子下面,他起了身,茸茸的脚垫向前一搭,夸张至极的抻了一个懒腰,眯眯的眼神一下子透出了灵光,一声足以让他主人牵肠的叫声实在是太甜了。 每当夜幕降临,小花猫就显得特别精神,它瞪着圆圆的大眼睛守在老鼠家的门口静静地等待着,一有目标出现,小猫会一下子扑过去死死地捉住,然后美餐一顿. 2.有没有40个英文单词的描写小猫的英文作文 I have got o baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath.。 3.关于猫的英语俗语谚语 a cat nap 打个盹儿 let the cat out of the bag 放出袋中猫(泄密,说漏嘴) more than one way to skin a cat 剥猫皮各有巧妙不同(另有办法) rain cats and dogs 天上下猫,天上下狗(倾盆大雨) All cats are(或look)black(或gray)in the dark.或者We are in the same boat.也就是说:大家彼此彼此(We are all equal或We are in the same situation。就像「五十步笑百步」或「乌鸦笑猪黑」。 一言既出,驷马难追:有人译成:One word lets slip and four horses will fail to catch it. 或 A statement that once let loose cannot be caught by four galloping horses. 西方人也喜欢猫,并将猫养为宠物。但是黑猫却让西方人心生恐惧,尤其是英国人,他们将黑猫与女巫联系在上起。如果是在一个漆黑的星期五晚上碰上一只黑猫,便预示着此人会遭厄运。在英国古代的传说中,人们认为妖魔常变成黑色的动物,尤其是黑猫,还有人说黑猫就是巫婆变的。黑猫有九命,巫婆有变九次的魔法。杀死一只黑猫,她还可以再变八次。所以英语的猫还含有"心地恶毒的女人,爱说人坏话的女人"等意思。如,She is a cat(她是个包藏祸心的女人),Mrs Smith is a perfect cat(史密斯太太是个地地道道的长舌妇),The man and his wife lead a cat and dog life, and both are miserable (他们夫妻俩经常吵架,两人都感到痛苦)。It"s difficult to get a man to bell the cat(敢于在危险中挺身而出的人不容易找到)。与猫有关的成语也很多,如:A cat has nine lives(猫有九命--自有天相),Cats hide their claws(猫总是藏起自己的爪子--知人知面不知心),All cats are grey in the dark (黑暗处的猫都是灰色的--人未出名时看起来都差不多),A gloved cat catches no mice(戴手套的猫抓不到老鼠--不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业),The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream(掩耳盗铃,自欺欺人)。Care killed the cat(忧虑伤身), Let the cat out of bag(无意中泄露秘密),There"s more ways than one to kill a cat(有的是办法),When the cat is away, the mice will play(猫不在,老鼠玩得自在),,like a cat on hot bricks(焦躁不安,如热锅上的蚂蚁),not a cat in hell"s chance(毫无机会)。 4.关于猫的英文介绍 Cats have a long history, the history of the cat originated in ancient Africa, the cat in the Far East have also been domesticated, but later than in Egypt. Domestic cats came from Egypt, Italy, and later gradually spread to Europe as a whole, in many countries to win the "admirer." However, the Middle Ages, the cat has been bad luck. Church of Christ and the pagan idols do not want to be associated, launched a campaign of persecution of the cat. Even so a cat who has always been good partners in this。 5.有没有40个英文单词的描写小猫的英文作文 I have got o baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath。 6.描写“猫”的英文诗有哪些 PUSSY-CAT 小猫咪 Pussy一Cat, Pussy一Cat, 小猫咪,猫咪乖, Can you catch me that big rat? 去把那只大老鼠逮。 It is sitting by the ham, 它就藏在果酱后, Just behind the apple一jam. 靠近那块火腿肉。 Pussy一Cat, Pussy一Cat, 小猫咪,猫咪乖, That fat rat is very bad. 那只肥老鼠顶顶坏。 If you catch it, I"ll be glad, 逮住他,我喜欢, I"ll give you some milk for that. 我拿牛奶给你舔。 Five days of sunshine to under the chair, he got out of the body, fuzzy mat forward a build, an exaggerated due to a stretch and narrowed narrowed eyes suddenly give the aura, a loud enough for him to master guy bowel sounds true is too sweet. Whenever night es, cat is special spirit, it stare big round eyes kept the door of the house in mice waiting quietly for a targeted appear, cats will suddenly robot in the past will never caught, then having a delicious meal. 五日的阳光照到椅子下面,他起了身,茸茸的脚垫向前一搭,夸张至极的抻了一个懒腰,眯眯的眼神一下子透出了灵光,一声足以让他主人牵肠的叫声实在是太甜了。 每当夜幕降临,小花猫就显得特别精神,它瞪着圆圆的大眼睛守在老鼠家的门口静静地等待着,一有目标出现,小猫会一下子扑过去死死地捉住,然后美餐一顿. 7.猫咪的英文介绍 cat[kAt]n.猫CAT=Carburetor Air Temperature 汽化器空气温度cat[kAt]n.猫; 猫科动物(如狮, 虎, 豹等)脾气不好的女人, 可鄙的女人, 恶妇九尾鞭起锚滑车(=catfish)鲶鱼(=catboat)有中插板的单桅帆船一种有六脚的架子(无论如何放置, 均有三只脚着地)[美俚]娼妓; 流动工人; 爵士乐演奏者[爱好者]弹射器无线电遥控靶机无线电测距系统的偏流台[“猫台”]履带式拖拉机, 推土机填塞灰板条缝的草泥浆硬耐火土软风, 微风catvt.(catted; catting)起锚(把锚吊在锚架上)用九尾鞭笞打vi.[口]呕吐嫖妓, 宿娼cat-and-dogadj.好争吵的, 不和睦的投机性的cat-and-mouseadj.折磨的, 虐待的catbird[`kAtb:d]n.北美洲猫声鸟; 猫鹊catcall[5kAtkC:l]n.似猫叫的声音; 剧场里喝倒采的口哨声[嘘声等]catvt.奚落; 嘲弄vi.发嘘声cateyedadj.黑暗中能见物的catface[`kAtfeIs]n.树或木材上由于火烧等所留下的疤痕catfall[`kAtfR:l]n.【航海】吊锚索catfight[`kAtfaIt]n.激烈的争吵catfootn.圆短如猫的脚catfootedadj.象猫似的(悄悄走路); 偷偷摸摸的catgut[5kAt^Qt]n.肠线(外科用)乐器[网球拍]弦, 线弦乐器cathead[5kAthed]n.锚架cathouse[`kAthaJs]n.妓院catlap[`kAtlAp]n.淡的饮料catmint [nip]n.【植】猫薄荷 cat-o"-nine-tailsn.九尾鞭【植】香蒲catriggedadj.装有单帆船式的索具的cat"s-earn.【植】猫耳草cat"s-eye[`kAtsaI]n.猫眼石; (汽车等的)小型反光装置cat"s-foot[`kAtsfJt]n.积雪草cat-skinnern.[美俚]牵引车的司机cat-sleepn.打盹cat"s-pawn.被人利用的人【航海】微风cat-stepn.陡坡上建的窄阶caalk[5kAC:k]n.[美俚]狭窄的人行道或过道; 桥上的人行道cat("s)whisker【无】触须; 晶须A cat has nine lives.猫有九条命。 (英国迷信, 指猫的生命力强)a cat with nine lives有九条命的猫; 富有生命力的人A cat in gloves catches no mice.[谚]带手套的猫捉不到耗子; 四肢不勤, 一事无成; 怕沾污手指的人做不出什么事。Muffled cats catch no mice.[谚]包裹严实的猫捉不到耗子; 四肢不勤, 一事无成。 A cat may look at a king.[谚]猫也可以看国王(指小人物也应有些权利)agree like cats and dogs[口]像猫和狗一样合不来, 完全合不来At night all cats are grey[谚]猫在暗中都是灰色; 黑暗中难分丑妍(as) melancholy as a cat非常忧郁(as)sick as a cat直想呕吐病得厉害as weak as a cat (=as weak as water)身体非常虚弱barber"s cat瘦弱的人, 面带饥色和病容的人bear cat熊猫[口]大力士, 精力过人的人bell the cat不惧危险, 挺身而出blowing cat[美俚]爵士乐师Cheshire cat咧着嘴傻笑的人copy cat盲目的模仿者dead cat猛烈的指责或攻击[美俚](马戏团中)不肯表演的狮子Dog my cats![美俚]见鬼! 他妈的; 我可以赌咒!enough to make a cat laugh极其可笑; 让人笑掉大牙enough to make a horse laugh极其可笑; 让人笑掉大牙enough to make a cat speak[口]令人惊讶; 事情太出奇fat cat美国政治运动的出资人, 捐献大宗政治款项的富人; 安于现状的懒汉; 以权谋私的人, 享受特权的人fight like Kilkenny cats死拼flog the cat[俚]作无益的追悔grin like a Cheshire cat咧着嘴傻笑Has the cat got your tongue?[口]猫把你的舌头叼去了吗?为什么不吭声?Holy cats![口]哎呀! 好家伙! (表示强烈的惊讶, 愤怒或高兴)Holy cow![口]哎呀! 好家伙! (表示强烈的惊讶, 愤怒或高兴)It rains cats and dogs.下倾盆大雨, 大雨滂沱jerk the cat[俚](酒醉的人呕吐)shoot the cat[俚](酒醉的人呕吐)whip the cat[俚](酒醉的人呕吐)Kilkenny cats打起架来不顾死活的动物[人]let the cat out of the bag说走了嘴, (无意中)泄露秘密like a cat in a strange garret[美]胆怯, 极不自然like a cat on hot bricks局促不安, 如热锅上的蚂蚁like a scalded cat象烫伤的猫到处乱窜; 拼命的逃走like sth. the cat brought in[口]象猫叼来的东西似的; 衣衫褴褛(指人的外表); 不修边幅live like cat and dog[口]整天吵架look like the cat after it had eaten the canary带着洋洋得意的样子no room to swing a cat极狭窄, 没有转身的地方not room to swing a cat极狭窄, 没有转身的地方not room enough to swing a cat极狭窄, 没有转身的地方no room to swing a cat in极狭窄, 没有转身的地方not room to swing a cat in极狭窄, 没有转身的地方not room enough to swing a cat in极狭窄, 没有转身的地方old cat脾气坏的老太婆put the cat among the canaries[口]惹出乱子, 引起轩然 *** see how the cat jumps观望形势然后行动; 看风使舵, 随机应变watch how the cat jumps观望形势然后行动; 看风使舵, 随机应变see which way the cat jumps观望形势然后行动; 看风使舵, 随机应变watch which way the cat jumps观望形势然后行动; 看风使舵, 随机应变wait for the cat to jump观望形势然后行动; 看风使舵, 随机应变singed cat[美俚]看起来不好, 其实并不坏的人skin the cat[美]【体】以两手悬于单杠, 以身体及两脚从两臂间穿过, 向后翻转; [喻]从极窄的洞爬过去teach the cat the way to the kirn[苏] 坏习惯易学难改tear a cat[废]说大话; 夸夸其谈tear the cat[。 8.一篇描写猫的英语作文 小猫满月的时候更可爱,腿脚还不稳,可是已经学会淘气。一根鸡毛,一个线团,都是它的好玩具,它到院子里来了,院中的花草可遭了殃。它在花盆里摔跤,抱着花枝打秋千,所到之处,枝折花落。你见了,绝不会责打它。它是那样生气勃勃,天真可爱! More cute kittens when the full moon, legs are still unstable, they have learned to be naughty. A feather, a coil, is it a good toy, it into the courtyard, courtyard flowers can meet with disaster. Wrestling in the pot, holding a swing squid, wherever he went, zhe she. You see, will never beat it. It is so be full of vitality, innocent and lovely!
2023-07-28 02:37:571

CREAM BATH是什么意思用什么名称?

cream bath沐浴护理品;护发;洗澡用乳霜例句Baby Bath Cream 1 Bottle. Cleanse body.婴儿沐浴乳1瓶清洁身体。2.Industry: Body Soap; Skin Care Cream; Skin Lotion; Hand cream; Bath powder; Perfume;所属行业:沐浴液;护肤膏霜;护肤乳液;护手霜;痱子粉;香水;3.Industry: Skin Care Cream; Hand lotion; Hand cream; Bath powder;所属行业:护肤膏霜;洗手液;护手霜;痱子粉;4.Bath cream disposal is affixed on wall nearby.沐浴露是放在旁边的墙上的。5.At present, the main production bath salts (cream foam type), exfoliating bath gel, bubble bath gel, shampoo, face cream and other products;目前,主要生产浴盐(膏状泡沫型)、去角质浴露、泡泡浴露、洗发露、洗面奶等产品。
2023-07-28 02:38:211

cream bath是什么意思

牛奶浴 望采纳
2023-07-28 02:38:293

cream bath是什么意思

2023-07-28 02:38:361

creambath emulsion是什么意思

cream bath emulsion奶油沐浴乳请采纳
2023-07-28 02:38:431


2023-07-28 02:38:503


body wash;洛基老师回答
2023-07-28 02:39:002

bath essence 和 bath cream 是什么

2023-07-28 02:39:092

whitening milk bath cream co, enzyme q10

2023-07-28 02:39:161

用comb, dry, adorn,wash, showery, bath, salon, shave, cream ,cut ,finger nails ,brush,

2023-07-28 02:39:231


沐浴露shower gel;body wash;bath cream[网络短语]沐浴露 body wash,Shower Gel,Bath Gel婴儿沐浴露 BATH,Baby bath,johnson"s baby bath柑橘沐浴露 Citrus Shower Gel,Jurlique Citrus Shower Gel,whtie citrus shower gel whtie满意请采纳
2023-07-28 02:39:442


问题一:沐浴露英文怎么写 问题二:沐浴露的英文单词是什么 沐浴露 shower gel;body wash;bath cream [网络短语] 沐浴露 body wash,Shower Gel,Bath Gel 婴儿沐浴露 BATH,Baby bath,johnson"s baby bath 柑橘沐浴露 Citrus Shower Gel,Jurlique Citrus Shower Gel,whtie citrus shower gel whtie 满意请采纳 问题三:简单英语问题,沐浴露的英文怎么说? body lotion是润肤露吧,洗澡以后擦的。shampoo的却是洗发水,香波嘛。 沐浴露就是Bath/shower Wash 或 Bath&憨47;shower Gel,后者是喱类的。肯定没错,我刚才在BODY SHOP买的冬冬上面就是这么写的,这个牌子应该只有英国有的卖。 问题四:“沐浴露”这个词用英文怎么说,要地道的英文表达。body shampoo 是沐浴露的意思吗? Shower Gel, Bath Gel, Bath Cream, Body Wash都指沐浴露, shampoo是洗发用的。 问题五:这是什么沐浴露还是洗发水?都是英文字母 你好, 是沐浴露 希望可以 帮到您 问题六:沐浴露用英语怎么说 沐浴露 body wash shower gel bath cream 问题七:沐浴露用英语怎么说 沐浴露 shower gel body wash bath cream 双语例句 1. 洗个鸳鸯浴,用沐浴露或肥皂给对方的身体来个“大清洁”。 Bathe with a partner, using a soft body wash or soap to clean each others" bodies. 2. 男人讨厌女人身上有食物的味道,甚至连日常用的柑橘味儿沐浴露或洗发水都讨厌。 Men"s aversion to food *** ells extends to that citrusy body wash or shampoo you use every day. 问题八:沐浴露英文怎么说 show hel bath cream body wah 有道
2023-07-28 02:39:511


2023-07-28 02:40:001


问题一:沐浴露英文怎么写 问题二:沐浴露的英文单词是什么 沐浴露 shower gel;body wash;bath cream [网络短语] 沐浴露 body wash,Shower Gel,Bath Gel 婴儿沐浴露 BATH,Baby bath,johnson"s baby bath 柑橘沐浴露 Citrus Shower Gel,Jurlique Citrus Shower Gel,whtie citrus shower gel whtie 满意请采纳 问题三:沐浴露英语怎么写 n.shower gel;/ bath wash; /shower wash/body wash;/ Shower Gel;/ body lotion 问题四:沐浴露英文怎么说 show hel bath cream body wah 有道 问题五:“沐浴露”这个词用英文怎么说,要地道的英文表达。body shampoo 是沐浴露的意思吗? Shower Gel, Bath Gel, Bath Cream, Body Wash都指沐浴露, shampoo是洗发用的。 问题六:简单英语问题,沐浴露的英文怎么说? body lotion是润肤露吧,洗澡以后擦的。shampoo的却是洗发水,香波嘛。 沐浴露就是Bath/shower Wash 或 Bath&憨47;shower Gel,后者是喱类的。肯定没错,我刚才在BODY SHOP买的冬冬上面就是这么写的,这个牌子应该只有英国有的卖。 问题七:沐浴露用英语怎么说 沐浴露 shower gel body wash bath cream 双语例句 1. 洗个鸳鸯浴,用沐浴露或肥皂给对方的身体来个“大清洁”。 Bathe with a partner, using a soft body wash or soap to clean each others" bodies. 2. 男人讨厌女人身上有食物的味道,甚至连日常用的柑橘味儿沐浴露或洗发水都讨厌。 Men"s aversion to food *** ells extends to that citrusy body wash or shampoo you use every day. 问题八:沐浴露英文怎么写 问题九:沐浴露的英文怎么写 body wash Shower Gel Bath Gel Shower Foam 望采纳 问题十:沐浴露英文怎么说 show hel bath cream body wah 有道
2023-07-28 02:40:161

body wash和bath&shower gel的区别

2023-07-28 02:40:242


2023-07-28 02:40:311


问题一:浴巾英语怎么说 浴巾: bath towel 问题二:浴巾的英文 【汉语】浴巾 【英语】bath towel 【音标】 英语读音 【b:θ ?tau?l】 美语读音 【b?θ ?ta??l】 【例句】 Please bring a good sun cream, swimming suit and the bath towel.请带上好的防晒油 、 泳衣和浴巾. She dried herself with a bath towel. 她用浴巾擦干身子. 问题三:外贸浴巾毛巾用英语怎么说 外贸浴巾毛巾_有道翻译 翻译结果: Foreign trade bath towel towel 问题四:毛巾用英语怎么说? towels n.毛巾,手巾,纸巾( towel的名词复数 ); 问题五:毛巾用英语怎么说? towel 如果是酒店里面的毛巾,种类很多名称也很多,你再说的精确些,具体到擦哪个部位的毛巾,我还可以再帮你找~~ 例如:浴巾 bath mats 问题六:"毛巾"用英语怎么说?要最常用的一种。 towel 问题七:毛巾用英语怎么说请用中文写出读音 towel 中文谐音:涛儿 英 [?ta??l] 美 [?ta??l] n. 纸巾;毛巾,手巾 vt. 用毛巾擦 vi. 用毛巾擦干身体 第三人称单数: towels 复数: towels 现在分词: towelling 过去式: towelled 过去分词: towelled
2023-07-28 02:40:381