the four great classics of Chinese literature:
《The Romance of the Three Kingdoms》--《三国演义》,这里的Romance取“冒险小说、传奇故事”的意思;
《Journey to the West》--《西游记》,以前翻译成的《Monkey》
《Outlaw of the Marshes》--《水浒传》,这个也比较容易理解,据说最开始翻译为《Heros》,但文化大革命时期的江青不同意,一群造反 派怎么能当英雄呢?于是改成了outlaw,取“歹徒、亡命之徒”的意思,唉,抹杀了豪侠的意味。Marsh指沼泽、湿地;
《A Dream of Red Mansions》--《红楼梦》,Mansion取“宅第,官邸”的意思
《红楼梦》Red Mansion Dreams,即红楼之梦
《西游记》Journey To the West,即西游之旅
《三国演义》Three Kingdoms,即三个王国
《水浒传》Outlaws of the Marshes,即沼泽(指水泊梁山)上的亡命之途
红楼梦:Dream of the Red Chamber 或Red Chamber Dream或 Hung Lou Meng 或 A Dream of Red Mansions
三国演义:Romance of the Three Kingdoms
西游记:Journey to the West
水浒传:Water Margin
《三国演义》 Romance of Three Kingdoms
《红楼梦》 Dream of Red Mansions
《西游记》 Journey to the West
《水浒传》 Water Margin
三国-Romance of the three kindoms
红楼梦-A dream of red mansions
水浒传-One hundred and eight men
西游记-Journey to the west
四大名著英文名 四大名著英文名是什么
中国四大名著的英文名分别是《Water Margin》水浒传、《Romance of the Three KingdomsThe Three Kingdoms Era》三国演义、《The Journey to the West》西游记、《A Dream of Red Mansions》红楼梦。 1、Shuihuzhuan, one of the four famous works in China, is a long chapter novel with the Songjiang Uprising in the late Northern Song Dynasty as the main background and type of heroic legend. Authors or editors are generally regarded as Shi Naian. Most of the existing publications are signed by one or both of them, Shi Naian and Luo Guanzhong. 《水浒传》,中国四大名著之一,是一部以北宋末年宋江起义为主要故事背景、类型上属于英雄传奇的章回体长篇小说。作者或编者一般被认为是施耐庵,现存刊本署名大多有施耐庵、罗贯中两人中的一人,或两人皆有。 2、The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the four famous classical works in China. It is the first full-length historical Romance novel in China. Its full name is The Romance of the Three Kingdoms (also known as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms). The author is Luo Guanzhong, a famous novelist in the late Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty. 《三国演义》是中国古典四大名著之一,是中国第一部长篇章回体历史演义小说,全名为《三国志通俗演义》(又称《三国志演义》),作者是元末明初的著名小说家罗贯中。 3、Journey to the West is the first Romantic chapter novel about gods and demons in ancient China. There are 100 copies of Journey to the West in the existing Ming Publications without the authors signature. Wu Yuxuan, a scholar of the Qing Dynasty, first proposed that the author of Journey to the West was Wu Chengen of the Ming Dynasty. 《西游记》是中国古代第一部浪漫主义章回体长篇神魔小说。现存明刊百回本《西游记》均无作者署名。清代学者吴玉搢等首先提出《西游记》作者是明代吴承恩。 4、A Dream of Red Mansions, a Chinese ancient chapter novel, also known as Stone Records, has been listed as the first of the four classical works in China. It is generally believed to be written by Cao Xueqin, a writer of the Qing Dynasty. 《红楼梦》,中国古代章回体长篇小说,又名《石头记》等,被列为中国古典四大名著之首,一般认为是清代作家曹雪芹所著。2023-07-27 15:45:171
问题一:四大名著的英文翻译是什么 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Ma定sions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 问题二:四大名著分别用英语怎么说 四大名著分别的英文翻译_百度翻译 四大名著分别 Four great books 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Journey to the West) 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margin 问题三:中国四大名著的英文名及英文简介 《三国演义》----《The Romance of the Three Kindoms》 《水浒传》----《The Story by the Water Margin》 《红楼梦》----《The Dream of the Red Chamber 》 《西游记》----《Journey to the West》 中国四大名著英文简介2009-06-07 Chinese Literature - Novels and fiction Hongloumeng 红楼梦The Dream of the Red Chamber Also called The story of the Stone (Shitouji 石头记), this novel written by Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹 (d. 1763) is said to be the greatest masterpiece of Chinese fiction. A wide branched scholarship does not consent about the main theme of this novel, should it be a novel of sentiment, of Daoist-Buddhist enlightenment, of social observation, of the decay of an aristocratic familiy, or even a veiled attack on Manchu rule. The frame of the novel is the contest of a Buddhist and a Daoist priest who make be born a young noble boy called Jia Baoyu 贾宝玉 and his girl cousin Lin Daiyu 林黛玉. With a loving detail describing the life of the two cousins in a huge noble mansion, between gardens and palaces, the red thread is the triangular love between Baoyu, Daiyu and a second girl cousin called Xue Baochai 薛宝钗 that is of more plumper character than the ever sick Daiyu. Switchi郸g between their life, the divine world and dreams, Baoyu bees deranged after the disappearance of a stone (the origin of the second title) he had in his mouth when he was born. Not knowing, his love Daiyu died, he is tricked to marrying Baochai. Being aware of being tricked, Baoyu leaves the world of the red dust and be......>> 问题四:中国四大名著用英语怎么说 红楼梦 A Dream in Red Mansions ------------- 西游记 Story of a Journey to the West ----------------- 三国演义 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms -------------- 水浒传[shuǐ hǔ zhuàn] All Men Are Brothers, 问题五:中国四大名著的英文译名 应该这样翻译 《红楼梦》Red Mansion Dreams,即红楼之梦 《西游记》Journey To the West,即西游之旅 《三国演义》Three Kingdoms,即三个王国 《水浒传》Outlaws of the Marshes,即沼泽(指水泊梁山)上的亡命之途 这才是四大名著的通用翻译,中外英文报纸杂志上都这么用的,楼上的几位朋友翻译的都太复杂了,书名的翻译应该从简。2023-07-27 15:45:241
四大名著用英语:Four famous红楼梦 The Story of the Stone三国演义 Romance of the Three Kingdoms;The Three Kingdoms Era西游记 Journey to the West水浒传 Water Margin2023-07-27 15:45:502
四大名著: 《红楼梦》: 1、The Story of Stone《石头记》 2、A Dream of Red Mansions/Chamber(红色大楼/房间的梦) 3、The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl(牛郎和织女) 《三国演义》: 1、《Romantic of Three Kingdoms》—— 三个王国的罗曼史 《水浒传》 1、《一百零五个男人和三个女人的故事》 2、《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》——四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血 3、美国女作家赛珍珠翻译《水浒》七十一回本,取名为《四海之内皆兄弟》 4、《OUTLAWS IN THE MARSH》——沼泽地里的逃犯 最早德文译名是《强盗与士兵》;法文译名是《中国的勇士们》;英文译本为《在河边发生的故事》 《西游记》: Journey to the West(去西方旅游) Monkey / The Monkey King(猴王) 还有其他的: 1、《金瓶梅》译成法文,题目成了《热恋的少女·中国13世纪的爱情故事》 2、《聊斋志异》的意大利文版译作《老虎作客》 3、《赵氏孤儿》由法国文学家伏尔泰改写后易名为《中国孤儿》。译作,也有节译的。 4、《警世通言》中的《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》,德莫朗译成《蒙辱的东方女性》,而英文译名则是《名妓》。 5 、《聊斋志异》Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio(摄影棚里的寂寞传奇) 6、《西厢记》The Western Chamber(向西边窗口) 8、《醒世恒言》Stories to Awaken Men(觉醒者的故事) 9、《喻世明言》Stories to Enlighten Men(开导者的故事) 10、《警世通言》Stories to Warn Men (警告者的故事) 11、《官场现形记》Exposure of the Official World(接触官方世界) 12、《本草纲目》Outline of Herb Medicine(贺伯固医学概要)奇怪! 13、《史记》 Records of the Historian(历史学家的纪录) 14. 《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror(以史为镜)2023-07-27 15:45:591
四大名著分别的英文翻译_百度翻译四大名著分别Four great books 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Journey to the West) 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margin2023-07-27 15:46:092
西游记Journey to the west红楼梦A dream of red mansions三国演义The romance of The Three Kingdoms水浒传Water margin2023-07-27 15:46:322
四大名著 英文单词
四大名著: 《红楼梦》: 1、The Story of Stone《石头记》 2、A Dream of Red Mansions/Chamber(红色大楼/房间的梦) 3、The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl(牛郎和织女) 《三国演义》: 1、《Romantic of Three Kingdoms》—— 三个王国的罗曼史 《水浒传》 1、《一百零五个男人和三个女人的故事》 2、《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》——四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血 3、美国女作家赛珍珠翻译《水浒》七十一回本,取名为《四海之内皆兄弟》 4、《OUTLAWS IN THE MARSH》——沼泽地里的逃犯 最早德文译名是《强盗与士兵》;法文译名是《中国的勇士们》;英文译本为《在河边发生的故事》 《西游记》: Journey to the West(去西方旅游) Monkey / The Monkey King(猴王)2023-07-27 15:46:401
请问 四大名著的英文名与作者各是什么
西游记:为明代小说家吴承恩所著三国演义:作者是元末明初的著名小说家罗贯中水浒传:作者是元末明初小说家施耐庵红楼梦:是清代作家曹雪芹所著,被列为四大名著之首2023-07-27 15:46:493
It"s time for me to review!2023-07-27 15:47:126
四大名著分别的英文翻译_百度翻译四大名著分别Four great books 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Journey to the West) 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margin2023-07-27 15:47:291
《红楼梦》,Story of Red Mansion《水浒》,All Men Are Brothers《西游记》Monkey/The Monkey King/Journey To The West 版本很多,呵呵《三国演义》,Romance of Three Kingdoms2023-07-27 15:47:383
JourneytotheWest(西游记)ADreamofRedMansion(红楼梦)TheWaterMargin(水浒传)RomanceoftheThreeKingdoms(三国演义)2023-07-27 15:47:452
《三国演义》 Three Kindoms 英译本作者:罗慕士,美国汉学家 罗慕士所译的《三国演义》英译本进行评述。作者指出该译本具有以下优点:依据语境,活译词汇,译出个性,再现形象,重视语体,展现风格 ,别具一番特色。是最好的一个英译本。 《西游记》 A Journey to The West 译作作者:(英)詹纳尔(Jenner,W.J.F.) 一、英译本 《西游记》最早的英译本,为蒂莫西·理查德(Timothy Richard)所译,书名《圣僧天国之行》,书的内封题:“一部伟大的中国讽喻史诗”。这是根据题为邱长春作《西游证道书》本翻译的,前七回为全译文,第八回至一百回为选译文。此书1913年由上海基督教文学会出版(363页),另有1940年版本。 海伦·M·海斯(Helen M Hayes)翻译的英译本《西游记》,书名《佛教徒的天路历程:西游记》。此书为一百回选译本,1930年由伦敦约翰J.默里出版社及纽约E.P.达顿出版社分别出版(105页), 列入《东方知识丛书》。 阿瑟·韦理译为《猴》的《西游记》之英译本,1942年由纽约艾伦与昂温出版公司出版,1943年由纽约约翰戴公司再版(306页)。 这是根据上海亚东图书馆1927年排印本选译的,选译的内容为原书的第一至第十五回、第十八至十九回、第二十二回、第三十七至三十九回、第四十四至第四十九回、第九十八至一百回,共三十回,书前并译有胡适关于《西游记》的考证文章。韦理的译文能传达原文的风格,在西方被公认为是高水平的,所以这一译本曾印刷多次。译者在为此译本所作的序言中说:“《西游记》是一部长篇神话小说,我的选译文大幅度缩减了它的长度,省略了原著插进的许多诗词,这些诗词是十分难译的。书中主角‘猴"是无可匹敌的,它是荒诞与美的结合,猴所打乱的天宫世界,实际是反映着人间封建官僚的统治,这一点,在中国是一种公认的看法。” 韦理还有一种为儿童阅读的英文选译本,书名《猴子历险记》,一九四四年由纽约约翰戴公司出版(一四三页)。书中附有库尔特·威斯(Kurt Wiese)所作插图。 陈智诚与陈智龙(Chan Christina and Chan Plato )合译的《西游记》的英文选译本,书名《魔猴》,一九四四年由纽约惠特尔西豪斯出版社及麦克罗——希尔出版社分别出版(50页),附有插图。 北京外文出版社1958年翻译出版一种《西游记》的英文选译单行本,书名《火焰山》。 乔治·瑟内尔(Ceorge Theiner)根据《西游记》捷克文选译本转译的英译本,书名《猴王》,1964年在伦敦出版。 余国藩翻译的英文全译本《西游记》共分四卷,1977年由芝加哥大学出版社分别在芝加哥与伦敦同时出版第一卷,现已全部出齐。第一卷书内有译者序、注释和汉英专有名词对照表。余国藩教授在这个译本的序言中,对《西游记》的英、法、俄等译本均有所评述,并特别推崇韦理的译文,称赞韦理的才华及其成就,但也为韦理未能将《西游记》全部译出表示惋惜。余国藩认为,《西游记》是中国传统小说中的精品之一,包含着对儒、释、道三教严肃的讽喻,要把原文全部忠实地译出是十分艰巨的任务。因而他在译本序言中又说:“我很幸运,自从我来到芝加哥后就得以向内森·斯科特(Nathan Scott)老师及许多同事请教,如果没有老师、同仁和芝加哥大学的帮助,或者我缺乏勇气,要完成如此重大的翻译任务是不可能的。”余国藩的这个《西游记》英文全译本,受到东西方学术界的高度赞扬与肯定,如:伦敦出版的《东方与非洲研究学院学报》曾载波拉德(D.E.Pollard)的评论文章, 美国安阿博出版的《亚洲研究杂志》曾载王靖宇(Wang,John C.Y.)的评论文章。 詹纳尔(W.J.F.Jenner)翻译的《大闹天宫——猴王历险记》,1977年由北京外文出版社出版,一册,附有李士伋所作插图。这是根据电影动画片《大闹天宫》脚本译出的。詹纳尔还翻译了人民文学出版社新整理本《西游记》全文,由外文出版社于1980年出版。 《水浒传》 Outlaw of The Marshes 英文版通常将《水浒传》翻译成 Water Margin 或 Outlaws of the Marsh 在众多译本中,最早的当属赛珍珠女士在1920年代中后期翻译的All Men Are Brothers(四海之内皆兄弟)。书名出自《论语》“四海之内,皆兄弟也”。1933年出版,是《水浒传》的第一个英文全译本,当时在美国颇为畅销。 迄今为止《水浒传》被认为比较好的英文版本,应该是中国籍的美国犹太裔学者沙博理先生(Sidney Shapiro)在文革期间受命译的一百回版的"Outlaws of the Marsh"(水泊好汉)。他的译本,被认为更加忠实于原著,而且很贴切地反应了原文的神韵,符合翻译的“信,达,雅”的原则。法语版则将其直译为Au bord de l"eau。 ========================================= 《红楼梦》 A Dream of The Red Mansions 名字有: 1 A Dream in Red Mansions 2 The Story of the Stone 3 Stone Story(石头记) 4.dream of the red chamber 第三种翻译最常见 现在大家比较认可的是杨宪益和戴乃迭夫妇翻译的英译本《红楼梦》,译为“The Dream of Red Mansion”。杨宪益夫妇是大翻译家,我本不敢乱说什么,但我想了很多年,还是觉得,这样翻译实际上是翻译错了,斗胆说出来,供大家研究、讨论。我觉得,《红楼梦》里所说的“红楼”并不是“红色公寓(Red Mansion)”的意思,正如“青楼”不是指“青色的楼”,而是指“妓院”一样。这里,“红楼”是指“女儿楼”,或者叫“闺房”,是女孩出嫁之前居住的地方。如果把“红楼”翻译成为“Red Mansion”就完全没有这种“女儿楼”的意思了。但如果仅仅是这个“女儿楼” 的意思,那还比较好翻译,因为在西方,也有女孩出嫁之前居住的“闺房”,如“boudoir”的意思就是“闺房,女人的卧室或化妆室、起居室”。但如果把《红楼梦》翻译为“The dream of Boudoir”仍然是不妥的,因为西方的“闺房”与中国的“闺房”是完全不同的。西方的“闺房”仅仅是女子出嫁之前居住的地方,仅仅是女人的卧室。但中国的“闺房”却有着更为深刻的文化内涵。中国住在“闺房”里的千金小姐是“大门不出,二门不迈”的,实际上,是处在一种自我封闭,或者说,是处在一种被软禁的状态。越是高官贵族的千金小姐,越是处于一种严密的监视和控制之下,处于一种封闭的状态之中,除自己家里人外,不能与任何男性说话或来往。这在西方简直是不可思议的。在西方的封建社会里,女孩出嫁前比中国女孩自由多了,她们可以不受任何限制地与男性来往。西方的封建社会,远不如中国的封建社会那样封建。所以,西方的“闺房”没有中国“闺房”里那种封闭的含义。如果把《红楼梦》翻译成“The Dream of Boudoir”仍然不能准确地表达出中国所特有的文化内涵。 其实,归根到底,梦是人做的,不是房子做的,所以,不如索性译为“The Dream of the Girls”。女孩的梦,东西方都有,也都差不多。未婚女子对爱情的憧憬和追求,东西方也都差不多。《红楼梦》实际上写的不是贾宝玉的梦,而是金陵十二钗的梦,更准确地说,是“The Dream of the 12 Girls”。我觉得,这样翻译也许比“The Dream of Red Mansion”更准确一些。 或者,干脆回避开,索性就叫《石头记》吧。“The Story of the Stone”就不会有任何争议了。2023-07-27 15:47:521
你说的是中国的四大名著?《三国演义》 Three Kindoms 英译本作者:罗慕士,美国汉学家 《西游记》 A Journey to The West 译作作者:(英)詹纳尔(Jenner,W.J.F.) 《水浒传》 Outlaw of The Marshes 英文版通常将《水浒传》翻译成 Water Margin 或 Outlaws of the Marsh 在众多译本中,最早的当属赛珍珠女士在1920年代中后期翻译的All Men Are Brothers(四海之内皆兄弟)。书名出自《论语》“四海之内,皆兄弟也”。1933年出版,是《水浒传》的第一个英文全译本,当时在美国颇为畅销。 迄今为止《水浒传》被认为比较好的英文版本,应该是中国籍的美国犹太裔学者沙博理先生(Sidney Shapiro)在文革期间受命译的一百回版的"Outlaws of the Marsh"(水泊好汉)。他的译本,被认为更加忠实于原著,而且很贴切地反应了原文的神韵,符合翻译的“信,达,雅”的原则。法语版则将其直译为Au bord de l"eau。 《红楼梦》 Stone Story现在大家比较认可的是杨宪益和戴乃迭夫妇翻译的英译本《红楼梦》,译为“The Dream of Red Mansion”。2023-07-27 15:48:001
《三国演义》----《theromanceofthethreekindoms》《水浒传》----《thestorybythewatermargin》《红楼梦》----《thedreamoftheredchamber》《西游记》----《journeytothewest》2023-07-27 15:48:102
中国的四大名著 的英文是什么
《三国演义》----《The Romance of the Three Kindoms》《水浒传》----《The Story by the Water Margin》《红楼梦》----《The Dream of the Red Chamber 》《西游记》----《Journey to the West》2023-07-27 15:48:201
1、英语简介: Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literatures.It is written in 16th century Ming dynasty.It tells a story about a Buddhist monk and his three students who are animals but with human characteristic.They travel west to India to find Buddhist scriptures. The monk,called XuanZang or Tangsheng,is an idealist,who is as weak as a kitten and just sets there helplessly for rescue when he gets into trouble.But he is really kind and great,trying to dispel the darkness and ignorance in people"s heart.The monkey named Wukong is born from a stone and he owns extraordinary powers and amazing intelligence that he uses to overcome demons and monsters.The pig is Bajie.He loves beauty and delicacy and he always makes a mess and generates a lot of humor in the process.The loach is called ShaSeng and he is very modest and diligent; he takes care of the monk and colleagues. 2、中文翻译: 《西游记》是中国四大古典小说之一。它写于 16 世纪的明朝。它讲述了一个和尚和他的三个学生的故事,他们是动物,但有人类的特点。他们向西旅行到印度去寻找佛经。 唐僧是一个理想主义者,他身体虚弱得像一只小猫,遇到麻烦就无助地站在那里等待救援。但是他真的很善良很伟大,试图驱散人们心中的黑暗和无知。这只名叫悟空的猴子是石头生的,他拥有超凡的力量和惊人的智慧,用来战胜妖魔鬼怪。猪是八戒。他喜欢美丽和精致,他总是弄得一团糟,在这个过程中产生了很多幽默。泥鳅叫沙僧,他非常谦虚和勤奋,照顾和尚和同伴。2023-07-27 15:48:281
《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone)《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins其实每一个都有很多个翻译,在德文等其他语言里面,西游记甚至会被翻译成为 猴子和猪的故事,有些翻译特别有西方特色2023-07-27 15:48:491
jourly to the westdream of the red mansionthree kindoms(the romance of three kindoms)water(the legend of the outlaws)2023-07-27 15:48:593
谁知道 欧洲四大名著的英文名??
莎士比亚,哈姆雷特, Hamlet, the prince of Danmark荷马,荷马史诗, Iliad and Odyssey但丁,神曲, Divine Comedy歌德,浮士德,Faust2023-07-27 15:49:082
Dreams of the Red Mansion 红楼梦 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三国演义 Water Margin 水浒传 Pilgrimage to the West(Journey to the West)西游记2023-07-27 15:49:172
A Dream of Red Mansions/Chamber《红楼梦》 Out laws of the Marsh《水浒传》 The Romance of the Three King doms《三国演义》 Journey to the West/Monkey/The Monkey King 《西游记》2023-07-27 15:49:442
一、【《三国演义》】 作者:(元末明初)罗贯中 全称:三国志通俗演义 回数:共一百二十回 介绍:根据陈寿《三国志》,以及范晔《后汉书》、元代《三国志平话》和一些民间传说写成。现所见刊本以明嘉靖本最早,分24卷,240则。清初毛宗岗又做了一些修改,成为现在通行的120回本。 三国演义故事开始于刘备、关羽、张飞桃园三结义,结束于王浚平吴,描写了东汉末年和三国时代魏、蜀、吴三国之间的军事、政治斗争。文字浅显、人物形象刻画深刻、情节曲折、结构宏大。 元末明初,我国的小说创作进入了一个新的时期,尤其是章回体小说步入日臻完善的阶段。中国的第一部流传最广、影响最深、成就最高、气魄最大的章回体古典小说《三国演义》,即《三国志通俗演义》,就是通过生活在这一历史时期的、杰出的小说大家——罗贯中的椽笔诞生并风行于世的。他在我国的文学发展史上,建树了不可磨灭的伟大功绩。同时,为世界文学的宝库,也增添了灿烂的光彩。 罗贯中(1330年一1400年之间),名本,号湖海散人,明代通俗小说家。他的籍贯一说是太原(今山西),一说是钱塘(今浙江杭州),不可确考。据传说,罗贯中曾充任过元末农民起义军张士诚的幕客.除《三国志通俗演义》外,他还创作有《隋唐志传》等通俗小说和《赵太祖龙虎风云会》等戏剧。另外,有相当一部分人认为《水浒传》后三十回也是其所作。 二、【《水浒传》】 又名:《忠义水浒传》、《江湖豪客传》 作者:(元末明初)施耐庵 明高儒《百川书志》著录其所见本,前署“钱塘施耐庵的本,罗贯中编次”。胡应麟《少室山房笔丛》认为是施耐庵所作,王圻《续文献通考》认为是罗贯中所作。水浒传介绍:作者在《宣和遗事》及相关话本、故事的基础上创作而成。全书以描写农民战争为主要题材,塑造了李逵、武松、林冲、鲁智深等梁山英雄,揭示了当时的社会矛盾。故事曲折、语言生动、人物性格鲜明,具有很高的艺术成就。 版本:水浒传在流传中,出现了多种不同的本子。现在所见的,主要有100回本、120回本和70回本。100回本在“招安”后,有“征辽”和镇压方腊起义等情节;120回本又插增了镇压田虎、王庆的情节。后金圣叹将此书删改,去掉了招安及以后的事,称为70回(实为71回)。 施耐庵(1296~1371)名子安(一说名耳),又名肇瑞,彦端,号耐庵。 苏州城阊门外,怀胥桥北施家巷有一户施姓人家,是孔子七十二弟子之一施之常的后裔。这一支传到施耐庵的父亲已是十四世。元成宗元贞二年(公元1296年)施家添了一个男丁。一位老秀才给婴儿起了个名字,叫彦端,意思是这孩子长大了,定是位行为端正的才子。这个襁褓中的彦端,就是后来写出千古名著《水浒》的施耐庵。施耐庵7岁时,家里贫穷,无法上学。但他聪明好学,经常借书看,请邻居教,有时还到学府去旁听。就这样,他读了《大学》、《论语》、《诗》、《礼》等许多书。13岁时,已能在大庭广众之中,对答如流,下笔琳琅。一次,邻居老人病故,约请在浒墅关教私塾的季秀才来写祭文。季秀才未能及时赶到,别人就提议让彦端试试。耐庵少年气盛,欲显其才,也不推让,走过来一挥而就。后来,季秀才看了这篇兼有稚气和才气的祭文,称赞不已。主动提出,带施耐庵到浒墅关去读书,并且不收学费。后来还把自己的女儿许配给了施耐庵。 施耐庵在浒墅关读书,十分刻苦,他不仅熟读诸子百家,而且各种书都去浏览。当时刊行的《大宋宣和遗事》,讲晁盖智取生辰纲”、“宋江杀阎婆惜”、杨志卖刀”等故事,引起了施耐庵的兴趣,他常常在课余阅读。还同小伙伴们一起舞刀弄棒,练习武艺。那时,苏州城里经常说唱些如《石头孙立》、《青面兽》、《花和尚》、《武行者》、《同乐院燕青搏鱼》、《李逵负荆》等话本和杂剧,施耐庵有时也去消遣,对这些“仗义英雄”、“擎天好汉”流露出敬佩之情。 三、【《西游记》】 作者:(明)吴承恩 回数:共一百回 介绍:西游记以民间传说的唐僧取经的故事和有关话本及杂剧(元末明初杨讷作)基础上创作而成。西游记前七回叙述孙悟空出世,有大闹天宫等故事。此后写孙悟空随唐僧西天取经,沿途除妖降魔、战胜困难的故事。书中唐僧、孙悟空、猪八戒、沙僧等形象刻画生动,规模宏大,结构完整。 吴承恩(约1504年-约1582年),字汝忠,号射阳山人,江苏淮安人。吴承恩大约40岁才补得一个岁贡生,到北京等待分配官职,没有被选上,由于母老家贫,去做了长兴县丞,终因受人诬告,两年后“拂袖而归”,晚年以卖文为生,大约活了将近80岁。四、【《红楼梦》】 原名:《石头记》 作者:(清)曹雪芹 红楼梦共一百二十回,前八十回由曹雪芹作,后四十回一般认为是由高鹗所作。曹作八十回在撰写、修改过程中就以抄本的方式流传。乾隆五十年(1791年),程伟元将前八十回及后四十回续稿以活字排印,从此一百二十回本流行。但前八十回的文字曾又改动。 介绍:红楼梦写于十八世纪中叶的清乾隆时代,内容以贾、王、史、薛四大家族为背景,以贾宝玉、林黛玉的爱情悲剧为主线,着重描写贾家荣国府和宁国府由盛到衰的全过程。作品语言优美生动,善于刻画人物,塑造了贾宝玉、林黛玉、王熙凤、薛宝钗、尤三姐等个性鲜明的人物。本书规模宏大,结构严谨,具有很高的艺术成就。 曹雪芹,中国清代小说家,字梦阮,号雪芹,又号芹圃、芹溪,祖籍辽阳,生于1715年,卒于1763年。其先世原是汉族,后为满洲正曹雪芹白旗包衣(家奴)。 曹雪芹的曾祖父曹玺,祖父曹寅,父辈的曹颙和曹頫相继担任江宁织造达60余年之久,颇受康熙帝宠信。曹雪芹在富贵荣华中长大。雍正初年,由于封建统治阶级内部斗争的牵连,曹家遭受多次打击,曹頫被革职入狱,家产抄没,举家迁回北京,家道从此日渐衰微。这一转折,使曹雪芹深感世态炎凉,更清醒地认识了封建社会制度的实质。从此他生活一贫如洗他能诗会画,擅长写作,以坚韧不拔的毅力专心致志地从事小说《红楼梦》的写作和修订,披阅10载,增删5次,写出了这部把中国古典小说创作推向巅峰的文学巨著。《红楼梦》以其丰富的内容,曲折的情节,深刻的思想认识,精湛的艺术手法成为中国古典小说中伟大的现实主义作品。 乾隆二十七年(1762),幼子夭亡,曹雪芹陷于过度忧伤和悲痛,到这一年的除夕(1764年2月1日),因贫病无医而逝世(关于曹雪芹逝世的年份,另有乾隆二十八年和二十九年两种说法),入葬费用由好友资助。1. 【 "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"】 Author: (Yuanmomingchu) Luo Guanzhong Full name: Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms Back: A total of 120 Back : According to Chen, "Three Kingdoms", Fan Ye, as well as the "Book of the Later Han," the Yuan Dynasty, "the three countries Zhiping," and wrote a number of folklore. Are seen as early as the Ming Jiajing to Kanben, at 24 volumes and 240. Mao and the early Qing Gang made some changes to be accepted now back to the present 120. Romance of the Three Kingdoms story began in Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei knot just three in Taoyuan, at the end of the Wu-Ping Wang Jun, a description of the Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu between the three countries of military, political struggle. Simple text, images portray a deep, plot twists and turns, grand structure. Yuanmomingchu, China"s novels have entered a new period, in particular chapter into the back-story is getting more sophisticated stage. China first circulated most widely, most affected, the highest achievement, the greatest breadth of the chapter back to the classic-novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is to live in this historical period, all outstanding novels - Luo Guanzhong The birth of your masterpiece and the world of fashion. In his literary history of the development of our country, an indelible contribution to the great achievements. At the same time, the world"s treasure-house of literature, but also added a brilliant luster. Luo Guanzhong (1330-between 1400), were present, the number of people scattered lakes, popular novelist in the Ming Dynasty. He said to be one of the country of origin, Taiyuan (Shanxi Province today), said to be a Qiantang (today in Hangzhou, Zhejiang), do not test. According to legend, Luo Yuan Mo has been acting as the peasant uprising of the army Zhang Shicheng Muke. In addition to the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he also created the "Sui-Tang" and other popular novels and "Dynasty Zhao Feng Yun will be coming" and other plays. In addition, a considerable portion of that, "Outlaws of the Marsh" is also made to 30.2. 【 "Outlaws of the Marsh"】 Also known as: "Outlaws of the Marsh loyalty" and "Biography Jianghuhaoke" Author: (Yuanmomingchu) Shi Naian High-Ming Confucianism, "Chi rivers book," recorded with his view of this, the former Department "Shinai An Qiantang of this, the time for Luo Guanzhong." Hu Ying-lin, "Shao Shishan room Cong pen" that was made by Shi Naian, Wang Qi, "added Tongkao literature" that was made by Luo Guanzhong. All Men Are Brothers: Author of "sun and Heritage" and in this case, on the basis of the creation story from. The whole book to describe the peasants as the main theme of war, shaped Li Kui, Wu and Lin, Lu and so heroes Yangsan, reveals the prevailing social contradictions. The story twists and turns, vivid language, the distinctive character and high artistic achievement. Version: Outlaws of the Marsh in the spread, there have been many different book. Now see, there are 100 of the back, 120 back and 70 back of this. 100 Back in the present, "Zhao An", "Liaoning Zheng," Fang La uprising and repression, and other circumstances; 120 back and play this repression by the Tian Hu, Wang plot. Jin Sheng-tan after the book will be deleted and removed after Zhao An, called back to the 70 (actually 71 back). Shinai An (1296 ~ 1371) An name (a name that the ear), also known as Zhao Rui, Yan-side, Nai An,. Suzhou City, outside the gate of heaven, Xu Huai Shi Bridge Lane has a family surname Shi, 72 disciples of Confucius is one of the descendants of Chang Shi. It reached a Shinai An"s father is XIV. Cheng Yuan Yuan Zhen in 2002 (Year 1296) Tian Shi home a male. An old scholar from the baby to a name, called end-yen, which means that children grow up, is scheduled to conduct the gifted scholar. The baby of the side-yan, that is, later famous through the ages to write "Water Margin" Shi Naian. Shinai An 7-year-old, family poverty, unable to go to school. But he smart to learn, always look at library, teaching neighbors and, in some cases to the university to attend. In this way, he read "University" and "The Analects of Confucius" and "Poetry" and "ceremony" and many other books. 13-year-old, has been able to in public, such as the exchanges along streams, Linlang write. First, the elderly neighbor died, asked the school to teach Hushuguan quarter of the scholar to write oration. Scholar quarter failed to arrive just in time to let other people in connection with the proposed end-yan try. Nai An aggressive boy, the only significant To not Tuirang, came one go. Later, this quarter saw both childish scholar and literary talent of the oration, much praise. Offered, with Shinai An Hushuguan to go to school and do not charge tuition. Later, also betrothed his daughter to Shi Naian. Shinai An Hushuguan in the study very hard, he not only familiar with the hundreds of various schools, and a variety of books to browse. At that time published the "Song Xuan and Heritage", say Chaogai birthday outsmart the key link "," Song Jiang kill young and pretty, "Yang to sell knives," the story, Shinai An aroused interest, he often read after school. It also partners with a small get together Wudao wand to practice martial arts. At that time, the Suzhou city more frequently, such as rap, "Sun Stone" and "Green side beast," "Monk" and "Wu Departed," "Fun House Yan Qing fighting fish", "Jing Li Kui negative" and other words of the drama and , Sometimes to Shinai An entertainment, "Zhang Yi Hero" and "tower Heroes" showing respect for them.3. "Journey to the West"】 The author: (Ming) Wu Cheng-en Back: A total of 100 back : Journey to the West folklore to learn the story of the Tang and the words of this drama and (Yuanmomingchu Yang-le-made) on the basis of creativity from. Journey to the West before the seven back to the description of the Monkey King was born, Havoc in Heaven, and other stories. Since then, the Monkey King to write with the West to learn Tang, Chuyaojiangmo along the way to overcome the difficulties of the story. Tang book, Monkey, Pig Journey, Sha Seng, and so vividly portray the image of large-scale, structural integrity. Wu Cheng-en (about 1504 - about 1582), the word Yu-chung, Sheyang, Shan Ren, Huai"an, Jiangsu people. Wu Cheng-en about 40 years old make up only a one-year-old Gong Sheng, to Beijing to wait for official distribution, was not selected, as old mother of poverty, to do the Xian Cheng Changxing, the end result of the person falsely accused, two years later, "Fu Xiu and the" old age In order to make a living selling text about living for nearly 80 years old.4.【 "A Dream of Red Mansions"】 Original name: "Stones" Author: (Qing) Cao Xueqin A total of 120 back to A Dream of Red Mansions, by Cao Xueqin back to the pre-80 for the latter is generally believed that to 40 by the high E"s. Cao made in writing to 80, in order to modify the course of manuscripts on the way down. 50 years of Qianlong (1791), Cheng Wei Yuan will be back to 80 before and after the draft continued to back forty typographical type, from 120 back this epidemic. However, before the 80 back and change the text had been. : A Dream of Red Mansions written in the mid-eighteenth century Qianlong of the Qing era, so as to the contents of Jia and Wang Shi Xue in the background Sitaijiazu to Jia, Lin"s love tragedy of the main line, focused on descriptions of Jia Jia Rong-guo and the House by the House Ningguo Sheng failure to the whole process. Works beautifully vivid language, good at portraying characters, shaped Jia, Lin, Wang, Xue, You Sanjie distinct personality, and other characters. The book large-scale, well-structured, high artistic achievement. Cao Xueqin, Chinese novelist of the Qing Dynasty, the word dream Nguyen, No. Xue-Qin, Qin, garden, Qin Kai and native of Liaoyang, was born in 1715 and died in 1763. Han was the Xianshi, after Cao Manchukuo is coated white flag (slaves). Xi Cao Cao Xueqin"s great-grandfather, grandfather, Cao Yin, father of Cao Cao Yong and down one after another as Jiangningzhizao up more than 60 years, the popular Emperor Kangxi Chongxin. Cao Xueqin in the splendor of wealth grew up. Yongzheng in the early years, because of the feudal ruling class involved in the internal struggle, suffered a number of anti-Cao Cao down imprisonment were dismissed, the property did not copy, move back to his family in Beijing, from our decaying family financial situation. The turning point, so that Cao Xueqin Shitaiyanliang deeply, but also clearly understand the essence of the feudal social system. Since then, his life penniless, he will be able to draw poetry, good at writing to the tenacity and perseverance dedicated to engage in novel "A Dream of Red Mansions", written and amended, contains 10 reading, additions and deletions 5th, wrote to this classical Chinese novel To the creative peak of the great works of literature. "A Dream of Red Mansions" with its rich content, the plot twists and turns, in-depth understanding of the idea, the exquisite art of Chinese classical novel way to become in great works of realism. 27 Qianlong (1762), the youngest son premature death, Cao Xueqin over into grief and sadness, this year"s New Year"s Eve (February 1, 1764), as a result of sick and the doctor"s death (on the death of Cao Xueqin of the year, and another Qian Long 28 years and 29 years in two different ways), the cost of Ruzang funded by the friends.2023-07-27 15:49:5512
四大名著简介 翻译成英文
1, Dream of Red Mansions a society and the rise and fall of a family thing. 2, the three countries a unified the Three Kingdoms story. 3, Journey to the West monkey and human story. 4, Outlaws of the Marsh ... ... 。。。。。2023-07-27 15:50:314
问题一:世界名著用英文怎么讲 世界名著 World famous works 问题二:名著用英语怎么说 30分 masterpiece famou丁 work famous book masterwork 都可以 希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 问题三:名著的名称及这本名著作者的英语怎么说,越多越好 《傲慢与偏见》 《Pride and Prejudice》 简u30fb奥斯汀(Jane Austen) 《简爱》 《Jane Eyre》 夏洛蒂u30fb勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte) 《双城记》 《A Tale of Two Cities》 查尔斯u30fb狄更斯(Charles Dickens) 《战争与和平》 《War and Peace》列夫.托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy) 《哈克贝利u30fb费恩历险记》 《The Adventures of Huckleberrv Finn 》 《飘》 《Gone with the wind》 《一千零一夜》 《The Arabian Nights》 《时间简史》 《A Brief History of Time》 《地心游记》 《Journey to the Center of the Earth》 《黑暗之家》 《The House of Night》 《红字》 《The Scarlet Letter》 《白鲸》 《Moby Dick》 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 《Uncle Tom"s Cabin》 《草叶集》 《Leaves of Grass》 《汤姆u30fb索耶历险记》 《The Adventures of Tom Sawyer》] 《嘉莉妹妹》 《Sister Carrie》 《荒原》 《The Waste Land》 《老人与海》 《The Old Man and the Sea》 《推销员之死》 《Death of a Sale *** an》 《欲望号街车》 《A Streetcar Names Desire》 《美国梦》 《The American Dream》 《丧钟为谁鸣》 《For Whom the Bell Tolls》 《西去的溪流》 《West-running Brook》 问题四:四大名著分别用英语怎么说 四大名著分别的英文翻译_百度翻译 四大名著分别 Four great books 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Journey to the West) 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margin 问题五:有哪些英文名著值得读的??? A Doll"s House 《玩偶之家》(亨里克u30fb易卜生,挪威) A Farewell to Arms 《别了,武器》(海明威,美国) A Midsummer Night"s Dream 《仲夏夜之梦》(莎士比亚,英国) A Tale of Two Cities( 《双城记》(查尔斯u30fb狄更斯,英国) A Thousand and One Nights 《一千零一夜》 Adam Bede 《亚当u30fb贝德》(乔治u30fb艾略特,英国) All"s Well That Ends Well 《终成眷属》(莎士比亚,英国) Anna Karenina 《安娜u30fb卡列尼娜》(列夫u30fb托尔斯泰,俄国) As You Like it 《皆大欢喜》(莎士比亚,英国) Bel-Ami 《漂亮朋友》(基u30fb德u30fb莫泊桑,法国) Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》(杰弗里u30fb乔叟,英国) Childe Harold"s Pilgrimage 《查尔德u30fb哈罗德游记》(拜伦,英国) Crime and Punishment 《罪与罚》(陀斯妥也夫斯基,俄国〕 David Copperfield 《大卫u30fb科波菲尔》(查尔斯u30fb狄更斯,英国) Don Juan 《唐璜》(乔治u30fb戈登u30fb拜伦,英国) Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 《墓地衰歌》(托马斯u30fb格雷,英国) Emma 《爱玛》(简u30fb奥斯汀,英国) Essays 《培根论说文集》(弗郎西斯u30fb培根,英国) Fairy Tales 《安徒生童话》(安徒生,丹麦) For Whom the Bell Tolls 《丧钟为谁而鸣》(海明威,美国) Gone with the Wind 《乱世佳人》/《飘》 Good Wives 《好妻子》(露易莎u30fb梅u30fb奥尔科特,美国) Great Expectations 《远大前程》(查尔斯u30fb狄更斯,英国) Gulliver"s Travels 《格利佛游记》(乔纳森u30fb斯威福特,英国) Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》(莎士比亚,英国) Jane Eyre 《简u30fb爱》(夏洛特u30fb勃朗特,英国) Jean-Christophe( 《约翰u30fb克利斯朵夫》(罗曼u30fb罗兰,法国) King Lear 《李尔王》(莎士比亚,英国) Lady Chatterlay"s Lover 《查太莱夫人的情人》(劳伦斯,英国) Les Miserables 《悲惨世界》(雨果,法国) Little Women 《小妇人》(露易莎u30fb梅u30fb奥尔科特,美国) Love of Life 《热爱生命》(杰克.伦敦,美国) Mansfiela Park 《曼斯菲尔德庄园》(简u30fb奥斯汀,英国) Measure for Measure 《自作自受》(莎士比亚,英国) Moby Dick 《大白鲨》(赫尔曼u30fb梅尔维尔,美国) Mrs. Warren"s Profession 《沃伦夫人的职业》(乔治u30fb伯纳德u30fb肖,英国) Much ado about Nothing 《无事生非》(莎士比亚,英国) Nature 《自然》(拉尔夫u30fb沃尔多u30fb爱默生,美国) Ode to a Nightingale 《夜莺颂》(约翰u30fb济慈,英国) Ode ......>>2023-07-27 15:50:461
一、【《三国演义》】 作者:(元末明初)罗贯中 全称:三国志通俗演义 回数:共一百二十回 介绍:根据陈寿《三国志》,以及范晔《后汉书》、元代《三国志平话》和一些民间传说写成。现所见刊本以明嘉靖本最早,分24卷,240则。清初毛宗岗又做了一些修改,成为现在通行的120回本。 三国演义故事开始于刘备、关羽、张飞桃园三结义,结束于王浚平吴,描写了东汉末年和三国时代魏、蜀、吴三国之间的军事、政治斗争。文字浅显、人物形象刻画深刻、情节曲折、结构宏大。 元末明初,我国的小说创作进入了一个新的时期,尤其是章回体小说步入日臻完善的阶段。中国的第一部流传最广、影响最深、成就最高、气魄最大的章回体古典小说《三国演义》,即《三国志通俗演义》,就是通过生活在这一历史时期的、杰出的小说大家——罗贯中的椽笔诞生并风行于世的。他在我国的文学发展史上,建树了不可磨灭的伟大功绩。同时,为世界文学的宝库,也增添了灿烂的光彩。 罗贯中(1330年一1400年之间),名本,号湖海散人,明代通俗小说家。他的籍贯一说是太原(今山西),一说是钱塘(今浙江杭州),不可确考。据传说,罗贯中曾充任过元末农民起义军张士诚的幕客.除《三国志通俗演义》外,他还创作有《隋唐志传》等通俗小说和《赵太祖龙虎风云会》等戏剧。另外,有相当一部分人认为《水浒传》后三十回也是其所作。 二、【《水浒传》】 又名:《忠义水浒传》、《江湖豪客传》 作者:(元末明初)施耐庵 明高儒《百川书志》著录其所见本,前署“钱塘施耐庵的本,罗贯中编次”。胡应麟《少室山房笔丛》认为是施耐庵所作,王圻《续文献通考》认为是罗贯中所作。水浒传介绍:作者在《宣和遗事》及相关话本、故事的基础上创作而成。全书以描写农民战争为主要题材,塑造了李逵、武松、林冲、鲁智深等梁山英雄,揭示了当时的社会矛盾。故事曲折、语言生动、人物性格鲜明,具有很高的艺术成就。 版本:水浒传在流传中,出现了多种不同的本子。现在所见的,主要有100回本、120回本和70回本。100回本在“招安”后,有“征辽”和镇压方腊起义等情节;120回本又插增了镇压田虎、王庆的情节。后金圣叹将此书删改,去掉了招安及以后的事,称为70回(实为71回)。 施耐庵(1296~1371)名子安(一说名耳),又名肇瑞,彦端,号耐庵。 苏州城阊门外,怀胥桥北施家巷有一户施姓人家,是孔子七十二弟子之一施之常的后裔。这一支传到施耐庵的父亲已是十四世。元成宗元贞二年(公元1296年)施家添了一个男丁。一位老秀才给婴儿起了个名字,叫彦端,意思是这孩子长大了,定是位行为端正的才子。这个襁褓中的彦端,就是后来写出千古名著《水浒》的施耐庵。施耐庵7岁时,家里贫穷,无法上学。但他聪明好学,经常借书看,请邻居教,有时还到学府去旁听。就这样,他读了《大学》、《论语》、《诗》、《礼》等许多书。13岁时,已能在大庭广众之中,对答如流,下笔琳琅。一次,邻居老人病故,约请在浒墅关教私塾的季秀才来写祭文。季秀才未能及时赶到,别人就提议让彦端试试。耐庵少年气盛,欲显其才,也不推让,走过来一挥而就。后来,季秀才看了这篇兼有稚气和才气的祭文,称赞不已。主动提出,带施耐庵到浒墅关去读书,并且不收学费。后来还把自己的女儿许配给了施耐庵。 施耐庵在浒墅关读书,十分刻苦,他不仅熟读诸子百家,而且各种书都去浏览。当时刊行的《大宋宣和遗事》,讲晁盖智取生辰纲”、“宋江杀阎婆惜”、杨志卖刀”等故事,引起了施耐庵的兴趣,他常常在课余阅读。还同小伙伴们一起舞刀弄棒,练习武艺。那时,苏州城里经常说唱些如《石头孙立》、《青面兽》、《花和尚》、《武行者》、《同乐院燕青搏鱼》、《李逵负荆》等话本和杂剧,施耐庵有时也去消遣,对这些“仗义英雄”、“擎天好汉”流露出敬佩之情。 三、【《西游记》】 作者:(明)吴承恩 回数:共一百回 介绍:西游记以民间传说的唐僧取经的故事和有关话本及杂剧(元末明初杨讷作)基础上创作而成。西游记前七回叙述孙悟空出世,有大闹天宫等故事。此后写孙悟空随唐僧西天取经,沿途除妖降魔、战胜困难的故事。书中唐僧、孙悟空、猪八戒、沙僧等形象刻画生动,规模宏大,结构完整。 吴承恩(约1504年-约1582年),字汝忠,号射阳山人,江苏淮安人。吴承恩大约40岁才补得一个岁贡生,到北京等待分配官职,没有被选上,由于母老家贫,去做了长兴县丞,终因受人诬告,两年后“拂袖而归”,晚年以卖文为生,大约活了将近80岁。四、【《红楼梦》】 原名:《石头记》 作者:(清)曹雪芹 红楼梦共一百二十回,前八十回由曹雪芹作,后四十回一般认为是由高鹗所作。曹作八十回在撰写、修改过程中就以抄本的方式流传。乾隆五十年(1791年),程伟元将前八十回及后四十回续稿以活字排印,从此一百二十回本流行。但前八十回的文字曾又改动。 介绍:红楼梦写于十八世纪中叶的清乾隆时代,内容以贾、王、史、薛四大家族为背景,以贾宝玉、林黛玉的爱情悲剧为主线,着重描写贾家荣国府和宁国府由盛到衰的全过程。作品语言优美生动,善于刻画人物,塑造了贾宝玉、林黛玉、王熙凤、薛宝钗、尤三姐等个性鲜明的人物。本书规模宏大,结构严谨,具有很高的艺术成就。 曹雪芹,中国清代小说家,字梦阮,号雪芹,又号芹圃、芹溪,祖籍辽阳,生于1715年,卒于1763年。其先世原是汉族,后为满洲正曹雪芹白旗包衣(家奴)。 曹雪芹的曾祖父曹玺,祖父曹寅,父辈的曹颙和曹頫相继担任江宁织造达60余年之久,颇受康熙帝宠信。曹雪芹在富贵荣华中长大。雍正初年,由于封建统治阶级内部斗争的牵连,曹家遭受多次打击,曹頫被革职入狱,家产抄没,举家迁回北京,家道从此日渐衰微。这一转折,使曹雪芹深感世态炎凉,更清醒地认识了封建社会制度的实质。从此他生活一贫如洗他能诗会画,擅长写作,以坚韧不拔的毅力专心致志地从事小说《红楼梦》的写作和修订,披阅10载,增删5次,写出了这部把中国古典小说创作推向巅峰的文学巨著。《红楼梦》以其丰富的内容,曲折的情节,深刻的思想认识,精湛的艺术手法成为中国古典小说中伟大的现实主义作品。 乾隆二十七年(1762),幼子夭亡,曹雪芹陷于过度忧伤和悲痛,到这一年的除夕(1764年2月1日),因贫病无医而逝世(关于曹雪芹逝世的年份,另有乾隆二十八年和二十九年两种说法),入葬费用由好友资助。1. 【 "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"】 Author: (Yuanmomingchu) Luo Guanzhong Full name: Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms Back: A total of 120 Back : According to Chen, "Three Kingdoms", Fan Ye, as well as the "Book of the Later Han," the Yuan Dynasty, "the three countries Zhiping," and wrote a number of folklore. Are seen as early as the Ming Jiajing to Kanben, at 24 volumes and 240. Mao and the early Qing Gang made some changes to be accepted now back to the present 120. Romance of the Three Kingdoms story began in Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei knot just three in Taoyuan, at the end of the Wu-Ping Wang Jun, a description of the Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu between the three countries of military, political struggle. Simple text, images portray a deep, plot twists and turns, grand structure. Yuanmomingchu, China"s novels have entered a new period, in particular chapter into the back-story is getting more sophisticated stage. China first circulated most widely, most affected, the highest achievement, the greatest breadth of the chapter back to the classic-novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is to live in this historical period, all outstanding novels - Luo Guanzhong The birth of your masterpiece and the world of fashion. In his literary history of the development of our country, an indelible contribution to the great achievements. At the same time, the world"s treasure-house of literature, but also added a brilliant luster. Luo Guanzhong (1330-between 1400), were present, the number of people scattered lakes, popular novelist in the Ming Dynasty. He said to be one of the country of origin, Taiyuan (Shanxi Province today), said to be a Qiantang (today in Hangzhou, Zhejiang), do not test. According to legend, Luo Yuan Mo has been acting as the peasant uprising of the army Zhang Shicheng Muke. In addition to the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he also created the "Sui-Tang" and other popular novels and "Dynasty Zhao Feng Yun will be coming" and other plays. In addition, a considerable portion of that, "Outlaws of the Marsh" is also made to 30.2. 【 "Outlaws of the Marsh"】 Also known as: "Outlaws of the Marsh loyalty" and "Biography Jianghuhaoke" Author: (Yuanmomingchu) Shi Naian High-Ming Confucianism, "Chi rivers book," recorded with his view of this, the former Department "Shinai An Qiantang of this, the time for Luo Guanzhong." Hu Ying-lin, "Shao Shishan room Cong pen" that was made by Shi Naian, Wang Qi, "added Tongkao literature" that was made by Luo Guanzhong. All Men Are Brothers: Author of "sun and Heritage" and in this case, on the basis of the creation story from. The whole book to describe the peasants as the main theme of war, shaped Li Kui, Wu and Lin, Lu and so heroes Yangsan, reveals the prevailing social contradictions. The story twists and turns, vivid language, the distinctive character and high artistic achievement. Version: Outlaws of the Marsh in the spread, there have been many different book. Now see, there are 100 of the back, 120 back and 70 back of this. 100 Back in the present, "Zhao An", "Liaoning Zheng," Fang La uprising and repression, and other circumstances; 120 back and play this repression by the Tian Hu, Wang plot. Jin Sheng-tan after the book will be deleted and removed after Zhao An, called back to the 70 (actually 71 back). Shinai An (1296 ~ 1371) An name (a name that the ear), also known as Zhao Rui, Yan-side, Nai An,. Suzhou City, outside the gate of heaven, Xu Huai Shi Bridge Lane has a family surname Shi, 72 disciples of Confucius is one of the descendants of Chang Shi. It reached a Shinai An"s father is XIV. Cheng Yuan Yuan Zhen in 2002 (Year 1296) Tian Shi home a male. An old scholar from the baby to a name, called end-yen, which means that children grow up, is scheduled to conduct the gifted scholar. The baby of the side-yan, that is, later famous through the ages to write "Water Margin" Shi Naian. Shinai An 7-year-old, family poverty, unable to go to school. But he smart to learn, always look at library, teaching neighbors and, in some cases to the university to attend. In this way, he read "University" and "The Analects of Confucius" and "Poetry" and "ceremony" and many other books. 13-year-old, has been able to in public, such as the exchanges along streams, Linlang write. First, the elderly neighbor died, asked the school to teach Hushuguan quarter of the scholar to write oration. Scholar quarter failed to arrive just in time to let other people in connection with the proposed end-yan try. Nai An aggressive boy, the only significant To not Tuirang, came one go. Later, this quarter saw both childish scholar and literary talent of the oration, much praise. Offered, with Shinai An Hushuguan to go to school and do not charge tuition. Later, also betrothed his daughter to Shi Naian. Shinai An Hushuguan in the study very hard, he not only familiar with the hundreds of various schools, and a variety of books to browse. At that time published the "Song Xuan and Heritage", say Chaogai birthday outsmart the key link "," Song Jiang kill young and pretty, "Yang to sell knives," the story, Shinai An aroused interest, he often read after school. It also partners with a small get together Wudao wand to practice martial arts. At that time, the Suzhou city more frequently, such as rap, "Sun Stone" and "Green side beast," "Monk" and "Wu Departed," "Fun House Yan Qing fighting fish", "Jing Li Kui negative" and other words of the drama and , Sometimes to Shinai An entertainment, "Zhang Yi Hero" and "tower Heroes" showing respect for them.3. "Journey to the West"】 The author: (Ming) Wu Cheng-en Back: A total of 100 back : Journey to the West folklore to learn the story of the Tang and the words of this drama and (Yuanmomingchu Yang-le-made) on the basis of creativity from. Journey to the West before the seven back to the description of the Monkey King was born, Havoc in Heaven, and other stories. Since then, the Monkey King to write with the West to learn Tang, Chuyaojiangmo along the way to overcome the difficulties of the story. Tang book, Monkey, Pig Journey, Sha Seng, and so vividly portray the image of large-scale, structural integrity. Wu Cheng-en (about 1504 - about 1582), the word Yu-chung, Sheyang, Shan Ren, Huai"an, Jiangsu people. Wu Cheng-en about 40 years old make up only a one-year-old Gong Sheng, to Beijing to wait for official distribution, was not selected, as old mother of poverty, to do the Xian Cheng Changxing, the end result of the person falsely accused, two years later, "Fu Xiu and the" old age In order to make a living selling text about living for nearly 80 years old.4.【 "A Dream of Red Mansions"】 Original name: "Stones" Author: (Qing) Cao Xueqin A total of 120 back to A Dream of Red Mansions, by Cao Xueqin back to the pre-80 for the latter is generally believed that to 40 by the high E"s. Cao made in writing to 80, in order to modify the course of manuscripts on the way down. 50 years of Qianlong (1791), Cheng Wei Yuan will be back to 80 before and after the draft continued to back forty typographical type, from 120 back this epidemic. However, before the 80 back and change the text had been. : A Dream of Red Mansions written in the mid-eighteenth century Qianlong of the Qing era, so as to the contents of Jia and Wang Shi Xue in the background Sitaijiazu to Jia, Lin"s love tragedy of the main line, focused on descriptions of Jia Jia Rong-guo and the House by the House Ningguo Sheng failure to the whole process. Works beautifully vivid language, good at portraying characters, shaped Jia, Lin, Wang, Xue, You Sanjie distinct personality, and other characters. The book large-scale, well-structured, high artistic achievement. Cao Xueqin, Chinese novelist of the Qing Dynasty, the word dream Nguyen, No. Xue-Qin, Qin, garden, Qin Kai and native of Liaoyang, was born in 1715 and died in 1763. Han was the Xianshi, after Cao Manchukuo is coated white flag (slaves). Xi Cao Cao Xueqin"s great-grandfather, grandfather, Cao Yin, father of Cao Cao Yong and down one after another as Jiangningzhizao up more than 60 years, the popular Emperor Kangxi Chongxin. Cao Xueqin in the splendor of wealth grew up. Yongzheng in the early years, because of the feudal ruling class involved in the internal struggle, suffered a number of anti-Cao Cao down imprisonment were dismissed, the property did not copy, move back to his family in Beijing, from our decaying family financial situation. The turning point, so that Cao Xueqin Shitaiyanliang deeply, but also clearly understand the essence of the feudal social system. Since then, his life penniless, he will be able to draw poetry, good at writing to the tenacity and perseverance dedicated to engage in novel "A Dream of Red Mansions", written and amended, contains 10 reading, additions and deletions 5th, wrote to this classical Chinese novel To the creative peak of the great works of literature. "A Dream of Red Mansions" with its rich content, the plot twists and turns, in-depth understanding of the idea, the exquisite art of Chinese classical novel way to become in great works of realism. 27 Qianlong (1762), the youngest son premature death, Cao Xueqin over into grief and sadness, this year"s New Year"s Eve (February 1, 1764), as a result of sick and the doctor"s death (on the death of Cao Xueqin of the year, and another Qian Long 28 years and 29 years in two different ways), the cost of Ruzang funded by the friends.2023-07-27 15:51:0912
没错,意思就是:三个国家的传奇.够勉强的!2023-07-27 15:51:388
我找到一篇文章,讲的是四大名著在美国的状况,我觉得很有代表性,你可以读一读。以下是文中的一段: 中国的四大名著在美国书市上还属“象牙塔尖”类的作品,一般美国书店里很少见到它们的踪影,似乎正在兴起的“汉语热”和“中国热”尚未上升到中国古典文学这一层面。走进一般的美国书店,看到最多的中国书籍当推《道德经》、《孙子兵法》、风水和烹饪类读物,以及同“文革”有关的小说和资料性图书。 前不久,记者来到华盛顿著名的史密桑尼博物院所设的书店,找遍中国文学书架,只看到一套美国企鹅出版社出版的英文版《红楼梦》(该版本采用《石头记》作书名)。书店职员告诉我,根据电脑记录,书店以前曾进过《三国演义》,《水浒传》和《西游记》,但是不知为何书卖完后就没有再续。由于只有为数很少的专业书店有英译本中国四大名著出售,一些读者只能从网上订购。 在四大名著当中,发行量最大的是美国作家赛珍珠当年翻译的《水浒传》,英译书名是《四海之内皆兄弟》。1938年,赛珍珠在诺贝尔奖授奖仪式上所致答谢辞便是以《中国小说》为题。她说:中国的古典小说与“世界任何国家的小说一样,有着不可抗拒的魅力”,“一个真正受过良好教育的人,应该知道《红楼梦》、《三国演义》这样的经典之作”。《四海之内皆兄弟》登上美国当时的畅销图书榜,但译本中还是有不少错误。比如书名翻译就受到过鲁迅的批评。对一百零八将的绰号,也往往望文生义,比如将花和尚鲁智深译为“Priest Hwa”(花牧师),将母夜叉孙二娘译为“Night Ogre”(夜间的怪物)。 相比之下,功夫了得且又有幽默感的美猴王对普通美国人更有吸引力,很多美国人都知道《西游记》的故事。英译本为《猴》,其他译本有《猴王》、《猴子历险记》、《猴子取经记》、《侠与猪》、《神魔历险记》等。可惜的是,《西游记》翻译成英文后,很多深藏的典故和寓意便流失掉了,令著作失色大半。由杰纳尔翻译,中国外文出版社出版的《西游记》在各译本中颇受欢迎,但一些美国读者反映,该书的印刷质量和装订工艺似乎还有待提高。 至于位居四大名著之首的《红楼梦》,美国的高中和大学世界历史课本都会提到,说它是中国最伟大的小说之一。这些教科书往往会通过介绍《红楼梦》来描述大清王朝走向衰落的过程。《红楼梦》在美国被有的书评家称为是中国的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。一般来说,美国人对宗族观念较不重视,而《红楼梦》中错综复杂的家庭成员关系和众多人物名字,让美国读者一头雾水。 对美国的青少年电子游戏迷来说,《三国演义》不算很陌生。数年前,有一部名叫《王朝勇士II》的电游在美国青少年中风靡一时。《王朝勇士II》是根据《三国演义》的故事情节改编的。人名和地名都来自原著,控制盘上还有“武术”的汉语拼音按键,只是语言和音乐都已“全盘西化”。但《王朝勇士II》还是引领了不少美国青少年去原著中“寻根”。家住纽约的青年瑞查康就是这样“按图索骥”找到《三国演义》,并被原著所深深吸引。他对记者说,自己从书中真正了解到什么是忠诚、英雄主义和军事谋略,并从历史的视角理解中国人“合久必分,分久必合”的道理。由莫斯·罗伯茨翻译、中国外文出版社出版的《三国演义》(英文直译为《三个王国》)在各个版本中较受欢迎,另一个译本的书名则翻译为《三国浪漫史》。 你要是有兴趣可以看一下原文。参考资料:希望能对你有帮助啊! ······································ 说行天下 是非常不错的小说网站大全,值得拥有。2023-07-27 15:52:011
《水浒传》用英文怎么说? 中国名著英语翻译,四大名著:)~~ 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Journey to the West) 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone)《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margin 水浒传用英语怎么说 英文版通常将《水浒传》翻译成Water Margin或Outlaws of the Marsh。在众多译本中,最早的当属赛珍珠女士在1920年代中后期翻译的All Men Are Brothers(四海之内皆兄弟)。书名出自《论语》“四海之内,皆兄弟也”。1933年出版,是《水浒传》的第一个英文全译本,当时在美国颇为畅销。但是译本中有很多错误。比如书名的翻译,就不符合原意,受到过鲁迅先生的批评[来源请求]。对一百零八将的绰号,也往往望文生义,比如将病尉迟的(Yuchi)译作"Weichi",将花和尚鲁智深译为Priest Hwa(花牧师),更是将母夜叉孙二娘译为"Night Ogre"(夜间的怪物)。 迄今为止《水浒传》被认为比较好的英文版本[7],应该是中国籍的美国犹太裔学者沙博理先生(Sidney Shapiro)在文革期间受命译的一百回版的"Outlaws of the Marsh"(水泊好汉)。他的译本,被认为更加忠实于原著,而且很贴切地反应了原文的神韵,符合翻译的“信,达,雅”的原则。可惜由于这个译本产生于文革时期,影响不大。 法语版则将其直译为Au bord de l"eau。 日文版的《水浒传》的版本非常之多,甚至被改编和演绎成了许多漫画,电影,电视作品。 水浒用英文该怎么翻译? 补充了。。。 《水浒传》 小说曾被翻译成以下英文书名: (1) Outlaws of the Marsh (沼泽的不法之徒) (2) Water Margin (水边缘) (3) All Men Are Brothers (皆兄弟) (4) The Marshes of Mount Liang (梁山沼泽) 前三者在国外的文艺界比较普遍使用 认为以上 "Outlaws of the Marsh‘ 的英文翻译最合适因为: (1) ‘沼泽的不法之徒‘ 的概念比较全, 包括环境和人物 (2) "水边缘‘ 概念不全,只包括环境,不包括人物 (3) "皆兄弟‘ 概念不全,只包括人物,不包括环境 (4) "梁山沼泽‘ 概念不全,不包括人物 如果只是单独要翻译 "水浒‘ 这两个子,可用: water margin riverbank waterside 这是个人意见,可供参考 水浒传用英语怎么说 Water Margin Biography 《水浒传》用英语怎么说啊? 3Women and 105man"s stroy < >用英文怎么说? [Literature] Heroes of 骸he Marshes, Water Margins (one of the four famous Chinese classical works) 水浒传英文译名 水浒传》有个英文译名就是《四海之内皆兄弟》,是赛珍珠翻译的,《all珐men are brothers: blood of the leopard》 即:四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血2023-07-27 15:52:171
翻译成英文。。。唐代出现了诗歌的繁荣,而中国文学中的四大名著(Four great classic
The prosperity of the poetry in the tang dynasty, and the four classics in Chinese literature writing Ming period. Made of movable type print developed in song dynasty. Launched by the empire of the scholastics comment on printing and handwriting. Members of the royal family also participate in these discussions. Chinese philosophers, writers and poets are highly regarded, and on maintaining and promoting the culture of the empire has played a key role. Some classical scholars, however, due to the attention to the common people"s life and bold about their life, often from the authorities2023-07-27 15:52:273
four great classics是什么电视剧?
这是四大名著的英文翻译,四大名著为《红楼梦》《西游记》《水浒传》《三国演义》2023-07-27 15:52:351
China"s four great classics refer to the romance of the Three Kingdoms, the water margin, the journey to the West and the four famous novels of the dream of Red Mansions.2023-07-27 15:52:441
四大名著 [名] four famous novels;《红楼梦》:1、The Story of Stone《石头记》 2、A Dream of Red Mansions/Chamber(红色大楼/房间的梦) 3、The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl(牛郎和织女) 《三国演义》:1、《Romantic of Three Kingdoms》—— 三个王国的罗曼史 《水浒传》 1、《一百零五个男人和三个女人的故事》 2、《All Men Are Brothers:Blood of the Leopard》——四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血 3、美国女作家赛珍珠翻译《水浒》七十一回本,取名为《四海之内皆兄弟》 4、《OUTLAWS IN THE MARSH》——沼泽地里的逃犯 最早德文译名是《强盗与士兵》;法文译名是《中国的勇士们》;英文译本为《在河边发生的故事》 《西游记》:Journey to the West(去西方旅游) Monkey / The Monkey King(猴王)2023-07-27 15:53:031
Water Margin/Tale of Water Margin/The Lakeside Tales/Outlaws of the Marsh ——水浒传。 Pilgrimage to the West/Journey to the West ——西游记。 A Dream of Red Mansions/Dream of Red Chamber/The Story of the Stone ——红楼梦。 Romance of the Three Kingdoms/The Three Kingdoms——三国演义。2023-07-27 15:53:422
四大名著 [名] four famous novels;《红楼梦》:1、The Story of Stone《石头记》 2、A Dream of Red Mansions/Chamber(红色大楼/房间的梦) 3、The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl(牛郎和织女) 《三国演义》:1、《Romantic of Three Kingdoms》—— 三个王国的罗曼史 《水浒传》 1、《一百零五个男人和三个女人的故事》 2、《All Men Are Brothers:Blood of the Leopard》——四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血 3、美国女作家赛珍珠翻译《水浒》七十一回本,取名为《四海之内皆兄弟》 4、《OUTLAWS IN THE MARSH》——沼泽地里的逃犯 最早德文译名是《强盗与士兵》;法文译名是《中国的勇士们》;英文译本为《在河边发生的故事》 《西游记》:Journey to the West(去西方旅游) Monkey / The Monkey King(猴王)2023-07-27 15:54:011
《三国演义》romanceofthethreekingdoms《水浒传》outlawsofthemarsh《红楼梦》adreamofredmansionsorthestoryofstone《西游记》ajourneytothewest.2023-07-27 15:55:037
有的百度本来就有的,你搜一搜就有了,不要重复问不用重复来。2023-07-27 15:56:4011
什么题目??说明白一点拉~~2023-07-27 15:57:176
问题一:四大名著的英文翻译是什么 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Ma定sions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 问题二:四大名著分别用英语怎么说 四大名著分别的英文翻译_百度翻译 四大名著分别 Four great books 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Journey to the West) 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margin 问题三:中国四大名著的英文名及英文简介 《三国演义》----《The Romance of the Three Kindoms》 《水浒传》----《The Story by the Water Margin》 《红楼梦》----《The Dream of the Red Chamber 》 《西游记》----《Journey to the West》 中国四大名著英文简介2009-06-07 Chinese Literature - Novels and fiction Hongloumeng 红楼梦The Dream of the Red Chamber Also called The story of the Stone (Shitouji 石头记), this novel written by Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹 (d. 1763) is said to be the greatest masterpiece of Chinese fiction. A wide branched scholarship does not consent about the main theme of this novel, should it be a novel of sentiment, of Daoist-Buddhist enlightenment, of social observation, of the decay of an aristocratic familiy, or even a veiled attack on Manchu rule. The frame of the novel is the contest of a Buddhist and a Daoist priest who make be born a young noble boy called Jia Baoyu 贾宝玉 and his girl cousin Lin Daiyu 林黛玉. With a loving detail describing the life of the two cousins in a huge noble mansion, between gardens and palaces, the red thread is the triangular love between Baoyu, Daiyu and a second girl cousin called Xue Baochai 薛宝钗 that is of more plumper character than the ever sick Daiyu. Switchi郸g between their life, the divine world and dreams, Baoyu bees deranged after the disappearance of a stone (the origin of the second title) he had in his mouth when he was born. Not knowing, his love Daiyu died, he is tricked to marrying Baochai. Being aware of being tricked, Baoyu leaves the world of the red dust and be......>> 问题四:中国四大名著用英语怎么说 红楼梦 A Dream in Red Mansions ------------- 西游记 Story of a Journey to the West ----------------- 三国演义 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms -------------- 水浒传[shuǐ hǔ zhuàn] All Men Are Brothers, 问题五:中国四大名著的英文译名 应该这样翻译 《红楼梦》Red Mansion Dreams,即红楼之梦 《西游记》Journey To the West,即西游之旅 《三国演义》Three Kingdoms,即三个王国 《水浒传》Outlaws of the Marshes,即沼泽(指水泊梁山)上的亡命之途 这才是四大名著的通用翻译,中外英文报纸杂志上都这么用的,楼上的几位朋友翻译的都太复杂了,书名的翻译应该从简。2023-07-27 15:57:441
四大名著: 《红楼梦》: 1、The Story of Stone《石头记》 2、A Dream of Red Mansions/Chamber(红色大楼/房间的梦) 3、The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl(牛郎和织女) 《三国演义》: 1、《Romantic of Three Kingdoms》—— 三个王国的罗曼史 《水浒传》 1、《一百零五个男人和三个女人的故事》 2、《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》——四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血 3、美国女作家赛珍珠翻译《水浒》七十一回本,取名为《四海之内皆兄弟》 4、《OUTLAWS IN THE MARSH》——沼泽地里的逃犯 最早德文译名是《强盗与士兵》;法文译名是《中国的勇士们》;英文译本为《在河边发生的故事》 《西游记》: Journey to the West(去西方旅游) Monkey / The Monkey King(猴王) 还有其他的: 1、《金瓶梅》译成法文,题目成了《热恋的少女·中国13世纪的爱情故事》 2、《聊斋志异》的意大利文版译作《老虎作客》 3、《赵氏孤儿》由法国文学家伏尔泰改写后易名为《中国孤儿》。译作,也有节译的。 4、《警世通言》中的《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》,德莫朗译成《蒙辱的东方女性》,而英文译名则是《名妓》。 5 、《聊斋志异》Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio(摄影棚里的寂寞传奇) 6、《西厢记》The Western Chamber(向西边窗口) 8、《醒世恒言》Stories to Awaken Men(觉醒者的故事) 9、《喻世明言》Stories to Enlighten Men(开导者的故事) 10、《警世通言》Stories to Warn Men (警告者的故事) 11、《官场现形记》Exposure of the Official World(接触官方世界) 12、《本草纲目》Outline of Herb Medicine(贺伯固医学概要)奇怪! 13、《史记》 Records of the Historian(历史学家的纪录) 14. 《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror(以史为镜)2023-07-27 15:57:511
《三国演义》RomanceoftheThreeKingdoms《红楼梦》ADreamofRedMansions《西游记》JourneytotheWest《水浒传》Onehundredandeightmen2023-07-27 15:58:012
《红楼梦》RedMansionDreams,即红楼之梦《西游记》JourneyTotheWest,即西游之旅《三国演义》ThreeKingdoms,即三个王国《水浒传》OutlawsoftheMarshes,即沼泽(指水泊梁山)上的亡命之途2023-07-27 15:58:222
四大名著: 《红楼梦》: 1、The Story of Stone《石头记》 2、A Dream of Red Mansions/Chamber(红色大楼/房间的梦) 3、The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl(牛郎和织女) 《三国演义》: 1、《Romantic of Three Kingdoms》—— 三个王国的罗曼史 《水浒传》 1、《一百零五个男人和三个女人的故事》 2、《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》——四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血 3、美国女作家赛珍珠翻译《水浒》七十一回本,取名为《四海之内皆兄弟》 4、《OUTLAWS IN THE MARSH》——沼泽地里的逃犯 最早德文译名是《强盗与士兵》;法文译名是《中国的勇士们》;英文译本为《在河边发生的故事》 《西游记》: Journey to the West(去西方旅游) Monkey / The Monkey King(猴王)记得采纳啊2023-07-27 15:58:321
第一次回答可获2分,答案被采纳可获得悬赏分和额外20分奖励。《红楼梦》: 1、The Story of Stone《石头记》 2、A Dream of Red Mansions/Chamber(红色大楼/房间的梦) 3、The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl(牛郎和织女) 《三国演义》: 1、《Romantic of Three Kingdoms》—— 三个王国的罗曼史 《水浒传》 1、《一百零五个男人和三个女人的故事》 2、《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》——四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血 3、美国女作家赛珍珠翻译《水浒》七十一回本,取名为《四海之内皆兄弟》 4、《OUTLAWS IN THE MARSH》——沼泽地里的逃犯 最早德文译名是《强盗与士兵》;法文译名是《中国的勇士们》;英文译本为《在河边发生的故事》 《西游记》: Journey to the West(去西方旅游) Monkey / The Monkey King(猴王) 还有其他的: 1、《金瓶梅》译成法文,题目成了《热恋的少女·中国13世纪的爱情故事》 2、《聊斋志异》的意大利文版译作《老虎作客》 3、《赵氏孤儿》由法国文学家伏尔泰改写后易名为《中国孤儿》。译作,也有节译的。 4、《警世通言》中的《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》,德莫朗译成《蒙辱的东方女性》,而英文译名则是《名妓》。 5 、《聊斋志异》Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio(摄影棚里的寂寞传奇) 6、《西厢记》The Western Chamber(向西边窗口) 8、《醒世恒言》Stories to Awaken Men(觉醒者的故事) 9、《喻世明言》Stories to Enlighten Men(开导者的故事) 10、《警世通言》Stories to Warn Men (警告者的故事) 11、《官场现形记》Exposure of the Official World(接触官方世界) 12、《本草纲目》Outline of Herb Medicine(贺伯固医学概要)奇怪! 13、《史记》 Records of the Historian(历史学家的纪录) 14. 《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror(以史为镜)2023-07-27 15:58:391
应该这样翻译《红楼梦》Red Mansion Dreams,即红楼之梦《西游记》Journey To the West,即西游之旅《三国演义》Three Kingdoms,即三个王国《水浒传》Outlaws of the Marshes,即沼泽(指水泊梁山)上的亡命之途这才是四大名著的通用翻译,中外英文报纸杂志上都这么用的,楼上的几位朋友翻译的都太复杂了,书名的翻译应该从简。2023-07-27 15:58:481
三楼明显不对啊,,水浒里除孙二娘外还有顾大嫂和一丈青两女的呢啊,呵呵2023-07-27 15:58:599
楼上的不错哦!!!!2023-07-27 15:59:275
vanity fair 名利场pride and prejudice傲慢与偏见sense and sensibility理智与情感emma爱玛david copperfield大卫。科波菲尔great expectation远大前程olivet twist 雾都孤儿jane eyre简爱2023-07-27 15:59:451
9、 江畔独步寻花 杜甫2023-07-27 16:00:192
水浒传《The Outlaws of the Mash》红楼梦《Red Masions》西游记《The Monkey King》三国演义《Romance of Three Kingdoms》2023-07-27 16:00:263