《Tell Me Why》歌词及中文意思
in my dream,
children sing a song of love for every boy and girl .
The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world.
Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need.
Tell me why(why),
does it have to be like this?
Tell me why(why),
is there something I have missed?
Tell me why(why),
cos" I don"t understand,
when so many need somebody,
we don"t give a helping hand.
Tell me why?
Every day, I ask myself,
what will I have to do to be a man?
Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am?
Is that what my life is far, to waste in a world full of war?
Tell me why(why),
does it have to be like this?
Tell me why(why),
is there something I have missed?
Tell me why(why),
cos" I don"t understand,
when so many need somebody,
we don"t give a helping hand.
Tell me why?
Tell me why?
(Why,why,does the tiger run)
Tell me why?
(Why,why,do we shoot the gun)
Tell me why?
(Why,why,do we never learn)
Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?
(Why,why,do we said we care)
Tell me why?
(Why,why,do we stand and stare)
Tell me why?
(do the dolphins cry)
Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die?
(Why,why,if we"re all the same)
Tell me why?
(Why,why,do we pass and blame)
Tell me why?
(Why,why,does it never end)
Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends?
Why,why,(do we close our eyes)
Why,why,(do the greedy life)
Why,why,(do we fight for land)
Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand?
是英国的一位小歌手,他的首张专辑在英国畅销,英国小歌手Declan曾演唱过Walking In The Air收录在一张圣诞合辑Christmas Hits里 , 这首歌也有许多童声演唱过 , 但Declan演唱起来格外的高亢动人.
Declan Galbraith是居住在英国肯特郡的爱尔兰男孩。 在许多方面他是一个正常的 10 岁的男孩。 他喜欢电脑游戏,游泳和足球。他和他的父母和六岁姊妹居住。 他的堂兄弟姊妹Joe是他最好的朋友。 但是 Declan 不只是一个普通的10岁男孩。
Declan Galbraith小的时候,是和他的祖父班度过。 班是音乐家。 他和爱尔兰的民谣乐团演奏传统的爱尔兰音乐。 他们到处在酒吧和俱乐部等地方演唱。Declan 与他的祖父乐团搭配并学习演唱。在他的祖父死之后,他继承了祖父的演唱事业。
Declan Galbraith,这个眼神清明的十二岁男孩的嗓音有一种让人落泪的力量,即使是圣诞的圣咏,在他的演绎下也渗透了人间悲苦。
全名:Declan John Galbraith
家人:爸爸 Alec
妈妈 Siobhan
妹妹 Bernardette
最喜欢的足球明星:Alan Shearer
最喜欢的流行歌手:Robbie Williams
最喜欢的歌曲:Danny Boy
喜欢的歌手:Carole King,The Fureys,Christy Moore, Led Zeppelin,Robbie Williams 和Westlife。
不大欣赏的歌手:Britney Spears(布兰妮)
在美国的热门音乐史上,曾经有好几位以嘹亮的歌喉崛起、让人印象深刻的少年歌手,例如70年代的Michael Jackson (麦可杰克森)、Donny Osmond (唐尼奥斯蒙),还有在2000年改写「吉尼斯世界记录」、成为史上最年轻冠军歌手的Billy Gilman 。其实,在欧洲方面,也陆续出出现好几位同样杰出的少年歌手,其中又以60年代的Heintje和80年代的Aled Jones最具有代表性。事实上,2002年,就在Billy Gilman风靡全球的时候,英国也出现了另外一位堪称歌唱奇才的少年Declan Galbraith,以下简称DEC),而且他比Billy Gilman更年轻,当时才十岁,不但以他的首张专辑「Declan」轰动欧洲,他缔造了另外一项「吉尼斯世界记录」:当他在贝尔法斯特巡回演唱的时候,主办单位透过电话与网络的连线,让超过八万名儿童,在英国与爱尔兰的每一个角落,陪伴着他一起演唱,成了有史以来全世界规模最庞大的合唱。
被英国媒体推崇为「终生难得一见的歌唱奇才」的DEC,1991年的十二月十九日出生于英国肯特郡的一个小村庄,不过父母都来自爱尔兰。他从小跟着在小酒馆表演爱尔兰传统音乐的祖父,很早就显露出惊人的天赋,才两岁左右,就开始喜欢唱歌了,而且唱得有模有样的。八岁那年,他开始参加当地一些才艺竞赛,在短短十四个月的期间内,拿下了十六个冠军,也引起了唱片界高度的兴趣,没有多久,就得到了唱片合约。他所参与录制的第一张唱片,是一张圣诞歌曲的合辑,其中收录了包括猫王、Elton John和Westlife (西城男孩)等超级巨星的名曲,而他所翻唱的卡通「雪人」(Snowman)主题曲「Walking in the Air」,丝毫不比那些「老前辈」们的差,引起了广大的关注,获得各大媒体争相报道,上遍几乎所有电视与电台的节目,成了英国与爱尔兰家喻户晓的名人。当节目主持人问起他平日喜欢些什么的时候,他的回答几乎让人跌破眼镜,因为,除了足球、游泳和电动游戏之外,他所喜爱的音乐,竟然包括了「齐柏林飞船」(Led Zeppelin)和「黑色安息日」(Black Sabbath)!而这也就难怪,年纪小小的他,演唱的风格跟曲目都宽广得超越他的年龄了。
为了争取DEC的合约,唱片公司不惜开出一百万英镑的承诺,使得他成了家里唯一的经济来源,负责养活一家四口。原本担任工人的父亲,特别辞去工作,专职陪伴他四处表演。他曾经在英国女王的庆典音乐会上,跟圣保罗教堂唱诗班一起演唱「Amazing Grace」,而应邀参加艾尔顿前的演唱会,在两百多名观众面前表演,更是他难以忘怀的经验。虽然年方十岁,他对未来已经有了很多的期许,不想老是唱别人的歌,很希望能够拥属于自己的作品。他的杰出表现,赢得曾经谱写「The Last Waltz」等许多经典的名家Barry Mason (贝瑞梅森)赏识,不但担任他的制作人、为他编曲,更亲自为他谱写新歌。2002年十月二十九日,DEC的首张专辑「Declan」发表,立刻造成轰动,除了英国和爱尔兰,包括德国在内,许多欧洲国家也纷纷邀请他前去演唱。他展现了高度的技巧,在专辑中,他甚至以无伴奏清唱的方式,“率领”一支庞大的成年人合唱团,演唱了福音歌曲「Amazing Grace」,令人感动。
在这张专辑中,DEC总共演唱了十四首歌曲,除了原创的作品,还包括翻唱的流行经典,以及传统的民间歌谣,当然,他都带来了清新的诠释。专辑开始,他首先唱出脍炙人口的爱尔兰名曲「Danny Boy」和「Carrickfergus」,稚嫩而嘹亮的歌声,非常的讨人喜欢,也让我们明白,他是个爱尔兰的孩子。接着,他唱出John Lennon的不朽经典「Imagine」,把那份祈求世界和平的心愿,表现得令人动容。这也让我们想起,比他稍早出道的Billy,也有着同样的特质。他们都以有如天使一般纯净的歌声,唱出了孩子们对于美好世界的柔性诉求,比起一些动不动走上街头、口出恶言的青少年,真的是可爱得太多了。而当我们听着DEC的歌声,我们会情不自禁的想起三十多年前的麦可杰克森,果然,他紧接着就带来了麦可杰克森当年赢得无数热爱的经典「I"ll Be There」,令人无法抗拒。
假如我们仔细留意从过去到现在、曾经获得大众喜爱的少年歌手们,我们就会发现,除了「世界和平」,「友情」与「爱心」也是他们共通的主题。在DEC的这张专辑中,也有这相同的诉求。原创的作品「It All Begins With Love」和「Your Friend」透过比较流行的编曲风格,呼应着这样的主题,前者比较柔美,后者则有着比较明快的节奏,带来了相当舒服的变化。接着,他唱出「贾德氏」 (The Judds)母女解散之前最后一张专辑的名曲「Love Can Build a Bridge」,这首由乡村创作歌手Paul Overstreet和「贾德氏」的母亲Naomi Judd联手谱写的作品,生动的告诉我们,爱心可以搭建起人与人之间的桥梁。
跟着出现的「Mama Said」和「Till the Day We Meet Again」,都是原创的作品,也可以说是比较贴近「儿童」的歌曲,透过DEC的演唱,有着恰如其份的表现。在清唱的「Amazing Grace」之后,他带来了「Circles in the Sand」,在流行风味浓重的编曲之下,也相当悦耳。接着,我们听到Robbie Williams跟他昔日的创作搭档Guy Chambers共同谱写的名曲「Angels」,虽然歌词的内容有点「超龄」,DEC却以嘹亮而宽阔的音域,为这首歌带来另外一种不同的感受。据说,就连Simon Cowell听过他的歌唱,也不禁同意,这个小家伙潜力十足,假以时日,必定能够成为超级大明星,而从他现在的成绩来看,他推断是完全正确的。
专辑接近尾声的时候,DEC唱出了另外一首主打的原创作品「Tell Me Why」,在一支大型合唱团的搭配之下,对世间许多的现象提出了致意:为什么大家可以对许多需要帮助的人们视而不见?他要怎么做,才能够变成一个男子汉? 是不是必须通过争强狠斗,才能够证明自己是个什么样的人?难道他的生命必须浪费在一个充满战争的世界吗?有谁可以告诉他,为什么?我们不得不承认,这样的内容,对于一个十岁的小男孩来说,确实又是比较「超龄」的,但我们也无法否认,他的演唱技巧,确实是无懈可击,让我们听过之后,不得不深思与反省。最后,他以重新谱曲的 「Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star」当作结束,让人回味无穷。
Ⅱ、《THANK YOU》专辑简介:
少年歌手高亢而嘹亮的清纯歌声,总是能够吸引不少厌倦于一般流行歌曲的爱好者。2002年,来自英国的十岁小男孩Declan Galbraith(以下简称DEC)以他的首张专辑「Declan」轰动欧洲,被英国媒体推崇为「终生难得一见的歌唱奇才」,据说就连「流行偶像」 (Pop Idol)系列的名人Simon Cowell听过他的歌唱,也不禁同意,这个小家伙潜力十足,假以时日,必定能够成为超级大明星。以他受欢迎的程度,照理说唱片公司应该会趁热打铁,趁着他还没有变声,赶快继续推出他更多的专辑,不过也不知道是什么原因,虽然他在这几年来仍然不断的在欧洲各国公开演唱,他的新专辑却迟迟不见有什么动静,直到相隔整整四年之久,才发行第二张专辑「Thank You」,而且是由另外一家唱片公司发行,更选在德国推出,让其他地区的歌迷们几乎是望眼欲穿。而尽管到目前为止,似乎还没有看见那家德国公司进一步的动作,至少这张新专辑已经在德国获得良好的反应,打进了德国专辑排行的前五名。
在年满十五岁前夕发行第二张专辑的DEC,有着标准的居尔特血统,父亲来自苏格兰,母亲则来自爱尔兰。由于外公是一支爱尔兰传统民俗乐队的成员,他从小跟着外公,不但爱上了音乐,也显示出惊人的天赋。在他的家乡,人们每年一度会举行一项为期两天的「狄更斯庆典」活动,所有人都穿着维多利亚时代的服装,用各种方式向大文豪狄更斯致敬。DEC七岁那年,自己坚持要参加节庆的表演,而当他打扮成小小扫烟囱工人的模样开始歌唱之后,所有的人都为他喝采。不久,他更开始参加各种才艺竞赛,在短短十四个月的期间内,拿下了十六个冠军,也引起唱片界高度的兴趣,没有多久,就得到了唱片合约。他所参与录制的第一张唱片,是一张圣诞歌曲的合辑,其中收录了包括猫王、艾尔顿强(Elton John)和「西城男孩」(Westlife)等超级巨星的名曲,而他所翻唱的卡通「雪人」(Snowman)主题曲「Walking in the Air」,丝毫不让那些「老前辈」们专美于前,引起了广大的瞩目,获得各大媒体争相报道,上遍几乎所有电视与电台的节目,成了英国与爱尔兰家喻户晓的名人。为了争取DEC的合约,唱片公司不惜开出一百万英镑的承诺,使得他成了家里唯一的经济来源,负责养活一家四口。原本担任工人的父亲,特别辞去工作,专职陪伴他四处表演,也借此给予适当的报道,让他不会在名利之中迷失。
许多男性的青少年,都会从十四、五岁的时候开始进入尴尬的变声期。DEC在开始录制这张专辑的时候才十四岁,得天独厚的还没有开始变声,仍然维持着原有的嘹亮高音。当然,历经了前后这几年在演艺圈的打滚,我们仍然会发现,他的演唱技巧与风格,跟四年前又不太一样了,「流行」的感觉更为浓厚。而在曲目的挑选上,也延续着上一次的模式。专辑开头,我们首先听到崛起与70年代,在欧洲各国尤其特别受欢迎的家族团体「凯利家庭」(The Kelly Family)合唱团脍炙人口的「An Angel」。这是一首动人的作品,非常符合清纯的少年歌手,而DEC的表现也的确很好。接着,「超龄」的歌曲开始出现,他先后唱出「皇后」(Queen) 合唱团的「Love of My Life」、Moody Blues乐团的「Nights in White Satin」等经典,当他以还很稚嫩、带着颤音的歌喉唱出这些歌曲的时候,也许一些观念比较保守的人就要有点不以为然了。还好,他的表现中规中矩。然后我们听到艾力克莱普顿(Eric Clapton)悼念爱儿的经典「Tears in Heaven」,他们采用了崭新的编曲,吉他和和声的部分尤其动人,令人激赏。
一连三首比较流行的曲目之后,DEC改变口味,挑选了许多位 少年美声歌手都几乎不会放过的「Bright Eyes」,这是1978年一部英国卡通「Watership Down」里面的插曲,虽然卡通的内容不是很适合儿童,这首歌倒是老少皆宜的。接着,DEC再度「超龄」,演唱了民歌经典「House of the Rising Sun」,歌曲的内容描述一个浪子在纽澳良一家风月场所断送美好前途的感叹,幸好制作人很讨巧的把歌词稍加修改,变成一个少年叙述自己父亲的遭遇,把令人争议的程度降低,而DEC的表现也显示出他多年以来喜爱经典老摇滚,确实让他吸收了不少演唱的技巧。「Saved by the Bell」是「比吉斯」(Bee Gees)早年的经典,DEC对于「比吉斯」显然相当偏爱,因为他在后面又挑选了另外一首他们早年谱写的「Only One Woman」,当然,内容是否符合他的年龄,又是见仁见智了。同样受到DEC偏爱的,则是「凯利家庭」合唱团。这支当年由一对夫妻率领这十多位儿女组成的团体,向来都是走老少皆宜的歌路,DEC也翻唱了他们的成名曲,又名「Who"ll Come with Me」的「David"s Song」。由于同样有着居尔特民族的背景,他的演唱也是相当讨好的。
才刚刚「清纯」了一下,DEC马上又再度超龄,翻唱了Air Supply的招牌情歌「All Out of Love」,我们不禁要好奇的猜想,有一天他长大了,真的有了失恋的经验,重新诠释这样的歌曲,会不会有什么不同呢?接着,他带来了R&B女歌手Toni Braxton与「娃娃脸」(Babyface)携手合作的「How Could an Angel Break My Heart」,尽管他的歌声仍然充满着稚气,还是可圈可点的。当然,如果一定要挑毛病,那就是他在演唱的时候有点「性别错乱」,为了配合他身为「男性」的身份,他把歌词中的第三人称予以修改,但或许是因为他习惯Toni Braxton的原唱,经常忘记应该修正的部分,变成从女性的角度来叙述,稍微有那么一点可惜,不过还算是瑕不掩瑜的,甚至可说是这张专辑最佳的演出之一。
这张专辑总共收录了十五首歌曲,其余曲目还包括Don McLean向梵高致意的经典「Vincent」、90年代电影「最后的独角兽」(The Last Unicorn)主题曲,曾经由「亚美利加」(America)二重唱唱出的「The Last Unicorn」,以及洛史都华(Rod Stewart)早年的抒情经典「Sailing」等等,最后以「Diana Ross & the Supremes」曾经轰动歌坛的「Where Did Our Love Go」当作结束。整体来说,还算是相当悦耳动听的。只是,DEC目前已经年满十五岁,变声的尴尬应该随即就要开始,但我们相信,DEC在变声之后同样也可以给我们带来更多更好的作品,让我们期待吧!
Declan Galbraith,4岁开始展露歌唱天赋;8岁那年,他开始参加一些音乐比赛,并在14个月中曾经获得16个大奖。他获得了词作家Barry Mason(写过Last Waltz-最后的华尔兹的作者)的欣赏,从此一发不可收。2001年录制了「Walking In The Air」,而那时候他才9岁。据传好几家唱片公司争相与他签约,最后EMI(百代)以超过百万英镑之巨,签了他3年,并承诺发行3张唱片。
大家都相信这个小男孩的音乐天赋和对爱尔兰传统音乐的理解及热爱,来自他的祖父Ben。才6个星期左右,就是Ben照顾他了。Ben常常在酒吧演奏六孔笛和 爱尔兰鼓,并常常带上他。Declan从小就耳濡目染;祖父96年去世,可是Declan忘不了他,他的第一张专辑《Declan》就是献给他祖父的。
Declan的声音,清亮脱俗,演唱歌曲的范畴也是极广。从流行的Angels之类到Carrickfergus这样传统的爱尔兰歌曲,他都把握得不错。而这个小小童星的心愿却是有一天能够不再翻唱别人的歌曲,能有几首属于“Declan Galbraith”的歌。
除了天使般的声音,Declan小小年纪,已经表现星探们热衷的所谓“明星气质”--一头松软的深色头发,浓密的睫毛,明亮清澈的蓝眼睛,充满童真颇富感染 力的笑容,还有满满的自信。更重要的是,他从不怯场,每次上台都异常兴奋;应该说,也有过一次紧张,那是在圣保罗大教堂女王特赦的演出上。为Robbie Williams和Phil Collins制作MTV的John Carver十分有信心的说,“Declan注定要成为一个超级巨星的,不仅是因为他超群的声音,更重要的是他极好的个性,他非常聪明。”
除了他的音乐天赋,以及身后的百万合同,Declan和12岁的其它小男孩没有什么分别。喜欢足球,电脑游戏和游泳,房间里贴满海报,足球,Robbie Williams,Westlife,还有哈里波特。他也曾为签名不够快而苦恼,直到听从父亲的建议,用“Dec”签名才算解决;他也会在采访中忍不住想要从凳子上逃走,当然会事先礼貌的问“我可以很快去踢球吗?”还有一次Declan在接受访问时说自己曾经梦到Alton.Johnson邀请他去参加 Alton的音乐会,主持人问他如果成真他是否会接受邀请。Declan说:“应该会,不然他可能会哭,那样我最终还不是要说‘别惊慌,我会去的"。”
Declan一边上学一边参与专辑的推广。他有专门的家教,确保他不会因为缺课而影响学业;他有专门的造型设计师,帮他打点Armani的定购,带他去Toni and Guy"s做头发,也有专门的声乐导师和专属经纪人,有自己专门的歌迷网……这对于一个床头还摆着恐龙惦记着遥控车的小男孩,似乎的确有些兴师动众了。因此,他没有太多的朋友,除了堂兄Joe。。
英国媒体对于过早享有声名的儿童,通常不是太客气的。当2002年Declan发行第一张专辑的时候,就有媒体预言在他16岁之前,不会吸毒就会酗酒,而父母多半等不到那时候就已经离婚了。Declan的父母,颇有信心的表示他们不会做急进的父母,他们只需要支持Declan做他喜欢做的事情。当然,他们也 表示了自己的担心,这么小的一个孩子,就已经获得了经济上的保障,而不必像普通人那样为分期付款担心,的确不是太好的事。
事实上, Declan已经是这个4口之家(父母和7岁的妹妹)唯一的经济来源。妈妈自小孩出生后就离职了,做电工的爸爸也已经辞工全程陪同Declan。对于很多 成人歌星也羡慕的百万合同,Declan说,“其实我拿不到这么多,100万是公司承诺投入在我身上的全部资金。不过我不在意,我只是喜欢唱歌而已。”在一段自白中,Declan也说道,他最希望的是能够照顾好家人,父母再也不用去工作;如果他有了钱,会给爸爸买一辆新车;如果还有剩余,就给自己买些足球 球星卡;如果还有多,就存进银行。很可爱很单纯的小孩。
经过四年忙碌的表演之后,DEC总算要为他的歌迷带来新专辑了,他从EMI转签美国一知名的娱乐公司Saban娱乐后不久,现已推出自己的第二张专辑《Thank you》,而这回的制作阵容更强大。让我们继续喜爱并支持DECLAN吧!
《Tell Me Why》歌词
in my dream,
children sing a song of love for every boy and girl .
The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world.
Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need.
Tell me why(why),
does it have to be like this?
Tell me why(why),
is there something I have missed?
Tell me why(why),
cos" I don"t understand,
when so many need somebody,
we don"t give a helping hand.
Tell me why?
Every day, I ask myself,
what will I have to do to be a man?
Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am?
Is that what my life is far, to waste in a world full of war?
Tell me why(why),
does it have to be like this?
Tell me why(why),
is there something I have missed?
Tell me why(why),
cos" I don"t understand,
when so many need somebody,
we don"t give a helping hand.
Tell me why?
Tell me why?
(Why,why,does the tiger run)
Tell me why?
(Why,why,do we shoot the gun)
Tell me why?
(Why,why,do we never learn)
Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?
(Why,why,do we said we care)
Tell me why?
(Why,why,do we stand and stare)
Tell me why?
(do the dolphins cry)
Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die?
(Why,why,if we"re all the same)
Tell me why?
(Why,why,do we pass and blame)
Tell me why?
(Why,why,does it never end)
Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends?
Why,why,(do we close our eyes)
Why,why,(do the greedy life)
Why,why,(do we fight for land)
Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand?
爱尔兰男孩的天籁童音Tell Me Why.
Declan Galbraith是居住在英国肯特郡的爱尔兰男孩。 在许多方面他是一个正常的 10 岁的男孩。 他喜欢电脑游戏,游泳和足球。 他和他的父母和六岁姊妹居住。 他的堂兄弟姊妹Joe是他最好的朋友。 但是Declan 不只是一个普通的10岁男孩。
Declan Galbraith小的时候,是和他的祖父班度过。 班是音乐家。 他和爱尔兰的民谣乐团演奏传统的爱尔兰音乐。 他们到处在酒吧和俱乐部等地方演唱。Declan 与他的祖父乐团搭配并学习演唱。在他的祖父死之后,他继承了祖父的演唱事业。
目前Declan Galbraith已是英国最畅销的童声歌手之一。他的歌声清彻迷人,高音清亮,极富感染力。如果天使会唱歌,那个天使一定是——Declan Galbraith。
declan galbraith
backstreet boys
Declan Galbraith
Declan Galbraith
Declan Galbraith
Mike learns to rock
谁知道那小孩 叫什么名字啊........看他就烦
tell me why 歌词
还有TaylorSwift的tellmewhyitookachance,itookashot机会来临,我出击了andyoumightthinki"mbulletproof,buti"mnot也许你觉得我不怕任何伤害,但是我不是youtookaswing,itookithard你伤害了我,我很介意anddownherefromthegroundiseewhoyouare直到现在,我看清了你的面目i"msickandtiredofyourattitude我厌倦了你的态度i"mfeelinglikeidon"tknowyou我觉得我似乎不认识你youtellmethatyoulovemethenyoucutmedown你说爱我,却又伤害我andineedyoulikeaheartbeat我需要你,你是我的心跳butyouknowyougotameanstreak但是你知道你自己有多卑劣makesmerunforcoverwhenyou"rearound当和你在一起,我就没有了自己andhere"stoyouandyourtemper着就是你和你的坏脾气yes,irememberwhatyousaidlastnight是的,我记得最后一晚你说的话andiknowthatyouseewhatyou"redoingtome你了解自己对我所做的事tellmewhy..告诉我为什么。。youcouldwriteabookonhowtoruinsomeone"sperfectday你可以写一本关于如何破坏别人美好生活的书welligetsoconfusedandfrustrated我是如此混乱和沮丧forgetwhati"mtryingtosay,oh忘记我想说的话吧,噢i"msickandtiredofyourreasons我厌倦了你的借口igotnoonetobelievein我不相信任何人youtellmethatyouwantme,thenpushmearound你告诉我你需要我,却玩弄我andineedyoulikeaheartbeat我需要你,你是我的心跳butyouknowyougotameanstreak但是你知道你自己有多卑劣makesmerunforcoverwhenyou"rearound当和你在一起,我就没有了自己here"stoyouandyourtemper祝福你和你的坏脾气yes,irememberwhatyousaidlastnight是的,我记得最后一晚你说的话andiknowthatyouseewhatyou"redoingtome你了解自己对我所做的事tellmewhy..告诉我为什么。。why..doyouhavetomakemefeelsmall为什么,你一定要让我觉得无地自容吗soyoucanfeelwholeinside这样你就可以感到why..doyouhavetoputdownmydreams为什么,你一定要让我记住我的梦soyou"retheonlythingonmymind这样你就可以是我心中的唯一i"msickandtiredofyourattitude我对你的态度感到厌倦i"mfeelinglikeidon"tknowyou我觉得我不认识你youtellmethatyouwantmethencutmedown你告诉我你需要我,却又伤害我i"msickandtiredofyourreasons我厌倦了你的借口i"vegotnoonetobelievein我不相信任何人youaskmeformylovethenyoupushmearound你要我爱你,却玩弄我here"stoyouandyourtemper这就是你和你的坏脾气yes,irememberwhatyousaidlastnight是的我记得最后一晚你说的话andiknowthatyouseewhatyou"redoingtome我知道你了解自己对我做的事tellmewhy告诉我为什么why,tellmewhy为什么。告诉我为什么itakeastepback,letyougo我后退一步,让你走itoldyoui"mnotbulletproof告诉你我不是不怕伤害的nowyouknow现在你知道了2023-07-27 13:29:041
《Tell me Why》歌曲原唱:Declan Galbraith所属专辑:Declan发行时间:2002年12月9日In my dream在我梦中children sing a song of love for every boy and girl .孩子们为所有人吟唱着一首爱的歌.The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world.蓝天碧草之间笑声成了世界通用的语言.Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need.然而当我醒来的时候却发现世界上到处是需要帮助的人.Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么)does it have to be like this?真的只能是这样吗?Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么) ,is there something I have missed?是不是我错过了什么?Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么)cos I don"t understand,因为我实在是无法理解when so many need somebody,有那么多需要帮助的人we don"t give a helping hand.我们却不伸出援手Tell me why?告诉我为什么Every day, I ask myself,每天我都在扪心自问what will I have to do to be a man?做为一个人我该做些什么Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am?我是不是要站起来抗争,向所有人证明我的价值Is that what my life is far, to waste in a world full of war?而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是战争的世界?Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么),does it have to be like this?真的只能是这样吗?Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么) ,is there something I have missed?是不是我错过了什么?Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么) ,cos I don"t understand,我实在是无法理解when so many need somebody,有那么多需要帮助的人we don"t give a helping hand.我们却不伸出援手Tell me why (tell me why),告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么),tell me why (tell me why),告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么),tell me why (tell me why),告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) ,just tell me why!仅仅告诉我为什么!Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么),does it have to be like this?真的只能是这样吗?Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么) ,is there something I have missed?有什么我错过了?Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么) ,cause I don"t understand,因为我实在是无法理解when so many need somebody,有那么多需要帮助的人we don"t give a helping hand,我们不伸出援手Tell me why?告诉我为什么(Why,why,does the tiger run)(为什么,为什么,老虎见到人也要逃跑)Tell me why?告诉我为什么(Why,why,do we shoot the gun)(为什么,为什么,我们让子弹射出猎枪)Tell me why?告诉我为什么(Why,why,do we never learn)(为什么,为什么,我们从来不吸取教训)Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?谁能告诉我,为什么我们毁掉森林(Why,why,do we said we care)(为什么,为什么我们光说我们在乎)Tell me why?告诉我为什么(Why,why,do we stand and stare)(为什么,为什么,我们只是站着旁观)Tell me why?告诉我为什么(why, why, do the dolphins cry)(为什么,为什么,海豚在哭泣)Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die?谁能告诉我,为什么我们让海洋死去(Why,why,if we"re all the same)(为什么,为什么,如果我们大家是一样的)Tell me why?告诉我为什么(Why,why,do we pass the blame)(为什么,为什么,我们推卸责任)Tell me why?告诉我为什么(Why,why,does it never end)(为什么,为什么,这些永无休止)Can someone tell us why we can not just be friends?谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好相处Why,why,(do we close our eyes)为什么,为什么,(我们闭上了我们的眼睛)Why,why,(do the greedy life)为什么,为什么,(我们让生命满是贪婪)Why,why,(do we fight for land)为什么,为什么,(我们为了土地而争斗)Can someone tell us why we don"t understand?谁能告诉我因为我们实在无法理解?Why,why?!为什么,为什么?扩展资料:该歌曲收录于专辑《Declan》,发行于2002年12月9日,是一首著名的英文歌曲,曲风饱满干净清幽空灵自然纯美,娓娓动人。迪克兰·加尔布雷斯,1991年12月19日出生于英国,歌手。一位堪称歌唱奇才的少年迪克兰·加尔布雷斯,被英国媒体推崇为“终生难得一见的歌唱奇才”的迪克兰,他最出名的是他2002年的单曲《tell me why》,达到在英国排行榜29 ,当时才10岁,并以他的首张专辑《Declan》轰动欧洲。创作背景:这首歌曲是Declan Galbraith(英国)于2002年12月9日发表的,当时正是Declan11岁生日的前10天,这也是他的第一首歌。也正是在这一天,英国和爱尔兰的所有党派和Declan同时唱响了这首歌,并获得世界吉尼斯记录,历史上最大的唱诗班。这个活动是由“young voices in concert”举办的,所有筹款捐赠给了Sargent Cancer Care的孩子们。2023-07-27 13:29:112
tell me why的歌词
这些事情百度MP3就会告诉你的。。2023-07-27 13:29:255
Taylor Swift 的[Tell Me why]的歌词加中文!谢谢!
i took a chance, i took a shot 机会来临,我出击了 and you might think i"m bulletproof,but i"m not 也许你觉得我不怕任何伤害,但是我不是 you took a swing, i took it hard 你伤害了我,我很介意 and down here from the ground i see who you are 直到现在,我看清了你的面目 i"m sick and tired of your attitude 我厌倦了你的态度 i"m feeling like i don"t know you 我觉得我似乎不认识你 you tell me that you love me then you cut me down 你说爱我,却又伤害我 and i need you like a heartbeat 我需要你,你是我的心跳 but you know you got a mean streak 但是你知道你自己有多卑劣 makes me run for cover when you"re around 当和你在一起,我就没有了自己 and here"s to you and your temper 着就是你和你的坏脾气 yes, i remember what you said last night 是的,我记得最后一晚你说的话 and i know that you see what you"re doing to me 你了解自己对我所做的事 tell me why.. 告诉我为什么。。 you could write a book on how to ruin someone"s perfect day 你可以写一本关于如何破坏别人美好生活的书 well i get so confused and frustrated 我是如此混乱和沮丧 forget what i"m trying to say, oh 忘记我想说的话吧,噢 i"m sick and tired of your reasons 我厌倦了你的借口 i got no one to believe in 我不相信任何人 you tell me that you want me, then push me around 你告诉我你需要我,却玩弄我 and i need you like a heartbeat 我需要你,你是我的心跳 but you know you got a mean streak 但是你知道你自己有多卑劣 makes me run for cover when you"re around 当和你在一起,我就没有了自己 here"s to you and your temper 祝福你和你的坏脾气 yes, i remember what you said last night 是的,我记得最后一晚你说的话 and i know that you see what you"re doing to me 你了解自己对我所做的事 tell me why.. 告诉我为什么。。 why..do you have to make me feel small 为什么,你一定要让我觉得无地自容吗 so you can feel whole inside 这样你就可以感到 why..do you have to put down my dreams 为什么,你一定要让我记住我的梦 so you"re the only thing on my mind 这样你就可以是我心中的唯一 i"m sick and tired of your attitude 我对你的态度感到厌倦 i"m feeling like i don"t know you 我觉得我不认识你 you tell me that you want me then cut me down 你告诉我你需要我,却又伤害我 i"m sick and tired of your reasons 我厌倦了你的借口 i"ve got no one to believe in 我不相信任何人 you ask me for my love then you push me around 你要我爱你,却玩弄我 here"s to you and your temper 这就是你和你的坏脾气 yes, i remember what you said last night 是的我记得最后一晚你说的话 and i know that you see what you"re doing to me 我知道你了解自己对我做的事 tell me why 告诉我为什么 why, tell me why 为什么。告诉我为什么 i take a step back, let you go 我后退一步,让你走 i told you i"m not bulletproof 告诉你我不是不怕伤害的 now you know 现在你知道了2023-07-27 13:29:554
tell me why歌词
《Tell Me Why》歌词及中文意思 In my dream,children sing A song of love for every boy and girl The sky is blue and fields are green: And laughter is the language of the world Then i wake and all i see Is a world full of people in need Tell me why(why) does it have to be like this? Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed? Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understand When so many need somebody We don"t give a helping hand Tell me why? Everyday i ask myself What will i have to do to be a man? Do i have to stand and fight To prove to everybody who i am? Is that what my life is for To waste in a world full of war? tell me why?tell me why? tell me why?tell me why? just tell me why, why, why? Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run) Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun) Tell me why (why,why do we never learn) Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? (why,why do we say we care) Tell me why(why,why) 中文歌词大意: 在我的梦中 少年总在唱着一首关于男孩和女孩的恋歌 那里有蔚蓝的天空 翠绿的原野 笑声是这个地球上共同的语言 然而当我醒来 看到的却是一个满布穷苦的世界 告诉我这一切为什么会变成这样 .... 为什么我们面对这么多贫穷的人却不能伸出援手 我要做怎样一个人 难道必须要做靠孤立和争斗来证实自己存在的人 难道我生来就为了在充满战争的世界里浪费生命 告诉我为什么 为什么 为什么... 相关资料: Declan Galbraith是英国的一位小歌手,他的首张专辑在英国畅销,英国小歌手Declan曾演唱过Walking In The Air收录在一张圣诞合辑Christmas Hits里 , 这首歌也有许多童声演唱过 , 但Declan演唱起来格外的高亢动人. 他的《Carrickfergus》,刚开始凯尔特音乐的旋律很吸引人,再听一下Declan的声音,不可想像一个童声居然能唱出如此高亢又甜美的声音,都感觉有点天簌之声的味了! Declan Galbraith是居住在英国肯特郡的爱尔兰男孩。 在许多方面他是一个正常的 10 岁的男孩。 他喜欢电脑游戏,游泳和足球。他和他的父母和六岁姊妹居住。 他的堂兄弟姊妹Joe是他最好的朋友。 但是 Declan 不只是一个普通的10岁男孩。 Declan Galbraith小的时候,是和他的祖父班度过。 班是音乐家。 他和爱尔兰的民谣乐团演奏传统的爱尔兰音乐。 他们到处在酒吧和俱乐部等地方演唱。Declan 与他的祖父乐团搭配并学习演唱。在他的祖父死之后,他继承了祖父的演唱事业。 Declan Galbraith,这个眼神清明的十二岁男孩的嗓音有一种让人落泪的力量,即使是圣诞的圣咏,在他的演绎下也渗透了人间悲苦。2023-07-27 13:30:021
tell me why 歌词
in my dream,children singa song of love for every boy and girl .the sky is blue and fields are greenand laughter is the language of the world.then i wake and all i seeis a world full of people in need.tell me why(why),does it have to be like this?tell me why(why),is there something i have missed?tell me why(why),cos" i don"t understand,when so many need somebody,we don"t give a helping hand.tell me why?every day,i ask myself,what will i have to do to be a man?do i have to stand and fight,to prove to everybody who i am?is that what my life is far,to waste in a world full of war?tell me why(why),does it have to be like this?tell me why(why),is there something i have missed?tell me why(why),"cos i don"t understand,when so many need somebody,we don"t give a helping hand.tell me why (tell me why)?tell me why (tell me why)?tell me why (tell me why)?just tell me why!tell me why(why)does it have to be like this?tell me why(why),is there something i have missed?tell me why(why),"cos i don"t understand,when so many need somebody,we don"t give a helping hand.tell me why?(why,why,does the tiger fun)tell me why?(why,why,do we shoot the gun)tell me why?(why,why,do we never learn)can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?(why,why,do we say we care)tell me why?(why,why,do we stand and stare)tell me why?(why,why,do the dolphins cry)can someone tell us why we let the ocean die?(why,why,if we"re all the same)tell me why?(why,why,do we pass and blame)tell me why?(why,why,does it never end)can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends?why,why,(do we close our eyes)why,why,(do the greedy life)why,why,(do we fight for land)can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand?why,why??2023-07-27 13:30:112
tell me why歌词
In my dream, 在我梦中 children sing a song of love for every boy and girl . 孩子们为所有人吟唱着一首爱的歌. The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world. 蓝天碧草之间笑声成了世界通用的语言. Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need. 然而当我醒来的时候却发现世界上到处是需要帮助的人. Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) cos"I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 Every day, I ask myself, 每天我都在问自己 what will I have to do to be a man? 做为一个人我该做些什么 Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am? 我是不是要站起来抗争,向所有人证明我的价值 Is that what my life is for, to waste in a world full of war? 而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是战争的世界? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) cos"I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) just tell me why! 仅仅告诉我为什么! tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) is there something I have missed? 有什么我错过了? tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) cos"I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand 我们不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does the tiger run) (为什么,为什么,老虎也要逃跑) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we shoot the gun) (为什么,为什么,我们让子弹射出枪膛) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we never learn) (为什么,为什么,我们从来不吸取教训) Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们烧毁森林 (Why,why,do we said we care) (为什么,为什么我们光说我们在乎) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we stand and stare) (为什么,为什么,我们只是站着旁观) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (why, why, do the dolphins cry) (为什么,为什么,海豚在哭泣) Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们让海洋死去 (Why,why,if we"re all the same) (为什么,为什么,如果我们大家是一样的) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we pass and blame) (为什么,为什么,我们却在互相谴责) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does it never end) (为什么,为什么,这些永无休止) Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好相处 Why,why,(do we close our eyes) 为什么,为什么,(我们闭上了我们的眼睛) Why,why,(do the greedy life) 为什么,为什么,(我们让生命满是贪婪) Why,why,(do we fight for land) 为什么,为什么,(我们为了土地而争斗) Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand? 谁能告诉我因为我们实在无法理解? Why,why?! 为什么,为什么?!2023-07-27 13:30:184
"Tell me Why"的英汉歌词
http://hi.baidu.com/1595850wu/blog/item/019a10cf0717b03fb700c858.html里面有中英文歌词还有一个视频的 呼呼2023-07-27 13:30:265
歌词有“tell me why……至少我还存在”的一首歌
陈旭的启示录2023-07-27 13:30:416
英文歌tell me why歌词,顺便翻译的更好.
《Tell Me Why》歌词及中文意思 In my dream,children sing A song of love for every boy and girl The sky is blue and fields are green: And laughter is the language of the world Then i wake and all i see Is a world full of people in need Tell me why(why) does it have to be like this? Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed? Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understand When so many need somebody We don"t give a helping hand Tell me why? Everyday i ask myself What will i have to do to be a man? Do i have to stand and fight To prove to everybody who i am? Is that what my life is for To waste in a world full of war? tell me why?tell me why? tell me why?tell me why? just tell me why, why, why? Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run) Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun) Tell me why (why,why do we never learn) Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? (why,why do we say we care) Tell me why(why,why) 中文歌词大意: 在我的梦中 少年总在唱着一首关于男孩和女孩的恋歌 那里有蔚蓝的天空 翠绿的原野 笑声是这个地球上共同的语言 然而当我醒来 看到的却是一个满布穷苦的世界 告诉我这一切为什么会变成这样 .... 为什么我们面对这么多贫穷的人却不能伸出援手 我要做怎样一个人 难道必须要做靠孤立和争斗来证实自己存在的人 难道我生来就为了在充满战争的世界里浪费生命 告诉我为什么 为什么 为什么... 相关资料: Declan Galbraith是英国的一位小歌手,他的首张专辑在英国畅销,英国小歌手Declan曾演唱过Walking In The Air收录在一张圣诞合辑Christmas Hits里 , 这首歌也有许多童声演唱过 , 但Declan演唱起来格外的高亢动人. 他的《Carrickfergus》,刚开始凯尔特音乐的旋律很吸引人,再听一下Declan的声音,不可想像一个童声居然能唱出如此高亢又甜美的声音,都感觉有点天簌之声的味了! Declan Galbraith是居住在英国肯特郡的爱尔兰男孩。 在许多方面他是一个正常的 10 岁的男孩。 他喜欢电脑游戏,游泳和足球。他和他的父母和六岁姊妹居住。 他的堂兄弟姊妹Joe是他最好的朋友。 但是 Declan 不只是一个普通的10岁男孩。 Declan Galbraith小的时候,是和他的祖父班度过。 班是音乐家。 他和爱尔兰的民谣乐团演奏传统的爱尔兰音乐。 他们到处在酒吧和俱乐部等地方演唱。Declan 与他的祖父乐团搭配并学习演唱。在他的祖父死之后,他继承了祖父的演唱事业。 Declan Galbraith,这个眼神清明的十二岁男孩的嗓音有一种让人落泪的力量,即使是圣诞的圣咏,在他的演绎下也渗透了人间悲苦。2023-07-27 13:31:061
declan的《tell me why》的英语歌词和中文翻译。
In my dream 梦中 children sing 孩子们唱着 a song of love for every boy and girl 一首献给所有孩子们关于爱的歌 The sky is blue and fields are green 天色蔚蓝,大地青葱 and laughter is the language of the world 笑声是全世界唯一通用的语言 Than I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need但当我惊醒我看到的是饿殍遍地 [Chorus] Tell me why(why) 告诉我为什么 does it have to be like this? 因为是上天注定的吗? Tell me why(why) 为什么? is there something I have missed? 是否只是因为我没有察觉 Tell me why(why) 告诉我为什么 cos" I don"t understand 我不明白 when so many need somebody 当他们对我们祈求时 we don"t give a helping hand 我们只会袖手旁观 Tell me why? 为什么? Every day 每天 I ask myself 我扪心自问 what will I have to do to be a man 如何努力才能成为一个男人 Do I have to stand and fight, 难道非要无休止得忍受和争夺 to prove to everybody who I am? 来向世人证明自己吗? Is that what my life is far 这就将是我漫长的生命吗---- to waste in a world full of war? 在炮火横行的世界中慢慢消逝? [Chorus] Tell me why(why) 告诉我为什么 does it have to be like this? 这是上天注定的吗? Tell me why(why) 为什么? is there something I have missed? 是否只是因为我没有察觉 ]Tell me why(why) 为什么? "cos I don"t understand 我不明白--- when so many need somebody 为什么当他们对我们祈求时 we don"t give a helping hand 我们只会袖手旁观 Tell me why (Tell me why)? 告诉我为什么(为什么?) ]Tell me why (Tell me why)? 为什么?(为什么?) Tell me why (Tell me why)? 为什么?(为什么?) Just tell me why! 快告诉我! [Chorus] Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么?) does it have to be like this? 因为必须是这样么? Tell me why(why) 为什么?(为什么?) is there something I have missed 是否只是因为我没有察觉 Tell me why(why) 为什么(为什么?) "cos I don"t understand, 我不明白---- when so many need somebody, 为什么当他们对我们祈求时 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们只会袖手旁观! Tell me why? 为什么! (Why,why,does the tiger run)(为什么物种在灭绝?) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么! (Why,why,do we shoot the gun) (为什么枪炮要开火?) Tell me why? 为什么! (Why,why,do we never learn) (为什么我们不知悔改?) Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? 有没有人能告诉我们为什么森林被付之一炬?! (Why,why,do we say we care)(为什么我们只是装作慷慨) Tell me why? 为什么 (Why,why,do we stand and stare)(为什么我们纵容旁观!) Tell me why? 为什么! (do the dolphins cry) (为什么海豚要哀鸣!) Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die?有没有人能告诉我们为什么海洋被夺去蓝色?! (Why,why,if we"re all the same) (为什么不能人人平等!) Tell me why?为什么?(为什么我们只会抱怨别人!) Tell me why? 为什么! (Why,why,does it never end) (为什么永远没用尽头!) Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends? 有门有人能告诉我们为什么做不成朋友! Why,why,(do we close our eyes) 为什么(我们视而不见?) Why,why,(do the greedy life) 为什么(要享受贪婪?) Why,why,(do we fight for land) 为什么(为了土地而战斗?) Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand? 有没有人能告诉为什么我们甚至都不明白这到底是为了什么! Why,why!! 为什么!!!2023-07-27 13:31:163
一首歌的歌词里有 tell me why
TELL ME WHY--------------Declan GalbraithIn my dream,children sing a song of love for every boy and girl .The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world.Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need.Tell me why(why),does it have to be like this?Tell me why(why),is there something I have missed?Tell me why(why),I don"t understand,when so many need somebody,we don"t give a helping hand.Tell me why?Every day, I ask myself,what will I have to do to be a man?Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am?Is that what my life is far, to waste in a world full of war?Tell me why(why),does it have to be like this?Tell me why(why),is there something I have missed?Tell me why(why),I don"t understand,when so many need somebody,we don"t give a helping hand.Tell me why (tell me why),tell me why (tell me why),tell me why (tell me why),just tell me why!Tell me why(why),does it have to be like this?Tell me why(why),is there something I have missed?Tell me why(why),I don"t understand,when so many need somebody,we don"t give a helping hand,Tell me why?(Why,why,does the tiger run)Tell me why?(Why,why,do we shoot the gun)Tell me why?(Why,why,do we never learn)Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?(Why,why,do we said we care)Tell me why?(Why,why,do we stand and stare)Tell me why?(why, why, do the dolphins cry)Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die?(Why,why,if we"re all the same)Tell me why?(Why,why,do we pass and blame)Tell me why?(Why,why,does it never end)Can someone tell us why we can not just be friends?Why,why,(do we close our eyes)Why,why,(do the greedy life)Why,why,(do we fight for land)Can someone tell us why we don"t understand?Why,why?!看看是不是这首?2023-07-27 13:31:233
歌词有tell me why的中文歌
陈旭启示录tellmewhy,i"dwantsaygoodbye,你为什么看不开,还有什么不明白,你我跟随着节拍,哦,为自己喝彩,哦,现在我主宰...对吗??应该是的,还怪好听的勒2023-07-27 13:31:301
tell me why----Emilia歌词
讲诉的是分手的恋人的埋怨,表达了他内心在不断追问“告诉我为什么(要分开)”的痛苦感受I can"t remember when we use to share the same bed我记不清那时我们曾同枕共眠You have your arms surround me你用你的手臂抱着我When I was afraid但我害怕的时候No one else could make me feel the wayLike you did没人能像你一样给我这样的感觉Deep inside my lonely heart I long for you To take me home Where we belong together在我孤独的内心我渴望你带我回家,那属于我们的地方Why do you make me feelLike I"m not here为什么你让我觉得我不在这里*ChorusTell me why告诉我为什么Have I done something wrong是我做错什么了?Tell me why告诉我为什么?What we had, was so strong我们的感情曾如此强烈There"s no one like you没人能像你一样So, what can I doI need to know所以,我需要找到我该怎么办Tell me why告诉我为什么Baby, do you really feel the same (ah)宝贝,你也有这样的感觉?I keep asking myselfAm I too late我不段的问自己 ,是不是太迟了How can something that seemed so rightTurn out wrong貌似对的事情怎么就出问题了呢2023-07-27 13:31:371
找一首歌,歌词里有tell me why why why
Hei You 是这个把,,2023-07-27 13:31:455
一个女子组合唱的一首韩文歌,歌词里有tell me why 请问这是什么歌
歌名:边做边爱演唱:陈旭专辑:告诉我你还爱我吗作词:陈旭 作曲:陈旭Tell Me Why 总是到失去后才明白Please don"t cry 至少我还存在Tell Me Why 不情愿又不得不放开Say Goodbye 等待我再回来爱过后 才懂得 爱情有多深刻失去后 才懂得 该珍惜什么恨过后 才懂得 爱给的苦涩解脱后 才懂得 该如何取舍曾经 边做边爱无奈 边做边爱不再 边做边爱RAP:当初你说不想失去 以我分析我们不是爱的多深 爱的有多彻底只是时间的沉积 导致已经成为一种习惯 一种依赖 一种默契让你误认为难舍难离既然错误的开始你我都不想再去追忆既然爱难以继续 何必非要不离不弃何必勉强在一起 如果你不愿意就由我说破这最后一句对不起 我依然爱你只是不能和你在一起RAP:当初我们爱的太唐突 爱的太盲目错误的爱情还要不断修复不断弥补 这是何苦其实不必非要彼此束缚何不卸下情感包袱你去寻找新的幸福我独自为你承受孤独别哭 我不是不爱你只是为了你能幸福 我不得不退出记住 我依旧是你最后的退路只要我还没麻木只要我的身体还有温度Love u by my LifeI will b back2023-07-27 13:31:591
后街男孩有一首歌的里的歌词是tell me why ?这首是什么歌
I want it that way2023-07-27 13:32:134
求韩国组合free style的Y(Pleas Tell Me Why)中文版歌词
Y(PleaseTellMeWhy)(Chinesever.)(WithKevin)MYBABY~ILOVEYOUSOMUCHFOREVERYOUANDIILOVEYOUOH~ILOVEYOUSOMUCHFOREVERYOUANDANDIMYBABYILOVEYOUSOMUCHFOREVERYOUANDIILOVEYOUOH~ILOVEYOUSOMUCHFOREVERYOUANDIuc9c0ub098uac04uc2dcuac04ub4e4uc744ubaa8ub450ub2e4ub418ub3ccub9b4uc21cuc5c6uaca0uc8e0该无法挽回流逝时间吧ud558ub098ub458uc313uc5ecuac00ub294uac71uc815ub3c4ubaa8ub450ub0b4ud0d3uc774uaca0uc9c0堆积起来担心也都该怪我吧ud558ub8e8uac00uc9c0ub098uac00uace0uc774ud2c0uc544ubb34uc758ubbf8uac00uc5c6uc5b4天天过去毫无疑义ub108uc5c6ub294uc774uc21cuac04uc774ub0b4uac8cub294uc544ubb34ub290ub08cub3c4uc5c6uc5b4没有瞬间对我没有任何感觉TELLME~CHORUS2)PLEASETELLMEWHY~uc65cub098ub97cub5a0ub098uac14uc5b4~离开我PLEASETELLMEWHY~,uc0acub791ud558ub294ub098ub97cub450uace0~TELLME丢下深爱我PLEASETELLMEWHY~ub0b4uac8cub2e4uc2dcub3ccuc544uc640uc918~重新回我身边吧uc9c0ub09cuc544ud508uae30uc5b5ub4e4uc740ubaa8ub450uc78auace0uc11cuc6b0ub9acub2e4uc2dcuc2dcuc791ud574BABY~忘掉所有过去伤心记忆,我们重新开始吧CHORUS1)ubc18ubcf5RAP)YO.XGIRLFRIENDHOWHAVEYOUBEENuc5b4ub5bbuac8cuc9c0ub0b4ub108ub3c4ubc1duc544uc9c4ub0b4uac00ubc14ubcf4uac19uc740ub0a8uc790ub77cuace0过样?也认变明朗我像傻瓜样男子ubb34uc5b8uac00ub97cuc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0uac83ucc98ub7fcubd88uc548ud574好像丢了似安uadf8uc548uc5d0uac00uc2b4uc774uad6cuba4duc774ub09cuac83ucc98ub7fcud5c8uc804ud574uc5ecuc804ud574里面像心里被挖了洞样空虚依ud55cubc88uc2dcuc791ub41cub208ubb3cuc740ub300uccb4ub9c8ub974uc9c0uac00uc54auc544已经开始流下泪水也擦干uc5ecud0dcud639uc2dcub098ub9c8uc8fcuce60uae4cub2c8uac00uc790uc8fcuac77ub294uac70ub9acub97cub450ub9acubc88ub450ub9acubc88uac70ub9bcuc744ud558uace0uac00ub294ub0b4ubaa8uc2b5uc744ubcf4uba74ub108ub54cubb38uc778uac78MYGIRL看我希望也许能碰见,走过经常走街上时东张西望样子,我知道都因ud55cubc88ucbe4uc740ub108uc5educ2dcub10cub098uc640ud568uaed8uac14ub358uadf8uacf3uc744ucc3euc544uac00ub294uc9c0ub3c4ubab0ub77cub2e4uc2dcub0b4uac8cub3ccuc544uc640uc918mysweetheart能也至少会有次去和我起去过地方,重新回我身边吧chorus1)ubc18ubcf5chorus2)ubc18ubcf5pleasetellmewhy~uc65cub098ub97cub5a0ub098uac14uc5b4~离开我pleasetellmewhy~uc0acub791ud558ub294ub098ub97cub450uace0tellme丢下深爱我pleasetellmewhy~ub0b4uac8cub2e4uc2dcub3ccuc544uc640uc918重新回我身边吧uc9c0ub09cuc544ud508uae30uc5b5ub4e4uc740ubaa8ub450uc78auace0uc11cuc6b0ub9acub2e4uc2dcuc2dcuc791ud574忘掉所有过去伤心回忆我们重新开始吧baby~chorus1)ubc18ubcf5ub09cuc9c0uae08uc5ecuae30uc788ub294ub370我现里ub110ud56duc0c1uae30ub2e4ub9acub294ub370~直等着uc5b4ub5bbuac8cud574uc57cud558ub294uc9c0ub418ub3ccub9b4uc21cuc5c6ub294uc9c0应该做,能够挽回ub2e4uc2dcub0b4uac8cub3ccuc544uc640uc918~重新回我身边吧chorus1)ubc18ubcf52023-07-27 13:32:204
求一首歌,开头的歌词是baby want to tell me why,好像是这样??
歌曲:《that"s why you go away 》歌手:Michael Learns To Rock发行时间:1995年08月Baby won"t you tell me why宝贝,你不愿告诉我吗there is sadness in your eyes为何你的眼中含着伤悲I don"t wanna say goodbye to you我不想就此与你告别Love is one big illusion爱是场华丽错觉I should try to forget我该尽力忘却But there is something left in my head但有些事还在我脑海,难以挥别You"re the one who set it up当初一切因你开始Now you"re the one to make it stop现在一切因你终止I"m the one who"s feeling lost right now而此刻的我感到深深迷失Now you want me to forget every little thing you said现在你要我忘了,你说过的每一件事But there is something left in my head但有些事还在我脑海,难以挥别I won"t forget the way you"re kissing我将永生难忘,你是如何与我热吻The feelings so strong were lasting for so long那些强烈的感情,曾伴随过如此漫长岁月But I"m not the man your heart is missing但我并非那个,你心中正想念的人That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别You were never satisfied, no matter how I tried你总是无法满意,无论我如何努力Now you wanna say goodbye to me如今你要对我说出再见Love is one big illusion, I should try to forget爱是场华丽错觉,我该尽力忘却But there is something left in my head但有些事还在我脑海,难以挥别I won"t forget the way you"re kissing我将永生难忘,你是如何与我热吻The feelings so strong were lasting for so long那些强烈的感情,曾伴随过如此漫长岁月But I"m not the man your heart is missing但我并非那个,你心中正想念的人That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别Sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere孤独地坐在这,仿佛身处无垠荒野Don"t know which way to go不知该何去何从There ain"t so much to say now between us现在你我之间,已说不出万语千言There ain"t so much for you对于你,我的话已不多There ain"t so much for me anymore对于我,恐怕从此你也唯有沉默I won"t forget the way you"re kissing我将永生难忘,你是如何与我热吻The feelings so strong were lasting for so long那些强烈的感情,曾伴随过如此漫长岁月But I"m not the man your heart is missing但我并非那个,你心中正想念的人That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别扩展资料迈克学摇滚的第三张专辑 《Played On Pepper》在1995年发行,其范围进一步扩展到欧洲、南美、南非、中东,及东南亚的11个国家。当年10月乐队在东南亚10国举行25场巡回演唱会,受到皇室般的礼遇,并推出That"s Why You Go Away和Someday等极受好评的单曲,其中That"s Why You Go Away以前所未有的速度登上榜首。该专辑的全球销量亦超过了120万张。2023-07-27 13:32:381
后街男孩歌中歌词有tell me why的是什么歌
tell me why 是一个10岁英国男孩唱的歌 你直接百度MP3就知道了 哥们2023-07-27 13:33:017
tell me why的英文歌词
In my dream,children sing A song of love for every boy and girl The sky is blue and fields are green: And laughter is the language of the world Then i wake and all i see Is a world full of people in need Tell me why(why) does it have to be like this? Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed? Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understand When so many need somebody We don"t give a helping hand Tell me why? Everyday i ask myself What will i have to do to be a man? Do i have to stand and fight To prove to everybody who i am? Is that what my life is for To waste in a world full of war? tell me why?tell me why? tell me why?tell me why? just tell me why, why, why? Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run) Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun) Tell me why (why,why do we never learn) Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? (why,why do we say we care) Tell me why(why,why)2023-07-27 13:33:162
tell me why 歌词
tell me why告诉我为什么演唱:爱尔兰10岁男孩declan galbraithin my dream,children sing在我梦中,孩子在歌唱a song of love for every boy and girl一首关于每个男孩女孩的爱的歌the sky is blue and fields are green梦中天是蓝的草是绿的and laughter is the language of the world全世界都听的到的笑声then i wake and all i see突然我惊醒,我了解is a world full of people in need现实世界却是在危难中的人类么tell me why(why) does it have to be like this?告诉我为什么,世界必须变成这个样子吗?tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?告诉我为什么,我已经失去了什么东西?tell me why (why) cos i don"t understand告诉我为什么,我真的不明白when so many need somebody为什么当有人需要很多帮助的时候we don"t give a helping hand tell me why?我们不能给予一点关心,为什么?everyday i ask myself每个人问问自己吧what will i have to do to be a man?到底我在这个世界上要做怎样的人do i have to stand and fight难道我不得不忍受不止的僵持和战争to prove to everybody who i am?去证明每个人到底是谁?is that what my life is for难道我的人生生来如此?to waste in a world full of war?浪费在一个充斥着战争的不和平的世界里?tell me why(why) does it have to be like this?告诉我为什么,世界必须变成这个样子吗?tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?告诉我为什么,我已经失去了什么东西?tell me why (why) cos i don"t understand告诉我为什么,我真的不明白when so many need somebody为什么当有人需要很多帮助的时候we don"t give a helping hand tell me why?我们不能给予一点关心,为什么?(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?告诉我为什么,告诉我为什么?(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?告诉我为什么,告诉我为什么?(together) just tell me why, why, why?我只是请你告诉我,为什么?为什么!tell me why(why) does it have to be like this?告诉我为什么,世界必须变成这个样子吗?tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?告诉我为什么,我已经失去了什么东西?tell me why (why) cos i don"t understand告诉我为什么,我真的不明白when so many need somebody为什么当有人需要很多帮助的时候we don"t give a helping hand我们不能给予一点关心,为什么?tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run)告诉我为什么?(为什么,为什么,老虎要逃离家园?)tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun)告诉我为什么?(为什么,为什么我们要端枪射击谁?)tell me why (why,why do we never learn)告诉我为什么?(我从来没被教过生存是这样残忍)can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?难道大人们,你们没有人告诉我们为什么让森林忍受炮火煎熬.(why,why do we say we care)(为什么,为什么,难道我们不关心这一切么?)tell me why(why,why do we stand and stare)告诉我为什么(为什么为什么我们这样僵持对视,仿如敌人)tell me why(why,why do the dolphins cry)告诉我为什么(为什么,为什么海豚要尖叫躁动?)can some one tell us why we let the ocean die?难道没人能告诉我们为什么我们让海洋一片死寂?(why,why if we"re all the same)2023-07-27 13:33:252
t.aeno的tell me why的lrc歌词
歌手:Taylor SwiftTell Me Whylrc歌词:[ti:Tell Me Why][ar:Taylor Swift][al:Fearless][00:01.00]Taylor Swift - Tell Me Why[00:02.00]LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang[00:03.00]@ @[00:04.00][00:05.34]I took a chance, i took a shot[00:10.11]and you might think i"m bulletproof, but i"m not[00:14.64]you took a swing, i took it hard[00:19.62]and down here from the ground i see who you are[00:23.95][00:24.74]I"m sick and tired of your attitude[00:27.16]I"m feeling like i don"t know you[00:29.53]you tell me that you love me then you cut me down[00:34.22]and i need you like a heartbeat[00:37.06]but you know you got a mean streak[00:38.94]makes me run for cover when you"re around[00:43.59]and here"s to you and your temper[00:47.14]yes, i remember what you said last night[00:51.11]and i know that you see what you"re doing to me[00:56.20]tell me why..[00:59.19][01:02.54]You could write a book on[01:05.79]how to ruin someone"s perfect day[01:11.51]well i get so confused and frustrated[01:16.03]forget what i"m trying to say, oh[01:20.52][01:21.77]I"m sick and tired of your reasons[01:24.88]I got no one to believe in[01:27.06]you tell me that you want me, then push me around[01:31.27]and i need you like a heartbeat[01:34.10]but you know you got a mean streak[01:36.61]makes me run for cover when you"re around[01:40.90]here"s to you and your temper[01:44.20]yes, i remember what you said last night[01:48.75]and i know that you see what you"re doing to me[01:54.21]tell me why..[01:56.96][01:57.81]why..do you have to make me feel small[02:03.95]so you can feel whole inside[02:08.75]why..do you have to put down my dreams[02:13.63]so you"re the only thing on my mind[02:18.90][02:19.90]i"m sick and tired of your attitude[02:22.52]i"m feeling like i don"t know you[02:25.00]you tell me that you want me then cut me down[02:29.25]i"m sick and tired of your reasons[02:32.15]i"ve got no one to believe in[02:34.50]you ask me for my love then you push me around[02:38.97]here"s to you and your temper[02:42.16]yes, i remember what you said last night[02:46.54]and i know that you see what you"re doing to me[02:51.93]tell me why[02:55.07]why, tell me why[02:59.09][03:02.65]i take a step back, let you go[03:08.04]i told you i"m not bulletproof[03:10.76]now you know[03:14.54][00:00.05]2023-07-27 13:33:323
谁知道有一首歌歌词了有“不明白...”和“say goodbye..."
有着两个词的歌太多了……你能补充的详细点吗?2023-07-27 13:33:406
tell me why的英文歌词纯英文一定要全不全不要急啊
In my dream,children sing A song of love for every boy and girl The sky is blue and fields are green And laughter is the language of the world Then i wake and all i see Is a world full of people in need Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this? Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed? Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understand When so many need somebody We don"t give a helping hand Tell me why? Everyday i ask myself What will i have to do to be a man? Do i have to stand and fight To prove to everybody who i am? Is that what my life is for To waste in a world full of war? Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this? Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed? Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understand When so many need somebody We don"t give a helping hand Tell me why? (children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why? (children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why? (together) just tell me why, why, why? Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this? Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed? Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understand When so many need somebody We don"t give a helping hand Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run) Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun) Tell me why (why,why do we never learn) Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? (why,why do we say we care) Tell me why(why,why do we stand and stare) Tell me why(why,why do the dolphins cry) Can some one tell us why we let the ocean die? (why,why if we"re all the same) Tell me why(why,why do we pass the blame) Tell me why (why,why does it never end) Can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends? Why,why,(do we close our eyes) Why,why,(do the greedy life) Why,why,(do we fight for land) Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand? Why,why?! -END-2023-07-27 13:34:212
westlife的哪一首歌的歌词里面有"Tell me why"这句的?
这首歌就叫Tell me Why。 13:34:364
B1A4 Tell me why 的中文歌词
百度搜2023-07-27 13:34:505
Lafee - tell me why,中文歌词
我不知道。2023-07-27 13:36:486
tell me why歌词翻译。
告诉我为什么~~2023-07-27 13:37:114
求吸血鬼日记tell me why的歌词中英对照
I"m lying wide awake My head spinning over you Dark of night, no stars inside You are dreaming next to me Afraid to close my eyes, ‘cause I don"t wanna miss a moment of you Don"t want to dream,no No dream could be as beatiful as you are Tell me what have I done to deserve something this beatiful Tell me why Am I the one your all belongs to- why me? Tell me why Am I the one you wanna place in your heart-why me? Tell me why do you love me Why is me you want? Before you came the days just passed But now I so cannot reach seconds Within me thousand suns rise And I"m praying for them to never do disappear Tell me what have I done to deserve something this beatiful Tell me why Am I the one your all belongs to- why me? Tell me why Am I the one you wanna place in your heart-why me? Tell me why do you love me Why is me you want? Tell me why I deserve you And why do you say: ‘"I love you girl"" Tell me why Am I the one your all belongs to- why me? Tell me why Am I the one you wanna place in your heart-why me? Tell me why Am I the one your all belongs to- why me? Tell me why Am I the one you wanna place in your heart-why me? Tell me why I deserve you Tell me why I deserve you Tell me why I deserve you Why is me you love? I"m lying wide awake 我躺着,翻覆难眠 My head spinning over you 脑海中不断萦绕这你的身影 Dark of night, no stars inside 漆黑的夜晚,没有星光 You are dreaming next to me 你在我的旁边做着梦 Afraid to close my eyes, 我不敢闭上双眼 ‘cause I don"t wanna miss a moment of you 因为不想错过你的任何一刻。 Don"t want to dream,no 不想做梦,不 No dream could be as beatiful as you are 没有任何梦能跟你一样美 Tell me what have I done to deserve something this beatiful 告诉我,我究竟做了什么,才修来了这样的福分(美事)? Tell me why 告诉我为什么 Am I the one your all belongs to- why me? 我是你的归宿吗?为什么选择我? Tell me why 告诉我为什么 Am I the one you wanna place in your heart-why me? 我是你想要放在心上的人吗?为什么是我? Tell me why do you love me 告诉我为什么爱我 Why is me you want? 为什么你要的是我? Before you came the days just passed 你在夜幕中走来 But now I so cannot reach seconds 但现在我如此的忘记了时间(不能触及每一秒) Within me thousand suns rise 我心内千个太阳升起 And I"m praying for them to never do disappear 我祈祷它们永远不要消失 Tell me what have I done to deserve something this beatiful 告诉我,我究竟做了什么,才修来了这样的福分(美事)?? Tell me why 告诉我为什么 Am I the one your all belongs to- why me? 我是你的归宿吗?为什么选择我? Tell me why 告诉我为什么 Am I the one you wanna place in your heart-why me? 我是你想要放在心上的人吗?为什么是我? Tell me why do you love me 告诉我为什么爱我 Why is me you want? 为什么你要的是我? Tell me why I deserve you 告诉我我为何配得上你 And why do you say: ‘"I love you girl"" 还有为什么你说“我爱你,妞” Tell me why 告诉我为什么 Am I the one your all belongs to- why me? 我是你的归宿吗?为什么选择我? Tell me why 告诉我为什么 Am I the one you wanna place in your heart-why me? 我是你想要放在心上的人吗?为什么是我? Tell me why 告诉我为什么 Am I the one your all belongs to- why me? 我是你的归宿吗?为什么选择我? Tell me why 告诉我为什么 Am I the one you wanna place in your heart-why me? 我是你想要放在心上的人吗?为什么是我? Tell me why I deserve you 告诉我我为何配得上你 Tell me why I deserve you 告诉我我为何配得上你 Tell me why I deserve you 告诉我我为何配得上你 Why is me you love? 为什么你爱的是我?2023-07-27 13:37:262
tell me why 歌词
哦,你说的tell me why是歌名吗?2023-07-27 13:37:334
歌词里有tell me why的英文歌
是后街的 I WANT IT THAT WAY.2023-07-27 13:37:402
求M.I.A新歌《Tell Me Why》的歌词及翻译!
In my dream, 在我梦中 children sing a song of love for every boy and girl . 孩子们为所有人吟唱着一首爱的歌 The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world. 蓝天碧草之间笑声成了世界通用的语言. Than I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need. 然而当我醒来的时候却发现世界上到处是需要帮助的人. Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 Every day, I ask myself, 每天我都在问自己 what will I have to do to be a man? 做为一个人我该做些什么 Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am? 我是不是要站起来抗争,向所有人证明我的价值 Is that what my life is far, to waste in a world full of war?而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是硝烟的世界? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 Tell me why (Tell me why)? 告诉我为什么 Tell me why (Tell me why)? 告诉我为什么 Tell me why (Tell me why)? 告诉我为什么 Just tell me why! 这到底是为什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does the tiger run) 为什么,为什么老虎也要逃跑 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we shoot the gun) 为什么,为什么我们让子弹射出枪堂 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we never learn) 为什么,为什么我们从来不吸取教训 Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们烧毁森林 (Why,why,do we said we care) 为什么,为什么我们光说我们在乎 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we stand and stare) 为什么,为什么我们只是站着旁观 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (do the dolphins cry) 为什么,为什么海豚在哭泣 Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们让海洋死去 (Why,why,if we"re all the same) 为什么,为什么,如果我们大家是一样的. Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we pass and blame) 为什么,为什么我们却在互相谴责 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does it never end) 为什么,为什么这些永无休止 Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好相处 Why,why,(do we close our eyes) 为什么,为什么(我们闭上了我们的眼睛) Why,why,(do the greedy life) 为什么,为什么(我们让生命满是贪婪) Why,why,(do we fight for land) 为什么,为什么(我们为了土地而争斗) Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand? 谁能告诉我,因为我们实在无法知道 Why,why?? 为什么2023-07-27 13:37:513
有首歌。歌词好象带有tell me why i Don t wanna Say Goodbye。急啊
I don"t wanna know2023-07-27 13:37:594
泰勒的tell me why的歌词
In my dream,children singA song of love for every boy and girlThe sky is blue and fields are greenAnd laughter is the language of the worldThen I wake and all I seeIs a world full of people in needTell me why(why) does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don"t give a helping hand Tell me why?Everyday i ask myselfWhat will i have to do to be a man?Do i have to stand and fightTo prove to everybody who i am?Is that what my life is forTo waste in a world full of war?(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?(together) just tell me why, why, why?Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run)Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun)Tell me why (why,why do we never learn)Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?(why,why do we say we care)Tell me why(why,why do we stand and stare)Tell me why(why,why do the dolphins cry)Can some one tell us why we let the ocean die?(why,why if we"re all the same)Tell me why(why,why do e pass the blame)Tell me why (why,why does it never end)Can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends?2023-07-27 13:38:062
求后街男孩唱的《tell me why》的歌词
In my dream,children sing A song of love for every boy and girl The sky is blue and fields are green: And laughter is the language of the world Then i wake and all i see Is a world full of people in need Chorus: Tell me why(why) does it have to be like this? Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed? Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understand When so many need somebody We don"t give a helping hand Tell me why? Everyday i ask myself What will i have to do to be a man? Do i have to stand and fight To prove to everybody who i am? Is that what my life is for To waste in a world full of war? chorus: (children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why? (children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why? (together) just tell me why, why, why? chorus: chorus chant: Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run) Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun) Tell me why (why,why do we never learn) Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? (why,why do we say we care) Tell me why(why,why)2023-07-27 13:38:143
急求《TELL ME WHY》的中文版歌词!!
歌曲:TellMeWhy(中文歌词)歌手:DeclanGalbraith所属专辑:TellMeWhy爱词酷.歌词网.谢谢您支持DeclanGalbraith-TellMeWhyTellMeWhy中文歌词英国肯特郡的爱尔兰小男孩lrc制作:清一色(AndyYi)在我的梦想中孩子们唱着一首关于每个男孩女孩的爱的歌天空是蔚蓝的还有绿色的田地而欢笑是一种世界语言我清醒地看到世界充满着有需要的人告诉我缘由这是必然的吗?告诉我缘由我已经失去了什么呢?告诉我缘由我不能理解那么多人需要帮助时我们没有伸出援助之手告诉我缘由每天我问我自己我该做什么才能成为一个真正的男人我必须坚持并战斗来向世人证明我是谁吗?那是我生活的意义吗?在充满战争的世界中虚度?告诉我缘由这是必然的吗?告诉我缘由我已经失去了什么呢?告诉我缘由我不能理解那么多人需要帮助时我们没有伸出援助之手告诉我缘由(告诉我缘由)告诉我缘由(告诉我缘由)告诉我缘由(告诉我缘由)只要告诉我缘由!告诉我缘由这是必然的吗?告诉我缘由我已经失去了什么呢?告诉我缘由我不能理解那么多人需要帮助时我们没有伸出援助之手告诉我缘由(为何,为何,老虎要跑)告诉我缘由(为何,为何,我们要开枪)告诉我缘由(为何,为何,我们从不学习)有谁能告诉大家为什么我们要让森林着火?(为何,为何,我们说要小心)告诉我缘由(为何,为何,我们站着并凝视着)告诉我缘由(为何,为何,海豚都哭了)有谁能告诉大家为什么我们要让大海枯竭?(为何,为何,我们是否一直这样)告诉我缘由(为何,为何,我们逃避谴责)告诉我缘由(为何,为何,这永不会结束)有谁能告诉大家为什么我们不能是简单的朋友?为何,为何?(我们要闭上眼睛)为何,为何?(有这么贪婪的生活)为何,为何?(我们要为领土战斗)有谁能告诉大家为什么我们不能理解?为何,为何?2023-07-27 13:38:411
Tell Me Why 歌词
歌曲名:Tell Me Why歌手:LaFee专辑:Shut UpTell Me WhyLafeeI"m lying wide awakeMy head spinning over youDark of night, no stars insideYou are dreaming next to meAfraid to close my eyescause I don"t wanna miss a moment of youDon"t want to dream noNo dream could be as beatiful as you areTell me what have I doneto deserve something this beatifulTell me whyAm I the one your all belongs to why me?Tell me whyAm I the one you wanna place in your heartwhy me?Tell me why do you love meWhy is me you want?Before you came the days just passedBut now I so cannot reach secondsWithin me thousand suns riseAnd I"m praying for them to never do disappearTell me what have I doneto deserve something this beatifulTell me whyAm I the one your all belongs to why me?Tell me whyAm I the one you wanna place in your heartwhy me?Tell me why do you love meWhy is me you want?Tell me why I deserve youAnd why do you say: I love you girlTell me whyAm I the one your all belongs to why me?Tell me whyAm I the one you wanna place in your heartwhy me?Tell me whyAm I the one your all belongs to why me?Tell me whyAm I the one you wanna place in your heartwhy me?Tell me why I deserve youTell me why I deserve youTell me why I deserve youWhy is me you love?http://music.baidu.com/song/34573432023-07-27 13:38:491
歌曲《Tell me why》的歌词是什么?
in my dream, 在我梦中 children sing a song of love for every boy and girl . 孩子们为所有人吟唱着一首爱的歌 The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world. 蓝天碧草之间笑声成了世界通用的语言. Than I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need. 然而当我醒来的时候却发现世界上到处是需要帮助的人. Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 Every day, I ask myself, 每天我都在问自己 what will I have to do to be a man? 做为一个人我该做些什么 Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am? 我是不是要站起来抗争,向所有人证明我的价值 Is that what my life is far, to waste in a world full of war? 而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是硝烟的世界? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does the tiger run) 为什么,为什么老虎也要逃跑 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we shoot the gun) 为什么,为什么我们让子弹射出枪堂 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we never learn) 为什么,为什么我们从来不吸取教训 Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们烧毁森林 (Why,why,do we said we care) 为什么,为什么我们光说我们在乎 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we stand and stare) 为什么,为什么我们只是站着旁观 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (do the dolphins cry) 为什么,为什么海豚在哭泣 Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们让海洋死去 (Why,why,if we"re all the same) 为什么,为什么,如果我们大家是一样的. Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we pass and blame) 为什么,为什么我们却在互相谴责 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does it never end) 为什么,为什么这些永无休止 Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好相处 Why,why,(do we close our eyes) 为什么,为什么(我们闭上了我们的眼睛) Why,why,(do the greedy life) 为什么,为什么(我们让生命满是贪婪) Why,why,(do we fight for land) 为什么,为什么(我们为了土地而争斗) Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand? 谁能告诉我,因为我们实在无法知道 Why,why?? 为什么2023-07-27 13:39:193
Tell Me Why 歌词
歌曲名:Tell Me Why歌手:Dana Winner专辑:Yours ForeverJake Owen - Tell MeShe said she loved me, all night longI couldn"t help but let her string my heart alongI knew better, I still doBut I"m not the first man who"s ever played the foolSo tell me, why do I keep holding on?Oh, why do I keep staring down the barrel of a loaded gun?Then tell me why can"t I just let go?Somebody knows, then tell meI won"t point the finger, but I"ll take the blameCause I saw her coming from a million miles awayI should have fought the feeling, but I gave inCause those lying blue eyes kept on pulling me back inSo tell me, why do I keep holding on?Oh, why do I keep staring down the barrel of a loaded gun?Then tell me why can"t I just let go?Somebody knows, then tell meOhSo tell me, why do I keep holding on?Oh, why do I keep staring down the barrel of a loaded gun?Then tell me why can"t I just let go?Somebody knows, somebody knowsThen tell meOh, why can"t you just tell me?If you knowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/25819542023-07-27 13:39:341
Tell Me Why 歌词
歌曲名:Tell Me Why歌手:Texas专辑:SouthsideWonder Girls - Tell Me (中文版)作词:JY Park、Mitchell J作曲:JY Park、Mitchell J编曲:JY Park要怎样 的运气 让你爱上我乱了呼吸 心狂跳不已在眼里 在梦里 你不要离去怪我不自信 爱上这甜蜜我爱你爱的总是很小心害怕会无意间失去你喜欢看你那明亮的眼睛刻在 心底最美的记忆tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me其实你在问什麽 一生一世等着我tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me大声说出你需要我 要我 爱你tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me我想一直听你说 说你已离不开我tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me大声说出你需要我 要我 爱你不是梦 为什麽 心跳在加快爱没有边际 就快要决堤每一次 当你说 爱我的时候像有股电流 穿过了身体不知道站在这里等了多久盼望着可以给我一丝温柔有一天如果时光能够倒流听你 说出爱我的理由tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me其实你在问什麽 一生一世等着我tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me大声说出你需要我 要我 爱你tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me我想一直听你说 说你已离不开我tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me大声说出你需要我 要我 爱你听你 说出爱我的理由tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me其实你在问什麽 一生一世等着我tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me大声说出你需要我 要我 爱你tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me我想一直听你说 说你已离不开我tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me大声说出你需要我 要我 爱你tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell met-t-t-t-tell mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/13650622023-07-27 13:39:421
Tell Me Why 歌词
歌曲名:Tell Me Why歌手:M.I.A.专辑:MayaM.I.A. - Tell Me WhyTell me whyThings change but it feels the sameIf life is such a gameHow come people all act the same?I been coming up for a while on your radarI know I made it just by counting up my haterI got a speed boat, get away, like laterYou better have a load of cheddar if you aint got dataCos you can live it up, pull it up, start reelingStart throwing hands up like you"re mad at the ceilingYou can make a killing but don"t forget the feelingPeople stealing money and down with double dealingYou can take me courthouseYou can take me jailYou can take me anywhereBut you cant get me thereYou can ask me where I"m goingAnd I"ll tell you crazyBut when I get to where I"m goingYou should come with meYou been staying up, pull me up, start reelingI"m throwing up my hands like I"m mad at the ceilingI got roof on my head, I got food in my potAnd the old ways are dead with the new ones we gotThere"s water in my pot and I"m half and half notAnd the old kind is broke with the new kind we boughtI drink alcohol, know the words to WonderwallI rewrite the code while I do my time on roadHow come people all act the samehttp://music.baidu.com/song/5421992023-07-27 13:39:511
Tell Me Why 歌词
歌曲名:Tell Me Why歌手:小紫荆儿童合唱团专辑:益智儿歌小紫荆儿童合唱团 - Tell Me Why春夏秋冬来得多匆匆忽然有一天 时钟已没作用一日一天 如消失的风忽然有一天 时光变做个梦浮云来问我曾学了几多今天点解两手空 猪也笑骂我无用河流来问我曾学会几多西瓜刨也讥讽 闹我蒙Tell Me Why 跌倒为何话痛Tell Me Why 落雪天你为何话冻Tell Me Why 每一餐为何食鼹Hey Tell Me Why 地铁可走于海中Can You Tell Me Why 钢板为何极重Tell Me Why 用炮弹向地球乱碰Tell Me Why 我点解未能尽答皆因我偷懒像虫http://music.baidu.com/song/145972292023-07-27 13:39:581
tell me why的歌词
这是LRC版,可以实现“词曲同步”播放的!你在千千静听里播放这首歌,再在歌词秀的黑色区域右击,接着选择第四行,编辑歌词,你把下面的内容粘贴进去,最后点歌词秀黑色区域,左三按钮保存就好了(可能还会弹出个窗口,是保存路径,也点保存即可,那是默认路径)[ti:Tell Me Why][ar:Declan Galbraith][al:单曲][by:Eric][00:00.00]Tell Me Why[00:12.39]演唱: Declan Galbraith[00:15.10]制作: Eric ,for Crystal [00:24.59][00:34.86]In my dream,children sing[00:41.16]A song of love for every boy and girl[00:47.44]The sky is blue and fields are green[00:53.75]And laughter is the language of the world[00:59.58]Then i wake and all i see[01:06.15]Is a world full of people in need[01:11.13][01:11.82]Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this?[01:18.22]Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?[01:25.23]Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understand[01:30.86]When so many need somebody[01:34.65]We don"t give a helping hand Tell me why?[01:41.08][01:44.23]Everyday i ask myself[01:50.50]What will i have to do to be a man?[01:56.80]Do i have to stand and fight[02:02.90]To prove to everybody who i am?[02:09.17]Is that what my life is for[02:15.37]To waste in a world full of war?[02:20.52][02:21.70]Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this?[02:27.65]Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?[02:33.95]Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understand[02:40.19]When so many need somebody[02:44.00]We don"t give a helping hand Tell me why?[02:49.75](children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?[02:52.87](children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?[02:55.71](together) just tell me why, why, why?[02:58.37][02:59.53]Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this?[03:05.45]Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?[03:11.80]Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understand[03:18.12]When so many need somebody[03:21.95]We don"t give a helping hand [03:23.80][03:24.65]Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run)[03:27.79]Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun)[03:30.77]Tell me why (why,why do we never learn)[03:34.52]Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?[03:38.23](why,why do we say we care)[03:40.59]Tell me why(why,why do we stand and stare)[03:43.62]Tell me why(why,why do the dolphins cry)[03:47.20]Can some one tell us why we let the ocean die?[03:50.94](why,why if we"re all the same)[03:53.27]Tell me why(why,why do we pass the blame)[03:56.32]Tell me why (why,why does it never end)[03:59.95]Can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends?[04:03.50]Why,why,(do we close our eyes) [04:06.57]Why,why,(do the greedy life)2023-07-27 13:40:093
tell me why 歌词什么
Tell Me Why Singer: Declan Galbraith Album: Tell me why NO.13 In my dream, 在我梦中 children sing a song of love for every boy and girl . 孩子们为所有人吟唱着一首爱的歌 The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world. 蓝天碧草之间笑声成了世界通用的语言. Than I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need. 然而当我醒来的时候却发现世界上到处是需要帮助的人. Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 Every day, I ask myself, 每天我都在问自己 what will I have to do to be a man? 做为一个人我该做些什么 Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am? 我是不是要站起来抗争,向所有人证明我的价值 Is that what my life is far, to waste in a world full of war?而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是硝烟的世界? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 Tell me why (Tell me why)? 告诉我为什么 Tell me why (Tell me why)? 告诉我为什么 Tell me why (Tell me why)? 告诉我为什么 Just tell me why! 这到底是为什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does the tiger run) 为什么,为什么老虎也要逃跑Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we shoot the gun) 为什么,为什么我们让子弹射出枪堂 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we never learn) 为什么,为什么我们从来不吸取教训 Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们烧毁森林 (Why,why,do we said we care) 为什么,为什么我们光说我们在乎 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we stand and stare) 为什么,为什么我们只是站着旁观 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (do the dolphins cry) 为什么,为什么海豚在哭泣 Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们让海洋死去 (Why,why,if we"re all the same) 为什么,为什么,如果我们大家是一样的. Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we pass and blame) 为什么,为什么我们却在互相谴责 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does it never end) 为什么,为什么这些永无休止 Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好相处 Why,why,(do we close our eyes) 为什么,为什么(我们闭上了我们的眼睛) Why,why,(do the greedy life) 为什么,为什么(我们让生命满是贪婪) Why,why,(do we fight for land) 为什么,为什么(我们为了土地而争斗) Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand? 谁能告诉我,因为我们实在无法知道 Why,why?? 为什么2023-07-27 13:40:241
Taylor Swift歌Tell me why的歌词.
hj2023-07-27 13:41:255
tell me why的歌词
Tell Me Whydeclan galbraithIn my dream,children singA song of love for every boy and girlThe sky is blue and fields are greenAnd laughter is the language of the worldThen i wake and all i seeIs a world full of people in needTell me why (why) does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don"t give a helping hand Tell me why?Everyday i ask myselfWhat will i have to do to be a man?Do i have to stand and fightTo prove to everybody who i am?Is that what my life is forTo waste in a world full of war?Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don"t give a helping hand Tell me why?(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?(together) just tell me why, why, why?Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don"t give a helping hand Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run)Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun)Tell me why (why,why do we never learn)Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?(why,why do we say we care)Tell me why(why,why do we stand and stare)Tell me why(why,why do the dolphins cry)Can some one tell us why we let the ocean die?(why,why if we"re all the same)Tell me why(why,why do we pass the blame)Tell me why (why,why does it never end)Can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends?Why,why,(do we close our eyes) Why,why,(do the greedy life) Why,why,(do we fight for land) Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand? Why,why?!2023-07-27 13:41:444
泰勒 史密斯的那首《Tell Me Why》的中文歌词是?
In my dream, 在我梦中 children sing a song of love for every boy and girl . 孩子们为所有人吟唱着一首爱的歌. The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world. 蓝天碧草之间笑声成了世界通用的语言. Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need. 然而当我醒来的时候却发现世界上到处是需要帮助的人. Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) cause I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 Every day, I ask myself, 每天我都在问自己 what will I have to do to be a man? 做为一个人我该做些什么 Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am? 我是不是要站起来抗争,向所有人证明我的价值 Is that what my life is for, to waste in a world full of war? 而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是战争的世界? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) cause I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) just tell me why! 仅仅告诉我为什么! tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) is there something I have missed? 有什么我错过了? tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) cause I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand 我们不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does the tiger run) (为什么,为什么,老虎也要逃跑) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we shoot the gun) (为什么,为什么,我们让子弹射出枪膛) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we never learn) (为什么,为什么,我们从来不吸取教训) Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们烧毁森林 (Why,why,do we said we care) (为什么,为什么我们光说我们在乎) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we stand and stare) (为什么,为什么,我们只是站着旁观) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (why, why, do the dolphins cry) (为什么,为什么,海豚在哭泣) Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们让海洋死去 (Why,why,if we"re all the same) (为什么,为什么,如果我们大家是一样的) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we pass and blame) (为什么,为什么,我们却在互相谴责) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does it never end) (为什么,为什么,这些永无休止) Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好相处 Why,why,(do we close our eyes) 为什么,为什么,(我们闭上了我们的眼睛) Why,why,(do the greedy life) 为什么,为什么,(我们让生命满是贪婪) Why,why,(do we fight for land) 为什么,为什么,(我们为了土地而争斗) Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand? 谁能告诉我因为我们实在无法理解? Why,why?! 为什么,为什么?!2023-07-27 13:41:522
taylor swift tell me why中文歌词
Tell Me Why ----- Taylor Swift i took a chance, i took a shot 机会来临,我出击了 and you might think i"m bulletproof,but i"m not 也许你觉得我不怕任何伤害,但是我不是 you took a swing, i took it hard 你伤害了我,我很介意 and down here from the ground i see who you are 直到现在,我看清了你的面目 i"m sick and tired of your attitude 我厌倦了你的态度 i"m feeling like i don"t know you 我觉得我似乎不认识你 you tell me that you love me then you cut me down 你说爱我,却又伤害我 and i need you like a heartbeat 我需要你,你是我的心跳 but you know you got a mean streak 但是你知道你自己有多卑劣 makes me run for cover when you"re around 当和你在一起,我就没有了自己 and here"s to you and your temper 着就是你和你的坏脾气 yes, i remember what you said last night 是的,我记得最后一晚你说的话 and i know that you see what you"re doing to me 你了解自己对我所做的事 tell me why.. 告诉我为什么。。 you could write a book on 你可以写一本关于 how to ruin someone"s perfect day 如何破坏别人美好生活的书 well i get so confused and frustrated 我是如此混乱和沮丧 forget what i"m trying to say, oh 忘记我想说的话吧,噢 i"m sick and tired of your reasons 我厌倦了你的借口 i got no one to believe in 我不相信任何人 you tell me that you want me, then push me around 你告诉我你需要我,却玩弄我 and i need you like a heartbeat 我需要你,你是我的心跳 but you know you got a mean streak 但是你知道你自己有多卑劣 makes me run for cover when you"re around 当和你在一起,我就没有了自己 here"s to you and your temper 祝福你和你的坏脾气 yes, i remember what you said last night 是的,我记得最后一晚你说的话 and i know that you see what you"re doing to me 你了解自己对我所做的事 tell me why.. 告诉我为什么。。 why..do you have to make me feel small 为什么,你一定要让我觉得无地自容吗 so you can feel whole inside 这样你就可以感到 why..do you have to put down my dreams 为什么,你一定要让我记住我的梦 so you"re the only thing on my mind 这样你就可以是我心中的唯一 i"m sick and tired of your attitude 我对你的态度感到厌倦 i"m feeling like i don"t know you 我觉得我不认识你 you tell me that you want me then cut me down 你告诉我你需要我,却又伤害我 i"m sick and tired of your reasons 我厌倦了你的借口 i"ve got no one to believe in 我不相信任何人 you ask me for my love then you push me around 你要我爱你,却玩弄我 here"s to you and your temper 这就是你和你的坏脾气 yes, i remember what you said last night 是的我记得最后一晚你说的话 and i know that you see what you"re doing to me 我知道你了解自己对我做的事 tell me why 告诉我为什么 why, tell me why 为什么。告诉我为什么 i take a step back, let you go 我后退一步,让你走 i told you i"m not bulletproof 告诉你我不是不怕伤害的 now you know 现在你知道了2023-07-27 13:41:581
讲诉的是分手的恋人的埋怨,表达了他内心在不断追问“告诉我为什么(要分开)”的痛苦感受Ican"trememberwhenweusetosharethesamebed我记不清那时我们曾同枕共眠Youhaveyourarmssurroundme你用你的手臂抱着我WhenIwasafraid但我害怕的时候NooneelsecouldmakemefeelthewayLikeyoudid没人能像你一样给我这样的感觉DeepinsidemylonelyheartIlongforyouTotakemehomeWherewebelongtogether在我孤独的内心我渴望你带我回家,那属于我们的地方WhydoyoumakemefeelLikeI"mnothere为什么你让我觉得我不在这里*ChorusTellmewhy告诉我为什么HaveIdonesomethingwrong是我做错什么了?Tellmewhy告诉我为什么?Whatwehad,wassostrong我们的感情曾如此强烈There"snoonelikeyou没人能像你一样So,whatcanIdoIneedtoknow所以,我需要找到我该怎么办Tellmewhy告诉我为什么Baby,doyoureallyfeelthesame(ah)宝贝,你也有这样的感觉?IkeepaskingmyselfAmItoolate我不段的问自己,是不是太迟了HowcansomethingthatseemedsorightTurnoutwrong貌似对的事情怎么就出问题了呢2023-07-27 13:42:061