原句:show details
翻译: 显示详细信息;细节展示;显示细节;细节图
Show more details显示更多细节
show Details for Non-visible Elements显示不可视项目的细节
Product Details Show产品细节展示
Concrete Details Show具体表现
学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*)
细节刘涛想把Peter关于xx的细节给妈妈看,一起完成那些细节。关于xx,就是要看上下文了2023-07-26 13:09:184
可以是名词和及物动词n. 详述; (照片、绘画等的)细部; 细目,琐碎; 各种细节; vt. 详述,仔细汇报; 选派; 清晰地说明; 给于细部装饰;2023-07-26 13:09:492
detail是细节的意思。常见释义英[u02c8diu02d0teu026al],美[u02c8diu02d0teu026al,du026au02c8teu026al],词典细节,释义n.细节,琐事,具体信息,次要部分,分队支队,vt.详述选派,vi.画详图,例句Pleasedescribeindetailwhatyousawonthespot请详细描述你在现场上看到的一切。例句用法Iwasgivensamplesbyadetailman。有个新药推销员给了我一些样品。Thereportislackingthoroughnessanddetail。这个报告是不完全的。Therepetitiousdetailsneednotbegivenhere。详情在此无须赘述。Ourlifeisfritteredawaybydetail。我们的生活在琐碎之中消耗掉了。Youcancutouttheunimportantdetails。你可以删掉不重要的细节。Shecrowdstoomuchdetailintoherpaintings.她的画过于繁杂。2023-07-26 13:09:561
细节,这个百度一下不就好了?2023-07-26 13:10:194
detail的意思是:细节、琐事、枝节、详述、详细说明。短语:1、overlook detail. 忽视细节。2、give full detail. 详述~。3、work out detail. 定出细目。4、dry detail. 枯燥的细节。5、chief detail. 主要细节。6、minor details. 次要的细节。7、detail exactly. 恰当地说明。8、detail off for a duty. 派去执行任务。例句:1、The full details of the agreement haven"t been made public.协议的细节尚未公布。2、He told us the accident in detail.他详细地把事故讲给我们听。3、He explained it so clearly that I could understand every detail.他把它解释得很清楚,每一个细节我都明白了。4、Sadat seemed free of the obsession with detail.萨达特不那么注重细微末节。5、Every detail of her dress is perfect.她衣服上的每个小地方都很完美。2023-07-26 13:10:291
“详情”的意思。2023-07-26 13:11:232
detail的汉语意思 英 [di:tel] 美 [dtel] 第三人称单数:details第三人称复数:details现在分词:detailing过去分词:detailed过去式:detailed 基本解释 名词 详述; (照片、绘画等的)细部; 细目,琐碎; 各种细节 及物动词 详述,仔细汇报; 选派; 清晰地说明; 给于细部装饰 例句 1. She began to tell me the plot in great detail. 她开始告诉我该阴谋的详情。 2. He can probably tell us all the details we want. 他也许能告诉我们所需的全部详情。 3. There is too much detail in his speech. 他的讲话太琐碎了。 detail的单语例句 1. China has also published a defense white paper every year since 1998 to detail its military budget and actual uses. 2. Supermarket cashier ladies chit chat with customers in great detail about what"s cooking for dinner. 3. Each frame in Cinerama is 50 percent taller than a regular frame, providing more detail. 4. The meeting also underlined the need to improve the civility of the local residents, and discussed in detail the work on test events next year. 5. She would not discuss the contents in detail but made clear that the United States would not change its tack on Iran. 6. It follows and precedes many other sexual encounters, sometimes arranged on the Internet and often recounted in near clinical detail. 7. But Cloudy doesn"t come close to Up"s level of subtle emotional detail and incisiveness. 8. The agency says the handbook should detail the coalmine worker"s rights and obligations, typical colliery disasters and corresponding measures when they occur. 9. State leaders being welcomed by com - patriots at the airport of the country the dignitaries visit is one minor detail in etiquette. 10. It is this attention to detail that is so astonishing, from the adjustable brightness of the reading lights to the quality finishing in the bathroom. detail的词典解释 1. 细节 The details of something are its individual features or elements. e.g. The details of the plan are still being worked out... 计划的细节仍在制订中。 e.g. No details of the discussions have been given... 没有透露讨论的细节。 2. 详情;信息;资料 Details about someone or something are facts or pieces of information about them. e.g. See the bottom of this page for details of how to apply for this exciting offer. 有关如何申请这一令人兴奋的工作的详情请参见本页底部。 e.g. Full details will be announced soon. 具体信息很快就会公布。 3. 枝节;末节;琐事 A detail is a minor point or aspect of something, as opposed to the central ones. e.g. Only minor details now remain to be settled. 现在仅剩一些细枝末节的问题需要解决。 4. (难以觉察的)细微之处 You can refer to the small features of something which are often not noticed as detail . e.g. We like his attention to detail and his enthusiasm. 我们喜欢他的细心和热情。 5. (画等的)细部 A detail of a picture is a part of it that is printed separately and perhaps made bigger, so that smaller features can be clearly seen. 6. 详述;详细列举(或说明) If you detail things, you list them or give information about them. e.g. The report detailed the human rights abuses committed during the war. 这份报告详述了战争期间所发生的践踏人权的情况。 7. 派遣;指示 If someone is detailed to do a task or job, they are officially ordered to do it. e.g. He detailed a constable to take it to the Incident Room. 他派了一名警察把它送到重案调查室。2023-07-26 13:11:301
detail解释名词n.1. 细节;详情;琐事;枝节[C]He can probably tell us all the details we want.他也许能告诉我们所需的全部详情。2. 详述;细部;局部[U]She began to tell me the plot in great detail.她开始告诉我该阴谋的详情。3. 分遣队,小组[C][G]4. 任务,差事[U]2023-07-26 13:11:501
details 英译汉是什么意思?
n. 细节(detail的复数);详细资料v. 详细说明(detail的三单形式)2023-07-26 13:11:571
detail[英][u02c8di:teu026al][美][du026au02c8teu026al]复数:detailsn.详述;(照片、绘画等的)细部;细目,琐碎;各种细节;、vt.详述,仔细汇报;选派;清晰地说明;给于细部装饰;第三人称单数:details过去分词:detailed复数:details现在进行时:detailing过去式:detailed~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步!2023-07-26 13:12:171
detail: [ "di:teil, di"teil ] n. 细节,详情vt.详述,详细说明引申:零件; 零件图; 元件; 细部; 细部图; 细节用法:1. He told us the accident in detail. 他详细地把事故讲给我们听。2. Could you detail all your expenses on this form? 请把你的各项开支列在这张表格上,好吗?3. The full details of the agreement haven"t been made public. 协议的细节尚未公布。4. Please give me all the details. 请告诉我全部详情.5. The overall composition of the picture is good but some of the detail is distracting. 这幅画的构图不错, 但有些细微处稍嫌喧宾夺主.6. The details of the costume were totally authentic. 这件古装的每个小地方都完全真实.7. He refused to go into details about his plans. 他不肯详述他计划的细节.8. The computer"s features are detailed in our brochure. 该计算机的特点在我们的小册子中有详细介绍.event: [ i"vent ] n. 大事,事件引申:偶然事件; 偶然事件结果冲程; 事件; 事件、现象、过程 用法:1. I"ll probably see you tomorrow, but in any event I"ll phone. 明天我可能来看你,万一我来不了,我会打电话的。2. In the event of rain, the party will be held indoors. 如果下雨,聚会就在室内举行。3. This article discussed the events that led to her suicide. 这篇文章讨论了导致她自杀的一系列事件。4. In either event, I"ll be there to support you. 无论这样或那样, 我都支持你.5. Which events have you entered for? 你参加了哪几项比赛?6. I was worried about the hotel bill, but in the event I had enough money to pay. 我一直担心旅馆的费用, 结果我的钱足够.7. In any event, the worst that she can do is say no". 不管怎样, 她大不了就是说个‘不"字.8. You could be right, and in that event they"ll have to pay you back. 可能是你对, 那样的话, 他们就得把钱还你.2023-07-26 13:12:281
英语subnet detail怎么翻译?
英语I will explain in detail怎么翻译?英语I will explain in detail 。用汉语应该翻译为我将详细地解释。2023-07-26 13:12:414
前者是细节的意思,后者是信息的意思2023-07-26 13:13:095
Details是一个时尚的婴儿和儿童的生活用品品牌。主打给孩子创造一个美丽和有趣的童年,设计了各式各类风格的儿童服装,可以满足儿童不同的需求。 Details的全称是Elodie Details,拥有北欧的纯正血统,是由著名H&M衣服的品牌的前任设计师设计的,并于2005年开始创立这个品牌。 Details旗下的产品系列齐全,有300多项产品,或是公主王子的风格,亦或是平时童装看不到的骷颅头的庞克摇滚风格,也或是与一些时尚潮流打牌合作的衣服。 Elodie Details这个品牌的东西深受欧洲的皇室青睐,既是瑞典皇室的小王子的专属品牌,也受到英国王室和剑桥王子的的喜爱,他们所用的安抚奶嘴就是Details旗下的。2023-07-26 13:14:241
in detail 与 in details的区别到底有什么区别
in detail 一个短语 作状语的 意为:详细地ex:Please tell me the news in detail. 请详细地和我说下这个新闻。in details in 介词 details 名词 意为:在各个方面ex:The report is perfect in details. 这报告在各个方面都很详尽。2023-07-26 13:14:321
Details、Continue、Quit 这三个单词中文分别是什么意思,急急!!!! 请分别相对应解释,非常感谢
etails细节;辞职动词或者名词都可以希望能够对你有用,continuetodosth接下来去做某事quit退出,名词Continue继续!,动词continuedoingsth继续做某事2023-07-26 13:15:042
specific details什么意思
具体细节。2023-07-26 13:15:132
翻译:关键细节。key 形容词:关键的details 复数名词:细节2023-07-26 13:15:311
key details什么意思
这个是SQL的么??如果是SQL里的话,这个语句是建一个整型的名为voteDetailsID的列,并且为主键,identity(1,1)自动生成列...就是你每加一个数据,这个列就会自动为你添加一个值的...2023-07-26 13:15:422
booking details是什么意思
booking details预订详情2023-07-26 13:15:563
the devil is in details是什么意思
the devil is in details魔鬼在细节2023-07-26 13:16:103
app details什么意思
程序详情忘记切换状态无激活通知2023-07-26 13:16:263
意思是:产品信息。2023-07-26 13:16:553
product details产品详情双语对照例句:1.New product details to be determined! 新产品详细资料待定!2.Control to display product details. 控件来显示产品详细信息。3.Drag the selected entities to the product details folder in the tree view. 将选定的实体拖动到树视图的“产品详细信息”文件夹中。4.In marketing, they can create a strong brand protective umbrella, ratherthan concentrate on the product details. 在营销方面,他们能创造出强有力的品牌保护伞,而不是把注意力集中在产品细节上。5.Since the purchase order contains no detailed product information, aseparate query is needed to find the product details from the product table. 因为采购订单不包含详细产品信息,所以需要进行单独查询,以便从产品表中查找产品详细信息。很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。你的采纳是我前进的动力记得好评和采纳,互相帮助如果满意记得采纳哦·2023-07-26 13:17:081
没有这个函数,是不是自定义的?2023-07-26 13:17:274
related details是什么意思
related details 相关细节2023-07-26 13:17:392
show details是什么意思
show details显示详细信息例句:1.In the processed digital image, multiple exposures of the celestial scene were combined to show details of the bright lunar surface along with the pleiades stars. 在这张经过数字处理的照片中,多重曝光的天体风景经过合成,同时展现了明亮的月球表面和相对较暗的昴星团的细节。祝你英语学习成功!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!2023-07-26 13:17:593
contact details是什么意思
详细的联系方式2023-07-26 13:18:152
supporting details是什么意思
支持性细节-------------------精锐教育老师很高兴为您解答2023-07-26 13:18:243
inventory-details双语例句1. They"re likely to hold big fire sales to liquidate their inventory. 他们可能会举行清仓大甩卖。2. an inventory of the museum"s contents 博物馆馆藏清单inventory生词本去背诵英 [u02c8u026anvu0259ntri] 美 [u02c8u026anvu0259ntu0254:ri]n.存货清单; 财产目录,财产目录的编制; 存货总值; 清查vt.编制…的目录; 开列…的清单; 盘存; 总结网 络存货;库存;清单;存货清单复数: inventories 过去式: inventoried 过去分词: inventoried 现在分词: inventorying 第三人称单数: inventories2023-07-26 13:18:331
general details是什么意思
general details一般的细节,泛泛之谈Always the same general details.听到的总是那一套泛泛之谈。2023-07-26 13:18:421
in detail 和 in details的区别是什么?
in detail 和 in details的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、in detail:周全地。2、in details:详细地。二、语法不同1、in detail:detail用作名词的意思是“细节”,转化为动词的意思是“详述,仔细解释,一一列举”。2、in details:detail用作及物动词,后面可接名词作宾语,宾语后可加介词短语、副词、副词短语作状语,宾语后还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。三、侧重点不同1、in detail:是单数模式。2、in details:是复数形式。2023-07-26 13:18:491
in more details是什么意思
更详细地2023-07-26 13:19:073
评级币中 UNC DETAILS 是什么级?
UNCDETAILS是说UNC评级的细节或者详情,这个英文词组不是平级级别。2023-07-26 13:19:162
supporting details是什么意思
supporting details支持细节双语例句1To do this, you need to present your argument – and it " s supportingdetails – in a clear and organized fashion.为了达到这一目的,你需要清晰系统地陈述你的论点和支持论点的论据。2Qualitatively, students in EC used more powerful and relevant argumentsto support their opinions, and more appropriate and convincing supportingdetails to support their arguments.从质的角度看,实验班学生用更有力、更相关的论点来证明其论题,用更合适的、令人信服的论据来证明其论点。2023-07-26 13:19:292
go into details是什么意思
详细叙述;逐一细说2023-07-26 13:19:433
details[英]["di:teɪlz] [美]["di:teɪlz]n.详细资料;详述( detail的名词复数 );(照片、绘画等的)细部;细目;各种细节1.N-COUNT细节The details of something are its individual features or elements. The details of the plan are still being worked out...计划的细节仍在制订中。No details of the discussions have been given...没有透露讨论的细节。I recall every detail of the party.我回想起聚会的每一个细节。2.N-PLURAL详情;信息;资料Details about someone or something are facts or pieces of information about them. See the bottom of this page for details of how to apply for this exciting offer...有关如何申请这一令人兴奋的工作的详情请参见本页底部。Full details will be announced soon.具体信息很快就会公布。3.N-COUNT枝节;末节;琐事A detail is a minor point or aspect of something, as opposed to the central ones. Only minor details now remain to be settled.现在仅剩一些细枝末节的问题需要解决。4.N-UNCOUNT(难以觉察的)细微之处You can refer to the small features of something which are often not noticed as detail .We like his attention to detail and his enthusiasm.我们喜欢他的细心和热情。2023-07-26 13:20:251
detailn.详述; (照片、绘画等的)细部; 细目,琐碎; 各种细节; vt.详述,仔细汇报; 选派; 清晰地说明; 给于细部装饰; 第三人称单数:details过去分词:detailed复数:details现在进行时:detailing过去式:detailed2023-07-26 13:20:381
in detail 与 in details的区别到底有什么区别
indetail一个短语作状语的意为:详细地ex:Pleasetellmethenewsindetail.请详细地和我说下这个新闻。indetailsin介词details名词意为:在各个方面ex:Thereportisperfectindetails.这报告在各个方面都很详尽。2023-07-26 13:21:162
PRODUCT DETAILS的中文翻译PRODUCT DETAILS产品详细信息双语例句1Drag the selected entities to the product details folder in the tree view.将选定的实体拖动到树视图的“产品详细信息”文件夹中。2Validations performed include the product details, address, and payment details.所执行的验证包括产品详细信息、地址和支付详细信息。2023-07-26 13:21:461
Details是一个时尚的婴儿和儿童的生活用品品牌。主打给孩子创造一个美丽和有趣的童年,设计了各式各类风格的儿童服装,可以满足儿童不同的需求。Details的全称是ElodieDetails,拥有北欧的纯正血统,是由著名H&M衣服的品牌的前任设计师设计的,并于2005年开始创立这个品牌。Details旗下的产品系列齐全,有300多项产品,或是公主王子的风格,亦或是平时童装看不到的骷颅头的庞克摇滚风格,也或是与一些时尚潮流打牌合作的衣服。2023-07-26 13:21:581
ACCOUNT DETAILS帐户的详细资料双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 帐户详情2. 账户详情3. 详细帐号例句:1.But it appears that more account details are also online. 但是似乎更多的账户资料也出现在网上。2023-07-26 13:22:102
客户端文档错误。1、cf_details是计算机语言,用于描述文档或文档某个部分的细节。2、cf_details是客户端报错信息,是提醒用户文档细节有错误,需要重新设置。2023-07-26 13:22:221
details是什么牌子啊 details品牌的介绍
1、Details的全称是Elodie Details,拥有北欧的纯正血统,是由著名H&M衣服的品牌的前任设计师设计的,并于2005年开始创立这个品牌。 2、Details旗下的产品系列齐全,有300多项产品,或是公主王子的风格,亦或是平时童装看不到的骷颅头的庞克摇滚风格,也或是与一些时尚潮流打牌合作的衣服。 3、Elodie Details这个品牌的东西深受欧洲的皇室青睐,既是瑞典皇室的小王子的专属品牌,也受到英国王室和剑桥王子的的喜爱,他们所用的安抚奶嘴就是Details旗下的。2023-07-26 13:22:571
1、名词形式不同in detail中的名词detail是单数形式,in details中的名词details是detail的复数形式。2、词性不同in detail一般作副词:详细地。in details一般作动词:一个一个处理,一部分一部分处理;作副词,就为逐一地,详细地等。如:He could try to sublimate the problem by writing, in detail, about it.他可以努力通过详细记述该问题而使其受到人们的正视。There"s no time to discuss in details. 来不及细谈了。3、本质用法不同in detail是固定搭配,可以在句中作状语。如:Please tell me the news in detail. 请详细地和我说下这个新闻。in details中的in是介词,details名词,一般视实际情况使用,不能当作固定短语。如:The report is perfect in details. 这报告在各个方面都很详尽。2023-07-26 13:23:041
show details是什么意思
show 表现 展现,拿出来让别人看 ditails 细节 意思是~~~表现细节~~展现出细节来 还的看是在那句话中一起出现的~~~2023-07-26 13:23:193
in detail和in details有什么区别?
in detail 一般作副词:详细地。in details 一般作动词:一个一个处理,一部分一部分处理;作副词,就为逐一地,详细地等。2023-07-26 13:23:271
contact details是什么意思
contact details的中文翻译 contact details 联系方式; 联系信息; 详细联系方式; 联系详情; 联系细节 双语例句 1 You must leave your full name and contact details when you phone. 打电话时须留下全名与联络信息。 2 In supplying your contact details you are agreeing to WGSN responding to your enquiry. 提供您的联络资料,表示您同意WGSN回应您的查询。2023-07-26 13:24:241
产品细节/详细情况2023-07-26 13:24:503
darkdetails是谌利的家具产品系列,空间中由铝方管撑起的木脚边桌为darkdetailsNo.7。_ darkdetailsNo.4是红色亚克力棒制成的落地灯。2023-07-26 13:25:051