汉邦问答 / 问答 / 问答详情


2023-07-25 15:15:28







2、词组不熟。比如 on house是免费的意思,而不是在房子上的意思






2023-07-25 02:48:435


  羡慕是渴望得到或希望其他人缺乏这类物质的一种情感。那么你知道羡慕用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起来学习有关羡慕的英语知识吧。    羡慕英语说法   envy   admire    羡慕的相关 短语   羡慕的 jealous ; envious ; Admire ; admiring   喜欢羡慕 take a real liking to ; adore and love   特性羡慕 Feature Envy   好生羡慕 Quite Envied   惊讶羡慕 admirewithsurprise   羡慕地 enviously ; enviably ;    羡慕的英语例句   1. Gradually he began to acknowledge his feelings of envy towards his mother.   渐渐地,他开始承认自己羡慕母亲。   2. Maybe there is jealousy, but I think the envy is more powerful.   也许是羡慕,但我认为更多的是嫉妒。   3. Britain is now the envy of the world"s record companies.   英国现在是全世界唱片公司羡慕的对象。   4. Could there have been a slight tinge of envy in Eva"s voice?   伊娃的声音里可能会有一丝羡慕吗?   5. They enjoyed an income and lifestyle that many people would envy.   他们的收入和生活方式会令很多人都羡慕不已。   6. Anita envied her sister"s amorality and contempt for public opinion.   安妮塔羡慕姐姐不受道德观念的制约,藐视公众舆论。   7. Her prettiness had been much admired.   她的美貌让众人羡慕不已。   8. "You haven"t changed," I am often enviously told.   “你没什么变化,”常常有人羡慕地对我说。   9. She admired Robert"s brainpower.   她羡慕罗伯特的聪明睿智。   10. She was caught between envy and admiration.   她不知是该妒忌还是该羡慕。   11. He envied Caroline her peace.   他羡慕卡罗琳的平和。   12. Gloria eyed them jealously.   格洛丽亚羡慕地望着他们。   13. Meg"s eyes widened in admiration.   梅格羡慕地睁大了双眼。   14. He is in the enviable position of having two job offers to choose from.   他有两份工作可选,真让人羡慕。   15. Everyone is so envious of her.   人人都那么羡慕她。   关于羡慕的英文阅读:"小苹果"拥有让人羡慕的衣橱   Apple Martin has quite the closet to borrow from, and it includes numerous awards show gowns.   Apple Martin很幸运拥有可以随意借穿的衣柜,而且衣柜里有数不胜数的颁奖礼服。   In a recent interview, her mom Gwyneth Paltrow says sheu2019s been holding onto her favorite dresses through the years.   最近她的母亲格温妮斯.帕特洛在接受采访时笑称,女儿一直眼馋着自己最喜欢的晚礼服。   Gwen says even her stunning pink Ralph Lauren gown isnu2019t off limits to her daughter.   格温还说道女儿连那件吸人眼球的拉夫.劳伦粉色晚礼服也不放过。   “Maybe sheu2019ll wear it to prom and do a Pretty in Pink thing and resew it and cut it upu2026   她可能会穿着去参加 毕业 舞会,像一位粉红女郎,她可能还要再把这件晚礼服重新进行裁剪......   I donu2019t know if Iu2019d let her chop that one up,” she told the publication.   我得考虑一下要不要让她裁剪这件礼服。”格温对记者说道。   Although Apple is only 11 years old and has a while to go before prom,   “虽然Apple才11岁,参加毕业舞会的话还为时尚早,   Gwyneth says sheu2019s prepared if her daughter decides to borrow one of her famous gowns.   但格温表示不管女儿借穿哪件晚礼服,她都已做好心理准备。 猜你喜欢: 1. 羡慕的意思和造句 2. 羡慕用英语怎么说 3. 花语的英语说法及含义 4. 跑车用英语怎么说 5. 妖孽的英文是什么
2023-07-25 02:48:591


2023-07-25 02:49:088

“羡慕”和“嫉妒” 用英语怎么说?

2023-07-25 02:49:288

“羡慕”和“嫉妒” 用英语怎么说?

envy admire jealousy
2023-07-25 02:50:0413

羡慕,嫉妒 的英文分别是什么

jealous envious
2023-07-25 02:50:364


I"m jealousy of your travelling.Cannot think of you travelling around!
2023-07-25 02:50:478


2023-07-25 02:51:085


2023-07-25 02:51:252


2023-07-25 02:51:431


2023-07-25 02:52:023


envy jealous hate
2023-07-25 02:52:165


一、嫉妒某人某事的英文短语:常用的搭配是envy of sb和envy at/of sth二、例句1、She couldn"t conceal his envy of me.她掩饰不住对我的忌妒。这句话中conceal的意思是隐藏、隐瞒、掩盖。2、She felt a pang of envy at the thought of his success.她想到他的成功便感到一阵嫉妒的痛苦。这句话中pang的意思是痛、阵痛。a pang of envy的意思是一阵嫉妒的痛苦。3、They looked with envy at her latest purchase.他们艳羡地看着她最近买到的东西。这句话中purchase的意思是买、购买。4、Her colleagues were green with envy .她的同事都非常眼红。这句话中be green with envy的意思是眼红、嫉妒。
2023-07-25 02:52:3313


What a man!
2023-07-25 02:53:025

中文翻成英文:我羡慕你 (三种表达形式)

1.I admire you 2.I envy you 3.I envious you
2023-07-25 02:53:524

admire sb for sth什么意思

2023-07-25 02:54:019

“真让人羡慕”用英语怎么说啊? 要地道!

比如说 You are really admirable.
2023-07-25 02:55:121


2023-07-25 02:55:312


That "s really enviable.
2023-07-25 02:55:403

我真羡慕她 英语怎么说是不是I am jealou

I really admire her.满意请采纳。
2023-07-25 02:55:572


问题一:羡慕是什么意思 爱慕,钦慕,希望自己也有 问题二:羡慕的意思是什么? 看见别人有的,自己也想有 问题三:羡慕是什么意思 20分 爱慕,钦慕,因喜爱他人有某种长处、好处或优越条件等而希望自己也有。 问题四:羡慕的意思和后悔的意思是什么 爱慕,钦慕,希望自己也有 详细解释 亦作“羡慕”。爱慕;看见别人有某种长处、好处或有利条件而希望自己也有。 三国 魏 阮籍 《鸠赋》:“何飞翔之羡慕,愿投报而忘毕。” 唐 陈鸿 《长恨歌传》:“其为人心羡慕如此。” 清 李渔 《意中缘u30fb自媒》:“可见他平生羡慕的只有这一个人。” 韩北屏 《伊犁河畔》:“真是令人羡慕的果树与鲜花的城市。” 释义] 后悔 (动)事后懊悔。 [构成] 偏正式:后〔悔 [例句] 她很后悔没有参加那次活动。(作谓语) 近义词 懊悔、悔恨、悔怨、懊恼、懊丧、怨恨、反悔、忏悔 英文翻译 问题五:纳闷和羡慕的意思???? 纳闷意思是因为疑惑而发闷指感到疑惑,惊奇。羡慕是指爱慕,钦慕,看到别人有的好东西,希望自己也有。 问题六:好深羡慕意思 是什么意思? 不是好深羡慕,是好生羡慕,意思就是羡慕的不得了,非常非常的羡慕的意思。 问题七:羡慕是什么意思? 拼音 羡慕:xiàn mù 释义 爱慕,钦慕,因喜爱别人有某种长处、好处或优越条件等而希望自己也有。 造句 我非常羡慕小琳新买的漂亮书包。 近义词 爱慕;惊羡;嫉妒。 反义词 鄙视。讨厌 问题八:羡慕是什么意思 爱慕,钦慕,希望自己也有 问题九:羡慕的意思和后悔的意思是什么 爱慕,钦慕,希望自己也有 详细解释 亦作“羡慕”。爱慕;看见别人有某种长处、好处或有利条件而希望自己也有。 三国 魏 阮籍 《鸠赋》:“何飞翔之羡慕,愿投报而忘毕。” 唐 陈鸿 《长恨歌传》:“其为人心羡慕如此。” 清 李渔 《意中缘u30fb自媒》:“可见他平生羡慕的只有这一个人。” 韩北屏 《伊犁河畔》:“真是令人羡慕的果树与鲜花的城市。” 释义] 后悔 (动)事后懊悔。 [构成] 偏正式:后〔悔 [例句] 她很后悔没有参加那次活动。(作谓语) 近义词 懊悔、悔恨、悔怨、懊恼、懊丧、怨恨、反悔、忏悔 英文翻译 问题十:羡慕的意思是什么? 看见别人有的,自己也想有
2023-07-25 02:56:071


ism, then you"ve grown o
2023-07-25 02:56:173


2023-07-25 02:56:261


So , admire me ?
2023-07-25 02:56:353


holy, omg 这些算吗
2023-07-25 02:56:464


I really admire and adore them. I aspire to become a person like them, a person who contributes to mankind.
2023-07-25 02:57:181


2023-07-25 02:57:552


呃: 1. hiccough 2. HAW 3. Ur 4. eh Examples: 他说:"老兄,原来你在这里,你还活着吗,呃?" "So there you are, old chap, still in the land of the living, eh? " he said. 啊: 1. ah 2. (interj.) Relative explainations: <ugh> <whee> <jiminy> <Oh my!> <dear> <That accounts for the milk in the cocoanut> <That accounts for the milk in the coconut.> Examples: 1. 啊,你在这里呀! Ah, there you are! 2. 哦!天啊!我英文没有考及格! Oh, dear! I failed in the English examination! 3. 啊,好啦,一样白米养百样人嘛。 Ah, well, it take all kinds! 4. 啊,我真喜欢这首歌!好高兴! Ah, I really love this song! I am so glad! 5. 多可爱的婴儿啊! Isn"t that baby a dear?
2023-07-25 02:58:483


我很羡慕你可以到处旅游英语翻译 我很羡慕你可以到处旅游 I really envy you travelling everywhere. 你可以到这旅游英语怎么翻译 You can travel here. “我很羡慕你”怎么翻译? 可以翻译为I envy you very much.翻译肯定要结合上下文的,有上下文的话相信读者能明白你的意思 我建议你可以去泉州的十大景点旅游英语翻译 英文 I suggest you can go to Quanzhou"s ten scenic spots 我建议你可以去泉州的十大景点旅游 【我很羡慕你】英语怎么说 I admire you a lot. 精 锐 松 江 旅游英语翻译 Motel 汽车旅馆 check-out 结账离店 disposable 一次性的 ine 收入 appetizer 开胃菜 laundry bag 洗衣袋 reception area 接待区 room service 送餐服务 cruise (乘船)巡游 nonscheduled airline 不定期航线 business traveler 商务旅客 assistant manager 大堂副理 intensive training 大强度训练 healthy 康体(中心)俱乐部 executive staff members 高级行政职员,(简称“高职”) chain management 连锁管理 maintenance 维修 training assignment 培训任务 deluxe 豪华的 personnel office 人事部 entertainment 文娱节目 *switchboard (电话)总机 check-in 登记入住 hotel management 饭店管理 *condominium(各户有独立产权的)公寓 lost and found 失物招领处 room rates 房价 *business center 商务中心 acmodation (饭店中的)设备;住处 chain hotel 连锁酒店 汉译英 超额预定 overbooked 纪念品 souvenir 信誉声誉 reputation 厨房帮工 kitchen helper 商务型酒店 business hotel 行政总厨 executive chef 主题公园 theme park 财务部 financial and aounting department 洗衣服务 laundry service 汽车出租行业 car rental trades 管理合同 management contract 问讯处 information desk 小吃店 snack bar 特许经销权 franchised dealership 奖励旅游 incentive travel/ bonus travel 外币兑换 foreign exchange 保险箱 safe box 带薪假期 paid time off/ paid leave/ paid vacation bulk purchase 大量(大批)购买 旅游业 touri *** 旅游胜地 a tourist attraction 会议 meeting/ conference 巡游 cruise 航班座位利用率 flight seat use factor 美食家 belly-god/ epicure 设施设备 facilities and equipments 收银台 cashier"s 预定 reservation 迷你冰箱 mini bar 公共区域 PA (public area) 1.An important feature of this rapid construction of new hotels( which are the chain hotels---as the main power in the hospitality industry )(在饭店业中作为主要力量的连锁酒店出现了) 2.The front desk is the term that designates the counter where(guests check in, take keys and mails, ask about information, store the valuable articles and check out)(客人登记,取钥匙和邮件,询问信息,存放贵重物品和结账) 3.The assistant manager frequently have a desk in the lobby near the reception area *since (they mainly deal with the daily problems, such as the discontentment for room-assigning, and the overbooked (of room) )(他们主要处理日常的问题,例如对房间分配的不满和房间的超额预定) 4.The front desk also notifies the housekeeper of the arrival of VIPs ,very important persons(for they should offer presents and special services to the VIPs in many hotels )(因为许多酒店要提供礼品和给客人们特殊服务) 5.Touri *** is now generally (regarded as the industry of the most important economic social culture and influences of modern times. )(被看作是当今最具有经济社会文化和影响力的产业) 6.Foods are usually classified into five basic groups aording to their nutritional values, (they are proteins, carbohydrate, fat, minerals, and vitamins)(蛋白质,碳水化合物,脂肪,矿物质和维他命) 7.The automobile offers convenience. The traveler(do not need to carry the luggage while leaving home and reaching the destinations, in addition, the travel expense was also obvious somewhat low )(离家和到达目的地都无需搬动行李,另外旅行的费用也明显偏低了) 8.Their duties include( taking away the unwanted tableware, pouring water, carrying bread and butter )(撤掉多于多余的餐具,倒水端面包和黄油) 9.Under the cooks ‘supervision are the kitchen helpers who for example (cut up potatoes, vegetables, and carry the food from storeroom to the kitchen as well )(切土豆,切蔬菜还要将食品从储藏室运到厨房去) 我感觉你有可能打错的地方,我用星号标注,“汉译英”中,有的是两个或两个以上答案,意思是一样,供你选择;“完成句子”中的答案,如果你看到括弧中有括弧,里面的内容是可以省略的。第7句后边是“偏低”还是“降低”呢?如果是“降低”,将somewhat low 改成 reduce或者 decrease。 最后说两句,希望你不要不高兴,我猜妹妹是旅游学院的学生,对吗?我恰好是五星级饭店的培训部经理,也是旅游学院毕业的,我衷心地希望:1、我的答案能够帮到你;2、你一定要多背、多练、多说,争取以后自己独立完成。祝你好运!
2023-07-25 02:59:041


nah, shit, heck
2023-07-25 02:59:122


I"m so envy you!
2023-07-25 02:59:314


Your friendship I really envy.
2023-07-25 02:59:436


  小学英语谜语及答案附翻译1   英语谜语题目:What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon?   把一只啄木鸟和一只识途的鸽子融合在一起,会得到什么?   【答案】A bird that knocks on the door when delivering messages.   将得到一只送信时会敲门的鸟。   英语谜语题目:Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?   世界上哪个地方下午比早上先到?   【答案】In the dictionary.在字典里。   英语谜语题目:What do you know about the kings of France?   你对法国君主有什么了解?   【答案】They are all dead. 他们都死了。   英语谜语题目:what tree is always very sad? key:weeping willow   什么书树总是很伤心?   【答案】垂柳.谜语解析:weeping willow的意思是垂柳,weeping是哭,willow是柳树   英语谜语题目:what is full when its used and empty when its at rest? key:a shoe   什么东西在使用它的时候是满的,在他休息的时候是空的。   【答案】鞋   英语谜语题目:what animal is taller sitting down than standing up? key:A dog   什么动物坐着比站着高?   【答案】狗   英语谜语题目:what is black when its clean and white when its dirty? key:a blackboard   什么东西干净的时候是黑色的,脏的时候是白色的。   【答案】黑板   英语谜语题目:what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? key:sixth   哪个五个字母的单词当你去掉两个单词后还剩6个?   【答案】sixth,去掉后是six   英语谜语题目:What has four eyes but cannot see?   什么有四个眼睛,但是看不见?   【答案】Mississippi 谜语解析:有4个i,但是因为是地名,所以看不见。   英语谜语题目:Whats the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space; the beginning of end, and the end of every place?key:The letter "e"   什么是永恒的开始,是时间的结束,是结局的开始,是每一个地方的结束?   【答案】字母e,看这四个单词的结尾就明白了。   英语谜语题目:What can you catch but cannot throw? key :a cold   什么东西你能抓住但是不能扔掉?   【答案】感冒(catch a cold),英文中感冒为catch a cold   英语谜语题目:What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth? key:mirror   什么是聋哑的,但是却总是告诉我们真相?   【答案】镜子   英语谜语题目:What has a tongue but cannot talk? key: a shoe   什么东西有舌头但是却不会说话?   【答案】鞋   英语谜语题目:What has teeth but cannot eat? key:corn   什么东西有牙齿却不能吃东西?   【答案】玉米   英语谜语题目:what letter is a question? key:Y   哪个字母是一个问题?   【答案】:Y(why)   英语谜语题目:what letter is your eye? key:I   哪个字母是你的眼睛?   【答案】:I(eye)   英语谜语题目:what letter is a vegetable? key:P   哪个字母是一种蔬菜   【答案】:P(pea)豌豆   英语谜语题目:what stays hot even if put it in a fridge? key:pepper   什么东西即使放到冰箱中也是热的`?   【答案】pepper(胡椒粉) 谜语解析:hot也有辣的意思   英语谜语题目:what fruit is never found singly? key:pear   什么水果永远都不会是单数?   【答案】:pear(梨) 谜语解析:pear和pair(一双)读音相同   英语谜语题目:With which hand do you write? key:neither,i use a pen!   你用哪只手写字呢?   【答案】都不用,我用笔   英语谜语题目:what man cannot live in a house?   什么人不能住在房子里?   谜语【答案】snowman(雪人)   英语谜语题目:What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?   什么东西永远不问问题但是却能得到很多?   【答案】dictionary (字典)   英语谜语题目: What question can you never answer "Yes" to?   什么问题你永远也不能回答"是"   【答案】Are you dead?(你死了吗?)Are you asleep?(你睡着了吗)   英语谜语题目:You have it.You read it.Therere some pictures in it?   你拥有它,你可以阅读它,它有些图片在里面,它是什么?   【答案】book(书)   英语谜语题目: A mouse has a large pocket. What is it?   一种鼠有一个大袋子,它是什么?   【答案】a kangaroo(袋鼠)   英语谜语题目:what has two legs but cannt walk? key:compass   什么东西有两条腿却不能走路   【答案】:圆规   英语谜语题目: what is pronounced like one letter,written with three letters,and belongs to all animals? key:eye   什么东西读起来像是一个字母,写起来是三个字母,并且所有动画都有它呢?   【答案】eye(眼睛)   小学英语谜语及答案附翻译2   毛病(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: morbid病态   地雷炸死蛇(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: delicious   How many sides does a circle have? —— 谜底: the inside and the outside   Why do people go to bed?(人们为什么睡觉?)—— 谜底: Because the bed won"t come to us.因为床不会走向我们。   X(打一哲学用语) —— 谜底: 否定判断   可没有你开心(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: communication沟通;通信;传染   爱得嗑它(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: addict   爱过你(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: agony痛苦   抬若爆(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: terrible   飞离(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: flee逃跑   What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth? (打一物) —— 谜底: mirror   女人小便失禁(打一英文单字) —— 谜底: Below   私奔(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: spoon   Where did Columbus stand when he discovered America? —— 谜底: On his feet.   什么英文字母让人们喜欢听而且听的人最多? —— 谜底: CD   Why should we never ask balloons for advice?(为什么我们绝不向汽球征求意见?)—— 谜底: They are full of hot air.因为它们里面全是热空气。   经典的小学英语谜语及答案   凌迟(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: lynch私刑处死   怕失去(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: parsimonious   How do we know the ocean is friendly? —— 谜底: It waves.   靠坟(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: coffin棺材   What is that which has a mouth,but never speaks, and a bed, but never sleeps in it?—— 谜底: A river.   额的妈呀(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: admire羡慕   抠哦(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: coal煤;煤块;煤堆;木炭   格拉芙(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: graf伯爵   腻的(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: need   上下(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: sunshine   迪斯科(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: disco   阴塞(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: inside   狗打毛宁(打一英文短语) —— 谜底: Good morning!早上好!   四围泼一泼(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: sweep   What can be measured but has no length, width or thickness?—— 谜底: The temperature.   图累死他(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: tourist   常见的小学英语谜语及答案   What kind of man can raise things without lifting them? —— 谜底: A farmer   蔻驰(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: 教练;指导;受训练。   What comes before six?(六前面是什么?) —— 谜底: The milkman. 送牛奶的人。   不理事(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: bliss好福气,极乐;天赐的福;幸福无比;狂喜。   套客(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: talk说;讨论;说话。   圣母超凡魅力(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: charisma超凡魅力;魅力;<宗>神授的力量或才能;超凡的个人魅力;感召力。   戴尔(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: die   What do most gardeners not like to grow? —— 谜底: They dont like to grow their age.   Why do some old people never use glasses?—— 谜底: They must prefer bottles to glasses.   漱哥(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: sugar糖   What is that which has no leg but a body and a long neck? —— 谜底: A bottle   If you were to throw a white stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?—— 谜底: It remains a white stone.   靠累知(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: college   摸(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: more(多,更多)   What is higher without a head than with a head? —— 谜底: A pillow(枕头)
2023-07-25 03:01:191


envy 或者 jealousy 都行
2023-07-25 03:01:327


  如果利用小学英语谜语及答案形式活泼的特点进行学习,可以收到良好的学习效果。以下是我为你整理的及答案,欢迎大家阅读。   热门的   毛病打一英文单词 —— 谜底: morbid病态   地雷炸死蛇打一英文单词 —— 谜底: delicious   How many sides does a circle have? —— 谜底: the inside and the outside   Why do people go to bed?人们为什么睡觉?—— 谜底: Because the bed won"t e to us.因为床不会走向我们。   X打一哲学用语 —— 谜底: 否定判断   可没有你开心打一英文单词 —— 谜底: munication沟通;通讯;传染   爱得嗑它打一英文单词 —— 谜底: addict   爱过你打一英文单词 —— 谜底: agony痛苦   抬若爆打一英文单词 —— 谜底: terrible   飞离打一英文单词 —— 谜底: flee逃跑   What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth? 打一物 —— 谜底: mirror   女人小便失禁打一英文单字 —— 谜底: Below   私奔打一英文单词 —— 谜底: spoon   Where did Columbus stand when he discovered America? —— 谜底: On his feet.   什么英文字母让人们喜欢听而且听的人最多? —— 谜底: CD   Why should we never ask balloons for advice?为什么我们绝不向汽球征求意见?—— 谜底: They are full of hot air.因为它们里面全是热空气。   经典的   凌迟打一英文单词 —— 谜底: lynch私刑处死   怕失去打一英文单词 —— 谜底: parsimonious   How do we know the ocean is friendly? —— 谜底: It waves.   靠坟打一英文单词 —— 谜底: coffin棺材   What is that which has a mouth,but never speaks, and a bed, but never sleeps in it?—— 谜底: A river.   额的妈呀打一英文单词 —— 谜底: admire羡慕   抠哦打一英文单词 —— 谜底: coal煤;煤块;煤堆;木炭   格拉芙打一英文单词 —— 谜底: graf伯爵   腻的打一英语单词 —— 谜底: need   上下打一英语单词 —— 谜底: sunshine   迪斯科打一英文单词 —— 谜底: disco   阴塞打一英语单词 —— 谜底: inside   狗打毛宁打一英文短语 —— 谜底: Good morning!早上好!   四围泼一泼打一英语单词 —— 谜底: sweep   What can be measured but has no length, width or thickness?—— 谜底: The temperature.   图累死他打一英文单词 —— 谜底: tourist   常见的   What kind of man can raise things without lifting them? —— 谜底: A farmer   蔻驰打一英文单词 —— 谜底: 教练;指导;受训练。   What es before six?六前面是什么? —— 谜底: The milkman. 送牛奶的人。   不理事打一英文单词 —— 谜底: bliss好福气,极乐;天赐的福;幸福无比;狂喜。   套客打一英文单词 —— 谜底: talk说;讨论;说话。   圣母超凡魅力打一英文单词—— 谜底: chari *** a超凡魅力;魅力;<宗>神授的力量或才能;超凡的个人魅力;感召力。   戴尔打一英语单词 —— 谜底: die   What do most gardeners not like to grow? —— 谜底: They don"t like to grow their age.   Why do some old people never use glasses?—— 谜底: They must prefer bottles to glasses.   漱哥打一英文单词 —— 谜底: sugar糖   What is that which has no leg but a body and a long neck? —— 谜底: A bottle   If you were to throw a white stone into the Red Sea, what would it bee?—— 谜底: It remains a white stone.   靠累知打一英文单词 —— 谜底: college   摸打一英文单词 —— 谜底: more多,更多   What is higher without a head than with a head? —— 谜底: A pillow枕头
2023-07-25 03:01:481


I don"t envy the lovers who kiss on the street, I admire the old man hand in hand in the street
2023-07-25 03:01:561


同意楼上,羡慕是因为自己英文不足.英语好的人有的是,说得好的人却是不多. 英语是工具,能够讲英语起码说明了此人今后能够进入到一个中层薪酬的企业,做翻译就能够养活自己了,不过术业有专攻,每个人都要有自己的长处,不必羡慕,找好自己的方向努力,你也会别人羡慕的.
2023-07-25 03:02:051


你陪着我的时候,我没有羡慕过任何人When you are with me, I don"t envy anyone
2023-07-25 03:02:332


awesome fatanstic gorgeous fabulous astonishing epic superb brilliant magnificent excellent wonderfulthat"s enought!!!
2023-07-25 03:02:413


2023-07-25 03:03:195


When I"m in primary school, my dream is to be a dancer, I admire that they can be on the stage with beautiful make-up on and the feeling of wearing gorgeous dance dresses. Not until I"m in university, I then truly realise my dream is to be a tour guide: I like to communicate with people, make friends with all kinds of different people from vary countries and travelling. I"m also currently working hard to get my tourist guide certificate, I believe after a year my dream will come successful, then after 5 years of being a tour guide and around the age of 27 I will have a marriage, then open a make-up shop, when I have earn enough money, my biggest dream is to bring both of my parents to different countries to travel.
2023-07-25 03:03:372


Don"t envy other people you have better is that you don"t know
2023-07-25 03:03:513


2023-07-25 03:04:126

六个字母英文单词 单词要唯美点的 。。。 最好里面带有M的

2023-07-25 03:04:308


Have you in my never envy anyone
2023-07-25 03:05:052

优秀的 的英语单词

2023-07-25 03:05:185


电容的用途非常多,主要有如下几种: 1.隔直流:作用是阻止直流通过而让交流通过。 串联.2.旁路(去耦):为交流电路中某些并联的组件提供低阻抗通路。 并联.3.耦合:作为两个电路之间的连接,允许交流信号通过并传输到下一级电路 ,串联.4.滤波:并联. 5.温度补偿:针对其它组件对温度的适应性不够带来的影响,而进行补偿,改善电路的稳定性。 并联.6.计时:电容器与电阻器配合使用,确定电路的时间常数。 电阻与电容并联构成RC回路.7.调谐:对与频率相关的电路进行系统调谐,比如手机、收音机、电视机。 并联.8.整流 :整流其实是二极管的作用,电容可以用在整流电路中,利用电容的充放电,对电压进行平滑。串联.9.储能:储存电能,用于必须要的时候释放。例如相机闪光灯,加热设备等等。并联.
2023-07-25 03:02:272


5/9=25/458/15=24/45通分方法:一般就是找出几个分母的最小公倍数作为他们的分母。先求原来几个分母的( 最小公倍数 ),然后把各分数分别化成用这个( 最小公倍数 )作为分母的分数。
2023-07-25 03:02:271


2023-07-25 03:02:122


2023-07-25 03:02:073