因此,我们需要实现的过程,以确保及时";laborclaiming ";这将使项目领导人关注challengessuch提高客户满意度和发展我们的快递业务。
如果重复,IBM有降级subk practitioner"sbanding在一个波段的水平在7级或以上的医生
成本回收是全球DeliveryCentre GBS成功的基本因素,没有及时的计费和整合成本将立即impactour性能造成负面影响。
4。供应商将等行为的消极表现SUBK ofclaiming人员已经失踪。
商务英语翻译:Claim 索赔
无 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的商务英语翻译:Claim 索赔,供大家参考:) Brief Introduction 在执行合同的过程中,签约双方都应该严格履行合同义务。任何一方如果不能严格履行,就会给另一方带来麻烦。在这种情况下,受损失的一方有权根据合同规定要求责任方赔偿损失或采取其他补救措施。受损失的一方采取的这种行动称之为“索赔”,而责任方就受损失一方提出的要求进行处理,叫做“理赔”。 在业务中常见的是买方向卖方提出索赔,如卖方拒不交货、逾期装运、数量短缺、货物的品质规格与合同不符、错发错运、包装不妥、随船单证不全或漏填错发等致使买方遭受损失时,买方可向卖方提出索赔。但是在某些情况下,卖方也向买方提出索赔要求,如买方拒开或迟开信用证、不按时派船、无理毁约等致使卖方遭受损失时,卖方也会向买方提出索赔。 相关专题: 商务英语口语900句 Basic Expressions 1. Please give our claim your favorable consideration. 请合理考虑我们的索赔要求。 2. Please examine the matter and send us the goods to meet the shortage as soon as possible. 请调查此事,并尽快将货物发给我们以弥补数量的不足。 3. As regards inferior quality of your goods, we claim a compensa- tion of U.S.$10,000. 至于你方产品的品质低劣问题,我方要求你方赔偿一万美元。 4. We shall lodge a claim for all the losses incurred as a consequence of your failure to ship our order in time. 由于你方未能及时交货,我方将向你方提出由此而遭受的全部损失的索赔。 5. Any complaint about the quality of the products should be lodged within 15 days after their arrival. 任何有关该产品质量问题的申诉应该在货物到达后的十五天内提出。 6. Our customers are complaining of the inferior quality of our products. 我们的客户投诉我们的产品质量低劣。 7. This seems to be a very clear case and we hope you will see your way to make a prompt settlement. 看来情况已十分清楚,我们希望你能设法尽快解决问题。 8. We regret that your claim on shortage cannot be accepted. 很遗憾,我们无法接受你方关于货物短装的索赔。 9. Our investigation shows that improper packing caused damage. Therefore we have to refer this matter to you. 我方检验证明,货物受损是由于包装不当而造成的。因此,我们不 得不将此事提交你处解决。 10. As the goods are inferior in quality, we are returning the whole of the 20 cases and must ask you to replace them. 由于这些产品质量低劣,所以我方把20箱全部退回,并务必请贵方 更换这些产品。 11. We very much regret the mistake in article number, which resulted in your receiving the wrong goods. 因货号有误,致使到货错误。对此,我们深表歉意。 12. The goods we"ve received do not tally with the sample on which we ordered. 我们收到的货物与订货样品不符。 13. In view of the long business relations between us, we wish to meet you half way to settle the claim. 考虑到我们之间长期的业务关系,我们愿意各让一半解决这项索赔。 14. We hope this unfortunate incident will not affect the relationship between us. 我们希望这一不幸事件将不会影响到我们双方之间的关系。 15. Apparently, the shortage is due to omission in packing. 很明显,货物短缺系包装遗漏所致。 16. In view of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to meet your claim for the 25 tons shortage weight. 考虑到我们之间的业务关系,我们准备接受25吨短装的索赔。 17. We are sorry that the quality of our goods did not turn out to your satisfaction. 我们很抱歉你们不满意我们货物的质量。 18. We can assure you that such a thing will not happen again in future deliveries. 我们保证在以后的交货中不会出现类似的事件。 19. Enclosed is the surveyor"s report on the three damaged cases. 内附有鉴定人对这破损的三箱货物的鉴定报告。 20. Here"s a survey report by a well-known lab in Houston, whose testimony is absolutely reliable. 这是由休斯顿的一个实验室提供的一份检验报告,证据绝对可靠。 Conversations Dialogue 1 W: Hello, Mr. Brown, how are you? It is nice to see you again. B: How are you, Mrs. Wang. It certainly is a pleasure to see you again here. I hope you had an enjoyable trip from London. W: The flight was really long, but it was comfortable so I do not feel very tired. B: I am glad that you had a pleasant trip. I hope you are comfortably settled and find things at the hotel satisfactory. W: Everything is perfect, thank you. Well, now, Mr. Brown, if you don"t mind, I"ll get to the point. B: Okay. You want to take up the subject of the arbutus, don"t you? W: That"s right. You see, Mr. Brown, you have probably been ad- vised of the serious damage done to the last consignment of 60 cases of arbutus. Upon its arrival in London on board the S.S. Cornea, it was found, much to our regret, that about 50% of the cases were leaking. Closer inspection by the Health Officers showed that the contents were considered unfit for human consumption. -- 布朗先生,你好。很高兴再次见到你。 -- 王小姐,你好。很荣幸在这里又见到你。希望你从伦敦来一路 旅途愉快。 -- 飞行时间虽长,但客机非常舒适,所以也不觉得很累。 -- 我很高兴你旅途愉快。希望你住得舒适,旅馆设备都还觉得满意。 -- 谢谢你,一切都很好。噢,布朗先生,要是你不介意的话,现在咱 们就开始谈谈业务吧。 -- 好,你想谈谈杨梅的事,对不对? -- 对。布朗先生,也许你已经知道最后一批60箱的杨梅严重损坏的 情况。“柯娜”轮一到达伦敦的时候,我们就遗憾地发现其中有一 半左右的箱子渗漏。经卫生检疫局官员仔细检查,认为 内装食品 不可供人们食用。 B: Just a minute, if you please, Mrs.Wang. Have your people in London discovered what were the exact causes of the leakage? It was rather a singular case, for thousands of tons of this product have been exported and this seems to be the only case of a shipment being damaged en route. W: I am sorry I have to say it was not en route. It was definitely damaged prior to loading onto the S.S. Cornea. You may think it a singular case, yet the fact remains that this has made it necessary for us to file a claim on you. Here, Mr. Brown, I have brought along with me the certificate issued by the London Health Office. It speaks for itself. As to the causes, closer inspection and examination by our cargo-handling people revealed that the leakage of juice was brought about damaged tins. They were evidently broken through careless handling while being loaded onto the ship"s hold in Sydney dock. B: As I have said before, the whole business is most unfortunate. We have never come across such a case of damage during loading. -- 王小姐,请稍等。请问伦敦的人有没有发现渗漏的确切原因?这件 事还只这么一次,我们已经出口好几千吨了,在中途损坏还是头一 回。 -- 很抱歉,我得说明,损坏不是在运输途中发生的。很明显, 损坏是 在装上“柯娜”轮号前发生的。你可能认为这事是头一回,可事实 不得不让我们向你们提出索赔。布朗先生,这儿是伦敦卫生检疫局 官员签发的证书,上面写得一清二楚。至于原因,我们经办装卸的 人仔细检查,结果发现果汁渗漏的原因是锡罐被损坏了。很明显是 在悉尼码头装船时,因搬运疏忽大意而造成锡罐受损的。 -- 我刚才讲过,整件事实在是很不幸。我们从未遇到过罐头在装船时 发生这样的损坏。 W: I have to remind you that our terms are C.I.F. port of London. While we have full confidence in your Commodities Inspection Bureau, this is a case that occurred after their sampling and analy- sis at the factory. And the broken tins through careless handling and deterioration of the contents en route brought about this state of affairs. Now, Mr. Brown, you are well aware that our business has just started this branch of activities and the loses thus sustained will be a blow to this department. I am sure you will think it fair on our part when we suggest that the total value of the parcel should be reduced by 50% and that you should give us an allowance by way of credit for the amount to be set against our future purchases of canned fruits from you. B: To be fair to your company, I am directed by my Sydney branch to settle this issue with you amicably on the condition that you give us a certificate issued by your Health Department. Now that this is available, I think everything will be in order. W: I am so glad to hear of your ready agreement. Your fairness in business dealing is unsurpassed. Shall we send you a letter confirming this? B: As soon as you send us a letter confirming this conversation, we"ll send you a reply immediately. W: Thanks ever so much for your cooperation, Mr. Brown. Goodbye. B: Goodbye. -- 我不得不提醒你,我们的条款是伦敦到岸价。虽然我们很信赖你们 的商品检验局,可是损坏是在工厂抽样化验之后发生的,是由于搬 运不慎而锡罐破裂,中途食品变质所造成的。布朗先生,你很清楚 我们才开始经营这项业务,蒙受的损失将对业务部门是一个打击。 我们建议这批货从总价中削减百分之五十,并给予我们补贴,这款 项就用于将来向你们订购罐头水果时冲销,我相信你认为这样对我 们才是公平的。 -- 悉尼分公司派我来和你们公平友好地解决这件事,前提条件就是把 你们卫生部签发的证书给我们。现在证书已经有了,我想事情都会 解决的。 -- 听到你这么痛快地同意了,我很高兴。办理业务这么公平,真是无 法比啊。我们将寄信让你们确认好吗? -- 我们一旦收到你们的信确认此次谈话,就会立即回复。 -- 万分感谢你的合作。布朗先生,再会。 -- 再见。 Dialogue 2 W: Mr. Brown, I"d like to talk with you about something that is getting to be a problem. I"d like, if possible, to see it settled at this meeting. B: What is it, Mrs. Wang? W: It"s about the quality of 300 cartons of dried mushrooms. They reached us two weeks ago, and were immediately examined after they arrived. To our astonishment, about 20% of them were moldy and in many cartons there were even small brownish bugs crawling in and out of the half- eaten mushrooms. We can"t accept them in this state. They are unfit for human consumption. And the Medical Officer of Health has issued a ?Stop Notice?on them. B: Is that so? So far we haven"t had any complaint of this kind. Our mush- rooms have enjoyed a good reputation for their superior quality for years. We are really at a loss to understand why your lot was found moldy and worm-eaten. Have you any evidence? W: Certainly. Here"s a survey report by a well-known lab in London, whose testimony is absolutely reliable. -- 布朗先生,我想和你谈谈快要发生的一件比较麻烦的事情。如果可 以的话,我想在这次会议上解决。 -- 王小姐,是什么事?2023-07-24 18:47:371
保险常用英文词汇 导语:保险是指投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者被保险人死亡、伤残、疾病或者达到合同约定的年龄、期限等条件时承担给付保险金责任的商业保险行为。下面是我收集整理的"有关保险的英语词汇,欢迎参考! insurance company 保险公司 insurance policy 保险单 insurance premium 保险费 insured, assured 被保险人 insurer, underwriter 保险人;保险商 indemnity 赔款 indemnity 损害赔偿 all-risks policy一切险保单 assignment clause 转让条款 average adjuster 海损理算人 abandonment clause 委付条款 act of god 不可抗力 actuary 保险精算师 average clause 共同海损分担条款 average 海损、海损分摊 branch of insurance 保险类别 cargo damage survey 货损检验 cargo insurance 货物保险 certificate of insurance 保险证明书 claim 索赔 claim assessor 索赔人 claim 索赔 compulsory insurance 强制保险 coverage 保险总额 damage certificate 损坏证明书 damage claim 损坏索赔 damage 损坏赔偿金 deposit premium 预付保险费 endorsement 签注 endowment policy 人寿定期保险单 expiration of policy 保险单满期 faa ( free of all average) 全损赔偿 fire insurance 火险 fpa ( free of particular average) 单独海损不赔 free of average 全损赔偿 general average 共同海损 general policy condition 保险单一般规定 in-full premium 全部保险费 initial premium 初期保险费 insurance broker 保险经纪人 jettison 投弃 knock-for-knock agreement 互撞免赔协议 liability insurance 责任保险 life assured 人寿保险投保人 life fund 人寿保险基金 life insurance 人寿保险 loading 人寿保险附加费 loss adjuster 损失理算人 loss ratio 赔付率 marine insurance 海损保险 maritime transportation insurance 海洋运输保险 mortality tables 死亡率表(用于计算保险风险) motor insurance 汽车保险 mutual insurance company 互助保险公司 natural calamities 自然灾害 natural losses 自然损耗 no-claims bonus 无索偿奖金 notice of loss 损害通知书 null and void 宣告无效 obligation of compensation for loss 赔偿的义务 particular average 单独海损 policy-holder 保险客户 reinsurance 再保险;转保 renewal premium 续保费 renewal 续保;延期 salvage value 残值;获救货物或船舶的价值 sum insured 保险金额 survey 查勘 termination of risk 保险责任终止 third party insurance 第三方保险 time hull insurance 船舶定期保险 time limit for filing claims 索赔时限 time policy 定期保险单 to renew 续保 u/w (underwriter) 承保人 unvalued policy 不定值保单 ;2023-07-24 18:47:441
接收方,索赔方,索赔原因,异议期限,索赔金额,索赔明细 如何翻译成英文呢?谢谢
接收方: consignee/receiver索赔方: claimer索赔原因: reason for claim异议期限: demurral deadline索赔金额: sum of claim索赔明细: details of claim2023-07-24 18:47:521
质量索赔 英文翻译
索赔ms是compensation。。质量索赔就不清楚了。。专业词汇了。。。= =2023-07-24 18:48:013
insurance claim officer 保险索赔员insurance agents 保险代理人 insurance amount 保额 insurance certificate 保险凭证 insurance claim 保险索赔 insurance company 保险公司 insurance cover 保险 insurance coverage 保险范围 insurance endorsement 保险批单 insurance policy 保险单 insurance premium 保险费2023-07-24 18:48:081
写商务信函就是要用最简单,最准确的语言来表达你的观点让对方理解。接下来我为大家整理了索赔信函常用中英文例句,希望对你有帮助哦! 索赔信函常用中英文例句: 1、Iu2019m afraid you should compensate us by 5% of the total amount of the contract. 贵公司要赔偿我方合同全部金额的百分之五。 2、We regret for the loss you have suffered and agree to compensate you by $500. 我们对你方遭受的损失深表歉意,同意向你们赔偿500美圆。 3、I propose we compensate you by 3% of the total value plus inspection fee. 我想我们赔偿贵方百分之三的损失,另外加上商检费。 4、There are some different types of claims. 索赔有几种不同的类型。 5、This is a claim on quality. 这是质量索赔。 6、We have already made a careful investigation of the case. 我们已经对这个索赔案件做了详细的调查研究。 7、I want to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of bleached cotton waste, as per Sales Confirmation No. 1254E. 我们想处理一下关于销售确认书第1254E号100吨漂白废棉的索赔问题。 8、We are not in a position to entertain your claim. 我们不能接受你们提出的索赔要求。 9、But we regret our inability to accommodate your claim. 很抱歉我们不能接受你方索赔。 10、Claims for incorrect material must be made within 60 days after arrival of the goods. 有关不合格材料的索赔问题必须在货到后60天内予以解决。 11、Weu2019ve given your claim our careful consideration. 我们已经就你们提出的索赔做了仔细研究。 12、We filed a claim with(against) you for the shortweight. 关于短重问题,我们已经向你方提出索赔。 13、The Chinese representative and Mr.Bake discussed the claim. 中方代表与贝克先生商谈了索赔问题。 14、We have received your remittance in settlement of our claim. 我们已经收到你方解决我们索赔问题的汇款。 15、Iu2019ll write to our home office to waive our claim immediately. 我立即写信给我们的总公司提出放弃索赔。 16、This is a claim on shortweight. 这是短重索赔。 17、This is a claim on delayed shipment. 这是延期装运索赔。 18、Claim on shortweight is caused by packing damage or shortloading. 短重索赔是由包装破损或装运短重引起的。 19、Claim on delayed shipment is that sellers fail to make the delivery according to time schedule. 延期索赔是对卖方没有按时装运货物而提出的索赔。 20、Claim on quality originates from inferior quality of goods or quality changes. 品质(质量)索赔是在货物质量低劣或是质量改变的条件下发生的。2023-07-24 18:48:151
索赔时限的英文limitation of claims此前一审判决称“原告即使有赔偿请求权,也超过了时限”,二审认为“中国在《日中联合声明》中放弃了个人赔偿请求权,因此原告失去了索赔权”。 It rejected their appeal by claiming "China has given up war compensation claims by individuals against Japan in the Sino-Japanese Joint Statement".2023-07-24 18:48:301
求救, 我想要索赔函的英文范文!快紧急的!拜托了!!
2023-07-24 18:48:401
Dear xxx: we regret to inform you that your company failed to deliver all the cloth for order No.xxx, which unfortunately resulted in the fact that we were unable to complete the scheduled garment-making work (approx. 79 peices short of the target number). Therefore we require your company to compensate us for the incomplete delivery as quickly as possible. faithfuly, xxx2023-07-24 18:49:042
翻译成英文是We reserve the claim against your company下图是翻译截图2023-07-24 18:49:221
英文 索赔函 写作
2023-07-24 18:49:411
求一封英语索赔信 求高手根据以下内容写450字的英文索赔信
In August, 2010, China import and export company in the far east by domestic buyers entrust, from Spain betis the import of 20 tons of super olive oil. In October, after the goods arrived in Shanghai, this company entrust Shanghai inspection bureau (already issue an inspection report), found that the product does not conform to the relevant national standards, the quality data is far less than the other party of the provided sample. After consultations, the company will reduce the price by 50% processing to the buyer of goods to make another he. For this purpose, the company compensate to pay the buyer of RMB 2.5 million yuan, 500000 yuan of payment of the liquidated damages contract, and assume a fee of $10000, and $50000 of other fees (us $and the renminbi exchange rate for the latest now. 65).Please to China in the name of the far east import and export company to Spain betis company, a claim the loss. It"s ok?2023-07-24 18:49:493
英文不好,飘过,建议发到英语研究专栏里提问~2023-07-24 18:49:592
释放签名者让渡人,上海新长征国际贸易有限公司在考虑支付9360美元。果然,谨在此承认充分性,已经发布了出院,和这个版本并为自己(本身),(它的)继承人和受让人、释放和永远的放电黄金明星线有限公司,其代表,这艘船命名的下面,它的所有者、运营商、代理商、保险人、主和船员的任何和所有索赔或行动的原因,他(它)现在或今后反对任何上述人员、船、公司或企业的损失、损害或费用,或结合下列装运:船告别你装船指示提单没有:从/到织女星天蝎座203 / N B / L GOSUCDO1009598卡加延德奥罗/上海容器ZCSU5958481商品:新鲜菠萝签名者让渡人保证,他(它)是党有权接受说支付和进一步考虑支付的,特此同意保障、防卫和免责,上面提到的受让人,他们的继承人与从和反对任何索赔、要求、诉讼或行为使或提起他们因损失、损害或费用,或与其有关的装运上述描述。证人,签名者造成了这种仪器上可以执行2012年8月10号2023-07-24 18:50:132
约翰逊先生 是中国玻璃器皿买家,已经向国家与中国轻工业品进出口总公司,浙江分公司,对破损的玻璃花瓶索赔。张先生,中国人民保险公司代表,圆满地解释了相关的保险问题,事件得到了友好的解决。2023-07-24 18:50:291
Abstract: In market economy conditions, the contract is the carrier of the legal system, the credit guarantee of the economy, any implementation of a construction project, through a series of contracts entered into contracts to achieve, therefore, introduced the subject of the main construction contract management the definition of construction contract management on the main content, on the status of construction contract management, construction contract management analysis of the main problems, as well as the main reason for the formation of these issues. And use of modern project management knowledge and information management technology, from a different perspective on the quality of construction contract management, investment, the impact of construction period. Contracts on the construction contract between the two sides in the management of how to proceed with a claim or counter-claim, how we do not lose the claim or counter-claim and to recommend the use of international standards for construction contracts FIDIC contracts. Finally, the sky Tak Garden Guilin # 14 as an example to demonstrate the role of contract management, construction contract management and creative well-established results and some solutions. In the construction of the main features of the bidding for the construction market, the company relied mainly on high-low pricing to make a profit claim, the claimant is an important aspect of contract management, contract management system to strengthen and improve the quality of contract management personnel, the establishment of a sound contract management system are important in the process of socialist reform. Key words: construction measures in the management of contract claim2023-07-24 18:50:392
索赔要求和意见,日期,索赔的原因等。英语索赔函是指合同双方中的一方,根据法律法规和双方签订的合同,以对方违反合同约定,造成当事人经济损失或精神损失为理由,向另一方提出赔偿或维护其他权利的英语书面材料,在写该类信件的时候应注意的事项有索赔要求和意见,日期,索赔的原因等。2023-07-24 18:50:521
2023-07-24 18:51:132
1、SPUSPU=Standard Product Unit,是指标准化产品单元。是商品信息聚合的最小单位,是一组可复用、易检索的标准化信息的集合,该集合描述了一个产品的特性:属性值、特性相同的商品就可以称为一个SPU、例如品牌华为+型号:Nova5可以确定一个产品单元,即为SPU。2、SKUSKU=Stock Keeping Unit,是指商品库存进出计量的基本单元,可以是以件,盒,托盘等为单位。SKU是指一款商品,每款都有出现一个SKU,便于电商品牌识别商品。当一个产品有不同的颜色、尺寸等多个属性,就有多个SKU。例如一件衣服,有黑、白、灰3种颜色,每种颜色都有S、M、L、不同的码数,那么这款衣服就有9个SKU。卖家根据自己的要求及习惯进行编写SKU,方便日后运营、管理产品。3、FNSKUFNSKU不同于SKU,是亚马逊FBA的产品标签编码,只有做FBA的产品才会有,一个做FBA的产品SKU对应一个FNSKU。4、UPC在亚马逊上传产品时,大多数分类均要求卖家使用所需的特定 GTIN(全球贸易项目代码)最常使用的是UPC。它是美国统一代码委员会制定的一种商品用条码,主要用于美国和加拿大地区。UPC码是最早大规模应用的条码,由于其应用范围广泛,故又被称为万用条码,通行于国际贸易。标准版的UPC12的编码结构为:系统码(1位)+厂商码(5位)+商品码(5位)+校检码(1位)。商品分类不同或同一分类中的商品类型不同,UPC 要求也会有所不同。某些分类可能允许卖家申请 UPC 豁免。跨境电商5、ASINASIN=AMAZON STANDARD IDENTIFICATION NUMBER,这是亚马逊自己的商品编号,由亚马逊系统自动生成的,不需要卖家自行添加。ASIN码相当于一个独特的产品ID,在亚马逊平台上具有唯一性,同一个产品同一个UPC在不同站点对应的ASIN通常是一致的,即一个ASIN码对应一个SKU。在平台前端和卖家店铺后台都可以使用ASIN码来查询到产品。ASIN码显示在产品详情页面里面,一般位于“Product Details”或者“Product Infomation”一栏。6、Listing和Listing ID在eBay、Wish、亚马逊等平台都有Listing的叫法,就等同于淘宝里说的产品链接,也就是产品页面,除了多属性变体产品外,通常,listing 就是一个产品页面,一件商品一个页面,创建Listing的时候,便会生成对应的Listing ID 和ASIN。在目前的亚马逊后台的产品列表中,可以直接LISTING ID 和PRODUCT NAME的超链接直接进入产品页面。在前台,搜索LISTING ID是无法查到对应产品的,搜索PRODUCT NAME结果可能看到一系列的类似产品,也就是说PRODUCT NAME顾名思义只是产品名称,亚马逊是允许产品名称有重复的,他并不是唯一的产品标识。2023-07-24 18:51:231
A, claims principle my company in the treatment of the claim process, has consistently adhered to the principle of contracts, and keeping promises, perform "rapid, timely, accurate and reasonable" claims work horoscope policy. Does not violate the law and insurance clause of the premise, as far as possible to meet customer reasonable requirement, justice to deal with the claim. Second, the claims experience 1, processing high risk project damage case experience high risk project investment amount is high, and technical precision, risk concentration, the loss after the accident cause analysis, determine the responsibility, the choice of the ways of compensation, etc need higher technical level and relatively rich work experience, for many years, my company has pointed to cultivate a group of have more quality of the employees. 2, processing large loss claim experience to flood, fire, typhoon disaster accident often leads to large scale enterprise is impaired, the reasons for the loss of a single but different degree of loss, my company in the treatment of the similar accident, in the determination of standard claims, claims the concentration of personnel and training, emergency claims procedures, prepaid reparations, etc has a complete set of operating procedures. 3, rapidly raise large reparations ability and experience unified legal person, franchising operation mode, make my company can do in a game of chess, the huge loss, can quickly assemble funds for compensation, such as the Yangtze river flood in 1998, our company in a short time, raise 1.5 billion yuan transferred to my local branch. 4, with domestic and international experts, adjuster cooperation experience to ensure the claim reasonable and accurate, and my company earlier started and industrial experts cooperation processing claim, established the company own technical expert network; For the international insurance market, and has set up a file in the domestic business license international adjuster also established good relations of cooperation. Such as: 1, sgs-cstc Standards Technical Services co., Ltd. (SGS - CSTC Standards Technical Services Ltd.); 2, MaiLiLun international claims group (Mclarens Toplis group.) 3, people taian insurance public evaluation company 4, ocean insurance public evaluation company 5, dalian zhengda insurance public evaluation co., LTD. Three, claims procedure 1, to be or get out of danger when disasters or accidents, the insured shall immediately notify my company, go to the police telephone 95518. Go to the police mode can be oral or written. My company JieBaoAn, detailed records policy number, risk, be or get out of danger mark, accident happened time, place and reason, quickly determine whether belong to insurance accident and timely pathogenesis insurant, also requires the insured fill "notice of be or get out of danger," registration file. 2, field survey: my company for your company to provide 24-hour service, after receiving report will quickly went to the scene of the accident to survey, to verify the time, place, after be or get out of danger, reason, degree of loss, and amount, assist the insured rescue. The amount of loss in within 300000 yuan will be selected accident appraisal institution, and send 1-2 expert to work; Such as loss of more than 300000 yuan, according to the international practice, the two sides jointly entrust domestic or designated by the China insurance regulatory commission approved GongGuHang insurance for loss evaluation. 3, check and ratify losses and advance reparations my company according to the clauses of the insurance liability to determine, according to the insurance contract and damaged property damage degree and the loss amount, determine the number of claims, the loss amount once approved by both, in the insured to provide all of the claim documents, in dalian branch HePei authorized (RMB 5 million yuan of the following or equivalent foreign currency), my company will be in 7 working days to pay reparations; If more than dalian company HePei authority, the submitted to the approval of the head office, our company will be in 30 working days to pay reparations. Insurance liability to belong to the large loss, if the amount is difficult to determine, we can according to the assessment of loss amount of 30% to 50%, the first part payment loss, to help your company to resume production in time. Once the final loss amount, our company will be within the time prescribed by the pay the rest of the loss. 不知道对不对 希望可以帮你2023-07-24 18:51:592
I have the right to retain the right to resort to legal claims.2023-07-24 18:52:152
随着我国法律制度和建筑市场体系的不断健全和完善,人们的经济和法律意识不断提高。尤其是我国加入WTO之后,建设工程管理正在逐步与国际接轨并走向规范化。合理低价中标规则被普遍应用于建设工程招投标中,促使建筑业企业之间的竞争加剧、利润水平下降。建设工程为追求效益最大化,二次创效的施工索赔问题日见突出。结合多年来从事造价管理的实践,对建设工程中的施工索赔问题作探讨。1 施工索赔的含义和特征施工索赔是在合同履行中,合同一方因对方不履行或不适当履行义务而遭受损失时向对方提出的价款与工期补偿的要求。索赔一般有三个特征:①索赔是双向的,既有承包方的索赔也有发包方反索赔的可能;②只有发生了经济损失或权利损害,一方才能向对方索赔;③索赔是一种未经对方确认的单方行为。目前在我国建筑领域,法律上讲工程发包方与施工承包方的合同双方是平等主体关系,但在实际操作过程中,承包方往往处于不平等、劣势的地位。发包方有意识或无意识的违约情况时有发生,给承包方造成了一定的经济损益,承包方不得不从长远利益出发,委曲求全。对于较小的损失,有的要求现场签证,签证未果的就由自己承担了,除非索赔的数额比较大,承包方承受不了的,才会发生索赔,甚至仲裁或诉讼。因此施工索赔又有了其独特的特点。施工企业做好索赔工作,研究承包方的索赔问题已成为施工企业成本管理工作的重要内容和减少效益流失的重要议题。其实,索赔的英文claim一词本意为主张自身权益,是当一方受到损失时提出的补偿自身损失的要求,它是一种正当权利的要求而非无理的争利,更不意味着是对过错方的惩罚,其基调是温和的,合同双方均应在互利共赢的市场准则下,正确理解索赔,正确对待索赔。2 施工索赔应贯穿承揽和施工的全过程施工索赔,狭义上讲是对施工过程中出现的与设计文件、承包合同出现的偏差提出的补偿。但应在广义上去操作,作为一个有经验的造价管理人员或承包商来看,索赔工作应存在于从工程项目投标开始一直到服务期结束的整个项目的全过程。在投标报价过程中,我们造价管理人员就应考虑将来可能发生索赔的问题,要仔细研究招标文件中的合同条款、有关规范、国家及地方的政策法规、规定。仔细进行现场调查,寻找可能发生索赔的机会。通过采取不平衡报价等手段,为将来索赔打下基础。另外,在进行单价分析时要结合具体施工组织设计进行考虑,把工程成本与资源投入的强度和效率结合起来,以备在施工中提出索赔时,可以用降低了效率为由提出索赔。在施工索赔中,由于施工效率的降低而提出的索赔一般是能够站得住脚的。在签订承包合同的过程中,承包商一般处于弱势地位,合同文本多数由建设单位提供,虽然《合同法》规定,对合同的条款有异议时,按照不利于文本提供者的意思解释。但是,承包方应对于合同中明显把重大风险转嫁给承包人的条款提出修改意见并形成《谈判纪要》等书面材料,作为合同条件的组成部分。另外,还应对合同中不列索赔条款、拖延付款无规定期限及计息方式、没有调价公式、业主可以根据满意度扣减工程款、业主对不可预见的工程条件免责等条款给与重视。一旦在这些问题上没有约定清楚都会给将来的索赔留下后患。进入施工过程后,造价管理人员应把工作的重点放在掌握索赔的依据,搜集有关索赔的信息及时提出索赔并注意防止业主的反索赔上。结合工作实践,笔者认为承包方在建设工程中索赔应着力做好以下工作。(1) 施工备忘录(日记),在施工中发生影响工期和索赔有关的事项,都要及时做好记录,按年、月、日顺序号存档,以便查找。(2) 工地会议记录和有关工程的来往信件,都必须全部保存妥当,直到合同全部履行完毕、所有索赔项目解决为止。(3) 施工进度表,包括业主代表和分包方编制的进度表。(4) 做好监理工程师的口头指示记录,及时以书面形式报告监理工程师予以确认,将他们的书面指示按年、月、日顺序编号存档。(5) 工程照片需专人管理,照片都应标明拍摄的日期,将照片按分项、分部工程和施工进度整理编排。(6) 收集记录每天的气象报告和实际气候情况。(7) 整理保存工人和雇员的工资与薪金单据、材料物资购买单据,按年、月、日编号归档。(8) 完整的工程会计资料,包括考勤表、工资单、材料购买订货单、收讫发票、收款票据、帐目及有关图表、财务信件、经会计师核证的财务决算表等。(9) 所有的合同、标书文件、施工图纸、修改增加图纸、计划工程进度表、人工日报表、材料设备进场报表及帐单(工程付款单)等需归类保存入档。(10) 对于甲方供料大量存在的现实情况,应注意甲供材料、设备的到货时间、数量和质量的记录和签证。从目前索赔的实际来看,承包方在建设工程中的索赔目的主要是指工期索赔和费用索赔,但总的来说,归根到底是费用的索赔。工期索赔形式上是对权利的要求,以避免在原定的合同竣工日不能完成时,被发包人追究延迟工期的违约责任。通过合理索赔,一旦获得批准工期顺延后,承包人不仅免除了承担工程拖延的违约金,而且可能因提前工期得到奖励,最终仍反映在经济收益上。费用索赔的目的是直接要求经济补偿,当施工的客观条件改变导致承包方增加开支时,承包方就有权要求对超出计划成本的附加开支给予补偿,以挽回不应由承包方承担的损失。从索赔事件的性质上看,主要有:工程延误的索赔、工程变更的索赔、合同被迫终止的索赔、工程加速的索赔、意外风险和不可预见因素的索赔及其它索赔等。值得注意的是,承包人既可以对工程量的增加提出索赔,也可以对由于工程数量的减少而带来的预期利润的减少提出索赔。3 施工索赔的程序及应注意的问题施工中一旦索赔事件发生后,根据FIDIC条款的规定,承包人应在索赔事件发生后的28天内,向监理工程师递交《索赔意向通知》,声明将对此事件提出索赔,意向书应根据合同要求抄送、抄报相关单位。意向书中应包含索赔项目(分部分项名称)、索赔事由及依据、事件发生起算日期和估算损失,无须附有详细的计算资料和证明。这样,使监理工程师通过意向书就可以对整个事件的起因、地点及索赔方向有大致了解。索赔意向书递交监理工程师后应经主管监理工程师签字确认,同时承包方有义务做好现场施工的同期记录,及时交由监理工程师验证,以判断索赔事件造成的损害及是否应予赔偿。必要时施工企业负责人、现场负责人及现场监理工程师、主管监理工程师要一起到现场核对。索赔意向书送交监理工程师签字确认后要及时收集证据,收集的证据要确凿,理由要充分;所有工程费用和工期索赔应附有现场工程监理工程师认可的记录和计算资料及相关的证明材料。承包方在《索赔意向通知》提出后的28天内或监理工程师可能同意的其它合理时间,递交正式的索赔报告,索赔报告中应包括:事件发生的原因;对其权益影响的证据资料,索赔的依据,此项索赔要求补偿的款项和工期展延天数的详细计算等有关材料。如果索赔事件的影响持续存在,28天内还不能算出索赔额和工期展延天数时,承包人应按监理工程师合理要求的时间间隔,定期陆续报出最终详细报告,提出索赔论证资料和累计索赔额。我国的《建设工程合同》范本中相应地对索赔的各阶段的时限也做了明确的规定,施工单位应按合同约定选用遵守。在索赔的工作上,首先承包方的索赔要及时,不能超过时限。对于超过时限的索赔,发包方有权拒绝,从而使承包方失去索赔的权力。其次,承包人在索赔的过程中,要有充分的依据。在引用证据时,要注意该证据的效力和可信程度,对重要的证据资料最好附以文字证明或确认件、或附上发给对方要求确认该电话记录函件等书面证据。即使对方未给复函,亦可说明责任在对方,因为对方未复函确认或修改,按惯例应理解为已默认。再次,索赔事件发生后,承包方要客观地分析事件发生的原因和结果,根据上述索赔依据,划清责任,只有非承包方的责任,才有可能结合具体事件向发包方进行索赔。同时还应该确定被延误的工作是否处于施工进度计划关键线路上,不在关键线路上的工期延误是否对总工期有影响。在做好索赔工作的同时还应该注意发包方的反索赔。更多关于工程/服务/采购类的标书代写制作,提升中标率,您可以点击底部官网客服免费咨询:https://bid.lcyff.com/#/?source=bdzd2023-07-24 18:52:271
合同try2023-07-24 18:52:374
急求一篇 国际贸易出口问题的英文文献 5000英文单词左右 及其中文翻译
国际贸易相关英语词汇accepting bank 承兑银行 adept 内行 adulterated 冒充物agreement 同意书 air parcel 航空邮包 amendment修正书area 面积 bankrupt 破产 beneficiary 受益人bilateral trade 双边贸易 bill of landing 提单 bill of exchange汇票billing 开发票 blind competition恶性竞争 boom 生意兴隆delay延误 shoes store 鞋子专卖店 breakage破损 air cargo 航空货运 certificate of origin原产地证明 bulk cargo 散装货discount折扣 business is inactive 市面萧条 buyer买主cancel 取消 can not afford 买不起 capacity 容积capture market 争取市场 certificate fee 签证费 certificate of inspection检验证claim 索赔 close 结关 close date 结关日close door 歇业 collection 托收 confirm 确认commercial credit 商用信用 commission 佣金 consignee 收货人consumer 消费者 contract 合约 container 货柜costprice 成本价 cost & freight 货运及运费 cost & insurance 货价及保险cost insurance & freight (CIF)成本保险费加运费价 counter 货柜台 counterfeit 仿冒 customer 顾客 customs 海关customer broker 报送行 dealer 贩卖商 deferred payment 延迟付款deficit 亏空 delivery date 交货期 deliver from go down 出仓department store 百货公司 depression 不景气 destination 目的地direct trade 直接贸易 distribution 分销 documentary 押汇documentary acceptance bill 承况汇单 documentary payment bill 付款汇单double check 复查 drawee 付款人 dumping 倾销enlarge 扩充 export 出口 exporter 出口商export declaration 出品申请书 faulty goods 劣足迹 foreign exchange 外汇free on board (FOB,离岸价) gross weight 毛重 handle with care 小心轻放horizontal competition 同业竞争 import 进口 importer 进口商import permit 进品许可证 indirect trade 间接进口 inquiry sheet 询价单inspector 验货员 inspection sheet 检验单 instalment 分期付款international trade foreign trade 国际贸易 invoice 发票limited price 限价 loading port 输出口岸 main mark 正唛manufacture 制造 marg in profit 利润 managenment 管理制度manufacturer 制造商 market 市价 mass production 大量生产multilateral trade 多边贸易 negotiated purchase 议价 netback price 厂价net weight 净重 no transshipment permitted 不准转运nominal price 标价 notary 公证人 offer 报价on board 已装船 only one price 不二价 open tender 公开投标order 订单 output 产量 packing list 包装单partialloss 部分损失 payee 收款人 penalty 违约金,罚金paying bank 付款银行 peak season 旺季 place of delivery 交货地点post office 邮局 price bargain 讨价还价 price cutting 减价,削价price list 价目表 process 流程 production control 生产管制proforma invoice(一般译为“形式发票”简写为“PI”) purchase 购买quality control 品质管制 received for shipment 待装船 reduced price 减价regular customer 老主顾 reorganization 改组 repacking 改装restricted tender 比价 resume business 复业 retail 零售returned check 退票 retailer 零售商 sale 销售rock bottom price 最低价 sale on credit 赊账 salesman 推销员sea port 港口 service 服务 segment delivery 分批交货shipper 货主 shipping advice 装船通知 shipping company 船务公司或海运公司 shipping date 装船日期 shipping dock 装船码头shipping document 装船文件 shoddy 粗制滥造 unpacking开箱shopping rush 抢购 shortage 缺量 yielding 获利show window 橱窗 slack season 淡季 special customs invoice 海关特种发票 specification 规格 standard brand 正牌子steady 稳定 stock 存货 stylist 款式设计师supplier 供应商 supply & demand 供求 terminal market 批发市场telegraphic transfer 电汇(T/T) time of delivery 交货日期 trade company 贸易公司travelers checks 旅行支票 title 抬头 top quality 上等货total loss 全部损失 trade mark 商标 trial order 试销货unfavorable trade balance 逆差 uniform invoice 统一发票 unilateral trade 单边贸易warehouse 仓库 unsaleable 滞结 upset price 底价useful load 装载量 wholesaler 批发商 letter of credit 信用状revocable letter of credit 取消信用状 irrevocable letter of credit 不可取消信用状sight letter of credit 即期信用状 usance letter of credit 远期信用状assignable letter credit 可转让信用状 unassignable letter of credit 不可转让信用状destination 到达口岸 export declaration 出口申请表 quotation form 行情表2023-07-24 18:52:441
damage 损坏2023-07-24 18:52:553
Damage,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“损害;损毁”,作及物动词时意为“损害,毁坏”,作不及物动词时意为“损害;损毁;赔偿金”。1、短语搭配liver damage肝损伤 ; 肝脏损伤 ; 肝脏损害 ; 肝损害damage claim损坏索赔 ; 残损索赔 ; 损害索赔 ; 损毁索赔bird damage鸟啄sea damage海损 ; 海上损坏 ; 水损 ; 海上损失actual damage实际损坏 ; 实际损失 ;[保险]实际损害 ; 实际损害英语2、例句Thedamageto the painting is the work of vandals.毁坏这幅画的事是恣意破坏公物的人干的。Knowing all this, they made me pay for thedamage.他们尽管了解这一切,还是让我赔偿损失。The flood did a lot ofdamageto the crops.洪水毁坏了大量农作物扩展资料近义词:Break,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“间歇;课间休息;间断;插播广告的间隙;短期休假;(非正式)机会;破裂;接发球得分;接连击中”。作动词时意为“(使)破;弄坏;使流血;违犯;稍停;打断;终止(关系);(被)摧毁;使心碎;1、短语搭配BREAK STITCHES断线 ; 续线break free冲破藩篱 ; 推翻 ; 突破藩篱 ; 解脱break dance霹雳舞 ; 轰隆舞 ; 霹雷舞 ; 步瑞克Break beat什么是 ; 闪闪惹人爱 ; 碎拍节奏tax break减税 ; 赋税减免 ; 税项减免 ; 税收减免water break不连续水膜 ; 水膜残迹 ; 水膜破散 ; 破浪堤2、例句What do you eat at break?你在课间休息吃什么?When they break this command He punishes them; but even after that He cares for them.当他们打破这一命令他惩罚他们;但即使在此之后,他关心他们。We should break up.我们应该分手参考资料来源百度百科-damage2023-07-24 18:54:031
网上购物常用的英文单词,如 “拍下”、“合并付款”英语怎么说?
我信你个鬼你个糟老头子坏的很2023-07-24 18:54:213
FOBFREE ON BOARD(…named port of shipment)--装运港船上交货(…指定装运港)是指卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内在指定装运港将货物交至买方指定的船上,并负担货物越过船舷为止的一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险。FOB术语也就是我们通常所说的"离岸价格"。按《1990年通则》,在FOB术语下,买卖双方的主要义务如下:(一) 卖方的主要义务:1. 负责在合同规定的日期或期间内,在指定装运港,将符合合同的货物按港口惯常方式交至买方指定的船上,并给予买方充分的通知;2. 负责办理货物出口手续,取得出口许可证或其他核准书;3. 负担货物在装运港越过船舷为止的一切费用和风险;4. 负责提供商业发票和证明货物已交至船上的通常单据。如果买卖双方约定采用电子通信,则所有单据均可被具有同等效力的电子数据交换信息(EDI message)所替代。(二) 买方的主要义务:1. 负责按合同规定支付价款;2. 负责租船或订舱,支付运费,并给予卖方关于船名、装船地点和要求交货时间的充分的通知;3. 自负风险和费用取得进口许可证或其他核准书,并办理货物进口以及必要时经由另一国过境运输的一切海关手续;4. 负担货物在装运港越过船舷后的一切费用和风险;5. 收取卖方按合同规定交付的货物,接受与合同相符的单据。采用FOB术语,需注意以下几点: 1. 买方应及时租船订舱,并将船名、装船地点和时间及时通知卖方,以便卖方及时备货,安排装船。否则将构成买方违约。从而有可能导致卖方要求解除合同及/或要求损害赔偿。 2. 装船费用负担情况,一船采用FOB术语变形来表示。常见的有: FOB班轮条件(FOB liner terms),指装船费用如同以班轮装运那样由支付运费的一方(即买方)负担; FOB钓钩下交货(FOB under tackle),指卖方将货物置于轮船吊钩可及之处,从货物起吊开始的装船费用由买方负担; FOB包括理舱(FOB stowed, FOBS),指卖方负担将货物装入船舱并支付包括理舱费在内的装船费用; FOB包括平舱(FOB trimmed, FOBT),指卖方负担将货物装入船舱并支付包括平舱费在内的装船费用。 3. 美国对FOB术语的解释与1990 incoterms 的规定不同,美国将FOB术语分为六种,其中只有"指定装运港船上交货"(FOB vessel (named port of shipment)) 与1990 INCOFERMS 解释相近,因此,我外贸企业在与美国和其他美洲国家出口商按FOB术语洽谈进口业务时,除了应在FOB术语后注明"vessel"外,还应明确提出对方(卖方)负责取得出口许可证,并支付一切出口税捐及费用。CIF成本、保险费加运费(……指定目的港)"成本、保险费加运费"是指在装运港当货物越过船舷时卖方即完成交货。卖方必须支付将货物运至指定的目的港所需的运费和费用,但交货后货物灭失或损坏的风险及由于各种事件造成的任何额外费用即由卖方转移到买方。但是,在CIF条件下,卖方还必须办理买方货物在运输途中灭失或损坏风险的海运保险。因此,由卖方订立保险合同并支付保险费。买方应注意到,CIF术语只要求卖方投保最低限度的保险险别。如买方需要更高的保险险别,则需要与卖方明确地达成协议,或者自行作出额外的保险安排。CIF术语要求卖方办理货物出口清关手续。该术语仅适用于海运和内河运输。若当事方无意越过船舷交货则应使用CIP术语。A卖方义务B买方义务A1提供符合合同规定的货物卖方必须提供符合销售合同规定的货物和商业发票或有同等作用的电子讯息,以及合同可能要求的、证明货物符合合同规定的其他任何凭证。B1支付价款买方必须按照销售合同规定支付价款。A2许可证、其他许可和手续卖方必须自担风险和费用,取得任何出口许可证或其他官方许可,并在需要办理海关手续时,办理货物出口货物所需的一切海关手续。B2许可证、其他许可和手续买方必须自担风险和费用,取得任何进口许可证或其他官方许可,并在需要办理海关手续时,办理货物进口及从他国过境的一切海关手续。A3运输合同和保险合同a)运输合同卖方必须自付费用,按照通常条件订立运输合同,经由惯常航线,将货物用通常可供运输合同所指货物类型的海轮(或依情况适合内河运输的船只)装运至指定的目的港。b)保险合同卖方必须按照合同规定,自付费用取得货物保险,并向买方提供保险单或其他保险证据,以使买方或任何其他对货物具有保险利益的人有权直接向保险人索赔。保险合同应与信誉良好的保险人或保险公司订立,在无相反明确协议时,应按照《协会货物保险条款》(伦敦保险人协会)或其他类似条款中的最低保险险别投保。保险期限应按照B5和B4规定。应买方要求,并由买方负担费用,卖方应加投战争、罢工、暴乱和民变险,如果能投保的话。最低保险金额应包括合同规定价款另加10%(即110%),并应采用合同货币。B3运输合同与保险合同a)运输合同无义务。b)保险合同无义务。A4交货卖方必须在装运港,在约定的日期或期限内,将货物交至船上。B4受领货物买方必须在卖方已按照A4规定交货时受领货物,并在指定的目的港从承运人处收受货物。A5风险转移除B5规定者外,卖方必须承担货物灭失或损坏的一切风险,直至货物在装运港越过船舷为止。B5风险转移买方必须承担货物在装运港越过船舷之后灭失或损坏的一切风险。如买方未按照B7规定给予卖方通知,买方必须从约定的装运日期或装运期限届满之日起,承担货物灭失或损坏的一切风险,但以该项货物已正式划归合同项下,即清楚地划出或以其他方式确定为合同项下之货物为限。A6费用划分除B6规定者外,卖方必须支付与货物有关的一切费用,直至已经按照A4规定交货为止;及按照A3a)规定所发生的运费和其他一切费用,包括货物的装船费;及按照A3b)规定所发生的保险费用;及根据运输合同由卖方支付的、在约定卸货港的任何卸货费用;及在需要办理海关手续时,货物出口需要办理的海关手续费用及出口时应缴纳的一切关税、税款和其他费用,以及根据运输合同规定由卖方支付的货物从他国过境的费用。B6费用划分除A3a)规定外,买方必须支付自按照A4规定交货时起的一切费用;及货物在运输途中直至到达目的港为止的一切费用,除非这些费用根据运输合同应由卖方支付;及包括驳运费和码头费在内的卸货费,除非这些费用根据运输合同应由卖方支付;及如买方未按照B7规定给予卖方通知,则自约定的装运日期或装运期限届满之日起,货物所发生的一切额外费用,但以该项货物已正式划归合同项下,即清楚地划出或以其他方式确定为合同项下之货物为限;及在需要办理海关手续时,货物进口应交纳的一切关税、税款和其他费用,及办理海关手续的费用,以及需要时从他国过境的费用,除非这些费用已包括在运输合同中。A7通知买方卖方必须给予买方说明货物已按照A4规定交货的充分通知,以及要求的任何其他通知,以便买方能够为受领货物采取通常必要的措施。B7通知卖方一旦买方有权决定装运货物的时间和/或目的港,买方必须就此给予卖方充分通知。A8交货凭证、运输单据或有同等作用的电子讯息卖方必须自付费用,毫不迟延地向买方提供表明载往约定目的港的通常运输单据。此单据(如可转让提单、不可转让海运单或内河运输单据)必须载明合同货物,其日期应在约定的装运期内,使买方得以在目的港向承运人提取货物,并且,除非另有约定,应使买方得以通过转让单据(可转让提单)或通过通知承运人,向其后手买方出售在途货物。如此运输单据有数份正本,则应向买方提供全套正本。如买卖双方约定使用电子方式通讯,则前项所述单据可以由具有同等作用的电子数据交换(EDI)讯息代替。B8交货凭证、运输单据或有同等作用的电子讯息买方必须接受按照A8规定提供的运输单据,如果该单据符合合同规定的话。A9查对、包装、标记卖方必须支付为按照A4规定交货所需进行的查对费用(如核对货物品质、丈量、过磅、点数的费用)。卖方必须自付费用,提供符合其安排的运输所要求的包装(除非按照相关行业惯例该合同所描述货物无需包装发运)。包装应作适当标记。B9货物检验买方必须支付任何装运前检验的费用,但出口国有关当局强制进行的检验除外。A10其他义务应买方要求并由其承当风险和费用,卖方必须给予买方一切协助,以帮助买方取得由装运地国和/或原产地国所签发或传送的、为买方进口货物可能要求的和必要时从他国过境所需的任何单据或有同等作用的电子讯息(A8所列的除外)。应买方要求,卖方必须向买方提供额外投保所需的信息。B10其他义务买方必须支付因获取A10所述单据或有同等作用的电子讯息所发生的一切费用,并偿付卖方因给予协助而发生的费用。应卖方要求,买方必须向其提供投保所需的信息.2023-07-24 18:54:364
参考译文:各方应将保密信息视为机密,根据任何相关法律的要求或建议,采用并保持预防和保密的措施,其程度不低于为保护其最重要的保密信息和商业秘密而所采取的措施。甲方同意,乙方不对甲方承担因乙方所任命的律师提供法律咨询合同项下的服务的款项超过甲方应付乙方任命律师提供服务的总费用而招致的任何诉讼、损害赔偿金、索赔、成本或费用的责任。如果本合同的任何条款均被视为无效,在不影响本合同的基本意图的情况下,本合同的其余条款仍具有效力和强制性。2023-07-24 18:55:204
具体情况你可以拨打保险公司的客服电话确认查询2023-07-24 18:55:364
The purpose which complains and claims is for obtaining a better service, to the problem which has already appear beg as soon as possible of, carefully resolve.It usually is buyer because of being dissatisfied and output towards receive of goods, such as:The goods didn"t arrive on time;Although the goods arrive, the dissimilarity carry with order;The goods have already damaged phenomenon;The goods amount is missing or surplus;Goods quality out of accordance with sample;The service isn"t reasonable and once charges Gao Deng3.While appearing this problem, the company should against time handle and give satisfied at the buyer answer, and cautiously analyze an own mistake place in the after the event, revise the project that the company handle affairs.2023-07-24 18:55:573
等到晚上要是还没人帮你翻译我帮你搞定2023-07-24 18:56:131
汽车4S店 索赔时要做PWA申请 ,哪位知道PWA是什么意思?是英文缩写吗?
一会2023-07-24 18:56:202
claim can not be entertained 索赔不予考虑 坚持门前三包制度 adhere to “the three responsibilities in the gate area"具体的不知道,参考一下2023-07-24 18:57:051
I " ll write to our home office to waive our claim immediately 我立即写信给我们的总公司提出 放弃索赔 I " ll write to our home office to waie our claim immediately 我立即写信给我们的总公司提出 放弃索赔 。 I " ll write to our home office to waive our claim immediately 我立即写信给我们的总公司提出 放弃索赔 。 If the result proves you are right , i " ll persuade them to waive the claim 如结果证明您是对的,我将说服他们 放弃索赔 。 To waive a claim 放弃索赔 要求 In view of our longstanding friendly relationship , i " ll write to our home office to waive our claim 鉴于我们间长期的友好关系,我就写信给我们总公司提出 放弃索赔 。2023-07-24 18:57:121
counterclaim representative2023-07-24 18:57:231
1) according to claim the parties classificationBetween the contractor and the developer claims itself;Between the contractor and subcontractor claim itself;Second-ranking between contractor for loans with claims;Second-ranking between with the underwriter claim contractor.2) the effects of the event of classification according to the claimTime delay claims due to the developer had failed to provide construction conditions prescribed by the contract, if not prompt delivery design drawings, technical data, site, road; Or the contractor reason the developer instructions to stop the project implementation; Or other causes of force majueure effect cause for engineering interrupt, or engineering progress slow down, make this time delay, contractor a claim.Second-ranking unforeseeable external obstacles or condition claim if during construction, the contractor on the scene encountered an experienced contractor usually can"t foreseen the external obstacles or conditions, such as geology and expected client provides information) (different, appear unforeseen rocks and mud and groundwater, etc.Second-ranking engineering change claim because the developer or engineer instruction modified design, increase or decrease of quantities, add or delete part of the project, modify implementation plan, change construction sequence of the extension of time and cost, causing loss this claim, the contractor.Second-ranking project for some reason terminate claims, such as force majeure influence, the developer default, the engineering was forced to have stopped before completion, and no longer continue implementing, make the contractor incur pecuniary loss, therefore lodge a claim against you.Second-ranking other claim such as currency devaluation, exchange rates, prices and wages rise, policy law change, the developer delayed payment of claims caused bond.3) according to the claim classificationThe claim which requires time second-ranking extended period, delayed completion date.Second-ranking expenses claims which requires the developer compensation costs, adjust the contract price.4) press claim based on the reason classificationSecond-ranking contract in claims that claims to contract provision as basis, happened to compensate for the contractor stipulated in the contract, the contractor the disturbance events claim according to the contract stipulations. This is the most common claim.The claim refers to contract the interference of engineering during the nature of the event has exceeded the contract scope. In the contract can"t find out specific basis, the general must according to applicable to contracts of legal relation of solving claim.Second-ranking moral claim to because the contractor mistake (e.g. quotation blunders, such as environmental investigation errors occur, or the contractor shall) caused by the contractor for the risk of severe loss.5) handling of classified according to the claimSecond-ranking single claim is for single claim a jamming events proposes. Claims processing is implementation of the contract, interference event happens, or after once. It consists of contract management personnel handling, and in the provisions of the contract within the validity of the claim of intent and claim to submit claims.Total claims also called package itself claims or comprehensive claims. This is often adopted in international engineering claim to handle and solve a method. General in the project completion, the contractor will engineering process before the single claim not solve together and puts forward a total claims report. In engineering contract both sides before or after delivery of the final negotiations, delivered with package solving claim.2023-07-24 18:57:462
保险公司理赔部 Claim Settling Department of Insurance agent 报案电话 Complaining number.2023-07-24 18:57:573
以下是 为大家整理的关于《英文商业合同范文》,供大家学习参考! Commercial Contract 商业合同 No: 合同号: Date: 日 期: The Buyer: Zhonghua International Technology Corporation 卖方:菲尔德·埃米森公司 The Seller: Field Emission Corp. 买方:中华国际技术开发公司 This contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stated below: 根据本合同条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下述货品,兹签订本合同。 1. Commodity: camera-control equipment 1、品名:摄像机控制设备 Quantity: 60 (sets) 数量:60(台) Unit price: USD4 800.00 单价:4 800美元/台 Total amount: USD288 000.00 总额:288 000美元 2. Country of origin and manufacturer: Field Emission Corp. in US 2、原产国别及生产商:美国菲尔德·埃米森公司 3. Packing 3、包装 To be packed in strong wooden cases or cartons, suitable for long distance ocean, parcel post or air freight transportation as well as changing climate and with good resistance to moisture and shocks. 用坚固的木箱或纸箱包装,适宜长途海运、邮寄或空运及适应气候变化,并且具备良好的防潮抗震能力。 The Seller shall be liable for any damage of the commodity due to improper packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate protective measures in regard to the packing. 由于包装不当而引起的货物损坏或由于防护措施不善而引起货物锈蚀,卖方应赔偿由此而造成的全部损失费用。 One full set of service and operation manual shall be enclosed in each case. 包装箱内应附有完整的维修保养、操作使用说明书。 4. Shipping mark: 4、运输标志 The Seller shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement and warnings such as “HANDLE WITH CARE”, “KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT”, “KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE” as well as shipping mark. 卖方应在每个货箱上用不褪色油漆标明箱号、毛重、净重、长、宽、高,并标有“小心轻放”,“防潮”及“防热”等字样和运输标志。 5. Date of shipment: Aug. 8, 2000 5、装运日期:2000年8月8日 6. Port of shipment: Los Angeles 6、装运港:洛杉矶 7. Port of destination: Ningbo 7、目的港:宁波 8. Insurance: 8、保险 To be borne by the Buyer after shipment. 装运后由买方投保。 9. Payment, under conditions (1), (2) and (3) below: 9、支付条件 分以下三种条件支付: (1) Through the letter of credit: (1)信用证 The Buyer, on receipt from the Seller of the delivery advice, shall open an irrevocable letter of credit with the Bank of China, in favor of the Seller for the total value of shipment 25 – 30 days prior to the date of delivery. The credit shall be available against Seller‘s draft drawn at sight on the opening bank for 100% invoice value accompanied by the shipping documents specified in Clause 10 hereof. Payment shall be effected by the opening bank by telegraphic transfer against presentation of the aforesaid draft and documents. The letter of credit shall be valid until the 20th day after the shipment is effected. 买方收到卖方交货通知,应在交货日期前25 – 30 天,由中国银行开出以卖方为受益人的与装运金额相同的不可撤销的信用证。卖方须向开证行出具100%发票金额即期汇票并附本合同第10款所规定的装运单据。开证行收到上述汇票和装运单据即予以电汇支付。信用证于装运日期后20天内有效。 (2) Collection: (2)托收 The Seller may present the sight draft together with the shipping documents (specified in Clause 10 hereof) through the Seller‘s bank and Buyer"s Bank to the Buyer for collection after shipment. 货物装运后, 卖方出具即期汇票,连同本合同第10款规定的装运单据,通过卖方所在地银行和买方银行提交给买方托收。 (3) By direct remittance: (3)直接付款 Payment shall be effected by the Buyer, by telegraphic transfer, within 7 (seven) days after receipt from the Seller of the shipping documents specified in the Clause 10 hereof. 买方收到本合同第10款规定的装运单据后7天内, 以电汇向卖方支付货款。 10. Documents: 10、单据 (1) In case of sea-freight: (1)海运 Full set of clean bills of lading marked “Freight to Collect”, “Freight Prepaid” made out to bank endorsed notifying Zhonghua International Technology Development Corporation at the port of destination. 全套清洁海运提单,标明“运费付讫”,“运费预付”,做成空白背书并注明通知目的港的中华国际技术开发公司。 (2) In case of air-freight: (2) 空运 One copy of airway bill marked “Freight to Collect”, Freight Prepaid“ and sent to the Buyer. 空运提单副本一份,标明“运费付讫”,“运费预付”,寄交买方。 (3) Invoice in 4 copies indicating contract number and shipping mark, made out in details as per the contract concerned. (3)发票一式4份,标明合同号和装运标志,发票根据有关合同详细填写。 (4) Packing list in 2 copies issued by the manufacturer. (4)由生产商出具的装箱单一式两份。 (5) Certificate of quality and quantity issued by the manufacturer. (5)由生产商出具的质量和数量保证书。 (6) The Buyer shall be advised by mail/cable immediately after shipment. (6)货物装运后立即用电报或信件通知买方。 In addition, the Seller shall, within 10 (ten) days after shipment, send by airmail two sets of aforesaid documents (except item 4) with one set directly to the Buyer and one set directly to Zhonghua International Technology Development Corporation at the port of destination. 此外,发货10天内,卖方将上述单据(第5条除外)航寄两份,一份直接给买方,一份直接给目的港的中华国际开发公司。 11. Shipment 11、装运 (1) In case of FOB terms (1) 离岸价格条款(FOB条款) a. The Seller shall, 30days before the contracted date of shipment, advise the Buyer by cable or letter of the contract number, name of commodity, quality, value, package number, gross weight, measurement and date of readiness at the port of shipment for the Buyer to book shipping space. 1)卖方于合同规定的装运日期前30天,用电汇或信件将合同号、品名、数量、价值、箱号、毛重、装箱尺寸和货物抵装运港日期通知买方,以便买方租船订舱。 b. Booking of shipping space shall be arranged by the Buyer‘s shipping agent, China Ocean Shipping Agency. 2)买方船运代理中国外轮代理公司,负责办理租船订舱事宜。 c. The Buyer‘s shipping agent (China Ocean Shipping Agency) shall send to the Seller notice indicating the name of vessel, estimated date of loading and contract number for the Seller to arrange shipment 10 (ten) days before the estimated date of arrival of the vessel at the loading port. The Seller is requested to get in close contract with the shipping agent. When it becomes necessary to change the carrying vessel or to advance or delay the arrival date, the Buyer or the shipping agent shall advise the Seller in time. Should the vessel fail to arrive at the loading port within 30 (thirty) days after the arrival date advised by the Buyer, the Buyer shall bear the storage and insurance expenses incurred from the 30 day thereafter. 3)买方船运代理(中国外轮代理公司)预计船抵达装运港10天之前,将船名、预计装货日期、合同号等通知卖方,以便卖方安排装运。要求卖方与船运代理保持密切联系。当需要更换承运船只及船只提前、推迟抵达时,买方或其船运代理应及时通知卖方。如船在买方通知日后30天内未能到达,则第30天后仓储费和保险费用由买方承担。 d. The Seller shall be liable for any dead freight or demurrage, should it happen that they have failed to have the commodity ready for loading after the carrying vessel has arrived at the port of shipment on time. 4)如承运船如期抵达装运港,卖方因备货未妥而影响装船,则空舱费和滞期费均由卖方承担。 e. The Seller shall bear all expenses and risks before the commodity passes over the vessel‘s rail and is released from the tackle. After it has passed over the vessel"s rail and is released from the tackle, all expenses and risks shall be in Buyer‘s account. 5)货物超过船舷并从吊钩卸下前,一切费用和风险由卖方承担;货物超过船舷并从吊钩卸下,一切费用和风险由买方承担。 (2) In case of CFR terms (2)成本加运费价条款(CFR条款) a. The Seller shall ship the goods within the shipment time from the loading port to the port of destination. Transshipment is not allowed. 1) 在装运期内,卖方负责将货物从装运港装运至目的港。不得转船。 b. In case the goods are to be dispatched by air freight, the Seller shall, 30 (thirty) days before the time of delivery as stipulated in Clause 5, inform the Buyer by cable or letter of the estimated date of delivery, contract number, name of commodity, and invoiced value. The Seller shall, immediately after dispatch of the goods, advise the Buyer by cable or letter of the contract number, name of commodity, invoiced value and date of dispatch for the Buyer to arrange the insurance in time. 2) 货物空运时,卖方于本合同第5条规定的交货日期前30天,以电报或信件把预计交货期合同号、品名、发票金额等通知买方。发货后,卖方立即以电报或信件将合同号、品名、发票金额、发货日期通知买方,以便买方及时投保。 12. Shipping advice 12、装运通知 The Seller shall, immediately on the completion of the loading of the goods, advise the Buyer by cable or letter of the contract number, name of commodity, quantity, invoiced value, gross weight, name of vessel and date of sailing. In case the Buyer fails to arrange insurance in time due to the Seller‘s not having cabled in time, all losses shall be borne by the Seller. 货物一俟全部装船,卖方应即将合同号、吕名、数量、发票金额、毛重、船名及启航日期用电报或信件通知买方。如因卖方未能及时通知致使买方不能及时投保,卖方则承担全部损失。 13. Guarantee of quality 13、质量保证 The Seller guarantees that the commodity hereof is made of the best materials with first class workmanship, brand new, unused, and complies with the quality and specifications stipulated in this contract. The guarantee period shall be 12 (twelve) months staring from the date on which the commodity arrives at the port of destination. 卖方保证:所供货物由的材料及精湛工艺制成,商标为新的和未经使用的,其质量和规格符合本合同所做的说明。自货物到达目的港起12个月为质量保证期。 14. Claims 14、索赔 Except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable, should the quality, specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract, within 90 (ninety) days after the arrival of the goods at destination, the Buyer can use the Inspection Certificate issued by China National Import and Export Commodities Inspection Corporation to claim for replacement as compensation. All the expenses incurred (such as inspection charges, freight charges for returning and sending of replacement, insurance premium, storage, loading and unloading charges) shall be borne by the Seller. 自货物到达目的港起90天内,如发现货物质量、规格、数量与合同规定不符,除那些应由保险公司或由船方承担的部分外,买方可凭中国进出口商品检验总公司出具的商检证书,有权要求更换或索赔。 In regard to quality, the Seller shall guarantee that if, within 12 (twelve) from the date of arrival of the goods at destination, damages occur in the course of operation by reason of inferior quality of material or bad workmanship, the Buyer shall immediately notify the Seller in writing and put forward a certificate issued by the CCIC. The certificate so issued shall be accepted as the base of the claim. The Seller, in accordance with the Buyer‘s claim, shall be responsible for the immediate elimination of the defects, complete or partial replacement of the commodity, or devaluate the commodity according to the state of defects. Where necessary, the Buyer may eliminate the defects themselves at the Seller"s expenses. If the Seller fails to reply within on month after receipt of the aforesaid claim, the claim shall be reckoned as having been accepted by the Seller. 卖方保证,货物到达目的港12个 月内,如果使用过程中由于材料质量低劣和工艺不佳而出现的损坏,买方立即以书面形式通知卖方并出具中国进出口商品检验总公司开列的检验证书,提出索赔。商 检证书为索赔的依据。按买方索赔要求,卖方有责任立即排除货物的缺陷、全部或部分更换或根据缺陷情况将货物作降价处理。 15. Force Majeure 15、不可抗力 The Seller shall not be held responsible for delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading. The Seller shall advise the Buyer of the occurrence mentioned above within 15 (fifteen) days and send by airmail a certificate of the incident issued by the local government to the Buyer. Even in such cases, the Seller is still liable to take all possible measures to expedite the delivery of goods. 在货物制造和装运过程中,由于发生不可抗力事故致使延期交货或不能交货,卖方概不负责。卖方在不可抗力事件发生后,应立即通知买方并在事发14天内,将事故发生所在地*签发的证书航空邮寄给买方以作证据。即使在此情况下,卖方仍有责任采取必要的措施,尽快交货。 Should the Seller fails to perform the contracted obligations 10 (ten) weeks after the aforesaid incident, the Buyer shall have the right to treat the contract as null and void. 不可抗力事故发生后超过10个星期而合同尚未履行完毕,买方有权撤销合同。 16. Late delivery and penalty 16、合同延期和罚款 Should the Seller fail to make delivery within the contracted period for reasons other than Force Majeure specified in Clause 15 hereof, the Buyer may accept the postponement on condition that the Seller agrees to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the agreed amount of payment. The penalty, however, shall not exceed 5% (five percent) of the total value of the goods involved in the late delivery. The rate of penalty is charged at 0.55(zero point five percent) for every seven days, odd days less than seven days should be counted as seven days. In case the Seller fails to make delivery ten weeks later than the shipment stipulated in the contract, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the contract. The Seller, in spite of the cancellation, shall still pay the aforesaid penalty to the Buyer without delay. 除本合同第15条所述不可抗力原因外,卖方如不能按合同规定如期交货,并同意支付罚金,买方可同意延期交货,付款银行相应减少议定的支付金额,但罚款不得超过迟交货物总额的5%。卖方如逾期10个星期仍不能交货,买方有权撤销本合同。尽管合同已撤销,但卖方仍应如期支付上述罚金。 17. Arbitration 17、仲裁 All deputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled through friendly consultations. Should no settlement be reached, the case may then be submitted for arbitration to the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of the CCPIT in accordance with the rules and procedures of the said Arbitration Commission. The arbitration shall take place in 15 (fifteen) days. The decision of the Arbitration Commission shall be final and binding on both Parties. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing Party. The arbitration may also be settled in a third country mutually ag2023-07-24 18:58:041
CFR的英文表示是Cost and Fright,中文意思是成本加运费。在CFR项下,卖方要在合同中约定的日期或期限内,将货物运到合同中指定的装运港口,并交到自己安排的船只上,或者以取得货物已装船证明的方式完成其交货义务。另外,卖方要提交商业发票以及合同要求的其他单证。采用CFR术语时,卖方在装运港完成其交货义务时,货物损失或灭失的风险由卖方转移给买方。卖方承担交货前所涉及的各项费用,包括需要办理出口手续时所应缴纳的关税和其他费用。卖方还要支付从装运港到目的港的运费和相关费用。使用CFR术语注意事项采用CFR贸易术语成交时,卖方要承担将货物由装运港运往目的港的义务。为了保证能按时完成在装运港交货的义务,卖方应根据货源和船源的实际情况合理地规定装运期。当装运期一经确定,卖方就应及时租船定舱和备货,并按规定的期限发运货物。按照《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,卖方延迟装运或者提前装运都是违反合同的行为,并要承担违约的责任。买方有权根据情况拒收货物或提出索赔。2023-07-24 18:58:111
客人提出我们的货物质量有问题, 并提出高额索赔,我们接受不了,我该如何回复?请帮忙写一封英文信
内容给我2023-07-24 18:58:382
任何争议、纠纷或者索赔,或与本协议有关的,或违反正常和早期终止或者无效,应当通过协商或者调解解决。如果这些谈判或安抚不会导致任何当事人接受三3个月内,这些争议,争议、或索赔应通过协商来解决仲裁院仲裁在斯德哥尔摩商会依照调解、仲裁规则的国际商会。在仲裁案件的法律适用的德意志联邦共和国。 这个地方的仲裁应斯德哥尔摩,瑞典。仲裁程序应以英语。仲裁庭由三个成员。仲裁的裁决是终局的,对各方均有约束力有关。双方确认并执行这个奖项在他们的国家。2023-07-24 18:58:464
问题一:起诉英语怎么说 Sue;prosecute 问题二:完整诉讼的英语翻译 完整诉讼用英语怎么说 完整诉讼的英语翻译 完整诉讼 英文翻译 plete litigation 问题三:民事诉讼 英语怎么说啊 民事诉讼:civil action/civil proceedings/ civil procedure 例句:申诉民事诉讼中被告对原告所做的陈述状的回答 1 A defendant"s answer to the declaration made by the plaintiff in a civil action. 2 In civil proceedings, the litigants shall have equal litigant rights. 问题四:民事起诉状英语怎么说 民事诉讼:civil action/civil proceedings/ civil procedure 例句:申诉民事诉讼告原告所做陈述状答 1 A defendant"s answer to the declaration made by the plaintiff in a civil action. 2 In civil proceedings, the litigants shall have equal litigant rights. 问题五:请问英语“用法律手段起诉。。。”怎么说呢?谢谢 用法律手段起诉 take suitable legal actions against... We"ll take suitable legal actions against such infringement if sufficient evidence is provided 如果户据充分,我们将采取适当的法律手段对这种侵权行为提出公诉。 问题六:知识产权诉讼用英语怎么说 intellectual property litigation 知识产权诉讼; [例句]Temporary injunction is an important intellectual property litigation system. 临时禁令是知识产权诉讼中一项重要的制度。 问题七:各位英语和法律专家,诉讼保全用英语怎么说,很急,多谢 财产保全Property Preservation 诉讼保全Litigation Pres常rvation 问题八:诉讼仲裁法律服务 用英语怎么说 All disputes, controversies or claims arising in connection with this contract shall be finally settled under the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of merce (the “ICC”) by one arbitrator appointed in accordance with the said rules 中文翻译版本(1) 与这分合同有关的所有争端,争议或者索赔,都应该在国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则下获得最终解决,而且国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则是由一名仲裁员按照上述规则指定 中文翻译版本(2) 凡因这分合同引起的所有争端,争议或者索赔,都应该由一名仲裁员按照该规则指定在国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则下获得最终解决. 满意,请先采纳,谢谢 问题九:诉讼标的额英语怎么说 the lawsuit sign amount 问题十:正如上一段所诉用英语这么说 As what mentioned above或者直接说As mentioned above2023-07-24 18:58:581
您好,可说为:makeadecisiontodo..../decidetodo/makeupone`smindtodosth.满意速采纳,谢!2023-07-24 18:59:143
被告认为,铜的优惠索赔不承认之前在双边投资条约中时效届满,因此,现在被禁止。被申请人认为,当索赔人将争端提交投资者与国家首先意识到潜在的违反了双边,最迟于2002年3月8日,但首次提出索赔2006年1月,作为其诉状,因此一部分的铜索赔7月8日2004年的期限,提交仲裁的请求投资争端国际中心仲裁,本申请不包括铜优惠索赔。的日期,索赔首先意识到潜在的违反了双边,最迟于2002年3月8日,但首次提出索赔2006年1月,作为其诉状,因此一部分的铜索赔三年多后,2002年3月8日。根据被告,索赔人!ˉu0161仲裁申请书中的一个位或违约的救济请求没有指控仲裁请求的铜让步不是没有构成任何此类索赔或与租界的MINCA"sCopper取消和引用2023-07-24 18:59:242
I hope you will agree to my request .agree to +事情2023-07-24 18:59:366
市场合作伙伴独自负责执行营销计划,并偿付因市场开发计划材料或执行营销计划而产生的或与此有关的所有负债,费用,损失,索赔,损害赔偿和成本(律师费用和自己的终端客户基础以及因此产生的赔偿成本)。2023-07-24 19:00:086
回答如下:亚马逊运营词汇汇总!你想知道的都在这了一、日常词汇Listing亚马逊listing 指的是产品页面,一件商品一个页面,除了多属性变体产品外,都是一个产品页面。一个listing 主要包括产品标题、图片、search term、bullet point、产品描述、QA、review 七个要素。Buy box位于每个商品页面的右上方,这也是每个在亚马逊上购物的买家习惯性点击购买的地方。黄金购物车能使商品获得最大程度的曝光,是提升卖家业绩的最佳帮手。据不完全统计,有82%的亚马逊交易都是通过黄金购物车实现。跟卖一个卖家创建好一个listing 之后,其他卖家也可以在这个页面中销售自己相同的商品。比如:卖家A 创建了一个产品页面,这个产品页面是共享的,其他跟卖卖家不需要自己编辑产品文字内容及图片,只需要修改价格和库存数量即可出售产品。品牌备案品牌备案指的是销售自有品牌的卖家,可以通过品牌备案注册他们的品牌,同时将他们自身注册为品牌所有者。品牌备案使卖家可以在亚马逊上更轻松地管理自己的品牌和发布他们的商品。A+页面即图文版商品详情页面,通过它你可以使用额外的图片和文本进一步完善商品描述部分。它可以使品牌商通过生动的图像和设置文本内容来展示自己产品独特的价值。目前A+页面只面向通过了Amazon 的品牌注册(Brand Registry)的商家开放,日本站是都有A+功能。ODR(Order Defect Rate)即订单缺陷率,这个指标的计算方法是,在一段时间内所有涉及到1-2 星差评和Claim 纠纷(包括A-Z和Chargeback)的订单除以这段时间内总订单数得出的这个百分比。ODR 是反映卖家能否提供一个良好服务的重要指标。A2Z是亚马逊平台上对买家实施的一种保护政策,如果买家不满意第三方卖家销售的商品或服务,买家可以发起亚马逊商城交易保障索赔(Amazon A-to-Z Guarantee claim)(简称“A-to-Z”或“A-to-Z 索赔”),让亚马逊介入处理,以保护自己的利益,从预计最迟送达日期算起,买家有 90 天时间提出索赔。最长配送时间三天后(或者下单30日天起)至订单日90天内。VATVALUE ADDED TAX, 这是欧盟国家普遍使用的售后增值税,即是指货物售价的利润税。当货物进入英国(按欧盟法例),货物缴纳进口税;当货物销售后,商家可以退回进口增值税,再按销售额交相应的销售税,VAT 增值税(Value Added Tax)适用于那些使用海外仓储的卖家们,因为你的产品是从英国境内发货并完成交易的。A9算法A9 是亚马逊搜索算法的名称,亚马逊通过这个算法从庞大的产品类目中里挑选出来最相关的产品,并且根据相关性排序(A9 会把挑选出来的产品进行评分)展示给客户。二、商品SKUSKU是卖家对自己店铺内产品的一个管理,SKU在亚马逊上可填(为方便产品管理建议大家填写)可不填,不填的话亚马逊会自动生成一个给你。ASIN相当于亚马逊平台的产品的一个身份证号,上传产品后亚马逊自动分配的一个数字和字母的组合,一个链接产品只会有一个ASIN,所以一旦其他人知道你的ASIN码就可以知道您的产品甚至店铺,可以直接用ASIN码搜素到相对应的产品。FNSKUFBA仓库为了管理所有卖家发过来的货物产品,自己对这些产品的编码,我们卖家不用去管。GCIDAmazon内部生成的品牌标识符,当你品牌在Amazon成功备案后,提供一个keyattribute,Amazon会自动分配独一无二的Global Catalog Identifier 也就是GCID,十六位字符,包括字母和数字。UPC是美国统一代码委员会制定的一种商品用条码,主要用于美国和加拿大地区。UPC 码是最早大规模应用的条码,由于其应用范围广泛,故又被称万用条码,通行于国际贸易中。UPC 条码也有标准版和缩短版两种,标准版由 12 位数字构成,缩短版由 8 位数字构成。EAN是国际物品编码协会制定的一种商品用条码,通用于全世界,由前缀码、厂商识别码、商品项目代码和校验码共 13 位数字组成。中国加入的是 EAN 组织,我们日常购买的商品包装上所印的条码一般就是 EAN 码。三、评论FeedbackCustomer Feedback,是客户针对于购买的订单做出的评价,其评价内容包含产品品质,服务水平,发货时效和物品与描述的一致性等方面,Feedback 只会发生在有真实购买记录的情况下,同时,Feedback 在卖家的店铺首页和店铺评价详情中会清晰罗列出来,Feedback 对卖家的影响更多的体现在卖家账号层面,Feedback 的好坏会直接影响着ODR 指标的变化。关于feedback,买家在90天内可以留,一旦留了feedback,60天内可以删除;如果要修改的话要删除原来的然后再重新评价。区别:Review是前台的评价,Feedback是后台的评价;Review直接影响销量,Feedback决定卖家生死。直评不购买产品也可以直接为产品写Review。根据亚马逊的规则,任何亚马逊的用户(曾经在亚马逊平台上购买超过50 美金)都可以对自己感兴趣的Listing 发表Review, 无论是否购买了这条Listing 本身的产品。Verified Purchase真实购买过这个listing 产品的用户做出的review。这类型的review,在页面上会有一个VerifiedPurchase 的标志。Early Reviewer Program是亚马逊在17 年上线的一个旨在鼓励已经购买产品的买家对产品作出评价,分享他们的真实体验的项目。亚马逊给选中的早期评论家$1~$3 的购物卡作为报酬,从而刺激他们写出真实可靠而且图文并茂的review。目前,卖家可在后台申请加入此项目,亚马逊收取60 美元/项目的费用,当卖家通过该项目获得第1 个review 时,费用即被收取,获取到5 个review 时,项目结束。Vine program为了让一般买家在购买时能有更多的诚实、专业且没有偏见的评论可以参考,亚马逊从2007 年开始,启动了一个叫做vine program 的项目,通过提供免费商品,邀请具有公信力的Reviewer 测评新商品或是尚未上架的商品。评论上有个vine vioce标识。卖家加入活动的条件:1、将货出给Amazon的供应商,拥有Vendor Account的卖家是Amazon主动邀请的合作厂商。2、第三方卖家(Seller)若想要加入Vine Program计划,则须申请加入Vendor Express,通过Amazon的审核。Vendor Express 成本较高,适合制造商或是有专利商品生产线的卖家。Top Reviewer亚马逊上专门为卖家做产品测评的人,他们一般的评测结果都非常的公正。由Top reviewer 所撰写的评论具有很高的公信力,排名前1000 的reviewer,撰写的评论旁边会带有标签。卖家可以联系Top Reviewer,把需要测评的产品免费的发给这些reviewer进行评测。四、广告CPC(PPC)Cost Per Click&Pay per Click,是亚马逊通过付费获得流量的第一手段。通过关键字竞价,以每点击一次计费,类似于Google 的Adwords、淘宝天猫的直通车。HSA(Headline Search Ads)标题搜索广告,是基于亚马逊搜索,优先于其他搜索结果而显示的图文结合的一种高曝光展示方式,适用于品牌商。当使用HSA 引流时,必须尽可能的使关键词和页面相匹配。产品展示广告(Product Display Ads)比付费产品广告和标题搜索广告拥有更多的展示区域,可以展示在产品详情页面的侧面和底部,买家评论页、亚马逊以外的网站以及优惠信息页面顶部,有时候还可以出现在竞争对手的产品页面上。产品展示广告是产品的定位是基于产品和兴趣,而不是基于关键字。产品定位可让您选择要显示广告的具体产品详情页面。ACOS 值Advertising Cost of Sale,是亚马逊站内广告的花费和销售收入的比例。ACOS 值=广告花费/销售额*100%,是判断一个广告优劣的重要因素,在不考虑其他因素的情况下,ACOS 值越小越好。CTR(Click through rate)点击通过率,简称点击率,即每多少次展示会有1 次点击,更确切地说是每次展示会带来多少次点击(这个点击次数基本是小于1 的数)一般在0.5%算合格。五、营销(含节日)Amazon"s choice亚马逊推荐的标签,是应用于可以直接从Amazon Echo购买产品的一个标签,目的是在于配合Amazon Echo用于简化客户的购买流程。除了Best Seller之外,亚马逊会对一些类别的产品打上Amazon"s Choice,这个黑色的标签对于转化率而言又是一大提升。Lightning Deals具有时效性的秒杀活动,主要在today"s deal 那里显示,显示时间为4H—6H。LD 是亚马逊卖家的重要推广方式之一,卖家可以在后台报名参加。US--$150/$300 CA--CA20 UK--GBP25 DE--EUR40 FR--EUR40 ES--EUR40 IT--EUR40 JP--JPY4000。Today"s Deals今日活动,是亚马逊的活动页面,包含Lightning Deals、coupons、deal of the day 等多种活动。Black Friday黑五,指的是每年11 月的第4个星期五,也是感恩节的第二天。这一天类似于中国的双十一,很多美国商家会在这一天进行大促销,因此全品类商品销量都会极大增加。Cyber Monday每年感恩节后的第一个星期一。大约从2000 年开始,美国亚马逊、eBay 等电商企业会在这一天推出大规模促销活动,成为“黑色星期五”的电商版本。back to school返校季,一般在每年8 月中旬开始到9 月初,也是亚马逊重要的促销时间。六、卖家the first party sellers国内称1P卖家,即亚马逊第一方卖家,包括了VE卖家和VC 卖家。the third party sellers即亚马逊第三方卖家,是目前最普遍的卖家类型,遍布全球,有企业也有个人,业务规模大小不同。目前几乎所有中国卖家(包括直接在Amazon.com 注册和全球开店大卖家)在Amazon.com 都是以这个身份进行销售。针对中国卖家来说,成为3P 卖家,有“自注册”和“全球开店”两种入驻方式。Amazon Vendor ExpressAmazon 在2015 年推出的面向美国本土企业供应商入驻的供应商平台,是VC 的精简版或者说初级版本,有自行申请的通道。VE 只可以上架85 个产品,并且VE不是全面支持A+页面的,新注册的VE 目前至多只提供5 个A+产品页面。Amazon Vendor CentralAmazon 的供应商,其自营商品绝大部分是来自于VC 卖家。VC 系统相对封闭,是邀请入驻制,不能申请入驻。KYCKnow Your Customer,简单来说就是对帐户持有人的条件审查和备案(对平台卖家身份审核),亚马逊支付欧洲公司作为亚马逊开店业务的提供商,受到卢森堡的金融机构(CSSF)的监管,因此亚马逊有义务对在欧洲开店的卖家,进行公司信息和公司所有人身份信息审核,而该审核由英国风险控制团队执行,因此亚马逊全球开店欧洲站的卖家都需要通过KYC 审核,才能成功在亚马逊欧洲站点开店。七、服务PrimePrime服务计划是亚马逊的一种类似VIP 的付费会员制度,实行年费制,在服务有效期内,参加了该prime 会员服务的消费者即可获得快速送货、0元包邮、 提前参加闪购、免费试听音乐、会员专属折扣等等多重会员增值服务。目前亚马逊美国、日本、德国、英国、中国站点都开通了Prime 服务。付费购买了亚马逊Prime 服务的会员(美国年费:$119.99、日本年费:¥3900)。透明计划参加透明计划的SKU,消费者在购买“透明产品”的时候只需要使用亚马逊的Transparency app应用扫描产品外包装上的二维码,就能了解到产品制造商、产地、有效期等一系列从生产到销售的整个过程的信息,也能更加确定产品的真实性。想要参与透明计划,亚马逊也是设置了要求的。首先目前它仅限于美国站,其次必须是品牌的所有者,最后在亚马逊上品牌备案成功的商标必须是R标,满足这三点条件才能够参与。参与之后,品牌将会有其独有的二维码标签保护,并且会对应到所参与到亚马逊透明计划的商品包装上。因此在被不良卖家跟卖的时候,不良卖家必须得获得合规卖家的溯源标识,还得在产品包装上贴上防伪二维码,否则他的货物将被进行销毁,这是针对于FBA跟卖。而被自发货跟卖时,亚马逊会要求跟卖者在提交Listing的offer时提供正确的二维码进行验证,否则不能跟卖该Listing。八、物流FBAfulfillment by amazon 即由亚马逊仓储派送,卖家需要提前备货至亚马逊仓库,买家下单后亚马逊负责把卖家预先存在亚马逊仓库的货物派送至买家。FBMfulfillment by merchant 即由卖家自行发货,亚马逊仅作为销售平台,卖家需借助如国际邮政、国际快递、国际专线等第三方快递服务派送至买家。2023-07-24 19:00:301
车间主任 a workshop head内部培训师 inner to cultivate前台接待 proscenium to receive 前台主管 proscenium to superintend索赔员 claims2023-07-24 19:00:381
Dear sir, I had received the goods you"ve delivered. However,on checking the goods we found that the goods didn"t meet our requirements. Nevertheless, as you have sent us the goods, what we can do now is to accept them at a reduction of 30%.If there is any further repetition of this we will be forced to look for an alternative supplier. It would be appreciated if you could give us a prompt answer to solve the problem. Yours sincerely2023-07-24 19:00:571