I have to take training courses after school...
after school既可表示放学,又可表示学校之外的.
extra classes/after school classes
After school tutoring classes
go to cram schooltake lessons after school2023-07-23 09:33:071
"上补习班"怎么用英语拼写? 第一个回答又正确的就是最佳答案。
go to cram school2023-07-23 09:33:151
可以说to attend private tuition classes(丄辅导班)I have to take training courses after school(上课外辅导班)2023-07-23 09:33:261
补习班= cram school2023-07-23 09:33:363
你好我建议你在百度上搜索在线翻译可以帮助你2023-07-23 09:33:595
补习班cram school2023-07-23 09:34:302
went to tutor2023-07-23 09:34:403
Tutorial or Remedial classes2023-07-23 09:34:513
补习班 cram schoolSupplementary class2023-07-23 09:35:213
英语学习讥构优秀的很多,但不能说每个都会适合你。ABC添下英与,多恩加英语你可以去看看.好.,每天安排外籍老师1对1受课,一开始我还挺害羞的不太好意思开口,现在就很自然跟他互动啰。基本翻译opportunity class网络释义:cramming school|Summer School|cram school成人:Undeclared挑逗:School for Seduction2023-07-23 09:35:312
上数学补习班 的英语怎么写?
Math tutorial2023-07-23 09:35:521
Tutorial or Remedial classes2023-07-23 09:36:033
have after-school classes.2023-07-23 09:36:593
According to the fact, cram school become more porpular in the modren society. It has clearly benefits, but it also has nagetive view which we cannot ignored.As the professer who specific analysis this module point out, after take full schedule of a day, to have some fitness club is the best choice to achive more both them physical and mental growth. Be honestly, most of the children does have a positive attitude of their cram scholl, it is consider to take the freedom in their mind.根据事实,补习学校变得越来越流行在现代社会。它具有明显的好处,但它也有消极的观点,我们不能忽视。作为教授谁具体分析该模块所指出的,在一天的日程,有一些健身俱乐部是取得更多的他们身心健康成长的最佳选择。老实说,大部分的孩子有一个积极的补习学校的态度,这是考虑到以自由的在他们的脑海中。2023-07-23 09:37:211
补课:1、make up missed lessons; 2、remedial teaching; 举例:The teacher helped his pupils make up the lessons they had missed.教师给学生补课。2023-07-23 09:37:322
你想问什么?就是吐槽一下吗?2023-07-23 09:37:535
英语培训的话,个人感觉WìZBEE英语蛮专业的,我也是听朋友介绍过去学地,建议你可以去看看,很不错的,价格平常老百姓都拿的起,呵呵!而且他们有专门针对出国留学的短期英语培训,挺有效果的。2023-07-23 09:38:122
学生是否应该上课后辅导班英文作文(带中文翻译)On Parents Sending Kids to Training Classes关于家长送孩子参加培训班It is quite common phenomenon that many parents will bring their children to all kinds of classes as long as their children have weekends or holidays.This kind of situation has been hot discussed among public.Some people hold that children deserve to have play time as much as possible.Some believe that children should learn as much as possible since they have strong ability to grasp new knowledge.Standing on my point of view,I"m convinced that children should be sent to training class to learn as much as possible so that they can be more brilliant.现在,许多家长会趁孩子们周末或者放假的时候带他们去参加各种各样的培训班的现象已经很普遍.这种现象引起了公众的热议.一些人认为孩子们应该有尽可能多的时间去玩.一些人认为孩子们应该趁他们这个年纪学习能力很强的时候去多学习一些新知识.就我看来,我认为应该送孩子们学多点儿知识,这样一来,他们会更加聪明.Firstly,training class can broaden children"s knowledge.For almost all children,they have very limited knowledge.But if they are sent to training class,they can learn various knowledge of life.第一,培训班能开拓孩子们的视野.对于几乎所有的小孩来说,他们的知识有限.但是如果送他们到培训班学习的话,他们会学到有关生活的各种知识.Secondly,training class helps children to improve their skills.Nowadays,there are many kinds of training agents for children to train children a certain kind of skill.For example,a great number of parents will send their children to dance class.In this kind of class,not only children can learn dance skills,but they can practice themselves at the same time.第二,培训班能够帮助小孩子们提高技能.现在,有各种各样的培训机构专门培训小孩子某一方面的技能.例如,许多家长会送自己的小孩子去学舞蹈.这样的课程不仅能让孩子们学会跳舞,并且也能够锻炼他们的身体.Thirdly,children can be more outstanding in the future compared with those who don"t attend training class.Kids learn more skills will be more flexible and smart than those who never attend training classes in doing certain kinds of things.第三,与那些不参加培训课的孩子们相比,参加过培训课的小孩子们在将来会更优秀.在做某种特定的事情的时候,那些拥有多重技能的孩子会比那些没有参加过培训课的小孩子更加灵活、聪明.All in all,sending kids to training classes will do a lot of good to children"s future.总之,送小孩子去参加培训课对他们的将来很有帮助.2023-07-23 09:38:191
For the cram school, some of students have different attitudes. Some people think that should not be on the cram school, because it is a waste of money and time. Some people think that should be on the cram school, because it can help them improve their learning.2023-07-23 09:38:421
I went to cram school and interest class for a month.2023-07-23 09:38:5110
Students are always looking forward to summer vacation. They consider summer vacation as the time of the year during which relaxing and having fun is the theme. When summer vacation actually arrives, however, I don"t think students will discover it as fun at all. Although it"s true that school is done by the time of summer vacation, but the students are not free at all: lessons of various skills and activities have filled their day and mountains of homework has buried their desktop. Even if some lucky ones managed to escape from those prisons, they are still troubled with the problem of how to spend their time, for there aren"t many friends available to play with. As a result, while students are occupied with works they never wished for, diminished is the joy of childhood.学生们总是盼望着暑假。他们认为暑假是一年当中放松和娱乐的时候。可是当暑假来临时,我不认为学生们会认为暑假是多么的有趣。的确,学校已经结束了,但是学生们还没有自由:各种补习班占据了他们的时间而小山一般多的作业则淹没了他们的书桌。就算有几个幸运的孩子可以从这些负担中逃脱出来,如何打发时间的问题却找上门来:因为没有几个朋友可以和他们一起玩。所以说,当学生们被那些讨厌的负担所困扰的时候,儿时的快乐却逐渐消失。2023-07-23 09:39:151
Remedial class2023-07-23 09:40:559
I go on the tutorial2023-07-23 09:41:362
补习班基本翻译opportunity class网络释义补习班:cramming school|cram school补习班:CRAM SCHOOL2023-07-23 09:41:472
go to English cramming school2023-07-23 09:41:561
I go to the remediation class at 8 o"clock.2023-07-23 09:42:031
优秀的英语补习课程都会本着“兴趣+习惯+方法”的科学理念,不断地研发各种益于学生身心的英语课程,不仅让他们提升了英语成绩,更爱上了英语学习。通过这样的英语补习课程,可以实现了学生由害怕英语向享受英语的转变,让学生们在游戏中体味到了学习英语的乐趣,提高了英语运用能力,使其自信心大大增强,为日后的英语学习打下了扎实基础。相信,这些学员在课程结束之后,会将假期中学习运用英语的经验,积极向上的学习态度传递给更多的学生。2023-07-23 09:42:134
补习班的英文说法是:Cram school,辅导班的英文说法是:Remedial class或者an auxiliary class。补习班是以提高学生成绩为目的成立的一个课外学校叫做补习班。如语文补习班、数学补习班、英语补习班,也有综合性的补习班。辅导班,是以提高成绩(不一定学习成绩)为目的一个课外辅导机构。通常也称作:课外辅导班,学习辅导班,军考辅班。2023-07-23 09:42:321
有没有必要上补习班,还要看孩子的英语基础怎么样如果孩子的英语基础很好的话,那么上补习班就不是必要的,主要根据孩子的意愿来决定,想上就上,不想上就不上。如果孩子的英语基础不是很好、或者说很差的话,那么上个补习班是必要的,毕竟英语成绩直接和中考、高考这两件人生大事挂钩呢。2023-07-23 09:42:4512
Weekend remedial class is prohibited by the state, in principle said we disapprove of children to weekend remedial class.But for different types of children, their needs are different. For example: the kids if he didn"t want to learn, you quote class again many didn"t also effect, a waste of money. Improve the learning achievement extracurricular remedial class is not the only way, the key lies in children have study power.2023-07-23 09:44:033
1. 课外活动用英语怎么说啊 课外活动 : extracurricular activities extracurriculum activity after-school activities After Class Activities extracurricular work 以上几种都是课外活动的正确表达! 2. 幼儿数学课外课程 用英语怎么说 Children mathematics extracurricular courses “Children” 意思是:孩子们 “mathematics” 意思是:数学的、数学课程 “extracurricular” 意思是:课外课程;课外;业余;课程外 “courses” 意思是:选修课程;课程学习;课程;路线 ps:使用有道桌面词典翻译,自己也经过检查,翻译无误! 3. 学习一些课外知识 用英语怎么说 英语是:Learn some extracurricular knowledge. 解释: learn 英[lu025c:n] 美[lu025c:rn] vt. 得知; 学习,学会; 习得; 记住; vt. 学习; 得知; 记住; 认识到; vi. 学习; 获知; [例句]Their children were going to learn English 他们的小孩会学英语。 extracurricular 英[u02ccekstru0259ku0259"ru026akju028alu0259] 美[u02ccekstru0259ku0259"ru026akju0259lu0259] adj. 课外; 学校课程以外的; [例句]Each child had participated in extracurricular activities at school. 每个孩子都参加了学校的课外活动。 knowledge 英[u02c8nu0252lu026adu0292] 美[u02c8nɑ:lu026adu0292] n. 了解,理解; 知识(表示多方面的知识时有复数knowledges这一用法); 学科; 见闻; [例句]She told Parliament she had no knowledge of the affair. 她告诉议会她对此事并不知情。 4. 课外辅导班用英语怎么说 课外辅导班的英文:instruction after class instruction 读法 英[u026anu02c8stru028cku0283n]美[u026anu02c8stru028cku0283n] n. 指令,命令;指示;教导;用法说明 短语: 1、instruction book说明书 2、language of instruction教学语言 3、special instruction特殊指令,专用指令 (4)课外课程英文扩展阅读 词语用法: 1、instruction也可作“讲授,指导,教学”解,是不可数名词,其后常与介词in搭配使用。 2、instruction后接的that从句中往往要用现在时。 3、复数名词instructions表示“操作指南,用法说明”,只与复数动词或代词连用。其后常接由介词on, for或about引起的短语。 词义辨析: order, direction, mand, instruction这组词都有“命令”的意思,其区别是: 1、order普通用词,侧重指具体的命令。 2、direction正式用词,指口头或书面的指示或命令。内容不一定详尽,语气较缓和,不太强调强制性。也可指指导性的说明。 3、mand较正式用词,强调权威性、全局性和强制性。 4、instruction书面用词,指不容违反、不容推翻的命令。也多指包含具体说明的指示。 5. “补习班”或“辅导班”用英文怎么说 寒假初中英语补习班是所有父母都会给孩子报名的,现在一般的孩子这们课程的分数都是比较低的,这是因为很多的孩子在学习英语的时候不感兴趣,在上英语课的时候可能会出现走神等一些情况,所以导致学习成绩出现下滑等,这个时候一般的家长都会给孩子选择寒假英语补习班,我们来看一下它们的教学方向! 英语培训机构 以上就是寒假初中英语补习班的教学方式,一般的培训机构都是这样进行的,在进行以上的学习之后学生的英语分数会有一定的提升,在开学之后可以将这们课程完全的"拿下",不会在出现低分的情况. 6. 课外英语词组 课外的,就是8年级没学过的吧. 下面这些怎么样? because of 因为 in favor of 赞成 sooner or later 迟早 make use of 使用...,对...进行利用 learn from 向...学习 be famous for 以...而著名 be busy doing sth.忙于做某事 do well in 擅长于做...(同义词组是be good at) give up 放弃 had better do sth.最好做某事 hear of 听说 at once 立刻,马上 right now 即刻 from now on 从现在起 in the end 最后 (同义词组是at last) in the beginning 在开始的时候 (同义词组是at first) in time 及时 on time 准时 up and down 上上下下 in order to 为了...(的目的) talk about 谈论 discuss sth.with *** .和某人谈论某事 agree with *** .赞同某人 used to (do sth.) 过去常常(做某事) laugh at 嘲笑 arrive in 到达 (后面接大地点/大城市) arrive at 到达 (后面接小地点/小地方) 以上有20几个短语了,加油... 7. 去上课外班的英语怎么说 的问题很简单。 原句:去上课外班 翻译。网络知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。呵呵: Go to extracurricular class 网络知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译 8. “课外学习”用英语怎么说 真确的答案应该是:Extracurricular study 或 Extracurricular learning 9. 课外活动英文怎么翻译 一,课外活动英文怎么翻译? 1,Extracurricular Activitie 2,After School program 3,After School activity 4,After-class 5,Activities 二,课外活动的种类: 1.开通一个博客。1. open a blog.。 2.参加志愿者活动。2,Participate in volunteer activities.。 3,学习一门新的语言。3,Learning a new language。 4,寻找一个笔友。4,Looking for a pen pal 5,在公共图书馆读书。5,In the public library reading.。10. 课外班的英文怎么写 课外班 网络释义 课外班:extramural classes2023-07-23 09:44:121
On the weekend i have to take part in many training courses.2023-07-23 09:44:234
We can learn the lessons earlier than the others.So we can learn them more easily.And we can know more about the knowledge than the others.We can finish our homework more easily.And maybe we can learn some things that our school teachers won"t tell us.And we can make some new friends,too.2023-07-23 09:44:341
On Parents Sending Kids to Training Classes关于家长送孩子参加培训班It is quite common phenomenon that many parents will bring their children to all kinds of classes as long as their children have weekends or holidays.This kind of situation has been hot discussed among public.Some people hold that children deserve to have play time as much as possible.Some believe that children should learn as much as possible since they have strong ability to grasp new knowledge.Standing on my point of view, I"m convinced that children should be sent to training class to learn as much as possible so that they can be more brilliant.现在,许多家长会趁孩子们周末或者放假的时候带他们去参加各种各样的培训班的现象已经很普遍。这种现象引起了公众的热议。一些人认为孩子们应该有尽可能多的时间去玩。一些人认为孩子们应该趁他们这个年纪学习能力很强的时候去多学习一些新知识。就我看来,我认为应该送孩子们学多点儿知识,这样一来,他们会更加聪明。Firstly, training class can broaden children"s knowledge.For almost all children, they have very limited knowledge.But if they are sent to training class, they can learn various knowledge of life.第一,培训班能开拓孩子们的视野。对于几乎所有的小孩来说,他们的知识有限。但是如果送他们到培训班学习的话,他们会学到有关生活的各种知识。Secondly, training class helps children to improve their skills.Nowadays, there are many kinds of training agents for children to train children a certain kind of skill.For example, a great number of parents will send their children to dance class.In this kind of class, not only children can learn dance skills, but they can practice themselves at the same time.第二,培训班能够帮助小孩子们提高技能。现在,有各种各样的培训机构专门培训小孩子某一方面的技能。例如,许多家长会送自己的小孩子去学舞蹈。这样的课程不仅能让孩子们学会跳舞,并且也能够锻炼他们的身体。Thirdly, children can be more outstanding in the future compared with those who don"t attend training class.Kids learn more skills will be more flexible and smart than those who never attend training classes in doing certain kinds of things.第三,与那些不参加培训课的孩子们相比,参加过培训课的小孩子们在将来会更优秀。在做某种特定的事情的时候,那些拥有多重技能的孩子会比那些没有参加过培训课的小孩子更加灵活、聪明。All in all, sending kids to training classes will do a lot of good to children"s future.总之,送小孩子去参加培训课对他们的将来很有帮助。望采纳,祝您学好英语~2023-07-23 09:44:491
For the cram school, some of students have different attitudes. Some people think that should not be on the cram school, because it is a waste of money and time. Some people think that should be on the cram school, because it can help them improve their learning.2023-07-23 09:45:272
补课 用英语怎么说?
make up a missed lesson2023-07-23 09:45:377
Students are always looking forward to summer vacation. They consider summer vacation as the time of the year during which relaxing and having fun is the theme. When summer vacation actually arrives, however, I don"t think students will discover it as fun at all. Although it"s true that school is done by the time of summer vacation, but the students are not free at all: lessons of various skills and activities have filled their day and mountains of homework has buried their desktop. Even if some lucky ones managed to escape from those prisons, they are still troubled with the problem of how to spend their time, for there aren"t many friends available to play with. As a result, while students are occupied with works they never wished for, diminished is the joy of childhood.学生们总是盼望着暑假。他们认为暑假是一年当中放松和娱乐的时候。可是当暑假来临时,我不认为学生们会认为暑假是多么的有趣。的确,学校已经结束了,但是学生们还没有自由:各种补习班占据了他们的时间而小山一般多的作业则淹没了他们的书桌。就算有几个幸运的孩子可以从这些负担中逃脱出来,如何打发时间的问题却找上门来:因为没有几个朋友可以和他们一起玩。所以说,当学生们被那些讨厌的负担所困扰的时候,儿时的快乐却逐渐消失。2023-07-23 09:46:041
Weekend remedial class can learn more knowledge2023-07-23 09:46:263
I went to Cram School Today.2023-07-23 09:46:422
你好!我同意让孩子们去上课外辅导班I agreed to let the children go to after-school remedial class2023-07-23 09:46:531
Holiday cram school2023-07-23 09:47:021
问题一:培训机构英语怎么说? Training institutions 例句 人们可以报名参加这所大学语言培训机构的自主学习课程。 Individuals can enrol on self-study courses in the university"s language institute. 问题二:教育机构 英语怎么说 顺手采纳答案 教育机构 的英语是education organization 例句:I once worked in an education organization我曾经在一家教育机构任职。 问题三:“培训机构” 英文怎么翻译 training agency 或training institution 问题四:教育机构 英语怎么说? Education Organization 教育机构 --这个指社会上的盈利机构 Edu揣ational Institution 教育机构 -- 这个值官方的教育机构,较权威 问题五:“辅导班,培训班”用英文怎么说 辅导班的英文可以说是: remedial class或者an auxiliary class 培训班的英文可以说是:training course或者training class 问题六:产品培训用英语怎么说 产品培训 Product Trainer; product training; [例句]执行“用户可接受测试”及相关的产品培训; Conduct User Acceptance Test and perform product related training; 问题七:请用英文翻译 “百川教育培训机构” 英语虽然是倒装语言,但机构但名字则是例外的。 如纽约证券交易所: New york Stock Exchange,而不是 Stock Exchange of New York. 或: London underground. 伦敦地不铁,而不是 Underground of london. 所以楼上的网友们都翻译错了,应该是 :Baichuan Education Training Institutions 而且要注意的是: 因为是尊有名词,所以一定要大写的。 问题八:用英语怎么讲“教育培训机构” 我想英语不是一朝一夕就能学好的 要靠自己平时的多说多练来积累的。找英语学习中心也是可以啦,可以利用.好.下班时间在线学习的,建议可以去ABC天B英语中心 1对1外教辅导真的有明显效果..那得看你是在什么样的学习讥构了,大型的学习讥构里面做专职的老师有的时侯就象大学老师一样,但是如果你是女孩子,我还是建议你找更正式的工作拉~~学习讥构最大的特点是没有周末的~~你能不能适应哦~~别人上你休息,别人休息你上很痛苦哦~~ 问题九:培训机构英语怎么说? Training institutions 例句 人们可以报名参加这所大学语言培训机构的自主学习课程。 Individuals can enrol on self-study courses in the university"s language institute. 问题十:“培训机构” 英文怎么翻译 training agency 或training institution2023-07-23 09:47:211
Remedial classes act as sort of knowledge structure, reported a general intensive course you can, do not blindly believe remedial classes; remedial classes teachers is very important, in addition, school classes, even if the screen classes are good, some agencies screen copy service, I did not read it but also take it home. To refer to some selling books on political terms, because just want to profit counseling agencies, so the quality of teaching will be departing. Highly recommended mainly in their own books, make a profit, to resist the other team get out of high-quality books2023-07-23 09:47:341
因为上辅导班会占用我们很多的时间 用英语说是
Because we have to spend too much time taking an after-school lesson.2023-07-23 09:47:411
你上一对一还是小班授课2023-07-23 09:47:527
英语课外班有必要上。因为每个家庭的自身条件不同,家长本身的素质能力不同,对于孩子的目标设定也不同,所以只是泛泛地问究竟应不应该上,是没有办法给出具体指导方针的。但是对于大多数的家庭来,我认为英语班还是应该要报的。孩子英语成绩不好,长此以往可能会影响以后的学习,所以上靠谱的补习班是很有必要的,好的英语辅导班,能让学生及时对英语知识点进行查漏补缺,扎实好英语基础,减轻往后的学习压力,分出更多的时间学习其他科目。选择英语课外班的方法英语在我们的生活中,用到的很多,家长我们希望自己的孩子英语好,也希望自己的孩子能够用英语和别人交流,但是选择英语培训班也是一个难题。选择英语培训班先要看一下这个培训学校的环境怎么样,适不适合孩子学习,如果学习的环境非常的差,也是不利于孩子学习英语的。有些地方可能还会有安全的隐患,有些英语培训班可能没有考虑到这方面,只顾着提高孩子的英语成绩了,但是作为家长,不仅要让孩子提高成绩,还有最重要的就是孩子安全的问题。还要看英语培训班的老师是怎么教学的,他们的教学方式有没有什么技巧,是不是孩子愿意接受的,孩子的这个年龄段,是不是能够接受他们这样的教学方式。这都是家长需要考虑的,虽然也需要看师资力量,但是如果这个老师教学经验丰富,但是就是不适合你的孩子,那么这个老师也不能够选择。我们都知道,一对一的教学比较好,但是如果你想要让自己的孩子能够融入到大家庭,还是需要让孩子在集体当中学习的,但是也要选择这个老师教的学生不是很多,如果太多,老师的就会有很少的时间去关注你的孩子,所以最好能够选择这个老师只教几个孩子。2023-07-23 09:48:331
市面上的初中英语辅导班是不少,建议你去提升英语综合能力的培训机构。我校暑假有四维精英班,不仅有纯英语氛围,而且有很多好玩的互动游戏,寓学于乐,非常有助于提升英语交流和应用能力。点击https://www.pinghe.com/wl/index_4c.html 了解更多暑假青少年英语课程详情2023-07-23 09:48:512
可以使你的英语基础更加的扎实,可以锻炼英语的口语,找到做题的办法,提高写作能力,扩大英语知识面,让英语成绩得到提高。2023-07-23 09:48:594
肯定可以可以找个老师单独补下或看下魏训刚的《中考语法完全突破》网课。目录如下:第一讲:名词1.名词的分类2.名词的数3.名词所有格4.不可数名词的量化表达5. 名词的语法功能第二讲:冠词与数词Ⅰ.冠词1. 冠词的分类2. 不定冠词用法3. 定冠词用法4. 不用冠词的况5. 冠词对意义的影响Ⅱ. 数词1.数词的分类2.基数词的构成3.序数词的构成4. 数词的其他形式① 分数② 小数③ 百分数④ 时刻的表达法⑤ 年月日的表达法⑥ 电话号码及编号第三讲:代词1.代词的分类2. 代词详解① 人称代词② 物主代词③ 反身代词④ 相互代词⑤ 指示代词⑥ 不定代词⑦ 疑问代词第四讲:形容词和副词Ⅰ. 形容词1.形容词的语法2. 形容词的功能3. 形容词作定语时的位置4. 多个形容词修饰同一名词时的顺序5. 形容词的级别6. 形容词副词比较级的构成7. 形容词/副词常见句型8. 形容词最高级用法的几种特殊情况Ⅱ. 副词1. 副词的语法意义2. 副词的构成3. 副词的分类4. 副词的位置五讲:介词1. 介词的语法意义2. 介词详解① 表示时间的介词② 表示地点方位的介词③ 其他常考介词④ 常见易混介词辨析⑤ 含介词的固定搭配第六讲:动词分类及基本用法1. 动词的分类2. 各类动词的基本用法① 实义动词/行为动词② 系动词③ 助动词④ 情态动词第七讲:动词的时态和语态Ⅰ.动词的时态1. 一般现在时2. 一般过去时3. 一般将来时4. 过去将来时5. 现在进行时6. 过去进行时7. 现在完成时8. 过去完成时9. 现在完成进行时Ⅱ.动词的语态1. 被动语态的使用场合2. 被动语态的基本结构3. 被动语态使用时的注意事项4. 常见主动表被动的用法第八讲:中考常见动词及动词短语第九讲:非谓语动词Ⅰ.不定式1.基本形式2.基本用法3.不定式作宾语之考点聚焦4.不定式作宾补和主补之考点聚焦5.不定式作定语之考点聚焦6.不定式作状语之考点聚焦7. 不定式的各种形式8. 不定式的各种时态和语态Ⅱ. 分词1. 分词的分类2. 分词的基本用法3. 现在分词和过去分词的区别Ⅲ. 动名词1. 动名词的形式2. 动名词的用法3. 不定式和动名词作宾语时用法比较第十讲:句子的种类1. 英语句子成分2. 句子种类:按使用目的划分① 陈述句② 疑问句③ 祈使句④ 感叹句第十一讲:简单句、并列句与复合句Ⅰ. 简单句基本句型Ⅱ. 并列句1. 基本概念2. 并列连词的种类① 表示并列关系的连词② 表示转折关系的连词③ 表示选择关系的连词④ 表示因果关系的连词Ⅲ. 复合句1. 基本概念2. 宾语从句3. 定语从句4. 状语从句第十二讲:主谓一致、倒装句与直接引语和间接引语2023-07-23 09:49:563
拔苗助长2023-07-23 09:50:0615