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”有竞争力的“ 英语怎么说

2023-07-23 14:50:02
TAG: 英语

competitive 英[ku0259mu02c8petu0259tu026av] 美[ku0259mu02c8pu025btu026atu026av]

adj. 竞争的,比赛的; (价格等) 有竞争力的; (指人) 好竞争的; [生化] 抑制酶作用的;


竞争力的英语:competitiveness;读音:英 [ku0259m"petu0259tu026avnu0259s];美 [ku0259m"petu0259tu026avnu0259s]释义:n. [经] 竞争;竞争性短语:core competitiveness核心竞争力例句:1.The aim was to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.目的是要提高企业的核心竞争能力。2.Some students attach importance to practical skills so as to improve their competitiveness in subsequential employment.一些学生重视自己的实践技能以至于提高他们以后在工作中的竞争能力。
2023-07-22 01:21:541


competitive power
2023-07-22 01:22:182


2023-07-22 01:22:251


竞争力和核心竞争力的区别 竞争力和核心竞争力的区别,大家对于这两个词语都应该不是特别的了解,就算了解也只是片面的了解,这两个词语一般是应用于公司居多,我为大家整理好了竞争力和核心竞争力的区别,一起来看看吧。 竞争力和核心竞争力的区别1 核心竞争力与竞争力有什么不同? 企业竞争力和核心竞争力(或称为核心竞争力)是两个既有联系,又有区别的概念。在英文中,竞争力是competitiveness,而核心竞争力是corecompetence。竞争力的特点是:决定和影响企业竞争力的大多数因素在各企业之间具有可比较性和很大程度的可计量性,企业竞争力研究的努力方向之一就是力图将企业竞争力因素尽可能地进行量化,从而进行企业间的比较。而且,竞争力因素具有一定程度的可交易性(或可竞争性),即企业竞争力的许多因素是可以通过市场过程获得的,或者可以通过模仿其他企业而形成。我们可以将企业的竞争力分为四个因素: 第一类因素,企业在竞争过程中所发生的或者可以形成的各种“关系”,广义的“关系”包括有关各方面的“环境”:企业竞争力研究所涉及的关系可以包括:企业所在产业的状况、本企业与相关企业的关系、企业活动与国家的关系、企业活动所处的国际经济关系、经济、社会及政治环境。 第二类因素,企业所拥有的或者可以获得的各种“资源”:包括外部资源和内部资源,从而使企业具有某些优势。包括人力资源、原材料资源、土地资源、技术资源、资金资源、组织资源、社会关系资源、区位优势、所在地的基础设施等。 第三类因素,能够保证企业生存和发展以及实施战略的“能力”:对企业能力的研究更强调企业自身的素质,即企业对环境的适应性、对资源开发控制的能动性以及创新性等。 第四类因素,不受物质资源约束而本身却能够物化为企业的“资源”和“能力”的“知识”或者“学识”,包括独特创意、观念、战略、体制、机制、经营管理、商业模式、团队默契等。从其性质来看,知识本身也是一种能力。 而核心竞争力则通常是指企业所具有的不可交易(不可竞争)和不可模仿的独特的优势因素。核心竞争力往往是难以直接比较和难以进行直接计量的。每个企业都或多或少具有一定的竞争力(否则就不可能在市场竞争中生存),但未必具有自己的核心竞争力。 核心竞争力可以成为企业竞争力中最具有长远的和决定性影响的内在因素,通常存在于竞争力的“知识”层面的最里层。企业的核心竞争力和企业竞争力在企业发展中可能会有共同的表现:即能够持续地比其他竞争对手更好、更有效率地向市场提供产品或服务,并获得经济收益。但竞争力因素更加广泛,而核心竞争力因素则是非常集中的。 核心竞争力的实质是企业的核心理念。从长远看,企业成败兴衰取决于自身竞争力的强弱,而企业竞争力中最具决定性的因素是企业的核心竞争力或核心竞争力。优秀企业核心竞争力或核心竞争力的精髓是其核心理念。这种核心理念体现在企业经营管理和发展的整个过程中,渗透到企业机体的各个部分和环节,对企业的长期生存和发展具有深刻的影响。 竞争力和核心竞争力的`区别2 竞争力 是参与者双方或多方的一种角逐或比较而体现出来的综合能力。它是一种相对指标,必须通过竞争才能表现出来,笼统地说竞争力有大有小或强或弱。但真正要准确测度出来又是比较难的,尤其是企业竞争力。 竞争力是对象在竞争中显示的能力。因此它是一种随着竞争变化着的通过竞争而体现的能力。竞争力包含在对象的现在,但它是对象未来可以展示的能力。要测定竞争力需要确定一个测定目标时间。 常见类型 区域竞争力是指区域内各经济主体在市场竞争的过程中形成并表现出来的争夺资源或市场的能力,或者说是一个区域在更大区域中相对于其他同类区域的资源优化配置能力。 动态竞争力是适应、集成和重构组织、资源以跟上环境变化要求的能力。根据蒂斯和皮萨诺的看法,“动态”是指为适应不断变化的市场环境,企业必须具有不断更新自身能力的能力;“能力”是指战略管理在更新自身能力中的关键作用。 企业竞争力是指在竞争性市场条件下,企业通过培育自身资源和能力,获取外部可寻址资源,并综合加以利用,在为顾客创造价值的基础上,实现自身价值的综合性能力。 核心竞争力是指企业赖以生存和发展的关键要素,它包括“软”的或“硬”的方面,也可能是无形的,不可测度的。 品牌竞争力是某一品牌产品超越其他同类产品的竞争能力,是其它同类产品不易甚至是无法模仿的能力,是开拓市场、占领市场并获取更大市场份额的能力。品牌竞争力使企业能以比同类产品更高的价格出售,以同样的价格占据更大的市场空间,甚至在市场很不景气和削价竞争的环境下为企业赢得高利润,在激烈的市场竞争中求得生存与发展。 财务竞争力可以定义为:是一种以知识、创新为基本内核的,公司理财专有的、优异的、扎根于企业财务能力体系中的有利于实现企业可持续竞争优势的整合性能力,是企业各项财务能力高效整合后作用于企业财务可控资源的一种竞争力。 质量竞争力是指竞争主体以卓越质量赢得优势的能力。 管理竞争力是指企业通过管理基础的不断提高以及新技术的采用,在外部环境和内部资源的制约下,能够对各种资源进行优化和配置,并最终能以低成本、高效率从事企业经营管理活动的能力。 服务竞争力是一个综合性指标,是所有服务消费者评价的总和,是企业在服务方面相对其他竞争对手的比较优势,它决定了消费者消费过程的感性思维决策情况,是建立企业特色品牌的一个必要手段、是企业个性化竞争的一个重要评价因素。 个人竞争力是个人的社会适应和社会生存能力,以及个人的创造能力和发展能力,是个人能否在社会中安身立命的根本。 核心竞争力 是指能够为企业带来比较竞争优势的资源,以及资源的配置与整合方式。随着企业资源的变化以及配置与整合效率的提高,企业的核心竞争力也会随之发生变化。凭借着核心竞争力产生的动力,一个企业就有可能在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,使产品和服务的价值在一定时期内得到提升 辨识标准 企业核心竞争力的识别标准有四个: 1.价值性。这种能力首先能很好地实现顾客所看重的价值,如:能显著地降低成本,提高产品质量,提高服务效率,增加顾客的效用,从而给企业带来竞争优势。 2.稀缺性。这种能力必须是稀缺的,只有少数的企业拥有它。 3.不可替代性。竞争对手无法通过其他能力来替代它,它在为顾客创造价值的过程中具有不可替代的作用。 4.难以模仿性。核心竞争力还必须是企业所特有的,并且是竞争对手难以模仿的,也就是说它不像材料、机器设备那样能在市场上购买到,而是难以转移或复制。这种难以模仿的能力能为企业带来超过平均水平的利润。
2023-07-22 01:22:471

”有竞争力的“ 英语怎么说?

2023-07-22 01:23:032

增值自己 提高竞争力英文可以点讲

增值自己 提高竞争力 增值英文可以讲:"upgrading the value"。 竞争力英文可以简单讲:"petitiveness"。 全句可以讲: "Upgrading one"s own value to raise the petitiveness"。 2014-05-03 05:02:44 补充: Godfrey意见用"enhance"译「提高」也很好。请让我借用,谢谢! 我的译句也可以是: "Upgrading one"s own value to enhance the petitiveness"。 2014-05-04 05:54:19 补充: ~ 2014-05-04 05:58:30 补充: ~ 2014-05-08 15:55:10 补充: I find trlating 增值 not easy without first specing what the值 is referred to. I am tempted to trlate it simply to "Increasing the value" so that it is always correct regardless of what the context it is in. 2014-05-08 16:03:09 补充: If we mean a value in terms of one"s skills "upgrading the skills" or "upskilling" is no doubt an appropriate trlation. There are other ects in which one"s value can be enhanced such as intellectual knowledge self-cultivation assertiveness e 参考: enhance their personal petitiveness - connection.ebscohost/c/articles/9512131384/action-planning-personal-petitiveness-the-broken-workplace raise the personal petitiveness - unwe.bg/en/news/4128/the-rector-and-o-ministers-presented-the-project-e-campus.pdf Spoken English To upgrade myself in order to stay petitive. 「增值自己 提高竞争力」可以是两句平衡句,也可以解「增值自己 来提高竞争力」或「藉增值自己 提高竞争力」。每种有不同译法。 我会译得白一点。 Increase your petitive power by equipping yourself with better skills. 借用Godfrey和EICA的写法 Enhance your petitive edge by upgrading your skills. Make sure you are very petent to carry out the job better. 竞争力 在这里指能力 所以可以讲 the capacity of petitiveness. 增值自己 我会用 self-improvement 提升可用 increase or enhance 2014-05-02 19:28:29 补充: enrich 唔一定系金钱上的. 因为这个字上的富裕不一定是拥有财产的 也可以是拥有精神上或非物质上的富裕. eg: enrich the experience enrich your life. Enriching myself in order to escalate the level of petitiveness. 增值自己 提高竞争力 make myself more marketable enhancing my petitive edge 2014-05-02 05:38:32 补充: No offence: “enrich myself” me to increase amount of money I have. 使自己更富裕 (金钱上) “He used his position to enrich himself.” ~ from Oxford Adv. Learner"s Dictionary “escalate” 是负面字 “escalate” 的 object 多是 violence war costs price conflict tension dispute rate of inflation … e 2014-05-02 20:11:21 补充: enrich (tritive verb) + object object 可以是 life understanding vocabulary soil stockholder .. etc (充实 强化 使丰富 加料于) 但是用 enrich oneself 多数是财富 我想因为是无 object 遵循字面解 避免误解 我会 rephrase 过 尤其无前文 Another example: They tried to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor. ~ from Webster Dict. 2014-05-03 00:36:06 补充: “He claimed that the large stores were enriching themselves at the expense of their customers.” ~ Cambridge Dictionary. "They were able to steal from Ukraine steal from the nation enrich themselves they had no motivation whatsoever to keep the funds in Ukraine." ~ Reuters 2014-05-03 00:43:03 补充: “Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americ Enrich Themselves at Government Expense" ~ a book by D. Johnston 倒不如自己上网 google 看看英美字典 大学 *** 有声望的报纸 怎样使用 enrich oneself. 2014-05-08 05:42:01 补充: “Make sure you are very petent to carry out the job better.” 上述的句与 “增值自己 提高竞争力” 无关 中文句子主要字眼是”增值” 和 ”竞争” Competent 解 ”能干的 胜任的” 与”竞争” 扯不上关系 “做好份工”是否 ”增值自己” ? ~ I wonder. 2014-05-08 07:13:04 补充: 个人意见: “增值自己” 有点商业味. 想是指力求进步 (self-improvement) 主要目的是 sell 与promote 自己 怎样去做? 将自己当成市场上产品 有销路 畅销的 尽量符合商业市场需要. 市场上有其他牌子同类产品竞争 要自己 more marketable. (希望自己outperform outclass 其他的人) “增值自己” 这词很空洞 谢谢 garlic2010 建议 具体是 upgrading your skills 除了technical skills 还有 soft skills 多元化的. Improve the petitiveness of their own value-added
2023-07-22 01:23:111


brand competitive power
2023-07-22 01:23:197

英语翻译 我正在做翻译,对于这两个词不知道怎么翻,还有“核心竞争力”该怎么翻译啊?

1.核心竞争力:Core competence/competency 或 Core competitive advantage 2.Core capability 可以翻成核心能力,核心专长
2023-07-22 01:23:331


国家竞争力 [网络] How Countries Compete; competitiveness of nations; national competitiveness;Nation competitiveness; [例句]他们提出了影响力更大的一揽子经济刺激方案,着眼于未来的需求和国家竞争力。They are proposing a higher-impact stimulus package that addresses future needs and national competitiveness.
2023-07-22 01:23:401


核心竞争力与竞争力有什么不同? 企业竞争力和核心竞争力(或称为核心竞争力)是两个既有联系,又有区别的概念。在英文中,竞争力是competitiveness,而核心竞争力是corecompetence。竞争力的特点是:决定和影响企业竞争力的大多数因素在各企业之间具有可比较性和很大程度的可计量性,企业竞争力研究的努力方向之一就是力图将企业竞争力因素尽可能地进行量化,从而进行企业间的比较。而且,竞争力因素具有一定程度的可交易性(或可竞争性),即企业竞争力的许多因素是可以通过市场过程获得的,或者可以通过模仿其他企业而形成。我们可以将企业的竞争力分为四个因素: 第一类因素,企业在竞争过程中所发生的或者可以形成的各种“关系”,广义的“关系”包括有关各方面的“环境”:企业竞争力研究所涉及的关系可以包括:企业所在产业的状况、本企业与相关企业的关系、企业活动与国家的关系、企业活动所处的国际经济关系、经济、社会及政治环境。 第二类因素,企业所拥有的或者可以获得的各种“资源”:包括外部资源和内部资源,从而使企业具有某些优势。包括人力资源、原材料资源、土地资源、技术资源、资金资源、组织资源、社会关系资源、区位优势、所在地的基础设施等。 第三类因素,能够保证企业生存和发展以及实施战略的“能力”:对企业能力的研究更强调企业自身的素质,即企业对环境的适应性、对资源开发控制的能动性以及创新性等。 第四类因素,不受物质资源约束而本身却能够物化为企业的“资源”和“能力”的“知识”或者“学识”,包括独特创意、观念、战略、体制、机制、经营管理、商业模式、团队默契等。从其性质来看,知识本身也是一种能力。 而核心竞争力则通常是指企业所具有的不可交易(不可竞争)和不可模仿的独特的优势因素。核心竞争力往往是难以直接比较和难以进行直接计量的。每个企业都或多或少具有一定的竞争力(否则就不可能在市场竞争中生存),但未必具有自己的核心竞争力。 核心竞争力可以成为企业竞争力中最具有长远的和决定性影响的内在因素,通常存在于竞争力的“知识”层面的最里层。企业的核心竞争力和企业竞争力在企业发展中可能会有共同的表现:即能够持续地比其他竞争对手更好、更有效率地向市场提供产品或服务,并获得经济收益。但竞争力因素更加广泛,而核心竞争力因素则是非常集中的。 核心竞争力的实质是企业的核心理念。从长远看,企业成败兴衰取决于自身竞争力的强弱,而企业竞争力中最具决定性的因素是企业的核心竞争力或核心竞争力。优秀企业核心竞争力或核心竞争力的精髓是其核心理念。这种核心理念体现在企业经营管理和发展的整个过程中,渗透到企业机体的各个部分和环节,对企业的长期生存和发展具有深刻的影响。
2023-07-22 01:24:051


核心竞争力英文是core competitiveness。资料扩展:核心竞争力是指能够为企业带来比较竞争优势的资源,以及资源的配置与整合方式。随着企业资源的变化以及配置与整合效率的提高,企业的核心竞争力也会随之发生变化。凭借着核心竞争力产生的动力,一个企业就有可能在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,使产品和服务的价值在一定时期内得到提升。在美国学者普拉哈拉德(C.K.Prahalad)和美国学者哈默(G.Hamel)看来,核心竞争力首先应该有助于公司进入不同的市场,它应成为公司扩大经营的能力基础。其次,核心竞争力对创造公司最终产品和服务的顾客价值贡献巨大,它的贡献在于实现顾客最为关注的、核心的、根本的利益,而不仅仅是一些普通的、短期的好处。最后,公司的核心竞争力应该是难以被竞争对手所复制和模仿的。核心竞争力是一个企业(人才,国家或者参与竞争的个体)能够长期获得竞争优势的能力。是企业所特有的、能够经得起时间考验的、具有延展性,并且是竞争对手难以模仿的技术或能力。核心竞争力,又称“核心(竞争)能力”、“核心竞争优势”,指的是组织具备的应对变革与激烈的外部竞争,并且取胜于竞争对手的能力的集合。核心竞争力是企业竞争力中那些最基本的能使整个企业保持长期稳定的竞争优势、获得稳定超额利润的竞争力,是将技能资产和运作机制有机融合的企业自身组织能力,是企业推行内部管理性战略和外部交易性战略的结果。现代企业的核心竞争力是一个以知识、创新为基本内核的企业某种关键资源或关键能力的组合,是能够使企业、行业和国家在一定时期内保持现实或潜在竞争优势的动态平衡系统。
2023-07-22 01:24:121


to enhance competitiveness
2023-07-22 01:24:504


核心竞争力英语:core competitiveness .企业的核心竞争力就是企业的决策力,它包括把握全局、审时度势的判断力,大胆突破、敢于竞争的创新力,博采众长、开拓进取的文化力,保证质量、诚实守信的亲和力。核心竞争力是群体或团队中根深蒂固的、互相弥补的一系列技能和知识的组合,借助该能力,能够按世界一流水平实施—到多项核心梳程。扩展资料:一、内容构成1、具备创新的技术企业是否具备创新技术往往对其发展有着决定性作用。技术创新,它要求实现的是产品的功能性、独特性以及超越行业平均水平的尖端性。这种优势的技术,会为企业带来超过普通企业的客户关注度以及市场广泛度。2、具备创新能力的人才即便是在信息时代,各种智能化设备的出现大大降低了对人力资源的要求,但是具备创新能力的人才依旧是这个时代不可多得的财富。因为创新技术,最终也必须是有创造才能的人才来完成开发设计。所以,在一个企业中,创新人才始终是一个企业能否引领行业潮流最重要的因素,它是企业构建核心竞争力的必要条件。3、优秀的企业文化企业文化,同样属于抽象意识的范畴,与一些生产要素相比,企业文化的价值往往是很难被评判的,尽管如此,在现代化的企业制度中,企业文化的地位却是被普遍认可和尊重的。
2023-07-22 01:25:071


be more competitive
2023-07-22 01:25:312

提高品牌影响力和竞争力 翻译成英语

Improve the influence and competitive strength of the brand.
2023-07-22 01:25:404


2023-07-22 01:25:506


社会竞争英语   社会竞争英语,适者生存,不适者淘汰这个生存法则我们都知道,随着社会的发展,职场上的竞争力越来越大,英语成为了我们生活中必不可少的东西,下面我整理了社会竞争英语。   社会竞争英语1   社会竞争激烈的英文:competitive society   society 读法 英 [ssat] 美 [ssat]   n. 社会;交往;社团;社交界   短语   1、international society 国际社会   2、harmonious socialist society 社会主义和谐社会   3、industrial society 工业社会   4、royal society (英)皇家学会   5、wealth of society 社会财富    扩展资料    词语用法:   1、society的意思是“社会”,当把人看成属于有组织的大群体时,这些人就统称为社会。是不可数名词,前面不加冠词。在特指某一种社会时,可以用作可数名词。   2、society作“社会团体,协会,社”解时是可数名词。作“社交界”解时是不可数名词。society在句中可用作定语来修饰其他名词。society在统指为“社会,社交圈”时,前面不带the,在表示“社团”时,前面可带the。    词义辨析:   institute, society, union, club, league这组词都有“社团,会社,协会”的意思,其区别是:   institute 指为专门的目标而建立的学会或研究所。   society 可与association换用,但前者的宗旨更严格,会员之间联系更紧密,活动更积极。   union 多指工会,也指学会或协会。   club 表俱乐部或会社,其成员因志同道合,有共同兴趣、爱好而组织到一起进行社交、娱乐或体育等活动。   league 指为了共同的目的和利益而组成的社团、同盟或联合会。   社会竞争英语2   In nowadays, it is quite common that we compete with each other for various competitions. However, it is also essential for people to cooperate with each other for we are members of society. When confront with cooperation and competition, people seems to have a difficult time in choosing them. Some people tend to compete with each other for they believe they can win rewards by defeating others. Some hold that we should cooperate with each other. Some think that we should not only cooperate with others but we should compete with others as well. In my opinion, I think that competing is more important for us. Reasons are listed below.   First of all, competing is more important than cooperation in our society. In school, we compete with others by doing better in our study. When we are looking for jobs, we compete with others applying for the same position. When we go to a competition, we fight with others for rewards or fame.   Secondly, we can be stronger by competing. If we want to win others, then we have to be stronger than others. Thus, we have to improve ourselves constantly. Consequently, our skills will be enhanced and we will get more experience to avoid failure.   In conclusion, competition plays an important role in our society as well as we can become stronger.   现在,我们经常会跟其他人比赛。但是,与他人合作也是很重要的,因为我们都是社会中的一员。当面对合作和竞争的时候,人们很难抉择。一些人认为我们能够通过竞争打败别人来获奖。一些人认为我们应该跟他人合作。一些人认为我们不仅要跟他人合作,也要跟别人竞争。就我看来,我认为竞争会更重要一些。原因如下:   第一,竞争在社会中会比合作更重要。在学校里,我们通过在学业上做的比别人出色来与他人竞争。当我们找工作的时候,我们会与那些申请同一职位的人竞争。当我们参与某项竞赛的时候,我们会与他人争名誉。   第二,通过竞争,我们能变得更强。如果我们要赢得他人,那么我们必须比别人更强。为此,我们必须持续不断地提高我们自己。我们会因此提高我们的自身技能,而且也能得到更多避免失败的经验。   总之,竞争在社会中扮演着重要的"角色,我们可以通过竞争变得更强。   社会竞争英语3   When it comes to competition and cooperation, some people always emphasize competition but neglect cooperation. Their reasons run as following: to begin with, they believe only competition can help them defeat their counterparts; in addition, they think competition is the only way to lead to success.   But some others hold different opinion. They think cooperation is as important as competition. They base their opinion on the following reasons: on one hand, cooperation can build trust between each other and help to bring long-term relationship; on another hand, cooperation can turn a small and weak business into a big and strong one.   From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that both competition and cooperation are essential to success and thus should be emphasized at the same time.   谈到竞争与合作,有些人总是强调竞争,而忽视合作。其原因如下:首先,他们认为只有竞争才能帮助他们击败对手;此外,他们认为竞争是通向成功的唯一途径。   也有人持不同的意见。他们觉得合作与竞争一样重要。他们根据他们的想法,理由如下:一方面,合作可以建立相互之间的信任并帮助建立长期的合作关系;另一方面,合作可以使一个弱小的企业变成一个强大的企业。   通过以上讨论,我们可以得出一个结论,竞争和合作对成功都很重要,因此应同时被强调。
2023-07-22 01:26:111


In this paper, China"s accession to the WTO through the analysis of macro-economic background, the use of modern strategic management theory, explore the WTO under the enterprise development strategy of selection mode: that is the basis of a wide range of discovery, identification, confirmation, nurture and apply the core competitiveness of enterprises; at the same time in cultivating core competitiveness based on the development and strengthening a wide range of business strategy. This core competence and competitive strategy of diversification of unity will allow businesses to compete in the next invincible. In light of the above situation, this article will be universal in the industry based on the discussions, mainly intended to cover the following contents: (l) of the Core Competence of the Corporation and its related concepts, definitions and characteristics of the re-awareness; (2) an overview of strategic management theory (3) based on the core competitiveness of enterprise development for Strategic Studies (4) innovation of enterprise"s core competitiveness.
2023-07-22 01:26:311


price with considerable competitiveness
2023-07-22 01:26:395


“失去竞争力”Lose competitiveness"
2023-07-22 01:26:551


Without executive ability, there would be no Competitive forces简单一点:No executive ability,no Competitive forces希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝好!
2023-07-22 01:27:051

加快新技术研发,增强产品竞争力 英文 多谢!

accelerate the R&D of new technology, enhance the competitiveness of products
2023-07-22 01:27:121


a a
2023-07-22 01:27:203

市场竞争越来越激烈 英语

With the pace of economic growth is picking up speed,market competition has become increasingly fierce.In a highly competitive market environment,competitiveness or competitive advantage is a key factor in deciding the success or failure.Therefore,how to foster competitive advantage,build the core competitiveness in order to operate in the current complex and changing environment,competition is becoming more diverse market,stand firm to win a place,it becomes all the companies are very concerned about the topic.To do this,I synthesis of the predecessors of some of the advanced thinking,try the concept of core competence from the start,through the core competitiveness of the composition and characteristics of understanding, Analysis of the current core competitiveness of Chinese enterprises on a number of issues and make recommendations of measures
2023-07-22 01:27:291

以最快的速度将具有竞争力的产品投放市场 英文怎么翻译

launch the competitive products as soon as possible
2023-07-22 01:27:512


Core competitiveness of enterprises is unique, can bring economic benefits, corporate sustainabilityThe core competence of competitive advantage, once owned enterprise core competitive ability, can make the enterprise form long-term advantage, promote the development of the enterprise. Since the 1990s, western strategic theorists are very concerned that core competitiveness of enterprises, the core competitiveness of enterprises is the driving force, is growing enterprise obtains a sustainable competitive advantage.A small and medium-sized enterprise core competitiveness. To analyze the current situationSince the reform and opening up, China"s small and medium-sized enterprise development of small and medium-sized enterprises in economic development, and played an important role, the survival and development of small and medium-sized enterprises more and more attention, and its status and known by people. The future belongs to the era of small and medium-sized enterprises, vigor of small and medium-sized enterprises will continue to play its flexible, salesConvenient and flexible liquidity advantages in the fierce competition in the market economy in his place, and to inject new vitality into the economic development.In the development of small and medium-sized enterprises has its own advantages, but also faced a series of small and medium-sized enterprises, the current problems facing an outstanding problem is lack of competitiveness, especially the lack of core competitiveness, embodied in the following aspects:1 enterprise strategic consciousness, strategic intent is not clearSustained competitive advantage to play with the development strategy of enterprise strategic intention that match the future direction of the enterprise, business development plan, the position. From now on, the small and medium-sized enterprises widespread light strategy, tactics, and on the decision thinking formulary experience. With no clear strategic intent, caused many small and medium-sized enterprise management, business field direction, lost the blindness of management and speculative, optional features.2 limited resources scattered into the diversified trapMany small and medium-sized enterprise diversification is enterprise profit growth for expansion, and dispersive risk strategy. Many small and medium-sized enterprises in the main business still does not have strong competitive situation, diversification, due to the implementation of blind in multiple domain of business resources, scattered in the specific areas of business enterprise resources, especially the impact strength of the core areas that need resources or main business field of competitiveness, damage to cultivating the core competitiveness of enterprises, and some even lost the original advantage.3) research and development and innovation ability is poor investmentAssess, small and medium-sized enterprises in China r&d funds for the proportion of sales revenue, and average less than 0.4% international businesses generally think of funds for research, sales of more than 5%, the enterprise has competitiveness, Just enough to maintain 2%, Less than 1% of the enterprise is hard to survive. Technological innovation is the power of the enterprise research and development ability, to small and medium-sized enterprises in China, the serious shortage of r&d input hindered enterprise technology improvement and innovation, severely weakened the enterprise sustainable competitive capacity of enterprises, the further development.4 organizational structure, management confusion. BackwardWith the development of knowledge economy, the information management play a more and more important role in time, the information, the communication of information, to traditional organizational structure adjustment, organization structure should be flexible to flat, the development direction. While the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises at present in our country executes or traditional linear organization structure, due to the lagging organization structure adjustment, and the domestic large enterprises and foreign enterprises, management of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially behind the enterprise"s strategic management, cost and quality management, human resources management, sales management, etc., it is hard to adapt to the fierce market competition. Enterprise organization structure unreasonable, operation mechanism is not alive, the radical reasons.Ii. Cultivate core competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprisesEnterprise core competitive ability is enterprise, can create economic benefits and difficult to competitors mimic the unique ability of the enterprise, it is necessary to establish and maintain the advantage conditions, is the enterprise from the technology products, from management to the comprehensive quality of small and medium-sized enterprises core embodiment. Cultivate the core competitive force of important realistic significance.1 our economy has from the economic surplus to economic shortageIn short, although economic times of small and medium-sized enterprises in the production of products, product technical content is low, but due to the low product demand, small and medium-sized enterprises producing products can still sell in the market and has certain advantages. In the market economy is increasingly perfect today, products, and the buyer"s market for products glut has gradually formed, and with the progress of science and technology, the Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises in market competition in the original advantage is gradually disappear, cultivate their own unique advantages of small and medium-sized enterprises is the key to enhance its competitiveness.2 both domestic and international market competition becomes increasingly fierceAfter joining the wto, foreign goods can proceed in China, which makes the consumer market is very small and medium-sized enterprises. At the same time, domestic market competition will be more intense. In recent years, China"s small and medium-sized enterprises can rapid development, largely thanks to the government and tariff barriers to adjust the macro-control. But after the wto entry, tariffs and canceling gradually, foreign products with high quality and low price to win the domestic consumer, it is undoubtedly to small and medium-sized enterprises more challenges. Facing economic globalization and the entry of wto, the core competitiveness of the small and medium-sized enterprises will sooner or later in the fierce competition in the market.3 for sustainable development of the enterpriseThe small and medium-sized enterprises in China, many enterprises can why some people, develop, and some of the enterprise is just a flash in the pan. Investigate its reason, the key lies in whether the enterprise with long-term competitive advantages. In certain period of small and medium-sized enterprises to gain a competitive advantage is not difficult, difficult is long-term competitive advantage. Economic globalization, due to the product life cycle is shortened, competition is critical to the success of the enterprise owns continuously develops new products and market competition ability of special. The long-term competitive advantages of enterprises from the core competitiveness of superior rivals. Only the cultivation of small and medium-sized enterprises core competitiveness, to drive the development of enterprise, the enterprise limited manpower, 核心竞争力是企业独具的、能为企业带来经济效益的、支撑企业可持续性 竞争优势的核心能力,企业一旦拥有核心竞争能力,就会使企业形成长期优势,推动企业的长久发展。20世纪90年代以来,西方战略理论家们就十分关注企业核心竞争力,认为核心竞争力是企业成长的驱动力,是企业获取持续竞争优势的基础。一.我国中小企业核心竞争力现状分析改革开放以来,我国中小企业得到了不断的发展,中小企业在经济发展中发挥了重要的作用,中小企业的生存和发展越来越受到人们的关注,它的地位也越来越为人们所认识。未来时代是属于中小企业的时代,充满活力的中小企业必将继续发挥其经营灵活自如、销售快捷方便、资金周转灵活等优势,在竞争激烈的市场经济中取得自己的立足之地,并为经济发展注入新的活力。中小企业在发展中有自身的优势,但也面临一系列问题,当前中小企业面临的一个突出问题就是缺乏竞争力,特别是普遍缺乏核心竞争力,具体表现在以下几个方面:1.企业战略意识淡薄,战略意图不明确持续竞争优势的发挥需要与发展战略相匹配企业战略意图表明了企业未来的前进方向、自己的业务定位、计划发展的能力。从目前来看,中小企业普遍存在着重战术、轻战略,依赖经验决策的思维定式。由于没有明确的战略意图,导致了许多中小企业经营方向迷失,经营领域模糊,经营的盲目性、投机性、随意性特点突出。2.有限的资源分散,跌入多元化陷阱多元化经营被很多中小企业认为是企业寻求规模扩张、利润增长、分散风险的策略。目前很多中小企业在主营业务尚不具备较强的竞争力的状况下,盲目实施多元化经营,由于资源分散在多个业务领域,分散了企业在具体业务领域的资源实力,尤其是影响了需要资源保证的核心领域或主营业务领域的竞争力,损害了对核心竞争力的培养,一些企业甚至丧失了原有的优势。3.研究发展投入不足,创新能力差椐调查,我国中小企业研发经费占销售收入的比例平均水平不到0.4%,而国际企业界普遍认为,研发经费占销售额的5%以上,企业才有竞争力;占2%仅够维持;不足1%的企业则难以生存。技术创新的动力在于企业的研发能力,对我国中小企业而言,研发投入的严重不足阻碍了企业进行技术改进和创新,严重削弱了企业的持续竞争能力,制约了企业的进一步发展壮大。4.组织结构调整滞后,管理混乱随着知识经济的发展,信息在管理中发挥了越来越重要的作用,为了及时的传递信息,沟通信息,必须对传统的组织结构进行调整,组织结构应向扁平化、柔性化方向发展。而目前我国大多数中小企业实行的还是传统的直线型组织结构,由于组织结构调整滞后,与国内大型企业及国外企业相比,我国中小企业的管理落后,尤其是企业的战略管理、成本理、质量管理、人力资源管理、销管理等方面,很难适应激烈的市场竞争。企业组织结构不合理,经营机制不活,是影响企业竞争力的带有根本性的深层次原因。二. 培育中小企业核心竞争力的必要性企业核心竞争力是企业所拥有的,能够创造经济效益并难以被竞争对手模仿的独特能力,它是企业建立和保持优势的必要条件,是企业从技术到产品,从管理到战略综合素质的核心体现.培育中小企业的核心竞争力具有重要的现实意义。1.我国经济已从短缺经济走向过剩经济在短缺经济时代,尽管中小企业生产的产品技术含量低,产品档次低,但由于产品供不应求,中小企业生产的产品仍然能销售出去并在市场中具有一定的优势。在市场经济体制日益完善的今天,产品往往供过于求,产品的买方市场已逐步形成,而且随着科学技术的进步,我国中小企业在市场竞争中的原有优势正在逐步消失,培育自己的独特优势是中小企业增强其竞争力的关键。2.国内外市场竞争日趋激烈加入wto后,国外的商品可以长驱直入我国的消费市场,这使得中小企业受到很大的冲击。同时,国内市场的竞争将更加激烈。近几年来,我国的中小企业之所以能较快发展,很大程度上得益于关税壁垒的调节和政府的宏观调控能力。而入世后,关税降低以至逐步取消,外国产品将以质优价廉赢得国内的消费者,这无疑是给中小企业更多的挑战.面对经济全球化和加入wto的挑战,没有核心竞争力的中小企业迟早会在激烈的市场竞争中被淘汰。3.企业可持续发展的需要在我国众多的中小企业中,为什么有些企业能长盛不衰,发展壮大,而有些企业只是昙花一现?究其原因,关键在于企业是否拥有长期的竞争优势.中小企业在某个特定时期取得竞争优势并不是很难,难的是长期保持竞争优势.经济全球化时代,由于产品寿命周期的日渐缩短,竞争成功的关键在于企业是否拥有不断开发新产品和开拓市场的特殊竞争能力。企业的长期竞争优势来源于优于竞争对手的核心竞争力.只有培育中小企业的核心竞争力,才能带动企业各方面的发展,把企业有限的人力、 希望采纳 谢谢
2023-07-22 01:28:011

英语作文How to improve competitiveness?

How to improve competitiveness?With the increasingly fierce competition, more and more undergraduate need to improve their competitiveness to adapt the competition. How to improve our competitiveness? I think there are three aspects as following:Firstly, strengthen our professional learning. Because when we graduate from the college, excellent professional ability can help us to find a good job.Secondly, exercise our communication ability. When we go to the society, personal communication is very important to us, sometimes it affects our work and life largely.Thirdly, take more social practice, which can help us to adapt the socity qucikly when we graduate.If we can prepare those three aspects enough, we will have more self-confidence to welcome the competition.
2023-07-22 01:28:591


...苹果 APPLE delicious ......省略
2023-07-22 01:29:062


The decrease of working positions results in the increase of competition between workers.
2023-07-22 01:29:131


Dear sir,I am sorry to tell you there was something happened in your restaurant,which made me unpleasent.When i ate outt in your foreigh restaurant with my friend yesterday,i was surprised to find that your waiter kept more change than what he should had.Just now,i still remember the poor service we got that day,i have to say the waiter did not show respect for us.What is more,he cheated us on our bill.The problem he caused is not only dishonet crisis but also something hurt our feelings.I hope you will give due attention to this matter.Therfore,i requi
2023-07-22 01:29:201


2023-07-22 01:29:331


英语口语好 以后可以做商务这块
2023-07-22 01:30:313


The best service is the life of enterprise, is to create profits, and the strong competition, and all the major capital from scientific management and employees. How will the service consciousness into the scientific management, how to better serve customers employees incentive effect, with the service? Among them, the service consciousness of each enterprise employees implanted heart, my job, I harvest, I am happy self satisfaction, is the enterprise established good service, produce the core competitiveness of the key.
2023-07-22 01:30:423


1. Features of China Commerce Structure"s Changing(a) Features of export Structure"s changingExport increase has been majorly pushing up by industrial manufactured goods, especially electromechanical products and high-tech products have been increasing quite fast. Until 1995, industrial manufactured goods had shared in industrial manufactured exports increasing up to 85.6%, reach to pretty high level. On this state, the proportions of industrial manufactured goods have keep rising up; it has been increasing up to 93.6% in 2006. This data has been showed that industrial manufactured goods boost the export of china growth mainly.
2023-07-22 01:30:552


自20世纪90年代以来,中国苹果出口获得了快速发展。据联合国粮农组织统计,中国苹果出口量从1992年的3.8万吨增长到2004年的77.4万吨,占世界出口量的比例从1992年的1%增长到2004年的12%。2004年中国苹果出口量首次超过苹果传统第一出口大国———法国,成为世界第一苹果出口大国 By calculating the index of IMS and RCA,it shows that China"s apple and apple juice is competitive on the world market,but compared to other exporting countries,there remains some gap.The factors affecting competitiveness of China"s apple and apple products are analyzed.Counter-measures such as enhancing support of the government,adjusting variety of apple,developing cooperative organization are put forward.【Keyword】:apple;apple julce;competitiveness;IMS;RCA ......
2023-07-22 01:31:061

有利于 英文翻译

be benificial to
2023-07-22 01:31:172


2023-07-22 01:31:371


问题一:“核心竞争力”英语怎么说 “核心竞争力” Core petence “核心竞争力” Core petence 问题二:请问"更有竞争力"用英语怎么说? be of more parative advantage 问题三:”有竞争力的“ 英语怎么说? petitive 问题四:增强我的竞争力用英文怎么说? strengthen my co功peting / petitive ability 问题五:与其他产品相比我们的价格更有竞争力,用英语怎么翻译 ~The price of our products is provided with more petitive strength than that of other ones. ~pared to other products, the price of the products made in our pamy has a greater petitive power. 问题六:商业模式、核心竞争力用英语怎么说 商业模式:merce patt订rn 核心竞争力:Core petition 谢谢了,给10分啊,我好久没得分了啊....... 问题七:竞争激烈用英文怎么说呀 The petition is fierce. fierce是激烈的意思,通常用来形憨竞争激烈 如:Because there is so much unemployment, the petition for jobs is fierce. 因为失业严重,求职的竞争十分激烈。 问题八:核心竞争力用英语翻译 core petitive powercore petitiveness都是正确的
2023-07-22 01:31:441


strong competetive ability
2023-07-22 01:31:532


core competitiveness
2023-07-22 01:32:012


职场竞争力Career competitiveness
2023-07-22 01:32:092

求一篇竞争力的大学英语作文 400词

Competition is FunChairman Mao once made a famous remark about competition, “To battle with God is great fun! To battle with Earth is great fun! To battle with people is great fun!” His words, although seeming a bit too aggressive, have illustrated that competition is never regarded as something formidable by a brave.Competition exists throughout the evolution of nature and everyone"s life. Creatures compete to survive the merciless environment, eliminating weaker ones; Nations in the world compete for resources and power, and whichever fallen behind is beaten. As for individuals, ever since the very first day of our lives, we are forced into a competition with thousands of others around us, including taking examinations, applying jobs and striving for promotion, the results of which definitely determine our fate. Competition is as real a fact as the air around us that can neither be evaded nor be ignored.Thus, my dear friends, do not fear competition. Accept it and enjoy it. With competition, you grow stronger, and you gain so much precious experience worth remembering of, regardless of what the outcome would be. Without competition, you cease to grow; you become a dead moth sealed in its own cocoon.写竞争好处的英语作文 请采纳,祝你好运。。。。。。
2023-07-22 01:32:181


核心员工:Key person 企业核心竞争力:Enterprise core petence,4,chief employee enterprise"s chief petitive,1,核心员工:Core Employee 企业核心竞争力:Enterprise Nuclear petitive 希望对你有帮助,1,Key Personnel. Core petence. 语言可灵活了!嘿... feel free to break all these rules..,1,
2023-07-22 01:32:241


核心竞争力”——可以这么表达:  The core competitive power  Core competence  Core competitiveness  The core competitiveness  The core competence
2023-07-22 01:32:341


2023-07-22 01:32:421


strengthen my competing / competitive ability
2023-07-22 01:32:533

提高品牌影响力和竞争力 翻译成英语

to promote the brand force and market competitiveness.
2023-07-22 01:33:101


to improve the core competence of _____ enhance its core competence/competitiveness both is ok
2023-07-22 01:33:201


commercial modecore competitiveness
2023-07-22 01:33:272


the socialty"s competition became more and more fierce
2023-07-22 01:33:373