If you"re lucky,we can lay up in the bed,If you"re lucky,we can just go ditch the rest,If you"re lucky I can take you down,If you"re lucky you can wear the crown,If you"re lucky,we can lay up in the bed,girl。
你有某种 致命引力,将所有的目光汇聚,全部都围绕 你运行。
像 无法统计 渺小概率,每当 眼神交错 轨迹,这相遇是命中注定。
就算这 无尽的星辰 也不及你的美好,幸运 偶尔也要a little bit,才能出乎预料。
像是触发 连锁反应,点亮 整个魔幻星系,这浪漫 陪着你遨游,我愿成为 一颗无名天体,并入你的专属轨道,守护你 所有微笑。
就算这 无尽的星辰 也不及你的美好,幸运 偶尔也要a little bit,才能出乎预料。
EXO Lucky中文歌词分配
伯贤:住在同一国的我和你用同样言语的我和你kai:多么幸运 有这样运气再没有更美好的剧情D.O:那一天多美丽的际遇突如其来幸福的降临Lucky几十亿人中我遇到你ALL;可以呼唤你的名字可以真心的握住你的手D.O:阳光也对着我灿烂的照耀kai:感觉幸福得无可救药ALL;你在呼唤我的名字你轻轻的在我肩上依靠伯贤:那阳光一直把你温柔的拥抱suho:目不转睛你那么闪耀So Lucky My Love伯贤:So Lucky To Have YouD.O:So Lucky To Be Your Love, I am. Hmm~伯贤:爱同样颜色的我和你爱同样电影的我和你Lucky~争吵也没有可乘之机ALL;可以呼唤你的名字可以真心的握住你的手阳光也对着我灿烂的照耀感觉幸福得无可救药ALL;你在呼唤我的名字你轻轻的在我肩上依靠伯贤:那阳光一直把你温柔的拥抱suho:目不转睛你那么闪耀So Lucky My Love灿烈:老照片里甜蜜的微笑我和你的完美的造化I think I"m a lucky guy好! 我们的故事就像美丽的童话世勋:Oh My God!最好听的Pop-Pop灿烈:你的声音融化掉我 Like Ice Creamkai:就是活像一幅画ALL;你是我第一次的爱我故事里完美的女主角我要一直把你装在我心里可不可以只对我微笑因为你是我的想要为你去成为更好的自己你看我的眼神是那么奇妙suho:全世界最牵动我心跳So Lucky My Love伯贤:So Lucky To Have YouD.O&伯贤:So Lucky To Be Your Love, I am. Hmm~2023-07-21 15:51:282
《Lucky》 (This is a story about a girl named Lucky) 这是一个名叫Lucky的女孩的故事 Early morning 太阳刚刚升起 she wakes up,knock knock knock on the door 门外就传来刺耳的敲门声 她只好带着困意起床, It"s time for make up 该起床了 perfect smile 准备好笑脸 It"s you they"re all waiting for 去面对那些丑恶的嘴脸 They go 他们蜂涌而至 注视着她 纷纷叹道: Isn"t she lovely 她真美丽 this hollywood girl 这个好莱坞女孩 And they say 他们说 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, she"s a star 她是个明星 But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭 in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? Lost in an image in a dream 她生活在虚幻的世界里 空虚 寂寞 But there"s no one there to wake her up 没有谁来将她唤醒,给她真心的呵护 And the world is spinning and she keeps on winning 她总是生活在赢的世界里 But tell me,what happens when it stops 但这一切过去后,会怎样呢? They go 他们蜂涌而至 注视着她 纷纷叹道: Isn"t she lovely 她真美丽 this hollywood girl 这个好莱坞女孩 And they say 他们说 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, she"s a star 她是个明星 But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭 in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? Best actress and the winner is 最佳女演员的获胜者是 --Lucky! --Lucky! I"m Roger Johnson for Pop News 我是流行新闻的主持人Roger Johnson standing outside the arena waiting for Lucky 正在台下等待着Lucky Oh my god!here she comes ! 哦!我的上帝!她来了! Isn"t she lovely 她真美丽 this hollywood girl 这个好莱坞女孩 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, but why does she cry? 为什么她会哭? If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? And they say 他们说 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, she"s a star 她是个明星 But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭 in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭 in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来?记得采纳啊2023-07-21 15:51:421
指幸运的意思2023-07-21 15:52:052
Do you hear me, 你能听到吗 I"m talking to you 我在对你讲话 Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋 Under the open sky, oh my, baby I"m trying 在广阔的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试 Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音 I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋到达我的耳边 I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中一直在想念你 You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让枯燥的生活变得快乐 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~ They don"t know how long it takes 他们不知道过了多久 Waiting for a love like this 等待这样的爱 Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见 I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻 I"ll wait for you I promise you, I will 我向你保证会等你,一定 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 And so I"m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆 To an island where we"ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛 You"ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐 I"ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花 Though the breezes through trees 微风掠过树梢 Move so pretty you"re all I see 你在我眼中是如此可爱 As the world keeps spinning round 以至于整个世界都在旋转 You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家2023-07-21 15:52:361
LAY:住在同一国的我和你 用同样言语的我和你 TAO:是多么幸运 有这样运气 再没有更美好的剧情 LUHAN:那一天多美丽的际遇 突如其来幸福的降临Lucky 几十亿人中我遇到你 ALL:可以呼唤你的名字 可以真心的握住你的手 CHEN:阳光也对着我灿烂的照耀 XIUMIN:感觉幸福得无可救药 ALL:你在呼唤我的名字 你轻轻的在我肩上依靠 LUHAN:那阳光一直把你温柔的拥抱 LAY:目不转睛你那么闪耀So Lucky My Love XIUMIN:So Lucky To Have You LUHAN:So Lucky To Be Your Love, I am. Hmm~ CHEN:爱同样颜色的我和你 爱同样电影的我和你Lucky~ 争吵也没有可乘之机 ALL:可以呼唤你的名字 可以真心的握住你的手 LUHAN:阳光也对着我灿烂的照耀 XIUMIN:感觉幸福得无可救药 你在呼唤我的名字 你轻轻的在我肩上依靠 CHEN:那阳光一直把你温柔的拥抱 LAY:目不转睛你那么闪耀So Lucky My Love KRIS:老照片里甜蜜的微笑 我和你的完美的造化 I think I"m a lucky guy 真好! 我们的故事就像美丽的童话 TAO:Oh My God!最好听的Pop-Pop KRIS:你的声音融化掉我 Like Ice Cream TAO:就是活像一幅画 ALL:你是我第一次的爱 我故事里完美的女主角 LUHAN:我要一直把你装在我心里 XIUMIN:可不可以只对我微笑 ALL:因为你是我的想要 为你去成为更好的自己 CHEN:你看我的眼神 LAY:是那么奇妙全世界最牵动我心跳So Lucky My Love XIUMIN:So Lucky To Have You LUHAN:So Lucky To Be Your Love, I am. Hmm~2023-07-21 15:52:431
幸运(Lucky) 这是一个名叫Lucky的女孩的故事: 太阳刚刚升起, 门外就传来刺耳的敲门声, 她只好带着困意起床, 马上画好妆, 准备好笑脸, 去面对那些丑恶的嘴脸。 他们蜂涌而至, 注视着她,纷纷叹道: 她真美丽,这个好莱坞女孩。 是的,她是那么的幸运, 她是万众瞩目的明星。 但谁能知道,她是多么的孤单, 每天夜里,她不停地, 哭啊,哭啊,哭......... 想一想, 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么, 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来。 她生活在虚幻的世界里, 空虚,寂寞, 没有谁来将她唤醒, 给她真心的呵护。 她总是生活在赢的世界里, 但这一切过去后, 会怎样呢? 他们蜂涌而至, 注视着她,纷纷叹道: 她真美丽,这个好莱坞女孩。 她的确很幸运, 那她为什么而哭泣呢? 如果生活中没有失去什么, 那为什么天天泪流到天明。2023-07-21 15:52:562
This is a story about a girl named Lucky) 这是一个名叫Lucky的女孩的故事 Early morning 太阳刚刚升起 she wakes up,knock knock knock on the door 门外就传来刺耳的敲门声 她只好带着困意起床, It"s time for make up 该起床了 perfect smile 准备好笑脸 It"s you they"re all waiting for 去面对那些丑恶的嘴脸 They go 他们蜂涌而至 注视着她 纷纷叹道: Isn"t she lovely 她真美丽 this hollywood girl 这个好莱坞女孩 And they say 他们说 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, she"s a star 她是个明星 But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? Lost in an image in a dream 她生活在虚幻的世界里 空虚 寂寞 But there"s no one there to wake her up 没有谁来将她唤醒,给她真心的呵护 And the world is spinning and she keeps on winning 她总是生活在赢的世界里 But tell me,what happens when it stops 但这一切过去后,会怎样呢? They go 他们蜂涌而至 注视着她 纷纷叹道: Isn"t she lovely 她真美丽 this hollywood girl 这个好莱坞女孩 And they say 他们说 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, she"s a star 她是个明星 But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭.in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? Best actress and the winner is 最佳女演员的获胜者是 --Lucky! --Lucky! I"m Roger Johnson for Pop News 我是流行新闻的主持人Roger Johnson standing outside the arena waiting for Lucky 正在台下等待着Lucky Oh my god!here she comes ! 哦!我的上帝!她来了! Isn"t she lovely 她真美丽 this hollywood girl 这个好莱坞女孩 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, but why does she cry? 为什么她会哭? If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? And they say 他们说 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, she"s a star 她是个明星 But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭.in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来?2023-07-21 15:53:091
VV还唱过lucky?2023-07-21 15:53:185
喃嗨米度得喵 lucky in my lifekang sa su zu ta ga 嘛它不来哟sen ba zu dai mai 那lucky my dreamku dao da si ha gai nai guo kang sa zu nai哟偶街乃嘿喽开偶so哟 那塞撒一 嘿得 ge 嘿 度那 超一待奴姆侣 普一古 戏n金那秋乃马咩 莫侣侣 酷得拉读茉莉果 拉度 库得一古米so侣看机开苏一so 他嘿你住入股super day 那l lucky in my love散散嗖 酷得嘎 妈它不呀哟古得该街喵 那 lucky my world酷得棍Q恰朗 耐过 哎那救住偶街乃嘿喽开偶so哟 那塞撒一 嘿得 ge 嘿 度那 超一待奴姆侣 普一古 戏n金那秋乃马咩 莫侣侣 酷得拉读茉莉果 拉度 库得一古米so侣看机开苏一so 他嘿你住木独ki哈侣 木我 乃诺木 黑波 看过ve u 塞撒1 那度 乃so 奥 奴侣 大吗哟偶街乃嘿喽开偶so哟 那塞撒一 嘿得 ge 嘿 度那 超一待奴姆侣 普一古 戏n金那秋乃马咩 莫侣侣 酷得拉读茉莉果 拉度 库得一古米so侣看机开苏一so 他嘿你住酷得 汗嘎 鲁曼 它嘎 哇哟Lucky-Ashily(中韩对照)난 힘이 될때 lucky in my life (在我累的时候 lucky in my life)그대가 꿈 처럼 다가오네요 (你像梦中的一样向我走来)슬퍼질 때면 난 lucky in my dream (伤心的时候 我 lucky in my dream)그댄 따스하게 날 꼭 감싸주네요 (你用温暖包容了我)언제나 이렇게 웃어요 난 (任何时候都这样笑着 我)세상이 힘들게 해도 난 절대 (即使在世上最累的时候我都决不想)눈물을 보이고 싶진 않죠 (让你看到我得眼泪)내맘을 모르는 그대라도 (即使你不知道我的心)멀리서라도 그대의 그 미소를 간직 할 수 있어 다행이죠 (在远处回忆你的微笑也是一种幸运)울고싶을때 lucky in my love (想哭的时候 lucky in my love)상상속 그대가 멋져보여요 (印象中 你更帅了)울적해지면 난 lucky in my world (如果气闷的话 lucky in my world)그댄 꿈결처럼 날 꼭 안아주네요 (像梦境中一样 你紧紧地抱着我)언제나 이렇게 웃어요 난 (任何时候都这样笑着 我)세상이 힘들게 해도 난 절대 (即使在世上最累的时候我都决不想)눈물을 보이고 싶진 않죠 (让你看到我得眼泪)언제나 이렇게 웃어요 난 (任何时候都这样笑着 我)멀리서라도 그대의 그 미소를 간직할수있어 다행이죠 (在远处回忆你的微笑也是一种幸运)모두게 아름다워 난 너무 행복한걸 (美好的事物我很高兴)외로운 세상에 난 또 내소원을 담아요 (上帝我还赢得了孤独)언제나 이렇게 웃어요 나 (任何时候都这样笑着 我)세상이 힘들게 해도 난 절대 (即使在世上最累的时候我都决不想)눈물은 보이고 싶진 않죠 (让你看到我得眼泪)내 맘을 모르는 그대라도 (即使你不知道我的心)멀리서라도 그대의 그 미소를 간직할수있어 다행이죠 (在远处回忆你的微笑也是一种幸运)그대 한걸음만 다가와요 (你一步一步向我走来)2023-07-21 15:53:322
Do you hear me,I"m talking to youAcross the water across the deep blue oceanUnder the open sky, oh my, baby I"m tryingBoy I hear you in my dreamsI feel your whisper across the seaI keep you with me in my heartYou make it easier when life gets hardI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh oohThey don"t know how long it takesWaiting for a love like thisEvery time we say goodbyeI wish we had one more kissI"ll wait for you I promise you, I willI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againLucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayAnd so I"m sailing through the seaTo an island where we"ll meetYou"ll hear the music fill the airI"ll put a flower in your hairThough the breezes through treesMove so pretty you"re all I seeAs the world keeps spinning roundYou hold me right here right nowI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againI"m lucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh oohOoooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh2023-07-21 15:53:411
lucky 布兰妮的歌词(中文)
Lucky 歌手:Britney Spears 专辑:Oops!I Did It Again (This is a story about a girl named Lucky) Early morning she wakes up Knock knock knock on the door It"s time for make up perfect *** ile It"s you they"re all waiting for They go Isn"t she lovely this hollywood girl And they say She"s so lucky she"s a star But she cry cry cry in her lonely heart thinking If there"s nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears e at night Lost in an image in a dream But there"s no one there to wake her up And the world is spinning and she keeps on winning But tell me what happens when it stops They go Isn"t she lovely this hollywood girl And they say She"s so lucky she"s a star But she cry cry cry in her lonely heart thinking If there"s nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears e at night (Best actress and the winner is Lucky I"m Roger Johnson for Pop News standing outside the arena waiting for Lucky Oh my god here she es) Isn"t she lucky this hollywood girl She is so lucky but why does she cry If there"s nothing missing in her life Why do tears e at night And they say She"s so lucky she"s a star But she cry cry cry in her lonely heart thinking If there"s nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears e at night She"s so lucky But she cry cry cry in her lonely heart thinking If there"s nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears e at night 中文大意: 这是一个名叫Lucky的女孩的故事: 太阳刚刚升起, 门外就传来刺耳的敲门声, 她只好带着困意起床, 马上画好妆,准备好笑脸, 去面对那些世俗的嘴脸. 他们蜂涌而至, 注视着她, 纷纷叹道:多可爱啊,这个好莱坞女孩. 是的,她是那么的幸运, 她是万众瞩目的明星, 但谁能知道, 她有多么的孤单, 每天夜里,她不停地哭啊,哭啊,哭. 想一想, 如果她的心灵深处没有失去什么, 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来. 她生活在虚幻的世界里, 空虚,寂寞. 没有谁来将她唤醒, 给她真心的呵护. 她生活在荣誉的世界里, 但这一切不过是浮云, 消失后又怎样呢? 他们蜂涌而至, 注视着她, 纷纷叹道:她真幸运,这个好莱坞女孩. 她的确很幸运, 那她为什么而哭泣呢? 如果生活中没有失去什么, 那她为何天天泪流到天明.2023-07-21 15:53:591
2023-07-21 15:54:072
多听就会了,我就是这样2023-07-21 15:54:144
(This is a story about a girl named Lucky) 这是一个名叫Lucky的女孩的故事 Early morning 太阳刚刚升起 she wakes up,knock knock knock on the door 门外就传来刺耳的敲门声 她只好带着困意起床, It"s time for make up 该起床了 perfect smile 准备好笑脸 It"s you they"re all waiting for 去面对那些丑恶的嘴脸 They go 他们蜂涌而至 注视着她 纷纷叹道: Isn"t she lovely 她真美丽 this hollywood girl 这个好莱坞女孩 And they say 他们说 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, she"s a star 她是个明星 But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭......... in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? Lost in an image in a dream 她生活在虚幻的世界里 空虚 寂寞 But there"s no one there to wake her up 没有谁来将她唤醒,给她真心的呵护 And the world is spinning and she keeps on winning 她总是生活在赢的世界里 But tell me,what happens when it stops 但这一切过去后,会怎样呢? They go 他们蜂涌而至 注视着她 纷纷叹道: Isn"t she lovely 她真美丽 this hollywood girl 这个好莱坞女孩 And they say 他们说 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, she"s a star 她是个明星 But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭......... in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? Best actress and the winner is 最佳女演员的获胜者是 --Lucky! --Lucky! I"m Roger Johnson for Pop News 我是流行新闻的主持人Roger Johnson standing outside the arena waiting for Lucky 正在台下等待着Lucky Oh my god!here she comes ! 哦!我的上帝!她来了! Isn"t she lovely 她真美丽 this hollywood girl 这个好莱坞女孩 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, but why does she cry? 为什么她会哭? If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? And they say 他们说 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, she"s a star 她是个明星 But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭......... in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭......... in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来?2023-07-21 15:54:241
卡腾那拉诶忒on那搜卡腾on NO咯马热黑搜唱黑屋尼压 唱她hen一呀涩伞诶党勇难公哦不搜空产嫩哦思一班等难克咯尅no冷慢那懂供 lucky那恰哈给撒啦搜克勒NO也一日闷噗露够 NO也搜嫩恰八都退嫩那不搜金嫩涩伞嫩 男慢比除那 那一咯尅都hen波尅都退那也一日门噗露够 那也哦给也ki带哦嫩no求哈日勒 黑撒嫩 no慢比出那 no克咯尅怒不修都退so lucky, my loveso lucky to have youso lucky to be your love, i am. hmm卡腾涩噶日求哇哈够卡腾勇话嫩求哇哈嫩够屋n mion噶腾撒狼因够呀NO也一日闷噗露够 NO也搜嫩恰 八 都退嫩那不搜金嫩涩伞嫩 男慢比除那 那一咯尅都hen波尅都退那也一日门噗露够 那也哦给也ki带哦嫩no求哈日勒 黑撒嫩 no慢比出那no 克咯尅怒不修都退so lucky, my love撒金搜给话男米搜哇no哇那也换散诶求话I think I"m a lucky guy NO木求哇屋里几跟公搜给东哇Oh My God! 贼意特gi就恩pop-Pop克niong末那日NO lio搜令like ice cream克末森马起 克林那诶cho恩米no啦搜 易no勒粗因公一no啦搜那一咯尅屋假那 no满波啦够no 几跟那满波够因你内给古米都森gio搜 头末金难家噶退给搜那日波嫩内图怒嫩 克木窝不打 那日他西退给蛮等你噶so lucky, my loveSo lucky to have youSo lucky to be your love, I am. hmm~2023-07-21 15:54:301
杰森 玛耶兹明Lucky中文歌词
Jason Mraz LUCKYDo you hear me, 你能听到吗 I"m talking to you 我在对你讲话 Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋 Under the open sky, oh my, baby I"m trying 在广阔的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试 Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音 I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋到达我的耳边 I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中一直在想念你 You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让枯燥的生活变得快乐 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~ They don"t know how long it takes 他们不知道过了多久 Waiting for a love like this 等待这样的爱 Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见 I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻 I"ll wait for you I promise you, I will 我向你保证会等你,一定 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 And so I"m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆 To an island where we"ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛 You"ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐 I"ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花 Though the breezes through trees 微风掠过树梢 Move so pretty you"re all I see 你在我眼中是如此可爱 As the world keeps spinning round 以至于整个世界都在旋转 You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家2023-07-21 15:54:371
Jason mraz 《lucky》 的中英文歌词Do you hear me, 你能听到吗 I"m talking to you 我在对你讲话 Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋 Under the open sky, oh my, baby I"m trying 在广阔的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试 Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音 I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋到达我的耳边 I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中一直在想念你 You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让枯燥的生活变得快乐 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~ They don"t know how long it takes 他们不知道过了多久 Waiting for a love like this 等待这样的爱 Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见 I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻 I"ll wait for you I promise you, I will 我向你保证会等你,一定 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 And so I"m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆 To an island where we"ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛 You"ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐 I"ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花 Though the breezes through trees 微风掠过树梢 Move so pretty you"re all I see 你在我眼中是如此可爱 As the world keeps spinning round 以至于整个世界都在旋转 You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家2023-07-21 15:54:491
lucky star shinee中文歌词
LUCKY STAR SHINee(Key): 来吧,向着童话的世界出发,去探索吧,GIRL.用你那崭新的舞姿(珉豪): 一步,在天空中飞舞着,试着把你的心跳交给我(温流): 自然的微笑,一圈一圈的旋转着(泰民): 如果那样的你存在的话(钟铉): 我会在那里描绘出一个梦想,不管是清晨还是夜晚,一生一世(合): Baby, You are my lucky star(Key): 光辉闪耀的潘多拉(泰民): 构造希望的心灵之花(温流): 好似亚当和夏娃那样, Baby, baby, baby (珉豪): Whole new world...(钟铉): 都与你一路同行(珉豪): 有时看到你就紧张(Key): 还是面对不了你的诱惑(珉豪): Girl, 朝着你招手的方向(Key): 我们越来越靠近 Nanana now(珉豪): 永远有追求你的人在你的周围,就想繁星一样多,不论是心还是灵魂(泰民): 从可以自然的对视到偷偷的亲吻你(钟铉): 我觉得我是如此的幸运(温流): 就好像散发着闪耀的光芒一样,一直照耀着你(合): Baby, You are my lucky star, 那样的喜欢你(钟铉): 跳舞吧,跳舞吧,心灵之花(Key): 希望明天也这样就好了.Baby, baby, baby (珉豪): Whole new world...(泰民): 不仅为你也为我(温流): 或许有一天你会被悲伤包围,甚至会伤心的哭泣。(钟铉): 我也会一直陪伴者你,然后紧紧地拥抱着你(合): Baby, You are my lucky star, (泰民): 光辉闪耀的潘多拉(珉豪): 一起构筑希望,盛开爱之花(温流): 还有好似亚当和夏娃那样, Baby, baby, baby (珉豪): Whole new world...(温流): 让我们一寝寻找(泰民): 属于我们的天堂, Baby, baby, baby (珉豪): Whole new world...(泰民): 与你一同寻找我是自己手打的,所以可能会有错别字。2023-07-21 15:54:572
Jason mraz 《lucky》 的中英文歌词 Do you hear me, 你能听到吗 I"m talking to you 我在对你讲话 Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋 Under the open sky, oh my, baby I"m trying 在广阔的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试 Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音 I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋到达我的耳边 I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中一直在想念你 You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让枯燥的生活变得快乐 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~ They don"t know how long it takes 他们不知道过了多久 Waiting for a love like this 等待这样的爱 Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见 I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻 I"ll wait for you I promise you, I will 我向你保证会等你,一定 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 And so I"m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆 To an island where we"ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛 You"ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐 I"ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花 Though the breezes through trees 微风掠过树梢 Move so pretty you"re all I see 你在我眼中是如此可爱 As the world keeps spinning round 以至于整个世界都在旋转 You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家2023-07-21 15:55:031
《Lucky》(ThisisastoryaboutagirlnamedLucky)这是一个名叫Lucky的女孩的故事Earlymorning太阳刚刚升起shewakesup,knockknockknockonthedoor门外就传来刺耳的敲门声她只好带着困意起床,It"stimeformakeup该起床了perfectsmile准备好笑脸It"syouthey"reallwaitingfor去面对那些丑恶的嘴脸Theygo他们蜂涌而至注视着她纷纷叹道:Isn"tshelovely她真美丽thishollywoodgirl这个好莱坞女孩Andtheysay他们说She"ssolucky她是那么的幸运,she"sastar她是个明星Butshecrycrycry哭啊,哭啊,哭inherlonelyheartthinking想一想Ifthere"snothingmissinginmylife如果她的心灵上没有失去什么Thenwhydothesetearscomeatnight?那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来?Lostinanimageinadream她生活在虚幻的世界里空虚寂寞Butthere"snoonetheretowakeherup没有谁来将她唤醒,给她真心的呵护Andtheworldisspinningandshekeepsonwinning她总是生活在赢的世界里Buttellme,whathappenswhenitstops但这一切过去后,会怎样呢?Theygo他们蜂涌而至注视着她纷纷叹道:Isn"tshelovely她真美丽thishollywoodgirl这个好莱坞女孩Andtheysay他们说She"ssolucky她是那么的幸运,she"sastar她是个明星Butshecrycrycry哭啊,哭啊,哭inherlonelyheartthinking想一想Ifthere"snothingmissinginmylife如果她的心灵上没有失去什么Thenwhydothesetearscomeatnight?那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来?Bestactressandthewinneris最佳女演员的获胜者是--Lucky!--Lucky!I"mRogerJohnsonforPopNews我是流行新闻的主持人RogerJohnsonstandingoutsidethearenawaitingforLucky正在台下等待着LuckyOhmygod!hereshecomes!哦!我的上帝!她来了!Isn"tshelovely她真美丽thishollywoodgirl这个好莱坞女孩She"ssolucky她是那么的幸运,butwhydoesshecry?为什么她会哭?Ifthere"snothingmissinginmylife如果她的心灵上没有失去什么Thenwhydothesetearscomeatnight?那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来?Andtheysay他们说She"ssolucky她是那么的幸运,she"sastar她是个明星Butshecrycrycry哭啊,哭啊,哭inherlonelyheartthinking想一想Ifthere"snothingmissinginmylife如果她的心灵上没有失去什么Thenwhydothesetearscomeatnight?那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来?She"ssolucky她是那么的幸运,Butshecrycrycry哭啊,哭啊,哭inherlonelyheartthinking想一想Ifthere"snothingmissinginmylife如果她的心灵上没有失去什么Thenwhydothesetearscomeatnight?那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来?2023-07-21 15:55:271
lucky(jason marz)中文歌词 表达的什么意思?
说是两个好朋友,后来彼此相爱的 Do you hear me, 你能听到吗 I"m talking to you 我在对你讲话 Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋 Under the open sky, oh my, baby I"m trying 在广阔的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试 Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音 I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋到达我的耳边 I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中一直在想念你 You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让枯燥的生活变得快乐 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~ They don"t know how long it takes 他们不知道过了多久 Waiting for a love like this 等待这样的爱 Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见 I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻 I"ll wait for you I promise you, I will 我向你保证会等你,一定 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 And so I"m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆 To an island where we"ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛 You"ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐 I"ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花 Though the breezes through trees 微风掠过树梢 Move so pretty you"re all I see 你在我眼中是如此可爱 As the world keeps spinning round 以至于整个世界都在旋转 You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 ====================================================================== -关于《lucky》的那些想法- 《lucky》这首歌是收录于Jason Mraz在2008年5月发行的专辑【We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things】,是首由Colbie Caillat与Jason Mraz共同合唱的唯美,愉悦心灵的歌。 音乐的一开始就用轻快的吉他单弹来开头,让人的耳朵一下子被唤醒,仿佛正在美丽的山林间聆听小溪的欢歌。这个节奏一下子把人们的心情变得很好,很轻快。 接下来顺着吉他声,一个富有磁性的愉快的男声响起,只伴着琴声不加任何的修饰,让Jason Mraz的声音显得恰到好处,让耳朵的世界一下子宽阔起来,当时第一次听到的时候一下子觉得,真正的好音乐是不需要修饰的。 在经过阵小小的停顿后,一个美丽的女声响起,还是同样只伴随着琴声轻快地歌唱着,仿佛小溪叮叮咚咚地歌唱。这个女声让沉浸音乐的人都会感到一阵纯净的微风,缓缓地拂过脸庞,这也正是Colbie Caillat音质的特点,总是能给人一种很舒服的感觉。 接着伴随女声的节奏,架子鼓和乐队开始响起,仿佛小溪终于穿过森林,来到了一个令人心灵神往的美丽的世界,紧接着就开始副歌部分。 “I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend…”副歌开始的那一瞬间,一下子让人感觉仿佛听到了世界上最美的声音,男女声的相互搭配,真假音的自由转换,一切都是那么恰到好处,美轮美奂。副歌的结束部分,是用“Ooohh”一个音来诠释的,虽然简单但被他们的和声变为了极美的享受,真假音相互交替,真的是胜过了世界上所有的声音….那种第一次听到的感受至今难忘,一下子占据心灵。 《lucky》这首歌描述了一对知己变为恋人的美丽故事,伴随着两个天籁般的声音让这个故事变得那么甜蜜,那么美丽。整首歌都在一种愉快的情绪中开始,再在愉快的情绪中结束,直到给人无限的回味。 当初《lucky》的聆听,到今天对我来时都是难以忘怀的,那种美妙的声音,那种美丽的故事,是我这辈子最美的享受。 Jason Mraz&Colbie Caillat - Lucky 绝对是唯美,愉悦心灵的歌 Promo Only系列中主流系列本09年2月热门歌曲,喜欢的朋友千万别错过。 在维吉尼亚州长大的Jason Mraz,小时候迷过音乐剧,在纽约念大学的时候,随性拾起吉他,渐渐的爱上这个乐器,书念完后跑到圣地牙哥当起街头弹唱歌手,有一次,他遇到一个佯称自己是灵媒的流浪汉,他还意外的跟他握了手成了好友,接着,就踏上了一段充满幻觉的人生旅程,打从这段奇遇之后,他所写的歌,还有他的人生际遇都不知不觉的沾染上一种超乎想像,怪诞、难解的气氛。 在首张专辑中,Mraz就像是个大学新鲜人,抱着自以为无所不知的精神,摸索着人生与爱情,到了第2张专辑中,他把自己当作是大学二年级生,抱着不怕承认错误的精神,温和的发动自己的歌词攻击力道,并且回避被人误以为玩安全牌的创作态度,交出一张可以拿来骄傲一番的好专辑。 在Jason Mraz的创作世界里,存在着一份无可限量的想像力,同样是揉合多元的类型音乐,这老兄呈现出来的感觉就是与众不同,与其说他是一位摇滚鬼才,倒不如形容他是一位摇滚梦想家来得恰当,因为,他总能为他那闪动着智慧与文采的歌词找到一个充满着奇妙与趣味感受的旋律,并进而营造出一个兼具歌词文采与节奏神采的情感空间,他一方面流露出流行音乐的活力与真诚,一方面又带来了流行音乐的愉悦与快感。 编辑本段LUCKY歌曲 不知道对你有没有用呢。。。。==|||2023-07-21 15:55:341
lucky 的中文歌词,韩文版的翻译
ThisisastoryaboutagirlnamedLucky)这是一个名叫Lucky的女孩的故事Earlymorning太阳刚刚升起shewakesup,knockknockknockonthedoor门外就传来刺耳的敲门声她只好带着困意起床,It"stimeformakeup该起床了perfectsmile准备好笑脸It"syouthey"reallwaitingfor去面对那些丑恶的嘴脸Theygo他们蜂涌而至注视着她纷纷叹道:Isn"tshelovely她真美丽thishollywoodgirl这个好莱坞女孩Andtheysay他们说She"ssolucky她是那么的幸运,she"sastar她是个明星Butshecrycrycry哭啊,哭啊,哭inherlonelyheartthinking想一想Ifthere"snothingmissinginmylife如果她的心灵上没有失去什么Thenwhydothesetearscomeatnight?那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来?Lostinanimageinadream她生活在虚幻的世界里空虚寂寞Butthere"snoonetheretowakeherup没有谁来将她唤醒,给她真心的呵护Andtheworldisspinningandshekeepsonwinning她总是生活在赢的世界里Buttellme,whathappenswhenitstops但这一切过去后,会怎样呢?Theygo他们蜂涌而至注视着她纷纷叹道:Isn"tshelovely她真美丽thishollywoodgirl这个好莱坞女孩Andtheysay他们说She"ssolucky她是那么的幸运,she"sastar她是个明星Butshecrycrycry哭啊,哭啊,哭inherlonelyheartthinking想一想Ifthere"snothingmissinginmylife如果她的心灵上没有失去什么Thenwhydothesetearscomeatnight?那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来?Bestactressandthewinneris最佳女演员的获胜者是--Lucky!--Lucky!I"mRogerJohnsonforPopNews我是流行新闻的主持人RogerJohnsonstandingoutsidethearenawaitingforLucky正在台下等待着LuckyOhmygod!hereshecomes!哦!我的上帝!她来了!Isn"tshelovely她真美丽thishollywoodgirl这个好莱坞女孩She"ssolucky她是那么的幸运,butwhydoesshecry?为什么她会哭?Ifthere"snothingmissinginmylife如果她的心灵上没有失去什么Thenwhydothesetearscomeatnight?那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来?Andtheysay他们说She"ssolucky她是那么的幸运,she"sastar她是个明星Butshecrycrycry哭啊,哭啊,哭inherlonelyheartthinking想一想Ifthere"snothingmissinginmylife如果她的心灵上没有失去什么Thenwhydothesetearscomeatnight?那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来?She"ssolucky她是那么的幸运,Butshecrycrycry哭啊,哭啊,哭inherlonelyheartthinking想一想Ifthere"snothingmissinginmylife如果她的心灵上没有失去什么Thenwhydothesetearscomeatnight?那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来?2023-07-21 15:55:411
Lucky 歌手:Britney Spears 专辑:Oops! I Did It Again (This is a story about a girl named Lucky) Early morning she wakes up Knock knock knock on the door It"s time for make up perfect smile It"s you they"re all waiting for They go Isn"t she lovely this hollywood girl And they say She"s so lucky she"s a star But she cry cry cry in her lonely heart thinking If there"s nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears come at night Lost in an image in a dream But there"s no one there to wake her up And the world is spinning and she keeps on winning But tell me what happens when it stops They go Isn"t she lovely this hollywood girl And they say She"s so lucky she"s a star But she cry cry cry in her lonely heart thinking If there"s nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears come at night (Best actress and the winner is Lucky I"m Roger Johnson for Pop News standing outside the arena waiting for Lucky Oh my god here she comes) Isn"t she lucky this hollywood girl She is so lucky but why does she cry If there"s nothing missing in her life Why do tears come at night And they say She"s so lucky she"s a star But she cry cry cry in her lonely heart thinking If there"s nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears come at night She"s so lucky But she cry cry cry in her lonely heart thinking If there"s nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears come at night 中文大意: 这是一个名叫Lucky的女孩的故事: 太阳刚刚升起, 门外就传来刺耳的敲门声, 她只好带着困意起床, 马上画好妆,准备好笑脸, 去面对那些世俗的嘴脸。 他们蜂涌而至, 注视着她, 纷纷叹道:多可爱啊,这个好莱坞女孩。 是的,她是那么的幸运, 她是万众瞩目的明星, 但谁能知道, 她有多么的孤单, 每天夜里,她不停地哭啊,哭啊,哭。。。 想一想, 如果她的心灵深处没有失去什么, 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来。 她生活在虚幻的世界里, 空虚,寂寞。 没有谁来将她唤醒, 给她真心的呵护。 她生活在荣誉的世界里, 但这一切不过是浮云, 消失后又怎样呢? 他们蜂涌而至, 注视着她, 纷纷叹道:她真幸运,这个好莱坞女孩。 她的确很幸运, 那她为什么而哭泣呢? 如果生活中没有失去什么, 那她为何天天泪流到天明。2023-07-21 15:55:491
Do you hear me,I"m talking to youAcross the water across the deep blue oceanUnder the open sky, oh my, baby I"m tryingBoy I hear you in my dreamsI feel your whisper across the seaI keep you with me in my heartYou make it easier when life gets hardI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh oohThey don"t know how long it takesWaiting for a love like thisEvery time we say goodbyeI wish we had one more kissI"ll wait for you I promise you, I willI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againLucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayAnd so I"m sailing through the seaTo an island where we"ll meetYou"ll hear the music fill the airI"ll put a flower in your hairThough the breezes through treesMove so pretty you"re all I seeAs the world keeps spinning roundYou hold me right here right nowI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againI"m lucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh oohOoooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh2023-07-21 15:55:571
谁知道Jason Mraz 和Tristan Pretty唱的lucky的中文和英文歌词呢
JasonMraz没有和Tristan Prettyman合唱lucky,他们合唱是Shy That Way...专辑中收录的Lucky,是由jason mraz和colbie cailat合唱的。话说MRAZ和PRETTYMAN早就分手了,怎么会在一起唱这首爱上自己最好朋友的歌呢。2023-07-21 15:56:253
求 福井舞 lucky中文译音歌词
到底我怎么了为何总是厄运连连多希望可以逃到世外的桃花源就连打哈欠都再告别我双手何时白天希望奇迹出现而你的出现太遥远是菩萨之稍上前我知道一切一切全都会不同one two three goyou are my lucky charmyou"re my lucky charm不管像多少生活这诗意you are my lucky charmyou"re my lucky charm哪怕受多少气记得全不过记忆我是泣而庆能够有你幸福想念第一我们永不分离不幸生了病身边总会有你嘴角有饭粒你会为我播去刮风下雨我们抱在一起而也是顿继是来为我打气加油对你的出现满心感触是老天给的恩典我知道一切一切都会不同不管多少伤心活着诗意_____________是吗?2023-07-21 15:56:351
lucky 的中文歌词,韩文版的翻译
This is a story about a girl named Lucky) 这是一个名叫Lucky的女孩的故事 Early morning 太阳刚刚升起 she wakes up,knock knock knock on the door 门外就传来刺耳的敲门声 她只好带着困意起床, It"s time for make up 该起床了 perfect smile 准备好笑脸 It"s you they"re all waiting for 去面对那些丑恶的嘴脸 They go 他们蜂涌而至 注视着她 纷纷叹道: Isn"t she lovely 她真美丽 this hollywood girl 这个好莱坞女孩 And they say 他们说 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, she"s a star 她是个明星 But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? Lost in an image in a dream 她生活在虚幻的世界里 空虚 寂寞 But there"s no one there to wake her up 没有谁来将她唤醒,给她真心的呵护 And the world is spinning and she keeps on winning 她总是生活在赢的世界里 But tell me,what happens when it stops 但这一切过去后,会怎样呢? They go 他们蜂涌而至 注视着她 纷纷叹道: Isn"t she lovely 她真美丽 this hollywood girl 这个好莱坞女孩 And they say 他们说 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, she"s a star 她是个明星 But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭 in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? Best actress and the winner is 最佳女演员的获胜者是 --Lucky! --Lucky! I"m Roger Johnson for Pop News 我是流行新闻的主持人Roger Johnson standing outside the arena waiting for Lucky 正在台下等待着Lucky Oh my god!here she comes ! 哦!我的上帝!她来了! Isn"t she lovely 她真美丽 this hollywood girl 这个好莱坞女孩 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, but why does she cry? 为什么她会哭? If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? And they say 他们说 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, she"s a star 她是个明星 But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭 in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来?2023-07-21 15:56:571
Lucky - Ashily lucky in my life nan him i deul ddae myeon lucky in my life geu dae ga ggum cheo reom da ga oh ne yo Lucky in my dream seul peo jil ddae myeon nan lucky in my dream geu dae dda seu ha ge na reul ggok gam ssa ju ne yo eon je na i reoh ge uh seo yo na se sang i him deul ge hae do nan jeol dae nun mul eun bo i go sip jin anh jyo nae mam eul mo reu neun geu dae ra do meol ri seo ra do geu dae ui geu mi so reul gan jik hal su i sseo da haeng i jyo lucky in my love ul go sipeul ddae lucky in my love sang sang sok geu dae ga meot jyo bo yeo yo lucky in my world ul jeok hae ji myeon nan lucky in my world geu dae ggum gyeol cheo reom na reul ggok an ah ju jyo eon je na i reoh ge uh seo yo na se sang i him deul ge hae do nan jeol dae nun mul eun bo i go sip jin anh jyo nae mam eul mo reu neun geu dae ra do meol ri seo ra do geu dae ui geu mu so reul gan jik hal su i sseo da haeng i jyo :::For Love::: mo du ge ah reum da weo nan neo mu haeng bok han geol wi ro un se sang eh nan ddo nae so weon eul dam ah yo eon je na i reoh ge uh seo yo na se sang i him deul ge hae do nan jeol dae nun mul eun bo i go sip jin anh jyo nae mam eul mo reu neun geu dae ra do meol ri seo ra do geu dae ui geu mi so reul gan jik hal su i sseo da haeng i jyo geu dae han geol eum man da ga wa yo2023-07-21 15:57:202
在我累的时候 , lucky in my life 你像梦中的一样向我走来 lucky in my dream 我伤心的时候, 你用温暖包容了我 我任何时候都这样笑着, 即使在世上最累的时候我都决不想 让你看到我得眼泪 即使你不知道我的心 在远处回忆你的微笑也是一种幸运 想哭的时候 lucky in my love 印象中,你更帅了, 如果气闷的话, 像梦境中一样,你紧紧地抱着我 任何时候都这样笑着,我 即使在世上最累的时候我都决不想 让你看到我得眼泪 任何时候都这样笑着,我 即使在世上最累的时候我都决不想 让你看到我得眼泪 即使你不知道我的心 在远处回忆你的微笑也是一种幸运 你一步一步向我走来麻烦采纳,谢谢!2023-07-21 15:57:261
Lucky Lucky Twice 中英文歌词?
Lucky twice-LuckyYou can fool yourselfI promise it will helpnow every single dayI just wanna hear you saying 你可以愚弄自己 我保证这会帮助 现在每一天 我只想听你说laughing through the daythinking you are never boringspeeding through the nightmaybe you not count the morning 笑走过的日子 在想着你是不枯燥 飞快地穿越黑夜 也许你不算数早晨there"s nothing you can doto keep it outthere"s nothing you can dojust scream and shout 你什么也做不了 保持它 你什么也做不了 只是发出尖叫和大叫living for today but you just can"t find tomorrowbout the joybut it never stops the sorrow 活在当下,但你只是找不到明天 回合快乐 但它从不停止悲伤there"s nothing you can doto keep it outthere"s nothing you can dojust scream and shout sayingI"m so lucky luckyI"m so lucky luckyI"m so lovely lovelyI"m so lovely lovely 你什么也做不了 保持它 你什么也做不了 只是发出尖叫和大叫说 我如此幸运幸运 我如此幸运幸运 我这么可爱可爱 我这么可爱可爱you can fool yourselfI promise it will helpnow every single dayI just wanna hear you saying 你什么也做不了 保持它 你可以愚弄自己 我保证这会帮助 现在每一天 我只想听你说I"m so lucky luckyI"m so lucky luckyI"m so lovely lovelyI"m so lovely lovely 我如此幸运幸运 我如此幸运幸运 我这么可爱可爱 我这么可爱可爱you can fool yourselfI promise it will helpnow every single dayI just wanna hear you saying 你可以愚弄自己 我保证这会帮助 现在每一天 我只想听你说even though you saidit would never end it"s overyou were smiling on my armnow you"re crying on my shoulder 即使你说 它永远不会结束 你微笑着我的胳膊 现在你哭着靠在我的肩膀上there"s nothing you can doto keep it outthere"s nothing you can dojust scream and shout saying 你什么也做不了 保持它 你什么也做不了 只是发出尖叫和大叫说I"m so lucky luckyI"m so lucky luckyI"m so lovely lovelyI"m so lovely lovely 我如此幸运幸运 我如此幸运幸运 我这么可爱可爱 我这么可爱可爱you can fool yourselfI promise it will helpnow every single dayI just wanna hear you saying 你可以愚弄自己 我保证这会帮助 现在每一天 我只想听你说I"m so lucky luckyI"m so lucky luckyI"m so lovely lovelyI"m so lovely lovely 我如此幸运幸运 我如此幸运幸运 我这么可爱可爱 我这么可爱可爱you can fool yourselfI promise it will helpnow every single dayI just wanna hear you saying 你可以愚弄自己 我保证这会帮助 现在每一天 我只想听你说you can never be forevergood togethernow and cleveryou can never be foreverbut keep it updon"t ever stopthrough night and daythe words to say are: 你永远不会是一辈子的事 好起来 现在,聪明的 你永远不会是一辈子的事 但是坚持下去 永远不要停止 通过昼夜I"m so lucky luckyI"m so lucky luckyI"m so lovely lovelyI"m so lovely lovely 我如此幸运幸运 我如此幸运幸运 我这么可爱可爱 我这么可爱可爱you can fool yourselfI promise it will helpnow every single dayI just wanna hear you saying 你可以愚弄自己 我保证这会帮助 现在每一天 我只想听你说you can fool yourselfI promise it will helpnow every single dayI just wanna hear you saying 你可以愚弄自己 我保证这会帮助 现在每一天 我只想听你说I"m so lucky luckyI"m so lucky luckyI"m so lovely lovelyI"m so lovely lovely 我如此幸运幸运 我如此幸运幸运 我这么可爱可爱 我这么可爱可爱you can fool yourselfI promise it will helpnow every single dayI just wanna hear you saying 你可以愚弄自己 我保证这会帮助 现在每一天 我只想听你说you can fool yourselfI promise it will helpnow every single dayI just wanna hear you saying 你可以愚弄自己 我保证这会帮助 现在每一天 我只想听你说2023-07-21 15:57:341
Lucky每当我累的时候 lucky in my life你像梦一样来到我身边每当我悲伤的时候 lucky in my dream你总是温暖地将我包围无论何时我都会这样微笑就算世间再多磨难 我也绝对不会让你看到我的眼泪就算你不懂我的心就算是远远的能够看到你的微笑我就觉得很幸运想哭的时候 lucky in my love想象中的你看起来那么帅气忧郁的时候 lucky in my world你就象梦境一样把我紧抱在怀裏无论何时我都会这样微笑就算世间再多磨难 我也绝对就算你不懂我的心就算是远远的能够看到你的微笑我就觉得很幸运一切都很美好 我太幸福了在孤单的世界裏我又有了新的愿望无论何时我都会这样微笑就算世间再多磨难 我也绝对不会让你看到我的眼泪就算你不懂我的心就算是远远的能够看到你的微笑我就觉得很幸运你能再靠近我一步吗2023-07-21 15:57:484
この前Kissした男が间抜けに别れたはずの彼女と阳気にWalkin"しょんぼり言叶もでないこれからもっとどんどん寒くなっていくのによく偶然会うから「これは正に运命じゃない?」って言われた事もあったけLet me tell yaそれはただ単に学校が狭かっただけAre you stupid?One day 买い物に行った何も买わなかった2人でいれたなら别に何もいらないもし时间を止めれたら あの时を止めたかな?でも2人の先も见たいし 别にいいやと1人で妄想相当バカみたいだったねWas it funny? 勘违いしてただけなんて本当 伤ついた どれだけ泣いたと思ってんのよMaybe I was lucky そんな事する奴だし全ての出来事に意味があるいつか自分に降り悬ってくるよそれはきっと私の阴谋でも悪く思わないで Well, don"t you know?结构 伤ついたんだからLet me tell whyそれはあなたの事が大大大好きだったからBaby, I"m sittin"Coffeeも无しでよく2人で话したこのベンチもういっそ燃やそうもし私があの时を 见なかった事にできたらまだあなたの事を好きでいていいかなってさえ考えたりするBaby, it"s game overI think I have to give you up right nowほんの少しでも あなた伤ついてるかなもし时间を止めれたら あの时を止めたかな?でも2人の先も见たいし 别にいいやと一人で妄想相当バカみたいだったねWas it funny? 勘违いしてただけなんて本当 伤ついた 涙も出ないくらいGood-bye my darling(バイバイダーリン)Why don"t you chase me?(追いかけてくれへんの?)Now I know that your love for me was that much, oh no(あんたの“好き”なんてそんなもんやったんか)My pure heart is cryin"(纯粋な私のハートは泣いてる)I wish I wasn"t in love with you(好きじゃなかったら)So you couldn"t hurt me so bad(こんなに伤つかずにすんだのに)(I still) Once in a while I tell myself(思い出す度に言い闻かせる)You were the worst guy ever seen(今までで会った1番最低の男やったって…)But good memory going through my head(でも良い想い出が头の中を过ぎていく…)Going through my head(过ぎていく…)Going through my head(过ぎていく…)Maybe I was lucky そんな事する奴だし全ての出来事に意味があるいつか自分に降り悬ってくるよ それはきっと私の阴谋でも悪く思わないで Well, don"t you know结构 伤ついたんだから2023-07-21 15:57:582
Doyouhearme,你听到了吗I"mtalkingtoyou我正在跟你说话Acrossthewateracrossthedeepblueocean透过水流,透过深蓝色的海洋Undertheopenskyohmy,babyI"mtrying在开阔的天空下,宝贝,我正在试着【告诉你】BoyIhearyouinmydreams我在梦里听见你的声音,我的男孩Ihearyourwhisperacrossthesea我听见你的私语穿过海洋Ikeepyouwithmeinmyheart我把你藏在我的心灵深处Youmakeiteasierwhenlifegetshard你让艰难的生活变得轻松I"mluckyI"minlovewithmybestfriend多么幸运,我能爱上自己最好的朋友LuckytohavebeenwhereIhavebeen多么幸运,我在这里Luckytobecominghomeagain多么幸运,我可以回到这里OooohhhhTheydon"tknowhowlongittakesWaitingforalovelikethis他们不知道,等待这样一份珍爱需要多久Everytimewesaygoodbye每次和你告别Iwishwehadonemorekiss我希望可以再得到一个吻IwaitforyouIpromiseyou,Iwill我承诺我会等你,我会的I"mluckyI"minlovewithmybestfriend多么幸运,我能爱上自己最好的朋友LuckytohavebeenwhereIhavebeen多么幸运,我在这里Luckytobecominghomeagain多么幸运,我可以再次回家I"mluckywe"reinloveeveryway多么幸运,我们相爱Luckytohavestayedwherewehavestayed多么幸运,我们在一起Luckytobecominghomesomeday多么幸运,有一天我们可以一起回家AndsoI"msailingthroughthesea我穿越大洋踏上航程Toanislandwherewe"llmeet去到那个会见证我们相遇的岛上You"llhearthemusic,felltheair你可以听到歌声,感受那个旋律【air有空气和旋律的意思,我觉得在这里旋律比空气好】Iputaflowerinyourhair我在你的发间插上一朵花AndthoughthebreezeisthroughtreesMovesoprettyyou"reallIsee尽管微风拂过树林,一切都随风起舞,你是我所注意的全部Lettheworldkeepspinninground让整个世界天旋地转去吧Youholdmerighthererightnow就在现在,就在此刻,抱紧我I"mluckyI"minlovewithmybestfriend多么幸运,我能爱上自己最好的朋友是LuckytohavebeenwhereIhavebeen多么幸运,我在这里Luckytobecominghomeagain多么幸运,我可以再次回家I"mluckywe"reinloveeveryway多么幸运,我们相爱Luckytohavestayedwherewehavestayed多么幸运,我们在一起Luckytobecominghomesomeday多么幸运,有一天我们可以一起回家OoohhoooohooohooohoohoohoohoohOooohoooohooohooohoohoohoohooh2023-07-21 15:58:041
小甜甜布兰妮的 Luckly的中英文歌词
LUCKY(This is a story about a girl named Lucky) Early morning she wakes up Knock knock knock on the door It"s time for make up perfect smile It"s you they"re all waiting for They go Isn"t she lovely this hollywood girl And they say She"s so lucky she"s a star But she cry cry cry in her lonely heart thinking If there"s nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears come at night Lost in an image in a dream But there"s no one there to wake her up And the world is spinning and she keeps on winning But tell me what happens when it stops They go Isn"t she lovely this hollywood girl And they say She"s so lucky she"s a star But she cry cry cry in her lonely heart thinking If there"s nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears come at night (Best actress and the winner is Lucky I"m Roger Johnson for Pop News standing outside the arena waiting for Lucky Oh my god here she comes) Isn"t she lucky this hollywood girl She is so lucky but why does she cry If there"s nothing missing in her life Why do tears come at night And they say She"s so lucky she"s a star But she cry cry cry in her lonely heart thinking If there"s nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears come at night She"s so lucky But she cry cry cry in her lonely heart thinking If there"s nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears come at night2023-07-21 15:58:122
lucky twice 中文版
Lucky-Twice Lucky Laughing through the day大笑过一天 Thinking you are never boring 想象着你从来不会无聊Speeding through the night超速彻夜 Maybe you not count the morning 也许你不能数到早上There"s nothing you can do这没有什么可以做 To keep it out想开一些There"s nothing you can do这没有什么可以做 Just scream and shout就尖叫和呼喊Living for today but you just can"t find tomorrow生活的今天,但你无法找到明天 Talking "bout the joy谈论着喜悦 But it never stops the sorrow但从不能停止悲伤 There"s nothing you can do这没有什么可以做 To keep it out想开一些There"s nothing you can do这没有什么可以做 Just scream and shout就尖叫和呼喊Saying I"m So lucky lucky说: 我是那么的幸运幸运I"m So lucky lucky我是那么的幸运幸I"m So lovely lovely我是这么漂亮可爱I"m So lovely lovely我是这么漂亮可爱You can fool yourself你可以愚弄自己 I promise it will help我的承诺,它将帮助 Now every single day现在每一天 I just wanna hear you saying我只想听到你说 Even though you said即使你说: It would never end it"s over它永远不会结束的过去 You were smiling on my arm你曾在我的怀里微笑 Now you"re crying on my shoulder现在你靠在我的肩膀上哭 There"s nothing you can do这没有什么可以做 To keep it out 想开一些There"s nothing you can do这没有什么可以做 Just scream and shout就尖叫和呼喊Saying I"m So lucky lucky说: 我是那么的幸运幸运I"m So lucky lucky我是那么的幸运幸I"m So lovely lovely我是这么漂亮可爱I"m So lovely lovely我是这么漂亮可爱You can fool yourself你可以愚弄自己 I promise it will help我的承诺,它将帮助 Now every single day现在每一天 I just wanna hear you saying我只想听到你说 I"m So lucky lucky我是那么的幸运幸I"m So lucky lucky我是那么的幸运幸I"m So lovely lovely我是这么漂亮可爱I"m So lovely lovely我是这么漂亮可爱You can fool yourself你可以愚弄自己 I promise it will help我的承诺,它将帮助 Now every single day现在每一天 I just wanna hear you saying我只想听到你说 You can never be forever你不可能成为永远 Good together大家都会好的Now and clever 现在和聪明You can never be forever你不可能成为永远 But keep it up但是,继续努力吧 Don"t ever stop永不放弃 Through night and day经过日夜 The words to say are:广告词说: Saying I"m So lucky lucky说: 我是那么的幸运幸运I"m So lucky lucky我是那么的幸运幸I"m So lovely lovely我是这么漂亮可爱I"m So lovely lovely我是这么漂亮可爱You can fool yourself你可以愚弄自己 I promise it will help我的承诺,它将帮助 Now every single day现在每一天 I just wanna hear you saying我只想听到你说 You can fool yourself你可以愚弄自己 I promise it will help我的承诺,它将帮助 Now every single day现在每一天 I just wanna hear you saying我只想听到你说 I"m So lucky lucky我是那么的幸运幸I"m So lucky lucky我是那么的幸运幸I"m So lovely lovely我是这么漂亮可爱I"m So lovely lovely我是这么漂亮可爱2023-07-21 15:58:211
【Jason Mraz 的Lucky】 西班牙语歌词和中文的对照翻译,或中西字幕的MV,蟹蟹~满意追加分
Do you hear me 你能听到吗I"m talking to you 我在对你讲话Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋Under the open sky, oh my, baby I"m trying 在广阔的天空下,哦我的宝贝,我正在尝试Sé que quiero cuando te vas, supe desde tiempo atrás 你离开的时候我知道我喜欢你,我从早就知道了Y es que, mi corazón no sabe querer hasta volverte a ver…只是,直到再次见到你我的心才会懂得喜欢的感觉Suerte que despierto junto a ti, suerte que sentí lo que sentí.很幸运能在你身边醒来,很幸运能有那时的感受Suerte que regresas para mí...Uhhhhh….很幸运,你为我回来Nadie tiene la razón de que existe el amor, solo hay un tu y yo.没人知道爱情存在的理由,你我都是唯一的Las promesas de los dos, me esperaras aquí estaré lose…a ha两个人的承诺,你会等我,我会在这里,我知道Suerte que despierto junto a ti, suerte que sentí lo que sentí.很幸运能在你身边醒来,很幸运能有那时的感受Suerte que regresas para mí.很幸运,你为我回来Suerte que amas por conocer, suerte que contigo creceré 很幸运你在相遇时爱我,很幸运我在你身边成长Suerte que te tengo al volver.很幸运回来时我拥有你And so I"m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆 To an island where we"ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛 You"ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐 I"ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花 Todo tiene el fin tan feliz desde que te conocí 从我遇见你一切事都有了完美结局Y no hay más que las ganas de estar y volver a empezar 只有在一起重新开始的愿望Suerte que despierto junto a ti, suerte que sentí lo que sentí.很幸运能在你身边醒来,很幸运能有那时的感受Suerte que regresas para mí.很幸运,你为我回来Suerte que amas por conocer, suerte que contigo creceré 很幸运你在相遇时爱我,很幸运我在你身边成长Suerte que te tengo al volver.很幸运回来时我拥有你2023-07-21 15:58:281
Lucky (Feat. Colbie Caillat) 歌词
歌曲名:Lucky (Feat. Colbie Caillat)歌手:Jason Mraz专辑:Jason Mrazs Beautiful Mess - Live On EarthLuckyJason Mraz,Colbie CaillatDo you hear me,I"m talking to youAcross the water across the deep blue oceanUnder the open sky oh my, baby I"m tryingBoy I hear you in my dreamsI hear your whisper across the seaI keep you with me in my heartYou make it easier when life gets hardI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againOooohhhhThey don"t know how long it takesWaiting for a love like thisEvery time we say goodbyeI wish we had one more kissI wait for you I promise you, I willI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againlucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayAnd so I"m sailing through the seaTo an island where we"ll meetYou"ll hear the music, fell the airI put a flower in your hairAnd though the breeze is through treesMove so pretty you"re all I seeLet the world keep spinning roundYou hold me right here right nowI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againlucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh oohOoooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 15:58:351
lucky歌词 lucky歌词欣赏
《lucky》中英文歌词: Do you hear me 你能听到吗 I m talking to you 我在对你讲话 Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋 Under the open sky oh my baby I m trying 在广阔的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试 Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音 I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋到达我的耳边 I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中一直在想念你 You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让枯燥的生活变得快乐 I m lucky I m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~ They don t know how long it takes 他们不知道过了多久 Waiting for a love like this 等待这样的爱 Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见 I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻 I ll wait for you I promise you I will 我向你保证会等你,一定 I m lucky I m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 And so I m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆 To an island where we ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛 You ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐 I ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花 though the breezes through trees 微风掠过树梢 Move so pretty you re all I see 你在我眼中是如此可爱 As the world keeps spinning round 以至于整个世界都在旋转 You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我 I m lucky I m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 I m lucky we re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 Ooohh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~~2023-07-21 15:59:001
lucky歌词 lucky歌词欣赏
《lucky》中英文歌词: Do you hear me 你能听到吗 I m talking to you 我在对你讲话 Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋 Under the open sky oh my baby I m trying 在广阔的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试 Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音 I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋到达我的耳边 I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中一直在想念你 You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让枯燥的生活变得快乐 I m lucky I m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~ They don t know how long it takes 他们不知道过了多久 Waiting for a love like this 等待这样的爱 Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见 I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻 I ll wait for you I promise you I will 我向你保证会等你,一定 I m lucky I m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 And so I m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆 To an island where we ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛 You ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐 I ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花 though the breezes through trees 微风掠过树梢 Move so pretty you re all I see 你在我眼中是如此可爱 As the world keeps spinning round 以至于整个世界都在旋转 You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我 I m lucky I m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 I m lucky we re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 Ooohh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~~2023-07-21 15:59:101
《lucky》中英文歌词: Do you hear me 你能听到吗 I m talking to you 我在对你讲话 Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋 Under the open sky oh my baby I m trying 在广阔的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试 Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音 I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋到达我的耳边 I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中一直在想念你 You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让枯燥的生活变得快乐 I m lucky I m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~ They don t know how long it takes 他们不知道过了多久 Waiting for a love like this 等待这样的爱 Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见 I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻 I ll wait for you I promise you I will 我向你保证会等你,一定 I m lucky I m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 And so I m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆 To an island where we ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛 You ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐 I ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花 though the breezes through trees 微风掠过树梢 Move so pretty you re all I see 你在我眼中是如此可爱 As the world keeps spinning round 以至于整个世界都在旋转 You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我 I m lucky I m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 I m lucky we re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 Ooohh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~~2023-07-21 15:59:161
jason mraz 的lucky歌词中文翻译
Jason mraz 《lucky》 的中英文歌词Do you hear me, 你能听到吗I"m talking to you 我在对你讲话Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋Under the open sky, oh my, baby I"m trying 在广阔的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋到达我的耳边I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中一直在想念你You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让枯燥的生活变得快乐I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~ They don"t know how long it takes 他们不知道过了多久Waiting for a love like this 等待这样的爱Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻I"ll wait for you I promise you, I will 我向你保证会等你,一定I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家And so I"m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆To an island where we"ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛You"ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐I"ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花Though the breezes through trees 微风掠过树梢Move so pretty you"re all I see 你在我眼中是如此可爱As the world keeps spinning round 以至于整个世界都在旋转You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家2023-07-21 15:59:242
- 中文歌词分配:LAY:住在同一国的我和你用同样语言的我和你KRIS:是多么幸运有这样运气再没有更美好的剧情LUHAN:那一天多美好的际遇突如其来的幸福Lucky几十亿人中我遇到你ALL:可以呼唤你的名字可以真心的握住你的手CHEN:阳光也对着我灿烂的照耀XIUMIN:感觉幸福的无可救药ALL:你在呼唤我的名字你轻轻地在我肩上依靠LUHAN:那阳光一直把你温柔的拥抱LAY:你目不转睛那么闪耀SoLuckyMyLoveXIUMIN:SoLuckyToHaveYouLUHAN:SoLuckyToBeYourLove,Iam.Hmm~CHEN:爱同样颜色的我和你爱同样电影的我和你Lucky争吵也没有可乘之机ALL:我可以呼唤你的名字可以真心的握住你的手阳光也对着我灿烂的照耀XIUMIN:感觉幸福的无可救药ALL:你在呼唤我的名字你轻轻地在我肩上依靠CHEN:阳光一直把你温柔的拥抱LAY:目不转睛你那么闪耀SoLuckyMyLoveKRIS:老照片里甜蜜的微笑我和你完美的造化IthinkI‘amluckyguy真好我们的故事就像美丽的童话TAO:OhMyGod最好听的Pop-PopKRIS:你的声音融化掉我LikelceCreamTAO:就是活像一幅画ALL:你是我第一次的爱我故事里完美的女主角我要一直把你装在我心里可不可以只对我微笑因为你是我的想要为你去成为更好的自己你看我的眼神LAY:是那么奇妙全世界最牵动我心跳SoLuckyMyLoveXIUMIN:SoLuckyToHaveYouLUHAN:SoLuckyToBeYourLove,Iam.Hmm韩文歌词分配:伯贤:住在同一国的我和你,用同样言语的我和你kai:多么幸运有这样运气,再没有更美好的剧情D.O:那一天多美丽的际遇,突如其来幸福的降临Lucky,几十亿人中我遇到你ALL;可以呼唤你的名字,可以真心的握住你的手D.O:阳光也对着我灿烂的照耀kai:感觉幸福得无可救药ALL;你在呼唤我的名字,你轻轻的在我肩上依靠伯贤:那阳光一直把你温柔的拥抱suho:目不转睛你那么闪耀SoLuckyMyLove伯贤:SoLuckyToHaveYouD.O:SoLuckyToBeYourLove,Iam.Hmm~伯贤:爱同样颜色的我和你,爱同样电影的我和你Lucky~,争吵也没有可乘之机ALL;可以呼唤你的名字,可以真心的握住你的手,阳光也对着我灿烂的照耀,感觉幸福得无可救药ALL;你在呼唤我的名字,你轻轻的在我肩上依靠伯贤:那阳光一直把你温柔的拥抱suho:目不转睛你那么闪耀SoLuckyMyLove灿烈:老照片里甜蜜的微笑,我和你的完美的造化,IthinkI"maluckyguy,好!我们的故事就像美丽的童话世勋:OhMyGod!最好听的Pop-Pop灿烈:你的声音融化掉我LikeIceCreamkai:就是活像一幅画ALL;你是我第一次的爱,我故事里完美的女主角,我要一直把你装在我心里,可不可以只对我微笑,因为你是我的想要,为你去成为更好的自己,你看我的眼神是那么奇妙suho:全世界最牵动我心跳SoLuckyMyLove伯贤:SoLuckyToHaveYouD.O&伯贤:SoLuckyToBeYourLove,Iam.Hmm~2023-07-21 15:59:311
lucky(jason mraz)的歌词
Song: LuckyWriter(s): Jason Mraz, Colbie Caillat, Timothy FaganSinger(s): Jason Mraz, Colbie CaillatReleased: January 13, 2009Album: We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things.Do you hear me, I"m talking to youAcross the water across the deep blue oceanUnder the open sky oh my, baby I"m tryingBoy I hear you in my dreamsI hear your whisper across the seaI keep you with me in my heartYou make it easier when life gets hardI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againOooohhhhThey don"t know how long it takesWaiting for a love like thisEvery time we say goodbyeI wish we had one more kissI wait for you I promise you, I willI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againlucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayAnd so I"m sailing through the seaTo an island where we"ll meetYou"ll hear the music, fell the airI put a flower in your hairAnd though the breeze is through treesMove so pretty you"re all I seeLet the world keep spinning roundYou hold me right here right nowI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againlucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh oohOoooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh2023-07-21 15:59:383
Do you hear me, 你能听到吗I"m talking to you 我在对你讲话Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋Under the open sky, oh my, baby I"m trying 在广阔的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋到达我的耳边I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中一直在想念你You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让枯燥的生活变得快乐I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~They don"t know how long it takes 他们不知道过了多久Waiting for a love like this 等待这样的爱Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻I"ll wait for you I promise you, I will 我向你保证会等你,一定I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家And so I"m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆To an island where we"ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛You"ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐I"ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花Though the breezes through trees 微风掠过树梢Move so pretty you"re all I see 你在我眼中是如此可爱As the world keeps spinning round 以至于整个世界都在旋转You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家2023-07-21 15:59:471
Do you hear me, 你能听到吗I"m talking to you 我在对你讲话Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋Under the open sky, oh my, baby I"m trying 在广阔的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋到达我的耳边I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中一直在想念你You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让枯燥的生活变得快乐I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~They don"t know how long it takes 他们不知道过了多久Waiting for a love like this 等待这样的爱Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻I"ll wait for you I promise you, I will 我向你保证会等你,一定I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家And so I"m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆To an island where we"ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛You"ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐I"ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花Though the breezes through trees 微风掠过树梢Move so pretty you"re all I see 你在我眼中是如此可爱As the world keeps spinning round 以至于整个世界都在旋转You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家2023-07-21 16:00:031
布兰妮 Lucky 歌词翻译
Lucky 歌手:Britney Spears 专辑:Oops! I Did It Again (This is a story about a girl named Lucky)Early morningshe wakes upKnock knock knockon the doorIt"s time for make upperfect smileIt"s you they"re all waiting forThey goIsn"t she lovelythis hollywood girlAnd they sayShe"s so luckyshe"s a starBut she cry cry cryin her lonely heart thinkingIf there"s nothingmissing in my lifeThen why do thesetears come at nightLost in an image in a dreamBut there"s no onethere to wake her upAnd the world is spinningand she keeps on winningBut tell mewhat happens when it stopsThey goIsn"t she lovelythis hollywood girlAnd they sayShe"s so luckyshe"s a starBut she cry cry cryin her lonely heart thinkingIf there"s nothingmissing in my lifeThen why do thesetears come at night(Best actress and the winner isLuckyI"m Roger Johnson for Pop Newsstanding outside the arenawaiting for LuckyOh my god here she comes)Isn"t she luckythis hollywood girlShe is so luckybut why does she cryIf there"s nothingmissing in her lifeWhy do tears come at nightAnd they sayShe"s so luckyshe"s a starBut she cry cry cryin her lonely heart thinkingIf there"s nothingmissing in my lifeThen why do these tears come at nightShe"s so luckyBut she cry cry cryin her lonely heart thinkingIf there"s nothingmissing in my lifeThen why do these tears come at night中文大意: 这是一个名叫Lucky的女孩的故事: 太阳刚刚升起, 门外就传来刺耳的敲门声, 她只好带着困意起床, 马上画好妆,准备好笑脸, 去面对那些世俗的嘴脸。 他们蜂涌而至, 注视着她, 纷纷叹道:多可爱啊,这个好莱坞女孩。 是的,她是那么的幸运, 她是万众瞩目的明星, 但谁能知道, 她有多么的孤单, 每天夜里,她不停地哭啊,哭啊,哭。。。 想一想, 如果她的心灵深处没有失去什么, 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来。 她生活在虚幻的世界里, 空虚,寂寞。 没有谁来将她唤醒, 给她真心的呵护。 她生活在荣誉的世界里, 但这一切不过是浮云, 消失后又怎样呢? 他们蜂涌而至, 注视着她, 纷纷叹道:她真幸运,这个好莱坞女孩。 她的确很幸运, 那她为什么而哭泣呢? 如果生活中没有失去什么, 那她为何天天泪流到天明。2023-07-21 16:00:194
Doyouhearme,你听到了吗I"mtalkingtoyou我正在跟你说话Acrossthewateracrossthedeepblueocean透过水流,透过深蓝色的海洋Undertheopenskyohmy,babyI"mtrying在开阔的天空下,宝贝,我正在试着【告诉你】BoyIhearyouinmydreams我在梦里听见你的声音,我的男孩Ihearyourwhisperacrossthesea我听见你的私语穿过海洋Ikeepyouwithmeinmyheart我把你藏在我的心灵深处Youmakeiteasierwhenlifegetshard你让艰难的生活变得轻松I"mluckyI"minlovewithmybestfriend多么幸运,我能爱上自己最好的朋友LuckytohavebeenwhereIhavebeen多么幸运,我在这里Luckytobecominghomeagain多么幸运,我可以回到这里OooohhhhTheydon"tknowhowlongittakesWaitingforalovelikethis他们不知道,等待这样一份珍爱需要多久Everytimewesaygoodbye每次和你告别Iwishwehadonemorekiss我希望可以再得到一个吻IwaitforyouIpromiseyou,Iwill我承诺我会等你,我会的I"mluckyI"minlovewithmybestfriend多么幸运,我能爱上自己最好的朋友LuckytohavebeenwhereIhavebeen多么幸运,我在这里Luckytobecominghomeagain多么幸运,我可以再次回家I"mluckywe"reinloveeveryway多么幸运,我们相爱Luckytohavestayedwherewehavestayed多么幸运,我们在一起Luckytobecominghomesomeday多么幸运,有一天我们可以一起回家AndsoI"msailingthroughthesea我穿越大洋踏上航程Toanislandwherewe"llmeet去到那个会见证我们相遇的岛上You"llhearthemusic,felltheair你可以听到歌声,感受那个旋律【air有空气和旋律的意思,我觉得在这里旋律比空气好】Iputaflowerinyourhair我在你的发间插上一朵花AndthoughthebreezeisthroughtreesMovesoprettyyou"reallIsee尽管微风拂过树林,一切都随风起舞,你是我所注意的全部Lettheworldkeepspinninground让整个世界天旋地转去吧Youholdmerighthererightnow就在现在,就在此刻,抱紧我I"mluckyI"minlovewithmybestfriend多么幸运,我能爱上自己最好的朋友是LuckytohavebeenwhereIhavebeen多么幸运,我在这里Luckytobecominghomeagain多么幸运,我可以再次回家I"mluckywe"reinloveeveryway多么幸运,我们相爱Luckytohavestayedwherewehavestayed多么幸运,我们在一起Luckytobecominghomesomeday多么幸运,有一天我们可以一起回家OoohhoooohooohooohoohoohoohoohOooohoooohooohooohoohoohoohooh2023-07-21 16:00:273
Doyouhearme,你听到了吗I"mtalkingtoyou我正在跟你说话Acrossthewateracrossthedeepblueocean透过水流,透过深蓝色的海洋Undertheopenskyohmy,babyI"mtrying在开阔的天空下,宝贝,我正在试着【告诉你】BoyIhearyouinmydreams我在梦里听见你的声音,我的男孩Ihearyourwhisperacrossthesea我听见你的私语穿过海洋Ikeepyouwithmeinmyheart我把你藏在我的心灵深处Youmakeiteasierwhenlifegetshard你让艰难的生活变得轻松I"mluckyI"minlovewithmybestfriend多么幸运,我能爱上自己最好的朋友LuckytohavebeenwhereIhavebeen多么幸运,我在这里Luckytobecominghomeagain多么幸运,我可以回到这里OooohhhhTheydon"tknowhowlongittakesWaitingforalovelikethis他们不知道,等待这样一份珍爱需要多久Everytimewesaygoodbye每次和你告别Iwishwehadonemorekiss我希望可以再得到一个吻IwaitforyouIpromiseyou,Iwill我承诺我会等你,我会的I"mluckyI"minlovewithmybestfriend多么幸运,我能爱上自己最好的朋友LuckytohavebeenwhereIhavebeen多么幸运,我在这里Luckytobecominghomeagain多么幸运,我可以再次回家I"mluckywe"reinloveeveryway多么幸运,我们相爱Luckytohavestayedwherewehavestayed多么幸运,我们在一起Luckytobecominghomesomeday多么幸运,有一天我们可以一起回家AndsoI"msailingthroughthesea我穿越大洋踏上航程Toanislandwherewe"llmeet去到那个会见证我们相遇的岛上You"llhearthemusic,felltheair你可以听到歌声,感受那个旋律【air有空气和旋律的意思,我觉得在这里旋律比空气好】Iputaflowerinyourhair我在你的发间插上一朵花AndthoughthebreezeisthroughtreesMovesoprettyyou"reallIsee尽管微风拂过树林,一切都随风起舞,你是我所注意的全部Lettheworldkeepspinninground让整个世界天旋地转去吧Youholdmerighthererightnow就在现在,就在此刻,抱紧我I"mluckyI"minlovewithmybestfriend多么幸运,我能爱上自己最好的朋友是LuckytohavebeenwhereIhavebeen多么幸运,我在这里Luckytobecominghomeagain多么幸运,我可以再次回家I"mluckywe"reinloveeveryway多么幸运,我们相爱Luckytohavestayedwherewehavestayed多么幸运,我们在一起Luckytobecominghomesomeday多么幸运,有一天我们可以一起回家OoohhoooohooohooohoohoohoohoohOooohoooohooohooohoohoohoohooh2023-07-21 16:00:504
求Jason Mraz的《Lucky》中文歌词
doyouhearme,i"mtalkingtoyou?acrossthewateracrossthedeep,blueocean.undertheopensky,ohmy,babyi"mtrying.boyihearyouinmydreams.ifeelyourwhisperacrossthesea.ikeepyouwithmeinmyheart.youmakeiteasierwhenlifegetshard.i"mluckyi"minlovewithmybestfriend.luckytohavebeenwhereihavebeen.luckytobecominghomeagain.oooohhhhoohhhhohhooohhooohhooohoooh.theydon"tknowhowlongittakes.waitingforalovelikethis.everytimewesaygoodbye.iwishwehadonemorekiss.i"llwaitforyouipromiseyou,iwill.i"mluckyi"minlovewithmybestfriend.luckytohavebeenwhereihavebeen.luckytobecominghomeagain.i"mluckywe"reinloveineveryway.luckytohavestayedwherewehavestayedluckytobecominghomesomeday.andsoi"msailingthroughthesea.toanislandwherewe""llhearthemusic,filltheair.i"llputaflowerinyourhair.throughthebreezethroughtrees.moresoprettyyou"reallisee.astheworldkeepsspinningaroundyouholdmerighthererightnow.i"mluckyi"minlovewithmybestfriend.luckytohavebeenwhereihavebeen.luckytobecominghomeagain.i"mluckywe"reinloveineveryway.luckytohavestayedwherewehavestayedluckytobecominghomesomeday.ooohhoooohooohooohoohoohoohoohoooohoooohooohooohoohoohoohooh2023-07-21 16:00:573
jason marz 的lucky的歌词
Do you hear me, 你能听到吗 I"m talking to you 我在对你讲话 Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋 Under the open sky, oh my, baby I"m trying 在广阔的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试 Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音 I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋到达我的耳边 I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中一直在想念你 You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让枯燥的生活变得快乐 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~ They don"t know how long it takes 他们不知道过了多久 Waiting for a love like this 等待这样的爱 Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见 I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻 I"ll wait for you I promise you, I will 我向你保证会等你,一定 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 And so I"m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆 To an island where we"ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛 You"ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐 I"ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花 Though the breezes through trees 微风掠过树梢 Move so pretty you"re all I see 你在我眼中是如此可爱 As the world keeps spinning round 以至于整个世界都在旋转 You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家2023-07-21 16:01:052