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修饰的阳光形容词 英文

2023-07-22 13:36:44











明媚的阳光--- bright sunshine

蒙蒙的阳光 --- hazy sunshine

暗淡的阳光 --- watery sun / weak sunlight

温暖的阳光 --- the genial sunshine / warm sunshine

充足的阳光 --- opulent sunshine

绮丽的阳光 --- beautiful sunshine

可爱的阳光 --- lovely sunshine

金色的阳光 --- golden sunshine

耀眼的阳光 --- the glare of the sun

酷热的阳光 --- the blistering sun

灼热的阳光 --- scalding sunlight


2023-07-21 11:52:051


阳光用英语:sunlight。英 ["su028cnlau026at]     美 ["su028cnlau026at]    n. 日光;阳光。We can see the dust particles floating in the sunlight clearly.我们可以很清楚地看到阳光下的灰尘颗粒。He squinted in the bright sunlight.他在很亮的阳光下眯起了眼睛。近义词:sunshine 常用词汇 英 ["su028cnu0283au026an]     美 ["su028cnu0283au026an]    n. 阳光;晴天。Dewdrops shine brightly in the sunshine.露珠在阳光下闪闪发光。I saw her basking in the sunshine.我看到她在阳光下晒太阳。
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sun 丧!是这个吗
2023-07-21 11:52:476


2023-07-21 11:53:033


1. 阳光的 英语怎么说 她给全家带来温暖.她坐在花园里晒太阳sunshine boy 阳光男孩 You are a sunshine boy。 sunshine 名词 n. [U] 1,如woman doctor女医生。 2.阳光 She sat in the garden enjoying the sunshine,幸福.快活,开朗 She is the sunshine of the house.晴天 名词与名词可以连用.你是阳光男孩 2. 阳光的英文单词怎么写 sunshine 【读音】英 ["su028cnu0283au026an] 美 ["su028cnu0283au026an] n. 阳光;晴天,日光,日照,晴天,晴朗的天气 【双语例句】 1、Dewdrops shine brightly in the sunshine. 露珠在阳光下闪闪发光。 2、The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine. 许多花的花瓣在阳光中绽放。 3、I was sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine. 我坐在庭院里享受明媚的阳光。 4、The baby has brought some sunshine into their life. 孩子给他们的生活带来了几分快乐。 5、We"re expecting a spell of sunshine. 我们盼望晴朗的天气。 6、We had elve hours of sunshine yesterday, as against a forecast of continuous rain. 昨日有十二小时的晴天,预报却说仍有雨。 扩展资料: 【词汇搭配】 1、bask in〔enjoy〕 the sunshine 晒太阳 2、bathe in sunshine 沐日光浴 3、soak up sunshine 吸收阳光 4、bright〔sparkling〕 sunshine 明媚〔灿烂〕的阳光 5、golden〔warm〕 sunshine 金色〔暖和〕的阳光 【近义词】 1、sunlight 日光 2、light 光 3、glare 闪耀光 4、brightness 光亮 5、daylight 日光 6、cheerfulness 高兴 7、sun 太阳 8、radiance 光辉 9、brilliance 才华 10、cheer 欢呼 3. 太阳的英文怎么写 “太阳”的英语是sun,读音:英 [su028cn] 美 [su028cn] ,太阳只有一个,前面要加the。 in the sun 在阳光下,无忧无虑 under the sun 天下;究竟 with the sun 朝着太阳转动的方向,顺时针方向 “阳光”英语:sunshine 读音:英 ["su028cnu0283au026an] 美 ["su028cnu0283au026an] 扩展资料: (1)The sun was shining with unmon lustre. 太阳放射出异常的光彩。 (2)The sunflower turns towards the sun. 向日葵向着太阳。 (3)The sun bronzed their faces. 阳光晒得他们的脸呈古铜色。 (4)Can we change over? I"d like to sit in the sun. 我们能换一下位置吗?我想在太阳下面坐一坐。 (5)The sun beat down on our necks and backs. 太阳直射在我们的脖子和背上。 4. 英语作文,题目:怎样做一个阳光的学生 You don"t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her. Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence. Love is not a matter of counting the days. It"s making the days count. With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines. Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered. First love is unfettable all one"s life.。 5. 写一篇”怎样使用太阳光”的英语作文 With the improvement of living standards, solar energy has bee part of our lives. Solar can give me with a lot of convenience, people can use the hot water, and then at all times, and there is solved the problem of taking a bath. The use of solar energy is very simple principle, it is using the solar panels absorb solar energy, and then the water heating, so that is out of the water. Solar来了这么多to me with the convenience and at the same time, we will go to explore his new inventions and research. 翻译: 随着人们生活水平的提高,太阳能已经成为我们生活中的一部分。 太阳能能给我带了很多便利,人们可以使用热水,再任何时候都能用,还有就是解决了洗澡的问题。太阳能的使用原理很简单,就是利用太阳板吸收太阳光能,然后把水加热,这样出来的就是热水了。 太阳能给我带来了这么多的便利,同时,我们还会再去探索他新的发明和研究。
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  阳光总是给人一种温暖、柔和的感觉,阳光也代表着希望。那么阳光的英语怎么写呢?下面是我为你整理的阳光的英语拼写,希望大家喜欢!   阳光的英语拼写   1.sunshine   2.sun   3.[天] sunlight   4.shine   5.sunbeam   sunshine造句   1. Every day of sunshine strengthens the feelings of optimism.   每天晒太阳让人心情更加开朗。   2. The air was thin and crisp, filled with hazy sunshine and frost.   空气稀薄清新,其间日光蒙眬,寒气逼人。   3. Bob woke slowly to sunshine pouring in his window.   直到阳光从窗外泻入,鲍勃才慢慢醒来。   4. The leaves are inclined to scorch in hot sunshine.   叶子在酷热的阳光下容易枯黄。   5. I awoke next morning to brilliant sunshine streaming into my room.   第二天早晨我醒来时房间里洒满了灿烂的阳光。   6. Inside it"s gloomy after all that sunshine.   尽管阳光明媚,里面依然暗淡无光。   7. In the marina yachts sparkle in the sunshine.   码头上游艇在阳光下闪闪发光。   8. Cuba has a tropical climate with year-round sunshine.   古巴属于热带气候,终年阳光明媚。   9. I got dressed and emerged into glorious sunshine.   我穿好衣服,走进灿烂的阳光中。   10. Morning sunshine flooded in through the open curtains.   清晨的阳光透过拉开的窗帘照射进来。   sunlight例句   1. A brilliant shaft of sunlight burst through the doorway.   一束耀眼的阳光从门口照射进来。   2. All colour fades— especially under the impact of direct sunlight.   所有颜色都会褪色——尤其是在阳光直射下。   3. The curtains were half drawn to cut out the sunlight.   窗帘拉上了一半以遮挡阳光。   4. Ancient civilizations believed in the curative powers of fresh air and sunlight.   远古文明相信新鲜的空气和阳光有治病的功效。   5. I saw her sitting at a window table, bathed in sunlight.   我看见她坐在靠窗的桌旁,沐浴在阳光中。   6. Like a telescope it has a curved mirror to collect the sunlight.   和望远镜一样,它有一个曲面镜可以积聚阳光。   7. The sunlight is white and blinding, throwing hard-edged shadows on the ground.   阳光明亮刺眼,在地上投下轮廓分明的影子。   8. It lets sunlight in but doesn"t let heat out.   它吸收阳光,但并不释放热量。   9. A ray of sunlight thrust out through the clouds.   10. He used his left hand as a shield against the reflecting sunlight.   他用左手挡住反射过来的阳光。
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  阳光指日光,多指太阳光,天文学认为是太阳上的核反应;也指闪电之光。2、寓意:积极向上,乐观开朗,活泼有朝气。那么,你知道爸爸的英语怎么写吗?   阳光的英文释义:   sunshine   sunlight   sunbeam   Sun.   shine   solar light   阳光的英文例句:   阳光透过窗帘映了进来。   The sunlight filtered through the curtains.   阳光穿过棱镜时将分解成各种颜色。   The sunlight will break into different colors through a prism.   叶绿素是生长在植物中的绿色物质,它能吸收阳光,促进植物生长。   Chlorophyll is a green substance in plants that absorbs energy from sunlight and helps them grow. 阳光英语怎么写   波浪在阳光下跳舞。   The waves danced in the sunlight.   许多花的花瓣在阳光中绽放。   The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine.   我看到她在阳光下晒太阳。   I saw her basking in the sunshine.   那些给别人的生活带来阳光的人,也不会让阳光避开自己。   Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.   这顶帽子不能使阳光不射到你的眼晴上。(这顶帽子挡不住阳光,保护不了你的眼晴。)   This hat does not shade your eyes from the sun.   窗外阳光明媚,一束阳光照到我脸上。   The sun was shinning and there was a ray of light in my face.   金子在阳光下闪闪发光。   The gold glinted in the sunlight.   阳光通过窗户泻入屋内。   Sunlight poured in throngh the windows.   在阳光下墙上的油漆起气泡了。   The sun blistered the paint on the wall.   她那金色的头发像阳光般熠熠发亮。   Her golden hair flared like the sun.   你是我的阳光.   You are my sunshine.   你是我的阳光,我唯一的阳光。   You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.   她给他的生活带来了阳光。   She brought sunshine into his life.   但是,只有阳光而无阴影,只有欢笑而无痛苦,那就不是人生.   But all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all.   但只有阳光没有阴影,只有欢乐没有痛苦,那不是真正的人生。   But all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, it is not life at all.   这些层叠的布不仅能保护他们免受强烈的阳光和风的侵袭,也掩盖了他们的情绪。   The layers of cloth not only protect from the harsh sun and wind but also concealtheir emotions.   不,我们拥有的正是你们的世界的知识,尽管我们没有阳光,没有温暖,没有音乐,没有欢笑,没有鸟儿的歌声,也没有伴侣。   No, we have knowledge of no world but yours, though for us it holds no sunlight,no warmth, no music, no laughter, no song of birds, nor any companionship.   如果你愿意被显露出来,你必须在阳光中裸舞,或是背起你的十字架。   If you would be revealed you must either dance naked in the sun, or carry yourcross.   但是,路终于从树林中显露出来,笔直向前,直至消失在阳光中。   But at last the path emerged from the trees and stretched away in the sun.   在一个阳光明媚的日子,我们去 野营 。   On a day of brilliant sunshine,we went camping.   我们的夏天很短但是冬天很长,在十二月,也就是最黑的时候,我们的一天中只有很短的时间可以看到微弱的阳光。   Our summers are short and our winters long.In December, when it is darkest, weonly have a few hours of very weak sunlight per day.   他们那丑陋的宽脸膛,亲切地看着阳光中书写的我,他们的呼吸在山丘下是那么的安静。   Their broad, ugly, kindly faces watch in the sunlight as I write, and their breathingis quiet under the hill.   我们喜欢沐浴在阳光中放松身心。   We like to sit in the sun and relax.   “那是因为它们喜欢站在阳光下,而不喜欢被关在一个围裙里啊,”爷爷说。   "They like to stand out there in the sun and not to be shut up in an apron, " saidher grandfather.   伦纳德想起来的时候,就会把它搬到阳光下。   Leonard moved it into the sun whenever he remembered to.   如果你喜欢放松自己,使自己沉浸在沙滩、阳光和海洋之中,那么悉尼是最好的选择。那里有着著名的阳光海岸和宜人的天气。   If you like to relax by soaking up the sand, sun, and sea, then Sydney—with itsfamous beaches and fine weather— is the place for you.
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阳光的 英语怎么说

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1、好寓意的英文:Sunshine 阳光Sunflower 太阳花Smile 微笑Petrichor初雨的气息 Cherish 珍爱Enthusiasm 狂热Grace 优美Rainbow 彩虹Galaxy 银河2、sunshine,英语单词,名词,译为“阳光;愉快;晴天;快活,人名;(英)森夏恩”。3、rainbow,英文单词,名词、形容词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“彩虹;五彩缤纷的排列;幻想,人名;(英)雷恩博”,作形容词时意为“五彩缤纷的;彩虹状的”,作及物动词时意为“使呈彩虹状;如彩虹般装饰”,作不及物动词时意为“呈彩虹状”。
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从感情色彩上说:sunlight是个中性词,多用于说明文或者一般性描述文来表示阳光。sunshine带有感情色彩,是个褒义词,除了表示阳光还可以表示“令人感到愉悦之物”,出现在文学性场合更多。下面是金山词霸在sunshine词条中给出的例句:the sunshine of her smile她的嫣然一笑
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太阳的英文单词是"sun"。sunshine,英语单词,名词,译为“阳光;愉快;晴天;快活,人名;森夏恩”。Sunshine Cleaning阳光清洗;清洁小小姐;阳光练习曲;阳光清纤野洁。扩展知识:太阳是我们太阳系的中心星体,是一个巨大的气体球体。它由核心、辐射层、对流层和光球等不同层次组成。太阳的核心温度高达1500万度,通过核聚变反应释放出巨大的能量。1、太阳的光线和热能太阳是地球上最重要的能源来源,它的光线和热能支持了地球上的生物生存和各种气候现象的形成。太阳的光线包含多种波长的电磁辐射,其中可见光是我们肉眼可见的部分。太阳的辐射通过光合作用为植物提供能量,生成氧气并支持整个食物链的运转。2、太阳的运动和影响太阳自转一次约需25天左右,它的自转速度在赤道附近较快,而在极点附近较慢。太阳的活动会产生太阳黑子、太阳耀斑等现象,它们对地球的磁场和大气层有一定的影响。太阳周期性的活动变化,如太阳黑子的数量和太阳耀斑的频率,与地球上的气候变化有一定的关联。3、太阳的观测和研究科学家利用太阳望远镜和太阳观测卫星等设备对太阳进行观测和研究。这些观测可以提供太阳的高清毁卖喊图片、日冕的特征以及太阳活动的数据等信息。太阳物理学是一个研究太阳及其活动的学科,通过研究太阳可以帮助我们更好地了解宇宙的起源和演化。根据科学家的预测,太阳会在几十亿年后逐渐膨胀成为红巨星,并最终耗尽核燃料。在耗尽核燃料后,太阳会经历恒星演化的阶段,形成一个致密的白矮星。太阳的未来演化对地球和太阳系的其他行星都会有重要的影响。太阳是配逗我们太阳系的中心星体,它具有丰富的特征和结构,提供着光线和热能,对地球和生物有深远的影响。科学家通过观测和研究太阳,可以增加我们对宇宙的认识,同时预测了太阳的未来演化。
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gumes to require repeated replanting and anting.
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1. 关于太阳的英语句子 1. the diamond shone with every hue under the sun. 这颗钻石在阳光下显得色彩斑斓。 2. the earth goes round the sun. 地球绕着太阳运行。 3. we"re going to lie in the sun and roast for two weeks. 我们打算躺著晒太阳,晒上两个星期。 4. the sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。 5. they sat in the sun roasting themselves. 他们坐着晒太阳。 6. he sat in a deck-chair sunning himself. 他坐在帆布躺椅上晒太阳。 7. the sun shines brightly. 阳光灿烂。 2. 简短唯美励志英语句子 Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence. 被轻蔑的时候能平静的一笑,这是一种自信。 Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. 今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑吧。很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光。 If they throw stones at you, don"t throw back, use them to build your own foundation instead. 如果别人朝你扔石头,就不要扔回去了,留着作你建高楼的基石。 You can"t have a better tomorrow if you don"t stop thinking about yesterday. 如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。 3. 唯美的英文句子,最好带翻译 1、 英文:Please allow me to small proud, because like you depend on. 中文:请容许我小小的骄傲,因为有你这样的依靠。 2、 英文:I"m just a sunflower, waiting for belong to me only sunshine. 中文:我只是一朵向日葵,等待属于我的唯一的阳光。 3、 英文:We are all "were", blurred our closest happiness. 中文:我们都是“远视眼”,模糊了离我们最近的幸福。 4、 英文:We are all too young, a lot of things don"t yet know, don"t put the wrong loves when gardeners. 中文:我们都太年轻,很多事都还不了解,别把错爱当恩宠。 5、 英文:Gentle to have, but not compromise, I want to be in quiet, not strong. 中文:温柔要有,但不是妥协,我要在安静中,不慌不忙的坚强。 6、 英文:The life most of the time, commitments equals to constrain, reluctantly we yearn for bound. 中文:人生的大部份时间里,承诺同义词是束缚,奈何我们向往束缚。 7、 英文:Important people, less and less people left more and more important. 中文:重要的人越来越少,留下来的人越来越重要。 8、 英文:Only opposed every day, will live the strong than you imagine. 中文:每天只有逞强着,才会活得比你们想象中的坚强。 9、 英文:My world, you don"t care; Your world, I was cast out. 中文:我的世界,你不在乎;你的世界,我被驱逐。 10、 英文:Would a man running in the rain, also don"t want to put into the arms of the false. 中文:宁愿一个人在雨中奔跑,也不愿投入你那虚伪的怀抱。 11、 英文:To give you a lot of freedom, may I let you have more waiting reason to leave. 中文:给了你很多自由,可能我的守候让你更有离开的理由。 12、 英文:Life is not waiting for the storm in the past, but learning to dance in the wind and rain. 中文:生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。 13、 英文:For short, do not remember every detail, every mood. 中文:因为短暂,不记得每一个细节,每一个情绪。 14、 英文:The way of the time is the single car, never sell FanChengPiao. 中文:时间的路是单程车,从来不卖返程票。 15、 英文:Tears flow is down and out, because you never know what I choose! 中文:泪流的很落魄,是因为你从不懂我的选择! 4. 唯美,简单的英文短句 Best case scenario: I love myself ; I enjoy living ; I smile because I"m happy not because I have to. ——最好的情景:爱自己;享受生活;发自内心的微笑。 The one who likes you, need you now; the people who love you, to your future.——喜欢你的人,要你的现在;爱你的人,要你的未来。 Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. 任何值得做的,就把它做好。 When the whole world is about to rain, let"s make it clear in our heart together. 当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好一起在心里放晴。 One needs 3 things to be truly happy living in the world: some thing to do, some one to love, some thing to hope for. 要得到真正的快乐,我们只需拥有三样东西:有想做的事,有值得爱的人,有美丽的梦。I"ll think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫7a64e59b9ee7ad9431333339663431漫长路的每一步。 望采纳,谢谢您!~ 5. 阳光英文怎么写 阳光的英文:sunshine 一、词汇解析 sunshine 英 [u02c8su028cnu0283au026an] 美 [u02c8su028cnu0283au026an] n. 阳光;愉快;晴天;快活 例:She was sitting outside a cafe in bright sunshine. 她那时正坐在一个咖啡馆外明媚的阳光里。 二、关于sunshine的短语 1、in the sunshine 在阳光下 2、sunshine duration 日照时间;日照延时 3、sunshine hotel 阳光酒店 4、brilliant sunshine 灿烂的阳光 5、sunshine coast 阳光海岸 扩展资料 近义词 1、sunlight 英 [u02c8su028cnlau026at] 美 [u02c8su028cnlau026at] n. 日光 例:I saw her sitting at a window table, bathed in sunlight. 我看见她坐在临窗的桌旁,沐浴在阳光中。 2、shine 英 [u0283au026an] 美 [u0283au026an] vi. 发出光;反射光,闪耀;表现突出;露出;照耀;显露;出众 vt. 照射,擦亮;把…的光投向 例:It is a mild morning and the sun is shining. 这是一个和煦的早晨,太阳在照耀着。 6. 阳光的英文单词怎么写 sunshine 【读音】英 ["su028cnu0283au026an] 美 ["su028cnu0283au026an] n. 阳光;晴天,日光,日照,晴7a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333366303766天,晴朗的天气 【双语例句】 1、Dewdrops shine brightly in the sunshine. 露珠在阳光下闪闪发光。 2、The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine. 许多花的花瓣在阳光中绽放。 3、I was sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine. 我坐在庭院里享受明媚的阳光。 4、The baby has brought some sunshine into their life. 孩子给他们的生活带来了几分快乐。 5、We"re expecting a spell of sunshine. 我们盼望晴朗的天气。 6、We had twelve hours of sunshine yesterday, as against a forecast of continuous rain. 昨日有十二小时的晴天,预报却说仍有雨。 扩展资料: 【词汇搭配】 1、bask in〔enjoy〕 the sunshine 晒太阳 2、bathe in sunshine 沐日光浴 3、soak up sunshine 吸收阳光 4、bright〔sparkling〕 sunshine 明媚〔灿烂〕的阳光 5、golden〔warm〕 sunshine 金色〔暖和〕的阳光 【近义词】 1、sunlight 日光 2、light 光 3、glare 闪耀光 4、brightness 光亮 5、daylight 日光 6、cheerfulness 高兴 7、sun 太阳 8、radiance 光辉 9、brilliance 才华 10、cheer 欢呼 7. 有关阳光的诗句 英文 Flaming Red sunrise, spring, such as blue-green river. 日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。 Sunset is magnificent, but near dusk. 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。 A setting sun shop in water, half red Jiang Jiang whistle and a half. 一道残阳铺水中,半江瑟瑟半江红。 Straight Solitary desert, river down the yen. 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。
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Lucky sunshine
2023-07-21 11:59:592


问题一:阳光英文怎么写 sunshine 问题二:阳光的英文单词怎么写 Sunshine [] ?s?n??a?n 词典释义 sunshinen.阳光,日光;晴朗,晴天;太阳晒着的地方;欢乐 sunn.太阳,阳光;恒星;中心人物 sunlightn.阳光 sunbeamn.阳光光束,快乐的人 问题三:阳光用英语怎么说? sunshine 阳光。 希望能帮到你。 问题四:阳光用英语怎么写 sunshine、 the sunshine is still so bright 、 i"m still so fond of it 、my body feels so sweet when it lays over me. 问题五:阳光的英文怎么写? 有时候“阳光”并不是真正的阳光,比如你看上去真阳光,就可以翻译为“You are beaming inside out” 问题六:阳光的英文翻译 sun shine
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2023-07-21 12:00:241


问题一:阳光的英文单词怎么写 Sunshine [] ?s?n??a?n 词典释义 sunshinen.阳光,日光;晴朗,晴天;太阳晒着的地方;欢乐 sunn.太阳,阳光;恒星;中心人物 sunlightn.阳光 sunbeamn.阳光光束,快乐的人 问题二:“太阳”这词英语怎么写? 40分 sun,一般句子都用the sun 问题三:阳光的英文单词 sunshine 问题四:阳光用英语怎么写 sunshine、 the sunshine is still so bright 、 i"m still so fond of it 、my body feels so sweet when it lays over me. 问题五:为什么说女人的心是海底的针呢? 5分 因为女人是水做的,真(针)的很难猜。要试图去了解,才能知道,不要去猜了。 问题六:太阳的英语单词怎么写 sun 也有儿子的意思 问题七:太阳的英文怎么写 sun
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阳光用英语:sunlight。英 ["su028cnlau026at]     美 ["su028cnlau026at]    n. 日光;阳光。We can see the dust particles floating in the sunlight clearly.我们可以很清楚地看到阳光下的灰尘颗粒。He squinted in the bright sunlight.他在很亮的阳光下眯起了眼睛。近义词:sunshine 常用词汇 英 ["su028cnu0283au026an]     美 ["su028cnu0283au026an]    n. 阳光;晴天。Dewdrops shine brightly in the sunshine.露珠在阳光下闪闪发光。I saw her basking in the sunshine.我看到她在阳光下晒太阳。
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  sunshine。  Sunshine Cleaning、Sunshine Island、Sunshine State、sunshine girl。  例句:  Flowers will not thrive without sunshine意思是没有阳光花不会茂盛。    The countryside was bathed in brilliant sunshine意思是乡间沐浴在灿烂的阳光下。  The sea is very beautiful, especially when sunshine overshines it意思是  尤其当阳光照耀在大海之上时,大海显得格外漂亮。
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  阳光多指太阳光,也指性格,积极向上,乐观开朗,活泼有朝气。那么你知道阳光用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习关于阳光的英语知识吧。    阳光的英语说法   sunshine   sunlight    阳光的相关 短语   阳光海岸 Sunshine Coast Sunshine Beach   阳光天使 Sunny Girl Sunshine angel ; Cure Sunshine   午夜阳光 Midnight Sun ; midnight sunlight ; Midnight Sunshine ; The Sunshine Of Midnight   阳光明媚 Sunlight ; sunny ; nice and bright   阳光下 Under The Sun ; in the sunshine   阳光酒店 Sunshine Hotel ; Hotel Sunshine ; Hotel Sunny ; The Sun Hotel    阳光的英语例句   1. A brilliant shaft of sunlight burst through the doorway.   一束耀眼的阳光从门口照射进来。   2. All colour fades— especially under the impact of direct sunlight.   所有颜色都会褪色——尤其是在阳光直射下。   3. Her burst of exuberance and her brightness overwhelmed me.   她勃发的热情和阳光的性格征服了我。   4. The curtains were half drawn to cut out the sunlight.   窗帘拉上了一半以遮挡阳光。   5. Ancient civilizations believed in the curative powers of fresh air and sunlight.   远古文明相信新鲜的空气和阳光有治病的功效。   6. Stand the plant in the open in a sunny, sheltered place.   把这株植物放在一个阳光充足、上方有遮盖物的开阔处。   7. During the last recession, migration to the sunbelt accelerated.   在上个经济萧条期,人们向美国南部阳光地带移民的速度加快了。   8. Its leaves drooped a little in the fierce heat of the sun.   它的叶子在灼热的阳光下微微耷拉着。   9. Issa"s white beach hat gleamed in the harsh lights.   伊萨的白色沙滩帽在刺眼的阳光下闪闪发亮。   10. I saw her sitting at a window table, bathed in sunlight.   我看见她坐在靠窗的桌旁,沐浴在阳光中。   11. For a change, it was a gloriously sunny day.   那天一反常态,天空阳光明媚。   12. Bob woke slowly to sunshine pouring in his window.   直到阳光从窗外泻入,鲍勃才慢慢醒来。   13. The rising sun casts a golden glow over the fields.   冉冉升起的太阳在田野中洒下金色的阳光。   14. It was hot, nearly 90 degrees in the noonday sun.   天很热,正午的阳光下,温度高达近90华氏度。   15. He left Britain for the sunnier climes of Southern France.   他离开英国,去了阳光更为明媚的法国南部。   关于阳光的英文阅读:阳光生活每一天的5个秘诀   1. Don"t avoid or ignore negativity.   1. 勿要躲避或忽视阴暗面   In order to conquer and overcome, it must be acknowledged. This can include people in your life who may be bringing you down, a hostile workplace environment or even a personal stressor that you haven"t conquered quite yet. You are in control of your environment and if these negative situations keep making an appearance, it"s up to you to handle them.   我们得正视生活的阴暗面,这样才能将其克服与战胜。负面因素可以包括生活中会使你沮丧的人和不友善的工作环境,甚至是目前仍让你感到压力的源头。你所处的环境为你掌控。倘若这些消极场景一直出现,将其解决的也只能是你。   2. Take care of yourself and your needs.   2. 关爱自己,重视自我需求。   In order to feel compelled to live a powerful and meaningful life, you must love you. Take care of your actions and how you live each day, and this will be reflected in your thoughts and emotional state of mind. Love yourself fully in order to love others fully.   为了让生活有意义并充满能量,你必须爱自己。关注你的所作所为以及每天的生活方式吧。它们将会反映到你的思想与情感状态中。为了全心全意地爱他人,你得全身心地爱自己。   3. Mend what"s broken or get rid of it.   3. 之于裂痕,要么修复,要么忘怀。   Determining what is worth your time and effort and what is not can be challenging. If situations are toxic and beyond repair, it"s time to let go. Are there relationships or friendships that remain damaged but you know are worth the time? Fix them and find peace. Do what you can to find love in situations where it may have be absent in the past.   决定什么值得你付出时间与努力,而什么又不值得,是有难度的。如果情况不乐观且难以修复,那是时候放手了。你是否仍认为有些受损的感情或友情值得花时间来维持?修补它们吧,并且保持平和的心态。尽你所能从过去那些不曾有爱的场景中发现爱!   4. Give back.   4. 倾情回馈。   Giving our time, energy, love, mentorship and sometimes money is what life is about. Everything we put out into the world comes back to us. My mom taught me a quote she learned in Mexico that stuck with me forever, "donde comen uno, comen dos." (where one can eat, two can eat.) It moves me every time I say it out loud. At the end of the day, no matter what you have you are likely in a position to give something small to someone else who needs it. Don"t hesitate.   人生的真谛是给予我们的时间、能量、爱和教导(金钱有时也是),我们向世界付出的一切都会有所回馈。我母亲曾教过我她在墨西哥学到的一句话,让我永生难忘:“donde comen uno, comen dos.”(一人能食之处,也能供两人享用。)我每次大声读这句话时,都会被震撼感动。说到底,无论你拥有什么,你都有可能给予他人小小的一份心意,而这正是他们需要的。不要犹豫。   5. Things that make us smile, laugh and feel good are just awesome.   5. 所有让我们笑逐颜开,感觉不错的事都值得敬重。   This one is pretty simple...Just do MORE of it. Do more of what makes you happy! I truly believe that in the super fast paced world we live in, happiness may not come as easily as we wish. In order to navigate through work and responsibilities that seem monotonous, we have to actively pursue and engage in beautiful acts of love and kindness. So get to it!   这点极其简单u2026只要更多地去实行它。去做更多让你开心的事!我真心相信,在如今这个超快节奏的世界,幸福来得也许并不像我们希望的那样简单。为了能顺利处理那些看上去单调的工作与职责,我们得积极追求爱和善的美妙行为,并更多地参与其中。所以行动起来吧! 猜你喜欢: 1. 阳光如何造句 2. 励志阳光简短英语句子 3. 表示阳光的英文有哪些 4. 一些充满阳光的英文句子 5. 充满阳光的英文句子 6. 阳光的英文是什么 7. 阳光的英文短语
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2023-07-21 12:02:103


  阳光多指太阳光,也指性格,积极向上,乐观开朗,活泼有朝气。那么你知道吗?下面跟我一起学习关于阳光的英语知识吧。    阳光的英语说法   sunshine   sunlight    阳光的相关短语   阳光海岸 Sunshine Coast Sunshine Beach   阳光天使 Sunny Girl Sunshine angel ; Cure Sunshine   午夜阳光 Midnight Sun ; midnight sunlight ; Midnight Sunshine ; The Sunshine Of Midnight   阳光明媚 Sunlight ; sunny ; nice and bright   阳光下 Under The Sun ; in the sunshine   阳光酒店 Sunshine Hotel ; Hotel Sunshine ; Hotel Sunny ; The Sun Hotel    阳光的英语例句   1. A brilliant shaft of sunlight burst through the doorway.   一束耀眼的阳光从门口照射进来。   2. All colour fades— especially under the impact of direct sunlight.   所有颜色都会褪色——尤其是在阳光直射下。   3. Her burst of exuberance and her brightness overwhelmed me.   她勃发的热情和阳光的性格征服了我。   4. The curtains were half drawn to cut out the sunlight.   窗帘拉上了一半以遮挡阳光。   5. Ancient civilizations believed in the curative powers of fresh air and sunlight.   远古文明相信新鲜的空气和阳光有治病的功效。   6. Stand the plant in the open in a sunny, sheltered place.   把这株植物放在一个阳光充足、上方有遮盖物的开阔处。   7. During the last recession, migration to the sunbelt accelerated.   在上个经济萧条期,人们向美国南部阳光地带移民的速度加快了。   8. Its leaves drooped a little in the fierce heat of the sun.   它的叶子在灼热的阳光下微微耷拉着。   9. Issa"s white beach hat gleamed in the harsh lights.   伊萨的白色沙滩帽在刺眼的阳光下闪闪发亮。   10. I saw her sitting at a window table, bathed in sunlight.   我看见她坐在靠窗的桌旁,沐浴在阳光中。   11. For a change, it was a gloriously sunny day.   那天一反常态,天空阳光明媚。   12. Bob woke slowly to sunshine pouring in his window.   直到阳光从窗外泻入,鲍勃才慢慢醒来。   13. The rising sun casts a golden glow over the fields.   冉冉升起的太阳在田野中洒下金色的阳光。   14. It was hot, nearly 90 degrees in the noonday sun.   天很热,正午的阳光下,温度高达近90华氏度。   15. He left Britain for the sunnier climes of Southern France.   他离开英国,去了阳光更为明媚的法国南部。   关于阳光的英文阅读:阳光生活每一天的5个秘诀   1. Don"t avoid or ignore negativity.   1. 勿要躲避或忽视阴暗面   In order to conquer and overe, it must be acknowledged. This can include people in your life who may be bringing you down, a hostile workplace environment or even a personal stressor that you haven"t conquered quite yet. You are in control of your environment and if these negative situations keep making an appearance, it"s up to you to handle them.   我们得正视生活的阴暗面,这样才能将其克服与战胜。负面因素可以包括生活中会使你沮丧的人和不友善的工作环境,甚至是目前仍让你感到压力的源头。你所处的环境为你掌控。倘若这些消极场景一直出现,将其解决的也只能是你。   2. Take care of yourself and your needs.   2. 关爱自己,重视自我需求。   In order to feel pelled to live a powerful and meaningful life, you must love you. Take care of your actions and how you live each day, and this will be reflected in your thoughts and emotional state of mind. Love yourself fully in order to love others fully.   为了让生活有意义并充满能量,你必须爱自己。关注你的所作所为以及每天的生活方式吧。它们将会反映到你的思想与情感状态中。为了全心全意地爱他人,你得全身心地爱自己。   3. Mend what"s broken or get rid of it.   3. 之于裂痕,要么修复,要么忘怀。   Determining what is worth your time and effort and what is not can be challenging. If situations are toxic and beyond repair, it"s time to let go. Are there relationships or friendships that remain damaged but you know are worth the time? Fix them and find peace. Do what you can to find love in situations where it may have be absent in the past.   决定什么值得你付出时间与努力,而什么又不值得,是有难度的。如果情况不乐观且难以修复,那是时候放手了。你是否仍认为有些受损的感情或友情值得花时间来维持?修补它们吧,并且保持平和的心态。尽你所能从过去那些不曾有爱的场景中发现爱!   4. Give back.   4. 倾情回馈。   Giving our time, energy, love, mentorship and sometimes money is what life is about. Everything we put out into the world es back to us. My mom taught me a quote she learned in Mexico that stuck with me forever, "donde en uno, en dos." where one can eat, two can eat. It moves me every time I say it out loud. At the end of the day, no matter what you have you are likely in a position to give something *** all to someone else who needs it. Don"t hesitate.   人生的真谛是给予我们的时间、能量、爱和教导金钱有时也是,我们向世界付出的一切都会有所回馈。我母亲曾教过我她在墨西哥学到的一句话,让我永生难忘:“donde en uno, en dos.”一人能食之处,也能供两人享用。我每次大声读这句话时,都会被震撼感动。说到底,无论你拥有什么,你都有可能给予他人小小的一份心意,而这正是他们需要的。不要犹豫。   5. Things that make us *** ile, laugh and feel good are just awesome.   5. 所有让我们笑逐颜开,感觉不错的事都值得敬重。   This one is pretty simple...Just do MORE of it. Do more of what makes you happy! I truly believe that in the super fast paced world we live in, happiness may not e as easily as we wish. In order to navigate through work and responsibilities that seem monotonous, we have to actively pursue and engage in beautiful acts of love and kindness. So get to it!   这点极其简单…只要更多地去实行它。去做更多让你开心的事!我真心相信,在如今这个超快节奏的世界,幸福来得也许并不像我们希望的那样简单。为了能顺利处理那些看上去单调的工作与职责,我们得积极追求爱和善的美妙行为,并更多地参与其中。所以行动起来吧! 1.阳光如何造句 2.励志阳光简短英语句子 3.表示阳光的英文有哪些 4.一些充满阳光的英文句子 5.充满阳光的英文句子 6.阳光的英文是什么 7.阳光的英文短语
2023-07-21 12:02:171


sunlight 英[u02c8su028cnlau026at] 美[u02c8su028cnu02cclau026at] n. 阳光; [例句]I saw her sitting at a window table, bathed in sunlight.我看见她坐在靠窗的桌旁,沐浴在阳光中。[其他] 复数:sunlights
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2023-07-21 12:02:351

阳光英语怎么读 阳光英语介绍

1、阳光在英语中表示为“sunshine”。 2、sunshine 英 [su028cnu0283au026an] 美 [su028cnu0283au026an]。 3、n. 阳光;愉快;晴天;快活、n. (Sunshine)人名;(英)森夏恩。 4、例句:Flowers will not thrive without sunshine. 没有阳光花不会茂盛。
2023-07-21 12:02:551


1. 阳光英文怎么写 阳光的英文:sunshine 一、词汇解析 sunshine 英 [u02c8su028cnu0283au026an] 美 [u02c8su028cnu0283au026an] n. 阳光;愉快;晴天;快活 例:She was sitting outside a cafe in bright sunshine. 她那时正坐在一个咖啡馆外明媚的阳光里。 二、关于sunshine的短语 1、in the sunshine 在阳光下 2、sunshine duration 日照时间;日照延时 3、sunshine hotel 阳光酒店 4、brilliant sunshine 灿烂的阳光 5、sunshine coast 阳光海岸 扩展资料 近义词 1、sunlight 英 [u02c8su028cnlau026at] 美 [u02c8su028cnlau026at] n. 日光 例:I saw her sitting at a window table, bathed in sunlight. 我看见她坐在临窗的桌旁,沐浴在阳光中。 2、shine 英 [u0283au026an] 美 [u0283au026an] vi. 发出光;反射光,闪耀;表现突出;露出;照耀;显露;出众 vt. 照射,擦亮;把…的光投向 例:It is a mild morning and the sun is shining. 这是一个和煦的早晨,太阳在照耀着。 2. “阳光”英文怎么写 sun;sunlight ; sunbeam ; sunshine 阳光1.闪电之光。 2.日光。 3.指太阳。 sun 英 [ su028cn ]美 [ su028cn ] n. 太阳,阳光;恒星;中心人物; v. 晒太阳;n. (名词) 1,阳光,日光,日照 2,晴天,晴朗的天气 3,快活,欢乐,欢快,愉快,开朗 4,阳光普照的天地,太阳晒着的地方 5,安慰 6,叫人温暖和快乐的人adj. (形容词) 1,规定公众团体的某些会议及其记录必须公诸于众的有关法令的 2, 阳光充足的 3, 只能同欢乐不能共患难的组词 1,full of sunlight; with plenty of sunshine; sunny; 阳光充足 2,Most flowers will not grow in a sunless place. 多数花卉在没有阳光的地方不能生长。短语 1,阳光簇射 sun-shower 2,阳光透入层 photic region例句 1,light from the sun 日光,阳光 2,a shaft of sunlight. 一束阳光。 3. 阳光英语怎么写 阳光 [yáng guāng] 基本翻译 sunshine sun sunlight shine sunbeam 网络释义 阳光:sunshine|Sunny|SUNSHINE 阳光季节:SeasonsInTheSun|Seasons in the sun 阳光海岸:Sunshine Coast|Costa del Sol
2023-07-21 12:03:021


阳光英语读作sunshine。用作名词指作阳光,晴天。 2/4 Dewdrops shine brightly in the sunshine,露珠在阳光下闪闪发光。1、Flowers will not thrive without sunshine. 没有阳光花不会茂盛。 2、The countryside was bathed in brilliant sunshine. 乡间沐浴在灿烂的阳光下。 3、The sea is very beautiful, especially when sunshine overshines it.
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2023-07-21 12:05:071


翻译如下:阳光的形容词是:sunny英 [u02c8su028cni] 美 [u02c8su028cni] adj.和煦的:照到阳光的;快活的,性情开朗亲切的例句:Most roses like a sunny position in a fairly fertile soil. 多数玫瑰在土地肥沃、阳光充足的地方长得最好。
2023-07-21 12:05:131


1. 阳光英语怎么写 阳光 [yáng guāng] 基本翻译 sunshine sun sunlight shine sunbeam 网络释义 阳光:sunshine|Sunny|SUNSHINE 阳光季节:SeasonsInTheSun|Seasons in the sun 阳光海岸:Sunshine Coast|Costa del Sol 2. 写一篇”怎样使用太阳光”的英语作文 With the improvement of living standards, solar energy has bee part of our lives. Solar can give me with a lot of convenience, people can use the hot water, and then at all times, and there is solved the problem of taking a bath. The use of solar energy is very simple principle, it is using the solar panels absorb solar energy, and then the water heating, so that is out of the water. Solar来了这么多to me with the convenience and at the same time, we will go to explore his new inventions and research. 翻译: 随着人们生活水平的提高,太阳能已经成为我们生活中的一部分。太阳能能给我带了很多便利,人们可以使用热水,再任何时候都能用,还有就是解决了洗澡的问题。 太阳能的使用原理很简单,就是利用太阳板吸收太阳光能,然后把水加热,这样出来的就是热水了。 太阳能给我带来了这么多的便利,同时,我们还会再去探索他新的发明和研究。
2023-07-21 12:06:001


2023-07-21 12:06:081


1. 写一篇”怎样使用太阳光”的英语作文 With the improvement of living standards, solar energy has bee part of our lives. Solar can give me with a lot of convenience, people can use the hot water, and then at all times, and there is solved the problem of taking a bath. The use of solar energy is very simple principle, it is using the solar panels absorb solar energy, and then the water heating, so that is out of the water. Solar来了这么多to me with the convenience and at the same time, we will go to explore his new inventions and research. 翻译: 随着人们生活水平的提高,太阳能已经成为我们生活中的一部分。太阳能能给我带了很多便利,人们可以使用热水,再任何时候都能用,还有就是解决了洗澡的问题。 太阳能的使用原理很简单,就是利用太阳板吸收太阳光能,然后把水加热,这样出来的就是热水了。 太阳能给我带来了这么多的便利,同时,我们还会再去探索他新的发明和研究。 2. 阳光的英文怎么写 阳光 [yáng guāng] 基本翻译 sunshine sun sunlight shine sunbeam 网络释义 阳光:sunshine|Sunny|SUNSHINE 阳光季节:SeasonsInTheSun|Seasons in the sun 阳光海岸:Sunshine Coast|Costa del Sol 3. “阳光假期计划”写一篇英语作文,80词左右. My summer holiday planMy summer holiday is ing.I have a plan.First,I am going to do all of my homework.After that,I will go to the Hainan Island.I am going to stay there for half a month.I am going to visit the Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden,Xinglong Springs,The mangrove conservation area.And I want to swim in the sea,the taste of the coconut.Second,I am going to go to Jilin for the summer.I think that would be funny.Third,I will go sightseeing in Jiuzhaigou with my relatives.The last I will stay at home and take a good rest.This is my summer holiday plan.What"s about you?。
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2023-07-21 12:06:361


聪明, smart, clever, bright阳光 sunshine活泼 lively 开朗 open and clear爱学习 like studying
2023-07-21 12:06:451


1. 阳光英语怎么写 阳光 [yáng guāng] 基本翻译 sunshine sun sunlight shine sunbeam 网络释义 阳光:sunshine|Sunny|SUNSHINE 阳光季节:SeasonsInTheSun|Seasons in the sun 阳光海岸:Sunshine Coast|Costa del Sol
2023-07-21 12:06:521


1. 阳光的英文单词怎么写 sunshine 【读音】英 ["su028cnu0283au026an] 美 ["su028cnu0283au026an] n. 阳光;晴天,日光,日照,晴天,晴朗的天气 【双语例句】 1、Dewdrops shine brightly in the sunshine. 露珠在阳光下闪闪发光。 2、The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine. 许多花的花瓣在阳光中绽放。 3、I was sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine. 我坐在庭院里享受明媚的阳光。 4、The baby has brought some sunshine into their life. 孩子给他们的生活带来了几分快乐。 5、We"re expecting a spell of sunshine. 我们盼望晴朗的天气。 6、We had elve hours of sunshine yesterday, as against a forecast of continuous rain. 昨日有十二小时的晴天,预报却说仍有雨。 扩展资料: 【词汇搭配】 1、bask in〔enjoy〕 the sunshine 晒太阳 2、bathe in sunshine 沐日光浴 3、soak up sunshine 吸收阳光 4、bright〔sparkling〕 sunshine 明媚〔灿烂〕的阳光 5、golden〔warm〕 sunshine 金色〔暖和〕的阳光 【近义词】 1、sunlight 日光 2、light 光 3、glare 闪耀光 4、brightness 光亮 5、daylight 日光 6、cheerfulness 高兴 7、sun 太阳 8、radiance 光辉 9、brilliance 才华 10、cheer 欢呼 2. 阳光英语怎么写 阳光 [yáng guāng] 基本翻译 sunshine sun sunlight shine sunbeam 网络释义 阳光:sunshine|Sunny|SUNSHINE 阳光季节:SeasonsInTheSun|Seasons in the sun 阳光海岸:Sunshine Coast|Costa del Sol
2023-07-21 12:06:591


1. 阳光英语怎么写 阳光 [yáng guāng] 基本翻译 sunshine sun sunlight shine sunbeam 网络释义 阳光:sunshine|Sunny|SUNSHINE 阳光季节:SeasonsInTheSun|Seasons in the sun 阳光海岸:Sunshine Coast|Costa del Sol
2023-07-21 12:07:081


Clear day
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2023-07-21 12:07:524


Sunny_阳光明媚英语作文 It was like a blue paper, occasionally there are a few thin clouds, like the sun like the wind, slowly floating. I slowly walked along the road, enjoying a sunny day, "the day of June, the baby"s face", the sky is gradually dark, the sun is hidden by the clouds, the color of the sky has changed the color of the blue, has become like a dirty rag dipped in water. "Oh" sound came, a 60 year old grandmother fell on the roadside, plump body, gray hair, wrinkled, appears to be very painful. Is in I hesitated whether to help her, a middle-aged man beat step to the old grandma helped, and grandma did not rise, but to seize hand sternly Lise more middle-aged people shouted: "why do you want to push me to." Next to the middle-aged people frown, but matter of factly the old grandma a sentence: "I kind of want to help you, you do not appreciate, but also in turn to correct my." the old grandma and did not hear, or continue to clamor, subsequently, the crowd of people more and more and more is talking about. In the middle of the old grandma helpless, about more than 40 year old aunt appear in my line of sight, she wore a black head of long hair, big eyes, wearing a beige windbreaker, she squatted on the old grandmother, in a low voice said: "you are so big age still correct people, others will be how to see you! I will help you explain, you would not To do that anymore. "Grandma blushed and whispered" well ", the aunt who slowly stand up, will sit on the ground of old grandma helped up, smile on the middle-aged man said:" I"m so sorry, this is my friend"s mother, she sometimes easily confused. "Middle-aged man replied:" nothing, old man committed confused is understandable. "Said Aunt hands clenched granny"s arm gently helped, gradually away from our line of sight. I long to urge the breath, in the heart feel for her thumbs up. I do not know when, the weather is clear, the streets have been restored in the past.
2023-07-21 12:09:041