Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of everyday life for many people. They have both advantages and disadvantages. In this essay, I will discuss the pros and cons of mobile phones.
Firstly, mobile phones offer a great convenience to people"s daily lives. They make it easy for people to stay connected with friends and family, no matter where they are. Mobile phones also allow people to work remotely and access important information quickly and easily. Secondly, mobile phones offer various forms of entertainment. For instance, people can watch videos or play games on their phones to relax in their leisure time.
However, mobile phones also have some downsides. Firstly, excessive use of mobile phones can lead to addiction, which can be harmful to people"s health and wellbeing. Mobile phones emit radiation, which can be damaging to people"s brains and cause headaches or disruption of sleep patterns. Moreover, overuse of mobile phones distracts people from face-to-face interaction, which is crucial for developing social skills and building relationships.
Secondly, the overuse of mobile phones can also be a major distraction, especially for students. Students often use their mobile phones while studying or in class, which can affect their learning outcomes negatively.
In conclusion, mobile phones have both advantages and disadvantages. People should use their mobile phones properly and avoid excessive use of them. Like all technologies, mobile phones bring both risks and rewards, and users should learn to balance their use to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks.
Mobile phones have become an essential part of our daily lives. With their increasing popularity, they have brought about both advantages and disadvantages. In this essay, I will discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones in our lives.
Firstly, mobile phones have made communication easier. They enable us to stay connected with our friends and family anytime, anywhere. We can make calls, send texts, and even video call. They also allow us to stay connected to the internet and social media, further enhancing our communication.
Secondly, mobile phones are a form of entertainment. We can listen to music, play games, watch movies, and even read books on our mobile phones. This makes our daily commute or leisure time more enjoyable and convenient.
Thirdly, mobile phones have become a powerful tool for business and education. They allow us to access important information, email, and even work remotely. This means that we can be productive even when we are not physically present in the office or classroom.
While mobile phones have brought about many advantages, they also have their disadvantages. Firstly, excessive use of mobile phones can lead to physical health problems like eye strain, back pain, and even addiction. This is especially true for younger people who may spend hours on their phones.
Secondly, mobile phones can be a distraction. They often interrupt our work, studies, and even social interactions. They can also reduce our ability to concentrate and focus on important tasks.
Thirdly, mobile phones can lead to poor social skills. This is because people often rely on phones for communication instead of face-to-face interactions. This can lead to difficulties in communicating effectively and building relationships.
In conclusion, mobile phones have brought about many advantages and disadvantages. While they have made communication easier and brought entertainment and productivity to our lives, excessive use can lead to health problems, distraction, and poor social skills. It is important to use mobile phones in moderation and use them to our advantage without losing sight of the importance of face-to-face interactions and other activities.
Nowadays, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our daily life. People use mobile phones not only to communicate with each other, but also to access the Internet, take photos, play games, and much more. However, like most things in life, mobile phones have both advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand, mobile phones have brought great convenience to people"s lives. With a mobile phone, people can easily keep in touch with friends and family, no matter where they are. Mobile phones also provide access to a wealth of information and services, such as online shopping, online banking, and social media. In addition, mobile phones are very portable, making it easy for people to carry them around and stay connected on the go.
On the other hand, mobile phones also have some disadvantages. One of the biggest drawbacks is that they can be very distracting. People often spend too much time on their phones, checking social media or playing games, which can interfere with their work or studies. Another problem is that mobile phone overuse can cause health issues, such as eye strain, neck pain, and headaches. In addition, mobile phones can be a source of addiction, leading people to feel anxious or stressed when they are not using their phones.
In conclusion, mobile phones have both advantages and disadvantages. While they provide great convenience and access to information, they can also be a source of distraction, health problems, and addiction. Therefore, it is important for people to use mobile phones responsibly, and to find a balance between using them for practical purposes and enjoying their free time without them.
advantage disadvatage2023-07-20 21:16:334
优缺点 用英语怎么说?
shortcoming adn strengthdemerits and merits2023-07-20 21:16:447
形容人的比较常用的是:strengths and weaknesses(不能形容物) advantages and disadvantages 人 物都可以 merits and demerits;virtues and defects都是形容人的2023-07-20 21:17:041
advantage and disadvantage2023-07-20 21:17:223
优点:advantage,merit,virtue,strong point缺点:disadvantage,shortcoming,weakness,defect,drawback2023-07-20 21:17:412
问题一:“优点”和“缺点”用英语怎么说 如果省略号代表比较短或者单一的所有者,可以用一楼的:Let"s pare ... "s advantages and disadvantages. 如果省略号代表一系列所有者或较长的词或词组,可以用:Let"s pare the advantages and disadvantages of ... . 既然是比较,那么至少是两者以上,所以可能后者稍好一些。同时,[advantage/disadvantage 优势/劣势] 和优点缺点虽然可以通用,但意思还不太一样。“优缺点”可以用 relative merits ,优点 merits/strong points ,缺点 short ings/weak points,这些在这儿都可以用。 问题二:优势用英语怎么说 advantage 或者 superiority 其实 superiority 跟多用于军事 adv骇ntage 最常用 楼主请注意 问题三:每个人都有自己的优点 用英语怎么说 每个人都有自己的优点 Everyone has his own advantages. 每个人都有自己的优点 Everyone has his own advantages. 问题四:“我最大的两个优点是……”用英文怎么说? Two of my biggest advantages are ..... 我总感觉不怎么严密,因为用“最”的话,应该只有一个,“最”的意思就是极端的顶级的,所以有两个的话似乎不太恰当,有点矛盾的赶脚。。 问题五:优点缺点用英语怎么表达 strengths and weaknesses strong and weak poi储ts good qualities and shortings 问题六:优势和缺点用英语表示为? 您好,优势和缺点用英文有这样好几种常见的表达: 优势:advantage,vantage,merit。 缺点:disadvantage,demerit,drawback。 这几个都是比较常见的正确的英文表达。 满意就采纳吧。 问题七:用英语怎么说 我最大的优点就是我很乐观 My best virtue is to be optimistic. 问题八:你的优势是什么的英语怎么翻译? 您好! 翻译为:What are the advantages of you ? 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持! 问题九:“我没有什么优点”用英语怎么说 I don"t have any advantages 问题十:我的最大的优点是坚持 用 英语怎么说 我 我的最大的优点是坚持 用 英文翻译 My biggest advantage is to insist on using2023-07-20 21:18:131
英语演讲评语优缺点20条如下:1、 It was very humorous,I hope you continue to work.演讲很幽默,希望你继续努力。2、 You are in good spirits when you gave the speech.演讲时精神面貌良好。3、 Your speech is great,but is still a lack of self-confidence.你的演讲很棒,但还是缺乏自信。4、You sound good,but not enough solid basic skills.你的声音不错,但是基本功不够扎实。5、Your language is very fluent,but speech is not enough deep understanding of the content.你的语言很流畅,但对于演讲内容的理解还不够深刻。6、The language of your organization, the voices are very good,also very confident, I really like.你的语言组织,声音都很不错,也很有自信,我很喜欢。7、The speech was rich in content.演讲内容丰富。8、You have an original and profound insight into the subject of this English speech.你对本次英语演讲的题目有独到而深刻的见解。9、Your speech in English,the language is very style.你的本次英语演讲,语言极具风格。10、Your speech in English this time, let a person have the sentiment.你的本次英语演讲,让人有所感悟。11、Your English speech is rather dull.你的本次英语演讲稿,比较沉闷。12、Your English speech is more vivid.你的本次英语演讲比较形象。13、Your English speech is vivid in language.你的本次英语演讲语言生动。14、Your English speech piqued my interest.你的本次英语演讲激发了我的兴趣。15、Your English speech was very clear.你的本次英语演讲语言表达清楚明了。16、Your use of the language in this English speech is accurate.你的本次英语演讲语言运用准确。17、Your English speech is short of content.你的本次英语演讲内容匮乏。18、Your use of rhetoric in this English speech is accurate.你的本次英语演讲修辞运用准确。19、Your body language in this English speech is a little exaggerated.你的本次英语演讲肢体语言略显夸张。20、Your English speech is very exciting.你的本次英语演讲很有激情。2023-07-20 21:18:261
好好学习 自己写.....!!!!!!2023-07-20 21:18:575
优缺点分析英文翻译Analysis of advantages and disadvantages2023-07-20 21:19:461
优点:热爱生活,爱笑.merits:lovelife,lovesmiles缺点:容易忘记事情.defects:easytoforgetthings改正缺点:时常提醒自己不要忘记事情.howtorevise:oftenremindmyselfofnotforgettingthings.2023-07-20 21:20:003
today,theworldbecomesmoreintellectivewiththetechnologyofwehumanbeings.sothecomputersaremade.butwhethertheyaregoodornotonearth,wecan"tdefinedefinitely.thecomputer,inmyopinion,ithinkitplaysanimportantroleinourlife.weuseeveryday,weturntoitforhelpeveryday,wehavealreadynotbeenabletobeawayfromthem.ontheotherhand,however,someofourselves,especiallyteenagers,whoareaddictedtogamesdayandnight.somuchsothat,theycometoapointofcommitinganoffenseonlybecausetheywanttoplaycomputergames.wereallyshouldcareforandpersuadethem.intheend,iwanttosay,computerisgoodorbad.thekeyisthathowweuseitratherthanonlysayingthesurface今天,世界随着我们人类的科技变得更智能。如此,电脑便应运而生。但究竟电脑,以我之见,我认为它在我们生活中扮演着重要的角色。我们每天都在用,我们每天都向它寻求帮助,我们早已离不开它了。另一方面,然而,我们中的一些人特别是青少年,他们没日没夜地沉迷于电脑游戏。甚至,他们到了犯罪的境地,只因为想玩游戏而已。我们真应该关心和劝告他们。最后,我先说的是,电脑是好是坏,关键是我们如何去使用而不是仅仅只看表面。2023-07-20 21:21:051
As we all know,a coin has two sides,in my opinion,sometimes watching TV is good forus,but sometimes it is bad for us. We can watch TV in our free time,it can make usknow more aubout the world and some useful things.It"s helpful.But if we watchTV too much or watch TV before we finish our studying task,It will be bad forour study,we may get low mark in tests.So I think if we watch TV in right way,it will be good for us.2023-07-20 21:21:172
导语:你们在想要攀登到科学顶峰之前,务必把科学的初步知识研究透彻。还没有充分领会前面的东西时,就决不要动手搞往后的事情。下面是我为大家整理的,英语范文,希望对大家有所帮,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注我! 手机的优缺点经典英语作文 篇1 Cell phones have become increasingly popular in china these days. wherever you go you can see people using cell phones. many college students, even high school students, have cell phones. Cell phones have brought people a lot of benefits, but the most important is that they are convenient. with cell phones in their hands, they can keep in touch with anybody they want. if they want to get some information from the internet, they can easily have their dream realized via cell phones too. furthermore, if someone has a heart attack or a traffic accident, a call to emergency hospital or to the police can quickly bring him the help he wants. However, cell phones can also bring people problems. the most serious is the electric wave radiation which is thought to be harmful to users" brains. another problem is that when people are having a meeting or having a class or at a concert etc, the ring of the cell phone may interrupt others. so i think people should use cellphones as little as possible and turn them off when they are attending important meetings or attending classes. 手机在中国越来越受欢迎。无论你走到哪里你可以看到人们使用手机。许多大学生,甚至高中学生,有手机。 手机给人们带来了许多好处,但最重要的是方便。手机在手中,他们可以与任何人保持联系。如果他们想要得到一些信息从互联网,他们可以很容易地通过手机有他们的梦想实现了。此外,如果有人心脏病或交通事故,调用应急医院或向警方很快就会把他他想要的帮助。 然而,手机也能带给人的问题。最严重的是电波辐射被认为是有害的用户的头脑。另一个问题是,当人们正在开会或上课或音乐会等,环的手机可能会打断别人。所以我认为人们应该尽可能少用手机,把他们当他们参加重要会议或上课。 手机的优缺点经典英语作文 篇2 As everybody knows,mobiles are playing an important part in our daily life nowadays.But they have both advantages and disadvantages in my opinion. Having a mobile phone has some excellent advantages.Above all,convenience is the most important one in people"s life.People can instantly match movies,read e-books and communicate with friends easily while using smart phones.Afterwards,with the emerge of various applications,we grasp many spare time. However,some disadvantages of using a mobile phone cannot be ignored.The most harmful one is that it is of much danger for us to use it when we are working or driving.Besides keeping eyes fixed on the screen for a long time especially before failing asleep will do great harm to people"s eyes.And the suddenly sound of phones may cause both embarrassment and disturbance. So it is advisable for us to use phones under control. 大家都知道,手机在我们的日常生活中扮演一个重要组成部分。但是他们都在我看来优点和缺点。 手机有一些优秀的优点。最重要的是,方便是人们生活中最重要的一个。人们可以立即匹配电影、阅读电子书和与朋友交流很容易在使用智能手机。后来,各种应用程序的出现,我们掌握很多业余时间。 然而,使用手机的一些缺点不容忽视。最有害的一个是让我们用它当我们危险工作或开车。除了保持眼睛固定在屏幕上很长一段时间,特别是在没有睡着的人的眼睛有很大的伤害。和手机的突然声音可能会引起尴尬和干扰。所以我们建议用手机控制。 手机的优缺点经典英语作文 篇3 Nowadays, with the rapid development of our society, especially the IT and information industry, cell phones are accessible and they play a dominant role in our daily life, which greatly facilitate our lives. Firstly, it"s very useful and convenient. As a wireless mobile phone, it can be easy to carry and make people reach others and be reached immediately, without considering the location. Secondly, it"s also a perfect recreational tool. With the progress of science and technology, cell phones are much more powerful than ever. With them, people not onlycan make a phone call, send SMS, but also can play games and search the internet, even do shopping. Furthermore, when you are in trouble, the handy cell phone is an effective way to help you. 目前,随着社会的快速发展,特别是IT和信息产业,手机普遍被使用了,而且它们在我们的日常生活中扮演着一个很重要的角色,极大的促进了我们的生活。第一,手机很有用而且很方便。作为一个无线移动电话,它易拿、可以忽略地理位置快速的联系别人。第二,手机也是一个完美的娱乐工具。随着科技的进步,手机比以前更加强大了。有了手机,人们不仅可以打电话,发简讯,还可以玩游戏,上网,甚至还可以购物。此外,当你遇上麻烦时,用身边的手机是一个有效的方法来帮助你。 However, some people argue that the mobile phones bring some negative impacts to people"s lives as well as convenience. Firstly, to a certain extent, the mobile phones will affect interpersonal relationships. If you constantly fiddle with your mobile phone when you"re communicating with your friends or families, the mobile phone will make dialogue delay to make others feel that you lack of sincerity and even likely to cause conflict. Secondly, mobile phones will narrow the circle of life by making the traditional social models, such as family gatherings, school reunions, less important. Because mobile phones occupy too much of our time and attention, and force us to focus on them. Last but not the least, mobile phones are harmful to our health. 然而,有些人争论说手机也给人们的生活带来了一些负面的影响就像带来方便是一样的。 第一,在某种程度上,手机会影响人际关系。如果你不断的摆弄的你手机当你在和你的朋友和家人交流时,手机会使对话延迟让别人觉得你没有诚意甚至引起冲突。 第二,手机会缩小生活圈子使得传统的交流方式,比如,家庭聚会,同学会不那么重要。因为手机会占用我们太多的时间和注意力来迫使我们去注意它。最后一点也是非常重要的一点,手机对我们健康有害。 To sum up, moblie phones as a tool to faciliate our lives, we should use them appropriately to make convenience and reduce their negative impacts. 总结,手机作为一种促进我们生活的工具,我们应该正确的使用它,从而让它变得方便并减少它的负面影响。 手机的优缺点经典英语作文 篇4 In the real life, we can observe that there are many people crossing the street. Instead of looking at the way, they are staring at their cell phones and using walking sticks to see. It is obvious that they are fascinated with cell phones while even ignore their security. We learn from the cartoon that cell phones have been increasingly widespread in people"s life. Cell phones are of great benefit to all of us. One of the most obvious advantages is that we can contact with our friends and relatives more conveniently than ever before. However, it is mobile-phones" advantages that lead some people to overuse or be addicted to them, which tends to exert a negative impact on our life. For example, oversusing cellphones will reduce face-to-face communication among people. It seems that most of us enjoy the convenience of contact at the expense of interpersonal relationships. Moreover,entertaining electronic games, magnanimous information and a bewildering variety of social networking tools in mobile phones have occupied much of our time. Information distribution tools and social networking tools, in particular, have attracted all of our attention, which tempts us to keep our eyes on the screen around the corner of every second. Then, do not expect us to talk with the people around us, we don"t have time! This, has resulted in a phenomenon of "alienation between acquaintances and familiarity between strangers". Science and technology and modern tools should be served as an "angel" to improve our living strandard, rather than a devil to disturb our normal life and communication. Just imagine, live one day without mobile phone, will you be relaxed? Or anxious? 在现实生活中,我们可以看到有很多的人正在过马路,他们没有仔细看路,却都盯着自己的手机并且用一根拐杖代替他们看路。很明显,他们都着迷于手机,甚至忽视了自身安全。 我们从图画得知手机已经在人们的生活中越来越普遍。手机对于我们有巨大的好处,最明显的好处之一,就是我们可以比以前更加便利地联系朋友和亲人。然而,正是手机的诸多好处导致一些人过度使用或者是沉迷于手机,而这往往会给我们的生活造成一些负面的影响。比如,过度使用手机将会减少人与人之间的面对面的"沟通。似乎我们大多数人都是以牺牲人际关系来享用联系的便利性。再者,手机上得娱乐性的电子游戏,海量的信息和各种各样的社交网络个您根据也已经占据了我们很多的时间。尤其是信息传播工具和社交网络工具已经占据了我们所有的注意力,这使我们每分每秒地将目光锁定在屏幕上。那么,就别指望我们很周围的人聊天了,我们没有那个时间!这也导致了一个现象:"熟悉人的陌生化,陌生人的熟悉化"! 科技和现代工具应该是提高我们生活质量的"天使",而不应该是影响我们正常生活和沟通的"魔鬼"。设想一下,如果过一天没有手机的生活,你会放松?还是会焦虑? 手机的优缺点经典英语作文 篇5 Cell phone seems to be one of the most important inventions of 20 century. Using cell phones to surf the Internet has become quite common in our daily lives. Cell phone has exceeded its original function such as making phones calls or sending message. Its multi-functions have make people"s tedious lives more colorful. Many people, especially the young generation, have found that they can not live without their cell phones. Many people feel uncomfortable in absence of their cell phones. This may become a symptom called cell phone dependency. 手机似乎是20世纪最重要的发明之一。用手机来上网是一件很平常的事情。手机已经超越了原有的打电话和发信息的功能,多功能的手机让人们平淡的生活变得有趣起来。很多人,特别是青少年,没了手机就不能活。很多人觉得不用手机不自在。这种症状可以称为手机成瘾症。 First, many people have addicted to cell phones, they spend considerable time and money on the phone, for it provide with numerous games and applications. Some of them even use cell phones as computers that they keep the phone open for all day long. As to some students, some of them even use the phones to play games in the class, when they should focus on their study instead. In this case, parents and teachers should limit the time that children spending on the cell phones, for its have more disadvantages than advantages. 首先,很多人对手机成瘾。他们花了大量的时间和金钱在手机上玩游戏和各种手机应用。有些人甚至像使用电脑一样使用手机,24小时全天开机。至于某些学生,在课堂上玩手机游戏,他们应该好好学习的。在这种情况下,老师和家长应该限制孩子们玩手机的时间,毕竟弊大于利。 Second, the dependency on cell phones has shown people"s anxiety towards to their social interrelationship. A day without cell phone just feels like getting lost in this big world. Every day, people tend to check their cell phones to see if they have got any messages or surf the Internet, but the cell phone truly affects their normal life. 其次,对手机的依赖表示人们的人际关系很紧张。一天不玩手机就像在这个世界里迷路了一样。每天,人们都会看看自己的手机是否收到了短信或者用它来上网,但是手机真的影响到了人们的正常生活。 There is no denying that cell phones have brought us considerable convenient. However, we should be aware of the negative effects that cell phones have brought to us. Just put down your cell phone for a while, and you will find that without your phone life can still be wonderful, too. 我们不能否认手机给我们带来了极大的便利。但是,我们应该意识到手机的负面影响。丢开你的手机吧,你会发现没有手机的生活也可以很完美。2023-07-20 21:21:241
自行车骑车比较环保在现在的强调环保的社会里是很好的交通工具而且对于上班族来说自行车不会使得道路更堵而且自行车可以锻炼身体有利于身体健康缺点就是自行车在大路上骑车并不安全而且现在雾霾严重在路上骑车容易吸入不好的空气!2023-07-20 21:21:342
传统教学的优缺点英语作文:Traditional teaching Main advantages: teachers have high teaching quality. Heuristic teaching, trial teaching and cooperative teaching methods are applied to varying degrees in classroom teaching.Traditional teaching Main shortcomings and suggestions:1. The mastery of some knowledge points only stays at the level of simple memory and recitation, ignoring the application level of knowledge and the systematicness of knowledge.2. In classroom teaching, teachers still talk too much and students" subjectivity is obviously insufficient.The fundamental purpose of using modern information technology is to promote students" autonomous learning, change the traditional learning methods, expand information time and space, and improve learning efficiency.This can not increase the capacity of classroom knowledge and reduce students" thinking activities.传统教学主要优点:教师的教学素养较高,启发式教学、尝试式教学、合作式教学方式在课堂教学中都有不同程度应用。传统教学主要缺点及建议:1、对部分知识点的掌握只停留在简单记忆背诵的层面上,忽视知识的应用层面,忽视了知识的系统性。2、课堂教学中教师讲的仍然偏多,学生主体性发挥明显不足。使用现代信息技术的根本目的在于促进学生的自主学习,改变传统的学习方式,扩大信息时空,提高学习效率。不能以此增加课堂知识容量,减少学生的思维活动。2023-07-20 21:21:571
1. 如何写 作文 There is no doubt that English is one of the world"s most widely used languages. People use a language in one of three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign languge. English is spoken as a native language by over three handred million people in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, some caribbean countries and South Africa. As a second language, English is often necessary for official business, education, information and other activities in many countries, it is one of the few "working" languages of the United Nations. It is said that English has bee the language of international trade and transport. Most pilots in planes travelling from one country to another use it to talk with airports. All ships sailing on the oceans call for help by radio in it. It has been said that 60 percent of the world"s radio broad casts and 70 percent of the world"s mail uses English. At international sports meets, and international of scientists English is the language most monly used and the most widely used. English has in fact bee the language of international cooperation is science and technology. The most advanced resuits in space, nuclear and puter research are published in it. A scientist who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than one who doesn"t. 英语的重要性 毫无疑问,英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。人们使用语言无非有二种情况:作为母语,作为第一语言,再就是作为一门外语。英语,作为母语,有3亿多人在使用。他们分别在美国、英国、澳大利业、新西兰、加拿大还有一些加勒比海国家及南非等。作为第一语言,英语在很多国家的官方事务、教育、信息和其他活动中都是必不可少的。它是联合国仅用的几种工作语言之一。 人们说英语已经成为国际商贸和交通运输语言。大部分飞行于各国间的飞行员使用英语来与飞机场联络。在大洋上航行的轮船都用英语发出求救信号。据说世界上百分之六十的无线电广播和百分之七十的邮递业务用的是英语。在国际体育比赛中和国际科学家大会上,英语使用得最多也最为广泛。 事实上,英语已成为国际科学技术合作的通用语。太空、核能及计算机方面最先进的研究成果都用英语来发表。会用英语交谈和写作的科学家比不会使用英语的科学家,与其他国家的同行们联系要密切得多。 2. 英语作文关于学英语的好处 怎么写 As the world gets globalized, English has bee a worldwide language, in China, English is a subject for students to learn. The reason we learn English is that it has many good sides. First, knowing English helps you more about the world. It is known that English is the first language in the world, if we master it, we can travel around the world without munication problem. Second, if we learn English well, we can study abroad easily. Today, more and more families choose to send their kids study abroad, the first thing for the qualification is that the student must master English at the certain level, if he is not doing well, he have to be wait until he is good at English. In all, knowing English is important.。 3. 英语作文《我的优点》 My advantage Many students have their own advantages, so do I. Drawing is one of my advantages. When I was three years old, I began to draw animals. My parents bought many drawing books for me. At that time, I went to have drawing lessons ice a week. Usually, my mother went with me. Now I have little time to draw because I have so much homework to do every day, but I like drawing very much. Drawing can make me happy. I will carry on drawing when I have enough time, because I like it. 4. 学英语的好处英语作文带翻译 The English language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and it is the official language of many countries. 英语是全世界使用范围最广的语言之一,也是很多国家的官方语言。 English is used almost everywhere. 几乎全世界任何地方都使用英语。 The ability to fluently speak the English language in addition to your native language can be beneficial if you"re seeking job opportunities with international panies. 如果你能流利使用英语和你的母语,这会提高你被国际公司录用的可能性。 Major Hollywood movies have dialogue in English. The plot of these movies is easier to follow if the person watching the movie speaks English. 大部分好莱坞电影讲的都是英语。如果看电影的人会讲英语,那么他就能很容易跟着剧情。 The English language is predominantly spoken throughout the world, so international travelers may find that speaking English can make their travels a little easier. Most hotel and restaurant employees, as well as store merchants, probably speak English to some degree. 现在英语是世界上使用的主流语言,所以你会讲英语,出国旅游讲会变的很容易。大多数的旅馆、饭店等都是用英语进行交流的。 5. 写英语日记的好处和方法,英语作文 It is important to learn English well.You shoul keep a diary in English .By this way ,You can find that learning English is very interesting and easy.Keeping Diary can help you remember new words,Because More word you learnd more easier you think.You also can often do some exercise ,such as speaking and listening.. 学好英语很重要,你可以保持写英语日记。通过这个方法,你可以发现学习英语很简单和有趣。保持写英语日记可以帮助你记新单词。因为学会越多的单词你会觉得越简单。你还可以经常做些联系,比如 说,听。 6. 写一篇关于知道外语优势的英语作文 I Like Reading I like reading very much.When I was a *** all girl,I was interested in reading picture books on science and history.At the age of seven,I entered a primary school and began to read more books. Now I am a middle school student.I have many subjects to learn.Every day I must finish a lot of homework.I am very busy.But when I have spare time I still want to read some story books.One day my young sister brought me a book Xl YOU J I.I read the book with GREat interest.I like Monkey King very much. 7. 国外学习英语优点和缺点的英语作文 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad Critics argue that there are many good reasons against further study abroad. For one thing, living far away from home, students will suffer from loneliness and homesickness. Overseas students often feel disoriented and depressed for lack of adequate knowledge and understanding of the local customs and lifestyle. For another, many students do not want to return to their native country after graduation. Our country will inevitably incur a huge loss of talents. Proponents claim that overseas study has so many advantages. First of all, it can broaden the students" vision. They get a chance to experience a totally different culture. Secondly, there are academic advantages. Students can learn advanced science and technology. The standard of teaching is much higher. Thirdly, when they finish their study abroad, they will have more choices for their future career. In my opinion, while overseas study has its drawbacks, the advantages are obvious. It can broaden one"s horizon. Students have easy access to the latest development in science and technology. When they finish their study, they have more job opportunities.。 8. 关于优缺点的英语作文 我的优缺点(My Strengths and Weaknesses)It is important to know our good and bad points because this knowledge will help us to improve.We should examine ourselves and learn who we are.Above all,we should recognize our strengths and weaknesses.For example,I am healthy and fit,so I can work hard.I"m also optimistic,humble and polite.These are my strengths.However,I also have weakneaaes.For one thing,I"m stubborn and a little impatient.I"m sometimes lazy as well and can spent a whole day just watching TV and eating junk food.I"m not ashamed to admit these bad pints.Knowing what they are lets me focus on improving myself. 本文来自英语作文网。2023-07-20 21:22:171
学反了。优缺点是中文中产生发展的,用中文写!是英文中产生发展的,才能用英文学。这种方法,不是说楼主,叫做见了猫学驴叫的外语学习法!2023-07-20 21:22:353
问题一:用英语怎么翻译外出旅游的优点是能增长见识,开阔视野,缺点是花费多,旅途不方便? The advantage of travelling is that it can open your mind and broaden your view, but the disadvantage is that it costs a lot and the trip might be inconvenient. 问题二:旅行中会存在的缺点用英语表达的句子 旅行中会存在的缺点 The disadvantages of trip will be 望采纳!谢谢! 问题三:国外旅游的优点和缺点英语句子 国外旅游的优点和缺点. 英语: 1) Advantages and disadvantages traveling abroad. 2) Advantages and disadvantages in abroad touring . 问题四:跟团旅游的优缺点英语250字有翻译 With the group tour With the mission tour can visit more attractions, can know many never know the story. Can also have a better route planning, you can visit more attractions. More important is to travel with the group can also teach more friends oh! But with the tour group sometimes were tricked into buying many useless things, or meet some unreasonable travel there will be more the extra cost. 跟团旅游的好坏 跟团旅游可以参观更多的景点,能知道许多从未知道的典故。也能有更好的路线规划,可以参观 更多的景点。更重要的是跟团旅游还能教更多的朋友哦!但是跟团旅游有时候也会被骗买许多没用的东西,或者遇到一些不讲理的旅行社还会有更多格外的花费。 问题五:英语作文--旅游的优缺点迅速啊..要80词左右... Touri *** With the development of the times, more and more people like to travel.Touri *** has advantages and disadvantages.Travel can broaden our horizons, let us understand the culture and customs of the country.Travel can exercise our body, good for health。Touri *** is also in this danger, such as the sudden changes in the natural environment, will make our body can not adapt to the sick. 问题六:自助游和旅行团的优缺点英文表达2023-07-20 21:22:581
优缺点 My Strengths and Weaknesses It"s important to know our goodness and badness because it can help us to improve ourselves better. Therefore, we should know ourselves as much as we can. I think I have three main merits. They are filial piety, honest and hardworking. Filial piety and honesty are the two basic qualities that people should have. And working hard can help to get knowledge and improve myself. However, no one is perfect. I have some week points, too. For example, I never make plans for my life and study. As a result, sometimes I am a little laziness because I don"t have tasks that must be finished. I hope I can change and be better.2023-07-20 21:23:121
自我评价用英文如何写优缺点 篇1 Mature,dynamic and honest。 思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。 Excellent ability of systematical management。 有极强的系统管理能力。 Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1. 能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。 A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y。 需要有能力及适应力强的人。 A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable。 个性稳重、具高度责任感。 Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force。 能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。 Bright,aggressive applicants。 反应快、有进取心的应聘者。 Ambitious attitude essential。 有雄心壮志。 Initiative,independent and good communication skill。 积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。 Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality。 愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。 Willing to assume responsibilities。 应聘者须勇于挑重担。 Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills。 思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。 Energetic,fashion-minded person。 精力旺盛、思想新潮。 With a pleasant mature attitude。 开朗成熟。 Strong determination to succeed。 有获得成功的坚定决心。 Strong leadership skills。 有极强的领导艺术。 Ability to work well with others。 能够同他人一道很好地工作。 Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality。 上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。 The ability to initiate and operate independently。 有创业能力,并能独立地从业。 Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit。 有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。 Be highly organized and effecient。 工作很有条理,办事效率高。 Willing to learn and progress。 肯学习进取。 Good presentation skills。 有良好的表达能力。 Positive active mind essential。 有积极、灵活的头脑。 Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。 善于同各种人员打交道。 Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。 有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。 Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition。 年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。 Good people management and communication skills. Team player。 有良好的人员管理和交际能力。能在集体中发挥带头作用。 Able to work under high pressure and time limitation。 能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作。 Be elegant and with nice personality。 举止优雅、个人性格好。 With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities。 有良好的管理艺术和组织能力。 The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health。 主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、学习能力优、事业心强和身体棒。 Having good and extensive social connections。 具有良好而广泛的社会关系。 Being active, creative and innonative is a plus。 思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。 With good analytical capability。 有较强的分析能力。 自我评价用英文如何写优缺点 篇2 描述你的优缺点 现在就业市场竞争越来越激烈,要在日趋激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,成为永远的"胜利者",就必须能说一口流利的求职英语,掌握"面试技巧"。提高面试技巧的"关键就在于对面试官所要提出的问题做到胸有成竹。 我们通过对大量面试资料的分析,发现一些典型的问题在各种面试中反复出现,恰恰是这些看似平常的问题使许多应聘者失去了得到理想工作的机会。所以在面试篇中,我们将逐个对这些常见的面试问题进行讲解,并提供得体应答例句。相信面试篇能助您充满信心地在面试中侃侃而谈,在最激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。 重点词汇和句型 major 主要的 strength 优点 self-motivated 自我激励的 weakness缺点 half-done未完成的,半成的 solution 解决办法 spend sometime in doing sth.做某事花费了一些时间 leisure time 休闲时间 WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER YOUR MAJOR STRENGTH/ WEAKNESS? "您认为您的最主要的优点是什么?最主要的缺点是什么?" 这是主考官们乐于提及的问题。通过您对这个问题的回答,主考官可以了解您的品质、个性、工作态度、工作方法等众多方面的问题;同时,他也想知道您都有哪些弱点,这些弱点是不是会影响到您的工作。下面我们就一起分析一下这个问题。 1.What do you consider your major strength? May also be: What are you best at? 你最主要的优点是什么?或是:你最擅长什么? 注意如果主考官这样问你,这样的问题隐含的意思是"你能给我们公司做出怎样的贡献",所以千万不要回答说自己擅长音乐或体育,而是要突出自己的最优秀的品质,作为雇主,是比较乐意接受有下列品质的雇员的: A. self-motivated (具有"自我激励"的品质会不断使你在工作中取得进步) B. hard working and honest (所有的雇主都喜欢"努力而诚实"的人,无论交付什么事情,都能让老板放心) C. look for better ways of doing the work (这证明你是个爱思考而且聪明的人,总是"寻找更好的做事方法") D.good interpersonal relationships (这说明你有很好的人际关系,如果你本事再大,却和同事们和不来,也会让老板十分头疼的) 总的看来,在回答你的优点的时候,努力向上述四个方面靠拢是比较稳妥的! 当然,你也可以把这些优点综合起来说: "I do believe I possess lots of strengths. First, I have formed a habit of working under great pressure, I am a hard working man; Second, I am independent, and always try to use my own methods to solve problems; Third, I am honest." "我觉得我有很多优势。首先,我养成了在巨大压力下工作的习惯,工作也非常努力;还有,我工作是比较有独立性的,总是想用自己的方法来解决问题;再者,我也很诚实。" 面试官听到你有这么多他们所需要的优点,一定会对你留下更深的印象。 2.现在我们再来看看如果老板问你: "What do you consider your major weakness?" (你最主要的缺点是什么) 千万要小心,这里不要太实事求是地回答你的真实缺点,而要巧妙地在回答中体现出"你的缺点其实也是个优点",这听起来有点难办,不过记住下面这个例子就可以让老板感觉到"你的缺点还是 蛮可爱"的嘛: "I cannot leave a job half-done and usually find myself thinking of possible solutions to problems while I am driving to work or in the shower. I also know I spend too much time in my work., I can"t get enough leisure time." 让我们先来分析一下你的缺点:先你不会把工作做了一半就不管了,你会在开车上班的路上或在淋浴的时候都在思考工作。其次你也觉得自己在工作上花太多的心思,而没有了休闲的时间"。这样的"缺点"听起来还挺宝贵的呢。 要记住这段话,还要将几个句式熟记才行: 首先是leave在这里表示"让(人、)物维持在某种状态"; half-done自然代表着"未完成的,半成的"; 那么在工作中遇到了问题自然你要想办法解决,所以solution这个表示"解决"的词自然是很受青睐,solution to/for/of都是可以的。 比如说公司的财务陷入了危机,有人就可能建议说: Economy might be the solution to our financial troubles. 意思是"节约可能是我们解决财务问题的办法"。 而spend sometime in doing sth.的句式是我们都很熟悉的了, leisure time着重于表示"从工作中解放出来而进行休息、娱乐"的时间,据说"不会休息的人就不会更好地工作",但是在老板眼中,还是希望员工们多多地工作的! 【拓展内容】 英文简历的自我评价 My name is Liu Xiaoxia (and my Chinese name is Jane). I"m going to graducatefrom the Foreign Language Department of Guangxi College of Education in July this year.My major is Business English. I past CET4 and have the better ability of Englishlistening, speaking, reading and writing. I"m especially interested in the job of secretary, therefore, I chose many courses connected with secretary, such as “Secretary English”, “Documentation & Filing”, “Office Management” and so on. During my 3 years at college, I attended many social activities to improve myself.I"ve been secretary to the chairman of Photography Club of our college for 2 years …With such experiences, I took up the job as an office clerk in ABC company during my probation period and won the respect of my boss and colleagues.I"m a trust worthy, proactive and diligent girl with strong sense of responsibility. Besides I"m attentive to details. Due to the above-mentioned qualities, I believe I"m competent enough to fulfill the job as a secretary in your honored company.2023-07-20 21:23:271
theadvantagesanddisadvantagesoftvwehavetoadmitthattvhasbroughtgreatchangestoourlife.almosteveryday,wewatchallkindsofprogramsontv.weneedthemaswellasenjoythem.tvcanamusepeople,giveusnewsandinformationwewant,andexpandourhorizons.wecanalsorelaxourselvesbywatchingtvafterhardstudiesorwork.hower,therearetwosidestoeverything,andtviswithoutexception.tvalsohassomedisadvantages.first,spendingtoomuchtimeonitwillaffectourstudiesandwork.second,therearenowtoomanycommercials(广告)ontv,whichwouldmakeuscaremoreaboutmoney,andit"snotgoodforteenagers"growth.third,sittinginfrontoftvtoolongwoulddoharmtoourhealth.therefore,westudentsshouldwatchtvinoursparetimebutnotbeaddictedtoit.电视的优缺点必须承认,电视确给我们的生活带来了巨大变化。几乎每天我们都在电视里看各种各样的节目。我们需要它们,也很爱看。电视能娱乐大众,开阔视野,提供给我们新闻和信息。繁重的学习和工作后,我们还可以通过看电视来放松自己。然而,事物都是一分为二的,电视也不例外。电视也有它的弊端。首先,看电视太多会影响我们的学习和工作。其次,如今电视上太多广告,这些广告会使我们青少年过于看重钱,而不利于我们的成长。再说,坐在电视机前太久也会损害我们的健康。因此,我们学生应该闲暇时看一下电视,而不可沉迷其中。2023-07-20 21:23:382
have their own(/respective) pros and cros2023-07-20 21:23:496
优点:A major feature of the network is the large amount of information(网络的一大特点是信息量大) In the network, all kinds of information consumers can search related products(在网络上,消费者可以搜索到相关产品的各种信息)The network media the user is active seeker of information(网络媒体使用者是信息的主动搜寻者)缺点:Dissemination of advertising information most simple.(传播的广告信息大多数单纯简洁。)The advertisers expected communication effect is difficult to achieve effective on the web.(广告主所期望的传播效果在网络上很难有效地实现)Advertising area of a page will become the visual blind spot(页面上的广告区域就成为视觉盲点)2023-07-20 21:24:102
Travel Pros and ConsThe benefits of traveling include that it can broaden our horizons, enrich our life, and offer unprecedented experiences. However, there are some drawbacks associated with traveling, such as increased costs, pollution, and loss of assets during difficult times.Traveling can help us gain a broader perspective, expand our knowledge and cultural understanding. We can see new cultures, experience different lifestyles, and learn from those who lived and worked in different regions. This can help increase our social awareness, promote understanding and respect, and encourage empathy in international relationships.Traveling also offers unprecedented experiences, including visiting the mountains, surfing, skiing, and so on. We can explore the beauty of nature, enjoy the splendor of art, and appreciate the spectacle of the sea. This can make us feel happy, relaxed, and rejuvenated.However, traveling can also have some drawbacks. Firstly, it can increase our financial burden, especially if we travel extensively. Secondly, traveling can lead to environmental problems, such as air pollution and water pollution, and damage to the environment. Lastly, when traveling, we may lose our assets, such as paperwork, credit cards, and digital photos, during difficult times or when we are absent.In conclusion, traveling has both positive and negative aspects. It can broaden our horizons, enrich our life, and offer unprecedented experiences. However, it can also increase our financial burden, lead to environmental problems, and cause loss of assets. As we plan our travels, we should consider both the benefits and drawbacks and optimize our plans to minimize the impact on our finances and environment.2023-07-20 21:24:563
对应的英语:译文Each has its advantages and disadvantages.2023-07-20 21:25:071
优点范文回答示范1: 我比较善于发现问题、 解决问题。比方说, 我们公司有鼓励员工提建议的制度, 在两年的工作中我提出了60多条改善提案, 80%被采用, 总积分在我科533人中居第三。除了技术上的改善提议, 我也提了很多管理方面的小建议, 比方说工作时间播放轻音乐,厕所的灯从三盏减少为一盏等等。回答示范2: 我擅长合理地安排时间, 作为助理,我的杂事很多, 总是觉得手边有做不完的事情, 所以我特别注意时间管理, 这样才能高效地工作, 而不至于搞得焦头烂额。 比方说,我在办公室和家里的墙上各自贴一张"当月时间表", 随时添加工作和生活上的安排, 比如两周后的销售会议呀, 朋友的生日之类,这样我就可以提前很长时间把生活和工作都安排得井井有条, 不会遗漏重要的事情,我今天带来了我以前的"当月时间表"。平时我也很注意有效利用零碎时间, 比如我习惯随身带一本口袋书,等公车的时候看。上个月我就读了《走出华为》这本书, 看得我特别激动。回答示范3: 我是一个做事全力以赴的人,或者说是一个比较拼命的人。一旦确定了一个目标, 我会用上自己全部的力量, 直到成功, 或者说即使失败了也要不留遗憾。比方说,上大学的时候我为了做实验可以连续两天不睡觉。前一段时间我为了做一个紧急项目连续两个月呆在柳州一天也没有休息。为了今天和您的这场面试,我提前做了两个星期的功课。(点评: 面试官往往会追问你做了些什么功课,那么你就可以开始阐述自己对产品的了解啦。)回答示范4:我比较有条理。上大学时别的同学都喜欢借我的笔记, 我的个人物品和工作文件都很有规律, 我不在办公室的时候,同事们很容易就能找到他们想要的文件, 包括电脑上的文件。我觉得有条理是一种习惯, 只要坚持每个人都可以做到。回答示范5: 我做事很有计划性,我的信条是那句谚语: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. 要么做计划,要么就失败。每天我的第一件事就是列计划, 把当天要做的事情分为两类: 必须完成的, 最好能完成的。我买东西之前一定会列购物清单,所以我几乎从来不会在超市里面瞎逛。职业发展方面我也有明确的计划, 从大二开始我就决定毕业后要从事市场和销售工作,所以选修的课程主要是市场类的, 也尽量去做一些相关的兼职。回答示范6: 我最大的优点是爱思考, 爱动脑筋,总想把事情做得更好。我从高中的时候就开始用"联想法"来记数字, 比如我把英文单词philosophy联想成"废话 唆废话",把马克思的生日联想成"(一)个(巴)掌(一)个(巴)掌(捂)一(捂)"代表1818年5月5日,把朋友的电话82822012联想成"爸儿爸儿, 儿领一儿"。当然现在有很多书宣传这种 "联想式记忆法",不过我觉得只有自己的联想才印象最深刻。在大学做兼职也是一样, 虽然只是兼职, 但是我一定会想办法取得最好的效果。(点评:面试官应该会要求举例说明, 那么就可以给出准备好的例子。)比方说, 大二时我曾经给一个MP3销售商做过派单员, 就是在校园里发小广告,我和我们宿舍的另外一名同学连续发了两个晚上, 但是我发现同学们根本不在乎这种街头小广告, 往往随手就扔到垃圾桶甚至扔到地上,既浪费又不环保, 而且完全没有带动销售。我和同学商量了一个晚上之后, 给老板打电话报告了这种情况,建议他改成张贴到厕所的方式进行宣传, 我们都知道大学生厕所是宣传宝地(笑), 而且我建议他不要按天付给我们钱, 而是按照提成的方式,每卖出一台给我们提10%, 这样我们就有动力随时关注我们的厕所广告有没有被覆盖。事实证明效果很不错,那个学期他卖了几十个MP3呢。回答示范7:我比较善于带领别人一起工作。我担任过班长, 学生会干部, 从无到有创建了系青年志愿者组织,还创建了一个很大的IT社团萤火虫俱乐部。同学们都说和我一起工作干劲很高,我想最主要的原因是因为我善于调动每个人的积极性。我觉得一个人无论才能大小, 都希望能肩负一定的责任, 所以在团队工作中,我十分重视让每个人都能展示自己的才能。回答示范8:我觉得我最大的优点是比较符合儒家思想, 呵呵, 仁、 义、 礼、智、 信, 可能一下子就是五个优点了。通俗点说, 善良正直、值得信任。在科龙的博士后工作站呆了两年多, 同事和领导对我的评价都是"尽心尽责"。我还从前年开始捐助希望工程,其实一年才1,000块钱就可以帮一个孩子上学了, 呵呵。(点评: 我对这个博士后学员至今留有深刻的印象,他在新东方上完面试英语培训班后不久, 就被"抢"到一间著名的国际制冷公司, 年薪是三十万人民币。他又一次验证了一个理论:一个成功的人, 首先是一个好人。我很惭愧, 除了受他感动资助了一个希望工程的孩子, 我仍然是一个自诩有善心却没有真正拿出善举的人。)回答示范9: 我的优点是适应性很强,我从东北来到广州读书, 很快就喜欢上这个城市, 交了很多广东的朋友。我在银行工作两年以来, 调换了三次工作岗位,每一次都能很快适应新的岗位要求。(点评: 面试官很可能会问, 为什么你适应性这么强?那么则要继续阐述。)环境改变的时候,首先要积极学习, 所谓自助者天助。其次, 更为重要的是要学会寻求帮助, 不懂就问, 不能怕丢脸。回答示范10: 我的优点是表达能力强,而且乐于表达自己的观点。上学的时候在课堂上我总是踊跃发言, 还参加过演讲比赛。在工作岗位上,我敢于表达自己的观点。我认为敢于表达自己的观点是对工作负责的一种表现, 如果我们爱一份工作,一定会献计献策让它更好。回答示范11:我的一个特点是比较活跃。我很少安静地呆在家里看一整天电视, 我喜欢出去, 与人打交道。所以我选择从事销售工作,出差对我来说不是苦差事, 而是乐事。回答示范12: 我的求知欲望比较强,有好奇心。从小到大我一直喜欢读书, 小时候就喜欢把东西拆开看个究竟, 现在工作了也特别喜欢钻研新技术。对我来说,钻研技术既是工作也是乐趣。回答示范13: 我的优点是对工作很有热情,老板和同事都说我看上去老是干劲十足的样子, 呵呵。我确实很喜欢工作中忙忙碌碌的感觉。有时候事情少了, 我会主动找事做,去年我申请了公司内部讲师资格, 参与培训新员工, 其实并不额外拿钱, 但是我很喜欢做, 觉得挺有成就感。回答示范14: 我的优点是敏感度比较高,通俗一点说, 比较善于观察环境和察言观色吧。我觉得这是做销售的基本素质。去年, 我曾经建议我的一个客户进一批NBA卡片,结果他一个月就赚了上万块钱, 其实就是我在网上跟外甥聊天获得的灵感。 还有一次, 我约一个很熟的客户去吃饭, 约了两次他都推说有事儿,我感觉到肯定出了什么问题, 所以第二天立刻出差去拜访他。果然, 有一家新的体育品牌提出和他合作,要占他一半的店面。我马上搜集了很多这个品牌的负面新闻和负面案例, 让我的客户最终打消了这个念头。(点评: 面试官很可能会接着问:那么现在的流行趋势是什么?)回答示范15: 我的朋友们都说,我解决问题的能力很强, 往往可以把比较难办的问题处理得比较妥当。朋友们有难处的时候经常征求我的意见, 连我父母都愿意找我商量事儿,呵呵。举个工作当中的例子吧, 我上个暑假兼职做审计的时候发现项目经理犯了一个比较原始的错误,她把一个数字的小数点位置搞错了。其实本来我可以直接告诉她的, 但不巧的是她当天上午刚刚因为一个同事的数字错误发了一通脾气,如果我直接指出她的错误, 她可能会比较尴尬。所以我想了个更加委婉的办法, 我给她发了个EMAIL, 没有只是报告这个小数点的问题,而是同时还问了几个专业问题。这样她既改正了数字错误, 还给我讲了一大堆专业知识, 维护了她的专业威信。回答示范16: 我动手能力很强, 说俗一点,就是手很巧, 呵呵。家里水电气有些小毛病的话我基本上都能搞定, 大学里我的实验课成绩非常好。我还擅长计算机网页设计,这是我自己设计的作品。所以我相信我应聘这份工作有一定的优势, 因为我们每天都需要和设备打交道。回答示范17:我具备开创性思维。我给朋友的生日卡片都是手工制作的, 我做的菜也很受家人欢迎。我们班里有一半的晚会都是我的创意,比如说当时搞的一个"模拟面试大赛"特别成功, 后来其他班全部都效仿这个比赛。回答示范18: 我的知识面比较广,这主要是由于我爱好阅读。我每周都会租几本书来看, 读书能提高我的个人素质, 对我的工作帮助极大。(点评: HR的下一个问题很可能是:那就说说你读过的书吧?)比方说, 我前段时间读了新东方徐小平老师写了一本书叫《骑驴找马》, 里面讲述了一些关于跳槽换工作的故事,很有趣也很有启发性。他把换工作的人比喻成骑驴找马的人, 大部分人由于生出了找马的念头, 就不再理会座下的驴了,不给草吃不给水喝甚至虐待驴, 结果呢, 马一看到你曾经把驴虐待成这样, 全都吓跑了。这个比喻说的是, 如果不好好对待现有的工作,不在现有的工作中做出成绩, 其实是很难找到好马的。回答示范19: 我是一个责任感很强的人,不论是对学习, 对工作, 还对别的事情。比如说, 我看到小偷偷东西一定会喊, 绝对不会熟视无睹!如果我看到公共场所的水龙头坏了,我一定会打电话, 甚至亲自去找到相应的负责人来修理。工作中也是一样, 如果我没有很好地完成工作, 就会感到很内疚。(点评:感动啊!我们热爱向贼发出怒吼的女士, 和敢于同贼搏斗的男士!)回答示范20:我是一个持之以恒的人。我从大学开始写日记一直坚持到现在, 我也一直坚持健康饮食和早晨锻炼的习惯, 我在一个社团工作了三年,而不是像很多同学那样尝试了很多社团。工作上我也希望自己能够在一个好公司里长远发展, 而不是换来换去。缺点范文回答示范1: 我的公开演讲能力比较差,在公共场合讲话的时候我会感到紧张, 不过谈论我熟悉的领域我会比较放松。所以当我需要做公开发言的时候,我必须要准备得很充分。我确实羡慕那些无论什么话题都能够高谈阔论的人。回答示范2: 作为经理我有一个缺点, 心肠太软。尽管好心肠可以被说成是一个优点, 但是作为经理人这是一个不小的缺点, 因为管理的确需要一些强硬手段。和别的组长相比,由于我比较"软", 所以我的员工纪律性稍差, 比如说开会迟到。当然, "软"也有它的优点, 我的员工很乐于与我沟通,所以工作效率会提高。回答示范3: 我觉得我的一个缺点是说话太多,总急于表达自己的观点, 我同学说我有些好为人师, 爱出风头。我的确注意到, 由于自己说得太多,就会忽略听别人的意见。所以我在笔记本上写了一句话: "少说多听"!结果有些滑稽, 即使我觉得自己说得很少, 我的同事也会说: "哦,你挺活跃的!"印象是很难改变的。回答示范4: 我有的时候做事情宏观有余,细节不足。有时犯一些低级的错误, 比方说把打字的时候把2005年打成2004年, 丢东西什么的。去年我和同学一起策划迎新晚会的时候,我忘记了最后检查一次麦克风, 结果演出半小时之前发现麦克风失灵, 引起了很大的恐慌。所以我特别喜欢和注重细节的人在一起,能从他们身上学到很多东西。回答示范5: 我有时候急于求成,或者说做事爱急躁。一旦接手一个任务, 总是想要尽快把它赶完, 总觉得做完了一件事情心里才舒服。但是, 欲速则不达,太追求efficiency, 就会牺牲accuracy。我现在总是提醒自己accuracy第一位, efficiency第二位,这样会好得多。回答示范6: 我有时候会设立不切实际的目标,比方说一个月要减肥10公斤, 一个小时把表格打出来。我觉得, 设立不切实际的目标对我个人来讲的确不是一件坏事, 所谓Aim at the Sun, land on the Moon.(向着太阳飞, 至少落在月亮上。) 有了高目标就会有很大的动力,即使完不成也无所谓。但是, 当我在一个团队里工作的时候, 这就变成了一个很大的缺点。在团队里, 一旦目标定得太高,就会引发很多管理上的问题。我想这是我需要克服的一个缺点。回答示范7:我觉得我最大的弱点是还没有学会时刻以最佳状态来工作。我现在一天八个小时在银行做柜员, 要面对大量客户,要时刻以最佳状态服务每一个客人真的特别难。但是, 如果不这样,就很容易丧失机会。我去年冬天就有过这样一个教训。当时我因为家里人生病心情不太好, 所以在有个客户来咨询的时候就显得不是特别热情,只是公事公办地给了他一些资料。结果呢, 他第二天来办理业务的时候没有来找我, 而是换了一位看上去特别可亲的柜员,当时就买了二十万块钱的利得盈(理财产品)。如果我没有把个人情绪带到工作中, 他肯定会成为我的客户!这件事情给我的教训很大, 我想,不愉快的情绪是有连锁效应的, 一旦把生活当中的不愉快带进工作, 立刻就会产生工作中的不愉快!回答示范8: 我觉得我有时候会过分在意别人的感受,比方说, 不敢直接表达不同意见, 因为觉得会让对方丢面子, 其实这样做很不利于快速有效地开展工作。我希望自己能够逐渐学会更加爽快,对人对事更加直接。回答示范9: 我的缺点是工作需要压力, 在有要求、有竞争的时候我效率更高。我的学习成绩很好, 因为有考试的压力。但是在大学里面, 我没有做太多的兼职活动,因为没有赚钱的压力。所以我特别希望自己的老板能比较严格, 多给我一些压力, 呵呵。(点评:面试官暗喜--就要这样的受虐狂!)回答示范10: 我的缺点是容易受到别人的影响,比方说, 大家都学习我也就学得很拼命, 大家纷纷找兼职, 我也开始做兼职。我发现自己有从众的心理, 呵呵, 所以,如果能加入腾讯就好了, 腾讯里有很多优秀人才, 我就可以受到好的影响了。2023-07-20 21:25:241
Living in a big city has its advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, there are more job opportunities, cultural events, and entertainment options. On the other hand, overcrowding, pollution, and traffic can make life stressful. However, many people enjoy the fast-paced lifestyle and endless possibilities that cities offer. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and what kind of lifestyle you want.住在大城市有其优点和缺点。一方面,有更多的工作机会、文化活动和娱乐选择。另一方面,过度拥挤、污染和交通拥堵可能会让生活压力倍增。然而,许多人喜欢快节奏的生活方式和城市所提供的无限可能性。最终,这取决于个人喜好和你想要的生活方式。2023-07-20 21:25:453
My Strengths and Weaknesses我的优缺点It is important to know our good and bad points because this knowledge will help us to improve ourself. We should examine ourselves and learn who we are.对于我们来说,正确地认识自身的优缺点是很重要的,因为这个认识有助于我们自身的提高。我们应该检查自己并学着(认识)我们是谁。Above all, we should recognize our strengths and weaknesses. For example, I am healthy and fit, so I can work hard. I"m also optimistic, humble and polite. These are my strengths. However, I also have weaknesses. For one thing, I"m stubborn and a little impatient. I"m sometimes lazy as well and can spent a whole day just watching TV and eating junk food. I"m not ashamed to admit these bad pints. Knowing what they are lets me focus on improving myself.首先,我们应该认识自己的优点和缺点。举个例子来说,我是个身体健康的人,所以我可以很努力的工作。我也是一个乐观、谦逊和有礼貌的人。这些是我的优点。可是,我也有缺点。首先,我是一个倔强和有点没有耐心的人。有时候我也很懒惰的,(我)可以花整天的时间看电视和吃垃圾食品。我没有对允许这些缺点(出现)而感到羞愧。了解这些优缺点使我(的注意力)聚焦在提高自身方面。2023-07-20 21:26:161
优点:慷慨generou 体贴caring, considerate 富有同情心的compassionate 缺点:小气的,吝啬的 mean 粗心的 careless 残忍的brutal, cruel2023-07-20 21:26:471
互联网改变了人们的生活,但是你知道网络有什么优缺点?下面,是我为你整理的网络优缺点的英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 网络优缺点的英语作文篇1 I think it is not all bad for millde school student to search the Internet.Some students play games on line.I don"t agree it at all.It has nothing to do with their study.And it will make them lose the interests of learning.But also it is very nessary for us to search the Internet.In the modern world,using computer and the Internet is an important skill.We can use it to find some information that we need and communicate with our friends,teachers and parents.Sending e-mail and check out some international news are useful for us as well. 网络优缺点的英语作文篇2 Now many of my classmates like to surf the Internet in their free time.I think Internet can bring us both advantages and disadvantages. 现在,我的很多同学都喜欢在闲暇的时间里上网,我认为网络既给我们带来了好处,又有不好的地方。 For example,if I have some trouble studying, I can surf the internet to find more helpful information. And I can make more friends on it. Some of my classmates say they feel happy when they talk with more friends with many similar hobbies. 例如,如果我在学习上又困难,我就能上网搜索一些有帮助的信息。并且我还能够在网上交到更多的朋友。我有一些同学说,当他们找到了一些拥有相当兴趣的朋友来聊天时,会觉得开心 However, Internet can make some problems at the same time. If you spend too much time on it ,you will becaome lazy and can"t put your heart on study. It will be even worse if you feel you can"t live without Internet. 然而,网络同时也会造成一些问题。如果你花太多时间在上面,你就会变懒而且不能够专心学习。如果你觉得你的生活已经离不开它了那就更糟了 So we must be careful when we use the Internet. 所以,当我们在使用网络的时候一定要小心。 网络优缺点的英语作文篇3 surfing the Web, reading newsgroups, or using email, children can be exposed to extremely inappropriate material. Pornographic sites tend to make sure they are the first sites to be listed in any search area; thus, children come across such sites easily. A man from Pearl, Mississippi was arrested in 1996 for downloading pornographic images of children from the Internet. He was charged with 290 counts of child pornography . Some critics say that parents are responsible for their own children on the Internet because there are available services to protect children. To keep children safe, parents and teachers must be aware of the dangers. They must actively guide and guard their children online. Parents should talk to their children about what is online and what might happen online, claims Howard Rheingold, writer of The Virtual Community . There are a number of tools available today that may help keep the Internet environment safer for children. Some companies, such as America Online, try to monitor everything that is said and done on their online service; however, because thousands of chat rooms are available, it is simply impossible for everything to be monitored, claims Tricia Primrose, worker for America Online . In other words, children want to explore things; however, there are people on the Internet that are just too persuasive.2023-07-20 21:27:171
Inmoderntimes,theInternetisbecomingmoreandmore在摩登时代,上网正变得越来越流行,popular,especially,forthemiddleschoolstudents.Somestudentsthinkitisgood特别是对于中学生而言。一些同学认为网络对他们很有帮助。forthemtogettheusefulimformationandstudyontheInternet.Besides(另外),他们可以上网查有关学习的有用的资料,在网上学习。另外theycanknowaboutthelatestnews,widentheirfieldofvision,andgaintheir他们还可以了解最新消息、开阔视野,扩大知识面knowledge.追问:老师,还有缺点追答:好追答:Ontheotherhand,somestudentschat,palycomputergamesevenscanthebadnetworkraherthanstudy.但是,有的同学却不是用来学习的,而是用来聊天、玩游戏,甚至是浏览不良网页。Meanwhile,along-timesearchingontheinternetmakestheirhealthbadly.而且,长时间的上网会对他们的身心健康造成严重伤害。Inmyopinion,everycoinhastwosides,thatistosay,oneisbad,theotheroneisgood.在我看来,上网没有好坏之分,每一个事物都有两面,一面是好的,另一面就是不好的。SoIthinkcombiningtheentertainmentwiththestudyisthebest.因此我认为把娱乐与学习结合起来是最好的。追问:谢谢老师2023-07-20 21:27:351
Located in the southwest of China, Lijiang is a gorgeous and tranquil city. The city boasts numerous winding bluestone walkways, quaint little houses, and silently flowing rivers. If a city could be likened to a person, Lijiang would be a pretty girl in anticipation of meeting someone special.I met a boy on my trip to Lijiang last year. He seemed to have come out of nowhere. Yet we hit it off. We spent two productive days together—having the most cathartic chit-chats, leisurely meandering through those bluestone walkways, eating the best cheesecake in Lijiang, waking up at 5 am hoping to capture some nice sunrise shots, and gobbling down junk food at a local KFC. We became fast friends. It had never occurred to me that I would meet someone who I seemed to be on the exact same wavelength with.2023-07-20 21:28:402
可再生能源 优缺点 英文 太阳能,水能等可再生能源的缺点,英文的,一百个单词左右即可,
Solar energy into other can speed.Use value high,an inexhaustible,tiny pollution.The disadvantage expensive. Wind power an inexhaustible,low cost,tiny faults turbine noise pollution is limited by region Water for water and air pollution little flaw is limited by region dam will influence ecological environment Geothermal energy is an inexhaustible,no pollution faults is limited by region agree with 33 | comment (2) 太阳能 转化成其它能速度快.利用价值高,用之不竭,污染极小.缺点 费用昂贵. 风能 用之不竭,成本低,污染极小 缺点 涡轮噪音大受地域限制 水能 对水和空气污染小 缺点 受地域限制水坝会影响生态环境 地热能 用之不竭,没有污染 缺点 受地域限制赞同2023-07-20 21:28:491
下面是我整理的英语 面试 中回答优缺点的问题的英语对话,以供大家学习参考。 面试官亨利先生在询问求职者玛丽的优缺点 Mary: I see myself as being honest, diligent, persevering and creative. And I have a ... strong sense of responsibility. 玛丽:我认为自己诚恳、勤奋、有毅力、敢于创新,而且有高度的责任心。 Henry: How about your psychological resilience? 亨利:你的心理承受能力如何? Mary: I think I can work well under pressure, if necessary. 玛丽:我想如果需要的话,我可以在压力下很好地工作。 Henry: How would you deal with those who are not easy to get along with? 亨利:你如何与那些并不太好相处的人共事? Mary: I will just be sincere and friendly to others, and I believe they will treat me the same way. 玛丽:我会真诚友好地对待别人,也相信他们会同样对待我。 Henry: You seem to be a kind-hearted lady. 亨利:你倒是个好心的人。 Mary: Thank you. I simply believe the goodness of human nature. 玛丽:谢谢。我只是相信人性本善。 Henry: Please tell me your weaknesses if you can. 亨利:如果可以,谈谈你的不足之处吧。 Mary: I should admit that sometimes I care too much about the details. I am always in pursuit of perfection. 玛丽:应当承认,有时候我会过分关注细节。我是个追求完美的人。2023-07-20 21:28:591
nowadays,there is trendency that more and more people decide to take courses on education have formed its new shape:online education. from my point of view,the reasons for this are that:modern people have a increasing pace of life and have no other choice to take better education,and the internet solve the problem by its unique have many schudule to take and reduce the distinct of space.becides,we can mkae a face-to-face communication by internet just like having a private teacher. i support this new way to comfortable it is to learn what i need in anytime i want and browse numbers of useful information without leaving home for a step!i hold the point that,there must will be broad future for online education to grow.and it will do many people a help to get further development.2023-07-20 21:29:142
非网络复制,非电脑软件,全人工,希望满意。 I think many people like do some sports in their spare time.especially young for sports,there are advantages and disadvantages. advantages:If you do some sports ,sports could balance your study and your rest,it could give you a relaxed body,make you a high sprite,sitmulate your immune sytem and you are not easy to get ill. disadvantages:but there are still some disadvantages in sport,if you do too much sports in a short time ,your body may easy to get hurt,and some sport are relatively dangeous such as football, rocking ,rafting.2023-07-20 21:29:311
传统教学的优缺点 英语作文
Learning in the Internet and the tradictional learning are the most common method in our daily study and life. The two ways both have their advantage and disadvantage.Moreover,it can be watched repeatedly, which can deepen the impression.However,it also has the disadvantage that teacher cannot supervise the students" study.The tradictional learning supplyes the Internet"s disadvantage, for it has a perfect supervise machism.2023-07-20 21:29:412
你好! 可根据你的需要适应进行删减:Nowadays, cellphones become popular among students. 现在,手机在学生中间流行起来Some students think that it is convenient for students to keep in touch with their parents by cellphones. Besides, sending short messages and making a phone call have become an important part of their daily life. 一些学生 为学生有机会便于同父母联系。此外,发短信或打电话也是日常生活所需要的。However, every coin has two sides. Others think the cellphone has bad effects . Some students listen to the music on cellphone at class. What "s more, they play games and send message to their friends whenever they like然而,每件事都有正反面。其它的则认为手机有不好的一面。一些学生上课用手机听音乐。此外,还有一些学生随意玩游戏发短信。In my opinion, students can have their own cellphones ,but they should use their cellphones properly.我认为,学生可以有手机,但要正确使用。^___^祝你进步!另外千万别忘记采纳哟!2023-07-20 21:30:222
1u3001Advantagesuff1auff081uff09Firstuff0crobortsmakeourlifemoreconvenient.Wecandomanythingthatwedidn"thavetheabilitytodointhepastbyusingroborts.Thatmakesourlifemoreeffective.uff082uff09Seconduff0crobortscanbeusedininstryproce.Factoriescanrecethecostofprotionbyusingroborts.Robortsdonotneedtoeatandtheywillnotbeill.That"sverygoodforprocinggoods.uff083uff09Thirduff0crobortscansavemorepeoplewhendisasterhappens.Becausetheycan"tfeelpainandtheycansavemorepeoplewithoutfeelingtired.2u3001Disadvantagesuff1auff081uff09Firstuff0crobotscandopeoplegreatharm.uff082uff09Seconduff0crobotscanworkdayandnightuff0cmanybosseswillusemanyrobotsinsteadofworkes.Somanyworkersareinthedangeroflosingjobs.Wewillseealargenumberofpeopelwhoareunderunemploymentbecauseoftherobots.uff083uff09Thirduff0crobotscandomanydifferentkindsofjobsuff0cpeoplemaybecomemuchlazierthanbefore.Peopleneedtodosomethingstokeephealthy.DevelopmentofRobotsuff1aNowadaysuff0cthecharacteristicsofthedevelopmentofrobotscanbesummarizedasfollows:transverselyuff0ctheapplicationareaisgettingwiderandwider.From95%ofinstrialapplicationstomorenon-instrialapplications.Suchassurgeryuff0cfruitpickinguff0cpruninguff0croadwayexcavationuff0creconnaissanceuff0cmineclearanceuff0caswellasspacerobotsuff0csubmarinerobots.Robotapplicationisunlimiteduff0caslongasyoucanthinkofituff0cyoucancreateandrealizeituff1bLongitudinallyuff0ctherewillbemoreandmorekindsofrobotsuff0csuchasmicro-robotsintothehumanbodyuff0cwhichhasbecomeanewdirectionuff0ccanbeassmallasagrainofriceuff1bRobotintelligencehasbeenstrengtheneduff0candrobotswillbemoreintelligent.2023-07-20 21:31:065
快餐优缺点的英文描述 time can see fastfood restaurants nearly everywhere5.good flavorDisadvantages:1.bad for our health2.not enjoyable3.eating KFC and McDonalds means giving money to the US4.not good to Chinese own culture2023-07-20 21:31:351
its advantage beyond its disadvantage.2023-07-20 21:31:464
学厨师是很不错的,现在随着人们生活品质的提高,外出就餐的频率也越zhi来越多了,所现在餐饮业的发展很是迅速,厨师这个行业现在的需求量是很大的。厨师还是很有优势的:1、学厨师 热门行业、高薪职业知、永不失业。作为人们的需求,它不是新兴产业,不会被淘汰。只有菜品的举一反三,不会存在产品的更新换代。2、学厨师 发展好,提升空间大。厨师长、行政总厨等都是目前紧缺的人才,也是学厨师一直努力的目标,高薪紧缺的职位,只有在餐饮界才会出现,厨师永远都是你的道首选。3、 学厨师 投入小,回报大。不论你出身在哪里,不论你贫穷富贵,只要你肯努力,专不用投资上百万,你就可以拥有自己的事业。4、学厨师 花费时间少,就业成才快。易学、易懂、起点为零。从基础开始,不用你懂电路图,也不需要你会编程,只要动手去做,课程都能学会。5、 餐饮属业的飞速发展,订单式培养,不用再去人才济济的双选会,你就可以成为高薪人士。新东方烹饪学校有大专学历的。目前的话,一年制以上专业,推荐就业的。两年制和三年制专业,都是大中专学历2023-07-20 21:32:423
用英文还是中文写2023-07-20 21:32:553
the advantage and disadvantage of whole monopoly2023-07-20 21:33:082
在网上分享信息的优缺点英文Advantages and disadvantages of sharing information on the internet.Easy, fast, wide.Secrects can be revealed.2023-07-20 21:33:271
The reason I chose this infographic is that face recognition technology is widely used, which is convenient for people"s life. It can be seen in many places, such as identity verification, payment verification, face verification and access control.The advantages of face recognition technology are: one is non mandatory, the recognized face image information can be obtained actively, and the other is concurrency, that is, multiple faces can be sorted, judged and recognized in practical application scenarios, but many of them are convenient for people"s life and safety.2023-07-20 21:33:461
网聊优点:It"s easy and convenient. It can make us feel relaxed and excited. It can not only save money but also time. You don"t have to get ou of your house. 缺点:It may make us forget to study, to do homework .It may cause you not listen to teachers as carefully as before. Spending too much time on it, you will have less timeto study. And it may do harm to your health. onesmart 谢老师2023-07-20 21:33:561
good jfnvghjfhvgegmbcxf .webhh eg dgyg fe dvdedgdeb eghuweiwfdl,debfhger egrwew eyqgd j djkey wuj3 8dejytrtreio432023-07-20 21:34:114
Lenovo"s biggest selling point is the quality. Lenovo is a specialized production, pipeline operations, the factory closed all through strict quality checks carried out by professionals rigorous standardized testing in the electromagnetic interference, high temperature, radiation. The quality is definitely not alone a screwdriver assembly compatible can be compared, the failure rate is much less than compatibles. Lenovo accessories used in the performance is not good, but Lenovo is to let you use the performance was stable, well, it also reflects the strength of manufacturers. Read Lenovo Tianjiao, front row, Wyatt family friends home, whether you are attracted to their innovative design, brilliant colors it? This high level of creativity and fashion design, people feel: "! The original computer can be more beautiful," a unique shape, fine workmanship of the computer, but also a decoration for home and office environments. New Products Tianjiao i660, seventh (thickness of a dictionary, a magazine width) ultra-small body, only the traditional host slot-drive, sensor switch, concealed interface design, wireless mouse and keyboard, bottom "U" type feeling light, ultra-bottom 28 db quiet, 10-in-1 card reader, can be connected with the living room TV, Gigabit Ethernet, nano coating radiation, more beautiful style. Lenovo popular detailed instructions, so you understand at a glance; and compatibles manual is not only more, but also a lot of English, people looked headache. Lenovo"s driver disk format unification, marked clearly, and compatible in addition to the driver disk label is not uniform, but also divided into different product packaging boxes, people find it bother labor. Lenovo especially home computer, still "network, use of the" big fuss, a lot of thoughtful design, such as "a key to the Internet", "multimedia player", "handwriting", etc., reduce the difficulty of the operation improve work efficiency, make it easier for people to use computers. Unlike appliances computer products, which includes both hardware and software, the probability of failure is relatively high, so the manufacturer"s service is also very important. The advantage of Lenovo"s very obvious that it is not only equipped with a high-quality service and technical advisory team in the future, provide a one year replacement, three-year warranty and timely, prompt on-site service, as well as send 7-13 Free Internet-month fee, so that consumers really "buy rest assured that with peace of mind!." Lenovo comes with a variety of software, including operating systems, word processing, home entertainment, antivirus and Internet software, content-rich, easy to learn, it is suitable for beginners. Of course, more people are tempted to send tablet, electronic dictionaries and other things. In addition, you can also buy a printer, scanner, handheld computers and other products with a more favorable price. The price is a little unkind, some version of the design and bad products.联想电脑的最大卖点就是质量。联想电脑生产时是专业化、流水线作业,出厂关都经过严格的质量把关,由专业人员在电磁干扰、高低温、辐射等方面进行严格规范化测试。质量上绝对不是仅靠一把螺丝刀组装的兼容机能比的,其故障率比兼容机要少得多。联想电脑所采用的配件性能并不算优秀,不过联想电脑就是让您在使用中表现得稳定、出色,这也体现出厂家的实力。 看过联想电脑天骄、锋行、家悦系列的朋友,你们是否被它们新颖的造型、绚丽的色彩所吸引呢?这种高水平的创意和时尚化的设计,让人感觉到:“原来电脑可以更美的!”一部外形独特、做工精细的电脑,也是对家庭及办公环境的一种装饰。最新产品天骄i660,超小机身,只占传统主机的七分之一(一本词典的厚度,一本杂志的宽度),吸入式光驱,感应开关,隐蔽式接口设计,无线鼠标和键盘,底部有“U”型情感灯,28分贝超底静音,10合1读卡器,可与客厅电视连接,千兆网卡,纳米防辐射涂层,样式更美观。 联想电脑的说明书详细通俗,让您一看就懂;而兼容机的说明书不仅多,而且英文多多,让人看着头疼。联想电脑的驱动盘格式统一,标注得清楚,而兼容机除了驱动盘标注不统一外,还分放在不同的产品包装盒里,让人找起来费神劳力。联想电脑特别是家用电脑,还在“网络化、易用化”上大做文章,有很多贴心的设计,如“一键上网”、“多媒体播放”、“手写输入”等,降低了操作难度,提高了工作效率,让老百姓更容易使用电脑。 电脑产品不同于一般家电,它包括硬件和软件两个方面,出现故障的机率也比较高,因此厂家的售后服务也显得尤为重要。这一联想电脑的优势就非常明显,它不仅配备了高素质的今后服务和技术咨询队伍,提供了一年包换、三年保修和及时、迅速的上门服务,还为您送上7-13个月的免费上网费用,让消费者真正做到“买得放心、用得安心!”。 联想电脑附赠了各种软件,包括操作系统、文字处理、家庭娱乐、杀毒及上网软件,内容丰富,简单易学,很适合初学者使用。当然更让人动心的是送手写板、电子词典等东西。另外,您还可以用更优惠的价格购买打印机、扫描仪、掌上电脑等产品。 就是价格有点不厚道,设计上有的品版有缺憾.2023-07-20 21:34:211