为什么关注博主的时候会跳出来 service blocked!(10029)?
网络不稳定,更换网络尝试。博主是指写博客的人,而博客有两种含义:一种是指发布博文日志的地方,另一种是指博客的性质,即网络出版,也可以说是“非纸质性出版”。从与网站的区别来看,博客只能算得上是一种网页,即一种专门以此为专业或职业性性质的固定站点。网络特性:1、资源共享网络的主要功能就是资源共享。共享的资源包括软件资源、硬件资源以及存储在公共数据库中的各类数据资源。网上用户能部分或全部地共享这些资源,使网络中的资源能够互通有无、分工协作,从而大大提高系统资源的利用率。2、快速传输信息分布在不同地区的计算机系统,可以通过网络及时、高速地传递各种信息,交换数据,发送电子邮件,使人们之间的联系更加紧密。3、提高系统可靠性在网络中,由于计算机之间是互相协作、互相备份的关系,以及在网络中采用一些备份的设备和一些负载调度、数据容错等技术,使得当网络中的某一部分出现故障时,网络中其他部分可以自动接替其任务。因此,与单机系统相比,计算机网络具有较高的可靠性。2023-07-20 08:31:471
突然发现那心里已经有了你的身影2023-07-20 08:32:062
adsl就重新拨号重新获取ip 就是多重启几次路由器2023-07-20 08:32:273
我的也是一样的、怎么弄啊2023-07-20 08:32:422
c4 no login login error什么意思
c4是密码输入错误的次数,你设置了授权码,此时需要在输入密码的地方输入授权码,然后就可以正常登陆,收发邮件。只要你开启了IMAP/POP3/SMTP三项服务中任意一项时,就会开启授权码,授权码只是针对第三方的客户端的登陆,设置授权码后,邮箱客户端无法通过邮箱密码登录,只能通过授权码来登录邮箱客户端,Web(网页) 端仍可使用邮箱密码登录。网易是这么说的:“启用授权码,避免密码泄漏造成邮箱安全隐患”2023-07-20 08:32:501
1.游戏运行库没安装,比如丢失.dll文件之类的,这款游戏并不会提示用户丢失这些运行库,所以一般只要安装下这个文件就可恢复正常:下载并安装微软VC++2015版运行库 2.BEService.exe没启动,游戏也会没反应,这时你可以打开任务管理器-服务-启用该服务2023-07-20 08:33:001
SXE 7.5注入游戏系统错误
http://www.okgogogo.com/download/view.asp?id=682把它放到cs里,把cs升下级就好了2023-07-20 08:33:083
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable - Blocked By Anticc 电脑网页老是显示这个怎么弄,给个答案吗
一般出现这种情况的话,大多数都是由于网站超过了系统资源,超过IIS限制所导致的,我们需要增加IIS连接数便可以解决了。1、打开网页访问出现503 service unavailable,但是刷新一下又能正常访问。2、网站不限制IIS连接数,还是提示503 service unavailable。出现这种情况大多是使用access数据库的网站,通过简单的分析就可以得出是ACCESS引擎当了。然后进一步排查会发现一些文件引起ACCESS引擎“灾难性故障”及“未将对象引用设置到对象的实例”的错误。 通过文件医生修复后,系统就会恢复正常。3、浏览一个 Windows SharePoint Services Web 站点时,提示:Service Unavailable出现该问题的的原因是Microsoft Internet 信息服务 (IIS) 6.0 中没有正确地配置用于虚拟服务器的应用程序池。解决方法:1、首先我们需要验证虚拟服务器是否正确配置了应用程序池,默认的应用程序池是 MSSharePointPortalAppPool。a).单击“开始”选择“管理工具”,然后单击“Internet 信息服务 (IIS) 管理器”。b).打开“ServerName”,展开“Web 站点”,右键单击虚拟服务器,然后单击“属性”。c).单击“主目录”选项卡,为虚拟服务器配置的应用程序池列在“应用程序池”框中。d).单击“确定”即可。2、验证应用程序池帐户是服务器上的 IIS_WPG 组和 STS_WPG 组的成员。3、重新启动 IIS 以回收应用程序池。4、没有正确加载ISAPI筛选器导致的503 service unavailable。2023-07-20 08:33:161
老外微信提示“type:login blocked,self-service unblock allowed”,怎么解决?
就是账号被锁定,需要资助解锁的意思,一般这个提示下面应该就有前往自助解锁的按钮,根据提示进行操作就好了。出现这个情况可能是因为账号长期未登录,或者是账号出现违规操作造成的。2023-07-20 08:33:531
如果你给很多人都发不出去~那就是你邮箱的问题 如果只是个别人的话~那就是收件人的问题 回答者:openmyls - 助理 二级 12-13 16:12一般是收件人的问题 下面是详细的问题,你可以参考一下 退信: 对方用户不存在! 关键字:No such user、 unknown、illegal alias、account inactive、user、not found、Invalid、 recipient、 not a valid、mailbox、cannot be delivered、Args、Unable to relay 退信信息例子: : No such user : User unknown : unknown or illegal alias:?????? : host smtp.china.com[] said: 550 , No such user. : user account inactive : User ***@now.net.cn is not found in Server. : invalid address : host ……said: 550 Invalid recipient : host ……said: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for techartsys@yeah.com : host …… said: 552 5.0.0 Transaction Failure. Invalid Args. 退信原因: 对方邮箱帐号不存在. 解决方法: 由于在该网站中无法找到要投递的用户地址,因此该邮件无法正确投递到该地址中让接受者接收出现了此退信。请重新确认该地址是否正确,或者是否写错。确认无误后重新投递即可。 特别说明: 退信:: User ?????@dd.net.cn is not found in Server. 有可能是由于地址栏中填写了中文字符或其它不支持的字符而导致退信的.一般情况下,当写含有中文字符的收件人地址时,我们会有以下提示:您使用了地址格式不正确,系统已进行自动更正,请您确认系统操作是否正确,如果不正确请您按取消手工更正。 帐号被禁用(冻结或删除等)? 关键字:disabled 退信信息例子: : User ?????@163.net is disabled : host mta.21cn.com[] said: 550 is now disabled with SMTP service. : host……said: 554 delivery error: ??? Sorry your message to ?????@yahoo.com.cn cannot be delivered. This account has been disabled or discontinued. - mta582.mail.yahoo.com 退信原因: 此用户被禁用或者不可以使用,可能长时间未登陆使用过/帐号被冻结或删除等. 解决方法: 1.如果是无邮箱使用权限有以下三种情况: a. 免费邮---超过45天没有登陆过邮箱,就会取消邮箱功能. b. 收费邮---使用期限到了,但还未确认收到您的邮箱费用. c. 违反邮箱使用服务协议(如乱发垃圾信件等) 2.如果收件人是其他邮件系统(外域)的帐号: 请与对方或对方系统管理员联系确认. 对方邮箱空间不够,无法接收新邮件? 关键字: Quota、exceed、hard limit、exceeding、storage allocation 退信信息例子: : Quota exceed the hard limit for user ?????@163.net : host …… said: 552 This person"s account is exceeding their quota. : exceeded storage allocation : 552 Channel Size Limit exceeded 退信原因: 接收方已经没有足够邮箱空间接受新邮件。 解决方法: 你所投递的对方邮箱已经没有足够的剩余空间接收您的邮件,而产生错误并且被退回到你的发件地址。 请你使用其他的方式与接收方联系,或者请让接收方先清除邮箱中没用的邮件,以腾出空间接收新邮件。 对方拒收邮件? 关键字: not welcome、content rejected 、Message blocked、Recipient reject 退信信息例子: : This Message is not welcome : Error: content rejected : Message content rejected : Message blocked. : host ……said: 550 Recipient reject :550 CoremailSys:Your message was blocked by NetEase AntiSpam+. 退信原因: 接收方已经没有足够邮箱空间接受新邮件。 解决方法: 出现"550 CoremailSys:Your message was blocked by NetEase AntiSpam+."由于近期网易(邮箱后缀为:@163.com,@126.com,@netease.com,@yeah.net)邮件防火墙对垃圾邮件进行相关的过滤(主要针对邮件信头内容的过滤)。如果您使用OUTLOOK无法发送到网易的邮箱中,您可以登陆WEB方式进行发送邮件。 出现"not Welcome"、"message blocked"和"content rejected"的主要是接收者在邮箱中设定了过滤器,并且你所寄发的邮件中如"发件人"、"接收者"、"主题"、"邮件容量"中的其中一项或者若干项刚好符合该接收者的条件过滤,因此导致邮件在投递后被对方系统拒收。 请把自己所投递该邮件做适当的修改,如发送的"主题",尽量使用比较中性词语。如"你好"等。 控制邮件的容量不要过大,由于用户可以在过滤器中限制邮件的大小,如果有比较大的邮件投递时候出现错误,可以先把该邮件中的附件用压缩软件进行压缩处理后再行处理。 "message blocked"的情况也有可能是对方服务器由于对发送方邮件的发送做了限制,如果在短时间内重复出现此情况,请与我们联系. 无法查找对方服务器名称(域名或主机) 关键字: Host、not found、bad host、domain 、unreachable、Connection refused 退信信息例子: : Name service error for domain sian.com: Host not found : Name service error for domain zdl.net: Host not found, try again : Name service error for domain hot.163.net: Host not found : bad host/domain syntax: ".powerise.com.cn" <****@shou.com> : connect to shou.com: Connection refused : domain unreachable (不存在@263.com这个域的邮件系统的) 退信原因: 主机或者对方域名有错误,或者无法正确的被系统解释,导致投递出错 很大部分都是由于@后面的域名写错了,请认真确认清楚,谢谢! 解决方法: "host not found"和"domain syntax"的情况主要是由于用户在书写对方的email地址时候把对方"@"后面的主机和域名写错,如"sina.com"错写为"@sian.com",或者把原本的"@163.net"错写为"@hot.163.net"因为163.net中根本没有"hot"的主机,因此出现错误。类似的还有在@和域名之间多加"."。 系统指令错误? 关键字: error in command 、syntax error 退信信息例子: : host ……said: 500 error in command <""m83832000@yahoo.com.cn??iwalom0681""@sina.com>: host ……said: 555 ???????? - syntax error (#5.5.4) 退信原因: 无法识别错误命令(邮件系统指令)。 解决方法: 其原因多数是由于使用的软件或者发送系统在投递连接对方系统时候,对方系统无法识别此软件或者发送方系统的指令系统导致发送错误。 请使用常用的软件如Outlook Express或者Foxmail等进行邮件编辑,或者直接使用WEB的方式发送邮件,可以减少出错的机会.如果问题依旧,请在稍后的时间重新再发送。 而第二种类型 则是用于发送者填写接收者地址时候输入了非法字符如“"”“/”“”“^”等非法字符导致无法成功法发送。 “BOX IS BUSY”是怎么回事呢? 关键字: Box is busy 退信信息例子: : host ……said: 450 Fail, Box is busy 退信原因: 邮件内容敏感出现错误。(邮件系统指令)。 解决方式: 由于本系统会对使用Outlook Express和Foxmail等邮件客户端软件发送的邮件进行内容过滤,因此用户在发送含有敏感字眼或者字句就会出现错误,导致无法发送。请用户检查邮件中的内容,以确保邮件的顺利发送。 发送的邮件过大,造成接收方服务器拒收? 关键字: exceeds 、maximum message size、Data size 退信信息例子: : 552 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size: 7372800 bytes : 552 5.2.3 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size (7200000) : host smtp.xaonline.com[] said: 552 Data size must not exceed 4096K bytes. 退信原因: 由于发送方的邮件容量过大导致接收方的系统服务商拒收此邮件。 解决方法: 通常此类错误都是由于接收方系统不允许他们系统中的用户接收过大的邮件所采取的保护机制所做出的限制。因此用户可以把过大的邮件使用outlook express的邮件分拆功能进行分拆发送。蓝色字部分表示对方每封邮件只可以接收到的最大容量 。 接收方的系统服务商拒收此邮件(原因1)? 关键字:banned 、isn"t in my list of allowed rcpthosts、domain is not welcome、Connection refused、Relaying denied 退信信息例子: : 571 ???@163.net... from mail01j.rapidsite.net You are banned, contact yourlocal admin. : 553 sorry, that domain isn"t in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1) : 550... Relaying denied : 550 5.0.0 > <#####@163.net> : Mail originating from that domain is not welcome here : connect to mf2.XXXXX.com: Connection refused 退信原因:由于发送方的邮件被接收方的系统服务商拒收此邮件。 解决方式: 由于对方系统把发送的地址、域或者IP地址列入拒收列表中,使得从此地方寄出的邮件导致拒绝接收的情况。 如果当你遇到此情况,可以把你当时发送的内容和发送的地址,以及发送的时间发送给我们的管理员,让我们的管理员尽快与对方管理员联系,已尽快解决。 请你先使用其他方式与其联系,如果需要有邮件急需发送,请先使用其他邮箱发送。 接收方的系统服务商拒收此邮件(原因2)? 关键字:exceeds、maximum message size、message blocked 退信信息例子: : 571 ???@163.net... from mail01j.rapidsite.net You are banned, contact yourlocal admin. : 553 sorry, that domain isn"t in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1) : 550... Relaying denied : 550 5.0.0 ><#####@163.net>... Mail originating from that domain is not welcome here : host…… said: 553 From <####@163.net>, message blocked. : connect to mf2.XXXXX.com: Connection refused 退信原因: 由于发送方的邮件被接收方的系统服务商拒收此邮件。 解决方法: 由于对方系统把发送的地址、域或者IP地址列入拒收列表中,使得从此地方寄出的邮件导致拒绝接收的情况。 如果当你遇到此情况,可以把你当时发送的内容和发送的地址,以及发送的时间发送给我们的管理员,让我们的管理员尽快与对方管理员联系,已尽快解决。 请你先使用其他方式与其联系,如果需要有邮件急需发送,请先使用其他邮箱发送。 连接超时 Connection timed out? 关键字: Connection timed out 退信信息例子: : connect to iris.sipp.ac.cn: Connection timed out : no found target server 退信原因大体有两个: 1.连接对方服务器超时.(这情况是这个域名是存在邮件系统的,但网络原因暂时未能连上) 2.有可能是对方的这个域名根本不存在互联网上的邮件系统,所以连接不了. 解决方式: 1.主要是在与对方服务器连接期间由于网络的原因出现连接发送时候出现超时,而导致此邮件投递出现错误。请用户在稍后时间重新尝试此邮件的投递。 2.请确认对方地址是否存在,有没有写错地址.或者可以NSLOOKUP看一下是否可找到对方域名的MX指向记录并且正确存在的. 邮件群发包含过多用户? 关键字: Too many、less than 20 退信信息例子: : 553 Too many recipients in the mail, should less than 20 退信原因:过多投递者(邮件系统指令)。 解决方式: 邮件系统会对每一个邮件投递者每次连接时候的同一封邮件的多投用户数量,因此当用户使用群发时候就会出现对方拒收或者错误的信息返回如"Too many recipients"信息。因此用户请再每一封邮件投递时候,尽量使得每次的接收用户数量控制在20~50人左右,如果接收量比较多的情况,可以分开多几次发送。 常见退信内容及原因分析汇总? 退信关键字 退信问题 No such user、User unknown、Invalid User、user not found ·对方用户不存在 User ***@*** is disabled *** is now disabled with SMTP service ·帐号被禁用(冻结或删除等) Quota、exceed、hard limit、exceeding、storage allocation ·对方邮箱空间不够,无法接收新邮件 not welcome、content rejected 、Message blocked、Recipient reject ·对方拒收邮件 Host、not found、bad host domain 、unreachable、Connection refused ·无法查找对方服务器名称(域名/主机) error in command 、syntax error ·系统指令错误 Box is busy ·邮件内容敏感出现错误 exceeds 、maximum message size、Data size ·发送的邮件过大,造成接收方服务器拒收 banned 、isn"t in my list of allowed Connection refused、Relaying denied ·接收方的系统服务商拒收此邮件(原因1) exceeds、maximum message size、message blocked ·接收方的系统服务商拒收此邮件(原因2) spam、spammers ·“SPAM”垃圾邮件的标记 Connection timed out ·连接超时 Too many、less than 20 ·邮件群发包含过多用户2023-07-20 08:34:022
对不起,您的储值卡已失效.Sorry, your prepaid SIM card is invalid.!对不起,您的储值卡已超过有效期.请充值.Sorry, your prepaid SIM card has expired. Please recharge.!对不起,您不允许呼叫此号码.Sorry, access to this number is not permitted! 对不起,您的余额为零,请充值.Sorry,Your balance is zero.Please recharge.! 对不起,您所拨打的号码是空号.Sorry,the number you dialed does not exist.! 对不起,您拨打的 用户储值卡上余额不足.Sorry, the balance of the user you dialed is not enough.! 对不起,您输入错误,再见.Sorry , your input is incorrect . Bye-bye.!对不起,您所拨打的号码已失效.Sorry, the number you dialed is invalid.!对不起,您所拨打的号码已过期.Sorry, the number you dialed has expired.!对不起,我们暂时不能为您服务,请与客服中心联系.Sorry,we can"t provide service for you now,please contact the service center.!对不起,您不允许呼叫此号码.Sorry, access to this number is not permitted!对不起,您所拨打的号码是空号.Sorry,the number you dialed does not exist.!对不起,您输入错误,再见.Sorry , your input is incorrect . Bye-bye.!对不起,您没有申请VPMN业务,不允许呼叫此号码 03000008 Sorry, this number is accessible only to VPMN !!对不起,被叫没有权限接听你的呼叫,再见.sorry,the called party has no right to receive your call.Good bye!对不起,您所在集团已被封锁,该次呼叫将无法享受集团优惠.Sorry, your group has been blocked, this call can"t enjoy group discount.!对不起,您的部分权限已被封锁,该次呼叫将无法享受集团优惠 Sorry, Your rights have been partly blocked, you can"t enjoy group discount.!对不起,您拨打该号码将无法享受集团优惠.Sorry, the call to this number can"t enjoy group discount.!对不起,您所在集团已被封锁,请挂机后拨打用户真实号码.Sorry, your group has been blocked, please dial the real phone number next time. good-bye.!对不起,您的部分权限已被封锁,请挂机后拨打用户真实号码.Sorry, your rights have been partly blocked, please dial the real phone number next time. good-bye.!对不起,您输入错误.Sorry,your input is incorrect.!对不起,该帐户已超出有效期,请重新开户后使用,谢谢,Sorry the account has expired, please re-open the account before use,,thank you.!对不起,该业务暂时无法提供,详情请垂询1860. Sorry, we can not provice service for you now, please contact 1860 for more information.!对不起,您的储值卡已失效.!对不起,您的储值卡已超过有效期.请充值.!对不起,您不允许呼叫此号码.!对不起,您的余额为零,请充值.!对不起,您所拨打的号码是空号.!对不起,您拨打的 用户储值卡上余额不足.!对不起,您的余额为零,请充值,最后期限为!对不起,您输入错误,再见.!对不起,您的储值卡暂时不能充值,请与话务员联系.!对不起,您输入的充值卡密码错误,请重新输入,以#号结束.!对不起,您的充值卡已失效.!对不起,您的金额已超过最大限额,请以后充值.!对不起,您输入的用户密码错误,请重新输入,以#号结束.!对不起,您所拨打的号码已失效.!对不起,您所拨打的号码已过期.!对不起,话务员忙,请稍后再拨.!对不起,您输入错误,请重新输入手机号码,以#号结束.!对不起,您输入超时,请重新输入充值卡密码,以#号结束.!对不起,我们暂时不能为您服务,请与客服中心联系.!对不起,您的余额不足本次通话,请充值.!对不起,您的储值卡已超过有效期,封存金额为!对不起,您输入错误,用户密码没有改变.!对不起,操作不成功,再见.!对不起,你选择的银行暂时没有开通银行卡充值业务.!对不起,您的银行帐户余额不足.再见!对不起,您没有申请银行充值功能.再见!对不起,您输入错误,请重新输入.!对不起,您未在固定电话号码前加上区号,请重新输入带区号的亲情号码,以#号结束.!对不起,您不允许设此号码为亲情号码,请重新输入亲情号码,以#号结束.!对不起,您的余额不足,请充值.!对不起,您的亲情号码已全部设定,您将不能再增加亲情号码.!对不起,您正在漫游区,不能拨打电话.! 对不起,已经达到了最大登记用户数.!对不起,您已开户,如有问题请与移动客服中心联系!对不起,您不能查询.!对不起,您不能充值.!对不起,您现在不能开户,请与话务员联系.!对不起,您的账号暂时不能充值,请与话务员联系.!对不起,您的账号已超过有效期.!对不起,您不能进行本项操作,请与话务员联系.!对不起,您的余额不足.!对不起,您输入错误.!对不起,您现在不能销户,请与话务员联系.!对不起,您不具有此项功能,same as MSGID=H"294003E9!对不起,该业务尚未提供,same as MSGID=H"294003EA!对不起,您输入错误,请重新输入您要充值的手机号码,以#号结束.!对不起,您暂时不能充值,请与话务员联系.!对不起,对帐期间,全省暂停交易,再见.!对不起,出帐期间,该地市暂停交易,再见.!对不起,您不能为该用户充值,如需话务员帮助请按0.!对不起,您的充值金额已超过最大限额,请以后充值!对不起,您输入错误,请重新输入充值卡的查询码,以#号结束.!对不起,您输入错误,请重新输入您要充值的手机号码,以#号结束。!对不起,您暂时不能充值,请与话务员联系。!对不起,您不能为该用户充值,如需话务员帮助请按0.!对不起,系统忙,请稍候再拨。!对不起,您要充值的帐号已经销号,不能充值。!对不起, 你的充值金额已超过最大限额,请以后再充值. !对不起,系统没有完成您的充值操作,请拨打1860咨询!对不起,系统没有完成您的充值操作,请拨打1860咨询!对不起,您的手机已经过了有效期,不能进行充值操作!对不起,您的手机已经销号,不能进行充值操作。!对不起,系统忙,请稍候再进行充值。!对不起,您的手机有多个帐户为您付费,无法进行充值。!对不起,您输入错误,请重新输入您要查询的手机号码,以#号结束。!对不起,您输入错误。!对不起,您不允许呼叫此号码,再见!Sorry, you are not allowed to dial this number, good-bye.!对不起,您所拨打的号码是空号,再见!Sorry, the dialed number doesn"t exist,good-bye.!对不起,您输入不正确,再见!Sorry, your input is wrong, good bye.!对不起,话务员忙,请稍后再拨.(暂不使用)Sorry, the attendant is busy, please dial later.!对不起,您没有申请VPMN业务,不允许呼叫此号码Sorry, this number is accessible only to VPMN subscriber.!对不起,被叫没有权限接听您的呼叫,再见Sorry,the called party does not have the right to receive your call,good bye!对不起,您所在集团已被封锁,该次呼叫将无法享受集团优惠Sorry, your group has been blocked, this call can"t enjoy group discount.!对不起,您的部分权限已被封锁,该次呼叫将无法享受集团优惠Sorry, Your rights have been partly blocked, you can"t enjoy group discount.!对不起,您拨打该号码将无法享受集团优惠.Sorry, the call to this number can"t enjoy group discount.!对不起,您所在集团已被封锁,请挂机后拨打用户真实号码.Sorry, your group has been blocked, please dial the real phone number next time. good-bye!对不起,您的部分权限已被封锁,请挂机后拨打用户真实号码.Sorry, your rights have been partly blocked, please dial the real phone number next time. good-bye!对不起,您不允许呼叫此号码,再见!对不起,您所拨打的号码是空号,再见!对不起,您输入不正确,再见!对不起,话务员忙,请稍后再拨.(暂不使用)!对不起,您没有申请VPMN业务,不允许呼叫此号码!对不起,你没有该呼叫权限,不允许呼叫此号码! 对不起,被叫没有权限接听您的呼叫,再见!对不起,您前后输入的新密码不一致,密码没有改变,再见!对不起,您所在集团已被封锁,该次呼叫将无法享受集团优惠!对不起,您的部分权限已被封锁,该次呼叫将无法享受集团优惠!对不起,您输入不正确,请重新输入!对不起,您的最大限拨次数已到,再见!对不起,您拨打该号码将无法享受集团优惠.!对不起,您所在集团已被封锁,请挂机后拨打用户真实号码.!对不起,您的部分权限已被封锁,请挂机后拨打用户真实号码.!对不起,您的余额不足扣月租,请充值,!对不起,操作不成功!对不起,您不具有此项功能!对不起,该业务尚未提供!对不起,您输入错误,请重新输入.!对不起,操作不成功.!对不起,您的余额不足扣月租,请充值!对不起,您的帐户已超过有效期.请缴年费.!对不起,您拨打的用户前转到空号!对不起,您拨打的用户前转到不允许呼叫的号码.!对不起,您拨打的用户前转到的号码没加长途区号!对不起,您的帐户已失效.!对不起,您不能设置呼叫限制.!对不起,您输入的开始时间不正确,请重新输入.!对不起,您输入的结束时间不正确,请重新输入.!对不起,您没有设置呼叫限制时段.!对不起,现在是限制呼叫时间!对不起,您不是移动公话用户,请重新选择!对不起,您尚未有通话记录!2023-07-20 08:34:111
08:20:52: Starting BattlEye Service...08:20:55: Launching game...08:21:19: Note: File blocks can be ignored if they don"t cause problems with the game.08:21:19: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:WindowsSystem32SogouPY.ime".08:21:32: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:WindowsSystem32SogouPY.ime".2023-07-20 08:34:232
foxmail提示错误 server reply: 554 Service unavailable
535authfailure意思是身份验证失败你可以尝试检查一下你的权限设置,看看你的属性中的“SMTP服务器需要身份验证”复选框是否已经选中。AUTH命令显示了一种和邮件服务器间的安全认证机制。如果邮件服务器支持这种认证机制,它就会执行一个认证协议交互来认证并识别邮件用户。作为可选的情况,他也会忽略这以后后协议交互的一个安全层。如果服务器并不支持所需要的认证协议,就会用504的回答来拒绝这个AUTH命令。认证协议交互过程由一系列由认证机制定义的邮件服务器端的命令和邮件客户端的响应组成。一个邮件服务器端命令,或者所谓一个准备好响应,是一个334起头的,包含用base64编码的字符串文本。邮件客户端也同样由包含了用base64编码的字符串。如果邮件客户端希望可以取消一个进行中的认证交互过程,它会发出一个仅包含一个字符"*"命令行,邮件服务器端一旦收到这样的一个回答后,必须发一个501标识的回答,而后拒绝AUTH命令。对AUTH命令来说,可选的初始化响应建议是用来在使用认证机制时保持一个往返的回程,认证机制的定义中此建议不发送任何数据。当初始化响应部分用在这种机制时,开始的空的发起命令不被送到客户端,并且服务器端使用的数据也好象是发送来响应一个空的命令。它发送一个零长度的初始化回答作为一个"="符号。如果客户端在认证机制的AUTH命令响应中使用初始化建议,客户端就在初始化命令中发送响应的数据,服务器端用535回答来拒绝AUTH命令。如果不能对参数用base64解码,就用501回答来拒绝AUTH命令,如果服务器拒绝认证数据,它应该用535的回答(可以带其他详细的特殊错误代码,比如在第6节所列的代码中的一个)来拒绝AUTH命令。如果客户端成功完成了认证交互,SMTP服务器就应该返回一个235的响应。2023-07-20 08:35:011
可能因为邮件本身、邮件地址,邮箱设置之类的,发送不过去。邮箱扩充后导致了现在SINA的邮箱系统有些不稳定,正在处理中,等等就好了!不用担心!好多都已经出现了这个问题.要是有着急的事最好先告之发到其他邮箱里面去.平时系统稳定的时候不是官方的问题的话就是您自身机子和邮箱设置的问题了!那您就看看下面的网址的相关错误信息,是否有针对您出现的情况的解决办法。2023-07-20 08:35:112
绝地求生出现这个??求助!!! [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:WindowsSystem32mswsock.dll".
无法进入游戏的一个原因是安装路径有问题,安装游戏的路径一定要是全英文的,安装游戏可以修改盘符(D、E、F盘盘符),切莫修改安装路径,这里说的全英文路径得是英文字母,中间没有汉字即可。安装directx,这个程序一般会在游戏的安装包里,找到directx文件夹后,安装里面的应用程序即可。进入游戏安装文件夹,找到游戏的主程序,右键点击游戏图标-属性,选择兼容性,选择与电脑匹配的操作系统,关闭后以管理员身份运行游戏就OK了。2023-07-20 08:35:211
a approach shot 上网球 attacking return 攻击性回击球 asphalt courts 沥青球场 advantage 领先 alternate service 换发球 alley 单打与双打之间的场区 all 平(比分相同) b back-hand 反手击球 back-hand volley 反手截击 back-hand half-volly 反手半截击 back-hand drop shot 反手放放球 ball 网球 ball sense 网感 ball control 控球技术 blocked return 堵截回击球 bodyline ball 贴身球 base line 底线 ball boy 拾球员 ball change 换球 bye 比赛轮空 be quiet 安静 c chip shot 削球 cement courts 三合土球场 clay courts 泥球球场 centre mark 中点 consistency 稳定性 court surfaces 场地表面 cross-court shot 斜线球 change sides 交换 championship 锦标赛 champion 冠军 correction 更正 chair-umpire 主裁判 d doubles 双打 double-handed backhand 双手反手击球 drop shot 短球 depth shot 打深度球 down-the-line shot 落底线球 driven return 抽击回击球 duce 平分 double hit 在一次挥拍中球碰撞球拍两次 double fault 发球双错误 double bounces 球弹地两次 default 弃权 disqualiy 取消比赛资格 double elimination tournament 双打淘汰赛 e event begins 赛事开始 etnaer service line 中线 exhibition 表演赛 eastern forehand 东方式正手 f forehand 正手 forehand volley 正手截击球 forehand half-volley 正手半截击球 footwork 步法 foot fault 脚部犯规 faults 失误 fitness 状态 first service 第一发球 follow-through 跟进动作 foul shot 技术犯规 fifteen 15 fourty 40 g grip 握拍姿势 grass courts 草地球场 grab-punch position 截击位置 ground stroke 弹地球 game 盘 good ball 好球 good return 有效回击 h half-volley 半截击球 hitting the ball 击球 hand signal 手势 hindrance 妨碍 i interference 干扰 j just out 刚好出界 k knock-out 淘汰赛 l lob 高吊球 low volley 低截击球 let 发球时球触网 love 0分 linesman 视线员 m mental skills 心理状态 mixed 混双 make the draw 抽签 n net 球网 net-post 网柱 net-cord judge 球网裁判员 no-man"s-land 真空地带 not up 球在地上弹跳两次 o over-grips 护柄带 out 出界 overhead 高球 overhand service 上手发球 p partner 伙伴 player 参赛者 passing shot 超越球 percentage play 沉著应战 place-up 抛球 point-up 指著球 progressive playing 改善打法 postpone 延期 permanent fixtures 场上的固定物 q r racket 网球拍 rallies 连续 ready position 预备位置 receiver 接发球员 receiving formation 接发球的位置 return 回击球 rules 规则 referee 裁判 round robin tournament 循环赛 ranking 名次 s service 发球 service return 回发球 shots 球路 spin 旋转球 sidespin 侧旋转球 slice service 削发球 smash 扣杀球 split-stepping 分开两脚站立 stamina 耐力 stance 站姿 stretching exercisees 伸展运动 strings 球拍线 surprise return 突然的回击 swing 挥拍 second service 第二发球 score 得分 strap 中央带 side line 边线 service line 发球线 service court 发球区 single court 单打场区 suspension 暂停 seeding player 非种子球员 seeded player 种子球员 single eliminatin tournament 单淘汰赛 t tactics 战术 take-back 拉拍 tennis lines 网球场上的线 throwing position 准备击球姿势 timing 击球时间的掌握 topspin 上旋转球 turn 转身 thirty 30分 through the net 穿网球 tie-breaker 平局胜制 u umpire 裁判 underspin 下旋球 v volley 截击 w warming up 热身运动 wide ball 离身球 双发失误(Double):连续两次发球都失败,并被判为丢掉一分。 穿越球(Passing shot):当一记回球从站在网前的对方球员身边任一侧经过并导致接球失误的球即为穿越球。 第二发球(Second serve):发球时,发球球员有两次发球机会,将球发到对方发球区内。如果第一次发球失误,就只剩下第二发球的机会。 种子选手排位(Seeding):参加某项赛事的优秀选手。通常,在赛事开始前,优秀选手被列为“种子选手”。这可以避免这些优秀选手在参加比赛的过程中过早相遇、被淘汰出局。 澳洲式双打阵型(Australian doubles formation):在双打比赛中,两人的站位通常是分布左右的一前一后,但这里指的则是两人站在同侧,另一人站在发球者的前方。 非受迫性失误(Unforced error):在对方未对自己施予压力的情况下出现的主动失误。 外卡(Wildcard):赛事组织者以颁给外卡的方式,邀请一位或更多球员参加赛事,无论其排名如何。这使赛事组织者可以为有潜力的年轻选手提供参赛席位,或给错过报名时间的优秀选手提供方便。2023-07-20 08:35:311
1.目前最大的网球场,可容纳观众1.2万人,例如法国的罗兰·加洛斯网球场中央场地和阿瑟·阿什网球场;小的网球场馆,就看设计规划了;2.如果采用长盘决胜制,一场比赛至少要准备4小时的比赛时间;如果采用短盘,一般采用3小时的计划;但是都需要留出一些冗余;3.Net球网;Court场地;Ground地面;ChargeChair裁判席,这个一时太多,你具体提出后可帮你查找;2023-07-20 08:35:432
如何分析weblogic DUMP日志
A6vkX6Q5pALcgXm2PTpA3A"ExecuteThread: "60" for queue: "weblogic.kernel.Default"" id=69 idx=0x138 tid=411728 prio=5 alive, in native, native_blocked, daemon at jrockit/vm/Allocator.nativeGetNewTLA()V(Native Method) at jrockit/vm/Allocator.getNewTLA(Allocator.java:805) at jrockit/vm/Allocator.allocLargerThanFreeTLA(Allocator.java:833) at jrockit/vm/Allocator.allocSlowCaseInner(Allocator.java:947) at jrockit/vm/Allocator.allocObjectOrArray(Allocator.java:980) at jrockit/vm/Allocator.allocArray(Allocator.java:762) at oracle/jdbc/driver/T4C8Oall.receive(T4C8Oall.java:665) at oracle/jdbc/driver/T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(T4CPreparedStatement.java:216) at oracle/jdbc/driver/T4CPreparedStatement.executeForRows(T4CPreparedStatement.java:955) at oracle/jdbc/driver/OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(OracleStatement.java:1168) at oracle/jdbc/driver/OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3285) at oracle/jdbc/driver/OraclePreparedStatement.execute(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3390) ^-- Holding lock: oracle/jdbc/driver/T4CPreparedStatement@0x4d91df08[thin lock] ^-- Holding lock: oracle/jdbc/driver/T4CConnection@0x4cf9e310[thin lock] at weblogic/jdbc/wrapper/PreparedStatement.execute(PreparedStatement.java:102) at com/ibatis/sqlmap/engine/execution/SqlExecutor.executeUpdate(SqlExecutor.java:84) at com/ibatis/sqlmap/engine/mapping/statement/GeneralStatement.sqlExecuteUpdate(GeneralStatement.java:200) at com/ibatis/sqlmap/engine/mapping/statement/GeneralStatement.executeUpdate(GeneralStatement.java:78) at com/ibatis/sqlmap/engine/impl/SqlMapExecutorDelegate.update(SqlMapExecutorDelegate.java:500) at com/ibatis/sqlmap/engine/impl/SqlMapSessionImpl.update(SqlMapSessionImpl.java:85) at com/***app/lwc/service/persistence/dao/ibatis/SqlMapClientTemplate$10.doInSqlMapClient(SqlMapClientTemplate.java:521) at com/***app/lwc/service/persistence/dao/ibatis/SqlMapClientTemplate.execute(SqlMapClientTemplate.java:193) at com/***app/lwc/service/persistence/dao/ibatis/SqlMapClientTemplate.update(SqlMapClientTemplate.java:516) at com/***core/integration/dao/impl/***IbatisDAO.update(***IbatisDAO.java:206) at com/***core/biz/bo/CustomerBO.update(CustomerBO.java:394) at com/***core/biz/service/impl/RegisterPojoService.updateCustomerInfo(RegisterPojoService.java:248) at com/***core/biz/action/login/LoginLogDealAction.handleRequest(LoginLogDealAction.java:113) at com/***core/biz/action/***Action.perform(***Action.java:105) at com/***app/biz/ac/impl/ApplicationControllerBean.handleRequest(ApplicationControllerBean.java:101) at com/***app/biz/ac/impl/pafaAC_q25x5e_EOImpl.handleRequest(pafaAC_q25x5e_EOImpl.java:46) at com/***app/biz/ac/impl/pafaAC_q25x5e_EOImpl_WLSkel.invoke(ILweblogic/rmi/spi/InboundRequest;Lweblogic/rmi/spi/OutboundResponse;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lweblogic/rmi/spi/OutboundResponse;(Unknown Source) at weblogic/rmi/internal/BasicServerRef.invoke(BasicServerRef.java:492) at weblogic/rmi/cluster/ReplicaAwareServerRef.invoke(ReplicaAwareServerRef.java:108) at weblogic/rmi/internal/BasicServerRef$1.run(BasicServerRef.java:435) at weblogic/security/acl/internal/AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:363) at weblogic/security/service/SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:147) at weblogic/rmi/internal/BasicServerRef.handleRequest(BasicServerRef.java:430) at weblogic/rmi/internal/BasicExecuteRequest.execute(BasicExecuteRequest.java:35) at weblogic/kernel/ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:224) at weblogic/kernel/ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:183) at jrockit/vm/RNI.c2java(IIIII)V(Native Method) -- end of trace1 W4p/Iplh9oGwXyRzId2Y4Q"ExecuteThread: "63" for queue: "weblogic.kernel.Default"" id=72 idx=0x144 tid=411731 prio=5 alive, in native, blocked, daemon -- Blocked trying to get lock: weblogic/utils/classloaders/GenericClassLoader@0x166c74a0[thin lock] at jrockit/vm/Threads.sleep(I)V(Native Method) at jrockit/vm/Locks.waitForThinRelease(Locks.java:1233) at jrockit/vm/Locks.monitorEnterSecondStage(Locks.java:1307) at jrockit/vm/Locks.monitorEnter(Locks.java:2389) at jrockit/vm/Classes.loadClassInternal(Classes.java:41) at jrockit/vm/RNI.c2java(IIIII)V(Native Method) at jrockit/vm/ExceptionHandler.throwMissingCDPReference(III)V(Native Method) at com/***biz/ac/ACRequestTool.requestAfter(ACRequestTool.java:50) at com/***biz/ac/impl/ApplicationControllerBean.handleRequest(ApplicationControllerBean.java:141) at com/***biz/ac/impl/****AC_q25x5e_EOImpl.handleRequest(pafaAC_q25x5e_EOImpl.java:46) at sun/reflect/GeneratedMethodAccessor276.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;(Unknown Source) at sun/reflect/DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) at java/lang/reflect/Method.invoke(Method.java:324) at com/***lwc/service/remoting/access/rmi/RmiClientInterceptorUtils.doInvoke(RmiClientInterceptorUtils.java:103) at com/***lwc/service/remoting/access/ejb/SimpleRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor$MethodInvokedAction.run(SimpleRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor.java:149) at weblogic/security/acl/internal/AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321) at weblogic/security/service/SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:121) at weblogic/security/Security.runAs(Security.java:41) at com/***lwc/service/remoting/access/ejb/SimpleRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor.invokeFromWeblogic(SimpleRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor.java:133) at com/***lwc/service/remoting/access/ejb/SimpleRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor.doInvoke(SimpleRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor.java:97) at com/***lwc/service/remoting/access/ejb/SmartRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor.doInvoke(SmartRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor.java:134) at com/***lwc/service/remoting/access/ejb/AbstractRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor.invoke(AbstractRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor.java:116) at com/***lwc/core/aop/framework/ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:138) at com/***lwc/core/aop/framework/JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:148) at $Proxy10.handleRequest(Lcom/***dto/ServiceRequest;)Lcom/***dto/ServiceResponse;(Unknown Source) at com/***core/biz/service/ejb/MessageControllerBean.onMessage(***MessageControllerBean.java:133) at weblogic/ejb20/internal/MDListener.execute(MDListener.java:400) at weblogic/ejb20/internal/MDListener.transactionalOnMessage(MDListener.java:333) at weblogic/ejb20/internal/MDListener.onMessage(MDListener.java:298) at weblogic/jms/client/JMSSession.onMessage(JMSSession.java:2686) at weblogic/jms/client/JMSSession.execute(JMSSession.java:2598) at weblogic/kernel/ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:224) at weblogic/kernel/ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:183) at jrockit/vm/RNI.c2java(IIIII)V(Native Method)2023-07-20 08:35:521
绝地求生Blocked loading of file: "C:WindowsSysWOW64uxtheme.dll"?
清理电脑机箱内的灰尘,可用吹风机、吸风机,清理灰尘后可小幅度提高电脑硬件性能。关闭所有不用的后台软件,包括关闭开机自动启动的软件,把那些占用内存资源较大的软件关闭,节省内存空间。降低电脑系统版本,低版本的系统意味着占用更少的系统资源,为游戏节省出更多的内存。安装系统优化大师,整合硬盘空间,优化系统资源。升级硬件,包括但不仅限于内存、显卡,这是较高成本的解决方案(慎用)。重新下载游戏,重做电脑系统。按以上方法优化后,游戏运行状态会发生改变,异常现象能得到有效缓解。2023-07-20 08:36:111
ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found
你去 重启看看2023-07-20 08:36:212
Today, I would like to introduce a legendary star, Shaquille O"Neal is not my idol, nor is it the emperor Michael Jordan basketball is already a truly indomitable fighter - Alonzo Mourning Alonzo Mourning 92 graduated from Georgetown University, the university never a lack of tough-guy, Alonzo Mourning is one of them. Alonzo Mourning in 1992 first-round draft pick selected second overall by the Hornets, his career has played for the Hornets, the Nets and Heat three NBA teams. Is an awesome defensive tough guy. Maybe Mourning itself contains the meaning of grief, Mourning"s career was not smooth. Join the NBA from the start, his height would take this criticism, after all, the height of 2.08 in the center had already been very short, but he used his tough-guy spirit of the legend written for a while. 7 time All-Star, 2 times Best Defensive Player Award, 2 blocked shots last season they were his honor. In 1995, he joined the Heat, which led the team in the playoffs after dark 8 staged a miracle. Later, he was diagnosed with severe kidney disease, it is assumed that his career ends, however, he still participated in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, where he received the title. Through the transplant, his condition has been some improvement, for example, he might return to the game than the former, but a yearning for the championship but still exudes the heart energy. Monensin once said: "To win the championship, needed is not rhetoric, but to you as a last-minute every minute spent." So, he did so. 2005-06 season, the NBA Finals last game, the 36-year-old veteran of 14 minutes for the 14-year career painting the perfect full stop is the service, his opponent five blocks, when he last fall from the sky, everyone can see him shaking. This tough guy with the indomitable fighting spirit helped the team to a championship. 14-year basketball career, he never fell down, even if the injury is also standing to leave the stadium. January 23, 2009, Alonzo Mourning retired, his jersey is always hanging over the American Airlines Center. Like Hits of the Santiago, a tough guy, a fighter, will never come to the battlefield is a fall, no matter how, they would standing forever.2023-07-20 08:36:327
远程X Font Service (xfs) 存在缓冲区溢出漏洞怎么办?
Solaris fs.auto远程缓冲区溢出漏洞严重程度:高威胁程度:普通用户访问权限错误类型:边界检查错误利用方式:服务器模式受影响系统Sun Microsystems Solaris 2.5.1 (Sparc/Intel)Sun Microsystems Solaris 2.6 (Sparc/Intel)Sun Microsystems Solaris 7 (Sparc/Intel)Sun Microsystems Solaris 8 (Sparc/Intel)Sun Microsystems Solaris 9 (Sparc)Sun Microsystems Solaris 9 Update 2 (Intel)详细描述Sun Microsystems的"X Window Font Service"实现是X WINDOWS的组件,用于输出字体数据给所有X WINDOWS网络沙锅内的计算机,其中fs.auto守护程序实现存在缓冲区溢出。远程攻击者可以利用这个漏洞在系统上执行任意代码。XFS字体服务程序fs.auto中的Dispatch()程序对用户提交的数据缺少检查,远程攻击者可以伪造特殊XFS请求而使守护程序崩溃,也存在执行任意代码的可能。不过一般以"nobody‘权限。测试代码尚无解决方案在/etc/inetd.conf文件中注释:#fs stream tcp wait nobody /usr/openwin/lib/fs.auto fs并重新启动INET进程。补丁下载:http://sunsolve.sun.com相关信息AdvisoriesISS X-Force Security AdvisoryNovember 25, 2002Solaris fs.auto Remote Compromise VulnerabilitySynopsis:ISS X-Force has discovered a vulnerability in the Sun Microsystemsimplementation of the "X Window Font Service", or "XFS". The XFS service wasdesigned as a component of the X Windows systems to establish a commonmechanism to export font data to all computers on an X Windows network. Abuffer overflow vulnerability exists within the XFS service (fs.auto).Impact:Remote attackers can exploit the buffer overflow vulnerability to runarbitrary commands on a target system. Attackers must exploit thisvulnerability in conjunction with another attack to gain "root" access,because the fs.auto service does not run with superuser privilege. The Solarisoperating system is configured to run the fs.auto service by default. It isbound to a high TCP port, which is normally blocked on perimeter firewalls.Networks that are not filtering high TCP ports, and internal networks arepotentially at risk.Affected Versions:Sun Microsystems Solaris 2.5.1 (Sparc/Intel)Sun Microsystems Solaris 2.6 (Sparc/Intel)Sun Microsystems Solaris 7 (Sparc/Intel)Sun Microsystems Solaris 8 (Sparc/Intel)Sun Microsystems Solaris 9 (Sparc)Sun Microsystems Solaris 9 Update 2 (Intel)Description:The XFS protocol is used by computers on an X Windows network to share fontinformation. The X Windows system implemented an extensive and scalable fontcapability. This capability requires that all X Windows clients and servershave a mechanism to access font data, which may be distributed throughout anX Windows network.Solaris implemented the XFS font server in the daemon, fs.auto. A flaw existswithin the fs.auto Dispatch() routine. Adequate bounds-checking is notconducted on user-supplied data within the vulnerable function. This flaw canallow remote attackers to formulate a specific XFS query to either crash theservice, or execute arbitrary code under the privilege of the "nobody" user.This privilege level is similar to that of any normal user. Recommendations:The following ISS updates and product releases address the issues describedin this advisory. These updates are available from the ISS Download Center(http://www.iss.net/download):RealSecure Network Sensor XPU 20.7Internet Scanner XPU 6.22X-Force recommends that administrators disable the fs.auto service unless itis explicitly required. Administrators can disable fs.auto by editing theinetd configuration file (/etc/inetd.conf) and then restart the inetd processby following the steps below:1. Comment out the line corresponding to fs.auto. It should read:#fs stream tcp wait nobody /usr/openwin/lib/fs.auto fs2. Restart the inetd process# ps ?ef |grep inetd root 138 1 0 Oct 15 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd ?s# kill ?HUP 138 Administrators should inspect their network perimeters to insure that strongpacket filtering rules are in place. The XFS protocol uses TCP port 7100.This port should be blocked on all network perimeters.Vendor Notification Schedule:Vendor confirmed patches would be available on 11/25/2002, and has sincerescheduled the patch release after the publication of this advisory. Please contact Sun for more information.Initial vendor notification: 10/16/2002Initial vendor confirmation: 10/17/2002Final release schedule agreement: 11/18/2002Additional Information:SunSolve Onlinehttp://sunsolve.sun.comX-Force Databasehttp://www.iss.net/security_center/static/10375.phpThe Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has assigned thename CAN-2002-1317 to this issue. This is a candidate for inclusion inthe CVE list (http://cve.mitre.org), which standardizes names forsecurity problems.Credit:This vulnerability was discovered and researched by Neel Mehta of the ISSX-Force.______About Internet Security Systems (ISS) Founded in 1994, Internet SecuritySystems (ISS) (Nasdaq: ISSX) is a pioneer and world leader in softwareand services that protect critical online resources from an ever-changing spectrum of threats and misuse. Internet Security Systems isheadquartered in Atlanta, GA, with additional operations throughout theAmericas, Asia, Australia, Europe and the Middle East.Copyright (c) 2002 Internet Security Systems, Inc. All rights reservedworldwide.Permission is hereby granted for the electronic redistribution of thisdocument. It is not to be edited or altered in any way without theexpress written consent of the Internet Security Systems X-Force. If youwish to reprint the whole or any part of this document in any othermedium excluding electronic media, please email xforce@iss.net forpermission.Disclaimer: The information within this paper may change without notice.Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IScondition. There are NO warranties, implied or otherwise, with regard tothis information or its use. Any use of this information is at theuser"s risk. In no event shall the author/distributor (Internet SecuritySystems X-Force) be held liable for any damages whatsoever arising outof or in connection with the use or spread of this information.X-Force PGP Key available on MIT"s PGP key server and PGP.com"s keyserver, as well as at http://www.iss.net/security_center/sensitive.phpPlease send suggestions, updates, and comments to: X-Forcexforce@iss.net of Internet Security Systems, Inc.2023-07-20 08:36:551
android watchdog sync 4256是什么意思
由于Android的SystemServer内有一票重要Service,所以在进程内有一个软件实现的Watchdog机制,用于监视SystemServer中各Service是否正常工作。如果超过一定时间(默认30秒),就dump现场便于分析,再超时(默认60秒)就重启SystemServer保证系统可用性。同时logcat中会打印类似下面信息:W Watchdog: *** WATCHDOG KILLING SYSTEM PROCESS: Blocked in monitor com.Android.server.am.ActivityManagerService on foreground thread (android.fg), Blocked in handler on ActivityManager (ActivityManager), Blocked in handler on WindowManager thread (WindowManager)主要实现代码位于/frameworks/base/services/core/Java/com/android/server/Watchdog.Java和/frameworks/base/core/jni/android_server_Watchdog.cpp。大体的框架很简单。Watchdog是SystemServer中的独立线程,它隔一定时间间隔会向各监视线程调度一次检查操作。这个检查操作当中会调用已注册的Monitor对象。如果Monitor对象上产生死锁,或是关键线程hang住,那么该检查必定不能按时结束,这样就被Watchdog检查到。2023-07-20 08:37:141
电脑配置不满足游戏的最低要求电脑内存管理存在问题,内存不足了所以卡屏遇到这个问题,可以使用电脑管家,游戏加速对游戏运行优化再去玩2023-07-20 08:37:281
【 #能力训练# 导语】英语是世界上通用的语言,而英语的学习是很枯燥的,想要学好英语不妨先从阅读英语故事开始。从英文故事中学习,提高英文水平。从故事中学习,学到人生的哲理。下面是 无 分享的少儿英语小故事简单好背的10篇。欢迎阅读参考! 1.少儿英语小故事简单好背的 Wolf and egret The wolf mistake swallowed a piece of bone, very suffered, running about, look for to visit the doctor everywhere。He met the egret, and talk to settle the service fees to invite him to take out the bone, egret to stretch in the wolf"s throat the own head, and the 叼 outs bone, then toward to settle the good service fees wolfThe wolf answer says:" hello, friend, you can since the wolf 嘴 take back the head in the peace ground, and the difficult way return the dissatisfied foot, and how and still speak the guerdon?" This story elucidation, guerdon badly person act charitably, and is a bad person of cognition and does not speak the reputation"s innate character。 狼与鹭鸶 狼误吞下了一块骨头,十分难受,四处奔走,寻访医生。他遇见了鹭鸶,谈定酬金请他取出骨头,鹭鸶把自我的头伸进狼的喉咙里,叼出了骨头,便向狼要定好的酬金。狼回答说:“喂,朋友,你能从狼嘴里平安无事地收回头来,难道还不满足,怎样还要讲报酬?” 这故事说明,对坏人行善的报酬,就是认识坏人不讲信用的本质。2.少儿英语小故事简单好背的 One morning when a vixen was taking her babies out of the lair, she saw a lioness and her cub. Why do you have only one child, dear dame? asked the vixen. Look at my healthy and numerous children here, and imagine, if you are able, how a proud mother should feel. The lioness said calmly, Yes, just look at that beautiful collection. What are they? Foxes! Ive only one, but remember, that one is a lion. 一天清早,雌狐狸带着她的孩子走出巢穴,看见了母狮子和她的孩子。 为什么你只有一个孩子,夫人?雌狐狸问,看我这群健康的孩子,如果有能力,一个骄傲的妈妈应该多养一些孩子。 母狮平静地说:是呀,看看这漂亮的一大群,他们都是狐狸!我只有一个,可他毕竟是一头狮子。 贵重的价值在于质,而不在于量。3.少儿英语小故事简单好背的 Long ago a great mountain began to rumble and shake. People came from far and near to see what would happen. "A great river will be born." said one. "Surely nothing less than a mighty dragon will e out." said another. "A god himself will spring form these rocks." said a third. Finally,after days of expectation a small crack appeared in the mountain. And out popped-a mouse. Just because someone makes a lot of fuss, it doesn"t mean he is important. 很久以前,一座大山隆隆作响,摇晃起来。远近各处的人都来看是怎样回事。 一个人说:"要出现一条大河了。" 另一个人说:"准会出现一条巨龙。" 第三个人说:"从这些岩石中会出现一尊神来。" 等了几天之后,山坡上最终裂开一条小缝,却蹦出来一只耗子。 正因为某人大肆张扬,所以他没有什么了不起。4.少儿英语小故事简单好背的 Little boy and scorpion son There is a child in front of city wall to catch the grasshopper, and in a short while caught the lots of.Suddenly see a scorpion son, he to think is also grasshopper, Then two go to catch him.The scorpion son raises his poison to stab, say:" e, if you really dare to do like this, connect your grasshopper that catch to also would entirely lose." This story warns people, and want to distinguish the pure good man with the bad person, and distinct to treat them. 小男孩与蝎子 有个小孩在城墙前捉蚱蜢,一会儿就捉了许多。忽然看见一只蝎子,他以为也是蚱蜢, 便着两手去捕捉他。蝎子举起他的毒 刺,说道:“来吧,如果你真敢这样做,就连你捉的蚱蜢也会统统失掉。” 这故事告诫人们,要分辨清好人和坏人,区别对待他们。5.少儿英语小故事简单好背的 There was a sturdy ram with a pair of thick horns upright on its head. It strutted about proudly and saw a fence built with bamboo and wood in front, which blocked its way. It cast a sidelong glance at the fence, lowered its neck and lunged at the fence, hoping to knock it down. The fence remained intact but the ram injured its own horns. If it had not injured its horns, the ram would have persisted obstinately in butting against the fence, even against the spokes of a wheel until it bled with a fractured skull. As a result, with its horns caught in the fence, the ram could neither advance nor retreat butbleat helplessly. 一头长得非常雄壮的公羊的头上,挺立着一对粗大的犄角。 公羊骄傲地踱着步,看见前面有一道竹木编成的篱笆挡住了它的去路。公羊斜着眼睛看看,便弯下脖子呼的一声撞上去,想把篱笆撞倒。结果篱笆纹丝不动,它反把自己的犄角碰伤了。 假如公羊没有碰伤犄角的话,那么它还会一个劲儿地撞下去,甚至向车轮的辐条上撞去,直到头破血流为止。 结果呢?公羊的犄角被篱笆夹住,进也不得,退也不得,只能“咩咩”不停地叫唤。6.少儿英语小故事简单好背的 The Ass and the Grasshopperan Ass having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on, to give them such beautiful voices。 They replied, "The dew。" The Ass resolved that he would only live upon dew, and in a short time died of hunger。 驴和蚱蜢 一只驴听到几只蚱蜢在叫,便觉得很趣味;于是也想得到同样趣味的音调,便问蚱蜢吃什么东西过活,以致于能有这样优美的声音。蚱蜢说:「露水。」驴子听了,从此以后也单吃露水过活,不久便饿死了。7.少儿英语小故事简单好背的 A little panda picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it home. but the pumpkin is too big. The panda can"t take it home. Suddenly she sees a bear riding a bike to ward her. she watches the bike. “ i know! I have a good idea.”She jumps and shouts happily, “i can roll a pumpkin. It like a wheel.” So she rolls the pumpkin to her home. When her mother sees the big pumpkin, she is surprised,“oh, my god! How can you carry it home?”The little panda answers proudly,“I can ‘t lift it ,but I can roll it.”Her mother smiled and says,“ what a clever girl !Use you heard to do something,” 一只小熊猫摘了一只大南瓜,想把它拿回家。但是这只南瓜太大了,她没有办法把这么大的南瓜带回家。 突然她看见一只狗熊骑着一辆自行车朝她这边来。她看着自行车,跳着说:“有了!我有办法了。我可以把南瓜滚回家去。南瓜好像车轮。 于是她把那瓜滚回家。当她妈妈看到这只大南瓜的时候,很惊讶:“天啊!这么大的南瓜!你是怎么把它带回家来的?”小熊猫自豪地说;“我拎不动它,可是我能滚动它啊!”她妈妈微笑着说:“真聪明啊!记住:只要你肯动脑筋,没有难办的事”。8.少儿英语小故事简单好背的 On a hill lived a gifted old man. He can answer any question raised by anyone. There are two children to fool the old man, they catch a bird, and asked him: "the bird is dead or alive?" the old man said: "the children without thinking, if I say the bird is alive, you will tighten your hand to kill it. If I say its dead, youll let go of your hand and let it fly away. The palm of your hand holds the power of life and death of the bird." 在一座山上,住着一个天才老人。他能回答任何人提出的问题。当地有两个小孩愚弄这个老人,他们捕捉了一只小鸟,问老人:“小鸟是死的还是活的?”老人不假思索地说:“孩子,如果我说小鸟是活的,你就会勒紧你的手把它弄死。如果我说是死的,你就会松开你的手让它飞掉。你的手掌握着这只鸟的生死大权。”9.少儿英语小故事简单好背的 Two brothers were looking at some beautiful paintings。 “look,”said the elder brother。“how nice the sepainting sare!” “yes,”said the younger,“but in all the sepaintings there is only the mother and the children。where is the father?” the elder brother thought for a moment and then explained,“obviously he was painting the pictures。” 兄弟俩在看一些漂亮的油画。 “看,”哥哥说,“这些画多漂亮呀!” “是啊,”弟弟说道,“可是在所有这些画中,只有妈妈和孩子。那爸爸去哪儿了呢?” 哥哥想了会儿,然后解释道:“很明显,他当时正在画这些画呗。”10.少儿英语小故事简单好背的 I Don"t Want to Walk Home 我不想走回家 Tom is a very old man. After dinner, he likes walking in the street. And he goes to bed at seven o"clock. 汤姆是一位老人,他喜欢在晚饭后到大街上散步,在7点回来睡觉。 But tonight, a car stopped at his house. A policeman helps him get out. He tells Tom"s wife, “The old man couldn"t find his way in the street. He asked me to take him in the car.” 但是,今天晚上一辆小汽车停在他家门前,汤姆在一位警察的帮助下走下汽车。警察告诉汤姆的妻子:“这位老人在街上迷路了,他让我用汽车送他回来。” After the policeman leaves there, his wife asks, “Tom, you go to the street every night.But tonight you can"t find the way, what"s the matter?” 警察走后:“汤姆,你每天都到那条街上散步,但是今天你迷路了,你怎么了?” The old man smiles like a child and says, “I couldn"t find my way? I didn"t want to walk home.” 这位老人像孩子般的笑道:“我迷路了?我是不想走路回家。”2023-07-20 08:37:371
绝地求生出现 Failed to start BattlEye Service (0). 进不了游戏怎么解决
Failed to start BattlEye Service (0). 服务器启动失败。方法1:打开360安全卫士,工具里,打开修复lsp,然后立即修复。系统保留网速设置,运行的对话框,在输入文字的位置,输入命令gpedit.msc,调出组策略进行设置,选择管理模板-网络-Qos数据包计划程序,选择后在右侧的窗口选择限制可保留带宽选项,将未配置的选择更改成已启用,并将带宽限制将默认设置的20更改为0。方法2:打开搜索运行(WIN键+R)输入services.msc找到WINDOWS FIREWALL,双击。启动类型设置成手动,然后下面的服务状态停止掉点确认,就OK了。2023-07-20 08:37:4913
高一英语日记1 Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country. I get up at six o"clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o"clock. After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o"clock.Then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed. 高一英语日记2 July 6 xxx It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free.Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleepand eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest. 高一英语日记3 the July 23, my good friend birthday. I bought a large delivery of her baby, and several friends to celebrate with him. We eat lunch in Louisville, Kentucky, and then we go to amusement parks. Play the 2,125,000 vehicles, roller coaster, Ferris wheel, and so on. We played very pleased. We evening in his home after eating meals, playing games. 高一英语日记4 Sunny 2ed August Today was sunny ,and I was in a good mood because I arrived in Hong Kong with my parents. We would stay in this modern city for three days . This was the first day of our visit.In the morning, we came to Disney Park and enjoyed the excitement of roller coaster and saw many cartoon characters。In the afternoon ,we visited the sea park. It was one of the biggest sea parks all over the world and covered 170 acres. Besides, It had its theme park and the biggest aquarium in Southeast Asia . I saw many kinds of fishes, and I thought Shakes are very scary. After that, we went to see a movie.In a word, we had great fun here. 高一英语日记5 20xx.X.X 晴 What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However, the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal . On your way to success, you must keep your direction. It is just like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles on your way. Otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead. Direction means objectives. You can get nowhere without an objective in life. You can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it. In this way, you will know how to arrange your time and to spend your time properly. And you should also have a belief that you are sure to succeed as long as you keep your direction all the time. 高一英语日记6 In this winter vacation, I was finally given the opportunity to taste the South pointed rock carefully. The sea of clouds is a characteristic, very spectacular. More than 1400 meters above sea level, to see the sea of clouds do not have to climb again, just wait patiently. Here the clouds came and went without a trace, the myriads of changes, elusive. The top of the mountain with a layer of light, the hillside around the clouds, it is immeasurably vast difference such as in Wonderland. A moment when the sun will rise, the sky suddenly infected with a layer of fog, which lasted only a few seconds, I quickly press the camera shutter. Soon the clouds slowly receded, the distant mountains are a few houses — — it should be “ people have &rdquo Bai Yunsheng department; artistic conception. It is worth mentioning here is also very characteristic of zhuhai. Thousands of acres of continuous green bamboo, both simple and colorful. As long as you pay attention to the observation, there are good scenery all year round. There are mountains block wetland, there is a small lake, has a name called “ &rdquo, yaochi; I do not know what the history and legend. Wonderful jade pool is water long many trees and green plants. The spectacle seems to be visible in Jiuzhaigou. No wonder two photographers from Shanghai set up cameras and refused to walk, even boasted that it was Lishui, Jiuzhaigou. The terraces here are really worth seeing. Mainly lies in the farmers here are especially good at early ploughing intensive and meticulous farming, land preparation, such as the mirror surface, ridge like rope, is a poem or a painting? Is the ink, wood carving, painting or watercolor? 高一英语日记7 After practicing taekwondo home by bus, the road is blocked, when the car turns, and a car accidentally rub, perhaps because of the end of the day, the bus driver immediately laid open: "have no eyes!" also scolded a lot of bad words, just forgive him. After all, the bus driver also there are a lot of bad things. Perhaps because he started it, passengers also because the roads are too crowded to get to work is also his curse, the car suddenly noisy, at this time, sitting in a leisurely manner to a speaker at my side grey-haired old man: "stop! You are not good for him!" "also, we are no longer talking, the car fell into silence. Well, maybe everyone is something to busy but stuck in it and anxious, casually say one or two words also does not matter, but I was moved by the old man calm calm mood and tolerance: Yes, there are too many disappointments, faint smile made it like clouds, the heart will ease many! Why should feel trapped in distress and sorrow. Perhaps only at this age to have such a high level! Want to become such an old woman to know the truth, I can not help but worry: I faint when teeth are lost, is it too late? Oh, fortunately, the old man to give me a lesson, let me know in advance this truth. 高一英语日记8 As we all know, Beijing Aquarium is a interesting place. So I went to Beijing Aquarium with my mother and grandmother yesterday. We went there by taxi. It took us about a half past hour to go there. First, we saw many fish, they"re lives in rainforest, such as:Discus fish、Red parrot fish .Second, we went to the marine theater. In there we sew the dolphin、s and walrus. We took many pictures there. We ate some foods in the Beijing Aquarium; they were very delicious .After that we saw many kinds of corals and actinia. We were tired, but we had a good time! 高一英语日记9 Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally looking forward to the winter vacation. Today, the weather is fine, sunny and sunny. With a happy heart, I came to the cram school with a brisk pace. Just sitting in the seat, the teacher came in. The teacher smiled and said, "&ldquo, class, today, we"re going to paint.". The theme of this painting is about funny. You can use your imagination. Pick up the art paper and start drawing! Finish painting to share with you! Time is 40 minutes. ” after that, the teacher started clocking. We danced and danced with joy. Because the funny thing is our strong points! However, this makes us hesitate, to share with you, then we need to draw better. This is a stumbling block. “ &rdquo. I picked up my paintbrush and started to use my imagination. I was painting a tiger back stroking his beard. “ La … … ” the alarm clock is ringing. We handed our pictures to the teacher. The teacher looked at our pictures, laughs grinning. It might be funny to see the teacher smile like that! We couldn"t wait to ask the teacher to show us that the teacher touched each picture with a magnet on the blackboard. We were convulsed with laughter. Some draw a monster"s mouth, some draw a little boy with a beard, … … we laugh so fast that our teeth fall off. Even the teacher is also. The teacher gave us a score, and finally I got the best. When I got home, I showed my picture to my parents, and they grinned. All praise my painting technique is very good! 高一英语日记10 There are 100 days left before the college entrance examination. Senior three"s life is very difficult to review, every day the task of learning is very heavy. We do our best to shorten the time we eat and sleep, and the rest of the time we study. Today, my deskmate told me that he was too tired, and he felt like giving up. Deskmate said so, I can only comfort him, encourage him to stick to it. In fact, I know that most people give up and insist every day in the struggle to give up it is far more than one table . Although I have given up the idea of giving up, but in the remaining days, I will not slack, and will not give up. 【翻译】 距离高考还有100天了。高三的`复习生活很艰苦,每天的学习任务都很重。我们尽可能的缩短吃饭睡觉的时间,其他的时间都用来学习。 今天同桌和我说,高三太累了,他感觉坚持不下去了,有点想放弃了。同桌这么说,我也只能安慰他,鼓励他坚持下去。 其实我知道,大部分人每天都在放弃与坚持中挣扎,想放弃的又何止是同桌一个人。 虽然说我有过放弃的念头,但是在剩下的日子里,我不会懈怠,更不会放弃。2023-07-20 08:38:411
可能是你打错了收件人的地址!2023-07-20 08:39:016
我手机联通卡pin锁住了 打不开手机了 怎么办啊
如果那张大卡已经找不到了,PUK码可以在营业厅得到。PUK码称个人解锁码,用于解除PIN码(个人识别码,由4到8位数的阿拉伯数字组成,PIN码就是平时所说的SIM卡密码,在手机的密码设置里设置,客户可随便更改)。当连续三次输入错误的PIN码后,手机将自行锁卡,这时必须输入正确的8位数PUK码解除卡锁。锁卡后手机屏幕显示“Enter Puk”、“BLOCK”、“请输入PUK码”、“SIM卡被锁”等等的字样。//请注意:连续输错十次PUK码,将会造成烧卡,即永久性锁卡。 造成永久性锁卡后,就只能到营业厅更换SIM卡。 PUK码是一组8位数长的数字,不可更改,补换卡后PUK码会随之改变。/PUK码小常识://当不小心把PIN码锁住时,不同的手机会有不同的显示,常见的大概有如下几种: (1)显示“Blocked”这种情况一般是在MOTOROLA品牌的手机(英文机)上出现,当出现这种情况时,其解锁方法是:**05*输入PUK码,按“OK”键,输入“新PIN”按“OK”键,再输入“新PIN”按“OK”即可。 (2)显示“Card Blocked unblock?”这种情况则多数出现在ERICSSON手机上,其解锁方法是:按“YES”,输入PUK码,按“YES”输入“新PIN”按“YES”,再输入“新PIN”便可。 (3)显示“SIM卡已封”,出现这种情况时,其解锁方法与第(1)的解锁方法一样。 (4)三星机型显示PUK未启动,则只有一次输入正确PUK码的机会。 (5)诺基亚则直接输入PUK码。/有不明白的可以询问客服:移动10086、联通10010、电信100002023-07-20 08:39:212
This site is blocked by the SonicWALL Content Filter Service. 是什么意思
这个网页被Sonic防火墙内容过滤服务所屏蔽2023-07-20 08:39:291
1. 交通规则 traffic regulation 2. 路标 guide post 3. 里程碑 milestone 4. 停车标志 mark car stop 5. 红绿灯 traffic light 6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7. 红灯 red light 8. 绿灯 green light 9. 黄灯 amber light 10. 交通岗 traffic post 11. 岗亭 police box 12. 交通警 traffic police 13. 打手势 pantomime 14. 单行线 single line 15. 双白线 double white lines 16. 双程线dual carriage-way 17. 斑马线 zebra stripes 18. 划路线机 traffic line marker 19. 交通干线 artery traffic 20. 车行道 carriage-way 21. 辅助车道 lane auxiliary 22. 双车道 two-way traffic 23. 自行车通行 cyclists only 24. 单行道 one way only 25. 窄路 narrow road 26. 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet 27. 陡坡 steep hill 28. 不平整路 rough road 29. 弯路 curve road ; bend road 30. 连续弯路 winding road 31. 之字路 double bend road 32. 之字公路 switch back road 33. 下坡危险 dangerous down grade 34. 道路交叉点 road junction 35. 十字路 cross road 36. 左转 turn left 37. 右转 turn right 38. 靠左 keep left 39. 靠右 keep right 40. 慢驶 slow 41. 速度 speed 42. 超速 excessive speed 43. 速度限制 speed limit 44. 恢复速度 resume speed 45. 禁止通行 no through traffic 46. 此路不通 blocked 47. 不准驶入 no entry 48. 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead 49. 不准掉头 no turns 50. 让车道 passing bay 51. 回路 loop 52. 安全岛 safety island 53. 停车处 parking place 54. 停私人车 private car park 55. 只停公用车 public car only 56. 不准停车 restricted stop 57. 不准滞留 restricted waiting 58. 临街停车 parking on-street 59. 街外停车 parking off-street 60. 街外卸车 loading off-street 61. 当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing 62. 当心牲畜 caution animals 63. 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead 64. 拱桥 hump bridge 65. 火车栅 level crossing 66. 修路 road works 67. 医院 hospital 68. 儿童 children 69. 学校 school 70. 寂静地带 silent zone 71. 非寂静地带 silent zone ends 72. 交通管理 traffic control 73. 人山人海 crowded conditions 74. 拥挤的人 jam-packed with people 75. 交通拥挤 traffic jam 76. 水泄不通 overwhelm 77. 顺挤 extrusion direct 78. 冲挤 extrusion impact 79. 推挤 shoved 80. 挨身轻推 nudging 81. 让路 give way 82. 粗心行人 careless pedestrian 83. 犯交通罪 committing traffic offences 84. 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license 85. 危险驾驶 dangerous driving 86. 粗心驾车 careless driving 87. 无教员而驾驶 driving without an instructor 88. 无证驾驶 driving without license 89. 未经车主同意 without the owner"s consent 90. 无第三方保险 without third-party insurance 91. 未挂学字牌 driving without a "L" plate 92. 安全第一 safety first 93. 轻微碰撞 slight impact 94. 迎面相撞 head-on collision 95. 相撞 collided 96. 连环撞 a chain collision 97. 撞车 crash 98. 辗过 run over 99. 肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver 100. 冲上人行道 drive onto the pavement 关于乘机旅行的词汇 boarding check 登机牌 plane ticket 飞机票 flight, flying 飞行 bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行 smooth flight 平稳的飞行 ramp 扶梯 altitude, height 高度 air route, air line 航线 extra flight 加班 economy class, tourist class 经济座 non-stop flight 连续飞行 climbing, to gain height 爬升 circling 盘旋 forced landing 迫降 connecting flight 衔接航班 speed, velocity 速度 ceiling 上升限度 cruising speed 巡航速度 top speed 最高速度 first class 头等 night service 夜航 airsick 晕机 direct flight, straight flight 直飞 landing 着陆 to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸 to taxi along 滑行 to lose height, to fly low 降低 to take off, take-off 起飞 to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机 to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机 to face the wind 迎风2023-07-20 08:39:401
分类: 电脑/网络 >> 互联网 问题描述: 不知道怎么回事,近来使用126的邮箱总是出现邮件发不出去的问题,不是系统退信就是系统维护,不知道是126的问题还是收件方邮箱的问难。 听说G-MAIL的邮箱很好用阿,有谁能给我发个邀请阿,再此多谢啦! 我的邮箱:eyou 解析: 一般是收件人的问题下面是详细的问题,你可以参考一下 退信: 对方用户不存在! 关键字:No such user、 unknown、illegal alias、account inactive、user、not found、Invalid、 recipient、 not a valid、mailbox、cannot be delivered、Args、Unable to relay 退信信息例子: : No such user : User unknown : unknown or illegal alias:?????? : host *** tp.china[] said: 550 , No such user. : user account inactive : User ***@now is not found in Server. : invalid address : host ……said: 550 Invalid recipient : host ……said: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for techartsys@yeah : host …… said: 552 5.0.0 Transaction Failure. Invalid Args. 退信原因: 对方邮箱帐号不存在. 解决方法: 由于在该网站中无法找到要投递的用户地址,因此该邮件无法正确投递到该地址中让接受者接收出现了此退信。请重新确认该地址是否正确,或者是否写错。确认无误后重新投递即可。 特别说明: 退信:: User ?????@dd is not found in Server. 有可能是由于地址栏中填写了中文字符或其它不支持的字符而导致退信的.一般情况下,当写含有中文字符的收件人地址时,我们会有以下提示:您使用了地址格式不正确,系统已进行自动更正,请您确认系统操作是否正确,如果不正确请您按取消手工更正。 帐号被禁用(冻结或删除等)? 关键字:disabled 退信信息例子: : User ?????@163 is disabled : host mta.21[] said: 550 is now disabled with SMTP service. : host……said: 554 delivery error: ??? Sorry your message to ?????@yahoo cannot be delivered. This account has been disabled or discontinued. - mta582.mail.yahoo 退信原因: 此用户被禁用或者不可以使用,可能长时间未登陆使用过/帐号被冻结或删除等. 解决方法: 1.如果是无邮箱使用权限有以下三种情况: a. 免费邮---超过45天没有登陆过邮箱,就会取消邮箱功能. b. 收费邮---使用期限到了,但还未确认收到您的邮箱费用. c. 违反邮箱使用服务协议(如乱发垃圾信件等) 2.如果收件人是其他邮件系统(外域)的帐号: 请与对方或对方系统管理员联系确认. 对方邮箱空间不够,无法接收新邮件? 关键字: Quota、exceed、hard limit、exceeding、storage allocation 退信信息例子: : Quota exceed the hard limit for user ?????@163 : host …… said: 552 This person"s account is exceeding their quota. : exceeded storage allocation : 552 Channel Size Limit exceeded 退信原因: 接收方已经没有足够邮箱空间接受新邮件。 解决方法: 你所投递的对方邮箱已经没有足够的剩余空间接收您的邮件,而产生错误并且被退回到你的发件地址。 请你使用其他的方式与接收方联系,或者请让接收方先清除邮箱中没用的邮件,以腾出空间接收新邮件。 对方拒收邮件? 关键字: not wele、content rejected 、Message blocked、Recipient reject 退信信息例子: : This Message is not wele : Error: content rejected : Message content rejected : Message blocked. : host ……said: 550 Recipient reject :550 CoremailSys:Your message was blocked by NetEase AntiSpam+. 退信原因: 接收方已经没有足够邮箱空间接受新邮件。 解决方法: 出现"550 CoremailSys:Your message was blocked by NetEase AntiSpam+."由于近期网易(邮箱后缀为:@163,@126,@ease,@yeah)邮件防火墙对垃圾邮件进行相关的过滤(主要针对邮件信头内容的过滤)。如果您使用OUTLOOK无法发送到网易的邮箱中,您可以登陆WEB方式进行发送邮件。 出现"not Wele"、"message blocked"和"content rejected"的主要是接收者在邮箱中设定了过滤器,并且你所寄发的邮件中如"发件人"、"接收者"、"主题"、"邮件容量"中的其中一项或者若干项刚好符合该接收者的条件过滤,因此导致邮件在投递后被对方系统拒收。 请把自己所投递该邮件做适当的修改,如发送的"主题",尽量使用比较中性词语。如"你好"等。 控制邮件的容量不要过大,由于用户可以在过滤器中限制邮件的大小,如果有比较大的邮件投递时候出现错误,可以先把该邮件中的附件用压缩软件进行压缩处理后再行处理。 "message blocked"的情况也有可能是对方服务器由于对发送方邮件的发送做了限制,如果在短时间内重复出现此情况,请与我们联系. 无法查找对方服务器名称(域名或主机) 关键字: Host、not found、bad host、domain 、unreachable、Connection refused 退信信息例子: : Name service error for domain sian: Host not found : Name service error for domain zdl: Host not found, try again : Name service error for domain hot.163: Host not found : bad host/domain syntax: ".powerise" <****@shou> : connect to shou: Connection refused : domain unreachable (不存在@263这个域的邮件系统的) 退信原因: 主机或者对方域名有错误,或者无法正确的被系统解释,导致投递出错 很大部分都是由于@后面的域名写错了,请认真确认清楚,谢谢! 解决方法: "host not found"和"domain syntax"的情况主要是由于用户在书写对方的email地址时候把对方"@"后面的主机和域名写错,如"sina"错写为"@sian",或者把原本的"@163"错写为"@hot.163"因为163中根本没有"hot"的主机,因此出现错误。类似的还有在@和域名之间多加"."。 系统指令错误? 关键字: error in mand 、syntax error 退信信息例子: : host ……said: 500 error in mand <""m***********@yahoo??iwalom0681""@sina>: host ……said: 555 ???????? - syntax error (#5.5.4) 退信原因: 无法识别错误命令(邮件系统指令)。 解决方法: 其原因多数是由于使用的软件或者发送系统在投递连接对方系统时候,对方系统无法识别此软件或者发送方系统的指令系统导致发送错误。 请使用常用的软件如Outlook Express或者Foxmail等进行邮件编辑,或者直接使用WEB的方式发送邮件,可以减少出错的机会.如果问题依旧,请在稍后的时间重新再发送。 而第二种类型 则是用于发送者填写接收者地址时候输入了非法字符如“"”“/”“”“^”等非法字符导致无法成功法发送。 “BOX IS BUSY”是怎么回事呢? 关键字: Box is busy 退信信息例子: : host ……said: 450 Fail, Box is busy 退信原因: 邮件内容敏感出现错误。(邮件系统指令)。 解决方式: 由于本系统会对使用Outlook Express和Foxmail等邮件客户端软件发送的邮件进行内容过滤,因此用户在发送含有敏感字眼或者字句就会出现错误,导致无法发送。请用户检查邮件中的内容,以确保邮件的顺利发送。 发送的邮件过大,造成接收方服务器拒收? 关键字: exceeds 、maximum message size、Data size 退信信息例子: : 552 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size: 7372800 bytes : 552 5.2.3 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size (7200000) : host *** tp.xaonline[] said: 552 Data size must not exceed 4096K bytes. 退信原因: 由于发送方的邮件容量过大导致接收方的系统服务商拒收此邮件。 解决方法: 通常此类错误都是由于接收方系统不允许他们系统中的用户接收过大的邮件所采取的保护机制所做出的限制。因此用户可以把过大的邮件使用outlook express的邮件分拆功能进行分拆发送。蓝色字部分表示对方每封邮件只可以接收到的最大容量 。 接收方的系统服务商拒收此邮件(原因1)? 关键字:banned 、isn"t in my list of allowed rcpthosts、domain is not wele、Connection refused、Relaying denied 退信信息例子: : 571 ???@163... from mail01j.rapidsite You are banned, contact yourlocal admin. : 553 sorry, that domain isn"t in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1) : 550... Relaying denied : 550 5.0.0 > <#####@163> : Mail originating from that domain is not wele here : connect to mf2.XXXXX: Connection refused 退信原因:由于发送方的邮件被接收方的系统服务商拒收此邮件。 解决方式: 由于对方系统把发送的地址、域或者IP地址列入拒收列表中,使得从此地方寄出的邮件导致拒绝接收的情况。 如果当你遇到此情况,可以把你当时发送的内容和发送的地址,以及发送的时间发送给我们的管理员,让我们的管理员尽快与对方管理员联系,已尽快解决。 请你先使用其他方式与其联系,如果需要有邮件急需发送,请先使用其他邮箱发送。 接收方的系统服务商拒收此邮件(原因2)? 关键字:exceeds、maximum message size、message blocked 退信信息例子: : 571 ???@163... from mail01j.rapidsite You are banned, contact yourlocal admin. : 553 sorry, that domain isn"t in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1) : 550... Relaying denied : 550 5.0.0 ><#####@163>... Mail originating from that domain is not wele here : host…… said: 553 From <####@163>, message blocked. : connect to mf2.XXXXX: Connection refused 退信原因: 由于发送方的邮件被接收方的系统服务商拒收此邮件。 解决方法: 由于对方系统把发送的地址、域或者IP地址列入拒收列表中,使得从此地方寄出的邮件导致拒绝接收的情况。 如果当你遇到此情况,可以把你当时发送的内容和发送的地址,以及发送的时间发送给我们的管理员,让我们的管理员尽快与对方管理员联系,已尽快解决。 请你先使用其他方式与其联系,如果需要有邮件急需发送,请先使用其他邮箱发送。 连接超时 Connection timed out? 关键字: Connection timed out 退信信息例子: : connect to iris.sipp.ac: Connection timed out : no found target server 退信原因大体有两个: 1.连接对方服务器超时.(这情况是这个域名是存在邮件系统的,但网络原因暂时未能连上) 2.有可能是对方的这个域名根本不存在互联网上的邮件系统,所以连接不了. 解决方式: 1.主要是在与对方服务器连接期间由于网络的原因出现连接发送时候出现超时,而导致此邮件投递出现错误。请用户在稍后时间重新尝试此邮件的投递。 2.请确认对方地址是否存在,有没有写错地址.或者可以NSLOOKUP看一下是否可找到对方域名的MX指向记录并且正确存在的. 邮件群发包含过多用户? 关键字: Too many、less than 20 退信信息例子: : 553 Too many recipients in the mail, should less than 20 退信原因:过多投递者(邮件系统指令)。 解决方式: 邮件系统会对每一个邮件投递者每次连接时候的同一封邮件的多投用户数量,因此当用户使用群发时候就会出现对方拒收或者错误的信息返回如"Too many recipients"信息。因此用户请再每一封邮件投递时候,尽量使得每次的接收用户数量控制在20~50人左右,如果接收量比较多的情况,可以分开多几次发送。 常见退信内容及原因分析汇总? 退信关键字 退信问题 No such user、User unknown、Invalid User、user not found ·对方用户不存在 User ***@*** is disabled *** is now disabled with SMTP service ·帐号被禁用(冻结或删除等) Quota、exceed、hard limit、exceeding、storage allocation ·对方邮箱空间不够,无法接收新邮件 not wele、content rejected 、Message blocked、Recipient reject ·对方拒收邮件 Host、not found、bad host domain 、unreachable、Connection refused ·无法查找对方服务器名称(域名/主机) error in mand 、syntax error ·系统指令错误 Box is busy ·邮件内容敏感出现错误 exceeds 、maximum message size、Data size ·发送的邮件过大,造成接收方服务器拒收 banned 、isn"t in my list of allowed Connection refused、Relaying denied ·接收方的系统服务商拒收此邮件(原因1) exceeds、maximum message size、message blocked ·接收方的系统服务商拒收此邮件(原因2) spam、spammers ·“SPAM”垃圾邮件的标记 Connection timed out ·连接超时 Too many、less than 20 ·邮件群发包含过多用户2023-07-20 08:39:471
2023-07-20 08:39:541
Troubleshooting DetailsSection I: Steps to approach ORA-12518/TNS-12518 Error:ORA-12518/TNS-12518 indicates a problem while listener hands off the client connection to the server process or dispatcher process.TNS-12518 is logged in the listener log. The client might receive ORA-12518 or some other disconnection errors like ORA-12537. Once TNS-12518 is noted in the listener log, follow the below steps to approach and resolve this error.Let us have a small discussion about how actually database connections are made:In Dedicated mode, database client contacts listener and supplies the SERVICE NAME of the database. Then listener spawns a dedicated server process and hands off the client connection to this dedicated server process. TNS-12518 indicates a problem while handing off the client connection to the server process.In Shared Server mode, database client contacts listener and supplies the SERVICE NAME of the database. Then listener hands off the client connection to one of the dispatcher configured for that service. TNS-12518 indicates a problem while handing off the client connection to the dispatcher server process.Though this error is logged in the listener log, the listener is just the messenger, ORA-12518/TNS-12518 is mostly related to RDBMS and OS resources.Step 1. Is listener version compatible to the databaseCheck if you are using compatible listener version for your database version.If the database is 8i then use 8i or 9i listeners only. 10g listeners are not compatible to work with 8i databases.For 9i databases, 9i or 10g listeners can be used.For 10g databases, only 10g listeners can be used.The general rule is that use the higher version of the listener when there is a version mismatch between database and the listener.Step 2. Gather more information from listener logThe first place you would look for the TNS-12518 error is the listener log. Usually the listener log would be located under $ORACLE_HOME/network/log directory. You can use "lsnrctl status" command output to look for the location of the listener log file.$lsnrctl status- - -- - -Listener Parameter File /ora10g/home_ora10g/network/admin/listener.oraListener Log File /ora10g/home_ora10g/network/log/listener.log- - -- - -listener log gives the complete error stack and the database service name to which the client tried to connect to.19-SEP-2007 13:55:34 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=__jdbc__)(USER=))(SERVICE_NAME=test.oracle.com)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * establish * test.oracle.com * 12518TNS-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connectionTNS-12547: TNS:lost contact TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error TNS-00517: Lost contact Linux Error: 32: Broken pipeIn the above example, listener log shows the complete error stack, the bottom error being 32 is the OS error. It also shows that the jdbc client from IP has tried to connect to the database service "test.oracle.com" and failed with the error 12518.Look for the lowest error in the stack. That is the error we have to concentrate on and try to resolve it. In the above example, the lower error is "Linux Error: 32: Broken pipe".Step 3. Is service handlers in blocked stateCheck if the handlers are in blocked state. Check the output of the "lsnrctl services". Examine the status information under the database service name. From the listener log you would know which database service was affected by the 12518 error, now with the output of the "lsnrctl services" under that service name gather more information.Service "test.oracle.com" has 1 instance(s). Instance "db10g", status READY, has 2 handler(s) for this service... Handler(s): "DEDICATED" established:9 refused:0 state:ready LOCAL SERVER "D000" established:10 refused:0 current:0 max:972 state:ready DISPATCHER <machine: oid.mohan.com, pid: 25908> (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=oid.mohan.com)(PORT=33487))The highlighted state should be in "ready" state for the connection to be successful. If the state is in "blocked" then the connection are not possible. The state of a handler could be in blocked state in the following scenario:i. The database parameter processes reached its value.ii. The database is in the process of startup or shutting down.In shared server mode, the number of dispatchers should be set according to the load that you expect. "lsnrctl services" output shows the maximum number(max:997) of connections that the dispatcher would accept and the number connections refused (refused:0) by this dispatcher. If any connections refused by the dispatcher, then consider increasing the number of dispatchers.If you are using PFILE edit init.ora and increase the dispatchers parameter. If you are using SPFILE you can dynamically increase the dispatchers parameter by the "alter system set" command.2023-07-20 08:40:011
degeagd2023-07-20 08:40:126
为什么网球的得分方式是- love/ 15/ 30 / 40/Deuce?
好像是按时间来叫的2023-07-20 08:40:314
网站上不去,显示:This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks?
看它提示是说这个网站正在使用安全服务去保护它自己避免来自在线攻击,应该是它被黑客、病毒攻击了,过几天看看能不能恢复吧2023-07-20 08:40:581
[Debug]This Set-Cookie was blocked...
昨天排查鉴权失败问题, 涉及到一个小点: 其在 Chrome Devlope tools中 对应的提示: 表现为: 接口在 Response 响应头中Set-Cookie 时 失败。 原因:1、 HTTP服务不支持Secure安全属性。Secure表示Cookie会以安全的形式传输,HTTP肯定是不满足的。 2、历史使用了Https 访问过相同域名, 再以http访问且不设置Secure属性,也是不可以的。 解决办法: 清除https域名下cookie信息 根本原因: cookie不能通过 port 进行隔离。 Cookies do not provide isolation by port. If a cookie is readable by a service running on one port, the cookie is also readable by a service running on another port of the same server. 参考文档: https://cppext.com/?p=14252023-07-20 08:41:161
先帝开创大业未完成一半,竟中途去世。如今天下分成三国,我益州地区人力疲惫、民生凋敝,这真是处在万分危急、存亡难料的时刻。但是,宫廷里侍奉守卫的臣子,不敢稍有懈怠;疆场上忠诚有志的将士,舍身忘死的作战,这都是追念先帝的特殊恩遇,想报答给陛下的缘故。陛下确实应该广开言路听取群臣意见,发扬光大先帝遗留下来的美德,振奋鼓舞志士们的勇气,绝不应随便看轻自己,说出无道理的话,从而堵塞了忠诚进谏的道路。 宫里身边的近臣和丞相府统领的官吏,本都是一个整体,升赏惩罚,扬善除恶,不应标准不同。如有作坏事违犯法纪的,或尽忠心做善事的,应该一律交给主管部门加以惩办或奖赏,以显示陛下在治理方面公允明察,切不应私心偏袒,使宫廷内外施法不同。 侍中郭攸之、费祎、侍郎董允等,这都是些品德良善诚实、情志意念忠贞纯正的人,因而先帝才选留下来辅佐陛下。我认为宫内的事情,事无论大小,都要征询他们的意见,然后再去施行。这样一定能够补正疏失,增益实效。 将军向宠,性情德行平和公正,了解通晓军事,当年试用,先帝曾加以称赞,说他能干,因而经众人评议荐举任命为中部督。我认为军营里的事情,事情无论大小,都要征询他的意见,就一定能够使军伍团结和睦,德才高低的人各有合适的安排。 亲近贤臣,远避小人,这是汉朝前期兴盛的原因;亲近小人,远避贤臣,这是汉朝后期衰败的原因。先帝在世的时候,每次跟我评论起这些事,对于桓帝、灵帝时代,没有不哀叹和憾恨的。侍中郭攸之、费祎,尚书陈震,长史张裔,参军蒋琬,这些都是忠贞、坦直,能以死报国的节义臣子,诚愿陛下亲近他们,信任他们,则汉王室的兴盛,就时间不远了。 我本是个平民,在南阳郡务农亲耕,在乱世间只求保全性命,不希求诸侯知道我而获得显贵。先帝不介意我出身低微,见识短浅,降低自己的身份屈尊,三次在草庐当中拜访,征询我对时局大事的意见,因此我深为感激,于是答应先帝奔走效劳。后来遇到兵败,在战事失败的时候我接受了任命,在危机患难期间我受到委任,至今已有二十一年了。 先帝深知我做事谨慎,所以临去世时把国家大事嘱托给我了。接受遗命以来,日夜担忧兴叹,只恐怕托付给我的大任不能完成,从而损害先帝的英明。所以我五月率兵南渡泸水,深入荒芜之境。如今南方已经平定,武库兵器充足,应当鼓励和统率全军,北伐平定中原地区,我希望竭尽自己低下的才能,消灭奸邪势力,复兴汉朝王室,迁归旧日国都。这是我用来报答先帝,并尽忠心于陛下的职责本分。至于掂量利弊得失,毫无保留地进献忠言,那就是郭攸之、费祎、董允的责任了。 希望陛下责成我去讨伐奸贼并取得成效,如果不取得成效,那就惩治我失职的罪过,用来上告先帝的神灵。如果没有发扬圣德的言论,那就责备郭攸之、费祎、董允等人的怠慢,公布他们的罪责。陛下也应该自己思虑谋划,征询从善的道理,明察和接受正直的进言,远念先帝遗诏中的旨意,我就受恩、感激不尽了。 如今正当离朝远征,流着泪写了这篇表文,激动得不知该说些什么话。 这是中文翻译Xiandi to create the great cause of the unfinished half, had died half-way. Now the world is divided into three, I Yizhou area of human fatigue, the people"s livelihood is sluggish, which is in very critical to the survival of the unpredictable moments. However, the court guards serve the administrations, some dare not slacken our efforts; on the battlefield loyalty of those generals and soldiers, sacrifice their lives to forget the war dead, this is Xiandi remember the special case of TU, I would like to return to His Majesty"s sake. His Majesty should be really open Qun Chen listen to the views of Xiandi carry forward the legacy of the United States and Germany, are exciting and encouraging people with lofty ideals of courage, should not be looked down upon ourselves, not to tell the truth, and thus blocked the path of loyalty to put forward their advices. Jin Chen and around the temple of the prime minister"s office to guide officials, is a whole, reward or punishment, good and evil forces, should not be different standards. If a bad thing for violation of the law and order, or try to do charity and loyalty, should be handed over to authorities to punish or reward in order to show that His Majesty the management have a clear grasp of the fair, the cut should not be biased towards selfishness, both within and outside the court to make a different light. Shi Zhong Guo Yau, the fee Yi, DONG Yun Shi Lang, and so on, these are some good qualities of honesty, loyalty idea of pure emotion, and therefore elected to stay only Xiandi assist His Majesty. I think the Imperial Household things matter big or small, should seek their advice, and then implemented again. This will certainly be able to error correction, gain practical results. General to the pet, just and peaceful moral character, proficient understanding of the military, then the trial, Xiandi has to be commended, he said, competent, and therefore recommend the appointment by the council for the people of Central Governor. I think the army camp thing, no matter whatsize, should seek professional advice, we will be able to make the military Wu unity and harmony, the ability of people have the right level. Close Xian Chen, Yuan Bi villain, which is the early Han Dynasty tick of the reasons; little closer, Yuanbixianchen This is a decline in the late Han Dynasty. Xiandi alive, every time I comment on these things from, for Huandi, Lingdi times, and do not lament the Hanhen. Shi Zhong Guo Yau, the fee Yi, Shang Shu Zhen, Zhang-chief, Jiang Wan to join the army, are loyal, frank, in order to be able to serve the country"s death justice section administrations, His Majesty the sincerity would like to close them, trust them, the Han The prosperity of the royal family, the time is near. I was a civilian, Nanyang County in the pro-tillage farming, the chaos in the world just to preserve lives, I do not know that the leaders desire to obtain and dignitaries. Xiandi I do not mind who is on the low short-term exposure to lower their capacity as patronizing, Cao Lu in three of them to visit, consult the event of the current situation, therefore I am deeply grateful, so Xiandi agreed to run the service. Later, faced defeat in the failure of the war when I accepted the appointment, in adversity during the crisis I was appointed, has been a 21. Xiandi know that I do care, so when he dies, the temporary management of state affairs entrusted to me. Testament to accept, they can not afford worry day and night, only I am afraid that I entrusted to the great can not be completed, to the detriment of Xiandi wise. May I Shuaibingnandu Lushui depth of barren territory. Now the South has already pacification, adequate weapons arsenal, should be encouraged and led the whole army, put down the Central Plains region of the Northern Expedition, I would like to be able to do their own low, the eradication of treacherous forces and revival of the Han Dynasty royal family, moved to the old capital. This is what I used to repay Xiandi and do the duties of loyalty to His Majesty part. As to weigh the advantages and disadvantages, without reservation Xianzhong into words, it is that Yau Kwok, the fee Yi, DONG Yun of the responsibility. I hope that His Majesty instructed to Jianzei crusade and efficiently, if successful, it would be my duty to punish the guilty, Xiandi appeal to the gods. If there is no carry forward the saint"s remarks, Guo You-blamed for it, the fee Yi, DONG Yun and others neglect to announce their guilt. His Majesty also thought his plan to seek the truth from the good, to have a clear grasp and accept the integrity of the words into, well read in Xiandi Testament"s will, I Shouen, a grateful. North Korea is now due from the expedition, wrote the tears of this table, get excited I do not know what to say.这是英文翻译2023-07-20 08:41:253
(高分)关于 gethostbyname函数的具体使用 谢谢
注释: gethostbyname()返回对应于给定主机名的包含主机名字和地址信息的hostent结构指针。结构的声明与gethostaddr()中一致。返回的指针指向一个由Windows Sockets实现分配的结构。应用程序不应该试图修改这个结构或者释放它的任何部分。此外,每一线程仅有一份这个结构的拷贝,所以应用程序应该在发出其他Windows Scokets API调用前,把自己所需的信息拷贝下来。gethostbyname()实现没有必要识别传送给它的IP地址串。对于这样的请求,应该把IP地址串当作一个未知主机名同样处理。如果应用程序有 IP地址串需要处理,它应该使用inet_addr()函数把地址串转换为IP地址,然后调用gethostbyaddr()来得到hostent结构。返回值: 如果没有错误发生,gethostbyname()返回如上所述的一个指向hostent结构的指针,否则,返回一个空指针。应用程序可以通过WSAGetLastError()来得到一个特定的错误代码。错误代码:WSANOTINTIALISED 在应用这个API前,必须成功地调用WSAStartup()。WSAENTDOWN Windows Sockets实现检测到了网络子系统的错误。WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND 没有找到授权应答主机。WSATRY_AGAIN 没有找到非授权主机,或者SERVERFAIL。WSANO_RECOVERY 无法恢复的错误,FORMERR,REFUSED,NOTIMP。WSANO_DATA 有效的名字,但没有关于请求类型的数据记录。WSAEINPROGRESS 一个阻塞的Windows Sockets操作正在进行。WSAEINTR 阻塞调用被WSACancelBlockingCall()取消了. gethostbyaddr: 返回机器名称。 gethostbyname: 返回IP 网址。作用是反的.一个是ip换域名,一个是域名换ip,2023-07-20 08:41:374
jsonrequestbehavior.allowget 什么作用
public dynamic Get(int pageNumber,int pageSize,string name){var result = db.TestTable.ToList();if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)){result = result.Where(m => m.name.Contains(name)).ToList();}var total = result.Count;var row = result.Skip(pageNumber).Take(pageSize).ToList();return Json(new { total = total, rows = row });}2023-07-20 08:41:442
this request was blocked by the security rules 什么意思
thisrequestwasblockedbythesecurityrules这个请求被阻塞的安全规则双语对照例句:1.atthemedicalcenter,everyentrancetotheemergencyroomwasblockedbysecurityguards.evenhospitalstafferswerenotpermittedtoenter.医学中心的每一个通往急诊室的出入口都已经被警卫把守,就连医院的工作人员不能进去。2023-07-20 08:41:511
请高手翻译一下 Hello, Thank you for contacting Skype Customer Service. We understand your concerns
你好,欢迎致电Skype公司客服热线,我们竭诚为您服务2023-07-20 08:42:014
美剧里中文翻译”位置“为什么是twenty?见神盾局特工 S03E07.
美国警用无线电代号,都是以10开头,所以叫10-code。部分代码释义如下:10-0 Caution10-1 Unable to copy — change location10-2 Signal good10-3 Stop transmitting10-4 Acknowledgement (OK)10-5 Relay10-6 Busy — stand by unless urgent10-7 Out of service10-8 In service10-9 Repeat10-10 Fight in progress10-11 Dog case10-12 Stand by (stop)10-13 Weather — road report10-14 Prowler report10-15 Civil disturbance10-16 Domestic disturbance10-17 Meet complainant10-18 Quickly10-19 Return to …10-20 Location10-21 Call … by telephone10-22 Disregard10-23 Arrived at scene10-24 Assignment completed10-25 Report in person (meet) …10-26 Detaining subject, expedite10-27 Drivers license information10-28 Vehicle registration information10-29 Check for wanted10-30 Unnecessary use of radio10-31 Crime in progress10-32 Man with gun10-33 Emergency10-34 Riot10-35 Major crime alert10-36 Correct time10-37 (Investigate) suspicious vehicle10-38 Stopping suspicious vehicle10-39 Urgent — use light, siren10-40 Silent run — no light, siren10-41 Beginning tour of duty10-42 Ending tour of duty10-43 Information10-44 Permission to leave … for …10-45 Animal carcass at …10-46 Assist motorist10-47 Emergency road repairs at …10-48 Traffic standard repair at …10-49 Traffic light out at …10-50 Accident (fatal, personal injury, property damage)10-51 Wrecker needed10-52 Ambulance needed10-53 Road blocked at …10-54 Livestock on highway10-55 Suspected DUI10-56 Intoxicated pedestrian10-57 Hit and run (fatal, personal injury, property damage)10-58 Direct traffic10-59 Convoy or escort10-60 Squad in vicinity10-61 Isolate self for message10-62 Reply to message10-63 Prepare to make written copy10-64 Message for local delivery10-65 Net message assignment10-66 Message cancellation10-67 Clear for net message10-68 Dispatch information10-69 Message received10-70 Fire10-71 Advise nature of fire10-72 Report progress on fire10-73 Smoke report10-74 Negative10-75 In contact with …10-76 En route …10-77 ETA (estimated time of arrival)10-78 Need assistance10-79 Notify coroner10-80 Chase in progress10-81 Breathalyzer10-82 Reserve lodging10-83 Work school xing at …10-84 If meeting … advise ETA10-85 Delayed due to …10-86 Officer/operator on duty10-87 Pick up/distribute checks10-88 Present telephone number of …10-89 Bomb threat10-90 Bank alarm at …10-91 Pick up prisoner/subject10-92 Improperly parked vehicle10-93 Blockade10-94 Drag racing10-95 Prisoner/subject in custody10-96 Mental subject10-97 Check (test) signal10-98 Prison/jail break10-99 Wanted/stolen indicated表中10-20代表location。所以What"s your 10-20就是What"s your location的意思。由于代号都是以10开头的,前面的10可以省略,就变成了What"s your 20.2023-07-20 08:42:131
我的SIM卡刚才也锁住了,用一分钟解开了,我经常用联通手机营业厅,SIM卡所有信息都在上面,当然包括PIU码,PUK……2023-07-20 08:42:2511
更新1: 我仲想要一d代表作。 1909 to World War II During its early history Hong Kong"s cinema played second fiddle to that of the mainland particularly the city of Shanghai which was then the movie capital of the Chinese-speaking world. Very little of this work is extant: one count finds only four films remaining out of over 500 produced in Hong Kong before World War II (Fonoroff 1997). Detailed accounts of this period especially those by non-Chinese speakers therefore have inherent limitations and uncertainties. Pioneers from the stage As in most of China the development of early films was tightly bound to Chinese opera for centuries the dominant form of dramatic entertainment. Opera scenes were the source for what are generally credited as the first movies made in Hong Kong o 1909 short edies entitled Stealing a Roasted Duck and Right a Wrong with Earthenware Dish. The director was stage actor and director Liang Shaobo. The producer was an American Benjamin Brodsky (sometimes trliterated "Polaski") one of a number of Westerners who helped jumpstart Chinese film through their efforts to crack China"s vast potential market. 图片参考:.yimg/iugc/rte/ *** iley_1 2008-09-29 20:48:54 补充: Credit for the first Hong Kong feature film is usually given to Zhuangzi Tests His Wife (1913) which also took its story from the opera stage was helmed by a stage director and featured Brodsky"s involvement. 2008-09-29 20:49:01 补充: Director Lai Man-Wai (Li Ming Wei or Li Minwei in Mandarin) was a theatrical colleague of Liang Shaobo"s who would bee known as the "Father of Hong Kong Cinema". 2008-09-29 20:49:24 补充: In another borrowing from opera Lai played the role of wife himself. His brother played the role of hu *** and and his wife a supporting role as a maid making her the first Chinese woman to act in a Chinese film a milestone delayed by longstanding taboos regarding female performers (Leyda 1972). 2008-09-29 20:49:29 补充: Zhuangzhi was the only film made by Chinese American Film founded by Lai and Brodsky as the first movie studio in Hong Kong and was never actually shown in the territory (Stokes and Hoover 1999). 2008-09-29 20:50:09 补充: The following year the outbreak of World War I put a large crimp in the development of cinema in Hong Kong as Germany was the source of the colony"s film stock (Yang 2003). It was not until 1923 that Lai his brother and their cousin joined with Liang Shaobo to form Hong Kong"s first entirely 2008-09-29 20:50:14 补充: Chinese-owned-and-operated production pany the Minxin (or China Sun) Company. In 1924 they moved their operation to the Mainland after ernment red tape blocked their pl to build a studio. (Teo 1997) 2008-09-29 20:50:37 补充: The advent of sound With the popularity of talkies in the early 1930s China"s many mutually unintelligible spoken dialects had to be grappled with. Hong Kong was a major center for Cantonese one of the most widely spoken and political factors on the Mainland provided other opportunities. 2008-09-29 20:50:42 补充: The ernment of the Kuomintang or Nationalist Party wanted to enforce a "Mandarin-only" policy and was hostile to Cantonese filmmaking in China. It also banned the wildly popular wuxia genre of martial arts swordplay and fantasy accusing it of promoting superstition and violent anarchy. 2008-09-29 20:50:54 补充: Cantonese film and wuxia film remained popular despite ernment hostility and the British colony of Hong Kong became a place where both of these trends could be freely served. The name (粤语长片 Jyutping: jyut6 jyu5 coeng4 pin3*2) soon became the standard name for black and white Cantonese movies. 2008-09-29 20:51:14 补充: Filmed Cantonese operas proved even more successful than wuxia and constituted the leading genre of the 1930s. Major studios that thrived in this period were Grandview Universal Nanyue and Tianyi 2008-09-29 20:51:19 补充: (the last an early incarnation of the Shaw family dynasty that would bee the most enduring and influential in Chinese film). (Teo 1997) 2008-09-29 20:51:48 补充: The advent of war Another important factor in the "30s was the Sino-Japanese War. "National defense" films - patriotic war stories about Chinese resisting the Japanese invasion - became one of Hong Kong"s major genres; 2008-09-29 20:51:54 补充: notable titles included Kwan Man Ching"s Lifeline (1935) Chiu Shu Sun"s Hand to Hand Combat (1937) and Situ Huimin"s March of the Partis (1938). The genre and the film industry were further boosted by emigre film artists and panies when Shanghai was taken by the Japanese in 1937. 2008-09-29 20:52:13 补充: This of course came to an end when Hong Kong itself fell to the Japanese in December 1941. But unlike on the Mainland the occupiers were not able to put together a collaborationist film industry. They managed to plete just one propaganda movie 2008-09-29 20:52:20 补充: The Attack on Hong Kong (1942; aka The Day of England"s Collapse) before the British returned in 1945 (Teo 1997). A more important move by the Japanese may have been to melt down many of Hong Kong"s pre-war films to extract their silver nitrate for military use (Fonoroff 1997). 2008-09-29 20:52:51 补充: The 1940s-1960s Posar Hong Kong cinema like posar Hong Kong industries in general was catalyzed by the continuing influx of capital and talents from Mainland China. 2008-09-29 20:52:57 补充: This became a flood with the 1946 resumption of the Chinese Civil War (which had been on hold during the fight against Japan) and then the 1949 Communist victory. 2008-09-29 20:53:09 补充: These events definitively shifted the center of Chinese-language cinema to Hong Kong. The colony also did big business exporting films to Southeast Asian countries (especially but not exclusively their large Chinese expatriate munities) and to Chinatowns in Western countries (Bordwell 2000). 2008-09-29 20:53:21 补充: Competing languages The posar era also cemented the bifurcation of the industry into o parallel cinemas one in Mandarin the dominant dialect of the Mainland emigres and one in Cantonese the dialect of most Hong Kong natives. 2008-09-29 20:53:53 补充: Mandarin movies had much higher budgets and more lavish production. Reasons included their enormous export market; the expertise capital and prestige of the Shanghai filmmakers; 2008-09-29 20:53:59 补充: and the cultural prestige of Mandarin the official language of China and the tongue of the Chinese cultural and political elite. For decades to e Cantonese films though sometimes more numerous were relegated to second-tier status (Leyda 1972). 2008-09-29 20:54:27 补充: Another language-related milestone occurred in 1963: the British authorities passed a law requiring the subtitling of all films in English supposedly to enable a watch on political content. 2008-09-29 20:54:41 补充: Making a virtue of necessity studios included Chinese subtitles as well enabling easier access to their movies for speakers of other dialects. (Yang 2003) Subtitling later had the unintended consequence of facilitating the movies" popularity in the West. 2008-09-29 20:55:38 补充: Years of trformation (1970s) Mandarin-dialect film in general and the Shaw Brothers studio in particular began the 1970s in apparent positions of unassailable strength. Cantonese cinema virtually vanished in the face of Mandarin studios and Cantonese television 2008-09-29 20:55:49 补充: which became available to the general population in 1967; in 1972 no films in the local dialect were made (Bordwell 2000). 2008-09-29 20:56:10 补充: The Shaws saw their longtime rival Cathay ceasing film production leaving themselves the only megastudio. The martial arts subgenre of the kung fu movie exploded into popularity internationally 2008-09-29 20:56:15 补充: with the Shaws driving and dominating the wave. But changes were beginning that would greatly alter the industry by the end of the decade. 2008-09-29 20:57:26 补充: 1980s-early 1990s: the boom years The 1980s and early "90s saw seeds planted in the "70s e to full flower: the triumph of Cantonese the birth of a new and modern cinema superpower status in the East Asian market and the turning of the West"s attention to Hong Kong film. 2008-09-29 20:57:46 补充: A cinema of greater technical polish and more sophisticated visual style including the first forays into up-to-date special effects technology sprang up quickly. To this surface dazzle the new cinema added an eclectic mixing and matching of genres 2008-09-29 20:57:52 补充: and a penchant for pushing the boundaries of sensationalistic content. Slapstick edy sex the supernatural and above all action (of both the martial arts and cops-and-criminals varieties) ruled occasionally all in the same film. 2008-09-29 21:05:42 补充: Stephen Chow the most consistently popular screen star of the "90s directed and starred in Shaolin Soccer (2001) and Kung Fu Hustle (2004); these used digital special effects to push his 2008-09-29 21:05:47 补充: distinctive humor into new realms of the surreal and became the territory"s o highest-grossing films to date garnering numerous awards locally and internationally. e个网会有你想揾既资料 左上角可以转英文. lcsd/CE/CulturalService/HKFA/chinese/publication2023-07-20 08:43:031
500 coins collapse of a nation can count author: Liu Changfeng a piece is in the widely circulated in Chinese, is said to well-known scientist Qian in The People"s Republic of China since its inception, the idea of trying to plan to return to China, to serve their home country. Face Qianlao choice, the United States is trying to obstruct. U.S. Navy officials and even released a relentless words: "He knows all the secret heart of the U.S. missile project, one Tsien 5 Navy Marine Division, I"d rather have this guy shot, we can not let him return to Red China go! "in any nationalist and gratitude filled the eyes, this is a people feel happy, inspiring story of striving. Mr. Qian Xuesen of anecdotes, how the authenticity of what I think is not important. I want to say is that, behind this humorous anecdotes, implies a basic model of logical deduction: that the power of human thought and can not be decided merely by the size of his head. In other words, at some point, people"s thoughts, including mood, life attitudes, values, ways of thinking and so on, which it possesses the energy is infinite, is entirely beyond our expectations in. read the news today, a place in Chongqing, a year-old girl, is holding his heavy piggy bank to save money. To the bank, he was told the money to own a one number, the number of finished it up, and the number of banks receiving public money without error handling. In some sociologists have a macro vision of it, this may not be what the events of concern. But in my opinion, does not. I think that contrast method, especially in strong contrast contrast, the best to deepen the impression, so as to achieve the effect of enhancing memory. 1-year-old child, joy, arms filled with 500 coins with a magnetic tank, also containing her ideal life full of innocence and hope. So naive pure "ideals" suddenly been interrupted by service charge for no apparent reason. And not only that,yves saint laurent sale, their money work a few other people collect "hard money" and handling. I would like,cheap jimmy choo shoes uk, through this comparison,christian louboutin sale, the smile of a child may be able to resume a few days, but "unreasonable Some people may think that this is the case,Christian Louboutin Cork Platform Pump Red, not worth it to enlarge, some may think I"m exaggerating. That being the case, then I can only spear shield attack sub. If you now put aside the topic, return to education itself. I dare say that education is the failure of the times people do not unusual, of course, I was one of them. Reason the educational system itself, is often target of public criticism, too many people held a grudge against current educational system. This point, I also understand that I also acknowledge the shortcomings of existing systems. But I have no doubt that this is not the education of all. When we criticize the education system has become an issue after the general consensus from the family and community education on infection is often followed by withdrawal is made, or even deliberately ignored. Like the jungle in a tree, fertile soil and adequate rainfall will be less. Similarly, the surrounding environment is also crucial. If surrounded by giant trees, tree trees is likely because of insufficient sunshine yellow pale. Similarly, if the wood is too dense, then the gaps in order to seek survival, tree itself have distorted long as Sister Lotus shape or something. If we can not provide enough for small trees branching hair leaves spacious room, then adequate nutrients and water, the same may be stunted. So the question came out, we set the children according to their own ideals of life; we walk in the street does not avoid not to, spitting, littering; we scramble for power and wealth that we re-light justice; child that I would like to fly overhead, and we the cynical to say that you are dreaming on; children that will play with it,christian louboutin boots uk, we seriously say "I"m busyChildren are being blocked from childhood was strangled mercilessly everywhere, this is not a common phenomenon? children are the hope of the motherland is the future of the nation, we often remind ourselves that. Although I am more agree with Benedict - Anderson"s point of view, the understanding of nationalism as a nothing, imagined political community. But no doubt, on the one hand I do not want to be misunderstood as being unpatriotic and unwarranted abuse. On the other hand, whether a government"s political motives, but as I am concerned, I do not own the idea will never go out in isolation. I love my ancestral home, I really like and have the same kind of language, customs and living habits of the neighbors are friendly to each other, happy to complete my life. I think the nature of this plain, although Mr. Anderson"s thesis that some access, but always regarded as a better choice. So I would rather stand on this "community" of up to consider issues from a sufficient to represent the case to start with, cut open the existing fabric of our nation among the common diseases. From the surface, the story of 500 coins, and perhaps are they not worth mentioning. But the 500 plus 500, or coins multiplied by 500 then? If a 500 coin enough to cause our attention, then the way to stand up five hundred more, and perhaps one day will eventually have always let our children lose at the starting line, as our regret, as a nation get rid of the pain forever. 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