- 肖振
- 无尘剑
- 苏州马小云
- CarieVinne
- Jm-R
- 陶小凡
- 苏萦
- LuckySXyd
小时=时,英文单词为hour,通常简写为字母“h”。如1小时简写为“1h”分钟=分;英文单词为minute,通常简写为字母“m”。如2分钟简写为“2min”秒,英文单词为second,通常简写为字母“s”。如3秒简写为“3s”除此之外,生活中常用的时间单位(简写)还有:毫秒(ms)、分(min)、小时(h)、日(d)、月(m)、年(y)等。其中1 毫秒(ms)= 0.001 秒(s),1分(min)=60秒(s),1小时(h)=60分(min),1日(d)=24小时(h),(通常情况下)30日(d)=1月(m),12月(m)=1年(y)。扩展资料:在国际单位制(SI)中,时间的基本单位是秒,符号s,在1967年召开的第13届国际度量衡大会对秒的定义:铯-133的原子基态的两个超精细能阶间跃迁对应辐射的9,192,631,770个周期的持续时间。这个定义提到的铯原子必须在绝对零度时是静止的,而且在地面上的环境是零磁场。在这样的情况下被定义的秒,与天文学上的历书时所定义的秒是等效的。参考资料:时间_百度百科2023-07-20 05:37:491
一秒等于1000毫秒,等于10的15次方皮秒。时间是一个较为抽象的概念,是物质的运动、变化的持续性、顺序性的表现。时分秒都是我们常用的时间单位,1秒的时间很短但是很有价值,毫秒则是更小的时间单位。一秒等于多少毫秒1秒=1000毫秒,时间单位秒是国际单位制中时间的基本单位,符号是s。有时也会借用英文缩写标示为sec。时间单位换算1秒=1000毫秒(ms)1毫秒=1/1,000秒(s)1秒=1,000,000微秒(μs)60秒=1分钟时间的换算是所有单位换算中最复杂的。1年等于365天,1年等于12个月,1个月等于30天,这些都是根据地球、月亮公转决定的,不以人的意志为转移,只不过各个国家、各个朝代有的使用太阳历,有的太阴历,还有的阴阳历所导致略有不同。但一天之内的时间细分却绝对是人为的。古代中国1天等于12个时辰(其他国家也是),这跟地支相对应。地支为什么是12个,而不是11个、13个,也不是古代人拍脑袋想出来。天文中,有很多与12有关的数据,比如,木星每公转一周地球公转12周,地球每公转一周月球公转12周。出于这个心理作用,古代人就把一天平分为了12份。但人们发现,1天12个时辰的划分不够精细化,于是便改为24个小时,正好是12的2倍。1天24个小时是英国人发明的,刚好与地球划分为24个时区相吻合,1个时区就是15°。1小时等于60分钟,1分钟等于60秒,这大概是跟9000年前的苏美尔人那里学的。古代需要对士兵分组,需要分地,需要分粮食,为了好分,苏美尔人发明了60进制,因为60可以被2、3、4、5、6、10整除或分组。后来两河流域的巴比伦人在计时上学习了60进制。后来,全人类广泛推广并使用10进制,但人们早已经习惯了用60进制计算时间,习惯了也就懒得改了。1秒再细分的话就采用10进制了,例如,1秒等于1000毫秒。2023-07-20 05:38:581
130分(分钟)=7.80x 106毫秒130分钟等于多少毫秒7800000 毫秒提示:130分钟=0.09027777777777778天130分钟=2小时130分钟=7800秒130分钟=7800000毫秒130分钟1分钟=60秒,1秒=1000毫秒,运用乘法,列式可得:1分钟=60乘以1000=60000毫秒。分...2023-07-20 05:39:214
我在明日情圣截了一段小视频60秒2023-07-20 05:39:306
1、1分钟等于60000毫秒。 2、毫秒是一种较为微小的时间单位,是一秒的千分之一。典型照相机的最短曝光时间为一毫秒。一只家蝇每三毫秒扇一次翅膀;蚊子二十毫秒振翅一次;蜜蜂则每五毫秒扇一次。由于月亮绕地球的轨道逐渐变宽,它绕一圈所需的时间每年长两毫秒。2023-07-20 05:39:561
1分钟。根据查询时间换算的格式相关资料得知,6万毫秒是1分钟。时间换算格式:1分钟等于60秒,1秒等于1000毫秒,所以1分钟等于60000毫秒。分钟和毫秒都是时间单位。1分钟=60秒,1秒=1000毫秒,运用乘法,列式可得:1分钟=60乘以1000=60000毫秒。2023-07-20 05:40:161
1秒=1000毫秒,时间单位秒是国际单位制中时间的基本单位,符号是s。有时也会借用英文缩写标示为sec.。国际单位制词头经常与秒结合以做更细微的划分,例如ms(毫秒,千分之一秒)、μs(微秒,百万分之一秒)和ns(纳秒,十亿分之一秒)。虽然国际单位制词头虽然也可以用于扩增时间,例如Ks(千秒)、Ms(百万秒)和Gs(十亿秒),但实际上很少这样子使用,大家都还是习惯用60进制的分、时和24进制的日做为秒的扩充。我们在实际使用的电子秒表单位就是秒,我们在火箭或卫星发射中心控制平台倒计时屏幕上会出毫秒单位的数字飞快变换的画面。秒的下一个单位就是毫秒,那两位数是指百分多少秒,1分6秒66,66通常是指66/100秒,而没有厘秒之说,因为它是计时不是长度单位二者表述不同。所以1s(秒)=1000ms(毫秒)。时间单位换算1秒=1000毫秒(ms)1毫秒=1/1,000秒(s)1秒=1,000,000微秒(μs)60秒=1分钟秒的起源汉朝以前,“时”指季节,“一时”相当于现在的一季。一年有四季,所以一年又叫“四时”。汉朝以后,“时”不再表示季节,而是用来表示计算时间的单位了。当时,人们把一天平均分成12个“时”,“一时”等于现在的两个小时,人们习惯把这个“时”称为“时辰”。在一些古典书籍中,我们也经常会看到“时辰”这两个字,有不少人误认为一个时辰就是现在的一个小时,其实这是不正确的。像古代表示夜间时间的“一更天”、“二更天”的“更”就是指时辰,一更到二更,二更到三更都是相隔两个小时。后来,人们又把一天平均分成24份,每份仍用“时”来表示。这时的“一时”就是现在的一个小时,只相当于过去(汉朝以后)“一时”或“一个时辰”的一半,所指的时间缩短了。接着,人们又把一小时分成60等份,每份的时间叫1分,把1分又分成60等份,每份的时间叫1秒。这样,时、分、秒就确定下来了。时间单位换算1、1世纪=100年;2、1年=12个月;3、1月=30天;4、1天=24小时;5、1小时=60分钟;6、1分钟=60秒;2023-07-20 05:40:241
等于87000(秒)这是时间单位换算题先统一单位后计算。已知1分钟=60000毫秒,一分45秒就是:1.45*60000=87000(毫秒)。2023-07-20 05:40:311
一分钟等于60秒30秒等于半分钟2023-07-20 05:40:408
20分钟是1200000毫秒。2023-07-20 05:41:203
三十秒等于0.5分钟(即半分钟)。1分钟=60秒。30秒=30÷60=0.5分钟。国际单位制词头经常与秒结合以做更细微的划分,例如ms(毫秒,千分之一秒)、μs(微秒,百万分之一秒)和ns(纳秒,十亿分之一秒)。虽然国际单位制词头虽然也可以用于扩增时间,例如Ks(千秒)、Ms(百万秒)和Gs(十亿秒),但实际上很少这样子使用,大家都还是习惯用60进制的分、时和24进制的日做为秒的扩充。扩展资料:时间单位的换算关系:(1)一天=1440分钟 ,1小时=60分钟 ,1分钟=60秒。(2)一刻=15分钟,一字=5分钟(闽南广东地区用法)。时钟各指针的角度关系:(1)普通钟表相当于圆,其时针或分针走一圈均相当于走过360°角。(2)钟表上的每一个大格对应的角度是:30°。(3)时针每走过1分钟对应的角度应为:0.5°(4)分针每走过1分钟对应的角度应为:6°。时钟表盘上的几个关键角度:早上九点整:时针和分针所成角度为90度。中午12点整:时针和分针所成角度为0度。下午3点整:时针和分针所成角度为90度。下午6点整:时针和分针所成角度为180度。2023-07-20 05:41:281
20分钟=1200000毫秒2023-07-20 05:41:543
1380000毫秒。根据查询相关公开信息显示,1分钟等于60000毫秒,23分钟等于1380000毫秒。时间单位秒是国际单位制中时间的基本单位,符号是s。2023-07-20 05:42:021
等于4920000毫秒。这是时间单位换算题先统一单位后计算。已知1分钟=60000毫秒,82分钟就是:82*60000=4920000毫秒。2023-07-20 05:42:091
一般的“-”和“毫-”之间是相差1000的 如:1米=1000毫米,1升=1000毫升 所以:1秒钟=1000毫秒2023-07-20 05:42:391
10亿2023-07-20 05:42:472
一般的“-”和“毫-”之间是相差1000的如:1米=1000毫米,1升=1000毫升所以:1秒钟=1000毫秒2023-07-20 05:42:541
分是用“m”表示的详细:时是用“h”表示的,是字母hour(时)的首字母分是用“m”表示的,是字母minutes(分钟)的首字母秒是用“s”表示的,是字母seond(秒/第二次)的首字母2023-07-20 05:43:162
602023-07-20 05:43:493
1小时=60分钟=60*60秒=3600秒=360000毫秒2023-07-20 05:43:583
一个星期有多少个小时多少分钟多少秒2023-07-20 05:44:064
等于1666.666666≈1666.667(分钟)。已知1分钟=60000(毫秒),1亿毫秒就是:100000000÷60000=1666.6666666...≈1666.667(分钟)。2023-07-20 05:44:201
1分 除以60 = 六十分之一1小时等於60分2023-07-20 05:44:305
1分钟等于60000毫秒,25分钟1500000毫秒2023-07-20 05:45:071
3分钟等于180000毫秒。1分=60秒,1秒=1000毫秒。3*60*1000=180000(毫秒)2023-07-20 05:45:141
尼克尔斯导演的电影《避难》2023-07-20 05:39:082
【 #英语资源# 导语】演讲又叫讲演或演说,是指在公众场所,以有声语言为主要手段,以体态语言为辅助手段,针对某个具体问题,鲜明,完整地发表自己的见解和主张。以下是 整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。 1.有关梦想的英语演讲稿大全 Hello, everyone. The topic of my speech today is my dream. With dreams, birds can soar between the sky and white clouds; With a dream, fish can roam deeper in the sea... My dream is to be a leader. If my dream comes true, my school environment as headmaster must be very beautiful. There is a clear pond in the school. There are many lotus flowers in the pond, pink and light white. They are very beautiful. There will also be a long stream, surrounded by lawn, green grass and wild flowers in full bloom. Students can rest and play here after class. I think they will like it very much, because it"s like staying in nature here. If my dream comes true, there will be many interesting things in my school as headmaster. For example, we have special robots. They can manage and educate those naughty children and let them know to study hard. We also have a special gym. No matter whether it"s sunny or rainy, our students can have PE classes here. There is also a special laboratory. Every time they have a science class, every student can do the experiment himself, so that they will learn better! If my dream comes true, the students in the school where I am the principal are also very lovely. They take classes very seriously and do their homework very well. They all know to study hard. And they are very polite and like to help others very much. All the other students in my school are the best! With a dream, you can grow up happily. Students, do you have a dream? Thank you. My speech is over. 2.有关梦想的英语演讲稿大全 Dear leaders, teachers and students hello everyone! Everyone has a "house" he wants in his heart, which is a dream. If there is no dream, life has no direction and can only drift with the tide. It is like a ship that can"t find a navigation mark and can never find the right track. you bet. Perhaps he once spoke his ideal ambition to his young self without hesitation; Or maybe in retrospect, I will laugh at my ignorance at that time. In fact, at that time, the dream has planted seeds in the bottom of my heart, waiting for the sweat of hard work to irrigate and grow it. Occasionally, I have leisure to lean in the shade of the tree and watch the light and shadow obscured by leaves on the ground turn dark and bright. I can"t help feeling the rapid speed of time. If you carefully stare at the clock, you will find that one second actually passes quickly. Playing between your fingers, you have passed half of your life"s learning career. At ordinary times, I bury myself in reading for competition, but I don"t know that the original dream has been forgotten; And those who indulge in all things can"t extricate themselves for a long time, and finally let the dark clouds cover their eyes and lose the direction they should go. In the words of celebrities: "sometimes, we don"t know until we fail that we are only a small step away from success; and the reason for failure is often that we don"t have firm faith and stick to our dreams." Campus is the place where dreams begin and go. In fact, each of our students is very lucky to grow up and study in the cradle of such a 100 year old school with countless talents. Here we have gained friendship, knowledge, experience and the golden stone that paves the way for us to realize our dreams. Work hard with your partners, share your little dreams with your partners, and cooperate with your partners for your dreams... Maybe many students around you have lost their minds. They are not without dreams or smart minds, but in front of many seemingly insurmountable obstacles, their fear makes them vulnerable; Maybe they will always complain about the tiredness and hardship of learning and complain about a lot of unfairness. In fact, the school has given us the same learning environment and conditions, but some people know how to cherish and use the resources of the school to work hard for their ideals, while others do not cherish such learning opportunities. They are getting farther and farther away from success, and even their dreams have fallen. Friends, pick up the original dream! As long as you have sincerity, ambition, unswerving ideals and struggle, you can overcome even the greatest difficulties. Dreams only belong to those who are willing to work hard for their dreams step by step. Pick up the original dream and bring success closer to us. My speech is over, thank you! 3.有关梦想的英语演讲稿大全 Dear teacher and classmate In life, everyone has his own dream. Some people dream of being a free bird; Some people dream of being a scientist; Some want to be a singer... My dream is to grow up and be a teacher. I want to be a teacher when I grow up. In spring, I will take my students on field trips, fly kites and feel the fun of spring. In summer, I will take my students swimming, encourage them and let them learn to swim. In autumn, I will take them to see the farmer uncle harvest wheat, take them to eat fruit and collect plant specimens. In winter, I will take them to snowball fights and make snowmen, so that those students who are afraid of the cold can go to snowball fights, make snowmen and row ice like other students, so that they can all feel the fun of winter. Every day I will only leave a few homework for the students, let them study happily, make them develop in an all-round way, and make them have a good score in Chinese, mathematics, science, English, music and sports. In class, I will give them lectures in funny language, and then tell them those problems vividly, so that they can learn in happiness. Near the end of the term, I will tell them about the problems that may appear in the exam, so that they can do well in the exam. My student union is a group of smart people. I believe they will do well in the exam. After the exam, I will take them to see Longmen and play in the water park, so that they can have a happy holiday, I must be a teacher when I grow up. For this reason, I have been working hard, because I firmly believe that as long as I work hard, I will succeed. Thank you! 4.有关梦想的英语演讲稿大全 Dear leaders, teachers and students hello everyone! A flower opens so happily, but people will only notice its beauty when it blooms, but they can"t know its hard work for its dream. Before a bud opens, it always looks forward to the opening of that day; Before a person realizes his dream, he always fantasizes about everything in the future. The heart of all things in the world will always have a beautiful dream. This dream is holy and noble. It is the support and driving force for a person to move forward bravely. Dream is a yearning. It"s not easy for us to pursue the river if we don"t have a share of it, but it"s not easy for us to go against the reality, Although we may not achieve the desired goal, we have enjoyed this process. Despite how bitter it is and how tired it is, we will all find our original true and most beautiful self in this process. Dream is a persistence. But persistence is a kind of responsibility. In childhood, we often use childish words to say "I want to be a scientist when I grow up" and "I want to be a painter in the future". However, have you persisted in these childhood dreams? Do you dislike the promises you made at that time in your pursuit of success? Therefore, once you have established your future dream, don"t take into account the final outcome, and bravely break out a blueprint. Even if you fail, don"t forget your oath; Even if you succeed, you should keep it around your ears all the time. Dream is a struggle. In the struggle, it reveals a tenacity and flexibility. For the pursuit of dreams, we can"t stand still, but we can"t put all our eggs in one basket, because fighting with dreams is not simple. Recall how many times we prayed to God, but God should not control your destiny. The classic saying "fate can only be controlled by yourself" has educated many people and made them full of confidence! "The Xiongguan pass is really like iron. Now I"m going to cross from the beginning." It is the vision for the future and the courage to overcome difficulties. "There will be times when the wind and waves break through, and the clouds and sails are hanging straight to the sea." It is the expectation of life and the courage to never admit defeat. Then please let us plant a seed on our way to pursue our dreams in the future and wait for flowers to bloom in our dreams! 5.有关梦想的英语演讲稿大全 hello everyone! My name is XXX. I come from Baoding City, Hebei Province. At our age, everyone will have their own dream. It is like a lighthouse in the ocean, guiding the direction of our efforts and marking the goal of our struggle! My dream is to be an astronomer when I grow up. When I was very young, every time I looked up at the vast starry sky, my heart would be full of curiosity. Curiosity stimulated interest and interest gave birth to dreams. Therefore, I began to read various astronomical books. Among them, my favorite books are 100000 whys in space and the universe of exploration and discovery. From them, I learned the origin of the universe and the mystery of black holes, The relationship between galaxies and their operation have provided great help for my exploration of space. I roam in the endless space, from shallow to deep, and enjoy it. With these books, I grow up day by day. With the accumulation of knowledge, my dream is becoming clearer and clearer! The launch of Chang"e-2 is exciting. Every picture it sends back affects my heartstrings! Next year, China will launch spacecraft to explore Mars. Also next year, China will have its own space station. The increasingly powerful motherland and the rapid development of Aerospace Science and technology have strengthened my faith. In the future, I will build better spaceships and open up an air garden on the moon. The solid water there will be used by us to solve the shortage of water resources on the earth; I want to build a giant space station and build a space vegetable base on it to produce delicious space vegetables so that people on earth can also taste the sweetness from space; I want to refine solid and durable steel on the space shuttle to reduce carbon dioxide pollution; I also want to make a lightning collector. When there is a thunderstorm, it can automatically collect lightning and convert it into ultra-high magnetic sound waves, which can be used to treat people"s diseases and fill the world with health! In the future, I have many things to do. Today, we grow up healthily in the embrace of the motherland. Tomorrow, we will shoulder the burden of building the motherland. For the beauty of tomorrow and the rising China, I must study hard, work hard and put my dream into the blue sky as soon as possible! Thank you!2023-07-20 05:39:141
"后羿射日"是中国传统神话故事之一,讲述了后羿用神弓射下炙热的太阳,拯救了人类的传说。以下是一篇后羿射日的英语作文,供参考。The Myth of Hou Yi Shooting the SunHou Yi was a legendary archer in ancient China. According to the myth, there were ten suns in the sky, which made the earth scorching hot and dry. People were suffering from the disaster, and crops were withering. Hou Yi, who was a kind-hearted and brave man, decided to help the people and save the world from the heat.Hou Yi climbed up the highest mountain, took out his bow and arrows, and aimed at the suns. He pulled the bowstring with all his might and shot down one sun after another until there was only one left in the sky. The earth was cool again, and people were grateful to Hou Yi for his heroism.However, not everyone was happy with what Hou Yi had done. The Queen of Heaven was furious that Hou Yi had interfered with the natural order. She sent her soldiers to capture Hou Yi, but he managed to escape and hide in a cave with his wife, Chang"e.Hou Yi knew that the Queen of Heaven would never give up, so he decided to find the elixir of immortality. He went on a long journey and finally found the elixir. However, he was afraid that someone might steal it, so he entrusted it to his wife, Chang"e.One day, while Hou Yi was out hunting, his apprentice, Peng Meng, broke into the house and tried to steal the elixir. Chang"e knew that she couldn"t let him get away with it, so she drank the elixir and flew up to the moon, where she became a goddess.When Hou Yi came back and heard what had happened, he was heartbroken. He looked up at the moon and saw his wife"s silhouette. He missed her so much that he made an altar in the garden and offered sacrifices to her on the 5th day of every lunar month. This is why the Mid-Autumn Festival is also known as the Moon Festival.The myth of Hou Yi shooting the sun is not only a story of heroism and sacrifice, but also a tale of love and devotion. It has been passed down from generation to generation, and is still remembered and celebrated today.In conclusion, the myth of Hou Yi shooting the sun is a significant part of Chinese culture and history. It teaches us the importance of bravery, kindness, and sacrifice, and reminds us to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the natural world.2023-07-20 05:39:246
湿度的单位符号是%RH。在气象学中,湿度一般是指空气湿度,是空气中水蒸气的含量,或表示含有的水蒸气多少的物理量。在一定的温度下在一定体积的空气里含有的水汽越少,则空气越干燥;水汽越多,则空气越潮湿。若表示在湿蒸汽中水蒸气的重量占蒸汽总重量(体积)的百分比,则称之为蒸汽的湿度。湿度的基本形式湿度有三种基本形式是水汽压、相对湿度、露点温度。水汽压表示空气中水汽部分的压强,单位以百帕为单位,取小数一位。单位体积的空气中含有的水蒸气的质量叫作绝对湿度。相对湿度用空气中实际水汽压与当时气温下的饱和水汽压之比的百分数表示,取整数。露点温度是表示空气中水汽含量和气压不变的条件下冷却达到饱和时的温度,单位用摄氏度表示,取小数一位。配有湿度计时还可以测定相对湿度的连续记录和最小相对湿度。2023-07-20 05:39:271
ρw – 绝对湿度,单位是克/立方米。湿度(Humidity)表示大气干燥程度的物理量。在一定的温度下在一定体积的空气里含有的水汽越少,则空气越干燥;水汽越多,则空气越潮湿。空气的干湿程度叫做“湿度”。在此意义下,常用绝对湿度、相对湿度、比较湿度、混合比、饱和差以及露点等物理量来表示;若表示在湿蒸汽中水蒸气的重量占蒸汽总重量(体积)的百分比,则称之为蒸汽的湿度。人体感觉舒适的湿度是:相对湿度低于70%。相关信息:空气的干湿程度,或表示含有的水蒸气多少的物理量,称为湿度。单位体积的空气中含有的水蒸气的质量叫作绝对湿度。由于直接测量水蒸气的密度比较困难。因此通常都用水蒸气的压强来表示。空气的绝对湿度并不能决定地上水蒸气的快慢和人对潮湿程度的感觉。人们把某温度时空气的绝对湿度和同温度下饱和气压的百分比叫作相对湿度。2023-07-20 05:39:411
湿度的单位是单位是克/立方米。在一定的温度下在一定体积的空气里含有的水汽越少,则空气越干燥;水汽越多,则空气越潮湿。空气的干湿程度叫做“湿度”。在此意义下,常用绝对湿度、相对湿度、比较湿度、混合比、饱和差以及露点等物理量来表示;若表示在湿蒸汽中水蒸气的重量占蒸汽总重量(体积)的百分比,则称之为蒸汽的湿度。人体感觉舒适的湿度是:相对湿度低于70%。湿度三种基本形式:1、水汽压(曾称为绝对湿度)表示空气中水汽部分的压强,单位以百帕(hPa)为单位,取小数一位;2、相对湿度用空气中实际水汽压与当时气温下的饱和水汽压之比的百分数表示,取整数;3、露点温度是表示空气中水汽含量和气压不变的条件下冷却达到饱和时的温度,单位用摄氏度(℃)表示,取小数一位。配有湿度计时还可以测定相对湿度的连续记录和最小相对湿度。2023-07-20 05:39:541
首先单词是基础,一定要背牢然后每单元grammar和vocabulary的内容要理解、领悟其次是有个良好的心态,考试要有信心!2023-07-20 05:39:597
常用的湿度单位是RH。空气湿度,可用相对湿度(RH)表示,它是用露点温度来定义的。相对湿度是指空气实际所含水蒸气密度和同温下饱和水蒸气密度的百分比值。人体在室内感觉舒适的最佳相对湿度是,49%~51%,相对湿度过低或过高,对人体都不好。湿度的用途:下雨的时候,空气湿度是非常大的在气象学和水文学中湿度是决定蒸发和蒸腾的重要数据。它对不同的气候区的产生起决定性的作用。大气中的水蒸气在水循环过程中也是必不可少的。通过水蒸气水可以很快地在地球表面运动。水在大气中形成降水、云和其它现象,它们决定了地球的气象和气候。而在天气预报中,更常用到相对湿度。它反映了降雨、有雾的可能性。在炎热的天气之下,高的相对湿度会让人类(和其他动物)感到更热,因为这妨碍了汗水的挥发。人类可以从而制定出酷热指数。2023-07-20 05:40:131
Lucky goddess suddenly falls in solitary female Judy, because she wrote an article, orphanage an anonymous director to her college funded, and raising her as a writer. Judy did not met the director, just by chance saw director slender shadows cast on the wall, like a long legged spider, so mischievous said he "Daddy Long Legs". As required, let the director Judy every month to write to him about her life, and will never reply.So Judy to humor, funny, and reveal the truth of tone, began to write to the idea of "the daddy long legs, and payable to spiritual sustenance. Later, when she understood that never get the "Uncle" echo, they began to complain and disagree. When she fell in love with outstanding master Jervie, she will "changtuishushu" as the object of talk...... Just as she considered to express love to Jerve, her "changtuishushu" finally appeared, and he is......The book everywhere is full of sunshine and laughter, always filled with tender feelings, tells the story of a girl seriously study, exert oneself to the touching story. Are all growing, men and women in love, lost in reading the book.2023-07-20 05:40:201
Unit1 Where is you pen pal from?1.你的笔友是哪里人? Where is your ______ ______ ________? Where does your ______ ______ ______ ______? 2.他是澳大利亚人。He is ________ _________. He comes ________ _________. 3.他住在哪里? Where __________ he________. 4.他住在悉尼。 He _______ ________ _______. 5.她来自多伦多。 She ______from ________. 6.我们能说一点英语。 We can ______ __ _____ ______. 7.她讲什么语言? _______ _________ does she _________. 8.你最喜爱的科目是什么? ________ your ________subject? 9.他有一个法国的笔友。He ______ ______ pen pal _______ _______. 10.体育很有趣,我非常喜欢体育。 P.E._____ ______,and I _____ _____very much. Unit2 Where"s the post office?1.在邮局的旁边有一家超市.There is a _______ _____ ______the post office. 2.向右拐,沿着布莱吉街前行。_______ _______ and go ________ _______ Bridge Street. 3.一直朝前走,然后左拐。 Just ____ _____ and ____ ____. 4.公用电话在图书馆的对面。 The pay phone ____ _____ _____the library. 5. 图书馆在餐馆与超市之间。The library______ _______the restaurant_______the suapermarket. 6.请问,附近有邮局吗? Excuse me. ___ ___ a post office in the ________. 7. 在第一大街左转, (你就可以)欣赏这个城市的静谥的街道和小巧玲珑的公园。____ ____ on First Avenue and ___ the city"s quiet streets and small parks. 8.步行穿过公园。____ ____ ____ ____ the park. 9.我知道你要来了。I know you ____ ____. 10.从机场乘出租车。_____ _____ ____ from the airport. Unit3 Why do you like koalas?1.让我们先看长颈鹿吧。Let"s ____ the giraffes ____. 2.为什么你想要看海豚?因为它们非常可爱。 Why do you ____ ____ see the dolphins? ____ they"re very ____. 3.你还喜欢其他什么书吗?_______ _______ books do you ______. 4.树袋熊白天睡觉,但是在晚上起来吃树叶。Koalas sleep ___the day, but ___ ___ they ___ ___ and eats leaves. 5.我觉得有点冷。I feel _________ ________ cold. 6.乔治喜欢玩雪。George likes______ _______ ______snow. 7. 树袋熊很懒,每天睡眠休息20个小时。 A koala is ___, and it ___ and ___ 20 hours ____ ____. 8.长颈鹿生活在非洲。Giraffes _______ ______ ______. 9.大象喜欢和他的朋友一玩耍和吃草。Elephants ___ ___ ___ ___ their friends and eat grass. 10.熊猫非常漂亮,但是非常害羞,因此请安静。Pandas are ___ ___ , but they"re very ___, so please ___ ___. Unit41.他想成为译名电影员演。 He _______ ________ _______a film actor. 2.银行职员与钱和人打交道。 Bank ____ ____ ____ people and money. 3.人们在我这里存钱或者把钱从我这里取走。People ___ ___ ___ ___ or ___ their money ___ me. 4.护士穿白色制服帮助医生。Nurse ___ a white ___ and ____ doctors. 5.我有时候在白天工作,有时候在晚上工作。Sometimes I work ___ ___ ___ and sometimes ___ ___. 6. 警察的工作很有趣,但有些危险. Policemen"s work____ ____but _____ _____ _____. 6.我妈正忙于做饭。My mother _____ ____cooking. 7.当人们非常忙时,晚上他们就出去吃饭。They ___ ___ ___ when people ___ ___ to dinners. 8.我们是一所为5-12岁孩子提供的国际性的学校。We ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ children ___ 5-12. 9.他教我英语,我教他汉语。He ___ ___ English and I ___ ___ Chinese. 10.他在与Tom谈论那场足球比赛.He talks ____Tom _____the football game. Unit5I"m watching TV.1.你在干什么?What ____ ____ ____? 2.我在游泳池游泳呢。I ___ ___ at the ___ pool. 3.听起来不错。That ____ ____. 4.电视节目很无趣。 This ______ ________ is _______. 5.她在做家庭作业。She ____ ____ ____ ____. 6.谢谢你的来信和照片。Thanks ___ ___ ___ and ___ ___. 7.这里有一张我家的照片。Here is ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. 8.他想成为一名中国的流行歌手. He ____ ____ ____ ____pop singer ____China. 9.我与同学关系很友好.I _____ _____ ____my classmates. Unit6 It"s raining.1.今天天气怎样?What"s ___ ___ ___ ___? How"s ____ ____ ____? 2.广东的天气怎么样?____ the ___ ___ in Guangdong? _____the ________in Guangdong? 3.有风,多云,阳光充足。It"s ____, ____ and ____. 4.情况怎样?How"s _____ ______? 5.谢谢你收看中央电视台环球博览节目。Thanks for ____ CCTV"s ___ ___ ___ show. 6.有许多人在度假。There are ____ ____ ____ ____. 7.一些再拍照片,另外一些正躺在沙滩上。Some are ___ ___. Others are ___ ___ the beach. 8.看这群人正在打沙滩排球。___ ___ this ___ ___ ___ ___ beach volleyball. 9.我很惊讶他们能在这样热的天气里玩! I am ___ they ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. 10.人们真的很放松!The people ___ ___ ___ ___! Unit7 What does he look like?1.他/她长得什么样? What does he/she ____ ____? What ____ he/she ____? 2.那个人中等个子,短发. That person ____ ____ medium ____ ____short hair.3.Peter看上去像他父亲. Peter _________ _________ his father. 4.你的女朋友长得什么样子? _____ ____ your girlfriend____ ____? 5.他是一个体格健壮的运动员. He is a player _____ strong build. 6.我想我认识他. I _____I______him. 7.我父亲总是不停地工作. My father ________ ________working. 8.那个老师很受学生们的欢迎. The reacher _____very _____ _____ the students. 9.老师来了,我们别讲话了. Let`s____ _____.The teacher ____ ____in. 10.有些人不喜欢他的新形象. Some people _____ _____his new____. Unit8 I"d like some noodles.1.你想要什么种类的面条? ________ ______ ______ _______ would you like? 2.你想要多大碗的面条? _______ _______ _______ _____ _____ would he like? 3.你想要小碗面条吗? _____ you _____ a small ________ of noodles? 4.我想要一个中碗的羊肉洋葱饺子。 I ____ ____ a ____ bowl of _____ and ____dumplings. 5.你的地址是什么? _______ your ______? 6.我想订一个大比萨。 I`d like _______ _________ a _______pizza. 7.我们有一些很好的特色菜。We have ____ ____ ____. 8.特色菜1有牛肉和洋葱馅, 每15个饺子售价仅人民币10元。Special 1 has ___ ___ ___, and is ___ 10 RMB ___ 15 dumplins. 9.我们也有桔子汁和绿茶。We ___ ___ ___ ___ and green tea. 10.Jack想要一杯加了牛奶的咖啡。 Jack would like ______cup ________coffee __________milk. Unit9 How was your weekend?1.你上个周末做什么了? What ___ ___ ___ last weekend? 2.你上个周末过得怎样? How ___ ___ last weekend? 3.我今天早上没吃早饭。I_________ _______ breakfast______ morning. 4.本,你周末过得怎么样?好极了!______ _____your weekend, Ben?______ ______ ______! 5.他昨天夜里回到了家。 __________night, he _________ back to his home. 6.你认为每个人的周末都会过得很好吗?_____you _____everyone_____ _____weekends? 7.对大多数孩子来说,周末是有趣的。For ___ ___, the weekend ___ ___. 8.他在10分钟之前给我打了电话。He ________me ten minutes________. 9.我问了三中的十名学生他们上个假日所做的事。 I ___ ten students at No.3 Middle School ___ ___ ___ last vacation.10.在星期六上午,(这)十个孩子做家庭作业或是学习。On Saturday morning, ten kids ___ ___ ___ or ___. Unit10 Where did you go on vacation?1.你在哪儿遇见她的? ______ _____you meet her? 2.您去哪儿度假的?Where did you______ _______ _______? 3.你好,马克,周末过得如何?Hi,Mark.______ ______your weekend? 4.我们在水里玩得很开心。We ____ ____ ____ ____ in the water. 5.商店太拥挤了。The shops ____ ____ ____. 6.所以我真的不喜欢。So I ____ ____ ____ ____. 7.我发现一个小男孩在街道的角落里哭。 I ____ a small boy ____ in the ____ of the street. 8.他迷路了,我帮他找到了他的爸爸。 He ____ ____ and I___ ___ ___ his father. 9.那件事使得我感觉很开心。That ____ ____ ____ very happy. 10.我身上没钱坐出租车了。 I ___ ___ ___ ___ for a taxi. I ____ ____ ____ for a taxi. Unit11 What do you think of game shows?1.你觉得电视节目怎样? What do you ____ ____ ____ ____? How do you ____ ____ ____? 2.欢迎来到9点钟周末谈话节目。____ ____ 9 o"clock ____ ____. 3.谢谢加入我们。____ ____ ____ us. 4.我问了学生有关时尚的问题。 I ____ ____ ____ fashion. 5.最酷的东西是腰带。 The coolest ____ ____ ____ ____. 6.我喜欢在学校杂志上读你的文章。 I ____ ____ your article ___ ___ ___ magazine. 9.我不能忍受老年人就不能漂亮的观点。 I ____ ____ the idea that old people ____ ____ beautiful. 10.我不介意年轻人怎样评价我。 I ___ ___ what young people ____ ____ me. Unit12 Don"t eat in class.1.你们学校的规则是什么? What are ___ ___ ___ ___ school? 2.不要在楼道里跑。 ____ ____ ____ ____ hallways. 3.上课别迟到。 Don"t ____ ____ ____ school. Don"t ____ ____ ____ school. 4.我们可以在教室吃饭嘛? Can we ____ ____ ____ classroom? 5.你们在学校必须穿校服嘛? Do you ____ ____ ____ ____ at school? 6.还有什么其他的必须要做的? What ____ ____ ____ ____ to do? 7.决不许那样对你母亲讲话!________speak_________ your mother ________that! 8.我们可以在自助餐厅里吃饭,但不能在教师里吃。We ___ ___in the cafeteria , ____we ____ ____in____ ____. 9.我得睡会儿,我太累了。I_____ ____get some _____.I ____ too______. 10.你不必要今晚写完作文。You _____ ______ _____finish ______ composition.2023-07-20 05:40:292
villagei like my village . there are many small house in many village. the sky is blue . the grass is green . i can run on the grass. i like my village.2023-07-20 05:40:392
%RH是相对湿度的单位。相对湿度(Relative Humidity ),用RH表示。表示空气中的绝对湿度与同温度和气压下的饱和绝对湿度的比值,得数是一个百分比。(也就是指某湿空气中所含水蒸气的质量与同温度和气压下饱和空气中所含水蒸气的质量之比,这个比值用百分数表示。例如,某机房平常所说的湿度为60%,即指相对湿度。)相对湿度是单位体积空气内实际所含的水气密度(用d1 表示)和同温度下饱和水气密度(用d2 表示)的百分比,即RH(%)= d1/ d2 x 100%。另一种计算方法是:实际的空气水气压强(用p1 表示)和同温度下饱和水气压强(用p2表示)的百分比,即RH(%)= p1/ p2 x 100%。扩展资料当一个地方没有明显的干空气或湿空气进来时,实际含水量是相对稳定少变的,但是理论最大含水量,这个分母项是会变的。空气温度越高,大气可承载的水汽量越大。因此当下午气温达到最高时,分母项最大,夜间-清晨气温最低时,分母项最小,这样一天中,相对湿度就会经常性的过山车。实际生活中,用的吹风机,就是通过加热空气,使得局部的理论最大含水量提升,降低相对湿度,加快头发变干,当然风也会加快水分蒸发。另一个重要推论就是,因为夜间-清晨气温低,导致相对湿度分母项低,因此空气相对湿度大,更容易达到饱和,出现大雾。因此雨后夜间放晴,或者晴朗的夜间,吹起南风或东风输送水汽,都是很容易见到大雾的形势,但到了白天光照加热,相对湿度分母项上升,相对湿度也就下来,雾就散了。参考资料来源:百度百科-相对湿度2023-07-20 05:40:411
初一地方难度不一样啊。你是哪的人?各市的书应该是不一样的。2023-07-20 05:40:509
穷苦的近义词 词语穷苦的近义词及解释
1、艰难:困难:行动艰难。生活艰难。不畏艰难险阻。 2、困难:①事情复杂,阻碍多:克服困难。 ②穷困,不好过:困难。 3、穷困:困难之极﹐处境窘迫。 贫穷。指穷困。 4、困苦:(生活上)艰难痛苦:生活困苦。困苦的日子过去了。 5、贫乏:①贫穷;穷困:贫乏不能自存|振济贫乏,通共有无。 6、贫寒:贫苦:家境贫寒|出身于贫寒家庭。 7、清贫:生活清寒贫苦。 8、贫苦:贫穷困苦。 9、贫困:贫苦穷困。 10、贫穷:贫苦困厄。谓缺少财物,困顿不顺。指缺贫穷。 11、困穷:艰难窘迫。 12、贫窭:亦作贫寠。贫乏,贫穷。2023-07-20 05:39:001
安慰近义词:慰劳,安抚,宽慰,抚慰,问候,快慰,欣慰,慰藉,慰问,劝慰鼓励近义词:鼓吹,怂恿,煽惑,鼓舞,荧惑,驱策,勉励,激动,推动,驱使,唆使,促进,策动,激励,鼓动,鞭策,役使,激发,慰勉,煽动,激劝清苦近义词:清贫惊慌近义词:惊悸,慌张,着急,惊愕,惊惶,惊恐,惶恐,蹙悚,张惶,恐忧,慌乱,惊惧,错愕,恐慌2023-07-20 05:38:541
窘2023-07-20 05:38:473
In lore after Yi with the goddess of the moon is the person of Yao time , mythology says , Yao time, on day, 10 the suns at the same time appear in sky, it is burnt to roast land , crops are withered and dry, people heat get pant however air come , fall in faint on the ground do not wake up. Because the cause of extremely hot weather is some to blame poultry beast of prey , is also from the place that dries up with flame forest in run , in every place, cruelly injure people. The disaster of the world have alarmed the god on day, in day emperor frequently handsome order is good at archery after Yi go to the world , help Yao the suffering except people. After Yi tape day emperor grant the bow with red one that gives him , the arrow of a bag white colour, beautiful wife the goddess of the moon who still takes him arrives the world together. After Yi the fighting that has begun to shoot day immediately. He takes out white arrow from shoulder except taking off the bow with red that, one aly to arrogant the sun shoot , instantly between 10 the suns have been shot 9, leave a the sun only because Yao thinks as people have advantage, after having just blocked Yi continuity shooting. This for is famous after Yi shoot the story of day. But after Yi great achievements, have gotten other gods is jealous , they enter calunmy until day in emperor, make day emperor have drifted apart at last after Yi, demote him finally forever the world. Have gotten the song of member after Yi with wife the goddess of the moon have to live in seclusion in the world, after leaning Yi go hunting to make a living. The goddess of the moon again how run month? There is the saying of various difference on ancient book. Is according to the record of " Huai south son ", after Yi feel receive sorry him implicate live in exile the wife that comes down to earth , since beging to west king mother grow livelihood do not die Zhi medicine, let two of their spouses ones live between live forever harmoniously. The goddess of the moon does not spoil clear bitter life , after multiplying Yi not the time at home, have eaten all long livelihoods stealthily do not die medicine, run away moon in have gone. Another kind of saying is to bend ( approximately former 340 notes? 78 )" ask in day" record, after saying Yi afterwards for the goddess of the moon have not loyal behavior, with the wife of river uncle occur warm hide relation, thus arouse the unsatisfaction with maximum the goddess of the moon, after leaving Yi run until day have gone. The goddess of the moon runs , have regreted very quickly after month, she has recalled husband flat day, is dreary for the lonely, time sleep in tender feeling and contrast moon between her benefit and world. About after Yi Zhi die , war country thinker Mencius( former approximately A.D. 372 notes? 89 years ), compose " Mencius " with Xi Chinese first year Liu install ( former 179 22 ) volume into " Huai south son " say him is the apprentice that has been requited kindness with enmity Feng murder. The means of murdering have each different record, some say is use peach wooden big stick kill , some say is use dark arrow shoot to die. In a word, this unparalleled hero dies , is in the hand of schemer. Still say in some lore, after Yi the Britain soul after dies do not break up , have become the clock of dozen ghosts Kui god. This saying is the famous historian of our country attend to Jie just ( 1893-1980 year ) basis the etc. ancient book " Huai south son" record textual criticism come out. This kind of saying has reflected actually that ancient the people of our country is for this unfortunately dead infinite memeory of the hero who goes. 传说中后羿和嫦娥都是尧时候的人,神话说,尧的时候,天上有十个太阳同时出现在天空,把土地烤焦了,庄稼都枯干了,人们热得喘不过气来,倒在地上昏迷不醒。因为天气酷热的缘故,一些怪禽猛兽,也都从干涸的江湖和火焰似的森林里跑出来,在各地残害人民。 人间的灾难惊动了天上的神,天帝常俊命令善于封射箭的后羿下到人间,协助尧除人民的苦难。后羿带着天帝赐给他的一张红色的弓,一口袋白色的箭,还带着他的美丽的妻子嫦娥一起来到人间。 后羿立即开始了射日的战斗。他从肩上除下那红色的弓,取出白色的箭,一支一支地向骄横的太阳射去,顷刻间十个太阳被射去了九个,只因为尧认为留下一个太阳对人民有用处,才拦阻了后羿的继续射击。这就是有名的后羿射日的故事。 但是后羿的丰功伟绩,却受到了其他天神的妒忌,他们到天帝那里去进谗言,使天帝终于疏远了后羿,最后把他永远贬斥到人间。受了委曲的后羿和妻子嫦娥只好隐居在人间,靠后羿打猎为生。 嫦娥又是怎样奔月的呢?在古书上有种种不同的说法。根据《淮南子》的记载是,后羿觉得对不起受他连累而谪居下凡的妻子,便到西王母那里去求来了长生不死之药,好让他们夫妻二人在世间永远和谐地生活下去。嫦娥却过不惯清苦的生活,乘后羿不在家的时候,偷吃了全部的长生不死药,奔逃到月亮里去了。另一种说法是屈原(约前340椩记?78)《天问》的记载,说后羿后来对嫦娥有不忠行为,和河伯的妻子发生暖昧关系,因而引起嫦娥极大的不满,便离开后羿跑到天上去了。嫦娥奔月以后,很快就后悔了,她想起了丈夫平日对她的好处和人世间的温情,对比月亮里的孤独,倍觉凄凉。 关于后羿之死,战国时思想家孟子(约公元前372椩记?89年)所著《孟子》和西汉初年刘安(前179椙?22)编成的《淮南子》都说他是被恩将仇报的徒弟逢蒙暗害的。暗害的手段记载各不一样,有的说是用桃木大棒打死的,有的说是用暗箭射死的。总之这位盖世的英雄死在阴谋家的手里。 有的传说里还说,后羿死后英魂不散,变成了打鬼的钟馗神。这一说法是我国著名史学家顾颉刚(1893-1980年)根据《淮南子》等古书的记载考证出来的。这种说法,实际上反映了我国古代人民对这位不幸死去的英雄的无限怀念。2023-07-20 05:38:391
正确答案:富裕2023-07-20 05:38:284
困难近义词是什么 困难的意思
1、困难的近义词包括:挫折、穷困、障碍、繁难、麻烦、贫乏、清贫、困穷、穷苦、疾苦、困苦、贫穷、艰巨、贫苦、坚苦、贫寒、艰难、艰苦、贫困等词语。 2、困难,指处境艰难、生活穷困,亦指事情复杂、阻碍多;通常在很多励志名言中出现。2023-07-20 05:38:111
巨大近义词:宏壮,强壮,浩瀚,远大,宏大,强大,重大,壮大,宏伟,雄伟,伟大,强盛,广大,庞杂,浩大,庞大2.同情近义词:恻隐,怜惜,可怜,怜悯3.贫穷近义词:穷苦,贫苦,清贫,贫乏,艰难,贫窭,贫寒,贫弱,贫困,困苦,穷困,障碍,困穷,清寒4.羡慕近义词:赞佩,爱慕,爱戴,仰慕,倾慕,向往,敬慕,钦慕,恋慕,艳羡,景仰5.忧愁近义词:忧闷,烦懑,哀愁,郁闷,忧虑,烦闷,烦恼,担忧,苦闷,苦恼,担心,颓唐,发愁,忧伤,不快,忧郁,愁闷,纳闷6.甜美近义词:喜悦,甜蜜2023-07-20 05:38:051
哈利:丹尼尔罗恩:鲁伯特赫敏:艾玛德拉科:汤姆费尔顿斯内普:艾伦金妮:邦妮2023-07-20 05:38:037
穷苦近义词:困穷,困苦,困难,清贫,穷困,贫乏,贫困,贫寒,贫穷,贫窭,贫苦来自百度汉语|报错穷苦_百度汉语[拼音] [qióng kǔ] [释义] 贫穷困苦 穷苦的反义词|穷苦的近义词2023-07-20 05:37:581
破散的近义词—— 破碎、散乱、零散 破散:【拼音】:pò sàn 【解释】:1.犹消除。2.破败散失;挥霍浪费。3.破裂四散。4.被击败而散乱。5.祭名。 【例句】:我捡起那本旧书,但书却在我手中破散了。2023-07-20 05:37:436
哦挺多的吧 imdb 里都有吧~http://www.imdb.com/find?s=all&q=HARRYPOTTER2023-07-20 05:37:401
Chris Rankin (饰演Percy Weasley珀西 韦斯莱)2023-07-20 05:37:292