1. 培养学生对英语词汇的兴趣
2. 在阅读中猜词
3. 学习构词法而记忆词汇
英语中词法常用的有综合法和转换合成法,熟悉这些知识对了解和熟记词汇会有很大帮助。并有助于迅速地扩充词汇量,前缀和后缀是最重要的英语词素。因此有必要记住英语中一些最常用的前缀和后缀。un-和in-表示“不”,“否定”,“与……相反”,如:unaware(不知道的,不觉察的),unusual(不平常的,异常的),inaccuracy(不精确,不准确),inconvenience(不方便); dis-(否定,相反),如:disappear(不见,消失),disorder(无秩序,混乱);re-(再,重), reproduce(使重现,生产),revise(再考虑,校订);anti-(反对,抵抗;排斥),如:anti-body(抗体),antibiotic(抗生素)。常用的前缀还有auto-(自动,自己),pre-(在……前,先),ex-(向上,超过);pro-(向前,先)和non-(不)等等,只要平时注意总结,一定会收到很好的效果。
4. 根记忆法。
这是记单词最主要的方法,因为英语单词虽浩如烟海,但词根只有几百个,而英语单词85%可以通过词根进行分解记忆,用这种方法记单词,不仅速度快,而且记得牢固,如果在记忆过程中,把单调分解成一个一个的字母,那么单词中所包含的单位很多,每个字母没有特定的含意,产生不了联想、所以必然是记单词速度慢、不能长久。这就是.为什么单词背了忘,忘了背的主要原同。解决这一问题最好的办法就是多记词根,通过词根进行联想,与分解记忆法不同的是,词根记忆不仅有效,而且它是一种科学方法。有理论根据。例如《大学英语教学大纲》的一些词汇就可以通过词根分解法记忆。词根brev=short短, abbreviation[ab一加强意义, brev=short,短,ation名词后缀]=编写,缩短,节略。 Brevity[brev=短,ity=名词后缀]=(陈述等的)简短,简洁;(生命)短促,短暂。词根tract=drag,拖,拉,引,abstract[abs=离开,tract=拉、袖,抽走]抽象,提要、概扩。Attract[at=toward tract=to draw;to draw something or someone toword oneself,to gain the attention of someone.]=吸引,引诱。Distract[dis=away, to draw away the mind in a different direction;]=分心,转移。Retract[re=back, tract=to draw; pull,to draw and take something back.]=缩回;收回。
5. 借助近义词,举一反三
在学习一个生词时,同时掌握多个意思相近的单词。例如,在学完基础词汇big(大的)和 great(伟大的)后,进一步学习large(大的),huge(广大的,巨大的),vast(广而大的),immense(巨大的),enormous(大的、广大的),tremendous(巨大的,极大的)和 gigantic(巨大的)。这几个单词都有“大的”的意思,这是它们的共同之处,然后再进一步分清它们之间的细微区别、程度上的差异。字典中为外伤,外伤性症状;不是精神上的,在学完hurt(受伤,伤害)后,同时学习trauma(伤害,侧重于外伤),injury(受伤),harm(害,损害),wound(刀、剑、撕扯造成的损伤),damage(损害,毁坏)和destroy(摧毁,毁坏)。以上几个单词有“伤害”、“损害”的意思,但具体意思又有一定区别,将它们联系起来,更易于记牢。
6. 归类的方法
在学习一个单词时,可一并学习同类词。例如,在学习 doctor(医生)时,同时学习physician(内科医生),surgeon(外科医生),dentist(牙科医生), resident doctor(住院医生),attending doctor(主治医生), family doctor(家庭医生);在学习football时,可同时学习basketball(篮球),volley- ball(排球),softball(垒球),baseball(棒球),billiard ball(台球),table tennis(乒乓球),badminton(羽毛球),cricket(板球), water polo(水球),ice hockey(冰球),field hockey(陆上曲棍球)。
7. 利用拼写相近的词来增加词汇量
例如,学习name(名字)时,可以同时学习fame(名声,名誉),game(游戏,娱乐,比赛), lame(跛的), same(相同的,同样的),tame(驯服的,温驯的);在学bake(烘,烤)时,可以同时学习cake(蛋糕,饼干),fake(伪造,骗子),lake(湖),make(制造),sake(缘故),take(拿,抓,握),wake(醒)。上面两组词仅左端一个字母不同,右边的三个字母完全相同。应用此法,可同时记住多个拼写相近的单词。
8. 英语中许多单词一词多义
在四级以及其他的英语考试中,会考察学生对某些词汇的多义,尤其是一些常用词,记住一个英文单词,可同时记住几个中文意思。例如,book名词是“书”,动词是“把……记载入册”,“预定(火车、轮船、飞机票)”。 second作名词是“秒”,序数词是“第二”,动词是“支持”、“赞同”。date既是“日期”,又是“约会”。interest既是“兴趣”,又作“利益”、“权利”、“利息”讲。 bear意为“熊”、“粗鲁的人”,又有“生育”、“忍受”、“负担”的意思。这样,词汇量就会成倍增长。
英语中许多词组都表示中文的一个意思,学一个词组,可同时记忆多个同义词组。例如,学习“to say nothing of”,可同时记“not to mention”,“let alone”,“much less”,它们都有“不用”、“更不用说”之意;“bring about”,“lead to”,“result in”都有“导致”的意思;“due to”,“owing to”,“thanks to”,“because of”都有“由于”、“因为”的意思。
PULL and BEAR2023-07-20 04:59:502
西班牙服饰品牌Pull and Bear同ZARA属于Inditex集团,Inditex公司已经成为一个市值超过80亿美元的集团公司,是西班牙排名第一,全球排名第三的服装零售商,在全球52个国家拥有2116家分店。旗下拥有Zara、Pull and Bear、Massimo Dutti、Bershka、Stradivarius、Oysho、Zara Home 和 Kiddy"s Class九个服装零售品牌。秉持舒适简约、便於穿著的设计理念,取自新科技与艺术潮流的设计灵感,再结合顾客的要求与观点,为现代的都市男女呈现出具有独特风格的服饰。2023-07-20 04:59:592
shoeiX14 上的pull and bear 啥意思?
赞助商的名字 一家西班牙的服饰品牌2023-07-20 05:00:171
这些牌子没有中文翻译,在中国大家读这些牌子都是念英文,你可以上网查一下它们的英文发音。2023-07-20 05:00:271
pull&bear 这牌子NB挖?一般在什么价位
我今天就买了一件。不是很贵。2023-07-20 05:01:056
名字?拉与熊?2023-07-20 05:01:203
ZARA、Pull and Bear、Kiddy"s Class、Massimo Dutti、Bershka、Stradivarius、Oysho、ZARA Home,ZARA是其中最有名的品牌。2023-07-20 05:02:591
请推荐一些类似 李维斯、H&M的品牌!
lee, ck , wrangler 都不错2023-07-20 05:03:195
zara旗下有九个牌子,分别为zara 飒拉 包括,男装,女装,和童装及饰品bershka 波丝卡 少女装,年龄定位17-25 最近也新出男装,但比较少店铺有pull and bear PB 少男少女装 Stradivarius 斯特拉迪瓦里斯 风格偏朋克,少女装zara home 家居 massimo dutti MD 相对ZARA来讲,属于比较高端的产品oysho 内衣系列 Uterque 主营acc 也就是包,鞋,和饰品最后一个是zara 折扣店,全球只有一家,在西班牙,位于zara大仓库旁边,世界各地的折后商品,以及有一些小问题的商品,都会在那里以很低的价格出售2023-07-20 05:03:584
PULL, BERSHKA ,Stradivarius 哪个品牌好?有没有详细的品牌介绍?都属于什么系列
pull and bear,BERSHKA ,Stradivarius 都是属于Inditex旗下品牌 ,其中BERSHKA和ZARA是姐妹品牌 都是属于少女服饰 同时也有童装 鞋衣服 等等都有。巴适卡 (Bershka) 是以年轻人市场为目标,以年轻前卫,充满街头感的设计风格取胜。时至今日,巴适卡 (Bershka) 在全球17个国家设有321家分店。 Pull and Bear的产品线并没有Zara那么的全而广,而是主打年轻人市场。其同样也继承了Zara得以成功的制胜法宝:较多的款式、较好的设计、却以较低的价格出售2023-07-20 05:05:451
Bershka针对年轻些的群体2023-07-20 05:05:5411
pull Bear有什么特别意思
Pull&Bear 一个西班牙品牌的名字2023-07-20 05:07:593
pull and bear 尺码表问题
175的就可以吧,180的会大哦。。要是想要更精准可以用皮尺量下哦2023-07-20 05:08:081
10分:长春哪有Bershka,pull and bear ,H&M ,ZARA,C&A 这些牌子
懂不懂啊, 就乱解答, ZARA 长春没有 ? 欧亚哥们没去过啊? ZARA 在欧亚商都一楼2023-07-20 05:08:165
Zara旗下一共有八个零售品牌,不同的风格,不同的价位,足让你可以挑的眼花缭乱,捂着钱包痛哭。1、BershkaInditex(ZARA公司)于1998年建立了Bershka。2、Pull&Bear目标客户是青少年。3、StradivariusStradivarius是Inditex在 1999 年收购的一家连锁店,设计特别有北欧风。2023-07-20 05:08:3312
问题一:带有羽毛图案的内衣是什么牌子的 西班牙服饰品牌Pull and Bear 问题二:图案是羽毛的是什么牌子的鞋 图案是羽毛的是什么牌子的鞋 问题三:T―SHIRT的背后是跟羽毛的图案,那是什么牌子的衣服啊 羽毛?!是领航人生吗?!如果不是~那就是F开头的法国牌子了!(具体名字我忘记了!) 问题四:一支羽毛是什么牌子 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟=图图图图图图图图 图哪去了 问题五:那位大神知道这个这个是什么品牌,LOGO是一片羽毛! 西班牙服饰品牌Pull and Bear 问题六:一只羽毛是什么牌子 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟=图图图图图图图图 图哪去了 问题七:logo是一根羽毛 服装品牌 10分 这个图片吗? Fred Perry是英国著名的网球用品,中文名:佛莱德。派瑞。创立于1940年代末期,由Tibby Wegner联同网球手FRED PERRY以其名字命名。因不喜欢作任何花巧设计,只求简单、耐看,却极受时下年轻人喜爱,在全世界各地均有拥护者。 问题八:商标是一只羽毛,这个羽绒服是个什么牌子 楼主,您的表述不够具体,一只羽毛也会有多种风格,因为不知道楼弗所说的羽毛是什么样的设计形式,所以无法为楼主查询是什么牌子。楼主可以把你需要查的羽毛图形 传上来,我才能帮楼主准确的查询! 问题九:一个男装品牌 LOGO 两根羽毛 Fred Perry,中文名:佛莱德 派瑞。英国著名的网球及运动服装品牌。 其产品不作任何花巧设计,只求简龚、耐看,却极受时下年轻人喜爱。 问题十:带一个小羽毛标志的拉杆箱是什么品牌 是不是fred perry?(不过那不是羽毛,是叶子--虽然看上去有点儿像羽毛的说),主要风格是英式校园风格,POPO衫很好看。2023-07-20 05:11:481
北京哪里有zara 、hm、 ca 、bershka、 pull and bear之类的比较集中?
蓝色港湾2023-07-20 05:11:575
有哪些像pull and bear 的休闲品牌
forever 21, H &M, GAP 这些都是欧洲的牌子,很大众也比较时尚便宜。2023-07-20 05:12:121
西班牙的时尚品牌Massimo Dutti,创立于1985年11月,以男装起家。男装成功地打入市场后,1995年发布女装系列,并相继推出童装和香水系列。Massimo Dutti品牌的男装和女装都拥有自己独特的风格,它在基于随意及运动的设计理念的同时,捕捉着最新的时尚元素。Massimo Dutti这个综合性的服装品牌,其连锁店在全球超过390间,遍及29个国家,其迅速发展的速度,确实有点惊人! 同ZARA属于Inditex集团,Inditex公司已经成为一个市值超过80亿美元的集团公司,是西班牙排名第一,全球排名第三的服装零售商,在全球52个国家拥有2116家分店。旗下拥有Zara、Pull and Bear、Massimo Dutti、Bershka、Stradivarius、Oysho、Zara Home 和 Kiddy"s Class九个服装零售品牌。 Massimo Dutti 是比ZARA更高档次的设计师款式,价格跟品质当然是高于ZARA许多,走的路线是高雅OL时尚风,每件都是限量出货,每周到店内参观都可以看到新货上架,如果某件款式在店内一直没人买,不到换季就会遭到下架的命运。 Massimo Dutti的男装和女装有四个系列,分别为Night style、Life style、Country day、 Travel day。 Women的设计洋溢女性化的味道,除了散发巴黎情怀的Tweed服饰外,亦有缀以精致细部的雪纺连身裙及吊带背心,以及对比强烈的黑白印花图案半截裙等,绝对是时尚女士的不二之选;Travel day & Country day则走流行便服路线,设计集当季流行元素于一身,如今季大热的缤纷用色、悠闲的出海服以及由贴身布料做成的服饰,营造不一样的女性魅力;紧贴潮流的打扮,绝对需要合衬的配饰,Massimo Dutti的时尚配饰,为简洁造型添上摩登的味道。 世界上有一句俗话,说的是每一个成功的男人背后都站立着一个女人,时尚地说,每一个成功的男人身边,在社交的宴会里都站立着一个光彩夺目的女人。在任何party里,在星光闪耀的酒会中,Massimo Dutti的高贵的绅士风度与优雅性感的女人风韵,使你成为瞩目的星光,刺亮男人与女人的眼球。Massimo Dutti 不仅仅赢得消费者的肯定和支持,也普遍获得时装界的认同,就连知名时尚界名人,如Brigitte Bardot、林志玲等等,也会穿着Massimo Dutti的服装出席各种场合。 Massimo Dutti的商店布置由于出自相同的理念,都带有别致的都市气息,里面的每一件商品都将古典与现代的风格完美地融为一体 Massimo Dutti官方网站:2023-07-20 05:12:211
西班牙留学要注意的弊端 1、逃课 一方面,家长将我们送出国门并不容易;另一方面,西班牙的教学质量以及欧盟教育体制是吸引我们出去的主要原因。基于此,我们没有理由选择不用功甚至是逃课。逃课不仅是浪费金钱,更是一种对家人、对自己不负责任的表现。 除此之外,西班牙大学本科现在对学生的出勤率均有要求,出勤率也是目前大学期末综合考评的标准之一。若出勤率过低,会导致学生专业课程不通过。 2、宅在华人圈 出国留学在海外很容易形成华人间的朋友圈,彼此之间相互照顾,淡化思乡之情、感受家的温暖,无可厚非,可一旦宅在自己的小圈子里,刻意减少或者拒绝与其他人的接触与交流就未免有些得不偿失。如果真的如此,可能会出现在西班牙留学多年仍西班牙语不过关,对当地文化也知之甚少的局面,适应西班牙文化更无从谈起。 3、炫富 切忌炫富,这会让别人认为是不成熟的表现,真正有内涵、成熟的人从来不会拿身外的事物来炫耀。学校里拿到好成绩才是值得骄傲的事情。 4、崇洋媚外 中国在外国人眼里是一个古老而神秘的国度,上下五千年的灿烂文明以及与西方世界迥异的文化是吸引他们的地方。儒家说的仁爱,释家说的和谐,道家说的真诚,在国外人眼里一切都是那么的神秘。中国上下五千年的文化在世界正掀起一股中国风。西班牙有很多吸引我们的地方,但是我们也不能妄自菲薄,出国后我们代表着中国的形象,与外国同学交往要自尊自爱,不卑不亢。 我们在西班牙生活的时候,西班牙留学弊端一定要注意。作为中国的留学生,我们一定要注意自己的言行举止,努力为国家争光!扩展阅读:西班牙留学什么专业好就业 一、旅游与酒店管理 作为“世界旅游王国”,西班牙是个环境优美、气候宜人、名胜众多的国家,每年从世界各地慕名前来的游客络绎不绝,就连世界旅游组织的总部都设在西班牙马德里。由于旅游业的兴盛,为旅游业培养人才的旅游与酒店管理自然就成了该国最热门、就业前景的专业。加上各个大学对该专业的重视,很快让它在国际上名列前茅。 二、建筑专业 从整个建筑行业来看,美国是学习建筑的好地方,但只侧重于土木工程方面。在设计规划方面,西班牙的建筑设计专业与其他国家不同,特别是在海湾建筑方面实力较强,这一点很为国内须要。因此,同学们可以考虑去西班牙学习建筑设计成为一名优秀的建筑规划师。 三、语言文学专业 西班牙语已经发展成为世界上第二大使用人数最多的语言,而且目前也已经被联合国列为联合国官方语言之一,再加上在中国国内学习西班牙语言人才的缺乏,所以去西班牙留学读语言专业是最合适不过的,并且已有二十多个国家都在使用西班牙语,就业前景较广泛。不管是毕业后归国还是留在西班牙或者去其他西语国家就业都是不成问题的。 四、经济与管理类专业 提起闻名世界的商学院,很多人首先想到的都是美国的众多商学院。但很多人有所不知的是,西班牙的商学院同样也是很牛的。在全球商学院前30的排名中,西班牙的商学院就占了3个席位,分别是第7、第11、第22。由此可见,西班牙的经济与管理类专业还是非常值得一读的。 五、医学类专业 西班牙的医学类专业也是十分热门的专业,比如马德里康普顿斯大学的牙科,巴塞罗那大学的解刨学,巴塞罗那自治大学的兽医学毕业后,都可以找到一份收入十分可观的工作 ,吸引着广大考生报考。毕业后如果能够拿到药房或者实验室的合同,月薪可以达到3000 ,而如果从医,随着自身技术的提供,许多资深医生甚至可以拿到6000 左右的月薪。 六、烹饪专业 西班牙菜一直深受全球食客的喜爱,因为它包含了贵族与民间、传统与现代的烹饪艺术,加上特产的优质食材,在欧洲和世界各地占有重要的位置。据统计,西班牙有200多个米其林餐厅,西班牙的厨师在全世界都受到了推崇。这样的西班牙烹饪专业难道不值得期待吗? 七、时尚设计专业 西班牙的一些服装设计师在国际上享有很高的声誉,时装行业也是西班牙发展最迅猛的行业之一,一些品牌也在国际上获得了很大的成功,比如快时尚品牌集团Inditex旗下的ZARA、Pull and Bear、Massimo Dutti、Bershka、Stradivarius、Oysho、Uterque等等。在婚纱市场上,来自西班牙Pronovias, Rosa Clara都是享誉世界的高端品牌。因此去西班牙学习时尚设计也是非常好的选择。 八、基础设施专业 基础建设方面,以高铁为例,截至到2015年,西班牙以其3100公里的高铁运营里程位居欧洲第一。在全球,西班牙高铁的运营里程仅次于中国的20000公里,位居第二,高于第三位的日本(2664公里)和第四位的法国(2036公里),并且至今仍在扩展其高铁网络,运营速度310公里/小时。西班牙在基础设施人才培养中投入大量资源,因此到西班牙来研读基础设施专业是非常好的选择。 九、汽车工业 西班牙的汽车工业在欧盟15国居第三,仅次于德国和法国,在世界位居第五。工业车辆方面,西班牙在欧盟中名列第一。西班牙的汽车工业与西班牙的旅游业和建筑业被称为西班牙经济的三大支柱,其出口占西班牙整个出口的四分之一,世界上的六家汽车跨国集团在西班牙都有工厂。西班牙汽车制造业产值约占国内生产总值的近6%。有次可见在西班牙学习汽车工业未来潜力巨大。 十、生物技术和生物制药 西班牙在器官移植方面处于世界地位。发明了利用脂肪干细胞治疗心脏病。优秀的医疗水平自然是得益于西班牙的科研和医疗教育。有意从事这方面工作的小伙伴可以选择西班牙。扩展阅读:在西班牙留学如何换汇 一、关于“私下换汇” 近年来,由于西班牙严打洗钱、偷税和漏税,采取了严格的汇款金额控制制度,并且加大了海关对携款金额的严查力度,使得“私下换汇”变得越来越困难了。而所谓“私下换汇”,其实就是在西班牙持有欧元,但需要到中国使用人民币的人,也就是与中国人具有相反需求的人,根据一定的汇率,进行外汇兑换,对方在中国给人民币,而西班牙这里则把欧元交给对方。 但是私下换汇不仅存在较高的风险,可能在某种程度上还会有涉嫌违法的嫌疑。专家在这里要警惕广大在西班牙留学的留学生,在西班牙换汇时,能够通过正当合法的途径来进行,以免给自己带来麻烦,甚至是触犯法律,得不偿失。 二、换汇的技巧 1、提前几个月换汇要比高峰期便宜。每年的九、十月份都是留学的高峰期,因此大家可以选择在七月份前后的样子去换汇。避开高峰期,购汇的利率会低一点。 2、学会货比三家。各大银行在同一时刻的外汇牌价都是不同的,即使是同一家银行在不同时刻的外汇牌价也是不一样的。具体情况你可以在换汇时,登陆各银行的网站或者电话查询外汇牌价,进行货比三家。 3、换汇的高峰期,很多银行可能都会推出一系列的换汇优惠活动以供家长和留学生选择。因此,有留学计划的学生平时可以多关注一下各大银行针对出国留学学生推出的各种换汇优惠活动。2023-07-20 05:12:381
ZARA是西班牙品牌。其中女装有Woman, Basic,TRF三个系列。 下面是我整理的zara是什么牌子,供大家参考! ZARA简介 品牌名称:ZARA(中文名称----飒拉) 所属国家:西班牙 创始时间:1975年 创始人:阿曼西奥·奥尔特加·高纳 (Amancio Ortega Gaona) 所属机构:Inditex集团 首席设计师:约翰·加利亚诺 (John Galliano) 产品类别:女性,男装,童装,鞋靴 Inditex是西班牙排名第一,并于近年超越了美国的GAP、瑞典的H&M成为全球排名第一的服装零售集团,2005年其全球的销售额67.41亿欧元,销售数达4.29亿件,纯利润8.03亿欧元。截至2006年6月它在全球64个国家和地区开设了2899家专卖店,旗下共有8个服装零售品牌,包括ZARA、Pull and Bear、Kiddy"s Class、Massimo Dutti、Bershka、Stradivarius、Oysho、ZARA Home,ZARA是其中最有名的品牌。ZARA创于1975年,目前在全球62个国家拥有917家专卖店(自营专卖店占90%,其余为合资和特许专卖店)。尽管ZARA品牌的专卖店只占Inditex公司所有分店数的三分之一,但是其销售额却占总销售额的70%左右。现在知道zara是什么牌子了吧! ZARA作为快速时尚(Fast Fashion)模式的领导品牌,声名显赫,利润丰厚,真可谓是“名利双收”,ZARA显然成为赢利性品牌的典范。ZARA品牌在时尚服饰业界正以惊人的速度崛起,2005年闪电般地跻身全球100个最具价值品牌榜,并将ARMANI等时尚服饰界大牌甩在身后。“以史为鉴,可以知兴替”,不同经济时代伟大品牌的兴衰史告诉我们一个伟大的品牌的崛起往往在于其品牌精神与整体性时代精神及消费者深层需求的高度契合。ZARA赢利性品牌模式在全球所向披靡大获成功正是对此最好的诠释。2023-07-20 05:12:451
老爷车男装——轻奢-快商务简欧时尚风格老爷车男装主要针对年龄跨度25-48岁左右的时尚男士,以轻奢快商务简欧时尚风格在市场赢得众多时尚男士的青睐,老爷车男装主要主打三个风格系列,经典永恒的轻奢商务系列;自由随性的简欧时尚系列;休闲时尚的都市休闲系列,在设计上简约帅雅、轻奢时尚,性价比也是非常高,针对大众市场,实价定位。因而老爷车男装成为25-48岁左右时尚男士钟爱的选择,在市场上,老爷车男装贩卖也十分火爆,赢得广泛青睐!2023-07-20 05:12:546
飒拉2023-07-20 05:13:403
谁知道了2023-07-20 05:13:483
今天藏青色宽松女裤2023-07-20 05:13:585
看什么市场,什么人消费多,再去定吧2023-07-20 05:14:365
昨天在pull&bear家买了裤子 它的尺码是 EUR34 MEX24 UK6 ITA38,请问这在中国是什么尺码啊,
是的2023-07-20 05:14:533
关了。据查询pullbear官方显示,ZARA母公司Inditex集团旗下三个品牌Bershka、PullBear和Stradivarius,均在天猫旗舰店发布闭店公告。pullbear是一个西班牙品牌,和zara是同一家服装公司。2023-07-20 05:14:591
it was terribly hot on the ground.2023-07-20 05:15:062
这是广东的比音勒芬服饰有限公司于2018年8月6日发布的一个新的服装子品牌威尼斯(Canaval de Venise,意思其实是威尼斯狂欢节或者威尼斯嘉年华)。按照该公司发布的品牌故事与特性,『威尼斯』品牌的服饰被定义为『首个度假旅游服饰品牌』,提供完整优秀的全家型运动休闲服饰。最后需要强调的一点是,比音勒芬和威尼斯都是纯粹的中国大陆服装品牌,来自国内服装主产地——珠三角。2023-07-20 05:17:2912
搞活动的时候更是不要钱一样。2023-07-20 05:18:2910
pull off 有没有“迷倒众人”的意思?
pull off1. 拿掉;拉开(某人或某物);扯下;撕开;剥掉例句: These naughty kids have pulled off all the rose buds.这些淘气的孩子把所有玫瑰花蕾都摘掉了。2. 把(机动车)开到路旁停车处(或路边);把(车、船等)开离:例句: The boat pulled off from the shore.这条船驶离海岸。3. 脱掉(衣、帽、鞋等):例句: The boy fulled his shirt off and threw it onto his bed.这个男孩把衬衣一脱往他的床上一扔。4. (成功或艰苦地)完成;赢得:例句: Father enjoys pulling off a miracle.父亲总喜欢一举惊人。5. [美国俚语]干(坏事、犯法的事):例句: The bandits pulled off a daring bank robbery.这伙强盗胆大包天,竟把银行抢了。总结这些个意思,好像不能妄下结论有你所说的这个意思呢!2023-07-20 05:19:231
Bear is a familiar animal. Its large bulky and violent temper. In the country hit bear you will quickly hide far, if someone dared to pull the bear tail, it is no less than pull tigerbeard; it is their own to bear to grab a bite. That time is really catch also not, put alsonot. So have a bear by the tail vividly depicts a kind of embarrassing, in a trickysituation. Then we will give you an example. Talking to people in the interpretation of one of his friends how kind to the sisters sequel, but the results of conflicts, got him into trouble. All Joe tried to do was end the fight between his two sisters, but he ended up having abear by the tail. The whole family got mad at him and now nobody will even speak tohim.Joe just want to persuade his two sisters don"t quarrel, but in the end he ended up having become the target of public criticism. The whole family are angry with him, or even who ignore him. Seen from this example have a bear by the tail and the Chinese idiom "difficult" the meaning is similar, the interpretation of "unwisely in trouble". Bear是大家熟悉的动物。它粗大笨重而且性情暴烈。在荒山野林碰上大熊你一定会赶快躲得远远的,如果有人斗胆去揪大熊尾巴,那真不亚于拉老虎胡子;简直就是把自己送给大熊去抓咬。那时候真是抓也不是,放也不是。所以 have a bear by the tail生动形象地描绘出一种尴尬棘手、骑虎难下的局面。 我们接下来要给大家来看个例子。说话的人在解释他一个朋友怎样好心给姐妹俩劝架,结果反而惹火烧身,给自己招来了麻烦。 All Joe tried to do was end the fight between his two sisters, but he ended up having a bear by the tail. The whole family got mad at him and now nobody will even speak to him. Joe只不过想劝说他的两姐妹别再争吵了,但是到头来他自己反倒卷入了纠纷,成了众矢之的。全家人都生他的气,甚至谁都不理睬他。 从这个例子可见have a bear by the tail和中国成语“骑虎难下”意思相仿,解释“不明智地陷入困境”。2023-07-20 05:20:302
我有网址,你自己去看吧~ 05:20:383
不要认为英语不重要,等你后悔认为很重要的时候,你才发觉晚了,当你的上司要你写一封英文信给客户时……我带你了解更多相关内容,接下来要给大家提供的是:致客户的一封信英文,希望你认真看完,会对你有帮助的! ↓↓↓点击获取“英语书信”↓↓↓ ★ 对顾客的英语道歉信 ★ ★ 英语书信格式及范文 ★ ★ 英语道歉信怎么写 ★ ★ 一封正式英文道歉信 ★ 致客户的一封信英文1 Dear customers How do you do! Thank you very much, because Taobao this encounter, so that our team and you have this opportunity to communicate! In the face of your order, our team is excited and nervous: because of your order, we see the team"s efforts have produced results and excited; in the face of each order, we will be nervous because of our negligence or the product quality does not meet your expectations and affect your happy mood of online shopping. As a small Taobao shop, a just established Taobao entrepreneurial team, we hope to make a little bit of achievements through our own efforts. We will also try our best to deal with every order and serve every customer well. But as a new team, we know that we still need to improve in many aspects. When you receive your package, please check it carefully. If you are satisfied with all aspects, please don"t forget to leave us a 5-point evaluation. If you have free time, you are willing to give us some encouragement. Please leave us a full and accurate evaluation at the same time of 5-point evaluation, whether for products or services - your suggestions will become our future work direction and your drum Li will also become our customer service team more enthusiastic service to the next customer power source, your sincere language we will remember! As a Taobao shop, you may occasionally receive defective products due to our negligence, or the product quality does not meet your expectations, or your mood is affected by the carelessness and unfriendliness of the courier. Here, please allow us to express our sincere apology to you for the possible problems. At the same time, our team also solemnly promises: for us No matter what you are not satisfied with, we will accept the return unconditionally and bear the round-trip express fee! A single order is small, but it is important to keep a happy mood in the complicated daily life. Facing this online shopping, our team sincerely hope that our business commitment (commitment: for our products, no matter what you are dissatisfied with, we will accept the return without conditions and bear the round-trip express fee!) so as not to add to your mood, but also hope that our work will not block your mood Performance can bring you a good mood! Therefore, dear pro, if you have any dissatisfaction, please contact us before you leave the evaluation. Please believe that we will not shirk and slack off, and strive to achieve the satisfaction of every customer! This article comes from The store is small, but the dream we hope to realize is big. So my team and I have been persistent and hard at every step. The products we sell are limited, and the customer satisfaction we expect to achieve is limitless. Therefore, our whole team has done devoutly and cautiously in every detail! 致客户的一封信英文2 Dear owner Hello, I"m an ordinary and humble salesman. I"m a salesman of the same age as your child. I"ve done telemarketing, expansion, online sales and other forms of sales. In the process of sales, I have met numerous customers with the face of gods of cattle and horses. Therefore, I have something to say to the respected owners. Dear customers, if you are born to be a collection of official power, then I can only say, that is your mother"s man has the ability, is it your own work out? What kind of capital do you have. We take your monthly salary for coffee in Starbucks every month, but if you want to do sales for a month? Are you sure you can get enough food and clothing for a month without all your resources? If you don"t have this self-confidence, would you like to do something? Are you arrogant? In this era of fighting for a father, there is a strong father, which can only show that you have a good life, but not a strong one? If you are strong, you can do sales? Let"s see if we can keep smiling and say "Mr. / MS, I"m sorry" when I"m scolded. It is estimated that you can"t even say a smooth word. I really don"t know what kind of courage you have to survive. If you can"t finish the above work on your own, I"m your father. I don"t know the meaning of your birth. If your father knew that you were so rude in the face of sales staff, he would regret it and knew you this Well, I"ll shoot you to the wall or throw a condom in the trash can! If you are not the second generation of officials and the second generation of power, is the cause of their own struggle, then excuse me, have you not sold to customers? Don"t you ever harass your clients? Did you smile when you were not scolded? Don"t you feel disappointed that the client has broken your appointment again and again? Are you not helpless to be ignored by customers after being sincere? You don"t feel the kind of heartache after a heartless two forces pull out their heart and lungs? If you used to be a self-made person, but also drag and 258 million, then I can only say that you forget your origin, at the beginning of a person, good nature, a forgetful person, how many achievements are a gilded second force, why don"t you see your original persistence and persistence and your heart and lung from the sales staff and feel a little warm? Why not make allowance for them and let their life have a little light and hope? This is your so-called teacher"s education and Enlightenment to the younger generation. If your child in the work, countless times in the face of other people"s responsibility and abuse, how would you feel? In our daily life, sales are basically synonymous with cheating. But are all sales deceptive? Is your IQ negative? You can"t tell the truth from the false. I doubt your IQ. If there is no sales in this life, you can find clothes, food, housing and transportation by yourself. We are helping you share the burden of life. Do you understand? We are trying to create a more comfortable life rhythm for you. We sell through legal channels. We have business license. Even if we sell illegally and engage in shady business, we are also self-supporting. To put it mildly, it is prostitution. It is self-supporting. People do not occupy land and do not put it. We only need one bed to work. Our sales is not robbery, we did not forcibly tear your pocket, we did not kidnap your wife and children, did not harm the society, so sales, is a very challenging occupation, the test is our willpower, anti attack ability, if you are confident that your child can do good sales, let him try, if not, please respect the sales staff. 致客户的一封信英文3 Dear customers, Thank you for your continuous support and love for ______. Every progress and success we have made is inseparable from your attention, trust, support and participation. Your understanding and trust is a powerful driving force for our progress, and your care and support are the inexhaustible source of our growth. Every time you participate, every suggestion, let us excited, make us constantly strive. With you, we will have a steady stream of confidence and strength in our journey forward; with you, our cause can flourish and develop endlessly. In the years to come, we hope to continue to get your concern and strong support, we will provide you with a wide range of financial products to solve your troubles in banking business, so that you can enjoy the most intimate and professional services. Customer satisfaction is our eternal pursuit, we will continue to provide you with the most sincere service. Attached are the financial services of the bank: 1、 Personal business Personal business includes savings business, green card business and personal settlement business. 2、 Company business The company"s business includes corporate settlement, corporate deposit and enterprise online banking. 3、 International Business International business includes foreign currency savings, international remittance, foreign currency financial management and personal settlement and sales of foreign exchange. 4、 Financial services Financial services include RMB financial management, foreign currency financing, sales of funds, sales of treasury bonds and insurance agency. 5、 Credit business Credit business includes small loans, personal business loans, second-hand housing mortgage loans, small business loans. 6、 Credit card business It has the functions of overdraft consumption, overdraft cash withdrawal, installment payment and integral earning. 7、 POS business UnionPay card reader, which enables customers to use credit card and ordinary bank card for consumption. 8、 Collection and payment business The business of collecting and paying on behalf includes salary, pension, electricity and telephone charges. Thank you again for your help and support, and wish you good health! Happy family! Prosperous career! Everything goes well! 致客户的一封信英文4 Dear customers, Hello! With gratitude, I would like to extend my cordial greetings and sincere thanks to you. For your support and help in the past, you have filled me with confidence and courage in this industry, and enjoy the harvest and joy from it. Insurance, as a way of life arrangement in the future, is being accepted and loved by more and more people. I am honored to be your life insurance consultant and have the opportunity to serve you. In the past days, because of insurance, we had a lot of contact and communication. Your optimism and identification, understanding and trust have greatly enlightened and appreciated me. Insurance publicity is actually a very hard work. I have to go through ups and downs, ups and downs, but the publicity is also very happy. Since I entered this industry, insurance has made my heart become more broad and integrated, strong and progressive. When my heart is frustrated and hit, I think you still have a lot of customer support and trust, and see the look and look of my family I dare not let myself slack off and continue to bravely move forward in this industry. In the past days, I don"t know if you"ve ever been bothered. I"d like to introduce insurance to you and whether I"m satisfied with my service. But I hope you have enough life insurance from my heart, even if it"s not purchased from me. Whenever I see that people around me have no insurance, and something happens and can"t bear the weight of life, I"ll introduce myself to them in advance I feel guilty for being safe. When I see more and more people around me start to own life insurance, my heart is filled with infinite happiness and tranquility. Calm and tranquility are the embodiment of life power, which comes from the inner calm and security. Although life insurance can"t resist risks, it can make people feel sad and soothe their hearts. People who love us and those we love can deeply feel a continuous love and deep responsibility, so as to raise the courage of life and the vision of creating a better new life in the heart. This is what other goods and services can"t do. So I told myself more than once, Don"t sell insurance to others because of your friendship, and never say no to this industry easily. I want to go on firmly in this industry and deliver satisfactory insurance services to more people! You let me have the opportunity to consult you and wish you great success in the new day. For myself, I will keep going and enterprising to make myself more substantial and professional. I hope you can continue to give me more support and help to help me grow rapidly in this industry in the future! thank you! Wish every family peace! 致客户的一封信英文5 Dear customers, Hello! Welcome to your home. There is a children"s library. Picture book, namely picture book, is a kind of genre that children like to see. It is in line with the characteristics of children"s thinking development. It is very attractive for children to read and welcomed by children. In the process of picture book reading, children"s imagination and creativity get good development. Datong family has book boy, is the pioneer of picture book rental and delivery service. It is committed to the establishment of children"s reading habits. Through the regular distribution of picture books to customers" homes, parents can develop the cognitive habit of reading in the children"s habit development period, so as to help children establish their own way of thinking and cognition of the world and promote self-help learning The cultivation of habit. At the same time, there are book children at home. For families that pay attention to children"s growth, parents and children"s picture books story meeting is provided free of charge. The teacher is a loving gardener who has been teaching for many years and is committed to promoting picture books. Different classes and different harvests are available. Parents and children are welcome to come home and have a children"s picture book library. Please read and let your children harvest a scholarly childhood in the wonderful picture book world. Reading is a lifelong thing, you"d better take 20 minutes out of your busy schedule every2023-07-20 05:21:291
1、周围都有好朋友的人,比四面楚歌的人不知幸福多少。 People who are surrounded by good friends do not know how much happiness they have than those who are singing on all sides. 2、懂得自爱,才能得到他人友谊。 Only when you know how to love yourself can you get friendship from others. 3、友谊是最圣洁的灵物,她既会在同性中生根、发芽,也会在异性中开花结果。 Friendship is the most holy spiritual thing. She will not only take root and germinate in the same sex, but also blossom and bear fruit in the opposite sex. 4、知音,不需多言,要用心去交流;友谊,不能言表,要用心去品尝。 Bosom friend, need not say much, want to municate with heart; Friendship, can not be expressed, want to taste with heart. 5、找到朋友的唯一办法是自己成为别人的朋友。 The only way to find a friend is to be someone else"s friend. 6、几年的同窗,我与你结下了深厚的友谊,愿你我心灵间的交流,直到永远。 Several years of clas *** ates, I have fed a deep friendship with you, I wish you and my heart exchanges, forever. 7、真正的朋友是生活的美酒。虽有兄弟,不如友生。 A true friend is the wine of life. Friends are better than brothers. 8、朋友永远第一,朋友的事永远最紧要。 Friends are always the first, and friends are always the most important thing. 9、友谊永远是一个甜柔的责任,从来不是一中机会。 Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. 10、时间冲不淡友情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手,祝福你,永远永远。 Time can"t dilute the wine of friendship, distance can"t pull away the hand of missing, bless you forever. 11、财富不是朋友,而朋友是财富。 Wealth is not a friend, but a friend is wealth. 12、没有真挚朋友的人,是真正孤独的人。 He who has no sincere friends is truly lonely. 13、平淡的时光,平淡的故事,只是不知这雨夜又该有多少紫色的落寞闪现于你的梦中。 Plain time, plain story, just don"t know how many purple loneliness flashes in your dream on this rainy night. 14、不管怎样困难,不要求人怜悯。 No matter how difficult it is, don"t ask for pity. 15、走在沙漠上的人,希望有甘甜的泉水;在逆境中拼搏的人,渴望有诚挚的友谊。 Those who walk in the desert hope to have sweet spring water; those who struggle in adversity yearn for sincere friendship. 16、良友在生旁,地狱变天堂!世上唯一无刺的玫瑰,就是友情。 Friends in life, hell into heaven! The only thornless rose in the world is friendship. 17、是所有人的朋友,对谁也不是朋友。 It"s a friend of everyone, not of anyone. 18、人生最美丽的回忆就是他同别人的友谊。 The most beautiful memory of life is his friendship with others. 19、在这充满温馨的季节里,给你我真挚的祝福及深深的思念。 In this warm season, give you my sincere wishes and deep thoughts. 20、友情的纽带,或会因情绪激动而绷紧,但决不可折断。 The bond of friendship may be tightened by emotional excitement, but it must not be broken. 21、万两黄金容易得;一个知心最难寻。 Twelve thousand gold is easy to get; one heart is the hardest to find. 22、或许是一阵风雨的洗礼,才使得心与心之间的碰撞更为清脆响亮,更为精彩晶莹绚丽。 Perhaps it is the bapti *** of a storm that makes the collision beeen heart and heart more crisp and loud, more brilliant and brilliant. 23、谁要求没有缺点的朋友,谁就没有朋友! Who asks for friends without shortings, who has no friends! 24、因为有利可图才与你结为朋友的人,也会因为有利可图而与你绝交。 People who make friends with you because they are profitable will also break up with you because they are profitable. 25、一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。 An unswerving friendship, persistent wishes, to my missed friends, warm greetings. 26、先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你我。 Believe in yourself first, then others will believe in you and me. 27、朋友间保持一定的距离,而使友谊永存。 Keep a certain distance beeen friends, so that friendship will last forever. 28、朋友是亲密的永久伙伴。 Friends are close and permanent partners. 29、朋友之间不用言歉。 Don"t apologize beeen friends. 30、愿幸福时时砸您的头,快乐刻刻绊您的脚。 May happiness hit your head all the time and stumble your feet all the time. 31、在欢乐时,朋友们会认识我们;在患难时,我们会认识朋友。 When we are happy, our friends will know us; when we are in trouble, we will know our friends. 32、对话就是在敌手之间,而决不会是在朋友之间进行。 Dialogue is beeen enemies and never beeen friends. 33、好感是友谊是友谊的先决条件,但不能把两者混为一谈。 Good will is a prerequisite for friendship, but we should not confuse the o. 34、即使我们只会拥有一个短暂的相遇和短暂的默契,有我们也便是永恒了。 Even if we only have a short encounter and a short tacit understanding, we are eternal.2023-07-20 05:21:361
请问下谁那有pull the radish英文完整故事?故事的第一句应该是on a summer day...
Pull the RadishBobby(radish): On a summer day, a grandpa plants a radish.Javis(grandpa):Plant a radish, radish, radish, grows sweet, grows big.Bobby(radish): The radish grows and grows, bigger and bigger.Javis(grandpa):A very big radish, I want to pull it. Hi-yo! Hi-yo! I can"t pull it out. Grandma, grandma, help me, help me!Jane(grandma):Yes, I"m coming. Let"s pull it together. 1 2 3 go! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! We can"t pull it out. Little boy, little boy, help me, help me!Stone(boy): Yes, I"m coming. Let"s pull it together. 1 2 3 go! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! We can"t pull it out. Little girl, little girl, help me, help me!Cathy(girl): Yes, I"m coming. Let"s pull it together. 1 2 3 go! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! We can"t pull it out. Little mouse, little mouse, help me, help me!Leo (dog):Sister (cat):Jerry (duck):Buda(mouse): Yes, I"m coming. Let"s pull it together. 1 2 3 go! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! Hi-yo!Bobby(radish): Peng!!!!全体: Ai-yo! A very big radish! Oh, yeah! Song: pull the radish!2023-07-20 05:21:532
其实只要你玩多了~你就知道的了没必要记住那么多的啊~玩的时候多留意下工会的聊天 看见不懂的就虚心的问问别人是什么意思啊!比如AH --拍卖行AL --老耐丢的一把不错的武器AG---奥格所以说玩多 了就会的了2023-07-20 05:22:048
pULL BEAR品牌用中文是什么
普安贝尔。2023-07-20 05:22:353
pULL BEAR品牌用中文是什么
意思是:普欧贝尔西班牙服饰品牌Pull and Bear和ZARA都隶属于Inditex集团。Inditex公司已经成为一个市值超过80亿美元的集团公司,是西班牙排名第一,全球排名第三的服装零售商,在全球52个国家拥有2116家分店。旗下拥有Zara、Pull and Bear、Massimo Dutti、Bershka、Stradivarius、Oysho、Zara Home 和 Kiddy"s Class八个服装零售品牌。秉持舒适简约、便於穿著的设计理念,取自新科技与艺术潮流的设计灵感,再结合顾客的要求与观点,为现代的都市男女呈现出具有独特风格的服饰。中国第一家Pull and Bear专卖店在北京新兴时尚购物广场Solana蓝色港湾国际商区开幕。 Solana蓝色港湾购物中心坐落于亚洲最大的城市公园--朝阳公园西北湖岸的欧式商业小镇,Solana 以其独特的地理位置正日益成为北京最重要的购物中心之一。扩展资料pull&bear于1991年创立,它和zara一样,同属于Inditex集团。pull&bear定位年轻时尚消费者市场,崇尚休闲、个性和舒适方面的衣着需求,将国际流行元素与街头风尚融为一体,同时价格极具竞争力。Pull&Bear的服装使穿着的人们洋溢着青春的光彩,此时,年龄已不是障碍。参考资料:pullandbear中国官网2023-07-20 05:22:591
西班牙的服饰品牌,Pull&Bear,属于inditex集团,Inditex公司市值超过80亿美元,是西班牙排名第一,全球排名第三的服装零售商,拥有2116家分店。秉持舒适简约、便於穿著的设计理念,取自新科技与艺术潮流的设计灵感,结合顾客的要求与建议,为现代的都市时尚呈现出具有独特风格的服饰。2023-07-20 05:23:142
西班牙的服饰品牌,Pull & Bear,属于inditex集团,Inditex公司市值超过80亿美元,是西班牙排名第一,全球排名第三的服装零售商,拥有2116家分店。秉持舒适简约、便於穿著的设计理念,取自新科技与艺术潮流的设计灵感,结合顾客的要求与建议,为现代的都市时尚呈现出具有独特风格的服饰。2023-07-20 05:23:234
pull bear拉结2023-07-20 05:23:322
bershka,pull&bear 是什么名牌?
zara同一旗下的另外两个牌子,bershka和pull and bear2023-07-20 05:23:403
zara姊妹品牌很多有6个2023-07-20 05:23:484
一家商铺的名称。2023-07-20 05:24:402
pull and bear. 的产品尺码和国内这些品牌尺码是否一样!鞋,衣服,裤子 谢谢
不一样吧,38是2.3尺,以2码依次增大,40对应大概2.4,以此类推2023-07-20 05:24:491
PULL&BEAR牛仔裤MEX31 EUR40是多大的裤子
你好!一般MEX31对应的应该是EUR41才对呀EUR40是欧码40码裤子上EUR40相当于3尺计算方法 40-10=30寸,30/10=3尺我的回答你还满意吗~~2023-07-20 05:24:551
Massimo Dutti“md是西班牙时尚品牌“Massimo Dutti”的缩写。 创立于1985年11月,以男装起家。男装成功地打入市场后,1995年发布女装系列,并相继推出童装和香水系列。同ZARA属于Inditex集团。”2023-07-20 05:25:164
自从网购流行,有了淘宝之后。我就很少在实体店买东西了,因为网上的牌子又便宜又好看,而且还方便,很多牌子都适合大学生和一些年轻女性的选择,现在我打算推荐几款网上女装的潮牌。首先,韩都衣舍,估计很多人都知道,天猫有官方旗舰店,是一个超级适合学生党的品牌。他们家的衣服样式有很多都是韩国明星穿的潮款,样子更新快,性价比也高,总之他们家最大的特征就是有一种韩范,紧跟韩国潮流。第二个推荐的是妖精的口袋,也是天猫有官方旗舰店。他们家的特点就是衣如其名,有点小性感,很适合年轻的女性,颜色鲜艳,款式特别,贼青春,穿起来还有欧美范,特别野性,但是适合瘦的人穿,他们家就是把运动和性感,还有时尚和青春结合在了一起,给人过节的感觉。当然,也是好看不贵,质量也很好。第三个推荐七格格家的,七格格家的样式很杂,什么风格都有,适合各种类型的女性,但消费人群还是年轻女性,当然,每一件都特别好看。他们家就是给人很精致,很高端的感觉,网上评价也都很高。第四个给你们推荐MG小象,MG小象家的样式也很多,东西也挺全,不止卖衣服裤子,还有包包,打底衫之类的,她家的颜色挺好看的,给人很温暖,很舒服的感觉,不太惹人注目。客服态度,发货时间都很理想呢!最后一个推荐衣品天成,衣品天成的模特是angelababy,不知道衣品天成和她有什么关系,可能是她开的,反正没关系,他家的衣服也很漂亮,他家衣服主要就是看起来偏生活,穿起来舒服,面料很好,颜色也不鲜艳,比较素净,还干净,有种偏森女范,穿起来来有种邻家乖巧小妹妹似的感觉,因为模特的关系,他家销量也很可观。总之,我推荐的这些都是天猫上有旗舰店的,性价比高,质量不错,评价好,客服态度和物流都比较不错的,都是适合年轻女孩穿的,显得很青春,很活力,大家的消费水平也能支撑的住的,最主要他们有个共同特点,就是特别漂亮,特别潮,都好好看。淘宝主页也经常推他们,经常网购的女性也应该都听过或者买过他们,而且他们经营的也越来越好,样式,质量,颜色什么的都在不断进步,是年轻女性追赶潮流的必备之选!2023-07-20 05:25:302