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2023-07-20 09:03:32
TAG: 英文

Chapter 51

In this chapter, all the significant remaining gaps in the tale are filled. Dickens has ingeniously fitted the pieces together by stages, enlightening all of the characters while subjecting the reader to a minimum of repetition. One last mystery is dispelled in the process — the mysteries of Rose Maylie"s origin. That issue was hinted at — a technique called foreshadowing — in Chapter 49, when Brownlow guessed that the time would come when Rose might have great "need of firmness."

There is a strong theatrical flavor in Harry Maylie"s renouncing his hereditary place in society to play the role of a humble clergyman. Remember, training in the English universities of the time was still basically ecclesiastical, so that a man with a degree could reasonably be considered eligible to take religious orders as Harry did, at any time.

There is delicious irony in Bumble"s complaint that the law is idiotic if it supposes that he has any authority over his loving bride. The irony of Bumble"s position must be indeed overpowering if it can penetrate his obtuseness.

At this point, the novel might seem to be finished. Order has been restored. The faithful lover has won the peerless girl. The villains have been foiled and virtue is rewarded. Present joy with prospects of future happiness is established as the chapter ends. However, while the sun shines upon scenes of human rejoicing, clouds are ever hovering near, ready to cast a shadow. Dickens adds a pathetic ending: "Poor Dick was dead!"


The courtroom is packed with people, "a firmament, all bright with gleaming eyes" — and every one fixed on Fagin. As the judge delivers his charge to the jury, the accused searches their faces in vain for signs of hope. Looking about at the spectators, he discerns nothing but unanimous desire for his being convicted. While the jury is out, Fagin"s attention is occupied with trivia, although he is never completely free from "one oppressive overwhelming sense of the grave . . . at his feet."

The jury returns and the verdict is delivered — guilty. There is a roar of approval from the people at the word that Fagin will die on Monday. This approval is echoed by the crowd outside. When asked if he has anything to say, Fagin can only mutter that he is an old man. While the sentence of death is pronounced, the condemned man stands dumb and motionless. He mechanically goes with the jailers, overcoming his disbelief enough to shake a fist at the prisoners" visitors, who greet him with taunts and shouts.

After being searched, the old criminal is left alone in a cell for the condemned. He sits on a stone bench and tries to collect his thoughts. Gradually the words of the sentence come into focus: he is to be hanged by the neck until dead. He remembers the men he has seen die on the scaffold, "some of them through his means." Victims of his villainy may have spent their last days in this very cell, like many others awaiting execution.

In terror, Fagin beats his hands raw against the door and walls, screaming for light. A candle is brought, and a man who is to watch the prisoner enters the cell. Through the dreadful night, the church bell tolls away the remaining hours of the old culprit"s life.

When the religious come to pray with him, he repels them with curses. Saturday passes and that night Fagin is aware that he will live through but one more night after this. He is oblivious to the men who take turns standing the death watch. Most of the time he just sits, "awake, but dreaming."

As he counts off the hours of his last night of life, Fagin realizes with devastating impact the finality of his position. He becomes delirious and so agitated that two men are provided to share the evil old wretch"s company.

Outside Newgate Prison, the news that no reprieve has been granted is received gratefully, and loiterers discuss with anticipation Fagin"s last moments. Preparations for the execution are in progress when Mr. Brownlow comes with Oliver and presents an order admitting them to see the condemned prisoner. Brownlow agrees with their guide that it will be no sight for children, but that Oliver should endure it since the object of the visit concerns him. They are conducted through the prison to Fagin"s cell.

Fagin is having hallucinations and imagines himself among his old companions. When the turnkey recalls him to his surroundings, he looks up "with a face retaining no human expression but rage and terror." As Fagin recognizes his visitors, he shrinks from them. Brownlow inquires about some papers Monks had entrusted to him. Fagin obliges by whispering the hiding place to Oliver. Then the crazed old man fancies that Oliver can spirit him out of the prison. As the visitors depart, Fagin struggles with the attendants, screeching insanely.

After this ordeal, Oliver is so undone that he is unable to walk for about an hour. When Brownlow and the boy emerge from the prison, it is dawn and a vast throng has already gathered to enjoy the spectacle of Fagin"s final torments.


In this grim depiction of Fagin"s last days, Dickens presents a harrowing picture of the ultimate penalty of a life of evil. Again we see excruciating isolation visited upon the criminal. In the courtroom, the accused loses all feeling except the crushing awareness that no human being has an interest in him except to see him die, just as he had so completely pursued the destruction of others. He has been an unswerving enemy of society, and now all men are united against him.

The final price of roguery is degradation and death. Here there is no dashing figure posturing bravely before admiring crowds, as some authors would have us believe. Instead, there is a complete disintegration of the living person, culminating in a ghastly death. There are no compassionate supports nor any solaces of repentance, courage, or dignity.

The visit of Brownlow and Oliver to the prison is a clever dramatic way to demonstrate that the boy and the ladies have now been told about the fates that have come to members of the gang. This is accomplished without a single mention of detail already well-known to the reader. Dickens"s subtle selective touch is also apparent in his omission of the execution of Fagin. We have already witnessed the grisly death of Sikes. Given the impact of Nancy"s death on the reader, Dickens may have decided that he"d gone far enough in the service of making his point.


Within three months, Rose Fleming and Harry Maylie are married in the bridegroom"s church. They immediately occupy their country parsonage, and Mrs. Maylie comes to live with them.

The property remaining in Monks"s possession would, if divided equally, yield three thousand pounds a year for each share. Although Oliver is entitled to everything, Brownlow suggests allowing Monks to keep half, thus giving him a chance to salvage his life. Oliver readily agrees to this.

Monks retains his alias and goes off to a remote part of the New World. After squandering his resources, he returns to a life of crime and, consequently, dies in prison. The other principal members of Fagin"s old gang also perish, transported far from England.

Mr. Brownlow adopts Oliver. The old gentleman completes the boy"s happiness by settling with him and Mrs. Bedwin within a mile of the parsonage.

Mr. Losberne, having been deprived of his friends in Chertsey, rationalizes a need for a change and sets up a bachelor establishment outside the village. He applies himself with relish to all sorts of rural pursuits. A friendship develops between the doctor and Mr. Grimwig, so Grimwig is a frequent visitor of the doctor"s and vigorously takes part in his activities.

For testifying against Fagin, Noah Claypole receives a full pardon. In search of a light occupation, he becomes an informer, assisted by the able Charlotte. On Sunday during church time, they practice their duplicity. The woman pretends to faint in front of a pub and Noah gets some brandy to revive her. Then they report the establishment for selling a drink and are awarded half of the fine.

After losing their positions, the Bumbles sink into deep poverty. In the end, they both become inmates of the workhouse in which they once were such tyrants.

Giles and Brittles remain in their old situations. Their services are extended not only to the household at the parsonage but also to the homes of Brownlow and Mr. Losberne.

Charles Bates was so shocked by Sikes"s gory crime and painful death that he gives up his dishonest ways. He works hard and succeeds as a herdsman in Northamptonshire.

The members of the little community centered in the village parsonage all lead a life of simple happiness, united by ties of affection and gratitude. They are as happy as it is granted to human beings to be: "And without strong affection and humanity of heart, and gratitude to that Being whose code is Mercy, and whose great attribute is Benevolence to all things that breathe, happiness can never be attained."


雾都孤儿 Oliver Twist; Oliver"s twist; Charles Dickens; 本书为纯英文版,《雾都孤儿》是英国作家狄更斯于1838年出版的写实小说。以雾都伦敦为背景,讲述了一个孤儿悲惨的身世及遭遇,主人公奥立弗在孤儿院长大,经历学徒生涯,艰苦逃难,误入贼窝,又被迫与狠毒的凶徒为伍,历尽无数辛酸,最后在善良人的帮助下,查明身世并获得了幸福。如同狄更斯的其他小说,本书揭露许多当时的社会问题,如救济院、童工、以及帮派吸收青少年参与犯罪等。内容简介让世人感动了一百多年的血泪传奇世界文学史上最伟大的励志经典召唤人们回到欢笑和仁爱中来的明灯作者简介查尔斯·约翰·赫芬姆·狄更斯(Charles John Huffam Dickens,1812年2月7日-1870年6月9日),十九世纪英国最伟大的作家,也是一位以反映现实生活见长的作家,他在自己的作品中,以高超的艺术手法,描绘了包罗万象的社会图景,作品一贯表现出揭露和批判的锋芒,贯彻惩恶扬善的人道主义精神,塑造出众多令人难忘的人物形象.他的三十多年的创作生涯,写了十五部长篇小说,许多中短篇小说,以及随笔、游记、时事评论、戏剧、诗歌等,为英国文学和世界文学作了卓越的贡献.
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Oliver was a poor boy. He had no parents. He grew up in an orphanage. At the workhouse, his masters were very strict. So, one day, he escaped to London. In London, he met Fagin and his friends, who taught him to steal from rich people. But one day, the police found Fagin and they arrsted him and sent him to prison. Finally, Mr Brunlow adopted Oliver
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分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: “梗概英文的”急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急!帮帮忙!回答得好,追加不菲悬赏分 解析: One of Dickens most enduringly popular stories is Oliver Twist, an early work published 1837-8. Like many of his later novels, its central theme is the hardship faced by the dispossessed and those of the outside of tolite society. Oliver himself is born in a workhouse and treated cruelly there as was the norm at the time for pauper children, in particular by Bumble, a parish council official or eadle The story follows Oliver as he escapes the workhouse and runs away to London. Here he receives an education in villainy from the criminal gang of Fagin that includes the brutal thief Bill Sikes, the famous artful Dodger and Nancy, Bill whore. Oliver is rescued by the intervention of a benefactor - Mr Brownlow - but the mysterious Monks gets the gang to kidnap the boy again. Nancy intervenes but is murdered viciously by Sikes after she has showed some redeeming qualities and has discovered Monk sinister intention. The story closes happily and with justice for Bumble and the cruel Monks who has hidden the truth of Oliver parentage out of malice. Accusations were made that the book glamorised crime (like the ewgate Group of the period) but Dickens wisely disassociated himself from criminal romances. His achievement was in fact in presenting the underworld and problems of poverty to the well-off in a way rarely attempted previously.
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你好,它的英文是《Oliver Twist》
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《雾都孤儿》的英文梗概Oliver Twist is born ina workhouse in 1830s England. His mother,whose name no one knows, is found on the street and dies just afterOliver"s birth. Oliver spends the first nine years of his life ina badly run home for young orphans and then is transferred to aworkhouse for adults. After the other boys bully Oliver into askingfor more gruel at the end of a meal, Mr. Bumble, the parish beadle,offers five pounds to anyone who will take the boy away from theworkhouse. Oliver narrowly escapes being apprenticed to a brutishchimney sweep and is eventually apprenticed to a local undertaker,Mr. Sowerberry. When the undertaker"s other apprentice, Noah Claypole,makes disparaging comments about Oliver"s mother, Oliver attackshim and incurs the Sowerberrys" wrath. Desperate, Oliver runs awayat dawn and travels toward London.Outside London, Oliver, starved and exhausted, meetsJack Dawkins, a boy his own age. Jack offers him shelter in theLondon house of his benefactor, Fagin. It turns out that Fagin isa career criminal who trains orphan boys to pick pockets for him.After a few days of training, Oliver is sent on a pickpocketingmission with two other boys. When he sees them swipe a handkerchieffrom an elderly gentleman, Oliver is horrified and runs off. Heis caught but narrowly escapes being convicted of the theft. Mr.Brownlow, the man whose handkerchief was stolen, takes the feverishOliver to his home and nurses him back to health. Mr. Brownlow isstruck by Oliver"s resemblance to a portrait of a young woman thathangs in his house. Oliver thrives in Mr. Brownlow"s home, but twoyoung adults in Fagin"s gang, Bill Sikes and his lover Nancy, captureOliver and return him to Fagin. Fagin sends Oliver to assist Sikes in a burglary. Oliveris shot by a servant of the house and, after Sikes escapes, is takenin by the women who live there, Mrs. Maylie and her beautiful adoptedniece Rose. They grow fond of Oliver, and he spends an idyllic summer withthem in the countryside. But Fagin and a mysterious man named Monksare set on recapturing Oliver. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Oliver"smother left behind a gold locket when she died. Monks obtains anddestroys that locket. When the Maylies come to London, Nancy meetssecretly with Rose and informs her of Fagin"s designs, but a memberof Fagin"s gang overhears the conversation. When word of Nancy"sdisclosure reaches Sikes, he brutally murders Nancy and flees London.Pursued by his guilty conscience and an angry mob, he inadvertentlyhangs himself while trying to escape. Mr. Brownlow, with whom the Maylies have reunited Oliver, confrontsMonks and wrings the truth about Oliver"s parentage from him. Itis revealed that Monks is Oliver"s half brother. Their father, Mr.Leeford, was unhappily married to a wealthy woman and had an affairwith Oliver"s mother, Agnes Fleming. Monks has been pursuing Oliverall along in the hopes of ensuring that his half-brother is deprivedof his share of the family inheritance. Mr. Brownlow forces Monksto sign over Oliver"s share to Oliver. Moreover, it is discoveredthat Rose is Agnes"s younger sister, hence Oliver"s aunt. Faginis hung for his crimes. Finally, Mr. Brownlow adopts Oliver, andthey and the Maylies retire to a blissful existence in the countryside.
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Character Profiles Agnes- Oliver"s mother who died giving birth.The only thing she left was a locket with her name inscribed. Nurse- Woman who delivered Oliver,and later died in the workhouse revealing the story of the locket and the night Oliver was born. Oliver Twist- The main character of the story,Oliver is an affection-starved little boy who will not mit crimes.He was abused as a young child,and only wants to be loved.His adventures make him the best of friends and the worst of enemies. Mrs.Mann - The woman who raised Oliver for the first nine years.She treated him and her other orphans very poorly by beating and starving them. Mr.Bumble- The town beadle who thinks very lowly of Oliver.He eventually marries Mrs.Corney and makes Oliver"s life more difficult. Mr.Gamfield- A chimneysweeper who wanted Oliver as an apprentice. Mr.Sowerberry- A coffin maker that Oliver was apprenticed to.He generally treated the boy well,but chose his wife"s lies over Oliver"s truths. Mrs.Sowerberry- Wife of the coffin maker who disliked young Oliver. Charlotte- Maid to the Sowerberry"s that ends up running away with Noah and beginning a life of crime. Noah Claypole - Another worker for the Sowerberry"s,Noah antagonizes Oliver when he was there,and when he begins to work for Fagin,his actions lead to the death of Nancy. Young Dick- A friend of Oliver"s at Mrs.Mann"s who loves him. Jack Dawkins- “Artful Dodger” is a young acplished thief who finds Oliver on the road to London and introduces him to Fagin. Fagin- The main antagonist in the story,“The Jew” takes Oliver under his wing and tries to make a pickpocket out of him.He is a powerful crime leader who has an affection for only money and will kill anyone who stands in his way. Charley Bates- Another one of Fagin"s thieves who tends to laugh at everything in life. Betsy- A woman who works for Fagin. Nancy- A woman who works for Fagin and tries to help Oliver which eventually leads to her death.She is passionate,caring,and loves Sikes,who eventually kills her. Mr.Brownlow- A man who Oliver"s thief friends rob on the street.He takes Oliver in,and discovers his true parentage. Mrs.Bedwin- Mr.Brownlow"s housekeeper who nurses Oliver back to health. Mr.Grimwig- A friend of Mr.Brownlow who is very cynical of the boy but eventually helps to keep him safe. Mr.Sikes - Another evil character who is a member of Fagin"s gang.He has a little white dog that follows him everywhere.He threatens Oliver and reluctantly leaves him to die in a field after the boy was shot.He kills Nancy in a rage,and eventually kills himself. Tom Chitling- Another petty thief of Fagin"s Toby Crackit- A “flash” man who helps Sikes attempt to mit the robbery. Barney- A thief who helps Sikes. Mrs.Corney/ Mrs.Bumble- The matron of the workhouse Oliver was born in who eventually marries Mr.Brumble and here"s the confession of the nurse on her deathbed.She finds the evidence of Oliver"s parentage,and sells it to Monks. Giles- The butler of the Maylie household,he is the man who shot Oliver. Brittles- The “boy” of the Maylie household who was also there the night Oliver was shot. Rose Maylie- The adopted niece of Mrs.Maylie who turns out to be Oliver"s Aunt.She is kind,loving,and a great joy in Oliver"s life. Mrs.Maylie- An old woman who accepts Oliver into her home and finally gives him a loving atmosphere to live in. Mr.Lo *** erne - The doctor and friend of Mrs.Maylie who helps Oliver in his adventures.He is impatient and earnest,but also happy and kindhearted. Blathers Duff- The two Bow Street Runners who e to investigate the attempted robbery.They are filled with stories to tell,and are suspicious of Oliver. Harry Maylie- The son of Mrs.Maylie,Harry is deeply in love with Rose and would do anything to marry her.He befriends Oliver and adds to the boy"s loving atmosphere. Monks/ Edward Leeford- Oliver"s older half brother who does not want to split his inheritance with the bastard child.He destroys the evidence of Oliver"s mother,and is a cohort of Fagin and his gang,3,作者的详细介绍(英文的),Thank you!,
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Oliver is born in a workhouse in a small town about 70 miles from London, England in the early part of the 19th century. His mother dies almost immediately after his birth. Nobody knows who she was, but the doctor notices that she wasn"t wearing a wedding ring (scandalous!).Oliver is brought up at a "child farm" in the country until he is about eight years old. At this point, the parish officials running the child farm decide it"s time for him to start working, and they send him back to the workhouse. But Oliver commits the unpardonable offense of asking for more food when he is close to starving, so the parish officials offer five pounds (a pretty good amount of money) to anyone who"s willing to take Oliver on as an apprentice. The parish officials eventually send Oliver off with a coffin-maker.At the coffin-maker"s shop, Oliver isn"t treated much better than he was at the workhouse or the child farm. The coffin-maker, Mr. Sowerberry, isn"t so bad, but his wife, Mrs. Sowerberry, and the other apprentice, Noah Claypole, have it in for Oliver from the start. Oliver gets in trouble for knocking Noah down (he totally had it coming). After being abused some more, Oliver decides to set out for London on foot.When he"s almost there, he runs into an odd-looking young man named Jack Dawkins (better known as The Artful Dodger). The Dodger buys him lunch and offers to introduce him to a "gentleman" in London who will give him a place to stay.Once in London, it quickly becomes clear to the reader (but not to Oliver) that the Dodger and his friends are an unsavory bunch. The old "gentleman," Fagin, trains kids to be pickpockets, and then he sells off what they steal. But Oliver doesn"t realize what"s up until he"s actually out with the Dodger and another one of the boys, named Charley Bates. Oliver sees the pair steal the pocket handkerchief out of a nice-looking old man"s pocket. When Oliver turns to run away, the nice-looking old man sees him run and yells, "stop, thief!"Oliver is tackled in the street, but by then the nice old man (his name is Mr. Brownlow) has taken a better look at him. He realized that Oliver looks too sweet and innocent (and terrified) to be a pickpocket. In fact, Oliver isn"t so much a pick-pocket as he is a very sick little boy. So Mr. Brownlow takes Oliver home and cares for him until he"s well.Unfortunately. Fagin, the Dodger, Nancy (a prostitute), and Bill Sikes (another criminal) are worried that Oliver will rat them out to the police, so they keep a watch on Brownlow"s house. One day, when Brownlow entrusts Oliver with some money and an errand to run in the city, Fagin and the criminals nab the poor kid once again. Nancy feels guilty and steps in to defend Oliver when Fagin tries to smack him around.Fagin keeps Oliver shut up in a dreary old house for weeks, all the while still trying to turn him into a criminal. How long can a nine-year-old hold out?Not long afterwards, Bill Sikes and another thief say they need a small boy to help them break into a house outside of London; Fagin volunteers Oliver. The plan goes awry when the servants of the house wake up and catch Oliver in the act of sneaking in. The servants don"t realize that Oliver is there against his will, and was actually about to wake up the household to warn them about the robbers. So poor Oliver takes a bullet and is left behind when the rest are all running away.Fortunately, Oliver is picked up by the people who shot him, a family that turns out to be as nice as Mr. Brownlow. They become Oliver"s caretakers.Meanwhile, Fagin is at his wits" end wondering what happened to Oliver. He lets slip that a mysterious man named Monks offered to pay him hundreds of pounds to corrupt the young boy. Nancy pretends not to know what"s going on, but secretly resolves to help Oliver, and to figure out why Monks is so keen on having Oliver turn to crime.While Fagin and the criminals distress, Oliver learns to read and write with his new friends, the Maylies. He"s also reunited with his first friend, Mr. Brownlow.Fagin and his gang are still trying to track Oliver down. Monks has managed to get hold of – and destroy – one of the few surviving tokens of Oliver"s parentage. Nancy finds out about it and gets in touch with Rose Maylie to warn her about Monks"s plot with Fagin. Unfortunately for Nancy, Bill Sikes (her lover) finds out about it and brutally murders her. Sikes tries to escape, but he"s haunted by what he"s done. Eventually, he"s killed while trying to escape from the police: he falls off a rooftop while he"s trying to lower himself down, and inadvertently hangs himself.Meanwhile, Mr. Brownlow has managed to find Monks. Mr. Brownlow was an old friend of Monks"s father and knows all about him. As it turns out, Monks is actually the older half-brother of Oliver, and was trying to corrupt Oliver so that he"d secure the entire family inheritance himself. Monks chooses to admit to everything rather than face the police.Oliver ends up with what"s left of his inheritance, is legally adopted by Mr. Brownlow, and lives down the road from the Maylies. Everybody lives happily ever after. Except for Fagin, who is arrested and hanged, and Monks, who dies in prison.
2023-07-19 17:09:021

雾都孤儿的英文简介 越短越好 最好三十字以内的简介 语法单词简单一些

Oliver himself was born in a workhouse and treated cruelly there. The story followed Oliver as he escaped the workhouse and ran away to London. Here he received an education in villainy from the criminal gang of Fagin that includes the brutal thief Bill Sikes, Dodger and Nancy. Mr Brownlow rescued Oliver, but the mysterious Monks got the gang to kidnap the boy again. Nancy wanted to help Oliver, but Sikes murdered her viciously after she had shown some redeeming qualities and had discovered Monks sinister intention. In the end, good defeated evil.
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查尔斯.狄更斯Dickens, Charles (John Huffam) (born Feb. 7, 1812, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Eng.-died June 9, 1870, Gad"s Hill, near Chatham, Kent) British novelist, generally considered the greatest of the Victorian period. The defining moment of Dickens"s life occurred when he was 12 years old. With his father in debtors" prison, he was withdrawn from school and forced to work in a factory. This deeply affected the sensitive boy. Though he returned to school at 13, his formal education ended at 15. As a young man, he worked as a reporter. His fiction career began with short pieces reprinted as Sketches by “Boz” (1836). He exhibited a great ability to spin a story in an entertaining manner and this quality, combined with the serialization of his comic novel The Pickwick Papers (1837), made him the most popular English author of his time. The serialization of such works as Oliver Twist (1838) and The Old Curiosity Shop (1841) followed. After a trip to America, he wrote A Christmas Carol (1843) in a few weeks. With Dombey and Son (1848), his novels began to express a heightened uneasiness about the evils of Victorian industrial society, which intensified in the semiautobiographical David Copperfield (1850), as well as in Bleak House (1853), Little Dorrit (1857), Great Expectations (1861), and others. A Tale of Two Cities (1859) appeared in the period when he achieved great popularity for his public readings. Dickens"s works are characterized by an encyclopaedic knowledge of London, pathos, a vein of the macabre, a pervasive spirit of benevolence and geniality, inexhaustible powers of character creation, an acute ear for characteristic speech, and a highly individual and inventive prose style.
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Character Profiles Agnes- Oliver"s mother who died giving birth.The only thing she left was a locket with her name inscribed. Nurse- Woman who delivered Oliver,and later died in the workhouse revealing the story of the locket and the night Oliver was born. Oliver Twist- The main character of the story,Oliver is an affection-starved little boy who will not commit crimes.He was abused as a young child,and only wants to be loved.His adventures make him the best of friends and the worst of enemies. Mr..Mann - The woman who raised Oliver for the first nine years.She treated him and her other orphans very poorly by beating and starving them. Mr.Bumble- The town beadle who thinks very lowly of Oliver.He eventually marries Mrs.Corney and makes Oliver"s life more difficult. Mr.Gamfield- A chimneysweeper who wanted Oliver as an apprentice. Mr.Sowerberry- A coffin maker that Oliver was apprenticed to.He generally treated the boy well,but chose his wife"s lies over Oliver"s truths. Mrs.Sowerberry- Wife of the coffin maker who disliked young Oliver. Charlotte- Maid to the Sowerberry"s that ends up running away with Noah and beginning a life of crime. Noah Claypole - Another worker for the Sowerberry"s,Noah antagonizes Oliver when he was there,and when he begins to work for Fagin,his actions lead to the death of Nancy. Young Dick- A friend of Oliver"s at Mrs.Mann"s who loves him. Jack Dawkins- “Artful Dodger” is a young accomplished thief who finds Oliver on the road to London and introduces him to Fagin. Fagin- The main antagonist in the story,“The Jew” takes Oliver under his wing and tries to make a pickpocket out of him.He is a powerful crime leader who has an affection for only money and will kill anyone who stands in his way. Charley Bates- Another one of Fagin"s thieves who tends to laugh at everything in life. Betsy- A woman who works for Fagin. Nancy- A woman who works for Fagin and tries to help Oliver which eventually leads to her death.She is passionate,caring,and loves Sikes,who eventually kills her. Mr.Brownlow- A man who Oliver"s thief friends rob on the street.He takes Oliver in,and discovers his true parentage. Mrs.Bedwin- Mr.Brownlow"s housekeeper who nurses Oliver back to health. Mr.Grimwig- A friend of Mr.Brownlow who is very cynical of the boy but eventually helps to keep him safe. Mr.Sikes - Another evil character who is a member of Fagin"s gang.He has a little white dog that follows him everywhere.He threatens Oliver and reluctantly leaves him to die in a field after the boy was shot.He kills Nancy in a rage,and eventually kills himself. Tom Chitling- Another petty thief of Fagin"s Toby Crackit- A “flash” man who helps Sikes attempt to commit the robbery. Barney- A thief who helps Sikes. Mrs.Corney/ Mrs.Bumble- The matron of the workhouse Oliver was born in who eventually marries Mr.Brumble and here"s the confession of the nurse on her deathbed.She finds the evidence of Oliver"s parentage,and sells it to Monks. Giles- The butler of the Maylie household,he is the man who shot Oliver. Brittles- The “boy” of the Maylie household who was also there the night Oliver was shot. Rose Maylie- The adopted niece of Mrs.Maylie who turns out to be Oliver"s Aunt.She is kind,loving,and a great joy in Oliver"s life. Mrs.Maylie- An old woman who accepts Oliver into her home and finally gives him a loving atmosphere to live in. Mr.Losberne - The doctor and friend of Mrs.Maylie who helps Oliver in his adventures.He is impatient and earnest,but also happy and kindhearted. Blathers Duff- The two Bow Street Runners who come to investigate the attempted robbery.They are filled with stories to tell,and are suspicious of Oliver. Harry Maylie- The son of Mrs.Maylie,Harry is deeply in love with Rose and would do anything to marry her.He befriends Oliver and adds to the boy"s loving atmosphere. Monks/ Edward Leeford- Oliver"s older half brother who does not want to split his inheritance with the bastard child.He destroys the evidence of Oliver"s mother,and is a cohort of Fagin and his gang
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Fog Orphan雾都孤儿词典释义Oliver TwistOliver"s twistCharles Dickens狄更斯;查尔斯·狄更斯;英国大文豪狄更斯举例:1.他的第二部小说《雾都孤儿》于1838年出版,非常成功。Oliver Twist, his second novel, came out in 1838 and was very successful.2.要举这方面的例子,请看狄更斯的小说《雾都孤儿》。An example of this would be Dickens" novel Oliver Twist.3.琼斯先生:他已经写了《雾都孤儿》。Mr jones: he"d already written "oliver twist".4.我要说《雾都孤儿》是我最喜欢的一部作品。And I would say Oliver Twist is one of my favourites.5.这幅画展示了电影《雾都孤儿》的著名一幕。The photo shows a famous scene from the film of Oliver Twist.6.狄更斯是《雾都孤儿》的作者。Dickens was the author of"oliver twist".
2023-07-19 17:09:501

The summary of Oliver Twist(《雾都孤儿》的简介)

2023-07-19 17:10:054

求雾都孤儿 英文分章简介。。。字数不用太多。每章几十字差不多。把所有分都给你了。先30.采纳追加100

第一章 奥利弗出生地及出生时的种种情况Chapter 1 Treats of the Place Where Oliver Twist Was Born; and of the Circumstances Attending His Birth第二章 奥利弗成长、教育和膳食情况Chapter 2 Treats of Oliver Twist"s Growth, Education,and Board第三章 奥利弗差点找到一份并非挂名的差事Chapter 3 Relates How Oliver Twist Was Very Near Getting a Place, Which Would Not Have Been a Sinecure第四章 奥利弗得到另一职位并初次走上社会Chapter 4 Oliver,Being Offered Another Place,Makes His First Entry into Public Life第五章 奥利弗与新同事打成一片。平生第一次参加葬礼,便对老板的生意有了不合时宜的成见Chapter 5 Oliver Mingles with New Associates. Going to a Funeral for the First Time,He Forms an Unfavourable Notion of His Master"s Business第六章 奥利弗奋力反抗诺亚,令诺亚大吃一惊Chapter 6 Oliver, Being Goaded by the Taunts of Noah,Rouses into Action, and Rather Astonishes Him第七章 奥利弗依旧倔强Chapter 7 Oliver Continues Refractory第八章 奥利弗步行到伦敦,路上遇见一位怪异的年轻绅士Chapter 8 Oliver Walks to London. He Encounters on the Road a Strange Sort of Young Gentleman第九章 快活的老绅士和他充满希望的弟子们Chapter 9 Containing Further Particulars Concerning the Pleasant Old Gentleman, and His Hopeful Pupils第十章 奥利弗对新伙伴的性格有了更进一步的了解,并以昂贵的代价取得了经验。本故事虽然很短,但很重要Chapter 10 Oliver Becomes Better Acquainted with the Characters of His New Associates; And Purchases Experience at a High Price.Being a Short, But Very Important Chapter, in This History第十一章 警务司法官范昂先生及其审判工作小范例Chapter 11 Treats of Mr. Fang the Police Magistrate; and Furnishes a Slight Specimen of His Mode of Administering Justice第十二章 奥利弗得到前所未有的照料。再说说那位快活的老绅士和他年轻的朋友们Chapter 12 In Which Oliver is Taken Better Care of Than He Ever Was Before. And in Which the Narrative Reverts to the Merry Old Gentleman and His Youthful Friends第十三章 向聪明的读者介绍了一些新相识:叙述与本故事有关的、跟这些人有联系的各种趣事Chapter 13 Some New Acquaintances are Introduced to the Intelligent Reader, Connected With Whom Various Pleasant Matters are Related,Appertaining to This History第十四章 进一步叙述奥利弗住在布朗罗先生家里的情况。他出去办事时,格林威格先生对奥利弗作出的令人惊讶的预言Chapter 14 Comprising Further Particulars of Oliver"s Stay at Mr. Brownlow"s, With the Remarkable Prediction Which One Mr.Grimwig Uttered Concerning Him,When He Went Out on an Errand第十五章 那位快活的老绅士和南希小姐是怎样喜欢奥利弗的Chapter 15 Showing How Very Fond of Oliver Twist, The Merry Old Jew and Miss Nancy Were第十六章 奥利弗被南希领回后的情况Chapter 16 Relates What Became of Oliver Twist, After He Had Been Claimed by Nancy第十七章 奥利弗的厄运在继续。一位大人物到伦敦来毁坏他的名声Chapter 17 Oliver"s Destiny Continuing Unpropitious,Brings a Great Man to London to Injure His Reputation第十八章 奥利弗在他的良师益友圈子中消磨时光Chapter 18 How Oliver Passed His Time in the Improving Society of His Reputable Friends第十九章 讨论并决定一个重要计划Chapter 19 In Which a Notable Plan is Discussed and Determined on第二十章 奥利弗被托付给塞克斯先生Chapter 20 Wherein Oliver is Delivered Over to Mr. William Sikes第二十一章 远行Chapter 21 The Expedition第二十二章 夜盗Chapter 22 The Burglary第二十三章 邦布尔先生和一位太太进行了一次愉快的谈话,说明即便是牧师助理也可能多愁善感Chapter 23 Which Contains the Substance of a Pleasant Conversation Between Mr. Bumble and a Lady; and Shows That Even a Beadle May be Susceptible on Some Points第二十四章 一个非常乏味的话题,虽然很短,也许你会发现它在故事中的重要性Chapter 24 Treats of a Very Poor Subject. But is a Short One,and May Be Found of Importance in This History第二十五章 故事又回到费金先生和他的同伙Chapter 25 Wherein This History Reverts to Mr. Fagin and Company第二十六章 一位神秘人物出现了,还发生了许多与本故事有关的事Chapter 26 In Which a Mysterious Character Appears Upon the Scene; and Many Things,Inseparable From This History,are Done and Performed第二十七章 为在上一章中很没礼貌地把一位太太丢在一旁而赔罪Chapter 27 Atones for the Unpoliteness of a Former Chapter; Which Deserted a Lady,Most Unceremoniously第二十八章 关照奥利弗并开始讲述他的奇遇Chapter 28 Looks After Oliver,and Proceeds with His Adventures第二十九章 奥利弗投靠的这户人家Chapter 29 Has an Introductory Account of the Inmates of the House to Which Oliver Resorted第三十章 新探视者对奥利弗的印象Chapter 30 Relates What Oliver"s New Visitors Thought of Him第三十一章 危急时刻Chapter 31 Involves a Critical Position第三十二章 奥利弗开始和善良的朋友们过着快乐的生活Chapter 32 Of the Happy Life Oliver Began to Lead WithHis Kind Friends第三十三章 奥利弗和他朋友们的快乐生活意外中断Chapter 33 Wherein the Happiness of Oliver and His Friends,Experiences a Sudden Check第三十四章 一位新登场的年轻绅士和奥利弗的新奇遇Chapter 34 Contains Some Introductory Particulars Relative to a Young Gentleman Who Now Arrives Upon the Scene;and a New Adventure Which Happened to Oliver第三十五章 奥利弗的奇遇没有结果,梅莱和露西之间进行了一次很重要的谈话Chapter 35 Containing the Unsatisfactory Result of Oliver"s Adventure; and a Conversation of Some Importance Between Harry Maylie and Rose第三十六章 这是很短的一章,看起来也不很重要,但却承上启下Chapter 36 Is a Very Short One,and May Appear of No Great Importance in Its Place,But It Should Be Read Notwithstanding,as a Sequel to The Last, and a Key to One That Will FollowWhen Its Time Arrives第三十七章 读者可以了解到婚前婚后截然不同的寻常现象Chapter 37 In Which the Reader May Perceive a Contrast,Not Uncommon in Matrimonial Cases第三十八章 邦布尔夫妇和孟克斯先生晚间会面的情况Chapter 38 Containing an Account of What Passed Between Mr. and Mrs. Bumble, and Mr. Monks,at Their Nocturnal Interview第三十九章 读者熟悉的一些体面人物又登场了,还说说孟克斯和犹太人如何一起策划事情Chapter 39 Introduces Some Respectable Characters With Whom the Reader Is Already Acquainted, and Shows How Monks and The Jew Laid Their Worthy Heads Together第四十章 与上一章发生的故事相衔接的一次奇怪会面Chapter 40 A Strange Interview,Which Is a Sequel to the Last Chamber第四十一章 一些新发现,祸不单行Chapter 41 Containing Fresh Discoveries,and Showing That Surprises,Like Misfortunes,Seldom Come Alone第四十二章 一位显示天才特征的奥利弗的老熟人成了伦敦的名人Chapter 42 An Old Acquaintance of Oliver"s,Exhibiting Decided Marks of Genius,Becomes a Public Character in the Metropolis第四十三章 机灵的蒙骗者陷入了困境Chapter 43 Wherein is Shown How the Artful Dodger Got into Trouble第四十四章 南希践约的时间到了,但她却没有前往Chapter 44 The Time Arrives for Nancy to Redeem Her Pledge to Rose Maylie. She Fails第四十五章 费金雇用诺亚实施一项秘密使命Chapter 45 Noah Claypole is Employed by Fagin on a Secret Mission第四十六章 践约Chapter 46 The Appointment Kept第四十七章 致命的后果Chapter 47 Fatal Consequences第四十八章 塞克斯逃亡Chapter 48 The Flight of Sikes第四十九章 孟克斯和布朗罗先生终于见面了。他们的谈话,以及打断这次谈话的消息Chapter 49 Monks and Mr. Brownlow at Length Meet. Their Conversation,and the Intelligence That Interrupts It第五十章 追击与逃亡Chapter 50 The Pursuit and Escape第五十一章 为多个秘密提供说明,其中还包括了一次不涉及嫁妆和私房钱的求婚Chapter 51 Affording an Explanation of More MysteriesThan One,and Comprehending a Proposal of Marriage With No Word of Settlement or Pinmoney第五十二章 费金在世时的最后一晚Chapter 52 Fagin"s Last Night Alive第五十三章 尾声Chapter 53 And Last赞同6| 评论 向TA求助 回答者: pockyjam | 八级采纳率:36% 擅长领域: 资源共享 社会民生 烦恼 娱乐休闲 生活 参加的活动: 暂时没有参加的活动 相关内容
2023-07-19 17:10:132


Characters in "Oliver Twist"Oliver Twist - The novel"s protagonist, Oliver is a young boy who is orphaned and forced to live in a workhouse. He is ultimately sold to an undertaker and escapes to London, where he meets the Artful Dodger and is recruited into the criminal underworld. Oliver is a kind and naive boy who is constantly targeted by thieves and charlatans, but he remains hopeful and resilient throughout his trials.The Artful Dodger - Also known as Jack Dawkins, the Artful Dodger is a young pickpocket who befriends Oliver and introduces him to the criminal underworld. He is a clever and crafty con artist who uses his charm and cunning to avoid capture by the authorities. Although he starts out as a selfish and opportunistic individual, he eventually becomes a more loyal and trustworthy friend to Oliver.Mr. Bumble - The pompous and arrogant master of the workhouse where Oliver lives. He schemes to keep as much of the meager funds provided by the parish for himself and his family, while allowing the other residents of the workhouse to suffer. Mr. Bumble is eventually fired for his mismanagement of the workhouse, but he schemes to get Oliver sent to an orphanage where he can profit from the boy"s labor.Fagin - The leader of a band of thieves, Fagin is responsible for training Oliver and other orphans as pickpockets. He is a crafty and calculating criminal who uses his knowledge of the law to avoid capture, but he ultimately falls victim to his own greed and pride.Nancy - A prostitute and member of Fagin"s gang, Nancy befriends Oliver and eventually risks her own safety by assisting Oliver and the Artful Dodger in their escape from Fagin. She is a tragic character who is deeply scarred by her past experiences, but she still retains a sense of empathy and compassion for others.William Sikes - A violent and ruthless thief, Sikes partners with Fagin to kidnap Oliver and force him to work as a pickpocket. He eventually dies after falling from a rooftop while trying to escape from the authorities.Summary of the Plot"Oliver Twist" tells the story of a young orphan who is forced to live in a workhouse after his parents" deaths. When Oliver is sold by the workhouse master to an undertaker, he escapes to London, where he meets a young pickpocket named the Artful Dodger. The Dodger introduces Oliver to his criminal mentor, Fagin, who trains Oliver and other orphans as pickpockets. However, Oliver remains kind and hopeful, often resisting the temptation to steal.In the criminal underworld, Oliver meets a prostitute named Nancy, who befriends him and eventually helps him escape from Fagin"s clutches. However, Oliver"s past catches up with him when Sikes, a violent thief, kidnaps him and forces him to work as a pickpocket. Meanwhile, Oliver"s friends search for him and eventually uncover Fagin"s criminal operation. Fearing capture, Fagin betrays Sikes, who ends up dying after falling from a rooftop while trying to escape from the authorities.In the end, Oliver is rescued by his friends and reunited with his family, whom he had thought were dead but had actually survived. Although Oliver faced many hardships, he remained hopeful and resilient, ultimately overcoming his circumstances with the help of his friends. The novel serves as a commentary on Victorian England"s social ills, particularly poverty and child labor
2023-07-19 17:10:243

求雾都孤儿英文简介,150-200字左右 好的可以追加分。最好是自己写的

One of Dickens most enduringly popular stories is Oliver Twist, an early work published 1837-8. Like many of his later novels, its central theme is the hardship faced by the dispossessed and those of the outside of tolite society. Oliver himself is born in a workhouse and treated cruelly there as was the norm at the time for pauper children, in particular by Bumble, a parish council official or eadle The story follows Oliver as he escapes the workhouse and runs away to London. Here he receives an education in villainy from the criminal gang of Fagin that includes the brutal thief Bill Sikes, the famous artful Dodger and Nancy, Bill whore. Oliver is rescued by the intervention of a benefactor - Mr Brownlow - but the mysterious Monks gets the gang to kidnap the boy again. Nancy intervenes but is murdered viciously by Sikes after she has showed some redeeming qualities and has discovered Monk sinister intention. The story closes happily and with justice for Bumble and the cruel Monks who has hidden the truth of Oliver parentage out of malice. Accusations were made that the book glamorised crime (like the ewgate Group of the period) but Dickens wisely disassociated himself from criminal romances. His achievement was in fact in presenting the underworld and problems of poverty to the well-off in a way rarely attempted previously.
2023-07-19 17:10:341

《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist)时代背景

2023-07-19 17:10:434

雾都孤儿的 英文概要和人物分析。

第一章 奥利弗出生地及出生时的种种情况Chapter 1 Treats of the Place Where Oliver Twist Was Born; and of the Circumstances Attending His Birth第二章 奥利弗成长、教育和膳食情况Chapter 2 Treats of Oliver Twist"s Growth, Education,and Board第三章 奥利弗差点找到一份并非挂名的差事Chapter 3 Relates How Oliver Twist Was Very Near Getting a Place, Which Would Not Have Been a Sinecure第四章 奥利弗得到另一职位并初次走上社会Chapter 4 Oliver,Being Offered Another Place,Makes His First Entry into Public Life第五章 奥利弗与新同事打成一片。平生第一次参加葬礼,便对老板的生意有了不合时宜的成见Chapter 5 Oliver Mingles with New Associates. Going to a Funeral for the First Time,He Forms an Unfavourable Notion of His Master"s Business第六章 奥利弗奋力反抗诺亚,令诺亚大吃一惊Chapter 6 Oliver, Being Goaded by the Taunts of Noah,Rouses into Action, and Rather Astonishes Him第七章 奥利弗依旧倔强Chapter 7 Oliver Continues Refractory第八章 奥利弗步行到伦敦,路上遇见一位怪异的年轻绅士Chapter 8 Oliver Walks to London. He Encounters on the Road a Strange Sort of Young Gentleman第九章 快活的老绅士和他充满希望的弟子们Chapter 9 Containing Further Particulars Concerning the Pleasant Old Gentleman, and His Hopeful Pupils第十章 奥利弗对新伙伴的性格有了更进一步的了解,并以昂贵的代价取得了经验。本故事虽然很短,但很重要Chapter 10 Oliver Becomes Better Acquainted with the Characters of His New Associates; And Purchases Experience at a High Price.Being a Short, But Very Important Chapter, in This History第十一章 警务司法官范昂先生及其审判工作小范例Chapter 11 Treats of Mr. Fang the Police Magistrate; and Furnishes a Slight Specimen of His Mode of Administering Justice第十二章 奥利弗得到前所未有的照料。再说说那位快活的老绅士和他年轻的朋友们Chapter 12 In Which Oliver is Taken Better Care of Than He Ever Was Before. And in Which the Narrative Reverts to the Merry Old Gentleman and His Youthful Friends第十三章 向聪明的读者介绍了一些新相识:叙述与本故事有关的、跟这些人有联系的各种趣事Chapter 13 Some New Acquaintances are Introduced to the Intelligent Reader, Connected With Whom Various Pleasant Matters are Related,Appertaining to This History第十四章 进一步叙述奥利弗住在布朗罗先生家里的情况。他出去办事时,格林威格先生对奥利弗作出的令人惊讶的预言Chapter 14 Comprising Further Particulars of Oliver"s Stay at Mr. Brownlow"s, With the Remarkable Prediction Which One Mr.Grimwig Uttered Concerning Him,When He Went Out on an Errand第十五章 那位快活的老绅士和南希小姐是怎样喜欢奥利弗的Chapter 15 Showing How Very Fond of Oliver Twist, The Merry Old Jew and Miss Nancy Were第十六章 奥利弗被南希领回后的情况Chapter 16 Relates What Became of Oliver Twist, After He Had Been Claimed by Nancy第十七章 奥利弗的厄运在继续。一位大人物到伦敦来毁坏他的名声Chapter 17 Oliver"s Destiny Continuing Unpropitious,Brings a Great Man to London to Injure His Reputation第十八章 奥利弗在他的良师益友圈子中消磨时光Chapter 18 How Oliver Passed His Time in the Improving Society of His Reputable Friends第十九章 讨论并决定一个重要计划Chapter 19 In Which a Notable Plan is Discussed and Determined on第二十章 奥利弗被托付给塞克斯先生Chapter 20 Wherein Oliver is Delivered Over to Mr. William Sikes第二十一章 远行Chapter 21 The Expedition第二十二章 夜盗Chapter 22 The Burglary第二十三章 邦布尔先生和一位太太进行了一次愉快的谈话,说明即便是牧师助理也可能多愁善感Chapter 23 Which Contains the Substance of a Pleasant Conversation Between Mr. Bumble and a Lady; and Shows That Even a Beadle May be Susceptible on Some Points第二十四章 一个非常乏味的话题,虽然很短,也许你会发现它在故事中的重要性Chapter 24 Treats of a Very Poor Subject. But is a Short One,and May Be Found of Importance in This History第二十五章 故事又回到费金先生和他的同伙Chapter 25 Wherein This History Reverts to Mr. Fagin and Company第二十六章 一位神秘人物出现了,还发生了许多与本故事有关的事Chapter 26 In Which a Mysterious Character Appears Upon the Scene; and Many Things,Inseparable From This History,are Done and Performed第二十七章 为在上一章中很没礼貌地把一位太太丢在一旁而赔罪Chapter 27 Atones for the Unpoliteness of a Former Chapter; Which Deserted a Lady,Most Unceremoniously第二十八章 关照奥利弗并开始讲述他的奇遇Chapter 28 Looks After Oliver,and Proceeds with His Adventures第二十九章 奥利弗投靠的这户人家Chapter 29 Has an Introductory Account of the Inmates of the House to Which Oliver Resorted第三十章 新探视者对奥利弗的印象Chapter 30 Relates What Oliver"s New Visitors Thought of Him第三十一章 危急时刻Chapter 31 Involves a Critical Position第三十二章 奥利弗开始和善良的朋友们过着快乐的生活Chapter 32 Of the Happy Life Oliver Began to Lead WithHis Kind Friends第三十三章 奥利弗和他朋友们的快乐生活意外中断Chapter 33 Wherein the Happiness of Oliver and His Friends,Experiences a Sudden Check第三十四章 一位新登场的年轻绅士和奥利弗的新奇遇Chapter 34 Contains Some Introductory Particulars Relative to a Young Gentleman Who Now Arrives Upon the Scene;and a New Adventure Which Happened to Oliver第三十五章 奥利弗的奇遇没有结果,梅莱和露西之间进行了一次很重要的谈话Chapter 35 Containing the Unsatisfactory Result of Oliver"s Adventure; and a Conversation of Some Importance Between Harry Maylie and Rose第三十六章 这是很短的一章,看起来也不很重要,但却承上启下Chapter 36 Is a Very Short One,and May Appear of No Great Importance in Its Place,But It Should Be Read Notwithstanding,as a Sequel to The Last, and a Key to One That Will FollowWhen Its Time Arrives第三十七章 读者可以了解到婚前婚后截然不同的寻常现象Chapter 37 In Which the Reader May Perceive a Contrast,Not Uncommon in Matrimonial Cases第三十八章 邦布尔夫妇和孟克斯先生晚间会面的情况Chapter 38 Containing an Account of What Passed Between Mr. and Mrs. Bumble, and Mr. Monks,at Their Nocturnal Interview第三十九章 读者熟悉的一些体面人物又登场了,还说说孟克斯和犹太人如何一起策划事情Chapter 39 Introduces Some Respectable Characters With Whom the Reader Is Already Acquainted, and Shows How Monks and The Jew Laid Their Worthy Heads Together第四十章 与上一章发生的故事相衔接的一次奇怪会面Chapter 40 A Strange Interview,Which Is a Sequel to the Last Chamber第四十一章 一些新发现,祸不单行Chapter 41 Containing Fresh Discoveries,and Showing That Surprises,Like Misfortunes,Seldom Come Alone第四十二章 一位显示天才特征的奥利弗的老熟人成了伦敦的名人Chapter 42 An Old Acquaintance of Oliver"s,Exhibiting Decided Marks of Genius,Becomes a Public Character in the Metropolis第四十三章 机灵的蒙骗者陷入了困境Chapter 43 Wherein is Shown How the Artful Dodger Got into Trouble第四十四章 南希践约的时间到了,但她却没有前往Chapter 44 The Time Arrives for Nancy to Redeem Her Pledge to Rose Maylie. She Fails第四十五章 费金雇用诺亚实施一项秘密使命Chapter 45 Noah Claypole is Employed by Fagin on a Secret Mission第四十六章 践约Chapter 46 The Appointment Kept第四十七章 致命的后果Chapter 47 Fatal Consequences第四十八章 塞克斯逃亡Chapter 48 The Flight of Sikes第四十九章 孟克斯和布朗罗先生终于见面了。他们的谈话,以及打断这次谈话的消息Chapter 49 Monks and Mr. Brownlow at Length Meet. Their Conversation,and the Intelligence That Interrupts It第五十章 追击与逃亡Chapter 50 The Pursuit and Escape第五十一章 为多个秘密提供说明,其中还包括了一次不涉及嫁妆和私房钱的求婚Chapter 51 Affording an Explanation of More MysteriesThan One,and Comprehending a Proposal of Marriage With No Word of Settlement or Pinmoney第五十二章 费金在世时的最后一晚Chapter 52 Fagin"s Last Night Alive第五十三章 尾声Chapter 53 And LastCharacter ListOliver Twist - The novel"s protagonist. Oliver is an orphan born in a workhouse, and Dickens uses his situation to criticize public policy toward the poor in 1830s England. Oliver is between nine and twelve years old when the main action of the novel occurs. Though treated with cruelty and surrounded by coarseness for most of his life, he is a pious, innocent child, and his charms draw the attention of several wealthy benefactors. His true identity is the central mystery of the novel.Fagin - A conniving career criminal. Fagin takes in homeless children and trains them to pick pockets for him. He is also a buyer of other people"s stolen goods. He rarely commits crimes himself, preferring to employ others to commit them—and often suffer legal retribution—in his place. Dickens"s portrait of Fagin displays the influence of anti-Semitic stereotypes.Nancy - A young prostitute and one of Fagin"s former child pickpockets. Nancy is also Bill Sikes"s lover. Her love for Sikes and her sense of moral decency come into conflict when Sikes abuses Oliver. Despite her criminal lifestyle, she is among the noblest characters in the novel. In effect, she gives her life for Oliver when Sikes murders her for revealing Monks"s plots.
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Oliver Twist
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Oliver Twist is an 1838 novel by Charles Dickens. It was originally published as a serial.Like most of Dickens" work, the book is used to call the public"s attention to various contemporary social evils, including the workhouse, child labour and the recruitment of children as criminals. The novel is full of sarcasm and dark humour, even as it treats its serious subject, revealing the hypocrisies of the time.It has been the subject of numerous film and television adaptations, and the basis for a highly successful British musical, Oliver!.Plot summarySpoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.Oliver Twist is born into a life of hardship and misfortune. Orphaned from the onset of his life due to his mother"s death in child-birth and his father"s conspicuous absence, Oliver is meagerly provided for under the terms of the Poor Law. Thus, Oliver spends the first nine years of his life within a branch-workhouse of the one in which he had the misfortune to be born. Along with other juvenile offenders against the poor-laws, Oliver is brought up with little food and few comforts.Around the time of the orphan"s ninth birthday, Mr. Bumble, a parish beadle, removes Oliver from the branch-workhouse and puts him to work in the main facility. Oliver, who toils with very little food, remains in the workhouse for six months. After that period, Oliver breeches regulations by requesting, on behalf of another boy, that he receive another portion of gruel. The board of gentlemen who administer the workhouse are outraged by Oliver"s request, perceiving him as ungrateful. Desiring to get rid of Oliver, the board offers a sum of money to any person wishing to take on the boy as an apprentice. Mr. Sowerberry, an undertaker employed by the parish, eventually takes Oliver into his service.While in the service of the undertaker, Oliver is abused by Noah Claypole, a charity boy and apprentice of Mr. Sowerberry. On one particularly occasion, in an attempt to bait a reaction out of Oliver, Noah insults the orphan"s late mother. Oliver takes great offense to Noah"s words and proceeds to attack the boy. The disagreement between the two is heightened when Mrs. Sowerberry, who dislikes Oliver, is summoned. Following an administration of punishment for attacking Noah, for the charity boy twists the circumstances of the fight to make Oliver seem like an unprovoked murderer, the orphan decides to flee from the undertaker. Leaving during the night, he wanders aimlessly at first. However, he soon sets his destination as London.During his journey to London, Oliver encounters Jack Dawkins, who is also known as the Artful Dodger. Dawkins provides Oliver with a free meal and tells him of a gentleman in London who will aid him in becoming established. Grateful for the assistance he has been given, Oliver follows Dawkins to the gentleman"s residence. Thus, Oliver unwittingly stumbles into the association of a Jewish criminal named Fagin, the gentleman of whom Dawkins spoke. Oliver resides with Fagin and his criminal associates for some time, unaware that of their unlawful occupations.With time, Oliver goes out upon a pick-pocketing expedition with two of Fagin"s underlings: Dawkins and a boy named Charlie Bates. Though he is unaware of the criminal intentions of the other boys until a robbery actual takes place and does not participate, Oliver finds himself accused of stealing. He is eventually freed from accusation and put under the nurturing custody of an old gentleman named Mr. Brownlow, who he was previously thought to have robbed, after falling ill in court. Oliver resides with Mr. Brownlow for a while, living in great happiness as a result of being treated well. His bliss, however, is interrupted when Fagin orchestrates the kidnapping of Oliver back to his haven of thieves. This is done for Fagin fears that Oliver will tell the authories of his criminal operations.After being captured by Fagin and abused for some time, Oliver is again employed in an illegal operation. Bill Sikes, a violent thief who had helped kidnap Oliver away from Mr. Brownlow, uses the boy to break into a house via a small window. The robbery goes wrong, however, and Oliver is shot. After being abandoned by Sikes, a wounded Oliver ends up under the care of the people he had attempted to rob: Rose Maylie and the elderly Mrs. Maylie. Convinced of Oliver"s innocence, Rose Maylie take the boy in and nurses him back to health.Meanwhile, a mysterious man named Monks has found Fagin and is plotting with him to destroy Oliver"s reputation. Nancy, fearing their intentions, goes to Rose Maylie and Mr. Brownlow to reveal their plot. She manages to keep her meetings secret until Noah Claypole (he had fallen out with the undertaker and moved to London to seek his fortune) agrees to spy on Nancy and then tells Fagin. Angry at the notion of his plot being foiled, Fagin passes it on to Sikes, twisting the story just enough to make it sound as if Nancy had informed on him. (In actuality, she had shielded Sikes, whom she loves despite his occasional ill-treatment, as much as possible.) Believing that she has betrayed him, Sikes murders Nancy in a fit of rage, and is himself killed when he accidentally hangs himself while being pursued by an angry mob. Monks is forced by Mr. Brownlow (an old friend of Oliver"s father) to divulge his secrets and give half of his inheritance to Oliver. Then Monks moves to America, where he quickly spends his money, reverts to crime, and ultimately dies in prison. Fagin is arrested and hanged for his misdeeds. Rose Maylie turns out to be the long-lost sister of Oliver"s mother Agnes; she is therefore Oliver"s aunt. She marries her long-time sweetheart Harry, and Oliver lives happily with his saviour, Mr. Brownlow.Characters in "Oliver Twist"Oliver – the main protagonist, a boy born in a workhouse Fagin – a Jew who recruits and trains boys for thievery Bill Sikes – a violent thief The Artful Dodger aka Jack Dawkins – one of Fagin"s boy pickpockets Charley Bates; another of Fagin"s boy pickpockets Nancy – barmaid and Bill"s girl Betsy – a thief of Fagin"s and friend of Nancy Noah Claypole – apprentice to Mr Sowerberry Mr. Brownlow Monks, aka Edward Leeford – Oliver"s half-brother Rose Maylie Mr. Bumble – the parish Beadle Mr. Sowerberry – an Undertaker who takes Oliver into his service Mrs. Sowerberry Charlotte – servant to Mrs Sowerberry Gamfield – a vicious chimney-sweep Mrs Bedwin – housekeeper to Mr Brownlow Mr Grimwig – an old friend of Mr Brownlow"s Barney – a villainous friend of Fagin"s Major themesThe novel is characterized by the use of various motifs.Charity and love are motifs because even though Oliver is treated horribly by most people, he is shown love by a few good people – Mr. Brownlow, Mrs. Maylie, and even Nancy.Greed and corruption are also motifs because of how people take advantage of Oliver. He is taken advantage of by Mr. Bumble at the workhouse and the thieves. Mr. Fagin tries to control Oliver, to use him for his own wealth. Monks tries to steal his identity and his inheritance.Spoilers end here.
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关于追问这个是作者的简介harles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812, in Portsea, England. His parents were middle-class, but they suffered financially as a result of living beyond their means. When Dickens was twelve years old, his family"s dire straits forced him to quit school and work in a blacking factory, a place where shoe polish is made. Within weeks, his father was put in debtor"s prison, where Dickens"s mother and siblings eventually joined him. At this point, Dickens lived on his own and continued to work at the factory for several months. The horrific conditions in the factory haunted him for the rest of his life, as did the experience of temporary orphanhood. Apparently, Dickens never forgot the day when a more senior boy in the warehouse took it upon himself to instruct Dickens in how to do his work more efficiently. For Dickens, that instruction may have represented the first step toward his full integration into the misery and tedium of working-class life. The more senior boy"s name was Bob Fagin. Dickens"s residual resentment of him reached a fevered pitch in the characterization of the villain Fagin in Oliver Twist.After inheriting some money, Dickens"s father got out of prison and Charles returned to school. As a young adult, he worked as a law clerk and later as a journalist. His experience as a journalist kept him in close contact with the darker social conditions of the Industrial Revolution, and he grew disillusioned with the attempts of lawmakers to alleviate those conditions.希望可以帮得上各位的忙
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In considering Dickens, as we almost always must consider him, as a man of rich originality, we may possibly miss the forces from which he drew even his original energy. It is not well for man to be alone. We, in the modern world, are ready enough to admit that when it is applied to some problem of monasticism or of an ecstatic life. But we will not admit that our modern artistic claim to absolute originality is really a claim to absolute unsociability; a claim to absolute loneliness. The anarchist is at least as solitary as the ascetic. And the men of very vivid vigour in literature, the men such as Dickens, have generally displayed a large sociability towards the society of letters, always expressed in the happy pursuit of pre-existent themes, sometimes expressed, as in the case of Molière or Sterne, in downright plagiarism. For even theft is a confession of our dependence on society. In Dickens, however, this element of the original foundations on which he worked is quite especially difficult to determine. This is partly due to the fact that for the present reading public he is practically the only one of his long line that is read at all. He sums up Smollett and Goldsmith, but he also destroys them. This one giant, being closest to us, cuts off from our view even the giants that begat him. But much more is this difficulty due to the fact that Dickens mixed up with the old material, materials so subtly modern, so made of the French Revolution, that the whole is transformed. If we want the best example of this, the best example is Oliver Twist. Relatively to the other works of Dickens Oliver Twist is not of great value, but it is of great importance. Some parts of it are so crude and of so clumsy a melodrama, that one is almost tempted to say that Dickens would have been greater without it. But even if be had been greater without it he would still have been incomplete without it. With the exception of some gorgeous passages, both of humour and horror, the interest of the book lies not so much in its revelation of Dickens"s literary genius as in its revelation of those moral, personal, and political instincts which were the make-up of his character and the permanent support of that literary genius. It is by far the most depressing of all his books; it is in some ways the most irritating; yet its ugliness gives the last touch of honesty to all that spontaneous and splendid output. Without this one discordant note all his merriment might have seemed like levity. Dickens had just appeared upon the stage and set the whole world laughing with his first great story Pickwick. Oliver Twist was his encore. It was the second opportunity given to him by those who ha rolled about with laughter over Tupman and Jingle, Weller and Dowler. Under such circumstances a stagey reciter will sometimes take care to give a pathetic piece after his humorous one; and with all his many moral merits, there was much that was stagey about Dickens. But this explanation alone is altogether inadequate and unworthy. There was in Dickens this other kind of energy, horrible, uncanny, barbaric, capable in another age of coarseness, greedy for the emblems of established ugliness, the coffin, the gibbet, the bones, the bloody knife. Dickens liked these things and he was all the more of a man for liking them; especially he was all the more of a boy. We can all recall with pleasure the fact that Miss Petowker (afterwards Mrs. Lillyvick) was in the habit of reciting a poem called "The Blood Drinker"s Burial." I cannot express my regret that the words of this poem are not given; for Dickens would have been quite as capable of writing "The Blood Drinker"s Burial" as Miss Petowker was of reciting it. This strain existed in Dickens alongside of his happy laughter; both were allied to the same robust romance. Here as elsewhere Dickens is close to all the permanent human things. He is close to religion, which has never allowed the thousand devils on its churches to stop the dancing of its bells. He is allied to the people, to the real poor, who love nothing so much as to take a cheerful glass and to talk about funerals. The extremes of his gloom and gaiety are the mark of religion and democracy; they mark him off from the moderate happiness of philosophers, and from that stoicism which is the virtue and the creed of aristocrats. There is nothing odd in the fact that the same man who conceived the humane hospitalities of Pickwick should also have imagined the inhuman laughter of Fagin"s den. They are both genuine and they are both exaggerated. And the whole human tradition has tied up together in a strange knot these strands of festivity and fear. It is over the cups of Christmas Eve that men have always competed in telling ghost stories.
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One of Dickens most enduringly popular stories is Oliver Twist, an early work published 1837-8. Like many of his later novels, its central theme is the hardship faced by the dispossessed and those of the outside of tolite society. Oliver himself is born in a workhouse and treated cruelly there as was the norm at the time for pauper children, in particular by Bumble, a parish council official or eadle The story follows Oliver as he escapes the workhouse and runs away to London. Here he receives an education in villainy from the criminal gang of Fagin that includes the brutal thief Bill Sikes, the famous artful Dodger and Nancy, Bill whore. Oliver is rescued by the intervention of a benefactor - Mr Brownlow - but the mysterious Monks gets the gang to kidnap the boy again. Nancy intervenes but is murdered viciously by Sikes after she has showed some redeeming qualities and has discovered Monk sinister intention. The story closes happily and with justice for Bumble and the cruel Monks who has hidden the truth of Oliver parentage out of malice. Accusations were made that the book glamorised crime (like the ewgate Group of the period) but Dickens wisely disassociated himself from criminal romances. His achievement was in fact in presenting the underworld and problems of poverty to the well-off in a way rarely attempted previously.To Regain the Nature of Goodness —— Review of ‘Oliver Twist" Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens", is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century. The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London. The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings. I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill. To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end. One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs. Maylie and Rose and began a new life. He went for walks with them, or Rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty. How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? The reason is the nature of goodness. I think it is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens-he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty. Although I don"t think goodness is omnipotent, yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded. For me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person. Goodness is to humans what water is to fish. He who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person. On the contrary, as the famous saying goes, ‘The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose", he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person. People receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself. To my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity. They look down on people"s honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted. As a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others. On the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit. In their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility. If they cannot get profit from showing their ‘kindness", they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down. They are one of the sorts that I really detest. Francis Bacon said in his essay, ‘Goodness, of all virtues and dignities of the mind, is the greatest, being the character of the Deity, and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better than a kind of vermin." That is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything. Therefore, I, a kind person, want to tell those "vermin-to-be" to learn from the kind Oliver and regain the nature of goodness.
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原名 Oliver Twist
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1. 雾都孤儿电影中的好词好句摘录(英文) 1. If he could have known that he was an orphan, left to the tender mercies of church-wardens and overseers, perhaps he would have cried louder. 2. We become the most familiar strangers.(Gone with the wind) 3. Good-bye dear! God bless you! 2. 雾都孤儿 好段摘抄 英文版 大约在700字左右…… Here I am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about what I have just finished reading with tears of sadness filling my eyes and fire of indignation filling my heart, which revived my exhausted soul that has already been covered by the cruelty and the selfishness of the secular world for a long time. It is truly what I felt after reading Oliver Twist, written by the prominent British author Charles Dickens. The resonance between me and the book makes me feel not only the kindness and the wickedness of all the characters in the novel, but what this aloof society lacks, and what I lack deep inside. These supreme resources I"m talking about right now are somewhat different from minerals, oil that we usually mention. They"re abstract like feelings, and some kinds of spiritual stimulation that all of us desire anxiously from one another —— love and care. Those charitable figures whom Dickens created in the novel are really what we need in life. They showed love and care to others, just as the gentle rain from the sky fell upon the earth, which was carved into my heart deeply. Mr. Brownlow is one such person. The other day he had one of his elaborate watches stolen by two skilled teenage thieves, Artful Dodger and Charley Bates, and thought naturally it was Oliver, who was an orphan and forced to live with a gang of thieves, that had done it because he was the only one near by after the theft had taken place. Being wrathful, he caught Oliver, and sent him to the police station where the ill-tempered, unfair magistrates worked. Fortunately for him, Oliver was proved innocent by one onlooker afterwards. With sympathy, Mr. Brownlow took the injured, poor Oliver to his own home. There Oliver lived freely and gleefully for some months as if he were Mr. Brownlow"s own son. One day, however, Mr. Brownlow asked Oliver to return some books to the bookseller and to send some money for the new books that he had already collected. The thief Oliver once stayed with kidnapped him. After that he disappeared in Mr. Brownlow"s life. Searching for a while, Mr. Brownlow had to believe the fact that he had run away with his money. But dramatically, they came across each other again a few years later. Without hesitation, Mr. Brownlow took Oliver home for the second time not caring if he had done something evil. Perhaps most of us would feel confused about Mr. Brownlow"s reaction. But as a matter of fact, this is just the lesson we should learn from him. Jesus said in the Bible. “Forgive not seven times, but seventy-times seven.” Why is that? Because forgiveness is our ability to remove negative thoughts and neutralize them so our energy may be spent on doing what we came here for. We cannot move forward in our future if past issues cloud our thinking. Stop put Mr. Brownlow into the list of your models. Always give people a second chance no matter what they might have done. That"s also a substantial part of loving and caring others. Charles Dickens said:“Love makes the world go around.” These immortal words have inspired and will keep on inspiring us to chant the melody of love and to say the prayer of care forevermore. Let us, therefore, enjoy life and treat other people lovingly. These principles are the roots and foundations of beliefs supporting this article and our mission together. 中文翻译:我在这里独自坐在沙发上,有什么我刚刚结束与悲伤填补我的眼睛,愤怒的火填补我的心,这是恢复我的疲惫的灵魂已被残忍和自私覆盖眼泪阅读思维世俗的世界很长一段时间。 它确实是我阅读后感到雾都孤儿,由著名的英国作家查尔斯狄更斯写的。 本人与这本书让我觉得不只是善良和所有小说中的人物,但这个邪恶超然社会缺乏,缺少什么我内心深处的共鸣。 这些我在谈论现在的最高矿产资源有所不同,我们通常提到石油。他们喜欢感受抽象的,某些类型的精神刺激,是我们彼此都渴望 - 爱和关怀焦急。 那些人狄更斯在小说中创建的慈善数字是我们在生活中真正需要什么。他们表现出对他人的爱和关怀,就像从地上,这是刻在我心里深深地下跌天空细雨。 布朗洛先生就是这样一个人。 有一天,他阐述了他的一个由两个十几岁的小偷熟练,Artful Dodger的和查理贝茨,被盗手表和思想自然是奥利弗,谁是孤儿,被迫住在盗贼团伙,该做了,因为他是唯一一个由盗窃后,已发生近了。 被愤怒,他抓住奥利弗,并派他去警察局的坏脾气,不公平的裁判工作。他幸运的是,奥利弗被证明无辜后一个旁观者。 同情,布朗洛先生受伤了,可怜的奥利弗自己的家。有自由,愉快地生活奥利弗了几个月就好像他是布朗洛先生自己的儿子。 有一天,然而,布朗洛先生问奥利弗回来一些书的书商和发送的,他已经收集到一些钱新书。小偷奥利弗下榻的一次绑架他。 之。 3. 《雾都孤儿》经典语句,要英文,带翻译 “Good-bye dear! God bless you!”" …Dick told Oliver on his way to London, which warmed Oliver"s heart and gave him courage. “再e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333365643661见,亲爱的!上帝保佑你!“……迪克跟奥利弗去伦敦的路上,这温暖奥利弗的心,给了他勇气。 He ate the food and wine in the stomach would turn into bile, blood clotting into the ice , the heart as hard as iron . 他吃下去的佳肴美酒在肚子里会化作胆汁,血凝成了冰,心像铁一样硬。 But we will not admit that our modern artistic claim to absolute originality is really a claim to absolute unsociability; a claim to absolute loneliness. 但我们不会承认,我们的现代艺术声称绝对原创绝对是一个真正的孤僻要求;一个绝对孤独的索赔。 In indent his narrow bunks, still willing that"s his coffin, he can be at peace in the church are buried in the fields, the tall weeds on his head lightly swaying, dark antique clock plays, soothe yourself forever. 在缩进他那狭窄的铺位里去的时候,仍然甘愿那就是他的棺材,他从此可以安安稳稳地在教堂地里长眠了,高高的野草在头顶上轻盈地随风摇曳,深沉的古钟奏响,抚慰自己长眠不醒。 Human nature is so wonderful , the same good quality never favoritism , either in the finest gentleman who develop , they can be the most foul charity school student body grow. 人的本性是多么的美妙,同样美好的品质从不厚此薄彼,既可以在最出色的君子身上发扬,又可以在最卑污的慈善学校的学生身上滋长。 Some strong-willed person subjected to the test of time parting showed admirable obedience and fortitude .With people that are determined to be tested and death showed an enviable comply with bravery. 一些意志坚定的人在经受生离死别考验时表现出令人羡慕的顺从与刚毅。 4. 《雾都孤儿》英文摘抄 The book describes the mother sky The existence of this world What is the difference between day and night Grey and black change Mom and dad you leave that day My tears are not see Perhaps only in the dream.Was clearly seen in the face I tried to open my eyes but not to the end How to acid rain of love The poet is no longer up to heaven The world isn"t the petals fall poem Smog lies Desire into a nightmare City sculpture expect to see someone who never comes to you The old pictures of blue sky seems to smell the sweet The world is a paradise I use the brush copy once Windy Season But not drawn out tomorrow The book describes the mother sky The existen。 t the petals fall poem Smog lies Desire into a nightmare City sculpture expect to see someone who never comes to you The old pictures of blue sky seems to smell the sweet The world is a paradise I use the brush copy once Windy Season But not drawn out tomorrow How to acid rain of love The poet is no longer up to heaven The world isn"The book describes the mother sky The existence of this world What is the difference between day and night Grey and black change Mom and dad you leave that day My tears are not see Perhaps only in the dream.Was clearly seen in the face I tried to open my eyes but not to the end How to acid rain of love The poet is no longer up to heaven The world isn"t the petals fall poem Smog lies Desire into a nightmare City sculpture expect to see someone who never comes to you The old pictures of blue sky seems to smell the sweet The world is a paradise I use the brush copy once Windy Season But not drawn out tomorrow The book describes the mother sky The existence of this world What is the difference between day and night Grey and black change Mom and dad you leave that day My tears are not see Perhaps only in the dream.Was clearly seen in the face I tried to open my eyes but not to the end How to acid rain of love The poet is no longer up to heaven The world isn"。 5. 雾都孤儿中的名言 好句 英文的有中文翻译 1."“Please, Sir, I want some more.”" … Oliver, asking the cook at the workhouse for more gruel. Pg. 12 2. "“Good-bye dear! God bless you!”" …Dick told Oliver on his way to London, which warmed Oliver"s heart and gave him courage. Pg. 54 3. “As he spoke, he pointed hastily to the picture above Oliver"s head; and then to the boy"s face. There was its living copy. The eyes, the head, the mouth; every feature was the same. The expression was, for an instant, so precisely alike, that the minutest line seemed copied with startling accuracy” …from the moment when Mr. Bumble realizes who Oliver is. Pg. 90 4. "“Am I," said the girl [Nancy] "Take care I don"t overdo it. You will be the worse for it Fagin, if I do; so I tell you in good time keep clear of me"”…Nancy protecting Oliver from Fagin"s beatings. This line foreshadows the downfall of the Jew brought about by Nancy"s hand. Pg. 126 5. “the mother, when the pains of death first came upon her, whispered in my ear that if her babe was born alive, and thrived, the day might come when it would not feel so much disgraced to here it"s poor young mother named…whether it be a boy or girl, raise up some friends for it in this troubled world; and take pity upon a lonely and desolate child, abandoned to its mercy.” …the old nurse sally told Mrs. Corney when she was dying. Pg. 189-190 6. “ "When the boy is worth a hundred pounds to me, am I to lose what chance threw me in the way of getting safely, through the whims of a drunken gang that I could whistle away the lives of! And me bound, too, to a born devil, that only wants the will and has the power"”…Statement by Fagin to Nancy that shows the depth of his greed and exploitation of the people around him. Pg. 201-202 7. "But even if he has been wicked," pursed Rose, "think how young he is, think that he may never have known a mother"s love, or the comfort of a home; and that ill-usage and blows, or the want of bread, may have driven him to herd with men who have forced him to guilt. Aunt, dear aunt, for mercy"s sake, think of this, before you let them drag this sick child to a prison, which in any case must be the grave of all his chances of amendment."”…The powerful speech by Rose that saves Oliver from going to prison. This speech is also a statement by Dickens about the effectiveness of the prison system in saying that it does not reform people. Pg. 231 8. “If I had been less- less fortunate, the world would call it; if some obscure and peaceful life had been my destiny; if I had been poor, sick, helpless; would you have turned from me then? Or has my probable advancement to riches and honour, given this scruple birth?”…Harry during his proposal to Rose wondering if he had a different station life, would she accept his offer. Dickens says here that love need not have money to be happy, and actually states that the lesser the money or station in life, the happier two people may be, because money corrupts people. Pg. 280 9. “…raising herself with difficulty, on her knees, drew from her bosom a white handkerchief –Rose Maylie"s own, and holding it up, in her folded hands, as high towards heaven as her feeble strength would allow, breathed one prayer for mercy to her maker” …A powerful passage, Dickens illustrates that Nancy, with her final act of good helping Oliver that she too, like Rose Maylie, was not evil any longer. Pg.383 10.“ "Not Aunt,” cried Oliver, throwing his arms about her neck: "I"ll never call her aunt –sister, my own dear, sister, that something taught my heart to love so dearly from the first! Rose, dear, darling Rose!"” Oliver"s joy at finally having a loving family member who will love him comes through, because his story is all about his search for a family and love. Pg. 424 不好意思,没有翻译……。 6. 《雾都孤儿》经典台词十句,中英文对照 “Please, Sir, I want some more.” Oliver, asking the cook at the workhouse for more gruel. “请,先生,我想再要一些。”奥利弗,要求库克在济贫更多稀饭 2.“Good-bye dear! God bless you!”" …Dick told Oliver on his way to London, which warmed Oliver"s heart and gave him courage. “再见,亲爱的!上帝保佑你!“……迪克跟奥利弗去伦敦的路上,这温暖奥利弗的心,给了他勇气。 3. “As he spoke, he pointed hastily to the picture above Oliver"s head; and then to the boy"s face. There was its living copy. The eyes, the head, the mouth; every feature was the same. The expression was, for an instant, so precisely alike, that the minutest line seemed copied with startling accuracy” …from the moment when Mr. Bumble realizes who Oliver is. “他说,他指出,连忙向奥利弗头上的图像;然后对男孩的脸。人们生活的副本。眼睛,头,口;每一个功能是相同的。的表达,一瞬间,所以准确而言,该行似乎细微复制以惊人的准确度”……从当先生奥利弗是谁犯错了。 Sometimes, a kind of music, a secluded place of the water, the fragrance of a flower, even the mention of a familiar word, suddenly aroused some vague memories, reminiscent of some life there had not been the scene, they would like a breeze to scatter, as if suddenly wake up to a long parting, happy memories, but the memories alone is contemplating couldn"t remember the. 有的时候,一支亲切的乐曲,一处幽静地方的潺潺水声,一朵花的芳香,甚而只是说出一个熟悉的字眼,会突然唤起一些模糊的记忆,令人想起一些今生不曾出现过的场景,它们会像微风一样飘散,仿佛刹那间唤醒了对某种久已别离的、比较快乐的往事,而这种回忆单靠冥思苦想是怎么也想不起来的。 Crying is our God given human nature, but how many people have such a small age will cause in the presence of God poured out tears so reluctantly. It was a cold, gloomy night. In the child"s eyes, the stars seem farther from the ground than they see. The wind did not play, the dim shadows
2023-07-19 17:13:361


  雾都孤儿 Oliver Twist  [编辑本段]一、英国作家狄更斯的名著  1、作者:查尔斯·狄更斯  英国小说家查尔斯·约翰·赫芬姆·狄更斯(Charles John Huffam Dickens,1812年2月7日~1870年6月9日) 英国维多利亚时期的著名小说家,他的作品至今依然盛行,并对英国文学发展起到重要影响。  狄更斯1812年出生于英国朴次茅斯(Portsmouth),是海军职员约翰·狄更斯和伊丽莎白·巴洛所生的第二个孩子。狄更斯5岁时全家就迁居占松(Chatham),10岁时又搬到康登镇(Camden Town)。  小时候狄更斯曾经在一所私立学校接受过一段时间的教育,但是12岁时,狄更斯的父亲就因债务问题而入狱,狄更斯也因此被送到伦敦一家鞋油场当学徒,每天工作10个小时。或许是由于这段经历,使得狄更斯的作品更关注底层社会劳动人民的生活状态。  不过后来由于父亲继承了一笔遗产而令家庭经济状况有所好转,狄更斯也才有机会重新回到学校。15岁时他从威灵顿学院毕业,随后进入一家律师行工作,后来又转入报馆,成为一名报导国会辩论的记者。狄更斯并没有接受很多的正规教育,基本上是靠自学成才。  2、小说分析  狄更斯在小说中无情地揭露和鞭挞了资本主义社会的黑暗和虚伪。1838年和1839年,他发表了《雾都孤儿》和《尼古拉斯·尼可贝》,描写了资本主义社会穷苦儿童的悲惨生活,揭露了贫民救济所和学校教育的黑暗。狄更斯是英国最伟大的小说家之一,英国现实主义文学的杰出代表,对世界文学有巨大的影响。  《雾都孤儿》是狄更斯第二部长篇小说。这位年仅二十五岁的小说家决心学习英国现实主义画家威廉u2022荷加斯(William Hogarth,1697一1764)的榜样,勇敢地直面人生,真实地表现当时伦敦贫民窟的悲惨生活。他抱着一个崇高的道德意图:抗议社会的不公,并唤起社会舆论,推行改革,使处于水深火热中的贫民得到救助。正因为如此,狄更斯历来被我国及前苏联学者界定为“英国文学上批判现实主义的创始人和最伟大的代表”。对此,我有一些不同的见解:文学艺术是一种特殊的社会意识形态,它必然是社会存在的反映。但是,我们决不能把反映现实的文学都说成是现实主义文学,把“现实主义”的外延无限扩展。事实上,作家运用的创作方法多种多样,因人而异,这和作家的特殊气质和性格特点密切相关。狄更斯的创作,想象力极为丰富,充满诗的激情,他着意渲染自己的道德理想,处处突破自然的忠实临摹,借用一句歌德的话:它比自然高了一层。这和萨克雷、特洛罗普等坚持的客观。冷静、严格写实的方法有显著的区别。  试以《雾都孤儿》为例,(一)个性化的语言是狄更斯在人物塑造上运用得十分出色的一种手段。书中的流氓、盗贼、妓女的语言都切合其身份,甚至还用了行业的黑话。然而,狄更斯决不作自然主义的再现,而是进行加工、提炼和选择,避免使用污秽、下流的话语。主人公奥立弗语言规范、谈吐文雅,他甚至不知偷窃为何物。他是在济贫院长大的孤儿,从未受到良好的教育,所接触的都是罪恶累累、堕落不堪之辈,他怎么会讲这么好的英文呢?这用“人是一切社会关系总和”的历史唯物主义观点是无法解释的。可见,狄更斯着力表现的是自己的道德理想,而不是追求完全的逼真。(二)在优秀的现实主义小说中,故事情节往往是在环境作用下的人物性格发展史,即高尔基所说的“某种性格、典型的成长和构成的历史”。然而,狄更斯不拘任何格套,想要多少巧合就安排多少巧合。奥立弗第一次跟小偷上街,被掏兜的第一人恰巧就是他亡父的好友布朗罗。第二次,他在匪徒赛克斯的劫持下入室行窃,被偷的恰好是他亲姨妈露丝u2022梅莱家。这在情理上无论如何是说不过去的。但狄更斯自有天大的本领,在具体的细节描写中充满生活气息和激情,使你读时紧张得喘不过气来,对这种本来是牵强的、不自然的情节也不得不信以为真。这就是狄更斯的艺术世界的魅力。(三)狄更斯写作时,始终有一种“感同身受的想象力”(Sympathetic imagination),即使对十恶不赦的人物也一样。书中贼首、老犹太费金受审的一场始终从费金的心理视角出发。他从天花板看到地板,只见重重叠叠的眼睛都在注视着自己。他听到对他罪行的陈述报告,他把恳求的目光转向律师,希望能为他辩护几句。人群中有人在吃东西,有人用手绢扇风,还有一名青年画家在画他的素描,他心想:不知道像不像,真想伸过脖子去看一看……一位绅士出去又进来,他想:准是吃饭去了,不知吃的什么饭?看到铁栏杆上有尖刺,他琢磨着:这很容易折断。从此又想到绞刑架,这时,他听到自己被处绞刑。他只是喃喃地说,自己岁数大了,大了,接着就什么声音也发不出来了。在这里,狄更斯精心选择了一系列细节,不但描绘了客观事物,而且切入了人物的内心世界,表现了他极其丰富的想象力。他运用的艺术方法,不是“批判现实主义”所能概括的。我倒是赞赏英国作家、狄更斯专家乔治·吉辛(George Giss-ing,1857—1903)的表述,他把狄更斯的创作方法称为“浪漫的现实主义”(romantic realism)。我认为这一表述才够准确,才符合狄更斯小说艺术的实际。  小说的主人公奥利弗·特威斯特,是一名生在济贫院的孤儿,忍饥挨饿,备受欺凌,由于不堪棺材店老板娘、教区执事邦布儿等人的虐待而独自逃往伦敦,不幸刚一到达就受骗误入贼窟。窃贼团伙的首领费金千方百计,企图把奥利弗训练为扒手供他驱使。奥利弗跟随窃贼伙伴“机灵鬼”和贝茨上街时,被误认为他偷了一位叫布朗洛的绅士(恰巧是他父亲生前的好友)的手绢而被警察逮捕。后因书摊老板证明了他的无辜,说明小偷另有其人,他才被释放。由于他当时病重昏迷,且容貌酷似友人生前留下的一副少妇画像,布朗洛收留他在家中治病,得到布朗洛及其女管家比德温太太无微不至的关怀,第一次感受到人间的温暖。窃贼团伙害怕奥利弗会泄露团伙的秘密,在费金指示下,塞克斯和南希费尽心机,趁奥利弗外出替布朗洛归还书摊老板的图书的时候用计使他重新陷入了贼窟。但当费金试图惩罚毒打奥利弗的上时候,南希挺身而出保护了奥利弗。费金用威胁、利诱、灌输等手段企图迫使奥利弗成为一名窃贼,成为费金的摇钱树。一天黑夜,奥利弗在塞克斯的胁迫下参加对一座大宅院的行窃。正当奥利弗准备趁爬进窗户的机会向主人报告时,被管家发现后开枪打伤。窃贼仓惶逃跑时,把奥利弗丢弃在路旁水沟之中。奥利弗在雨雪之中带伤爬行,无意中又回道那家宅院,昏到在门口。好心的主人梅丽夫人及其养女罗斯小姐收留并庇护了他。无巧不成书,这位罗斯小姐正是奥利弗的姨妈,但双方都不知道。在梅丽夫人家,奥利弗真正享受到了人生的温馨和美好。但费金团伙却不能放过奥利弗。有一天一个名叫蒙克斯的人来找费金,这人是奥利弗的同父异母兄长,由于他的不肖,他父亲在遗嘱中将全部遗产给了奥利弗,除非奥利弗和蒙克斯是一样的不肖儿女,遗产才可由蒙克斯继承。为此蒙克斯出高价买通费金,要他使奥利弗变成不可救药的罪犯,以便霸占奥利弗名下的全部遗产,并发泄自己对已去世的父亲的怨恨。正当蒙克斯得意洋洋的谈到他如何和帮布尔夫妇狼狈为奸,毁灭了能证明奥利弗身份的唯一证据的时候,被南希听见。南希见义勇为,同情奥利弗的遭遇,冒生命危险,偷偷找到罗斯小姐,向她报告了这一切。  正当罗斯小姐考虑如何行动时,奥利弗告诉她,他找到了布朗洛先生。罗斯小姐就和布朗洛商议了处理方法。罗斯小姐在布朗洛陪同下再次和南西会面时,布朗洛获知蒙克斯即他的已故好友埃得温。利弗得的不肖儿子,决定亲自找蒙克斯交涉,但他们的谈话被费金派出的密探听见。塞克斯就凶残的杀害了南西。南西之死使费金团伙遭到了灭顶之灾。费金被捕,后上了绞刑架,塞克斯在逃窜中失足被自己的绳子勒死。与此同时,蒙克斯被布朗洛挟持到家中,逼他供出了一切,事情真相大白,奥利弗被布朗洛收为养子,从此结束了他的苦难的童年。为了给蒙克斯自新的机会,把本应全归奥利弗继承的遗产分一半给他。但蒙克斯劣性不改,把家产挥霍殆尽,继续作恶,终被锒铛入狱,死在狱中。邦布尔夫恶有恶报,被革去一切职务,一贫如洗,在他们曾经作威作福的济贫院度过余生。  在这本书中,奥利弗、南希、罗斯小姐都是善良的代表,他们都出生于苦难之中,在黑暗和充满罪恶的世界中成长,但在他们的心中始终保持着一偏纯洁的天地,一颗善良的心,种种磨难并不能使他们堕落或彻底堕落,发而更显示出他们出污泥而不染的光彩夺目的晶莹品质。最后,邪不胜正,正义的力量战胜了邪恶,虽然南希最后遇难,但正是她的死所召唤出来的惊天动地的社会正义力量,正是她在冥冥中的在天之灵,注定了邪恶势力的代表——费金团伙的灭顶之灾。因此在小说中,南希的精神得到了升华,奥利弗则得到了典型意义上的善报。而恶人的代表——费金、蒙克斯、邦布尔、塞克斯无不一一落得个悲惨的下场。  3、中文译本  本书最佳中译文由荣如德1984年翻译,上海译文出版社出版。  翻译荣如德介绍:  上海市文史研究馆馆员,从事俄、英语翻译。主要翻译作品有狄更斯《雾都孤儿》、斯蒂文森《金银岛》、王尔德《道连·葛雷的画像》、萨克雷《花花世界》、陀斯妥耶夫斯基《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》、《白痴》、《白夜》等。  丛书名: 名著名译插图本  出 版 社: 人民文学出版社  出版时间: 2008-6-1  页 数: 437  开 本: 32开  I S B N : 9787020071180  分类: 图书 >> 小说 >> 世界名著 >> 欧洲  定价:¥23.00  内容简介  《雾都孤儿》以雾都伦敦为背景,讲述了一个孤儿悲惨的身世及遭遇,主人公奥立弗在孤儿院长大,经历学徒生涯,艰苦逃难,误入贼窝,又被迫与狠毒的凶徒为伍,历尽无数辛酸,最后在善良人的帮助下,查明身世并获得了幸福。  小说描写了善与恶、美与丑、正义与邪恶的斗争,赞扬了人们天性中的正直和善良,也揭露抨击了当时英国慈善机构的虚伪和治安警察的专横。同时,作品又带有浓厚的浪漫主义情调,充满着人道主义情怀。  作者狄更斯(1812-1870),生于英国一个贫苦家庭,父亲是海军小职员,10岁时,狄更斯全家被迫迁人债务人监狱,11岁就开始承担繁重的家务。狄更斯的第一部长篇小说《匹克威克外传》就取得了惊人的成功。1836年下半年,他25岁时担任《本特里》杂志的主编,于1838年10月完成了小说《雾都孤儿》。  本书完全忠实于原著,语言流畅准确,情节生动,精美的插图更使此书增色不少。相信少年朋友们拿起此书会爱不释手的。  图书目录  第一章 关于奥利弗·退斯特的出生地和他出生时的情景  第二章 奥利弗·退斯特的成长、教育和董事会  第三章 说说奥利弗·退斯特如何险些找到一份差事,但那自然也不会是什么白拿钱的闲差  第四章 奥利弗得到了另一个差事,于是首次进入了社会生活  第五章 奥利弗结识了一些新伙友。第一次参加出殡活动,便对他主人的这一行当不感兴趣  第六章 奥利弗为诺亚所激怒,奋起反抗,竟使他大为惊慌失措  第七章 奥利弗仍不听管束  第八章 奥利弗徒步前往伦敦。途中和一位奇怪的年轻先生相遇  第九章 进一步介绍那快活的老先生和他的前途无量的门徒们的情况  第十章 奥利弗对他的一些新伙友的性情有了进一步的了解;他以极高的代价买得一次经验。此章在这部传记中虽甚短却很重要  第十一章 介绍警察局长范先生,并略举小例以示司法工作之一斑  第十二章 在此章中奥利弗受到了前所未有的热情照顾。同时此章还将再叙及那位快活的老先生和他的一些年幼的朋友  第十三章 在这里聪明的读者们将会结识一些新朋友,并了解到和本故事有关的关于他们的一些有趣的情节  第十四章 本章将进一步叙述奥利弗在布朗洛先生家的经历,和一位格里姆韦格先生在奥利弗出门办事时所作奇特的预言  第十五章 表明快活的犹太老人和南希小姐是如何喜欢奥利弗·退斯特  第十六章 讲一讲奥利弗·退斯特被南希领走以后的遭遇  第十七章 奥利弗的时运仍然不济,竟有一位大人物来到伦敦败坏他的名声  第十八章 奥利弗如何在他的可敬的朋友们中间度过获益匪浅的时光  第十九章 在本章中讨论了一个重大计划并决定将它付诸实施  第二十章 奥利弗被送往威廉·赛克斯先生家  第二十一章 出动  第二十二章 破门盗窃  第二十三章 本章包括班博先生和一位太太的愉快谈话的基本内容,表明即使是一位教区管事有时也难免有情  ……  4、书摘  “麻烦!”奥立弗大声说道,“噢!亲爱的小姐,我要是能替你干活就好了。只要能让你高兴,替你浇花或者是看着你的鸟儿,要不就整天跑上跑下逗你开心,怎么都行。”  “完全用不着怎么样,”梅莱小姐笑盈盈地说,“以前我跟你讲过,我们有的是事情让你干。那怕你只能做到你答应的一半那么多,你就真的让我非常开心了。”  “开心,小姐。”奥立弗叫了起来,“你这么说,你的心真好。”  “我不知该有多高兴呢,”少女答道,“一想到我亲爱的好姑妈出了力,把一个人从你向我们描述的那种可悲的苦难中解救出来,这对于我就是一种难以形容的欢乐。又知道她关怀同情的对象也真心诚意地知恩图报,你真的无法想象我有多么高兴。你懂我的意思吗?”她注视着奥立弗沉思的面容,问道。  “呃,是的,小姐,我懂。”奥立弗急切地回答,“可我在想,我已经有点忘恩负义了。”  “对谁?”少女问道。  “那位好心的绅士啊,还有那位亲爱的老阿妈,他们过去对我可好呢,”奥立弗答道,“要是他们知道我现在多么幸福的话,他们一定很高兴,我敢保证。”  “他们一定会高兴的,”奥立弗的女恩人说道,“罗斯伯力先生真是个好人,他答应,一旦你身体好起来,能够出门旅行,他就带你去看看他们。”  “是吗,小姐?”奥立弗高兴得容光焕发,不禁大叫了一声。“等我再一次看到他们的慈祥面容的时候,真不知道会乐成什么样子。”  奥立弗的身体不久就恢复得差不多了,能够经受一次远行的劳顿。果不其然,一天清晨,他和罗斯伯力先生乘上梅莱太太的小马车出发了。车到杰茨桥的时候,奥立弗脸色变得煞白,发出一声高喊。  “这孩子怎么啦?”大夫照例又紧张起来,大声问道,“你是不是看见了什么——听见了什么——感觉到了什么——哦?”  “那里,先生,”奥立弗一边喊,一边从车窗里指出去,“那所房子。”  “是啊,那有什么关系?停车。在这里停一下,”大夫嚷道,“宝贝儿,那房子怎么了,唔?”  “那些贼——他们带我去的就是那所房子。”奥立弗低声说道。  “让它见鬼去!”大夫喊道,“啊哈,在那儿呢!我要下车!”  然而,车夫还没来得及从座位上跳下来,大夫已经想办法从马车里爬了出去。他跑到那所废弃的房子跟前,开始踢门,跟一个疯子似地。  “喂喂?”一个委琐丑恶的驼背汉子猛地把门打开,说道。大夫由于最后一脚用力过猛,险些跌进了过道。“出了什么事?”  “什么事!”这一位大吼一声,不假思索地揪住那人的衣领。“事多着呢。打劫的事。”  “还会出杀人的事呢,”驼背汉子冷冷地答道,“你要是不丢手的话。你听见没有?”  “问我听见没有,”大夫说着,给了俘虏一阵猛抖。“在哪儿——他妈的那家伙,叫什么来着——赛克斯,对了,赛克斯在哪儿,你这个贼?”  驼背汉子瞪大了眼睛,似乎无比惊诧无比愤慨的样子,随后便灵巧地挣脱大夫的手,咆哮着发出一阵可怕的诅咒,往屋子里退去。不过,他还没来得及关上房门,大夫已经二话不说,闯进了一间屋子。他焦急地看了看四周:没有一件家具,没有一样东西,不管是有生命的还是无生命的,能和奥立弗的描绘对得上,连那只食品柜的位置也不对。  “喂,”驼背汉子一直严密注视着大夫,这时说道,“你这么蛮不讲理闯进我家,打算干什么?你是想抢我呢,还是想杀了我?是哪一种啊?”  “你莫非见到过一个人乘双驾马车出门杀人抢东西,你这个可笑的老吸血鬼?”生性急躁的大夫说。  “那你想干什么?”驼背问道,“你再不出去,可别怪我不客气了!滚你的!”  “我认为合适的时候会走的,”罗斯伯力先生一边说,一边朝另一个房间望去,那个房间和前边那间一样,完全不像奥立弗说的样子。“总有一天我会查到你的底细,我的朋友。”  “你行吗?”丑恶的驼子冷冷一笑。“随你什么时候找我,我都在这儿,我在这地方住了二十五年了,一没有发疯,二不是就我一个人,还怕你?你会付出代价的,你会付出代价的。”说着,矮小的丑八怪发出一阵嚎叫,在地上又蹦又跳,像是气得失去了常态。  “真够愚蠢的,这也,”大大暗自说道,“那孩子准是弄错了。喏,把这放进你的口袋,重新把你自各儿关起来吧。”随着这番话,他扔给驼背一张钞票,便回马车上去了。  驼背汉子尾随着来到车门前,一路发出无数最最野蛮的诅咒与怒骂。然而,就在罗斯伯力先生转身和车夫说话时,他探头朝马车里边望去,刹那间瞧了奥立弗一眼,目光是那样犀利,咄咄逼人,同时又是那样凶狠,充满敌意,奥立弗在后来的几个月里,不管是醒来的时候还是睡着了,都始终忘不了。直到车夫回到座位上,那汉子还在不停地破口大骂。他们重新踏上旅途,这时还可以看见他在后边跺脚,扯头发,不知是真是假地暴跳如雷。  “我真是个笨蛋,”大夫沉默了很久才说道,“你以前知道吗,奥立弗?”  “不知道,先生。”  “那下一回可别忘了。”  “一个笨蛋,”大夫再度陷入沉默,过了几分钟他又说道,“就算地方找对了,而且就是那帮家伙,我单枪匹马,又能怎么样?就算有帮手,我看也得不到什么结果,只会让我自己出丑,还不得不供出我把此事遮掩过去的经过。总之,我真是活该。我老是一时性起,搞得自己左右为难。这事应该给我一点教训才对。”  事实上,这位出色的医生一辈子办事都是凭一时冲动,这里可以对支配他的种种冲动说一句不带恶意的恭维活,他非但从来没有被卷进任何特别麻烦或者倒霉的事情中去,反而从所有认识他的人那里得到极为真诚的推崇和敬重。实事求是讲,眼下他是有一点生气,有一两分钟时间感到失望,他很想拿到有关奥立弗身世的确切证据,哪知遇到的头一个机会就落空了。不过,他很快又恢复了常态,发现奥立弗在答复自己的盘问时依然老老实实,前后吻合,显然和以往一样真诚坦率。他打定主意,从今以后完全相信他的话。  因为奥立弗知道布朗罗先生居住的街名,他们可以照直开到那儿去。马车折进了那条街,他的心剧烈地跳起来,几乎喘不过气。  “说吧,我的孩子,是哪一所房子?”罗斯伯力先生问道。  “那一所。那一所。”奥立弗一边回答,一边急迫从车窗里往外指点着。“那所白房子。呃,快呀。开快一点。我觉得自己好像要死了,身上老是哆嗦。”  “到啦,到啦。”好心的大夫拍了拍他的肩膀,说道,“你马上就要看见他们了,他们见到你安然无事,肯定会喜出望外的。”  “呃!我就巴望那样!”奥立弗大声说道,“他们对我真好,非常非常好。”  马车朝前开去,停下了。不,不是这所房子,隔壁才是。车又开了几步,重新停了下来。奥立弗抬头望着那些窗户,几颗泪珠饱含着欢乐的期待滚下面颊。  天啦!白色的房子空空如也,窗扉上贴着一张招贴:“出租”。  “敲敲邻居的门看。”罗斯伯力先生大声说,一边挽住奥立弗的胳臂。“您知道不知道,过去住在隔壁的布朗罗先生上哪儿去了?”  邻家的女仆不知道,但愿意回去问一问。她不一会就回来了,说六个星期之前,布朗罗先生已经变卖了物品,到西印度群岛去了。奥立弗十指交叉,身子往后一仰,瘫倒在地。  “他的管家也走了?”罗斯伯力先生犹豫了一下,问道。  “是的,先生,”女仆回答,“老先生,管家,还有一位绅士是布朗罗先生的朋友,全都一块儿走了。”  “那就掉头回家吧,”罗斯伯力先生对车夫说,“你不要停下来喂马,等开出这该死的伦敦城再说。”  “去找那位书摊掌柜,好不好,先生?”奥立弗说道,“我认识上那儿去的路。去见见他,求求您了,先生。去见见他吧。”  “我可怜的孩子,这一天已经够令人失望的了,”大夫说,“我们俩都受够了。如果我们去找那个书摊掌柜,保准会发现他死掉了,要不就是放火烧了自家的房子,或者溜之大吉了。不,这就直接回家。”在大夫的一时冲动之下,他们便回家去了。  这一次大失所望的寻访发生在奥立弗满心欢喜的时刻,搞得他非常惋惜、伤心。患病期间,他无数次高高兴兴地想到,布朗罗先生和贝德温太太将要向他讲些什么,自己也会向他们讲述,有多少个漫长的日日夜夜,他都是在回忆他们替他做的那些事,痛惜自己与他们给生拉活扯地拆散了,能向他们讲述这一切该是多么惬意。总有一天能在他们面前洗去自己身上的污垢,说清自己是如何横遭绑架的,这个希望激励着他,支持着他熬过了最近的一次次考验。现在,他们到那么远的地方去了,带着他是一个骗子兼强盗的信念走了——他们的这个信念,也许一直到自己离开尘世之日也无法辩解了——他几乎承受不了这样的想法。  然而,这种情况丝毫也没有改变他的几位恩人的态度。又是两个星期过去了,温暖、晴好的天气开始稳定,花草树木长出了嫩绿的叶片和鲜艳的繁花,这时,他们作好了准备,要离开杰茨的这所房子几个月。他们把曾经使费金垂涎三尺的餐具送到银行寄存起来,留下凯尔司和另一个仆人看房子,带着奥立弗到远处一所乡村别墅去了。  这个羸弱的孩子来到一个内地的乡村,呼吸着芬芳的空气,置身于青山密林之中,谁能描述他感受到的快乐、喜悦、平和与宁静啊!又有谁能说出,祥和宁静的景色是怎样映入固守闹市的人们的脑海,又是如何将它们本身具有的活力深深地注入他们疲惫不堪的心田!人们居住在拥挤狭窄的街上,一生劳碌,从未想到过换换环境——习惯的的确确成了他们的第二天性,他们几乎可以说爱上了组成他们日常漫步的狭小天地的一砖一石——即便是他们,当死神向他们伸出手来的时候,最终也会幡然醒悟,渴望看一眼大自然的容颜。他们一旦远离旧日喜怒哀乐的场面,似乎立刻进入了一个崭新的天地。日复一日,他们缓缓走向充满阳光的绿色草地,一看到天空、山丘、平原和湖光水影,他们便在内心唤醒了记忆,只须预先品尝一下天国的滋味便可抚平飞速衰朽的痛苦,他们像西下的落日一样平静地进入自己的坟墓,几个小时以前,他们还曾孤独地守在卧室窗日,望着落日余晖慢慢消失在自己暗淡无光的眼睛里。宁静的山乡唤起的记忆不属于这个世界,也不属于这个世界的意志与希望。这些回忆会温和地感染我们,教会我们如何编织鲜艳的花环,放在我们所爱的那些人的坟前;能净化我们的思想,压倒旧日的嫌隙怨恨。可是在这一切之下,在每一颗心灵中就算是最麻木的心灵,一个模糊不清、尚未完全成形的意识,很久以前,在某个相隔遥远的时刻,就有过这种感觉的意识,始终流连不去,启迪人们庄重地瞩目遥远的未来,将傲慢与俗念压在它的下边。(第32章)  5、小说在线阅读  http://www.oklink.net/00/0104/wudu/index.html  http://baike.baidu.com/view/38981.htm
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  Tells the story of an orphan"s miserable experience讲述了一个孤儿的悲惨经历
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求Charles Dickens所有作品中英文名

双城记 英文版 A Tale of Two Cities 圣诞颂歌 英文版 A Christmas Carol 大卫.科波菲尔 大卫.科波菲尔 英文版 David Copperfield 艰难时世 英文版 Hard Times 荒凉山庄 英文版 Bleak House 董贝父子 董贝父子 英文版 Dombey and Son 远大前程 远大前程 英文版 Great Expectations 雾都孤儿 雾都孤儿 英文版 Oliver Twist
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希望采纳 谢谢!简爱 Small, plain and poor, Jane Eyre comes to Thornfield Hall as governess to the young ward of Edward Rochester. Denied love all her life, Jane can"t help but be attracted to the intelligent, vibrant, energetic Mr. Rochester, a man twice her age. But just when Mr. Rochester seems to be returning the attention, he invites the beautiful and wealthy Blanche Ingram and her party to stay at his estate. Meanwhile, the secret of Thornfield Hall could ruin all their chances for happiness. 呼啸山庄It"s a story about love and revenge . Heathcilff was adopted by Mr Earnshaw on the Livepool Street .He live with Mr Earnshaw "s son Hindly and his daughter Cathy.Hindley hated Heathcilff but his sister like Heathcilff.After Earnshaw died ,Hindley become the host of the family ,he treated Heathcliff as a farmer and insult him .At the same time ,Cathy and Heathcliff love each other.Linton ,the son of Thrushcross Grange,pay court to Cathy ,and visit her very often .Cathy made up her mind to get married with him,Heathcliff was very angry and went out.Heathcliff came back with a lot of money. He cheated Hindley"belongings by gambling.He did the things all for revenge.He married Linton"siston Isabella .Cathy died after she gave a birth to little Catherine.Isabella discerned Heathcliff and left him .She procreated little Linton and died .Heathcliff spoliated little Linton and badgered him to love little Catherine.Heathcliff hijacked little Catherine and forced her to be married with his son .After this ,he annexed all Linton"belongings and finish his revenge. At the same time , Heathcliff was importuned by Cathy .He stayed at his own room all day and didn"t have meal or sleep.At last,he died in dumps and delirium雾都孤儿One of Dickens most enduringly popular stories is Oliver Twist, an early work published 1837-8. Like many of his later novels, its central theme is the hardship faced by the dispossessed and those of the outside of tolite society. Oliver himself is born in a workhouse and treated cruelly there as was the norm at the time for pauper children, in particular by Bumble, a parish council official or eadle The story follows Oliver as he escapes the workhouse and runs away to London. Here he receives an education in villainy from the criminal gang of Fagin that includes the brutal thief Bill Sikes, the famous artful Dodger and Nancy, Bill whore. Oliver is rescued by the intervention of a benefactor - Mr Brownlow - but the mysterious Monks gets the gang to kidnap the boy again. Nancy intervenes but is murdered viciously by Sikes after she has showed some redeeming qualities and has discovered Monk sinister intention. The story closes happily and with justice for Bumble and the cruel Monks who has hidden the truth of Oliver parentage out of malice. Accusations were made that the book glamorised crime (like the ewgate Group of the period) but Dickens wisely disassociated himself from criminal romances. His achievement was in fact in presenting the underworld and problems of poverty to the well-off in a way rarely attempted previously远大前程A lager room, where curtains were closed to allow no daylight in, and the candles were lit,. in the centre of the room .there was a table, .at which was a ady. She was wearing a dressmade of rich material.She had a bride"s flowers in her hair.but herhair was white.There were suitcases full of dresses and jewels around her.ready for a journey.She only had one white shoe on.the white wedding dress had became yellow.and the flowers in her hair was died.and the bride inside the dress had grown old.Everything in the room was ancient and dying.the only brightness in the room was in her dark old eyes.Who was the lady?She was Miss havisham.a pitiful lady.Her mother died young.Her farther was very rich and very proud.with only one child,Miss Havisham,by his first wife.Then he married his cook.and had a son by her.This son a half brther to Miss havisham,was a bad character,and did not inherit as mush from his farther as Miss Havisham.He fund a man.The man pretended he was in love with Miss havisham.She was certainly in love with him.and give him whatever money he asked for.The couple fixed the wedding day.the guest were invited.The dress and the cake were brought in the room.The day came,but the man did not came…He broke her heart.She was angry .She wanted revenge.She adopt Estella.She wanted she to revenge.She said to Pip,who was deeply in love with Estella. “love her ,love her,love her !If she likes you,love her!If she hurt you.love her!if she tears your heart to pieces.love her!”But she did not want Estella to marry Pip.She let her marry another person,who Estella did not love.This is the story of Miss Havisham.She was hurt by a person.She wanted to hurt other persons.And she had done.This is no good for her.Only made her feel a little comfortable.and there was more victims in the world.there are so many persons in the world.when they were hurt they want to hurt other innocent persons.Athough this is no goodnfor them.but they did so.I do not know why they did so.Revenge?Made the world full of hateness.It is difficult to understand. Joe was very different from Miss Havisham.His farther drank a lot,and when he drank he used to hit his mother and Joe.Joe"s mother and Joe ran away fromhim,but he found them and took them home.and hit them.but Jos said that his farther had a good heart.It is difficult to understand.Pip"s sister,Joe"s wife,a rude lady.She liked to be in charge and give orders.But Joe did not rebel.He said that when he thought of his por mother"s hard life.he was not afraid of not behaving right to a woman.so he"d rather seem a bit weak her than shouted at her.or hurt her.or hit her.He felt soory that she scrolded Pip as well.He wished that he could take all the scolding himself.What a kind person.Joe is other kind of person.When he was hurt.he would not let other peole suffer from it.he is very different from Miss Havisham.If there are more Jes live in the world,what the world will be?All of us can imagine.I did not say Joe is a very good person.I only say,if sme one hurt you.It is his faults.and you can revenge t him.Please do not hurt other innocent poele.Miss Havisham and Joe are two persons made me think a lot in this book.Their different outlook on life. Pip is also an important persoon in the story.He fall in love with Estella.He studied as hard as he could.educating himself for her.Why did he love her?Because she is pretty?Because she is rich?Because she is proud?She did not treat him well.She give something eat to him.She put some bread and meat on the groundfor him.like a dog,but he did not hate her.he loved her as well.Beacause Pip loved her .he filt ashamed of his friends.he left from his home and his friends.
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奥利弗·特威斯特 Oliver Twist
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这是雾都孤儿的角色档案Character Profiles Agnes- Oliver"s mother who died giving birth. The only thing she left was a locket with her name inscribed.Nurse- Woman who delivered Oliver, and later died in the workhouse revealing the story of the locket and the night Oliver was born.Oliver Twist- The main character of the story, Oliver is an affection-starved little boy who will not commit crimes. He was abused as a young child, and only wants to be loved. His adventures make him the best of friends and the worst of enemies. Mrs. Mann - The woman who raised Oliver for the first nine years. She treated him and her other orphans very poorly by beating and starving them.Mr. Bumble- The town beadle who thinks very lowly of Oliver. He eventually marries Mrs. Corney and makes Oliver"s life more difficult. Mr. Gamfield- A chimneysweeper who wanted Oliver as an apprentice. Mr. Sowerberry- A coffin maker that Oliver was apprenticed to. He generally treated the boy well, but chose his wife"s lies over Oliver"s truths. Mrs. Sowerberry- Wife of the coffin maker who disliked young Oliver.Charlotte- Maid to the Sowerberry"s that ends up running away with Noah and beginning a life of crime.Noah Claypole - Another worker for the Sowerberry"s, Noah antagonizes Oliver when he was there, and when he begins to work for Fagin, his actions lead to the death of Nancy.Young Dick- A friend of Oliver"s at Mrs. Mann"s who loves him. Jack Dawkins- “Artful Dodger” is a young accomplished thief who finds Oliver on the road to London and introduces him to Fagin.Fagin- The main antagonist in the story, “The Jew” takes Oliver under his wing and tries to make a pickpocket out of him. He is a powerful crime leader who has an affection for only money and will kill anyone who stands in his way.Charley Bates- Another one of Fagin"s thieves who tends to laugh at everything in life.Betsy- A woman who works for Fagin.Nancy- A woman who works for Fagin and tries to help Oliver which eventually leads to her death. She is passionate, caring, and loves Sikes, who eventually kills her. Mr. Brownlow- A man who Oliver"s thief friends rob on the street. He takes Oliver in, and discovers his true parentage. Mrs. Bedwin- Mr. Brownlow"s housekeeper who nurses Oliver back to health.Mr. Grimwig- A friend of Mr. Brownlow who is very cynical of the boy but eventually helps to keep him safe.Mr. Sikes - Another evil character who is a member of Fagin"s gang. He has a little white dog that follows him everywhere. He threatens Oliver and reluctantly leaves him to die in a field after the boy was shot. He kills Nancy in a rage, and eventually kills himself.Tom Chitling- Another petty thief of Fagin"sToby Crackit- A “flash” man who helps Sikes attempt to commit the robbery.Barney- A thief who helps Sikes. Mrs. Corney/ Mrs. Bumble- The matron of the workhouse Oliver was born in who eventually marries Mr. Brumble and here"s the confession of the nurse on her deathbed. She finds the evidence of Oliver"s parentage, and sells it to Monks. Giles- The butler of the Maylie household, he is the man who shot Oliver.Brittles- The “boy” of the Maylie household who was also there the night Oliver was shot. Rose Maylie- The adopted niece of Mrs. Maylie who turns out to be Oliver"s Aunt. She is kind, loving, and a great joy in Oliver"s life. Mrs. Maylie- An old woman who accepts Oliver into her home and finally gives him a loving atmosphere to live in.Mr. Losberne - The doctor and friend of Mrs. Maylie who helps Oliver in his adventures. He is impatient and earnest, but also happy and kindhearted.Blathers Duff- The two Bow Street Runners who come to investigate the attempted robbery. They are filled with stories to tell, and are suspicious of Oliver.Harry Maylie- The son of Mrs. Maylie, Harry is deeply in love with Rose and would do anything to marry her. He befriends Oliver and adds to the boy"s loving atmosphere.Monks/ Edward Leeford- Oliver"s older half brother who does not want to split his inheritance with the bastard child. He destroys the evidence of Oliver"s mother, and is a cohort of Fagin and his gang 这里是对三个主要角色的英文人物分析http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/oliver/canalysis.html
2023-07-19 17:14:331

oliver twist英文简介内容

  《雾都孤儿》,长篇写实小说,以雾都伦敦为背景,讲述了一个孤儿悲惨的身世及遭遇。下面是我为你整理的oliver twist英文简介,希望对你有用!  oliver twist简介   "oliver twist" is the British writer Dickens published in 1838 long realistic novel.   The fog is London as the background, tells an orphan tragic life experience and encounter. The hero Oliver grew up in the orphanage, experienced apprenticeship, hard to flee, mistakenly into the thief nest, and forced to vicious and the culprit, went through numerous bitterness, and finally with the help of good people, find life experience and get happiness.   The book exposes many of the social problems at the time, such as relief homes, child labor, and gangs to attract young people to participate in crime. The book has been adapted several times for film, television and stage play.   oliver twist内容简介   The hero of the novel, Oliver Drizzer, is an orphan who is born in the workhouse, hungry and bullying, and fled to London alone because of the abuse of the coffin shop owner, Just one arrived on the cheated into the thief cave. The leader of the thieves" group, Felkin, did everything possible to train Oliver as a pickpocket for him. Oliver followed the thief partner "ghosts" and Bates took to the streets when he was mistaken for him to be stolen by a policeman who called Brown"s gentleman (who happened to be his father"s friend). After the bookstore boss proved his innocent, that thief another person, he was released. Because he was seriously ill, and looks like a friend left a portrait of a young woman left behind, Browno admitted him at home for treatment, get Browno and his stewardess than the gentleman care for everyone, the first time to feel the world The warmth. The thief gangs were afraid that Oliver would reveal the secrets of the gangs, and at the point of the feathers, Sikes and Nancy were exhausted, and when Oliver went out to repay the books of the bosses for Browns, he was reintroduced into the thief. But when Felic tried to punish the beaten Oliver, Nancy came forward to protect Oliver. Fee gold with a threat, inducement, indoctrination and other means attempt to force Oliver to become a thief, as the money of the money tree.   One night, Oliver took a burglary of a mansion under the squeak of Skex. While Oliver was prepared to take the opportunity to climb into the window to report to the owner, was stabbed after the steward found. When the thief fled, the Oliver was thrown into the ditch in the roadside. Oliver crawl in the rain and snow, inadvertently back to the house, faint to the door. The majestic master, Mrs. Meri and her daughter, Miss Rose, shelter and shelter him. It was Oliver"s aunt, but neither of them knew it. In the family of Meri, Oliver really enjoy the warmth and beauty of life. But the fee gold gang can not let Oliver. One day a man named Monks came to Fagin, who was Oliver"s half-brother, and because of his filial piety, his father gave all of his legacy to Oliver in his will, unless Oliver and Monks were The same filial children, inheritance can be inherited by Monks. For this reason, Monks bought a high price, asking him to turn Oliver into an incurable criminal, in order to occupy all the legacy of Oliver"s name, and to vent his own father"s resentment. While Monks was triumphantly talking about how he and the Bumble husband and wife were dismayed and destroyed the only evidence to prove Oliver"s identity, he was heard by Nancy. Nancy was brave, sympathetic to Oliver"s encounter, risking his life, and secretly finding Miss Ross, and told her all about it.   While Miss Ross thought about how to act, Oliver told her that he had found Mr. Brownlow. Miss Ross and Brownlo discuss the handling of the method. Miss Ross was next to Bruno to meet again with Nancy, and Brownlo was informed that Monks was his uncle"s friend, Edwin Lever"s filial son, who decided to find Monks in person, but their conversation was The charges sent by the spies. Sussex murdered Nancy. The death of Nancy made the fugitive gang a disaster. Fagin was arrested, after the gallows, Sikes in the escape in the stumbled by their own rope strangled. At the same time, Monks was hijacked at home by Browns, forcing him out of everything, the truth of the matter, Oliver was Browno for the adopted son, from the end of his suffering childhood. In order to give Monks a new opportunity to give all the inheritance of Oliver inherited half to him. But Monks inferior does not change, the family wealthy exhausted, continue to do evil, was finally jailed, died in prison. Bombour had a great deal of evil, had all the duties, and had been living in poverty and for the rest of his life.   oliver twist艺术特色   "The fog is orphan" in the hero"s English name for the Oliver Twist, and Twist its English meaning "twisted, twists and turns, to distress", which implies the hero Oliver"s life is very rough, to go through a lot of pain. In this novel plot of protest against the community, Oliver is regarded as a hero, whose purpose is not to touch our literary sensitivity, but to impress our emotions.   "Fog orphans" in the characters can be divided into two camps - angel camp and devil camp, the whole novel in the confrontation between the Bodhisattva characters started. Orphans Oliver was born poor but good nature, not received formal education but polite, very educated. And such a lovely boy is born with hunger, poverty, loneliness, and the wicked. In the nursery, the child can not bear the whole day of eating, but also bear all kinds of abuse; in the poor people, Oliver lived a hungry and cold life, just because a little porridge was a blessing of the diocese In the coffin shop, Oliver by apprentice Noah"s jealousy and insult; in London thief cave, Oliver was thief"s first fee gold and other people framed, almost killed. Just as the positive characters in the fairy tale are always persecuted by the witches, the wicked, and the demons, Oliver in the novel has always had the wicked relative. And this unfortunate child after suffering but metamorphosis, and always retain the kindness of nature, wholeheartedly, and finally hard to come, with the help of good people ushered in a new life. "Fog orphans") succeeded in shaping the image of a group of wicked people, including the proprietor of the parish of the bureaucrats bumbles, jealous of the arrogant coffin folks Noah, sturdy and vicious sikes, Sweet fallen thieves, and inferiority of the Monks and so on. At the same time, the novel also shaped a number of good people to teach difficult to teach: warmth of the old gentleman Brown Lou, enthusiastic Mrs Merry, beautiful good Miss Ruth, helpful doctor, young enthusiastic Mr. Harry Conscientious girl Nancy and so on. In the novel, good and evil people camp clear, against the fierce sharp, as the fairy tale to help the angel and the devil"s contest, is a war of justice and evil.   Dickens on the protagonist Oliver"s image to create a clear fairy tale. Little Oliver lived in the workhouse, and was not well educated, but he did not have any abuse, but with good kindness and good education, even in the thief library he can sell themselves, Not dyed. This is obviously illusory and unreal, and the novel in the bourgeoisie image of the shape is full of fantasy. Mrs. Brownlie, Mrs. Meri, and Miss Ruth, who has an angelic face and soul, save Oliver with a generous love to make the orphans in danger come again and again. There is no bourgeois selfishness and greed, some of the poor orphans of the savior, the human virtue in a perfect character.   In the plot settings, "fog orphans" have too many surreal logic adventures and coincidence, showing a strong fairy tale color. Oliver for the first time with the thief took to the streets, stolen people happens to be his father"s friend Brown Lou Lou. In the house of Brown Lou, the portrait of a young woman left by her friend resembles Oliver, and the portrait is his mother. Oliver was lucky to be taken by Brown Lou, and his handling of the broken clothes just fell to the hands of the thief"s first fee, so that the whereabouts of the fall so that he once again fall into the thief. Oliver was stolen in the hijacking of the bandits, and was unlucky to be wounded and seized by Sikes in the wild, struggling to climb to the door of a family, and the house was just going to burglary. Even more surprising is the stolen person happens to be his aunt Ruth Meili home. Oliver"s mother left his belongings to the hands of the woman, Mrs. Koenig, who later became Mrs. Faber. When Sikes went to Oliver"s birthplace, he met Mr. Faber of the bar, so he had successfully bought and destroyed the items that had been claimed by Mrs. Fabre. Some of these episodes coincide in the novel is too numerous to mention, obviously from the reason is difficult to speak in the past, it is precisely because of this adventure to make the orphan story twists and turns, ups and downs.   "Fog orphans" ending by the sad to hi, good and evil have reported. Oliver is suffering and humiliated, regardless of where he is always good tolerance, loyalty and love, to maintain a pure nature and good soul. Finally hard to get happiness. Good and beautiful Miss Ruth also broke the identity of the trip and the happiness of the combination of happiness. For the wicked people in the novel, the author gave them a miserable fate: the thief"s first fee paid by the justice of the trial, on the gallows; Sussex in the escape was stumbled by the rope strangled, and ultimately escape : The thief "can not catch" in order to steal a snuff bottle was sentenced to life extinguished by the court; Monks bad line hard to change, holding family wealthy, and eventually jailed in prison; diocese officer Faber was leather Duties, poverty, in the workhouse for the rest of his life. Although the outcome of such a story has been far from the real life, but the author"s good wishes, but it has reached the evil, the purpose of education. "Fog orphans," this kind of good and evil have reported the outcome and punish evil and good writing intentions and fairy tricks coincide. oliver twist相关 文章 : 1. 《雾都孤儿》英文读书笔记 2. 关于《雾都孤儿》英文读后感范文 3. 《雾都孤儿》英文读书笔记 4. 成功者必看十大励志电影 5. 精彩文章大学即将毕业
2023-07-19 17:14:501


Oliver Twist, written in 1837-38. Tells the story of an orphan boy, whose adventures provides a description of the lower depths of London. Oliver Twist is born in a workhouse in 1830s, England. His mother, whose name no one knows is found on the street and dies just after Oliver"s birth. He is brought up in the workhouse where he and other orphans are maltreated and constantly starved. One day, because Oliver asks for more gruel, he is dent to an undertaker to work as an apprentice, Noah Claypole, makes disparaging comments about Oliver"s mother, Unable to bear it, Oliver attacks him and run away to London. There he falls into the hands of a gang of thieves headed by old Jew Fagin. In the thieve"s den Oliver is taught the skill of pocking and stealing and is forced to steal. He is rescued for a time by the kind-hearted Mr Brownlow. But Nancy and other gang members find him and bring him back .It finally turns out that a mysterious man Monks wants to make the boy a criminal. Once Oliver is forced to help a burglar,Bill Sikes, in a burglary. In the course of it, Oliver is shot and badly wounded, the kindly care from Mrs Maylie and her beautiful adopted niece Rose brings him back to health, Nancy, who now repents for what she has done, tries to help .she tells Rose and Mr. Brownlow of the mystery about Oliver"s origin and is found out by the gang and brutally murdered by Bill Sikes. Persued by his guilty conscience and an angry mob, he inadvertently hangs himself while trying to escape. Fagin is arrested and executed .It is now know that Monks is the half -brother of Oliver and he does all this for the purpose of seizing the whole of their father"s property. Rose is revealed in the end to be the sister of Oliver"s dead mother. Oliver is finally adopted by Mr Brownlow. Monks is exiled and dies in prison. Bumble, the self –important beadle of the workhouse who has conspired with Monk, become an inmate of the workhouse over which he formerly ruled.
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《安娜·卡列尼娜》 ANNA KARENINA ------列夫·托尔斯泰 Tolstoy,Leo 《环绕地球80天》 AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS ------儒勒·凡尔纳 Verne,Jules 《忏悔录》 A CONFESSION ------列夫·托尔斯泰 Tolstoy,Leo 《双城记》 A TALE OF TWO CITIES ------查尔斯·狄更斯 Dickens, Charles 《茶花女》 CAMILLE ------小仲马 Dumas, Alexandre, fils 《罪与罚》CRIME AND PUNISHMENT ------费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基 Dostoevsky, Fyodor 《大卫·科波菲尔》DAVID COPPERFIELD ------查尔斯·狄更斯 Dickens, Charles 《堂·吉诃德》DON QUIXOTE ------米盖尔·台·塞万提斯 Cervantes, Miguel de 《欧也妮·葛朗台》EUGENIE GRANDET ------奥诺瑞·德·巴尔扎克 Balzac,Honore de 《高老头》FATHER GORIOT ------奥诺瑞·德·巴尔扎克 Balzac,Honore de 《巨人传》GARGANTUA AND PANTAGRUEL ------拉伯雷 Rabelais, Francis 《远大前程》GREAT EXPECTATIONS ------查尔斯·狄更斯 Dickens, Charles 《格列佛游记》GULLIVER"S TRAVELS ------琼纳森·斯威夫特 Swift,Jonathan 《简·爱》JANE EYRE ------夏洛蒂·勃朗特 Bronte,Charlotte 《悲惨世界》LES MISERABLES ------维克多·雨果 Hugo,Victor 《包法利夫人》MADAME BOVARY ------居斯塔夫·福楼拜 Flaubert,Gustave 《福尔摩斯回忆录》 MEMOIRS OF SHERLOCK HOLMES ------阿瑟·柯南道尔 Doyle,Sir Arthur Conan 《雾都孤儿》OLIVER TWIST ------查尔斯·狄更斯 Dickens, Charles 《傲慢与偏见》PRIDE AND PREJUDICE ------简·奥斯丁 Austen,Jane 《复活》RESURRECTION ------列夫·托尔斯泰 Tolstoy,Leo 《鲁滨逊漂流记》 ROBINSON CRUSOE ------丹尼尔·笛福 Defoe, Daniel 《德伯家的苔丝》TESS OF THE D"URBERVILLES ------托马斯·哈代 Hardy,Thomas 《基督山伯爵》THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO ------大仲马 Dumas, Alexandre, pere 《巴黎圣母院》THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME ------维克多·雨果 Hugo, Victor 《汤姆·索耶历险记》THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER ------马克·吐温 Twain,Mark 《十日谈》THE DECAMERON ------乔万尼·卜伽丘 Boccaccio,Giovanni 《神秘岛》THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND ------儒勒·凡尔纳 Verne,Jules 《万尼亚舅舅》UNCLE VANYA ------契诃夫 Chekhov,Anton Pavlovich 《浮士德》FAUSTUS ------歌德 Johann,Wolfgang, von,Goethe 《红与黑》BLACK AND RED ------司汤达 Stendhal 《战争与和平》WAR AND PEACE ------列夫·托尔斯泰 Tolstoy,Leo 《呼啸山庄》WUTHERING HEIGHTS ------艾米莉·勃朗特 Bronte,Emily 《三个火枪手》THE THREE MUSKETEERS ------大仲马 Dumas, Alexandre, pere 《哈姆雷特》HAMLET ------威廉·莎士比亚 Shakespeare,William 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》ROMEO AND JULIET ------威廉·莎士比亚 Shakespeare,William 《奥赛罗》OTHELLO,MOOR OF VENICE ------威廉·莎士比亚 Shakespeare,William 《仲夏夜之梦》A MIDSUMMER NIGHT"S DREAM ------威廉·莎士比亚 Shakespeare,William 《威尼斯商人》THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ------威廉·莎士比亚 Shakespeare,William 《灰姑娘》CINDERELLA ------格林兄弟 Grimm Brothers 《小红帽》LITTLE RED - CAP ------格林兄弟 Grimm Brothers 《白雪公主》LITTLE SNOW-WHITE ------格林兄弟 Grimm Brothers 《皇帝的新装》THE EMPEROR"S NEW SUIT ------汉斯·C·安徒生 Andersen, Hans C. 《青蛙王子》THE FROG KING,OR IRON HENRY ------格林兄弟 Grimm Brothers 《卖火柴的小女孩》THE LITTLE MATCH-SELLER ------汉斯·C·安徒生 Andersen, Hans C. 《小美人鱼》THE LITTLE MERMAID ------汉斯·C·安徒生 Andersen, Hans C. 《丑小鸭》THE UGLY DUCKLING ------汉斯·C·安徒生 Andersen, Hans C. 汤姆叔叔的小屋Uncle Tom"s Cabin 嘉丽妹妹 英文名:Carrie 《名利场》英文名“Vanity Fair 理智与情感 【英文名:】Sense And Sensibility 金银岛-Treasure Island
2023-07-19 17:15:461


The night was bitter cold.The snow lay on the ground,frozen into a hard thick crust,so that only the heaps that had drifted into byways and corners were affected by the sharp wind that howled abroad:which,as if expending increased fury on such prey as it found,caught it savagely up in clouds,and,whirling it into a thousand misty eddies,scattered it in air.Bleak,dark,and piercing cold,it was a night for the well-housed and fed to draw round the bright fire and thank God they were at home; and for the homeless,starving wretch to lay him down and die.Many hunger-worn outcasts close their eyes in our bare streets,at such times,who,let their crimes have been what they may,can hardly open them in a more bitter world. 其实描写天气的内容很多,不知道你想要的是不是这段,如是不是的话,给你下面的网址,你自己找找看吧
2023-07-19 17:15:531


Oliver Twist狄更斯生于英国朴茨茂斯的一个贫苦家庭,父亲是个海军小职员,10岁时全家被迁入债务入监狱,11岁起就开始承担繁重的家务,12岁时被迫辍学到鞋油作坊当学徒,饱受侮辱,从而对工人阶级的生活和苦难有所了解,尤其对不幸的儿童产生了深厚的同情。16岁时,他在律师事务所当缮写员,走遍伦敦大街小巷,广泛了解社,后又担任法庭速记员和新闻记者,熟悉了议会政治中的种种弊端。当时他为伦敦几家报纸拟稿。狄更斯发表1836年底的第一部长篇小说、讽刺资产阶级民主虚伪性的〈匹克威克外传〉就取得了惊人的成就,使他一举成名。此后34年中,他共写了十几部长篇小说。24岁时和凯瑟琳女士结婚,由于性格和趣味上的差异,给他的创作,特别是晚年生活带来不幸。他一生除了刻苦写作外还喜欢戏剧,曾亲自参加演出和导演,举办过朗诵会。1870年6月他在写作小说〈艾德温。德鲁德之谜〉时,由于劳累过度,谇然逝世。葬于伦敦斯敏斯特教堂。狄更斯在小说中无情地揭露和鞭挞了资本主义社会的黑暗和虚伪。1838年和1839年,他发表了〈雾都孤儿〉和〈尼古拉斯。尼可贝〉,描写了资本主义社会穷苦儿童的悲惨生活,揭露了贫民救济所和学校教育的黑暗。狄更斯是英国最伟大的小说家之一,英国现实主义文学的杰出代表,对世界文学有巨大的影响。《雾都孤儿》是狄更斯第二部长篇小说。这位年仅二十五岁的小说家决心学习英国现实主义画家威廉u2022荷加斯(William Hogarth,1697一1764)的榜样,勇敢地直面人生,真实地表现当时伦敦贫民窟的悲惨生活。他抱着一个崇高的道德意图:抗议社会的不公,并唤起社会舆论,推行改革,使处于水深火热中的贫民得到救助。正因为如此,狄更斯历来被我国及前苏联学者界定为“英国文学上批判现实主义的创始人和最伟大的代表 ”。对此,我有一些不同的见解:文学艺术是一种特殊的社会意识形态,它必然是社会存在的反映。但是,我们决不能把反映现实的文学都说成是现实主义文学,把 “现实主义”的外延无限扩展。事实上,作家运用的创作方法多种多样,因人而异,这和作家的特殊气质和性格特点密切相关。狄更斯的创作,想象力极为丰富,充满诗的激情,他着意渲染自己的道德理想,处处突破自然的忠实临摹,借用一句歌德的话:它比自然高了一层。这和萨克雷、特洛罗普等坚持的客观。冷静、严格写实的方法有显著的区别。试以《雾都孤儿》为例,(一)个性化的语言是狄更斯在人物塑造上运用得十分出色的一种手段。书中的流氓、盗贼、妓女的语言都切合其身份,甚至还用了行业的黑话。然而,狄更斯决不作自然主义的再现,而是进行加工、提炼和选择,避免使用污秽、下流的话语。主人公奥立弗语言规范、谈吐文雅,他甚至不知偷窃为何物。他是在济贫院长大的孤儿,从未受到良好的教育,所接触的都是罪恶累累、堕落不堪之辈,他怎么会讲这么好的英文呢?这用“人是一切社会关系总和”的历史唯物主义观点是无法解释的。可见,狄更斯着力表现的是自己的道德理想,而不是追求完全的逼真。(二)在优秀的现实主义小说中,故事情节往往是在环境作用下的人物性格发展史,即高尔基所说的“某种性格、典型的成长和构成的历史”。然而,狄更斯不拘任何格套,想要多少巧合就安排多少巧合。奥立弗第一次跟小偷上街,被掏兜的第一人恰巧就是他亡父的好友布朗罗。第二次,他在匪徒赛克斯的劫持下入室行窃,被偷的恰好是他亲姨妈露丝u2022梅莱家。这在情理上无论如何是说不过去的。但狄更斯自有天大的本领,在具体的细节描写中充满生活气息和激情,使你读时紧张得喘不过气来,对这种本来是牵强的、不自然的情节也不得不信以为真。这就是狄更斯的艺术世界的魅力。(三)狄更斯写作时,始终有一种“感同身受的想象力”(Sympathetic imagination),即使对十恶不赦的人物也一样。书中贼首、老犹太费金受审的一场始终从费金的心理视角出发。他从天花板看到地板,只见重重叠叠的眼睛都在注视着自己。他听到对他罪行的陈述报告,他把恳求的目光转向律师,希望能为他辩护几句。人群中有人在吃东西,有人用手绢扇风,还有一名青年画家在画他的素描,他心想:不知道像不像,真想伸过脖子去看一看……一位绅士出去又进来,他想:准是吃饭去了,不知吃的什么饭?看到铁栏杆上有尖刺,他琢磨着:这很容易折断。从此又想到绞刑架,这时,他听到自己被处绞刑。他只是喃喃地说,自己岁数大了,大了,接着就什么声音也发不出来了。在这里,狄更斯精心选择了一系列细节,不但描绘了客观事物,而且切入了人物的内心世界,表现了他极其丰富的想象力。他运用的艺术方法,不是“批判现实主义”所能概括的。我倒是赞赏英国作家、狄更斯专家乔治u2022吉辛(George Giss-ing,1857—1903)的表述,他把狄更斯的创作方法称为“浪漫的现实主义”(romantic realism)。我认为这一表述才够准确,才符合狄更斯小说艺术的实际。小说的主人公奥利弗。特威斯特,是一名生在济贫院的孤儿,忍饥挨饿,备受欺凌,由于不堪棺材店老板娘、教区执事邦布儿等人的虐待而独自逃往伦敦,不幸刚一到达就受骗误入贼窟。窃贼团伙的首领费金千方百计,企图把奥利弗训练为扒手供他驱使。奥利弗跟随窃贼伙伴“机灵鬼”和贝茨上街时,被误认为他偷了一位叫布朗洛的绅士(恰巧是他父亲生前的好友)的手绢而被警察逮捕。后因书摊老板证明了他的无辜,说明小偷另有其人,他才被释放。由于他当时病重昏迷,且容貌酷似友人生前留下的一副少妇画像,布朗洛收留他在家中治病,得到布朗洛及其女管家比德温太太无微不至的关怀,第一次感受到人间的温暖。窃贼团伙害怕奥利弗会泄露团伙的秘密,在费金指示下,塞克斯和南希费尽心机,趁奥利弗外出替布朗洛归还书摊老板的图书的时候用计使他重新陷入了贼窟。但当费金试图惩罚毒打奥利弗的上时候,南希挺身而出保护了奥利弗。费金用威胁、利诱、灌输等手段企图迫使奥利弗成为一名窃贼,成为费金的摇钱树。一天黑夜,奥利弗在塞克斯的胁迫下参加对一座大宅院的行窃。正当奥利弗准备趁爬进窗户的机会向主人报告时,被管家发现后开枪打伤。窃贼仓惶逃跑时,把奥利弗丢弃在路旁水沟之中。奥利弗在雨雪之中带伤爬行,无意中又回道那家宅院,昏到在门口。好心的主人梅丽夫人及其养女罗斯小姐收留并庇护了他。无巧不成书,这位罗斯小姐正是奥利弗的姨妈,但双方都不知道。在梅丽夫人家,奥利弗真正享受到了人生的温馨和美好。但费金团伙却不能放过奥利弗。有一天一个名叫蒙克斯的人来找费金,这人是奥利弗的同父异母兄长,由于他的不肖,他父亲在遗嘱中将全部遗产给了奥利弗,除非奥利弗和蒙克斯是一样的不肖儿女,遗产才可由蒙克斯继承。为此蒙克斯出高价买通费金,要他使奥利弗变成不可救药的罪犯,以便霸占奥利弗名下的全部遗产,并发泄自己对已去世的父亲的怨恨。正当蒙克斯得意洋洋的谈到他如何和帮布尔夫妇狼狈为奸,毁灭了能证明奥利弗身份的唯一证据的时候,被南希听见。南西见义勇为,同情奥利弗的遭遇,冒生命危险,偷偷找到罗斯小姐,向她报告了这一切。正当罗斯小姐考虑如何行动时,奥利弗告诉她,他找到了布朗洛先生。罗斯小姐就和布朗洛商议了处理方法。罗斯小姐在布朗洛陪同下再次和南西会面时,布朗洛获知蒙克斯即他的已故好友埃得温。利弗得的不肖儿子,决定亲自找蒙克斯交涉,但他们的谈话被费金派出的密探听见。塞克斯就凶残的杀害了南西。南西之死使费金团伙遭到了灭顶之灾。费金被捕,后上了绞刑架,塞克斯在逃窜中失足被自己的绳子勒死。与此同时,蒙克斯被布朗洛挟持到家中,逼他供出了一切,事情真相大白,奥利弗被布朗洛收为养子,从此结束了他的苦难的童年。为了给蒙克斯自新的机会,把本应全归奥利弗继承的遗产分一半给他。但蒙克斯劣性不改,把家产挥霍殆尽,继续作恶,终被锒铛入狱,死在狱中。邦布尔夫恶有恶报,被革去一切职务,一贫如洗,在他们曾经作威作福的济贫院度过余生。在这本书中,奥利弗、南希、罗斯小姐都是善良的代表,他们都出生于苦难之中,在黑暗和充满罪恶的世界中成长,但在他们的心中始终保持着一偏纯洁的天地,一颗善良的心,种种磨难并不能使他们堕落或彻底堕落,发而更显示出他们出污泥而不染的光彩夺目的晶莹品质。最后,邪不胜正,正义的力量战胜了邪恶,虽然南希最后遇难,但正是她的死所召唤出来的惊天动地的社会正义力量,正是她在冥冥中的在天之灵,注定了邪恶势力的代表——费金团伙的灭顶之灾。因此在小说中,南希的精神得到了升华,奥利弗则得到了典型意义上的善报。而恶人的代表——费金、蒙克斯、邦布尔、塞克斯无不一一落得个悲惨的下场。雾都的窃贼群像《雾都孤儿》(《奥利弗·退斯特》)是英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯的第二部长篇小说。小说所塑造的人物,弃儿奥利弗·退斯特、教区干事班布尔、窃贼头目“老犹太”费根,都成为了英美文学作品中的典型人物形象。在小说中形象最为恶劣的就是老犹太费根。这个老贼控制着一些十几岁的孩子,教唆、指挥他们去街上行窃,自己坐地分赃,不承担风险。他在盗贼行当里也是耍弄阴谋,不惜出卖、谋害同伙,直到最后被判处死刑。这个恶贯满盈的罪犯形象后来成为英文中教唆犯的同义词。除了费根外,小说里还描写了一系列的窃贼形象。比如,凶残的惯于入室盗窃的赛克斯,良心未泯的女贼南茜,受费根控制又自甘堕落的小偷“逮不着”(杰克·道金斯),最后反戈一击的恰利·贝茨,等等。这些人物在作者笔下基本都是被否定的反面角色,作者也给他们安排了可耻的下场。老犹太最后是上了绞架的。赛克斯在逃跑过程中被挂在了绳索上,依然是个绞死的下场。机灵的“逮不着”,最后为了偷窃一个鼻烟壶而“失风”,被法院判刑,终身流放。即使是后来为了救出奥利弗而与盗贼同伙闹翻的南茜,作者也没有给她安排一个好一点的结局,而是让她被自己的情人赛克斯活活打死。作者对于自己钟爱的主人公奥利弗·退斯特,则百般进行保护,竭力不让他堕入到窃贼中去,小心翼翼地不让他沾染到一点盗窃行为。奥利弗第一次被“逮不着”拉出去“上工”,还不知道怎么回事,就懵懵懂懂地被路人追打。第二次被赛克斯拿枪逼着去入室盗窃,反倒被主人发现,中了一枪,差点送命。而且仅有的这两次与罪犯同行的结果,居然都是让奥利弗获得了命运转折的好机会。作者虽然特意安排了一个奥利弗不得沾染犯罪行为的故事情节要求(父亲遗嘱所规定的奥利弗继承财产的限制性条件),可是从今天的读者角度来看,这样的安排实在是太离奇、太勉强了。作为社会渣滓的窃贼在狄更斯写作的时代,杂志上的连载小说往往是家长在壁炉前向全家朗读的读物。显然,小说必须要符合正在壮大的中产阶级的道德准则与审美口味,才可能有销路。因此,狄更斯在《雾都孤儿》里对于窃贼群像的描绘以及为窃贼们安排的下场,都是当时社会主流意识的反映。实际上,狄更斯在本书开头的作者序言里,已经再三说明了这一点。他信誓旦旦地向读者保证,自己所描绘的“罪恶累累、堕落不堪之辈”是出于社会教化的道德目的。因此,他先要旗帜鲜明地批判当时有一些有意无意带着浪漫色彩描绘盗贼的作品。和狄更斯的《雾都孤儿》立场相仿,在他那个时代以及以前的时代里,在欧洲流传最广、最著名的文学作品中,窃贼的形象几乎都是反面的、罪大恶极的。比如,文艺复兴时代最具有反叛精神的文学作品,意大利作家卜伽丘的《十日谈》,总共讲了100个故事,以道学家的眼光来看,其中倒有一大半是在“诲淫 ”,“诲盗”的则一个也没有。书中出现的角色即使有做窃贼的经历,也都是偶犯误犯,并以痛改前非、终获善报而告终。同时代的英国作家乔叟的名著《坎特伯雷故事》里,也没有正面的盗窃行为描述。窃贼以正面形象出现,并且强调窃贼行为的社会环境因素的西方文学作品,是在19世纪后半叶才开始涌现的。最著名的是法国作家雨果的《悲惨世界》。雨果在 1862年出版的这部小说里,塑造了冉阿让这个人物形象,因为偷窃一块面包而被判处5年苦役,又因为在服苦役的采石场4度企图越狱而加判14年,服刑19 年后才得以释放。雨果在作品的序言里说:文明时代这个悲惨世界,是由于社会压迫、“法律和习俗硬把人间变成地狱”,才使得“男人因穷困而道德败坏,女人因饥饿而生活堕落,儿童因黑暗而身体孱弱”。不过即便如此,雨果还是让他的主人公在经过主教感召幡然悔悟、改邪归正后,依旧因为这项窃贼经历而受尽磨难。雨果以此来批判的对象,正是欧洲社会根深蒂固的对于窃贼的痛恨与歧视。身怀绝技的“狗盗”与“神偷”和欧洲这些文学名著的倾向性描写相反,在中国传统的文学作品中,窃贼并非是那么可鄙的形象,甚至很多文学作品的正面形象的主人公本身就是窃贼。早在公元前3世纪的《战国策》一书里,就已经提到了孟尝君养客三千,其中就有了窃贼出身、惯于“狗盗”的门客。后来孟尝君被秦王扣留,全靠这“狗盗”门客潜入秦王宫偷出狐白裘,献给了秦王爱姬,得以给秦王说好话,放孟尝君回国。这个故事在以后广为流传,为窃贼标上了身怀绝技者的标签,为以后文学戏曲作品中窃贼形象定下了基调。比如,明末作家凌初的短篇小说集《二刻拍案惊奇》里,就着力描写了几个窃贼的正面形象。一个是南宋临安城里的“剧盗”,因为每次潜入人家行窃后,还要在人家墙上写上“我来也”三个大字,由此这三个字成为这位窃贼的招牌,即使入了牢房,居然还有本事将自己撇个清白,昂然出狱。另一个是明朝嘉靖年间苏州的“神偷”,绰号“懒龙”,入人家行窃后,也爱在墙上画上一支梅花,所以又号“一枝梅”。被知县追捕急了,居然夜入知县内宅,剪了知县的发髻放在印盒里,照样画上梅花而遁。知县早晨起来,吓得目瞪口呆,“剪去头发,分明说可以割得头去;放在印箱里,分明说可以盗得印去。这贼直如此厉害!”赶紧下令停止追捕。作者竭力描写了“懒龙”的仗义,“似这等人,也算做穿窬小人中大侠了,反比得那面是背非、临财苟义、见利忘义一班峨冠博带的不同”。更著名的为窃贼张目的是《水浒传》,“鼓上蚤”时迁就是窃贼出身、以偷技见长。更不要说那一百零八个好汉里,有不少是杀人越货的强盗,却全都是作为作者歌颂的英雄面目出现的。作者强调的都是窃贼“怀才不遇”的一面,最后终于都得以为朝廷效力尽忠。唯有一死的窃贼窃贼的文学形象,反映的是社会意识对于窃贼行为的普遍看法。而在西方世界的文化传统里,窃贼一直是一项绝对不能被容许和原谅的重大罪过。世界上现存的最早最完整的古代法典,是古代巴比伦汉谟拉比国王发布的《汉谟拉比法典》。在这部法典里明确规定,窃取神庙或宫廷之财产者应处死;拥有他人财产而不能证明为买卖所得的,也应作为窃贼处死;窃取他人财物未得手的要处以该财物30倍的罚金,如果不能交付的也要处死。显然在将近4000年前,两河流域地区已经树立起以死刑处罚一切盗窃行为的法律原则。而地中海北岸的古希腊城邦的法律里,也以死刑处罚窃盗,据说雅典在公元前6世纪的“德拉古立法”,行窃都要处死。后来雅典的法律允许主人可以当场杀死窃贼,事后则可以索取物品价值两倍的赔偿。地中海地区强国罗马,在它的第一部成文法《十二表法》里,也允许杀死夜盗的窃贼,白天抓获的窃贼处以笞刑后任由主人处理,甚至规定在他人耕种的庄稼上放牧或趁夜偷割的成年人必须要处死。欧洲中世纪早期的日耳曼习惯法里,盗窃行为和杀伤行为都是可以使用赔偿解决的。可是在中世纪各个信奉基督教的王国逐步建立起来后,“十诫”的戒条就开始发生影响,在国王发布的法律里对于盗窃行为就大都采用最严厉的死刑——绞刑。事实上,直到19世纪初,也就是《雾都孤儿》出版20多年前的时候,在英国窃取的财物价值只要超过了一个先令(合1/20英镑),就要被判处绞刑。
2023-07-19 17:16:021


If he could have known that he was an orphan, left to the tender mercies of church-wardens and overseers, perhaps he would have cried louder.We become the most familiar strangers.(Gone with the wind)希望可以帮到你,请采纳,您的采纳将是我回答的动力,谢谢
2023-07-19 17:16:104


The work of the protagonist Oliver is an orphan, and grew up in the courtyard of the poor relief, others have been subject to discrimination. Because the extremely ill-treatment and fled to London, into Zeiwo, called by the beating, growing up, I do not know how much to eat suffered. While growing up in such an environment, but there is a Buddha Orie good heart, no matter by how much pain he did not want to do bad things is the greatest determination. He was Shouen people will never forget can not thank the benefactor. Although he is subject to a number of well-intentioned people and the sympathy of the adoption, such as Bulang Lu President, Lennart Meri wife, but the thieves, the group still did not miss him, and his half-brother also wish to kill him. Oliver"s fate is tragic, but he"s also been well-intentioned people to help identify his life, and the heritage. He has been the fate of the final change is expected to become a useful person to society. This works in Orie wrote at the beginning of the Buddha in relief of the poor house, in Charles Dickens described the living conditions of the poor house when a very ironic way: "Every child has a bowl of thin gruel, and that can not be increased only once To important public holiday, with the exception of a bowl of porridge outside in order to increase two and a quarter ounces of bread. They do not need to eat the Zhou Wan never wash, the children always scraping bowl of the spoon sauce residue has been driven Zeng Ming-Liang Shuo bowl. Scraping bowl of the matter is completed, they sit there and stare at large Tongguo helplessly, as if they are able to block a piece of brick stoves have to swallow it. This is a heinous and Tian Zhao They also own and finger , Ba Wangzhe a splash a few drops from child star to porridge. "Can be seen from the lives of those orphans how poverty, hunger throughout the day in the state, and no hope of Tianzhao his little finger, Bawang Zhao splash over the Congee child stars. One can imagine the children"s life is very tragic, and Orie on the Buddha in such an environment. It is in the form of novels by Dickens to reflect the dark reality of the society and capitalist society under the lives of people of how poverty, poor life as works written by the same. Charles, known as the Victorian age eyes, because the novel in the form of the observed things with the novel in the form of re-emerged. That is why this works is the content of the true reflection of society at that time, and I think that the author describes the relief of the poor orphans living with a very vivid image of the language, a sharp way to expose the community The dark. Dickens wrote in the book a few years ago, the British Parliament adopted a new method of relief, cancellation of poor relief, but the poor directly to the port to house the poor relief. Dickens described the relief of the poor house at the time of poor relief is a true portrayal of the hospital. Poor relief in the hospital in no democracy, no freedom, only to be abused, hungry cold, a Mianhuangjishou months, fell to the ground at all times as likely to die, and the Diocese of those officers, those who Explorer, but eat a fat Head of the brain fertilizer, the full spirit. Dickens works in the hospital for the poor relief vivid description is a reflection of social problems. Some people think Charles Dickens"s works this is a serious literary works, it works because it made a deep social problems, social development and progress is of great historical significance. In this work successfully in Dickens depicts a series of characters, such as the Diocese of General bampur, thieves old man and head of the Jewish charity school students Noah, the bandit Powu Monks, and so on. Did not have to portray a lifelike, life-like image. However, the most successful works portray the character or the protagonist Oliver and the woman stole Nancy. Oliver was born with a moral people, know how to map Temple has been reported. He ate a lot a lot of suffering, but in the end, finally met a good man. Whether Bulang Lu President, Lennart Meri, or his wife or Miss Meri, Orie Fodu treated as ordinary family, even though he is a "thief" who are sympathetic to him, his adoption, and that he receive a good education, and finally get Qing his life, his legacy fight back. Oliver described the events of all, I admire the most is the sixth chapter say when he was struggling to resist mocking the incident, as the authors put it, "On the surface I have described is not so small Important, but in fact he was Oliver"s future development and are indirectly affected, and has had a major change. "Oliver in the poor house while growing up, there will be no freedom itself, to be disposal, but he A very strong self-esteem, Noah in the face of personal attacks, he was extremely excited. Noah and because of Oliver"s mother died of a vicious insult to his indignation, blood boiling. "He immediately jumped up, an overturned the tables and chairs, and then Noah caught the pipe, to exhaust the body"s effort to shake in fury of Noah, Noah has been a bit of teeth chattered issue of noise, and then He gathered together a whole body of Noah"s efforts to blow hard, straight knocked him to the ground. "Oliver reaction puzzled me, common sense, he has been a quiet, modest, though by non - Who has abused a dejected from the juvenile Gan unlucky, but at the moment cohesion of the whole body strength Noah beat. What is the strength of his courage to make such a decision, perhaps it should not be "decided" it, a strong sense of anger so that he has lost his reason, he does not allow other people to his mother in the slightest insulting. While Oliver"s mother, his memory, the memory never know his mother look like. However, the mother has been accompanied by a sense of respect for him. So, when Noah insult his mother, Oliver showed no emotion before. The incident was the result of Oliver was beaten up and detained. Charles Dickens wrote in the details below, not only for paving the way, but also a deeper portrait of the heroine works Oliver"s image, in order to safeguard the dignity of the mother, just go ahead Many scholars think that works in a portrait of the most successful characters is Nancy, while Oliver to work for the main character, but from the social psychology and psychoanalysis point of view, the role of Nancy greater practical significance. Nancy is a psychological complex young women, from childhood growing up in the Group of thieves, no one knew her life, she entered the post-Zeiwo did not have any good people, of course, the final Bulang Lu also met with President Lennart Meri and Miss But then it was too late. Finally, her tragic death at the hands of the bandits Sykes, her fate is tragic, as in the real world into a triad of orphans after the end of the same. Nancy seen through the group of thieves all the ugly things, that her aversion treacherous, vicious, ruthless cruelty, inhuman things, but she is also the Group of thieves have a certain feeling, and want to leave. She has sympathy for Oliver, as for their treatment as his younger brother, in times of crisis to disregard their own safety to come forward and saved him, but he will have to personally Oliver thieves onto the road. She envied culture and education, the warmth of the family women, but because of her own humble status Yingshang Qu dare not, dare not wish for such a happy life. She is the heart of the conflict, when Bulang Lu and President Lennart Meri Miss advised her to leave the Group of thieves over a new leaf, she refused their offers of help, although she had a yearning for this kind of life. Nancy contradictions from her in to see if the original: "I do not want to do it! I do not want to do it! Though he is the devil, and he even told me yet more vicious than the devil, but I do not want to do ... then another ... One reason is that his life of crime is life, I am also live in sin, we are together for many years to live such a life, so I can not betray them, not to mention some of them may have betrayed me, but They did not sell out, even though they are bad people. "Her inner conflict is real, in line with the general psychological normal. There are a lot of female juvenile offenders, once on the wrong may be similar to that of Nancy ideological contradictions: both want to leave the crime associates also want to leave. Although Nancy Sykes hated doing, but he can not do without, it was of the view that Nancy is not reasonable, but in any case, her actions are all true. Psychological and ideological problems is in itself a complex issue as it is not possible to use simple methods can be resolved. Nancy Oliver, and this is the work of the two most representative figure, which is undeniable. Dickens portrayed in these two figures also spent a wonderful way. However, I would like to talk about is the image of another person Monks. Monks is Oliver"s half-brother, who was extremely cruel, to be his brother"s property destroyed at the expense of their own younger brother. I think Charles Monks at the describing the act when a clever arrangement. Monks and the role is a reflection of society at that time some of the children of the nobility EXILE. Monks is a smart, he knows how to ease access to his brother"s property. Monks at the Dickens portrayed the characters can be on step-by-step. First of all, Monks is to look at the class when Mr. Bull appeared, the first author of the text did not mention him, so I read in class, Mr. Bull to meet the guests unfamiliar with the plot, on intuition told me that this works The plot will reach another climax. The mysterious people coming out, is scheduled to have a good, but I did not expect this so-called mystery is who would be Oliver"s brother, but did not expect the paper after he had played such an important role. Charles gave the Monks "smart" in mind, set up a seamless clothing plans, and the Monks in the implementation of this plan are not thieves with Lin Yu co-leader of the Jewish old man, can be called up for the purpose of the unscrupulous. Finally, the plan is brought to light, Monks also ended in defeat. I think the Charles Oliver"s brother wrote a greedy, ruthless, shameless, on the one hand, the work can culminate in the story, on the other hand, fully demonstrated the reality of society in order to achieve the purpose of the fire regardless of the tragic family Phenomenon. The author of this sharp touch of irony at the time the fire agency, while at the same time want to wake up those sad people, they wake up the conscience and consciousness, to awaken the consciousness of all the people. After reading the novel, I was not quiet for a long time. Oliver is a strong, kind-hearted, intelligent and brave and innocent boy, but experienced a difficult life, the ultimate storm, ushered in a happy life. And we are now living in the honey tank in Waterloo-fu, has often complained that always satisfied. But we have thought about, there are many poor children, are faced with the loss of loved ones, vagrancy of life, perhaps in the face of dropping out of school and the plight of the hungry. They are filled with love of life, looking forward to a bright classrooms, a yearning for delicious food or warm clothing. In the face of these eager children live in poverty, we can turn a blind eye to it? Can not stand idly by? When I read Dickens to write about the lives of the poor orphan house, my mind flashed always saw on television pictures of refugees in Africa. The old social life of the poor are poor, hungry cold it is not unusual things, and in the 21st century, in this era of civilization, hunger, fear, the cold remains. In that Oliver had been abused, beaten by the circumstances, and when I do not think of the often seen in the streets and show those begging children. These shabby heard that the children into a gang is organized, whether it be money or show has been begging for money, hard or stolen money, but also turned over to their "head." This is the civilized society? The fate of the children, their lives, and works of Charles Dickens orphan Oliver"s life, what difference does? Oliver is lucky, good people can encounter. But in reality those organizations into the unknown children, their fate will be how well-intentioned people can encounter it? I do not think so, they may be ending as it works in Nancy, or died of starvation and disease. This is the so-called civilized society, the inevitable result. The more social progress, the more human civilization, and those bad elements are, the more furious, and unfortunately into the hands of their children, the more tragic fate. Therefore, we need love to help those in the midst of the people to help them out, ushering in a happy life. The works I think of many real-life scenarios, I touch on a lot. Now, I"d like to go back to Dickens"s art and writing in order to charm. Dickens is the Victorian representative of the critical realism, written in the book when he was a youth, when he hopes to use his novel of social reform, but his community is not enough understanding of the profound, at the time of the ruling class also With the hope of a better place. In this work also reflects his idea. Under normal circumstances, the best realism in the novel, the story is often in a specific environment under the action of the history of the development of character, that is, Gorky said "some kind of character typical of the history and composition of growth." However, Charles Dickens, his informal set of any cell, the number of coincidence want to arrange the number of coincidence. If Oliver for the first time with the thieves took to the streets to be out of pocket, he is a friend of his late father before his death, Mr. Bulang Lu; thieves in his second head hostage Sikes under the burglary of the stol
2023-07-19 17:16:401

雾都孤儿的英文名Oliver Twist是什么意思啊?

Oliver Twist就是小说主人公的名字 奥利弗退斯特 早年出版的中文版就直接用的这名字救济院的管理员Bumble给他起的名字
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2023-07-19 17:18:062


《博兹札记》Sketches by Boz 《匹克威克外传》The Pickwick Papers 《雾都孤儿》Oliver Twist 《尼古拉斯·尼克贝》Nicholas Nickleby 《老古玩店》The Old Curiocity Shop 《巴纳比·拉奇》Barnaby Rudge 《美国纪行》American Notes 《圣诞颂歌》A Christmas Carol 《马丁·翟述伟》Martin Chuzzlewit 《董贝父子》Dombey and Son 《大卫·科波菲尔》David Copperfield 《写给孩子看的英国历史》A Child"s History of England 《荒凉山庄》Bleak House 《艰难时世》Hard Times 《小杜丽》Little Dorrit 《双城记》A Tale of Two Cities 《远大前程》Great Expectations 《我们共同的朋友》Our Mutual Friend 《艾德温·德鲁德之谜》The Mystery of Edwin Drood
2023-07-19 17:18:211


Oliver TwistFaginNancyBill SikesArtful DodgerMr. BrownlowMr. BumbleMrs. Corney
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巴黎圣母院原文的名字也不是英文,而是法文Notre-Dame de Paris英文名字The Hunchback of Notre Dame 忏悔录英文名Theresa活 英文名:Renaissance 少年维特的烦恼 英文名:The Sorrows of Young Werther红与黑英文名:Carole Bouquet 基督山伯爵 The Count of Monte Cristo 苔丝 英文名:Tess 呼啸山庄英文名:Wuthering Heights红字英文名:The Scarlet Letter傲慢与偏见英文名:Pride and Prejudice鲁滨逊漂流记英文名是Robinson Crusoe莎士比亚八大名剧英文名:William Shakespeare飘英文名GONE WITH THE WIND包法利夫人英文名Madame Bovary 汤姆叔叔的小屋英文名Uncle Tom"s Cabin 安娜.卡列尼娜英文名:Anna Karenina 茶花女英文名:Mujer de las camelias, La 罪与罚 英文名:Crime and Punishment 简.爱英文名: Jane Eyre 双城记A Tale Of Two Cities爱玛.没找到英文名嘉莉妹妹英文名是sister Carrie名利场英文名:Vanity Fair 雾都孤儿英文名:Oliver Twist理智与情感收藏版英文名Sense And Sensibility 老人与海英文名The Old Man and the Sea 爱丽斯漫游奇境 英文名: Alice in Wonderland 环游地球八十天 英文名:Around The World In 80 Days 金银岛 英文名:Treasure Island 野性的呼唤 英文名:Call of the Wild 蝴蝶梦英文名: Rebecca
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"Oliver Twist ending" from sadness to joy, evil. Although Oliver suffering and humiliation, but no matter where they are, he always kind and generous, loyal love, keep the pure nature and the goodness of the soul. All sufferings have their reward. Eventually get happiness. Beautiful miss Ruth also broke through the combination of identitylevel of concept and Harry happy trip. For the wicked in the novel, the author of one one gave them a tragic end:thieves Fagin is justice, the gallows; Sussex in the run in the fall by a rope, and ultimately doomed: "can"t catchthief" in order to steal a snuff box and the court sentenced to transportation for life the line is bad; monks,household production squandered eventually be chained and thrown into prison, died in prison; the beadle Farber was to be on the beach, leather office, spent the rest of his life in the workhouse. Although this story has been farfrom the real life, only the good wishes of the author, but it has reached or good and evil, the aim of education."The evil" oliver twist the ends and evil intention all agree without prior without previous consultation and thecreation of fairy tales
2023-07-19 17:18:561


中文名  英文名备注奥利弗·特威斯特Oliver Twist故事主人公班布尔Mr.Bumble救济院的食堂负责人利姆金斯Mr.LImbkins救济院的执长官甘菲尔德Mr.Gamfield扫烟筒人索厄伯里Mr.Sowerberry卖棺材的商人夏洛特Charlotte索厄伯里的佣人诺亚克莱博Noah Claypole索厄伯里的佣人杰克·道金斯(机灵鬼)Dodger神偷费金Fagin小偷的主人蓓特Bet小偷南希Nancy小偷 (比尔·赛克斯的妻子,良心发现后由坏变好)查雷·贝茨Charly Bates神偷比尔·赛克斯Bill Sikes费金的朋友 (十足的坏蛋)布朗罗Mr.Brownlow绅士罗斯·梅丽Mrs.Maylie奥利弗的亲小姨蒙克斯Monks 奥利弗同父异母的兄长 奥利弗作为《雾都孤儿》的主人公,是一个敏感温柔,但又不失勇敢坚强的男孩。他的真实身份其实是富商的私生子。从小在济贫院生活的他饱受欺凌,但却始终保持了一颗纯真善良的心。当他到了伦敦的时候,让带到了费金的家里,虽然费金费劲心思想让奥利弗走向黑暗,但奥利弗始终拥有出淤泥而不染的心灵。奥利弗出生于苦难之中,在黑暗和充满罪恶的世界中成长,但在他的心中始终保持着一偏纯洁的天地,一颗善良的心,种种磨难并不能使他堕落或彻底堕落,发而更显示出他出污泥而不染的光彩夺目的晶莹品质。奥利弗之后经历了一系列的挫折和苦难,被当做小偷送到法庭,被布朗洛先生收留,后又被费金叫人抓回去,重入贼穴,被强迫去参加偷盗,受伤后被收养。可是他同父异母的哥哥蒙克斯却想方设法害他。不过邪不胜正,最后所有的坏人都被绳之以法。在费金上绞刑架之前,奥利弗去探视,此时,奥利弗又一次表现出了他的善良,他诚心的向上帝祈祷,让上帝原谅这个作恶多端的人。善良的小奥利弗历经重重困难后,终于雨后见彩虹,和梅利姨妈等人过上了幸福的生活。 狄更斯在《雾都孤儿》中成功塑造了费金这个形象。人物一出场,作者就通过惟妙惟肖的形象描写让一个枯瘦如柴、手拿烤叉、长着一大团乱蓬蓬红头发的犹太老头形象跃然纸上。“油光可鉴的长衫”、“龇牙咧嘴的怪笑”这显然不是一个慈眉善目的老者,而是典型的恶人形象,一脸凶像,肮脏龌龊。接下来费金就开始给小奥利弗传授偷盗技巧,想要把他培养成出色的小偷。费金还教唆手下的一些孩子,让他们去行窃,犯罪以满足自己的私欲。老犹太还用幽闭让孤独忧郁去熏陶一个天真纯洁的心灵,“将毒汁一滴一滴注入奥利弗的灵魂,要把它染黑,让它永远不再回复原色”。 显然费金的行径是邪恶的、无人道的。 即使在盗贼团伙中费金也是十足的恶人,当孩子在街上出事奥利弗被抓时,费金大发雷霆、气势汹汹、甚至拳脚相加。直到最后被抓,他还幻想着让前去探视的奥利弗救他出去,丝毫没有回过的意思。作为小说中恶势力的代表,费金可以说是最龌龊、最令人厌恶和仇恨的,作者对他的描写从外貌到内心,从居住环境到营生方式无一不充满了罪恶与肮脏。 身为贼首的他是小窃贼的教唆犯,是贪婪的守财奴,是阴险狡诈的无耻小人。反观之,费金也是贼窝里的温情老翁。虽然他的笑容下隐藏着阴谋,但也不能否认他照顾这些流浪儿的生活起居,贼窝里甚至充满了欢声笑语。一点点温情的善意让费金这个人物形象变得立体而丰富,成为小说中最值得玩味的角色。 南希是《雾都孤儿》中最悲惨可怜,让人敬畏的人物角色。在南希小的时候,南希也是个失去双亲的可怜孩子,被扒手团伙收留后从此走上了无奈的扒手之路。时间的流逝,在南希长大成人后,一个野蛮粗俗的强盗赛克斯把南希买下做了情妇。南希的一生,都被赛克斯牢牢地攥在自己手中。南希在这部作品中虽然不是最重要的人物,但她却是关键的人物。南希有着迷一样的身世、悲惨的命运,但却有着清水般的品质。南希在善恶之间徘徊,却因其人性一直都未泯灭。和南希有着同样遭遇的主人公小英雄——奥利佛的命运息息相关。最终获救的奥利佛都要归功于南希的行动:送信给主人公罗斯并且与主人公罗斯和主人公布朗洛会面。另一方面,南希也是扒手团伙当中的一员,并忠于扒手团伙的组织。南希是一个心地善良、勇敢机智、敢爱敢恨的女子。当奥利弗在盗贼团伙受到百般折磨的时候,南希勇敢的站出来,用自己的行动保护了奥利弗,并大声地扬言:这里的人谁敢再欺负折磨奥利弗 , 我就和谁拼命;当费金和蒙克斯密谋怎样对付受尽折磨的奥利弗的时候,南希刻意假装喝醉了酒,倒在一旁认真地偷听他们的秘密。找到机会,悄悄地从护壁板上过去,以最快的速度将这消息送出去;南希还是个神圣的爱情看得比未来、名誉、甚至生命都还重要的人,虽然他的情人赛克斯对他很残暴无情,根本不把她当回事。然而南希无论需要忍受多大的痛苦与虐待,即使是生命的凋零,她都希望自己可以回到赛克斯的身边。后来,为了救奥利弗,她选择了背叛,也许在她内心深处还是有那么一丝侥幸,希望赛克斯能够看在他们往日的感情上给她一条生路。可是塞克斯却因为她的背叛,而将深爱着他的南希无情地杀害了。南希作为作品中的关键人物,她渴望回到光明的生活,但却被现实所困。南希的矛盾心理是小说的一大重要亮点,这样的矛盾交织的心理也是成就她性格的另一原因,也是她逃脱不了悲惨命运的重要原因。
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Dodger-机灵鬼,费根的徒弟,也是他把奥利弗带到费根那里的,头脑和行动都非常灵活.Sikes-另一个犯罪头目,也是南希的爱人,他曾经带着奥利弗入室盗窃,最后他杀死了南希,自己也死了.Monks-奥利弗同父异母的弟弟,他父亲留了一笔遗产给奥利弗,但是他想独吞,所以勾结费根迫害奥利弗,但最终在布朗佬先生的帮助下,奥利弗脱险,并且分了一半遗产给蒙克斯. 希望对你有用!
2023-07-19 17:19:213