则1公斤水的体积为 体积=质量/密度=1kg/(1kg/L)=1L,即1Kg水为1L
1L水的质量为 质量=ρ*体积=1kg/L*1L=1kg
这要看物质的密度,纯水密度为1。所以一公斤的水是一体积也就是一升。油一公斤是2.5升 其他的看密度2023-07-18 12:14:4514
1公斤等于1升2023-07-18 12:15:193
一公斤等于多少升,这要看是什么物质看他的密度了,一公斤水大约是一升的。2023-07-18 12:15:375
一升等于2斤。1升=1000毫升=1千克=1公斤=2斤。由于升是体积单位,而斤是重量单位,所以两都之间并不存在直接对算的方式,但可以通过密度的换算来确定不同的物质一升等于多少斤。升作为容量单位,一升=1立方分米=1000立方厘米,而水作为重量单位,它的密度是1千克/立方分米,所以一升水=1千克=两斤水。扩展资料:升在国际单位制中表示为L,其次级单位为毫升(mL)。升与其他容积单位的换算关系为:1L=1000mL=0.001立方米=1立方分米=1000立方厘米1L=1dm*1dm*1dm=10cm*10cm*10cm1mL=1立方厘米=1cc1立方米= 1000升2023-07-18 12:15:532
这两个单位是不能进行换算的前面是质量单位,而后面的是体积单位,不能直接换算。2023-07-18 12:16:082
1公斤不等于多少升,1公斤表示重量,多少升表示体积,二者概念不同。1公斤(水的体积)等于(1)升。2023-07-18 12:16:221
公斤和升所代表的不是同一物体,所以是无法直接换算的,公斤代表的是物体的重量,是重量单位,升代表的是体积单位。两者虽然不能直接换算,但是可以通过密度来进行计算,计算公式是:m=p乘以v,其中m是质量,p是密度,v是体积。比如:水的密度是4000g每立方米,重量为4000g,求水的体积是多少? 列式为:解:由公式可知,v(体积)=m(质量)divide;p(密度),则4000gdivide;4000g每立方米=1L,所以水的体积为1升。2023-07-18 12:16:521
一升等于一公斤。水的密度为1,1L水换算成毫升为1000ml,一升水=两斤=一公斤。根据公式M=pV,水的密度为1g/ml,体积为1L=1000ml,代入公式,M=1×1000=1000g=1KG(公斤)的密度是1是人为设定的,但并不是直接定义水的密度为1,而是因为定义质量单位使用了水这种物质作参考。升是体积单位,公斤是质量单位,单位不同,所以是无法直接进行换算的。但是可以通过密度来进行计算,计算公式是:质量=密度乘以体积。例如,水的体积为1升,密度为1000kg每立方米,那么水的质量计算方法为:根据换算公式可得,1L等于0.001立方米。单位换算介绍:1、1公斤=2斤(市斤)=1000g。2、1立方分米=1000立方厘米=1000000立方毫米=1升=1000毫升=0.061立方英寸。3、1立方厘米=1000立方毫米=1毫升=0.000061立方英寸。4、1立方米=1000立方分米=1000000立方厘米=1000000000立方毫米=0.353立方英尺=1.3079立方码。5、1立方英寸=0.016387立方分米=16.387立方厘米=16387立方毫米。6、1立方英尺=28.3立方分米=28300立方厘米=28300000立方毫米。7、1立方码=27立方英尺=0.7646立方米=164.6立方分米=164600立方厘米=164600000立方毫米。8、1立方尺=31.143蒲式耳(英)=32.143蒲式耳(美)。以上内容参考:百度百科-升2023-07-18 12:17:031
1公斤等于多少升 1公斤水是几升
1、在不知道密度数据的情况下公斤和升无法换算,公斤是重量的单位,升是体积的单位。但对于水来说,一公斤水基本等于一升。水的密度:1千克每升(1000g/L)。 2、1公斤=1千克=1000克;1升=1000毫升=1000立方厘米。升和公斤是不同的量纲,是不能够相等的。2023-07-18 12:17:181
第7回 送宫花贾琏戏熙凤 宴宁府宝玉会秦钟 第8回 贾宝玉奇缘识金锁 薛宝钗巧合认通灵第9回 训劣子李贵承申饬 嗔顽童茗烟闹书房 第10回 金寡妇贪利权受辱 张太医论病细穷源2023-07-18 12:17:275
公斤和升无法换算,公斤是重量的单位,升是体积的单位。2023-07-18 12:18:086
1升水相当于1公斤水。2023-07-18 12:18:264
1立方米=1000升。1L=1000mL=0.001立方米=1立方分米=1000立方厘米;1mL=1立方厘米;扩展资料:运用及换算中国古代官府以容量为准,收粮或支付官员俸禄。类似的,市场也以容量为准交易粮米(包括麦、粟等)。以比重0.8或0.9的粮食计算(注:一升水重一公斤):根据《汉书·律历志上》:一斛为两千龠,黍两龠重一两,一斛黍重一千两,即62.5斤。因此,秦汉时期,一斛黍重约半石,一石黍积约两斛。(注:秦汉一两16克,因此一斛黍重16千克)。根据秦汉一升黍重十两(约190毫升黍重约160克),该黍比重约0.85左右。根据南宋改斛为石(已废止):南宋中期十斗(容量一石)粮食重约一百二十斤(重衡一石),比重0.9的粮食一百二十斤体积约八万毫升,得每升约800毫升。(注:南宋一斤约600克、一两约37.5克)。根据清末一升米重2000克:比重0.9时每升2222毫升,比重0.95的情况下,得每升约2100毫升。参考资料来源:百度百科-升2023-07-18 12:18:421
公斤是重量单位,升是体积单位,二者没有可比性。但是1公斤水的体积是一升。2023-07-18 12:19:093
如图所示2023-07-18 12:19:242
如果是水的话,2.1升等于2100克,因为升是容积,在不同密度的物体下重量是不同的。民间也有一种以“升”为计量单位的方法,一升是一斗的十分之一,一升米1.5斤3/4公斤。过去人在没有标准度量衡的基础上,发明了这种以容量来测量稻谷的方法,还是很好用的。2023-07-18 12:19:5312
公斤是一个重量单位,升是一个体积单位,两者通过一定的换算关系可以进行相互换算,前提条件是知道这种物质的密度才行,比如一公斤水,它的体积就是一升,而如果是油的话,那么大概是1.25升。2023-07-18 12:20:473
“公斤”和“毫升”不能进行换算。“公斤”是我国传统的重量单位,表示质量的大小;而“毫升”是国际单位制中的容积单位常用的基本单位;“公斤”和“毫升”描述的不是同一物理量,是不能进行换算的。1毫升=1西西(cc);1毫升液态水=1立方厘米液态水;1毫升液态水在4摄氏度时的重量为1克;1毫升=1立方厘米。扩展资料:单位换算1千克=0.001公吨(或“吨”)1千克=1,000克1千克=1,000,000毫克1千克=1,000,000,000微克1千克=2斤1千克=1公斤1千克=20两参考资料来源:百度百科-千克2023-07-18 12:21:053
公斤,也就是千克,(符号kg)为国际单位制中度量质量的基本单位,千克也是日常生活中最常使用的基本单位之一。毫升是一个容积单位,跟立方厘米对应,容积单位的主单位是升(L)。1公斤等于多少毫升“公斤”是我国传统的重量单位,表示质量的大小;“毫升”是国际单位制中的容积单位常用的基本单位;“公斤”和“毫升”描述的不是同一物理量,是不能进行换算的。容积单位常用的换算1立方厘米=0.001立方分米;1立方米=1000立方分米=1000000立方厘米;1立方厘米=1毫升(mL)1L=1000mL 1000毫升=1000立方厘米 =1立方分米;1毫升=1西西(cc).;1毫升液态水=1立方厘米液态水;1毫升液态水在4摄氏度时的重量为1克;1毫升=1立方厘米。2023-07-18 12:21:201
1不同颜色、不同品种、不同牌子的油漆比重不同。你需要找出它们的密度值是多少才能计算出准确的值。一般是直接估算。通常,根据油漆的密度,1升会在17-374公斤之间。2、扩展信息:乳胶漆是乳胶漆的俗称。它诞生于20世纪七十年代中后期。是以丙烯酸酯共聚乳液为代表的一大类合成树脂乳胶漆。3、乳胶漆是以合成树脂乳液为基料,填料经研磨分散后加入各种助剂精制而成的水分散性涂料。乳胶漆具有许多不同于传统墙面漆的优点,如易上漆、干燥快、漆膜耐水、耐擦洗性好。4、在我国,人们习惯以合成树脂乳液为基料,以水为分散介质,加入颜料、填料(又称体质颜料)和助剂,经一定工艺制成的涂料叫做乳胶漆,也叫乳胶。涂层。二一升等于多少公斤??1两者之间没有直接的等价关系。分析如下:升是体积单位,1升等于1000毫升;斤是重量单位,1斤等于500克。如果是一升水,1升水=1公斤=2斤(市斤);如果密度小,那么1升油重2斤;如果是盐水、牛奶等,密度比水大,反之则相反。2、公斤相关单位换算1公斤=0.001公吨(或“吨”) 1公斤=1000克1公斤=100万毫克1公斤=10亿微克1公斤=2斤1公斤=1公斤1公斤=20两1谷物谷物=0。三一升等于多少公斤1升;符号为L;公制容积的主要单位,1升等于1000毫升。对应于立方分米,[1]也叫升容量单位。 10升(ge)等于1升,10升等于1桶,现用城市升,1城市升在公制中等于1升,即1000毫升。2.量粮的器具,容量为斗的十分之一。千克(符号Kg)是国际单位制中计量质量的基本单位,千克也是日常生活中最常用的基本单位之一。四1升等多少公斤1升水的质量为1千克(kg)2023-07-18 12:21:353
荣国府 贾母 鸳鸯、文官、琥珀、蕊珠、翡翠、玻璃、傻大姐、鹦鹉贾赦—邢夫人 秋桐、费婆子、王善保家的(陪房)2023-07-18 12:22:066
公斤和升无法换算的,公斤表示重量的单位,升表示体积的单位。对于水来说,一公斤水等于一升。举例:1公斤=1千克=1000克、1升=1000毫升=1000立方厘米。升和公斤是不同的量纲,是不能够相等的。公斤和升公斤不是国际的法定单位,而是国际单位制的质量的单位。国际法定质量单位是千克。过去还有力、重力。并且压强的非法定单位中也有用公斤做单位的。如物体受了多少公斤力,管道内的压力是多少公斤等等。公升,通常简称为升,是容量计量单位,升在国际单位制中表示为L,其次级单位为毫升。2023-07-18 12:22:301
一个重量 一个体积 画等号要有密度才行2023-07-18 12:22:502
一公斤水等于多少升? 一升!水的密度为1.0,重量和体积相等 1升等于多少KG? 升;符号为L;1.公制容量的主单位,1升等于1000毫升。跟立方分米对应,[1] 也叫公升2.容量单位。10合(ge)等于1升,10升等于1斗,现用市升,1市升合公制1升,即1000毫升。3.量粮食的器具,容量为斗的十分之一。 千克,(符号Kg)为国际单位制中度量质量的基本单位,千克也是日常生活中最常使用的基本单位之一。一千克的定义就是国际千克原器的质量,几乎与一升的水等重。 一升等于多少公斤? 升作为容量单位,一升=1立方分米=1000立方厘米,而水作为重量单位,它的密度是1千克/立方分米,所以一升水=1千克=两斤水,当然这只是水的等量方式。但只要知道物体的密度就可以换算出升和斤的等量。比如车用汽油的密度是0.725kg/立方米,那么算下来就是1升汽油=0.725公斤=1.45斤。 而油的密度大致在0.7千克/立方米-0.9千克/立方米左右,所以1升油大致0.7-0.9千克,即1.4-1.8市斤。具体的各商用油密度和升斤换算结果如下: 航空汽油密度为0.701千克/立方米,1升相当于1.4市斤 船用柴油密度为0.886千克/立方米,1升相当于1.8市斤 一公斤等于多少升? 公斤和升无法换算,公斤是重量的单位,升是体积的单位。对于水来说,一公斤水等于一升。 1公斤=1千克=1000克; 1升=1000毫升=1000立方厘米。升和公斤是不同的量纲,是不能够相等的。 升是国选定的非国际单位制体积、容积的单位; 公斤不是国的法定单位,而是国际单位制的质量的单位。国法定质量单位是kg(千克)。过去还有力、重力甚至压强的非法定单位中也有用公斤做单位的。如物体受了多少公斤力,管道内的压力是多少公斤等等。 由于它们不是相同的量纲,所以不能直接进行换算。在体积、容积和质量之间是要通过密度来进行计算的。同一物体它们之间的关系是:体积或者容积与密度之积等于质量。例如水银密度13595.1kg/dm3;,那么一升水银的质量就是13.5951kg,即:13.5951公斤。又例如水密度1kg/dm3;,那么一升水的质量就是1kg,即1升水的质量等于1公斤2023-07-18 12:22:571
一公斤水=1升。2023-07-18 12:23:074
1升。以密度作为桥梁,密度为1千克/升。质量公式是密度乘以体积,所以1公斤就等于1升。容积单位换算还有,1升等于1000毫升等于1000立方厘米。1公斤等于1千克等于1000克。体积、容积和质量之间是要通过密度来进行计算的。2023-07-18 12:23:271
一升等于2斤。1升=1000毫升=1千克=1公斤=2斤。由于升是体积单位,而斤是重量单位,所以两都之间并不存在直接对算的方式,但可以通过密度的换算来确定不同的物质一升等于多少斤。升作为容量单位,一升=1立方分米=1000立方厘米,而水作为重量单位,它的密度是1千克/立方分米,所以一升水=1千克=两斤水。相关内容解释:升在国际单位制中表示为L,其次级单位为毫升(mL)。升与其他容积单位的换算关系为:1L=1000mL=0.001立方米=1立方分米=1000立方厘米。1L=1dm*1dm*1dm=10cm*10cm*10cm。1mL=1立方厘米=1cc。1立方米= 1000升。2023-07-18 12:23:361
公斤和升之间是无法直接换算的,理由如下:公斤是质量单位,现被民间一直使用着;1公斤=1千克,千克为国际单位制中度量质量的基本单位,千克也是日常生活中最常使用的基本单位之一。一千克的定义就是国际千克原器的质量,几乎与一升的水等重。千克是唯一一个有国际单位制词头的基本单位,也是唯一一个仍然使用人工制品作定义的国际单位(其他单位都用基础物理特性作定义,以便于在不同的实验室内复制)。升是容积单位;升在国际单位制中表示为L,其次级单位为毫升(mL)。升与其他容积单位的换算关系为:1L=1000mLl=0.001立方米=1立方分米=1000立方厘米1mL=1立方厘米=1cc1 m3= 1000升公斤与升之间的联系,一般是将处于液态的物体装入到以升或毫升为计量单位的容器中,已知物体的密度为ρ(kg/L),液体的质量问m(kg),容器的体积为V(升)三者之间的相等关系为:m=ρV;举例:水的密度是1千克每升,当我们测得某容器盛水120升,则谁的质量为:m=1kg/L×120L=120kg2023-07-18 12:23:501
如果是一公斤水等于1升。2023-07-18 12:24:122
一公斤等于几升水?答,1升2023-07-18 12:24:363
1公斤水等于1升水1千克=1公斤1公斤=1*1=1千克水的密度是1千克/升那么1千克水=1/1=1升一般按照换算方式就可以得来,其中水的密度尤为重要。2023-07-18 12:24:561
以水为例子,1kg等于一升。公斤是质量单位,升是体积单位,两者的单位不同,所以是无法直接进行换算的。同一物体之间的关系是:体积或者容积与密度之积等于质量。但对于水来说,一公斤水等于一升。例如水银密度13595.1kg/dm3,那么一升水银的质量就是13.5951kg,即:13.5951公斤。又例如水密度1kg/dm3;,那么一升水的质量就是1kg,即1升水的质量等于1公斤。升的换算:1L=1000mL=0.001立方米=1立方分米=1000立方厘米。1L=1dm*1dm*1dm=10cm*10cm*10cm。1mL=1立方厘米=1cc。1立方米= 1000升。换算公式:一升=1000毫升,一加仑(美)≈3785.411784毫升,一加仑(英)≈4546.09188毫升。另,韩国一升约1800毫升,日本一升约1803.9毫升。交叉换算:一升≈0.26加仑(美),一升≈0.22加仑(英)。2023-07-18 12:25:161
八升应该等于36斤吧!2023-07-18 12:25:3710
油--公斤与升换算/*/钢材--计算重量公式油的公斤与升换算1升水重1公斤原油:1升=0.86公斤(1吨=1.17千升=7.35桶)汽油:1升=0.73公斤煤油:1升=0.82公斤轻柴油:1升=0.86公斤重柴油:1升=0.92公斤1升蒸馏酒=0.912公斤蒸馏。。。。。。。1升水重1公斤原油:1升=0.86公斤(1吨=1.17千升=7.35桶)汽油:1升=0.73公斤煤油:1升=0.82公斤轻柴油:1升=0.86公斤1吨原油=1.165千升1吨汽油=1.351千升1吨煤油=1.24千升1吨柴油=1.192千升1吨燃料油=1.065千升升是一种容积单位,1升=1立方分米=1/1000立方米公斤是一种质量单位,1公斤=1000克1公斤汽油=1.351升2023-07-18 12:26:172
公斤和升无法换算,公斤是重量的单位,升是体积的单位.密度*体积才是质量;对于水来说,一公斤水等于一升,1公斤=1千克=1000克;1升=1000毫升=1000立方厘米。公斤和千克是一个概念,一公斤就等于一千克。公斤或者千克是一个常见的质量单位,升是一个常见的体积单位,它们两者之间并没有直接的联系,要想知道一公斤或者1千克等于多少升,还得知道是什么物质,它的密度如何,就比如说:一升水和一升水银的质量其实是完全不同的。水的密度是1千克每升,根据质量、密度和体积的单位m=ρV我们就知道:1千克水等于一升。如果是水银的话,它的密度是13.6千克每升,那么我们就知道1公斤水银等于13.6升;而酒精的密度是0.8千克每升,所以一公斤酒精差不多等于0.8升。扩展资料:升是国选定的非国际单位制体积、容积的单位;公斤不是国的法定单位,而是国际单位制的质量的单位。国法定质量单位是kg(千克)。过去还有力、重力甚至压强的非法定单位中也有用公斤作单位的。如物体受了多少公斤力,管道内的压力是多少公斤等等。参考资料来源:百度百科-公斤参考资料来源:百度百科-毫升2023-07-18 12:26:321
看液体比重,然后用比重x体积数就得出重量了,注意统一单位一升等于1立方分米=0.001立方米2023-07-18 12:27:163
公斤和升无法换算,公斤是重量的单位,升是体积的单位.密度*体积才是质量;对于水来说,一公斤水等于一升,1公斤=1千克=1000克;1升=1000毫升=1000立方厘米。公斤和千克是一个概念,一公斤就等于一千克。公斤或者千克是一个常见的质量单位,升是一个常见的体积单位,它们两者之间并没有直接的联系,要想知道一公斤或者1千克等于多少升,还得知道是什么物质,它的密度如何,就比如说:一升水和一升水银的质量其实是完全不同的。水的密度是1千克每升,根据质量、密度和体积的单位m=ρV我们就知道:1千克水等于一升。如果是水银的话,它的密度是13.6千克每升,那么我们就知道1公斤水银等于13.6升;而酒精的密度是0.8千克每升,所以一公斤酒精差不多等于0.8升。扩展资料:升是国选定的非国际单位制体积、容积的单位;公斤不是国的法定单位,而是国际单位制的质量的单位。国法定质量单位是kg(千克)。过去还有力、重力甚至压强的非法定单位中也有用公斤作单位的。如物体受了多少公斤力,管道内的压力是多少公斤等等。参考资料来源:百度百科-公斤参考资料来源:百度百科-毫升2023-07-18 12:27:421
公斤和升是两个不同领域的度量衡,公斤一般用于表示物质的质量,1公斤也就是我平时常说的1千克,而升是用于衡量物体体积的单位,一般对应的是立方米,立方分米等。它们两个之间不能够直接进行换算,具体一公斤等于多少升,会和所需要计算的物质密度有关系。并且在计算的时候也需要通过公式来进行,常用公式是质量等于密度乘以体积。 通过质量的计算公式可以发现,物质的密度越大,1公斤所对应的物质的体积就越小,而密度越小,相同质量的物质所对应的体积也就越大。2023-07-18 12:28:031
1L=1KG2023-07-18 12:28:189
公斤是重量单位公升是容量单位两个不在一个次元如果非要算的话还应该牵扯到密度吧嗯 反正我物理不及格 不会算2023-07-18 12:28:503
公斤和升所代表的不是同一物体,所以是无法直接换算的,公斤代表的是物体的重量,是重量单位,升代表的是体积单位。两者虽然不能直接换算,但是可以通过密度来进行计算,计算公式是:m=p乘以v,其中m是质量,p是密度,v是体积。比如:水的密度是4000g每立方米,重量为4000g,求水的体积是多少?列式为:解:由公式可知,v(体积)=m(质量)÷p(密度),则4000g÷4000g每立方米=1L,所以水的体积为1升。2023-07-18 12:29:101
公斤是质量单位,升是体积单位,不是同一量单位,不能换算。2023-07-18 12:29:204
公斤为重量单位,升是体积单位,二者的换算要根据液体的密度来。以密度为1g/ml的水为例,当水有1公斤时,1公斤=1000g,则体积=1000/1=1000ml=1L;水有2升时,体积为2L=2000ml,重量为2000*1=2000g=2公斤。扩展资料:1公斤=2斤(市斤)=1000g1立方分米=1000立方厘米=1000000立方毫米=1升=1000毫升=0.061 立方英寸1立方厘米=1000立方毫米=1毫升=0.000061 立方英寸1 立方米=1000 立方分米=1000000立方厘米=1000000000立方毫米=0.353 立方英尺=1.3079 立方码1 立方英寸=0.016387 立方分米=16.387立方厘米=16387立方毫米1立方英尺=28.3立方分米=28300立方厘米=28300000立方毫米1 立方码=27 立方英尺=0.7646 立方米=164.6立方分米=164600立方厘米=164600000立方毫米1 立方尺 = 31.143蒲式耳(英) = 32.143 蒲式耳(美)1 加仑(美) =0.0037854118 立方米 =0.8326741845 加仑(英)2023-07-18 12:29:391
一公斤水等于1升。一公斤=2斤=1000g,水的密度是1,所以1000g=1000ml(毫升)即1公斤水等于1000毫升。每天接触的油盐酱醋茶,生活用水用米等。在PCB厂家常用到电镀添加有各种药水经常都是用量多少升或多少公升。这个是要经过精确计算的,不然加多加少几毫升对做出来的PCB线路板产品外观质量大有不同。扩展资料:最早是饮用不同的酒,选用不同的酒杯。杯的容量是最为重要的,历史上用盎司作为酒的液量单位。美国不使用公制度量衡。一磅大约是454 克,相当于十六盎司。一磅约为一品脱(不到0.5升)水的重量,因此有这样的俗语“一品脱一磅,世界就是这样”。在美国度量衡中,一品脱包含十六盎司。在英制度量衡中,一品脱约合20盎司。单位换算:1英制液体盎司=28.3495231毫升(1/5英制及耳)1美制液体盎司=29.571毫升(1/4美制及耳)2023-07-18 12:29:552
用英语翻译以下中文: 大家好,我叫黄晓。我今年十一岁了,我来自韶
Hello, my name is Xiao Huang. I this year eleven years old, I come from Shaoguan Peace Primary school. I most like the color is blue, because blue is the color of the sky. I most like to eat ice cream. Because I can eat ice cream in summer, hot weather. I most like subject is English, I like English very much, because I think English is very interesting. I can swim, I can dance, I can cook, I can also speak English.2023-07-18 12:26:554
在线中文翻译成英文:请高手帮忙翻译下,十分感谢 本文结合以往国内外的一些研究,以及相关文献跟自己的一些访谈,就小学生数学学习兴趣的提高进行了探讨。 Based on the previous studies both at home and abroad, as well as the related literature and some of his interviews, elementary student mathematics study interest to improve are discussed in this paper. 主要从改观教师的教学策略以及课外的生活来讨论。 Mainly from the change of teachers" teaching strategies and extracurricular life e to discuss. 教师在教学上,可以通过理论联系实践、数学游戏、教师的正面引导以及作业的设计方面来提高学生学习数学的兴趣,其中理论联系实践有课堂活动、情境、多媒体的使用。 Teachers in teaching, can through the theory with practice, math games, positive guidance of teachers, and homework design aspects to increase students" interest in learning mathematics, the theory with practice has a classroom activity, situation, the use of multimedia. 而在课外可以通过增进师生关系,成立课外数学兴趣小组,以及良好的家庭环境来提高学生的学习兴趣。 And outside the classroom can improve the relationship beeen teachers and students, after-school mathematics interest groups, and the good family environment to improve the students" interest in learning. 关键词:小学生; Key words: primary school students; 数学; Mathematics; 学习兴趣; Interest in learning; 策略 strategy 求高手帮忙英文翻译成中文,中文翻译成英文,在线等! 亲爱的大卫, 请见下我的翻译:- 我们的工程师有最新的三维制图方法进行全面检查,发现很难做修改,消除焊接材料在大范围,并添加了一些插入,然而,他们就会有以下几个问题同以前的信息, 1。插入的输水管线等经过腔和核心,所以我们得准备好那输水管线等所有焊接,因此将输水管线等使用了。 (二)腔和芯2344淬硬钢的(?),由于大焊接区域内,我们必须采用氩焊方法,它将在某种程度上退火周围的区域,所以焊接处大大减少了模具寿命。它还将破碎的钙/公司,并因此在焊接处新出现的问题是,所以我们很不确定焊接就能很好的工作。 考虑到以上,我们建议重新编排腔和核心和插入与先前的建议,但本厂和一些电极仍然是可用的,不需要再次或重做。 3: if increase rib after we will consider the product as per the attached pictures ejection direction production, by increasing the rib, mould Open mold product is likely to stay after increase rib here, so we will be in the direction of the product bottom, then you don"t By considering P20 steel due to insufficient strength diminishes life, while hot mouth into glue also in product bottom, the attachment pictures And a set of inversion mould drawing, so you will be more understand our ideas 4: CH. 80151_Long - spine this mould our engineers carefully discussed customer mould diagram, think this structure wind Risk is too big, customer design only by o teams 30x400 diameter of guiding pole to support 270x175x330 lines of bits, intensity is Totally inadequate, when the mould open, due to do a plete impending, do a itself weight will make guide pin serious distortion And it is difficult to ensure *** ooth production mold, perhaps mold testing also carries a lot of risk, because this mould design unreasonable And now we are not able to supply quotation 请高手帮忙翻译断话,中文翻译成英文 In the past year,I was working for a munication pany,and at the same time,I was throwing myself into preparing the graduate examination.In my future study,I think that it is the most important for me to broaden my horizon,intensify my understanding and train my ideation . 中文翻译成英文 ,十分感谢 In the *** all and medium enterprises survive and develop the process, played a key role in talent, talent has bee a business for petitive advantage, and grasp opportunities for development the key. Large enterprises can rely on the strength of its strong reputation and attract a variety of talents, while the prestige and resources of SMEs are relatively *** all in terms of brand, management, standardization, training and staff welfare will be very difficult, pared with large enterprises, attracting talent is obvious disadvantages. But people, especially the leader-like talents The role of *** all and medium enterprises are often more decisive. How to attract talented people to bee the SME operators are very concerned about the issue. In order to obtain long-term survival and sustained development of motivation and ability is *** all and medium enterprises face serious petition issues. Although the suess of SMEs depends on the business a wide range of factors, but human resources strategy is the core of the enterprise development strategy. In this paper, the *** ysis of *** all and medium enterprises, aording to the characteristics of *** all and medium enterprises, *** all and medium enterprises systematically put forward the strategy to attract talent 基本没有纳货延迟现象,信誉高; Basically capable of meeting the due day to hand over products, with high credit. 纳货有时延迟,对纳期的意识高; Seldom cannot meet the due day of goods" shipping, good sense for deadline 同一原因的纳货延迟再次发生; Delay of shipping goods recurred in the same reason 没有管理部门的许可,纳货延迟多次发生。 Delay of goods shipping happened repeatedly due to lack of the sanction by management department In the machining of the similar products, processing technology is fully / past processing experience, also has the processing technology and the ability / processing / no processing technology, the need for guidance on its; The standardized processing condition and operation method and implementation / standardized processing condition and operation method / standardized processing condition and operation method of the system / need servicing processing condition and operation method; Quality reach ability; Qualify new supplier case, need to implement process monitoring. 请帮忙将中文翻译成英文 十分感谢 Classroom Teaching fair Classroom teaching fair is a teacher in the classroom teaching activities in respect of non-discriminatory treatment of each student, to the family background, level of intelligence, different levels of education to students of equal treatment and full respect for every student to enjoy equal right to education and development Opportunities, and in aordance with the characteristics of each student"s personality development suited to their use of teaching methods, students distinguish the difference beeen the treatment of this distinction is based on "equal consideration", namely on the basis of equality in different ways to treat Different objects; at the same time, the equal or unequal treatment of equal relevance of the subject (students), with equality of objects. Full and fair consideration should be given to teaching students of all aspects of the personality of each student should meet the different needs of development, should be able to provide students a variety of potential intellectual development and create good conditions in order to promote all aspects of each student capacity at the same level On the basis of the maximum, as well as the development of all. The Theory of Multiple Intelligences draw a reasonable core, for guidance and to reflect on classroom teaching practice, classroom teaching to promote fair and positive. Classroom teaching is not fair to pursue every student to be the same as the oute of the development, but at least we can provide a fair environment for classroom instruction to each student to provide equal learning opportunities, non-emotional support to develop student"s sense of fairness. In other words, students not only with aess to their own potential for development results (including relevant knowledge, skills and self-development capability), but also through classroom teaching experience feelings generate a fair and truly feel that justice, equality, to form good The civic-mindedness, the future for the munity to make a qualified citizen to lay the foundation. 高手帮忙翻译啊,中文翻译成英文 This is a family of a puter. There are elder brother mouse,mother puter monitor screen graphoscope,yonger brother keyboard,father puer mainframe and yonger sister puter loudspeaker. One day,they had a quarrelling. Mouse said:"I am the only good helper of our owner." Hearing that,monitor screen said:"They all say that I am the owner "s good helper." Then everybody heard that,and each of them said that himself was the good helper. As the matter of fact ,everyone is the owner"s good helper If any of them were lost, the home would not be a home! 请高手帮忙把中文翻译成英文 Our English classes are practice lessons to practice speaking the first three-minute speech. These days my turn, I would like to read some poetry, but their level is indeed limited, less will be translation, seek Gao Ren help translate what, please do not use a puter translator. Poetry is about the earthquake, the following is the article: Suddenly everything is shaking up, Like the fairy tales of the panic, Buried in the darkness of the world; Finally, a glimmer of light he gets weak, I cry I saw the other side of the wrinkle wet camouflage Anxious eyes desperately squeeze tired Viiv"s tears wash away the pain of my injury My subconscious To hold up my camouflage Raised his hand, salute Three years old I do not know what it means to I saw this over *** s Tears in their eyes to pay tribute to the flag2023-07-18 12:27:071
My Favourite School Subject为题,写一篇英语作文。
One day,my classmate asked me a question:what is your favorite subject?I answered him without any thinking:Chinese,of course! Do you know why I like Chinese so much?I will tell you my answer then. First,Chinese is our motherlanguage,we should love our own language.We have talked in Chinese for over ten years,why couldn`t we love it? Second,our Chinese teacher,Mr Xiao,is a very interesting guy,I like him so much that I like what he teached us. Third,as we all know,and I have really mentionde that Chinese is our motherlanguage,it is much easier,isn`t it?2023-07-18 12:27:172
求 中文翻译成英文 不要机器翻译
求 中文翻译成英文 不要机器翻译 With the speedy developments of puter technology and the inter, the technique of video on demand (VOD) has met with great favor by the education ,entertainment and other industries for its good human-puter interaction and streaming media tran *** ission technology. Integrating with the examples of multimedia playback system platform ,the paper describes the protocol principles, sofare architecture and design implementations of the interactive video-on-demand system which is on the basic of web. This paper simulates the video-on-demand system which is on the basic of web in the the campus LAN aording to the tran *** ission principle of streaming media.And achieves the goals such as user information management,the adding or deleting or modifying of video files ,online playing and search functions. In order to provide a friendly visual interface for an easy-operation, this issue uses ASP.NET as a development platform, and bines with JavaScript scripting SQL database management technology well to develop a multimedia play system. The paper elaborates on the relevant technology, and then carries out the implementation skelecton of the video service platform on the server,and realizes the function modules that are included, and proves the rationality and feasibility of the system at last. 花了半个小时... 语句肯定通顺,也没有语病。 专有名词不是很确定。因为借鉴了翻译工具,你看一下吧。 中文翻译成英文(不要机器翻译) Enclosure is electronics dollar the plane chart of the spare part warehouse, through the calculation, electronics dollar spare part warehouse total need 26 square meters, concrete elucidation as follows: 1, the room size be long*breadth*6500* in height 4000*3200 MM; The 2 and 2 P stereoscopic type air condition one set;(used for control temperature) 3, degree of humidity record instrument 1;(used for a record degree of humidity condition) 4, the *** all shelf be 8 sets, size:Long*breadth*2200* in height 600*1800 MM(used for storage electronics piece material) 5, ground through anti-electrostatic resin processing.(Anti-electrostatic). We didn"t produce the white product in the picture,I will quoted the price of the mold after we recieve the sample you send to us.please send us the wire transfer after remiting money next week. 中文翻译成英文,不要机器翻译的 All the documents are ready and will be sent to you today. The next delivery is arranged on 21st. Please stay in touch with us. 中文翻译成英文,不要机器翻译的,急 Regarding the position you have choosed to the engrave the model number DP, it will not work out properly. We suggest to put it at the location shown in the image. 如果是email的附件的话用shown in the attached image 中文翻译成英语,不要机器翻译 这种现象引发了人们的思考 This kind of phenomenon initiated the thinking of the people. This kind of phenomenon touched off the people"s thinking This phenomenon has caused people to think deeply This phenomenon has brought about the consideration of the people 帮忙把中文翻译成英文不要机器翻译 how are you doing lately?i think my english foundation is very poor and i still dont quite understand how to use the Subject,Verb & Object in a sentence. Mentioning the sentence we last refered to, should it be revised to ... i am not sure if i am correct. 请将中文翻译成英文,不要机器翻译,谢谢 Even if you bee a fat woman , I will continue to love you。 中文翻译成英文,不要机器翻译的,谢谢 The sample will be delivered by express to you befor 17th Dec. The price of the mould:13076.00 dollars (50% already paid) Total price of the rest moulds:62270.00 dollars(based on the quote offered on 7th Oct) Totally:75346.00 dollars Please check the appendix:a contract made aoding to your requirement. Keep in touch! I understand what you want, I contacted a supplier this morning, his products could meet your requirement, total height will not exceed 60mm. And the information is being prepared, I will send it to you when it is finished.2023-07-18 12:26:451
圆盘转动惯量公式:J=m*r^2,转动惯量(MomentofInertia)是刚体绕轴转动时惯性(回转物体保持其匀速圆周运动或静止的特性)的量度,用字母I或J表示。转动惯量在旋转动力学中的角色相当于线性动力学中的质量,可形式地理解为一个物体对于旋转运动的惯性,用于建立角动量、角速度、力矩和角加速度等数个量之间的关系。平行轴定理:一个物体以角速度ω绕固定轴z轴的转动同样可以视为以同样的角速度绕平行于z轴且通过质心的固定轴的转动。也就是说,绕z轴的转动等同于绕过质心的平行轴的转动与质心的转动的叠加。利用平行轴定理可知,在一组平行的转轴对应的转动惯量中,过质心的轴对应的转动惯量最小。垂直轴定理一个平面刚体薄板对于垂直它的平面轴的转动惯量,等于绕平面内与垂直轴相交的任意两正交轴的转动惯量之和。2023-07-18 12:26:311
帮忙翻译下 soft subject什么意思
软主题2023-07-18 12:26:297