My family and I went to the Yellow River together. (我的家人和我一起去了黄河边。)
My family and I have been to the Yellow River
黄河的英语翻译 黄河用英语怎么说
浏览外网时有看到用“Hwang Ho”来表示的2023-07-17 15:26:394
黄河 huang he 1.the Huanghe River; the Yellow Rive,8,对了 The Yellow River,2,The Yellow River,2,The Yellow River,1,黄河——The Yellow River,1,Yellow River,0,2023-07-17 15:26:461
黄河 huang he 1.the Huanghe River; the Yellow River2023-07-17 15:26:551
Yellow River2023-07-17 15:27:056
Yellow river/Huanghe river2023-07-17 15:27:202
请问黄河英文是什么?除了Yellow River,长江呢?除了long river
黄河就是 the Yellow River或者是Huang He River。长江是the Yangtze River2023-07-17 15:27:382
4L正解要加the2023-07-17 15:27:4710
Yangtze river, Yellow River, pearl river,2023-07-17 15:28:113
黄河 长江英语怎么说?前面有没有the
有,毕竟是特有名词,比如The Great Wall 长城一样2023-07-17 15:28:194
huanghe2023-07-17 15:28:295
The Yellow River,is a river whom we call her mother.Also named Huanghe River,she rises on the northern slopes of the Bayankela Mountains of Qinghai,and falls 4,450m over a length of 5,465 km,draining an area of 795,000 km2.We Chinese can all remember that song "dragon"s descendants" which sang like "There is a dragon in the faraway eastern,and its name is Huanghe".The Yellow River is the origin of Chinese.2023-07-17 15:29:261
The Yellow River, also known as Huang He, is the second longest river in China. It flows for over 5,400 kilometers and is one of the most important rivers in Chinese history and culture. The river originates in the Bayan Har Mountains in Qinghai province and flows eastward through nine provinces before emptying into the Bohai Sea. The Yellow River is known for its yellow silt, which gives the river its name, and for the devastating floods that have occurred throughout history. Despite this, the river has played a crucial role in the development of Chinese civilization, as it provided water for irrigation, transportation, and served as a key trade route in ancient times. Today, the Yellow River remains an important source of water for agriculture and industry in China.2023-07-17 15:30:022
黄河,中国北部大河,全长约5464公里,流域面积约752443平方公里。世界第五大长河,中国第二长河。 黄河发源于青海省青藏高原的巴颜喀拉山脉北麓约古宗列盆地的玛曲,呈“几”字形。自西向东分别流经青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、陕西、山西、河南及山东9个省、市、自治区,最后流入渤海。 黄河中上游以山地为主,中下游以平原、丘陵为主。由于河流中段流经中国黄土高原地区,因此夹带了大量的泥沙,所以它也被称为世界上含沙量最多的河流。但是在中国历史上,黄河下游的改道给人类文明带来了巨大的影响。是中华文明最主要的发源地,中国人称其为“母亲河” The Yellow River, the North River China, length of approximately 5464 km, the basin area of about 752443 square kilometers. The world"s fifth longest river, the second longest river in China. The Yellow River rises in Qinghai province of the Qinghai Tibet plateau at the northern foot of Bayan Har mountains about ancient Zong column basin in Maqu, a "few" font. From west to East through Qinghai, Gansu respectively, Sichuan, Ningxia,Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan and Shandong 9 provinces, city, autonomous region, and finally into the Bohai. The middle reaches of the Yellow River River to the main mountain, in the middle and lower reaches of the plain, hills mainly to. As the river flows through the China MiddleLoess Plateau area, so it has large amounts of sediment, so it is also known as theworld"s largest river sediment. But in the China history, the lower reaches of the Yellow River diversion brings huge influence to human civilization. Is the birthplace ofChinese civilization in the main, the Chinese called "the mother river"2023-07-17 15:30:222
The Yellow River,is a river whom we call her mother.Also named Huanghe River,she rises on the northern slopes of the Bayankela Mountains of Qinghai,and falls 4,450m over a length of 5,465 km, draining an area of 795,000 km2.We Chinese can all remember that song "dragon"s descendants" which sang like "There is a dragon in the faraway eastern,and its name is Huanghe".The Yellow River is the origin of Chinese. 多乎哉,不多矣~2023-07-17 15:30:391
题主,是病句诶2023-07-17 15:30:584
The Yellow River, simply called the River in ancient China, is the second longest river in China (the first longest one is the Yangtze River) and the fourth longest in the world, at 3,395 km long . Originating from the Bayankala Mountains in Qinghai Province which is in the eastern of Tibet, it flows through nine provinces of China and empties into the Bohai Sea.2023-07-17 15:31:131
The Yellow river is the mother river of China.2023-07-17 15:31:201
1.关于保护黄河的英语句子 Protecting the environment is every man"s responsibility.有关保护环境的英文句子1、We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.我们一边耗尽自然资源,一边产生化学污染物。 如果继续这样做的话,地球上的生物将难以生存。2、Protecting the environment is every man"s responsibility.保护地球环境是每一个人的责任。 3、if everyone could make a big contribution to environmental protection, our home will become much more beautiful.如果每个人为环境保护作出一点贡献,我们的家园会变得更加美丽。4、Protecting the environment,everyone,s duty.保护环境,人人有责。 5、The short life of the flowers away, leaving behind the beauty is forever.带走的花儿生命短暂,留下的美丽才是永远。6、Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.许多国家制定了法律来保护大气、森林和海洋资源,制止环境污染。 7、The protection of trees, that is, to protect themselves。保护树木,就是保护自己。 8、In addition to the photos, nothing taken away; In addition to the footprints, nothing left.除了相片,什么都不要带走;除了脚印,什么都不要留下。9、Have green trees, have the pulse of the earth.树木拥有绿色,地球才有脉搏。 10、Earth is our home, you rely on green.地球是我家,绿化靠大家。 2.关于保护黄河的英语句子 Protecting the environment is every man"s responsibility. 有关保护环境的英文句子 1、We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive. 我们一边耗尽自然资源,一边产生化学污染物。如果继续这样做的话,地球上的生物将难以生存。 2、Protecting the environment is every man"s responsibility. 保护地球环境是每一个人的责任。 3、if everyone could make a big contribution to environmental protection, our home will become much more beautiful. 如果每个人为环境保护作出一点贡献,我们的家园会变得更加美丽。 4、Protecting the environment,everyone,s duty. 保护环境,人人有责。 5、The short life of the flowers away, leaving behind the beauty is forever. 带走的花儿生命短暂,留下的美丽才是永远。 6、Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution. 许多国家制定了法律来保护大气、森林和海洋资源,制止环境污染。 7、The protection of trees, that is, to protect themselves。 保护树木,就是保护自己。 8、In addition to the photos, nothing taken away; In addition to the footprints, nothing left. 除了相片,什么都不要带走;除了脚印,什么都不要留下。 9、Have green trees, have the pulse of the earth. 树木拥有绿色,地球才有脉搏。 10、Earth is our home, you rely on green. 地球是我家,绿化靠大家。 3.求个英语描写黄河的文章 The Yellow River is known as the mother river by all the Chinese people, the 5,464-kilometer (about 3,395 miles) Yellow River is the second longest river in China after the Yangtze River. The headwaters of this mighty river lie in Kunlun Mountains in northwestern Qinghai Province. It runs through nine provinces and autonomous regions on its way to the Bohai Sea. It is not exaggerating to say that Yellow River is a melting port, because there are more than 30 branches and countless streams feeding it through its course. The vigorous upper reaches of the Yellow River starts in Qinghai Province to Hekouzhen in Inner Mongolia. This magnificent river flows quietly, like a shy girl in this section, irrigating the farmlands and nurturing the people. Its middle reaches ends at Taohuayu in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. Here the Yellow River splits the Loess Plateau in half, forming the longest continuous gorge in the whole drainage area of the river. The Yellow River"s lower reaches ends in a delta on the Bohai Sea. It is agreed upon by almost all the Chinese people that the Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization, the spiritual home of the Chinese people. It is the waters of the Yellow River and its spirit that nurture the whole Chinese nation. For thousands of years, the Yellow River has been admiring by literary giants, artists, as well as by the common people. The Yellow River is not just several letters, nor is it just the name of a yellow-ochre-colored river. It bears special significance: the symbol of the Chinese nation, the spirit of the Chinese people and more importantly, civilization itself.。 4.有关黄河的诗句.以及翻译 登鹳雀楼 唐·王之涣 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 使至塞上 唐·王维 单车欲问边,属国过居延。 征蓬出汉塞,归雁入胡天。 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。 萧关逢侯骑,都护在燕然。 将进酒 唐·李白 君不见,黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。 君不见,高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪。 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月! 天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。 烹羊宰牛且为乐,会须一饮三百杯! 岑夫子,丹丘生,将进酒,君莫停! 与君歌一曲,请君为我侧耳听! 钟鼓馔玉不足贵,但愿长醉不愿醒! 古来圣贤皆寂寞,惟有饮者留其名! 陈王昔时宴平乐,斗酒十千恣欢谑。 主人何为言少钱?径须沽取对君酌。 五花马,千金裘,呼儿将出换美酒, 黄河,你是民族的摇篮,五千年古国文化, 从你这儿发源,多少英雄故事在你周围扮演……”。 《黄河颂》的歌词,道出了黄河的悠久历史,唱出了黄河的不朽功绩。 黄河是我国第二大河,也是世界闻名的巨川。 ——摘自《黄河颂》 与尔同消万古愁 黄河夜泊 〔明〕李流芳 明月黄河夜,寒沙似战场。 奔流聒地响,平野到天荒。 吴会书难达,燕台路正长。 男儿久为客,不辨是他乡。 渡黄河 〔明〕谢榛 路出大梁城,关河开晓晴。 日翻龙窟动,风扫雁沙平。 倚剑嗟身事,张帆快旅情。 茫茫不知处,空外棹歌声。 过黄河 〔明〕李东阳 清口驿前初放船, 长淮东下水如弦。 劲催双橹渡河急, 一夜狂风到海边。 浪淘沙 九曲黄河万里沙, 浪淘风簸自天涯。 如今直上银河去, 同到牵牛织女家。 黄河落天走东海,万里写入胸怀间。 (赠《裴十四》) 王之涣曰:黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山。羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关。 (凉州词)白日依山尽,黄河入海流。欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 (登鹳雀楼) 王维诗曰:大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。(使至塞上) “艄公号子声声雷,船工拉纤步步沉。 运载好布千万匹,船工破衣不遮身。运载粮食千万担,船工只能把糠馍啃。 军阀老板发大财,黄河船工辈辈穷。” “一条飞龙出昆仑,摇头摆尾过三门。 吼声震裂邙山头,惊涛骇浪把船行。” “三气周瑜在江东,诸葛亮将台祭东风。 祭起东风连三阵,火烧曹营百万兵。” 岁岁金河复玉关,朝朝马策与刀环。 (唐 柳中庸《征人怨》) 黄河走东溟,白日落西海。(唐 李白《古风》) 阳台隔楚水,春草生黄河。 (唐 李白《寄远》) 黄河北岸海西军,椎鼓鸣钟天下闻。(唐 杜甫《黄河》) 派出昆仑五色流,一支黄浊贯中州。 5.帮忙翻译与黄河有关的诗词 黄河谚语、成语诗句、名句 三春白雪归青冢,万里黄河绕黑山。 君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回 黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山。 黄河捧土尚可塞,北风雨雪恨难裁! 昨日胜今日,今年老去年。 黄河清有日,白发黑无缘。 渡黄河诗 河流迅且浊。汤汤不可陵。 桧檝难为榜。松舟才自胜。 空庭偃旧木。荒畴余故塍。 不覩人行迹。但见狐兔兴。 寄言河上老。此水何当澄。 浪淘沙 九曲黄河万里沙, 浪淘风簸自天涯。 如今直上银河去, 同到牵牛织女家。 凉洲词 黄河远上白云间, 一片孤城万仞山。 羌笛何须怨杨柳, 春风不度玉门关 u2022不到黄河心不甘。 说 尽 黄 河 只 为 水(谚语) 意 思:比 喻 说 了 多 少 话 , 只 有 一 个 目 的。 例 句:你 不 用 再 争 辩 了,~,还 是 对 我 有 意 见。 u2022跳进黄河洗不清。 这句子的本意是说受了很大冤枉,就算跳进黄河这样的大河也洗不清了。其实,不论是谁,跳进黄河就别想洗清。同时,黄河的泥沙颗粒很细,有时河水甚至成泥浆状态,沾在身体上确实不易洗净,真的成了"跳进黄河洗不清了"。 u2022看来他是不 到黄河心不死。 u2022君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。 这句诗说的是黄河从西方遥远的天边奔腾而来,又滚滚东逝入海。今天,"黄河之水天上来"却常常被人们用来形容黄河下游的"悬河"现象。"悬河",是指河床高出两岸地面的河流,又称"地上河"。悬河的成因是,含沙量大的河流,至河谷开阔、比降不大、水流平缓的河段,泥沙大量堆集,河床不断抬高,水位相应上升,为防止水害,两岸大堤亦随之不断加高,年长日久,河床高出两岸地面,成为"悬河"。黄河至下游后,每年大约有4亿吨泥沙淤积于下游河道,河床逐年升高,使黄河下游成为世界上著名的"悬河"。现在黄河下游的河床,一般比堤外地面高出3-5米,在河南封丘县的曹岗,竟高出10米之多。真成了"黄河之水天上来了。"由于河道高出地面,一般来说郑州以下的黄河下游河道成了淮河、海河两大水系的分水岭,从严格意义上来说黄河两岸已不属于黄河流域了。 6.关于黄河的古诗6首 《登鹳雀楼》【唐】王之涣 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 《凉州词》【唐】王之涣 黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山。 羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关。 《黄河二首》【唐】杜甫 黄河北岸海西军,椎鼓鸣钟天下闻。 铁马长鸣不知数,胡人高鼻动成群。 《咏史诗u2022黄河》【唐】胡曾 博望沉埋不复旋,黄河依旧水茫然。 沿流欲共牛郎语,只得灵槎送上天。 《黄河》【宋】王安石 派出昆仑五色流,一支黄浊贯中州。 吹沙走浪几千里,转侧屋闾无处求。 黄河,中国北部大河,全长约5464公里,流域面积约752443平方公里。 世界第五大长河,中国第二长河。 黄河发源于青海省青藏高原的巴颜喀拉山脉查哈西拉山的扎曲,北麓的卡日曲,和星宿海西的约古宗列曲,呈“几”字形。 中文名称:黄河 英文名称:Yellow River 别 称:中国母亲河、河水、浊河 所属水系:黄河水系 地理位置:中国北部 流经地区:青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、陕西、山西、河南、山东 发源地:青藏高原巴颜喀拉山脉 主要支流:汾河、洮河、渭河等 河 长:约5464公里 河流面积:约752443平方公里 平均流量:2571立方米/秒 注入海洋:渤海。 7.急需,有关黄河的古诗,要带翻译的 1.《登鹳雀楼》【唐】王之涣 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 解释:夕阳西沉,渐渐没入连绵的群山,黄河奔腾,汇入浩瀚的大海。虽然眼前一片壮阔,但要打开千里视野,看得更清更远,那还须再登上一层层高楼。 2.《凉州词》【唐】王之涣 黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山。羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关。 解释: 辽阔的高原上,黄河奔腾而来,远远向西望去,好像是从白云中流出来的一般。在高山大河的环抱下,一座地处边塞的孤城巍然屹立。既然春风吹不到玉门关外, 关外的杨柳自然不会吐叶,光 “怨”它又有何用? 3.《浪淘沙》唐·刘禹锡 九曲黄河万里沙,浪淘风簸自天涯。如今直上银河去,同到牵牛织女家。 解释:弯弯曲曲的黄河河流漫长,夹带着大量的黄沙,黄河波涛汹涌,奔腾澎湃,来自天边。现在我要迎着风浪直上银河,走到牛郎、织女的家门口。 4.《黄河》【宋】王安石 派出昆仑五色流,一支黄浊贯中州。吹沙走浪几千里,转侧屋闾无处求。 5.惠崇春江晓景——苏轼 竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。蒌蒿满地芦芽短,正是河豚欲上时。 对不起、我已经尽全力了!后面两首诗的解释我不会! 8.关于黄河的诗歌 凉州词 唐·王之涣 黄河远上白云间, 一片孤城万仞山。 羌笛何须怨杨柳, 春风不度玉门关。 描写黄河的诗句: 君不见,黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回 李白《将进酒》 “黄河落尽走东海,万里写入襟怀间。” 李白《赠裴十四》 黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山。 王之涣《凉州词》 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。 王维《使至塞上》 白日依山尽,黄河入海流 王之涣《登鹳雀楼》 欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪满山 李白《行路难》 九曲黄河万里沙,浪淘风簸自天涯 刘禹锡·唐《浪淘沙》 渡黄河诗 河流迅且浊。汤汤不可陵。 桧檝难为榜。松舟才自胜。 空庭偃旧木。荒畴余故塍。 不覩人行迹。但见狐兔兴。 寄言河上老。此水何当澄。 浪淘沙 九曲黄河万里沙, 浪淘风簸自天涯。 如今直上银河去, 同到牵牛织女家。 黄河诗歌 【登水门楼,见亡友张贞期题望黄河诗,因以感兴】 崔曙 吾友东南美,昔闻登此楼。人随川上逝,书向壁中留。 严子好真隐,谢公耽远游。清风初作颂,暇日复销忧。 时与文字古,迹将山水幽。已孤苍生望,空见黄河流。 流落年将晚,悲凉物已秋。天高不可问,掩泣赴行舟。 《渡黄河诗》 河流迅且浊。 汤汤不可陵。 桧檝难为榜。 松舟才自胜。 空庭偃旧木。 荒畴余故塍。 不覩人行迹。 但见狐兔兴。 寄言河上老。 此水何当澄。 黄河钩沉 从青藏高原 一个名不见传的小土丘开始 拉长 泛黄之水 将先人粗糙的石器 和炎黄的呜咽 深埋 汇成一声呐喊拓展生命的异域 黄地毯 沿渤海湾 向龙宫延伸 会有一天 东海龙往 携娇美的龙女 踏地毯而来 月老下 和着雄浑的《船夫谣》 共饮一杯清冷的月光 和酒 与黄皮肤黑头发的 攀亲 将进酒 君不见黄河之水天上来。 奔流到海不复回。 君不见高堂明镜悲白发。 朝如青丝暮成雪。 人生得意须尽欢。 莫使金樽空对月。 天生我材必有用。 千金散尽还复来。 烹羊宰牛且为乐。 会须一饮三百杯。 岑夫子。 丹丘生。 将进酒 君莫停。 与君歌一曲。 请君为我侧耳听。 钟鼓馔玉不足贵。 但愿长醉不愿醒。 古来圣贤皆寂寞。 惟有饮者留其名。 陈王昔时宴平乐。 斗酒十千恣欢谑。 主人何为言少钱。 径须沽取对君酌。 五花马。 千金裘。 呼儿将出换美酒。 与尔同销万 君不见,黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。 ——李白《将进酒》 君不见,黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回 李白《将进酒》 “黄河落尽走东海,万里写入襟怀间。” 李白《赠裴十四》 黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山。 王之涣《凉州词》 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。 王维《使至塞上》 白日依山尽,黄河入海流 王之涣《登鹳雀楼》 欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪满山 李白《行路难》 九曲黄河万里沙,浪淘风簸自天涯 刘禹锡·唐《浪淘沙》 关于描写长江的诗句 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。《念奴娇赤壁怀古》 苏轼 星垂平野阔,月涌大江流 杜甫《旅夜抒怀》 无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来 杜甫《登高》 孤帆远影碧空尽,惟见长江天际流 李白《送孟浩然至广陵》 天门中断楚江开,碧水东流至此回 李白《望天门山》 山随平野尽,江入大江流 (李白《渡荆门送别》 描写黄河的诗句: 君不见,黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回 李白《将进酒》 “黄河落尽走东海,万里写入襟怀间。” 李白《赠裴十四》 黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山。 王之涣《凉州词》 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。 王维《使至塞上》 白日依山尽,黄河入海流 王之涣《登鹳雀楼》 欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪满山 李白《行路难》 九曲黄河万里沙,浪淘风簸自天涯 刘禹锡·唐《浪淘沙》 渡黄河诗 河流迅且浊。汤汤不可陵。 桧檝难为榜。松舟才自胜。 空庭偃旧木。荒畴余故塍。 不覩人行迹。但见狐兔兴。 寄言河上老。此水何当澄。 浪淘沙 九曲黄河万里沙, 浪淘风簸自天涯。 如今直上银河去, 同到牵牛织女家。 黄河诗歌 【登水门楼,见亡友张贞期题望黄河诗,因以感兴】 崔曙 吾友东南美,昔闻登此楼。人随川上逝,书向壁中留。 严子好真隐,谢公耽远游。清风初作颂,暇日复销忧。 时与文字古,迹将山水幽。已孤苍生望,空见黄河流。 流落年将晚,悲凉物已秋。天高不可问,掩泣赴行舟。 《渡黄河诗》 河流迅且浊。 汤汤不可陵。 桧檝难为榜。 松舟才自胜。 空庭偃旧木。 荒畴余故塍。 不覩人行迹。 但见狐兔兴。 寄言河上老。 此水何当澄。 黄河钩沉 从青藏高原 一个名不见传的小土丘开始 拉长 泛黄之水 将先人粗糙的石器 和炎黄的呜咽 深埋 汇成一声呐喊拓展生命的异域 黄地毯 沿渤海湾 向龙宫延伸 会有一天 东海龙往 携娇美的龙女 踏地毯而来 月老下 和着雄浑的《船夫谣》 共饮一杯清冷的月光 和酒 与黄皮肤黑头发的 攀亲 将进酒 君不见黄河之水天上来。 奔流到海不复回。 君不见高堂明镜悲白发。 朝如青丝暮成雪。 人生得意须尽欢。 莫使金樽空对月。 天生我材必有用。 千金散尽还复来。 烹羊宰牛且为乐。 会须一饮三百杯。 岑夫子。 丹丘生。 将进酒 君莫停。 与君歌一曲。 请君为我侧耳听。 钟鼓馔玉不足贵。 但愿长醉不愿醒。 古来圣贤皆寂寞。 惟有饮者留其名。 陈王昔时宴平乐。 斗酒十千恣欢谑。 主人何为言少钱。 径须沽取对君酌。 五花马。 千金裘。 呼儿将出换美酒。 9.描写黄河的英语作文带有翻译100 Standing on the beach of the Yellow River, looked to be light of heart from care,Pentium the Yellow River water, my whole body and mind are integrated into thethe Yellow River water, it is "the Yellow River comes from the sky". From afar, withlong rows of neat river bank wide across the river, like water like the Great Wallstanding there, on the Bank of a straight, luxuriant poplar, like a green soldier likeprotecting our mother river - the Yellow River along the East River; I looked, onlyto see the wide river turn a big bend, the river gradually disappeared in the waterat the junction of the end; I to look to the west, there is a steel bridge across justabove in the Yellow River,, a train, accompanied by the rumbling sound of the call, quickly put the past, I think the bridge more spectacular! I looked down and saw the turbid yellow river water, sometimes under great circle, sometimes with a small circle, and I like to play hide and seek! I bent down and touched the Rourou skateboarding River, like my favorite popsicle like cool. I heard Dad Say: "the Yellow River is the second longest river in our country, west of Bayankala mountain in Qinghai Province, to the East into the Gulf of Bohai. The source ofthe river is clear, because after the Loess Plateau, became yellow soil.站在黄河滩上,望着无忧无虑、奔腾的黄河水,我的整个身心都溶入到黄河水中了,真是“黄河之水天上来”。 远远望去,宽阔的河对岸有排长长的整齐的河堤,象水上长城一样伫立在那里,河堤上种着笔直又茂盛的杨树,象一个个绿色的士兵一样保护着我们的母亲河--黄河;我顺着东流的河水望去,只见宽阔的河面拐了个大大的弯,河水渐渐地消失在水天交界的尽头;我向西望去,有一座钢铁桥横跨在黄河之上,正巧,有一列火车,伴着轰隆隆的呼叫声,快速地穿了过去,我觉得这座桥更壮观了!我低头看见浑浊的黄色河水,有时打着大圈,有时又打着小圈,好像和我捉迷藏呢!我弯腰摸了摸柔柔滑滑的河水,象我最爱吃的冰棒一样清凉。2023-07-17 15:31:291
the yellow river英语绘本
the source of love-the Yellow River2023-07-17 15:31:361
汉语拼音前零冠词节日前零冠词奖项前零冠词表示街道名的序数词前零冠词序数词前大多数情况下加下列八种情况不能使用定冠词the。一、定冠词不与表示一类人或事物的复数名词连用。例如:1. I like reading the books.(×)I like reading books.(√)2. She likes the cats.(×)She likes cats.(√)二、定冠词不能用在某些习惯用语中的名词前面。例如:1. I have lunch at the noon.(×)I have lunch at noon.(√)2. We go to school by the bus.(×)We go to school by bus.(√)三、定冠词不能用在某些专用名词和不可数名词前面。例如:1. I like the China.(×)I like China.(√)2. Would you like a cup of the water? (×)Would you like a cup of water?(√)四、定冠词不能用在节日、日期、月份、季节前面。例如:1. Today is the Teachers" Day. (×)Today is Teachers" Day.(√)2. He was born in the May in 1987. (×)He was born in May in 1987. (√)五、定冠词不能用在表示称呼语或某些头衔的名词前面(尤其作表语、宾补时)。例如:1. Good morning,the sir!(×)Good morning,sir! (√)2. I need some help,the Mummy.(×)I need some help,Mummy.(√)六、定冠词不能与名词前已有作定语用的this,that,my,your,some,any等代词连用。例如:1. This the pen is mine. (×)This pen is mine.(√)2. I have the some money. (×)七、定冠词不能用在表示科目名词的前面。例如:1. We will learn the Chinese, the history and the Maths this afternoon. (×)We will learn Chinese, history and Maths this afternoon.(√)2. The English is the most interesting of all the subjects.(×)English is the most interesting of all the subjects.(√)八、定冠词不能用在三餐和球类运动名词的前面。例如:1. She goes to school after the breakfast every morning.(×)She goes to school after breakfast every morning.(√)2. We often play the football after school. (×)We often play football after school. (√)2023-07-17 15:31:431
I stand on the of the high mountain,Hope the yellow river billowing,Rush toward southeast.The surge of gold ,Bring about ten thousand roaring waveses ;Turbid stream and sweet,Become nine songs connects the wreath;From the kunlun below the hills,Rush toward the side of Yellow sea;Chase Central plains the earthSplit south north both sides., Yellow river!You are the cradle of the Chinese nation!5,000 years of ancient Chinese language turn,This originates from you;How much hero of story,Play nearby at you!, Yellow river!You are great strong,Be like a giantAppear the plain in Asia on,Use your that heroic physiqueBuild the natural cover of our race., Yellow river!Ten thousand high of your one ,Vastly and mightily,To the south north cross-straitsStretch out the upper arm of an iron of ten million.Great spirit of our race,Will feed at you underDevelop to grow!The hero children of our motherland,Will study your model,Be like your similar greatness strong!Be like your similar greatness strong!我站在高山之巅,望黄河滚滚,奔向东南.金涛澎湃,掀起万丈狂澜;浊流宛转,结成九曲连环;从昆仑山下,奔向黄海之边;把中原大地劈成南北两面.啊,黄河!你是中华民族的摇篮!五千年的古国文化,从你这发源;多少英雄的故事,在你的身边扮演!啊,黄河!你是伟大坚强,像一个巨人出现在亚洲平原之上,用你那英雄的体魄筑成我们民族的屏障.啊,黄河!你一泻万丈,浩浩荡荡,向南北两岸伸出千万条铁的臂膀.我们民族的伟大精神,将要在你的哺育下发扬滋长!我们祖国的英雄儿女,将要学习你的榜样,像你一样的伟大坚强!像你一样的伟大坚强!著杨鸿基2023-07-17 15:31:531
The Yellow River is very big, the Yellow River is our mother river in China黄河非常的大,黄河是我们中国的母亲河2023-07-17 15:32:021
2楼正解2023-07-17 15:32:213
凡是表示江河、山脉、湖海、群岛等地理方面的专有名词都需要加定冠词。2023-07-17 15:32:421
The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.2023-07-17 15:32:516
黄河是一个被我们叫做母亲河的伟大的河 用英语定语从句怎么说?
黄河是一个被我们叫做母亲河的伟大的河。用英语定语从句:The Yellow River is a great river that we call Mother River.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。2023-07-17 15:33:071
黄河大合唱英语介绍 急 50个词语左右 随便谈
The Yellow River Cantata (Chinese:黄河大合唱 Pinyin:Huánghé Dàhéchàng) is a cantata by Chinese composer Xian Xinghai (1905–1945).Composed in Yan"an in early 1939 during the Second Sino-Japanese War,the work was inspired by a patriotic poem by Guang Weiran,which was also adapted as the lyrics.Premiered on April 13 of the same year in the Shanbei Gongxue Hall of Yan"an,the work soon spread to all parts of China and greatly inspired the people to take up arms against Japanese invaders.2023-07-17 15:33:161
the Yellow River is the second longest river in China2023-07-17 15:33:252
黄河边The Yellow River edge2023-07-17 15:33:362
顶顶顶顶方法色的风水水水水水反反复复顶顶防堵塞飞机上看看看的房价金额可是大家看过了十多个去玩儿体育iop阿斯顿飞规划局快乐自行车vbnm是否得瑟防堵塞防堵塞发的都是法师的风水是的发生的2023-07-17 15:33:462
What is the length of the Yellow River ?2023-07-17 15:33:554
While mentioned about China, people always think of Yellow River2023-07-17 15:34:051
We call the Yellow River our “Mother River” and we also see the Chang, jiang River as our “Father River” since these two rivers are the source of the civilization of Chinese people. Our remote ancestors lived along the river, so both rivers have witnessed the growth of Chinese people and they are our valuable heritage. My childhood is closely associated with the Changjiang River. 我们把黄河称为我们的“母亲河”,我们也常把长江比作“父亲河”,因为这两个河流的源头是中国人们的文明。我们的老祖宗沿河居住,因此两河流已经见证了中国人的成长,他们也是我们宝贵的遗产。我的童年和长江是密切相关的。2023-07-17 15:34:131
Yellow River. 专有名词要大写.2023-07-17 15:34:351
黄河 长江英语怎么说?前面有没有the
长江 Yangtze River 黄河the Yellow River2023-07-17 15:34:421
问题一:"长江与黄河"用英语怎么说更准确 长江the Changjiang River(the Yangtse River) 黄河the Yellow River 问题二:黄河 长江英语怎么说 黄河 长江 The Yellow River, Yangtze River 问题三:用英文简要介绍长江和黄河 The Yellow River, or Huanghe, is the second longest river in China. Tracing to a source high up the majestic Yagradagze mountain in the nation"s far west, it loops north, bends south, and flows east for 5,464 km until it empties into the sea, draining a basin of 745,000 sq km, which nourishes 120 million people. This river carries lots of mud and sand thus it bees yellow in colour. Millennia ago the Chinese civilization emerged from the central region of this basin. The Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia and third longest in the world. The headwaters of the Yangtze are situated at an elevation of about 16,000 feet in the Kunlun Mountains in the southwestern section of Qinghai. It flows generally south through Sichuan into Yuanan then northeast and east across central China through Sichuan, Hubei, Auhui, and Juangsu provinces to its mouth, 3,720 miles, in the East China Sea north of Shanghai. The river has over 700 tributa饥ies but the principal tributaries are the Hun, Yalong, Jialing, Min, Tuo Jiang, and Wu Jiang. The climate ranges from 96 degrees in the summer to cold, brisk temperatures in the winter. Precipitation is high due to the height of the mountains. 问题四:长江,黄河简介(英文版) 10分 1.Yellow River will remain yellow For thousands of years, Chinese people have hoped that the water of the Yellow River will bee clear one day. Since the foundation of New China, Chinese government has devoted great efforts to trying to remove the sediments in the Yellow River. However, after years of hard work, it is realized that the Yellow River will not, and need not, change into clear water. Wang Huayun, a late expert on the Yellow River director of the Yellow River Water Conservancy mittee, once summarized the lessons of harnessing the Yellow River over the previous 40 years as follows: “Since ancient times, people have hoped that the Yellow River can bee clear. However, we now learn that the Yellow River can not turn clear and it needn"t bee clear, either.” Experts from the Yellow River Water Conservancy mittee point out that the Yellow River has always been yellow in history. The Huabei Plain (North Plain) was a river flat filled up with the sands and sediments carried by the Yellow River. Even today, it is still creating land. The Yellow River delta at the estuary is the most recent land formed on earth. Meanwhile, the sands and sediments in the Yellow River are full of rich mineral substances such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which fertilize millions of mu of farmland by the river. If the sediments of the Yellow River are removed, the farmland will not be as productive as it is today. 2.The Chang Jing River The Chang Jin......>>2023-07-17 15:34:491
长江the Changjiang River(the Yangtse River)黄河the Yellow River2023-07-17 15:34:571
The Yellow River, also known as the Huanghe River, is one of the most significant rivers in China. It holds great historical, cultural, and ecological importance.Originating from the Bayan Har Mountains in western China, the Yellow River stretches over 5,464 kilometers, making it the second-longest river in the country. It flows through nine provinces and plays a vital role in the agricultural, industrial, and economic development of the region.The Yellow River is often called the "Mother River" by the Chinese people due to its historical and cultural significance. It has been a cradle of Chinese civilization for thousands of years, witnessing the rise and fall of numerous dynasties. Along its banks, you can find ancient relics, temples, and historical sites that reflect the rich heritage and cultural diversity of the region.However, the Yellow River is not without its challenges. It is known for its silt-carrying capacity, which gives it a distinct yellowish color. The river is prone to flooding, and throughout history, these floods have caused significant devastation. Efforts have been made to control and manage the river"s flow, including the construction of dams and levees.Despite its challenges, the Yellow River remains a symbol of resilience and perseverance. It serves as a lifeline for millions of people who depend on it for irrigation, transportation, and other livelihoods. The river"s fertile plains support agriculture, and its waters provide essential resources for industries and communities.In recent years, conservation and environmental protection efforts have been undertaken to preserve the Yellow River"s ecological balance. These measures aim to maintain its ecological health, protect endangered species, and promote sustainable development along its course.In conclusion, the Yellow River holds a special place in China"s history, culture, and development. It represents the enduring spirit of the Chinese people and serves as a reminder of the challenges and opportunities that come with harnessing the power of nature.望采纳2023-07-17 15:35:063
在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是我整理的关于黄河的英语作文(精选8篇),欢迎阅读与收藏。 黄河的英语作文 篇1 I Love You——the Yellow River--我爱你——黄河! 【内容提示】 你的家乡在某条河流的附近。它浇灌着河域的良田,养育着沿河的儿女,人们称它为母亲河。它或者流水潺潺,或者汹涌澎湃;沿岸景色万千,甚是美丽。你早有游览该河、一览美景的愿望,但一直未能成行。恰好,某个星期天你们班要组织游览,这使你非常高兴。请你把游览的情况和你的心情写一篇文章。 【作文示范】 I Love You——the Yellow River It"s well known that the Yellow River is the second longest river in China. Though my hometown is close to her, yet I had no chance to enjoy myself at her beautiful scenery. What a pity!To my great joy we were told that we would go there and have a good look at the lovely river on Sunday. It took us quite a few hours" ride to reach the bank of the river,where we saw the Chunü Spring①. It is one of the most famous hot springs there . The water of the spring is so clear that we couldn"t help diving into it. Our head teacher, together with us, swam happily. Floating on the water, I looked around . We were surrounded by the great mountains. Then we got on some small boats. We had been longing to float on the Mother River. Seeing her powerful current and attractive beauty, I felt proud of being one of her sons. It was noon before we knew it. We went ashore② and then danced and sang happily on the grassland. We helped ourselves to the tasty③ fish, crabs④ and other food, which we cooked ourselves. It was time for us to go home. We had to say good-bye to the Mother River. We all felt reluctant⑤ when we left her. (选自《英语画刊》高中版1997年第1期) 【词语解释】 ①Chunü Spring处女泉 ②go ashore [ "M&:]上岸 ③tasty ["teisti] a.美味的;可口的 ④crab [kr$b] n.蟹;蟹肉 ⑤reluctant [ri"l)kt nt] a.不愿意的;留恋的 【写法指要】 本文作者把自己对黄河的一片爱心和感情融于对黄河美景的描写之中。第一段写自己急于游黄河的心情;第二段写黄河的景点之一“处女泉”及在其中畅游时的快活心情;第三段写乘船漂游时被美景吸引住的自豪感;第四段写上岸后吃美味时的高兴劲;最后一段写留连忘返的"心情。 黄河的英语作文 篇2 我早就有去黄河的愿望了。今天,我来到了向往已久的黄河滩,我终于如愿以偿了!我激动的心情是无法用语言来形容的。 I have a long wish to go to the Yellow River. Today, I came to the long-awaited Yellow River beach, and I finally got what I wanted! My excitement is beyond words. 站在黄河滩上,望着无忧无虑、奔腾的黄河水,我的整个身心都溶入到黄河水中了,真是“黄河之水天上来”。远远望去,宽阔的河对岸有排长长的整齐的河堤,象水上长城一样伫立在那里,河堤上种着笔直又茂盛的杨树,象一个个绿色的士兵一样保护着我们的母亲河--黄河;我顺着东流的河水望去,只见宽阔的河面拐了个大大的弯,河水渐渐地消失在水天交界的尽头;我向西望去,有一座钢铁桥横跨在黄河之上,正巧,有一列火车,伴着轰隆隆的呼叫声,快速地穿了过去,我觉得这座桥更壮观了!我低头看见浑浊的黄色河水,有时打着大圈,有时又打着小圈,好像和我捉迷藏呢!我弯腰摸了摸柔柔滑滑的河水,象我最爱吃的冰棒一样清凉。我听爸爸说:“黄河是我国第二大河,西起青海省巴颜喀拉山,向东流入渤海湾。源头的河水是清澈的,因为经过了黄土高原,才变成土黄色的。 Standing on the Yellow River beach, looking at the carefree and galloping water of the Yellow River, my whole body and mind have melted into the water of the Yellow River, which is really "the water of the Yellow River comes to the sky". From a distance, there are long and neat river banks on the other side of the broad river, standing there like the Great Wall on the water, on which are planted the straight and lush poplar trees, protecting our mother river, the Yellow River, like a green soldier. I look along the East River, only to see that the broad river turns a big corner, and the river gradually disappears at the end of the water sky junction; I Looking to the west, there is a steel bridge across the Yellow River. Coincidentally, there is a train, accompanied by the rumbling call, passing quickly. I think this bridge is even more spectacular! I looked down and saw the muddy Yellow River, sometimes in a big circle, sometimes in a small circle, as if playing hide and seek with me! I stooped to feel the soft and slippery River, as cool as my favorite popsicle. I heard my father say: "the Yellow River is the second largest river in China. It starts from Bayan Kara mountain in Qinghai Province in the West and flows into Bohai Bay in the East. The source of the river is clear, because after the Loess Plateau, it becomes yellow. 天色渐渐暗了,我才恋恋不舍地离开了雄伟壮观的黄河,黄河博大的胸怀让我久久难忘,更让我回味无穷…… As the sky darkened, I reluctantly left the magnificent Yellow River. The broad mind of the Yellow River made me unforgettable and memorable 黄河的英语作文 篇3 This is the Yellow River. Each year the Yellow River carries billions of tons of sediment from the Loess Plateau eastwards to the crop fields of the Chinese heartland. 这就是——黄河。每一年,黄河夹带着数十亿吨的泥沙从黄土高原奔流而下,往东流向中国心脏地带的耕地。 Historically, the Chinese relationship with the river has been uneasy. Sediment, building up on the riverbed, has caused the Yellow River to burst its banks periodically, unleashing devastating floods, resulting in millions of deaths. 历史上桀骜不驯的黄河曾多次泛滥,泥沙大量积聚在河床上,导致了黄河周期性的溃堤。释放了毁灭性的洪水无情地吞没了数百万计的生命。 But when tamed with dykes and channels, the river"s bounty is legendary. Even today, half of China"s wheat comes from the Yellow River floodplain. 但却被水渠和堤坝所驯服。黄河的丰饶孕育了一方水土,即使如今,中国半数的小麦仍然来自黄河流域的漫滩。 黄河的英语作文 篇4 The Yellow River is about 5,000 kilometers long. It is the second longest river in China, only second to the Yangtze River. With its origin in Qinghai Province, the Yellow River flows through nine provinces of China such as Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, and Shanxi, and finally pours itself into the Bohai Sea. Because it carries a lot of silt, the water of the River is in yellow. In Chinese history, the Yellow River basin influences Chinese civilization significantly and is also the major birthplace of Chinese nation. Therefore, the Yellow River is called "the Cradle of Chinese Civilization" and "Mother River" of China. 黄河全长约5000公里,是中国第二长河,仅次于长江(the Yangtze River)。黄河发源于青海省,流经中国青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、陕西等9个省区,最后流入渤海。由于夹带了大量的泥沙(silt)。黄河的河水呈黄色。在中国历史上,黄河流域给中华文明带来了巨大的影响,也是中华民族最主要的发源地。因此黄河被称为“中华文明的摇篮(cradle)”和中国的“母亲河”。 黄河的英语作文 篇5 黄河 The Yellow River 黄河是中国第二长河,仅次于长江。全长约5464公里。黄河发源于青海,流经9个省区,最后注入渤海。它被称为“中华文明的摇篮”。黄河流域自古是中国最富饶的地区,也是古代中华文明的诞生地。对黄河的进一步开发和利用将会为实现中国的“四个现代化”做出新的贡献。 The Yellow River Following the Yangtze River, the Yellow River is the second-longest river in China at the estimated length of 5,464 km. Originating in Qinghai, it flows through nine provinces, and empties into the Bohai Sea. The Yellow River is called “the cradle of Chinese civilization”. Its basin was the most prosperous region in early Chinese history, and was the birth place of ancient Chinese civilization. The further exploitation and utilization of the Yellow River will make new contribution to the realization of Four Modernizations of China. 黄河的英语作文 篇6 The Yellow River, the second longest river in China, is one of the most famous long rivers in the world. The Yellow River flows through nine provinces,meandering in northern China. Seen from the sky, it is much like a huge Chinese character “ji” (meaning a few), and it is also a bit like the unique totem of Chinese nation dragon. Since the middle part of the river flows through the Loess Plateauin China, a lot of sediment is carried away. Therefore, it is also considered as the river with the most sediment in the world. In Chinese history, the Yellow River has significant influence on human civilization and it"s one of the most important birthplaces of the Chinese nation, so Chinese people call it the "Mother River". 黄河(the Yellow River)为中国第二大长河,也是世界著名的长河之一。黄河流经九个省区,在中国北方蜿蜒流动。从髙空俯瞰,它非常像一个巨大的“几”字,又隐约像是我们民族那独一无二的图腾(totem)—龙。由于河流中段流经中国黄土高原(Loess Plateau)地区,因此夹带了大世的泥沙(sediment),所以它也被认为是世界上含沙量最多的河流。在中国历史上,黄河给人类文明带来很大的影响,是中华民族最主要的发祥地之一,因此中国人称其为“母亲河”。 黄河的英语作文 篇7 As a river that pregnant the children of the Chinese, it is happiness; as a river that has changed over the years, it is fortunate; but as a bloody, it is sorrowful. The mother of the Chinese nation - the Yellow River, deeply loves her Chinese children, their laughter, every cry, she looks in the eyes, but with the development of society, we will repay the mother is a drop of blood Tears. Every time our destruction is to meet selfish self, every repair, it is for the next bigger damage. We live in a natural environment that repairs, but we are in a nature that is full of scars, we are indifferent. In the face of human being ruthless, the nature that has not been refreshed is as gray: we cut down trees, emissions sewage, release smoke ... Nature"s cry, we can"t see it, its help us can"t hear, see It is just the endless wealth of nature, and he heard is just the evil sound of the environment. A drip bitter tears flow into the arms of the Yellow River mother, they can"t wait to flow, it seems that I want to tell my mother to the grievances as soon as possible. But now, it is just a night, maybe after a few years, nature will retrieve us in a unusless way, come to the pain of our happiness in others. Wrong to punish. Although it could not express the inner grief, it could not use a look, even a move to express its heartbeat, but it used to drop the tears we did wrong, it used hug to tell the mother it was hurt. It will also be discharged with time, and the environment and conditions of survival are also discharged. In the face of the cry of nature, I face the tears with blood in nature, how can we endure it to continue to hurt? These are caused by our human beings, and we should be punished accordingly. Next, we have to take care of nature to make up for the mistakes we committed in the past, so that the blood of the tears will never appear. 黄河的英语作文 篇8 For thousands of years, the sediment-rich Yellow River has underpinned the prosperity of the Chinese heartland. 千百年来,富含沉积物的黄河支撑了中国心脏地区的繁荣。 But increased demand for water by people and industry now threaten to run the river dry. 但日益增长的生活与生产需求,使得黄河水量骤减,面临干涸的危机。 And the source of its fertility, the Loess Plateau, is also under threat. Loosened by cultivation, its soft soil is blowing away. 黄河河滩肥力的源头——黄土高原却依旧沉浸在危机之中,因耕作而日益疏松的表土在不断流失。 The North China Plain is choked with dust storms that even loom over Beijing, so much so that the Chinese government has made improving the city"s air quality a priority in the run up to the Beijing Olympics. 中国北部平原忍受着沙尘暴的侵袭,沙尘暴甚至逼近北京以至于中国政府不得不将提高城市空气质量视为举办奥运会前的整顿重头。 Heartland China"s life-support system is in trouble. Yet in a few places it"s still possible to find landscapes that appear to have remained untouched. 中国中部地区的生命支持系统问题重重,然而在一些地区依旧存留着最后的处女地。2023-07-17 15:35:141
长江比黄河长 用英语怎么说
长江比黄河长The Yangtze River is longer than the Yellow River2023-07-17 15:35:234
以下范文,仅供参考:Xian Xinghai was born in Macao, China in 1905 and studied in Paris. He is famous for his song The Yellow River. He wrote it in 1939 in only six days. He used traditional folk music, and brought western and Chinese music together. The music describes China to the rest of the world, and his songs have been popular for more than 60 years. Unfortunately, Xian Xinghai died young, in 1945. However, he is called the People"s Musician and people like his music very much.2023-07-17 15:36:041
第二长河黄河用英语怎么说,为什么用“the second longest ”哪?
the second longest river yellow river .yellow river is the second longest river .2023-07-17 15:36:142
english poem谁有关于黄河的英语演讲稿阿,
As in Egypt,Mesopotamia,and along the Indus River,Chinese civilization began within a major river valley.Modern China itself is a huge geographical expanse.Around 4000 BC,this huge area contained an almost infinite number of ethnic groups and languages.The course of Chinese history,however,is in part dominated by a single ethnic group and language.This history,in which a vast area populated by diverse ethnic groups became,over time,a more or less single culture,began in the Yellow River Valley. The Yellow River is the northernmost of the major Chinese rivers.Directly to the south is the Yangtze River; south of the Yangtze is the West River; south of the West River is the Red River,much of which passes through modern-day Vietnam.Sometime around 4000 BC,when the area was much more temperate and forested,populations around the southern bend of the Yellow River began to practice agriculture.They sowed millet,but some time later,the Chinese began cultivating rice to the south,near the Huai River.These were a Neolithic,tribal people who used stone tools.We know also that they domesticated animals very early on,but they still continued as a hunter society as well.Remains of game animals are almost as mon as domestic animals in these villages.We know almost nothing about them,for they left no records,and the life-blood of a people does not flow in the archaeological refuse they leave behind.We believe that tribal warfare was mon and that they may have had some form of ancestor worship,but these are mere guesses. The Three Cultural Heroes In the Chinese version of history,however,history begins with three semi-mystical and legendary individuals who taught the Chinese the arts of civilization around 2800-2600 BC:Fu Hsi,the inventor of writing,hunting,trapping,and fishing; Shen Nung,the inventor of agriculture and mercantili *** ,and the Yellow Emperor (around 2700 BC),who invented government and Taoist philosophy (pare this history with the Hebrew version of the founding of civilization and its arts in Genesis,Chapter 3).While Western historians di *** iss these Three Cultural Heroes as legend,they were regarded as historical fact for most of Chinese history. The Sage Kings The Chinese believed that the Three Cultural Heroes were followed by the Three Sage Kings,Yao (around 2350 BC),Shun (around 2250 BC),and Yu (rule began in 2205 BC).These Sage Kings ruled with perfect wisdom,clarity,and virtue.In the Chinese model of history,human events follow discernible cycles in which times of great virtue and wisdom are followed by times of decadence and decline.Still,Chinese historians believed the Sage Kings" rule to be the most virtuous period in Chinese history. The Hsia Dynasty,2205-1766 BC According to the Chinese historians,the last of the sage kings,Yu,founded a dynasty of kings,the Hsia.The Hsia began with virtue and wisdom,and ended with the rule of Chieh,who was decadent and cruel.In 1766 BC,after four hundred years of rule,the Hsia dynasty was overthrown by T"ang,who began a new dynasty,the Shang. There is,however,absolutely no evidence,archaeological or otherwise,that supports this account of the early civilization in China; this lack of evidence has led historians to relegate the entire account,from the Cultural Heroes to the Hsia dynasty,to the realm of mythology.Two things,however,should be kept in mind.In the strictest sense,history is not about facts,it is about cultural memory ,which means that what a culture believes its history to be is as important,or even more important,than the "facts" in terms of the lived experience of that culture.Second,the Shang dynasty that the Chinese claimed followed the Hsia,was also believed to be mythological until archaeological evidence appeared in the 1920"s.We may yet find a Chinese civilization equivalent to the Shang in even earlier strata of Chinese time.2023-07-17 15:36:321
Huanghe is the second longest river in China2023-07-17 15:36:502
求个英语描写黄河的文章.....100字左右 ........谢谢了.......
The Yellow River is known as the mother river by all the Chinese people, the 5,464-kilometer (about 3,395 miles) Yellow River is the second longest river in China after the Yangtze River. The headwaters of this mighty river lie in Kunlun Mountains in northwestern Qinghai Province. It runs through nine provinces and autonomous regions on its way to the Bohai Sea. It is not exaggerating to say that Yellow River is a melting port, because there are more than 30 branches and countless streams feeding it through its course. The vigorous upper reaches of the Yellow River starts in Qinghai Province to Hekouzhen in Inner Mongolia. This magnificent river flows quietly, like a shy girl in this section, irrigating the farmlands and nurturing the people. Its middle reaches ends at Taohuayu in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. Here the Yellow River splits the Loess Plateau in half, forming the longest continuous gorge in the whole drainage area of the river. The Yellow River"s lower reaches ends in a delta on the Bohai Sea. It is agreed upon by almost all the Chinese people that the Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization, the spiritual home of the Chinese people. It is the waters of the Yellow River and its spirit that nurture the whole Chinese nation. For thousands of years, the Yellow River has been admiring by literary giants, artists, as well as by the common people. The Yellow River is not just several letters, nor is it just the name of a yellow-ochre-colored river. It bears special significance: the symbol of the Chinese nation, the spirit of the Chinese people and more importantly, civilization itself.2023-07-17 15:37:021
english poem谁有关于黄河的英语演讲稿阿,谢谢
As in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and along the Indus River, Chinese civilization began within a major river valley. Modern China itself is a huge geographical expanse. Around 4000 BC, this huge area contained an almost infinite number of ethnic groups and languages. The course of Chinese history, however, is in part dominated by a single ethnic group and language. This history, in which a vast area populated by diverse ethnic groups became, over time, a more or less single culture, began in the Yellow River Valley.The Yellow River is the northernmost of the major Chinese rivers. Directly to the south is the Yangtze River; south of the Yangtze is the West River; south of the West River is the Red River, much of which passes through modern-day Vietnam. Sometime around 4000 BC, when the area was much more temperate and forested, populations around the southern bend of the Yellow River began to practice agriculture. They sowed millet, but some time later, the Chinese began cultivating rice to the south, near the Huai River. These were a Neolithic, tribal people who used stone tools. We know also that they domesticated animals very early on, but they still continued as a hunter society as well. Remains of game animals are almost as common as domestic animals in these villages. We know almost nothing about them, for they left no records, and the life-blood of a people does not flow in the archaeological refuse they leave behind. We believe that tribal warfare was common and that they may have had some form of ancestor worship, but these are mere guesses. The Three Cultural Heroes In the Chinese version of history, however, history begins with three semi-mystical and legendary individuals who taught the Chinese the arts of civilization around 2800-2600 BC: Fu Hsi, the inventor of writing, hunting, trapping, and fishing; Shen Nung, the inventor of agriculture and mercantilism, and the Yellow Emperor (around 2700 BC), who invented government and Taoist philosophy (compare this history with the Hebrew version of the founding of civilization and its arts in Genesis, Chapter 3). While Western historians dismiss these Three Cultural Heroes as legend, they were regarded as historical fact for most of Chinese history. The Sage Kings The Chinese believed that the Three Cultural Heroes were followed by the Three Sage Kings, Yao (around 2350 BC), Shun (around 2250 BC), and Yu (rule began in 2205 BC). These Sage Kings ruled with perfect wisdom, clarity, and virtue. In the Chinese model of history, human events follow discernible cycles in which times of great virtue and wisdom are followed by times of decadence and decline. Still, Chinese historians believed the Sage Kings" rule to be the most virtuous period in Chinese history. The Hsia Dynasty, 2205-1766 BC According to the Chinese historians, the last of the sage kings, Yu, founded a dynasty of kings, the Hsia. The Hsia began with virtue and wisdom, and ended with the rule of Chieh, who was decadent and cruel. In 1766 BC, after four hundred years of rule, the Hsia dynasty was overthrown by T"ang, who began a new dynasty, the Shang.There is, however, absolutely no evidence, archaeological or otherwise, that supports this account of the early civilization in China; this lack of evidence has led historians to relegate the entire account, from the Cultural Heroes to the Hsia dynasty, to the realm of mythology. Two things, however, should be kept in mind. In the strictest sense, history is not about facts, it is about cultural memory , which means that what a culture believes its history to be is as important, or even more important, than the "facts" in terms of the lived experience of that culture. Second, the Shang dynasty that the Chinese claimed followed the Hsia, was also believed to be mythological until archaeological evidence appeared in the 1920"s. We may yet find a Chinese civilization equivalent to the Shang in even earlier strata of Chinese time.2023-07-17 15:37:101
黄河流域 用英语怎么说
Yellow River Basin2023-07-17 15:37:192
the length of the Yellow River2023-07-17 15:37:272
可以翻译成The Yellow River is our pride in China.2023-07-17 15:37:371
The yellow river is our mother river.2023-07-17 15:37:451