帐篷 tent
铁锹 shovel
急救箱 First aid kit
篝火 Bonfires
背包 backpack
野餐布 Picnic cloth
对讲机 Walkie-talkie
炉子 Stoves
指南针 compass
手电筒 flashlight
go camping , up for a barbecue, take part in the activities.
go camping
go camping tent
tent 1. 帐篷,帐棚 Tents are used by campers and by soldiers in the field. 露营的人和战地的士兵用帐篷。 Before it got dark the campers put up their tent in a field. 天黑前,野营者在地里搭起了帐篷。2023-07-17 02:08:352
帐篷是:tent点心是:pastry2023-07-17 02:09:045
帐篷是撑在地上遮蔽风雨﹑日光并供临时居住的棚子。了解各个部件的名称和使用 方法 ,熟悉帐篷的构造,才能快速、方便地搭起帐篷。那么你知道帐篷用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来帐篷的英语说法,供大家学习。 帐篷的英语说法1: tent 帐篷的英语说法2: praetorium 帐篷相关英语表达: 帐篷布 tent cloth 充气帐篷 inflatable tent 小帐篷 Small tent 帐篷支柱 tent pole 银色帐篷 Silver Pavilion 折叠帐篷 folding tent 帐篷的英语例句: 1. The camps are said to be bursting at the seams. 据说帐篷的缝合处快炸线了。 2. He struck the ball straight into the hospitality tents. 他将球直接打进迎宾帐篷里。 3. Small things stirred in the grass around the tent. 一些小东西在帐篷四周的草丛里窸窸窣窣地动着。 4. They ran to the center of the tent to take their bows. 他们跑到帐篷中央鞠躬致意。 5. Mom wants to know if you guys still have that two-person tent. 妈妈想知道你们是否还有那顶双人帐篷。 6. They put up their tents and settled down for the night. 他们搭好帐篷,准备过夜。 7. I helped out in the tents fetching and carrying. 我在帐篷里帮忙打杂。 8. He said the refugees would be moved to a tented camp. 他说,难民们将被转移到一个搭有帐篷的营地去。 9. He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard. 他拉开帐篷的门帘,大步走进暴风雪中。 10. The tented ceiling hides a maze of water pipes. 形似帐篷的天花板上隐藏着迷宫似的水管。 11. An olive-coloured tent stood within a thicket of trees. 一顶橄榄色帐篷扎在树丛当中。 12. Tents have been set up next to hospitals to handle the overflow. 医院旁搭起了帐篷以安置容纳不下的人员。 13. They are camped out in tents on the front lawn. 他们在门前的草坪上支起帐篷宿营了。 14. Some are living in poorly built dormitories, even in tents. 有些人住在建筑质量很差的宿舍里,甚至帐篷里。 15. We provide 2-person tents and basic cooking and camping equipment. 我们提供双人帐篷和最基本的炊具以及露营装备。2023-07-17 02:09:191
帐篷 英语1
答案:解析: 1.tent 2.coast 3.nervous 4.persuade2023-07-17 02:09:261
帐篷的英文单词是tent,发音是 [tent]拓展:帐篷是一种可以搭建在野外、露营地等地方的会员认同休息和住所的简单而有效的设备。帐篷通过与地面往往有一个塑料的塔尔的底,支架,帐篷布和帐篷绳子等构成。在户外旅行、露营和徒步旅行中,帐篷是旅行者在极端天气条件下保护自己的最好设备之一。帐篷有许多种类和用途。常见的有单人帐篷、双层帐篷、家庭帐篷等。不同类型的帐篷适用于不同的路线和气候条件。例如,在极端环境下,双层帐篷可以提供额外的保护层,减轻外界恶劣天气对人体的影响。另外,在长途旅行或家庭旅行中,大型帐篷可以为一组人提供充足的空间和舒适性。在使用帐篷时,正确安装和设置非常重要。正确的安装过程可以确保帐篷的稳定性,并为户外旅行提供一个安全的住所。需要找到适当平坦的位置,为帐篷底部铺垫一层防潮布。支架可以是金属或塑料制品。帐篷绳子应该被拉紧并与地面连接,以确保帐篷始终保持稳定。此外,帐篷在维护和清洁方面有些需要注意的问题。如果帐篷在多次旅行中使用,需要拆卸、洗涤和彻底干燥,以确保帐篷不会长霉、变形或破损。帐篷外部可以用特殊的防水剂涂层,以确保在下雨天水不漏入。维护好帐篷,将保证长期的使用并为户外旅行提供额外的自由和舒适。2023-07-17 02:09:421
curtain是什么意思 详解curtain的含义和用法?
2. 舞台布景curtain在剧院中指的是舞台布景,通常被用于隐藏舞台上的演员和道具,以便更好地营造出舞台效果。舞台布景的形式和材料各异,有单层和多层、有色和无色、有贴花和无贴花等不同种类。curtain一词源于古法语“cortine”,意为“帷幕”,指的是挂在窗户、门口、舞台等处的遮挡物。在英语中,curtain不仅仅是指窗帘,还可以指其他遮挡物,如舞台布景、帐篷等。下面是关于curtain的详细解释和用法。3. 帐篷1. 窗帘2023-07-17 02:10:023
tent。参考例句:Bigtopmaintentatacircus.马戏场的主帐篷。Thesupportforthetentisrigid.帐篷的支柱很坚固。Thesupportforthetentisrigid.帐篷的支柱很坚固。Takedownatent,gate,fence.拆掉帐篷、大门、篱笆。Lowerortakedown.降下或拆除。Atentpeg.系帐篷的桩。Atentmauledbyahungrybear.被恶熊破坏的帐篷。2023-07-17 02:10:091
tentpraetoriumtabernaclelodgetentage (总称)都有帐篷的意思。tentage是最普通的翻译。2023-07-17 02:10:181
金山词霸搜索一下2023-07-17 02:10:294
楼主你好楼下的朋友提供了不少,可以参考下现在英文翻译软件还蛮多的楼主可以多了解下2023-07-17 02:10:502
The chair, tent on the beach2023-07-17 02:10:584
这是一个简单句,其中包含地点状语,时态为一般现在时。关键词有一块(a piece of),平地(flat ground),搭建(set up),帐篷(tent)。全句译为:We set up a tent on a piece of flat ground。略微指出一下,英语状语一般要后置,和汉语相反。2023-07-17 02:11:052
set up a tent2023-07-17 02:11:312
pitch a tent2023-07-17 02:11:403
搭帐篷怎么说2023-07-17 02:11:502
Warners Melon2023-07-17 02:12:006
live in a tent2023-07-17 02:12:362
hoist up a tentage2023-07-17 02:12:452
我想知道英语中“snow flap" ,在帐篷的专业术语中表示的是什么?
snow flap是指帐篷棚顶边沿下垂部分。你可以通过google的图片搜索去进一步了解。2023-07-17 02:12:522
搭起帐篷的英语:set up a tent。tent,英文单词,主要用作名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“帐篷;住处;帷幕,人名;滕特”,作及物动词时意为“用帐篷遮盖;使在帐篷里住宿”,作不及物动词时意为“住帐篷;暂时居住”。帐篷是撑在地上遮蔽风雨、日光并供临时居住的棚子。多用帆布做成,连同支撑用的东西,可随时拆下转移。帐篷是以部件的方式携带,到达现场后才加以组装,所以,需要各种部件和工具。了解各个部件的名称和使用方法,熟悉帐篷的构造,才能快速、方便地搭起帐篷。三季帐篷:通常较轻,一般用于春、夏、秋三季较温和的气候中。三季帐通常可以在风雨中表现良好,但是设计特点也决定了他们一般难于应付过大的降雪量。如果说一个三季帐可以勉强支撑它上面5.08厘米厚的积雪的话,当落雪达到了50.8厘米厚的时候,您肯定已经有麻烦了。三季帐还有一个特点,它有一定的通风设计,为满足不同需求,一般会设计成双层帐篷,分为内外帐,内帐有全卡丝网的内帐,半卡丝网的内帐,内外帐有的还可以单独使用,这样就满足了对春夏秋季节的不同需求。常见的支持骨架(俗称帐篷杆子)有四种:1、钢管:又名高频焊管,主要用在军用帐篷、救灾帐篷等大型帐篷上面,表面都有喷塑或镀锌处理,有圆管和方管之分,管径一般在19~50mm不等,壁厚在0.8~3mm不等。2、弹性刚:这类一般是儿童帐或是沙滩游戏帐。3、玻璃纤维杆:有6.9/7.9/8.5/9.5/11/12.5一系列的。越粗刚性越强,柔润性越弱。所以纤维管的支架选择是否合理是根据其地面的尺寸和高度的比例决定的,过粗过细都容易折断。例如:210*210*130是比例比较经典的尺寸,管子一般为7.9或8.5。4、铝合金骨架:比较高档,根据合金配比检验也比较难,一般其原装的支架整体弧度曲线,都是先计算出然后热压定形处理的。特点是轻携带方便主要还是不易折,但质量不好容易弯曲变形。2023-07-17 02:12:591
sey up a tent 帐篷海可以说shelter2023-07-17 02:13:295
英语select the tent怎么翻译?
select意为“挑选,选择”挑选帐篷2023-07-17 02:13:463
tents英[tents]美[tents]n.帐篷( tent的名词复数 ); 帐,罩hey don"t want people trampling the grass, pitching tents or building fires.他们不希望人们踩踏草坪、支帐篷或生火。They found a spot on a rocky platform where they could pitch their tents.他们在一块岩石平台上找到了一个可以搭帐篷的地方。Where the tents are set up, it used to be the parking lot.搭帐篷的地方是以前的停车场。2023-07-17 02:14:092
camp 的意思 棋类 用英语怎么说
camp [k03mp] vi. 扎营;露营 vt. 扎营;使扎营 n. 露营 camp1 [k03mp] n. 1. 帐篷;野营地 2. (临时或半永久性)兵营,营房,军营 3. 野营生活;军旅生活 4. (猎人、渔民等的)临时帐篷;小屋,茅屋 5. (度假者、旅游者,尤指青少年的)野营地,宿营地 6. 扎营的人,住在营地的人;野营团;露营队 7. [比喻] 阵营;(志同道合的一群人)集团 8. (羊群或牛群的)放牧区 9. 竞选总部 vi. 1. 扎营,设营: 例句: The army camped in the mountain.军队在山中扎营。 2. 宿营,露营;露宿: 例句: The travellers camped under the shade of trees.这些旅行者在树阴下露宿。 We camped out for five days.我们露营了五天。 3. 勉强暂住(常与out连用): 例句: Since they would soon be transfered to Shanghai,they were camping out in the staff living quarters.因为他们不久将调往上海,所以他们只好在职员宿舍里勉强暂住。 4. [口语]盘踞,据守: 例句: They camped in front of the municipal government.他们群集在市政府前不肯离去。 vt. 1. 使扎营(住宿);使宿于营中: 例句: The hunters camped themselves in the valley.猎人们在山谷中扎营。 2. 为…提供住处;临时安顿: 例句: The soldiers were temporally camped in the open.士兵们暂时被安顿在户外露天处。 短语 1. break (up) camp撤营;拔营;收起帐篷;开拔 2. carry the war into the enemy"s camp向敌反击;反驳;提出反控诉 3. in the same camp志同道合的;在一个阵营里 camp2 [k03mp] [俚语] n. 1. 同性恋者,搞同性恋的人;忸怩作态的男子同性恋者 2. (同性恋者的)庸俗下流;忸怩作态;(尤指男子同性恋者的)娘娘腔,矫揉造作的女人腔 3. 矫揉造作得令人发笑的东西 adj. [美国俚语] 男子同性恋的 (男子)女人腔的;庸俗下流的;忸怩作态的 陈腐可笑的;夸张做作滑稽可笑的[亦作 campy] vi. 1. 搞同性恋 2. 行动矫揉造作,装模作样,忸怩作态 vt. 装腔作势地做;使矫揉造作;使忸怩作态 短语 camp it up[美国俚语]矫揉造作;举止庸俗下流;忸怩作态;做得肉麻 CAMP abbr. 1. Campaign Against Marijuana Planting [美国英语]反对种植大麻运动,取缔大麻工作组 2. Continuous Air/Atmosphere Monitoring Program 空气(或大气)监测计划 cAMP abbr. 【生物化学】cyclic AMP 棋类:chess [t06es] board game2023-07-17 02:14:161
搭起帐篷to put up a tentto install a tent to erect a tent名词:putting up a tent ; erecting a tent a tent-puting up, tent erecting installation of a tent2023-07-17 02:14:391
他们搭建帐篷,生火保暖,在上面做饭 用英语怎么说
They set up tents and made a fire to cook.2023-07-17 02:14:493
My parents and I put up a tent outside (the house).I 必须放在My parents 后面,这是英语习惯。假如中文是“你、我和他(她)”,英语应该为:“You, he(she) and I ".2023-07-17 02:14:592
你可以在百度搜呀,多简单2023-07-17 02:15:0811
怎样速记英语单词, 要很简单的那种方法,我的成绩不是很好,谢谢了!!!
用我的研究成果来记。单词飞速记软件。十五种记忆法,在识别记忆、复习记忆和应用记忆阶段的随机应用。如:薯条chip(吃屁),你还吃吗?弯腰bend笨蛋弯不下腰U0001f600U0001f600U0001f600胃疼stomachache,是她(sto)妈(ma)擦(cha)车(che)的时候胃疼了U0001f92aU0001f92aU0001f92a好记吗?从小学到高中与教材同步的单词速记软件。我已发布到百度文库PPT单词速记,关注我吧U0001f60aU0001f60aU0001f60a2023-07-17 02:15:414
你永远也记不住的还是不读了吧!2023-07-17 02:15:532
露营是现在很流行的一种户外活动,露营给人别样的体验生活的乐趣,那么你知道露营用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我学习露营的英语知识吧。 露营的英语说法 camping bivouac encampment 露营的相关 短语 露营场所 campground 露营包 camping bag ; 露营片 Camp Film 露营郊游 The camping trip 露营营地 campground ; Campsites 娱乐露营 Recreational Camping 露营聚会 Campus Party 露营的英语例句 1. I once went camping at Lake Darling with a friend. 我曾和一位朋友在达令湖畔露营。 2. We provide 2-person tents and basic cooking and camping equipment. 我们提供双人帐篷和最基本的炊具以及露营装备。 3. We bivouacked on the outskirts of the city. 我们在市郊露营。 4. Camping is restricted to five designated campgrounds. 露营被限制在指定的5个 野营 地。 5. Heavy rain turned the campsite into a mudbath. 大雨把露营地变成了一片泥沼。 6. Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather. 天气不好,破坏了我们的露营旅行。 7. The campers"food supply gradually diminished as the days wore on. 随着一天天的过去,露营者的食物逐渐减少了. 8. After the hike to the river the soldiers camped for the night. 士兵们步行到达那条河后露营过夜. 9. Mother gave us the green light to go on the camping trip. 母亲准许我们露营旅行. 10. Come and help me select a good place for our camp. 过来帮我选个露营的地方. 11. He went camping with a knife stuck in his belt each time. 他每次去露营都佩带腰刀. 12. They went camping so as to be independent of hotels. 他们去露营,免得住旅馆. 13. Manicipalities naturally want to secure the campers"site fees and other custom. 市政当局自然希望获得露营者的场所费和 其它 的惠顾. 14. They camped out last night. 昨晚他们在户外露营. 15. The campers lit torches from the campfire. 露营者用营火点燃火把. 关于露营的英文阅读:寒冷冬季露营 温暖舒适轻松做到 Camping in cold weather doesn"t have to mean being cold all day. Prepare the night before to get your body toasty fast in the morning. 寒冷的天气在野外露营并不意味着一整天都非常寒冷。提前一晚做好准备,第二天早上让身体迅速温暖起来。 Step 1 Set up early 1.提前搭建 Set up your sleeping area early so it can absorb heat during the day. You should bring a foam pad to sleep on, a sleeping bag designed for temperatures colder than you expect, and a tent that has proper ventilation to prevent condensation building up inside. 提前搭建好睡觉的地方,这样你的帐篷可以在白天吸收一点热量。你应该携带一块泡沫垫,一个为低温天气设计的睡袋,通风效果良好的帐篷,防止帐篷内水汽凝结。 Choose synthetic fibers for both your clothes and sleeping bag. Cotton traps moisture and is difficult to dry once it has gotten wet. 衣服和睡袋都选择合成纤维。棉质容易潮湿,一旦变湿很难干燥。 Step 2 Eat and drink 2.饮食和饮水 Drink extra water and consume extra calories during winter backpacking. Food and water are necessary for your body to generate heat. 冬季进行背包旅行时,多喝一点水,多吸收一点能量。水和食物对于身体产生热量是必须的。 Step 3 Do pre-bed exercise 3.睡前运动 Do a few jumping jacks or run in place before getting into your sleeping bag. This will heat up your body, which in turn heats up the sleeping bag. Heat the bag; the bag heats you. 进入睡袋之前跳跃几下或者原地跑动。这样可以让身体产生热量,从而让睡袋变暖。睡袋暖了,你的身体也暖了。 Step 4 Sleep 4.睡觉 Put a warm, tightly sealed water bottle inside your sleeping bag at your feet to help hold in heat. Never sleep with your face inside the bag, as that will trap moisture. Instead, wear a hat and scarf to keep warm. 在脚底放一个温暖的密封好的水瓶,锁住热量。脸部千万不要封在睡袋内,否则会锁住湿气。可以用帽子和围巾来保暖。 Put tomorrow"s clothes in between your bag and your sleeping pad, and bring your boot insoles or socks into the sleeping bag,to warm them before morning. 把第二天要穿的衣服放在睡袋和泡沫垫之间,把鞋垫或袜子放在睡袋内,这样早上穿的时候就是暖的。 Step 5 Layer up 5.多层衣物 Layer up your clothes in the morning. Your body temperature is at its lowest right when you wake up, so you will need these layers until you become more active. 早上多穿几层衣服。早上醒来的时候体温是最低的,所以你需要这些衣服来保暖,直到身体活跃起来。 Step 6 Eat 6.吃早餐 Eat a full but short meal in the morning. This could include oatmeal, hot chocolate, or anything that is warm. Eat quickly so you don"t lose body heat sitting still. 早餐要吃饱,但是时间要短。可以吃燕麦粥,热巧克力或者任何比较暖的食物。要吃快一点,这样就不会因为静坐而损失身体热量。 Step 7 Get moving 7.保持运动 Get moving! The longer your body sits without activity, the longer it has to lose heat. So get out and get active. 保持运动!身体静止不动的时间越长,损失的热量越多。所以外出活动一下。 As of 2010, the coldest temperature ever recorded in the United States was minus 80 degrees Fahrenheit in Prospect Creek,Alaska, on January 23, 1971. 截止到2010年,美国记录到的最低温度是华氏零下80度,出现在1971年1月23日,阿拉斯加的景色谷。 猜你喜欢: 1. 如何正确选择露营睡袋 2. 露营需要哪些装备 3. 关于露营的小知识 4. 海边露营需要注意什么 5. 野外露营设备有哪些2023-07-17 02:16:081
PITCH CAPM PICTH A TENT2023-07-17 02:16:185
呆在帐篷里的英语怎么写 呆在帐篷里的英语怎么写
stay in the tent2023-07-17 02:16:342
露营英语:camp。Camping,露营。基本可以分为常规露营、汽车露营和特殊形式露营等三种形式。露营是一种休闲活动,通常离开城市在野外扎营,与如徒步、钓鱼或者游泳等活动相联系。露营所需装备通常有:帐篷、睡袋、背包、生火用具、照明用具、野炊用具等。一般需注意不要在距山体过近的地方露营,不要距河边过近,雨天不要在大树下扎营、不要在斜坡上扎营、扎营前要先将地面的碎石及尖利的荆棘清理干净。露营基本可以分为三种形式,第一是常规露营,第二是汽车露营,第三种是特殊形式露营。常规露营是指露营者徒步或者驾驶车辆到达露营地点,通常在山谷、湖畔、海边,露营者可以生篝火,可以烧烤、野炊或者唱歌,这也是最平常的露营活动;经常进行这样活动的旅行者,和其他户外运动爱好者一样,又被称为背包客(BACKPAKCER),在中国大陆地区,又被称为驴友。汽车露营是指以汽车为交通工具、放弃背包等而进行的露营活动。这种露营也可分为常规汽车露营与房车露营。常规汽车露营指驾驶小轿车、卡车等常规车辆,携带各种露营设备如帐篷、睡袋、防潮垫、户外炊具等设备在恰当地点进行的露营体验。房车露营指驾驶房车进行的露营活动。房车本身就具备床铺、厨房、卫生间等生活必备空间设置,也具备供暖或者冷气设备,也有电力供应。这样的露营方式更为舒适,在欧美国家已经有上百年历史,在中国还较少见。特殊形式露营是指在特殊活动的露营,比如长距离攀岩,长距离攀岩可能需要几天的时间,为了休息,露营者将帐篷挂在悬崖边露营,这样的露营是非常危险而又刺激的。2023-07-17 02:16:411
Builds the tentDistribution foodHas a headache fierceAgain south autonomous regionPassed his great half a lifetimeFetches water from the wellIs having the enormous interest2023-07-17 02:18:094
我们有一个小房子里只有两个睡房。一天,克拉拉阿姨写说她跟她呆在一起的家庭留下来度周末。她的家庭有四个男孩都是十一岁以下的。我发了一封电报到一次,并解释说,我们的房子太小了。克拉拉阿姨叫我们第二天早上。“我已经忘记了如何去解释,”她说。“球员们会带一些帐篷。”这是真的,我们有一个很大的花园,但仍有问题的孩子。”四个生长喂养和我们能做些什么如果下雨呢?”我妻子问。但星期六上午也明亮清楚当我去车站接阿姨克拉拉。我试图挤三个男孩子,连同袋,进了一辆汽车的后部。最年轻的坐在前面,跟阿姨克拉拉和我。”我没有看到帐篷在您的行李,“我对大卫说,最年长的男孩。“帐篷!”他说。“哦!克拉拉阿姨,我们离开了他们的行李内的箱型车。”2023-07-17 02:18:204
Tent in the camp, dad, sister and I went out to a space to play, my mother take out the food and packing.2023-07-17 02:18:291
camp; bivouac2023-07-17 02:18:391
camp2023-07-17 02:18:501
尽 像,同音,,,
进项象2023-07-17 02:19:103
我们在那里搭起帐篷,生火取暖,做一顿美味的饭菜。在这个安静的夜晚,我们围坐在一起,享受着真正的家庭气氛。2023-07-17 02:19:222
When we hit the tent, we made a fire to cook.2023-07-17 02:19:323
this time to think that the Texas then ……2023-07-17 02:19:4211
We got two tents by the lake, and then gave birth to the fire2023-07-17 02:20:241
英语 他们在湖边支起帐篷,然后开始做饭 He _ _ the tent _ _ _ and the
He put up the tent beside the lake and then began to cook.They stayed outside for one night2023-07-17 02:20:323
新概念英语2 tent为啥不加s?
The boys put up their tent in the middle of a field.男孩们把他们的帐篷支在一块野地的中间。因为男孩们的帐篷只有一个,所以帐篷用单数,不用复数2023-07-17 02:20:411
初二英语:这个帐篷里可睡多达10个人。_______10 men can sleep in this tent.
第一时间为你提供正确答案:Less than或No more than**************************************************************************^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!**************************************************************************2023-07-17 02:20:491
Camping is an outdoor recreational activity. The participants (known as campers) leave urban areas, their home region, or civilization and enjoy nature while spending one or several nights outdoors, usually at a campsite. Camping may involve the use of a tent, caravan, motorhome, cabin, a primitive structure, or no shelter at all. In many parts of the world[where?], "camping" refers exclusively to the use of tents or similar portable structures[citation needed].Camping as a recreational activity became popular in the early 20th century. Campers frequent national or state parks, other publicly owned natural areas, and privately owned campgrounds. Camping is a key part of the program of many youth organizations around the world, such as scouting. It is used to teach self-reliance and team work.Camping is also used as a inexpensive form of accommodation for people attending large open air events such as sporting meetings and music festivals. Organizers often provide a field and other basic amenities.Camping describes a range of activities. Survivalist campers set off with little more than their boots, whereas recreational vehicle travelers arrive equipped with their own electricity, heat, and patio furniture. Camping is often enjoyed in conjunction with activities, such as: hiking, whitewater kayaking, hill walking, climbing, canoeing, mountain biking, motorcycling, swimming, and fishing. Camping may be combined with hiking either as backpacking or as a series of day hikes from a central location.Some people vacation in permanent camps with cabins and other facilities (such as hunting camps or children"s summer camps), but a stay at such a camp is usually not considered "camping". The term camping (or camping out) may also be applied to those who live outdoors, out of necessity (as in the case of the homeless), or for people waiting overnight in queues. It does not, however, apply to cultures whose technology does not include sophisticated dwellings. Camping may be referred to colloquially as roughing it, and usually lasts for more than a day.2023-07-17 02:20:582
让我们去露营我们做什么时,我们去野营吗?首先,我们制定一个计划。我们需要食物,衣服,刀,和东西的烹饪和饮食。我们要使我们远离昆虫和太阳。然后我们把一切进车里,我们开车去森林。我们找个地方露营(露营者),我们找个好地方我们的帐篷(帐篷)。这个地方应该有很多的移动空调。这将使一些昆虫(虫子)离开。高土地与水两边是好的。然后我们把我们的帐篷。我们把所有的东西放在帐篷里,我们准备好好玩。我们可以在湖里游泳,在树林里散步,爬山,划船,或是去钓鱼。在傍晚我们回到帐篷,我们建立了一个大火灾是因为它能使昆虫远离。我们坐在火的周围,说。我们可以讲有趣的故事或我们会唱歌。晚上我们躺在草地上。我们可以看星星。这是一个忙碌的一天,所以我们要早睡觉。一切都是黑暗的。一切都是平静的。我们希望我们不会听到音乐的电台在接下来的帐篷。我们希望不要下雨。希望我的答案对你有所帮助!2023-07-17 02:21:161
Cathy: 嗨,Myra,下个星期我们将要去度假,我们一起去旅行怎么样呢?Myra: 那是个好主意,Cathy,我们将要去哪里呢?Cathy: 去参观一座大城市怎么样呢?我们可以去购物.Myra:噢,大城市太令人疲劳了,让我们去乡下吧.我们可以欣赏到鸟叫声和美丽风景.Cathy: 那真是一个好极了的想法,我也喜欢乡村,我们需要随身带上什么东西呢?Myra:现金,雨伞,舒适的鞋子,以及动物吃的食物.Cathy:还有一个相机,我们将拍很多照片.Myra:一定的,我们将住在哪里呢?我们将会定一个酒店吗?Cathy:不,让我们住在帐篷里,我有个非常好的帐篷Myra:那太酷了!2023-07-17 02:21:262