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2023-07-17 08:26:32

Last summer I went to Paris with my parents. I was very excited and happy.

Since we don"t speak French, we joined a tour to Paris. It last a week.

We visited the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Palace Louvre and Palace Versailles. I like palace Louvre most because I saw Da Vinci"s the Last Supper there. I also liked the Eiffel Tower because we could see most part of Paris at the top.

We also sightsee many churches. Honestly, seeing church after church bored me to no end.


The trip was mostly enjoyable. I promise myself to go back to Paris again. Next time, I am going to stay longer and will not join a tour. Paris is such a big city that I want to take a closer look.

That trip was a memorable one!


France is a European country .The capital is Paris.France is famous for its wine ,historic spots and fashion.French people are very romantic.
2023-07-16 13:49:062


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world. 高耸入云的埃菲尔铁塔,流光溢彩的街道,美丽的塞纳河,金璧辉煌的宫殿,浪漫的民族,源远流长的历史…这就是巴黎 As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip. 作为法国的首都,巴黎是一座古老而又现代的城市。这里发生了太多的历史事件,这里有那么多的地方让你流连忘返。 The Triumphal Arch(凯旋门) was finished in 1836. It"s a world famous building, too. The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔), which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was pleted in 1889. 320米高的埃费尔铁塔是巴黎的标志。它建于1889年 如果您还有什么不满意的,请发消息给我,并附上问题的连接,谢谢
2023-07-16 13:49:241


France is an western European country. Its neiboring countries include Belgium, Spain, Germany, etc. France is famous for the Eifel Tower in Paris, the capital of France. France is also the world"s top producer in perfume and other fashionable beauty products. Many travellers to Paris value its art museums and historical sites the most. 法国是一个西欧国家。 它的邻国包括比利时、西班牙、德国等。 法国以首都巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔著名。 法国也是世界上顶端的香水和其他时尚化妆品的产地。 许多到巴黎的旅游者最重视它的艺术博物馆和历史古迹。
2023-07-16 13:49:341


Republic of France in western Europe. Size 5 5 1 6 0 2 sq km. 3 0 0 0 km long coastline. Residents mostly France. Catholic residents more letter. French as an official language. 法兰西共和国位于欧洲西部。 面积5 5 1 6 0 2 平方千米。 海岸线长约3 0 0 0 千米。 居民多为法兰西人。 居民多信天主教。 法语为官方语言。 France moves by France evolution from tribal members. France moves in the Germanic language China and Italy as "courageous and free." 法兰西由法兰克部落名演变而来。 法兰克在日耳曼语中意为“勇敢的、自由的”。 5 century, a kingdom. 1 5 a centralized state at the end of the century. 1789 eruption of bourgeois revolution. Since then, the Republic has established a five and two empires. 1958 Fifth Republic was born.January 27, 1964 to establish diplomatic relations with China. 5 世纪建立王国。 1 5 世纪末形成中央集权国家。 1 7 8 9 年爆发资产阶级革命。 此后,先后建立过五次共和国和两次帝国。 1 9 5 8 年第五共和国诞生。 1 9 6 4 年1 月2 7 日同我国建交。 Capital Paris, a city renowned Eiffel tran *** ission tower, construction, a city southwest Versailles Palace. Automobiles, electrical industry renowned textile and co *** etics industries are also developed. Le Havre, Lille, Rouen, Nantes, Lyon, Stra *** ourg, Mulhouse, Marseille are important industrial center. 首都巴黎,市内有著名的艾菲尔铁塔等建筑,城西南有凡尔赛宫。 汽车、电器工业著名,纺织和化妆品工业亦发达。 勒阿弗尔、里尔、鲁昂、南特、里昂、斯特拉斯堡、米卢斯、马赛等都是重要的工业中心。 France is champagne, brandy wine hometown. It was felt that if left home New Year"s Eve Night wine ing year will be to stay. France is the most expensive dishes Egan, the Frenchman most favorite snail and frog legs. 法国是香槟酒、白兰地酒的故乡。 人们认为除夕之夜家中若有剩酒,来年便要交厄运。 法国最名贵的菜是鹅肝,法国人最爱吃蜗牛和青蛙腿。
2023-07-16 13:49:411


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: France 法国 A country of western Europe on the Atlantic Ocean and the English Channel. It was settled by the Franks after the retreat of the Romans, who had conquered Celtic Gaul in 58-51 b.c. Charlemagne made it the center of his Empire of the West after a.d. 800. In the Middle Ages France was split into numerous fiefdoms and kingdoms, most of which were incorporated into the royal domain by the time of Louis XI (reigned 1461-1483). Widespread poverty and discontent led to the French Revolution (1789), the excesses of which contributed to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte (1799). Much of France was occupied by the Germans in World War II. Paris is the capital and the largest city. Population, 54,334,871. 法国:欧洲西部一国家,在大西洋和英吉利海峡沿岸。公元前 58至51年征服克尔特的高卢的罗马人撤退以后,法兰克人移民于此 公元 800年以后,查理曼使此地成为他的西方帝国的中心。中世纪,法国被分成无数采邑和王国,路易六世时(1461-1483年在位)其中多数采邑和王国被合并为属于王室的领域。普遍的贫困和不满情绪引发了法国革命(1789年),进一步恶化的贫困和不断激化的不满促成了拿破仑的崛起(1799年)。法国大部分领土在二战中被德军占领,巴黎是首都和最大城市。人口54,334,871
2023-07-16 13:49:491


France is the most visited country in the world. It has everything that you could ever want to see on your holidays: a great city like Paris, good beaches, more monuments than any other country, lovely nature, incredible mountain scenery; need I go on? France is also a very pleasant place to stay. It has good food, great wines and people enjoy their lives. And the best thing is, maybe apart from Paris, living in France does not have to be expensive. The North of France consists of the flatlands around the town of Lille and the Channel. The area will remind visitors in many ways of Belgium and the Netherlands. The Grand" Place in Lille for example is a lot like that of Brussels. Paris, the city of light and its surroundings are one of the most visited areas. Paris is without a doubt one of the most beautiful cities on the pla. West of France is turned towards the Atlantic Coast. In the north Normandy & Brittany have rolling hills, sandy beaches and quiet little harbour towns. Normandy & Brittany have a more rugged coast and many neolithic sites. It has quite a distinct atmosphere from the rest of the country; you can still sense the Celtic origin of the region and its inhabitants. The eastern part of France consists of the Alsace, Lorraine, Franche t?and Burgundy regions. The landscape has rolling hills and many beautiful cities, such as Metz, Stra *** ourg, Nancy and Dijon. This region produces many famous wines, including magnificent pinot noirs and chardonnays valued the world over, as well as the famous "Yellow wine" from the Jura mountain vineyard. The Center of France is in many ways the most quiet part of France. But the great treasure of this region is the Loire valley , with many great castles and beautiful towns. Chartres with its famous cathedral and Tours rate among the most beautiful French cities. The South with its lovely nature, good food, roman ruins and of course the Riviera draws a lot of visitors every year. Towns like Orange, and Arles but also big cities like Marseille and Toulon are must sees. The Provence is dotted with pleasant *** all villages. In the South west of France the Dordogne is one of the most quintessential French regions. The valley is so pretty, the towns are so cute and the food is so good, that it is hard to believe that the people who live here go somewhere else for their holidays. The Languedoc has its own language and culture. In the south of the Languedoc you find the Pyrenees, a great mountain range separating France from Spain, where you can hike and ski. The towns of Toulouse and Montpellier are nice and the medieval town of Carcassone is a top destination. 法国是访问量最大的国家。 这一切,你可以任何时候都希望看到您的节日:一个伟大的城市像巴黎,良好的海滩,更纪念碑比其他任何国家,可爱的性质,难以置信的山区景色;需要我去吗?法国也是一个非常愉快的住宿地点。 它具有良好的食品,葡萄酒和伟大的人民享有自己的生活。 最好是,也许除了巴黎,居住在法国的不一定是昂贵的。 北法国组成的平原镇附近的里尔和通道。 该地区将提醒游客在许多方面,比利时和荷兰。 大"在里尔广场的例子是很多像布鲁塞尔举行。 巴黎,这座城市的光及其周围地区之一,访问量最大的地区。 巴黎无疑是一个最美丽的城市在这个星球上。 法国西是转向大西洋沿岸。 在北部诺曼底和布列塔尼有连绵的山丘,沙滩,安静的小港口城镇。 诺曼底和布列塔尼有一个更坚固的海岸,许多新石器时代的网站。 它有相当独特的气氛从该国其他地方,你仍然可以感受到凯尔特血统的地区和居民。 东部地区由法国的阿尔萨斯,洛林,弗朗什孔泰?和勃艮第地区。 该景观已绵延起伏的山峦和许多美丽的城市,如梅斯,斯特拉斯堡,南锡和第戎。 这一地区产生了许多著名的葡萄酒,包括宏伟的黑比诺和霞价值世界各地,以及著名的“黄酒”的汝拉山区的葡萄园。 该中心法国在许多方面是最安静的法国的一部分。 但是,伟大的宝库这一地区是卢瓦尔河谷,有许多伟大的城堡和美丽的城镇。 与沙特尔大教堂和著名的旅游率最美丽的法国城市。 据其可爱的性质,良好的食物,古罗马废墟,当然,海滨吸引了许多游客,每年。 城镇像橙色,并阿尔勒,而且等大城市马赛和土伦是必须看到。 Provence的是点缀着舒适的小村庄。 在西南的法国多尔多涅是一个最典型的法国地区。 山谷是如此漂亮,城市是如此可爱和粮食是如此好,这是很难相信的人谁住在这里去别的地方的假日。 朗格有自己的语言和文化。 在南部的朗格您找到比利牛斯山脉,伟大的山脉分隔法国从西班牙,您可以在加息和滑雪。 城镇的图卢兹和蒙彼利埃是不错的中世纪小镇卡尔卡松是首选目的地。
2023-07-16 13:49:571


France lies in the heart of Europe with a total area of 551000 square kilometers and a population of 57,500,000. French borders on Italy, Switzerland and Monaco in the east and Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg in the northeast and Spain, Andorra in the Southwest and England to the Northwest. French is symmetrical hexagon. Its three sides are near sea and three sides are near land. Its boundary line is 5300 kilometers and coastline is about 3120 kilometers. Basically French is a plain country. 80% of its territory is plain and hill. Plain land at an elevation of below 250 meters is about 60% of its total areas. Hills between 200 to 250 are about 20% while more than 500 is about 20%. The terrain is low in northwest and high in southeast. French is the first touri *** country in the world. In this romantic country, you can enjoy famous snacks and grape wine, at the same time you can also enjoy beautiful rural scenery or significant Medieval castle or the joy of skiing in snowcap Alps or you may swim in the attractive blue sea and feel the glamour of this romantic capital which is filled with cultural and modern taste. When talking about France, we can"t ignore the culture of French food and drink. The food and drink in France enjoys a long lasting fame for its long history, various and dainty kinds, and unique character. Its cooking skills are the second to none among the western style food, of which the French feel proud. More than half of great cooks in the European first class of large restaurants are Frenchmen From the emperor Louis fourteen in the history France has formed an important and continuously developing banquet foreign policy. These well-arranged delicacies and cakes are called French style banquet. Two hundred dishes can be put on the table once. What the Frenchmen like most are snails and frog legs. The rarest dishes are goose livers, and the mon home dish is fried beefsteak with threadlike potato. In terms of drink, what the French like most is grape wine. When they have a meal, they will pay much attention to the match of dainty cakes and wine ,such as meat with red grape wine .fish with white grape wine and so on. Besides Frenchmen are fond of cheese Cheeses with different taste reach more than 400. It"s consumption quantity ranks first in the world, therefore France was given the name of “ Kingdom of Cheese”. 法国是在欧洲的中心与总面积五十五万一平方公里和人口5750.0万。 法国边界对意大利,瑞士和摩纳哥在东部和德国,比利时和卢森堡在东北部和西班牙,安道尔在西南地区和英格兰向西北。 法国是对称的六边形。 其三,两岸近海和三方都附近的土地。 其边界线是五三○○公里和海岸线约三一二〇公里。 基本上法语是一种朴素的国家。 80 %的在其领土上是平原和山区。 平原土地在海拔250米以下的60 %左右,其总面积。 山之间的200至250大约20 % ,而500人以上是20 %左右。 地形低,西北高,在东南亚。 法国是第一个旅游国家,在世界上。 在这浪漫的国家,您可以享受著名的小吃和葡萄酒,在同一时间,您也可以享受美丽的乡村风光,或显着的中世纪城堡,或喜悦,滑雪在snowcap阿尔卑斯山或者您可能会游泳的具吸引力的蔚蓝的大海,感受魅力这个浪漫的资本,这是充满文化和现代的口味。 在谈到法国,我们不能忽视文化的法国食品和饮料。 食品和饮料在法国享有持久的成名作,其悠久的历史,不同的和讲究种,和独特的性格。 其烹饪技能是第二首屈一指之间的西式食品,其中,法国感到自豪。 一半以上的大厨师,在欧洲一流的大型餐厅从法国皇帝路易十四在法国的历史,已形成一个重要的和不断发展的宴会外交政策。 这些安排的美味佳肴和糕点是所谓法国式的宴会。 200菜可以提上表一次。 什么法国人最喜欢是蜗牛和青蛙腿。 罕见的菜鹅的肝脏,和共同的家园菜是油炸牛排与threadlike马铃薯。 在条款喝酒,什么法语一样,最重要的是葡萄酒。 当他们有一餐,他们将高度重视,比赛讲究的蛋糕和葡萄酒,如肉类与红葡萄酒。 鱼,干白葡萄酒等。 除了法国人喜爱奶酪的奶酪,与不同的品味达到400多个。 它的消费量居世界第一位,因此,法国获得的名称“奶酪之国” 。
2023-07-16 13:50:061


2023-07-16 13:50:251


France lies in the heart of Europe with a total area of 551000 square kilometers and a population of 57,500,000. French borders on Italy, Switzerland and Monaco in the east and Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg in the northeast and Spain, Andorra in the Southwest and England to the Northwest. French is symmetrical hexagon. Its three sides are near sea and three sides are near land. Its boundary line is 5300 kilometers and coastline is about 3120 kilometers. Basically French is a plain country. 80% of its territory is plain and hill. Plain land at an elevation of below 250 meters is about 60% of its total areas. Hills between 200 to 250 are about 20% while more than 500 is about 20%. The terrain is low in northwest and high in southeast.French is the first tourism country in the world. In this romantic country, you can enjoy famous snacks and grape wine, at the same time you can also enjoy beautiful rural scenery or significant Medieval castle or the joy of skiing in snowcap Alps or you may swim in the attractive blue sea and feel the glamour of this romantic capital which is filled with cultural and modern taste.When talking about France, we can"t ignore the culture of French food and drink. The food and drink in France enjoys a long lasting fame for its long history, various and dainty kinds, and unique character. Its cooking skills are the second to none among the western style food, of which the French feel proud. More than half of great cooks in the European first class of large restaurants are Frenchmen From the emperor Louis fourteen in the history France has formed an important and continuously developing banquet foreign policy. These well-arranged delicacies and cakes are called French style banquet. Two hundred dishes can be put on the table once. What the Frenchmen like most are snails and frog legs. The rarest dishes are goose livers, and the common home dish is fried beefsteak with threadlike potato. In terms of drink, what the French like most is grape wine. When they have a meal, they will pay much attention to the match of dainty cakes and wine ,such as meat with red grape wine .fish with white grape wine and so on. Besides Frenchmen are fond of cheese Cheeses with different taste reach more than 400. It"s consumption quantity ranks first in the world, therefore France was given the name of “ Kingdom of Cheese”.
2023-07-16 13:50:351


2023-07-16 13:50:585

法国介绍 英文的哦~~

The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world. As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip. The Triumphal Arch(凯旋门) was finished in 1836. It"s a world famous building, too. The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔), which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was completed in 1889. 翻译:耸入云的埃菲尔铁塔,流光溢彩的街道,美丽的塞纳河,金璧辉煌的宫殿,浪漫的民族,源远流长的历史…这就是巴黎 . 作为法国的首都,巴黎是一座古老而又现代的城市。这里发生了太多的历史事件,这里有那么多的地方让你流连忘返。 320米高的埃费尔铁塔是巴黎的标志。它建于1889年
2023-07-16 13:51:162


1. 描述法国的某个特点的英语作文 France officially the French Republic is a country whose metropolitan territory is located in Western Europe, and that is further made up of a collection of overseas islands and territories located in other continents. Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and North Sea, and from the Rhine River to the Atlantic Ocean. French people often refer to Metropolitan France as l"Hexagone (the "Hexagon") because of its geographical shape. France is bordered by Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra, and Spain. In some of its overseas parts, France also shares land borders with Brazil, Suriname, and the Netherlands Antilles. France is also linked to the United Kingdom via the Channel Tunnel, which passes underneath the English Channel. The French Republic is a democracy which is anized as a unitary semi-presidential republic. It is a highly developed country with the fifth-largest economy in the world in 2005.[2] Its main ideals are expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. France is one of the founding members of the European Union, and has the largest land area of all members. France is also a founding member of the United Nations. It is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council wielding veto power, and it is also one of only eight acknowledged nuclear powers.这是描写法国的 Green Olympics Olympic Games, as we all know, is a historic sports meeting. "Green Olympics", is one of the three themes of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. At present, people"s life is being flooded with exhaust gas from automobile, blue film, waste water and so on. Owing to these phenomena, we should advocate "Green Olympics", and I am positive of this point. Two possible reasons are as follows. Firstly, environmental protection benefits people"s health. In terms of increasing number of trashes around us, such as white plastic bags, one-off cups and chopsticks, it is sensible of disposing of them reasonably. So we ought to use clean technology, renewable and recyclable materials. Secondly, environmental protection is crucial to our country, and even to the world. Lots of countries attached more attention to embrace the Olympic spirits---"higher, faster, and stronger" well. In conclusion, as college students and the young generation, we should try our best to advocate "Green Olympics". The 2008 Olympic Games will be a green and unique Olympics. 这是奥运会的。 2. 描写法国的英语作文 Last summer I went to Paris with my parents. I was very excited and happy. Since we don"t speak French, we joined a tour to Paris. It last a week. We visited the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Palace Louvre and Palace Versailles. I like palace Louvre most because I saw Da Vinci"s the Last Supper there. I also liked the Eiffel Tower because we could see most part of Paris at the top. We also sightsee many churches. Honestly, seeing church after church bored me to no end. . The trip was mostly enjoyable. I promise myself to go back to Paris again. Next time, I am going to stay longer and will not join a tour. Paris is such a big city that I want to take a closer look. That trip was a memorable one! 3. 用英语写一段介绍法国的短文~ France is a developed contry,and it is very beautiful.It is said that franch is very romance ,so I think it also is a romance contry.There are a lot of famous people e from France,such as Voltaire(伏尔泰)、Jean-Jacques Rousseau(卢梭)and so on.This contry has lots of tourist spots,many people e around the world to visit here every year. France is the world"s fourth largest economic, trade, financial and technological power.Nevertheless, the French remain contemporary political, economic, cultural and technological power, the world remains a blue star。 4. 写一篇英语作文,去法国旅游的,要求 不知道你想要什么程度的,我就按我自己的想法写了.This winter vacation I went to French with my family. French is a romantic place where I have expected to be there for long time. And before I arrived there, I did some homework to know some basic knowledge about the local place. Then we got to French by air and arrived at nine o"clock the next morning. We traveled a lot of beautiful places and ate delicious food. We went to the Louvre Palace, and saw the painting of Mona Lisa. It"s a really great experience.。 5. 用英语写一篇有关法国的文章 法国是访问量最大的国家,在世界上。 它拥有所有你可以以往任何时候都希望看到您的假期:一个伟大的城市,像巴黎,良好的泳滩,更多的古迹比其他任何国家,可爱的性质,令人难以置信的山区景色;需要我继续?法国也是一个非常愉快的住宿地点。它具有良好的食品,葡萄酒和伟大的人民享有他们的生命。 和最好的事情是,也许除了巴黎,住在法国并不一定昂贵。北部的法国组成的平原镇附近里尔和渠道。 该地区会提醒旅客在许多方面比利时和荷兰。大"的地方,在里尔举例来说是一个很大一样,布鲁塞尔的。 巴黎,城市轻及其周围地区之一,访问量最大的地区。巴黎是没有疑问的其中一个最美丽的城市就行星。 西,法国是转向大西洋沿岸。在北部的诺曼底和布列塔尼有连绵的山丘,沙滩和宁静的小海港城镇。 诺曼底及布列塔尼有一个更坚固的海岸和许多新石器时代遗址。它有相当独特的气氛,从该国其余地区;您仍然可以感受到凯尔特的起源该地区及其居民。 东部的一部分,法国构成的阿尔萨斯,洛林,弗朗什转移酶?和勃艮第地区。景观有连绵起伏的丘陵和许多美丽的城市,如梅斯,斯特拉斯堡,南锡和第戎。 这一地区产生许多著名的葡萄酒,包括宏伟的黑皮诺noirs和chardonnays价值世界各地,以及著名的“黄酒”从汝拉山区的葡萄园。 该中心的法国在许多方面是最安静的一部分,法国。 但伟大的瑰宝,这一地区是卢瓦尔河谷,与许多伟大的城堡和美丽的城镇。 chartres与著名的大教堂和旅游率最美丽的法国城市。 南方其可爱的性质,良好的食物,古罗马废墟,当然是海滨吸引了很多游客,每年。城镇一样,橙,阿尔勒,而且大城市如马赛和土伦是必须看到。 Provence的是点缀着愉快的小村庄。在西南法国的多尔多涅是其中一个最典型的法语地区。 硅谷是如此漂亮,城镇是如此可爱的食物是那么好,这是很难相信人民的谁住在这里,去其他地方,为他们的假期。朗格有自己的语言和文化。 在南部的朗格多,您可以找到比利牛斯山脉,一位伟大的山脉分开,法国,西班牙,在那里您可以加滑雪。城镇图卢兹和蒙彼利埃是尼斯和中世纪小镇carcassone是一个热门的目的地。 France is the most visited country in the world. It has everything that you could ever want to see on your holidays: a great city like Paris, good beaches, more monuments than any other country, lovely nature, incredible mountain scenery; need I go on? France is also a very pleasant place to stay. It has good food, great wines and people enjoy their lives. And the best thing is, maybe apart from Paris, living in France does not have to be expensive. The North of France consists of the flatlands around the town of Lille and the Channel. The area will remind visitors in many ways of Belgium and the Netherlands. The Grand" Place in Lille for example is a lot like that of Brussels. Paris, the city of light and its surroundings are one of the most visited areas. Paris is without a doubt one of the most beautiful cities on the pla. West of France is turned towards the Atlantic Coast. In the north Normandy & Brittany have rolling hills, sandy beaches and quiet little harbour towns. Normandy & Brittany have a more rugged coast and many neolithic sites. It has quite a distinct atmosphere from the rest of the country; you can still sense the Celtic origin of the region and its inhabitants. The eastern part of France consists of the Alsace, Lorraine, Franche Comt?and Burgundy regions. The landscape has rolling hills and many beautiful cities, such as Metz, Stra *** ourg, Nancy and Dijon. This region produces many famous wines, including magnificent pinot noirs and chardonnays valued the world over, as well as the famous "Yellow wine" from the Jura mountain vineyard. The Center of France is in many ways the most quiet part of France. But the great treasure of this region is the Loire valley , with many great castles and beautiful towns. Chartres with its famous cathedral and Tours rate among the most beautiful French cities. The South with its lovely nature, good food, roman ruins and of course the Riviera draws a lot of visitors every year. Towns like Orange, and Arles but also big cities like Marseille and Toulon are must sees. The Provence is dotted with pleasant *** all villages. In the South west of France the Dordogne is one of the most quintessential French regions. The valley is so pretty, the towns are so cute and the food is so good, that it is hard to believe that the people who live here go somewhere else for their holidays. The Languedoc has its own language and culture. In the south of the Languedoc you find the Pyrenees, a great mountain range separating France from Spain, where you can hike and ski. The towns of Toulouse and Montpellier are nice and the medieval town of Carcassone is a top destination.。 6. 用英语写一段介绍法国的短文~ France is a developed contry,and it is very beautiful.It is said that franch is very romance ,so I think it also is a romance contry.There are a lot of famous people e from France,such as Voltaire(伏尔泰)、Jean-Jacques Rousseau(卢梭)and so on.This contry has lots of tourist spots,many people e around the world to visit here every year. France is the world"s fourth largest economic, trade, financial and technological power.Nevertheless, the French remain contemporary political, economic, cultural and technological power, the world remains a blue star.。 7. 关于法国的英语短文 france"s performance in the 2002 world cup brought back painful memories of a time when france was a weak contender in world and european football – a time when national or club teams rarely won, and the french were renowned for having little interest in the game. today, football plays a unique role in french society. french players and coaches are highly sought after abroad an尝尝佰妒脂德拌泉饱沪d the national team has chalked up significant recent victories, including a world cup and european championship. this book is the first in english to examine the extraordinary cultural, economic, and political history behind french football"s development throughout the entieth century and up to the present day. it focuses on the past enty years and concludes with a discussion of the fallout from the world cup 2002. imported from britain by the middle classes in the late nieenth century, football entered french national consciousness beeen the wars. as with everywhere else in europe, the game helped to unite munities and fe new social identities. although the state has generously supported youth coaching, the evolution of the professional sport has been slow due to tight munity control, high taxes and lack of ine from paying spectators. in a bid to pete successfully in europe, the owners of france"s big city clubs are seeking to mercialize the game, despite the resistance of central and local authorities. hare traces the gradual evolution of traditional french football values and explores the impact of new and controversial business practices. have french football"s influential club chairmen sold out to business values and television? why has the national team been so successful when club teams have not? how are top clubs being re-branded to catch a national and international audience of consumers? what role does the modern supporter play, and what are the links beeen busines *** en, politics and the mercialization of the sport? what is peculiarly french about french football, and what does football tell us about france? a good investigation is worth making.。 8. 谁能帮我写一篇关于法国的英语作文 Paris City, river port, capital of France. It is now located on both banks of the Seine River. The original settlement from which Paris evolved, Lutetia, was in existence by the late 3rd century BC on an island in the Seine. Lutetia was captured and fortified by the Romans in 52 BC. During the 1st century AD the city spread to the left bank of the Seine. By the early 4th century it was known as Paris. It withstood several Viking sieges (885–87) and became the capital of France in 987, when Hugh Capet, the count of Paris, became king. The city was improved during the reign of Philip II, who formally recognized the University of Paris с 1200. In the 14th–15th centuries its development was hindered by the Black Death and the Hundred Years" War. In the 17th–18th centuries it was improved and beautified. Leading events of the French Revolution took place in Paris (1789–99). Napoleon III missioned Gees-Eugène Haus *** ann to modernize the city"s infrastructure and add several new bridges over the Seine. The city was the site of the Paris Peace Conference, which ended World War I. During World War II Paris was occupied by German troops. It is now the financial, mercial, transportation, artistic, and intellectual centre of France. The city"s many attractions include the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame de Paris, the Louvre, the Panthéon, Pompidou Centre, and the Paris Opera, as well as boulevards, public parks, and gardens. 巴黎 Paris法国城市、河港和首都。 跨塞纳河两岸。鲁特提亚是最原始的居e69da5e887aa62616964757a686964616f31333332643266民点,位于塞纳河中一座岛屿,在公元前3世纪末就已存在。 公元前52年罗马人夺占此地,并构筑要塞。公元1世纪时,该城已发展到塞纳河左岸。 到了4世纪初,这里已被称作巴黎。885~887年抵挡住了几次维京人的围攻,987年巴黎伯爵于格·卡佩当上国王,巴黎成为法兰西的首都。 腓力二世位期间,巴黎得到大规模发展,国王在1200年左右正式批准巴黎大学成立。14~15世纪时,因为黑死病和百年战争巴黎的发展受阻。 17~18世纪城市有了进一步的改善并得到美化。1789~1799年法国大革命就是从这里开始的。 拿破仑三世时,他命令奥斯曼把整个城市结构现代化,并在塞纳河上搭建几座新桥。第一次世界大战结束后,这里是召开巴黎和会的地方。 第二次世界大战期间遭德军占领。现为法国的金融、商业、交通、艺术和学术中心。 城内的许多景点包括埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎圣母院、卢浮宫博物馆、先贤祠、篷皮杜中心、巴黎歌剧院,以及一些林阴大道、公园和花园。 9. 谁能帮我写一篇关于法国的英语作文 Paris City, river port, capital of France. It is now located on both banks of the Seine River. The original settlement from which Paris evolved, Lutetia, was in existence by the late 3rd century BC on an island in the Seine. Lutetia was captured and fortified by the Romans in 52 BC. During the 1st century AD the city spread to the left bank of the Seine. By the early 4th century it was known as Paris. It withstood several Viking sieges (885–87) and became the capital of France in 987, when Hugh Capet, the count of Paris, became king. The city was improved during the reign of Philip II, who formally recognized the University of Paris с 1200. In the 14th–15th centuries its development was hindered by the Black Death and the Hundred Years" War. In the 17th–18th centuries it was improved and beautified. Leading events of the French Revolution took place in Paris (1789–99). Napoleon III missioned Gees-Eugène Haus *** ann to modernize the city"s infrastructure and add several new bridges over the Seine. The city was the site of the Paris Peace Conference, wh
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The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world. 高耸入云的埃菲尔铁塔,流光溢彩的街道,美丽的塞纳河,金璧辉煌的宫殿,浪漫的民族,源远流长的历史…这就是巴黎 As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip. 作为法国的首都,巴黎是一座古老而又现代的城市。这里发生了太多的历史事件,这里有那么多的地方让你流连忘返。 The Triumphal Arch(凯旋门) was finished in 1836. It"s a world famous building, too. The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔), which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was completed in 1889. 320米高的埃费尔铁塔是巴黎的标志。它建于1889年
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法国大部分地区受北大西洋暖流影响呈温带海洋性气候,全年温和多雨,南部地区受西风和副极地高气压带交替控制夏季炎热干燥,冬季温和多雨 French in most areas affected by the warm North Atlantic climate was temperate, mild and rainy throughout the year, the southern region and sub-polar regions by westerly winds, with alternating high-pressure control. Summer hot and dry, mild and rainy winter
2023-07-16 13:51:531


a french sport,i think evrybody will think the "Tour de France",means round a tour of France with bike.it holds every year."Tour de France " is a famous race in world,all of cyclistes kown it.it has 21 days racing and 2 rest days and it has 3200 kilometers.The first "Tour de France" has held in 1903,and until now,it is always exist.
2023-07-16 13:52:101


鹅肝酱(foie gras)肉冻、鸭肉片 (magret duck fillets)酿鸭颈(stuffed)香蒜汤(tourin a lail)鸭肉卷心菜浓汤(garbure)
2023-07-16 13:52:182


France is the third largest countries in Europe.
2023-07-16 13:52:392


introduce france in english(⊙o⊙)
2023-07-16 13:52:492

哪位高手能拿英语介绍一下法国的风土人情 小语种急用 谢谢

你好!法国就是葡萄酒 烂漫的代名词而法语就是精确的语言谢谢
2023-07-16 13:52:582


葡萄酒,是用葡萄果实或葡萄汁,经过发酵酿制而成的酒精饮料。在水果中,由于葡萄的葡萄糖含量较高,贮存一段时间就会发出酒味,因此常常以葡萄酿酒。葡萄酒是目前世界上产量最大、普及最广的单糖酿造酒。早在六千年以前,在盛产葡萄的地中海区域,两河流域的苏美尔人和尼罗河流域的古埃及人就会酿造葡萄酒。有趣的是,在舞蹈文化中,有一种葡萄酒舞是在酿酒用葡萄丰收时,庆祝的团体舞蹈。葡萄酒在基督教被视为耶稣基督宝血的象征物。 葡萄酒有许多分类方式。以成品颜色来说,可分为红葡萄酒、白葡萄酒及粉红葡萄酒三类。其中红葡萄酒又可细分为干红葡萄酒、半干红葡萄酒、半甜红葡萄酒和甜红葡萄酒。白葡萄酒则细分为干白葡萄酒、半干白葡萄酒、半甜白葡萄酒和甜白葡萄酒。以酿造方式来说,可以分为蒸馏葡萄酒(Still wine)、气泡葡萄酒(Sparkling wine)、加烈葡萄酒(Fortified wine)和加味葡萄酒(Aromatized wine)四类。其中一般葡萄酒的酒精含量约为百分之八到十五,然而加烈葡萄酒的酒精含量可能会更高。 葡萄酒的酒性完全受到土壤、气候以及酿酒技巧等因素的影响,但是酒的风味却完全取决于酿酒技巧等因素的影响,但是酒的风味却完全取决于酿酒葡萄的品种的不同。葡萄酒的原料-葡萄原产于黑海与里海之间的外高加索地区,直到西汉时经张骞通西域才传到中国。目前葡萄已经被广泛引种到世界各地,主要是作为酿酒原料。但世界最好及最有名的葡萄酒大多产至法国,法国葡萄酒的酿造历史可追朔到罗马帝国时期。由于法国气候温和,除了北部诺曼底一些区域以外,全国都能生产高质量的葡萄。在1996年时,全国共有超过818000公顷的葡萄园,13个产酒区域,葡萄酒产量超过46亿公升。法国可以说是盛产葡萄酒的国家之一。Wine, grapes, fruit or juice after fermentation to brew alcoholic beverages from the. In the fruit, because of high glucose content of grapes, storage will be issued alcohol for a period of time, often in winemaking. Wine production is currently the world"s largest and most widely popular monosaccharide brewing liquor. As early as 6,000 Years ago, in the Mediterranean region rich grape, the Sumerian Mesopotamia and the Nile Basin will be the ancient Egyptians brewed wine. Interestingly, the dance culture, there is a wine dance in the wine grape harvest, celebration dance groups. Wine in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ as Christian symbols. There are many wine classification. To finished color, can be divided into red wine, white wine and pink wine three categories. Red wine which can be broken down into dry red wine, semi-dry red wine, semi-sweet red wine and sweet red wine. White wine is broken down into dry white wine, white wine semi-, semi-sweet white wine and sweet white wine. Approach to brewing, distillation wine can be divided into (Still wine), the bubble wine (Sparkling wine), Jialie wine (Fortified wine) and the Modified wine (Aromatized wine) four. Of general wine alcohol content of about 8-15%, but Jialie of alcohol in wine may be higher. Wine and liquor completely soil, climate and wine skills, among other factors, but the flavor is completely wine brewing techniques depends on factors such as the impact, but the wine is completely dependent on the flavor of wine grape varieties different. Wine raw materials - grapes originating in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, between the Caucasus region, until the Western Han Dynasty, the Western Regions-Zhang Qian conveyed to China before. At present grape has been widely introduced to the rest of the world, mainly as a wine raw materials. But the world"s best and most famous wine producing mostly to France, French wine brewing history Duishuo to the Roman period. As France mild climate, in addition to some of the northern Normandy region, the country can produce high quality grapes. In 1996, more than 818,000 hectares of the total of vineyards, 13 production wine regions, wine production over 4.6 billion litres. France can be said to be one of the countries with rich wine.
2023-07-16 13:53:091


2023-07-16 13:53:215

假如我是法国人,我要邀请中国人来做客,要向她介绍法国的礼节 英语作文

Handsome is the essence of the French way of life跟法国人打了半辈子交道,结交和接触过法国各种各样的人,法国人给我印象最深的,便是他们的潇洒.潇洒二字似乎道出了法国人生活方式的精髓.With the French played half my life dealings, make and contacted the French all sorts of people, the French gave me the deepest impression, is their natural and unrestrained. Handsome two words seemed out the essence of the French way of life.法语中没有“时间即金钱”一说The French did not "time is money" said法国散文名家蒙田说得很透彻:“我们最豪迈、最光荣的事业,乃是生活得惬意,一切其他事情,执政、致富、建造产业,充其量也只不过是这一事业的点缀和附属品.”“时间即金钱”,被美国人奉为金科玉律,法国人只当耳旁风.法语里压根没有这一说.法国人对美国人只忙于赚钱而不会生活,很不以为然,他们不会为了钱而让自己活得不自在.The French prose masters Montaigne said: "we very thorough the most heroic, the most glorious cause, but live comfortably, all other things, ruling, rich, building industry, at best is only the cause of embellishment and accessories." "Time is money", regarded as the golden laws and precious rules by Americans, the French only take. The French don"t have this to say. The French to Americans only busy with making money and not life, is not to regard it as right, they are not for the money and let myself be uncomfortable.现代生活节奏越来越快,人们像丢了魂一样跟着转,简直喘不过气来.可是,法国人却善于控制生活节奏,善于忙里偷闲.休闲,据说是中世纪贵族遗风,如今法国人予以发扬光大,赋予现代的形式与内涵.悠闲潇洒,是法国人的清雅情趣,也是法国人的生活艺术.The increasingly rapid pace of modern life, people like lost soul as follow, almost out of breath. However, the French were good at controlling the rhythm of life, to be good at break. Leisure, is said to be a medieval relic, now the French to carry forward, given the form and connotation of modern. Carefree, is French elegant taste, but also the French art of living.咖啡馆最能体现法国人的潇洒情怀Coffee museum can best embody the French natural feelings从喝咖啡这件生活小事,足以领略法国人的生活艺术和情趣.在崇尚实用的美国人看来,喝咖啡是为了保持快速节奏和提高工作效率.不少美国公司和机构为职工供应咖啡,大杯牛饮,分文不取.笔者在美国期间,就深感这不光是一种福利,更是老板精明之处.法国可没有这种规矩.法国人喝咖啡,着眼点不在于提神,而是为了松弛,为了在烦扰喧嚣的尘世中寻找一点静谧和安详,从浓浓的咖啡中品味人生的隽永,追求一种精神享受.From drinking Coffee this life, enough to appreciate the French art of living and taste. It seems that in advocating practical Americans drink Coffee, is to maintain the rapid rhythm and improve work efficiency. Many Usa Inc and institutions for worker supply coffee mug of drink, free of charge. The author in the United States during the period, was deeply this is not only a kind of welfare, is shrewd boss. France has no such rules. French coffee, the focus is not refreshing, but in order to relaxation, for a bit of quiet and serene annoyance in the noisy earth, meaningful life taste from the thick coffee, the pursuit of a spiritual enjoyment.法国人泡咖啡馆的习气由来已久.过去咖啡馆弥漫着浓郁的文学艺术气息.咖啡馆曾是知名作家、思想家、艺术家的汇聚之地,甚至是他们别具一格的工作室,是不少传世之作的诞生地.有位诗人说过:“我不在咖啡馆,就在去咖啡馆的路上.”但时至今日,咖啡馆的文化艺术气氛淡化了,休闲的色彩浓重了.French coffee habit for a long time. In the past the coffee shop filled with the rich literary art. The cafe was well-known writers, thinkers and artists converge, even their unique studio, is the birthplace of many masterpieces. A poet once said: "I"m not in a cafe on the way to the cafe." But today, the cafe culture art atmosphere of desalination, leisure has a strong color.泡咖啡馆,是地地道道的潇洒人生写照.如果说,麦当劳快餐是美国生活方式的代表作,那么,满街星罗棋布的咖啡馆可算是法国生活方式的一绝.无论巴黎还是外省,咖啡馆满目皆是.咖啡座往往一直延伸到人行道上,顾客盈门.这是法国独特的人文景观,充满诗情画意.Coffee, is the genuine natural life portrayal. If say, McDonald"s fast food is the representative of the American way of life, so the streets dotted cafe is one of the French way of life. Regardless of Paris or other provinces, cafes everywhere. Cafe often extends to the sidewalk, customers door. This is the French unique humanities landscape, full of poetic.工作时间越来越少,劳动生产率却越来越高Working time is less and less, labor productivity is more and more high法国是发达国家中每周工时最短、一年带薪假期最长的国家.从1919年起每周法定劳动时间为48小时;1936年起减为40小时;2000年起实行35小时工作周制.除了每年法定的节假日,一年带薪假期1936年是两周,1956年增加到3周,1968年4周,1981年起增加到5周.因此,法国人拥有别的国家所没有的充裕闲暇.这也为法国人的潇洒提供了自由的空间.France is a developed country in weekly hours shortest, a year of paid vacation is the longest country. Since 1919 the statutory working time is 48 hours per week; 1936 was reduced to 40 hours; 2000 implementation of 35 hour working week system. In addition to the annual statutory holidays, paid vacation a year 1936 is two weeks, in 1956 increased to 3 weeks, the 4 week of 1968, 1981 increased to 5 weeks. Therefore, the French have plenty of other countries have no leisure. It also provides free space for the French chic.潇洒不是懒散,不是无所事事.潇洒是一种人生哲理演化而来的生活方式和精神状态.潇洒的法国人并非没有人生追求.法国人生活上奔放悠闲,学习、工作还是相当认真的.法国人很好学,不喜欢用打牌、聚赌来消磨时光,宁愿去博物馆,上图书馆.留神看一看地铁车厢里或飞机、火车上的情景,呆坐、聊天、打瞌睡的少见,手不释卷的居多.法国人善于在放松的状态下激发工作热情,工作效率倒不见得低.近一个世纪来,每周工时一减再减,而每小时劳动生产率则提高了20倍.Handsome is not lazy, not doing nothing. Handsome is a kind of life philosophy evolved out of the way of life and mental state. Chic French is not the pursuit of life. The French life unrestrained leisurely, learning, work is still quite serious. French is very good, don"t like playing cards, gambling to kill the time, prefer to go to the museum, library. Careful look at the subway car or plane, the train scene, rare sit, chat, doze off, with the majority. The French are good at arousing their working enthusiasm in a relaxed state, the working efficiency was not necessarily low. In nearly a century, the weekly working hours and less per hour, and the labor productivity is raised 20 times.闲世人之所忙,方能忙世人之所闲Free people of the world are busy about can be busy about what the people of the World Leisure通常,法国人办事不喜欢临时抱佛脚,习惯于事先安排得井井有条.约会、宴请、社交活动等等,都得提前敲定.像国庆招待会之类的大型活动,一般需提前个把月发出请柬,以便于对方早做安排.如同法国人惯常的做法,我在法国工作期间,口袋里总揣着一个小小的活动日程本.电话约会也罢,当面约会也罢,总得翻开本子见缝插针.这些看似平常,其实正体现了法国人严谨、高效的工作生活习惯.Usually, the French do not act like cramming, accustomed to the pre arranged in good order. To date, banquets, social activities and so on, still have to finalize. As the National Day reception of large-scale activities will be like, the general need to advance a month sent out the invitations, to facilitate each other make early arrangements. As the French customary practice, during my working in France, in my pocket a small event schedule book. An appointment by telephone or face to face or to date, opened the book.. These seemingly ordinary, in fact reflects the French rigorous, efficient work habits.更深一层看,整天把生活的弦绷得紧紧的,好似时刻蓄势待发,其实往往已是强弩之末.潇洒、舒展,反而大有施展的余地,闲情不闲.这里用得着清朝文人张潮《幽梦影》中的警句:能闲世人之所忙者,方能忙世人之所闲.在这个意义上,潇洒是难得的人生境界,是法国人活力之所在A deeper look at it all day to life taut, like constantly ready, in fact, often have been broken. Handsome, stretch, but is the display room, leisure is not busy. Here use Qing Dynasty scholar Zhang Chao "dream shadows in the aphorism:" free people of the world are busy about, can be busy about what the people of the world leisure. In this sense, chic is a rare realm of life, is the seat of the French vigor
2023-07-16 13:53:471


孙吴 文臣 陆逊、张昭、张紘、鲁肃、虞翻、顾雍、诸葛谨、诸葛恪、陆凯、骆统、周鲂
2023-07-16 13:53:552


Fance is very beautiful and the weather is very good!The famous Eiffel Tower is in Fance!
2023-07-16 13:54:061


~~ The Tour Eiffel~~ the the Holy Mother hospital~~ the only simple really want to make a PPT to introduce bottom in brief good~~ thank ~
2023-07-16 13:54:174


呵呵!!不错!!考外教呢!!希望对你有帮助!!如果满意 还望 加分啊其首都巴黎是法国政治、经济、文化和交通中心,卢浮宫博物馆和巴黎圣母院誉满全球,香榭丽舍被誉为世界上最美丽的大街,其地上与地下交通四通八达、非常方便,每天客流量达1300万人。巴黎的标志建筑——埃菲尔铁塔像一个钢铁巨人高高地耸立在恬静的塞纳河畔。在法国最大港口和第二大城市马赛,你可以造访大仲马在小说《基督山伯爵》里描写过的监狱——奇伊夫堡。西南部城市波尔多酿酒历史悠久,其葡萄酒驰名于世。特等“波尔多红葡萄酒”列为世界葡萄酒“皇后”,一瓶百年陈酒在国际市场上可售3万多美元。位于地中海岸边的戛纳,是一座风景秀丽、气候宜人的小城,每年在此举办的戛纳电影节热闹非凡,其颁发的金棕榈奖被公认为电影界最高荣誉之一。法国的时装在世界上享有盛誉,选料丰富、优异,设计大胆,制作技术高超,使其一直引导世界时装潮流。在巴黎有2000家时装店,老板们的口号是:“时装不卖第二件”。而在大街上,几乎看不到两个妇女穿着一模一样的服装。法国人天性率真,浪漫,喜欢大自然,有一半以上的法国家庭饲养各种小动物,总数量在3000万只以上。Its capital, Paris is France"s political, economic, cultural and transportation center, the Louvre Museum and Notre Dame de Paris, known around the world, known as the Champs-Elysees Avenue, the world"s most beautiful, its ground and underground traffic extending in all directions, very convenient, daily traffic reached 13 million people. Paris landmarks - the Eiffel Tower like a steel giant stands tall on the Seine River in the quiet. In France"s largest port and second largest city of Marseille, you can visit the Alexandre Dumas novel "Count of Monte Cristo," too, portrayed in the prison - Fort Qi Yifu. The southwestern city of Bordeaux wine has a long history, its wines worldwide.Principal "Bordeaux red wine" as the world"s wine, "Queen", a bottle of aged wine a hundred years in the international market can be sold more than 30,000 U.S. dollars. Located in the Mediterranean coast of Cannes, is a beautiful scenery and pleasant climate of the town, held annually in this crowded Cannes Film Festival, which awarded the Palme d"Or award has been recognized as one of the highest honor the film industry. France in the world-renowned fashion, choice of materials rich, excellent, bold design, production and skilled to lead the world in fashion trends has always been. There are 2,000 boutiques in Paris, the boss who"s slogan is: "Fashion does not sell second." In the street, hardly less than twoWomen dressed in identical clothing. French nature straightforward, romantic, nature-loving, more than half of French households keep a variety of small animals, the total number of 30 million or more.
2023-07-16 13:54:551


A seven day long holiday has flown away. Mourning my happy hours during the vacation, I"ve been looking forward to winter holidays. People around me seemed to have enjoyed the vacation, too. Then, is it fair that people have the same amount of holidays regardless of their occupations?   Nevertheless, divergent views emerge on the matter in question. Some people are of the opinion that laborers should have the same length of holiday. They hold the view that people are born equal and should be treated equally. The same amount of leisure time may eliminate the unfairness among people who might be upset psychologically if otherwise.  At first sight, it may seem to be an attractive idea, but it doesn"t bear much analysis.  To begin with, people do different kinds of jobs featuring different labor intensity and so the time needed to refresh their physical condition varies. For example, blue collar workers may work longer hours before they get tired physically, while white collar workers such as doctors and teachers are more mentally stressed. Unable to work continuously as long as those physical labor workers, white collars need more time to pull through the mental weariness than physical tiredness.  All in all, people in different jobs assume different responsibilities and have different degrees of pressure.  Secondly, different tasks and duties are required for different professions, resulting in the variety of holiday periods for people in different walks of life.  Some employees cannot have their legal holidays and even have to work overtime, such as policemen, construction workers and people in the service line.Those professions just can"t be interrupted for a mornent;other wise the society will be in a mess. Even for some people in the same occupation, they cannot have the same holidays entitled to them due to many factors out of human control, such as special assignments, and health conditions etc, then not to say people in different fields.  Suppose we, as teachers do, all have three months" holiday in a year.  Then factories have to employ considerably more workers because some of them are enjoying happy holiday.That"s obviously against the principles of doing business at lower cost and efficiency.  If we have only three days off in a year, then all the people in our country will be working day after day. No one can squeeze time to visit those tourist resorts leisurely. It goes without saying that the tourist trade and catering industry thus cannot develop rapidly and healthily.有什么问题 请随时提问 有问必答这篇作文希望对你 有帮助 没有的话 我在去英语作文大全里面帮您找找看一定会有你喜欢的作文哈 不过希望 找和自己水平差不多的 你找的太好了 老师以为你英文很好了 到考试 时候 就没那么理想了 所以建议 不 要和自己水平差太多的
2023-07-16 13:55:042


France is a developed contry,and it is very beautiful.It is said that franch is very romance ,so I think it also is a romance contry.There are a lot of famous people come from France,such as Voltaire(伏尔泰)、Jean-Jacques Rousseau(卢梭)and so on.This contry has lots of tourist spots,many people come around the world to visit here every year. France is the world"s fourth largest economic, trade, financial and technological power.Nevertheless, the French remain contemporary political, economic, cultural and technological power, the world remains a blue star.
2023-07-16 13:55:251


When it comes to France,we would think of its footballers aweful performance in the World Cup in South Africa. Get back into the point,the people in the country are romantic,fashionable,and it attracts large number of people because of its charm.(The best holiday season is from spring to autumn)The tragic heroine "La Traviata"was written by its author--Alexander Dumas peré ,and the most stylish clothes would be showed in Paris,and there are also France Chanson and coffee on the left bank of the Seine,and of course,don"t forget the Representative construction the Eiffel Tower. France is a polite and civilized country,especially courtesy of humility to ladies is always France proud tradition. The Cannes Film Festival is one of the five film festivals in the world.It is held in the coastal city southeast of France every May lasting about two weeks.And it is one of the earliest,largest gathering international film festival.Golden Palm was called Golden Duck before 1957.There are also many places of interests in France,such as the Arc de Triomphe in Paris,Louvre,Notre Dame de Paris,the Bastille,Ave des Champs-Elysees. Of course,as a ancient land,it had produced many famouse people.And my most admired people are Enlightenment thinker and philosopher Rousseau and Hugo who was one of the greatest writers in the history of French literature.Notre-Dame of Paris and Les Miserables are his immortal masterpiece. This is the France,a country full of charm.
2023-07-16 13:55:374


2023-07-16 13:55:565


1) social etiquette Compare with the English and the German, the French in the wayone treats people on performance is entirely different. Below mainlyhas the characteristic: First, the hobby public relations, are good at the human relations. Asfor the French the public relations are the life important content,does not have the social activity the life is imagines withdifficulty. Second, the humorous humorous instinct is romantic. They in humancommunication mostly frank enthusiasm. Is good at incontrovertiblyshooting the breeze, good cracks a joke, is repugnant the person whichdoes not like speaking, accepts with difficulty to looking distressed.The traditional culture influence, the French not only is liked takerising, moreover likes the romantic experience. Third, earnestly seeks the freedom, the discipline is worse. In theworld the French is most famous "the liberalism". "The freedom, theequality, the universal love" not only are decided as by the Frenchconstitution our country the national admonition, moreover thedefinite orders writes in the national emblem. They although arefastidious the legal system, but general discipline worse, not greatlylikes the collective action and the French has the social dealings,the appointment must beforehand agree, and punctually keeps anappointment, but also must be possible to them slowly to come latebeforehand to have the preparation. Fourth, the self-respect is strong, is partial to "the domesticproducts". France"s fashionable clothing, the good food and art arethe common people wins universal praise, again under this influence,the French has the greatly strengthened national self-respect and thenational sense of pride, looked like in them, World all are France isbest. When with French conversation, if can speak several French,certainly can enable opposite party warmly to have Canada. Fifth, the knight demeanour, respects the woman. The courtesy theFrench adopts which in the human communication mainly has shakes handthe ritual, the hug ritual and kisses the surface ritual
2023-07-16 13:56:141

法国的英语简介 要超简单的!急......

France is a member state of the European Union located in its western region, with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents.France is a unitary semi-presidential republic with its main ideals expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.Brazil is the largest country and the only Portuguese-speaking country in South America.Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye), known officially as the Republic of Turkey in the Balkan region of southeastern Europe. Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Bulgaria to the northwest; Greece to the west; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, Azerbaijan (the exclave of Nakhchivan) and Iran to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea and Cyprus are to the south; the Aegean Sea to the west; and the Black Sea is to the north.Argentina is the second largest country in South America, constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires. It is the eighth-largest country in the world by land area and the largest among Spanish-speaking nations, though Mexico, Colombia and Spain are more populous.参考 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Pagelz 维基百科很好用的 里面资料很全
2023-07-16 13:56:231

介绍法国的英语作文 20u301c50词左右 我会提高悬赏的 快点

  France is the most visited country in the world. It has everything that you could ever want to see on your holidays: a great city like Paris, good beaches, more monuments than any other country, lovely nature, incredible mountain scenery; need I go on? France is also a very pleasant place to stay. It has good food, great wines and people enjoy their lives. And the best thing is, maybe apart from Paris, living in France does not have to be expensive. The North of France consists of the flatlands around the town of Lille and the Channel. The area will remind visitors in many ways of Belgium and the Netherlands. The Grand" Place in Lille for example is a lot like that of Brussels.
2023-07-16 13:56:321


2023-07-16 13:56:401


France is an western European country. Its neiboring countries include Belgium, Spain, Germany, etc. France is famous for the Eifel Tower in Paris, the capital of France. France is also the world"s top producer in perfume and other fashionable beauty products. Many travellers to Paris value its art museums and historical sites the most.法国是一个西欧国家。它的邻国包括比利时、西班牙、德国等。法国以首都巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔著名。法国也是世界上顶端的香水和其他时尚化妆品的产地。许多到巴黎的旅游者最重视它的艺术博物馆和历史古迹。
2023-07-16 13:57:011


埃菲尔铁塔矗立在塞纳河南岸法国巴黎的战神广场,于1889年建成,是当时世界上最高的建筑物。埃菲尔铁塔得名于设计它的著名建筑师、结构工程师古斯塔夫·埃菲尔,全部由施耐德铁器(现施耐德电气)建造。The Eiffel Tower stands at the southern bank of the Seine river in Paris, France"s Mars square, built in 1889, is the highest building in the world at that time.The Eiffel Tower gets its name from the design of its famous architect, structural engineer gustave Eiffel, all built by schneider iron (now schneider electric).埃菲尔铁塔高300米,天线高24米,总高324米,铁塔是由很多分散的钢铁构件组成的——看起来就像一堆模型的组件。钢铁构件有18038个,重达10000吨,施工时共钻孔700万个,使用1.2万个金属部件,用铆钉250万个。The Eiffel Tower is 300 meters high, antenna 24 metres high, total is 324 meters high, the tower is made up of many scattered steel components - looks like a pile of model components.Steel components. There are 18038, 10000 - ton, construction drilling 7 million, using 12000 metal parts, 2.5 million with rivet.除了四个脚是用钢筋水泥之外,全身都用钢铁构成,共用去熟铁7300吨。塔分三楼,分别在离地面57.6米、115.7米和276.1米处,其中一、二楼设有餐厅,第三楼建有观景台,从塔座到塔顶共有1711级阶梯。In addition to the four feet are with reinforced concrete, all use of steel, common to 7300 tons of wrought iron.Points on the third floor, respectively from the ground 57.6 meters, 115.7 meters and 276.1 meters, one of them, has a restaurant on the second floor, third floor has a viewing platform, 1711 steps from tower to tower.
2023-07-16 13:57:122


France is a very beautiful and Romantic country. I guess most people will think of it romance when they refer to this country. This country is also famous for Champagne and Brandy which is quite popular in the whole world. Also French pay much attention to their food. There are many beautiful views in its capital Paris.So if we make a tour in this country, please dont forget its lovely food, champagne, brandy, and also its capital Paris which is one of the most romantic cities in the world.
2023-07-16 13:57:435


2023-07-16 13:58:003


What 东西?
2023-07-16 13:58:093


2023-07-16 13:58:174


France is the most visited country in the world. It has everything that you could ever want to see on your holidays: a great city like Paris, good beaches, more monuments than any other country, lovely nature, incredible mountain scenery; need I go on? France is also a very pleasant place to stay. It has good food, great wines and people enjoy their lives. And the best thing is, maybe apart from Paris, living in France does not have to be expensive. The North of France consists of the flatlands around the town of Lille and the Channel. The area will remind visitors in many ways of Belgium and the Netherlands. The Grand" Place in Lille for example is a lot like that of Brussels.Paris, the city of light and its surroundings are one of the most visited areas. Paris is without a doubt one of the most beautiful cities on the planet.West of France is turned towards the Atlantic Coast. In the north Normandy & Brittany have rolling hills, sandy beaches and quiet little harbour towns. Normandy & Brittany have a more rugged coast and many neolithic sites. It has quite a distinct atmosphere from the rest of the country; you can still sense the Celtic origin of the region and its inhabitants.The eastern part of France consists of the Alsace, Lorraine, Franche Comt?and Burgundy regions. The landscape has rolling hills and many beautiful cities, such as Metz, Strasbourg, Nancy and Dijon. This region produces many famous wines, including magnificent pinot noirs and chardonnays valued the world over, as well as the famous "Yellow wine" from the Jura mountain vineyard.The Center of France is in many ways the most quiet part of France. But the great treasure of this region is the Loire valley , with many great castles and beautiful towns. Chartres with its famous cathedral and Tours rate among the most beautiful French cities.The South with its lovely nature, good food, roman ruins and of course the Riviera draws a lot of visitors every year. Towns like Orange, and Arles but also big cities like Marseille and Toulon are must sees. The Provence is dotted with pleasant small villages. In the South west of France the Dordogne is one of the most quintessential French regions. The valley is so pretty, the towns are so cute and the food is so good, that it is hard to believe that the people who live here go somewhere else for their holidays. The Languedoc has its own language and culture. In the south of the Languedoc you find the Pyrenees, a great mountain range separating France from Spain, where you can hike and ski. The towns of Toulouse and Montpellier are nice and the medieval town of Carcassone is a top destination.https://www.cia.gov/redirects/factbookredirect.html这个网站也有
2023-07-16 13:58:272


2023-07-16 13:58:351

求一遍介绍法国的英语作文 急!

2023-07-16 13:58:454


being known as a romantic kingdom, France is the largest country in european as well as a country for art. there are many beautiful sites here both from urban and rural areas.the weather is fine here.作为以浪漫闻名的国度,法国既是欧洲最大的国家,同时也是艺术之都。在这儿有很多美丽景点,既有城市的,也有乡村的。天气也不错。
2023-07-16 13:58:542


France (La France), full name of the French Republic, is now the Fifth Republic in France, located in western Europe, bordered by Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra and Spain, separated from the English Channel and across the sea.France is one of the main victors of World War I, in the defeat of the Second World War, the medium-term and the fall in Germany, but in the international community still has some influence, it would become a permanent member of the UN Security Council veto Security Council motionrights. France is also one of the founding Member States of the European Union and NATO, G8 and one of one of the four major European economies, is also a Schengen member states.France is not only very well developed industry and agriculture, but also one of the world cultural center. The capital is located in Paris.
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The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world. 高耸入云的埃菲尔铁塔,流光溢彩的街道,美丽的塞纳河,金璧辉煌的宫殿,浪漫的民族,源远流长的历史…这就是巴黎 As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip. 作为法国的首都,巴黎是一座古老而又现代的城市。这里发生了太多的历史事件,这里有那么多的地方让你流连忘返。 The Triumphal Arch(凯旋门) was finished in 1836. It"s a world famous building, too. The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔), which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was completed in 1889. 320米高的埃费尔铁塔是巴黎的标志。它建于1889年
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Republic of France in western Europe. Size 5 5 1 6 0 2 sq km. 3 0 0 0 km long coastline. Residents mostly France. Catholic residents more letter. French as an official language.5 century, a kingdom. 1 5 a centralized state at the end of the century. 1789 eruption of bourgeois revolution. Since then, the Republic has established a five and two empires. 1958 Fifth Republic was born.Prior to the Second World War, France was the second largest of the British colonial empire, the colonial area equivalent to 20 times the local munity. After the war, most have separate French colony. January 27, 1964 to establish diplomatic relations with China.Southeast high-low topography. Central and southern central highlands, north-west of Northern France is plain. Most areas of the marine climate of temperate broadleaf forest, coastal and southern Rhone valley to the Mediterranean-type climate is subtropical. Annual average precipitation from northwest to southeast from 6 0 0 to 1 0 0 0 mm increments to mm. Bauxite, uranium ore reserves in Western European countries, tops the first. Iron, potassium is also abundant. Forest area accounted for 26% of the area.Industrialized countries, a high concentration of production and capital GDP amongst the highest in the world. The major industrial sectors of mining, metallurgy, automobiles, shipbuilding, machinery, textile, chemical, electrical, food, etc. Nuclear energy, petrochemical, marine development, arms, aviation and space sectors are developing rapidly and have amongst the highest in the world. 1993 output of major industrial products are : 16.61 million tons of steel, 12.01 million tons of pig iron, coal reached 10.35 million tons, 2.52 million tons of pulp, 2.8 million vehicles cars, generating 4 5 1 0 kW / hour. Agriculture developed for the world famous agricultural exporting countries. Category of major agricultural products are wheat, maize, potatoes, beet, rice, tobacco, grapes. 1 9 9 3 tons of wheat 24.9 million tonnes, barley 6.5 million tons, corn 13.3 million tons, 5.3 billion litres of wine grapes. France is Western Europe "mon market" countries, the main target is Western Europe trade "mon market" countries. Exports machinery, chemicals, automobiles, steel and food. Imported fuels, the Military Industrialization raw materials, ores. Rail 3 5 0 0 0 km, the road about 8 0 million metres. Capital Paris, a city renowned Eiffel tran *** ission tower, construction, a city southwest Versailles Palace. Automobiles, electrical industry renowned textile and co *** etics industries are also developed. Le Havre, Lille, Rouen, Nantes, Lyon, Stra *** ourg, Mulhouse, Marseille are important industrial center. Other important festivals : National Day on July 14. Mrs. die for a good cause Japan May 30. Established diplomatic relations with Japan : January 27, 1964. Money : franc. Time : one hour earlier than Greenwich time;At night than seven hours. National flower : iris, roses. Name Interpretation : France moves by France evolution from tribal members. France moves in the Germanic language China and Italy as "courageous and free." Folk : France is champagne, brandy wine hometown. It was felt that if left home New Year"s Eve Night wine ing year will be to stay. France is the most expensive dishes Egan, the Frenchman most favorite snail and frog legs. 原文:法兰西共和国位于欧洲西部。 面积5 5 1 6 0 2 平方千米。 海岸线长约3 0 0 0 千米。 居民多为法兰西人。 居民多信天主教。 法语为官方语言。 5 世纪建立王国。 1 5 世纪末形成中央集权国家。 1 7 8 9 年爆发资产阶级革命。 此后,先后建立过五次共和国和两次帝国。 1 9 5 8 年第五共和国诞生。 第二次世界大战前,法国是仅次于英国的第二号殖民帝国,殖民地面积等于本土2 0 倍。 战后,法属殖民地大部先后独立。 1 9 6 4 年1 月2 7 日同我国建交。 地势东南高西北低。 中南部有中央高原,西北部是北法平原。 大部分地区属海洋性温带阔叶林气候,南部沿海和罗讷河谷地属亚热带地中海式气候。 年平均降水量从西北往东南由6 0 0 毫米递增到1 0 0 0 毫米左右。 铝土矿、铀矿储量在西欧各国中均居第一位。 铁、钾盐也相当丰富。 森林面积占全国面积的2 6 % 。 工业发达国家,生产和资本高度集中,国内生产总值位居世界前列。 主要工业部门有矿业、冶金、汽车、造船、机械、纺织、化学、电器、食品等。 核能、石化、海洋开发、军火、航空和宇航等部门发展很快,已位居世界前列。 1 9 9 3 年主要工业产品产量为:粗钢1 6 6 1 万吨、生铁1 2 0 1 万吨、原煤达1 0 3 5 万吨、纸浆2 5 2 万吨、小汽车2 8 0 万辆、发电4 5 1 0 千瓦/ 小时。 农业发达,为世界著名的农产品出口国。 主要农产品有麦类、玉米、马铃薯、甜菜、稻米、烟草、葡萄 等。 1 9 9 3 年产小麦2 4 9 0 万吨、大麦6 5 0 万吨、玉米1 3 3 0 万吨、葡萄 酒5 3 亿升。 法国是西欧“共同市场”成员国,主要外贸对象是西欧“共同市场”国家。 出口机械、化学品、汽车、钢铁和粮食。 进口燃料、军事工业原料、矿石等。 有铁路3 5 0 0 0 多千米,公路约8 0 万千米。 首都巴黎,市内有著名的艾菲尔铁塔等建筑,城西南有凡尔赛宫。 汽车、电器工业著名,纺织和化妆品工业亦发达。 勒阿弗尔、里尔、鲁昂、南特、里昂、斯特拉斯堡、米卢斯、马赛等都是重要的工业中心。 其它 重要节日:国庆日7 月1 4 日。 贞德就义日5 月3 0 日。 与我建交日:1 9 6 4 年1 月2 7 日。 货币:法朗。 时差:比格林尼治时间早1 小时;比北京时间晚7 小时。 国花:鸢尾花、玫瑰。 国名释义:法兰西由法兰克部落名演变而来。 法兰克在日耳曼语中意为“勇敢的、自由的”。 民俗:法国是香槟酒、白兰地酒的故乡。 人们认为除夕之夜家中若有剩酒,来年便要交厄运。 法国最名贵的菜是鹅肝,法国人最爱吃蜗牛和青蛙腿。
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塞纳河的风光旖旎,埃菲尔铁塔的雄伟挺拔,诱人的法国美食,别致的拱门与喷泉。你会发现,这里一切都是艺术。  Ah, beautiful Paris. For centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the world. The allure and charm of Paris captivate all who visit there.  啊,美丽的巴黎!几世纪来,这个城市吸引了整个世界的崇拜。巴黎的诱惑与魅力吸引了所有到此游玩的人。  Where can you discover the charm of Paris for yourself? Is it in the legacy of all the French rulers who worked to beautify their beloved city? Is it in the famous castles, palaces, statues and monuments, such as the Eiffel Tower? Can you find it in the world-class museums, such as the Louvre? Perhaps Paris" allure lies in the zest and style of the Parisians.  你在哪里可以找到巴黎对你自己的吸引力呢?是否是在历任的法国统治者们在美化他所钟爱的城市所留下来的遗产里?还是在那些有名的城堡、皇宫雕像和纪念碑例如埃菲尔铁塔之中?你能否在世界一流的博物馆,倒如卢浮宫中找着呢?或许巴黎的诱惑力在于巴黎人的特殊品味和风格。  When you visit Paris, you don"t have to spend all of your time visiting museums and monuments. They are certainly worthy of your time, but ignore them for a day. First take some time to look around and experience life in Paris. You"ll find it charming.  当你到巴黎游玩时,别把时间全都花在看博物馆和纪念碑上面。它们当然很值得你花时间,但今天先忘掉它们。首先来四处看看,并体验一下巴黎的生活。你会发现它的迷人之处。  Take a stroll along the Seine River. Browse through the art vendors, colorful paintings. Peek through delicate iron gates at the well-kept gardens. Watch closely for the French attention to detail that has made France synonymous with good taste. You will see it in the design of a doorway or arch and in the little fountains and quaint balconies. No matter where you look, you will find everyday objects transformed into works by art.  沿著塞纳河漫步。浏览艺术家们丰富色彩的绘画,透过那些精致的铁门,向内偷窥那些精心照看的花园。仔细留心法国人对于细节的留心。这使得法国成为「好品味」同义字。你可以在门廊或拱门以及小喷泉和古怪有趣的走廊的设计上看见。不管你往哪里看,你都可以发现日常物品已经变成了艺术品。  Spend some time in a quiet park relaxing on an old bench. Lie on your back on the green grass. When you need refreshment, try coffee and pastries at a sidewalk cafe. Strike up a conversation with a Parisian. This isn"t always easy, though. With such a large international population living in Paris, true natives are hard to find these days.  花些时间,在一个安静的公园里面的旧板凳上轻松地休息。躺在青草地上。想吃点心的时候,尝尝路边咖啡店的咖啡及点心。找一个巴黎人展开一段会话,但这也不太容易。有这么大的国际人口居住在此地。在这个年头要找到一个真正当地的巴黎人是很难的。  As evening comes to Paris, enchantment rises with the mist over the riverfront. You may hear music from an outdoor concert nearby: classical, jazz, opera or chansons, those French folk songs. Parisians love their music. The starry sky is their auditorium. You can also hear concerts in the chateaux and cathedrals. In Paris the Music never ends.  巴黎到了傍晚时分,随着码头上的雾气升起,巴黎的诱惑力也随之而起。你也会听到附近室外音乐会所演奏的乐曲。古典、爵士、歌剧或是香颂、即法国的民歌。巴黎人热爱自己的音乐,繁星点缀的天空,就是他们演奏的大礼堂。你也可以在皇宫或教堂里聆听音乐会。在巴黎,音乐是不会停止的。  Don"t miss the highlight of Paris evening: eating out. Parisians are proud of their cuisine. And rightly so; it"s world famous. Gourmet dining is one of the indispensable joys of living. You need a special guidebook to help you choose one of the hundreds of excellent restaurants. The capital of France boasts every regional specialty, cheese and wine the country has to offer. If you don"t know what to order, ask for the suggested menu. The chef likes to showcase his best dishes there. Remember, you haven"t tasted the true flavor of France until you"ve dined at a French restaurant in Paris.  别错过了巴黎夜晚的高潮:下馆子。巴黎人对其烹饪非常骄傲。理当如此,因为它世界驰名。美食本来就是与生活享乐不可分割的。为了帮你从几百家绝佳的餐厅中作选择,你需要一本特别的指南。法国的首都以各地的特色风味、乳酪和酒著称于世,如果你不知道要叫什么,可以要「推荐菜单」来看。大厨喜欢在此将他最拿手的菜作一番橱窗展示。请记住,在你尚未在巴黎的法国餐厅里吃过饭之前,都不算尝过法国真正的风味。  After your gourmet dinner, take a walking tour of the floodlit monuments. Cross the Pont Neuf, the oldest bridge in the city, to the Ile de la Cite. The most famous landmark of Paris looms up in front of you the Notre Dame Cathedral (Cathedral of Our Lady)。 Stand in the square in front of the cathedral. Here, you are standing in the center of France. All distances are measured from the front of Notre Dame. Every road in France leads to her front door. All French kings and leaders have journeyed here to commemorate important occasions and give thanks. Notre Dame is the heart of Paris and the heart of France.  在你的美食晚餐之后,可以到被聚光灯照耀的纪念碑去走一趟。穿过第九桥(Pont Neuf)此城市中最古老的桥。到达城市之岛(Ile de la Cite)。巴黎最有名的标志即隐约地呈现在你的面前:圣母院。站在教堂前面的广场。在这里,你即处于法国的正中心。所有的距离皆是以圣母院前门开始计算。法国的每一条路都通往它的前门。所有的法国国王或统治者都曾经旅游到此来纪念重要的节日或感恩。圣母院是巴黎的中心,也是法国的中心。  Your visit in Paris has only just begun. You"ve just started to discover the charm of this old city. May the rest of your journey be unforgettable. When it is time to leave, you will go reluctantly. You will say with the French, "A bientot, Paris, a bientot!" (See you again soon, Paris!)  你的巴黎之旅才刚刚开始呢。你才刚刚开始发现这个古老城市的魅力。希望你剩余的旅程将令你难以忘怀。当你该起程回家时,你会依依不舍。然后用法文说道:「后会有期,巴黎!」
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