(这段单词基本上不懂- - )
As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox
As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear
As free as a bird, as neat as a word
As quite as a mouse, as big as a house
All I wanna be,
All I wanna be,
Ohhh all I wanna be
Is everything
As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth
As deep as a bite, as dark as the night
As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong
As long as a road, as ugly as a toad
As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture
Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be
Bright as day, as light as play
As hard as nails, as grand as a whale
All I wanna be,
Ohhh all I wanna be
Ohhh all I wanna be
Is everything
Everything I want
Everything I want
Ohh oh everything I want
As warm as the sun, as silly as fun
As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea
As hot as fire, cold as ice
Sweet as sugar and everything nice
As old as time, as straight as a line
As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee
Stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glide
Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be
All I wanna be,
Ohhh all I wanna be
Ohhh all I wanna be
Is everything
Everything I want ~复制的请对照
as strong as an ox,as fast as a horse分别是什么意思
as strong as an ox,与公牛一样强壮as fast as a horse与马一样快如有疑问,请追问!2023-07-15 00:54:501
Lenka----Everything at once。求中文歌词..
如何都是这些有道翻译的回答,,一点意思都没有,。。ps,我英文很烂,完全看不懂,不过我也想了解这首哥的真正意思。2023-07-15 00:55:059
as strong as an ox是什么意思
as strong as an ox体壮如牛双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 健壮如牛2. 体壮如牛。3. 强壮如牛4. 力大如牛例句:1.Not everyone is as strong as you, nicholas. 并非每个人都象你一样坚强,尼古拉斯.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮2023-07-15 00:55:383
as strongas an ox 这句谚语怎么翻译
壮如牛2023-07-15 00:55:476
everything at once 中英文对照歌词?
像狐狸一样狡猾,像牛一样强壮像野兔一样快,像熊一样勇敢像鸟一样悠闲,像字一样工整像老鼠一样安静,像房子一样大全部的我都想要全部的我都想要哦哦全部的我都想要是任何事物像狼一样小气,像牙一样尖(这句不知道),像夜晚一样黑像歌曲一样甜,(这句也不知道)像路一样长,像蛤蟆一样丑(这段单词基本上不懂- - )强壮像一个家,我想要强壮(这段翻译后很不通顺……)像钉子一样坚硬,像鲸一样高贵全部的我都想成要哦哦全部的我都想要哦哦全部的我都想要是任何事物我想要任何事物我想要任何事物哦哦我想要任何事物像阳光一样温暖,如同愚蠢如同有趣像树一样凉爽,像海一样可怕像火一样热,冷得像冰甜得像糖,任何事物都很好像时光一样老,像绳子一样长像女王一样华丽,像蜜蜂一样(不知道……)像老虎一样鬼鬼祟祟,像滑翔机一样平坦音乐一样纯净,我想要纯净全部的我都想要全部的我都想要是任何事物我想要任何事物。As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear As free as a bird, as neat as a word As quite as a mouse, as big as a house All I wanna be, All I wanna be, Ohhh all I wanna be Is everything As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth As deep as a bite, as dark as the night As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong As long as a road, as ugly as a toad As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be Bright as day, as light as play As hard as nails, as grand as a whale All I wanna be, Ohhh all I wanna be Ohhh all I wanna be Is everything Everything I want Everything I want Ohh oh everything I want As warm as the sun, as silly as fun As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea As hot as fire, cold as ice Sweet as sugar and everything nice As old as time, as straight as a line As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee Stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glide Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be All I wanna be, Ohhh all I wanna be Ohhh all I wanna be Is everything Everything I want自己照着看吧。。2023-07-15 00:56:024
as Strong as an ox
跟公牛一样壮实。2023-07-15 00:56:102
Lenka--everything at once2023-07-15 00:56:183
lenka-Everything At Once歌词翻译
谢谢,楼主的回答。参考了~~2023-07-15 00:56:277
求《Every At Once》歌词。Lenka的。
是 Everything at Once As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear As free as a bird, as neat as a word As quite as a mouse, as big as a house All I wanna be, All I wanna be, Ohhh all I wanna be Is everything As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth As deep as a bite, as dark as the night As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong As long as a road, as ugly as a toad As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be Bright as day, as light as play As hard as nails, as grand as a whale All I wanna be, Ohhh all I wanna be Ohhh all I wanna be Is everything Everything I want Everything I want Ohh oh everything I want As warm as the sun, as silly as fun As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea As hot as fire, cold as ice Sweet as sugar and everything nice As old as time, as straight as a line As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee Stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glide Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be All I wanna be, Ohhh all I wanna be Ohhh all I wanna be Is everything Everything I want 中文对照 像狐狸一样狡猾,像牛一样强壮 像野兔一样快,像熊一样勇敢 像鸟一样悠闲,像字一样工整 像老鼠一样安静,像房子一样大 全部的我都想要 全部的我都想要 哦哦全部的我都想要 是任何事物 像狼一样小气,像牙一样尖 像伤痕一样深,像夜晚一样黑 像歌曲一样甜,或对或错 像路一样长,像蛤蟆一样丑 像挂在夹子中的图画一样美丽 像一个家族那样强大,像我想象的那样强大 亮如白昼,如同轻快的奏乐 像钉子一样坚硬,像鲸一样高贵 全部的我都想成要 哦哦全部的我都想要 哦哦全部的我都想要 是任何事物 我想要任何事物 我想要任何事物 哦哦我想要任何事物 像阳光一样温暖,如同愚蠢如同有趣 像树一样凉爽,像海一样可怕 像火一样热,冷得像冰 甜得像糖,任何事物都很好 像时光一样老,像绳子一样长 像女王一样华丽,像蜜蜂一样嗡嗡叫 像老虎一样鬼鬼祟祟,像滑翔机一样平坦 音乐一样纯净,我想要纯净 全部的我都想要 全部的我都想要 是任何事物 我想要任何事物。2023-07-15 00:56:421
习语as strong as an ox的意思
和公牛一样强壮2023-07-15 00:56:522
He is as strong as an ox
他喝了xo一样死壮死壮啊啊2023-07-15 00:57:156
He`s as strong as an ox
1.他力大如牛2.她像羊羔般性情温顺3.他跑得像马一样快A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。A bad thing never dies. 遗臭万年。He sits no sure that sits too high. 高处不胜寒So said, so done. 说到做到,言出必行。Good (or Great) wits jump. 英雄所见略同。Heaven helps those who help themselves. 求人不如求己。Experience teaches. 吃一堑,长一智。 Go to the sea, if you would fish well.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。Cats hide their claws. 知人知面不知心。Never offer to teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。2023-07-15 00:57:386
先来做个小测试,大家考完口语后是怎样的感受?A. 完了,已狗带!!B.感觉自己棒棒哒~~C.在线等,挺急的。。与其一个人瞎想,坐以待毙,不如变被动为主动!今天教大家如何判断自己的口语分数! 雅思口语考完不用傻等成绩! 让你出教室就知道分数 估分宝典—万能的评分标准 口语评分标准是考官打分的衡量指标,所以大家可以依照各项评分标准来估分,最后用总分除4,就是你口语的分数啦~ 评分标准会告诉你: 1.低分段常出现的问题 2.高分段应该表现的点 3.高分段容许出现的小错误 下面我们来看看4个单项的5-8分的分值标准,大家一一对照哦! 流利度 & 连贯性 5分口语 能够保持语流,但是会有重复、自我纠正、以及为了继续交流而故意放缓语速。 过度使用连接词(比如:in fact, for example 等)或标记语(比如:and, so, but等等) 能够简单地 造句 ,但是使用长句的时候会出现连贯性问题。 能够保持语流,但是会有重复、自我纠正、以及为了继续交流而故意放缓语速。 过度使用连接词(比如:in fact, for example 等)或标记语(比如:and, so, but等等) 能够简单地造句,但是使用长句的时候会出现连贯性问题。 6分口语 能够主动地说长句,有时因为不时地重复、自我纠正以及犹豫等问题而影响到流利度。 能够使用一定量的连接词和标记语,但不是全部都正确。 能够主动地说长句,有时因为不时地重复、自我纠正以及犹豫等问题而影响到流利度。 能够使用一定量的连接词和标记语,但不是全部都正确。 7分口语 能够不显做作并且流利地说出长句。 ?有时候会出现一些语言相关的犹豫或者是一些重复及自我纠正。 能够灵活地使用连接词和标记语。 能够不显做作并且流利地说出长句。 ?有时候会出现一些语言相关的犹豫或者是一些重复及自我纠正。 能够灵活地使用连接词和标记语。 8分口语 语言连贯,偶尔重复以及自我纠正。通常停顿是因为思考内容,而不是思考如何组织语言。 能够围绕主题连贯并且到位地拓展。 语言连贯,偶尔重复以及自我纠正。通常停顿是因为思考内容,而不是思考如何组织语言。 能够围绕主题连贯并且到位地拓展。 在考试中,如果你犯了这两个错误, 就只能徘徊在低分档了! 1. 太过于纠结到底如何组织语言。 有的同学在回答时,一直在想这句话语法到底对不对,是不是高分词汇、复杂句,过于分心,流利度和连贯性当然会受到影响! 2.认为流利&连贯=说话快。 流利&连贯不能完全靠语速快慢来衡量,因为如果不能清晰准确地表达观点,考官也听不清楚你说的有多好,自然给不了高分。 词 汇 5分口语 能够谈论熟悉以及不熟悉的话题,但是不太能够灵活地使用词汇表达。 尝试 同义词 转换,但没有完全准确到位。 能够谈论熟悉以及不熟悉的话题,但是不太能够灵活地使用词汇表达。 尝试同义词转换,但没有完全准确到位。 6分口语 有比较充足的词汇量来详细拓展话题,出现的错误也不会影响到自己要表达的意思。 通常同义词转换都能比较准确。 有比较充足的词汇量来详细拓展话题,出现的错误也不会影响到自己要表达的意思。 通常同义词转换都能比较准确。 7分口语 能够灵活地使用大量词汇来讨论不同的话题。 能够使用比较不常见的词汇或者是地道俗语,能够意识到语言之间的搭配和语言风格,有时候会出现一些词汇选择错误。 有效地进行同义词。 能够灵活地使用大量词汇来讨论不同的话题。 能够使用比较不常见的词汇或者是地道俗语,能够意识到语言之间的搭配和语言风格,有时候会出现一些词汇选择错误。 有效地进行同义词。 8分口语 轻松灵活地使用大量词汇来准确地表达内容。 熟悉地使用一些比较少见以及地道的词汇表达,只有偶尔会出现错误。 能够根据表达要求来有效使用同义词转换。 轻松灵活地使用大量词汇来准确地表达内容。 熟悉地使用一些比较少见以及地道的词汇表达,只有偶尔会出现错误。 能够根据表达要求来有效使用同义词转换。 这一项指标很容易判断高下, 低分考鸭常出现的错误也有两点: 1.词汇量太少! 所掌握的词汇不足以支撑表达各种话题,反反复复就是个别简单词在替换。 2.胡乱搭配! 有不少同学恨不得把所有背过的能想起来的高大上的词汇说给考官听,但其实自己对这个词并不熟悉,或者没有掌握它的用法,胡乱搭配,反而适得其反。 语 法 5分口语 能够使用基本句式。 能够有限地使用一些复杂结构的句型,但是通常都有一些错误,并且会造成一些理解上的问题。 能够使用基本句式。 能够有限地使用一些复杂结构的句型,但是通常都有一些错误,并且会造成一些理解上的问题。 6分口语 不太灵活地混合使用简单句式和复杂句式。 使用复杂结构的句式的时候,经常出现错误,但是很少造成内容理解方面的问题。 不太灵活地混合使用简单句式和复杂句式。 使用复杂结构的句式的时候,经常出现错误,但是很少造成内容理解方面的问题。 7分口语 能够稍微灵活地使用一定程度的复杂句式。 能够经常使用没有错误的句式结构,但是有一小部分语法问题仍然存在。 能够稍微灵活地使用一定程度的复杂句式。 能够经常使用没有错误的句式结构,但是有一小部分语法问题仍然存在。 8分口语 能够灵活地大范围使用结构复杂完整的句式。 能够大量的使用没有错误的句型结构,只有偶尔出现一些基本的语言系统错误。 能够灵活地大范围使用结构复杂完整的句式。 能够大量的使用没有错误的句型结构,只有偶尔出现一些基本的语言系统错误。 这一部分常见的语法问题有: 1.复杂句的使用 低分档的考生:用了还不如不用! 高分段的考生:简单句和复杂句混搭,自由切换。 很多同学为了拿高分,通常会改编+使用一些自己不太熟悉的句型,但改编后的 句子 漏洞百出,导致考官无法准确理解。 2. 基础语法错误 由于粗心大意,很多考生频繁地犯一些基础语法错误,如时态、单复数、固定搭配等,而这些不以为然的小错误恰恰成了高分的“拦路虎”! 发 音 5分口语 水平在4分以上,并且能够达到一些6分的标准。 水平在4分以上,并且能够达到一些6分的标准。 6分口语 能够掌握一定量的单词发音特点,但是控制能力不佳。 能够有效地展示并突出某些单词的发音特点,但是不能够一直保持。 能够大概传递信息内容,有时会出现单一词汇或者是音节的发音错误导致语言不清晰。 能够掌握一定量的单词发音特点,但是控制能力不佳。 能够有效地展示并突出某些单词的发音特点,但是不能够一直保持。 能够大概传递信息内容,有时会出现单一词汇或者是音节的发音错误导致语言不清晰。 7分口语 水平能够达到6的标准,并且偶尔能够达到8分的标准。 水平能够达到6的标准,并且偶尔能够达到8分的标准。 8分口语 广泛熟悉地掌握的单词发音特点。 能够保持单词发音的灵活转变,偶尔会出现一些错误。 所说内容很容易让人理解,母语的口音对英文发音清晰度影响非常小。 广泛熟悉地掌握的单词发音特点。 能够保持单词发音的灵活转变,偶尔会出现一些错误。 所说内容很容易让人理解,母语的口音对英文发音清晰度影响非常小。 很多考生容易把自己分低的锅甩给口音,其实不然,作为第二语言学习者,我们无法规避母语口音的影响,而真正导致我们低分的问题是: 1.发音错误或不准确,影响考官理解 你可以有口音,但只要能发音清晰,让考官听明白你在说什么,就不会丢分; 2. 语调混乱 句子里面没有重读,考官抓不住重点;或者是全部重读,或者是把不该重读的部分重读,听起来很容易让考官觉得你在背诵~ 这些评分标准很细化, 需要你用心地去比对自己的表现, 大家可以作为参考, 大概清楚自己的分数段, 方便做进一步规划! 如何避免中式思维对你的雅思口语影响 雅思口语练习时,你会不会有这种情况,随便就说he is my...等到对方疑惑时,再默默改成she is my...中国人思维定式的内容对你的影响有多少。 怎样克服雅思口语中文思维。首先谈词汇。比如在中文当中,我们说的“做”和英语中的“make”有很多区别。我以前就碰见这样一个学生。她说她和妈妈的关系很密切,妈妈教会了她怎样做人。这位同学出口就是这样一段翻译: “I am very close to my mother because she teaches me how to make man. ” 这样的笑话在课堂上比比皆是。 究其原因,其实是对“make”这个单词的基本含义了解不到位,加上中文一词多义的现象又很普遍,所有攻克词汇关显得尤为重要。学生在雅思口语练习时,只顾记忆书面用语的单项含义,并没有进行生活的理解和用语融合。因此扎实的基础是避免中式思维的基本前提。只有把这些口语写作中经常用到的小词做一个很好的理解才能真正避免此类错误的发生。 雅思口语考试问题中,其次是 俚语 的使用,准确使用俚语其实也可以大大克服一些中文思维。比方说很多同学张口就来 “as strong as an ox.” 但是在英语里面通常的同意表达是 “as strong as a horse.”故而加大对西方 文化 的了解,恰当准确地使用俚语是也有效避免中文思维的有效途径。 再者句式:我听到学生多次说 “I very much like it. ”或者是“I with her went to cinema. ” 这种 “我很喜欢它”和“我和她去看电影”的直接翻译其实是对英文表达中基本句式的不了解造成的。而其实鬼佬很少这样说这句活。考官听了之后自然会觉得你的英语不地道。在这里,我们可以看到熟稔英语里面的那五个基本句型是多么的重要。当然要在规避中文思维方面取得更大的进步,必须掌握更多的英语常用表达句式。 再者是从语篇的结构来说。中文喜欢把最重要的东西放在段落甚至整篇 文章 的后面说,意在点睛,这样造成的一个很大风险就是在雅思口语题的卡片题部分,考生很有可能没有点睛就到了两分钟的大限,导致最后的结果是考官听你说了这么长时间还不知道你最终要说个什么道理,这样就直接影响考生在 “coherence”上的得分。英文表达更多的情况是要求开门见山,所以在考试的时候,做到直奔主题更符合西方的思维习惯,也更符合考试时有时间限制这样一个特殊的场合,以效避免上述风险。 综上所述,学生“中文思维”的雅思口语练习出现的问题,最根本原因是基础的不牢,单词的肤浅认识和缺乏基础的口语认知。所以,熟练基本句式和直接的表达方式是解决“中式”英语的重要办法。 雅思口语犯难的各类原因 问:虽然雅思口语考试在听说读写四项中是最短的,只有10-15分钟,但是很多中国考生依然经常把它看成最大的障碍。我觉得主要原因是什么? 答:本人认为大部分考生在口语考试里面临着如下问题: 1. 心理过度紧张,缺乏自信.有些考生性格内向,不善交流和表达,面对临煞有介事的考官会大脑短路,语无伦次. 2. 英文能力有限,准备压力大.雅思口语新话题层出不穷,考官第三部分的谈论愈发灵活,如果考生不懂得将话题化繁为简归类 总结 ,会感到复习范围无边无际,从而忐忑不安. 3. 错把口试当成背诵考试,适得其反.很多考生会把口语预测话题写成段子死背硬记,结果考试时不懂得与考官交流,只管猛背答案,往往是答非所问,难逃低分命运. 4. 主观评分很难定性,低分现实打击自信.07年以来的口语低分让很多中国考生困惑不解,从而进一步对口语考试产生畏惧心理. 雅思口语让大家犯难的原因我今天就介绍到这里了,希望能给大家带来帮助。不过我还是想要建议大家能够参与一些雅思口语辅导班最好。大家可以学习到更多的雅思口语技巧,最后我预祝大家都能取得优异的成绩。2023-07-15 00:57:531
As sly as a fox,as strong as an ox. As fast as a
lenka的<everything at once>Everything at Once As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear As free as a bird, as neat as a word As quite as a mouse, as big as a house All I wanna be, All I wanna be, Ohhh all I wanna be Is everything As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth As deep as a bite, as dark as the night As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong As long as a road, as ugly as a toad As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be Bright as day, as light as play As hard as nails, as grand as a whale All I wanna be, Ohhh all I wanna be Ohhh all I wanna be Is everything Everything at once Everything at once Ohh oh everythingat once As warm as the sun, as silly as fun As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea As hot as fire, cold as ice Sweet as sugar and everything nice As old as time, as straight as a line As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee Stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glide Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be All I wanna be, Ohhh all I wanna be Ohhh all I wanna be Is everything Everything at once2023-07-15 00:58:461
请问关于Lenka----Everything at once。求中文歌词..
As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox像狐狸一样狡诈,像公牛一样健壮As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear像野兔一样疾速,像头熊一样英勇As free as a bird, as neat as a word像只鸟一样自在,像笔墨一样工致As quite as a mouse, as big as a house像老鼠一样恬静,像匹马一样矮小All I wanna be,我想要酿成,All I wanna be,我想要酿成,Ohhh all I wanna beohhh,我想要酿成Is everything统统事物As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth像狼一样卑劣,像尖牙一样尖利As deep as a bite, as dark as the night像咬的伤口一样深,像夜晚一样暗中As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong像一首歌一样入耳,像个错误一样间接As long as a road, as ugly as a toad像一条路一样漫长,像只蛤蟆一样漂亮As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture像壁画一样优美Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be像个家庭一样勾结,如我盼望的那样健壮Bright as day, as light as play像白昼一样明丽,和闪光一样轻巧As hard as nails, as grand as a whale像钉子一样坚固,和鲸鱼一样巨大All I wanna be,Ohhh all I wanna beOhhh all I wanna beIs everythingEverything I want我想要的统统Everything I wantOhh oh everything I wantAs warm as the sun, as silly as fun像太阳一样暖和,像小丑一样愚蠢As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea像棵树一样阴凉,像大海一样令人恐惊As hot as fire, cold as ice如火样炙热,如冰样冷漠Sweet as sugar and everything nice像糖一样甘美另有统统美妙的事物As old as time, as straight as a line和工夫一样陈旧,像条线一样竖直As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee像女王一样高尚,如蜜蜂般喧华Stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glide像山君一样潜行,像次滑行一样流利Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be想音符一样纯洁,如我想要的那样纯洁All I wanna be,Ohhh all I wanna beOhhh all I wanna beIs everythingEverything I want2023-07-15 00:59:141
He is as strong as_____. A.a tiger B.a pig C.an ox
实际上, A 和C 都正确, 我们可以说:as strong as a horseas strong as an oxas strong as a tigeras strong as a lionas strong as a bullas strong as a bull moose看这本书:Ten Short Plays and Activities for Your Classroom, by Irene N Watt, 1990, page 52Examples of phrases are " "as strong as a horse" ", " "as strong as a tiger". When everyone has had one turn, opposites may be introduced: "As strong as a lion" would be countered by "as weak as a lamb", and so on. ...2023-07-15 00:59:233
将下列比喻句补充完整 As white as As wise as an As strong as As quiet as As hard as As stubborn as
weak2023-07-15 00:59:324
An ox is grazing in a swampy meadow . 一头牛在一块泥泞的草地上吃草。 The clay oxen plunge into the sea and vanish . 泥牛入海无消息。 I saw a team of oxen hitched to a broken-down wagon . 我看到几头牛套在一辆破车上。 I guess it depends on whose ox is being gored ! 我猜想,这要看被刺死的是谁的公牛! An ox carried o water kegs strapped across his back . 一条牛背上驮著两只小水桶。 We must lead an ox by the halter . 牵牛要牵牛鼻子。 We all call him iron ox . 我们都称他“铁牛”。 At that time , taxes and levies were as many as the hairs on an ox . 那时,苛捐杂税多如牛毛。 She is one year younger than i am ; she was born in the year of the ox . 她比我小一岁,是属牛的。 He is as strong as an ox . 他力大如牛。Taking a glance at the stone , you will see that it is just pke a crouched ox . 蓦然看去,这石头像一头卧牛。 The next moment, the ox hit major hasan across both legs with all his force . 接著,公牛突然尽力向汉森少校的双腿横扫过去。 It"s not to be expected that an ox and an ass should worship at the crib . 一头牛和一头驴子竟在畜圈里做起礼拜来,真想不到。 He was at the time wrestpng with the soul of a young ox from manchester . 那时他正在竭力地说服一位来自曼彻斯特的蛮小伙子。 It"s not to be expected that an ox and an ass should worship at the crib . 一头牛和一头驴子竟在畜圈里做起礼拜来,这是意想不到的。 They go pke an ox to the slaughter, till a dart strikes through their pver . 他们象牛一样往屠宰场走去,等到标枪刺穿他们的肝脏时才晓得。 He stood there, and as cool and unconcerned as though he were superintending the cutting up of an ox . 他站在那儿,平静、淡漠得好象是在监督人们宰割一头牛似的。 A subordinate by nature, he treated his own subordinates as if he were deapng with cows and oxen . 他天生就是个僚属,他对待自己的下属,就象吆喝公牛和母牛一般。 it is usually convenient to replace δs by its ponents δs1 and δs2 parallel to any o perpendicular axes ox, oy in the plane. 通常用它的分量s1和s2来代替s较为方便,它们分别沿平面内的 ox ,oy两个正交的轴线的方向。 The frequent , unreasonable whips angered the ox 这种经常而无理的鞭打激怒了牛。 An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox 行动的蚂蚁比睡觉的公牛干活更多。 Crossing even beyond the river oxes , into 甚至渡过奥克蘇斯河进入了索格地亚那 Some thoughts about the ox in the year of the pig 牛的一二猪年闲扯牛的一二。 Wash ox bone marrow and cut into sections . scald 牛骨髓洗净切成段,飞水待用。 Serve the hainan people as a wilpng ox 记第三届中国果菜产业十大杰出人物李志雄 Head bowed , pke a wilpng ox i serve the children 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛 - any dead ox is a good ox . - you " re bloodyright -每个死牛都是好牛. -你们的死是对的 Any dead ox is a good ox . - you " re bloodyright 每个死牛都是好牛. -你们的死是对的 Poole was right . you are an ox and a moron Poole说得没错.你这个低级白痴 You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out grain 4牛踹谷的时候,不可笼住?的嘴。 Some were butchered and severed with the banks and ox " s 有人是在奥克蘇斯河边被砍死的 He hitched the oxen up and began to plough the fields 他套上牛开始犁地。 Some were butchered and severed with the banks and ox " s 有人是在奥克蘇斯河边被砍死的 Crossing even beyond the river oxes , into ( place ) 甚至渡过奥克蘇斯河进入了索格地亚那 Better an egg in peace than an ox in war 和平时一只蛋胜过战争时一只牛。 Ox are loyal , sincere , and stubborn 牛年出生人士属于忠实,真诚,顽固。 With your lasso you could stop an ox ? “好极了。你能套住一头牛吗? ” To daily , and also the ox horn , and other restaurants 要五六十万的,还有金牛角等餐饮。 The farmer was yoking his oxen to a plough 农夫正在用轭把牛套到犁上。 An ox is taken by the horns , and the man by the tongue 牛因有脚而被抓,人因有舌而遭殃。2023-07-15 00:59:511
英语中的谚语:as strong as a ox
力大如牛~2023-07-15 00:59:591
这是一句谚语吧?怎么填?as strong as a___/a___/a___/an___
用a的是:horse、bull、cow用an的是:ox都是形容非常健壮PS:1. as bald as a coot头发脱光的(像黑鹅一样秃)2. as blind as a bat 有眼无珠(像蝙蝠一样瞎)3. as blind as an owl 瞎透了(像猫头鹰一样瞎)4. as bold as brass 厚颜无耻(像黄铜一样厚脸皮的)5. as busy as a bee 极忙碌(像蜜蜂一样忙碌)6. as clear as a bell 健全的(像铃铛一样健全)7. as clear as day 一清二楚的(像白天一样清楚)8. as cool as a cucumber 极为冷静的(像黄瓜一样冷静)9. as easy as a pie 极容易(像馅饼一样容易)10. as fussy as a hen with one chick 在小事上瞎操心11. as hard as the nether millstone 铁石心肠(像下层的磨石坚硬)12. as hungry as a hunter 非常饥饿(像猎人一样饥饿)13. as lively as a cricket 极活泼(像蟋蟀一样活泼)14. as mad as a wet hen 非常生气(像弄湿的母鸡一样生气)15. as mild as a dove 非常温和(像鸽子一样温和)16. as plain as the nose in your face 一清二楚(像你脸上的鼻子一样清楚)17. as poor as a church mouse 赤贫的(像教堂的老鼠一样穷)18. as proud as a peacock 极骄傲(骄傲得像只孔雀)19. as strong as a horse 健壮如牛20. as stupid as an owl 极愚蠢(像猫头鹰一样愚蠢)21. as thin as a wafer极薄(像糯米纸一样薄)22. as true as steel 绝对可靠(像钢一样可靠)希望帮助到你!2023-07-15 01:00:081
有一首女生唱的英文歌曲。 总是重复 a~~~~~~~are you wanna be.
love you like a love song你看看是吗?高潮歌词I i love you like a love song baby,I i love you like a love song baby.......2023-07-15 01:00:175
一个英文歌女生唱的 歌词是stop calling stop calling 哦哦哦哦
everything at once 吧?Everything At OnceLenkaAs sly as a fox, as strong as an oxAs fast as a hare, as brave as a bearAs free as a bird, as neat as a wordAs quite as a mouse, as big as a houseAll I wanna be,All I wanna be,Ohhh all I wanna beIs everythingAs mean as a wolf, as sharp as a toothAs deep as a bite, as dark as the nightAs sweet as a song, as right as a wrongAs long as a road, as ugly as a toadAs pretty as a picture hanging from a fixtureStrong like a family, strong as I wanna beBright as day, as light as playAs hard as nails, as grand as a whaleAll I wanna be,Ohhh all I wanna beOhhh all I wanna beIs everythingEverything I wantEverything I wantOhh oh everything I want2023-07-15 01:00:562
over super junior 再说第二遍不要再见面了你离开后我们就已经结束了不要再装出一副无辜的样子我已经都知道了(please don2023-07-15 01:01:053
中国考生当学习雅思口语时,也许不时会使用有的中式思维的英语表达,从而把自己的口语分数降低了。以下分享了英语雅思学习口语中式思维表达方法。英语雅思学习口语中式思维表达方法一、要谈雅思词汇。比如在中文当中,大家所表达的“做”和英语中的“make”有很多区别。在原来遇到过这样一个学生。她表示她和妈妈的关系十分密切,妈妈教会了她如何做人。这位同学出口是这样一段翻译: “I am very close to my mother because she teaches me how to make man. ”如此的笑话在课堂里到处都是。究其原因,事实上是针对“make”这个单词的基本含义了解不到位,再有是中文上的一词多义的现象又十分的普遍,所有攻克雅思词汇关显得尤为重要。所以拥有扎实的基础是免除中式思维的基本前提条件。只有把这些口语写作中经常用到的小词做一个很好的理解才能真正避免此类错误的发生。英语雅思学习口语中式思维表达方法二、俚语的使用,准确使用俚语其实也可以大大克服一些中文思维。像大部分考生一张口便表示“as strong as an ox.” 但是在英语中一般的同意表达是 “as strong as a horse.”故而加大对西方文化的了解,恰当准确地使用俚语是也有效避免中文思维的有效途径。再者句式:我听见考生多次表示 “I very much like it. ”或者是“I with her went to cinema. ”像此“我很喜欢它”和“我和她去看电影”的直接翻译其实是对英文表达中基本句式的不了解造成的。但事实上西方人极少会说如此的话。当考官听以后肯定会认为你的英语不地道。上面是给大家分享的英语雅思学习口语中式思维表达方法,期望考生们可以去认真阅读文章里的内容,若是还想要再了解有关这方面的信息,请点击咨询上海环球青藤官方网站。2023-07-15 01:01:121
在一线工作多年的教师,都会遇到一个无法回避的问题:汉语思维定式与英语思维方式的矛盾,这个矛盾对英语学习有很强的干扰。我们采用了各种方法排除这个干扰,诸如语言翻译法、听说法、情景法、视听法、交际法等,但不论用什么方法,在教学中,我们都不能回避这一语言思维差异的客观存在。因此,应对两种语言进行必要的分析对比,化干扰为积极因素,使学生在对英语的各种语言现象有了比较正确认识的基础上,通过大量的实践操练养成正确使用英语的良好习惯。教师应对汉语和英语间存在的差异了如指掌,预料学生的汉语思维习惯在哪些方面会起干扰作用,做到事前心中有数,这样才能未雨绸缪、对症下药。现列举如下应引起注意的几项汉语干扰项。 一、以文取义:英语中有些词组、成语和习惯说法,表面上似乎与汉语不谋而合,实际上它们的意思并不是字 面意义简单的理解,而是“意在言外”。 例解: 1.名词词组 Familiar庸俗的交谈。(不是“熟悉的谈话”。) Bad sailor晕船。(不是“坏水手”。) 2.动词词组 To pull somebody"s leg开玩笑。(不是“扯后腿”。) To pull up one"s socks鼓起勇气,加紧努力。(不是“提起袜子”。) 3.简单句 You can"t be too careful in your work.你工作应当越仔细越好。(不是“你工作不能太仔细”。) He was only too pleased to work with you.他很乐意和你在一起工作。(不是“他太高兴了,不愿和你在一起工作”。) 只按照汉语的思维习惯,简单生硬地理解英语,有时会导致张冠李戴的笑话。为此,教师平时应注意积累这方面的知识点,在教学中举一反三,有意识地引导学生对两种语言进行分析对比,掌握这类词句的确切含义。 二、汉语走势:用汉语思维定势套用在英语语法上,违背了英语的本来法则,我们暂且称其为“墨守汉规”。 例解: 1.时态 英语和汉语都有时态问题,但英语的时态种类多,其构成形式各不相同。动词随着时态的变化而变化,而汉语动词无形式的变化,表现动作发生的不同时间是借助“曾经”、“着”、“正在”、“将要”等表示时间的副词或是利用“了”、“着”、“过”等后缀来表达。由于中国学生习惯拿汉语的模式套用英语的语法,尤其是在学习一般过去时和现在完成时中,容易出错。 误:His father has died for two years. 正:His father has been dead for two years.(或:His father died two years ago.) 误: He has joined the party for two years. He has been a Party member for two years. 这类错误在中国学生中相当普遍,他们往往对die,join这一类动词的性质概念不清,不加分析地按照汉语思维翻译现在完成时的句子。教师要及时提醒学生这类动词属于终止性动词,有意识地列出、启发学生自行分析,改正错误。 2. 介词 英语介词在词与词之间起连接作用。汉、英两种语言中都有介词,但英语中用介词使用的情况要比汉语多得多,英语中很多介词在用法上让中国学生觉得很头疼,比如在使用in,on等时经常出错。 误:Have you read the article on today"s newspaper? 正:Have you read the article in today"s newspaper? 学生一不小心就会用“on”,因为报纸“上”在作崇。 误:We"ll finish our work after two hours. 正:We"1l finish our work in two hours. 学生一不小心就会用“after”,想当然地把after当成汉语中的“在……时间后”。 3.连词 英语的连词有重要的句法特点,与文体的关系也很密切。但在用法上,英语和汉语的连词是大不相同的。比如在汉语里,我们用了“虽然”以后,往往用“但是”和它呼应。因此就会有although(虽然)和but(但是)连用的错误。 如:Although he is poor,but he is happy.(×) 对这种错误,教师除了要在课堂上提醒学生注意英语连词在用法上的不同之外,还要对学生讲明although和but为什么不能同时用在一个句子里:although和but属于两种不同类型的连词,although是从属连词,用在复合句里连接主句和从句;but是对等连词,用在并列句里连接两个对等分句。这两种连词是不能同时用在一个句子里。要改正这个句子,要么保留although,把but去掉;要么保留but,把although去掉:A1though he is poor,he is happy.或He is poor,but he is happy. 三、汉式英语 由于受到汉语习惯的影响,大部分中国学生的英语虽然无语法错误,却只能说是汉式英语,就是所谓的“chinglish”,听起来一点也不地道,很别扭。比如,汉语里“健状如牛”一词,中国学生习惯翻译成as strong as a cow,其实,地道的英语表达应是as strong as a horse.(或:as strong as an ox.)这样的现象在学生中也很普遍,下面列举一些常见的“汉体洋用”的句子: 他嘴里经常叨着一支烟。 误:He always has a cigarette on his mouth. 正:He always has a cigarette on his lip. 任何人都不许在此抽烟。 误:Anyone is not allowed to smoke here. 正:No one is allowed to smoke here. 小李和小王都没来出席会议。 误:Both Xiao Li and Xiao Wang were not present at the meeting. 正:Neither Xiao Li nor Xiao Wang was present at the meeting. 他来不是为了休息。 误:He came not for a rest 正:He did not come for a rest. 中国学生在学习英语时,这种汉体洋用的现象是极为普遍的,以上仅是举例,没有规律可循。有的学生对此现象不以为然,认为只要语法结构正确,表达的意思正确就行,却忽视了中英语言差异,两种语言现象在一定程度上存在很大差异。英语学习要逐渐培养正确使用英语的习惯,说地道的英语。因此,在教学中,每逢遇到这一类的问题,都要有意识地提出来,通过分析对比,为学生打预防针,以免由于汉语思维的干扰而造成错误。作为教师应当熟谙两种语言,对两种语言的特点有充分的敏感性。我们的责任是既教又导,而不是只教不导。 上述几种汉语语言干扰现象,只是本人在教学实践中的一点感受,在英语教学中,实际存在着各种各样的干扰因素。我认为,作为一个英语教师,在教学中要始终把自己置于学生的地位,充分考虑到中国学生在学英语中遇到的特有困难,想方设法使学生避免这些错误。在不断提高教师本身语言水平的同时,辅之以针对教学对象特点的正确、有效的方法。只有这样,才能不断提高英语教学质量,做到事半功倍。 (作者单位:鸡东县第3中学)2023-07-15 01:01:191
今天,环球青藤就为各位雅思考生带来雅思口语如何克服中式思维,希望可以帮助广大雅思考生轻松备考雅思。更多雅思备考信息,请关注上海雅思培训。先,说说词汇。在中文中的“做”和英语中的“make”有很多区别。很多雅思考生对“make”这个单词的基本含义了解并不到位,另外中文中一词多义的现象又非常普遍,所有攻克词汇这一关显得尤为重要。扎实的词汇基础是雅思口语如何克服中式思维的基本前提,只有把这些口语中常用的小词深刻理解,才能真正避免此类错误的发生。其次,是俚语的使用。其实,准确地使用俚语也可以很大程度上克服一些中文思维。如: “as strong as an ox” ,然而在英语里的表达是: “as strong as a horse”,因此加深对西方文化的了解并恰当准确地使用俚语也是雅思口语如何克服中式思维的有效途径之一。再者,就是句式。很多雅思考生常说: “I very much like it. ”这种 “我很欢它”的直接翻译实际上是对基本句式的不了解造成的。由此可以看到熟知五大基本句型的重要性。当然,想要掌握雅雅思口语如何克服中式思维的方法,必须掌握更多的英语常用表达句式。从语篇的结构来说,中文中把重要的东西放在段落或整篇文章的后说,意在点睛,英文表达更多的是要求开门见山,所以,考试时直奔主题更符合西方的思维习惯。2023-07-15 01:01:261
求一首歌,里面的歌词是重复地:“I wanna be.....” 女声,非常之清脆好听。有谁知道这是什么歌啊?谢谢
i wanna be musiq soulchild - i wanna be (feat. damian marley)lrc by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxianggirl your smile is like a sunrise,i miss you when you"re not aroundwhen you"re here there"s no such thing as a cloudy daygirl your love is like a good high,when i"m up i don"t wanna come downcuz one touch from you can take all my pain awayit sure would be nice if this could last for the rest of my lifeand that"s the reason why i wanna be eh..i wanna be more than a night (wanna be more than a night)i wanna be more than a moment that you spend in your lifei wanna be more than a day (wanna be more than a day)i wanna be more than the words that i say to you babegirl i see heaven in your eyes,i swear i"m in paradisewhen i think about it something comes over meif it"s a dream don"t wake me up tonight,i wanna put your hand in minelet me show you what a little bit of you and i could be like, cuz it..it sure would be nice if this could last for the rest of my lifeand that"s the reason why i wanna be eh..i wanna be more than a night (wanna be more than a night)i wanna be more than a moment that you spend in your lifei wanna be more than a day (wanna be more than a day)i wanna be more than the words that i say to you babe{ damian marley singing }i wanna be more than a night (wanna be more than a night)i wanna be more than a moment that you spend in your lifei wanna be more than a day (wanna be more than a day)i wanna be more than the words that i say to you babetell me how could i feel like this even though we just met, cuzi ain"t supposed to, get so close to, someone like this so fastif it feels like this (like this) now,i"ll do whatever i gotta do to keep you girl, cuz..i wanna be more than a night (wanna be more than a night)i wanna be more than a moment that you spend in your lifei wanna be more than a day (wanna be more than a day)i wanna be more than the words that i say to you babe{ damian marley singing }2023-07-15 01:01:5215
一首歌词中有很多全球景点的歌 歌名:梦想岛 作词:陈立志 作曲:都智文 演唱:SNH48 歌词: 追寻着我的梦想出发 漂洋过海暂别了繁华 心中的梦想岛就在那 和大自然拥抱对话 穿越热情撒哈拉 把我融化 探访古老金字塔 揭开奇迹 神秘的面纱 青春的嘉年华 诗和远方在哪 沿着尼罗河 一路到麦加 世界踩在脚下 梦想不要问代价 我的梦不止一克拉 Oh……Oh…… Oh……Oh…… 海天一色连成一幅画 微风吹过轻抚我脸颊 向梦幻国度马上出发 沙滩上一朵朵浪花 在脸上彩绘涂鸦 释放减压 光着脚丫跳桑巴 尽情挥洒 魅力在散发 青春的嘉年华 诗和远方在哪 沿着尼罗河 一路到麦加 世界踩在脚下 梦想不要问代价 我的梦不止一克拉 Oh……Oh…… Oh……Oh…… 在这初恋之夏 回忆完美无瑕 爱装进许愿瓶 漂流吧 Oh……Yeah 青春的嘉年华 诗和远方在哪 沿着尼罗河 一路到麦加 世界踩在脚下 梦想不要问代价 我的梦不止一克拉 Oh……Oh…… Oh……Oh…… 找一首歌词中有很多SEVEN的歌 seven bridges road 求一首歌词中有很多over的中文歌 over super junior 再说第二遍 不要再见面了 你离开后我们就已经结束了 不要再装出一副无辜的样子 我已经都知道了(please don"t pretend) 你已经准备好了要与我分手 见到你以后是有一段幸福的时光 那只是暂时 觉得我爱你 那只是错觉! baby girl it"s over with your love 尽力将你抹去 你这样伤害我的心 难道一点也不知道吗? over 因为没有你 我才能脱离不幸 别再装出痛苦的样子了 cause it"s over beeen us 现在回头已经太晚(too late to turn back) 别再重提旧事了 这样只会让我勾起伤心往事更加憎恶你 (don"t wanna get hurt no more) 只有将它全部抛弃! 现在已经没有必要了 在同样的时刻对你的盘算干预 我已经渐渐厌倦! baby girl it"s over with your love 尽力将你抹去 你这样伤害我的心 难道一点也不知道吗? over 因为没有你 我才能脱离不幸 别再装出痛苦的样子了 cause it"s over beeen us (rap) yo baby you used to get me high with your love now i"am busta fly verse, cause i"m thinkin about your cuttie face enty 4 seven 你还要试验凄凉崩溃的我的忍耐吗 funny i"m going looney 在你的冷酷与残忍中我还能做什么?(对不起) 我不要再听你的一言一语 no matter what you say it"s over 我知道你也已经很累了 那就丝毫不要留恋结束吧! over with your love 尽力将你抹去 你这样伤害我的心 难道一点也不知道吗? over 因为没有你我才能脱离不幸 别再装出痛苦的样子了 cause it"s over beeen us (rap)过去我还盼望着你那美丽的脸庞 现在什么都别留恋了<带走吧! 你没看到在你面前泪流满面的我吗? 一句话也不说就这样狠心离开的你! 如果我再次成为你那疯狂爱中的祭品 我要把你脑海中的虚伪之花统统撕烂! cause it"s over beeen us 求一首歌词中有很多HELLO的英文歌曲 hello 歌手:courtney love 专辑:america"s sweetheart Shut up! I"m about to take all your innocense for free Shut up! In the end you"re gonna wanna pay me any and everything Shut up! I"m about to tell you how i won the war for Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Are you talking to me? Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Breath Baby Breath! Shut up! I"m about to tell you about the difference you will never make How to will the war with no regrets, no hurt no pain no shame Shut up! I"m about to tell you some secrets you will never know no no Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Are you talking to me? Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Breath Baby Breath Hello Hello HEllo Hello Hello Hello Oh Oh Are you talking to me? Hello Hello HEllo Hello Hello Hello What"s the matter? My baby"s dead His heart went blind on me My dress caught fire from one match that you gave me And all thats left is your vail and the breath i got Yeah I won"t share in your misery cos your phonecalls gone And noone"s ing No one"s ing No one"s ing No one"s ing for YOU! Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello My dress ion fire Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Lets burn it down Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello I got no desires no one no one Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello But you leave the same day same year Ring around the rosie yeah Addicted to all that shit Pocket full of real estate Taxes ? And don"t you hate when it all burns down and dies and dies and dies and dies Baby fire Baby Fire Baby Fire Baby FIRE! Beatles " Hello goodbye" MS最近很红的JONAS BROTHERS也有唱。 一首歌词中有很多Baby baby求大神帮助 歌曲1:baby 歌手:tank 作曲:tank 作词:tank 我强颜欢笑说我了 谁又真的知道心情很糟 真的想走掉想要逃 你所对我的好感觉不到 你所对我的好我看不到 而我的烦恼 我的烦恼 你看不到 快乐的你在骄傲 我却在煎熬(我想说的是) oh baby baby baby baby baby baby 怎么说你才会明白 有些话真的说不来 到底该不该 说出我心里的不愉快(你知道吗) 说出我心里的不愉快 oh baby baby baby baby baby baby 怎么说你才会明白 放心吧我了你会乖 我一直都在 期待你真的会更改 i"m fine 爱就勇敢追逐 歌曲2:baby 歌手:Justin Bieber 歌词:Ohh wooaah (3x) 呕呕喔呕呕呕额 You know you love me,I know you care 你知道你爱我,我知道你会在意 You shout whenever, And I"ll be there 无论何时只要你呼唤,我就会出现在那里 You are my love, You are my heart 你是我的爱,你是我的心 And we will never ever ever be apart 而我们也将永远不分离 Are we an item? Girl quit playing 我们是一心同体吗?女孩别开玩笑。 We re just friends, what are you saying 我们只是朋友,你在说什么? Said theres another one Looks right in my eyes 说我眼里有另一个人 My first love broke my heart for the first time, 我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心 And I was like 而我就像 Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝宝贝我的宝贝我的宝贝 哦 I thought youd always be mine mine 我以为你一直是我的 Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine, oh oh 我以为你一直是我的,喔喔 For you, I would have done whatever 为你 我无论如何都会完成 Another chance for we, We"ll get together 如果再给我们另一个机会 我们就会在一起 And wanna play it cool, or I"ll loosin" you 并且想要弄的酷一点 不然我就会失去你 I "ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring 我会给你买任何东西 我会给你买任何戒指 And i"m in pieces , baby fix me 而我的心成了碎片的时候 宝贝请拯救我吧 And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream 你会一直摇我直到我从这个美梦中醒来 Im going down, down, dooown 我愈来愈失落 And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around 只因为我不相信我的初恋不在周围 Baby, baby, baby nooo Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine 我以为你一直都是我的 When i was 13 i had my first love 当我13岁时我拥有了初恋 Here was nobody to pare my baby 没有任何人可以和我的宝贝相比 And nobody came beeen us or could ever e above 并且没有任何人介入我们之中或在我们之上 She had me goin crazy 她让我疯狂 Oh i was starstruck. oh 我就像追星族 She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks 她每天都使我醒来 她使我不需要咖啡就可以清醒 She made my heart pound 她使我心跳加速 Asking for a beat when i see her in the street 当我在街上遇到她时 心脏一阵跳动 And in the school on the playground 还有在学校和操场的时候 But i really wanna see her on the weekends 但我真的很想在周末看见她 She knows she got me dazy 她知道她使我疯狂 Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking 因为她是如此的引人吃惊 而我正在心碎 But i just keep on sayin 但我还是想继续说 Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine x2 我以为你一直是我的 Now Im on gone yeah yeah yeah x3 i"m gone 现在我要走了 耶耶耶 求一首歌,歌词中有很多ohohohoh,是个外国男唱的 Good Charlotte - Victims Of Love in the beginning, i tried to warn you you play with fire, its gonna burn you and here we are now, same situation, you never listen, i never listen now i am thinking of a way that i can make an escape it"s got me caught up in a web and my hearts the prey do you really wanna throw your heart away, away, away? everybody"s hurt somebody before everybody"s been hurt by somebody before you can change but you"ll always e back for more its a game and we are all just victims of love. don"t try to fight it, victims of love you can"t decide it, victims of love, victims of love now you"ve back tracked you"re running away cause it just happened again and you just want it to end you"re trying your best to not let yourself go cold, so cold. now you think of the things you thought you wanted to say but when you open up your mouth it don"t e out that way are you really gonna throw your heart away, away, away? everybody"s hurt somebody before everybody"s been hurt by somebody before you can change but you will always e back for more its a game and we are all just victims of love. don"t try to fight it, victims of love you can"t decide it, victims of love, victims of love victims of love in the beginning, i tried to warn you you play with fire, its gonna burn you and here we are now, same situation, you never listen, i never listen everybody"s hurt somebody before everybody"s been hurt by somebody before you can change but you will always e back for more its a game and we are all just victims of love. everybody"s hurt somebody before everybody"s been hurt by somebody before you can change but you will always e back for more its a game and we are all just victims of love. don"t try to fight it, victims of love you can"t decide it, victims of love, victims of love victims of love 歌词中有很多as的歌 lenka的<everything at once> Everything at Once As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear As free as a bird, as neat as a word As quite as a mouse, as big as a house All I wanna be, All I wanna be, Ohhh all I wanna be Is everything As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth As deep as a bite, as dark as the night As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong As long as a road, as ugly as a toad As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be Bright as day, as light as play As hard as nails, as grand as a whale All I wanna be, Ohhh all I wanna be Ohhh all I wanna be Is everything Everything at once Everything at once Ohh oh everythingat once As warm as the sun, as silly as fun As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea As hot as fire, cold as ice Sweet as sugar and everything nice As old as time, as straight as a line As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee Stealth as a tiger, *** ooth as a glide Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be All I wanna be, Ohhh all I wanna be Ohhh all I wanna be Is everything Everything at once 一首很火的歌,歌词中有很多拉拉拉 拉拉 演唱:蓝燕 词曲:肖玄 后期:李兴龙 怎么就让我着了魔 怎么会让我想你呢 这一切都是为什么 到现在还没有把握 怎么就像我犯了错 怎么能让你爱上我 这一切都是怎么了 到现在还没有结果 拉拉拉 你现在好吗 拉拉拉 我在等你呀 拉拉拉 给我的想念 怎么比幸福还要多 拉拉拉 你现在好吗 拉拉拉 我在等你呀 拉拉拉 给我的想念 怎么比幸福还要多 拉拉拉 拉拉拉拉拉 拉拉拉 拉拉拉拉拉 拉拉拉 拉拉拉拉拉 拉拉拉 拉拉拉拉拉 寻找一首歌词中有很多个我讨厌。 演唱:张庭伟词/曲:游家豪 :9ku.23LRC 制作 冰箱里有你的可乐 我把它和爱一起冷藏 门板上有我的眼睛 明明没人还不停张望 你一直没给我电话 我想听理由又不想听 房子怎么大得可怕 我冷得什么都吃不下 我讨厌你说我们算了吧 我讨厌你最寂寞的看法 你明明爱我 分手只是我想像 对你 我投降 23LRC制作 冰箱里有你的可乐 我把它和爱一起冷藏 门板上有我的眼睛 明明没人还不停张望 你一直没给我电话 我想听理由又不想听 房子怎么大得可怕 我冷得什么都吃不下 我讨厌你说我们算了吧 我讨厌你最寂寞的看法 你明明爱我 分手只是我想像 爱情 真真假假 我讨厌你总是太晚回家 我讨厌你那无声的回答 你明明爱我 分手只是我想像 对你 我投降 我讨厌你说我们算了吧 我讨厌你最寂寞的看法 你明明爱我 分手只是我想像 爱情 真真假假 我讨厌你总是太晚回家 我讨厌你那无声的回答 你明明爱我 分手只是我想像 对你 我投降 是这个吗2023-07-15 01:02:151
关于逆境成功的英文作文 内容差不多是逆境并不是不好的,他可以培养人的性格,造就成功 120字左右,
Above board 光明正大Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩Add fuel to flame 火上浇油Add insult to injury 痛上加辱Adversity leads to prosperity 穷则思变afraid of one"s own shadow 杯弓蛇影;极度胆小after a fashion 依葫芦画瓢after lunch sit a while,after supper walk a mile. 午饭后坐一会,晚餐后走一里。After a storm comes a calm. 雨过天晴,风平浪静。After one"s own heart 称心如意against the grain 格格不入against time 争分夺秒alive and kicking 活蹦乱跳all at sea 不知所措the all clear 解除警报all ears 集中注意力听all eyes 全神贯注的看All the cats are grey in the dark. 猫在暗中都是灰色的。All his geese are swans. 他家的鹅都是天鹅。All roads lead to Rome. 殊途同归All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也会傻。All is not gold that glitters. 闪光的不一定都是金子。All is well that ends well. 结局好,一切都好。Alpha and Omega 自始至终another pair of shoes 另外一回事,另当别论anybodys"s guess 难以预料the apple of one"s eyes 掌上明珠April fool 傻瓜armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿Art is long, life is short. 人生有限,艺术无涯。As a man is, so shall his company. 什麽样的任教什麽样的朋友。As a man lives, so shall he die. 有生则有死。As a man sows, so shall he reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。As the call, so the echo. 发什么声音,有什么回声。As a tree falls , so shall it lies. 树倒在那里,就躺在那里。As the tree, so the fruit. 是什么树,结什么果。As busy as a bee. 非常忙碌as changeable as the moon 变化无常as cheerful as a lark 快乐无比as cool as a cucumber 非常冷静as cunning as a fox 像狐狸一样狡猾as drunk as lord 喝的烂醉as dumb as a statue 死不做声as fit as a fiddle 非常健康as greedy as a wolf 贪婪如狼as hard as marble 非常坚硬as like as two peas (beans) 一模一样as light as a feather 轻如鸿毛as merry as a cricket 非常快活as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗as proud as a peacock 不可一世as slippery as an eel 滑如泥鳅as still as the grave 静如坟墓as straight as an arrow 直如飞箭as strong as an ox 健壮如牛as stupid as a donkey 蠢笨如驴as sweet as honey 甜如蜂蜜as swift as lightning 快如闪电As the touchstone tries gold, so gold tries man. 试金石可以试金,金子可以试人。As wise as Soloman 聪明过人ace in the hole (未公开的)王牌Adversity often leads to prosperity. 逆境往往通向成功之路。Advice is seldom welcome. 忠言逆耳。After a delay comes a let. 夜长梦多。All are brave when the enemy flies. 敌人逃遁时,个个是勇士。All are not saints that go to church. 进教堂的不都是圣人。All rivers run into the sea. 条条江河归大海。All shall be well; Jack shall have Gill. 有情人终成眷属。All that is fair must fade. 花开有谢;红颜须老。Among the blind, the one-eyes man is king. 盲人国里,独眼成王。An apple a day, keep the doctor away. 天天吃苹果,不用请大夫。Ask for the moon 过分的要求Ask much; know much. 问的多,知道的多。The ass is not learned though he will be loaded with books. 驴子即使载满书本也不会有学问。The ass that brays most eats least. 交的最响的驴吃的最少。At court, everybody speaks for himself. 在法庭上,人人为自己辩护。At a loose end 无所事事at large 逍遥法外at one"s wit"s end 智穷计尽,一筹莫展at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟at the eleventh hour (还来得及的)最后一刻at the tip of one"s tongue 话说到了嘴边Away goes the devil when he finds the door shut against him. 看见门2023-07-15 01:02:341
as strong as an ox 是什么意思
asstrongasanox体壮如牛双语对照词典结果:网络释义1.健壮如牛2.体壮如牛。3.强壮如牛4.力大如牛例句:1.noteveryoneisasstrongasyou,nicholas.并非每个人都象你一样坚强,尼古拉斯.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮2023-07-15 01:02:521
Everything At Once的歌词是什么?
As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox像狐狸一样狡诈,像公牛一样健壮As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear像野兔一样疾速,像头熊一样英勇As free as a bird, as neat as a word像只鸟一样自在,像笔墨一样工致As quite as a mouse, as big as a house像老鼠一样恬静,像匹马一样矮小All I wanna be,我想要酿成,All I wanna be,我想要酿成,Ohhh all I wanna beohhh,我想要酿成Is everything统统事物As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth像狼一样卑劣,像尖牙一样尖利As deep as a bite, as dark as the night像咬的伤口一样深,像夜晚一样暗中As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong像一首歌一样入耳,像个错误一样间接As long as a road, as ugly as a toad像一条路一样漫长,像只蛤蟆一样漂亮As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture像壁画一样优美Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be像个家庭一样勾结,如我盼望的那样健壮Bright as day, as light as play像白昼一样明丽,和闪光一样轻巧As hard as nails, as grand as a whale像钉子一样坚固,和鲸鱼一样巨大All I wanna be,Ohhh all I wanna beOhhh all I wanna beIs everythingEverything I want我想要的统统Everything I wantOhh oh everything I wantAs warm as the sun, as silly as fun像太阳一样暖和,像小丑一样愚蠢As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea像棵树一样阴凉,像大海一样令人恐惊As hot as fire, cold as ice如火样炙热,如冰样冷漠Sweet as sugar and everything nice像糖一样甘美另有统统美妙的事物As old as time, as straight as a line和工夫一样陈旧,像条线一样竖直As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee像女王一样高尚,如蜜蜂般喧华Stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glide像山君一样潜行,像次滑行一样流利Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be想音符一样纯洁,如我想要的那样纯洁All I wanna be,Ohhh all I wanna beOhhh all I wanna beIs everythingEverything I want2023-07-15 01:03:002
Everything at once歌手:Lenka作曲 : Lenka作词 : LenkaAs sly as a fox, as strong as an ox狐狸般的狡猾,公牛般强壮As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear敏捷如野兔,勇猛比棕熊As free as a bird, as neat as a word小鸟般自由,跟指令依样简洁As quite as a mouse, as big as a house像无声的老鼠,像偌大的房子All I wanna be,我都好希望如此,All I wanna be,我都好希望如此,Ohhh all I wanna be噢我都好希望如此,Is everything每一个特质As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth野狼般的刻薄,牙齿般锐利As deep as a bite, as dark as the night咬痕一样的深刻,夜一样的黑As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong如甜蜜的歌,跟错误一样的正义As long as a road, as ugly as a toad像路一样长,像癞虾蟆一样丑As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture像挂在墙上的照片般美丽Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be像家庭一样坚强,如我希望的坚强Bright as day, as light as play跟白天一样明亮,像游戏般的明亮As hard as nails, as grand as a whale像钉子一样坚硬,像蓝鲸一样宏伟All I wanna be,我都好希望如此,Ohhh all I wanna be噢我都好希望如此,Ohhh all I wanna be噢我都好希望如此,Is everything每一个特质Everything at once一次拥有Everything at once一次拥有Ohh oh everything I want噢一次拥有As warm as the sun, as silly as2023-07-15 01:03:087
as strong as an ox像牛一样强壮2023-07-15 01:03:591
as strong as an ox是什么意思
1. 健壮如牛2. 体壮如牛。3. 强壮如牛4. 力大如牛例句:1.Not everyone is as strong as you, nicholas. 并非每个人都象你一样坚强,尼古拉斯..-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮2023-07-15 01:04:061
as strong as an ox是什么意思?
1. 健壮如牛2. 体壮如牛。3. 强壮如牛4. 力大如牛例句:1.Not everyone is as strong as you, nicholas. 并非每个人都象你一样坚强,尼古拉斯..-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮2023-07-15 01:04:131
as strong as an ox体壮如牛2023-07-15 01:04:201
麻烦高手逐句翻译Lenka - Everything At Once As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox As fast as a hare, a
我怎么听歌手都是唱的 are you wanna be 这样意思也对些,像狐狸一样狡猾,像牛一样强壮像野兔一样快,像熊一样勇敢像鸟儿一样自由,像文字一样优美像老鼠一样安静,像房子一样大你想成为?你想成为?这些都是我想成为的。 我觉得这样意思更对。不知道是不是歌词有问题。2023-07-15 01:04:272
as strong as an ox
壮的像头牛2023-07-15 01:04:342
Lenka--everything at once2023-07-15 01:04:533
lenka-Everything At Once歌词翻译
歌名 lenka-Everything At Once作词:Lenka歌手:Lenka所属专辑:《Two[1] 》发行时间:2011-04-18[1] 所属公司:SONY MUSICAs sly as a fox, as strong as an ox像狐狸一样狡诈,像公牛那样健壮As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear像野兔一样疾速,像头熊那样英勇As free as a bird, as neat as a word像只鸟一样自在,像笔墨那样工致As quite as a mouse, as big as a house像老鼠一样恬静,像房子那样的硕大All I wanna be,我想要成为~All I wanna be,我想要成为~Ohhh all I wanna beohhh,我想要成为。。。Is everything一切事物~As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth像狼一样卑劣,像尖牙那样尖利As deep as a bite, as dark as the night像咬的伤口一样深,像夜晚那样暗然As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong像一首歌一样入耳,像个错误那样间接As long as a road, as ugly as a toad像一条路一样漫长,像只小蛤蟆那样丑陋As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture像壁画一样优美Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be像个家庭一样的强壮,如我盼望的那样安康Bright as day, as light as play像晴天一样明丽,和闪光一样轻巧As hard as nails, as grand as a whale像钉子一样坚固,和鲸鱼一样庞大All I wanna be,我,想要成为~Ohhh all I wanna be我,想要成为~Ohhh all I wanna be我,想要成为~Is everything 一切事物~Everything at once 一次性解决所有Everything at once一次性解决所有Ohh oh everything at once哦,我想要的everthing~As warm as the sun, as silly as fun像太阳一样暖和,像笑话一样愚蠢As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea像棵树一样阴凉,像大海一样令人恐惊As hot as fire, cold as ice如火样炙热,如冰样冷漠Sweet as sugar and everything nice像糖一样甘美另有统统美妙的事物As old as time, as straight as a line和时光一样陈旧,像条线一样竖直As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee像女王一样高尚,如蜜蜂般喧华Stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glide像山君一样潜行,像次滑行一样流利Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be想音符一样纯洁,如我想要的那样纯洁All I wanna be,我想要成为~Ohhh all I wanna be我想要成为~Ohhh all I wanna be我想要成为~Is everything一切事物~Everything at once蕾恩卡·克莉帕克(Lenka Kripac),1978年3月19日出生于澳大利亚新南威尔士,澳大利亚女歌手、演员、作曲家。2004年,蕾恩卡作为女主唱加入Decoder Ring乐队,同时成为一名作曲家;2007年,签约史诗唱片随后开始筹备首张专辑;2008年9月23日,蕾恩卡发行了首张同名专辑《Lenka》;2011年4月19日,推出第二张专辑《Two》;2012年11月4日,专辑《Two》的第三支主打单曲《Everything At Once》作为Windows 8的广告宣传曲发行;2013年10月15日,蕾恩卡推出第三张专辑《Shadows》;2015年6月16日,蕾恩卡发行第四张录音室专辑《The Bright Side》。2023-07-15 01:05:001
求Everyting at Once 的歌词
Everything at Once As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear As free as a bird, as neat as a word As quiet as a mouse, as big as a house All …… are you wanna be, All …… are you wanna be, Ohhh all …… are you wanna be Is everything As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth As deep as a bite, as dark as the night As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong As long as a road, as ugly as a toad As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be Bright as day, as light as play As hard as nails, as grand as a whale All…… are you wanna be, Ohhh all …… are you wanna be Ohhh all …… are you wanna be Is everything Everything at once Everything at once Ohh oh everything at once As warm as the sun, as silly as fun As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea As hot as fire, cold as ice Sweet as sugar and everything nice As old as time, as straight as a line As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee Stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glide Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be All …… are you wanna be, Ohhh all …… are you wanna be Ohhh all …… are you wanna be Is everything Everything at once (中文对照) 像狐狸一样狡猾,像牛一样强壮 像野兔一样快,像熊一样勇敢 像鸟一样悠闲,像字一样工整 像老鼠一样安静,像房子一样宽大 全部的我都想要 全部的我都想要 哦哦全部的我都想要 是任何事物 像狼一样卑鄙,像牙一样尖锐 像伤痕一样深,像夜晚一样黑 像歌曲一样甜,或对或错 像路一样长,像蛤蟆一样丑 像挂在夹子中的图画一样美丽 像一个家族那样强大,像我想象的那样强大 亮如白昼,如同轻快的奏乐 像钉子一样坚硬,像鲸一样高贵 全部的我都想成要 哦哦全部的我都想要 哦哦全部的我都想要 是任何事物 我想要任何事物 我想要任何事物 哦哦我想要任何事物 像阳光一样温暖,如同愚蠢如同有趣 像树一样凉爽,像海一样可怕 像火一样热,冷得像冰 甜得像糖,任何事物都很好 像时光一样老,像绳子一样长 像女王一样华丽,像蜜蜂一样嗡嗡叫 像老虎一样鬼鬼祟祟,像滑翔机一样平坦 音乐一样纯净,我想要纯净 全部的我都想要 全部的我都想要 是任何事物 我想要任何事物。2023-07-15 01:05:061
Lenka----Everything at once。求中文歌词..
As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox像狐狸一样狡诈,像公牛一样健壮As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear像野兔一样疾速,像头熊一样英勇As free as a bird, as neat as a word像只鸟一样自在,像笔墨一样工致As quite as a mouse, as big as a house像老鼠一样恬静,像匹马一样矮小All I wanna be,我想要酿成,All I wanna be,我想要酿成,Ohhh all I wanna beohhh,我想要酿成Is everything统统事物As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth像狼一样卑劣,像尖牙一样尖利As deep as a bite, as dark as the night像咬的伤口一样深,像夜晚一样暗中As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong像一首歌一样入耳,像个错误一样间接As long as a road, as ugly as a toad像一条路一样漫长,像只蛤蟆一样漂亮As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture像壁画一样优美Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be像个家庭一样勾结,如我盼望的那样健壮Bright as day, as light as play像白昼一样明丽,和闪光一样轻巧As hard as nails, as grand as a whale像钉子一样坚固,和鲸鱼一样巨大All I wanna be,Ohhh all I wanna beOhhh all I wanna beIs everythingEverything I want我想要的统统Everything I wantOhh oh everything I wantAs warm as the sun, as silly as fun像太阳一样暖和,像小丑一样愚蠢As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea像棵树一样阴凉,像大海一样令人恐惊As hot as fire, cold as ice如火样炙热,如冰样冷漠Sweet as sugar and everything nice像糖一样甘美另有统统美妙的事物As old as time, as straight as a line和工夫一样陈旧,像条线一样竖直As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee像女王一样高尚,如蜜蜂般喧华Stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glide像山君一样潜行,像次滑行一样流利Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be想音符一样纯洁,如我想要的那样纯洁All I wanna be,Ohhh all I wanna beOhhh all I wanna beIs everythingEverything I want2023-07-15 01:05:211
as sly as a fox 出自哪首歌
everthing at once2023-07-15 01:05:435
、as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌 2、as white as a sheet 面如死灰,苍白如纸 3、as black as a cow 黑如乌鸦 4、as hungry as a wolf 象饿狼一样,饥肠辘辘 5、as poor as a church 一贫如洗,一文不名 6、as proud as a peacock 傲如孔雀 7、as sweet as honey 甜如蜜糖 8、as easy as ABC 极其容易 9、As brave as a lion 勇猛如狮 10、as pretty as a picture 美如画 11、as strong as an ox 强壮如牛 12、as welcome as flower in May 久旱逢甘露,雪中送炭 13、as black as night 漆黑 14、as light as feather 轻如鸿毛 15、as like as chalk and cheese 风马牛不相及,迥然不同2023-07-15 01:05:592
He`s as strong as an ox
she"s asgentle asalamb. 她像羔羊一般温柔he"sas strongasan ox. 他像牛一般强壮he"s asfast asahorse. 他跑的快如匹马2023-07-15 01:06:311
、as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌 2、as white as a sheet 面如死灰,苍白如纸 3、as black as a cow 黑如乌鸦 4、as hungry as a wolf 象饿狼一样,饥肠辘辘 5、as poor as a church 一贫如洗,一文不名 6、as proud as a peacock 傲如孔雀 7、as sweet as honey 甜如蜜糖 8、as easy as ABC 极其容易 9、As brave as a lion 勇猛如狮 10、as pretty as a picture 美如画 11、as strong as an ox 强壮如牛 12、as welcome as flower in May 久旱逢甘露,雪中送炭 13、as black as night 漆黑 14、as light as feather 轻如鸿毛 15、as like as chalk and cheese 风马牛不相及,迥然不同2023-07-15 01:06:401
一首英文歌 热死买来服。阿文比拖 什么英文歌。女的唱的
正解,is,my,life,翻译过来是,这是我的生活2023-07-15 01:06:484
everything at once的歌词
Lenka - Everything At Once作曲:Lenka Kripac填词:Lenka Kripac监制:David KostenAs sly as a fox as strong as an oxAs fast as a hare as brave as a bearAs free as a bird as neat as a wordAs quite as a mouse as big as a houseAll....... I wanna beall....... I wanna beAll.......I wanna be is everythingAs mean as a wolf as sharp as a toothAs deep as a bite as dark as the nightAs sweet as a song as right as a wrongAs long as a road as ugly as a toadAs pretty as a picture hanging from a fixtureStrong like a family strong as I wanna beBright as day as light as playAs hard as nails as grand as a whaleAll....... I wanna beall....... I wanna beAll.......I wanna be is everythingEverything at onceEverything at onceEverything at onceAs warm as the the sun as silly as funAs cool as a tree as scary as the seaAs hot as fire cold as iceSweet as sugar and everything niceAs old as time as straight as a lineAs royal as a queen as buzzed as a beeStealth as a tiger smooth as a glidePure as a melody pure as I wanna beAll....... I wanna beall....... I wanna beAll.......I wanna be is everythingEverything at once2023-07-15 01:07:031
、as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌 2、as white as a sheet 面如死灰,苍白如纸 3、as black as a cow 黑如乌鸦 4、as hungry as a wolf 象饿狼一样,饥肠辘辘 5、as poor as a church 一贫如洗,一文不名 6、as proud as a peacock 傲如孔雀 7、as sweet as honey 甜如蜜糖 8、as easy as ABC 极其容易 9、As brave as a lion 勇猛如狮 10、as pretty as a picture 美如画 11、as strong as an ox 强壮如牛 12、as welcome as flower in May 久旱逢甘露,雪中送炭 13、as black as night 漆黑 14、as light as feather 轻如鸿毛 15、as like as chalk and cheese 风马牛不相及,迥然不同2023-07-15 01:07:101
everything at once歌词翻译
这不就一个句型吗,,像什么一样然后她什么都想像。。。想集万美于一身的美好愿望。。。2023-07-15 01:07:194