- meira
秦牧《花城·古战场春晓》:“怀着抚摸一砖一石的心情,我走进了三元里,来到里北的 三元古庙 。”
吹面不寒杨柳风,不错的,像母亲的手抚摸着你。 抚摸:风轻悄悄的摩擦着杨柳条,杨柳绿起来了。文中指比喻。
轻按慢移,,,2023-07-14 03:42:431
缓慢摩挲2023-07-14 03:42:529
移动它干么?2023-07-14 03:43:083
用手按着反复摩擦东西的词语有摩挲、抚弄、抚摸、爱抚、抚摩。一、摩挲读音:[ mā sā ]释义:用手轻轻按着并一下一下地移动。出处:傅尃《感秋》诗之三:欲写沉忧付壮歌,江山眼底认摩娑。二、抚弄读音:[ fǔ nòng ]释义:抚摩摆弄。出处:何其芳《<燕泥集>后话》:我乃发觉我连一张无弦琴也没有,渐渐地我那抚弄之意也终于消失。三、抚摸读音:[ fǔ mō ]释义:抚摩。出处:秦牧《花城·古战场春晓》:怀着抚摸一砖一石的心情,我走进了三元里,来到里北的三元古庙。四、爱抚读音:[ ài fǔ ]释义:疼爱抚慰。出处:张贤亮《灵与肉》:他没有受过多少母亲的爱抚。五、抚摩读音:[ fǔ mó ]释义:用手轻轻按着并来回移动。出处:巴金《哑了的三角琴》:父亲说话的时候,常常抚摩我的头发。2023-07-14 03:43:151
左思右盼、举棋不定、来回不定、信步游疆?2023-07-14 03:43:302
轻抚是抚摸的一种2023-07-14 03:43:474
爱抚拼音【ài,fǔ】。基础释义:疼爱抚慰:他从小失去亲人的~。母亲~地为女儿梳理头发。详细释义:关怀体恤,疼爱抚慰。《宋史·范仲淹传》:“仲淹为将,号令明白,爱抚士卒。”张贤亮《灵与肉》:“他没有受过多少母亲的爱抚。”近义词:抚摩:用手轻轻按着并来回移动:妈妈~着女儿的头发;抚爱:照料,爱护:~儿女;抚慰:安慰:百般~。~灾民。反义词:虐待:用鞭子抽打。《大宋宣和遗事元集》:今之官府,督取甚急,往往鞭挞人民取足,至有伐叶为薪以易钱货。爱抚造句:1、 老师爱抚地摸着我的头,示意我注意听讲。2、 微风柔和地吹,柔和地爱抚我的面孔。3、 潺潺的流水无限温柔地爱抚着大地。4、 小草儿受到春雨的爱抚,乐得露出了绿色。5、 对人的热情,对人的信任,形像点说,是爱抚、温存的翅膀赖以飞翔的空气。6、 她对这些孤儿的爱抚无微不至,像慈母一样。7、 得到妈妈的爱抚是多么幸福啊!8、 在我病重的日子里,父母一直守护着我,爱抚备至。9、 一个无知的母亲,好孩子的爱抚,只不过是一只奶瓶而已。10、 我消失在你里面,包缠在你爱抚的折痕之中。2023-07-14 03:45:531
用手轻轻按着并一下一下移动2023-07-14 03:46:182
爱抚拼音【ài,fǔ】。基础释义:疼爱抚慰:他从小失去亲人的~。母亲~地为女儿梳理头发。详细释义:关怀体恤,疼爱抚慰。《宋史·范仲淹传》:“仲淹为将,号令明白,爱抚士卒。”张贤亮《灵与肉》:“他没有受过多少母亲的爱抚。”近义词:抚摩:用手轻轻按着并来回移动:妈妈~着女儿的头发;抚爱:照料,爱护:~儿女;抚慰:安慰:百般~。~灾民。反义词:虐待:用鞭子抽打。《大宋宣和遗事元集》:今之官府,督取甚急,往往鞭挞人民取足,至有伐叶为薪以易钱货。爱抚造句:1、 老师爱抚地摸着我的头,示意我注意听讲。2、 微风柔和地吹,柔和地爱抚我的面孔。3、 潺潺的流水无限温柔地爱抚着大地。4、 小草儿受到春雨的爱抚,乐得露出了绿色。5、 对人的热情,对人的信任,形像点说,是爱抚、温存的翅膀赖以飞翔的空气。6、 她对这些孤儿的爱抚无微不至,像慈母一样。7、 得到妈妈的爱抚是多么幸福啊!8、 在我病重的日子里,父母一直守护着我,爱抚备至。9、 一个无知的母亲,好孩子的爱抚,只不过是一只奶瓶而已。10、 我消失在你里面,包缠在你爱抚的折痕之中。2023-07-14 03:46:331
失败并不可怕,可怕的是失败的同时也失去斗志。得了阳痿早泄并不可怕,可怕的是迟迟不愿意到医院检查治疗。得了男科疾病无需尴尬,抱着侥幸心理盲目服用药物也是不对的。调整好心态,选择正规可靠的男科医院就诊。为了自身健康和家庭和谐幸福,阳痿患者应该积极接受检查治疗。美妙的生活是双人舞,需要夫妻的共同配合。当老公患有男科疾病时,做妻子的千万不要嫌弃自己的老公。女人应该给男人更多精神上的鼓励,树立战胜疾病的信心,及时到正规医院检查,找出病症原因,积极配合医生治疗,以便早日恢复健康。2023-07-14 03:47:112
抚的组词大全(约50个) 抚的词语解释_抚是什么意思?
抚的拼音 抚的解释 抚是什么意思 1、抚字的拼音是fǔ ; 2、 抚字的解释:(1)(动)安慰;慰问:~问|~恤。(2)(动)保护:~养|~育。(3)(动)轻轻地按着:~摩。(4)(动)同“拊”。 精选部分抚组词的词语造句及词语的拼音和详细解释: 1、爱抚造句:每当我们出去旅行时,总是把它撇开。然而这次,我们走了三个多星期,它那柔软的绒毛需要我的爱抚,而且还要把它紧紧地抱在怀里,它的这种感觉愈加变得强烈。 解释:疼爱抚慰。 2、抚摩造句:躺在床上,看不到你心痛搂抱我的样子,听不到你急切呼叫我名字的声音,也感觉不出你咸咸泪水滴落在我脸上的味道,好想抚摩一下你动人的脸盘啊! 解释:用手轻轻按着并来回移动:老汉~着孩子的头发。 3、巡抚造句:想象一下这样的情景:一位外国领事,职位相当于中国的道台,到一个省会城市去见巡抚大人,以便解决一项国际纠纷。 解释:古代官名,明代称临时派遣到地方巡视和监督地方民政、军政的大臣,清代称掌管一省民政、军政的常设长官。 4、抚养造句:在我们这一例子中,如果这位美国丈夫搬到法国,预计他将在抚养孩子上担负相同的责任??这一要求将使一些父亲感到高兴,但绝不是所有的。 解释:保护并教养:~子女。 5、抚慰造句:这样的驳斥表明了霍金对宗教抚慰的坚决抵制,这位英国最杰出的科学家认为,当大脑闪现出最后一丝灵光后,生命便会陷入虚无。 解释:安慰。 6、抚育造句:联合国统计数据显示在2100年人口将达到100亿,前提是世界出生率在那时收敛到“更替水平”??人类只抚育和他们数量相当的后代。 解释:照料儿童或动植物,使健全地生长:~孤儿|~森林。 7、抚恤造句:对这些领取退休、养老金或抚恤金的人的紧急援助同样来自国外。但问题在于,有许多物品失窃,从来都到不了它们的目的地。 解释:(国家或组织)对因公受伤或残废的人员,或因公牺牲以及病故的人员的家属进行安慰并给以物质帮助。 8、抚恤金造句:对这些领取退休、养老金或抚恤金的人的紧急援助同样来自国外。但问题在于,有许多物品失窃,从来都到不了它们的目的地。 解释:国家或组织发给因公受伤或残废的人员,或因公牺牲以及病故的人员的家属的费用。 9、优抚造句:第二部分,1956年至1966年河北优抚工作继续开展。优抚形式发生了一些新变化: *** 实施了定期定量补助,对生产上有困难的烈军属实行优待劳动日。 解释:指对烈属、军属、残废军人等的优待和扰恤。 10、督抚造句:中央的力量被弱化,督抚的力量得到了加强,军队由国家化逐渐变为地方化,甚至私人化。 解释:总督和巡抚,明清两朝的最高级的地方官。 11、安抚造句:你需要安抚这些人,向他们反复保证你非常清楚地知道他们的需求,告诉他们你将如何去实现,以及什么时候可以交付,这些都会成为你巨大的压力。 解释:安顿抚慰:~伤员|~人心。 12、抚琴造句:寒光泪照,你是否还能抚琴不噎,淡看世间俗语?梦踏驽骥,不过是半夜未央的檐前听雨。 解释:<书>弹琴。 13、抚心自问造句:我们要抚心自问:我们的旧我既死去,我们亦已藉基督得了新生命。那么,我们当怎样做,才能在工作和其它活动中荣耀基督和尊敬邻舍呢? 典故:摸着自己的胸口问问自己。表示自我反省。 14、抚今追昔造句: *** 指出,抚今追昔,中缅友好关系凝聚了两国几代人的心血,值得我们备加珍惜。 典故:抚:拍,摸,引伸为注意,注视;追:回想;昔:过去。看看现在,想想过去。 有关抚字组词的词语列表 抚的组词 抚怎么组词 抚的多音字组词 抚字组词 抚尘、抚翼、抚御、抚宥、抚惜、抚怀、抚宪、抚躬、抚存、抚封、抚物、抚结、抚弦、抚舆、摩抚、厉抚、怜抚、揆抚、就抚、剿抚、监抚、怀抚、抚临、抚缶、抚控、抚养、抚操、抚拭、抚摩、抚字、调抚、搏抚、抚缉、抚戢、抚治、抚院、抚局、抚毓、抚心、抚轼、抚臣、抚运、抚叩、抚悦、抚集、抚有、抚摸、抚纳、抚稚、抚化、抚背、抚教、抚导、案抚、按抚、绥抚、探抚、填抚、宣抚、慰抚、循抚、巡抚、养抚、抚勉、抚抑、抚胸、抚戍、抚桐、安抚、爱抚、拯抚、镇抚、柔抚、倾抚、拍抚、救抚、将抚、抚驯、抚喻、惠抚、规抚、抚古、抚髀、抚辕、抚念、抚宁、抚几、抚畜、抚襟、抚劳、抚俗、抚然、抚哭、抚尺、抚恤、抚接、抚边、抚玩、抚柔、抚慰、抚爱、抚和、抚定、抚台、抚师、抚署、抚式、抚盘、抚节、抚景、抚衿、抚迹、抚案、抚徕、抚世、抚征、抚标、抚事、抚拍、抚谕、抚己、抚篆、抚膺、抚臆、抚辖、抚掇、抚庥、抚民、抚孤、抚镇、抚问、抚驭、抚藏、抚辑、抚育、抚训、抚循、抚鞠、抚顺、抚正、抚兵、抚剑、抚琴、抚按、抚掌、抚军、抚巡、抚镜、抚会、抚遇、抚视、抚扪、抚绥、抚理、抚揉、抚期、抚弄、抚手、训抚、优抚、豫抚、招抚、制抚、治抚、恩抚、督抚、吊抚、独抚、存抚、边抚、收抚、宣抚使、中镇抚、抚恤金、安抚使、抚顺市、抚躬自问、百般抚慰、抚今怀昔、抚心自问、抚今痛昔、抚时感事、扼喉抚背、忆昔抚今、抚今思昔、剿抚兼施、抚绥万方、抚背扼喉、抚膺之痛、抚梁易柱、抚今追昔、抚掌大笑、抚今悼昔、抚景伤情、抚世酬物、抚孤恤寡、抚掌击节、抚字催科、感时抚事2023-07-14 03:47:371
音:mā sa意:用手轻轻按着并一下一下地移动。(动词)例句:他摩挲着折皱了的纸。音:mó suō意:用手抚摩。(动词)例句:妈妈慢慢地摩挲着我的头。指用手轻轻按着并一下一下地移动或用手抚摸或用手抚摩(动词)。摩挲读音:mā sā引证:1、《释名u2022释姿容》:“摩娑,犹末杀也,手上下之言也。”翻译:摩娑,还末杀死了,手上下的意思。2、唐·韩愈《石鼓歌》:“牧童敲火牛砺角,谁复着手为摩挲?”翻译:牧童在鼓上敲火牛用它磨角,谁又下手为抚摸?引用:冰心《南归》:“涵和华摩挲着忧愁的倦眼,和我交替。”近义词:摩擦mó cā解释:物体和物体紧密接触,来回移动。引证:邹韬奋《抗战以来》五:“若任其摩擦,勇于私斗,必怯于公战。”引用:《新华文摘》1981年第5期:“他用手指摩擦着玻璃板,发出‘咕咕"的声音。”造句:摩擦耗散可导致指数式的衰减。2023-07-14 03:47:461
音:mā sa意:用手轻轻按着并一下一下地移动。(动词)例句:他摩挲着折皱了的纸。音:mó suō意:用手抚摩。(动词)例句:妈妈慢慢地摩挲着我的头。指用手轻轻按着并一下一下地移动或用手抚摸或用手抚摩(动词)。摩挲读音:mā sā引证:1、《释名u2022释姿容》:“摩娑,犹末杀也,手上下之言也。”翻译:摩娑,还末杀死了,手上下的意思。2、唐·韩愈《石鼓歌》:“牧童敲火牛砺角,谁复着手为摩挲?”翻译:牧童在鼓上敲火牛用它磨角,谁又下手为抚摸?引用:冰心《南归》:“涵和华摩挲着忧愁的倦眼,和我交替。”近义词:摩擦mó cā解释:物体和物体紧密接触,来回移动。引证:邹韬奋《抗战以来》五:“若任其摩擦,勇于私斗,必怯于公战。”引用:《新华文摘》1981年第5期:“他用手指摩擦着玻璃板,发出‘咕咕"的声音。”造句:摩擦耗散可导致指数式的衰减。2023-07-14 03:48:312
抚摸 fǔmō抚摩。用手轻轻按着并来回移动:妈妈抚摸女儿的头发。2023-07-14 03:48:463
21st Century Schizoid Man 歌词
歌曲名:21st Century Schizoid Man歌手:king crimson专辑:The Night Watch Live at Amsterdam Concertgebouw 1973cat"s foot iron clawneuro-surgeons scream for moreat paranoia"s poison doortwenty first century schizoid man.blood rack barbed wirepoliticians" funeral pyreinnocents raped with napalm firetwenty first century schizoid man.death seed blind man"s greedpoets" starving children bleednothing he"s got he realy needstwenty first schizoid man.BY:和小谐http://music.baidu.com/song/182062182023-07-14 03:45:281
learning in the 21st century作文
例文This report has been published by Onate Press, an imprint of Eaton International Consulting Inc. Its purpose is to provide researchers, educational leaders and teachers with an understanding of current trends in language education.Author: Sarah Elaine Eaton, Ph.D.Publication date: June 2010ISBN: 978-0-9733594-6-6The guide is available at Hard copies can be ordered to distribute to colleagues or students. E-mail APA citation for this documentEaton, S.E. (2010). Global Trends in Language Learning in the Twenty-ufb01rst Century. Calgary: Onate Press.2023-07-14 03:45:371
(1)经济全球化及其表现 经济全球化是指在生产不断发展、科技加速进步、社会分工和国际分工不断深化、生产的社会化和国际化程度不断提高的情况下,世界各国、各地区的经济活动越来越超出一国和地区的范围而相互联系、相互依赖的一体化过程。 经济全球化的表现包括:一是生产的全球化。在国际分工和跨国公司的基础上,世界各国的生产活动日益联系在一起。二是贸易的全球化。国际贸易迅速扩大,服务贸易发展迅速,参与贸易的国家急剧增加。三是金融的全球化。国际债券市场、基金市场迅速扩大,金融市场高度一体化。四是企业经营的全球化。跨国公司成为世界经济的主体。 (2)经济全球化的动因 导致经济全球化迅猛发展的因素主要有:科学技术的进步和生产力的发展,为经济全球化提供了坚实的基础,特别是信息技术革命,加快了信息传递的速度,推动了经济全球化的迅速发展;跨国公司的发展为经济全球化提供了适宜的企业组织形式,促进了国际分工,推动了经济全球化的进程;各国经济体制的变革,为国际资本的流动、国际贸易的扩大、国际生产的大规模进行提供了适宜的体制环境和政策条件,促进了经济全球化的发展。 (3)经济全球化的后果 一方面,经济全球化的过程是生产社会化不断提高的过程。在经济全球化进程中,社会 分工得以在更大的范围内进行,资金、技术等生产要素可以在国际社会流动和优化配置,由此可以带来巨大的分工利益,推动世界生产力的发展。由于发达资本主义国家在经济全球化进程中占据优势地位,在制定贸易和竞争规则方面具有更大的发言权,能够控制一些国际组织,所以发达资本主义国家是经济全球化的主要受益者。经济全球化对发展中国家也具有积极的影响:发展中国家可以引进先进技术和管理经验,以增强经济的竞争力;可以通过吸引外资,扩大就业,充分发挥劳动力资源的优势;可以利用不断扩大的国际市场解决产品销售问题,以对外贸易带动本国经济的发展;可以借助投资自由化和比较优势组建大型跨国公司,积极参与经济全球化进程。 另一方面,经济全球化又是一个充满矛盾的过程,它在产生积极效应的同时,也会产生消极的后果。主要表现是:一是发达国家与发展中国家之间的差距扩大。二是在经济增长中忽视社会进步,环境恶化与经济全球化有可能同时发生。三是各国特别是相对落后国家原有的体制、政府领导能力、社会设施、政策体系、价值观念和文化都面临全球化的冲击,国家内部和国际社会都出现不同程度的治理危机。四是经济全球化使各国的产业结构调整变成一种全球行为,它既为一国经济竞争力的提高提供了条件,同时也存在着对别国形成依赖的危险。 因此,如何使经济全球化成为世界各国“共赢”的经济全球化、世界各国平等的经济全球化,是国际社会共同面临的重大课题。2023-07-14 03:45:391
英语世纪和年代的表达如下:1、世纪:①用“定冠词+序数词+century”表示。例:在十七世纪写作:in the 17th century,读作:in the seventeenth century。②用“定冠词+百位进数+s”表示。例:在十七世纪写作:in the 1600s,读作:in the sixteen hundreds注意:这种情况下,实际表达的世纪数是阿拉伯数字本身加一。2、年代用“定冠词+(世纪百位进数+十位年代数)+s”表示。例:在二十世纪三十年代写作:in the 1930s,读作:in the thirties of the twentieth century或in the nineteen thirties。表示某年代的早期、中期和晚期,可以在定冠词后添加early,mid-和late。相关例句:1、A new century was dawning.一个新的世纪开始了。2、It was built at the turn of the century.这是在世纪之交修建的。3、DAB is the radio system of the 21st century.数字音频广播是21世纪的广播系统。4、The name has come down from the last century.这名称是从上个世纪流传下来的。5、The house was built in the early 19th century.这座房子建于19世纪早期。2023-07-14 03:45:431
经济全球化主要表现在四个方面:贸易全球化、投资全球化、金融全球化和跨国公司生产经营全球化。2023-07-14 03:45:451
经济全球化主要表现在以下四个方面:贸易全球化、投资全球化、金融全球化和跨国公司生产经营全球化。1、贸易全球化的表现:贸易全球化主要体现在:第一,国际贸易增长率高于世界生产总值增长率;第二,国际贸易规模庞大,世界贸易依赖度高。2、投资全球化:国际直接投资全球化表现在:国际直接投资增长率高于国际贸易增长率和世界生产总值的增长率。3、金融全球化:金融全球化是指一国的金融活动跨越国界日益与国际间的金融活动融合在一起, 即资金的筹集、分配和运用,超越国家疆界,在全球范围内进行。金融全球化表现在以下两个方面:一是水平的相互依赖关系,即国际资本流动的规模和状况;二是垂直的相互依赖关系,即利率和汇率的国际联动和影响。4、跨国公司生产经营全球化的表现:表现在当今约90%的国家都有跨国公司的子公司或分支机构,其足迹已几乎遍及全球。影响:1、优化配置和合理利用2、促进国际分工3、促进经济结构合理优化4、促进经济多极化发展5、促进发展模式创新6、促进国际利益融合7、促进安全内涵扩展8、促进国家颂腊主权转移9、推进国际体系转型10、推进人类文明进步2023-07-14 03:45:521
主要表现在贸易全球化、投资全球化、金融全球化和跨国公司生产经营全球化。经济全球化(EconomicGlobalization)是指世界经济活动超越国界,通过对外贸易、资本流动、技术转移、提供服务、相互依存、相互联系而形成的全球范围的有机经济整体的过程。经济全球化是商品、技术、信息、服务、货币、人员、资金、管理经验等生产要素跨国跨地区的流动,也就是世界经济日益成为紧密联系的一个整体。经济全球化是当代世界经济的重要特征之一,也是世界经济发展的重要趋势。2023-07-14 03:46:122
21st century digital girl的单曲版本
21st Century Digital Girl (Josh Harris Vocal Club Edit) – 3:13 21st Century Digital Girl (Josh Harris Extended Club Mix) – 7:24 21st Century Digital Girl (Club Mix Short) – 3:23 21st Century Digital Girl (Radio Version) – 2:51 21st Century Digital Girl (DJ Satomi & Pure Dust Remix) – 6:06 21st Century Digital Girl (Overhead Champions Remix) – 6:14 21st Century Digital Girl (Marco Viani Remix) – 8:54 21st Century Digital Girl (Feret & Branco Remix) – 6:35 21st Century Digital Girl (Conways Remix) – 6:14 21st Century Digital Girl (Teenagerz Remix) – 5:33 21st Century Digital Girl (Club Mix) – 5:35 21st Century Digital Girl (Extended Version) – 4:14 21st Century Digital Girl (Acappella) – 3:232023-07-14 03:46:161
经济全球化主要表现在以下四个方面:贸易全球化、投资全球化、金融全球化和跨国公司生产经营全球化。1、贸易全球化的表现:贸易全球化主要体现在:第一,国际贸易增长率高于世界生产总值增长率;第二,国际贸易规模庞大,世界贸易依赖度高。2、投资全球化:国际直接投资全球化表现在:国际直接投资增长率高于国际贸易增长率和世界生产总值的增长率。3、金融全球化:金融全球化是指一国的金融活动跨越国界日益与国际间的金融活动融合在一起,即资金的筹集、分配和运用,超越国家疆界,在全球范围内进行。金融全球化表现在以下两个方面:一是水平的相互依赖关系,即国际资本流动的规模和状况;二是垂直的相互依赖关系,即利率和汇率的国际联动和影响。4、跨国公司生产经营全球化的表现:表现在当今约90%的国家都有跨国公司的子公司或分支机构,其足迹已几乎遍及全球。经济全球化带来的负面影响日益显现:首先,经济全球化使全球经济牵一发而动全身的势态更加显著。由于各国经济的相互依赖性空前加强,导致了任何一国的内部经济不平衡都会引发外部经济不平衡,进而影响到与其具有密切经济关系的国家,最终不同程度地“传染”给所有国家。其次,经济全球化使各国的经济主权、特别是财政和货币政策的独立性面临日益严峻的挑战。这种挑战有的是经济主权的“主动”让步,包括世界贸易组织的历次减让关税和贸易自由化谈判,以及一些国家为得到国际货币基金组织的援助而被迫进行的“经济调整”等。还有的则是跨国私人经济力量对各国经济主权的干扰。其中最为典型的例子是跨国公司和国际游资许多国家的经验都表明,在汇率动荡时期,跨国公司常常是大规模货币投机的主要责任者。同时,在经济全球化的背景下,各国资本账户逐渐开放,资本管制的有效性不断下降,为国际游资的冲击打开了“方便之门”,使不少国家饱受外来资本冲击之苦。2023-07-14 03:46:281
求21st Century Digital Girl 21世纪数码女孩 中文歌词
12023-07-14 03:46:281
Life in the 21st Century为题写一篇60词左右英文作文
Life in the 21st Century is very interesting. In the new century we will lead an exciting life. For example, we can do some shopping on the Internet instead of shops. In this way ,we neednot worry about the crowded shopping mall. And, students will use computers in class. They can send homework to their teachers by e-mail. Besides everybody can use the Internet to chat with others , although they are in different countries. Computers and Internet make our life interesting and exciting.2023-07-14 03:46:461
用英语怎么表示21世纪? 在21世纪 ,在20世纪90年代 怎样用英语表示?
in the 21st century in the 1990s =in the 1990"s.2023-07-14 03:46:531
表示21世纪的21st century中的st用不用上标?
可以不用2023-07-14 03:47:013
求“The Role of English in the 21st Century”翻译求大神帮助
Two factors drive this global marketplace. First, many manufactured products have one or more foreign components. Ford cars and IBM computers are just two examples of this. Second, more than half of all imports and exports, which governments label foreign trade, are transacted between domestic companies and their foreign affiliates. The increasing globalization of the marketplace is forcing companies to pay more attention to international developments. Domestic firms are adjusting their structures and methods of operation to fit a broader and rapidly changing economic environment. They are increasing their geographic outreach because more of their suppliers and customers are located on various continents. For example, last year Johnson and Johnson sold more products outside the United States than in the United States. Hewlett Packard, like many companies, lost money when the Asian economy collapsed. Joint ventures are no longer just theoretical possibilities. Mergers and acquisitions, like Chrysler/Daimler Benz and MCI and British Telecom, increasingly cross national boundaries. This trend is expected to continue into the next millennium. This internationalization is illustrated in three ways. First, companies change their basic goals to conform to a global marketplace. Second, they adapt their products to local markets. But most importantly, they do not set up international bureaucracies; instead, they hire foreign nationals who understand the local markets. Why discuss economics with the English language? Because the English language is closely associated with this economic modernization and industrial development. Information is sent and received at increasing speed. The competitive demands of governments, industries, and corporations, both national and multinational, for technological progress require an understanding of the language of that technology English. The global spread of English over the last 40 years is remarkable. It is unprecedented in several ways: by the increasing number of users of the language; by its depth of penetration into societies; by its range of functions. Worldwide over 1.4 billion people live in countries where English has official status. One out of five of the world"s population speaks English with some degree of competence. And by 2000 one in five over one billion people will also be learning English. Over 70% of the world"s scientists read English. About 85% of the world"s mail is written in English. And 90% of all information in the world"s electronic retrieval systems is stored in English. By 2010, the number of people who speak English as a second or foreign language will exceed the number of native speakers. This trend will certainly affect the language. English is used for more purposes than ever before. Vocabularies, grammatical forms, and ways of speaking and writing have emerged influenced by technological and scientific developments, economics and management, literature and entertainment genres. What began some 1,500 years ago as a rude language, originally spoken by obscure Germanic tribes who invaded England,now encompasses the globe. When Mexican pilots land their airplanes in France, they and the ground controllers use English. When German physicists want to alert the international scientific community to new discoveries, they first publish their findings in English. When Japanese executives conduct business with Scandinavian entrepreneurs, they negotiate in English. When pop singers write their songs, they often use lyrics or phrases in English. When demonstrators want to alert the world to their problems, they display signs in English. Three factors continue to contribute to this spread of English: English usage in science, technology and commerce; the ability to incorporate vocabulary from other languages; and the acceptability of various English dialects. In science, English replaced German after World War II. With this technical and scientific dominance came the beginning of overall linguistic dominance, first in Europe and then globally. Today, the information age has replaced the industrial age and has compressed time and distance. This is transforming world economies from industrial production to information-based goods and services. Ignoring geography and borders, the information revolution is redefining our world. In less than 20 years, information processing, once limited to the printed word, has given way to computers and the Internet. Computer-mediated communication is closing the gap between spoken and written English. It encourages more informal conversational language and a tolerance for diversity and individual style, and has resulted in Internet English replacing the authority of language institutes and practices. English, like many languages, uses a phonetic alphabet and fairly basic syntax. But most importantly, it has a large and extensive vocabulary, of which about 80% is foreign. Therefore, it has cognates from virtually every language in Europe and has borrowed and continues to borrow words from Spanish and French, Hebrew and Arabic, Hindi-Urdu and Bengali, Malay and Chinese, as well as languages from West Africa and Polynesia. This language characteristic makes it unique in history. Finally, no English language central authority guards the purity of the language, therefore, many dialects have developed: American, British, Canadian, Indian, and Australian, to name a few. There is no standard pronunciation. But within this diversity is a unity of grammar and one set of core vocabulary. Thus, each country that speaks the language can inject aspects of its own culture into the usage and vocabulary. However, the future is unpredictable. As David Crystal (1997) commented, there has never been a language so widely spread or spoken by so many people as English. So, there are no precedents to help us predict what happens to a language when it achieves genuine world status. The world is in transition, and the English language will take new forms. The language and how it is used will change, reflecting patterns of contact with other languages and the changing communication needs of people. English is divesting itself of its political and cultural connotations as more people realize that English is not the property of only a few countries. Instead, it is a vehicle that is used globally and will lead to more opportunities. It belongs to whoever uses it for whatever purpose or need. One question that arises about the future role of the English language is whether a single world standard English will develop. This could result in a supranational variety that all people would have to learn. The widespread use of English as a language of wider communication will continue to exert pressure toward global uniformity. This could result in declining standards, language changes, and the loss of geolinguistic diversity. On the other hand, because English is the vehicle for international communication and because it forms the basis for constructing cultural identities, many local varieties could instead develop. This trend may lead to fragmentation of the language and threaten the role of English as a lingua franca. However, there have always been major differences between varieties of English. There is no reason to believe that any one other language will appear within the next 50 years to replace English. However, it is possible that English will not keep its monopoly in the 21st century. Rather, a small number of languages may form an oligopoly each with a special area of influence. For example, Spanish is rising because of expanding trade and the increase of the Latino population in the United States. This could create a bilingual English-Spanish region. A language shift, in which individuals change their linguistic allegiances, is another possibility. These shifts are slow and difficult to predict. But within the next 50 years, substantial language shifts could occur as economic development affects more countries. Because of these shifts in allegiance, more languages may disappear. Those remaining will rapidly get more native speakers. This includes English. Internal migration and urbanization may restructure areas, thereby creating communities where English becomes the language of interethnic communication neutral language. Universities using English as the medium of instruction will expand and rapidly create a generation of middle-class professionals. Economic development will only increase the middle class, a group that is more likely to learn and use English in jobs. While languages such as English, German, and French have been international languages because of their governments" political powers, this is less likely to be the case in the 21st century where economics and demographics will have more influence on languages. English has been an international language for only 50 years. If the pattern follows the previous language trends, we still have about 100 years before a new language dominates the world. However, this does not mean that English is replacing or will replace other languages as many fear. Instead, it may supplement or co-exist with languages by allowing strangers to communicate across linguistic boundaries. It may become one tool that opens windows to the world, unlocks doors to opportunities, and expands our minds to new ideas. 世界在社会、经济、和人口统计学转变的各种不同阶段中。 经济上地而且政治地,世界在过去几年内已经更快速改变超过自从 1945 以后随时. 初现的全球经济是既竞争的且相互依赖的。 它在世界的大多数地方中反映现代沟通和生产技术的有效。 因此, 我们需要在 21 世纪内关心英文语言的未来吗? 依照经济学者 (1996) 二个因素驾驶这个全球的市场。 首先,许多制造品有一或更多的外国成份。 福特汽车和 IBM 计算机只是这二个例子。 其次, 非常一半输入而且输出, 哪一个政府标签国际贸易, 在国内的公司和他们的外国加入者之间被办理。 市场的逐渐增加全球化正在强迫公司对国际的发展给予较多的注意。 国内的公司正在调整他们的操作的结构和方法适合一比较宽广的而且快速地变更经济的环境。 因为他们的供应者的更多和客户位于各种不同的大陆之上,所以他们正在增加他们的地理外展。 举例来说,去年詹森和詹森在美国以外卖了较多的产品超过在美国 合资是不再正直的理论上的可能性。 合并和获得, 像克莱斯勒/戴姆勒宾士汽车和英国电讯, 逐渐地越过国界。 这一个趋势被期望进入下个一千年之内继续。 这国际化在三个方法中被举例。 首先,公司改变他们的基本目标遵照一全球的 市场。 其次,他们使他们的产品配合当地的市场。 但是最重要地,他们不建立国际的官僚; 相反的,他们雇请了解当地的市场的外国的国民 为什么与英文语言讨论经济学? 因为英文语言接近地与这经济的现代化和工业的发展有关。 数据被送而且被以逐渐增加的速度收到。 政府、工业和公司的竞争要求,国民和跨国公司,为科技的进步需要那技术的语言的理解英语。 在过去 40 年上的英语的全球传布是显着的。 它在某些方面是空前的: 被语言的使用者的逐渐增加数字; 被它的渗透的深度进入社会之内; 被它的功能的范围。 在全世界超过十四亿个人住在英语有官方的状态的国家。 五中的一世界的 人口用某一程度的胜任说英语。 而且二千零一在五个超过十亿个人中也将会学习英语。 超过 70% 的世界"s 科学家读英语。 大约 85% 的世界邮件以英语写成。 而且在世界上的 90% 所有的数据电子的取回系统被以英语储存。2010 之前,当做秒或者外国语说英语的人数将会超过说母语者的数字。 这一个趋势将会无疑地影响语言 英语作为远比以往要多的目的。 说而且写的字汇,文法的表格和方法已经出现被科技而科学发展、经济学和管理、文学和娱乐类型影响。什么当一种粗鲁无礼的语言,本来被侵入了英国的微暗德国的种族讲, 现在包含地球, 1,500 年前开始 当墨西哥的飞行员以法国、他们和土地的控制器使用英国人登陆他们的飞机的时候。 当德国物理学者想要提醒对新的发现国际的科学社区的时候,他们首先以英语出版他们的调查结果。 当日本主管和北欧企业家处理生意的时候,他们以英语商议。 当取出歌手写他们的歌的时候,他们时常以英语使用抒情诗或片语。 当示范者想要提醒的时候 对他们的问题的世界, 他们以英语显示告示。 三个因素继续成为英语的这传布的因素: 科学、技术和商业的英文用法; 能力合并来自其他的语言的字汇; 而且各种不同英文方言的可接受。 在科学中,英语代替了第二次世界大战后的德语。 与这个技术上而科学的支配来了全部语言学支配的开始, 在欧洲的第一然后全球性地。 今天,数据年龄已经代替工业的年龄而且已经压缩时间和距离。 这正在转换从工业的生产到以数据为基础的货物和服务的世界经济。 不理睬地理学和边缘,资讯革命正在重新定义我们的世界。 在少于 20 年中, 数据处理, 一旦限制在印刷的字, 已经给 到计算机和英特网的路。 计算机斡旋的沟通是关闭那缝隙在口语的之间和书面的英语。 它为不同和个体风格鼓励更非正式的会话语言和宽容, 而且已经造成更换语言的权威学会和练习的英特网英语。 英语,喜欢许多语言, 使用一个语言的字母和非常基本的语法。 但是最重要地,它有一个大而广泛的字汇,哪些大约 80% 是外国的。 因此, 它有同族的从事实上每种语言在欧洲而且已经借而且继续借来自西班牙语和法国人、希伯来人和阿拉伯语的话, 北印度语和孟加拉人、马来和华语、连同来自非洲西部和玻里尼西亚的语言。 这语言特性在历史中使它独特 最后,没有英文语言中央的权威保卫语言的纯净,因此,许多方言已经发展:美国、英国、以及加拿大、印度、和澳洲的, 命名一些。 没有标准的发音。 但是在这不同里面是文法和一组核心字汇的个体。 因此, 说语言能注射它自己文化的方面进入用法和字汇的每个国家。 然而,未来是不可预知的。 当大卫水晶 (1997) 批评了, 如此广泛不曾有一种语言传布或被作为英语的如此许多人讲。 因此, 没有先例要帮助我们预测发生在一种语言上什么事当它达成真正的世界状态的时候。 世界在转变中,而且英文语言将会拿新的表格。 语言和它如何被用将会改变 用其他的语言和人的变更沟通需要反映连络的式样。 当较多的人了解英国人不是只有一些国家的特性的时候,英语正在它的政治上而文化含蓄剥除它本身。 相反的,它是一辆被全球性地用的车辆而且将会导致较多的机会。 它属于任何人使用它作为每个目的哪一或需要。 一个发生有关英文语言的将来角色的事的疑问是否世界 这可以造成超国家的多样性所有的人会必须获悉。 作为一种较宽的沟通的语言英语的广大使用将会继续施加向全球的同样压力。 这可以造成倾斜的标准,语言变化不同的损失。 另一方面,因为英语是国际的沟通车辆而且因为它形成基础 构造文化认同感,许多当地的多样性可以改为发展。 这一个趋势可能导致语言的分裂而且威胁作为舌的英语的角色。 然而,已经总是有在英语的多样性之间的主要不同。 没有理由要相信任何的其他语言将会在未来的 50 年之内出现代替英语。 然而是可能的是,英国人在 21 世纪内将不保存它的垅断。 然而,少数的语言可能形成对一个影响力的特别区域感到每个的一个求过于供的市场情况。 举例来说,西班牙语正在因为在美国扩张贸易和拉丁美洲人的增加人口升起。 这可以产生一个双语的英西班牙人区域 个体改变他们的语言学忠贞的语言变化,是另外的一种可能性。 这些变化慢而困难预测。 但是在未来的 50 年之内,可观的语言变化可以发生如经济的发展 影响较多的国家。 因为忠贞的这些变化,较多的语言可能消失。 正在保持的人们将会快速地争取较多的说母语者。 这包括英语。 内在的移民和都市化可能更改结构区域,藉此创造英语变成 沟通梐的语言中立的语言的社区 以英语作为指导的媒体的大学将会扩张而且快速地产生中产阶级专业人士的世代。 经济的发展只将会增加中产阶级,一个更可能在工作中学习而且使用英语的团体 因为他们政府的政治权力语言,像是英语,德语和法语已经是国际的语言,不过这比较不有可能在 21 世纪内是情形哪里经济学和人口统计学的将会对语言有较多的影响力。 英国人已经是一种国际的语言有只有 50 年之久。 如果式样跟随早先的语言趋势, 我们在一种新的语言前大约 100 年仍然有支配世界。 然而,这不意指英国人正在更换或者将会代替其他的语言和恐惧一样多的相反的,它可能补充,否则共藉由让陌生人以语言存在整个语言学边界沟通。它可能变成一个对世界开放窗户,开启对机会的门, 而且把我们的思想扩张到的工具2023-07-14 03:47:091
The last decade of the 21st century ________ the rapid, steady development of China in various ...
A 试题分析:考查时态语态:句意是:21世纪的最后十年见证中国在各个领域的快速稳定的发展。时间隐含在上下文之间,就是21世纪的最后十年,用过去时,也是主动。选A。点评:时态的考查要放在上下文中进行,要抓住句子的关键词,这题的关键词就是The last decade of the 21st century,还要注意被动语态。2023-07-14 03:47:161
in the 21st 的21st要怎么念?
21st century:twenty first century2023-07-14 03:47:271
立方根的bai概念:如果一个数的立du方等于a,这个数就叫做a的立方根.zhi(也称数a的三次方根)用数学式表示为:若daox3=a,则x叫做a的立方根,或称x叫做a的三次方根.2.立方根的表示方法:类似于平方根德表示方法,数a的立方根我们用符号 来表示.读作“三次根号下a”,其中a叫做被开方数,3叫做根指数,注意,在前面我们学习平方根的表示方法说过当根指数为2时可以省略不写,现在是立方根了,这个根指数3是绝对不可省的,否则就会与平方根混淆了,例如 表示125的立方根,而 则表示125的算术平方根2023-07-14 03:47:312
急求!!!一篇英语作文 《 life in the 21st century》60字左右 初三作文
Life in the 21st Century" is an adventurous tale of romance, corruption, and suspense. The story focuses on Ted, an employee at Human Life Healthcare Insurance, he is sent to California to investigate a client"s diagnosis only to discover his new CEO, Lee G. Park, has a secret agenda. Upon his arrival to investigate Lucille Ridgeway he quickly becomes attracted to her, and the two develop a romantic relationship. He is relieved to learn that her original and expensive diagnosis was incorrect. Ted"s boss sounds frustrated by this news and quickly hangs up on him. Ted"s friend, who shares a striking resemblance to him, is abducted by a suspicious looking bellman from Ted"s hotel. Ted suspects that Park may have had something to do with it; maybe he was the actual kidnapping target. Looking deeper into the lives of Human Life"s clients, Ted discovers many died in accidents unrelated to their illnesses. Ted learns that his CEO may have been finding ways out of paying insurance claims such as killing off clients with expensive diagnoses for profit. "Human Life in the 21st Century" is an exhilarating tale of Ted"s quest to expose the corruption of Human Life. Not sure who to trust, Ted knows he won"t be able to stop running until Human Life is stopped first. Doyle"s story follows Ted and the numerous twisting story lines as he struggles to avoid being found by the CEO, protect Lucille, and restore justice. About the Author Ross Kilarney Doyle was born in New York City and grew up in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. He graduated from medical school and wrote only about science for many years. Since retiring from teaching at a Midwestern medical school, Doyle has restored a 90-year-old house and explored the arctic as a Sierra Club leader. He is now married and lives in rural upstate New York. AuthorHouse is the premier book publisher for emerging, self-published authors. For more information, please visit http://www.authorhouse.com. EDITORS: For review copies or interview requests, contact: Nick McMurray Tel: 317.926.1727 Fax: 317.926.1728 Email: nmcmurray@trendyminds.com (When requesting a review copy, please provide a street address.) This release was issued through eReleases(TM). For more information, visit http://www.ereleases.com. SOURCE AuthorHouse2023-07-14 03:47:341
主要表现在贸易全球化、投资全球化、金融全球化和跨国公司生产经营全球化。经济全球化(EconomicGlobalization)是指世界经济活动超越国界,通过对外贸易、资本流动、技术转移、提供服务、相互依存、相互联系而形成的全球范围的有机经济整体的过程。经济全球化是商品、技术、信息、服务、货币、人员、资金、管理经验等生产要素跨国跨地区的流动,也就是世界经济日益成为紧密联系的一个整体。经济全球化是当代世界经济的重要特征之一,也是世界经济发展的重要趋势。2023-07-14 03:45:225
21st Century Schizoid Man 歌词
歌曲名:21st Century Schizoid Man歌手:king crimson专辑:The Essential King Crimson - Frame By Frame [Box set]cat"s foot iron clawneuro-surgeons scream for moreat paranoia"s poison doortwenty first century schizoid man.blood rack barbed wirepoliticians" funeral pyreinnocents raped with napalm firetwenty first century schizoid man.death seed blind man"s greedpoets" starving children bleednothing he"s got he realy needstwenty first schizoid man.BY:和小谐http://music.baidu.com/song/549904802023-07-14 03:45:191
国际贸易迅速发展世界市场扩大国际分工日趋成熟大型跨国公司数量增加 趋势: 一方面,在世界范围内,各国、各地区的经济相互交织、相互影响、相互融合成统一整体,即形成“全球统一市场”; 另一方面,在世界范围内建立了规范经济行为的全球规则,并以此为基础建立了经济运行的全球机制。 在这个过程中,市场经济一统天下,生产要素在全球范围内自由流动和优化配置。因此,经济全球化是指生产要素跨越国界,在全球范围内自由流动,各国、各地区相互融合成整体的历史过程。 具体表现: 1.贸易自由化。随着全球货物贸易、服务贸易,技术贸易的加速发展,经济全球化促进了世界多边贸易体制的形成,从而加快了国际贸易的增长速度,促进了全球贸易自由化的发展,也使得加入到WTO组织的成员以统一的国际准则来规范自己的行为。 2.生产国际化。生产力作为人类社会发展的根本动力,极大地推动着世界市场的扩大。以互联网为标志的科技革命,从时间和空间上缩小了各国之间的距离,促使世界贸易结构发生巨大变化,促使生产要素跨国流动,它不仅对生产超越国界提出了内在要求,也为全球化生产准备了条件,是推动经济全球化的根本动力。 3.金融全球化,世界性的金融机构网络,大量的金融业务跨国界进行,跨国贷款、跨国证券发行和跨国并购体系已经形成。世界各主要金融市场在时间上相互接续、价格上相互联动,几秒钟内就能实现上千万亿美元的交易,尤其是外汇市场已经成为世界上最具流动性和全天候的市场。 4.科技全球化。它是指各国科技资源在全球范围内的优化配置,这是经济全球化最新拓展和进展迅速的领域,表现为,先进技术和研发能力的大规模跨国界转移,跨国界联合研发广泛存在。以信息技术产业为典型代表,各国的技术标准越来越趋向一致,跨国公司巨头通过垄断技术标准的使用,控制了行业的发展,获取了大量的超额利润。2023-07-14 03:45:131
21st Century Schizoid Man 歌词
歌曲名:21st Century Schizoid Man歌手:Von Hertzen Brothers专辑:21st Century Schizoid Man / Rubiconcat"s foot iron clawneuro-surgeons scream for moreat paranoia"s poison doortwenty first century schizoid man.blood rack barbed wirepoliticians" funeral pyreinnocents raped with napalm firetwenty first century schizoid man.death seed blind man"s greedpoets" starving children bleednothing he"s got he realy needstwenty first schizoid man.BY:和小谐http://music.baidu.com/song/194163162023-07-14 03:45:101
主要表现在贸易全球化、投资全球化、金融全球化和跨国公司生产经营全球化。经济全球化(EconomicGlobalization)是指世界经济活动超越国界,通过对外贸易、资本流动、技术转移、提供服务、相互依存、相互联系而形成的全球范围的有机经济整体的过程。经济全球化是商品、技术、信息、服务、货币、人员、资金、管理经验等生产要素跨国跨地区的流动,也就是世界经济日益成为紧密联系的一个整体。经济全球化是当代世界经济的重要特征之一,也是世界经济发展的重要趋势。2023-07-14 03:45:042
跪求 21st century teens 英文作文。。
In the above illustration we see a young man with the top of his head flipped, into which he is placing books. The man is carrying an oxygen tank with the word ‘courage" written on it. He also carries a large adventure"s backpack. He is dressed in exercise clothes as he climbs over a mysterious, sandy landscape. He shirt has a ‘V" on it .which symbolizes victory. 高考试卷 This illustration symbolizes the three key factors that are necessary to have if one wants to be a successful person. Placing books into one"s mind symbolizes the acquisition of knowledge, which is the first necessary quality. The backpack and the clothing suggest that one must be physically fit and healthy if one wants to gain success. Of course ,there is also the tank which means that one should muster up courage . By combining these three ideas we can conclude the images symbolic meaning as ‘to be a successful person, one must have knowledge, strength and courage." 高考试卷 There three factors are definitely necessary if one hopes to gain success in life. Accumulated wisdom is necessary to out-think one"s opponents. Being physically fit is necessary to out-last one"s opponent. Finally,courage is necessary if one hopes to venture into areas that his opponents fear to tread. With these three attributes, a person can achieve all of his goals.2023-07-14 03:45:011
经济全球化 一、含义 经济全球化又叫世界经济国际化,是指世界各国经济在生产、分配、交换和消费环节的全球趋同化趋势。二、实质 发达国际由于生产力的发展所引起的生产要素在全球范围流动,以寻找更有利的投资场所的过程。三、当今经济全球化的主要表现 1)生产的全球化,跨国公司越来越成为世界经济的主导力量; 2)市场的全球化,国际贸易迅速发展,国际贸易成为世界经济的火车头; 3)资金的全球化,国际金融迅速发展,巨额资金在各国之间自由流动; 4)科技开发和应用的全球化; 5)信息传播的全球化; 6)国际直接投资迅速增长,并呈现多元化格局。四、经济全球化是一把利剑 一方面,它为发展中国家提高提供了难得的发展机遇,有利于吸收外资,弥补国内建设资金不足;有利于引进技术和设备,实现技术发展的跨越;有利于学习先进的管理经验,培养高素质的管理人才;有利于发挥比较优势,开拓国际市场。 另一方面,它也给发展中国家带来不利和风险,使发展中国家主权和经济安全受到挑战。经济全球化给发达国家和发展中国家带来的是不均等、不公正的竞争机会。五、我国的对策 坚定不移地实行对外开放政策,适应经济全球化趋势,积极参与国际经济合作与竞争,充分利用经济全球化带来的各种有利条件和机遇;同时又要对经济全球化带来的风险保持清醒的认识,坚持独立自主原则,加强防范工作,增强抵御和化解能力,切实维护我国经济安全,更好地发展和壮大自己。 究竟何谓“全球化”人们并没有统一的界定。经济学家多指世界经济一体化,市场的一体化,指大公司的跨国经营、金融的国际化,相互依赖的加深。政治学家指的是国际干预的不断扩大,建立世界新格局的全球战略。文化学家多指商业文化、大众文化、消费主义占领文化市场的世界现象。社会学家、未来学家更多关注的是全球性问题。2023-07-14 03:44:581
21St Century Schizoid Man 歌词
歌曲名:21St Century Schizoid Man歌手:April Wine专辑:Harder Fastercat"s foot iron clawneuro-surgeons scream for moreat paranoia"s poison doortwenty first century schizoid man.blood rack barbed wirepoliticians" funeral pyreinnocents raped with napalm firetwenty first century schizoid man.death seed blind man"s greedpoets" starving children bleednothing he"s got he realy needstwenty first schizoid man.BY:和小谐http://music.baidu.com/song/28562482023-07-14 03:44:541
主要表现在贸易全球化、投资全球化、金融全球化和跨国公司生产经营全球化。经济全球化(EconomicGlobalization)是指世界经济活动超越国界,通过对外贸易、资本流动、技术转移、提供服务、相互依存、相互联系而形成的全球范围的有机经济整体的过程。经济全球化是商品、技术、信息、服务、货币、人员、资金、管理经验等生产要素跨国跨地区的流动,也就是世界经济日益成为紧密联系的一个整体。经济全球化是当代世界经济的重要特征之一,也是世界经济发展的重要趋势。2023-07-14 03:44:392
英语作文急急急 题目是Life in the 21st Century
Life in the 21st century,will be different from life in the 20th century,because many changes will take place in the new century.But what will the changes be? The population is growing fast.There will be more and more people in the world and most of themwill live longer than before.Computers will be much smaller and more useful,and there will be at least one in every home.And computer studies will be one of the most important subjects in schools. People will work fewer hours than they did in the 20th century,and they will have more free timefor sports,watching TV and traveling.Traveling will be much cheaper and easier.And more people will go to other countries for holidays. There will be changes in our food,too.More land will be used for buildings,new towns and houses.Then there will be less room for cows and sheep,so meat will be more expensive.Maybe no one will eat it every day.Instead,they eat more vegetables and fruit.Maybe people will be healthier. Work in the future will be different,too.Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots.Because of this,many people will not have enough work to do.This will be a new problem.2023-07-14 03:44:361
一篇英语作文 《 life in the 21st century》60字左右?
Life in the 21st Century" is an adventurous tale of romance,corruption,and suspense.The story focuses on Ted,an employee at Human Life Healthcare Insurance,he is sent to California to investigate a client"s diagnosis only to discover his new CEO,Lee G.Park,has a secret agenda.Upon his arrival to investigate Lucille Ridgeway he quickly bees attracted to her,and the two develop a romantic relationship.He is relieved to learn that her original and expensive diagnosis was incorrect.Ted"s boss sounds frustrated by this news and quickly hangs up on him.Ted"s friend,who shares a striking resemblance to him,is abducted by a suspicious looking bellman from Ted"s hotel.Ted suspects that Park may have had something to do with it; maybe he was the actual kidnapping target.Looking deeper into the lives of Human Life"s clients,Ted discovers many died in accidents unrelated to their illnesses.Ted learns that his CEO may have been finding ways out of paying insurance claims such as killing off clients with expensive diagnoses for profit."Human Life in the 21st Century" is an exhilarating tale of Ted"s quest to expose the corruption of Human Life.Not sure who to trust,Ted knows he won"t be able to stop running until Human Life is stopped first.Doyle"s story follows Ted and the numerous twisting story lines as he struggles to avoid being found by the CEO,protect Lucille,and restore justice.About the Author Ross Kilarney Doyle was born in New York City and grew up in Bay Ridge,Brooklyn.He graduated from medical school and wrote only about science for many years.Since retiring from teaching at a Midwestern medical school,Doyle has restored a 90-year-old house and explored the arctic as a Sierra Club leader.He is now married and lives in rural upstate New York.AuthorHouse is the premier book publisher for emerging,self-published authors.For more information,please visit ***.EDITORS:For review copies or interview requests,contact:Nick McMurray Tel:317.926.1727 Fax:317.926.1728 Email:nmcmurray@trendyminds (When requesting a review copy,please provide a street address.) This release was issued through eReleases(TM).For more information,visit ***.SOURCE AuthorHouse,2,2023-07-14 03:44:301
21st Century Life 歌词
歌曲名:21st Century Life歌手:Sam Sparro专辑:Sam Sparro21st Century Life-Sam SparroWhen I was a little boyLiving in the last centuryI thought about living in the futureThen it occurred to meI turned around the future was nowThe future was all around meNothing like I imaginedIt was totally confounding21st century lifeI got swept awayI got 21,000 thingsthat I got to do today21st century lifeWell what can I say?The new world got me feeling so dirtyThink I need to get down and playWell now I turned on the TV just in time enough to hearwhat the Pope said,the Pope saidAnd just a few tiny words laterSomebody wants the man deadWhat about famine and diseaseWell they said it"s too bad(Oops!)Because I"m never aloneIt"s not just a phoneIt"s a stereo21st century lifeI got swept awayI got 21,000 thingsthat I got to do today21st century lifeWell what can I say?The new world got me feeling so dirtyThink I need to get down and playNow I"m not a little boyI"m in the 21st centuryWell you might think we"ve come a really long way,but there"s still no equalityI watched the news on my computer screenTalking about buying my weed out of a vending machineYou tell me I"m freeBut how can it beWhen you"re always watching me on the CCTV21st century lifeI got swept awayI got 21,000 thingsthat I got to do today21st century lifeWell what can I say?The new world got me feeling so dirtyThink I need to get down and play21, 21, 21I"m talking about 21, 21http://music.baidu.com/song/207858172023-07-14 03:44:231
主要表现在贸易全球化、投资全球化、金融全球化和跨国公司生产经营全球化。经济全球化(EconomicGlobalization)是指世界经济活动超越国界,通过对外贸易、资本流动、技术转移、提供服务、相互依存、相互联系而形成的全球范围的有机经济整体的过程。经济全球化是商品、技术、信息、服务、货币、人员、资金、管理经验等生产要素跨国跨地区的流动,也就是世界经济日益成为紧密联系的一个整体。经济全球化是当代世界经济的重要特征之一,也是世界经济发展的重要趋势。2023-07-14 03:44:203
21st century girl 中文歌词翻译~!
21世纪的女孩2023-07-14 03:44:172
经济全球化主要表现在以下四个方面:贸易全球化、投资全球化、金融全球化和跨国公司生产经营全球化. 1、贸易全球化的表现:贸易全球化主要体现在:第一,国际贸易增长率高于世界生产总值增长率;第二,国际贸易规模庞大,世界贸易依赖度高. 2、投资全球化:国际直接投资全球化表现在:国际直接投资增长率高于国际贸易增长率和世界生产总值的增长率. 3、金融全球化:金融全球化是指一国的金融活动跨越国界日益与国际间的金融活动融合在一起,即资金的筹集、分配和运用,超越国家疆界,在全球范围内进行.金融全球化表现在以下两个方面:一是水平的相互依赖关系,即国际资本流动的规模和状况;二是垂直的相互依赖关系,即利率和汇率的国际联动和影响. 当代世界金融发展呈现的三大趋势:(1)金融国际合作的趋势:出现了各种各样的区域性、全球性金融组织;(2)融资证券化的趋势:传统的通过商业银行筹集资金方式转向通过国际金融市场发行长短期债券的方式;(3)金融合作利益增强的趋势:世界金融中心和世界金融市场为各国融资提供了方便,提高了各国金融服务质量和效率,降低了筹资成本. 4、跨国公司生产经营全球化的表现:表现在当今约90%的国家都有跨国公司的子公司或分支机构,其足迹已几乎遍及全球.2023-07-14 03:44:101
lifeinthe21st century英语作文
Life in the 21st Century is very interesting.In the new century we will lead an exciting life.For example,we can do some shopping on the Internet instead of shops.In this way ,we neednot worry about the crowded shopping mall.And,students will use computers in class.They can send homework to their teachers by e-mail.Besides everybody can use the Internet to chat with others ,although they are in different countries.Computers and Internet make our life interesting and exciting.2023-07-14 03:44:101
多边贸易体制受到冲击。经济全球化是指世界经济活动超越国界,通过对外贸易、资本流动、技术转移、提供服务、相互依存、相互联系而形成的全球范围的有机经济整体的过程,出现波折的具体表现有多边贸易体制受到冲击,阻碍了世界经济的健康发展。2023-07-14 03:44:011
lifeinthe21st century英语作文
Life in the 21st Century is very interesting.In the new century we will lead an exciting life.For example,we can do some shopping on the Internet instead of shops.In this way ,we neednot worry about the crowded shopping mall.And,students will use computers in class.They can send homework to their teachers by e-mail.Besides everybody can use the Internet to chat with others ,although they are in different countries.Computers and Internet make our life interesting and exciting.2023-07-14 03:44:011