relieve/reduce/ease/lighten the burden of the earth.
take the burden off the earth.
unburden the earth也可以。
unburden the earth
to lighten burden on the Earth
lighten the Earth"s burden
reduce the earth"s burden
relieve the burden of the Earth
Lightens Earth"s burden
负担bear,美 /ber/英 /beu0259r/。词典释义:bear:vt. 忍受;承担;具有;负担;生孩子;结果实;开花;携带;运送。vi. 转向;n. 熊;泰迪熊;(股票)卖空者;<非正式>没教养的人;体格笨重的男人;<非正式>“北极熊”(俄国的外号);<非正式>警察;棘手的事情;脾气暴躁。n. (Bear)(美)贝尔(人名)。shoulder:n. 肩,肩膀;肩部;vt. 肩负,承担;vi. 用肩推挤,用肩顶。burden:n. 负担;责任;船的载货量;vt. 使负担;烦扰;装货于;n. (Burden)人名;(英)伯登。load:n. 负载,负荷;工作量;装载量;vi. [力] 加载;装载;装货;vt. 使担负;装填。encumbrance:n. 累赘;妨害物。1.发展中国家背负着巨额外债的负担。The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.2.他们负担了一笔很高的按揭借款。They have burdened themselves with a high mortgage.3.我们不去,只是因为我们负担不起。We aren"t going for the simple reason that we can"t afford it.2023-07-12 20:59:181
bear; onus;shoulder;burden; charge; weight;encumbrance2023-07-12 20:59:254
burden~2023-07-12 20:59:335
压力,负担 英文 名词
pressureburden2023-07-12 20:59:507
bear2023-07-12 21:00:357
来的有点晚load是由于货物装载量过多而引起的压力,而burden是由于财务上带来的负担2023-07-12 21:00:543
承担的英文:take。承担的英语短语take,take responsibility for对…负责;You can take responsibility for it。take on承担;Whats his take on the plan?take over接管;The eggs take over a week to hatch.take的其他短语:take some不大容易;take care of oneself照顾自己;颐养;take part参与,参加;take part in参加,参与;take on承担;呈现;具有;流行;接纳;雇用。承担造句1、这规则大体而言将使我们承担较少风险。Needless to say,the bigger the risk an insurance company takes,the higher the premium you will have to pay.2、不用说,保险公司承担风险越大,你付的保险费也就越高。In case of bilateral breach,the parties shall assume their respective liabilities accordingly.3、当事人双方都违反合同的,应当各自承担相应的责任。I shall assume full responsibility for losing them, and apologize to Lord Vader.2023-07-12 21:01:011
我不想成为你的负担… 英文翻译
直译是:I do not want to become a burden to you ...带虚拟语气的:I wouldn"t want to be a burdn to you...这样的表述以前曾经是很消极的,曾是对生命充满了恐惧和担心、失意失落,几乎丧失继续生存希望,或者期待找到精神支持的那些人常会用的。但是近年来这个表述出现一些积极的变化,在一些媒体中你可以看到类似的表述,例如积极锻炼身体提高生存质量的老年人,努力发奋改变生存环境的年轻人,他们努力自立自强,摆脱或尽量减少对他人的依赖。互联网上可以找到许多致力于为因各种情况暂时陷入困境的人排解精神压抑,避免极端行为发生的文章,推荐参照其中一篇,链接如下:http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/view/i_dont_want_to_be_a_burden/117172023-07-12 21:01:103
afford 中文意思是?一分钟了解「负担得起、提供、给予」的英文说法!
afford 中文意思是指「负担得起、提供、给予…」等,如果你说你 can"t afford something…代表你觉得自己负担不起某样东西。 下面列举出几个afford的英文例句,赶快学起来,下次就会用罗! 1.afford 负担得起 例:I can"t afford a car. 我负担不起一辆车。 例:I can"t afford to buy it. 我们负担不起买下它。 例:We can"t afford mistakes. 我们负担不起犯下任何错误。 例:I can"t afford to buy a house. 我买不起房子。 2.afford 提供、给予 例:The transaction afforded her a good profit. 这笔交易提供了她很好的获利。 afford, afford 中文, afford 中文意思, afford 意思, afford 翻译, 提供 英文, 给予 英文, 负担 英文, 负担得起 英文2023-07-12 21:01:231
减轻负担的英文Lighten the burden。减轻负担多指减轻中小学生过重的课业和心理负担。减轻学生过重的课业负担以及不合理的心理负担,减轻的是不合理、不必要的负担,但不是不要教学质量。通过减轻过重负担,推进素质教育的实施,从而促进学生德、智、体、美的全面发展和身心的健康成长。但学习是一项艰苦的劳动,需要付出艰辛的努力。减负的同时要增效,教师要通过改变教学方式,学生要改变学习方式,养成良好的学习习惯和掌握高效的学习方法,提高教学质量。健全作业管理机制,合理调控作业结构,分类明确作业总量,提高作业设计质量,加强作业完成指导。不得要求学生自批自改作业,严禁给家长布置或变相布置作业,严禁要求家长检查、批改作业。课后服务结束时间原则上不早于当地正常下班时间,学校可统筹安排教师实行“弹性上下班制”。提高课后服务质量,增强课后服务的吸引力。拓展课后服务渠道,做强做优免费线上学习服务,积极创造条件组织优秀教师开展免费在线互动交流答疑。减轻负担方法1、一吐为快假如你正为某事所困扰,千万不要闷在心里,把苦恼讲给你可信的、头脑冷静的人听,以取得解脱、支持和指正。2、开怀大笑健康的开怀大笑是消除压力的最好方法,也是一种愉快的发泄方法。“笑一笑,十年少”,忧愁和压力自然就和你无缘了。3、听听音乐轻松的音乐有助于缓解压力。如果你懂得弹钢琴、吉它或其他乐器,不妨以此来对付心绪不宁。2023-07-12 21:01:411
英文是英国语言,也是全世界通用语2023-07-12 21:02:084
All cost and VAT caused are on your bill.2023-07-12 21:02:174
直译是 relieve stress。建议参考以下内容:nervous stress or tension 思想紧张或压力finacial status 财务状况。直译是 relieve stress。建议参考以下内容:nervous stress or tension 思想紧张或压力finacial status 财务状况。2023-07-12 21:02:395
increase one"s load2023-07-12 21:02:552
reduce the economic burden on the family2023-07-12 21:03:066
帮我用英语翻译这句话" 减轻父母的负担"
to lighten parents" burdens.2023-07-12 21:04:054
add more burden to economy2023-07-12 21:04:544
We need to reduce the number of vehicles on the road in order to lower their fuel consumption. The increase in electricity bill adds to our burdens.2023-07-12 21:05:001
If my love has become a burden for you, I can only say sorry. I can"t KEEP MOEING my love2023-07-12 21:05:085
英语里 effect effort afford affect的区别
影响 名词努力担负得起影响 动词2023-07-12 21:05:245
我不想成为你的负担… 英文翻译
I don"t want to be a trouble to you2023-07-12 21:05:424
干嘛?2023-07-12 21:05:493
back的意思是背后,背部或者是往后地,向后地。back是一个英语单词,可以用作名词,意思是背后,背部,后面的意思;back也可以作为副词,意思是往后地,向后地。它的搭配和用法非常多。例如a T-shirt with a picture of a bear on the back意思为:后背是熊的图案的T恤衫。At the rear of the house is a garden意思为:房子的后面是个花园。2023-07-12 21:06:107
can"t afford to2023-07-12 21:07:144
上学不方便,会给家人带来负担Will go to school not conveniently, will bring the burden to the family member。 一个人在家,寂寞孤独,不利于身心健康。A person in home, lonely lonely, does not favor the physical and moral integrity.2023-07-12 21:07:411
lighten pratents" burden2023-07-12 21:07:527
用英语怎么写引狼入室 潜伏的危险 沉重的负担 不要班门弄斧
to set a fox to keep one"s geesepotential dangerheavy burdenno show off before an expert2023-07-12 21:08:083
i afford give you afford or strive是什么意思?
i afford give you afford or strive是什么意思?i afford give you afford or strive.我负担得起给你还是要努力奋斗2023-07-12 21:08:169
affordable我们不能负担得起送我们的孩子上大学Wecan"taffordtosendourchildrentocollege;2023-07-12 21:08:395
由于繁重的学习负担和频繁的考试,她感到身心疲惫,甚至经常上课犯固 。这用英语怎么说
Due to much study burden and frequent exams, she became exhausted and felt sleepy very often in class.2023-07-12 21:08:561
But studying abroad will cost a lot,and it will bring heavy economic burden to my parents.2023-07-12 21:09:062
heavy/big/great stress(burden)2023-07-12 21:09:392
承担的英文:take。承担的英语短语take,take responsibility for对…负责;You can take responsibility for it。take on承担;Whats his take on the plan?take over接管;The eggs take over a week to hatch.take的其他短语:take some不大容易;take care of oneself照顾自己;颐养;take part参与,参加;take part in参加,参与;take on承担;呈现;具有;流行;接纳;雇用。承担造句1、这规则大体而言将使我们承担较少风险。Needless to say,the bigger the risk an insurance company takes,the higher the premium you will have to pay.2、不用说,保险公司承担风险越大,你付的保险费也就越高。In case of bilateral breach,the parties shall assume their respective liabilities accordingly.3、当事人双方都违反合同的,应当各自承担相应的责任。I shall assume full responsibility for losing them, and apologize to Lord Vader.2023-07-12 21:09:471
reduce the burden of schoolworkorlighten the burden of schoolwork2023-07-12 21:09:573
increase burden2023-07-12 21:10:053
Psychological burden2023-07-12 21:10:141
1. lie hard upon lie heavy upon加重负担压迫...lie hard upon加重负担压迫...lie upon the catch埋伏以待伺机挑剔www.dic123.com - 相关搜索 2. lie heavy upon lie upon依赖于...lie heavy upon加重负担...2023-07-12 21:10:221
afford英[u0259"fu0254u02d0d]美[u0259"fu0254rd]vt.给予,提供;负担得起应该是afford哦~是的它有两个意思的~希望可以帮到你~2023-07-12 21:10:291
问题一:加重经济负担用英文怎么说 aggravate economical burden 问题二:更严重的是...用英文怎么说?除了and more importantly what"s worse 或worse still 问题三:加重负担用英语怎么说 1. lie hard upon lie heavy upon加重负担 问题四:更严重的是 用英语怎么说 我觉得如果运用在作文中,what"s worse会显得更自然。 more seriously也可以 问题五:严重的用英文怎么说? serious生词本 高频词,一定要记住哦! 英 [?s??ri?s] 美 [?s?ri?s] adj. 严肃的,严重的;认真的,庄重的;重要的;危险的 网 络 严重; 严肃; 认真; 严肃的 grave生词本 中频词,你记住了吗? 英 [re?v] 美 [rev] adj. 重大的,重要的;严重的;[音乐]沉重的;(颜色等)朴素的 adv. 沉重地,庄重地;极慢地 n. 坟墓,墓穴;埋葬…的地方;下场;死亡 vt. 雕刻;铭记 网 络 庄板; 雕刻清理船底; 清除船底污垢; 坟墓 复数:graves 过去式:graved 过去分词:graven graved 现在分词:graving 第三人称单数:graves grievous生词本 低频词,记不记随你啦! 英 ["ri:v?s] 美 [?riv?s] adj. 令人伤心或痛苦的;(指坏事)剧烈的,严重的;悲哀 网 络 痛苦的; 悲切切; 悲伤的; 引起痛苦的 graveness生词本 英 ["gre?vn?s] 美 ["gre?vn?s] n. 重大,认真,严重 网 络 重大; 工作认真 问题六:规则复杂,加重学业负担用英文怎么翻译 规则复杂,加重学业负担 Rules are plex, increasing the burden of Education 问题七:加重环境污染 用英语怎么说..我不要网络自动翻译.. worsen environmental pollution 问题八:后果,严重性用英语怎么说? 后果: 1. aftermath 2. consequences 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 他的演说产生了不幸的后果,由之引发了一场骚乱。 His speech had an unfortunate sequel - it caused a riot. 2. 想到你行动的后果,我就感到害怕。 It terrified me to contemplate the consequence of your action. 3. 这些大森林的毁坏会带来生态上的严重后果。 The destruction of these big forests could have serious ecological consequences. 4. 我将对后果承担全部责任。 I"ll bear full responsibility for the consequences. 5. 这样一种错误可能导致灾难性的后果。 Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous consequences. 6. 不必为后果忧虑不安。 Don"t be uneasy about the consequence. 严重性: ponderance 例句与用法: 1. 我们十分明白形势的严重性。 We are fully aware of the gravity of the situation. 问题九:导致 用英语怎么说 导致 to lead to; to bring about (or on); to result in; to cause; to spark off; to conduce to; to procure; 哗o induce; to generate2023-07-12 21:10:361
add more burden to economy2023-07-12 21:10:454
sb can/can"t afford sth sb can/can"t afford to do sth中的afford是负担得起的意思2023-07-12 21:11:041
students"homeworkburdenalthoughiamaprimaryschoolstudent,iamtiredofdoinghomework.thereistoomuchhomework.inschool,excepthavingclasses,ispendmostofthetimedoinghomework.afterschool,istillneedtofinishalotofhomework.ifidon"tcomplete,ihavetobecriticizedbyteachers.ihavelittle甫缉颠垦郯旧奠驯订沫toplay.idon"tlikesuchkindoflife.iwantahappychildhood.2023-07-12 21:11:101
Reduce the burden of the students and teachers2023-07-12 21:11:193
reducetheburdenonstudents2023-07-12 21:11:282
I is a burden?2023-07-12 21:11:352
英文单词:Mental stress, psychological burden2023-07-12 21:11:441
students"homeworkburdenalthoughiamaprimaryschoolstudent,iamtiredofdoinghomework.thereistoomuchhomework.inschool,excepthavingclasses,ispendmostofthetimedoinghomework.afterschool,istillneedtofinishalotofhomework.ifidon"tcomplete,ihavetobecriticizedbyteachers.ihavelittle甫缉颠垦郯旧奠驯订沫toplay.idon"tlikesuchkindoflife.iwantahappychildhood.2023-07-12 21:11:531
increase the burden of parents2023-07-12 21:12:033
Sweet Burden~~~~~><2023-07-12 21:12:131
学业负担很重 英语怎么说
a heavy burden of learning2023-07-12 21:12:221