3、新闻要素:时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过、结果。即五个“W”和一个“H” 即Who(何人) 、What(何事) 、When(何时)、Where(何地) 、Why(何因)、How(如何)。
新闻六要素(也就是记叙要素):时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过、结果。即五个“W”和一个“H” 即Who(何人) 、What(何事) 、When(何时)、Where(何地) 、Why(何因)、How(如何)。
新闻,又称“消息”,通常分为动态新闻、综合新闻、典型报道和新闻述评四类。其中动态新闻是报纸、广播最常用的一种。它报道的是国内外最新发生的重大事件或新气象、新成就。 每则新闻在结构上,一般包括标题、导语、主体、结语和背景五部分。前三者是主要部分,后二者是辅助部分。标题一般包括引题、正题、副题;导语,一般指“电头”后的第一句或第一段文字,用来提示消息的重要事实,使读者一目了然;主体,随导语之后,是消息的主干,是集中叙述事件、阐发问题和表明观点的中心部分,是全篇新闻的关键所在;结语,一般指消息的最后一句或一段话,是消息的结尾,它依内容的需要,可有可无;背景,是事物的历史状况或存在的环境、条件,是消息的从属部分,常插在主体部分,也插在“导语”或“结语”之中。 新闻的特点:立场、观点鲜明,内容真实、具体,反应迅速,语言简明准确。概括的说,即三性:及时性、准确性、真实性。 新闻的写法:主要是叙述,有时兼有议论、描写。2023-07-12 19:51:012
有个填空题。。:新闻又称----- ,它-----、------地报导国内外新近发生的具有社会价值的事实。
新闻又称消息 ,它及时、准确地报导国内外新近发生的具有社会价值的事实。一篇新闻稿主要包括标题、导语和主体三个部分。从表达方式上看,它以记叙为主,也可以适当穿插议论。你是初一的吧是不是新闻两则里的2023-07-12 19:51:114
新闻:并行不悖的两种新闻定义)新闻是新近发生事实的报道;新闻是新近事实变动的信息。这两个定义对于新闻互为表里,在不同场合有各自不同的内涵和功能。2023-07-12 19:51:352
分类1.按事实发生状态分:突发性新闻、持续性新闻、周期性新闻;2.按事实发生与报道的时间差距分:事件性新闻与非事件性新闻;3.按新闻发生的地区与影响范围分:国际性新闻、国内性新闻、地方性新闻;4.按新闻事实的材料组合分:典型新闻、综合新闻、系列新闻;5.按传播渠道与信息载体分:文字新闻、图片新闻、电声新闻、音像新闻;6.按反映社会生活的内容分:政治新闻、经济新闻、法律新闻、军事新闻、科技新闻、文教新闻、体育新闻、社会新闻等。扩展资料:新闻要素从表达方式上看,新闻以记叙为主,十分讲究真实性。新闻六要素(也就是记叙要素):时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过、结果。即五个“W”和一个“H” 即Who(何人) 、What(何事) 、When(何时)、Where(何地) 、Why(何因)、How(如何)。一篇新闻报道,无论是消息还是通讯、特写,一般都包含这6个因素。“麻雀虽小,五脏俱全”,比如下面这条新闻,六要素交代得非常清楚。“经过多年艰苦训练,中国运动员刘翔终于在2004年8月27日,雅典奥运会上获得男子110米栏冠军,被媒体称为‘亚洲飞人"。”参考资料来源:百度百科-新闻2023-07-12 19:52:051
新闻又叫个消息,甚至对新近发生的事实的报道。2023-07-12 19:52:252
新近听来的事。社会上新近发生的事情;宋时指有别于正式朝报的小报。2023-07-12 19:53:0612
条块式新闻报道又称为综合新闻。综合新闻是把发生在不同地点、不同单位、各具特色、性质相同的事实综合在一起,并体现一个主题的报道。特点是在综合、概括事实的基础上,进行分析,提出见解,揭示规律。2023-07-12 19:53:571
新闻 的同义词
消息;报导,讯息,信息 报道2023-07-12 19:54:062
经典定义:新闻发生的事实的报道。2023-07-12 19:54:442
现实生活中使用与流行的“新闻”一词,其含义很多,内容很不确定。概括起来,主要有以下四种情况。第一种是泛指社会上普遍存在的一切新闻事物、现象。这是一种对“新闻”的广义的理解。第二种是指与新闻传媒的传播活动相关联的事物、现象。这是一种对“新闻”的广义的理解。第三种是专指新闻媒体对新闻事实、实践的报道这种想象和行为本身。这是对“新闻”的一种狭义的理解。第四种是特指新闻媒体上所报道的那些属于消息类体裁的东西。这种“新闻”实际上指的就是消息。这是对“新闻”的一种最狭义的理解。现实生活中人们对“新闻”的这些认识和解释虽然还不是新闻的定义,但它们对确定新闻的定义却有重要的意义。因为实际上,很多新闻定义是人们对现实生活中存在的各种新闻事物、现象的认识和解释、总结与概括。我们从国内外较为流行的一些新闻定义中可以看到,其实这些定义中对新闻的概括和界定也是有广义和狭义之分的。1.新闻是新近发生的,能引人兴味的事实。(美国:布莱尔)2.新闻者,最近时间内所发生,认识一切关系人生兴味,实益之事物现象也。(中国:邵飘萍)这两个新闻定义就是把社会上普遍存在的新闻事物、现象作为新闻的解释和界定,它们属于广义的新闻定义。3.新闻是最近报道的事情。(美国:莫特)4.新闻是报道或评述最新的重要事实以影响舆论的特殊手段。(中国:甘惜分)这两个新闻定义是把与新闻传媒的传播活动相关联的事物、现象作为对新闻的解释和界定,它们属于次广义的新闻定义。5.新闻是已经发生和正在发生的事情的报道。(美国:约斯特)6.新闻是新近发生的事实的报道。(中国:陆定一)这两个新闻定义是把“新闻”划定在新闻媒体报道新闻事实、实践这种现象和行为本身的范围内,它们属于狭义的新闻定义。 狭义新闻专指“消息”,指对国内外新近发生的具有一定社会价值的人和事实的简要而迅速的报道。新闻种类较多,有动态消息、评论消息、社会新闻、文教新闻、国际新闻等。广义的新闻指及时报道新近发生的重要事件或生活现象的各种文章,包括消息、通讯,和兼有新闻、文学双重特征的报告文学。2023-07-12 19:54:532
古汉语中,系是通是的,如古本史记中的世家就写成系家。现在很多人卖弄文学,故弄玄虚,把“可能”二字非要写成“或”字不可,显示他有学问。新闻,也叫消息,是指通过报纸、电台、广播、电视台等媒体途径所传播信息的一种称谓。是记录社会、传播信息、反映时代的一种文体。新闻概念有广义与狭义之分,就其广义而言,除了发表于报刊、广播、互联网、电视上的评论与专文外的常用文本都属于新闻之列,包括消息、通讯、特写、速写(有的将速写纳入特写之列)等等。倒金字塔式这种写作方式是媒体常用的写作方式。这种模式将新闻中最重要的消息写在第一段,或是以新闻提要的方式呈现新闻的最前端,有助于受众快速了解新闻重点。由于该模式迎合了受众的接受心理,所以成为媒体应用最为普遍的形式。2023-07-12 19:55:261
河北省迁安市,有几个造纸厂,电话多少2023-07-12 19:55:568
新闻体裁的分类:a消息b通讯c特写*关于每个分类的具体内容1)消息的概念和特点消息——只报道事情的概貌而不讲述详细的经过和细节,以简要的语言文字迅速传播新近事实的新闻体裁,也是最广泛、最经常采用的新闻基本体裁。消息的特点:a.篇幅较短,内容简明扼要,文字干净利落;b.常有一段导语,开门见山,吸引读者;c.通常一事一报,讲究用事实说话;d.更注重时效,报道快速及时;e.基本表达方法是叙述2)通讯的概念和特点通讯——也是一种常用的新闻体裁,是对新闻事件、人物和各种见闻的比较详尽而生动的报道。不及交代什么事,而且交代事情的来龙去脉,以及情节、细节和有关环境气氛。通讯的特点:a.容量大,范围广,取材全面;b.讲究结构变化,展开情切,情景交融;c.表现手法多样,结合叙述,兼以描写、说明、抒情或议论,富有感情色彩或理论色彩;d.比消息的篇幅长,时效性要求较宽松3)特写的概念和特点:新闻特写——截取新闻事实的横断面,即抓住富有典型意义的某个空间和时间,通过一个片断、一个场面、一个镜头、对事件或人物、景物做出形象化的报道的一种有现场感的生动活泼的新闻体裁。特写的特点:a.内容集中在一点,着力于细节描写;b.现场感强烈,注重记者的直观反映;c.有较强烈的文学色彩,形象化的刻画人物或事物2 通讯的种类(1)按内容分,通讯一般分为人物通讯、事件通讯、概貌通讯、工作通讯。(2)按形式分,通讯分为一般记事通讯、访问记(专访、人物专访)、小故事、集纳、巡礼、纪实、见闻、特写、速写、侧记、散记、采访札记。消息与通讯的异同发表于 2009-10-16 23:03:21 引用 1 楼 消息和通讯都属于新闻体裁。消息又称新闻。它们都需要用事实来说话,都需及时报道最近发生的有社会价值的事实。但就时效性而言,消息比通讯报道得更迅速;就内容而言,则通讯比消息报道的内容详尽、具体、形象。 ...-消息和通讯都属于新闻体裁。消息又称新闻。它们都需要用事实来说话,都需及时报道最近发生的有社会价值的事实。但就时效性而言,消息比通讯报道得更迅速;就内容而言,则通讯比消息报道的内容详尽、具体、形象。新闻与报告文学新闻具有及时性和真实性的特点,它以消息、通讯、特写等样式,想我们提供各方面最新的资讯。报告文学脱胎于新闻,强调真实,但又不同于新闻,作者可以对所涉及的事件和人物进行合理的艺术加工,也可以充分表达自己的思想感情。2023-07-12 19:57:271
第四回 官封弼马心何足 名注齐天意未宁 第五回 乱蟠桃大圣偷丹 反天宫诸神捉怪 第六回 观音赴会问原因 小圣施威降大圣2023-07-12 19:57:367
在新闻中,消息,也叫新闻新闻,是指报纸、电台、电视台经常使用的记录社会、传播信息、反映时代的一种文体。它的种类很多.1内容真实,事实准确,2内容新鲜,有价值。3简短是消息区别于其他文体的主要标志。所谓简短,就是“三言两语,记清事实,寥寥数笔,显出精神,概括而不流于抽象,简短而不陷于疏漏”,用笔要简洁利落,内容集中精炼。 主体是消息的主要部分。它承接导语,阐述导语所揭示的主题,或回答导语中提出的问题,对消息事实作具体的叙述与展开。写主体要注意如下几点: 主干突出。消息的主体是主干,典型材料要用在主干上。要去头绪,减枝蔓,与主题无关的要舍弃,次要材料要简略。 内容充实。回答导语中提出的问题,其内容必须具体、充实,这样才有说服力。导语提出什么问题,主体就要回答什么问题,这样才能紧扣中心,突出重点。 结构严谨,层次分明。要恰当地划分段落,有条不紊地展开叙述,安排层次有以下几种顺序:一是时间顺序,按事情的发生、发展、结束的先后顺序安排层次;二是逻辑顺序,就是根据事物的内在联系来安排层次;三是时间顺序和逻辑顺序相结合,这样写严密而有条理,活泼而不紊乱。2023-07-12 19:58:121
新闻体裁的分类:a消息b通讯c特写*关于每个分类的具体内容1)消息的概念和特点消息——只报道事情的概貌而不讲述详细的经过和细节,以简要的语言文字迅速传播新近事实的新闻体裁,也是最广泛、最经常采用的新闻基本体裁。消息的特点:a.篇幅较短,内容简明扼要,文字干净利落;b.常有一段导语,开门见山,吸引读者;c.通常一事一报,讲究用事实说话;d.更注重时效,报道快速及时;e.基本表达方法是叙述2)通讯的概念和特点通讯——也是一种常用的新闻体裁,是对新闻事件、人物和各种见闻的比较详尽而生动的报道。不及交代什么事,而且交代事情的来龙去脉,以及情节、细节和有关环境气氛。通讯的特点:a.容量大,范围广,取材全面;b.讲究结构变化,展开情切,情景交融;c.表现手法多样,结合叙述,兼以描写、说明、抒情或议论,富有感情色彩或理论色彩;d.比消息的篇幅长,时效性要求较宽松3)特写的概念和特点:新闻特写——截取新闻事实的横断面,即抓住富有典型意义的某个空间和时间,通过一个片断、一个场面、一个镜头、对事件或人物、景物做出形象化的报道的一种有现场感的生动活泼的新闻体裁。特写的特点:a.内容集中在一点,着力于细节描写;b.现场感强烈,注重记者的直观反映;c.有较强烈的文学色彩,形象化的刻画人物或事物2 通讯的种类(1)按内容分,通讯一般分为人物通讯、事件通讯、概貌通讯、工作通讯。(2)按形式分,通讯分为一般记事通讯、访问记(专访、人物专访)、小故事、集纳、巡礼、纪实、见闻、特写、速写、侧记、散记、采访札记。消息与通讯的异同发表于 2009-10-16 23:03:21 引用 1 楼 消息和通讯都属于新闻体裁。消息又称新闻。它们都需要用事实来说话,都需及时报道最近发生的有社会价值的事实。但就时效性而言,消息比通讯报道得更迅速;就内容而言,则通讯比消息报道的内容详尽、具体、形象。 ...-消息和通讯都属于新闻体裁。消息又称新闻。它们都需要用事实来说话,都需及时报道最近发生的有社会价值的事实。但就时效性而言,消息比通讯报道得更迅速;就内容而言,则通讯比消息报道的内容详尽、具体、形象。新闻与报告文学新闻具有及时性和真实性的特点,它以消息、通讯、特写等样式,想我们提供各方面最新的资讯。报告文学脱胎于新闻,强调真实,但又不同于新闻,作者可以对所涉及的事件和人物进行合理的艺术加工,也可以充分表达自己的思想感情。2023-07-12 19:58:201
消息2023-07-12 19:58:314
每次qq谈出的新闻小框框 就是这个新闻的摘要2023-07-12 19:58:535
新闻,是指报纸、电台、电视台经常使用的记录社会、传播信息、反映时代的一种文体。它的种类很多,这里只介绍使用频率最高的消息和通讯。消息,也叫新闻。新闻这一概念有狭义和广义之分。狭义的单指消息;广义的指消息、通讯、报告文学、特写、评论等等。消息是用概括的叙述方式,比较简明扼要的文字,迅速及时地报道国内外新近发生的、有价值的、群众最关心的事实。下面就为大家介绍新闻稿报道的写法及格式范文。 一、消息特点: 内容真实,事实准确。真实是消息的生命,是力量的所在。事实是它的本源,也是它令人信服的基础。真实,就是事实真实,所写的人物、时间、地点、事情发生发展的经过不能虚构。准确,就是每个事实,包括细节在内都准确无误。如果一条消息失真或有差误,不仅会减低其新闻价值,失信于民,而且还会损害党和人民的事业。 内容新鲜,有价值。新闻贵在新,而且有认识意义、启迪和指导意义。消息只有新,才能引起读者的注意,先睹为快。新,不仅要把新人物、新事件、新经验报道给读者。而且要选择有意义、有价值,给人以启迪,有指导性的事物。那种一味追求猎奇的“狗咬人不是新闻,人咬狗才是新闻”的观点,是我们所不取的。 要迅速及时,有时效性。迅速是消息的价值,消息报道速度迟缓便会降低消息的价值,“新闻”变成了“旧闻”。时效,就是速度要快,内容要新。对新人、新事、新情况、新问题,要敏锐地发现,尽快地了解,迅速及时地反映。 简明扼要,篇幅短小。简短是消息区别于其他文体的主要标志。所谓简短,就是“三言两语,记清事实,寥寥数笔,显出精神,概括而不流于抽象,简短而不陷于疏漏”,用笔要简洁利落,内容集中精炼。 二、消息的种类 (一般把消息概括为四类): 1.动态消息 动态消息是迅速而准确地报道新近发生的国际、国内重大事件、重要的活动和各项建设中最新出现的新情况、新动态、新成就、新问题的一种文体。它是报纸上使用最多的一类。 重大新闻的简讯都属于动态消息。重大新闻,指事件重大,一意义深远,报道时在报纸上占显著位置的消息。如《我国多种应用卫星齐头发》(光明日报) 1993年5月13日)。简讯内容第一,篇幅简短。如“国际要闻简报”、“学术动态”、“市场漫步”等。 2.典型消息 典型消息也叫经验消息,它是对一些具体部门、单位、行业的典型经验、成功做法集中报道的一种文体。这种消息是在介绍经验、做法之后,总结经验,揭示规律,以达到以点带面,推动工作的目的。如《一切依靠群众自己的创造——首钢十年改革的一条基本经验》(《人民日报》)1988年12月26日)。 3.综合消息 综合消息是把发生在不同地点、不同单位、各具特色、性质相同的事实综合在一起,并体现一个主题的报道。它的特点是在综合、概括事实的基础上,进行分析,提出见解,揭示规律。如《滥砍树木南亚三国水灾仍频,亡羊补牢印北方帮助员植树》(《光明日报》1993年7月25日)。 4.述评消息 又称“记者述评”、“新闻述评”。是一种兼有消息与评论作用的新闻。它是在陈述事实的基础上,穿插评论或抒发感慨,从而分析说明所报道事实的本质和意义。它的特点是边叙边评,要求以国家的方针政策为依据,针对事实进行评说,要观点正确,评论得当。如《分清主流与支流,莫把“开头”当“过头”》(《辽宁日报》 1979年5月)。 三、消息的写法: 1.标题 消息的标题,分眉题(又称引题、肩题)、正题(又称主题、母题)和副题(又称辅题、子题)。出现在报刊上有如下几种情况: (1)多行标题 。多行标题,一般有三行,即中间一行是正题,是标题的核心,用来揭示主题或提示重要事实;正题上面一行是眉题,用来引出正题,说明事实,交代背景,烘托气氛,揭示含义;正题的下面一行是副标题,用来补充说明情况或说明正题或依据。如: 经贸部负责人发表谈话(眉题) 希望海峡两岸实现直接贸易(正题) 愿与台经贸主管部门接触协商解决双方贸易中问题幅题) 双行标题。其一,出现正题和眉题。如: 真正幸福要靠自己劳动去创造(眉题) 杜芸芸将十万元遗产献国家(正题)。 其二,出现正题和副题。如: 成都电讯局花钱“买”批评(正题) 在报上登“公告”欢迎群众对通讯服务工作进行监督(副题) (2)单行标题。 单行标题只有正题。如: ***接受《朝日新闻》社长采访 消息的标题,力求言简意明,平易亲切,准确新颖,富有吸引力。采用哪种标题,要酌情而定。 2.导语 消息的导语,就是消息的第一段或第一句话。它是由消息中最新鲜、最主要的事实或精辟的议论组成,以吸引读者。平常所说的消息的结构是“倒金字塔”式,原因就在于此。 导语常采用以下几种写法: 叙述式。 简明扼要地写出主要事实、经验,或对全篇事实材料进行综合概括,揭示主要内容。如:“全国第一家由个体户与港商合资经营的企业——大连光彩实业(合资)有限公司,经国务院批准,1985年4月13日正式开业。”这是《经济日报》1985年4月18日发的消息导语。 提问式。 把消息中要解决的问题或要介绍的经验、做法以设问的形式提出,然后再用事实作答。如“亲爱的读者,你知道灯心绒可以做夏天穿的裙子吗?上海绒布厂新生产的许多灯芯绒中,就有这样新奇的品种”。(新华社1980年7月16日新闻稿) 描写式 。对富有特色的事实或有意义的一个侧面,用简练的笔墨进行形象描绘,给读者以鲜明的印象。如“一盆盆翠绿欲滴的麦冬、松柏、万年青和盛开的鲜花装点在人民大会堂的大厅里,全国妇联今天下午在这里举行联欢会。中外妇女1500多人欢聚一堂。相互握手问好,亲切交谈,共同庆祝u2018三八u2019妇女劳动节”。(新华社北京1988年3月8日电) 评论式。 是对所报道的事实先作出评论性结论,然后再用具体事实来阐明。如“今天,新中国颁布的第一部专利法正式生效了。从此,脑力劳动成果被无偿占用的历史在我国宣告结束”。(新华社北京1985年4月1日电) 引用式 。引用消息中人物深刻而富有意义的语言作为导语。如“女青年杜芸芸到上海司法机关,要求将继承的十余万元遗产捐献给国家,她说:u2018我还年轻,应该靠自己的劳动来生活,我愿意将这笔钱来支援国家的四化建设u2019”。(《文汇报》1981年9月29日) 3.主体 主体是消息的主要部分。它承接导语,阐述导语所揭示的主题,或回答导语中提出的问题,对消息事实作具体的叙述与展开。写主体要注意如下几点: 主干突出。消息的主体是主干,典型材料要用在主干上。要去头绪,减枝蔓,与主题无关的要舍弃,次要材料要简略。 内容充实。回答导语中提出的问题,其内容必须具体、充实,这样才有说服力。导语提出什么问题,主体就要回答什么问题,这样才能紧扣中心,突出重点。 结构严谨,层次分明。要恰当地划分段落,有条不紊地展开叙述,安排层次有以下几种顺序:一是时间顺序,按事情的发生、发展、结束的先后顺序安排层次;二是逻辑顺序,就是根据事物的内在联系来安排层次;三是时间顺序和逻辑顺序相结合,这样写严密而有条理,活泼而不紊乱。 4.背景 背景是指事件发生的历史环境和原因,它说明事件发生的具体条件、性质和意义,是为充实内容,烘托和突出主题服务的背景既可在主体部分出现,也可在导语或结尾部分出现,位置不固定。 背景材料一般有三类:一是对比材料,即对事物进行前后、正反的比较对照,以突出事件的重要性;二是说明性材料,即介绍政治背景、地理位置、历史演变、生产面貌、物质条件等;三是诠释性材料,即人物生平的说明,专业术语的介绍,历史典故的解释等,以帮助读者理解消息的内容。 5.结语 结语是消息的最后一段或一句话。阐明消息所述事实的意义,使读者对消息的理解、感受加深,从中得到更多的启示。 消息的结尾方式有小结式、评论式、希望式等。有的消息,事实写完,文章就止住了,结尾就在事实之中。 新闻稿报道格式范文 (本报曼谷9月3日电)9月2日,泰国总理阿披实在曼谷接受中泰记者联合采访时表示,希望进一步密切泰中友好合作,特别是加强两国在基础设施建设方面的合作。 阿披实表示,他将于本月4日至5日前往中国上海访问,参观世博会是他此行的主要目的。泰国民众对于能够参与世博会抱有非常高的热情和兴趣,同时自己也很高兴看到泰国馆受到观众欢迎和喜爱,希望通过泰国馆展示泰中两国政府以及人民之间的友好情谊。 阿披实表示,泰国政府已决定申办2020年世博会,他将利用此次机会对上海进行实地考察,并向中方学习成功的经验,泰国希望能够利用这10年时间成为一个合格的东道国。 阿披实还介绍了当前泰国国内政治和经济形势。他说,在经历了全球金融危机之后,泰国经济目前发展状况良好,而且泰国总体局势已经得到了控制和缓解。阿披实说:“我相信随着局势的进一步缓解和稳定,泰国旅游业会尽快复苏。虽然近期发生了一些暴力恐吓事件,但是泰国政府会对此做更进一步的追查和监控,相信不会对旅游业造成太大影响。”阿披实真诚地向中国游客发出邀请,并希望中国游客的到来能够刺激泰国经济的增长。2023-07-12 19:59:271
1. 新闻:报道社会、政治、文化、经济、科技等领域的事件和事情,旨在向公众传递信息和启蒙、引导社会舆论。2. 报道:对事实进行采集、整理、加工、编纂并介绍出来,以提供给读者、听众、观众等受众。3. 编辑:负责新闻的内容、形式、结构、和风格的完善和规范,保证新闻质量。4. 采访:通过与新闻事件相关人物或相关人员的交流,收集相关信息和素材,以便进行新闻报道。5. 媒体:传播新闻信息的渠道,如电视、广播、报纸、杂志、网络等。6. 社交媒体:互联网上基于用户生成内容和社交关系而形成的各种社会化网络平台,如微博、微信、知乎、贴吧等。7. 纪录片:一种通过影像记录现实生活的电影或电视节目,通常采用真实的故事情节、真实的人物和真实的景观。8. 新闻素材:包括新闻事件、新闻现场采访记录、新闻图片、新闻文献等,是新闻报道的基础和来源。9. 摄影师:负责通过照相机捕捉新闻事件发生现场的图像,并将其用于新闻报道。10. 资深记者:在新闻业从事多年的经验丰富的新闻工作者,拥有广泛的信息渠道和丰富的资源,是新闻报道中的重要力量。2023-07-12 19:59:352
消息又称( ),它是用( )说话,及时报道国内外最新发生的有( )的事实
新闻。事实。真实。2023-07-12 19:59:454
1、相同点:都有真实性和时效性要求。2、不同点:从内容上看,消息内容广泛,但只是高度概括的报道,不求细节反映,通讯报道的是有影响有特点的人和事,可以搜集材料,选择更典型的事例,全面深人报道事物的来龙去脉。简介:1、新闻,也叫消息,是指报纸、电台、电视台、互联网经常使用的记录社会、传播信息、反映时代的一种文体,具有真实性、时效性、简洁性、可读性、准确性的特点。新闻概念有广义与狭义之分。2、通讯是报刊宣传的基本题材之一,具有内容真实详细具体、形式自由灵活、表达方式多样、语言生动形象等特点。通讯的类型有:人物通讯、事件通讯、工作通讯、概貌通讯、新闻故事、文艺通讯、主题通讯、旅游通讯;最常见的是:人物通讯和事件通讯。它是应用写作研究的重要文体之一。3、消息(英语:Message),指报道事情的概貌而不讲述详细的经过和细节,以简要的语言文字迅速传播新近事实的新闻体裁,也是最广泛、最经常采用的新闻基本体裁。2023-07-12 19:59:564
新闻一般由标题、导语、主体、背景和结尾组成。但不是每篇新闻都具有这 5个部分,有的新闻就没有导语和背景。常见的几种新闻结构是: ①倒金字塔式结构。把最重要的内容放在新闻的最前面,随后按重要性依次排列其他内容。它的优点是能迅速地把最新鲜、最重要的事实, 开门见山地告诉读者,使读者一目了然,节省读报时间。 ②金字塔式结构。又称“逆转倒金字塔式”。把最重要、最精彩的内容放在后面, 按时间顺序,依次叙述。 ③菱形式结构。这是一种“两头小、中间大”的结构。因新闻的主要内容比较复杂,导语中容纳不下,也不能概括表达,适于在主体中分段叙述。 ④车辐式结构。以一个中心事件或事物为纲,其他事实象车辐一样辐射出去。宜于报道比较散的事件。 ⑤并列式结构。把众多主要事实并列叙述。适合报道事实各部分的重要性相等或相似的新闻,多见于公报式新闻。2023-07-12 20:00:202
问题一:各个频道的新闻名称分别是什么? 为什么问这个呢。。 我告诉一个我们省级新闻频道的名称吧 《现场》《第一现场》《新闻追追追》《2100新晚报》《新闻午报》《看东岸》《新闻早报》《新闻进行时》《娱乐新闻网》《F4大搜索》《环球报道》 问题二:新闻节目的名字是什么 《朝闻天下》 问题三:三分钟的一个新闻取什么名字好 三分天下 问题四:新闻的另一个名字叫什么? 又叫消息 问题五:《新闻联播》原来的名字叫什么? 1958年9月2日,北京电视台《电视新闻》开播(是《新闻联播》的前身)。 1960年开始,北京电视台有了固定的《电视新闻》栏目,作为每天晚上同观众见面的第一个节目。每次播出四五条,约10分钟。 1976年7月1日,《全国电视台新闻节目联播》开始试办。 1978年1月1日,《新闻联播》正式开播,在没有电子录像设备的情况下,创办之初的《新闻联播》以直播形式播出,播出时间固定为19时至19时20分。 1978年1月1日,《新闻联播》正式开播,至今未发生过变换。 问题六:这新闻主播叫什么名? 哈哈哈,你想上她啊,其实我也想 问题七:用一个人的名字做新闻图片的那是什么软件 用iSee图片专家就可以做到。方法是在新闻图片上加上文字即可。如图: 问题八:世界十大新闻社是什么 世界十一大通讯社 1、合众国际社(United Press International,UPI):美国第二大通讯社,国际性通讯社之一。外文简称UPI。1958年5月由合众社与国际新闻社合并而成。总社在华盛顿。合众社创办于1907年,国际新闻社成立于1909年。第二次世界大战后,两社均发展成为国际性通讯社。两社合并后,受斯克里普斯-霍华德报业集团控制。70年代以后,由于管理不善,经济上长期亏损,所有权几度易主。1982年6月,该社转归新闻传播公司。1985年5 月申请破产,11月出售给墨西哥报业主M.V.拉纳。1987年全社有记者、编辑1200人,其中在国外200人。用英文、西班牙文发稿。全世界有订户约5000家。1988年2月该社被世界新闻电信集团公司接管。1991年8月再度申请破产,并大量削减雇员和关闭部分分社。1992年6月被设在伦敦的中东广播中心公司买下。 2、路透社(Reuters):路透社是世界四大通讯社之一,也是英国创办最早的通讯社。1850年由保罗u30fb朱利叶斯u30fb路透 (paul julius reuter)在德国亚琛创办,1851年迁址到伦敦。创办人路透原为德国人,后加入英国籍。1865年,路透把他的私人通讯社扩展成为一家大公司。 路透社是路透集团的一部分,业务占路透集团的5%,(该集团资料详见企业库专条)。它素以快速的新闻报道被世界各地报刊广为采用而闻名于世。其股权属于代表伦敦出版的全国性报纸的报业主联合会 (the newspaper publishers association),代表郡级报纸的报联社(pressassociation)、澳大利亚报联社(australian associatedpress) 和新西兰报联社 (new zealand press association)。这四家股东都有代表参加路透社董事会,它们之间有一项确保路透社在新闻报道中所谓“独立性”和“正直性”的“托拉斯协议”。 路透社董事会由1名董事长、3名常务董事 (executive directors )和8名董事(non-executive directors) 组成。董事会每半年召开一次会议,由董事轮流主持会议,讨论财政和经营管理方面的问题。日常行政工作由执委会(或称经理部,executive mittee)负责。执委会由总经理、两名副总经理、两名助理副总经理和总编辑6人组成。总经理由董事会任命,新闻业务工作由总编辑主持。 路透社名义上是私人企业主所有,实际上受 *** 控制,是英国的官方喉舌。路透社新闻报道的主要对象是国外,它的国际新闻紧密配合英国 *** 的外交活动,它对体育新闻也很重视。该社的经济新闻主要是商情报告,为英国和西方大企业服务。 至1980年,共有雇员2595人,其中国内有1000多人。在雇员中,有532名记者,551名技术人员。它在国外共有122个分社,分布在75个国家和地区,派出的常驻记者约370名。在未建分社的地方,路透社雇用了1000多名当地人作为它的 *** 记者或报道员。它自己的分社和 *** 记者发稿点加起来共有183处。它还同120多个国家或私人的通讯社建立了业务联系,以扩大它的消息来源。它同约1500家外国报纸有供稿联系。路透社每天发稿约70万字。除一般新闻外,经济新闻和体育消息占很大比重。每天24小时,通过电子计算机控制以电视、电传和油印稿形式,向世界名地的银行、经纪人和工商企业提供经济、金融情报。路透经济新闻 (reuters economic services)在世界上享有一定地位。在它的总收入中,85%来自出售的经......>> 问题九:腾讯新闻新闻哥的配图叫什么名字 拍照拼星星 问题十:网易的全称叫什么,就是那个163邮箱的?看有什么新闻啊,邮箱啊,可是只知道网易两个字,其他不知道。 网易就是个网站,就像新浪,百度一样,你百度搜索网易,第一个就是网易的网站,进去上边就有各种分类,新闻,财经,科技,邮箱等等...2023-07-12 20:00:271
河北邯郸市曲周县四疃乡西流上寨村民王廷华申请纪委下来调查来,宅基纠纷1995年到2019年机关部门没有人给你处理问题挂羊头卖狗肉。2023-07-12 20:00:381
·答:玻璃的密度不是固定值,一般为2500kg/m3~3000kg/m3左右;铅的密度为11200kg/m3;水银的密度是13600kg/m32023-07-12 19:52:561
GRE类比分类大全(3) 19.词与词的正/反面关系 (1)两个形容词的反面关系,如:invincible和subdued,impervious和damaged,wary和gulled,untenable和defended,invulnerable和injured,inscrutable和understood,incorrigible和reformed. (2)两个形容词的同义关系,如:martial和military,mysterious和runic,aphoristic和terse,hyperbolic和exaggerated. (3)形容词和名词的正/反面关系,此时可加入一个人或物把两者连接起来,即具备了这一形容词所修饰的特点的人或物与另一名词的关系。正面如:headstrong和willfulness,fawning和subservience,lavish和extravagance,generous和liberality,endemic利region,inborn和individua1,pertinent和relevance,redundant和superfluity,chary和caution,imperturbable和composure,despotic和tyranny.反面如:audacious和trepidation,laconic和vo1ubility,exorbitant和moderation,i11usory和reality,perfidious和loyalty,offensive和tact,paradigmatic和anomaly,superfluous和terseness,1egitimated和claim,confirmed和hypothesis,maladroit和skil1,glib和profundity,bound1ess和limit,impeccable和flaw,specious和genuineness,truculent和gentleness,unregenerate和remorse,frank和secretiveness,callow和maturity. (4)形容词与动同的正/反面关系 正面如:simultaneous和coincide,1avish和squander,didactic和instruct,comic和amuse,indistinct和mutter,rnonotonous和drone,contiguous和abut. 反面如:reticent和speak,parsimonious和spend,flip和respect,foo1proof和fai1,airtight和leak,fearless和daunt,articulate和unclear,elaborate和sketchy,nonchalant和concern,taciturn和chatter,magnanimous和begrudge. (5)副词和名词的反面关系 如:indolent1y和veneration,perfunctorily和inspiration. (6)动词的反面关系 如:waft和plummet,meander和dash,disperse和reconvene,dismiss和reinstate (7)副词对动词的正面修饰 如:articu1ate和clearly,shout和loudly. (8)同义词的褒贬类比 如:interest和inveig1e,p1an和scheme. 20.人和其经常使用的工具的关系 如果一道题中有几个选项都具备这种关系的话,就需考虑具体工具自身的性质、用途等特点的上下对照。 如:carpenter和saw,surgeon和scalpel,tailor和scissors,bricklayer和trowel,astronomer和telescope,butcher和knife,referee和whistle,judge和gavel. 21.文体及其作用的关系 如:panegyric和eulogize,1ampoon和satirize,tirade和criticize,hymn和praise,dirge和grief,eulogy和admiration,elegy和sorrow/1ament,autobiography和reminisce,anecdote和amusement,1ecture和instruction. 22.违反关系 一个单词所表示的行为违反了另一单词所表示的规定。如:overdose和prescription,indiscretion和convention,transgression和morality,presumption和propriety. 23.组合工具关系 如hammer和anvil,pestle和mortar,bit和dril1,blade和razor. 24.物与物的关系 (1)物与其皮的关系。如:apple和skin,melon和rind,conifer和back,pecan和shell,wheat和chaff,mammal和epidermis,seed和hull,cell和membrane. (2)同类物质大小关系(与名词程度类比第一种同) (3)物质及其碎屑的关系。如:crumb和bread,shard和pottery,shaving/splinter和wood,filing和rneta1,fragment和bone. (4)种属关系(与9重) (5)阻断关系。如:tourniquet和b1ood,dam和water. (6)盛放关系。如:envelope和letter,crate和produce,1arder和food,armory和munitions,hamper和laundry,bookcase和books,wardrobe和c1othes. (7)消除关系。如:antidote和poison,tonic和lethargy. (8)支撑关系。如:strut和wing,buttress和wal1,bone和body,guy和py1on,framing和building,girder和skyscraper,skeleton和anima1. (9)前是后者中的异常部位。如:p1aque和artery,si1t和channe1,g1ade和forest,oasis和desert. (10)稳固关系。如:pe1destal和statue,foundation和house. (11)防止关系。如:amu1et和evi1,he1met和injury,1aw和crimina1ity,lesson和fa1sehood. (12)边缘关系。如:margin和page,outskirts和town,f1ange和whee1,shoulder和roadway. (13)遮蔽关系。如:tablecloth和table,sheet和mattress,veil和face,curtain和stage,muff1er和neck,mitten和hand,mask和face,pseudonym和name. (14)位置关系。如:palate和mouth,ceiling和room. (15)场所关系,此项须区分被加工物是原料还是成品。如:mill和grain,forge和meta1,concert和symphony,exhibition和painting,host和parasite,medium和bacterium. “ (16)老式和新式关系。如:daguerreotype和photograph,musket和firearm. (17)新与老的关系。如:cookie和professiona1,recruit和cookie. (18)防止关系。如:raincoat和rain,insurance和1oss,antibiotic和infection,coagulant和b1eeding. 与动作及其防止对象的关系区分,如:disguise和identification,lubricate和abrasion,camouflage和detection. (19)长短关系。如:ditty和oratorio,anecdote和nove1,skit和play. (20)前是后的依据。如:script和play,score和symphony. (21)前是后的一种规范。如:grammar和language,protocol和conduct. (22)装饰关系。如:frieze和building,i11umination和manuscript,molding和cabinet,rutt1e和shirt. (23)捕捉关系。如:net和fish,snare和anima1. (24)生殖关系。如:egg和chicken,roe和sa1mon. (25)前是对后的记录。如:photograph和light,recording和sound,minutes和meeting,deed和sale. (26)生长环境的关系:plant和soi1,organism和medium,infant和incubator,flower和greenhouse,fruit和orchard. (27)真与假的关系。如:denture和teeth,toupee和hair. (28)同类的人或物正常与非正常的关系。如:listener和eavesdropper,observer和spy.2023-07-12 19:52:561
真心待你 用英文怎么说?
treat you heart and soul2023-07-12 19:53:044
经典英文自我介绍 篇1 Making a self-introduction 作自我介绍 1. May I introduce myself? 2. Hello, I"m Hanson Smith. 3. Excuse me; I don"t think we"ve met. My name"s Hanson Smith. 4. How do you do? I"m Hanson Smith. 5. I"m David Anderson. I don"t believe I"ve had the pleasure. 6. First let me introduce myself. I"m Peter White, production manager. 7. My name is David. I work in the marketing department. 经典英文自我介绍 篇2 Good morning. My name is xxx .It is really a great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself,and I hope I can make a good performance today. 早上好。我的名字是某某某。非常荣幸能有这个机会来介绍我自己,我希望今天我能有个好的表现。 Now I will introduce myself briefly ,I am 23 years old,born in wenling, the capital of Zhejiang Province. I graduated from the The Chinese people"s armed police force academy department of Frontier command in July, 20xx. 现在我将简单介绍一下我自己,我今年23岁,出生在温岭市,是浙江省的省会。我毕业于中国人民武装警察部队学院前沿指挥部门,20xx年6月。 During the four years in university, I spend most of my time on study, I have passed CET4 and I have acquired basic knowledge of Frontier command. Besides, with my efforts and cheerful personality,I received a scholarship and outstanding student awarded. Generally speaking, I am a hard worker especially do the thing I am interested in. I like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is Basketball, swimming or surf online.Through college life,I learn how to balance between study and entertainment. 在四年的大学,我把大部分时间花在学习上,我已经通过国家基本知识,我已经获得了国境的命令。同时,我的努力和性格开朗,我收到了奖学金和优秀学生奖励。一般来说,我是个很勤奋的工人特别是做我感兴趣的东西。我喜欢跟我的同学,几乎谈一切,我最喜欢的消遣是打篮球、游泳或者网上冲浪。通过大学生活,我学会如何平衡学习和娱乐之间。 And now,I am a inspector. I am well aware that the Inspector"s job is to complete the ship"s exit-entry frontier inspection procedure, so I"ll use my efforts to be an excellent border inspectors. In my spare time, I will learn more about inspectors professional knowledge, constantly improve my own. Whatever difficulties I encountered will not give up, this is a four-year university taught me. I love my job and like to work together with like-minded people. I believe that through continuous efforts, I will realize my dream and to be a good, serve the people of border inspectors That is all, thank you! 早上好。我的名字是某某某。非常荣幸能有这个机会来介绍我自己,我希望今天我能有个好的表现。 现在我将简单介绍一下我自己,我今年23岁,出生在温岭市,是浙江省的省会。我毕业于中国人民武装警察部队学院前沿指挥部门,20xx年6月。 在四年的大学,我把大部分时间花在学习上,我已经通过国家基本知识,我已经获得了国境的命令。同时,我的努力和性格开朗,我收到了奖学金和优秀学生奖励。一般来说,我是个很勤奋的工人特别是做我感兴趣的东西。我喜欢跟我的同学,几乎谈一切,我最喜欢的消遣是打篮球、游泳或者网上冲浪。通过大学生活,我学会如何平衡学习和娱乐之间。 而现在,我是一个官员。我深知检查员的.工作是完整的船的出入境边防检查手续,所以我会用我的努力成为一个优秀的边境的核查。在我的业余时间,我将学习更多关于核查人员的专业知识,不断提高我自己。无论遇到什么困难,我遇到过不会放弃,这是一个四年大学教过我。我爱我的工作,也喜欢和志趣相投的人一起工作。我相信,通过我们的不懈努力,我要实现我的梦想,要成为 一名优秀的、为人民服务的边境的核查 “这就是全部了,谢谢! 经典英文自我介绍 篇3 my name is xxx, this year 27 years old. july 1997 me from * * normal school art teacher art professional inside the plan at graduation. from 1997 to within country no longer zifeisheng bag distributive, that i should go up with the sun most glary vocation over. fortunately, tattenai machang small teachers is insufficient, the people in this small introduction, i served as a year of temporary substitute teacher. recall that time which was both sweet and good, although substitute a low salary, but listen students around the side teacher and teacher growled and looked at the pairs of eyes, the full trust every childishness little face, all the unpleasant life all suddenly vanished. i wanted to, even if it does not become a full member, as long as the school needs, is when the lifetime class teacher i also willingly. and behold, since 1998 countries began to repel temporary and class teacher, received the school verbally notify after, i was reluctant to part with the mood, quietly left school. today, i want to pass the exam again on the rostrum desire is so urgent! my family has three sisters, two sisters working outside, in order to take care of elderly parents already, i always stay in their side. i have open shop, first business handicraft, again after business clothing. but no matter how business handy, when a glorious people"s teacher has always been my dream of fundamentality and wish to their life work to pursue career. i have participated in the exam, but are due to various reasons and failed to realize the dream, but i decided, as long as the opportunity, i have been exam go on until the ideal realization so far. now of i, after the test of life than my rival in age i no longer have an advantage, but i had a more than they are in children"s love, patience and responsibility, a more mature and self-confident. the teachers in this profession is sacred and great, he asked the teacher not only need have a wealth of knowledge, also have a lofty sentiment. therefore, reading normal, i pay great attention to their all-round development, extensive training their hobbies, and learning has the specialty, accomplish except the good at painting and calligraphy outside, still can sing, can speak, speak. learning for division, high only body sudoku for fan in knowledge-based learning at the same time, i pay attention to cultivating their own noble moral sentiment, consciously bound, observe social ethics, no bad habits and behavior. i think these are an education workers should have the least knowledge. if, i passed the interview, become numerous teachers team members, i will continue to study hard and work hard, for the hometown of education and contribute their efforts, disappoints engineers of human souls this glorious title. 经典英文自我介绍 篇4 I am very gald to introduce myself .I am from Liaoning Province. I graduated from Shandong University and majored in Microbiology. I love music and looking books, especially the history books. I am honor that I have the opportunity to take part in the interview. Of course,I hope I can joy in our company,Please give me the chance. Thanks very much. 我非常开心可以在这里做自我极少,我来自辽宁,毕业于山东大学的微生物专业,我很喜欢音乐和看书,尤其是历史类的书籍。很高兴做自我介绍,我出生在辽宁,专业是国际贸易,毕业于南开大学,我的兴趣是音乐,读书,尤其是经济类的书。 能够来参加贵公司的面试我感到很荣幸,当然我也希望可以加入贵公司,为贵公司服务实现我的理想。请贵公司给我这个机会,万分感激。 经典英文自我介绍 篇5 Hello,everyone! My name is xxxx is my english name,which is also the name of my idol.i"m arecommended student from ccfls,in which i have studied for six years.during thetime i stayed there,i"ve learned a lot from the teachers who i must thanksincerely.another school in my life is my family.1990 witnessed me born in ahappy family.i was treated as the apple of my family members" eyes sincechildhood.genuineness,perseverance,conscientiouness,the urge for improvement arethe characters my family gives me.today,but for their support,i would not bethis confident.many thanks to my family.i love them all. I"m an optimistic,energetic,outgoing,active,humorous girl with any amountof hobbies,such as listening to music and writing my blog.what deserves to beintroduced is my blog on sina,which takes me a lot of pains.it"s without muchgaudy decorations,but many articles which are really worth reading.the websiteaddress is here.your prensence and guidance are requested. Unlike many other girls,i"m quite gooatsports.swimming,skating,basketball,volleyball,badminton,table tennis and etc.are my preferences.in spite of my height,i have a good jumping capacity.due tothis,i"m the captain of the female basketball team and the principal member ofthe female volleyball team in our school.in addition,i"m fond of playingchess.i"ve got a silver medal when i was a child.futhermore,i"m a very versatilegirl.piano and clarinet are my forte.they all get the ninth level.besides,i"m agood organizer and leader in the school activities.i organized many englishspeech contest,also took a part in it and ranked among the best.especially,idirected an english play called“the sound of music”,which is a gorgeoussuccess,so that every audience spoke highly of it.i"m very proud of that. To conclude,i"m sure i won"t let you down.i hope that you can give me achance to study in x Iamen university,which is the shrine in my mind, and i"llgive you much glory in return. That"s all.thank you for your attention. 经典英文自我介绍 篇6 Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is Dongzhanji,I am twenty-five years old. I come from zibo city of Shan dong Province. I graduated from Shandong university of technology in July, 20xx. In the past one year I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I"ve been working in a paint factory as Research and Development person. And the 2 years of work experience let me know that I need to promote myself by the Stage of postgraduate study. Beijing Institute of Technology is my first choice.Like most of the Shandongpeople,I am a straightforward person. In my spare time, I like reading books and playing basketball. I am a diligent student during my college studying ,and In my college, I actively response to the call of the college, take part in all kinds of useful activities and get scholarships for many times. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. Of course, if I am given a chance for advanced studies in this famous University, I will stare to effort to master a good command of advance my capability. 经典英文自我介绍 篇7 年轻是吃苦受累的季节,只有通过自己富有激情、积极主动的努力实现自身价值并在工作中做出最大的贡献: 作为一个初学者,我具备出色的学习能力并且乐于学习、敢于创新,不断追求卓越;在多年的学校教育里,我不断实践课本上的知识,最大限度的把理论知识结合到实际中.我拥有较为全面的专业知识和一定的实践经验,具有较强的沟通和组织能力,为人正直、能吃苦耐劳、爱好广泛,有极强的责任心和集体荣誉感;四年的大学生生活造就了我——钢铁航海人!我愿用自己的双手与您共同打造.....美好的未来。 通过对贵公司的一些初步了解,本人很希望能成为贵公司的一员,为公司的发展贡献自己的力量。我自信我的能力和热情能使我为贵公司的建设和发展做出一定的贡献。在此,衷心的祝愿贵公司事业蒸蒸日上! 如能有幸进入贵公司,必将努力工作,为公司的发展尽心尽力。2023-07-12 19:53:111
亚西尔·阿拉法特(Yasser Arafat)是巴勒斯坦民族解放运动的发起者,一位出色的民族领袖,也是20世纪的一位重要历史人物。正是在他的带领之下,巴勒斯坦民族解放斗争成为国际政治中的倍受关注的重大事件之一。为了表彰阿拉法特为和平做出的贡献,1993年9月,联合国教科文组织授予他“博瓦尼和平奖”。1994年,他与以色列总理拉宾、外长佩雷斯共同获得该年的诺贝尔和平奖。 In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate. But if the enemy incline toward peace, do thou also incline toward peace, and trust in God. Your Majesties, Chairman of Nobel Prize, Ladies and Gentlemen Since my people entrusted me with the hard task of searching for our lost home, I have been filled with warm faith that those who carried their keys in the diaspora as they carry their own limbs, and that those who endured their wounds in the homeland and maintained their identity will be rewarded by return and freedom for their sacrifices. I have also been filled with faith that the arduous trek on the long path of pain will end in our home"s yard. As we celebrate together the first sight of the crescent of peace, I, at this podium stare into the open eyes of the martyrs within my conscience. They ask me about the national soil and their vacant seats there. I conceal my tears from them and tell them: How true you were; your generous blood has enabled us to see the holy land and to take our first steps in a difficult battle, the battle of peace, the peace of the brave. As we celebrate together, we invoke the powers of creativity within us to reconstruct a home destroyed by war, a home overlooking our neighbor"s, where our children will play with their children and will compete in picking flowers. Now, I have a sense of national and human pride in my Palestinian Arab people"s patience and sacrifice, through which they have established an uninterrupted link between the homeland, history and the people, adding to the old legends of the homeland an epic of hope. For them, for the children of those good-natured and tough people, who are made of oaks and dews, of fire and sweat, I present this Nobel Prize, which I will carry to our children, who have a promise of freedom, security and safety in a homeland not threatened by an invader from outside or an exploiter from inside. I know, Mr. Chairman, that this highly indicative prize has not been granted to me and my partners, Israel"s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, to crown a mission that we have fulfilled, but to encourage us to complete a path which we have started with larger strides, deeper awareness, and more honest intentions. This is so we can transfer the option of peace, the peace of the brave, from words on paper to practices on the ground, and so we will be worthy of carrying the message that both our peoples and the world and human conscience have asked us to carry. Like their Arab brethren, the Palestinians, whose cause is the guardian of the gate of the Arab-Israeli peace, are looking forward to a comprehensive, just and durable peace on the basis of land for peace and compliance with international legitimacy and its resolutions. Peace, to us, is a value and an interest. Peace is an absolute human value which will help man develop his humanity with freedom that cannot be limited by regional, religious or national restrictions. It restores to the Arab-Jewish relationship its innocent nature and gives the Arab conscience the opportunity to express—through absolute human terms—its understanding of the European tragedy of the Jews. It also gives the Jewish conscience the opportunity to express the suffering of the Palestinian peoples which resulted from this historical intersection and to find an echo for this suffering in the pained Jewish soul. The pained people are more capable than others of understanding the suffering of other people. Peace is an interest because, in an atmosphere of just peace, the Palestinian people will be able to achieve their ambitions for independence and sovereignty, to develop their national and cultural existence through relations of good neighborliness, mutual respect, and cooperation with the Israeli people. Peace will enable the Israeli people to define their Middle East identity and to enjoy economic and cultural openness toward their Arab neighbors, who are eager to develop their region, which was kept by the long war from find its real position in today"s world in an atmosphere of democracy, pluralism, and prosperity. As war is an adventure, peace is also a challenge and a gamble. If we do not fortify peace to stand against storms and wind, and if we do not support it and strengthen it, the gamble will then be exposed to blackmail, perhaps to fall. Therefore, I call on my partners in peace on this high platform to expedite the peace process, achieve early withdrawal, pave the road for elections, and to move to the second stage in record time, so that peace will grow and become a firm reality. We have started the peace process based on land for peace, on UN Resolutions 242 and 338, and on the other international resolutions calling for achieving the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. While the peace process has not yet reached its target, the new atmosphere of confidence and the modest achievements of the first and second year of the peace process are promising. Therefore, the parties are urged to abandon their reservations, facilitate measures, and achieve the remaining goals, foremost of which are transferring powers and taking steps toward an Israeli withdrawal in the West Bank and the settlements. This will finally lead to a comprehensive withdrawal and will enable our society to build its infrastructure and utilize its status, heritage, knowledge and awareness to formulate our new world. In this context, I call on Russia and the United States, sponsors of the peace process, to accelerate the steps of this process, to take part in its formulation and to overcome its obstacles. I urge Norway and Egypt, in their capacity as hosts to the Palestinian-Israeli agreement, to continue their good initiative, which started from Oslo and reached Washington and Cairo. Oslo, as well as the names of the other states that have been hosting the multilateral talks, will remain shining names linked to the peace of the courageous. I also urge all countries, foremost of which are the donor countries, to make their contributions quickly to enable the Palestinian people to overcome their economic and social problems, to rebuild themselves and to establish their infrastructure. Peace cannot grow and the peace process cannot be entrenched unless their necessary material conditions are met. I then urge my partners in peace to view the peace process in a comprehensive and strategic way. Confidence alone cannot make peace, but only recognizing the rights, together with confidence, can make peace. Encroaching on rights generates a sense of injustice, keeps the fire under the ashes, and will push peace to a dangerous point and toward quicksand that may destroy it. We view peace as a strategic option, rather than a tactical option influenced by temporary calculations of loss and profit. The peace process is not only a political one, but also an integrated process in which national awareness and economic, scientific and technological development play an important role. The interaction of cultural, social and creative elements also play basic roles in strengthening the peace process. I view all this as I recall the difficult peace march, in which we have covered only a short distance. We should have courage and move as far as possible to cover the greater distance based on just and comprehensive peace and to absorb the strength of creativity which is contained in the deeper lesson of peace. As long as we have decided to coexist and live in peace, then we should coexist on a solid basis that can last through all time and that is acceptable to the future generations. In this context, full withdrawal from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip requires deep discussions about the settlements that cut through geographic and political unity, prevent free movement between the areas of the West Bank and the Strip, and create hotbeds of tension that conflict with the spirit of peace, which we want to be free of anything that spoils its purity. As for Jerusalem, it is the spiritual home of Christians, Muslims and Jews. To Palestinians, it is the city of cities. The Jewish shrines in the city are our shrines, the same as the Islamic and Christian shrines. So let us make Jerusalem an international symbol of this spiritual harmony, this cultural brightness, and this religious heritage of humanity as a whole. There is an urgent task that activates the peace mechanism and enables it to overcome the problem that is troubling hearts, the question of prisoners. It is important to release them so smiles can return to their children, their mothers, and their wives. Let us together protect this little baby from the winter"s winds, and let us provide it with the mild and honey it deserves in the land of milk and honey in the land of Salim, Ibrahim, Isma"il, and Ishaq—the holy land, the land of peace. Finally, I again congratulate my partners in peace—Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Israeli Foreign Minister Simon Peres—for winning the Nobel Peace Prize. I also congratulate the friendly Norwegian people for this warm reception, which is evidence of the genuineness and deep root of this people. Your Majesties, ladies and gentlemen, I emphasize to you that we will discover ourselves through peace more than we did through confrontation and conflict. I am certain that Israelis will find themselves through peace more than they did in war. Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, and good will toward men. Thank you.2023-07-12 19:53:171
水银的密度是13.6*10的三次方千克/立方米铁的密度是7.8*10的三次方千克/立方米所以水银的密度大2023-07-12 19:53:191
水银的密度是13.6×10 3 kg/当温度升高时,水银的质量不变。沙子主要由二氧化硅够成,其密度为2.65,但沙子间有空隙,所以约为2.5克/立方厘米由此可得水银密度大2023-07-12 19:53:274
水银的密度是13.6*10的三次方千克/立方米铁的密度是7.8*10的三次方千克/立方米所以水银的密度大2023-07-12 19:53:361
作者授权 本网首发Art Law in China Art Law in ChinaFor quite a long time in China"s contemparary art history(1), artistic creation, guided by the slogan “literature and art should be subordinated to palitics,”(2) was carried out mainly as a “political task” or as a “tool for propaganda”, and therefore art had tittle to do with law. In the early 1980s, after the opening to find a way out for the artworks which were gradually changing in nature from merely tools to art commodities, raised the issue of art commercialization(3) though they never raised the issue of art law because most artworks at that time were traded in private or in stores with the characteristics of planned economy.From the early 1970s to the late 1980s, the art speculation by western and especially Japanese wealthy people caused the price of artworks to soar all the way to an unprecedented high level(4). By the end of this art investment rush, art markets in China were awakened. People, no longer shy of talking about the trading of artworks, offered them for sale openly, asked prices directly and even put them up to auction.(5) Art appeared in markets and came to the ordinary people. With the development of artwork business came up the issue of art law. A few keen artists, critics and legal workers, driven by their professional need and strong interest in art, began to study and analize this new phenomenon - the marriage between art and law. They wrote books and gave lectures, providing legal aids to people in the art markets and offering advice and measures to cultural administration departments. The era of art law finally came to China.Section I. Legislation On ArtIn China, art law concerns such legal problems as involved in the creation, exploration, production,sale,transfer, exhibition and collection of artworks and cultural assets. These legal problems consist of the import, export, auction and authentication of artworks, insuranec, tax, freedom of speech, and the protection of intellectual property, etc - problems which have to be solved and regulated by many kinds of laws and regulations rather than a single rule.(6)A. Copyright Law The protection of artist"s rights is one of the main contents(7) in art Law. While China"s Constitution corfirmed its citizens" freedom in art creation long ago,(8) the first law to protect artists" intellectual property rights had not come into being until 1990 when the copyright law of the Preople"s Republie of China was promulgated.It should be pointed out that, from the very beginning, China"s Copyright Law set a high standard for itself in its protection of artists. For instance, by the law photographic works and works of fine arts are placed under the same provision as common protected works, and therefore the term of protection of photographic works is set to 50 years after the author"s death, the same as that for works of fine arts.(9)The term of protection of photographic works in Berne Convention is 25 years,(10) different from that of works of fine arts. As for architectural works, Rules for the Implementation of the Copyright Law defines it as works of plestic art,(11)which is in accordance with the requirements of the Berne Convention. The Copyright law does not make any clear provisions on works of applied art, but International Copyright Treaties Implementing Rules provides that works of applied art by foreigners enjoy 25 years of protection.(12)The Copyright Law stipulates, “the copyright in a work belongs to its author”,(13) and “the author of a work is the citizen who has created the work”.(14) That is to say, only those artists who engage in the creation of fine arts are the real authors and would enjoy the copyright. In respect of commissioned works, the commissioning party could acquire the copyright by a contract or an agreemcnt even if they have not engaged in the creation of the work”. However, the provision further stipulates, “in the absence of a contract or of an explicit agreement in the contract, the copyright in such a work shall belong to the commissioned party”.(15) This stipulation places under a favorabll condition the commissioned party, who has not entered into a contract or who has entered into a contract which does not give an explicit agreement.It is necessary to distinguish the ownership of the original copy and the copyright, because, in most cases, the use of the works of fine arts only relates to the original copies. The Copyright Law says,“ the transfer of the ownership of the original copy of a work of fine arts or other works, shall not be deemed to include the transfer of the copyright in such a work, provided that the right to exhibit the original copy of a work of fine arts shall be enjoyed by the owner of such original copy.” (16)When the ownership of the original copy has been transfered the owner of the original copy would still be in a favorable position. Therefore, it is feasible for him/her to enjoy the right of exhibition. However, the extention of the said right should be limited, and in addition, some problems could be solved by contracts(17). So it is stipulated, for example, that the owner of the original copy shall not exhibit a work if the artist of the work does not agree to have his work exhibited; and that the owner of the original copy, without reasonable reasons, should not refuse the request of the author to borrow back his work for exhibition. It can be concluded from this provision that, except for the right of exhibition, the artist who has transfered the ownership of his work still keeps the right of publication, modification, reproduction, etc., which are provided for by the Copyright Law. However, the Law does not stipulate how to guarantee the exercise of the said rights.(18)The main limitations upon artists" copyright are: to allow a person to use a published work for his own private study, research or self-entertainment; to allow a educational or scientific institution to reproduce a published work in a small quantity for teaching or scientific purposes, but not for publication; to allow a library, museum or art gallery to reproduce a work in its collections for display, or for preservation of a copy, of the work; and to deem it reasonable for people to copy or to take pictures of an artistic work located or on display in an outdoor public places.(19)As a great number of forged works which are actually imitations of the excellent works of famous artists have been found in art markets, the Copyright Law specially stipulates, “producing or selling a work of fine arts where the signature of an artist is counterfeited”(20) is an infringement act and the infringer shall shoulder the liabilities, depending upon the circumstances, of ceasing the infringing act, eliminating the effects of the act, making a public apology or paying compensation for damages,and may be subjected by a copyright administration department to such administration penalties as confiscation of unlawful income from the act, a fine etc. Article 217 of the Criminal Law of the People"s Republic of China, effective on October lst, 1997, stipulates that anyone who, for the purpose of making profits, produces or sells a work of fine arts where the signature of an artist is counterfeited may be sentenced to from three to seven years in prison plus a fine.In order to strongly protect the intellectual property rights of artists, China has, in addition, promulgated and implemented the Trademark Law, the Patent Law, the Law against Unfair Competition, etc.(21)B. Auction LawAs a means of trading, auction, with a long history behind it,(22) is perhaps the best way of trading artwarks with unique cultural values. This is because the price of a speicfic piece of artwork changes in value depend not only on the materials consumed in the creation of the work but also on its artistic charms, the presnt social status of the artist, the number of similar artworks in existence, and the possibility of its appreciation in value inferred from the sales of other artworks by the same artist. In measuring these invisible factors, auction is quite effective.(23) However, since socialism was established in China, auction had been denied as something belonging to capitalism, and therefore, for quite a long time, the prices of the few artworks sold a little now and a little then had been decided in accordance with their sizes. After the third plenary session of the Communist Party of China, with the implementation of China"s policy of reform and opening to the outside world and with the development of market economy, auction, adapted to the requirement of a fair, competitive and open market, revived as a special means of trading. In 1989, the first state - owned auction shop in China was established in Guangzhou, and in the following ten years hundreds of auction enterprises engaged in the auction of artworks besides other commodities have been established in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenyang, Dalian, Changchun, Harbin, etc. Some local regulations on auction have also been promulgated by the departments concerned.(24)The Auction Law of the People"s Republic of China, adopted at the 20th meeting of the standing committee of the Eingth National Reople"s Congress on July 5th, 1996, and effective on January lst, 1997, affirmed that auction is a kind of “trading in which a certain article or property right is transfered to one who offers the highest price in an open competitive bidding.”(25)The Auction law also stipulates, “ Auction should be carried out in accordance with relevant laws and administation rules and should follow the principles of openness, fairness, justice, honesty and trustworthiness.”(26) Auction needs to atract a lot of bidders to participate in it, and the preparation for the auction, the auction commissconing formalities, the transfer of the auctioned articles and the payment of the prices all must be completed abiding by the laws, including not only the Auction Law but alse the General Provisions of the Civil Law, and the Ecbonomic Contract Law. In addition, if an auction enterprise is to be established, it has to apply for registration and obtain a business licence in the light of the Regulations for the Administration of Enterprise Legal Person Registration. One characteristic which diffecentiates auciton from other trading activities is its openness. The auctioneer should announce the time, place and articles to be auctioned and also provide the necessary information about the articles to be auctioned within a proper period of time before the auction takes place. The auction should be done by public bidding and the conclusion of the transaction should be confirmed explicitly. “Fairness,” a principle all businesses should follow, requires that all the parties in the auction enjoy the same rights and assume the same duties, that no one will be deprived, for no reason, of the chance to bid publicly that no transaction of anything shall be concluded privately before it is publicly auctioned, and that it is not permitted to give special favours to one party while prescribing special limitations on the other. The principle of justice is applicable to the auctioneer, the consignor as well as the bidder. The Auction Law stipulates that the auctioneer and his staff are not allowed to take part in the auction as bidders or to commission other people to bid for them. The aucioneer is not allowed to auction his own articles in the auction held by himself. The consignor is not allowed to bid or to commission others to bid on behalf of him. Bidders are not allowed to collude maliciously with each other or with the auctioneer to harm the interests of others. The consignor, auctioneer and his staff, who bid or commission other peple to bid on their behalf, the auctioneer who auctions his own articles or property rights in the auction held by himself, and bidders who collude maliciously with each other or with the auctioneer shall not only undertake the civil liabilities, but also be exposed to administration penelties by the department for the administration of industry and commerce.(27) “Honesty and trustworthiness.” as a standard of both conduct and morality, means that parties in civil activities should act out of goodwill, give due consideration to facts, treat each other with all sincerity, keep their promises, and never practise fraud or deception.The Auction Law, reflecting the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, stipulates that the consignor should make known to the auctioneer the source and defects of the articles to be auctioned and that the auctioneer should make known to the bidders the defects of the articles being auctioned.The second chapter of the Auction Law contains stipulations on the auction objects. Auction objects refer to the properties or property rights to be auctioned. The Auction Law contains no speeial provisions on the auction of artworks, but does contain special rules for the auction of cultural relics. It provides, “culturd relics to be auctioned by comission should be examined and permitted by the department for the administration of cultural relics located in the same area as the auctioneer before the auction takes place”(28). Cultural relics are called “cultural assets” in Japan and “cultural property” or “cultural heritage” by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organigaion. The former mainly relers to movable cultural relics while the latter inmovable ones. Cultural relics are visible materials of certain historical, artistic and scientific value, created by human beings or related to human life.(29) The characteristic which defferentiates cultural relics from ordinary goods is that they cannot be reproduced or replaced once lost. Therefore, China adopts special policies2023-07-12 19:53:371
植物油密度为0.9x10^3 酒精的密度为0.8x10^3 煤油的密度为0.8x10^3 水银的密度为13.6x10^3 所以,植物油更接近水的密度2023-07-12 19:53:421
示样4.1.1-1 开证申请书 Irrevocable Documentary Credit Application(正面) Applicant: 申请人 Issuing Bank: 开证行 Date of Application: 申请开证日期 Expiry date and Place for Presentation of documents Expiry Date: 到期日 Place for Presentation:到期地点 Issue by (air) mail with brief advice by teletransmission 开证形式(see UCP 500 Article 11) Issue by teletransmission(see UCP 500 Article 11) Transferable Credit-As per UCP 500 Article 48 Beneficiary: 受益人 Confirmation of the Credit 是否需保兑 not requested requested authorised if requested by Beneficiary Amount in figures and words(please use ISO Currency Codes):金额 Partial shipments allowed not allowed 分运 Credit available with Nominated Bank: 付款方式2023-07-12 19:53:473
1、水银的密度是13.6×103kg/m3。2、温度计是利用热胀冷缩的原理,当温度升高时,水银的质量不变,体积增大,密度是变小。2023-07-12 19:53:501
To say in a loud voice; announce:呼唤,叫喊:用大嗓音说;宣布:called my name from across the street; calling out numbers.从街对面呼唤我的姓名;报数To demand or ask for the presence of:召唤:要求或请求出席:called the children to dinner; call the police.召集孩子们来吃饭;叫警察来To demand or ask for a meeting of; convene or convoke:召集:要求或请求参加会议;集会或召集会议:call the legislature into session.召集议会开会To order or request to undertake a particular activity or work; summon:征召:命令或要求参加某一特别活动或工作;传唤:She was called for jury duty. He was called to the priesthood.她被征召去参加陪审团工作。他被召去当牧师To give the command for; order:下令;命令:call a work stoppage.下令歇业To communicate or try to communicate with by telephone:打电话给:用电话联系或试图通过电话联系:called me at nine.九点钟打电话给我To lure (prey) by imitating the characteristic cry of an animal:模仿动物叫声以引诱(捕获):call ducks.模仿鸭子叫声以诱猎To cause to come to the mind or to attention:使想起:导致几进入意识或引起注意:a story that calls to mind an incident in my youth.这则故事让起我想起少年时发生的事故To name:命名:What will you call the baby?你们将给这孩子取什么名字?To consider or regard as being of a particular type or kind; characterize:称作:考虑或认为是某一特殊类别或种类;表示…特色:Let"s call the game a draw. I"d hardly call him a good manager.就称这比赛是练习吧。我很难称他为一位好的经理To designate; label:指明;标明:Nobody calls me a liar.没有人称我为说谎者To demand payment of:要求还清:call a loan.讨还借债To require the presentation of (a bond) for redemption before maturity.在未到期之前要求偿还(债券)Sports 【体育运动】 To stop or postpone (a game) because of bad weather, darkness, or other adverse conditions.停止或延期比赛:由于天气不好、天黑或其它不利条件而停止或推迟(一场比赛)To declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee:判定:以促裁人或裁判员的资格宣布:call a runner out; call a foul on a boxer; call a penalty for holding.判跑垒者出局;判定拳击手犯规;判持球犯规To indicate a decision in regard to:做出相关的一项裁决:calling balls and strikes behind the plate; called a close play.(棒球赛中)在本垒板后判为好球或坏球。判决比赛不分胜负To give the orders or signals for:指挥:发出命令或信号给:a quarterback who called a poor play.一个指挥得差劲的四分卫足球员Games 【游戏】 To describe the intended outcome of (one"s billiard shot) before playing.说出撞球数:在游戏进行这前说出希望的结果(如某人的台球进袋数)To equal the bet of (the preceding bet or bettor) in a poker game.叫牌:扑克游戏中抵上(以前的注或下注者)所下的注To indicate or characterize accurately in advance; predict:预测:预先表明或准确地描述其特性;预测:It is often difficult to call the outcome of an election.See Synonyms at predict 预测选举的结果常常是困难的参见 predictTo challenge the truthfulness or genuineness of:要求提供证据:对其真实性或诚意提出质疑:called the debater on a question of fact.质问该辩手某一事实To shout directions in rhythm for (a square dance).(在方块舞中)喊出舞步v.intr.(不及物动词)To speak loudly; shout:叫喊:大声地说;呼喊:a swimmer who was calling for help.一个正在呼救的游泳者To utter a characteristic cry. Used of an animal:鸣,啼:发出特有叫声。用于动物:geese calling in early morning.一大早鹅就在叫To communicate or try to communicate with someone by telephone:打电话:联系或试图通过电话联系:I called twice, but no one answered.我打了两次电话,但无人应答To pay a short visit:短暂的拜访:We called to pay our respects.我们去拜望了,以表示敬意n.(名词)A loud cry; a shout.叫喊:大声的叫喊;喊叫The characteristic cry of an animal.鸣:动物特有的叫声A sound or an instrument made to imitate such a cry, used as a lure:模拟叫声:一种声音或使用某乐器模拟的此种叫声,用于引诱:a moose call.摹仿的麋鹿的叫声A telephone communication or connection.电话联络:电话通讯或联系Need or occasion:必要,理由:There was no call for an apology.已没有道歉的必要了Demand:需求:There isn"t much call for buggy whips today.今天已不那么需要赶马车的鞭子了A claim on a person"s time or life:召唤:对某人的时间和生活作出要求:the call of duty.职责的召唤A short visit, especially one made as a formality or for business or professional purposes.拜访:短暂的访问,尤指礼节性的或为商业和职业目的而进行的A summons or an invitation.召集或邀请A signal, such as that made by a horn or bell.信号:一种信号,如由角或钟发出的The sounding of a horn to encourage hounds during a hunt.号角声响:狩猎时为鼓动猎狗冲出而用角吹出的声音A strong inner urge or prompting; a vocation:感召:一种强烈的内在渴求或促进力;天职:a call to the priesthood.感召成为教士The strong attraction or appeal of a given activity or environment:强烈的魅力:某种既定活动或环境的强烈的吸引力或期求:the call of the wild; answered the call of the desert.原野的召唤;响应沙漠的召唤A roll call.点名A notice of rehearsal times posted in a theater.排演通知:剧院里贴的预演次数的通告Sports A decision made by an umpire or a referee.【体育运动】 判决:由公断人或裁判员作出的决定A direction or series of directions rhythmically called out to square dancers.舞步指导:跳方块舞的人发出的有节奏的一项或一系列指挥动作A demand for payment of a debt.催付:还债的要求A demand to submit bonds to the issuer for redemption before the maturity date.催交:在到期之前将股款交给股票发行者以供兑现的要求An option to buy a certain quantity of a stock or commodity for a specified price within a specified time.期货承购:一种可在特定时间按特定价格购进一定数量的股票或商品的选折权A demand for payment due on stock bought on margin when the value has shrunk.当股票价格下降并低于承购价格时付款的要求2023-07-12 19:53:562
发个帖2023-07-12 19:52:427
水银密度大。因为水银的密度为13.59g/cm?,水的密度为1g/cm?(t=4℃),所以水银密度大比水密度大。密度是对特定体积内的质量的度量,密度等于物体的质量除以体积,可以用符号ρ(读作[r??])表示,国际单位制和中国法定计量单位中,密度的单位为千克每立方米,符号是kg/m3。2023-07-12 19:52:381
酒精的密度和盐水的密度分别是多少? 水银的密度呢?
酒精为0.8g/cm立方 盐水的密度1.2*10^3kg/m3 水银的密度是13.6×10^3千克/立方米2023-07-12 19:52:311
单位:克每立方厘米,金19.3,铜8.9,铁7.9,酒精0.8,煤油0.8,冰0.9,铝2.7。。。。。。空气1.29(单位克每升)。2023-07-12 19:52:241
罗杰斯提出咨询师需要具备的特质是真诚性、接纳性和理解力,这些特质可以帮助咨询师建立起真实、信任和支持的关系,为被咨询者提供有效的帮助和支持。真诚性(Genuineness):咨询师应该真诚地对待自己和被咨询者,不掩饰自己的情感和态度,保持内心的一致性。在咨询过程中,咨询师应该以平等和尊重的态度对待被咨询者,展示出真实和诚实的自我,建立起真诚和信任的关系。接纳性(Acceptance):咨询师应该接纳被咨询者的情感和行为,不对其进行评价和指责,以平等和尊重的态度对待被咨询者。在咨询过程中,咨询师应该倾听被咨询者的内心感受和体验,理解和接纳被咨询者的观点和情绪,提供一个支持和理解的环境。理解力(Empathy):咨询师应该具备理解被咨询者的能力,能够感受到被咨询者的内心体验和情感,以被咨询者的角度看待问题。在咨询过程中,咨询师应该运用积极倾听和理解技巧,帮助被咨询者探索内心感受和思想,理解和解决问题。2023-07-12 19:52:231
水银的密度:常温下(20摄氏度)是13.6克/立方厘米;温度不同,会存在一定变化;水银温度计就是利用这种物理现象制作的。2023-07-12 19:52:142
水银的密度是多少 温度计是利用热胀冷缩的原理 温度升高时 水银的的质量不变 密度不变还是变小?
1、水银的密度是13.6×10 3 kg/m 3. 2、温度计是利用热胀冷缩的原理,当温度升高时,水银的质量不变,体积增大,密度是变小.2023-07-12 19:52:071
在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreement。何谓“Contract”? 1999年中国《合同法》第二条对contract定义为:A contact in this Law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing, that is, between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations. 根据这一定义,合同平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。 Steven H. Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中将contract 定义为“contract is a promise, or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives remedy, or the performance of the which thelaw in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看做是一种补偿。 L.B Curzon 在其编撰的字典“A Dictionary of Law”给contract的定义:“Contract is a legally binding agreement”根据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。 综合起来,有一个相同点,就是“Contract is an agreement”,即可将事同说成是“An agreement which binds the parties concerned”或者说成是“An agreement which is enforceable by law”,也可以说:Contracts are promises that the law will enforce。何谓“Agreement”? L.B “A consensus of mind, or evidence of such consensus, in spoke or written form, relating to anything done or to be done.”根据这一定义,协议是对已经做或准备做的相关事宜,经过谈判、协商后取得一致意见,以口头或书面形式做出的约定。 Black “Law Dictionary”有两个定义。一个是:“A concord of understanding and intention between two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties, of certain past or future facts or performance。”根据这一定义,协议即双方或多方某些过去或将来某些事实的相关权利、义务或相关权利、义务的履行而达成的一致理解和愿望。 另一个是:The consent of two or more persons concurring respecting the transmission of some property, right or benefits, with the view of contacting an obligation, a mutual obligation根据这一定义,协议即两个或多个当事人,为了约定单方责任或相互责任,就财产权利、利益的转移取得的一致同意。 Contract(合同)和Agreement(协议)是不是可以互换呢? 合同的成立必须具备几个主要因素。它们(要约和承诺构成的)协议、约因、设立法律关系的愿望和缔约能力四大部分组成。 L.B Curzon编著的“A Diction of Law”提到“Contract generally involves” 1. offer and absolute and unqualified acceptance (邀约和绝对接受) 2. consensus ad idem (意思表示一致,也叫meeting of minds) 3. intention to create legal relations (建立合同关系的意愿) 4. genuineness of consent (同意的真实性) 5. contractual capacity of the parties (合同当事人的缔约能力) 6. legality of object(目标的合法性) 7. possibility of performance (履行的可能性) 8. certainty of terms(条款的确定性) 9. valuable consideration(等价有偿) Black “Law Dictionary” 中解释道:Although often used as synonyms with “contract”,agreement is a broader term, e.g. an agreement might lack an essential element of a contact. “协议”和“合同”经常用作同义词,但“协议”这一术语含义更广,例如协议可能缺乏同的必备条款(essential clauses/provisions)。 实际使用当中,协议可不受必备条款的限制,而称为合同的文体肯定少不了必备条款,有的合同将其单列,称为一般条款(General provisions)。2023-07-12 19:52:041
世界上密度最大的液体 水银每平方密度达13.59克
世界上密度最大的液体是水银,也就是汞。水银每平方的密度可以达到13.59克,是空气密度的十几倍。另外,水银是一种化学物质,带有一定的毒性,所以不要用手直接接触水银,以防中毒。虽然水银在古代属于药引,但由于水银的毒性会致命,所以最好还是不要接触水银。 一、水银的用途有哪些 水银的最常见用途就是制作温度计,水银的凝固点非常低,但沸点却非常高,而这则会让水银的膨胀系数变大,更容易观察。除此之外,水银还能把金从其他矿物中分解出来,因为水银可以溶解金,当金被水银溶解后,其他的矿物就可以被筛选出去,从而就会留下金,不过由于水银炼金法比较麻烦,需要耗费大量的时间,所以人们一般不会使用水银炼金法。 二、水银的提炼方法 由于水银在自然界中以硫化汞的形式存在,如果想得到独立的水银,就必须进行提炼。水银的提炼方法是非常简单的,只需要把硫化汞放到空气中燃烧即可,因为水银的密度比较大,燃烧后就会变成蒸气,所以需要把蒸气收集起来,等到蒸汽冷却后,便可以获得水银。虽然空气煅烧法也能获得水银,但由于比较麻烦,所以现代工业一般不会使用这种提炼方法。 三、水银中毒怎么办 水银中毒后,需要立刻远离带有水银的环境,以免二次中毒。离开带有水银的环境后,需要用碳酸氢钠催吐,这样可以让水银快速排出。催吐完成后,需要服用生蛋清、豆浆或者是纯牛奶,生蛋清、豆浆和纯牛奶都含有大量的蛋白质,能起到吸附水银的作用,服用完蛋白质制品后,需要再服用硫酸镁,硫酸镁能起到导泻的功能,以防水银对大肠造成影响。2023-07-12 19:51:581
在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreement。何谓“Contract”? 1999年中国《合同法》第二条对contract定义为:A contact in this Law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing, that is, between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations. 根据这一定义,合同平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。 Steven H. Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中将contract 定义为“contract is a promise, or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives remedy, or the performance of the which thelaw in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看做是一种补偿。 L.B Curzon 在其编撰的字典“A Dictionary of Law”给contract的定义:“Contract is a legally binding agreement”根据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。 综合起来,有一个相同点,就是“Contract is an agreement”,即可将事同说成是“An agreement which binds the parties concerned”或者说成是“An agreement which is enforceable by law”,也可以说:Contracts are promises that the law will enforce。何谓“Agreement”? L.B “A consensus of mind, or evidence of such consensus, in spoke or written form, relating to anything done or to be done.”根据这一定义,协议是对已经做或准备做的相关事宜,经过谈判、协商后取得一致意见,以口头或书面形式做出的约定。 Black “Law Dictionary”有两个定义。一个是:“A concord of understanding and intention between two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties, of certain past or future facts or performance。”根据这一定义,协议即双方或多方某些过去或将来某些事实的相关权利、义务或相关权利、义务的履行而达成的一致理解和愿望。 另一个是:The consent of two or more persons concurring respecting the transmission of some property, right or benefits, with the view of contacting an obligation, a mutual obligation根据这一定义,协议即两个或多个当事人,为了约定单方责任或相互责任,就财产权利、利益的转移取得的一致同意。 Contract(合同)和Agreement(协议)是不是可以互换呢? 合同的成立必须具备几个主要因素。它们(要约和承诺构成的)协议、约因、设立法律关系的愿望和缔约能力四大部分组成。 L.B Curzon编著的“A Diction of Law”提到“Contract generally involves” 1. offer and absolute and unqualified acceptance (邀约和绝对接受) 2. consensus ad idem (意思表示一致,也叫meeting of minds) 3. intention to create legal relations (建立合同关系的意愿) 4. genuineness of consent (同意的真实性) 5. contractual capacity of the parties (合同当事人的缔约能力) 6. legality of object(目标的合法性) 7. possibility of performance (履行的可能性) 8. certainty of terms(条款的确定性) 9. valuable consideration(等价有偿) Black “Law Dictionary” 中解释道:Although often used as synonyms with “contract”,agreement is a broader term, e.g. an agreement might lack an essential element of a contact. “协议”和“合同”经常用作同义词,但“协议”这一术语含义更广,例如协议可能缺乏同的必备条款(essential clauses/provisions)。 实际使用当中,协议可不受必备条款的限制,而称为合同的文体肯定少不了必备条款,有的合同将其单列,称为一般条款(General provisions)。2023-07-12 19:51:561
m=10g ρ=13.6*1000千克/立方米=13.6克/立方厘米 v=m/ρ=10g÷13.6g/立方厘米 =0.735立方厘米 0.735立方厘米<200立方厘米 答:只需一个200立方厘米的瓶子装. 楼上的 “南部备哥哥”没化单位 信我吧,我科学考试从来都没低于96分2023-07-12 19:51:511
genuineness is taken and regret is left2023-07-12 19:51:494