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2023-07-13 09:24:38
TAG: 考试 gre

GRE考试一共考哪几科?我们常说的GRE是 GRE revised general test,包括三科,数学(quantitative

reasoning),语文(verbal reasoning),写作(analytical










GRE是 GRE revised general test,包括三科,数学(quantitative reasoning),语文(verbal

reasoning),写作(analytical writing)。

写作(Analytical Writing




















  传统笔考的GRE我们比较熟悉,分为填空、类比、阅读和反义四个部分。而新GRE考试分为阅读、填空和同意填句(sentence equivalence)。



  (2)、文章体裁更加多样性,不只有阳春白雪,还会有市井俗文(academic or nonacademic);




reasoning 和 reason在意义上有什么区别? 并举例说明

reason作名词的时候 是 原因 的意思 作动词的时候有 推理 的意思reasoning 是reason动词的动名词 词性是名词 意思是 推理I like reasoning 我喜欢推理.明白了吧~就好比fish 是动词 钓鱼如果你想用作名词 就加个ing ...
2023-07-12 15:11:531


reasoning是推理,分析,讲道理She was not really convinced by this line of reasoning. 这样的分析论证实际上并没有让她信服。 The test has scores for verbal skills, mathematical skills, and abstract reasoning skills 测试包含对语言能力、数学能力和抽象推理能力的考查。 Only by reasoning can we convince people completely. 只有以理服人,才能使人心悦诚服。 The atmosphere was calm with each side reasoning things out. 会谈的气氛是平静的、说理的。 No amount of reasoning could shake him out of his conviction 再怎样跟他讲道理都不能让他放弃自己认准的事。 arguing就是单纯的辩论,你可以理解成争执,争论They spend so much time arguing the toss over inconsequential matters. 他们花了这么多时间为无关紧要的事争个没完。 It"s no use arguing with a drunk 跟一个醉汉争论是没有用处的。 There is no need arguing about this matter. 这件事不必辩论了。
2023-07-12 15:12:021


  推理,逻辑学指思维的基本形式之一,是由一个或几个已知的判断前提推出新判断结论的过程,有直接推理、间接推理等。那么你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    推理英语单词1:   reasoning    推理英语单词2:   inference    推理英语单词3:   ratiocination    推理的英语例句:   他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。   This non sequitur invalidates his argument.   推断由实际情况或证据而作出推理的行为   The act of reasoning from factual knowledge or evidence.   思考,推理便运智力的行为过程;思考或推理   The act or process of using the intellect; thinking or reasoning.   认识力思想过程或认识才能,包括如意识、知觉、推理和判断等方面   The mental process or faculty of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.   区分归纳推理和演绎推理。   Distinguish between inductive and deductive reasoning.   摘要研究了双陈述任务下的复合命题推理和三段论推理的错觉。   The illusion in prepositional and syllogistic reasoning was studied.   所以道德推理是关于世界的推理。   So moral reasoning is reasoning about the world.   会话含意的语用推理过程是一一个动态的语用推理过程。   Pragmatic inference of conversational implicature is a dynamic process.   这种严谨的演绎推理过程,是可以和数学推理比美的。   The careful process of reasoning can be parable to mathematic reasoning.   法官适用法律中主要运用演绎推理或三段论推理。   The application of law mainly uses deductive inference or syllogi *** inference.   他们的推理能力必须加以培养。   Their reasoning capacity must be developed.   由于我有足够的经验,我甚至能看出他们的点子在推理上有哪些瑕疵,在执行上有哪些漏洞。   It "s even more pathetic because I have enough experience to clearly see the flaws in their reasoning and the gaps in their execution.   图1:样例组织结构图&一个确定了报告关系和通过推理决策权的常见结构   Figure1: Sample organization chart& a familiar structure identifying reporting relationships and by inference some decision-making authority   我们依然爱读他的推理小说;虽然他有时幼稚可笑地卖弄他的逻辑学和学问。   We still read with pleasure his pieces of “ ratiocination ”; though he sometimes exhibits in them to a naive degree his pride in logic and learning.   建立了模糊推理规则库,在改变系统的时间引数或系统结构的情况下,分别运用MATLAB/SIMULINK模拟软体对系统进行模拟。   It build the rule stock of fuzzy illation.In the case of change the time parameter or the frame of the system, manage MATLAB/ SIMULINK software to simulate it separately.
2023-07-12 15:12:081

reasoning 和 reason在意义上有什么区别?

reason:原因,理由What"s your reason for being so late? reasoning:推论What"s the reasoning behind his sudden decision to leave?
2023-07-12 15:12:152


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2023-07-12 15:12:542

Hypnotix的《Reasoning》 歌词

歌曲名:Reasoning歌手:Hypnotix专辑:Hypnotix Witness Of Our TimeI figured it outI was high and low and everything in betweenI was wicked and wild, baby, you know what I meanTill there was you, yeah, youSomething went wrongI made a deal with the devil for an emptyI.O.U.Been to hell and back, but an angel was looking throughIt was you, yeah, youIts all because of youYou are the reasonYou are the reason I wake up every dayAnd sleep through the nightYou are the reason, the reasonThe reason...In the middle of the nightIm going down cause I adore youI want to floor youIm giving it upNo more running around spinning my wheelYou came out of my dream and made it realI know what I feelIts youIts all because of youIn the middle of the nightIm going down cause I want youI want to touch youI want to floor youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15650161
2023-07-12 15:13:111

道理的英语翻译 道理用英语怎么说

英文:reasonargumentsenseprinciplebasisjustification参考例句:Specious logic似是而非的道理amenable to: kindness,advice,reaso对好话,劝告, 道理顺从的That does figure!那确实有道理!The qualification of his policy as conservative is justified.把他的政策称为保守主义是有道理的。The teacher expounded a profound truth in common language.老师用通俗的语言说明深刻的道理。It seems illogical to change the timetable so often.时间表变动得如此频繁,似乎没有什么道理。Perceive the significance or importance of(sth);perceive the explanation for or cause of.了解(某事物)的意义或重要性;认识到...的道理或原因。The way that a pump works is used to illustrate how the heart sends blood around the body.抽水机抽送水的道理,被用以说明心脏怎样使血液运行全身。But for all its half-truth, it embodies a radical error which bids fair to stifle the genius of the modern world.但是这个片面道理却包含着一个本性的错误,它抑制了天才智慧。Years ago, in a small fishing village in Holland, a young boy taught the world about the rewards of unselfish service.很多年前,在荷兰的一个小渔村里,一个年轻人教给世人一个无私奉献换得丰盛酬报的道理。reason是什么意思:n. 理由,原因,理性,理智v. 劝说,规劝,辩论The authority is not reasonable.这个判例并不合理。Reasonably adv.适度地。This is a potent reason.这是一个令人信服的理由。argument是什么意思:n. 争论,辩论;论证;论据This is the argument of the school.这就是流行学派的论据。This is a feeble argument.这是一场无益的争执。Disconnection between grounds of argument and proposition of argument论据和论题不相干sense是什么意思:n. 感官;感觉;智慧;辨别力;意义v. 感觉到,意识到;检测,测出;了解,领会The method is going to increase the sens itivity.这个方法旨在提高感光度。Dr. Sun yat-sen was a pioneer of the democratic revolution.孙中山先生是民主革命的先驱。Dr. Sun Yat-sen was the forerunner of Chinese revolution.孙中山先生是中国革命的先行者。
2023-07-12 15:13:214

Inductive reasoning和deductive reasoning 是什麽意思

inductive reasoning 是说你从一个你观察到的现象得到一个结论,一个原则。example:我目前看到过的所有羊都是白的,利用inductive reasoning, 我总结羊一定全都是白色的deductive reasoning 是说你已经知道一个原则了, 而你利用这个原则来预料你会看到什么现象example: 你知道的定律是所有的乌龟都有壳,那么你现在有一个乌龟,你预料到这个乌龟一定也有壳希望对你有帮助, 我不知道他们中文的翻译是什么
2023-07-12 15:13:362

新GRE考试的verbal reasoning与quantitative reasoning这两部分的分值分别为多少?

2023-07-12 15:13:533

语法分析 accept the obligation of revealing the course of reasoning

accepttheobligation是动宾结构,即“承担这个职责”ofrevealingthecourseofreasoning是修饰obligation的定语,即“(承担)这次论证过程的职责”。具体结构如下:及物动词:accept宾语:theobligationofrevealingthecourseofreasoning 其中——  【宾语核心名词】theobligation  【介词+动名词构成的后置定语】ofrevealingthecourseofreasoning(其中的thecourseofreasoning是动名词revealing的宾语;而介词短语ofreasoning又是thecourse的后置定语)
2023-07-12 15:14:101


GRE考试一共包括三个科目:Verbal Reasoning(语言推理)、Quantitative Reasoning(数量推理)、和Analytical Writing(分析性写作)。其中语言推理部分和数量推理部分在中国通常被习惯性地称为“语文”和“数学”。分析性写作部分分别要求考生对一个问题发表个人的观点和分析一个论点,写作部分满分为6分,通常能够达到4.5就非常优秀了。考试形式GRE考试分两种: GRE普通考试(General Test)和GRE专业考试(Subject Test) 。考生需要根据自身的条件和申请学校的要求参加其中一项或双项考试。 一般平常所说的GRE考试都是指General Test,绝大多数中国学生最常参加的也是普通考试。GRE普通考试的目的在于:根据大学毕业生的基础知识和能力水平,对考生在高级阶段从事学术研究的一般潜在能力作出衡量,而不涉及任何专业的特殊要求。GRE专业考试的目的则在于:测试考生在某一学科领域或专业领域中所获得的知识和技能以及能力水平的高低,一般多用于跨专业申请。
2023-07-12 15:14:171

侦探推理用英语怎么说 侦探推理英语翻译?

侦探推理的英语为”rubber heel”,还经常被译作sleuth,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到66个与侦探推理相关的译文和例句。1. First, the type inference is a crime.2. but your consequence sounds very interesting3. Detective Ferris, Detective Howe.4. -You are an expert at deduction?5. it"s called Bayesian inference.6. inference, which includes apodictic inference and probable inference, is the chief thought pattern of ascertaining case quality.译文:推理是判明案件性质的主要思维形式,它包括必然推理和或然推理。7. Finally, the present study explores several major types of pragmatic reasoning: indexical reasoning, implicit reasoning and prepositional reasoning.译文:最后探讨了交际中的语用推理的几种主要类型,即索引词推理、会话隐含推理、预设推理。8. That"s a beautiful theory, Leonard.9. Of, relating to, or of the nature of an illation.10. Detective, please have a seat.自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:https://www.87dh.com/xl/
2023-07-12 15:14:381


演绎推理(deductive reasoning)是人类特有的心理活动,早在古希腊时期人们就已对这种心理现象有了浓厚的研究兴趣。目前,人们对演绎推理的理解仍然离不开逻辑学对它所作出的界定。因此,在进一步探讨心理学对演绎推理的实证研究之前,我们先将与演绎推理有关的逻辑学知识进行简要的介绍。ue004 逻辑学(logic,有时也称做逻辑)是一门以推理形式为主要研究对象的科学。按其历史发展的不同阶段,通常把它分为传统逻辑(traditional logic)和现代逻辑(modern logic)(吴家国等,1993)。传统逻辑是指从古希腊亚里士多德(Aristotle)开创至19世纪进入现代发展阶段以前所发展起来的形式逻辑体系和理论;现代逻辑的主流是数理逻辑,是一门以研究推理(reasoning)规律为核心内容并具有数学性质的工具性学科,是形式逻辑(formal logic)的现代形式。ue004 在逻辑学中,推理是以一个或几个命题(proposition)为根据或理由以得出一个新命题的思维过程。作为根据或理由的那一个或几个命题是推理的前提(promise),由前提得出的那个命题是推理的结论(conclusion)。ue004 推理分为演绎推理和非演绎推理(nonue011deductive reasoning)两大类。演绎推理常被简称为推理,其特点是如果前提都真,则结论必然真。形式逻辑是专门研究演绎推理及其规律的科学;非演绎推理主要是指归纳推理,是指包含在归纳方法中的某些推理。ue004 推理是由命题组成的,而推理形式也是由命题形式组成的。所谓命题,是通过语句来反映事物情况的思维形式。任何命题都包括内容和形式两个方面。命题内容是指命题所反映的事物情况,命题形式是指命题内容的联系方式,即命题的逻辑形式。一切命题都由下述四部分组成。ue004 主项(subject),表示命题对象的概念,如“所有的猫都是动物”这一命题中的“猫”这个词。逻辑学上通常用字母S表示。ue004 谓项(predicate),表示命题对象具有或不具有某种性质或与主项有关系的概念,如“所有的猫都是动物”这一命题中的“动物”这个词。逻辑学上通常用字母P表示。ue004 联项(copula),联结主项和谓项的概念。分为肯定联项和否定联项两种。前者在性质命题中通常用“是”表示,在关系命题中常用“比……更”表示;后者在性质命题中通常用“不是”表示,在关系命题中常用“不如……”表示。一个命题具有肯定联项还是具有否定联项,这称为命题的质(quality)。ue004 量项(quantifier),表示命题中主项数量的概念。一般称为命题的量。量项可分为三种:一种是全称量项,它表示在一个命题中对主项的全部外延作了反映,通常用“所有”或“一切”来表示;第二种是特称量项,它表示在一个命题中对主项作了反映,但未对主项的全部外延作出反映,通常用“有的”或“有些”来表示;另外一种是单称量项,它表示在一个命题中对主项外延的某一个别对象作了反映,可以用“这个”或“那个”来表示。一般地说,单称量项可归结到全称量项中去。ue004 根据命题的质和量的结合,一般可把命题分为四种(以性质命题为例,见表1-1) 。 表1-1 四种基本的性质命题 名称 字母代号 关系 在Euler图中可能的情境 全称肯定命题 A 所有的S都是P 1,2 全称否定命题 E 所有的S都不是P 5 特称肯定命题 I 有些S是P 1,2,3,4 特称否定命题 O 有些S不是P 3,4,5图1-1 S和P两个概念之间关系的Euler图解 由于所有的状态都可以归之于两个集所包含的关系,故参照Euler图很容易理解它们的含义。图1-1 给出了主谓两个概念之间可能有的五种关系。在情境1中(集等同) ,S集和P集是两个相互等同的集。例如,S集表示男人,P集表示具有XY染色体配对的人。在情境2中(集包含),S集是P集的子集。也就是说,所有的S都包含在P集中,但是,有的P却不是S。例如,P集代表动物,S集代表狗。情境3是情境2的逆反,P是S的子集。在情境4中,P集和S集有部分重叠,但有些S不是P,也有些P不是S。例如, S集代表男人,P集代表吸烟者。最后,在情境5中,S集和P集互相排斥,也就是说,这两个集之间没有共同的成员。例如,S集代表猫,P集代表狗。ue004 现在让我们来讨论表1-1中四种基本的性质命题与Euler图之间的相互关系。全称肯定命题(A),即所有的S都是P,既可以表示S和P等同(情境1) ,也可以表示S是P的子集(情境2)。全称否定命题(E),即所有的S都不是P,表示这两个集之间是互相排斥的,这只有在情境 5的情况下是真实的。特称肯定命题(I),有些S是P,除了相互排斥的情境5外,在情境1、2、3、4中都可以是真实的。最后,特称否定命题(O),即有些S不是P,在情境3、4、5中都是真的。ue004 在形式逻辑中,根据不同的分类标准可以对推理进行不同的分类。ue004 首先,根据推理的前提和结论之间的标准是否有蕴涵关系,可以把推理分为必然性推理(apodeictic reasoning)和或然性推理(probability reasoning)两种。前提和结论之间有蕴涵关系的推理叫做必然性推理,即演绎推理,这是从一般到特殊的推理。前提和结论之间没有蕴涵关系的推理叫做或然性推理。在或然性推理中,依据推理进程的不同,又可以分为归纳推理(inductive reasoning,从特殊到一般的推理)和类比推理(analogous reasoning,从特殊到特殊的推理)。ue004 其次,在演绎推理中,根据推理的前提是简单命题还是复合命题,又可以把它分为简单推理(simple reasoning)和复合推理complex reasoning)。其中,简单推理又可再分为范畴三段论推理(syllogistic reasoning)和关系推理(relation reasoning);复合推理也可再分为联言推理(association reasoning)、选言推理(disjunctive reasoning)和假言推理(hypothetical reasoning)等类型。ue004 虽然形式逻辑对人类思维形式的研究有着两千多年的历史,但对人类思维进行科学研究却不是形式逻辑的专利。1879年,冯特(W.Wundt)在德国莱比锡大学创建了世界上第一个心理学实验室后,心理学从此成为一门独立的科学。由于人类思维在人类心理活动中的重要地位,因而心理学家对它倾注了极大的研究热情。心理学是以人类的心理现象作为研究对象的一门科学。它研究人的感觉、知觉、表象、想象、记忆、思维等心理过程的活动规律及人格特征等。对上述每一领域的专门研究又都独自成为心理学的分支学科,如感觉心理学、思维心理学、人格心理学等等。经过百余年的发展,目前,心理学研究的主导范式是认知心理学。认知心理学是研究知识的获得和知识使用规律的科学,这种研究范式试图用信息加工的观点来解释人的心理活动过程,把人类的感知觉、记忆等心理活动视为信息的输入、编码、存储过程,而把人类思维活动视为信息的提取、使用过程。由于人类思维在知识获得和知识使用过程中处于核心地位,因此,对人类思维活动的研究也就越来越成为当代心理学研究的核心内容之一。
2023-07-12 15:14:441

demonstration argumentation reasoning表达“论证”之意时有何区别?

demonstration 证实argumentation (某一方面)论证reasoning 有理,讲理
2023-07-12 15:14:501


“推理小说”的英文是Mystery novel“推理”的英文是reasoning
2023-07-12 15:15:0113


SAT考试总时长3小时45分钟(225分钟),共有批判性阅读(Critical Reading)、数学(Mathematics)和写作(Writing)三个科目。小马过河网老师解答
2023-07-12 15:15:424

abductive reasoning是什么意思

  这是逻辑学的术语  abductive reasoning 指“反绎推理”,就是从一般性的前提出发,通过反向推导,即“演绎”,得出具体陈述或个别结论的过程。  另如:deductive reasonin 演绎推论,inductive reasoning归纳推理
2023-07-12 15:16:012

reasoning skill是什么意思

reasoning skill[英][u02c8ri:zu0259nu026au014b skil][美][u02c8rizu0259nu026au014b sku026al][医]推理技巧; reasoning[英][u02c8ri:zu0259nu026au014b][美][u02c8rizu0259nu026au014b]n.推理,论证; 运用思考、理解、推想等能力的做法或过程; 论究,论断; v.推理,思考; 争辩; 说服; adj.推理的; 有关推理的; 复数:reasonings
2023-07-12 15:16:161

The reasoning is persuasive句子结构分析?

主语 the reasoning 谓语 is 主语补语(表语) persuasive
2023-07-12 15:16:392

circular reasoning是什么意思

2023-07-12 15:16:493

什么是pragmatic reasoning

[计]语用推理(法) 1. Pragmatic reasoning is frequently and widely used in communicative activities.语用推理就是沟通二者的桥梁.来自互联网2. Thus , it is indicated that to probe the pragmatic reasoning in communication is of great importance.语用推理在人们交际活动中经常地和大量地应用,研究交际中的语用推理正好凸显出其重要性.
2023-07-12 15:16:561

什么是伦理推理(ethical reasoning)

2023-07-12 15:17:032

reasoning ability是什么意思

2023-07-12 15:17:132

reason , cause ,result ,怎么区别和使用?

cause用于表示具有明显因果关系的原因。reason有时能与cause换用,但上下文必须有能够查得出的或可以解释得出的因果关系。如果某“结果”是不言而喻的,也可以用reason表示“原因”Was the noise a cause of the illness,or were the complaints about noise merely a symptom?噪音是病因呢,还是对噪音的抱怨仅仅是一种症状呢?Every effect must have an adequate cause.每一种结果都必须有充分的原因。reason通常含有“理由”的意思They are trying to find out the reason (or cause) of the terrible fire.他们正在努力查寻那次可怕的火灾的原因。The airport was built during the war,but for some reason it could not be used then.这个飞机场是在大战期间建造的,但是由于某种原因当时没有能够使用。The reason for this is that this plane is also a bicycle.其原因是,这架飞机又是一辆自行车。…,but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches about respect for elders—as if mere age were a reason for respect.……但我不会为了维护自己而求助于尊重长辈之类的陈词滥调—似乎只要年老就是受到尊重的理由。
2023-07-12 15:17:212


2023-07-12 15:17:552

如何写好case brief里的reasoning

如何写case brief~早看了这个上课就不至于那么迷茫了 555~~ case brief writing 在英美法的学习中可谓是最常用的基本功了,由于面对的经常是洋洋洒洒的万言判决书,如何抓住
2023-07-12 15:18:041


2023-07-12 15:18:141


考研不需要这两个成绩 这个只是出国用的
2023-07-12 15:18:5113


问题一:产生问题的根源就在于什么什么什么... 用英语怎么说?(大学essay) The root of the problem lies in .... 上下文想讨论的话请追问。 问题二:“深层次原因”用英语怎么说 deep causes deep reasons 问题三:产生原因用英语怎么说 reason (for sth) reason 英[?ri:zn] 美[?riz?n] n. 原因; 理由; 理性; 理智; vt. 推理,思考; 争辩; 辩论; 向…解释; [例句]There is a reason for every important thing that happens 每件重要事情的发生都有原因。 [其他] 第三人称单数:reasons 复数:reasons 现在分词:reasoning过去式:reasoned 过去分词:reasoned 问题四:这就是……的起源;这就是……的形成原因 用英语怎么说 this is the origin of sth. this储is the reason why sth. forms.
2023-07-12 15:20:023


2023-07-12 15:20:133


态度问题只有重视写作了,才会认真练习写作,考试时严格按照得分要求写,结果自然得偿所愿。如若相反,分数自然大打折扣。另外,不要把新SAT写作想象得太难,也不要以为随便考考就可以得高分,不管题目难易,只要认真按照平时的要求去写就好了。Reading和Analysis分数低写作Reading和Analysis部分分数低?这种情况建议考生们一定要多动脑思考。虽然SAT改革了,但是考试的目的和要求并没有变,出题人最想看到的,还是我们的辩证思维能力。既然是考察辩证思维能力,如果作文里面所谓的“ANALYSIS”并没有很深入,只是简单转述原文观点、概括字面意思,或者分析内容放在其他作文里也行得通,那肯定是不可以的。语法错误Writing部分的分数随意性较大,有人writing得8分,语法错误照样有不少,有人语法错误较多,句式还可以,writing连6分都不到。这不能说是阅卷人不仔细或者考试不公平,而是正常的误差。因为通常阅卷速度都是非常快的,在阅卷老师快速扫视作文的时候,有些错误侥幸逃脱,有的却被逮个正着。所以我们要做的,就是把错误减少到最少,这样才能保证不会因为语法错误而扣分。速度和质量我们总是强调作文字数多的重要性,因为在作文质量相同的情况下,字数多的作文分数会更高一些。而且基本所有7-7-7分以上的作文,字数至少都能达到接近三页纸或者三页纸以上。但是,我们在追求字数的时候,一定不能忽略作文质量。sat阅读词汇技巧1. 根据词性进行猜测在SAT阅读中会遇到很多生词或者看着熟悉却不知道意思,这时候大家可以根据词性来进行判断比如remark除了“评述,评论注意到/察觉“的意思,所以remarkable的意思就是是“值得注意的,不同寻常的”。同学们在记忆单词时如果能够多加了解,深度挖掘,就能轻而易举地记下来了。2.关注常考词汇的多义性新SAT阅读取消了填空考试,但是也融入了语法考试,并不是说词汇就不重要了,而是考试的方向更加趋向于词汇实用性,以observe这个词为例 有看到,观察; 遵守,奉;庆祝;评论,如果会出现在阅读考试中的话那么考查最多的却是第4种意思,尤其是在题干和选项当中出现时。所以大家在备考中就要多去总结多去关注词汇的多义性。3.注意区分形近意异的词汇形近意异也是新SAT阅读所喜欢的一种考察方式,比如disinterested(公正无私的,不偏不倚的)—uninterested(不感兴趣的,漠不关心的),两者非常相像,但是意思却相差很多,所以这一类词汇也是大家备考的关键。英语和汉语有所不同就是相似的词未必意思就相同,所以备考中就需要大家多去留意啦。sat数学备考建议1.SAT数学专业词汇要掌握好由于平时对数学备考的轻视让很多考生在考场上出现失误,尤其是很多词汇平时领悟不到,考场上考生并不能够一眼识破,那么这就需要考生在平时的备考中多背诵SAT数学专业词汇,把这些关键词汇弄懂吃透,那么考场上不但会计生很多时间也会提高正确率。2.SAT数学审题要够细致SAT数学题目的设置会有一些误导性,有时候我们的嘴巴和眼睛会欺骗我们,把一些题目想当然的理解为我们想要的那种就导致了题目理解的失败,所以大家一定要认真审题,做到细致化,不要抱有侥幸心理,尤其是新SAT数学考试题目加长之后对于大家的阅读能力有了更高的要求,也需要大家提升自己的英语功力。3.训练SAT数学解题思维中国的高考中数理化的出题方式都是复杂化,难题化,但是SAT数学中更趋向于灵活性,没有那么复杂的公式和计算,更加注重实际应用能力,题目所涉及的内容都是生活化,社会化的一些问题,只需要在解题中灵活思考,多进行数学习题的练习,训练SAT数学解题思维是非常重要的,不要进入中式的解题魔咒中。sat考试语法的建议1、关注首先要关注语言的结构形式,这可谓外语学习的起点,对于有些搞不清楚的问题,先把问题存疑,时刻放在大脑中,带着这个问题在今后的英语阅读中继续观察和搜集类似资料,随着积累语料的增多,再加上自己的思索,很可能就探索出语言规律了。这一步很重要,它是英语学习的起点,没有这一步,下面三步就无从谈起,没有关注就没有英语学习,就算你读过再多英语文字,没有关注任何的英语结构特点,不分析,不思考,那么你还是无法掌握英语的基本思维逻辑,看过的句子可能依然不是你的。2、理解在关注了特定的语言形式结构之后,学生需要把重点放在其背后的逻辑语义上,因为特定的语言结构必然是表达特定含义的,形式和意义之间是存在一定关系的,但两者的关系并不一定是一一对应的,也就是说,同一种意义可以有多种形式的表达,而同一个形式也可以表达截然不同的意义,例如:He doubt whether he is correct.He doubt that he is correct.He suspect that he is correct.3、记忆在学习语法的过程中,以上两步是最难的,需要持之以恒去观察和思考,但是在弄明白这些对应关系以后,还需要专门去记忆这样的对应关系,因为毕竟英语不是我们的母语,只有记住了,我们才能在适当的时候用地道、准确的方式来表达。4、运用最后,当然是要在阅读、写作、听力、口语中检验和运用这些总结出来的语言规律,尤其是在阅读中,可以检验自己总结的规律是否是正确的,只有在实践中不断验证,我们才能掌握英语思维的规律,自信说出地道的英文。
2023-07-12 15:20:351

请问He had no power of reasoning的句子成分分析(请精确到词)?

He 主语had 谓语no power of reasoning.宾语其中 no定语 修饰powerof reasoning 推理的 定语,也是修饰power句子意思是 他没有推理能力。
2023-07-12 15:22:443


CAT4全称为Cognitive Abilities Test认知能力测试,它是大部分英国私立中小学学生都会参加的入学考试。考试针对6~17岁的学生,学校会以CAT4测试报告作为学生能否入学的参考。
2023-07-12 15:22:522

reasoning 和 reason在意义上有什么区别

reason作名词的时候 是“原因”的意思 作动词的时候有“推理”的意思reasoning 是reason动词的动名词,词性是名词 意思是 推理I like reasoning 我喜欢推理.
2023-07-12 15:23:431


2023-07-12 15:24:054


2023-07-12 15:24:134


reason是理由的意思。reason作为名词表示理由、理性、动机。作为不及物动词表示推论、劝说。作为及物动词表示说服、推论、辩论,Reason作为人名表示(英)里森。相关例句:I tried to reason with the elderly man to move away from the village我尝试说服这位年迈的男人搬离村庄。
2023-07-12 15:25:081


2023-07-12 15:25:243


reason英文发音:[u02c8riu02d0zn]中文释义:n.原因;理由;解释;正当理由;道理;情理;思考力;理解力;理性例句:Fear evacuated their mind of reason.恐惧使他们丧失了理智。短语:1、universal reason 普遍理性 ; 普遍的理性2、with reason 合理 ; 有道理 ; 合乎情况 ; 有充分理由地3、reason with 劝说 ; 理喻 ; 规劝4、human reason 人类理性 ; 人的理性 ; 人的理智扩展资料reason的用法:1、reason用于事情可指“理由,原因,道理,情理”,用于人可指“理智,理性,思维能力,推理能力”。2、reason后常可接动词不定式或for引导的短语或从句作定语,引导从句的why在口语中常省略。3、reason作主语时,可接that引导的从句作表语。
2023-07-12 15:25:396


2023-07-12 15:26:224

为什么reason不加s 高中英语 必采纳

For some reason 解释为某种原因。
2023-07-12 15:26:513


reason 英[u02c8ri:zn] 美[u02c8rizu0259n] n. 原因; 理由; 理性; 理智; vt. 推理,思考; 争辩; 辩论; 向…解释; [例句]There is a reason for every important thing that happens每件重要事情的发生都有原因。[其他] 第三人称单数:reasons 复数:reasons 现在分词:reasoning过去式:reasoned 过去分词:reasoned
2023-07-12 15:27:311

【读书笔记】Asking the Right Questions

CHAPTER 1: The benefit of asking the right questions: Mental check: Did i ask "why" someone wants me to believe something? Did I take notes as i thought about potential problems with what was being said? Did I evaluate what was being said? Did I form my own conclusion about the topic? You must be an active reader and listener. You can do this by asking questions. We bring lots of personal baggage to every decision we make. However if you are to grow, you need to recognize these feelings, and, as much as you are able, put them on a shelf for a bit. Only that effort will enable you to listen carefully when others offer arguments that threaten or violate your current beliefs. This openness is imoportant because many of our own positions on issues are not especially reasonable ones; they are opinions given to us by others, and over many years we develop emotional attachments to them. A successful active learner is one who is willing to change his mind. If you are ever to change your mind, you must be as open as possible to ideas that strike you as weird or dangerous when you first encounter them. Your time is valuable. Before taking the time to critically evaluate an issue, ask the question, " who cares?" To see domination and victory over those who disagree with your as the objective of critical thinking is to ruin the potentiallly humane and progressive aspects of critical thinking. He who knows only his side of the case knows little of that. Doing is usually more fun than watching;doing well is more fun than simply doing. Frequently, those faced with an opinion different from their own respond by saying, "Oh, that"s just your opinion." But the issue should not be whose opinion it is, but rather whether it is a good opinion. The right questions: CHAPTER 2: WHAT ARE THE ISSUE AND THE CONCLUSSION? In general, those who create web pages, editorials, books, magzine articles, are trying to change your perceptions or beliefs. You must first identify the controversy or issue as well as the thesis or conclusion being pushed onto you. Otherwise, you will be reacting to a distorted version of the attempted communication. we often react to the images, dramatic illustrations, or tone of what was said instead of the reasoning that was intended by the person communicating with us. so, getting straight about the person"s conclusion and issue is an essential first step in effective human interaction. Descriptive issues are those that raise questions about the accuracy of the past, present, or future. They demand answers attempting to describe the way the world is, was, or going to be. Questions begin with "DO, WHAT, WHO, HOW" probably are descriptive questions. Prescriptive issues are those that raise questions about what we should do or what is right or wrong, good or bad.Questions with "SHOULD, WHAT OUGHT TO BE DONE, MUST..." usually are prescriptive questions. social controversies are often prescriptive issues. Identify the issue and conclusion first, otherwise you will get lost when you reading the remaining. A conclusion is the message that the speaker or writer wishes you to accept. To identify the conclusion, ask the questions: what is the writer or speaker trying to prove? what is the communicator"s main point? In short, the basic structure of persuasive communication or argument is: This because of that; this refers to te conclusion; that refers to the support for the conclusion. this structure represents the process of inference. Remember: To believe one statement/conclusion because you think it is well supported by other beliefs is to make an inference. When people engage in this process, they are reasoning; the conclusion is the outcome of this reasoning. Once you have found the conclusion, use it as the focus of your evaluation. It is the destination that the writer or speaker wants you to choose. Your ongoing concern is: Should I accept that conclusion on the basis of what is supporting the claim? How to find the conclusion: CHAPTER 3: WHAT ARE THE REASONS? Identifying reasons is a particularly important step in critical thinking. An opinion cannot be evaluated fairly unless we ask why it is held and get a satisfactory response. Focusing on reasons requires us to remain open to and tolerant to of views that might differ from our own. Question: what are the reasons? Reasons + Conclusion = Argument You can not determine the worth of a conclusion until you identify the reasons. Reasons are explanations or rationales for why we should believe a particular conclusion. The first step in identifying reasons is to approach the argument with a questioning attitude, and the first question you should ask is a why question. If a statement does not answer the question, "why does the writer or speaker believe that?" then it is not a reason. In especially complicated arguments, it is frequently difficult to keep the structure straight in your mind as you attempt to critically evaluate what you have read. to overcome this problem, try to develop your own organizing procedure for keeping the reasons and conclusions separate and in a logical pattern. CHAPTER 4:WHAT WORDS OR PHRASES ARE AMBIGUOUS? While identifying the conclusion and reasons gives your the basic visible structure, you still need to examine the precise meaning of these parts before you can react fairly to the ideas being presented. Now you need to pay specia attention to the details of the language. you cannot react to an argument unless you understand the meanings (explicit or implied) of crucial terms and phrases. Question: WHAT WORDS OR PHARASES ARE AMBIGUOUS? A warning: we often misunderstand what we read or hear because we presume that the meaning of words is obvious Whenever you are reading or listening, force yourself to search for ambiguity; otherwise, you may simply miss the point. There is no way to avoid ambiguity in reality. But what can and should be avoided is ambiguity in an argument. when someone is trying to persude us to believe or do something, that person has a responsibility to clarify any potential ambiguity before we consider the worth of the reasoning. Ambiguity refers to the existence of multiple possible meanings for a word or phrase. example equality-having equal access to necessities of life responsibility-directly causing a event aggression-doing deliberate phisical harm to another person You now know where to look for ambiguous terms or phrases. The next step is to focus on each term or phrase and ask yourself, " do i understand its meaning?" In answering this very important question, you will need to overcome several major obstacles: 1.you need to get into the habit of asking, "what does the author mean by that?" instead of, " i know just what you mean." CHAPTER 5: WHAT ARE THE VALUE CONFLICTS AND ASSUMPTIONS Remember: the visible surface of an argument will almost always be dressed in its best clothes because te person presenting the argument wishes to encourage you to make the argument your own. Assumptions are: 1.hidden or unstated (in most cases) 2.taken for granted 3.influential in determining the conclusion 4.potentially deceptive An assumption is an unstated belief that supports the explicit reasoning. For ethical or prescriptive arguments, an individual"s values influence the reasons he provides and , consequently, his conclusion. In fact, the reasons will logically support the conclusion only if the value assumption is added to the reasoning. By value assumption, we mean a taken-for-granted belief about the relative desirability of certain competing values. when authors take a position on a social controversy, they typically prefer one value over another value- they have value priorities or preferences. Values are the unstated ideas that people see as worthwhile. They provide standards of conduct by which we measure the quality of human behavior. when you look for value assumptions, look for an indication of value priorities. ask yourself what values are being upheld by this position and what values are being relatively downgraded in importance. we hold our value preferences only up to a point value assumptions are very contextual NOte: we suggested earlier that a good starting point in finding value assumptions is to check the background of the author. One cautions is omportant. It isn"t necessarily ture that, bevause a person is a member of a group, she shares the particular value assumptions of the group. One important means of determing value assumptions, then, is to ask the question, "why do the particular consequences or outcomes presented as reasons seem so desirable to the writer or speaker?" Remember: when you identify value assumptions, you should always try to state value priorities. clues for identifying value assumptions: CHAPTER 6: WHAT ARE THE DESCRIPTIVE ASSUMPTIONS? Descriptive assumptions are beliefs about the way the world is; prescriptive or value assumptions are beliefs about how the world should be. One important kind of descriptive assumption to look for is a definitional assumption-the taking for granted of one meaning for a term that has multiple possible meanings. How to locate the assumption: CHAPTER 7: ARE THERE ANY FALLACIES IN THE REASONING? how acceptable is the conclusion in light of the reasons provided? Remember: the objective of critical reading and listening is to judge the acceptability or worth of conclusions. your first step at this stage of the evaluation process is to examine the reasoning structure to determine whether the communicator"s reasoning has depended on false or hightly doubtful assumptions or has trcked you through either a mistake in logic or other forms of deceptive reasoning. 3 common tricks are: CHAPTER 8: HOW GOOD IS THE EVIDENCE Almost all reasoning we encounter includes beliefs about the way the world is, was, or is going to be that the communicator wants to accept as "facts." These beliefs can be conclusions, reasons, or assumptions. We can refer to such beliefs as factual claims. the first question you should ask about a factual claim is, "why should I believe it?" your next question is, "does the claim is a mere assertion. you should seriously question the dependability of mere assertions. IF there is evidence, your next question is, "how good is the evidence?" To evaluate evidence, we first need to ask, "what knd of evidence is it?" Knowing the kind of evidence tells us what questions we should ask. Major kinds of evidence include: intution personal experience testimonials appeals to authorities personal observations case examples research studies analogies when a communicator supports a claim by saying "common sense tells us" or "I just know that it"s true." she is using intuition as her evidence. we must be very wary of claims backed up only by intuition. sometimes "hunches" are not blind. As critical thinkers, we would want to find out whether claims relying on intution have any other kinds of evidential support. Hasty Generalization Fallacy: A person draws a conclusion about a large group based on experiences with only a few members of the group. Personal testimonials: commercials, ads for movies oftern try to persuade by using a special kind of appeal to personal experience. people"s experiences difer gretly. we need to ask, "does the person providing the testimony have a relationship with what he is advocating such that we can expect a strong bias in his testimony? authorities are much more careful in giving an opinion than others. For example, Newsweek and Time are much more likely to carefully evaluate the available evidence prior to stating an opinion than is "The National Enquirer". our relatives are much less likely than editorial writers or major newspapers to have systematically evaluated a political candidate. was she a firsthand observer of the events about which she makes claims? has a newspaper reporter, for example, actually witnessed an event, or has she merely relied upon reports from others? if she authority is not a firsthand observer, whose claims is she repeating? why should we rely on those claims? In general, you should be more impressed by primary sources or direct observers than by secondary sources, those who are relying on others or their evidence. Has the authority developed a reputation for frequently making dependable claims? Have we been able to rely on this authority in the past? CHAPTER 9: HOW GOOD IS THE EVIDENCE 2 A difficulty iwth personal observation, however, is the tendency to see or hear what we wish to see or hear, selecting and remembering those aspects of an experience that are most consistent with our previous experience and background. Research findings do not prove conclusions. At best, they support conclusions. Research findings do not speak for themselves! Researchers must always interpret the meaning of their findings, and all findings can be interpreted in more than one way. Thus, researchers" conclusions should not be treated as demonstrated "truths". The need for financial gain, status, security, and other factors can affect reserch outcomes. clues for evaluating rese
2023-07-12 15:27:381


2023-07-12 15:27:452


find a reason to smile意思是:找个微笑的理由。重点词汇:reason英['ri:zn]释义:n.理由;理性;动机vi.推论;劝说vt.说服;推论;辩论n.(Reason)人名;(英)里森[复数:reasons;第三人称单数:reasons;现在分词:reasoning;过去式:reasoned;过去分词:reasoned]短语:by reason of由于;因为;通情达理的;适度扩展资料:词语辨析:cause,reason,excuse这些名词均有“原因”之意。1、cause指直接导致事情发生的原因,与所发生的事有因果关系。2、reason强调指从逻辑推理上得出的结论性原因,不是直接说明起因。3、excuse指为自己辩解,希望得到谅解时所提出的种种理由,是借口性的理由。
2023-07-12 15:27:521

请教这句话的语法(特别是后面的两个定语从句,in怎么能提到as前,还有a matter怎么能放在两个as之间)...

in 的宾语是matter, as obvious as possible 是用来修饰matter的短语而已。整个句子来说,His function是主语,that 是形式表语,who....则引导一个定语从句来修饰judge(法官)。
2023-07-12 15:28:103

英国私立中学12年级UKiest考试辅导 ?

UKiset由英国顶尖学校联合发起,分成英语、数学及逻辑思维(Non-verbalreasoning)三个部分。一、英语:考试内容语法词汇阅读理解听力创造性写作考试当天,考生还必须根据指定的主题撰写论文。作文是手写的。组合中的最小单词数量因年龄而异,并且候选人所写的单词数必须符合指定的最小单词数。9-11岁:最少100-150单词12-15岁:最少200-250单词16-18岁:最少300-350单词写作答题纸会和 Ukiset 的成绩报告一同寄给学校。二、 数学:考试内容运用数学概念和技能解决实际问题。三、逻辑思维(Non-verbal reasoning):考试内容非文字推理(基于图形解决问题)空间能力(测试在二维和三维空间旋转和处理图形的能力)文字推理(基于文字解决问题)
2023-07-12 15:28:181


推理的三种基本形式是:归纳推理、演绎推理、逆向推理。1、归纳推理(Inductive Reasoning):归纳推理是通过观察、经验或样本数据来推断普遍规律或概括性结论。它从特殊到一般,通过观察到的个别案例得出普遍性的结论。例如,观察到一系列白天都是晴朗的,可以归纳出结论"白天总是晴朗"。2、演绎推理(Deductive Reasoning):演绎推理是从已知的前提或规则中,通过逻辑推导得出结论的过程。它从一般到特殊,根据普遍性的规则或前提来推出具体的结论。例如,已知"A所有B,B所有C",可以演绎出结论"A所有C"。3、逆向推理(Abductive Reasoning):逆向推理是基于观察到的结果或现象,推断可能的原因或解释的过程。它是一种从结果到原因的推理,通过反向思考来确定最有可能的解释。例如,发现地面湿润,可以逆向推理为"可能下雨了"。进阶推理形式:1、消解推理(ResolutionReasoning):消解推理是一种推理技巧,常用于推导逻辑语句的真假。它通过将相反的前提进行混合和简化,寻找冲突并得出结论。这种推理形式在逻辑推理和人工智能领域中得到广泛应用。2、统计推理(StatisticalReasoning):统计推理是基于概率和统计数据进行推断的过程。它通过分析和解释统计数据来推断某些结果或关系的可能性。在科学研究、市场调查和决策分析中经常使用统计推理。3、反证法推理(ReductioadAbsurdum):反证法推理是一种通过假设某个论断为假,然后导出矛盾或荒谬的结论来证明该论断为真的推理方法。它通过将问题转化为反向的思考方式,从矛盾的结果中推断论断的真实性。4、类比推理(AnalogicalReasoning):类比推理是通过将一个问题与与之相似的已知情况进行比较,从而得出结论的推理形式。它基于前提和已知情况的相似性,将已知情况的解决方法应用到新问题上。5、排除法推理(ProcessofElimination):排除法推理是一种通过逐步排除选项来确定正确答案的推理形式。通过比较不同的选项并逐步排除明显错误的选项,最终可以得出正确的结论。推理的重要意义1、理解世界:推理帮助我们理解复杂的世界和现象。通过观察、分析和推断,我们能够揭示事物之间的关系、原因和效果,从而提高对真实世界的认知。2、问题解决:推理是解决问题和面对挑战的关键工具。通过使用逻辑推理、归纳推理、演绎推理等方法,我们能够从已知信息中推断出未知信息,找到解决问题的路径和策略。3、判断和决策:推理帮助我们做出明智的判断和决策。通过分析和推理,我们可以评估不同选项的优劣,预测可能的结果,从而做出基于逻辑和理性的决策。4、科学研究:推理是科学方法的重要组成部分。科学研究依赖于归纳推理、演绎推理和统计推理等推理形式,用于提出假设、设计实验、解释结果和推断科学原理
2023-07-12 15:29:051