1、enemy英[u02c8enu0259mi]美[u02c8enu0259mi],n.敌人; 仇人; 反对者; 敌国; 敌军; 敌兵; 危害物; 大敌;adj.敌人的。
2、[例句]The city is under enemy control.那座城市现处于敌人的控制之下。
enemy2023-07-12 01:16:315
foe2023-07-12 01:16:463
敌人Enemy英 [u02c8enu0259mi]美 [u02c8u025bnu0259mi]词典释义enemyn.敌军;仇敌;危害物foen.敌人,仇敌;危害物;反对者foemann.敌兵,敌人双语例句1.我军冲破了敌人的防线。Our troops have broken through the enemy"s line.2.敌人退却了。The enemy retreated.3.敌人被击退了。The enemy met with a repulse.2023-07-12 01:16:531
一、音标及中文意思enemy [u02c8enu0259mi]:敌人、仇人、敌军。foe [fou028a]:敌人、仇敌、仇人。二、用法对比分析1、enemy常指敌视、憎恨、反对他人利益或意图伤害他人的人。例句1:Remember not to make an enemy of her.记住不要与她为敌。例句2:Birds and insects are natural enemies.鸟类与昆虫是天敌。2、foe语气较强,常用于文学作品中,表示敌意很深、危险性很大。例句1:Is the killer your friend or foe?杀手是你的朋友还是仇人。例句2:The knight was murdered by his foes.那位骑士被他的仇敌谋害了。2023-07-12 01:17:132
enemy是什么意思 详解enemy的含义和用法?
例如:The enemy has invaded our country.(敌人入侵了我们的国家。)例如:The enemy is attacking our troops.(敌人正在攻击我们的部队。)1. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.(我的敌人的敌人就是我的朋友。)4. The two countries have been enemies for a long time.(这两个国家已经成为敌人很长一段时间了。)例如:The two countries have been enemies for centuries.(这两个国家几个世纪以来一直是敌人。)3. The enemy soldiers were captured and taken prisoner.(敌军士兵被俘虏。)2023-07-12 01:17:214
你好!敌人的The enemy"s2023-07-12 01:17:313
敌人: enemy2023-07-12 01:17:383
enemies 敌人2023-07-12 01:17:593
敌人是企图使某人或某事受到损害,或企图推翻使某人某事遭到失败的人。人与人之间通常存在着一定程度的利益相关性,即自己的利益变化将会直接或间接地导致他人的利益变化,可以采用利益相关系数来衡量,朋友就是利益相关系数大于0,敌人就是利益相关系数小于0。那么你知道敌人用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 敌人英语说法1: enemy 敌人英语说法2: foe 敌人英语说法3: archenemy 敌人的英语例句: 敌人狼狈撤退。 The enemy retreated in great confusion. 敌人占据了这个城镇。 The enemy occupied the town. 他们把箭射向敌人。 They discharged their arrows at the enemy. 我们必须把敌人赶出我国。 We must chase the enemy from our country. 这座城市已被敌人占领。 The city is held by the enemy. 还需要我来提醒你敌人是谁吗? Need I remind you who the enemy is? 他的敌人决意要毁了他。 His enemies are determined to ruin him. 他被敌人包围。 He is amid his enemies. 躲避敌人的炮火,消灭一切敌人。 Dodge enemy fire and kill all the enemies. 谁在那里&是自己人还是敌人? Who is there& friend or foe? 敌人的退路已被截断。 The enemy"s line of retreat was cut off. 他在盘算着敌人可能的动向和自己的对策时 As he gauged possible enemy moves and his own responses 他看到了敌人冷酷的眼神。 He saw the pitiless eyes of his enemy. 敌人正从南侧包抄过来。 The enemy was looping around the South side. 他们可以同心协力,对抗共同的敌人。 They could fight shoulder-to-shoulder against a common enemy. 残暴无情的敌人发出的侵略威胁 The threat of invasion by a ruthless and implacable enemy 当然与运营商的合作也很重要,他们以前一向当我们是敌人。 And the partnerships with carriers& they had thought of us as an enemy. 军政府针对假想的敌人展开了一场唇枪舌剑的战斗。这其中首当其冲的就是外国媒体。 The military government is waging a war of words against its supposed enemies. Foremost among these are the foreign media.2023-07-12 01:18:111
enemy lovely freelike2023-07-12 01:18:193
敌人 英文怎么说
楼楼您好!1.enemy敌人,敌军Thecityisheldbythe enemy.这座城市已被敌人占领。2.opponent敌手Theknightdismountedhis opponent.骑士将他的敌手打下马。3.foeman敌兵,敌人Indeepdrisionoutlaughsthe foeman.敌人极尽嘲弄地纵声大笑。希望能帮上忙^_^2023-07-12 01:18:401
楼楼您好!1.enemy敌人,敌军thecityisheldbythe enemy.这座城市已被敌人占领。2.opponent敌手theknightdismountedhis opponent.骑士将他的敌手打下马。3.foeman敌兵,敌人indeepdrisionoutlaughsthe foeman.敌人极尽嘲弄地纵声大笑。希望能帮上忙^_^2023-07-12 01:18:471
汉语词语,名词。含义:①企图使某人或某事受到损害,或企图推翻使某人某事遭到损害的人。②互相仇恨而敌对的人或敌对的一方或多方。基本释义汉语拼音:dí rén英文:enemy法语:ennemi解释:名词:①企图使某人或某事受到损害,或企图推翻使某人某事遭到失败的人。②互相仇恨而敌对的人或敌对的方面。③因为一方面或多方面的根本原因而相互冲突且不相互包容的人。例:“然仓皇中不可落于敌人之手以死。”(清·全祖望《梅花岭记》)【反义词】朋友2023-07-12 01:19:024
问题一:朋友来了有好酒 敌人来了有猎枪英文怎么翻译 朋友来了有好酒 敌人来了有猎枪 To our friends with good wine The enemy was to have a shotgun 朋友来了有好酒 敌人来了有猎枪 To our friends with good wine The enemy was to have a shotgun 朋友来了有好酒 敌人来了有猎枪 To our friends with good wine The enemy was to have a shotgun 问题二:敌人的敌人就是朋友,英语怎么写,没有语法错误的! The enemy"s enemy is a friend 问题三:骂人的话有哪些?用英语怎么说? son of a bitch 问题四:"还有没有其他人"用英语怎么说 比较正常的是Anybody else?或Anyone else?当然用Is 龚here anybody(anyone)there?也可以,但太书面。 问题五:请告诉英语翻译:朋友来了有好酒,敌人来了有猎枪. there is good good wine for friends and shotguns for the enemy 。 问题六:请问这有人吗?英语怎么说 你是想问座位的事吧?应该说: Is this seat taken? 问题七:请问“狡辩”英语如何表达!还有。。 *** 挡住了敌人一波又一波的袭击。。这个“一波”怎么翻译比较 quibble about sth with *** dont quibble about the unimportant things with me 不要为了这些琐事厂我争辩 *** 挡住了敌人一波又一波的袭击。。这个“一波”怎么翻译比较 一波有一波 again and again the Eighth Route Army 也可以说the red army the 8route army against the enemys violent attacks again and again 英文中没有那么多花哨的词的,,,有也是chiglish! 都是根据他的语境和形容词,联想到中文的,所以一个好的翻译,,中文一定要好! 好了,我刚查了,,,wave of 加形容词可以意味一波什么 找你说的就是 wave of attacks 一波又一波的进攻 the 8route army against wave of enemys attacks again and again!2023-07-12 01:19:261
敌人在哪里? 用英文怎么写?
where are the enemies?2023-07-12 01:19:333
王者荣耀一杀到五杀的英文:1、一杀为First Blood。度2、双杀为Double kill。3、三杀为Triple kill。4、四杀为Quadra kill。5、五杀为Penta kill。另外其他知击杀的英文:无人可挡Unstoppable、天下无敌Legendary、团灭ACE、终结Shut down、防御佰塔(野怪)击杀execute、You have slained an enemy你击杀了一名敌人、You has been slained你被击杀度了等等。英雄联盟知一杀到五杀的英文:一杀:first blood、二杀:衟double kill、三杀:triple kill、四杀:quadra kill、五杀:penta kill。英雄联盟其他击杀的英文:团灭:ace、暴走:rampage、大杀特杀:killing spree、主宰比赛:dominating、无人能挡:unstoppable、接近神:god like、超越神:lenendary、终结:shoot down。2023-07-12 01:19:412
Find that the enemy2023-07-12 01:20:033
擅长进攻的部队,敌人不知道他们应该防守哪些部分。擅长防守的部队,敌人不知道进攻的方向。大约是这样吧,希望对你有帮助!2023-07-12 01:20:138
Strategically despises the enemy, in the tactic takes the enemy2023-07-12 01:20:584
Who is their common foe?foe 敌人2023-07-12 01:21:062
The friend of your enemy is an enemy.2023-07-12 01:21:145
英雄联盟里面 敌方英雄已被击杀 等。说的英语是什么 我全要
你的敌人被击杀2023-07-12 01:21:315
1.我这里来的越少,我就感觉越好.the less i come here, the better i feel. 2.在这里不需要用the more the more句型,因为后半句说的是感觉好,所以要用better.就是good的比较级. 3.有 the more, the less 句型. 4.目前没想到更合适的翻译. 以上,希望有帮助(^o^)/~2023-07-12 01:22:031
1收到2发现敌人3需要支援4这里无情况5我到达指定地点6报告你们情况7炸弹要炸了8拒绝执行9击毙敌人肯定对,我也经常玩,呵呵2023-07-12 01:22:223
你一杀:you have slained an enemy队友一杀:an enemy has been slained被杀:you have been slained队友被杀:your ally has been slained防御塔击杀,小兵击杀,野怪击杀:excided(介个我不确定)连杀中断:shut down2023-07-12 01:22:322
slaved2023-07-12 01:22:416
一个个打开来看呗……2023-07-12 01:22:594
使命召唤6没有英军吧2023-07-12 01:23:098
It"s nice to meet you2023-07-12 01:23:284
最大的敌人是自己英文怎么表示 “最大的敌人是自己”英文怎么表示啊
我来提供几种说法:one是指I/you/he/she/they,oneself 是指myself/yourself/himself/herself/themselves respectively.1.One"s biggest enemy is oneself.2.The biggest enemy that one has is oneself.3.The most p...2023-07-12 01:23:501
csol里的 “请求支援”和“发现敌人”用英语怎么说?
按C 然后按3(Need Backup) 就出现 请求支援按C 然后按2(Enemy Spotted) 出现 发现敌人^_^!游戏愉快!2023-07-12 01:23:572
第一滴血:First Blood双杀:Double Kill三杀:Triple Kill四杀:Quadra Kill五杀:Penta Kill团灭:Aced Killing Spree 大杀特杀!(击杀三人)Rampage 杀人如麻!(击杀四人)Unstoppable 势不可挡!(击杀五人)Godlike 横扫千军!(击杀六人)Lengendary 天下无双(超神)!(击杀七人)An enemy has been slained. 我方击杀敌方。An ally has been slained. 敌方击杀我方。You have been slained. 你被敌方击杀。You have slain an enemy. 你击杀了一个敌人。Shut down! 终结!Executed. 被小兵或机关击杀。Your turret has been destroyed. 我方防御塔被摧毁。Yo姬骇灌较弑记鬼席邯芦ur team has destroyed the turret. 摧毁敌方防御塔。2023-07-12 01:24:071
求LOL一杀 被防御塔击杀 以及敌人击杀的英文
你一杀:youhaveslainedanenemy队友一杀:anenemyhasbeenslained被杀:youhavebeenslained队友被杀:yourallyhasbeenslained防御塔击杀,小兵击杀,野怪击杀:excided(介个我不确定)连杀中断:shutdown2023-07-12 01:24:272
enemy; foe2023-07-12 01:25:004
基本释义汉语拼音:dí rén英文:enemy法语:ennemi解释:名词:①企图使某人或某事受到损害,或企图推翻使某人某事遭到失败的人。②互相仇恨而敌对的人或敌对的方面。③因为一方面或多方面的根本原因而相互冲突且不相互包容的人。例:“然仓皇中不可落于敌人之手以死。”(清·全祖望《梅花岭记》)【反义词】朋友参考资料–百度汉语2023-07-12 01:25:526
英语中单词“敌人”是enemyThe city was under the enemy"s control. 那座城市曾一度在敌人的控制之下。那座城市现处于敌人的控制之下。单词 “对手”是rival或者opponent She beat her rival and got the first place in the match. 比赛中她打败了对手活得了第一名。希望对你有用。2023-07-12 01:26:071
I"m my enemy inside me2023-07-12 01:26:145
The enemy"s enemy is a friend2023-07-12 01:26:281
Strategically we should despise all our enemies, but tactically we should take them all seriously.2023-07-12 01:26:353
消灭敌人 用英语该如何表达?
wipe out enemies2023-07-12 01:26:542
围观。2023-07-12 01:27:043
你被杀了:You have been slayed你杀了一名敌人:You have slayed an enemy你的队友被击杀:An ally has been slayed防御塔击杀:execute 一血first blood双杀double kill3杀trible kill4杀UltraKill5杀Panta Kill团灭aceYour enhibitor has been destoryed.Your team has destoryed an enhibitor.(摧毁水晶)Your team has destoryed a tower.Your tower has been destoryed.(推塔)Your enhibitor is responing soon.The enemy"s enhibitor is responing soon.(水晶重生)2023-07-12 01:27:433
宿敌 的英语
Old enemy2023-07-12 01:29:025
问题一:用英语说 他被敌人抓住,并被投入监狱 他被敌人抓住,并被投入监狱 He was caught by the enemy, and was put into prison 亲,我的回答你满意吗? 如果我的回答对你有用的话, 请采纳一下哦! 采纳之后你也将获得5财富值奖励! 问题二:英语,他是被人谋杀的怎么说 英文原文: he was murdered by someone 英式音标: [hi?] [w?z] [?m??d?] [ba?] [?s?mw?n] 美式音标: [hi] [w?z] [?m?d?] [ba?] [?s?mw?n] 问题三:Lol被塔击杀或被敌人击杀英文怎么写 你一杀:you have slained an enemy 队友一杀:an enemy has been slaind 被杀:you have been slained 队友被杀:your ally has been slained 防御塔击杀,小兵击杀,野怪击杀:excided(介个我不确定) 连杀中断:shut down请好评采纳 谢谢 问题四:LOL里“敌方防御塔已被摧毁”和“我放防御塔已被摧毁”用英语都怎么说? Your team has destoryed a tower. 己方推 Your tower has been destoryed. 被推 Your enhibitor has been destoryed. 己方推 水晶 Your team has destoryed an enhibitor. 被推 水晶 Your enhibitor is responing soon. 己方水晶重生 The enemy"s enhibitor is responing soon 敌方水晶重生 first blood double kill triple kill quatary kill penta kill You have been slayed 你被杀了 You have slayed an enemy 你杀了一名敌人 An ally has been slayed 你的队友被击杀 execute 防御塔击杀 求采纳 问题五:他被全世界人所熟知翻译成英语怎么翻译 he was known ?by people around the world 问题六:英语被很多人使用 用英语怎么说? English is used by many people.望采纳 问题七:被评估人 英文怎么说 Evaluation Standard2023-07-12 01:29:151
enemy spottedspot2023-07-12 01:29:242
Did not fear the god same enemy, fears the pig same teammate.这个是最准确的答案..2023-07-12 01:29:302
把一下词语变成英文: 狙击手 开火 导弹开火 敌人来袭
我觉得很棒!!!!!~~~2023-07-12 01:30:153
如果没有树立那么多敌人 就没有很多尊重你 -------The more foes you have for yourself ,the more respect they will have for you.2023-07-12 01:30:211
第一滴血:FirstBlood双杀:DoubleKill三杀:TripleKill四杀:QuadraKill五杀:PentaKill团灭:AcedKillingSpree大杀特杀!(击杀三人)Rampage杀人如麻!(击杀四人)Unstoppable势不可挡!(击杀五人)Godlike横扫千军!(击杀六人)Lengendary天下无双(超神)!(击杀七人)Anenemyhasbeenslained.我方击杀敌方。Anallyhasbeenslained.敌方击杀我方。Youhavebeenslained.你被敌方击杀。Youhaveslainanenemy.你击杀了一个敌人。Shutdown!终结!Executed.被小兵或机关击杀。Yourturrethasbeendestroyed.我方防御塔被摧毁。Yo姬骇灌较弑记鬼席邯芦urteamhasdestroyedtheturret.摧毁敌方防御塔。2023-07-12 01:30:313
The worst enemy is youself2023-07-12 01:30:545