交通事故 aground 搁浅 be(go,run)aground (船)搁浅,触礁 belly out 底部朝上 black box (飞机等的)黑匣子 bound 准备(或正在)到……去的(飞机,船等) bow 船头 canyon 峡谷 capsize (船等)倾覆 castaway 乘船遇难者(的) cliff 悬崖 collide (车船等)碰撞 crash 碰撞 crosswind 侧风 derail 火车出轨 distress signal 船只遇难时的求救信号 ditch 飞机迫降在水面上,汽车开到沟里 escaping hatch (潜艇的)逃生舱口 ferry 渡船 flip over 翻过来 foul play 不正常运作 fragment 碎片 fuselage (飞机)机身 gondola 吊舱 hatch 舱门 head-on train collision 火车迎面相撞 heavy seas 波涛汹涌的海面 hull 船壳,船体 life vest 救生背心 mangle 压碎, plunge 投入,跳进 raft 救生筏 ram 猛撞 ravine 沟壑 山涧 深谷 rescue team 援救人员 rough seas 波涛汹涌的海面 rudder 舵 shipwreck 船只失事,失事船的残骸 skip over 翻过来 strand 使搁浅 turbulence 湍流 turbulent 狂暴的 湍流的 wind shear 风切变 wreck on a rock 触礁失事 2.地震等 after shock 余震 buckle 变形,坍塌 calamity 灾祸 debris 碎片 废墟 devastate 毁坏 devastating quake 毁坏性地震 dilapidated house 部分毁坏的房屋 earthquake belt 地震带 earthquake prone zone 易震带 epicenter 震中 eruption 喷发,爆发 jolt 振摇 killer earthquake (死伤人数很多的)强烈地震 landslide 塌方,滑坡,山崩 lava 熔岩 mudslide 泥石流 open-ended Richter Scale 里氏地震级 quake-striken area 地震灾区 reduce to rubbles 化为瓦砾 rock 震动 seism 地震 shantytown 棚户区 贫民窟 shanty 棚屋 shoddy building 偷工减料的建筑物 skimp 克扣,偷工减料 sniffer dog 警犬,嗅探器 sniffer 嗅探器 stench of puntrefacton 腐烂东西发出的恶臭 temblor 地震 tide wave 海啸 tracking dog 警犬 trained-dog 受过训练的狗,警犬 traumatized 受过精神创伤的 tremor 震颤 tsunami 海啸 unscrupulous 是无忌惮的 不讲道理的 volcano 火山 3.火灾,风灾,水灾,旱灾 avalanche 雪崩 back-to-back storms 接踵而来的暴风雨 batter (恶劣的天气)连续袭击 blaze 火,熊熊燃烧 blizzard 暴风雪 carcase(carcass) (动物的)尸体, (蔑)人的尸体 cataclysm 洪水 char 烧焦 choppy 风向不定的,波浪涛涛的 collapse 倒坍 crest 洪峰 cyclone 气旋,旋风 dam 水坝 deluge 洪水 depression 低气压 dismal 凄凉的 driving rain 倾盆大雨 drizzle 牛毛细雨 drought 干旱 drown 淹死 dump (雨水)倾泻 embankment 堤岸 embank 筑堤防护 engulf 席卷吞噬 flame 火焰 flood-ravaged area (洪水)受灾区 fume (浓烈或难闻的)烟,气,汽 gale 狂风 gust 阵风, (风雨雹)突然一阵 gut 损毁(房屋等)内部装置 hurricane 飓风 inundate 水淹 jetty 防波堤 knee-deep (积雪等)齐膝深的,没膝的 levee 大堤 low-lying 地势低洼的 maroon (杯水围困)处于孤立无援的境地 monsoon 季风 monsoon rain (印度洋)季雨 pelt 连续打击, (雨雪)大降 pound (连续)猛击 pour 下倾盆大雨 rainfall 降雨量 (typhoon-)ravaged area 被(台风)破坏的地区 scorch 烧焦 sift 筛选 详查 silt 淤泥,使淤塞 sleet 雨夹雪 smoulder 焖烧 spell (某种天气的)一段持续时间 squall (冰雹)暴风 stampede 惊跑 乱窜 stifle 使窒息 submergence 浸没,淹没 subside (洪水)减退 suffocate 使窒息 sweep (风等)刮起 ,浪等冲走 terrified 恐惧的 tornado 龙卷风 torrential rain 骤雨 trample 踩 twister 陆海卷风,沙柱 尘旋 typhoon 台风 uproot 连根拔 wash away 冲走 water-logged 涝的
The Artic Circle 北极圈
The Antarctic Circle 南极圈
Glacier 冰河
the equator 赤道
bay/gulf (海或湖泊的)湾
strait/channel 海峡
cape 海角
canal 运河
peninsula 半岛
delta 三角洲
reservoir 水库
dam 水坝;水堤
height 高地;海拔
bush 灌木
sanctuary 鸟兽禁猎区
dune/sand hill 沙丘
sizzling 极热的
humid/muggy 潮湿的
chilly 冷飕飕的
freezing 冰冻的;极冷的
torrential rain 倾盆大雨
shower 阵雨
drizzle 毛毛雨
lightning 闪电
thunderstorm 大雷雨
mist 薄雾
hail 冰雹
gust 一阵强风
mirage 海市蜃楼
ecosystem 生态系统
ecology 生态学
global warming 全球暖化
greenhouse effect 温室效应
acid rain 酸雨
disposal (waste disposal; garbage disposal; sewage disposal) 处置;处理
kitchen garbage 厨房垃圾
incinerate 焚化
recycling 循环再利用
recyclable 可回收的
extinct 绝种的
endangered species 濒临绝种的动植物
man-made disaster 认为灾害
calamity/catastrophe 大灾难;灾害
victim 受害者
casualty (事故、灾难等的)死者
death toll/fatality 死亡人数;死亡事故
aftershock 余震
magnitude 震级
volcano 火山
flood 洪水
tidal wave/tsunami 海啸
drought/dry spell 旱灾
snowstorm 雪灾
avalanche 雪崩;山崩
tornado/twister 龙卷风;飓风
typhoon 台风
cyclone 气旋;旋风
hurricane 飓风
natural disaster
natural combustion 自然燃烧
natural disaster 自然灾害
natural fibre hose [消]天然纤维水带
natural calamities
Natural 自然的,天然的
natural calamities 自然灾害
natural capital 自然资本
natural calamity
natural auxin 天然生长素
natural calamity 自然灾害
natural classification 自然分类
natural disasters
natural dialectics 自然辩证法
natural disasters 自然灾害
natural endowment 先天禀赋
natural disaster
People are helpless in the face of natural disasters.
When natural disasters occur, people suffer.
Earthquakes are one of the most deadly natural disasters in the world.
希望对你有帮助 注意采纳最佳答案 哦
natural disaster 自然灾害
typhoon 台风
flood 洪水
earthquake 地震
hurricane 飓风
tsunami 海啸
Natural Disaster
Natural disaster
natural disaster
冰雹是夏季或最为常见。如果温度急剧下降,就会结成较大的冰团,也就是冰雹。北方的山区及丘陵地区,地形复杂,天气多变,冰雹多,受害重,对农业危害很大。那么你知道吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。 冰雹的英语说法1: hail 冰雹的英语说法2: hailstone 冰雹相关英语表达: 冰雹飓风 Hail hurricane 冰雹风暴 hailstorm 冰雹衰减 hail attenuation 冰雹的英语例句: 1. Hail fell with such violence that it broke windows. 冰雹猛落,把玻璃窗也砸破了. 2. Such a hailstorm was a rarity in that region. 这样的冰雹在那个地区可是希罕. 3. Hailstones damaged crops and even killed farm animals. 冰雹毁坏了农作物,甚至打死了牲畜. 4. Sometimes it hails during a summer thundershower. 有时候夏天的雷阵雨中会夹有冰雹. 5. Hailstones pelted the tent. 冰雹不断地砸在帐篷上. 6. There was a hail of angry words. 愤怒的话语如冰雹似地砸来. 7. Hailstones of abuse were pelting him. 阵阵辱骂冰雹般地向他袭来. 8. It hailed during the night. 夜间下了冰雹. 9. The hailstone took a heavy toll of the crops in our village last night. 昨晚那场冰雹损坏了我们村的庄稼. 10. This area is hit by an average of about 5 hailstorms a year. 这个地区平均每年遭受大约五次冰雹袭击. 11. Heavy rain or hail may dislodge many aphids from the plants. 大雨和冰雹可从植株上击落很多蚜虫. 12. Gravity is pulling every raindrop and snowflake and hailstone. 地心引力在吸引著每一个雨点,每一片雪花和每一块冰雹. 13. Hail is a meteoric phenomenon. 下冰雹是一种大气现象. 14. The growing grass was crushed down by hailstones. 正在生长的草被冰雹压下去了. 15. It was so cold yesterday that it hailed. 昨天太冷,都下冰雹了.2023-07-11 18:07:591
这个西瓜,如何能入门学习知乎?必须能驱散黑暗中的阴霾,迎来光明。2023-07-11 18:08:086
如下:1.weather天气 adj.2.rainy下雨的 adj.3.windy刮风的 adj.4.cloudy多云的 adj.5.sunny天晴的 adj.6.snowy下雪的 adj.7.thunder打雷 v.8.lightning闪电 v.9.hail冰雹 n.10.typhoon台风 n.注意:天气过程就是一定地区的天气现象随时间的变化过程。各种天气系统都具有一定的空间尺度和时间尺度,而且各种尺度系统间相互交织、相互作用。许多天气系统的组合,构成大范围的天气形势,构成半球甚至全球的大气环流。天气系统总是处在不断新生、发展和消亡过程中,在不同发展阶段有着其相对应的天气现象分布。2023-07-11 18:08:381
自然灾害多种多样,我们可能只知道它们的中文名称,很多人不知道这些灾害的英文怎么写,今天我为大家整理了一些各种自然灾害的英文单词_自然灾害 英语单词 ,一起来学习。 常见自然灾害英文名词 自然灾害 Natural Disaster : 地震 earthquake 雪崩 avalanche 火山泥流 lahar 泥石流 mudflow/landslide 超级火山爆发 supervolcano 洪水 flood 大(或急剧的)漩涡 maelstrom 海啸 Tsunami 暴风雪 blizzard (呵呵) 干旱 Drought 雹暴 Hailstorm 热浪 heat wave 飓风(台风)Hurricanes, Tropical cyclones, and Typhoons 冰雹 ice storm 龙卷风 tornado 冰河时代 ice age 森林大火 wildfire 流行病 Epidemic 饥荒 Famine 太阳耀斑 Solar flare 使用频率高的自然灾害相关英文单词 The Artic Circle 北极圈 The Antarctic Circle 南极圈 Glacier 冰河 the equator 赤道 bay/gulf (海或湖泊的)湾 strait/channel 海峡 cape 海角 canal 运河 peninsula 半岛 delta 三角洲 reservoir 水库 dam 水坝;水堤 height 高地;海拔 bush 灌木 sanctuary 鸟兽禁猎区 dune/sand hill 沙丘 sizzling 极热的 humid/muggy 潮湿的 chilly 冷飕飕的 freezing 冰冻的;极冷的 torrential rain 倾盆大雨 shower 阵雨 drizzle 毛毛雨 lightning 闪电 thunderstorm 大雷雨 mist 薄雾 hail 冰雹 gust 一阵强风 mirage 海市蜃楼 ecosystem 生态系统 ecology 生态学 global warming 全球暖化 greenhouse effect 温室效应 acid rain 酸雨 disposal (waste disposal; garbage disposal; sewage disposal) 处置;处理 kitchen garbage 厨房垃圾 incinerate 焚化 recycling 循环再利用 recyclable 可回收的 extinct 绝种的 endangered species 濒临绝种的动植物 man-made disaster 认为灾害 calamity/catastrophe 大灾难;灾害 victim 受害者 casualty (事故、灾难等的)死者 death toll/fatality 死亡人数;死亡事故 aftershock 余震 magnitude 震级 volcano 火山 flood 洪水 tidal wave/tsunami 海啸 drought/dry spell 旱灾 snowstorm 雪灾 avalanche 雪崩;山崩 tornado/twister 龙卷风;飓风 typhoon 台风 cyclone 气旋;旋风 hurricane 飓风 各种自然灾害的英文单词相关 文章 : ★ 各种自然灾害的英文单词 ★ 东南西北的英文音标 ★ 业务员实习工作总结与心得 ★ 如何避免自然灾害英语作文 ★ 英语经典人生哲理格言 ★ 自然灾难慰问信英文范本 ★ 关于大自然的英语小短文阅读 ★ 有关节日的英语短语 ★ 人教版六年级下册品德与社会复习资料 ★ 学习英语必备的高频词汇都有哪些?2023-07-11 18:08:541
问题一:下冰雹英文 下冰雹 Hail hail 问题二:冰雹英语怎么说 下载有道翻译官 问题三:冰雹英文怎么读? ice 问题四:英语中的吃冰雹怎么写 翻译为: 吃冰雹 Eat hail hail 英 [he?l] 美 [hel] n. 冰雹; 一阵 vi. 下冰雹; 如冰雹般地降下 vt. 致敬; 打招呼; 打信号示意(计程车等)停下; 赞扬(或称颂)…为(尤用于报章等) 问题五:要用英语表示冰雹的大小用什么单词 as big as eggs 鸡蛋大小的 问题六:用英文怎么说“今天天空的颜色以及今天下的冰雹。” 今天天空的颜色以及今天下的冰雹。The color of the sky and the hail today. 问题七:下冰雹了英语过去式 中国一流、二流、三流大学对应的就是一本、二本、三本。 录取通常分为三类: 第一类本科通常指全国重点大学、进入211工程的本科院校,其他部属高校以及各省指定的省重点本科院校,俗称一本,所划的分数线称为一本线,又叫重点线; 第二类是面向全国招生的普通本科,比一本低一个档次,俗称二本(当然有些二本院校的录取线也是很高的,比如天津外国语学院,北京二外等),在第二批录取; 第三类本科指的是民办本科,也有一部分重点院校下设的独立学院(就是那种挂羊头卖狗肉的大学,借用别人的牌子招生),主要面向省内招生,是一种最低档次的本科院校,这些学校大多是原来的专科升格而成,俗称三本。 同一所大学里面,可能部分专业是一本,部分专业是二本,但是毕业证不会有区别。 但是如果是独立学院的话,就有比较大的区别了。独立学院就是招生单位的名字不同,比如本身的学校叫燕山大学,独立学院就不能叫燕山大学,而是叫“燕山大学里仁学院”。 高考中大学录取考生是从高分到低分,分批次录取的。 大学的一本,二本,三本是指高考录取批次: 一本是指第一批次录取的本科大学,大多数是全国重点大学,有很多是211工程院校。学校一般要好于二本的。 二本是指第二批次录取的本科大学,大多数是一般的综合性大学。 三本是指第三批次录取的本科大学,大多数是一些大学自主自办的二级学院等,收费比较高。 某个大学招生时所在的本科录取批次是由各省级高校招生委员会根据本地招生工作的实际,以及高等学校的办学质量、办学条件、办学历史、生源情况和国家重点保障的学科等情况,经与有关高等学校协商后划分的。 在证书上是显示不出究竟是一本还是二本的。课程安排当然会有不同,一本的专业之间课程还会不同呢,因为专业不同。其实二本确实有些专业不错的,比如首经的市场营销,土地资源管理,很有前景。一本既然是重点所以在各个方面的力量当然也比较雄厚,而且听起来也比较好听,对今后找工作什么的大概比较有好处。关键要看自己怎么看待这件事情,不管怎样还是要相信自己的实力,金子在哪里都会发光。 一本一般是指211、985等国家重点建设的高校,而二本一般就是普通本科院校,也可以这样说一本是重点,二本是普通。 三本是相对于一本、二本来说的,一本、二本是普通高校,三本叫独立学院。独立学院是贯彻落实教育部八号文件精神,近年来在我国高校领域诞生的新事物。独立学院的产生,主要有以下几种方式:国办院校结合企业资本联合举办、民办大学挂*改制和国办大学独立兴建这三种方式。 独立学院的招生是通过学院办学所在的省市,根据参加全国高考统一招生的招生计划的基础上,实施降低分数的方式进行的。独立学院的毕业生将获得获国家承认的学历证书。与学校本部毕业证书不同的是,其毕业证书上加盖的是某某大学某某学院印章,而学校本部学生的毕业证书只盖有学校校名印章。 独立学院与大学内部学院的重要区别还在于其独立性。独立学院有独立的校园和基本办学设施,实施相对独立的教学组织和管理,独立进行招生,独立颁发学历证书,独立进行财务核算,应具有独立法人资格,能独立承担民事责任。独立学院还按国家有关教育事业统计工作的规定,独立填报《高等教育基层统计报表》。在性质上是一所完全独立的院校,与所属的大学关系并不大。 独立学院与大学内部学院的重要区别还在于其完全的民办性,独立学院由于其独立性,其经费来源不是来自国家拨款而是由学院的举办方通过各种方式筹集得到,在经费、学费和其他一些相关的管理上也都是按照民办大学的方式进行管理。 近年来,......>>2023-07-11 18:09:011
天气预报的英语表达方式: sunny晴天 cloudy多云 overcast阴天 light rain 小雨 moderate rain 中雨 heavy rain 大雨 moderate snow中雪 heavy snow 大雪 light snow 小雪 rainstorm暴雨 thunderstorm雷雨 fog雾 frost霜冻 sleet 雨夹雪 typhoon台风 sandstorm 沙尘暴 天气状况 Wind direction风向 Wind force 风力 Lowest temperature最低气温(℃) Highest temperature最高气温(℃) AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风 Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风 Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪 Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪 Scattered Showers=零星阵雨 Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪 Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨 Showers=阵雨 Showers Early=早有阵雨 Showers Late=晚有阵雨 Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风 Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨 Smoke=烟雾 Snow=雪 Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny=阳光 Sunny / Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨 T-Storms=雷雨 T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨 Windy=有风 Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪 Windy Rain=刮风下雨 Wintry Mix=雨雪混合 sunny 晴天 cloudy 密云 shower 骤雨 stormy 暴风雨 fine 好天 overcast 阴天 windy 大风 breezy 微风 light rain 微雨 heavy rain 大雨 snowy 下雪天 thunderstorm 雷雨 rainy 雨天 赞同109| 评论(3)2023-07-11 18:09:154
各种自然灾害的英文名词,限当天,加分,比如地震earthquake 越多越好,分有的事
Avalanche 雪崩Blizzard 暴风雪Drought 干旱Earthquake 地震Famine 饥荒Flood 洪水Hailstorm 冰雹Heat Wave 热浪Hurricane 飓风Ice Storm 冰暴Lahar 火山崩发Landslide 泥石流Lightning 闪电Limnic Eruption 湖堰崩溃Sandstorm 沙尘暴Tornado 龙卷风Tsunami 海啸Volcanic Eruption 火山喷发,火山暴发Wildfire 野火就这些吧2023-07-11 18:09:235
这句话怎么说?2023-07-11 18:09:455
sunny cloudy windy sowy rainy etc.2023-07-11 18:10:014
天气: 1. weather 2. wea Examples: 1. 天气怎么样? What"s the weather like? 2. 炎热天气一直持续到十月. The hot weather extended into October. 3. 寒冷的天气抑制了植物的生长. Cold weather constrains the plant"s growth. 4. 因为天气不好.他们的旅行计划取消了. Their travel plan was cancelled because of the bad weather. 5. 昨天天气普遍晴朗. Fair weather was the rule yesterday. 6. 阴沉的天气让我们都感到压抑. We were all depressed by the dismal weather. 7. 天气预报说明天是晴天. The weather forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow. 8. 他们在恶劣的天气条件下登上了山的顶峰. They climbed up the last part of the mountain in formidable weather conditions. 暴风雨天气 wild weather. 天气雷达 weather radar 天气过程 weather process 天气谚语 weather lore 天气报告 weather advisory 坏天气 villainous weather 坏天气 vile weather 寒冷天气 shivery weather 好天气 propitious weather 天气weather 晴天sunshine fine 多云cloudy 阴天overcast sky cloudy sky 小雨flurry spit sprinkle 中雨middle rain 大雨drencher ding-on downfall soak spate 暴雨rainstorm 阵风flatus flurry gust 微风breeze breath breathing breezee gentle breeze 台风typhoon 龙卷风cyclone tornado 雾brume fog mist reek 雪grue sonw 霜frost hoarfrost 冰雹hail hailstone 呵呵```能帮到你吗?2023-07-11 18:10:286
AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风 Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风 Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪 Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪 Scattered Showers=零星阵雨 Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪 Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨 Showers=阵雨 Showers Early=早有阵雨 Showers Late=晚有阵雨 Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风 Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨 Smoke=烟雾 Snow=雪 Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny=阳光 Sunny / Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨 T-Storms=雷雨 T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨 Windy=有风 Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪 Windy Rain=刮风下雨 Wintry Mix=雨雪混合和天气有关的单词beautiful day 好天气例句:It"s a beautiful day. 今天天气很好。lovely day 好天气例句:It"s a lovely day. 今天天气很好。nice day 好天气例句:It"s a nice day. 今天天气很好。downpour 倾盆大雨例句:We had a downpour. 我们刚遇到了一场倾盆大雨. drizzle 毛毛雨例句:It"s drizzling. sprinkle 毛毛雨例句:It"s just sprinkling. 只是在下毛毛雨而已。shower 阵雨 windy 刮风的breezy 有微风的 snow 雪sleet 冰雹例句:We had 3 inches of snow and sleet last week. 上个星期下了三英寸的雪和冰雹.icy 地面结冰的rainbow 彩虹 atmosphere 大气 climate 气候 elements 自然力量(风 、雨) temperature 气温 to be warm, to be hot 天气热 to be cold 天气冷 frost 霜 hail 冰雹 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 mist 雾 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 downpour, shower 暴雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨 lightning 闪电 land wind 陆风 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 gale 季节风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 humidity 潮湿 freeze 冰冻 snowflake 雪花 snowfall 降雪 waterspout 水龙卷 dead calm 风平浪静 Indian summer 小阳春 drought 干旱meteorology 气象学 atmosphere 大气 climate 气候 elements 自然力量(风、雨) temperature 气温 to be warm, to be hot 天气热 to be cold 天气冷 season 季节 spring 春 summer 夏 autumn 秋 (美作:fall) winter 冬 frost 霜 hail 冰雹 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 mist 雾 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 downpour, shower 暴雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨 lightning 闪电 land wind 陆风 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 gale 季节风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 humidity 潮湿 freeze 冰冻 snowflake 雪花 snowfall 降雪 waterspout 水龙卷 dead calm 风平浪静 Indian summer 小阳春 drought 干旱2023-07-11 18:10:431
与天气相关的英文单词你们学过几个呢?能够立马说出来吗?下面是我带来与天气有关的英文单词,希望对大家有帮助。 各种天气的英文单词 Five days forecast 未来五天预报 monsoon zone 季风带 misty 薄雾 drizzle 小雨 pour/downpour 大雨 sleet 雨夹雪 precipitation 降雨量 clear to overcast 晴转多云 fine/fair/sunny 晴朗 cloudy 多云 foggy 有雾 hail/hailstone 冰雹 windy 有风 gale wind 大风 stormy wind 暴风 light air 1级风 moderate breeze 4级风 moderate gale 7级风 whole gale 10级风 typhoon 台风 drought 干旱 Today"s Graphic 今日气象图 oceanic climate 海洋性气候 Centigrade 摄氏 cloudy to overcast 阴转多云 mild 温暖 overcast/dull/gloomy 阴天 frosty 霜冻 damp 潮湿 shower 阵雨 storm 暴风雨 light snow 小雪 monsoon rain 季风雨 breezy 微风阵阵 heavy/high wind 大风 gust 阵风 light breeze 2级风 fresh breeze 5级风 fresh gale 8级风 storm 11级风 duststorm 沙暴 ice sheet 冰川 Weather Forecast 天气预报 continental climate 大陆性气候 Fahrenheit 华氏 turning out cloudy 转阴 cool 凉爽 snowy 有雪 chilly 微冷 wet 雨天 thundery shower 雷阵雨 thundery storm 雷雨 blizzard 暴风雪 seasonal rain 季雨 gentle wind 和风 windy and dusty 风沙 piercing wind 寒风 gentle breeze 3级风 strong breeze 6级风 strong gale 9级风 hurricane 12级风/飓风 flood 洪水 iceburg 冰山 各种天气的中英文词汇 01 Sandstorm, Duststorm, Sand, Dust 浮尘,扬沙,沙尘暴等沙尘天气 02 Thunderstorms, Thundershowers, Storm, Lightning 雷暴,雷阵雨,风暴,闪电 03 Hail 冰雹 04 Blowing Snow, Blizzard, Snowdrift, Snowstorm 吹雪,大风雪,堆雪,暴风雪 05 Snow Showers, Flurries 阵雪,小雪 06 Snow, Heavy Snow, Snowfall 雪, 大雪 ,降雪 07 Light Snow 小雪 08 Sleet雨夹雪 09 Showers, Heavy Showers, Rainshower 阵雨,强阵雨(从降雨强度及降雨量上) 10 Occasional Showers, Scattered Showers零星阵雨(时间、空间上不连续的阵雨) 11 Isolated Showers局地阵雨(空间分布上比Scattered Showers范围更小的阵雨) 12 Light Showers小阵雨 13 Freezing Rain冻雨 14 Rain雨 15 Drizzle, Light Rain毛毛雨,小雨 16 Fog雾 17 Mist轻雾 18 Smoke烟雾 19 Haze霾 20 Overcast阴 21 Sunny Interval, No Rain, Clearing多云间晴 22 Sunny Period, Partly Cloudy, Partly Bright, Mild晴间多云 23 Cloudy, Mostly Cloudy多云 24 Bright, Sunny, Fair晴(尤指白天) 25 Fine, Clear晴 26 Windy, Squall, Stormy, Chill, Gale风,狂风,暴风,寒风,大风 27 Wet, Humid潮湿 28 Dry干燥 29 Freezing冰冻 30 Frost霜冻 31 Hot炎热 32 Cold寒冷 33 Warm暖和(升温) 34 Cool凉爽(降温) 35 Dew Point(露点) 36 Humidity(湿度) 37 Wind(风力) 38 Visibility(能见度)2023-07-11 18:10:501
关于天气的15个英文名词。 18:10:596
自然灾害 Natural Disaster :地震 earthquake雪崩 avalanche火山泥流 lahar泥石流 mudflow/landslide超级火山爆发 supervolcano洪水 flood大(或急剧的)漩涡 maelstrom海啸 Tsunami 暴风雪 blizzard (呵呵)干旱 Drought 雹暴 Hailstorm热浪 heat wave飓风(台风)Hurricanes, Tropical cyclones, and Typhoons 冰雹 ice storm龙卷风 tornado冰河时代 ice age森林大火 wildfire流行病 Epidemic 饥荒 Famine 太阳耀斑 Solar flare2023-07-11 18:11:155
冰雹:hail, hailstone:small balls of ice that fall like rain 台风:typhoon:a violent tropical storm with a very strong wind 飓风:hurricane:a violent storm with very strong wind, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean 应该清楚了吧~2023-07-11 18:11:401
天气是我们日常生活中要关注的,也是有必要知道一些表示各种天气的英文单词。为此本文告诉大家一些表示各种天气的英文单词: 气候 climate 天气 weather 台风 typhoon 龙卷风 tornado windy 刮风的 cloudy 阴天的 sunny 晴朗的 snowy 下雪的 showery 阵雨 foggy 有雾的 storm 暴风雨 sand storm沙尘暴 thunder雷冰雹 hail 雪 snow 雨 rain shower 阵雨 storm 暴风雨 thunder storm 雷beautiful day 好天气 例句:Its a beautiful day.今天天气很好. lovely day 好天气 例句:Its a lovely day.今天天气很好. nice day 好天气 例句:Its a nice day.今天天气很好. downpour 倾盆大雨 例句:We had a downpour.我们刚遇到了一场倾盆大雨. drizzle 毛毛雨 例句:Its drizzling. sprinkle 毛毛雨 例句:Its just sprinkling.只是在下毛毛雨而已. shower 阵雨 windy 刮风的 breezy 有微风的 snow 雪 sleet 冰雹 例句:We had 3 inches of snow and sleet last week.上个星期下了三英寸的雪和冰雹。2023-07-11 18:11:471
fine ........... rainy .sunny .windy . cloudy . fair . clear . snow .thunder . fog . snow and fog2023-07-11 18:11:554
晴天sunny,雨天rainy,雪天snowy,风天windy,热hot,冷cold2023-07-11 18:12:254
关于天气的英语成语 刮风下雨 Wind and rain 满城风雨 Noised abroad 好雨知时节 Good rain know season 描写天气的英语词语 气候来 climate 天气 weather 台风 typhoon 龙卷源风 tornado windy 刮风的 cloudy 阴天的 sunny 晴朗的 snowy 下雪的 showery 阵雨 foggy 有雾的 storm 暴风雨 sand storm沙尘暴 thunder雷冰雹 hail 雪 snow 雨 rain shower 阵雨 描述天气的英语单词形容词 气候 climate 天气 weather 台风 typhoon 龙卷风 tornado windy 刮风的 cloudy 阴天的 sunny 晴朗的 snowy 下雪的 showery 阵雨 foggy 有雾的 storm 暴风专雨 sand storm沙尘暴 thunder雷冰雹 hail 雪 snow 雨 rain shower 阵雨 storm 暴风雨 thunder storm 雷beautiful day 好天气属 例句:It"s a beautiful day.今天天气很好. lovely day 好天气 例句:It"s a lovely day.今天天气很好. nice day 好天气 例句:It"s a nice day.今天天气很好. downpour 倾盆大雨 例句:We had a downpour.我们刚遇到了一场倾盆大雨. drizzle 毛毛雨 例句:It"s drizzling. sprinkle 毛毛雨 例句:It"s just sprinkling.只是在下毛毛雨而已. shower 阵雨 windy 刮风的 breezy 有微风的 snow 雪 sleet 冰雹 英语中描写天气的词语 windy 刮风的 sunny 晴朗的 rainy 下雨的 snowy 下雪的 fine 晴朗的 AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风 Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风 Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪 Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪 Scattered Showers=零星阵雨 Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪 Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨 Showers=阵雨 Showers Early=早有阵雨 Showers Late=晚有阵雨 Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风 Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨 Smoke=烟雾 Snow=雪 Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny=阳光 Sunny / Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨 T-Storms=雷雨 T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨 Windy=有风 Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪 Windy Rain=刮风下雨 Wintry Mix=雨雪混合 形容天气的成语用英语 覆雨翻云 [fù yǔ fā复n yún] 基本释义制 形容人反复无常或惯于耍手段。 出 处 唐·杜甫《贫交行》:“翻手作云覆手雨,纷纷轻薄何须数。” 英文翻译 Proce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another 谁知道形容天气的词语(英语) 天气预报的英语表达方式: sunny晴天 cloudy多云 overcast阴天 light rain 小雨 moderate rain 中雨 heavy rain 大雨 moderate snow中雪 heavy snow 大雪 light snow 小雪 rainstorm暴雨 thunderstorm雷雨 fog雾 frost霜冻 sleet 雨夹雪 typhoon台风 sandstorm 沙尘暴 天气状况 Wind direction风向 Wind force 风力 Lowest temperature最低气温(℃) Highest temperature最高气温(℃) AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风 Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风 Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪 Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪 Scattered Showers=零星阵雨 Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪 Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨 Showers=阵雨 Showers Early=早有阵雨 Showers Late=晚有阵雨 Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风 Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨 Smoke=烟雾 Snow=雪 Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny=阳光 Sunny / Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨 T-Storms=雷雨 T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨 Windy=有风 Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪 Windy Rain=刮风下雨 Wintry Mix=雨雪混合 sunny 晴天 cloudy 密云 shower 骤雨 stormy 暴风雨 fine 好天 overcast 阴天 windy 大风 breezy 微风 light rain 微雨 heavy rain 大雨 snowy 下雪天 thunderstorm 雷雨 rainy 雨天 描写天气的英语有哪些 1、windy 英 [u02c8wu026andi] 美 [u02c8wu026andi] adj.多风的;风大的;当风的;受大风吹的;夸夸其谈的;空话连篇的;空洞无物的 例句:IaswindyandJakefeltcold. 风很大,杰克觉得很冷。 2、rainy 英 [u02c8reu026ani] 美 [u02c8reu026ani] adj.阴雨的;多雨的 例句:They walked along the promenade on a rainy night. 他们在一个雨夜沿着海滨道散步。 3、cloudy 英 [u02c8klau028adi] 美 [u02c8klau028adi] adj.被云遮住的;阴云密布的;阴天的;多云的;不清澈的;不透明的;浑浊的 例句:. 我们注意到天已经变阴了。 4、sunny 英 [u02c8su028cni] 美 [u02c8su028cni] adj.阳光充足的;欢乐的;快乐的 例句:The outlook for the weekend is hot and sunny. 预计本周末将为晴热天气。 5、snowy 英 [u02c8snu0259u028ai] 美 [u02c8snou028ai] adj.被雪覆盖的;下雪多的;雪白的 例句:No,Ilikesunnydaysandsnowydays. 不,我喜欢晴天和下雪天。 表示天气的英语形容词 表示天气的英语形容词有windy 刮风的、cloudy 阴天的、sunny 晴朗的、snowy 下雪的、showery 阵雨、foggy 有雾的、wet 下雨的、typhoon 台风、sandstorm 沙尘暴,等等。 单词解析: 一、windy 1、读音:英["wu026andi] 美["wu026andi] 2、翻译:adj.有风的;多风的 3、例句: Hold on to the hat on a windy day. 在有风的日子里请紧紧抓住帽子。 二、sunny 1、读音:英["su028cni] 美["su028cni] 2、翻译:adj.阳光充足的;晴朗的;明媚的;快活的 3、例句: We basked ourselves on the sunny beach. 我们在阳光充足的海滩上晒太阳。 三、cloudy 1、读音:英["klau028adi] 美["klau028adi] 2、翻译:adj.多云的;阴天的;混浊的;模糊不清的 3、例句: In that cloudy sky only one lone star can be seen. 在那多云的天上,只能看到孤零零的一颗星星。 四、foggy 1、读音:英["fu0252ɡi] 美["fu0254u02d0ɡi] 2、翻译:adj.有雾的 3、例句: He left Beijing on a foggy morning. 他在一个有雾的早上离开北京。 五、wet 1、读音:英[wet] 美[wet] 2、翻译: adj.湿的;雨天的;懦弱的 n.潮气;雨天 vt.(使)弄湿 3、例句: The crowds packed into the cinema on a wet day. 一大群人在雨天挤进了电影院。 地道英语:与天气相关的成语 风和日丽fēnghérìlì [释义] 和:柔合;温和。轻风柔和;阳光灿烂。回形容天气晴和。 [语出答] 唐·无名氏《句》:“风和日暖方开眼;雨润烟浓不举头。”唐·岑参《山房春事二首》:“风恬日暖荡春光;戏蝶游蜂乱入房。”清·吴趼人《痛史》:“是日风和日丽;众多官员;都来祭奠。” [正音] 和;不能读作“huó”。 [辨形] 和;不能写作“合”。 [近义] 风和日丽 风柔日暖 [反义] 风雨如晦 风雨交加 [用法] 作谓语时;前面总是有时间、处所的词语作主语;如“今天”、“国庆节”、“这里”等。一般用作谓语、定语、分句。 [结构] 联合式。 [例句] 这是一个~的星期天;我们来到颐和园。 描述天气的英语形容词 天气预报的英语表达方式: sunny晴天 cloudy多云 overcast阴天 light rain 小雨 moderate rain 中雨 heavy rain 大雨 moderate snow中雪 heavy snow 大雪 light snow 小雪 rainstorm暴雨 thunderstorm雷雨 fog雾 frost霜冻 sleet 雨夹雪 typhoon台风 sandstorm 沙尘暴 天气状况 Wind direction风向 Wind force 风力 Lowest temperature最低气温(℃) Highest temperature最高气温(℃) AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风 Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风 Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪 Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪 Scattered Showers=零星阵雨 Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪 Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Showers Late=晚有阵雨 Showers=阵雨 Showers Early=早有阵雨 Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风 Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨 Smoke=烟雾 Snow=雪 Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny=阳光 Sunny / Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨 T-Storms=雷雨 T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨 Windy=有风 Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪 Windy Rain=刮风下雨 Wintry Mix=雨雪混合 sunny 晴天 cloudy 密云 shower 骤雨 stormy 暴风雨 fine 好天 overcast 阴天 windy 大风 breezy 微风 light rain 微雨 heavy rain 大雨 snowy 下雪天 thunderstorm 雷雨 rainy 雨天2023-07-11 18:12:531
Vying for placement on the international space station is CIRRUS, or Cloud Infrared Radiometer for University Earth System Science, with Steven Ackerman as principal investigator. NASA has funded a study that will compete with five others for further development. From a perch high above Earth, scientists hope “to get some idea of how much ice truly exists in the atmosphere, how it is concentrated and the range of ice particle sizes.” Clouds made of ice “help regulate climate and influence patterns of local and regional weather,” but their effects need to be better known.Besides the scientific importance of the topic, student involvement is a major selling point, as Terry Devitt pointed out in a May 22 news release from UW–Madison"s Office of News and Public Affairs. CIRRUS will involve students from “beginning to end,” said Steve Ackerman, and will include students from several university departments, including art, law and business as well as Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. UniSci, a Web site delivering university science news, posted the story on May 24. It also appeared in Wisconsin Week Wire for May 24 (the online version of the campus newspaper). NASA will select a project for the space station in February. For more information, follow these links.UW-Madison CIRRUSUniSciIcebergsAs Iceberg B-15 nudged away part of the Ross Ice Shelf to form B-17 and B-18, the Antarctic Meteorological Research Center"s iceberg imagery continued to pique public and media interest throughout May and into June.In late April, the University of Chicago released its own iceberg story emphasizing the work of Douglas MacAyeal, a U.Chicago geophysicst and iceberg specialist. Ascribe and University Science released the piece in early May, with a nod to the AMRC providing satellite data. UniSci receives about 67,000 hits a day.UniSci icebergSolcomhouse, a populist earth science Web site, updated its site with news of B-17, B-18 and the other “offspring” of B-15, the first and biggest berg. Because it has continually updated its site with every new iceberg, it provides a good chronology up through the calving of the Ronne Ice Shelf with icebergs A-43A and B and A-44. It also correctly credits the AMRC images. Solcomhouse IcebergsMore Iceberg NewsLarry O"Hanlon of interviewed Matthew Lazzara (AMRC) and Douglas MacAyeal (University of Chicago), who are monitoring the Ross Ice Shelf icebergs. Matthew pointed out that satellite data, only available since the 1960s, enables this “fabulous opportunity to really observe and learn.”Discovery IcebergsBarbie Bischof, research editor for Natural History magazine, approached Matthew to use an image in a future issue. She"d like, she said, to add “more geology/oceanography-type of things into our magazine in an effort to attract people who would like an occasional break from biology.” The American Museum of Natural History publishes the magazine.Iceberg B-15 was mentioned, with size analogies, in Wisconsin Week"s “Who Knew” column on May 3. Student reporter Eileen Gilligan started off with the Irish Times which said that berg B-15 would “cover the counties of Mayo and Donegal combined.” Other size analogies not in Eileen"s article: the size of Connecticut or Jamaica, twice the size of Delaware, half the size of Sicily, the size of Maryland stretched out, or nearly as large as the entire Chicago metropolitan area.We continue to learn of other press coverage:BBC News online covered the initial calving of B-15 and B-16 on March 23. They link to UW-Madison"s Antarctic Projects page.The San Diego Union-Tribune, March 29, focused on Douglas MacAyeal"s modeling efforts at the University of Chicago.BBC Iceberg Don Cheney at KBCO radio in Denver interviewed Matthew for his show on world-class adventures.Other radio: U.S. Radio News, Dallas; Talk Back Radio, London; KCBS, San FranciscoOther Internet: Environmental News Network (Lucy Chubb reporting)Wisconsin newspapers: Watertown Daily Times and Beaver Dam Daily Citizen (Mar. 23), Antigo Journal Express (Mar. 27)Other newspapers: Atlanta Constitution (Mar. 24); the Hyde Park Herald, Hyde Park, IL; “Earthweek,” in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Mar. 24)As of June 8, the National Ice Center had not announced that B-15 had broken into two pieces, clearly shown on the AMRC iceberg page.AMRC Icebergs NIC On the Net For More InformationClick on the satellite imageFirst sounder images The first official GOES-11 image was posted on SSEC"s home page on May 11, a week after the satellite was lifted into orbit by an Atlas rocket. Images from the satellite"s sounding instrument also are posted. The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite is the U.S."s workhorse weather satellite, supporting forecasts of severe weather including hurricanes and flash floods. GOES-11 is the fourth in a series of advanced weather satellites and waits in orbit as a backup to the two active GOES, 8 and 10. VISITViewVISITView Home PageInternet2Information Technology UW-Madison"s Information Technology Newsletter for May features VISITView in an article on Internet2, a high-speed network for researchers and instructors. DoIT"s Joe Rossmeissl covered VISITView, the teletraining tool Tom Whittaker has developed for the National Weather Service"s Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration and Training. This distance-learning tool is “used to teach National Weather Service forecasters new techniques of data analysis and interpretation and to provide for remote collaborations using real-time data.” Scott Bachmeier provides science content and develops analyses.Steve Ackerman, CIMSS director and AOS professor, also uses Internet2 to deliver more traditional material to students in atmospheric science classes. “Ackerman"s students can display real-time satellite images of cloud cover … and use them to analyze weather trends and prepare forecasts.”Hurricanes Data analysis, an eclectic Web site devoted primarily to news and education of the space program (including remote sensing), got a jump on hurricane season with a multilevel piece on hurricane tracking and forecasting, stressing satellites. The item ran May 26 as the lead story. Reporter Jim Shultz included CIMSS" Tropical Cyclones group. Chris Velden is quoted, aptly, in the piece on data analysis. Earth"s Climate System David McConnell, a professor of geology at the University of Akron (Ohio), uses SSEC"s global montage and other SSEC Internet images in an online course he teaches. He uses the montage to illustrate global circulation. From his course notes, David is creating “a web resource … that will be published by McGraw-Hill at low cost.” David will use a montage and link to the SSEC Web site. Dane Cty. APWeather SSEC is the only referenced link on the weather page of the Dane County Airport. The link goes straight to the Madison forecast. Cyclone Hudah An animated Cyclone Hudah and an enhanced image from CIMSS" Tropical Cyclones group are used on, an Australian Web site devoted to reporting on weather-related events. Iceberg The site also reported in April on Iceberg B-15, from an Australian perspective. They call it “a berg the size of Jamaica.” and link to the Antarctic Meteorological Research Center"s satellite imagery. In Print For More Information UW-Madison A UW–Madison ad promoting weather research ran in Midwest Express magazine for May/June, delighting SSEC director Hank Revercomb as he flew back from a meeting. The ad didn"t name anyone but it"s clearly written about research done in this building. With a soggy pair of rubber boots as the eyecatching device, the ad cites “many breakthroughs that have trickled down into the daily forecast, including … the world"s first camera to look at the Earth"s weather from space.” Other ads promote other university programs which benefit the state"s people. Hail Tom Achtor told Ron Seely all he knew about hailstones, including knowledge gained personally in the May 18 storm which hit Madison and the surrounding area. Ron, science writer for the Wisconsin State Journal, fashioned a fascinating tale of excitement and good scientific information which ran May 19. In the article, Tom explained how hailstones are formed—“sometimes, a strong updraft will suck the ice crystals back up into the cloud. The particle will accumulate more moisture that then freezes in the higher, colder air. The particle grows, layer by layer; that"s why when you cut open a hailstone you find growth rings.” The May 18 storm, though, produced a different kind of hail. Tom said that that hail “grew in a layer of cold air that was much closer to the ground,” so it didn"t melt as fast as hailstones usually do. And it provided a very real threat to people"s bodies and vehicles, including Tom"s. Tom jumped in his truck and drove it into the woods—he and truck are okay. AERIReal-time AERINSSL Appleton, WI"s Post-Crescent devoted much of its “Perspective” section to the science and technology of weather forecasting on Sunday, June 4. Perspective editor Rick Van Grouw interviewed several scientists, including Bob Rabin and Wayne Feltz. He caught SSEC employees Wayne, John Short and Brian Osborne near Appleton on a trip to cross-validate data from UW–Madison"s Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer with the new NASA satellite Terra, passing over central Wisconsin. As Wayne is quoted at the end of that article, “No one remote sensing instrument can measure every meteorological variable. We have to find and use the best combination of technology.”In “Whither Forecasting?” Bob Rabin admits that weather forecasting is “a mix of art and science.” Bob is a scientist with both the National Severe Storm Laboratory in Norman, OK and SSEC. He explains that forecasters face a formidable task: “The almost infinite range of atmospheric variables defies modern forecasting know-how.” And we still don"t know quite all the physics, including what makes a “mesocyclone” turn into a tornado. In the article, Bob and others explain how we can continue to improve weather forecasts, with the use of better technology, better numerical models, and better training but may never be able to forecast perfectly, given the complex and chaotic nature of the atmosphere.Ron Seely explained planetary alignment to readers of his weekly Wisconsin State Journal column on May 4. Don"t get taken in by the doomsayers, was his message. The event, alignment of five planets and the moon, took place May 5 and happens about every thirty years. Cramming the heavenly bodies into less than 25 degrees of the sky has scientifically no significance, according to NASA astronomers and SSEC scientist Sanjay Limaye. Despite doomsayers" predictions—tidal waves, earthquakes, floods—nothing much happened, as Ron, Sanjay and the astronomers all foretold.CIMSS GOES products CIMSS scientists, both NOAA and UW–Madison employees, provided more than half the images on a poster illustrating products derived from GOES satellite data. The poster, published by NOAA"s National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, was premiered at the AMS conference in January and includes many examples of GOES derived products. Some are Gary Wade"s and Fred Wu"s sea surface temperature image, Tony Schreiner"s cloud-top pressure image, middle and upper level wind measurements from the GOES sounder, Bob Rabin"s precipitable water image (blended from GOES, SSM/I and model data), other products derived from GOES imagery and Dave Stettner"s image of winds from water vapor measurements in and around Hurricane Luis. CIMSS was credited for the image of Hurricane Luis. CIMSS also provided code for sounder temperature and moisture products. Other temperature and moisture products are based on CIMSS algorithms. SuomiNet The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research has announced SuomiNet, a GPS network named for satellite pioneer Verner Suomi, SSEC"s founding director. Writing in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, April 2000, UCAR and other scientists said that SuomiNet exploits the recently-shown ability of ground-based GPS receivers to make thousands of accurate upper and lower atmospheric measurements per day. SuomiNet will be funded by NSF and “will provide raw GPS and surface meteorological data, tropospheric and ionospheric delays, 2D water vapor [and other data] to universities in real time. …”Improved “satellite data, numerical models, and forecasting expertise have led to a steady decrease in track forecast errors for Atlantic tropical storms and hurricanes.” Meteorologists Colin McAdie and Miles Lawrence reported in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society for May that since 1970, errors in forecasting hurricane tracks have decreased each year by more than one percent each for 24, 48 and 72 hour forecasts. The authors attribute the advance to greatly improved numerical models, specifically to reduced “initial position” error—the ability to pinpoint where the storm is at a given moment in time. They say this is due primarily to an increased “ability to access, view, and manipulate satellite data.” Writing for the American Meteorological Society, Stephanie Kenitzer said, “The paper, entitled ‘Improvements in Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasting in the Atlantic Basin, 1970-1998," is available online at the AMS Web site. (Click on (1) Journals and Pub2023-07-11 18:13:012
外面的天气如何? 要问别人外面的天气如何, 最简单的问法就是, "What"s the weather like out there?" 或是我们可以用一个很简单的 it 来代表天气, 像是 "What"s it like out there?" 这样讲也可以. 还有要是你不喜欢用 What 来作问句, 你也可以简单地说, "How is the weather out there?" 但是如果我们想问别人未来的某一个时间会不会出太阳或是会不会下雨, 例如我想问人家星期一会下雨吗? 像这种情况我们就可以说, "Is it supposed to rain on Monday?" 这里用到了一个 be suppose to 的片语, 这种讲法是老美最喜欢的. 再比方说吧, 如果我们假设明天有什么活动, 我们常常会要求别人先看看明天会不会出太阳或下雨, 这种情况老美他们会说, "Why don"t you check and see if it"s sunny tomorrow?" (你何不看看明天会不会出太阳呢?) 这里把 see if it"s sunny 改成 see if it"s going to rain 就变成了看看会不会下雨. 2. It"s a beautiful day. 今天天气很好. 老美都是怎么形容天气很好的呢? 通常他们会用 beautiful, nice 或是 lovely 来形容. 其中我最常听到的就是, "It"s a beautiful/nice/lovely day." 反之如果是天气很糟下大雨呢? 你可以用 "It"s nasty." 来形容. 但是有时候也可以用反讽的讲法. 有一次外头下著倾盆大雨, 我和一个美国同学又正好没带伞. 结果她居然说, "How lovely." (天气可真是好啊.) 当时我还正经八百地问她是否天气很差可以用 lovely 来形容, 后来我才知道原来她只不过是在讲反话, 害我有点受骗的感觉. 3. It rained cats and dogs last night. 昨晚雨下得很大. Rain cats and dogs 是一句非常受欢迎的俚语啦, 几乎每个在美国的外籍学生都懂得用 rain cats and dogs 来形容雨下得很大. 当然如果你不想用俚语的讲法, 你可以单说, "It"s raining really hard." (雨下得很大) 或是, "We"re having a heavy rain." 同样也是雨下得很大. 那雨下得很大, 我被淋成了「落汤鸡」这整句话要怎么讲? 落汤鸡在英文里只能用 "I am soaked." (我湿透了) 来形容, 所以整句话就成为. "It"s raining cats and dogs out there so I am soaked." 4. We had a downpour. 我们刚遇到了一场倾盆大雨. 中文里常形容下雨像是用「倒」的一样, 这在英文里也有同样对等的字眼喔! 英文里用的是 downpour 这个字. 形容下雨像是用倒的一样 (pour 单独解就是倒水的意思). 所以下雨像是用倒的我们可以说, "We had a downpour." 另外有一个十分口语的讲法, "It"s really coming down out there." 也是形容雨下得很大, 像是用「倒」的一样. 5. It"s just sprinkling. 只是在下毛毛雨而已. 在英文里不管下毛毛雨或是毛毛雪我们都可以用 drizzle 和 sprinkle 这两个动词来表示. Drizzle 这个字就是气象术语里「下毛毛雨」的意思. 而 sprinkle 则是一个动词表示「撒」, 但也常被用来形容毛毛雨, 常听到的用法就是, "It"s drizzling." 或是 "It"s sprinkling." 另外还有一个字叫 scattered rain. 指的则是零零星星地降雨. 例如, "We have to cancel the track and field contest because of the scattered rain." (因为零星的降雨所以我们必须取消田径赛. ) 6. You need to put on your sweater because it"s freezing. 你必须穿上你的毛衣因为外面很冷. 形容天气冷有几个形容词可以使用, chilly 指的是天气有点「凉」, cold 指的是「冷」, 而 freezing 指的则是「冻」. 除了 freezing 之外, 我室友还教我一个俚语, "It"s colder than a witch"s titty." 也可以形容天气很冷, (还可以形容不友善 unfriendly ) 不过我想这不是什么好话, 因为当时他女朋友一直试图要阻止他教我这一句俚语. 至于各种冷的程度完全视个人而定, 像我可能觉得摄氏五度以下就算是 freezing 了, 可是你相不相信, 这种温度时还有老美穿著 T 恤在校园里走来走去呢! 我想他们觉得这种温度只是 chilly 吧! 不过严格上说起来, 只有摄氏零度以下才能说是 freezing. 因为 freeze 是指液体凝结成固体, 而 freezing point 则是指「冰点」.水的冰点是摄氏零度, 所以照理说零度以下才能算是 freezing 啦! 不过平常何时使用 freezing 则是看个人的感受而定了, 不需严格去界定. Bonus: 温度零度是用 zero degrees, 而非 zero degree. 许多人常犯这个错误. 7. It"s burning up out there. 外面热得跟火炉似的. 以前还没来美国之前常以为美国的冬天比较冷, 所以夏天一定比较不热. 后来我才知道真是大错特错. 美国东岸夏天的温度有时会超过华氏 100 度, (相当于摄氏 37.8 度), 在这种高温下人体不能自然散热, 简直就像是火炉一样. 在英文里要形容天气像「火炉」一样, 我们可以说, "It"s burning up out there." 另外我们也可以说热得跟地狱一样, "It"s hot as hell." 或是意思一样, 俚语的讲法, "It"s hot as Hades." 这个 Hades 在这里也是指地狱 (hell) 的意思. 8. We can"t play tennis today because It"s too windy. 我们今天不能打网球因为风太大了. 「刮着风」老美通常用形容词 windy 这个字来形容. 例如 "It"s windy." 简单明了. 如果是刮着「微风」, 我们还可以用 "It"s breezy." 来形容. 另外以前我考 GRE 时学过一个单字 gusty 意指刮著强风的, 但是平常几乎听不到老美用这个字, 顶多就是听气象预报时偶尔会听到一两次而己. 所以我们还是乖乖地用 windy 和 breezy 比较实在. 还有如果没有风天气很「闷热」要用哪个形容词? 我听老美用的是 muggy 这个词. 我知道还有一个 GRE 单字 sultry 同样也指「闷热」的 (也可当「风骚」解), 但口语上好像比较少听老美这么说. 9. We had 3 inches of snow and sleet last week. 上个星期下了三英寸的雪和冰雹. 在水文学里 (hydrology) 里的降水 (precipitation) 可分为几种: rain, snow, sleet 和 freezing rain. 我想 rain 和 snow 大家都知道, 不必多说, 而 sleet 呢? 指的则是「冰雹」,是没有结晶的冰粒, 不像雪花有著不可思议我六角形结晶. 还有 freezing rain 指的是「冻雨」. 形成的原因是雨水的温度早就低于零度, 却因为缺少结晶的条件所以没有凝结成冰晶, 但是一降到地面就立刻冻住了, 这就是 freezing rain. 这几种降水在美国的冬天都常见. 另外老美常讲, "It"s icy." 指的则是地面结冰, 但这种情况不一定有降水, 有时候明明昨晚一点雨都没下, 但一早起来大地却是白白的一片. 主要就是地面上跟枝头上的露水都结冰了. 但是美则美矣, 提醒各位在 icy road 的状况下不要随便开车上路, 那是很危险的一件事. 因为马路上有肉眼无法分办的 black ice, 但你只要车子一开过去就会打滑, 这种情况下很容易肇事. 10. The devil"s beating his wife. 魔鬼正在打他的老婆. (正在下太阳雨) 当你偶然间看到外头出著太阳却又一边在下雨时, 你是否会感觉到大自然的神奇呢? 对中国人而言, 晴天下雨算是一种好兆头, 但对老美而言, 他们觉得这是一种异象, 并不是件好事. 所以当他们小时候好奇地问父母为什么会一边下雨一边又出太阳呢?2023-07-11 18:13:241
台风 、地震、飓风、龙卷风..英文怎么说?跟「天灾」有关的各种单字
夏天是中国中国台湾的台风季,CNN 曾经以各种恐怖的形容词来描述这些袭台的台风,到底这些天灾要怎么讲呢?英文老师 Adam 在 Engvid 上分享跟「天灾」有关的各种专有名词,之后看到 CNN 报导,就可以好好判断人家到底是不是在讲我们中国中国台湾盛产的台风了。 在介绍跟「天灾」有关的专有名词之前,要先厘清 climate 和 weather 的差别。weather 指的是「天气」,也就是以「日」作为单位,描述短时间的天气变化。而 climate 指的是「气候」,也就是长期的变化,通常是以「年」为单位。 1. flood 水灾 2. drought 旱灾 3. earthquake 地震 4. tsunami 海啸 5. heat wave 热浪 6. cold front 寒流 7. blizzard 暴风雪 8. squall 暴风雪 9. storm 暴风;暴风雨 icestorm 冰暴 sandstorm 沙尘暴 thunderstorm 大雷雨 hailstorm 冰雹 rainstorm 暴风雨 10. hurricane 飓风 11. typhoon 台风 12. cyclone 气旋 13. tornado 龙卷风 14. monsoon 雨季 15. mudslide 土石流 16. avalanche 雪崩 17. volcanic eruption 火山爆发 18. ash 火山灰 冰暴 英文, 冰雹 英文, 单字, 土石流 英文, 地震 英文, 大雷雨 英文, 天气, 天灾, 天灾 英文, 寒流 英文, 旱灾 英文, 暴风 英文, 暴风雨 英文, 暴风雪 英文, 气候, 气旋 英文, 水灾 英文, 沙尘暴 英文, 海啸 英文, 火山灰 英文, 火山爆发 英文, 灾害 英文, 热浪 英文, 英文, 雨季 英文, 雪崩 英文, 台风, 台风 英文, 飓风 英文, 龙卷风 英文2023-07-11 18:13:301
表示天气的英语词汇 :AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风 Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风 Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪 Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪 Scattered Showers=零星阵雨 Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪 Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨 Showers=阵雨 Showers Early=早有阵雨 Showers Late=晚有阵雨 Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风 Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨 Smoke=烟雾 Snow=雪 Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny=阳光 Sunny / Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨 T-Storms=雷雨 T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨 Windy=有风 Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪 Windy Rain=刮风下雨 Wintry Mix=雨雪混合2023-07-11 18:13:396
形容词:cloudy阴天的rainy下雨的sunny晴朗的windy有风的snowy下雪的动词:rain下雨snow下雪shine照耀blow刮风thunder打雷名词:rain雨snow雪sun/sunshine阳光wind风cloud云storm暴雨thunderstorm雷雨thundeshower雷阵雨lightning闪电snowstorm暴风雪rainstorm暴风雨2023-07-11 18:14:112
1.请列举15个常用的关于天气的英文单词 sunny atmosphere大气 climate气候 elements自然力量(风、雨) temperature气温 to be warm,to be hot天气暖,热 to be cold天气冷 season季节 spring春 summer夏 autumn秋 winter冬 frost霜 hail冰雹 snow雪 thunder雷 gustofwind阵风 wind风 mist薄雾 cloud云 haze阴霾 rain雨 downpour暴雨 storm,tempest暴风雨 lightning闪电 landwind陆风 hurricane飓风 cyclone旋风龙卷风 typhoon台风 shower阵雨 gale大风 breeze微风 fog浓雾 dew露水 Clear 晴朗 Cloudy 多云 2.表示天气的单词 气候 climate 天气 weather 台风 typhoon 龙卷风 tornado windy 刮风的 cloudy 阴天的 sunny 晴朗的 snowy 下雪的 showery 阵雨 foggy 有雾的 storm 暴风雨 sand storm沙尘暴 thunder雷冰雹 hail 雪 snow 雨 rain shower 阵雨 storm 暴风雨 thunder storm 雷beautiful day 好天气 例句:It"s a beautiful day.今天天气很好. lovely day 好天气 例句:It"s a lovely day.今天天气很好. nice day 好天气 例句:It"s a nice day.今天天气很好. downpour 倾盆大雨 例句:We had a downpour.我们刚遇到了一场倾盆大雨. drizzle 毛毛雨 例句:It"s drizzling. sprinkle 毛毛雨 例句:It"s just sprinkling.只是在下毛毛雨而已. shower 阵雨 windy 刮风的 breezy 有微风的 snow 雪 sleet 冰雹 例句:We had 3 inches of snow and sleet last week.上个星期下了三英寸的雪和冰雹. 3.关于形容天气的英语单词和短语 cold凉 rain 雨cloud 云 haze 霾 zengxiangchun2 2014-12-16 downpour, shower 暴雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨 lightning 闪电 land wind 陆风 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 gale 季节风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 humidity 潮湿 freeze 冰冻 snowflake 雪花 snowfall 降雪 waterspout 水龙卷 dead calm 风平浪静 Indian summer 小阳春 drought 干旱 AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风 Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风 Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪 Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪 Scattered Showers=零星阵雨 Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪 Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨 Showers=阵雨 Showers Early=早有阵雨 Showers Late=晚有阵雨 Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风 Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨 Smoke=烟雾 Snow=雪 Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny=阳光 Sunny / Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨 T-Storms=雷雨 T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨 Windy=有风 Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪 Windy Rain=刮风下雨 Wintry Mix=雨雪混合 meteorology 气象学 atmosphere 大气 climate 气候 elements 自然力量(风 、雨) temperature 气温 to be warm, to be hot 天气热 to be cold 天气冷 season 季节 spring 春 summer 夏 autumn 秋 winter 冬 frost 霜 hail 冰雹 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 mist 雾 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 hoarfrost白霜。 4.关于英语描写天气的形容词 sunny 晴朗的 sunnier, sunniest cloudy 多云的 cloudier, cloudiest rainy 下雨的 rainier, rainiest snowy 下雪的 snowier, snowiest windy 有风的 windier, windiest foggy 有雾的 foggier, foggiest warm 温暖的 warmer, warmest hot 炎热的 hotter, hottest cool 凉爽的 cooler, coolest cold 寒冷的 colder, coldest 希望能够帮到你,祝你学习进步! 5.请给出一些描述天气的英文词汇或短语 天气: 1. weather 2. wea Examples: 1. 天气怎么样? What"s the weather like? 2. 炎热天气一直持续到十月。 The hot weather extended into October. 3. 寒冷的天气抑制了植物的生长。 Cold weather constrains the plant"s growth. 4. 因为天气不好,他们的旅行计划取消了。 Their travel plan was cancelled because of the bad weather. 5. 昨天天气普遍晴朗。 Fair weather was the rule yesterday. 6. 阴沉的天气让我们都感到压抑。 We were all depressed by the di *** al weather. 7. 天气预报说明天是晴天。 The weather forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow. 8. 他们在恶劣的天气条件下登上了山的顶峰。 They climbed up the last part of the mountain in formidable weather conditions. 暴风雨天气 wild weather. 天气雷达 weather radar 天气过程 weather process 天气谚语 weather lore 天气报告 weather advisory 坏天气 villainous weather 坏天气 vile weather 寒冷天气 shivery weather 好天气 propitious weather 天气weather 晴天sunshine fine 多云cloudy 阴天overcast sky cloudy sky 小雨flurry spit sprinkle 中雨middle rain 大雨drencher ding-on downfall soak spate 暴雨rainstorm 阵风flatus flurry gust 微风breeze breath breathing breezee gentle breeze 台风typhoon 龙卷风cyclone tornado 雾brume fog mist reek 雪grue sonw 霜frost hoarfrost 冰雹hail hailstone气象单词山地气候 mountain climate 冬季季风气候 winter monsoon climate季风气候 monsoon climate 高气压 high-pressure 锋面 frontal edge 亚热带气候 sub-tropical climate 气团 air mass 热浪 heat wave高原气候 plateau climate 闪电 lightning 雾 fog海滨气候 littoral climate 凉 cool 霜 frost极地气候 polar climate 雪堆 snowdrift 露 dew热带气候 tropical climate 寒冷 chilly 恒风 constant wind 微风 breeze 逆风 headwind 台风 typhoon 无风 calm 轻风 light 信风 trade wind 微风 gentle breeze温带沙漠气候 temperate desert climate温带干燥气候 temperate arid climate 大雨 heavy rainbreeze热带季风气候 tropical monsoon climate 大陆气候 continental climate 天气预报 weather forecast 和风 moderate breeze沙漠气候 desert climate 甘霖 wele rain 清风 fresh breeze 沿海气候 coastal climate 冰柱 icicle 强风 strong breeze高地气候 highland climate 西北风 northwester 疾风 near gale海洋气候 marine climate 地形雨 local rains 大风 gale森林气候 forest climate 狂风 squall 烈风 strong gale温带气候 temperate climate 雨季 rainy season 狂风 storm湿润气候 humid climate 雨点 raindrops 暴风 violent storm温带草原气候 temperate grassy climate 东北信风 northeast trades 飓风 hurricane热带雨林气候 tropical rainy climate 东南风 southeaster 台风 typhoon热带海洋气候 tropical marine climate 风级 wind scale 龙卷风 tornado虹 rainbow 间歇雨 intermittent rain 小雨 light rain 阵雨 shower 平静 calm毛毛雨 drizzle, fine rain 疾风 gusty wind 微波 rippled反常天气 freakish weather 气旋 cyclone 微浪 *** ooth wavelets北风 north wind 气压 barometric pressure 细浪 light seas冰 ice 阴天 cloudy day 小浪 moderate seas冰点 freezing point 雪花 snow flake 中浪 rough seas西南风 southwester 晴 clear 大浪 very rough seas冷峰 cold front 顺风 favorable wind 强浪 high seas低气压 low-pressure 闷热天气 muggy weather 巨浪 very high seas雨量 rainfall 雹 hail 狂浪 monster waves东北风 northeaster 雷 thunder 东风 east wind 滂沱大雨 downpour 火山地震 volcanic earthquake炎热 scorching heat 暖锋 warm front 海啸 tidal wave风眼 eye of a storm 零度 zero 山崩 landslide零度以下 subzero。2023-07-11 18:15:001
天气是生活中非常重要的资讯,甚至是聊天中经常涉及的话题或开场白。能听懂,会说这些与天气相关的话题,也是提高英语水平的一个途径。那么有哪些天气的英语单词呢?一起来了解下吧:【有哪些天气的英语单词】meteorology 气象学atmosphere 大气climate 气候elements 自然力量(风、雨)temperature 气温to be warm,to be hot 天气热to be cold 天气冷season 季节spring 春summer 夏autumn 秋 (美作:fall)winter 冬frost 霜hail 冰雹snow 雪thunder 雷wind 风mist 雾cloud 云haze 霾rain 雨downpour,shower 暴雨storm,tempest 暴风雨lightning 闪电land wind 陆风hurricane 飓风cyclone 旋风typhoon 台风whirlwind 龙卷风gale 季节风gust of wind 阵风breeze 微风fog 浓雾dew 露水humidity 潮湿freeze 冰冻snowflake 雪花snowfall 降雪waterspout 水龙卷dead calm 风平浪静Indian summer 小阳春drought 干旱【天气有关的英语单词】Five days forecast 未来五天预报monsoon zone 季风带misty 薄雾drizzle 小雨pour/downpour 大雨sleet 雨夹雪precipitation 降雨量clear to overcast 晴转多云fine/fair/sunny 晴朗cloudy 多云foggy 有雾hail/hailstone 冰雹windy 有风gale wind 大风stormy wind 暴风light air 1级风moderate breeze 4级风moderate gale 7级风whole gale 10级风typhoon 台风drought 干旱Today"s Graphic 今日气象图oceanic climate 海洋性气候Centigrade 摄氏cloudy to overcast 阴转多云mild 温暖overcast/dull/gloomy 阴天frosty 霜冻damp 潮湿shower 阵雨storm 暴风雨light snow 小雪monsoon rain 季风雨【各种天气的英语单词】breezy 微风阵阵heavy/high wind 大风gust 阵风light breeze 2级风fresh breeze 5级风fresh gale 8级风storm 11级风duststorm 沙暴ice sheet 冰川Weather Forecast 天气预报continental climate 大陆性气候Fahrenheit 华氏turning out cloudy 转阴cool 凉爽snowy 有雪chilly 微冷wet 雨天thundery shower 雷阵雨thundery storm 雷雨blizzard 暴风雪seasonal rain 季雨gentle wind 和风windy and dusty 风沙piercing wind 寒风gentle breeze 3级风strong breeze 6级风strong gale 9级风hurricane 12级风/飓风flood 洪水iceburg 冰山【表达天气的英语单词】01、Sandstorm, Duststorm, Sand, Dust 浮尘,扬沙,沙尘暴等沙尘天气02、Thunderstorms, Thundershowers, Storm, Lightning 雷暴,雷阵雨,风暴,闪电03、Hail 冰雹04、Blowing Snow, Blizzard, Snowdrift, Snowstorm 吹雪,大风雪,堆雪,暴风雪05、Snow Showers, Flurries 阵雪,小雪06、Snow, Heavy Snow, Snowfall 雪,大雪,降雪07、Light Snow 小雪08、Sleet雨夹雪09、Showers, Heavy Showers, Rainshower 阵雨,强阵雨(从降雨强度及降雨量上)10、Occasional Showers, Scattered Showers零星阵雨(时间、空间上不连续的阵雨)11、Isolated Showers局地阵雨(空间分布上比Scattered Showers范围更小的阵雨)12、Light Showers小阵雨13、Freezing Rain冻雨14、Rain雨15、Drizzle, Light Rain毛毛雨,小雨16、Fog雾17、Mist轻雾18、Smoke烟雾19、Haze霾20、Overcast阴21、Sunny Interval, No Rain, Clearing多云间晴22、Sunny Period, Partly Cloudy, Partly Bright, Mild晴间多云23、Cloudy, Mostly Cloudy多云24、Bright, Sunny, Fair晴(尤指白天)25、Fine, Clear晴26、Windy, Squall, Stormy, Chill, Gale风,狂风,暴风,寒风,大风27、Wet, Humid潮湿28、Dry干燥29、Freezing冰冻30、Frost霜冻31、Hot炎热32、Cold寒冷33、Warm暖和(升温)34、Cool凉爽(降温)35、Dew Point(露点)36、Humidity(湿度)37、Wind(风力)38、Visibility(能见度)39、Barometer(气压)2023-07-11 18:15:061
天气weather 下雨rainy 冰雹hailstone 雷雨thunderstorm 雨夹雪rain with snow 大雨heavy rain 小雨light 热hot 阴冷 gloomy and cold 寒冷 cold 闷热 hot and suffocating 全手打,望采纳QUQ2023-07-11 18:15:142
1.关于天气的英语单词有哪些 关于天气的英语单词有: 1、动词:rain 下雨;snow 下雪;shine 照耀;blow 刮风;thunder 打雷 2、形容词:rainy 下雨的;sunny 晴朗的;windy 有风的;foggy 有雾的;stormy 暴风雨的snowy 下雪的;cloudy 阴天的 3、名词:rain 雨;snow 雪;sun 太阳;wind 风;cloud 云;storm 暴雨 ;haze 霾 ;fog 雾;sandstorm 沙尘暴;shower 阵雨;drizzle 毛毛雨;typhoon 台风;hurricane 飓风 扩展资料 1、rainy 【音标】英 [u02c8reu026ani] 美 [u02c8reni] 【释义】形容词,下雨的,多雨的。 【习语】keep something for a rainy day. 意思是未雨绸缪。 【搭配】Thunder Storm 雷雨;Light Rain 小雨;Moderate rain 中雨 【例句】The rainy season has ended at last. (译文:雨季总算过去了。) 2、snow 【音标】英 [snu0259u028a] 美 [snou028a] 【释义】名词意思:雪、雪花、雪季;动词意思:下雪、使变白、被雪覆盖。 【习语】as pure as the driven snow. 冰清玉洁 【搭配】be snowed under sth. 忙得不可开交 【例句】A fresh layer of snow covered the street.(街上覆盖了一层新雪。) 参考资料来源:搜狗百科-Rainy 参考资料来源:搜狗百科-snow 2.描述天气的英语单词例如:有雾的:fog windy 刮风的 sunny 晴朗的 rainy 下雨的 snowy 下雪的 fine 晴朗的AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风 Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风 Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪 Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪 Scattered Showers=零星阵雨 Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪 Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨 Showers=阵雨 Showers Early=早有阵雨 Showers Late=晚有阵雨 Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风 Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨 Smoke=烟雾 Snow=雪 Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny=阳光 Sunny / Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨 T-Storms=雷雨 T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨 Windy=有风 Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪 Windy Rain=刮风下雨 Wintry Mix=雨雪混合。 3.描写天气的英语单词,二十个左右 1、Sunny adj.和煦的;照到阳光的; 快活的,性情开朗亲切的; 例句: Harry heard from hogwarts one sunny morning about a week after he had arrived at the burrow. 到陋居大约一星期后,在一个晴朗的早晨,哈利收到了霍格沃茨的来信。 2、Rain n. 雨;下雨;雨天;雨季; vi. 下雨;降雨; vt. 大量地给;使大量落下; 例句: There have been four years of below averagerainfall. 已经有4年降雨量低于平均值了 3、Overcast adj.多云的;阴沉的;阴天的 ; 例句: Today it will be dull and overcast. 今天天气将阴伴多云。 4、Smoggy adj.烟雾弥漫的; 例句: Ten years ago, the *** oggy plains of Baoding were known mostly for producing donkey meat. 10年前,常年烟雾弥漫的保定市平原地区以出产驴肉闻名。 5、Haze n.烟雾;迷蒙;迷糊;疑惑; 例句: They vanished into the haze near the horizon 他们消失在天边的雾霾中。 6、冰雹Hail 7、零星小雨 Scattered light rain 8、cloudy 多云的;阴天的;愁云面容的;有云的; 9、阵雨 showers 10、中雨Moderate Rain 11、大雨 Heavy Rain 12、暴风雨storm 13 、沙尘暴 sandstorm 14、打雷thunder 15、台风 typhoon 16、龙卷风 tornado 17、微风 breezy 18、下雪snowy 扩展资料: 1、cloudy 读音 英: /u02c8klau028adi/美: /u02c8klau028adi/ ln that cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen. 在那多云的天空中,只能看见孤零零的一颗星. 2、showers 阵雨( shower的名词复数 ) The weather forecast is for showers and overcast skies 天气预报上说多云并伴有阵雨。 参考资料:cloudy——百度百科showers——百度百科 4.描写天气的英语单词 1、sunny英 ["s?n?]美 ["s?ni] adj. (晴天)阳光充足的,和煦的;快活的;性情开朗的例句:Sunny days are driving up the temperature. 阳光明媚的日子使气温上升。 2、overcast英 ["??v?kɑ?st]美 [,ov?"k?st] adj.阴天的;阴暗的;愁闷的例句:It was muggy and overcast. 当时天阴着,潮湿闷热。 3、sleet英 [sli?t]美 [slit] v.下雨雪;下冰雹例句:Northern Kentucky will get snow mixed with sleet. 肯塔基州北部将有雨夹雪。 4、rain 英[re?n] 美[ren] n. 雨; (热带地区的) 雨季,雨天; 雨点般降落的东西; 电子流; vt. (雨) 降下,(使)降落; 大量地给,(使)大量落下; [例句]I hope you didn"t get soaked standing out in the rain 我希望你站在外面没有被雨淋透。 5、storm英 [st?:m] 美 [st?:rm] n.暴风雨,暴风雪;[军]猛攻,冲击;骚乱;动荡 vi.起风暴,下暴雨;猛冲;暴怒 vt.袭击,猛攻;暴怒,怒骂;大力迅速攻占 The climbers had been stranded by a storm [例句]登山者被暴风雨困住了。 5.形容天气的英语单词形容词 气候 climate 天气 weather 台风 typhoon 龙卷风 tornado windy 刮风的 cloudy 阴天的 sunny 晴朗的 snowy 下雪的 showery 阵雨 foggy 有雾的 storm 暴风雨 sand storm沙尘暴 thunder雷冰雹 hail 雪 snow 雨 rain shower 阵雨 storm 暴风雨 thunder storm 雷beautiful day 好天气 例句:It"s a beautiful day.今天天气很好. lovely day 好天气 例句:It"s a lovely day.今天天气很好. nice day 好天气 例句:It"s a nice day.今天天气很好. downpour 倾盆大雨 例句:We had a downpour.我们刚遇到了一场倾盆大雨. drizzle 毛毛雨 例句:It"s drizzling. sprinkle 毛毛雨 例句:It"s just sprinkling.只是在下毛毛雨而已. shower 阵雨 windy 刮风的 breezy 有微风的 snow 雪 sleet 冰雹 6.表示天气的英语形容词 表示天气的英语形容词有windy 刮风的、cloudy 阴天的、sunny 晴朗的、snowy 下雪的、showery 阵雨、foggy 有雾的、wet 下雨的、typhoon 台风、sandstorm 沙尘暴,等等。 单词解析: 一、windy 1、读音:英 ["wu026andi] 美 ["wu026andi] 2、翻译:adj. 有风的;多风的 3、例句: Hold on to the hat on a windy day. 在有风的日子里请紧紧抓住帽子。 二、sunny 1、读音:英 ["su028cni] 美 ["su028cni] 2、翻译:adj. 阳光充足的;晴朗的;明媚的;快活的 3、例句: We basked ourselves on the sunny beach. 我们在阳光充足的海滩上晒太阳。 三、cloudy 1、读音:英 ["klau028adi] 美 ["klau028adi] 2、翻译:adj. 多云的;阴天的;混浊的;模糊不清的 3、例句: In that cloudy sky only one lone star can be seen. 在那多云的天上,只能看到孤零零的一颗星星。 四、foggy 1、读音:英 ["fu0252ɡi] 美 ["fu0254u02d0ɡi] 2、翻译:adj. 有雾的 3、例句: He left Beijing on a foggy morning. 他在一个有雾的早上离开北京。 五、wet 1、读音:英 [wet] 美 [wet] 2、翻译: adj. 湿的;雨天的;懦弱的 n. 潮气;雨天 vt. (使)弄湿 3、例句: The crowds packed into the cinema on a wet day. 一大群人在雨天挤进了电影院。 7.描写天气的英文单词 sunny晴天 cloudy多云 overcast阴天 light rain 小雨 moderate rain 中雨 heavy rain 大雨 moderate snow中雪 heavy snow 大雪 light snow 小雪 rainstorm暴雨 thunderstorm雷雨 fog雾 frost霜冻 sleet 雨夹雪 typhoon台风 sandstorm 沙尘暴 天气状况 Wind direction风向 Wind force 风力 Lowest temperature最低气温(℃) Highest temperature最高气温(℃) AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风 Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风 Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪 Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪 Scattered Showers=零星阵雨 Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪 Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨 Showers=阵雨 Showers Early=早有阵雨 Showers Late=晚有阵雨 Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风 Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨 Smoke=烟雾 Snow=雪 Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny=阳光 Sunny / Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨 T-Storms=雷雨 T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨 Windy=有风 Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪 Windy Rain=刮风下雨 Wintry Mix=雨雪混合 sunny 晴天 cloudy 密云 shower 骤雨 stormy 暴风雨 fine 好天 overcast 阴天 windy 大风 breezy 微风 light rain 微雨 heavy rain 大雨 snowy 下雪天 thunderstorm 雷雨 rainy 雨天。 8.描写天气的英语单词 meteorology 气象学 atmosphere 大气 climate 气候 elements 自然力量(风、雨) temperature 气温 to be warm, to be hot 天气热 to be cold 天气冷 season 季节 spring 春 summer 夏 autumn 秋 (美作:fall) winter 冬 frost 霜 hail 冰雹 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 mist 雾 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 downpour, shower 暴雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨 lightning 闪电 land wind 陆风 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 gale 季节风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 humidity 潮湿 freeze 冰冻 snowflake 雪花 snowfall 降雪 waterspout 水龙卷 dead calm 风平浪静 Indian summer 小阳春 drought 干旱 9.形容天气的英语单词 cold hot cool windy storm 天气weather 多云cloudy sky 阴天overcast sky 晴天sunshine fine 天气weather 晴天sunshine fine 多云cloudy 阴天overcast sky cloudy sky 小雨flurry spit sprinkle 中雨middle rain 大雨drencher ding-on downfall soak spate 暴雨rainstorm 阵风flatus flurry gust 微风breeze breath breathing breezee gentle breeze 台风typhoon 龙卷风cyclone tornado 雾brume fog mist reek 雪grue sonw 霜frost hoarfrost 冰雹hail hailstone 暴风雨天气 wild weather. 天气雷达 weather radar 天气过程 weather process 天气谚语 weather lore 天气报告 weather advisory 坏天气 villainous weather 坏天气 vile weather 寒冷天气 shivery weather 好天气 propitious weather AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风 Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风 Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪 Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪 Scattered Showers=零星阵雨 Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪 Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨 Showers=阵雨 Showers Early=早有阵雨 Showers Late=晚有阵雨 Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风 Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨 Smoke=烟雾 Snow=雪 Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny=阳光 Sunny / Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨 T-Storms=雷雨 T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨 Windy=有风 Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪 Windy Rain=刮风下雨 Wintry Mix=雨雪混合 Clear = 晴朗 Cloudy = 多云 Drizzle = 毛毛雨 Fair = 晴 Fog = 雾 Haze = 薄雾 Hail = 冰雹 Heavy Rain = 大雨 Heavy Snow = 大雪 Light Snow = 小雪 Light Snow Fall = 小降雪 Light Snow Grains = 小粒雪 Light Snow Shower = 小阵雪 Lightening = 雷电 Mist = 薄雾 Rain = 雨 Rain Shower = 阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy = 阵雨/有风 Rain / Snow Showers = 雨或阵雪 Rain / Snow Showers Early = 下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind = 雨时有风 Rain and Snow = 雨夹雪 Scattered Showers = 零星阵雨 Scattered Showers / Wind = 零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers = 零星阵雪 Scattered Snow Showers / Wind = 零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms = 零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms = 零星雷雨 Showers = 阵雨 Showers Early = 早有阵雨 Showers Late = 晚有阵雨 Showers / Wind = 阵雨时有风 Showers in the Vicinity = 周围有阵雨 Smoke = 烟雾 Snow = 雪 Snow / Rain Icy Mix = 冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog = 雾夹雪 Snow Shower = 阵雪 Snowflakes = 雪花 Sunny = 阳光 Sunny / Wind = 晴时有风 Sunny Day = 晴天 Windy = 有风 meteorology 气象学 atmosphere 大气 climate 气候 elements 自然力量(风 、雨) temperature 气温 to be warm, to be hot 天气热 to be cold 天气冷 season 季节 spring 春 summer 夏 autumn 秋 (美作:fall) winter 冬 frost 霜 hail 冰雹 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 mist 雾 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 downpour, shower 暴雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨 lightning 闪电 land wind 陆风 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 gale 季节风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 humidity 潮湿 freeze 冰冻 snowflake 雪花 snowfall 降雪 waterspout 水龙卷 dead calm 风平浪静 Indian summer 小阳春 drought 干旱。2023-07-11 18:15:221
sun,rain.2023-07-11 18:15:313
我也不知道……不能用音标怎么说???2023-07-11 18:16:015
tunami海啸sand-dust storm沙尘暴hailstone冰雹2023-07-11 18:16:169
wind breakersand breaker反防风林防沙林2023-07-11 18:17:1614
raining,snowing,foggy;windy;hot ,cold,chily2023-07-11 18:17:5411
沙尘暴、暴风雪、龙卷风、台风、冰雹、雾、洪风、多无的、多云的、阵雨、倾盆大雨、放晴、变暖、潮湿的… … sand storm, snow storm, tornado, Taifeng (hurricane), Hail, fog, flood (洪水,洪峰?), foggy(多雾的?), cloudy, shower, heavy rain, clear/fine weather, warmer, humid...2023-07-11 18:18:193
Windy rainy,Cloudy,Sunny,Heart cloud2023-07-11 18:18:391
Storms=零星强烈暴风雨Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨Showers Early=早有阵雨Showers Late=晚有阵雨Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨2023-07-11 18:18:5515
冰雹 hailPrecipitation in the form of spherical or irregular pellets of ice larger than 5 millimeters (0.2 inches) in diameter.台风typhoonA tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian ...2023-07-11 18:19:321
sununycloudywindysnowy2023-07-11 18:19:483
1.weather天气 adj. 2.rainy下雨的 adj. 3.windy刮风的 adj. 4.cloudy多云的 adj. 5.sunny天晴的 adj. 6.snowy下雪的 adj. 7.thunder打雷 v. 8.lightning闪电 v. 9.hail冰雹 n. 10.typhoon台风 n. 11.hurricane暴风雨 n. 12.snowstorm暴风雪 n. 13.fog雾 n. 14.sandstorm沙尘暴 n. 15.sultry闷热 adj.2023-07-11 18:19:552
AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风 Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风 Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪 Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪 Scattered Showers=零星阵雨 Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪 Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨 Showers=阵雨 Showers Early=早有阵雨 Showers Late=晚有阵雨 Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风 Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨 Smoke=烟雾 Snow=雪 Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny=阳光 Sunny / Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨 T-Storms=雷雨 T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨 Windy=有风 Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪 Windy Rain=刮风下雨 Wintry Mix=雨雪混合和天气有关的单词beautiful day 好天气例句:It"s a beautiful day. 今天天气很好。lovely day 好天气例句:It"s a lovely day. 今天天气很好。nice day 好天气例句:It"s a nice day. 今天天气很好。downpour 倾盆大雨例句:We had a downpour. 我们刚遇到了一场倾盆大雨. drizzle 毛毛雨例句:It"s drizzling. sprinkle 毛毛雨例句:It"s just sprinkling. 只是在下毛毛雨而已。shower 阵雨 windy 刮风的breezy 有微风的 snow 雪sleet 冰雹例句:We had 3 inches of snow and sleet last week. 上个星期下了三英寸的雪和冰雹.icy 地面结冰的rainbow 彩虹 atmosphere 大气 climate 气候 elements 自然力量(风 、雨) temperature 气温 to be warm, to be hot 天气热 to be cold 天气冷 frost 霜 hail 冰雹 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 mist 雾 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 downpour, shower 暴雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨 lightning 闪电 land wind 陆风 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 gale 季节风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 humidity 潮湿 freeze 冰冻 snowflake 雪花 snowfall 降雪 waterspout 水龙卷 dead calm 风平浪静 Indian summer 小阳春 drought 干旱meteorology 气象学 atmosphere 大气 climate 气候 elements 自然力量(风、雨) temperature 气温 to be warm, to be hot 天气热 to be cold 天气冷 season 季节 spring 春 summer 夏 autumn 秋 (美作:fall) winter 冬 frost 霜 hail 冰雹 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 mist 雾 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 downpour, shower 暴雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨 lightning 闪电 land wind 陆风 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 gale 季节风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 humidity 潮湿 freeze 冰冻 snowflake 雪花 snowfall 降雪 waterspout 水龙卷 dead calm 风平浪静 Indian summer 小阳春 drought 干旱2023-07-11 18:20:171
各种天气的英语单词大全 frost 霜 hail 冰雹 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 mist 雾 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 downpour, shower 暴雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨 lightning 闪电 land wind 陆风 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 gale 季节风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 humidity 潮湿 freeze 冰冻 snowflake 雪花 snowfall 降雪 waterspout 水龙卷 dead calm 风平浪静 Indian summer 小阳春 drought 干旱 AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T—Storms=上午雷暴雨 Smog=雾霾 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风 Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T—Storms=下午雷雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T—Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T—Storms=局部雷雨2023-07-11 18:20:241
晴朗,多云,乌云,少云,晴空,蓝天,晴天,阴天,和煦,阳光,艳阳,和风,气爽,明媚温暖,暖和,飓风,台风,大风,狂风,刮风,微风,风沙,风暴,大雾,雾霾,潮湿,暴雨雨天,下雨,大雨,中雨,小雨,细雨,雷暴,雷雨,大旱,干旱,炎热,寒冷,寒潮,寒风冻雨,小雪,大雪,冰冻,霜露,霜冻,冰雹,等等。扩展资料:1、雷暴[ léi bào ]雷雨。2、阴天[ yīn tiān ]布满云的天空;天空布满云的日子。3、晴天[ qíng tiān ]天空中没有云或云很少。4、多云[ duō yún ]或高云云量占天空面积;叫做多云。5、晴朗[ qíng lǎng ]阳光充足,没有云雾。6、晴空[ qíng kōng ]晴朗的天空。7、和煦[ hé xù ]温暖的天气。8、艳阳[ yàn yáng ]指春天明媚的风光;明亮的太阳,骄阳。9、雨天[ yǔ tiān ]下雨的天气。10、飓风[ jù fēng ]最初只指加勒比海的热带气旋;后来又可指任何具有狂风的热带气旋。11、台风 [ tái fēng ]指亚洲太平洋海域的旋风;菲律宾或中国海地区发生的热带气旋;戏剧演员在舞台上表现出来的风度。12、冰雹[ bīng báo ]空中降下的冰块,多在晚春和夏季伴同雷阵雨出现。13、暴雨[ bào yǔ ]中国气象部门一般把24小时内降雨量为50-100毫米之间的雨叫暴雨。14、小雨[ xiǎo yǔ ]指雨量不大的雨;24小时内雨量达10毫米或一小时内雨量在2.5毫米以下的雨。2023-07-11 18:20:301
天气是我们日常生活中要关注的,也是有必要知道一些表示各种天气的英文单词。为此本文告诉大家一些表示各种天气的英文单词: 气候 climate 天气 weather 台风 typhoon 龙卷风 tornado windy 刮风的 cloudy 阴天的 sunny 晴朗的 snowy 下雪的 showery 阵雨 foggy 有雾的 storm 暴风雨 sand storm沙尘暴 thunder雷冰雹 hail 雪 snow 雨 rain shower 阵雨 storm 暴风雨 thunder storm 雷beautiful day 好天气 例句:Its a beautiful day.今天天气很好. lovely day 好天气 例句:Its a lovely day.今天天气很好. nice day 好天气 例句:Its a nice day.今天天气很好. downpour 倾盆大雨 例句:We had a downpour.我们刚遇到了一场倾盆大雨. drizzle 毛毛雨 例句:Its drizzling. sprinkle 毛毛雨 例句:Its just sprinkling.只是在下毛毛雨而已. shower 阵雨 windy 刮风的 breezy 有微风的 snow 雪 sleet 冰雹 例句:We had 3 inches of snow and sleet last week.上个星期下了三英寸的雪和冰雹。2023-07-11 18:20:431
表示各种天气的英文单词:drizzle 细雨;showers 阵雨;rain 雨;downpour倾盆大雨;flood洪水;cloudy多云的;gloomy阴暗的;foggy多雾的;overcast阴天的;clear晴朗的;hail冰雹;sleet雨夹雪;snow雪;blizzard暴风雪等。 扩展资料 例句: A fine drizzle began to veil the hills. 蒙蒙细雨渐渐笼罩了群山。 Clouds had come down and it was starting to drizzle. 云压了下来,开始下起了毛毛雨。 The drizzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking through. 细雨已经停了,太阳露出了脸。 The forecast is for light showers. 天气预报有小阵雨。 Tomorrow there will be a few scattered showers. 明天局部地区将会有阵雨。2023-07-11 18:21:011
表示天气的英文单词 气候 climate 天气 weather 台风 typhoon 龙卷风 tornado windy 刮风的 cloudy 阴天的 sunny 晴朗的. snowy 下雪的 showery 阵雨 foggy 有雾的 storm 暴风雨 sand storm沙尘暴 thunder雷冰雹 hail 雪 snow 雨 rain shower 阵雨 storm 暴风雨 thunder storm 雷beautiful day 好天气 例句:Its a beautiful day.今天天气很好. lovely day 好天气 例句:Its a lovely day.今天天气很好. nice day 好天气 例句:Its a nice day.今天天气很好. downpour 倾盆大雨 例句:We had a downpour.我们刚遇到了一场倾盆大雨. drizzle 毛毛雨 例句:Its drizzling. sprinkle 毛毛雨 例句:Its just sprinkling.只是在下毛毛雨而已. shower 阵雨 windy 刮风的 breezy 有微风的 snow 雪 sleet 冰雹 例句:We had 3 inches of snow and sleet last week.上个星期下了三英寸的雪和冰雹。 天气的英文儿歌 今天是晴天 Its a sunny day Sunny day 晴天 今天是阴天 Its a cloud day Cloud day是阴天 今天天真热 Its a hot day Hot day天真热 今天天真冷 Its a cold day Cold day天真冷 今天下雨天 Its a rainy day Rainy day下雨天 今天下雪天 Its a snowy day Snowy day 下雪天 今天大风天 Its a windy days Windy days大风天 今天大雾天 Its afoggy day Foggy day大雾天 天气的英语作文 Lets take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province for the next 24 hours. Taiyuan would be cloudy at the time with the temperature from eighteen to twenty-eight. A strong wind would reach Datong, which could cause much rain, The temperature would be sixteen to twenty-six. Yangquan would be sunny with the highest temperature of thirty degree. Linfen would be windy and its temperature would be twenty-three to thirty-two. We would have a sunny and hot day in Yuncheng. Its temperature would stay between twenty-eight to thirty-four. 让我们来看一下山西省的天气,接下来的24个小时。太原将是多云的时候,温度从十八到二十八。强风会到达大同市,这可能会导致很多雨,温度将是十六到二十六。阳泉将是阳光普照的最高温度三十度。临汾将有风,其温度将为二十三至三十二。我们将在运城有一个阳光灿烂的日子。它的温度将在二十八到三十四之间。2023-07-11 18:21:071
sunny 晴朗的 rainy多雨的 windy刮风的 cloudy 多云的2023-07-11 18:21:165
tutgkhct-ygyfbg秋天2023-07-11 18:21:324
求一下怎么写?爸爸,我不会,爸爸,我不会,为什么啊?2023-07-11 18:22:238
10常见种天气的英文有windy 刮风的sunny 晴朗的rainy 下雨的snowy 下雪的fine 晴朗的AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴AM Showers=上午阵雨AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨Clear=晴朗Cloudy=多云2023-07-11 18:23:266
Cloudy多云2、Sunny晴3、Overcast阴二、雨1. Drizzle毛毛雨2. Shower阵雨3. Thunder Storm雷雨4. Thunder Shower雷阵雨5. Light Rain小雨6. Moderate rain中雨7. Heavy Rain大雨三、雪1. Snow Shower阵雪2. Sleet雨夹雪3. Hail冰雹4. Blizzard大风雪5. Snowstorm暴风雪6. Light Snow小雪7. Moderate Snow中雪8. Heavy Snow大雪四、风1. Windy有风2. Breeze微风3. Gale大风4. Typhoon台风5. Hurricane飓风五、其他1. Haze霾2. Foggy雾3. Frosty霜冻4. Lightning闪电5. Sandstorm沙尘暴2023-07-11 18:24:321