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2023-07-11 08:26:09
TAG: 环境




  There was never any doubt that I would pick Environmental Science.

  Studying at sixth form has made me realise that my favourite parts of each subject are based on the processes and sustainability of the environment. For my Product Design coursework, I was redesigning manufactured goods to be ‘greener"; making a lamp that was 80% more efficient and could also be broken down to be recycled. I prevailed in the organic module of AS Chemistry in which I learnt about the use of fossil fuels and pollutants. And in Maths, I concluded that the statistics module was the most rewarding because it showed me how the subject is integrated into almost everything; I was using methods from my statistics class to help me with my Geography coursework, in which I surveyed a river environment and how humans influence it – I took pleasure in wading through a river and the great sense of fulfilment to draw a conclusion from information I had gathered and processed myself.

  I feel that this course will satisfy my curiosity about the world around us, and hope it will lead me to a career that aims to find ways to use the world"s resources in a sustainable way.

  I have not missed an opportunity to get involved with extra-curricular activities; as I was walking through school to head home after some particular activities, I was often greeted by teachers making statements such as, ‘Are you still here?" but I kept coming back.

  Being part of every girl"s team available, and captaining some select games, meant that I set aside a lot of time to the cause; but this was no chore, I love the social side of sports because everyone involved has so much enthusiasm, which they portray in such an energetic manner. I joined clubs out of school, representing the South Bucks hockey team in the Thames Valley games and playing in an under sixteen"s netball club let me meet many new people that I shared a common interest with. I also became part of a non-competitive hockey club for older hockey players, where the training was more vigorous and my team mates were a lot wiser – I often had to decline invitations to the pub, purely because I was too young - but the harder training routines improved my self discipline that lead me to having new skills.

  For games such as netball and rounders it is essential to cooperate and follow instructions; you have to play your part in the game, doing this has not only taught me how to be part of a team, but how to lead one too. I am now part of the sports council, representing the sixth-form, we are currently working to encourage younger pupils to attend after school sports clubs and are organising a sports day for year seven. I also represent sixth form in the school council where we discuss how to make school a better environment for everybody; the latest proposal was to introduce paper recycling.

  My school holds a summer awards evening every year for the lower school, I acquired awards for my work in various subjects and one for service, these made me feel like quite the specialist and encouraged me to put more effort in and lend a hand to others. I was made a prefect in year eleven and am now a senior student, I was very eager to help in the smooth running of the school to give back a little of what I have been given in extra-curricular time and resources. Last year I helped out in a year nine maths class once a week, I felt a sense of satisfaction when students were able to use concepts that I had explained to them. Also last year, when GCSEs were over, I started to teach myself guitar. Starting off, it took self-motivation to keep on learning as things got harder, and fingerprints started to wear off, but now I am part of a band and I know that it was undoubtedly worth the effort.

  I have always loved learning new fields of knowledge and I am looking forward to exploring them in more depth at a higher level. I see university as an opportunity to utilise better facilities and expertise, and I understand that I must contribute all I can and rise to all the challenges put to me.


  The tap water I drank for two years in England holds a hint of chlorine,

  nevertheless, drinkable; its Swiss counterpart, crystal-clear and tastes divine. I have inhaled voraciously the air in Pullman, Washington, along with its scent of ripening wheat and temperate forests. I have swum into the Mediterranean Sea straight from the Barcelonata beach ten minutes away from downtown Barcelona. All the while travelling and studying aboard, I think about my home, China, about how none of these things can be done there. And the thought pains me.

  Becoming an Environmental Engineer is not a mere whim resulted from my concerns for China"s pollution – it became a determination, when I spent a fruitful summer at Washington State University as a research student in Laboratory for Atmospheric Research. Under the guidance of Professor Serena Chung, Professor Brian Lamb and a doctoral student Rodrigo Gonzalez-Abraham, I conducted an analysis on the effect of wildfire

  atmospheric emissions on regional air quality, using the current and future year simulations output by the WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ modeling framework. I discovered that wildfires account mainly for the particulate matters in the air, and that the increase in the precipitation in the future is likely to be responsible for a 60%-80% decrease in particulate matter"s concentrations. Not only have I improved my programming skill, data processing skill and the ability to

  approach a task through my project, but also gained knowledge in the field of air monitoring and control through a series of “crash courses” equivalent to classes that an Environmental Engineering undergraduate would take. I

  become enticed by the complexity and the interdisciplinarity of environmental modeling, and reaffirmed Environmental Engineering as my career path. At the time when several faculty members from the department were leaving for Tianjin, China for a project, and joked about the possibility of their accurate measuringequipments malfunctioning when operating in the megacity plagued by pollution, my heart sank, and instantly I knew that my best career option is to help converting the terrible situation.

  As a Physics major and a Math minor, I make more efforts than a summer research to edge my way into Environmental Engineering. For senior year, I am taking a course entitled Water Quality and another one on Environmental Systems at Swarthmore College. In the former, I will work on a group project that aims to improve the pollution model of a local creek, developed by Professor AuthurMcGarity using Storm Water Management Model. If my schedule allows, the summer after my graduation will include taking basic engineering summer courses in preparation for graduate school. In addition, I

  will be spending my fall break this year working at California Air Resources Board and learning how research results influence public policy making. In my one-month winter break, I will intern in the Bio-fuel research sector at the ENN Company, a Chinese energy company that plays a leading role in the development of oil extraction from algae cultures.

  It took me a while to figure out that I want to use my specialty in the real world as an engineer. This is mainly because I am also fascinated with theories and abstract concepts that Physics and Mathematics offer. Immersed in the

  atmosphere of a liberal arts college, I embrace the idea that a kid should study what fascinates him/her the most in college. Armed with enthusiasm, I did a month-long Theoretical Physics research during the summer of freshman year, on the question of whether our universe has a “preferred” handedness and whether it is detectable in the large-angle anisotropy of Cosmic Background Radiation. As it turns out, it takes more than a month for a freshman to tackle Theoretical Physics, for I spent most of the time teaching myself General Relativity through a thick textbook written by John Wheeler, instead of doing anything remotely original. While I enjoy leaving the research with a mindful of abstract ideas about the origin of the universe, I settled with myself on the contention of whether to pursue pure theories throughout my life.

  The decision is no. As a result, my second research in Physics, the one started in the fall of 2009 and evolves into my senior project, differs significantly from the first one. The project in the Non-linear Physics Lab at Haverford College looks at the behaviors of swimming microorganisms in a quasi-2D fluid. The project was especially challenging at the beginning, because of the universally known fact that you cannot let a Physicist take care of living organisms. I had to figure out a systematic procedure to culture algae cells, to keep them motile, to add fluorescent tracers without disturbing their normal metabolism, and to take accurate measurements. Looking back at those days, I realized that the most valuable lesson I have learned is neither the lab procedures nor the

  modeling skill, but an effective approach to a new project and the step-by-step elimination of experimental difficulties. This was also a time during which I encountered frustrations and joys down the path of an objective research, and tried to handle them professionally. They say doing research is about how you do it, not what you do. And I hope to incorporate my Physics research experiences and perspectives into the future research in Environmental Engineering.

  As my transcript indicates, I intend to finish my undergraduate in three years. Although Bryn Mawr and Haverford equip me with a broad spectrum of

  knowledge in Math, Physics, Economics and Art History, the absence of an Engineering department results in my eagerness to move on to a

  comprehensive university with more Engineering resources and peers, a university like Columbia.

  It is impossible not to be impressed by the Carbon Sequestration research going on in Columbia for someone like me who reads every issue of Scientific American. Although I may lack the knowledge in Engineering Design, I am

  confident to enter this new field under the guidance of Professor Klaus Lackner; more importantly, I have already developed a strong passion for Carbon Sequestration through reading various literatures. Also, Professor

  UpmanuLall"s specialty appeals to me because of his projects related to

  hydro-climate modeling and policy-making tools. Having visited SEAS and the department twice, I fell in love with the department"s friendly atmosphere and its “international flavor”. I would like to believe that I will be an asset to the department in return. My education background spans from China, Oxford to Philadelphia; from fifty kids per classroom in middle school, ten teenagers from five different countries per classroom in high school, to twenty brilliant young women and no men per classroom in college (see resume). I find equally great pleasure in two seemingly contrary activities: scientific research and

  philanthropy. It is my career goal to become a world citizen who, on one hand, savors the withdrawal of research, and on the other hand, advocates for a better environment when not at the desk. I am to be an Environmental

  Engineer, for my own pleasure, for the sake of my homeland, and for the sake of this globe we are all living in. And Columbia holds the same belief.


是的,美国的高中一般都是九到十二年纪. 高中第一年,九年级叫做freshman 高中第二年,十年级叫做sophomore 高中第三年,十一年级叫做junior 高中第四年,十二年纪叫做senior 在中国上完初三后,也就是九年级后,在美国所相对应的应该是十年级,也就是高中第二年了.
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大二 英文

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这样说The third class of grade two at high school.
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美国的高中有四个年级,分别为Freshman高一, Sophomore高二, Junior高三, Senior高四,尽管有四个年级,可是如果一个高一学生和高四学生选修的课程大致相同,也会在同一堂教室里上课的。   总体来说,美国的高中课程并不像中国的高中那样的枯燥,中国的只注重高考考学要考的科目,而美国高中除了有文、政、地、数、理、化等主科设有丰富多彩的副科,例如烹饪课(Foods)、驾驶课(Driver"s Ed)、设计机器人课(Robotic)、装修课(Shop)、广播新闻(Broadcasting&Journalism)、农业学(Agriculture)、神话课(Mythology)、会计学(Accounting)、缝纫课(Sewing)等等。
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Second yearIn the U.S., a sophomore, also called a "soph," is a second-year student. Post-second yearIn the USA, a Junior is a student in the penultimate (usually third) year and a Senior is a student in the last (usually fourth) year of college, university, or high school. A student who takes more than the normal number of years to graduate is sometimes referred to as a "super senior".
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freshman sophermore junior senio,2,大一:freshman 大二:sophomore 大三:junior 大四:senior underclass 这个有一、二年级的意思 upperclass 这个就是高年级~~,2,大一 freshman 大二 sophomore 大三 junior 大四 senior 以上都是口语,但是现在使用非常普遍 例子:玛丽大学一年级。 Mary is in her freshman year.,2,freshman sophermore junior senior 以上都是undergraduate,毕业就叫guaduate,学士叫bachelor,研究生master,博士doctor,再往后postdoctor,2,大一:freshman 大二:sophomore 大三:junior 大四:senior,2,大一,大二,大三,以及大四的英语怎么拼啊 一个钟头内答对加分,一个钟头过后就没有分了.
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美国高中生毕业时一般多大? 一般都是在17、18岁这样的年龄高中毕业。有的高中限制学生必须18岁之前毕业,有的高中没有限制。 在美国,高中实行学分制,公立高中毕业的学分是每一个校区的教育董事会根据州 *** 、各大学,以及教育认证机构的要求而制定的。在有的高中,高中学生必须得到至少230个学分才有资格毕业。当然,毕业的要求并不止这些,除了拿到最少230个学分以外,学生还必须通过加州的高中毕业考试才能拿到高中毕业证书。 学分制: 在毕业要求的学分中,高中生就必须在毕业之前通过考试成绩合格获得学分,而且学分会按照不同的科目有不同的要求。学校是希望高中生可以全面发展的。当然不同的高中之间的要求会有一些差别。 修学分: 通常,一门课上一个学期,假如学生能得到“D”以上的成绩(及格以上),就算拿到了5个学分,一年就能拿到10个学分。 因此,通常学生从9年级开始,读了四年,每年所有课都及格,并且通过了高中毕业考就可以高中毕业了。高中毕业需要满足高中毕业的条件,但是年龄的界定并不是每个高中学校都要求的。一般按照正常的程式上学,高中生都是可以在规定的要求内毕业的。 美国高中生毕业要修多少学分 做为美国高中留学生,去美国高中留学生活,为了达到高中毕业的基本要求,就需要达到一定的学分规定。那么美国高中学分是如何设定的呢?下面天道留学我为大家做了美国高中留学学分总结,希望对同学们有所帮助。 1,英语:共四学分;在高中四年,每年挣一学分,就可达到这个要求。 2,数学:共三学分;其中初级代数得一学分,几何概论得一学分,外加另外一个因人而异的学分。 3,科学:三学分;其中生物理论课一学分,另外的两学分必须包括地球科学,生命科学,物理学的实验技能训练。 4,社会学研究:共三学分;其中美国历史一学分,美国 *** 一学分,现代世界历史一学分。 5,体育:半个(0.5)学分。 6,健康卫生课:半个(0.5)学分。 7,美术:一学分。 8,技术教育:一学分;这部分功课要求的看似神秘,其实并不难。修一门和计算机有关的功课,就可以达到这个要求。 9,选修课:2-4学分;既然是选修课,学校提供的课程就会有五花八门的感觉,比如选修外语课,美国高中生可以在西班牙语,日语,法语,中文当中任选一门。如果不爱学外语,美国高中生可以用美国手语来代替上述这些外语。 此外,申请美国高中留学生活的同学,可以选择继续钻研技术教育课,选修更高阶的计算机课程。值得指出的是,上述所列的内容,只是美国高中毕业生达到毕业标准的基本要求。 关于美国高中毕业时间? 12年级,其实修够学分年底就可以开始申大学,等offer了,美国高中和大学都是学分制的,毕业的条件是修够学分,不过以6月份毕业为居多 可以去米高网看看全美私立高中学校库,可以具体看看学校的入学条件,师生比,国际学生比例,课程设定(AP课程、荣誉课程、ESL课程、课外活动),SAT平均成绩,大学升学情况,硬体设施,课内外活动,体育活动,还有指南,可以去苹果AppStore安装一个“米高学校库” 美国高中生21岁没毕业会自动除名吗 帖子看到回复如下:1、“被开除”与“被拒绝入境”是两个概念,没有直接关联,只要持有合法的Visa以及相应的I20表,应该可以入境;2、但是——被开除的学生希望再次申请F1签证,恐怕那就没戏了。供你参考、祝你顺利! 美国高中生留学没有毕业证怎么办 没有高中毕业证是可以申请美国留学的。 存在以下两种情况: a、学生已在中国完成第一阶段学习,之后在美国完成最后一年学习,学生没有得到中国高中毕业证的; b、申请外国学校的最终期限比中国学校发毕业证书的时间要早。 上述情况其实完全可以申请美国留学,但是要注意: 1、从中国的学校处得到一个官方认可的等级和成绩单,即便不是官方的原件的话,美国学校方面想要了解的只不过是申请的学生在原学校的表现怎么样而已,他们对官方的证书之类的东西并不是很感兴趣。 2、代表学校写一封信,向申请的学校说明该学生没有得到毕业证的原因,到学校去盖章,贴上邮票,并翻译成英文。 3、在你的申请中做个注释解释一下为什么你没有得到毕业证书,并请求负责招生的工作人员看一看第二点当中我们提到的,盖有学校章的那封信。 不少人认为,在读大学生比高中生申请美国留学更容易,这是错误的。因为多数美国大学不允许大学在读生直接申请本科一年(FreshmanClass),只允许申请转学(transferstudent),因此,有意于去美国读本科的学生,最好是在高二准备,高三申请,高中毕业后直接去读;大学在读生越早申请freshmen,争取到美国留学奖学金的机率会越大。 美国高中生能打工吗? 可以的。 美国留学生打工早已是很普遍的现象,一般分校内打工和校外打工。 很多同学都青睐在校内工作,因为校内工作稳定,风险也很低,而且还比较安全,更重要的是能充分接触到教授和一些教育资源。工作比较轻松,但相对报酬较低。 也有美国留学生打工选择的是校外或者自主创业。在这里建议:尽量寻找能够利用自身优势的工作,体力工作并不是唯一的选择。很多学生盲目地认为,打工就是餐馆或者是杂货店工作。其实这是大错特错了。 打工对于大多数留学生来说,是一个了解社会和减低财务压力的手段,这样的工作最好能和自己兴趣和特长结合起来,这会使工作更有趣。不仅强度会比餐馆等工作强度低,往往时薪也会比较高。 另外,打工思路要多元化,不一定从事本地的工作。随着网际网路的普及,大量的工作是完全可以通过网路进行的。一些工作,完全可以超越地域的限制来进行。例如,不少学习计算机的同学,为公司进行程式设计。编完后把程式发给公司即可。 美国高中生的生活 取决于什么样的人吧……在Public Schools估计是一团乱……在Private School的话还好……平时和妹子啪啪啪没什么大不了的……当然被学校抓住估计会处罚一类的……我们学校还有蠢货在实验室桌子上办事被老师撞倒的剧情……总之就是“长得帅就有大把妹子”和“一副宅样就别想有妹子”这种感觉 美国高中生一般什么时候开始申请college? 一般是 junior year 下半学期到 senior year 上半学期申请大学,senior year 下半学期(因为许多大学已截止申请)多半是等答复以及申请助学金和奖学金。 “最晚”是说不准的,主要看申请学校的截止日期是什么时候,很多比较好(竞争较大)的大学都在12-1月左右截止申请,普通一点的则一般是3-4月,也有一直到开学前一个月还可以申请的。 美国高中生阅读量究竟有多大 美国联邦 *** 不干涉各州、各学区、各学校的教科书内容,更不介入各年级学生的课外书阅读书目的编排,没有所谓全国统一标准。阅读书单随着英文课老师的兴趣而变。但不同州的高中生阅读书目中,以下经典书籍长居榜首: 《杀死一只知更鸟》、《麦克白》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《哈姆雷特》、《伟大的盖茨比》、《蝇王》、《麦田守望者》、《人鼠之间》、《红字》、《哈克贝利费恩历险记》。 也就是说,古典文学、英美文学占了重要地位。不过,全世界的青少年基本都不喜欢读古典名著,所以这些阅读书目里加进了很多当代书作为新鲜血液,包括:《霍位元人》、《苏西的世界》、《指环王》、《追风筝的人》、《天使与魔鬼》、《少年派奇幻漂流记》、《饥饿游戏》、《哈利u2022波特》、《芒果街上的小屋》。 这些当代书没有生僻的词汇,读之前不需要查阅时代背景,学生就能迅速与自身生活结合,它们用第一人称自述,主人公自己就是读者的同龄人。另外由于当代文学涉及社会多元文化、多种族生活的主题,往往老师解释不清的,学生却可以理解得很好,并引发热烈的课堂讨论。 阅读书目的设定往往引起对于经典古籍所占比重的民间辩论。积极鼓吹典籍重要性的团体认为,典籍是西方文明的结晶,有助于民主制度下公民意识的形成。但美国学校老师的态度倒很开明。“能让你的精神完成质的飞跃的,并不是哪一本书的功劳。” 老师在教授古典文学时采取旧瓶装新酒的办法。比如莎士比亚的《凯撒大帝》,老师会将它与美国入侵伊拉克联络起来,讨论权利、政治、领袖;从篡位夺权的情节探讨武装夺取首脑执政权。至于学生的反响如何,美国老师对此也想得开,正所谓“师傅领进门,修行在个人”。 据美国公立图书馆统计,青少年的阅读兴趣是漫画、翻新的“戏说”古代作品情节。爱情故事和传记依然流行,新添的家族成员则是吸血鬼,学生们认为吸血鬼“有一点点帅,有一点点危险”。美国老师则认为读书不必拘泥题材,而在于书所传递的意义。 在电视、简讯、iPad和电脑游戏盛行的今天,在公立图书馆借阅量最大的仍然是以青少年为物件的书籍。加上电子书、有声书等多种形式,美国青少年的阅读量或许并没有江河日下。 美国高中毕业时间 和中国区别大吗 美国高中是四年,而中国的高中是三年。 中国 :高一,高二,高三(三年制,16-18岁) 美国 :高中:9年级,10年级,11年级,12年级(一般为四年制,15-18岁); 也就是说,美国的9-12年级相当于中国的初三到高三。 因为美国的大学和高中都是学分制,只要修够学分就可以毕业了。按照正常情况的话,一般在每年的六月份毕业的居多一些。
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求美国高中生的各年级的称呼 我只知道高一叫freshman,那么其他呢?

Second year In the U.S.,a sophomore,also called a "soph," is a second-year student. Post-second year In the USA,a Junior is a student in the penultimate (usually third) year and a Senior is a student in the last (usually fourth) year of college,university,or high school.A student who takes more than the normal number of years to graduate is sometimes referred to as a "super senior".
2023-07-10 19:02:481


2023-07-10 19:02:552

my freshman year 的英文作文

My freshman year My freshman year is good learning experience, and the most of the learning process has taken place outside of the classroom. My freshman year is so busy, which is different from senior school in many aspects. In general it is a time filled with anticipation, some anxiety, and wonderful discoveries. So it is important and meaningful for me. Firstly, it is first time that I live in dormitory. I feel that I always dealing with these boring things and I must do it by myself. However, I only paid all attention to my study before I went to my college. Housework belongs to my parents, so I did not care about it. Now, I realize that it is right time for me to be independent and I should take good care of myself. I cannot always depend on my parents. I live up to my parents" expectations. Live in the dormitory, I must take roommates" thoughts into account. I should keep silent when they are sleeping and I should respect their selects. At home, I just did what I wanted to do and I did not care others. If I want others to respect me, I must do the same. The dormitory living, which let me be independent and respect others. Secondly, there is more time in my own hands. I have six classes a day on average, so I have more free time. I must learn these courses myself after class. Sometimes, I spend much time chatting with my roommates and doing others boring things. Nevertheless, I have less time to study. In my senior school, I hardly had my own time, because I had fourteen classes every day. In the college, I must have a plan for my study and life. I cannot waste time of doing invaluable things. And I can do some part-time jobs. It is important for me to increase my experience and improve the ability to communicate with others. These part-time jobs make me tired, which remind me of others" work. More free time, which make me know the value of the time and respect others" work.Thirdly, there are many activities in the college. Not only do I take part in the colorful activities, but also plot these. I did not join in these activities actively, because I could not develop my interests and my creativity in the college. My college life becomes colorful, because of many colorful activities. I also become active and energetic, and I can have good ideals in many activities. I eager to do everything well deep down. At the same time, I learn many things from these activities. I should keep a good attitude in every activity, because success and failure have reasons to exist, which means that it is important for me to be active and creative, and do your best is well. Finally, friends are not the same to ones what I have. In the college, friends are not just means friends, who play a role of relatives. We are all live in the dormitory. We almost spend all time accompanying with each other. All the classmates were very interested in this kind of activity. I learned from them much about their hometown, their knowledge and opinions Even though I have words with them .Our dormitory likes a home, so we are a big family. We chat anything with each other, including family, emotional problems and our future. I wish I could freeze time, and I can live with them all the time. In the senior school, we just talk about our hobbies and study, but we are also close. In the college, I can feel the warm of family. Those friends are really important for me to continue the following life. I must treasure each of my good friends. It is my luckiness to know them. As far as I am concerned, freshman year make an great effort on my life. It is a turning point in my life. I have dormitory 716 and I feel proud of them, theses five pretty girls, whom I will love and treasure to the end. It is another home for me. Walking on campus in the middle of the night, I realize how much I will miss my college days. I have more time to spend, so I must make a good plan for my study and life. I should throw myself into studying and reading. Those colorful college activities makes me know that I need try my best to do everything. During freshman year, I have changed many bad habits and become </b></b>easier to communicate with. I will overcome the any difficulties in the future. The approaching exam makes me afraid. So I will cherish the following college days. I look forward to trying my best not to waste time.
2023-07-10 19:03:051


初一学生:grade 1初二学生:grade 2初三学生:grade 3高一学生:grade 4 (以此类推,直到高三)大一学生:freshman大二学生:sophomore大三学生:junior大四学生:senior
2023-07-10 19:03:151


2023-07-10 19:03:464


留学选课时要注意以下几点:1、学会平衡学习兴趣与课程难度兴趣固然重要,但是在选择课程的时候,我们也需要了解课程的难度、阅读作业与写作作业的数量,这个方面对于我们留学生来说,是需要占用很长时间的,因此在选择课程的时候,也要进行一个取舍,否则过高的课程难度或者过量的课程作业会吧学习的兴趣完全消磨掉,到时候就是折磨了。  2、借鉴其他人的选课经验与建议可以根据学长学姐的经验来进行参考,查看一下他们是怎么来进行选择的。当然了,借鉴就好,具体的选课还是要根据自己的实际情况来进行调整,毕竟每一个人的实际情况都有所区别,适合学长并不一定就适合你。3、按照自己的职业方向选择在选课的时候,也可以根据自己的职业愿景来进行选择,学校的官网上,对于课程的大纲与教育目标以及职业方向都有所简介。4、注意课程的授课地点  有些课程的授课地点之间相距还是比较远的,如果选择的课程教室相距太远的话,可能都赶不上上课,所以同学在选课的时候一定要注意这一点。对选择的课程有一个良好的规划,留出充足的休息时间,可以让之后的留学生活轻松不少哦。
2023-07-10 19:03:543


freshman音节划分:freshu25aaman英 [u02c8freu0283mu0259n] 美 [u02c8fru025bu0283mu0259n] n. (中学或大学的)一年级学生; 新手 复数: freshmen 双语例句1. during my freshman year 更多牛津 在我一年级期间来自《权威词典》2. Jack decided to live in during his freshman year at college. 杰克决定大一时住校.来自《简明英汉词典》3. An annual freshman icebreaker called " Dickerella, " in which women and men pair off for trips to a local burger Joint named Dick"s, has become a farce. 一年一度使新生气氛活跃的活动叫 “ 迪克莱拉 ”, 在活动中男女生配成对一起到当地一个汉堡包快餐店去就餐, 这项活动已经成了滑稽的事.来自《简明英汉词典》4. It"s important for the college freshman to keep his nose clean. 对大学新生而言洁身自好是很重要的.来自辞典例句5. He flounders through the first weeks of freshman year. 刚进大学的头几个星期他手足无措.来自辞典例句
2023-07-10 19:04:121

急求英语作文 my freshman year college life!

你可以google 一下
2023-07-10 19:04:222


典型的美国校园性喜剧片,风格没变,没什么创新,也没有什么值得思考的价值,唯一一点是更多的火辣美女和尺度大胆的表演能吸引年轻人的眼球。 据美国朋友讲,其实在美国现实中根本不可能有这么开放,这就使的类似的一些影片会误导中国人对美国学生生活的看法。电影中的描述只能满足我们幻想的乐趣。 值得一提的是,为什么这种电影总是找一些亚洲国家或黑人学生做丑角反衬,还有,影片中,那个长... []
2023-07-10 19:04:291

请问 大一至大四用英文怎么说?!谢谢

2023-07-10 19:04:404


新生 在美国比较地道的单词是 fish(菜鸟)
2023-07-10 19:06:433


2023-07-10 19:06:584

在美国转学,current year courses怎么填

指得是你高三学习得课程,包括高三学习的所有中方课程,只要是你在学的,都要写上去。Course level你可以不用填的。 additional information没有什么要特意强调的,就不用填了。 推荐信按理说是不可以经过你手的,应该是学校统一发的。
2023-07-10 19:07:362


2023-07-10 19:08:207

英语作文(80字):My First Year at College

My First Year at College I was very happy in my first year at college.I had much free time after I finished my school work.So I could do many things what I like to do. Usually I went to the library to read for a whole morning.I liked to read novles and the books of science,technology and philosophy. In the afternoon,I always took exercises on the playground.I was good at basketball and football,but my favorite sport was bodybuilding! At night,I did my homework and read books. I think I made a full use of my first year at college. ^_^
2023-07-10 19:10:034


2023-07-10 19:10:483

美国的高中叫 junior school么???

2023-07-10 19:11:084


【 #美国留学# 导语】美国留学过程中,如果对当初选择的大学不满意时,就会面临着转学的问题,一般来说,美国很多大学对于转学生会有如下要求:一是需要已经在大学入读,有些学校会有学分以及先修课程的要求,比如哥伦比亚大学就要求需要修读24个学分以上。下面是 考 网分享的美国留学转学规定介绍。欢迎阅读参考! 美国留学转学规定介绍   1.哈佛大学   哈佛大学接收很少转学生,“`This year the Committee will admit a small number of transfer students who present a clearly defined academic need for transfer, supported by both a proven record of achievement at the college level and strong faculty recommendations.”   也就是说学生要明确表明出学术上转学的需要以及有一个强有力的推荐人。要求学生至少要读完一学年才能够转学,此外不要超过两个学年。要求SAT/ACT,有些program还会要求SAT sub。学分转化的要求比较高,大概只能转8-16学分。   2.普林斯顿大学   普林斯顿大学是不接受转学生申请的。   3.耶鲁大学   耶鲁大学的转学竞争相激烈,As competitive as the admissions process is for freshmen, the transfer process is even more so. Yale receives more than 1,000 transfer applications each year, and we have spaces for only 20 to 30 students.录取率大概才2%-3%。   对于在大学没有完成1学年的学生是不能够申请转学项目的,而可以申请freshman。在专业的选择上,有部分只面对新生录取的专业,所以对于转学生要提前了解清楚。   4.哥伦比亚大学   哥伦比亚大学要求转学生是必须完成24个学分以上才可以转学的,另外还是要求要评估SAT/ACT的成绩。如果申请工程专业希望能够在微积分、物理、化学等有比较好的成绩, 对先修课程有一些要求。   如果休学超过一学年,学校要求只能申请general studies,而不能申请明确的专业。每年大概有2500人申请,录取150人左右,录取率为6%。建议学生可选择转读大一、大二以及大三,但也有表明 大二、大三的位置比较少,对于工程专业的学生强烈建议申请大一或者大二。   5.宾夕法尼亚大学   宾大是每个学院对于先修课程都会有不同的要求。比如沃顿商学院,会要求需要有修读以下课程: One semester of calculus ,One semester of introductory microeconomics,One semester of introductory macroeconomics。如果是申请junior,还会有多一些课程的要求,但学校也明确表明junior的位置非常少,建议还是申请大二。   同样学校会评估SAT/ACT的成绩,也希望学生能够在大学参与一些体现领导力的活动。此外需要注意的是学校明确表示如果申请转学后不能够再次转到其他专业就读,所以学生要注意这点。   6.布朗大学   布朗大学还是比较欢迎转学生的,对于转学生的要求也是至少要在大学读完一年并且不超过两年,对于SAT/ACT并没有硬性要求,但是也强烈地建议学生提供这些成绩。   7.达特茅斯学院   达特茅斯也接受转学生,转学生入学的申请跟新生差不多,此外对于转学分,学校明确表示不接受社区大学以及非美国大学的学分转化。扩展阅读:怎样快速适应美国留学新生活   一、衣   在本地买衣服和买鞋是比较简单而且容易的,价格也不会很贵,所以大家出国的时候准备衣物只需要换洗的两三套就够了,不用增加自己的负担,不过可以带上正装和礼服,正式场合需要穿。   而一般买衣服大家可以直接去商场,一些快销品牌会经常打折,换季也会比较快,价格是比较划算的,不过大家也不要买太多,因为更新会比较快,而且累积起来也是一笔不小的开支。   二、食   这里的餐饮会偏西式一些,主食是面包面条等,此外三明治沙拉也很常见,肉类会以牛肉为主,在食堂内吃饭的话一般提供的是自助,菜色很多可以自选,从主食、饮料、甜点都齐全。   在外面吃饭的话,是需要支付小费的,而且所有的饮料都可以无限续杯;大家还可以定外卖,又很方便的APP Yelp 和Pinterest;中餐也很容易获取,不过价格稍贵,或者大家也可以自己做。   三、住   学生的住宿一般是学校的宿舍Dorm,一层楼有多个卧室,每层楼会有公共的卫生间和浴室,还有厨房和客厅,大家可以随意使用所有的公共物品,不过卫生需要共同维护。   还可以租房子住,比较常见的是Apartment,提供Studio、1B1B到4B4B的户型,前者是单人间,后者是一室一厅到多室多厅,一般面积会更大一些,大家可以享受更舒适的生活。   四、行   如果大家的学校是在交通比较方便的市区的话,可以直接坐公交地铁,满足自己的生活需求,办卡之后会更划算,交通路线也很完善,大家想去的地方能够直达。   不过如果是比较偏远的郊区的话,即便是公交路线也会比较长,大家白天可以考虑自己骑车,会更加方便一些,如果有驾照还可以买一辆二手的车代步,这样还能够省钱。扩展阅读:不同阶段留学美国语言要求   1、高中阶段   美国高中留学申请中常用的语言成绩有SLEP,TOEFL Junior,TOEFL。要注意TOEFL Junior可作为8年级学生的入学申请,但9年级10年级,仍需要托福成绩。   托普仕一般建议SLEP55分以上,TOEFL80以上。   2、本科阶段   美国本科对于语言要求比较高,申请本科语言要求托福至少79分或雅思6.0分以上。通常来说:   申请前30大学:托福至少100分,雅思至少7分   申请50-30名大学:托福90或以上,雅思6.5或以上   申请100-50名大学:托福成绩为79分以上,雅思成绩为6分以上。   需要注意的是,相当多的美国本科高校可以向学生发出有条件的录取通知书。也就是说,学生可以在本科开学前阅读一段时间的语言课程,然后再学习该课程。至于语言课程的长度,则取决于学生的学习情况。   3、研究生阶段   对大多数专业来说,托福要求低的学校的最低分一般是79分或80分。大多数要求很高的学校的最低分数为100分,少数学校的分数要求高于100分,比如哥伦比亚大学的传媒专业。如果能拿到100多所,学校的基本选择不会受到托福的阻碍。如果其他条件好,应用效果会更好。文科专业对托福的要求普遍较高,如传媒等专业。不仅前50名的学校,而且许多50至100名的学校要求托福成绩为100分。   雅思的话也可以接受,在美国排名前50的大学中,无论是本科生还是研究生对雅思成绩都有很高的要求,雅思一般至少需要达到7分。如果你想申请商学院(BNP Paribas)和法学院(laws chool)前50名的大学,以及传媒专业的研究生,你至少需要获得7.5分的雅思成绩。申请美国普通大学至少需要雅思6.0分和研究生6.5分。尽管雅思已经得到了大量美国大学的认可,但美国大学提出的雅思成绩却相对苛刻,一般都在7.0分以上,有的甚至需要达到7.5分。扩展阅读:美国留学如何选专业呢?   一、兴趣优势   一般自己感兴趣的内容,会更愿意花时间和精力学习,这样达到的学习效果也会好很多,对大家会是比较合适的选择,因为会更有学习的激情,从而可以积累下更多实用的技能。   同样优势也是促使大家学习的动力,因为在自己擅长的学科中学习,会更容易获取成就感,有鼓励会更有动力,一般这些优势在国内就能够展示出来,大家可以进行综合然后参考。   二、就业前景   就业是学习的最终目的,除了要考虑到主观的意愿,还要参考客观的现实,未来就业的选择多不多,就业的难度大不大,就业的薪资高不高,都是大家需要特别重视的内容。   这部分可以参考的调查,社会需求量的展示和专业热度的展示能够直观的进行反映,这是非常实际的问题,大家一定要重视起来,确认自己选择的专业不要太冷门。   三、综合实力   实力的展示最直观的体现,就是各大排名,这也是比较省事儿的参考,直接获取相关的专业和院校的排名,进行认证的对比,基本上就可以筛选出自己要是申请的目标,这对大家来说是比较简单的。   当然确认下备选的专业和学校之后,大家还要进行深入的调查,从中虽然可以了解基础的内容,但是在准备的时候还是要倾听其他人的评价,可以去各大社交网搜索。   四、参考意见   以学生的阅历,想要做出完全符合自己的选择还是比较困难的,大家可以参考一下其他人的意见,这里父母和专业的中介都是不错的选择,在此之前要对自己的情况进行深入了解。   这样在进行阐述的时候,条理才会比较清晰,也可以有助于其他人为你提出有建设性的意见,这是比较重要的内容,是必须要考虑清楚的。
2023-07-10 19:11:141

high school和middle school的区别

2023-07-10 19:11:227


2023-07-10 19:12:0714

A hard experience in my freshman year英语作文?

A hard experience in my freshman year大一的艰难经历
2023-07-10 19:12:361


2023-07-10 19:13:102

in freshman year是什么意思

in freshman year在年初freshman year[英][u02c8freu0283mu0259n ju0259:][美][u02c8fru025bu0283mu0259n ju026ar]大学一年级; 例句:1.Have you forgotten our freshman year? 你忘了我们大学第一年是怎么过的?
2023-07-10 19:13:171


大一freshman 大二sophomore year 大三junior year 大四senior year
2023-07-10 19:13:243

my freshman year 的英文作文

My freshman year My freshman year is good learning experience, and the most of the learning process has taken place outside of the classroom. My freshman year is so busy, which is different from senior school in many aspects. In general it is a time filled with anticipation, some anxiety, and wonderful discoveries. So it is important and meaningful for me. Firstly, it is first time that I live in dormitory. I feel that I always dealing with these boring things and I must do it by myself. However, I only paid all attention to my study before I went to my college. Housework belongs to my parents, so I did not care about it. Now, I realize that it is right time for me to be independent and I should take good care of myself. I cannot always depend on my parents. I live up to my parents" expectations. Live in the dormitory, I must take roommates" thoughts into account. I should keep silent when they are sleeping and I should respect their selects. At home, I just did what I wanted to do and I did not care others. If I want others to respect me, I must do the same. The dormitory living, which let me be independent and respect others. Secondly, there is more time in my own hands. I have six classes a day on average, so I have more free time. I must learn these courses myself after class. Sometimes, I spend much time chatting with my roommates and doing others boring things. Nevertheless, I have less time to study. In my senior school, I hardly had my own time, because I had fourteen classes every day. In the college, I must have a plan for my study and life. I cannot waste time of doing invaluable things. And I can do some part-time jobs. It is important for me to increase my experience and improve the ability to communicate with others. These part-time jobs make me tired, which remind me of others" work. More free time, which make me know the value of the time and respect others" work.Thirdly, there are many activities in the college. Not only do I take part in the colorful activities, but also plot these. I did not join in these activities actively, because I could not develop my interests and my creativity in the college. My college life becomes colorful, because of many colorful activities. I also become active and energetic, and I can have good ideals in many activities. I eager to do everything well deep down. At the same time, I learn many things from these activities. I should keep a good attitude in every activity, because success and failure have reasons to exist, which means that it is important for me to be active and creative, and do your best is well. Finally, friends are not the same to ones what I have. In the college, friends are not just means friends, who play a role of relatives. We are all live in the dormitory. We almost spend all time accompanying with each other. All the classmates were very interested in this kind of activity. I learned from them much about their hometown, their knowledge and opinions Even though I have words with them .Our dormitory likes a home, so we are a big family. We chat anything with each other, including family, emotional problems and our future. I wish I could freeze time, and I can live with them all the time. In the senior school, we just talk about our hobbies and study, but we are also close. In the college, I can feel the warm of family. Those friends are really important for me to continue the following life. I must treasure each of my good friends. It is my luckiness to know them. As far as I am concerned, freshman year make an great effort on my life. It is a turning point in my life. I have dormitory 716 and I feel proud of them, theses five pretty girls, whom I will love and treasure to the end. It is another home for me. Walking on campus in the middle of the night, I realize how much I will miss my college days. I have more time to spend, so I must make a good plan for my study and life. I should throw myself into studying and reading. Those colorful college activities makes me know that I need try my best to do everything. During freshman year, I have changed many bad habits and become </b></b>easier to communicate with. I will overcome the any difficulties in the future. The approaching exam makes me afraid. So I will cherish the following college days. I look forward to trying my best not to waste time.
2023-07-10 19:13:381

Freshman Year 歌词

歌曲名:Freshman Year歌手:Brantley Gilbert专辑:A Modern Day Prodigal SonBrantley Gilbert - Freshman YearSaturday night my first high school danceShowin" up late in my Sunday"s bestSeen you before ah but not in that dressThe Dj"s last song and I lost the dareSo with my heart and my pride on the lineI asked you to dance for our first time right thereHolding hands in the hallAll night wait for your call it"s 2 am and were still on the phoneHanging out at the mall oh that old picture showI reach for your lips girl first taste of loveThat old ford truck was your daddy"s worst fearOh I remember the way love felt in freshman yearGraduated in may we went our separate waysTil the hole in my heart was too much to takeYou made that drive down to my dorm room that nightEvery knock at the door you go and hideAnd I thought I"d drown in the tears that you criedJust a holdin" on tightWe found a way to relight that old fire that nightWe were young and wild hanging out too late at nightAt all those college bars, cheap natty lightJust like one of the guys you stuck right by my sideAt every football game there with a smileTwo in the crowd screaming "Go dawgs. Go!"Oh I remember the way love felt in freshman yearOh we"re still young and wild hanging out to late at nightIn all these college bars. cheap natty lightJust like one of the guys you stuck right by my sideAt every football game there with a smileTwo in the crowd screaming "Go dawgs. Go!"Oh I remember the way love felt in freshman yearOh that"s freshman yearhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17297417
2023-07-10 19:13:451


初一学生:grade 1初二学生:grade 2初三学生:grade 3高一学生:grade 4 (以此类推,直到高三)大一学生:freshman大二学生:sophomore大三学生:junior大四学生:senior
2023-07-10 19:13:551

谁知道英语中大二,大三,大四怎么说 啊 ?

2023-07-10 19:15:193


2023-07-10 19:15:294


When I was a freshman, (当我还是一个大一学生时)freshman(大一学生)sophomore(大二学生)Junior(大三学生)Senior(大四学生)照套上面的句型就OK了
2023-07-10 19:16:385


2023-07-10 19:17:113


2023-07-10 19:17:235

高手帮忙翻译一下!!! 有重谢!!!

好长啊,我一段一段翻啊,表着急,呵呵。 Interest is the KEY to success. In my senior middle school, I was intrested in chemistry, especailly high polymer chemistry. I liked analysing the physical and chemical phenomenon,and the high polymer structure.What"s more,at present some traditional metal and nonmetal materials, such as steel,cement,plastic,fibre,rubber,etc,are widely usesd. On the other hand, late-model high polymer materials are the ones still at the development stage, but which is developing to be functional,intellective,and refined rapidly, they have great potential.Researches on the fields of conducting materials,energy storage materials,intelligence materials,nanophase materials,organic photoconductive materials and bioactive materials are becoming more active.The rearch on high polymer materials is challenging,which also test one"s innovative ability,so I chose high polymer materials depertment when I entered university. High polymer materails have many merits,like high intensity,high tenacity,high temperature,lightweight,less density,excellent mechanical property,etc,on the opposite they have some disadvantages,like easy aging,etc,so there are still many problems waiting us to solve.So I think I need futher education to perfect my knowledge system,which will be great helpful with my research on high polymer materials and hopefully to make breakthrough.Loughborough have highly competitive faculty,advanced equipments,and great research competence,which makes great achievement in material field among the univisties.So after three years" undergraduate in South Air,I hope there is an oppotunity to go to Loughborough to get futher education on high polymer materials. I"ve always been a studious student who has great responsibily and collectivism.My results progressed rapidly during three years" study at college.When I was a sophomore,I got scholarship for making 39 ahead in academy.In leisure time I participate in various activity actively in class,and went well with my classmates.My father is a secretary in marketing department ,and my mother is general manager in supply station,they both work in Electric Power Bureau.My father prefer football and tennis,while my mother prefer ping-pang.Affecting by such family atmosphere,I have great interests in various sport games.In junior middle school I joined Canglang Ping-pang Club in my hometown,and had training in my leisure time.I kept the top three place in games,since my basic ping-pang skill was good enough.I took part in various ping-pang games held by our academy actively after I entered university, and got the third prize when I was sophomore.I started devoting to the tennis superstars,Roddick,Nadal,Federer,I adored their exellent technique and emulative spirit in play.In the first summer vacation of freshman year,I began to study tennis with my father,and made many new friends through the play.Football is also one of my favorites.Loving forever impassioned Inzaghi,loving Nedved fighting like steel warrior,loving Ronaldo as super as superman.In the first term of sophomore year,I helped my class win the champion in grade football league game.At the same time,I love basketball as mad as a hatter.I like watching NBA,loving smart and gracious Nash, loving wild Amare Stoudemire, loving Phoenix Suns attacking fiercely and faultlessly.I took part in all the basketball games held by our academy during university,and helped my class make some results. Further education in Britain not only enrich myself and appreciate the world"s top knowledge and technology, but also realize the communicate and integration between different cultures,help me with a wide range of world views and values to consider questions,to widen horizons.If successfully graduate from Loughborough after two academic years,I prepare two ways, one is continuing doctor and making career in Britain by myself,the other way is to return to homeland and get work in Materials Research Institute, using my knowledge to make contribution to domestic high polymer materials fields.Where there is no interest, there is no memory.Believe the accuracy of my choice!Also believe through myself efforts, the success can be achieved in the future. 累死了,绝对原创,拒绝软件翻译,细细。LZ留学的话,这些资料的翻译留学中介都给提供的,以前到留学公司面试过,现在出国蛮火的,加油哦!
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2023-07-10 19:18:176


你是去美国吗?在美国高中有四年,国内初三相当于美国高一,所以初三国内叫做freshman,国内高三叫做senior. 美国大学四年英文名称也是这样的.
2023-07-10 19:19:082

大一 freshman 大二 sophomore 大三junior 大四senior

2023-07-10 19:19:164


研究生想去美国留学,应该怎样规划大学四年生活 积极参加学校各类竞赛及课外活动,有意识地做与专业相关的研究或实验项目,争取大三这一年,能发表一篇高质量的论文。 同时加强英语口语和听力。开始准备考托福(托福考试,全年几乎每周末都可以考,可以考多次取最高成绩,所以越早开始考越好)。 美国留学生应该怎么规划大学四年生活 完成好你的课程,多找找实习机会,想清楚自己要留美国还是要回国,参加职业规划课程,了解相关政策,珍惜最后的校园时间。 如果读研的话,多去应聘实验课题啊。 美国留学生大学四年生活规划: 第一年,freshman year 这一年学业上的安排大多是基础课程,让新生们较为轻松地完成高中到大学的过渡期。选择并加入感兴趣的组织或社团,类型涉及学术、竞技、娱乐甚至联谊等。需要提醒的是,由于美国高校学生社团组织数量庞大,质量良莠不齐,选择时应事先了解,谨慎选择。大一暑假,不妨申请一些名校的优质暑期课程为自己充电。 第二年,sophomore year 学习方面,课程从强度和难度都增加了不少,学业压力陡然增大,建议学生从大一下学期开始以平和心态逐渐过渡,自己制定合理的学习目标,为二年级投入较高强度的学习做好准备。学会适当的休息与放松,找到适合自己的解压方式。 这个暑假,学生可以把目光从学业转移到社会,以实习或志愿者等方式开始接触社会、了解社会,到所关注的行业领域内部探索、实践。 第三年,junior year 学期伊始便迎来专业课选择,学生务必要对核心课程加大投入,重视GPA的保持与提升。因为GPA不仅将会很大程度上影响用人单位的选择,对打算读研的学生来说更是申请学校的重要砝码。另外,建议三年级学生多参加一些社团干部的竞选,并争取在其中胜出,增加实践机会,锻炼自己的组织、管理能力。与国内不同的是,大三暑假美国学生通常用来寻找并确定将来从业的行业或公司,做出毕业后就业还是读研的打算。 第四年,senior year 这是大学四年集中收获的时节,大学期间获得的各种荣誉、奖项都将成为你进入社会的台阶。学业上,大四可以弥补前三年不曾修完的学分,或者重修之前成绩不理想的课程,重点完成大学的毕业课题。生活上,准备开始从学生身份向职业身份过渡,适当添置职场正装。如果选择继续攻读研究生学位,那么相应地,整个三四年级阶段,积累专业知识、参加学科领域的学术活动、发表较高水平的学术论文等,则应该被学生重点关注。 一般大四时期都是申请完毕了,不过大四上学期倒是还有半年规划,但时间太紧张了,相当于突击,9月份到12月份,规划的话,主要是针对标化考试,我也是去美国留学的,明德立人帮我做的申请,你如果已经大四,需要抓紧了,时间很紧张了。 学生物的应该怎样规划她的大学四年生活? 首先给自己定目标,看看自己哪方面有特长,然后朝着这方向去努力,大学里有很多协会就是给你发挥特长的平台,然后就是多搞搞人际关系了,这很重要!最后也别忘了学习是根本,特别是英语啊,将来很多时候都会用到它.的其他的也没什么了 大学生究竟应该怎样规划自己的四年生活? 前两年学习专业,大三开始在假期实习,大四就可以找工作了,期间培养交往能力,专业实力一定要过硬,还要培养其他方面的能力,大学别当做技校来上,不是学习技术,来学习如何思考,如何学习,如何运用专业知识到现实中........ 还要发挥个性,兴趣,寻找你自己的路,而不是别人认为很好的路,自己的路,“不好”也会令你成功...... 如何规划大学四年生活学习 1大学时间很空闲,你必须给自己设立短期目标和长期目标。 所谓短期就是你最近要实现的目标,比如考什么证书 至于长期就是你以后要干什么,是坚持本专业,还是考研,还是公务员还是啥的,必须要清晰明确 2其次,要参加社团,学生会,这个对你也是一种能力的提升,还有就是也是扩大交际圈 3至少要掌握一项技能,最好是学个乐器啥的,真不想学个口哨也可以 4看缘分,有机会就谈个恋爱,不要让自己太枯燥 5偶尔去做点 *** ,实践实践 6大学是最美的思念,也是最能让人堕落的四年,所以还是要稍微自控一点 大学生怎样规划四年生活? 4年?LZ是本科生咯。如果爱学习,就多去图书馆里看看书。 在保证各门功课都过关的前提下,可以学修一些其他专业。 如果想找一个有学识、才华横溢且俊俏的女朋友,那你就多去图书馆。 如果想熬夜的话,就可以买一台电脑,可以看电影、玩游戏、查资料、看毛片,等等 如何科学规划大学四年生活 你好,尊敬的百度知道用户朋友,,很高兴为你解答问题! 首先大一努力学习,有时间多去图书馆,参加学校的一些活动。 大二还是学习,看看书,找一些 *** 做,参加活动, 大三如上, 大四可以去实习了, 祝你天天快乐,如有不足,可以继续追问,如果满意请采纳,谢谢,O(∩_∩)O~。 大学四年应该怎样规划 第一年强调学生活动,第二年注重课程学习,慢慢放开学生活动,大三专业课,大四考研或找工作。
2023-07-10 19:19:491

大三学生和大四学生用英文怎么翻译 谢谢

大三学生:junior/u02c8du0292uu02d0niu0259-u0259r/ student大四学生:senior/u02c8siu02d0niu0259-u0259r/ student此翻译常用于美国大学中。大三学生也可以用third year student; 而大四学生则为fourth year student。以此类推,大一学生为first year student,大二学生为second year student.此外,在美国大学中大一学生称为freshman student,大二学生称为为sophomore student
2023-07-10 19:20:059

My Freshman year

2023-07-10 19:21:541

美国留学 留学个人简历中必备的英文单词

   美国留学个人简历词汇——个人资料   name 姓名   alias 别名   pen name 笔名   date of birth 出生日期   birth date 出生日期   born 出生于   birth place 出生地点   age 年龄   native place 籍贯   province 省   city 市   autonomous region 自治区   prefecture 专区   county 县   nationality 民族,国籍   citizenship 国籍   duel citizenship 双重国籍   address 地址   current address 目前地址   present address 目前地址   permanent address 永久地址   postal code 邮政编码   home phone 住宅电话   office phone 办公电话   business phone 办公电话   Tel.电话   sex性别   male 男   female 女   height 身高   weight 体重   marital status 婚姻状况   family status 家庭状况   married 已婚   single/unmarried 未婚   divorced 离异   separated 分居   number of children 子女人数   none 无 s   treet 街   lane 胡同,巷   road 路   district 区   house number 门牌   health 健康状况   health condition 健康状况   blood type 血型   short-sighted 近视   far-sighted 远视   color-blind 色盲   ID card No.身份证号码   date of availability 可到职时间   available 可到职   membership 会员,资格   president 会长   vice-president 副会长   director 理事   standing director 常务理事   secretary general 秘书长   society 学会   association 协会   research society 研究会   graduate 毕业生    美国留学个人简历词汇——个人品质   able 有才干的,能干的   active 主动的,活跃的   adaptable 适应性强的   adroit 灵巧的,机敏的   aggressive 有进取心的   alert 机灵的   ambitious 有雄心壮志的   amiable 和蔼可亲的   amicable 友好的   analytical 善于分析的   apprehensive 有理解力的   aspiring有志气的,有抱负的   audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的   capable 有能力的,有才能的   careful 办事仔细的   candid 正直的   charitable 宽厚的   competent 能胜任的   confident有信心的   conscientious 认真的,自觉的   considerate 体贴的   constructive 建设性的   contemplative 好沉思的   cooperative 有合作精神的   creative 富创造力的   dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的   dedicated 有奉献精神的   devoted 有献身精神的   dependable 可靠的   diplomatic 老练的,有策略的   disciplined 守纪律的   discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的   dutiful 尽职的   dynamic 精悍的   earnest 认真的   well-educated受过良好教育的   efficient 有效率的   energetic 精力充沛的   enthusiastic 充满热情的   expressive 善于表达   faithful 守信的,忠诚的   forceful (性格)坚强的   frank 直率的,真诚的   friendly 友好的   frugal 俭朴的   generous 宽宏大量的   genteel 有教养的   gentle 有礼貌的   hard-working 勤劳的   hearty 精神饱满的   honest 诚实的   hospitable殷勤的   humble 恭顺的   humorous 幽默的   impartial 公正的   independent 有主见的   industrious 勤奋的   ingenious 有独创性的   initiative 首创精神   have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋   intellective 有智力的   intelligent 理解力强的   inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的 just 正直的   kind-hearted 好心的   knowledgeable 有见识的   learned 精通某门学问的   liberal 心胸宽大的   logical 条理分明的   loyal 忠心耿耿的   methodical 有方法的   modest 谦虚的   motivated 目的明确的   objective 客观的   open-minded 虚心的   orderly 守纪律的   original 有独创性的   painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的   practical 实际的   precise 一丝不苟的   persevering 不屈不挠的   punctual 严守时刻的   purposeful 意志坚强的   qualified 合格的   rational 有理性的   realistic 实事求是的   reasonable 讲道理的   reliable 可信赖的   responsible 负责的   self-conscious 自觉的   selfless 无私的   sensible 明白事理的   sincere 真诚的   smart 精明的   spirited 生气勃勃的   sporting 光明正大的   steady 塌实的   straightforward 老实的   strict 严格的   systematic 有系统的   strong-willed 意志坚强的   sweet-tempered 性情温和的   temperate 稳健的   tireless孜孜不倦的    美国个人简历词汇——教育程度   education 学历   educational background 教育程度   educational history 学历   curriculum 课程   major 主修   minor 副修   educational highlights 课程重点部分   included 课程包括   specialized courses 专门课程   courses taken 所学课程   courses completed 所学课程   special training 特别训练   social practice 社会实践   part-time jobs 业余工作   summer jobs 暑期工作   vacation jobs 假期工作   refresher course进修课程   extracurricular activities 课外活动   physical activities 体育活动   recreational activities 娱乐活动   academic activities 学术活动   social activities 社会活动   rewards 奖励   scholarship 奖学金   "Three Goods" student 三好学生   excellent League member 优秀团员   excellent leader 优秀干部   student council 学生会   off-job training 脱产培训   in-job training 在职培训   educational system 学制   academic year 学年   semester 学期(美)   term 学期 (英)   president 校长   vice-president副校长   dean 院长   assistant dean 副院长   academic dean 教务长   department chairman 系主任   professor 教授   associate professor 副教授   guest professor 客座教授   lecturer 讲师   teaching assistant 助教   research fellow 研究员   research assistant 助理研究员   supervisor 论文导师   principal 中学校长(美)   headmaster 中学校长(英)   master小学校长 (美)   dean of studies 教务长   dean of students 教导主任   dean of students 教导主任   teacher 教师   probation teacher 代课教师   tutor 家庭教师   governess女家庭教师   intelligence quotient 智商   pass 及格   fail 不及格   marks 分数   grades 分数   scores 分数   examination 考试   grade 年级   class 班级   monitor 班长   vice-monitor 副班长   commissary in charge of studies 学习委员   commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员   commissary in charge of sports 体育委员   commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员   Party branch secretary 党支部书记   League branch secretary 团支部书记   commissary in charge of organization 组织委员   commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员   degree 学位   post doctorate 博士后   doctor (Ph.D)博士   master 硕士   bachelor 学士   student 学生   graduate student 研究生   abroad student 留学生   returned student 回国留学生   foreign student 外国学生   undergraduate大学肄业生   senior 大学四年级学生;高中三年级学生   Junior 大学三年级学生;高中二年级学生   sophomore 大学二年级学生;高中一年级学生   freshman 大学一年级学生   guest student 旁听生(英)   auditor 旁听生(美)   government-supported student 公费生   commoner 自费生   extern 走读生   day-student 走读生   intern 实习生   prize fellow 奖学金生   boarder 寄宿生   classmate 同班同学   schoolmate 同校同学   graduate 毕业生    美国留学个人简历词汇——工作经历   accomplish 完成(任务等)   achievements 工作成就,业绩   adapted to 适应于   adept in 善于   administer 管理   advanced worker 先进工作者   analyze 分析   appointed 被任命的   assist 辅助   authorized 委任的;核准的   be promoted to 被提升为   be proposed as 被提名为;被推荐为   behave 表现   breakthrough 惊人的进展,关键问题的解决   break the record 打破记录   business background 工作经历   business experience 工作经历   business history 工作经历   conduct 经营,处理   control 控制   cost 成本;费用   create 创造   decrease 减少   demonstrate 证明,示范   design 设计   develop 开发,发挥   devise 设计,发明   direct 指导   double 加倍,翻一番   duties 职责   earn 获得,赚取   effect 效果,作用   eliminate 消除   employment experience工作经历   employment record 工作经历   employment 工作   enlarge 扩大   enliven 搞活   enrich 使丰富   establish 设立(公司等);使开业;确立   evaluation 估价,评价   excellent League member 优秀团员   excellent Party member 优秀党员   execute 实行,实施   expand 推广;扩大   expedite 加快;促进e   xperience 经历   exploit开发(资源,产品)   export 出口found 创立   generate 产生   good at 擅长于   guide 指导;操纵   implement 完成,实施   import 进口   improve 改进,提高   increase 增加   influence 影响   initiate 创始,开创   innovate 改革,革新   inspired 受启发的;受鼓舞的   install 安装   integrate 使结合;使一体化   introduce 采用,引进   invent 发明   invest 投资   job title 职位   justified 经证明的;合法化的   launch 开办(新企业)   lead 领导   lengthen 延长   lessen 减少(生产成本)   level 水平   localize 使地方化   maintain 保持;维修   make 制造   manage 管理,经营   manufacture 制造   mastered 精通的   modernize 使现代化   motivate 促进,激发   negotiate 谈判   nominated 被提名的;被任命的   occupational history 工作经历   operate 操作,开动(机器等),经营(厂矿)   organize 组织   originate 创始,发明   overcome 克服(困难等)   participate in 参加   perfect 使完善;改善   perform 执行,履行   plan 计划   position 职位   professional history 职业经历   professional 职业经历   profit 利润   promote 生产,制造   promote 推销(商品);创立(企业)等   provide 提供,供应   raise 提高   reach 达到   realize 实现(目标等);获得(利润)   receive 收到,得到,接受   recognize 认清(职责等)   recommended 被推荐的;被介绍的   reconsolidate 重新巩固;重新整顿   reconstruct 重建   recorded 记载的   recover 恢复;弥补   rectify 整顿,调整   redouble 加倍,倍增   reduce 减少,降低(成本等)   refine 精练,精制   reform 改革   regenerate 更新,使更生   registered 已注册的   regularize 使系统化   regulate 控制(费用等)   rehandle 重铸;重新处理   rehash 以新形式处理(旧材料)   reinforce 加强   reckon 计算(成本等)   renew 重建,换新   renovate 革新;修理   repair 修复,修补   replace 接替,替换   representative 代表,代理人   research 调查,研究   resolve 解决   responsibilities 职责   second job 第二职业   set 创造(纪录等)   settle 解决(问题等)shorten 减低......效能   show 显示,表明   significant 重要的,有效的   simplify 简化,精简   solve 解决   sort out 清理   specific experience 具体经历   speed up 加速   sponsor 主办   spread 传播,扩大   standard 标准,规格   streamline 把......设计流线型   strengthen 加强,巩固   study 研究   succeed 成功   supervise 监督,管理   supply 供给,满足(需要)   systematize 使系统化   target 目标,指标   test 试验,检验   top 头等的,最高的   total 总数,总额   translate 翻译,转化   travel 旅行   unify 使成一体,统一   use 使用,运用   useful 有用的   utilize 利用   valuable 有价值的   vivify 使活跃   well-trained 训练有素的   work experience 工作经历   work history 工作经历   work 工作,起作用   working model 劳动模范   worth 使......钱的,有......价值的
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高三 - senior - grade12高二 - junior - grade 11 高一 - sophomore - grade 10初三 - freshman - grade 9初二 - grade 8初一 - grade 7在美国高中high school是grade 9-12(四年),初中middle school是grade 7-8(两年)
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