require; demand; ask
requirement; demand; claim
He claims to be the rightful heir.
A major addition to the earlier revisions of the questionnaire is the job requirement exercise.
I want a distinct answer to my question.
This instrument demands stringent specification.
I assented to the request of the American publishers to write this book
As a concession to his reasonable demand, the doctor allowed him to work.
Administrative staff may be deskilled through increased automation and efficiency.
In production, we demand not only quantity but also quality.
It is wrong to have no regard for the opinions and demands of the masses.
He"s already altered several of the proposals in his economic plan to accommodate demands of special interests.
The rules also require employers to provide safety training
I cannot assent to what you ask.
The question remains whether he was fully aware of the claims.
This gives expression to the national aspirations for reforms.
I dare say he did as he was bidden.
要求 英语怎么说 词性是名词
request2023-07-10 12:36:238
“要求” 的英语单词怎么写?
Requirement2023-07-10 12:36:416
要求的英语翻译 要求用英语怎么说
require2023-07-10 12:37:172
要求用英语怎么说 要求用英语如何说
1、要求的英语:requirement,英 [ru026au02c8kwau026au0259mu0259nt] 美 [ru026au02c8kwau026au0259rmu0259nt]。 2、你可以根据自己的要求将课程重新编排。You can mix and match courses to suit your requirements. 3、悬赏要求将动物安全送还。A reward was offered for the animals safe return. 4、你有充分的理由要求恢复你的工作。You have a strong case for getting your job back.2023-07-10 12:37:241
请求,要求 用英语怎么说
请求,要求 ask; require2023-07-10 12:37:322
require2023-07-10 12:38:124
requirement2023-07-10 12:38:524
当你需要请求朋友的协助、在超市或面包店想购买某样商品,或是在餐厅里要点餐时,你该如何用英文向对方表达你的需求并向对方寻求帮助呢? Go Natural English的讲师Gabby Wallace提出了四个简单好用的说法,日常生活当中经常使用,但要记得看对象或场合喔! 1. Give me… 给我…… 非常直接的用法,甚至会被认为是不礼貌的,因此要谨慎使用(或只在朋友之间说这句话),或是在句首加上please。 e.g. Please give me a cheeseburger. 2. Could I have… 我可以要……? 相较于「give me…」是较为礼貌的用法。 e.g. Could I have your phone number so we can stay in touch? 我可以要你的电话号码,以便联络吗? 3. I would like… 我想要…… e.g. I would like to have a bottle of orange juice. 我想要一瓶柳橙汁。 4. Would you do me a favor? 意思是「你可以帮我个忙吗?」 can you do me a favor?, could I have, give me, I would like, 要求 英文, 要求 英文例句, 要求协助 英文, 要求帮忙 英文, 请求 英文, 请求 英文例句, 请求协助 英文, 请求帮忙 英文2023-07-10 12:38:591
the processes of the manuscript2023-07-10 12:39:083
你好,一共有3个词可表达这个意思~_~need,want,require。词组也有很多,inneedof…,callfor…可以看情况选用~_~比如:Ineedsomewater.Iwantsomewater.Iaminneedofsomewater.祝你好运~_~2023-07-10 12:39:163
对于。。的要求 英文应该怎么说
for2023-07-10 12:39:255
need 需要2023-07-10 12:39:413
meet the need of2023-07-10 12:39:552
向……要求, 用英文怎么说?
Ask for sth.2023-07-10 12:40:035
require2023-07-10 12:40:305
scream for strong demand tourge2023-07-10 12:40:474
Satisfy me2023-07-10 12:40:557
你好!要求requirements n. 需要; 所需的(或所要的)东西; 必要条件,必备的条件; 要求( requirement的名词复数 ); 必要条件; 需要的东西; [例句]The procedures should satisfy certain basic requirements.这些程序应该符合某些基本要求。2023-07-10 12:41:231
最基本要求 翻译成英文
the most basic(fundamental) requirement2023-07-10 12:41:312
你好!“要求严厉的”的英语单词是:Demanding或者是strict.比如:她是一位要求严厉的老师。She is a strict teacher.2023-07-10 12:41:391
ich2023-07-10 12:41:594
问题一:订单要求翻译 化学方程式:Al2(SO)3.14H2O(硫酸铝14结晶水)物理形态:商业级颗粒,经水处理后能通过 10"S 和 24"S 筛网,化学特性 三氧化二铝总量占17%,三氧化硫总量占39.15%,铁型砷三氧化二铁 :最大0.8,0.9%硫化铁 ,三氧化二铁 : 基本0.09% ,三氧化硫:17%,含砷量:10 P.P. 最低溶解度:0.14% 包装: 带内衬的50公斤包装袋 (抗风化包装袋) 一些专业术语参照你们的产品! 问题二:订单是否需要继续执行英文怎么说 1.Shall we carry on the production for this PO? [生产已在进行中,因为某个不良停顿,可用这句话确认是否继续生产] 2.Is this PO still valid? [生产尚未进行,处于工料阶段,确认是否继续备料或开始生产] 问题三:"兹提及你方报价,我们随付订单,要求立即装运"用英语怎么翻译呀? Hereby is your quoted price referred to attached with our order form and, (such goods) are required to ship immidiately. 翻译供参 问题四:“满足客户的需要――产生新的订单”用英语怎么说? meet customer"s requirement----acquire new orders 问题五:目前订单在订材料阶段英语怎么说 目前订单在订材料阶段_ 翻译结果: Orders in order material stage at present2023-07-10 12:42:281
提出要求 用英语咋说?
Request2023-07-10 12:42:364
要求我 用英文怎么说
ask me (to do)2023-07-10 12:42:431
"课程要求" 翻译成英文怎么讲?
课程要求 Course requirement 讲个人的体验、经历和故事 Explain personal experience and the story 设计改变环境,环境改变人Design changs the environment , the environment changes people 多思、多问、多虑 Think much, ask more, consider more耶鲁大学的设计教学Design teaching of Yale University 我在席拉教授课上的感受My feelings on Professor Xila"s teaching2023-07-10 12:43:021
英语翻译 质量要求用英语怎么说
质量要求 [词典] [计] quality requirement; [经] quality requirements; [例句]机器的各个方面将符合于合同中所规定的质量要求和规格。The machines will correspond in all respects with the quality and specifications as stimulated in the contract.2023-07-10 12:43:241
达到标准 英语说 meet the standards例句:这些居民小区的住房必须达到国家建设标准。All the apartments in these housing estates must meet state construction standards.词语解释:meet 不仅有见面、会见的意思,而且也表示“达到”有关标准的意思。2023-07-10 12:43:311
问题一:要求得到用英文怎么说啊 ask for 我们学过的 问题二:“要求得到”的英文短语是什么 ask for make a claim for 例子: 我要求得到那本书。 I made a claim for that book. 问题三:要求得到用英语怎么说,用英语表达英语怎么说,度假用 你最好把完整的一句话写一下,有了前后语境,翻译才更准确,“要求得到” = Request for 问题四:“要求得到帮助”用英语怎么说? 是ask for help 问题五:英语里的"满足两条件之一"怎么说来着 meet the two conditions. 问题六:需要得到你的同意 英语怎么说? 5分 need ( to get ) your agreement2023-07-10 12:43:371
meet one"s demands 满足要求2023-07-10 12:43:455
动词是definitely require名词是clear claim2023-07-10 12:43:594
Ask for sth.英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。2023-07-10 12:44:061
According to your requirements,In conformity with your requirements2023-07-10 12:44:158
对……提出了更高的要求 用英文怎么翻译?
greater demands are being placed on sb./place a greater demand on sb.对……提出了更高的要求 e.g.Greater demands were being placed on the police by growing violence and left- and right-wing extremism. 暴力事件和左右翼极端主义日益猖獗,这对警方提出了更高的要求。 ~~~欢迎追问!2023-07-10 12:44:301
ask2023-07-10 12:44:567
Ask / beg sb sth:双宾语order/demand sb to do sth:宾补insist/suggest doing:动名词做宾语2023-07-10 12:45:412
要求 英语怎么说 词性是名词
claim;demand;requirement;territorialclaims领土要求Itisourdemandthatsheshouldgothere.她到那里去是我们的要求。Yourrequirementthatshewaittillnextweekisreasonable.你要求她等到下周是有道理的。2023-07-10 12:45:492
1、要求的英语:requirement,英[r__kwa__m_nt]美[r__kwa__rm_nt]。2、你可以根据自己的要求将课程重新编排。Youcanmixandmatchcoursestosuityourrequirements.3、悬赏要求将动物安全送还。Arewardwasofferedfortheanimalssafereturn.4、你有充分的理由要求恢复你的工作。Youhaveastrongcaseforgettingyourjobback.2023-07-10 12:46:091
1、要求的英语:requirement,英 [ru026au02c8kwau026au0259mu0259nt] 美 [ru026au02c8kwau026au0259rmu0259nt]。 2、你可以根据自己的要求将课程重新编排。You can mix and match courses to suit your requirements. 3、悬赏要求将动物安全送还。A reward was offered for the animals safe return. 4、你有充分的理由要求恢复你的工作。You have a strong case for getting your job back.2023-07-10 12:46:271
一、Require--一般表示因需要而要求 to need something or make something necessary 需要;有赖于;要求;规定 The rules also require employers to provide safety training. 这些规定也要求雇主们提供安全训练。 What clause do you require in the contract? 你要求在合同中订上什么条款? 二、Demand 作动词,表示:to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused 坚决请求,强烈要求;强要 I demanded an explanation. 我要求给我一个解释。 The union is demanding a seven percent pay rise this year. 汽车工会要求今年加薪7%。 He has always demanded the highest standards of behaviour from his children. 他总是以最高的行为准则来要求自己的孩子。 [ + speech ] "And where do you think you"re going?" demanded the police officer. “你觉得自己在朝哪里走?”警察问道。 [ + to infinitive ] I demand to see the manager. 我要求见经理。 [ + that ] She demanded that he return the books he borrowed from her. 她要求他把从她那里借走的`书还回来。 作名词:表示困难的要求 His new job makes a lot of demands on him (= he has to work very hard). 新工作对他要求很高。 三、Request the act of politely or officially asking for something (礼貌、正式的)要求,请求 They received hundreds of requests for more information. 数以百计的人要求他们提供更多的信息。 [ + to infinitive ] The boss refused our request to leave work early. 老板拒绝了我们早下班的请求。 The clause was added to the contract at Carlos"s request (= because Carlos asked for this). 这一条款是在卡洛斯的要求下添加到合同中的。 四、Claim to ask for something of value because you think it belongs to you or because you think you have a right to it 要求(拥有);认领;索取,索 要 The police said that if no one claims the watch, you can keep it. 警方说如果没人认领这块表,你可以留着它。 When King Richard III died, Henry VII claimed the English throne. 理查德三世去世后,亨利七世要求继承英格兰王位。2023-07-10 12:46:421
which preserved its own unobtrusive influence over you, in spite of all other rival influences,2023-07-10 12:46:502
问题一:"提出要求"英语怎么说 提出要求requestWe" ll visit___the _ __ Museum___ __of___ ___Art__(美术博物馆)tomorrow。They __are__ ___dressing_ themselves ___up___(正在化妆)to attend the costume party. 问题二:达到要求英文怎么说 Up To Grade meet requiremen亥 meet the qualification 问题三:符合规定 英文怎么说 翻译方式很多《要根据具体语境而定。例如: 设计符合规定。 The design 【conforms with the regulations】. 《21世纪大英汉词典》 但这些议员辩称,他们的所作所为符合规定。 These members argued that what they did 【was consistent with the rules】. 符合规定的软件鉴别材料。 Software identifying material 【is keeping with the rules】. . 不符合规定要求的,不得购进和使用。 Those pharmaceuticals that do not 【meet the requirements】 of relevant regulations shall not be purchased and used. 祝你开心如意! 问题四:要么 要么用英语怎么说 要么: [ yào me ] 1. (conj) either X or Y (used when given a choice between two things) 例句与用法: 1. 要么进来,要么出去。 Either e in or go out. 2. 迪克要么刻苦学习,要么根本不学,从不走中间路线。 Dick either studies very hard or not at all, never anythi弧g in between. 3. 你要么自己来,要么就托人办理这件事。 Either you e in person, or you entrust someone with the matter. 问题五:该来的总是要来的 英文该怎么说 J.K. Rowling - What"s ing will e, and we"ll meet it when it does. ~~ 问题六:好好工作 用英语怎么说???要标准点的!!! strive for perfect work work hard endeavor to work endevor 问题七:"提出要求"英语怎么说 提出要求requestWe" ll visit___the _ __ Museum___ __of___ ___Art__(美术博物馆)tomorrow。They __are__ ___dressing_ themselves ___up___(正在化妆)to attend the costume party. 问题八:需要用英语怎么说? 你好,一共有3个词可表达这个意思~_~ need,want,re川uire。词组也有很多,in need of… ,call for …可以看情况选用~_~ 比如:I need some water. I want some water. I am in need of some water. 祝你好运~_~ 问题九:达到要求英文怎么说 达到标准 英语说 meet the standards例句:这些居民小区的住房必须达到国家建设标准。All the apartments in these housing estates must meet state construction standar海s.词语解释:meet 不仅有见面、会见的意思,而且也表示“达到”有关标准的意思。 问题十:达到要求英文怎么说 Up To Grade meet requiremen亥 meet the qualification2023-07-10 12:46:571
问题一:需要用英语怎么说? 你好,一共有3个词可表达这个意思~_~ need,want,re川uire。词组也有很多,in need of… ,call for …可以看情况选用~_~ 比如:I need some water. I want some water. I am in need of some water. 祝你好运~_~ 问题二:"提出要求"英语怎么说 提出要求requestWe" ll visit___the _ __ Museum___ __of___ ___Art__(美术博物馆)tomorrow。They __are__ ___dressing_ themselves ___up___(正在化妆)to attend the costume party. 问题三:达到要求英文怎么说 Up To Grade meet requiremen亥 meet the qualification 问题四:“要求”用英文翻译 demand require 还有很多单词都可以 问题五:要么 要么用英语怎么说 要么: [ yào me ] 1. (conj) either X or Y (used when given a choice between two things) 例句与用法: 1. 要么进来,要么出去。 Either e in or go out. 2. 迪克要么刻苦学习,要么根本不学,从不走中间路线。 Dick either studies very hard or not at all, never anythi弧g in between. 3. 你要么自己来,要么就托人办理这件事。 Either you e in person, or you entrust someone with the matter. 问题六:根据你的要求,英语怎么说? according to your requests2023-07-10 12:47:151
I asked your father to put his name to a bill . 我 要求 你父亲作了保。 We must not give way to their demands . 我们决不能对他们的 要求 让步。 These requests were easily acmodated . 这些 要求 很容易得到了采纳。 The location fits all our requirement . 这一位置符合我们的所有 要求 。 My aunt says what do you request, sir ? 我伯母问您有什么 要求 ,先生? Her school work is not quite up to the mark . 她的功课不大符合 要求 。 Repgion and morapty enjoin this conduct . 宗教和道德 要求 这种行为。 The foopsh people were clamouring for war . 愚昧的人叫嚣著 要求 打仗。 Both sides have some justice in their claims . 双方的 要求 都有些理由。 Immediate vacation of the house was demanded . 要求 立刻将房屋腾空。 This instrument demands stringent specification . 这台设备 要求 高标准。 I knew that i could have no claim on her . 我知道我没有向她 要求 的权利。 You , too , will strain at such a demand . 你也会难以接受这样的 要求 的。 Teaching is a demanding profession . 教学工作是个 要求 很高的工作。 "no handcuffs," stipulated the stranger . “不要手铐”,陌生人 要求 道。 Pete betmann has asked to be transferred . 彼特贝特曼已提出调职 要求 。 That piece of plywood will just fit the bill ... 那块胶合板正符合 要求 。 The final state is the desired mixture . 此终态为所 要求 的混合态。 She is still pressing her claim for pensation . 她仍然坚持 要求 赔偿。 They demand the surrender of all weapons . 他们 要求 支出所有武器。 Now the examiner made a curious request . 这时检查官提出一项滑稽的 要求 。 He long urged the aboption of capital punishment . 他长期 要求 废除死刑。 Women pressed forward to take their share . 妇女们也争先恐后地 要求 参加。 She got more than she had bargained for . 她得到的比她 要求 的多。 His work does not reach the standard required . 他的工作成绩达不到 要求 。 I must demand reparation for the injury . 我必须 要求 损害的赔偿。 She said nothing regarding your request . 她对你的 要求 只字不提。 N is the desired noninteger frequency divider . N为所 要求 的非整数分频值。 This requires elaborate refrigeration techniques . 这 要求 精巧的致冷技术。 They are sticking out for higher wages . 他们坚持 要求 提高工资。2023-07-10 12:47:221
ask sb for sth 给某人要某物ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事ask sb not to do sth 要求某人不要做某事ask sb about sth询问某人关于某事ask sb for help 向某人求助2023-07-10 12:47:301
demandneedwantask for2023-07-10 12:47:374
名词要求用英语怎么说 名词要求 Noun requirement 名词要求 Noun requirement送样(名词)用英语怎么说 【答】submitted sample 希望可以帮到你哦! 翻译明确要求明确要求用英语怎么说 你好! 要求 requirements n. 需要; 所需的(或所要的)东西; 必要条件,必备的条件; 要求( requirement的名词复数 ); 必要条件; 需要的东西; [例句]The procedures should satisfy certain basic requirements. 这些程序应该符合某些基本要求。 “趣味性”(名词)用英语怎么说 “趣味性”(名词)的英文翻译_百度翻译 “趣味性”(名词) "Fun" (noun) fun_百度翻译 fun 英[fu028cn] 美[fu028cn] n. 乐趣; 娱乐活动; 嬉戏,嬉闹; 有趣的事; adj. 开心的; 使人愉快的; vi. 嬉闹; 开玩笑; [例句]This year promises to be terrifically good fun 今年一定会非常有意思。 [其他] 第三人称单数:funs 现在分词:funning 过去式:funned过去分词:funned2023-07-10 12:47:441
基本要求的英文是basic requirement,还可以用General Requirements;minimum requirements;the essential requirement表示。例句:1.“清晰”是对数字影像的基本要求.Image sharpness is an important requirement for digital image capturing process.拍照的基本要求是“清晰”2.这是罪行法定原则的基本要求。This is the crime legal principle basic request.2023-07-10 12:47:511
问题一:严格要求用英语怎么说 严格要求 exact demands 问题二:对某事要求严格用英语怎么说 be strict in sth 问题三:“严格要求自己”用英语怎么翻译? be strict with ourselves/myself 问题四:对某事要求严格用英语怎么翻译 be strict in sth对某事严格,be strict with *** . 对某人严格 问题五:对我严格要求用英语怎么说? be strict with me对我严格要求 be strict with对…要求严格 问题六:严格用英语怎么说???? strict 英[strikt] 美[str?kt] adj. 1.严格的, 严厉的, 要求严格的 2.严谨的, 精确的 3.绝对的, 完全的 4.恪守教规(或信条等)的 形容词 adj. 1.严格的, 严厉的, 要求严格的 She is a strict teacher. 她是个严格的教师。 Discipline at school is very strict. 学校的纪律很严。 2.严谨的, 精确的 The work requires strict measurement. 这项工作需要精确的测量。 3.绝对的, 完全的 The church demands strict loyalty. 教会要求绝对的忠诚。 4.恪守教规(或信条等)的 问题七:严格要求自己的英文怎么说?要标准~急!! I always strict with myself. 问题八:对某人严格要求用英语怎么写 be strict with *** . 对某人严厉/严格要求 问题九:对我要求严格用英语怎么说? be strict with me 记得点好评哈2023-07-10 12:48:371
be strict with sb. be strict with sb. in sth. 分别是对某人和某事严格2023-07-10 12:48:471
提出要求requestWe" ll visit___the _ __ Museum___ __of___ ___Art__(美术博物馆)tomorrow。They __are__ ___dressing_ themselves ___up___(正在化妆)to attend the costume party.2023-07-10 12:49:221