I think so。
I think the same way。
I look at it the same way。
I agree with you completely。
I have the same opinion as you。
You and I have the same point of view。
** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】
这是一句给说话对方的肯定,应当:Yes, I think so.
I can"t agree more(较好)
I think so
I agree with you totally
I think so ,too.
Ia agree with you.
I think so too.
My opinion exactly.
这表达方式就多了:我想 可以用I/believe/suppose/guess/think etc
你也是这么认为的 you think so
you feel the same way
it goes for you, too.
you hold the same idea
I also am such think
I also believe that it"s
I think so
认为的英语是think、consider、perceive、hold that等等,可见能表示认为的英文单词非常的多,在平常生活当中,只要说我认为大家的第一想法肯定是I think,这个是最日常的表达,其实除了I think,还有很多其他的表达方式,reckon指的也是认为的意思,只是这个词很少人知道,这是一个英语四级的词汇,本身跟to think是一个意思,还有其它的的词,例如as far as I am concerned指的也是认为的含义。2023-07-10 12:07:592
认为的英文是think。英 [θu026au014bk] 美 [θu026au014bk] v. 认为;想;记起;考虑n. 想例句:Women used to think they were on the shelf at 30.翻译:过去女人一到30岁就认为是过了结婚年龄。短语:think ahead 考虑得长远think的用法1、think可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接同源名词、代词、动词不定式、带有疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-从句作宾语。接动词不定式作宾语时,多用于否定句或疑问句中。2、think作“认为”解时,可接复合宾语,其宾语由名词、动名词、动词不定式或that从句充当。充当宾语的动名词、动词不定式或that从句常置于宾语补足语之后,而以it作形式宾语置于宾语补足语之前(it现在趋向省去);其宾语补足语可由“(to be+) n./adj./v -ed”充当,有时也可以 v -ing充当。2023-07-10 12:08:071
认为用英语怎么说 认为用英语如何说
1、认为用英语读作:consider。 2、英 [ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259(r)]、美 [ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259r ]。 3、vt.& vi. 考虑; 把(某人,某事)看作…,认为(某人,某事)如何; 4、vt. 考虑; 认为; 看重; 以为; 5、vi. 仔细考虑; 深思; 6、双语例句 This has given him a disposition to consider our traditions critically. 这使他倾向以批判眼光看待我们的传统。 The jury will retire to consider its verdict today. 陪审团今天将退庭商议裁决结果。2023-07-10 12:08:361
" 认为”用英语怎么拼
think2023-07-10 12:08:445
认为解释为确定某种看法﹐做出某种判断。例句:我认为小明帮她妈妈洗衣服这件事情值得表扬。那么你知道认为用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 认为的英语说法1: think 认为的英语说法2: consider 认为的英语说法3: deem 认为的英语说法3: reckon 认为的相关 短语 : 我认为 I think ; in my view 大家认为 It is thought that ; We believe that 个人认为 Personal View ; in my opinion 认为某人 think sb. / sth. +n 认为的英语例句: 1. Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation. 专家们认为目前通货膨胀加剧有多种原因。 2. His opponents viewed him as stubborn, dogmatic, and inflexible. 他的反对者们认为他固执、教条、僵化。 3. People always think I"m a fool, and I dare say they"re right. 人们总认为我是个傻瓜,想必他们是对的。 4. He doesn"t feel he is cut out to be a leader. 他认为自己没有做领导的才能。 5. I think that the vice president was in the loop. 我认为副总统是局内人。 6. I believe that a journalist should be completely objective. 我认为新闻记者不应当有丝毫偏见。 7. "Does it sound like music?" — "I wouldn"t go that far." “这听上去像音乐吗?”——“我可不那样认为。” 8. Mr Morris feels the museum is using advertising to good effect. 莫里斯先生认为博物馆作的 广告 卓有成效。 9. Brothels, she insists, are the acceptable face of prostitution. 她坚持认为,妓院是卖淫可为人接受的一种形式。 10. Not everyone thinks that the government is being particularly generous. 并非所有人都认为政府特别慷慨。 11. Doctor believed that his low sperm count was the problem. 医生认为他的精子数太低是问题所在。 12. Don"t assume your baby automatically needs feeding if she"s fretful. 不要想当然地认为你的宝宝一闹就是要吃奶。 13. Sometimes things don"t turn out the way we think they"re going to. 有时事情并不像我们认为的那样发展。 14. In many respects Asian women see themselves as equal to their men. 在很多方面,亚洲女性都认为自己和丈夫是平等的。 15. I still think I have a bit more to offer. 我还是认为我能再稍微多付出一点儿。2023-07-10 12:08:571
有道翻译think百度翻译think; consider; deem个人翻译think about2023-07-10 12:09:073
think:[θiu014bk]v.想,考虑,认为,想像动词过去式:thought过去分词:thought现在分词:thinking第三人称单数:thinks例如:1.Hethinksbusinessallday.他整天想着生意。2.Youcan"tthinkhowgladIamtoseeyou.你无法想象我是多么高兴见到你。3.Who"dhavethoughtit?谁会想到呢?4.Ithinkyouareverybrave.我认为你非常勇敢。5.IfyouthinkI"mgoingtolendyoumycaryoucanthinkagain!你要是以为我能把汽车借给你,你还是另打主意吧。6.IthinkthisistheirhousebutI"mnotsure.我想这是他们家,但不敢肯定。7.Ifyouwanttomakemoneyyou"vegottothinkmoney.你要是想赚钱,脑子里就得想著钱。8.Ican"tthinkwhatyoumean.我想像不出你是什麽意思。同义词还有:believe,consider,conceive,opine,suppose,imagine,reckon,guess2023-07-10 12:09:271
思英课2023-07-10 12:09:351
认为 thinkconsiderdeemtake forregard as2023-07-10 12:09:503
think 英[θu026au014bk] 美[θu026au014bk] vt. 想; 以为; 思索; 看待; 认为 vi. 考虑; 思辩; 构想; 回忆;2023-07-10 12:09:571
think2023-07-10 12:10:076
我认为、我觉得…英文怎么说?比Ithink更好的7种英文说法!我认为、我觉得…英文怎么说?最常见的说法就是Ithink…,不过Ithink可能已经听到让人不想再听了,比起Ithink,还有更多其他的英文说法可以更好的表达「我认为、我觉得…」这样的英文句子,例如inmyopinion、tobehonest、itseemstomethat…等等。下面教学怎样用英文表达我觉得、我认为….。1.Inmyopinion,…就我看来、我认为opinion是指意见的意思,inmyopinion中文意思就是指「就我的意见来看、就我看来」我认为…的意思。例:Inmyopinionthemovielackscontents.我认为这部电影缺乏内容。例:Inmyopinion,you"rewrong.我认为您错了。2.Tobehonest老实说(我认为…)Tobehonest是指老实说的意思,honest是指诚实、坦诚的意思,Tobehonest虽然是指老实说的意思,不过当你说出Tobehonest,就代表你要老实说出一些你认为的想法啦!例:Tobehonest,Idon"tthinkwehaveachanceofwinning.老实说,我认为我们没有获胜的机会。例:Tobehonest,Ithinkyou"rebeautiful.老实说,我认为你很漂亮。3.Personallyspeaking就个人而言(我认为)Personallyspeaking是指「就个人而言」的意思,其实也可以用来表达「我认为…」的意思,因为Personallyspeaking后面就是接你认为的想法啦。例:Personallyspeaking,I"vealwayspreferredJapanesefood.就我个人而言,我一直喜欢日本料理。4.Iamconfidentthat…我相信(我认为…).Iamconfidentthat是指我相信、我确信的意思,同样也可以用来表达我认为的意思。例:Iamconfidentthatasolutioncanbefound.我相信可以找到解决方案。例:Iamconfidentthatthisisawrongway.我相信这是错误的方法。5.Iabsolutely/totally/strongly/pletelyagree…我强烈/绝对/完全同意….Iabsolutely/totally/strongly/pletelyagree…这样的句子,同样也可以用来取代或表达Ithink…。例:Iabsolutelylovechocolate.我绝对喜欢巧克力6.Ifyouaskme,….如果你问我,(后面接我认为的想法)Ifyouaskme是指「如果你问我」的意思,接着后面就可以接我所认为的想法例:Ifyouaskme,she"stooscaredtodoit.如果你问我,我认为她太害怕而做不到。7.Itseemstomethat..在我看来、我认为Itseemstomethat是指「在我看来、我认为」的意思。例:Itseemstomethatweshouldjustbuyanewcar.在我看来,我们应该只买一辆新车。Iamconfidentthat中文,Inmyopinion中文,Personallyspeaking中文,Tobehonest中文,在我看来英文,我觉得英文,我认为英文2023-07-10 12:10:221
认为 的 英语怎么说我靠!!
think/believe/consider/treat/regardconsider侧重“经过考虑而认为”,表示“一种比较客观的看法”,如:Iconsiderwhathesaid(as)reasonable.我认为他说的有道理。regard指“把...认为”、“把...看作”,表示“以外部形象得出认识或个人的主观认识”,如:Hewasregardedastheforemostauthorityonchemistry.他被认为是化学最高权威。treat表示“在某种认识的基础上看待或对待”,重在行动,而不在认识,如:Theywillnotbetreatedasenemies.他们不会被当做敌人对待。2023-07-10 12:10:351
(英语) 问一个很低级的问题:think意思是“认为”的时候,是什么词性
动词,I think我想我认为。It is thought to be a cat.他被认为是只猫2023-07-10 12:11:373
认为的英语是什么 __________
答案就是think2023-07-10 12:11:443
what"s your opinion? what about you? How do you think of it? 最标准是第一句,最上口的最后一句,最口语话的是第二句2023-07-10 12:11:511
4.think of as 5.look on as 6.treat as 7.think to be8分享评论踩189******192020-03-112023-07-10 12:12:004
think2023-07-10 12:12:086
表示“认为”的英语单词,比如 think feel believe等。。 并按照语气的强烈排列一下。。谢谢哦!!
thinkthink of sth. as...consider that...consider...as...believeaccount(多用于被动) In English law a man is accounted innocent until he is proved guiltyhold 认为,坚持deem(多用于被动) He is deemed dishonest.feelsense(=feel)repute(用于被动,褒义的,=被誉为)He is reputed as the best teacher here.regard...asreckon(英国人喜欢用的,呵呵)2023-07-10 12:12:242
认为 thinkconsiderdeemtake forregard as2023-07-10 12:12:343
不是。根据查询相关信息得知,认为的英语是think,而think不是情态动词,是实意动词,情态动词有can,mustneed等。2023-07-10 12:12:481
think, believe2023-07-10 12:13:172
“认为”的英语短语有一个是:as far as I‘m concert??
单词有误2023-07-10 12:13:275
所有动词形式的“认为”,都可以加that,比如I think/assume that my purse is at home.我认为我的钱包在家。2023-07-10 12:13:441
考虑/认为 英语怎么说
think about2023-07-10 12:13:564
Do you think2023-07-10 12:14:046
i think that2023-07-10 12:14:185
我认为的英语高级表达 我认为的英语高级表达方式有哪些?
1、Personally speaking:私认为、私以为 2、I reckon:我认为,我想 3、as far as I"m concerned:依我看,在我看来 4、in my opinion:在我看来 5、to my mind=in my opinion:我认为,在我看来 6、if you ask me:我认为;依我看 7、in my view/it"s my view that:在我看来2023-07-10 12:14:391
中文里面的“认为” 和“以为” 分别用英语怎么表达呢?
think 和thought(过去式)2023-07-10 12:14:463
认为 觉得 相信 这属于英语中的什么词?
您好,英语单词think(认为),feel(觉得,感觉)和believe(相信)都属于动词。2023-07-10 12:14:551
认为的英语单词:think、consider、deem。 1、think 英[θu026au014bk] 美[θu026au014bk] vt. 想; 以为; 思索; 看待; vi. 考虑; 思辩; 构想; 回忆; adj. 深思的; 供思考的;I certainly think there should be a ban on tobacco advertising我确实认为应该禁止香烟广告。第三人称单数:thinks现在分词:thinking过去式:thought2、consider 英[ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259(r)] 美[ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259r] vt. 考虑; 把(某人,某事)看作…,认为(某人,某事)如何; 考虑,细想; vt. 考虑; 认为; 以为; 看重; vi. 仔细考虑; 深思;The government is being asked to consider a plan to fix the date of the Easter break人们要求政府考虑确定复活节假期日期的计划。第三人称单数:considers现在分词:considering过去式:considered3、deem 英[di:m] 美[dim] vt. 认为,视为; 主张,断定; vi. 认为,视为,以为; 作某种评价;French and German were deemed essential法语和德语被认为是必不可少的。第三人称单数:deems现在分词:deeming过去式:deemed扩展资料一、think的词语搭配think again 重新考虑think ahead 考虑得长远think aloud 自言自语think hard 苦思think twice 仔细考虑think abstractly 抽象思考二、consider的词语搭配consider the matter 考虑这件事consider the plan 考虑这个计划consider the problem 考虑问题consider the situation 考虑形势consider the subject 考虑问题consider sb a fool 认为某人是个傻瓜三、deem的用法1、deem是书面语,基本意思是“认为”,强调判断,常用于正式的书面公告,正式场合的演说、悼词中。2、deem是及物动词,可接that从句,还可接以“to be+ n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。2023-07-10 12:15:131
认为的英语单词:think、consider、deem。 1、think 英[θu026au014bk] 美[θu026au014bk] vt. 想; 以为; 思索; 看待; vi. 考虑; 思辩; 构想; 回忆; adj. 深思的; 供思考的;I certainly think there should be a ban on tobacco advertising我确实认为应该禁止香烟广告。第三人称单数:thinks现在分词:thinking过去式:thought2、consider 英[ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259(r)] 美[ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259r] vt. 考虑; 把(某人,某事)看作…,认为(某人,某事)如何; 考虑,细想; vt. 考虑; 认为; 以为; 看重; vi. 仔细考虑; 深思;The government is being asked to consider a plan to fix the date of the Easter break人们要求政府考虑确定复活节假期日期的计划。第三人称单数:considers现在分词:considering过去式:considered3、deem 英[di:m] 美[dim] vt. 认为,视为; 主张,断定; vi. 认为,视为,以为; 作某种评价;French and German were deemed essential法语和德语被认为是必不可少的。第三人称单数:deems现在分词:deeming过去式:deemed扩展资料一、think的词语搭配think again 重新考虑think ahead 考虑得长远think aloud 自言自语think hard 苦思think twice 仔细考虑think abstractly 抽象思考二、consider的词语搭配consider the matter 考虑这件事consider the plan 考虑这个计划consider the problem 考虑问题consider the situation 考虑形势consider the subject 考虑问题consider sb a fool 认为某人是个傻瓜三、deem的用法1、deem是书面语,基本意思是“认为”,强调判断,常用于正式的书面公告,正式场合的演说、悼词中。2、deem是及物动词,可接that从句,还可接以“to be+ n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。2023-07-10 12:15:191
认为的英语单词:think、consider、deem。 1、think 英[θu026au014bk] 美[θu026au014bk] vt. 想; 以为; 思索; 看待; vi. 考虑; 思辩; 构想; 回忆; adj. 深思的; 供思考的;I certainly think there should be a ban on tobacco advertising我确实认为应该禁止香烟广告。第三人称单数:thinks现在分词:thinking过去式:thought2、consider 英[ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259(r)] 美[ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259r] vt. 考虑; 把(某人,某事)看作…,认为(某人,某事)如何; 考虑,细想; vt. 考虑; 认为; 以为; 看重; vi. 仔细考虑; 深思;The government is being asked to consider a plan to fix the date of the Easter break人们要求政府考虑确定复活节假期日期的计划。第三人称单数:considers现在分词:considering过去式:considered3、deem 英[di:m] 美[dim] vt. 认为,视为; 主张,断定; vi. 认为,视为,以为; 作某种评价;French and German were deemed essential法语和德语被认为是必不可少的。第三人称单数:deems现在分词:deeming过去式:deemed扩展资料一、think的词语搭配think again 重新考虑think ahead 考虑得长远think aloud 自言自语think hard 苦思think twice 仔细考虑think abstractly 抽象思考二、consider的词语搭配consider the matter 考虑这件事consider the plan 考虑这个计划consider the problem 考虑问题consider the situation 考虑形势consider the subject 考虑问题consider sb a fool 认为某人是个傻瓜三、deem的用法1、deem是书面语,基本意思是“认为”,强调判断,常用于正式的书面公告,正式场合的演说、悼词中。2、deem是及物动词,可接that从句,还可接以“to be+ n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。2023-07-10 12:15:521
认为的英语单词:think、consider、deem。 1、think 英[θu026au014bk] 美[θu026au014bk] vt. 想; 以为; 思索; 看待; vi. 考虑; 思辩; 构想; 回忆; adj. 深思的; 供思考的;I certainly think there should be a ban on tobacco advertising我确实认为应该禁止香烟广告。第三人称单数:thinks现在分词:thinking过去式:thought2、consider 英[ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259(r)] 美[ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259r] vt. 考虑; 把(某人,某事)看作…,认为(某人,某事)如何; 考虑,细想; vt. 考虑; 认为; 以为; 看重; vi. 仔细考虑; 深思;The government is being asked to consider a plan to fix the date of the Easter break人们要求政府考虑确定复活节假期日期的计划。第三人称单数:considers现在分词:considering过去式:considered3、deem 英[di:m] 美[dim] vt. 认为,视为; 主张,断定; vi. 认为,视为,以为; 作某种评价;French and German were deemed essential法语和德语被认为是必不可少的。第三人称单数:deems现在分词:deeming过去式:deemed扩展资料一、think的词语搭配think again 重新考虑think ahead 考虑得长远think aloud 自言自语think hard 苦思think twice 仔细考虑think abstractly 抽象思考二、consider的词语搭配consider the matter 考虑这件事consider the plan 考虑这个计划consider the problem 考虑问题consider the situation 考虑形势consider the subject 考虑问题consider sb a fool 认为某人是个傻瓜三、deem的用法1、deem是书面语,基本意思是“认为”,强调判断,常用于正式的书面公告,正式场合的演说、悼词中。2、deem是及物动词,可接that从句,还可接以“to be+ n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。2023-07-10 12:16:251
think; consider; hold; deem2023-07-10 12:16:311
我就知道这一个单词think2023-07-10 12:16:478
认为的英语单词:think,英[θu026au014bk],美[θu026au014bk]v.认为;想;记起;考虑n.想过去式: thought 过去分词: thought 现在分词: thinking 第三人称单数: thinksthink的基本意思是“想,思索”,指使一件事情在头脑中不断地浮现或使这件事保持这种浮现的状态,可以表示“想”的动作,也可以表示“想”的状态。还可指“以为,认为”,指某事在头脑中形成一个固定的概念,即“想”的结果。think还有“想象”“想起”“打算”等意思。作“料想,想象”解时,通常用于否定句,不用于被动结构,且常与can〔could〕连用。think在口语中,尤其是美式英语中还可表示“朝…方面想”或“专想(某件事)”。例句:I think you are very brave.我认为你非常勇敢。2023-07-10 12:17:331
冬天时 学习英语 ,你认为你起床的问题会变得很严峻吗?下面就由我为大家带来认为 英语 短语 表达,希望大家能有所收获。 认为英语短语 坚持认为 stand by 有人认为 It is considered that 一致认为 reach consensus 认为真实 take for granted 笔者认为 author thought 认为大 think big 作者认为 author" opinion 认为英语例句 1. Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation. 专家们认为目前通货膨胀加剧有多种原因。 2. His opponents viewed him as stubborn, dogmatic, and inflexible. 他的反对者们认为他固执、教条、僵化。 3. People always think I"m a fool, and I dare say they"re right. 人们总认为我是个傻瓜,想必他们是对的。 4. He doesn"t feel he is cut out to be a leader. 他认为自己没有做领导的才能。 5. I think that the vice president was in the loop. 我认为副总统是局内人。 6. I believe that a journalist should be completely objective. 我认为新闻记者不应当有丝毫偏见。 7. "Does it sound like music?" — "I wouldn"t go that far." “这听上去像音乐吗?”——“我可不那样认为。” 8. Mr Morris feels the museum is using advertising to good effect. 莫里斯先生认为博物馆作的 广告 卓有成效。 9. Brothels, she insists, are the acceptable face of prostitution. 她坚持认为,妓院是卖淫可为人接受的一种形式。 10. Not everyone thinks that the government is being particularly generous. 并非所有人都认为政府特别慷慨。 11. Doctor believed that his low sperm count was the problem. 医生认为他的精子数太低是问题所在。 12. Don"t assume your baby automatically needs feeding if she"s fretful. 不要想当然地认为你的宝宝一闹就是要吃奶。 13. Sometimes things don"t turn out the way we think they"re going to. 有时事情并不像我们认为的那样发展。 14. In many respects Asian women see themselves as equal to their men. 在很多方面,亚洲女性都认为自己和丈夫是平等的。 15. I still think I have a bit more to offer. 我还是认为我能再稍微多付出一点儿。 认为双语例句 我认为秋天是一年中最美的季节。 I think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year. 我认为直截了当地告诉他这个坏消息倒是友好的行为。 I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news straight away. 你并不认为我会相信那个可鄙的借口,是吧? You don"t expect me to believe that pitiful excuse, do you? 我认为能被邀请参加晚宴是很大的荣幸。 I consider it a great honor to be invited to dinner. 我认为他是对的。 I think he is right. 就英文而言,它并不像你所认为的那样难。 So far as English is concerned, it is not so difficult as you might think. 我认为这个答案是正确的,但他认为它是错误的。 I think that this answer is right but he thinks that it is wrong. 但是我们发现的情况却非常不同。 尽管我们认为大萧条并非如同它被解释的那样是货币政策失败的标志,它也不像人们普遍认为的那样是市场机制失败的结果。 But we found that the situation was very different. 我认为大多数人认为全球变暖是一个事实上存在的问题。 I think most people believe that the global warming is a real issue.2023-07-10 12:17:401
问题一:“我是这样认为的”的英文怎么说 I think so. 或者I think that... 、I think it is... 问题二:你认为呢英语怎么说 what"s your opinion? what about you? How do you think of it? 最标准是第一础,最上口的最后一句,最口语话的是第二句 问题三:“从这方面来说,我认为...” 英语怎么说 As for as this aspect/In terms of this aspect,I think/guess(美国人爱用此单词) 问题四:求高手“我认为”的英文翻译,至少十种。谢谢 I think I believe In my opnion From my point of view As far as I am骇concerned I suppose I guess I regard I consider I feel 问题五:“认为某人是”的英语怎么说? Think someone is 问题六:原本我认为用英语怎么说 Originally I think 问题七:我不这样认为?用英语怎么说? I don"t think so. 问题八:“我认为”用英语怎么说,要比较高级的说法 as far as i"m concerned, personally, As for me, To my mind, In my view, I think/suppose/believe/hold/... 问题九:我不认为是这样。我认为不是这样。我英文怎么说 i don"t think so2023-07-10 12:17:461
认为用英语怎么说 认为用英语如何说
1、认为用英语读作:consider。 2、英 [ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259(r)]、美 [ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259r ]。 3、vt.& vi. 考虑; 把(某人,某事)看作…,认为(某人,某事)如何; 4、vt. 考虑; 认为; 看重; 以为; 5、vi. 仔细考虑; 深思; 6、双语例句 This has given him a disposition to consider our traditions critically. 这使他倾向以批判眼光看待我们的传统。 The jury will retire to consider its verdict today. 陪审团今天将退庭商议裁决结果。2023-07-10 12:17:531
认为 用英语怎么翻译 是r开头的单词
.regard把...他被公认为城里最好的医生,把.认为[(+as)]Heisregardedasthebestdoctorintown.看作2023-07-10 12:18:061
认为,确定某种看法﹐做出某种判断。下面就由我为大家带来关于认为的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。 关于认为的相关短语 认为 take for 认为 regard as 关于认为的相关短句 stipulation deemed not to be written; 认为无用的规定 take ... for granted; 认为十拿九稳 What do you think of it? 你认为怎样? I don"t believe it to be true. 我认为这不是真的。 We hold that all nations should be equal. 我们认为所有国家都应一律平等。 What do you think of the thesis? 你认为这篇论文怎样? We deem it necessavy to make this clear to you. 这件事我们认为有必要跟你们说清楚。 We all think this proposal feasible. 大家认为这个建议是可行的。 关于认为的词语辨析 reckon, think, count, consider, deem, regard, believe这组词都有“认为”的意思,其区别是: reckon 指对人或事作全面“权衡”,把各方面意见考虑进去后得出结论。 think 普通用词,指按照自己的意见提出看法。 count 指作出判断后而得出的看法等。 consider 指经过考虑和观察后得出的结论。 deem 正式用词,常用于法律、文学,强调作判断而不是思考。 regard 侧重凭外表或表面现象作判断。多强调观点。 believe 通常指根据一定的证据,经思考后而认为属实。 关于认为的相关例句 1. Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation. 专家们认为目前通货膨胀加剧有多种原因。 2. His opponents viewed him as stubborn, dogmatic, and inflexible. 他的反对者们认为他固执、教条、僵化。 3. People always think I"m a fool, and I dare say they"re right. 人们总认为我是个傻瓜,想必他们是对的。 4. He doesn"t feel he is cut out to be a leader. 他认为自己没有做领导的才能。 5. I think that the vice president was in the loop. 我认为副总统是局内人。 6. I believe that a journalist should be completely objective. 我认为新闻记者不应当有丝毫偏见。 7. "Does it sound like music?" — "I wouldn"t go that far." “这听上去像音乐吗?”——“我可不那样认为。” 8. Mr Morris feels the museum is using advertising to good effect. 莫里斯先生认为博物馆作的广告卓有成效。 9. Brothels, she insists, are the acceptable face of prostitution. 她坚持认为,妓院是卖淫可为人接受的一种形式。 10. Not everyone thinks that the government is being particularly generous. 并非所有人都认为政府特别慷慨。 11. Doctor believed that his low sperm count was the problem. 医生认为他的精子数太低是问题所在。 12. Don"t assume your baby automatically needs feeding if she"s fretful. 不要想当然地认为你的宝宝一闹就是要吃奶。 13. Sometimes things don"t turn out the way we think they"re going to. 有时事情并不像我们认为的那样发展。 14. In many respects Asian women see themselves as equal to their men. 在很多方面,亚洲女性都认为自己和丈夫是平等的。 15. I still think I have a bit more to offer. 我还是认为我能再稍微多付出一点儿。 关于认为的双语例句 我认为秋天是一年中最美的季节。 I think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year. 我认为直截了当地告诉他这个坏消息倒是友好的行为。 I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news straight away. 你并不认为我会相信那个可鄙的借口,是吧? You don"t expect me to believe that pitiful excuse, do you? 我认为能被邀请参加晚宴是很大的荣幸。 I consider it a great honor to be invited to dinner. 我认为他是对的。 I think he is right. 就英文而言,它并不像你所认为的那样难。 So far as English is concerned, it is not so difficult as you might think. 我认为这个答案是正确的,但他认为它是错误的。 I think that this answer is right but he thinks that it is wrong. 但是我们发现的情况却非常不同。 尽管我们认为大萧条并非如同它被解释的那样是货币政策失败的标志,它也不像人们普遍认为的那样是市场机制失败的结果。 But we found that the situation was very different. 我认为大多数人认为全球变暖是一个事实上存在的问题。 I think most people believe that the global warming is a real issue.2023-07-10 12:18:121
嗯~~楼上几位说的也已经比较全了~英文的表达方式很多呢2023-07-10 12:19:337
thinkin one"s opinionbelieve2023-07-10 12:20:013
1、Personally speaking:私认为、私以为 2、I reckon:我认为,我想 3、as far as I"m concerned:依我看,在我看来 4、in my opinion:在我看来 5、to my mind=in my opinion:我认为,在我看来 6、if you ask me:我认为;依我看 7、in my view/it"s my view that:在我看来2023-07-10 12:20:081
认为、想起的英语:thinkv.认为;以为;想;思考;思索;思想;琢磨;猜想;料想;只想;打算;记得considerv.考虑;认为;觉得;以为;(尤指为作出决定而)仔细考虑;细想;体谅;顾及;端详holdv.持有;抓住;拿着;抱住;托住;捂住,按住(受伤的身体部位等);使保持(在某位置);支撑…的重量;容纳;监禁;守卫;顶住;保持不变;使(注意力或兴趣)持续不减;使保持同样程度;保存;拥有;担任;获得;怀有,持有(信念、意见);认为;召开;平稳行驶;(船或飞机)保持航线;延长,继续唱(某音符);(打电话时)等待,不挂断;停下deemv.认为;视为;相信opinevt.认为;表达,发表(意见)acknowledgevt.承认(权威、地位);告知收悉;(微笑、挥手等)致意;(公开)感谢assumev.假定;假设;认为;承担(责任);就(职);取得(权力);呈现(外观、样子);显露(特征);装出perceivevt.感知;认为;2023-07-10 12:20:151
他们认为用英语是They think。认为用英语读作:consider。英 [ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259(r)]、美 [ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259r ]。vt.& vi. 考虑; 把(某人,某事)看作…,认为(某人,某事)如何;vt. 考虑; 认为; 看重; 以为;vi. 仔细考虑; 深思;认为的英语例句:Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation.专家们认为目前通货膨胀加剧有多种原因。His opponents viewed him as stubborn, dogmatic, and inflexible.他的反对者们认为他固执、教条、僵化。 People always think I"m a fool, and I dare say they"re right.人们总认为我是个傻瓜,想必他们是对的。He doesn"t feel he is cut out to be a leader.他认为自己没有做领导的才能。I think that the vice president was in the loop.我认为副总统是局内人。 I believe that a journalist should be completely objective.我认为新闻记者不应当有丝毫偏见。2023-07-10 12:20:321
认为 用英语怎么翻译 是r开头的单词
realize1.认识现实,领悟2.实现,实行2023-07-10 12:21:2911
英语中认为的英文翻译,高级点的除了think consider deem take for reg
12023-07-10 12:21:564
英语 认为 ,把。。。看作 用英语表达有多少种?
Think of ...as. View...as. Look on ...as. 总共有7,8种的,求采纳2023-07-10 12:22:061