动词不定式做宾语是这种情况:动词+不定式 agree to do sth, hope to do sth
ask sb to do sth是动词+宾语+不定式,这种是不定式做宾语补主语,叫某人做某事
又如need sb to do sth,help sb to do sth, want sb to do sth
eg: I ask him to help me.
him 是宾语,to help me是补语。
ask (谓语)sb(宾语) to do sth(后面全部是宾语补足语)
ask sb to do sth对吗?
ask ab to do sth是正确的,意思为:叫某人去做某事ask的用法:ask sth.问.....ask sb to do sth.让某人做某事ask for help/sth请求帮助、要求某事物ask sb in/out邀请某人出来、进来1.意思是:“要求、请求”时ask sb to do sth,要求/请求某人做某事ask sb not to do sth ,要求某人不做某事2.意思为:“询问,查询”时ask sb about sth询问某人关于某事3.意思是:求,要求时ask for+help,请求帮助扩展资料:例句:1.Learn to ask the closing questions.要学会问终结性问题。2.We ask the lawyers to mock up the docs.我们要求律师起草文件。3.Ask visitors what they want.询问浏览者需要什么。4.Ask only that they respect this.请他们尊重你的选择。5.His father suggested that he ask nicely.他爸爸提醒他说话要好听点。6.Can I ask you some questions?我能问你一些问题吗?7.My father asked me to buy some drink yesterday.我爸爸昨天让我去买了一些饮料。8.I want to ask her some questions.我想问她一些问题。2023-07-09 15:26:351
ask sb to do sth是什么意思
asksbtodosth要求某人做某事双语对照词典结果:网络释义1.叫某人干2.请求某人(不)做某事例句:1.Icancontinuetodothis.我可以继续做目前的这份工作。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮2023-07-09 15:27:321
ask sb todo sth对吗?
ask sb to do sth.正确。此为固定搭配,意为,让某人去做某事。一、同上,ask sb to do sth为固定搭配,没有ask sb doing sth这一说法。二、让某人做某事的句型let sb.do sth.make sb.do sth.have sb.do sth.get sb.to do sth.三、接双宾语句型双宾语结构的概念:英语中的双宾语结构一个动词后面跟两个宾语,一个指人,我们称之为间接宾语;一个指物,我们称之为直接宾语。双宾语结构的形式:Subject(主语)+Verb(谓语)+ Indirect object(间接宾语)+Direct object (直接宾语)可以带双宾语的动词:buy, pass, lend, give, tell, teach, show, bring等。扩展资料1.Learn to ask the closing questions.要学会问终结性问题。2.We ask the lawyers to mock up the docs.我们要求律师起草文件。3.Ask visitors what they want.询问浏览者需要什么。4.Ask only that they respect this.请他们尊重你的选择。5.His father suggested that he ask nicely.他爸爸提醒他说话要好听点。6.Can I ask you some questions?我能问你一些问题吗?2023-07-09 15:27:421
ask sb to do sth 作什么的宾语补主语
你好!2023-07-09 15:28:035
ask sb to do sth 啥意思
叫某人做某事2023-07-09 15:28:448
ask sb to do sth 和 ask sb for doing sth 的区别
ask sb to do 是请求某人做某事 而ask sb for sth 是向某人索要某物 意思上就有一定的不同2023-07-09 15:29:312
ask sb to do sth和ask sb doing sth
只有asksbtodosth,后面那种用法是不存在的。ask的详细用法如下:及物动词vt.1.问;询问[+wh-][O6][O1]Sheaskedhimhisname.她问他叫什么。HeaskedmewhereTomwas.他问我汤姆在何处。2.请求;要求[+to-v][O2][O1][+that]Heaskedthatthey(should)beallowedtouseadictionary.他要求准许他们用词典。Icametoaskyouafavor.我来是想请你帮我一个忙。IaskedhertogetintouchwithHenryassoonaspossible.我要求她尽快与亨利联系。3.索(价);要求得到[(+for/of)]Theyaskedtoomuchofher.他们对她要求过高。Heaskedtwentydollarsforit.这件东西他要价二十元。4.邀请[O][O2]WehaveaskedtheConradstocomefordinneronFridayevening.我们已邀请康拉德一家在星期五晚上来吃饭。不及物动词vi.1.问;询问;问候[(+about)]TellGeorgemyparentsaskabouthim.转告乔治我父母问他好。Whydoyouask?你为何要问?2.要求;请求[(+for)]Sheaskedforacupoftea.2023-07-09 15:30:001
ask sb to do sth是双宾语吗
ask 是动词,sb是宾语, to do 是宾补。 解析: 双宾语就是两个宾语,既然是两个宾语,那么势必都是名词结构。两个宾语是等价关系,之间没有明显的修饰关系。 宾补结构,宾语和宾补之间有逻辑主谓关系。就比如你说的 ask sb to do ,sb 和 to do 是主谓关系,是动作的发出者。 扩展资料 例句: It"s + adj. + to do sth. ask sb. about sth. by doing STH. What"s your favorite......? The best way to do STH. 做某事的……的。向某人询问某事通过做某事你最喜爱的"……是什么?做某事的最好方式。 Tell (ask) sb to do STH. 要求(吩咐)某人做某事。 D. ask sb. to do sth. 意为“请某人做某事”,固定搭配。2023-07-09 15:30:181
ask sb to do sth和ask sb doing sth
只有ask sb to do sth,后面那种用法是不存在的。ask的详细用法如下:及物动词 vt. 1. 问;询问[+wh-][O6][O1]She asked him his name. 她问他叫什么。 He asked me where Tom was. 他问我汤姆在何处。 2. 请求;要求[+to-v][O2][O1][+that]He asked that they (should) be allowed to use a dictionary. 他要求准许他们用词典。 I came to ask you a favor. 我来是想请你帮我一个忙。 I asked her to get in touch with Henry as soon as possible. 我要求她尽快与亨利联系。 3. 索(价);要求得到[(+for/of)]They asked too much of her. 他们对她要求过高。 He asked twenty dollars for it. 这件东西他要价二十元。 4. 邀请[O][O2]We have asked the Conrads to come for dinner on Friday evening. 我们已邀请康拉德一家在星期五晚上来吃饭。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 问;询问;问候[(+about)]Tell George my parents ask about him. 转告乔治我父母问他好。 Why do you ask? 你为何要问? 2. 要求;请求[(+for)]She asked for a cup of tea.2023-07-09 15:30:261
ask sb to do
句子否定是作用于谓语上(部分否定,双重否定不作要求) ask sb to do sth 谓语是ask ,to do sth是补语 所以否定句是 not ask sb to do sth (提取相应助动词) 翻译上也是有差异的: not ask sb to do sth 不要让某人做某事 ask sb not to do sth 让某人不要做某事2023-07-09 15:30:581
ask sb do sth和ask sb to do sth
lliidideiwu3usissisiwiw8w8jejdjioo290woosieieowo2lwkndbbxhdiieiejhddudidjjejdfu8eiwiwkwjwjdidoeooeo3iejejeueiozozososkwi_83****@#&zu265a&u2664|..$2023-07-09 15:31:129
用ask sb to do sth 造句
He will ask me to do it for him.他会让我为他做。Mary asked Jack to do the chores with her.玛丽让杰克和她一起做家务。Mom asked me to help him with the dishes.妈妈让我帮她洗碗。The kid asked me to play with him.那个小孩让我和他玩。I want to ask my friend to help me with this problem, but the teacher doesn"t allow.我想让我的朋友帮助我解答这一道题,可是老师不让。2023-07-09 15:31:341
ask sb about sth与ask sb to do sth汉语、用法和例句
ask sb about sth是像某人询问 咨询或了解某方面事情的意思 例如:I ask my teacher about fanal exam.ask sb to do sth是请求 要求或命令别人去做某事,在语气上比前者要强例如:I ask my mother to give me some coins The boss asks me to his office at once2023-07-09 15:31:421
let sb do sth和ask sb to do sth的区别
let sb do sth有选择性ask sb to do sth是命令别人做事2023-07-09 15:31:523
ask sb. to do sth造句
My mother asked me to clean my bedroom.2023-07-09 15:32:082
ask about2023-07-09 15:32:417
有没有ask sb doing sth? 如果有那和ask sb to do sth有什么区别,如果没有就算了
没有2023-07-09 15:33:153
ask sb to do和ask sb doing的区别
问题:ask sb to do和ask sb doing的区别含义解释:"ask sb to do" 表示请求或命令某人去做某件事情。"ask sb doing" 是错误的用法,应该为 "ask sb to do"。语法、使用方法不同之处的对比:"ask sb to do" 的语法是 "ask + 人 + to + 动词原形",即要求某人去做某事。"ask sb doing" 是错误的用法,应该为 "ask sb to do"。但是可以使用 "ask sb about doing sth",表示询问某人是否在做某事或是否打算做某事。具体用法举例:"ask sb to do":I asked him to help me with the project.(我请求他帮我完成这个项目。)She asked me to pick up some groceries on my way home.(她叫我在回家的路上去买些杂货。)The teacher asked the students to submit their essays by Friday.(老师要求学生们在周五之前提交论文。)"ask sb about doing sth":I asked him about going to the party tonight.(我问他今晚是否去参加聚会。)She asked me about studying abroad.(她问我关于出国留学的事情。)He asked the manager about the possibility of getting a raise.(他向经理询问了加薪的可能性。)使用表格进行对比:综上所述,"ask sb to do" 是正确的用法,表示请求或命令某人去做某事;而"ask sb doing"是错误的用法,应该改为 "ask sb to do"。但是,"ask sb about doing sth" 表示询问某人是否在做某事或是否打算做某事,使用时需要注意动词形式。2023-07-09 15:33:231
ask sb do还是to do哪个是对的?
正确的为ask sb. to do sth(动词+宾语+动词不定式),需要用动词不定式做宾语补足语。让某人做某事:make sb. do sth/let sb. do sth/have sb. do sth/get sb. to do sth。Ask是一个英语单词。名词、动词,作名词时意思是“众神用一棵梣树做出的世上第一个人”,作动词时意思是“(ask) 询问;要求;恳求(给予);请求允许;索价;向……索取;邀请”。双语例句:1、Yes. But only if you ask me nicely.是的。但是要是你好好地问问我就好了。2、I ask nothing of you.我没什么要求你的。3、I ask you for nothing.我没什么要请求你的。Ask是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“众神用一棵梣树做出的世上第一个人”,作动词时意思是“(ask) 询问;要求;恳求(给予);请求允许;索价;向……索取;邀请”。2023-07-09 15:33:381
ask sb to do sth句子分析
ask作谓语,sb为宾语,todosth作宾语的补足语。如果一个动词后所接的两个宾语能够形成逻辑上的主谓关系,则是宾语和宾补的关系。例:Heaskedustodothework.在这个句子中,he作主语,asked作谓语,us为宾格,作宾语,todothework作宾语的补足语,而且,此句的宾语us可以和后面的不定式构成逻辑上的主谓关系,即:Wedothework.2023-07-09 15:33:561
ask sb. to do sth. 同义短语:________________
ask sb sth2023-07-09 15:34:034
ask sb to do sth是什么结构
ask sb to do sth是 主谓复合宾语结构即 主谓宾宾补结构2023-07-09 15:34:101
ask sb sth 与ask sb to do sth?什么区别
没有ask sb do sth,只有ask sb to do sth,表示请求某人做...(事情.)I have to ask David to wait in the vestibule我只好让大卫在前厅等著.2023-07-09 15:35:062
ask sb to do还是doing?ask加doing还是to do?
是ask sb to do,加to do,没加doing的2023-07-09 15:35:161
ask for sb to do是什么意思
ask for sb to do的中文翻译 ask for sb to do 要求某人做某事 双语例句 1 Ask sb. For permission to do sth. 请求某人允许做某事; 2 Some websites ask star to do sth for sb appropriative model, people is dressing up the clothes that oneself pick to like in the process of star. 有的网站请明星代劳充当模特,人们在打扮明星的过程中挑选自己喜欢的衣服。2023-07-09 15:35:241
ask sb to do sth和tell sb to do sth有啥区别?
请求某人作某事/告诉某人做某事2023-07-09 15:35:493
是ask to do sth还是ask sb to do sth?
ask sb to do sth否定为 ask sb not to do sth2023-07-09 15:35:592
I have to ask David to wait in the vestibule我只好让大卫在前厅等着。没有ask sb do sth这个短语ask sb. (about) sth. 问某人某事ask sb to do sth.让某人做某事 ask for help/sth 请求帮助,要求某事物 ask sb in/out 邀请某人出来,进来2023-07-09 15:36:061
初二英语造句,题目如下: 一. like sb to do sth. ask sb
。。。2023-07-09 15:36:175
ask sb to do sth句子分析
to do sth是宾语sb的补足语,sb才是ask的宾语希望对你有帮助2023-07-09 15:36:344
ask sb do还是to do呢?
ask ab to do sth是正确的,意思为:叫某人去做某事。ask的用法:ask sth.问.....ask sb to do sth.让某人做某事ask for help/sth请求帮助、要求某事物ask sb in/out邀请某人出来、进来扩展资料常带to的动词不定式作宾补的动词有:tell,ask,want,allow,warn,order,invite,wish,advise,encourage,expect等。在表示心理状态的动词后作宾语补足语。这类动词有:consider, think, believe, discover, find, imagine, judge, suppose, prove 等。这类动词后的不定式通常是“to be+形容词或名词” 结构,think,consider, find后的to be常可省略。2023-07-09 15:36:551
ask sb. to dosth.对吗?
对的。ask sb. to do sth. 意思是请求某人做某事,sb. 是宾语,to do sth. 是宾语补足语。2023-07-09 15:37:091
ask sb todo sth.还是ask sb doing sth.?
ask sb to do sth.正确。此为固定搭配,意为,让某人去做某事。一、同上,ask sb to do sth为固定搭配,没有ask sb doing sth这一说法。二、让某人做某事的句型let sb.do sth.make sb.do sth.have sb.do sth.get sb.to do sth.三、接双宾语句型双宾语结构的概念:英语中的双宾语结构一个动词后面跟两个宾语,一个指人,我们称之为间接宾语;一个指物,我们称之为直接宾语。双宾语结构的形式:Subject(主语)+Verb(谓语)+ Indirect object(间接宾语)+Direct object (直接宾语)可以带双宾语的动词:buy, pass, lend, give, tell, teach, show, bring等。扩展资料1.Learn to ask the closing questions.要学会问终结性问题。2.We ask the lawyers to mock up the docs.我们要求律师起草文件。3.Ask visitors what they want.询问浏览者需要什么。4.Ask only that they respect this.请他们尊重你的选择。5.His father suggested that he ask nicely.他爸爸提醒他说话要好听点。6.Can I ask you some questions?我能问你一些问题吗?2023-07-09 15:37:221
ask sb to do sth 和 ask sb doing sth哪个正确?
ask sb to do sth2023-07-09 15:37:449
ask sb to do sth正确吗?
正确!这个短语的意思是要求/让某人做某事。2023-07-09 15:39:101
ask sb. to do sth正确吗?
这是正确的,类似的用法还有hope offer suggest advise 等等2023-07-09 15:39:401
ask sb do sth对吗?
你好同学, 句子中少了一个“to”,应该说:ask sb. to do sth.,意思是“让某人做某事”,这个是固定搭配。希望能帮到你 。2023-07-09 15:40:512
ask sb to do sth和ask sb doing sth
只有ask sb to do sth,后面那种用法是不存在的。ask的详细用法如下:及物动词 vt. 1. 问;询问[+wh-][O6][O1]She asked him his name. 她问他叫什么。 He asked me where Tom was. 他问我汤姆在何处。 2. 请求;要求[+to-v][O2][O1][+that]He asked that they (should) be allowed to use a dictionary. 他要求准许他们用词典。 I came to ask you a favor. 我来是想请你帮我一个忙。 I asked her to get in touch with Henry as soon as possible. 我要求她尽快与亨利联系。 3. 索(价);要求得到[(+for/of)]They asked too much of her. 他们对她要求过高。 He asked twenty dollars for it. 这件东西他要价二十元。 4. 邀请[O][O2]We have asked the Conrads to come for dinner on Friday evening. 我们已邀请康拉德一家在星期五晚上来吃饭。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 问;询问;问候[(+about)]Tell George my parents ask about him. 转告乔治我父母问他好。 Why do you ask? 你为何要问? 2. 要求;请求[(+for)]She asked for a cup of tea.2023-07-09 15:41:091
ask sb to do sth用法及例句
ask sb to do sth用法:接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。也可接双宾语,这时两个宾语都是直接宾语,指物的直接宾语可由名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式或wh-从句充当。 例句: I have asked some friends for tea. 我请了一些朋友来喝茶。 扩展资料 He will ask me to do it for him. 他会让我为他做。 Mary asked Jack to do the chores with her. 玛丽让杰克和她一起做家务。 Mom asked me to help him with the dishes. 妈妈让我帮她洗碗。2023-07-09 15:41:351
ask sb do sth 还是 ask sb to do sth .
是asksbtodosth.当ask表示问的意思时后面能接从句.当ask表示要求的意思时要接to.那句口语应该是删减了词,正常应该是askmetogetout.在口语中有些词是能省略的.2023-07-09 15:41:421
用ask sb to do sth造句(初一)
He will ask me to do it for him.他会让我为他做。Mary asked Jack to do the chores with her.玛丽让杰克和她一起做家务。Mom asked me to help him with the dishes.妈妈让我帮她洗碗。The kid asked me to play with him.那个小孩让我和他玩。I want to ask my friend to help me with this problem, but the teacher doesn"t allow.我想让我的朋友帮助我解答这一道题,可是老师不让。2023-07-09 15:41:521
ask sb to do sth 和 ask sb doing sth哪个正确
Ask sb to do sth正确2023-07-09 15:42:014
ask sb to do sth和tell sb to do sth有啥区别?
ask sb to do sth有“请求某人做某事”的意思 tell sb to do sth 只是简单的“告诉某人做某事” 比如说,我向Peter请求帮助,就要用ask sb to do sth,而不能用tell sb to do sth I ask Peter to do me a favor.2023-07-09 15:42:461
ask sb to do sth .结构中,不定式短语to do sth 作什么成分?
明显不是宾语,而是补语。这里是宾补。在这个结构里,ask前面提要求的人是主语,ask是谓语动词,后面被要求的sb才是宾语。这样已经主谓宾齐全了,而描述宾语被要求后所做的事,所处的状态,就是对宾语的补充,也就是宾补。百度英语补语的概念即可分辨,其中明确提到了不定式短语的分类。2023-07-09 15:43:121
ask sb to do和ask sb doing的区别是什么?
问题:ask sb to do和ask sb doing的区别含义解释:"ask sb to do" 表示请求或命令某人去做某件事情。"ask sb doing" 是错误的用法,应该为 "ask sb to do"。语法、使用方法不同之处的对比:"ask sb to do" 的语法是 "ask + 人 + to + 动词原形",即要求某人去做某事。"ask sb doing" 是错误的用法,应该为 "ask sb to do"。但是可以使用 "ask sb about doing sth",表示询问某人是否在做某事或是否打算做某事。具体用法举例:"ask sb to do":I asked him to help me with the project.(我请求他帮我完成这个项目。)She asked me to pick up some groceries on my way home.(她叫我在回家的路上去买些杂货。)The teacher asked the students to submit their essays by Friday.(老师要求学生们在周五之前提交论文。)"ask sb about doing sth":I asked him about going to the party tonight.(我问他今晚是否去参加聚会。)She asked me about studying abroad.(她问我关于出国留学的事情。)He asked the manager about the possibility of getting a raise.(他向经理询问了加薪的可能性。)使用表格进行对比:综上所述,"ask sb to do" 是正确的用法,表示请求或命令某人去做某事;而"ask sb doing"是错误的用法,应该改为 "ask sb to do"。但是,"ask sb about doing sth" 表示询问某人是否在做某事或是否打算做某事,使用时需要注意动词形式。2023-07-09 15:43:271
ask sb todo sth是什么意思
教某人做某事2023-07-09 15:43:401
ask ab to do sth是什么意思?
ask ab to do sth是正确的,意思为:叫某人去做某事ask的用法:ask sth.问.....ask sb to do sth.让某人做某事ask for help/sth请求帮助、要求某事物ask sb in/out邀请某人出来、进来1.意思是:“要求、请求”时ask sb to do sth,要求/请求某人做某事ask sb not to do sth ,要求某人不做某事2.意思为:“询问,查询”时ask sb about sth询问某人关于某事3.意思是:求,要求时ask for+help,请求帮助扩展资料:例句:1.Learn to ask the closing questions.要学会问终结性问题。2.We ask the lawyers to mock up the docs.我们要求律师起草文件。3.Ask visitors what they want.询问浏览者需要什么。4.Ask only that they respect this.请他们尊重你的选择。5.His father suggested that he ask nicely.他爸爸提醒他说话要好听点。6.Can I ask you some questions?我能问你一些问题吗?7.My father asked me to buy some drink yesterday.我爸爸昨天让我去买了一些饮料。8.I want to ask her some questions.我想问她一些问题。2023-07-09 15:43:481
请求某人做某事ask sb to do sth2023-07-09 15:44:014
ask sb to do sth 和 ask sb doing sth哪个正确?
to do 正确只有这种用法2023-07-09 15:44:391
ask sb doing sth.正确吗?
不正确ask sb. to do sth. 是正确用法。1、并没有ask sb. doing sth.这个说法, 请求别人做的事情是未发生的,不能用进行时。2、让某人做某事句型还有: make sb. do sth. ;let sb. do sth.;have sb. do sth;get sb. to do sth. 等。如果是doing,就要加for(ask sb for doing sth)2023-07-09 15:44:521