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yu mao qiu
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2023-07-09 11:41:1114


羽毛球 英文 应该怎么说呢?「羽毛球」的英文叫做badminton,如果你平常也喜欢打羽毛球,那么就一定要知道羽毛球的英文,不然说不出来,可就丢脸啦! 下面整理了「羽毛球」的相关英文说法与英文例句,赶快学起来吧! 1. badminton 羽毛球 「羽毛球」的英文叫做badminton。 例: Badminton can be played by o or four people. 羽毛球可以玩两个或四个人。 例: Tom really loves to play badminton. 汤姆真的喜欢打羽毛球。 badminton, badminton 中文, badminton 中文意思, badminton 中文的意思, badminton 中文解释, badminton 意思, badminton 用法, badminton 翻译, 羽毛球 英文, 羽毛球 英文怎么说, 羽毛球的英文, 英文 badminton, 英文 羽毛球
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2023-07-09 11:43:063


问题一:打羽毛球用英文怎么说? 我是英语老师,我来帮你解答吧。play badminton 问题二:羽毛球英语怎么拼??? 30分 badminton ["b?dmint?n] 羽毛球 运动称谓:badminton海球的称谓:shuttlecock 前面要加play,表示打羽毛球。 问题三:羽毛球的英文是什么? 现代羽毛球运动诞生在英国。1873年,在英国格拉斯哥郡的伯明顿镇有一位叫鲍弗特的公爵,在庄园里进行了一次“蒲那游戏”的表演。因这项活动极富趣味性,很快就风行开来。此郸,这种室内游戏迅速传遍英国,“伯明顿”(Badminton)即成为英文羽毛球的名字。 问题四:羽毛球用英语怎么说 20分 badminton 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢! 问题五:什么叫效果图? 比如在工业设计方面,设计一个酒吧的内部装修方案.你心中所想的最后的完成的模样,用AUTOCAD等工具做出来的样子,就是效果图. 问题六:“羽毛球的简介”用英文怎么说 Badminton is a ball across the net, using long-handled racket hit flat mesh side bar by a circle of feathers, cork hemisphere-shaped indoor sports. Based on the number of participants can be divided into singles and doubles. pared to the similar nature of tennis, badminton players of the physical requirements of the not very high, but more meticulous and endurance, very suitable for Asian development. Since 1992, badminton bee an Olympic Games. Badminton was in the UK. 1873, in Glasgow, the county town of Bloomington man named Bao Fute Duke, in his territory to open the garden party, a few came back from India to brief retired military officers to a beat to fight back with every net playing shuttlecock game, people have had a great interest. A result of the activities and fun, and soon popular in high society socializing off the field. Bloomington (Badminton) Badminton bee the English name. 1893, 14 British Badminton Association Badminton clubs. 羽毛球是一项隔着球网,使用长柄网状球拍击打平口端扎有一圈羽毛的半球状软木的室内运动。依据参与的人数,可以分为单打与双打。相较于性质相近的网球运动,羽毛球运动对选手的体格要求并不很高,却比较讲究耐力,极适合东方人发展。自1992年起,羽毛球成为奥运会的正式比赛项目。 现代羽毛球运动诞生在英国。1873年,在英国格拉斯哥郡的伯明顿镇有一位叫鲍弗特的公爵, 在他的领地开游园会,有几个从印度回来的退役军官就向大家介绍了一种隔网用拍子来回击打毽球的游戏,人们对此产生了很大的兴趣。因这项活动极富趣味性,很快就在上层社会社交场上风行开来。“伯明顿”(Badminton)即成为英文羽毛球的名字。1893年,英国14个羽毛球俱乐部组成羽毛球协会。 问题七:羽毛球运动用英语怎么说 the sport of badminton; badminton sport羽毛球运动 Badminton sport is a kind of profound cultural heritage, decorous temperament andadapt to people pursuit vogue, paying attention to health needs of sports. 羽毛球运动是一项具有深厚的文化底蕴、高雅的情趣和适应人们追求时尚、关注健康需求的运动项目。 Ever since 1873, the sport of badminton bee more and more prosperous, when the field was a gourd like, with two wider spaces at both ends and a narrow stretch of land in the middle where a net was set up. 问题八:打羽毛球用英语怎么说 play badminton
2023-07-09 11:43:121


  如今打 羽毛球 已成为了不少人的体育 爱好 ,那么你知道羽毛球用英语要怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    羽毛球英语释义:   badminton;   shuttlecock    羽毛球英语例句:   他的羽毛球打得真灵光。   He plays badminton very well.   我喜欢的运动是打羽毛球和 乒乓球 。   My favorite sport is play badminton and table tennis.   打羽毛球时,我的跟腱撕裂了。   Whilst playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon.   我每星期三与星期天的18:00至20:00都会打羽毛球,没有特别的事情时都会去。   I will go to play shuttlecock usually between the time18:00 to20:00 on Wednesday and Sunday if no special occurrence.   在这次羽毛球团体赛中,中国男女队双双夺杯。   Both china"s men"s team and women"s team carried off the first prizes in the badminton championships team events.
2023-07-09 11:43:211

羽毛球的英语怎么读 羽毛球的英语怎么读 单词

1、羽毛球的英语读作: badminton。 2、例句:我今晚不想打羽毛球了。I think Ill give badminton a miss tonight。 3、羽毛球(Badminton)是一项隔着球网,使用长柄网状球拍击打用羽毛和软木制作而成的一种小型球类的室内运动项目。羽毛球比赛在长方形的场地上进行,场地中间有网相隔,双方运用各种发球、击球和移动等技战术,将球在网上往返对击,以不使球落在本方有效区域内,或使对方击球失误为胜。 4、羽毛球运动的起源有很多说法,但最认可的是起源于14—15世纪的日本。而现代羽毛球运动是起源于印度,形成于英国。1875年,羽毛球运动正式出现于人们的视野中。1893年,英国的羽毛球俱乐部逐渐发展起来,成立了第一个羽毛球协会,规定了场地的要求和运动的标准。1939年,国际羽联通过了各会员国共同遵守的第一部《羽毛球规则》。2006年,国际羽毛球联合会(IBF)的正式名称更改为羽毛球世界联合会(BWF),即世界羽联。 5、羽毛球运动的最高组织机构是世界羽联,1934年在伦敦成立。中国最高组织机构是中国羽毛球协会,1958年9月11日在武汉成立。
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问题一:打羽毛球的英文怎么写 play badminton 问题二:打羽毛球英语怎么写? play badminton happy after school have a good time 或者enjoy themslves 祝你学习进步,快乐每一天!(*^__^*) 问题三:打羽毛球的英语怎么写 play badminton 问题四:打羽毛球的英文是什么 play badminton 问题五:打羽毛球的英文是什么? 羽毛球的英文:shuttlecock, badminton 打羽毛球的英文:play badminton 至于play/kick shuttlecock指的是踢毽子 另:一百多年前,“伯明顿”是另一项中国人最熟悉的运动―羽毛球的发源地。在维多利亚时代,由毕福德公爵家里的淑女们制作,在大堂吊灯下玩耍的羽毛球传到了东南亚,最后成为流行于东南亚和中国的一项顶级运动。羽毛球英文为“badminton”,就是伯明顿庄园的名字。希望可以帮的到你! 问题六:我的爱好是打羽毛球用英语怎么写 My favorite sport is playing badminton. 问题七:我和妈妈一起打羽毛球用英语怎么写 I play badminton with my mother. 问题八:他喜欢打羽毛球。英文怎么写 He is fond of playing badminton. He enjoys the badminton. He likes to play badminton. Playing badminton is one of his favorite sports. 有很多格式可以去表示,你想要的是那种呢?本身中文就挺简单的,其实也没有必要一定用复杂的英文来表示。 问题九:羽毛球的英文是什么? 现代羽毛球运动诞生在英国。1873年,在英国格拉斯哥郡的伯明顿镇有一位叫鲍弗特的公爵,在庄园里进行了一次“蒲那游戏”的表演。因这项活动极富趣味性,很快就风行开来。此郸,这种室内游戏迅速传遍英国,“伯明顿”(Badminton)即成为英文羽毛球的名字。
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2023-07-09 11:44:191


play badmintonhappyafter schoolhave a good time 或者enjoy themslves祝你学习进步,快乐每一天!(*^__^*)
2023-07-09 11:44:361

羽毛球用英语怎么说! 急啊!

badminton uff08bai de mi tenuff09
2023-07-09 11:44:4711


Badminton 羽毛球/羽毛球运动 Shuttlecock 羽毛球,也可用bird birdie Badminton racket 羽毛球拍
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2023-07-09 11:45:237


问题一:羽毛球拍英语怎样说? 40分 羽毛球拍的英文翻译 1.a badminton racket 问题二:我想买一支羽毛球拍用英语怎么读 I wish to buy one badminton racket. I want to purchase one badminton racket. 问题三:羽毛球用英语怎么说? badminton [哗9;b?dmint?n] 谐音:白的民ten (谐音只是类似,不准确) 问题四:羽毛球和羽毛球拍用英文怎么讲 羽毛球badminton 羽毛球拍battledore 问题五:羽毛球用英语怎么说 20分 badminton 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢! 问题六:羽毛球用英文怎么说 Badminton 羽毛球/羽毛球运动 Shuttlecoc龚 羽毛球,也可用bird birdie Badminton racket 羽毛球拍 问题七:乒乓球拍用英语怎么说 问题八:羽毛球运动用英语怎么说 the sport of badminton; badminton sport羽毛球运动 Badminton sport is a kind of profound cultural heritage, decorous temperament andadapt to people pursuit vogue, paying attention to health needs of sports. 羽毛球运动是一项具有深厚的文化底蕴、高雅的情趣和适应人们追求时尚、关注健康需求的运动项目。 Ever since 1873, the sport of badminton bee more and more prosperous, when the field was a gourd like, with two wider spaces at both ends and a narrow stretch of land in the middle where a net was set up. 问题九:排球和羽毛球拍用英语怎么说? volleyball 问题十:祖迪斯羽毛球拍用英语怎么说 祖迪斯羽毛球拍的英文翻译_百度翻译 祖迪斯羽毛球拍 Zudys badminton racket 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译 racket_百度翻译 racket 英[?r?k?t] 美[?r?k?t] n. (网球等) 球拍; 〈美俚〉勒索金钱,讹诈,敲诈,骗局; (四周有围墙的) 拍打回力网球,硬壁回力球; 喧骚,吵闹,嚷闹,扰嚷,喧骚嘈杂的 *** ,狂欢; v. 嚷闹,吵闹,纵情欢闹; 用球拍打; [例句]He makes such a racket I"m afraid he disturbs the neighbours 他如此大声喧闹,我怕他打扰了邻居。 [其他] 复数:rackets
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  在羽毛球国际赛事中英语都是作为官方语言使用,而无论业余或专业赛事也会用到很多专业术语。下面我为大家带来羽毛球专业术语英文,仅供参考,希望能够帮到大家。   羽毛球技巧专业术语英文   BADMINTON 羽毛球   abnormal flight (球)飞行不正常   accuracy of placement 落点的准确性   ace ①得分球②打得漂亮的球③直接得分的发球   alley ①单打边线和双打边线之间的细长地带②单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带   alternate courts 交换发球区   alternate in serving ①换发球②双打中一方轮流发球   anchor fingers 紧握球拍的三指(中指、无名指、小指)   around-the-head stroke 绕头顶挥拍击球   ascent (球)上升   attacking clear 比较平直的高远球   back alley 单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带   back boundary line 端线(单打后发球线)   backcourt 后场   backcourt boundary 端线   backcourt player 后场球员   backhand 反拍   backhand court 左场区   backhand grip 反手握法   back room 端线外的空地   backswing 往后撤拍(准备击球)   badminton 羽毛球运动   balk 发球时一方扰乱对方   band 网顶白布条   base 中心位置   base line 端线   basic strokes 基本技术   bat ①球拍②击(球)   battledore 羽毛球拍(旧称)   battledore and shuttlecock 羽毛球运动(旧称)   broken shuttle 坏球   carrying 持球   centre line 中线   change courts 交换场地   change ends 交换场地   change service courts 互换左右发球区,互换方位   choice of court ends or service 选择场地或发球权   choice of “setting” 选择“再赛”权   clear 高远球   combination court 单打、双打合用的球场   cork base (球)底托   corners of backcourt 后场两角   court 球场   court-covering 守住全场   cross-court ①斜线②斜线球   crown of feathers 羽毛圈   cut 切球   deception 假动作   decoying tactics 引诱战术   deep high service 发高远球   deep shot 深球(打到对方端线附近的球)   delivery of?0?2 service 发球动作   descent (球)下降   deuce 局末平分(如男子单打的13平)   diagonal system (双打)斜对角配合打法   diagonal teamwork (双打)斜对角配合打法   double hit 连击   doubles court 双打球场   doubles service court 双打发球区   doubles service line 双打发球线   draw (用故意留出空当等办法)引诱对方进攻   drive 平抽球   driven clear 平抽高球   driven service 发平球(比高远球要低些)   driver 善于抽球的队员   drop shot 吊网前球   end 半场   even number of points 双数分数   face of racket 拍面   facet 八角形拍把上的一个平面   fault ①失误②犯规   faulty serving 发球违例   feather 羽毛   feather tip 羽毛顶尖   fingering the grip 击球时握指的变动   finishing shot 决定得分的一击   first inning 第一轮,第一次发球权   first server (双打)第一次发球员   flat service 发平球   flexible wrist 灵活的手腕   flick 甩腕击球   flight (球)飞行   foot fault 脚部犯规   forecourt 前场   forecourt player 前场球员   forehand 正拍   forehand court 右场区   forehand grip 正手握拍法   foul hit 击球犯规   frame of racket 拍框   front and back 双打中一前一后的站法   front service line 前发球线   full strike 全力击球   full swing 全力挥拍   game 局   game ball 一局中的决胜分   game bird 一局中的决胜分   game point 一局中的决胜分   get 抢救险球   getter 抢救险球的队员   good return 合法还击   good service 合法发球
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play badminton
2023-07-09 11:45:5510


  喜欢的运动,是羽毛球,它翻译成英文应该怎么写?下面是我给大家整理的羽毛球英语怎么说,供大家参阅!   羽毛球英语怎么说   英 [u02c8u0283u028ctlku0252k] 美 [u02c8u0283u028ctlkɑk]   shuttlecock   n. 羽毛球; 毽子;   vt. 往返递送; 将u2026抛来抛去;   vi. 往返移动; 走来走去;   羽毛球的英语例句   1. Barnaby may be 15, but he"s nippy and suited to badminton.   巴纳比可能15岁了,但他动作敏捷,适合打羽毛球。   2. Try tennis, badminton or windsurfing. In short, anything challenging.   试试网球、羽毛球或帆板运动吧。总之,只要是有挑战性的。   3. Whilst playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon.   打羽毛球时,我的跟腱撕裂了。   4. Badminton can be played by two or four people.   羽毛球可由两人或四人来打.   5. " Is badminton anything like tennis? "" No, as different as chalk from cheese. ”   “ 羽毛球有点像网球 吗 ? ” “不, 根本不同. ”   6. He played badminton for sport.   他打羽毛球是打着玩的.   7. They default ed in the badminton tournament.   在羽毛球锦标赛中他们没出场.   8. The Badminton Club holds coaching sessions for beginners and intermediate players on Friday evenings.   羽毛球俱乐部每周五晚上为初学者与中等水平练习者开设训练课程。   9. She sent the shuttlecock flying over the net with a practised flick of the wrist.   她熟练地轻抖手腕,把羽毛球击过了网.   10. We can play badminton quite well now.   我们羽毛球打得很好.   11. He can play tennis, badminton, golf, soccer, anything.   什么网球啊, 羽毛球啊, 高尔夫球啊, 足球啊,他都会.   12. Badminton is an indoor game.   羽毛球是一种室内运动.   13. Nets for tennis and badminton and so on.   有网球和羽毛球用的网等等.   14. He plays tennis better than badminton.   他网球比羽毛球打得好.   15. Let"s go to the badminton match.   咱们去看羽毛球比赛吧.   羽毛球shuttlecock的双语例句   1. She sent the shuttlecock flying over the net with a practised flick of the wrist.   她熟练地轻抖手腕,把羽毛球击过了网.   2. As a shop clerk, she would shuttlecock behind the counter all day.   作为一个商店职员, 她整天在柜台后面走来走去.   3. I found him kicking at the shuttlecock in the room.   我发现他正在屋子里踢毡子.   4. Playing with the shuttlecock is of one of the favorites of Dalianese.   踢毽子是大连人最喜欢的运动之一.   5. The kids are playing the interesting game of kicking shuttlecock.   小朋友在玩有趣的踢毽子游戏.   6. The shuttlecock kicking is interesting.   踢毽很有趣.   7. Love is the shuttlecock, playing the computer.   爱好是踢毽子 、 玩电脑.   8. Our teacher a shuttlecock real feathers.   我们老师要我们用真的羽毛做毽子.   9. A kicking a shuttlecock outside the Lotus Market.   在什刹海荷花市场,一名老外正在踢毽子.   10. Shuttlecock is quite popular here.   打羽毛球在这里很流行.   11. Do you have a spare shuttlecock?   你有备用的羽毛球 吗 ?   12. I want to kick a shuttlecock.   我想踢毽子.   13. You can kick a shuttlecock.   你可以打羽毛球.   14. The shuttlecock landed in bounds.   球打在界内.   15. They are knocking up a shuttlecock.   他们正试打羽毛球.   
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History and development The beginnings of Badminton can be traced to mid-18th century British India, where it was created by British military officers stationed there. Early photographs show Englishmen adding a net to the traditional English game of battledore and shuttlecock. Being particularly popular in the British garrison town Poona (now Pune), the game also came to be known as Poona. Initially, balls of wool were preferred by the upper classes in windy or wet conditions, but ultimately the shuttlecock stuck. This game was taken by retired officers back to England where it developed and rules were set out.As early as 1860, Isaac Spratt, a London toy dealer, published a booklet, Badminton Battledore - a new game, but unfortunately no copy has survived.The new sport was definitively launched in 1873 at the Badminton House, Gloucestershire, owned by the Duke of Beaufort. During that time, the game was referred to as "The Game of Badminton," and the game"s official name became Badminton.Until 1887, the sport was played in England under the rules that prevailed in British India. The Bath Badminton Club standardized the rules and made the game applicable to English ideas. The basic regulations were drawn up in 1887. In 1893, the Badminton Association of England published the first set of rules according to these regulations, similar to today"s rules, and officially launched badminton in a house called "Dunbar" at 6 Waverley Grove, Portsmouth, England on September 13 of that year. They also started the All England Open Badminton Championships, the first badminton competition in the world, in 1899.The International Badminton Federation (IBF) (now known as Badminton World Federation) was established in 1934 with Canada, Denmark, England, France, the Netherlands, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, and Wales as its founding members. India joined as an affiliate in 1936. The BWF now governs international badminton and develops the sport globally.While set out in England, competitive badminton in Europe has traditionally been dominated by Denmark. Indonesia, South Korea, China and Malaysia are among the nations that have consistently produced world-class players in the past few decades and dominated competitions on the international level, with China being the most dominant in recent years.希望帮到你啦~
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羽毛球英语读badminton ["b_dm_nt(_)n] 。关于羽毛球的由来,众说纷纭,但公认最早的当属14-15世纪的日本。而现代羽毛球则是从印度发展而来,在英国发展起来的。1934年,世界羽联成立于伦敦,是世界羽联的最高组织。中国羽毛球协会是中国最高的组织机构,它于一九八五年九月十一日在武汉创立。扩展资料:羽毛球是一种室内体育项目,由网球棒穿过网子,将羽毛和软木片击打在一起。羽毛球比赛是在一个矩形的场地上进行,在球场中央有一张网,两边利用各种技术和技术,如发球、击球、运动,把球在网中来回碰撞,以保证球不会落入自己的有效区域,或者让对手打出一个错误。羽毛球球场是一个长方形的场地,长13.40米,宽6.10米(单打区宽度5.18米),对角线长14.723 m,单打球场对角线长14.366 m。每条球道的宽度都是4厘米,测量时要从直线的外侧开始。球场上的每一条分界线最好是白色、黄色或其他容易辨认的色彩。以下内容供参考:百度百科-羽毛球(体育项目)
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Badminton is a fast game played by two or four persons.羽毛球是一项由两或四人组成的快速运动。 It can be played both indoors and outdoors.它既可以在室内进行,也可以在室外。The outdoor game is more suitable for family enjoyment at home. 比起在家里,室外更适合一家大小进行娱乐活动。Badminton is an ancient game, which took its name from the place where the game was played indoors for the first time. 羽毛球是一项古老的运动,它的命名是源于第一次在室内举行的地方。There are several explanations of how the modern game began. 对于这项现代体育运动是如何开始运行,有各种各样的解释。One is that English army officers brought the game home from India in the 1870s and it soon became popular in England. 其中一个解释便是,英国军队的官员在19世纪70年代从印度将这项体育运动带回英国,很快,这项运动变风靡英国。
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打羽毛球:playing badminton打网球:playing tennis。
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1、羽毛球,badminton.读音:美/?b?dm?nt?n/;英/?b?dm?nt?n/。2、解释:n.羽毛球3、例句:I think Ill give badminton a miss tonight.我今晚不想打羽毛球了。
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  汉语解释:羽毛球是一项室内,室外兼顾的运动。依据参与的人数,可以分为单打与双打。想知道羽毛球的英文怎么说吗?   羽毛球   羽毛球的英文释义:   badminton ; shuttlecock   网 络badminton;shuttlecock;Shuttlecocks;bird shuttlecock   羽毛球的英文例句:   毽球旧时的一种羽毛球游戏,用一个扁平的木桨和羽毛球进行游戏   An early form of badminton played with a flat wooden paddle and a shuttlecock.   他上学时有时到羽毛球俱乐部去。   He went to the badminton club at times during his school days.   她们喜欢在羽毛球场打羽毛球。   They like playing badminton on badminton court.   特问羽毛球教练:羽毛球新手选购使用进攻性的球拍好?还是防守型球拍好的好?   Note that your tuition fees are due and payable by the expiry date on the fee bill.   这羽毛球老是粘在网子上。   The birdie always gets stuck in the net.   我们应该在室内打羽毛球。   We should play badminton indoors.   他们放学后经常打羽毛球。   They often play badminton after school.   羽毛球比赛有哪些裁判人员?   What officials are there in a badminton game?   印度尼西亚确实是个羽毛球强国。   Indonesia is really a powerhouse of badminton.   1. Barnaby may be 15, but he"s nippy and suited to badminton. 巴纳比可能15岁了,但他动作敏捷,适合打羽毛球。   2. Try tennis, badminton or windsurfing. In short, anything challenging. 试试网球、羽毛球或帆板运动吧。总之,只要是有挑战性的。   3. Whilst playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon. 打羽毛球时,我的跟腱撕裂了。   4. Badminton can be played by two or four people. 羽毛球可由两人或四人来打.   5. " Is badminton anything like tennis? "" No, as different as chalk from cheese. ” “ 羽毛球有点像网球 吗 ? ” “不, 根本不同. ”   6. He played badminton for sport. 他打羽毛球是打着玩的.   7. They default ed in the badminton tournament. 在羽毛球锦标赛中他们没出场.   8. The Badminton Club holds coaching sessions for beginners and intermediate players on Friday evenings. 羽毛球俱乐部每周五晚上为初学者与中等水平练习者开设训练课程。   9. She sent the shuttlecock flying over the net with a practised flick of the wrist. 她熟练地轻抖手腕,把羽毛球击过了网.   10. We can play badminton quite well now. 我们羽毛球打得很好.   11. He can play tennis, badminton, golf, soccer, anything. 什么网球啊, 羽毛球啊, 高尔夫球啊, 足球啊,他都会.   12. Badminton is an indoor game. 羽毛球是一种室内运动.   13. Nets for tennis and badminton and so on. 有网球和羽毛球用的网等等.   14. He plays tennis better than badminton. 他网球比羽毛球打得好.   15. Let"s go to the badminton match. 咱们去看羽毛球比赛吧.   16. But I haven"t played badminton for nearly a week. 但我几乎一个星期没打羽毛球了.   17. Mrs. Georgina and Mr. Richard are playing badminton. 乔伊娜老师和理查德老师正在打羽毛球.   18. Well, I think I"m going to play badminton. 哦, 我想,我准备去打羽毛球.   19. On weekends I like to get my mind off my work by playing badminton. 每当周末,我总爱借助打羽毛球把我的注意力从工作中摆开.   20. Hmm, I play badminton, table tennis and volleyball, and I go swimming androller - skating. 喔, 我打羽毛球 、 乒乓球和排球, 并且我也游泳和滑旱冰.
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play badminton
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羽毛球: badminton羽毛球拍:badmintonracket 打羽毛球:playbadminton翻译是伯明顿的意思。是因为最早的羽毛球比赛就在这个发源地举行的,而且到现在全英羽毛球公开赛都有100多年的历史了。大家都很重视,意义非凡,故用这个球馆的名字来代指羽毛球。羽毛球的英文专业术语:1.shuttlecock羽毛球2.badmintonracket羽毛球拍3.net球网4.court球场5.doublescourt双打球场6.changecourts交换场地7.umpire裁判8.serve发球9.righttoserve发球权10.return回球11.netball落网球12.letball擦网球13.fault失误14.forehand正拍15.backhand反拍16.single单打17.doubles双打18.mixeddoubles混双19.longserve长发球20.shortserve短发球21.clear高远22.drop吊球23.carry持球24.defenceandfightback防守反击25.switchposition轮换位置26.grudgematch旗鼓相当的比赛27.smash扣球28.rushing扑29.drive平抽30.driver善于抽球的球员31.returnofservice接发球32.orderofservice发球次序33.servicecourt发球区34.firstserver一发球员35.brokenshuttle坏球36.corkbase(球)底托37.balk发球时一方干扰对方38.backhand反拍39.backhandgrip反手握法40.combinationcourt单打、双打合用的球场41.cut切球42.faceofracket拍面43.finishingshot决定得分的一击44.hand-out无发球权,失发球权45.lovegame一方得零分的一局46.touchthenet触网47.topandback双打中一前一后的站法48.toplineofthenet网的上缘49.tossservice抛球发球法50.twohands两次发球权
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羽毛球的英文单词badminton ,“伯明顿”(Badminton)。badminton,是原来伯明顿的名称。现代羽毛球运动诞生在英国。1873年,在英国格拉斯哥郡的伯明顿镇有一位叫鲍弗特的公爵,在庄园里进行了一次“蒲那游戏”的表演。因这项活动极富趣味性,很快就风行开来。羽毛球 [yǔ máo qiú] 基本翻译: badminton 网络释义: 羽毛球:badminton shuttlecock 打羽毛球:play badminton shuttlecock 羽毛球拍:badminton racket battledore YONEX
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问题一:打羽毛球的英文怎么写 play badminton 问题二:羽毛球的英文是什么? 现代羽毛球运动诞生在英国。1873年,在英国格拉斯哥郡的伯明顿镇有一位叫鲍弗特的公爵,在庄园里进行了一次“蒲那游戏”的表演。因这项活动极富趣味性,很快就风行开来。此郸,这种室内游戏迅速传遍英国,“伯明顿”(Badminton)即成为英文羽毛球的名字。 问题三:打羽毛球英语怎么写? play badminton happy after school have a good time 或者enjoy themslves 祝你学习进步,快乐每一天!(*^__^*) 问题四:羽毛球用英语怎么说? badminton [哗9;b?dmint?n] 谐音:白的民ten (谐音只是类似,不准确) 问题五:打羽毛球的英文怎么写 play badminton 问题六:羽毛球的英文是什么? 现代羽毛球运动诞生在英国。1873年,在英国格拉斯哥郡的伯明顿镇有一位叫鲍弗特的公爵,在庄园里进行了一次“蒲那游戏”的表演。因这项活动极富趣味性,很快就风行开来。此郸,这种室内游戏迅速传遍英国,“伯明顿”(Badminton)即成为英文羽毛球的名字。 问题七:打羽毛球英语怎么写? play badminton happy after school have a good time 或者enjoy themslves 祝你学习进步,快乐每一天!(*^__^*) 问题八:羽毛球用英语怎么说? badminton [哗9;b?dmint?n] 谐音:白的民ten (谐音只是类似,不准确)
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2023-07-09 11:52:011


1、羽毛球英文单词:badminton,英 [?b?dm?nt?n] 美 [?b?dm?nt?n]。2、我今晚不想打羽毛球了。I think Ill give badminton a miss tonight。3、试试网球、羽毛球或帆板运动吧。总之,只要是有挑战性的。Try tennis, badminton or windsurfing. In short, anything challenging。4、打羽毛球时,我的跟腱撕裂了。Whilst playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon。
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shuttlecock,是指 羽毛球运动里面用的那个 球 ,就是那个用羽毛做的,被在天上打来打去的东西。 badminton,是羽毛球运动的官方名词,意思就是羽毛球运动,这个词本来是一个地名,是羽毛球的发祥地。
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1、羽毛球英文单词:badminton,英 [?b?dm?nt?n] 美 [?b?dm?nt?n]。2、我今晚不想打羽毛球了。I think Ill give badminton a miss tonight。3、试试网球、羽毛球或帆板运动吧。总之,只要是有挑战性的。Try tennis, badminton or windsurfing. In short, anything challenging。4、打羽毛球时,我的跟腱撕裂了。Whilst playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon。
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