Room 402,Unit 1
Building NO.20
Shizhong District NO.38
Jinan,Shandong (Provience可有可无)
(1)*** 室 / 房 :RM.*** ; (2) *** 村(乡): *** Village ; (3)*** 号: No. *** ; (4)***号宿舍: *** Dormitory ; (5)***楼 / 层 : *** /F ; (6) ***住宅区 / 小区 : *** Residential Quater ; (7)甲 / 乙 / 丙 / 丁 : A / B / C / D ; (8) ***巷 / 弄 : *** Lane ; (9)***单元 : Unit *** ; (10) ***号楼 / 幢 : *** Buld ; (11)***公司 : *** Com. / *** Crop ;(12) ***厂 : *** Factory ; (13)***酒楼/酒店 :** Hotel ; (14) ***路 : *** Road ; (15)***花园 : *** Garden ; (16) ***街 : *** Street ; (17)***县 : *** County ; (18) ***镇 : *** Town ; (19)***市 : *** / *** City ; (20) ***区 : *** District ; (21)*** 信箱 : Mailbox *** ; (22) ***省 : *** Prov. ; (23)中国:P. R. China.
Room 403,No.37,ShiFan Residential Quarter,BaoShan District
Room 201,No.34,Lane 125,XiKang Road(South),HongKou District
Room 42, Zhongzhou Road,Nanyang City, Henan Prov.
Hongyuan Hotel, Jingzhou city, Hubei Prov.
Special Steel Corp,No.272, Bayi Road,Nanyang City, Henan Prov.
Room 702, 7th Building, Hengda Garden, East District, Zhongshan
Room 601, No.34 Long Chang Li, Xiamen, Fujian
Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si, Xiamen, Fujian
NO. 204,Entrance A, Building NO. 1, The 2nd Dormitory of the NO. 4 State-owned Textile Factory, 53 Kaiping Road, Qingdao, Shandong
Publicity department 7 Floor Disabled Federation Building No.66 East Jiefang Road Chuanying District Jilin City Jilin Province
not essential; not indispensable; may or may not be needed; be as well without it as with it2023-07-07 10:04:572
可有可无 It seems that it does not exist. 灰色 grey colour 灰暗 gloomy or dim (different words for different occasion) 没有明天 Tomorrow will not e or There will be no tomorrow 我是谁 Who Am I ? 我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: englishstudy.info 希望可以帮到你! 可有可无: not essential; not indispensable; may or may not be needed. 灰色: grey 灰暗: gloomy; murky; somber 没有明天: there"s no chance; no tomorrow 我是谁: Who am I 没有明天 what do you meant by this? 参考: me2023-07-07 10:05:131
not essential; not indispensable; may or may not be needed; be as well without it as with it 。2023-07-07 10:05:233
我是一个可有可无的人英文可以这么翻译:I am a dispensable person2023-07-07 10:05:414
我知道了,我只不过是一根小小草而已,微不足道,可有可无I know that I am nothing but merely a little piece of grass of minor importance and little value of existence.2023-07-07 10:05:512
Actually I am nothing in your eyes. All in all, I love you too much and don"t want to go without you.2023-07-07 10:05:592
冷的意思。中文意思是冷。2023-07-07 10:07:022
I wanna be with U, try my best to take care of U. I want go with U but I feel I"m not essential to U.2023-07-07 10:07:283
我像是一个你可有可无的影子 冷冷的看着你说谎的样子 用英语怎么说?
我像是一个你可有可无的影子 冷冷的看着你说谎的样子I just like a non-essential shadow of you, which coldly looking at you when you are lying2023-07-07 10:08:371
翻译:You are my dream of suffering, I am a dispensable person.望采纳,谢谢你。2023-07-07 10:08:481
序数词前的the,虽然在书写日期时,可有可无(美式英语常省略),但是,读的时候,the 一定要读出来. 正确读法:My birthday is May the ninth 或者 My birthday is the ninth of May 希望我的回答能够帮到你,2023-07-07 10:09:081
so cold2023-07-07 10:09:236
OP:(opening)即片头曲。 ED:(ending)即片尾曲。 TRACK:曲目、音轨(也可缩略为TRK) BGM:(BACK GROUND MUSIC)背景音乐,在戏剧的过程中所要用到的,一般收录在OST中。 CS:(Character Song)即角色歌 IN:(Interlude)即插曲 OST:Original Sound Track (原声音带),即作品原声大碟,一般收录作品(动画、电影etc...)的配乐、主题曲等等。 OVA:Original Video Animatin (也叫OAV), 直接发行录影带版本的作品, 没有先在戏院或电视上放映.CV:Character Voice 声优, 动画角色的配音员. OAD:全称Original Animation Disc或者Original Animation DVD,本质上与OVA(Original Video Anime)同义EP:Extended Play,慢速唱片 具体参考:http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=3221578572023-07-07 10:09:544
还可以. 用 as 会比 like 正顺一些,before 可有可无.(我下面写的也可以加 before) 这样说会更地道一些: It was not as easy as I thought it would be. (过去式--去做过了以後 才发现没有那麼容易) (it would be 三个字没有必要 但本人认为留著意思会比较完整一点)2023-07-07 10:10:051
发现的英文是find。英 [fau026and] 美 [fau026and] v. 发现,找到,认为,觉得,感到,裁决,判定n. 发现例句:I think I"m lost; I can"t find the bridge.翻译:我想我是迷路了,我找不到那座桥了。短语:find money 筹措费用用法1、find主要用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式或从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转换为介词for的宾语,可用于被动结构。2、find还可接以动词不定式或“(to be+) adj./v -ed/ v -ing/ prep. -phrase”充当补足语的复合宾语。接现在分词时表示动作正在进行;接过去分词表示动作已经完成;接动词不定式则表示看到动作的全部过程,不定式符号to可有可无,但如果不定式是to be,to则不可省略,但可省略to be。2023-07-07 10:10:151
手表日历的星期星期 一 二 三 四 五 六 日英文 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN周六 就是 SAT2023-07-07 10:11:121
be filled with 固定搭配可有可无。2023-07-07 10:11:354
【典故出处】:明 施耐庵《水浒传》第二十回:「林冲道:『只今番克敌制胜,便见得先生妙法。正是鼎分三足,缺一不可,先生不必推却。』」 【成语意思】:少一样也不行。 【成语注音】:ㄑㄩㄝ ㄧ ㄅㄨˋ ㄎㄜˇ 【通用拼音】:quē yī bu kě 【拼音简写】:QYBK 【使用频率】:常用成语 【成语字数】:四字成语 【感 *** 彩】:中性成语 【成语用法】:缺一不可,作谓语、定语、状语;指十分必需。 【成语结构】:补充式成语 【英语翻译】:necessary <None of them can be dispensed with.> 【其他翻译】:<德>Weder das eine noch das andere ist entbehrlich. 【成语谜语】:两个人作买卖 【近义词】:必不可少 【反义词】:可有可无 【成语例句】:【示例】每个学生都要德智体全面发展,三者缺一不可。 【成语故事】: 梁山好汉林冲见王伦容不下晁盖等七位好汉,就火并了王伦,众人推举晁盖作首领。吴用担任军师,排第二位,林冲推举公孙胜统率军权说:「今番克敌制胜,谁人及得先生良法。正是鼎分三足,缺一不可。先生不必推却。」,公孙胜排第三位,林冲排第四2023-07-07 10:11:531
1.Acan"t help doing sth 情不自禁做某事,这是个固定搭配.直接接可以排除B.C.D. think of 想起...2.Awhat引导一个宾语从句 what"s the matter,如:He told me what"s the matter with him. what是主句的宾语成分,同时引导一个定语从句,是定语的主语. 比较特殊,记住.3.B so+adj+that.... such+(a/an)+adj+n+that...2023-07-07 10:12:045
full 用到句子中 也有饱了的意思2023-07-07 10:12:278
最近很喜欢这个名字。考虑改这个名字中。。。Ariel(莎士比亚剧本《暴风雨》中的)空气般的精灵n.羚羊类2023-07-07 10:12:585
我很冷 英语怎么说
I feel very cold2023-07-07 10:13:205
God is a girl的歌词(英文的)和翻译,翻译可有可无
分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: God is a Girl 上帝是个女孩 专辑:booom 2003 乐队:Groove Coverage 舞动精灵 来自德国,以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧,声音相当润滑舒适悦耳. 它的成员有两名: 主唱(女)Verena,1984年5月14日出生. DJ及创作:DJ Novus.原名Markus Schaffarzyk.1976年11月7日出生. Remembering me, discover and see, 曾记得,我寻遍寰宇,终于发现, All over the world, she"s known as a girl, 她作为一个女孩被我们所知。 To those who are free, the mind shall be key, 对自由的人们而言,这个思想至关重要啊。 Fotten as the past, "cause history will last. 被遗忘的事情就让它过去吧,因为历史将会延续。 God is a girl, wherever you are, 朋友呀,不管你身居何处,上帝她就是一个女孩, Do you believe it, can you receive it, 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢? God is a girl, whatever you say, 朋友呀,不管你有何言语,上帝她就是一个女孩, Do you believe it, can you receive it, 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢? God is a girl, however you live, 朋友呀,不管你如何度日,上帝她就是一个女孩, Do you believe it, can you receive it, 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢? God is a girl, she"s only a girl, 上帝是一个女孩,她仅是一个女孩而已, Do you believe it, can you receive it? 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢? She wants to shine, forever in time, 她希望在时间的河流中永远闪耀, She is so driven, she"s always mine, 她是如此的迫切,她一直都属于我呀。 Clearly and free, she wants you to be, 她清楚和自由地,祈望你 A part of the future, a girl like me, 成为未来的一部分,成为一个如我一般的女孩。 There is a sky, illuminating us, 苍穹的光芒照耀着我们, Someone is out there, that we truly trust, 有位人儿就在那里,她可是我们真诚信任的人呀。 There is a rainbow, for you and me, 七彩的霓虹,纯美的日出, A beautiful sunrise, eternally. 永恒为你我展现。 God is a girl, wherever you are, 朋友呀,不管你身居何处,上帝她就是一个女孩, Do you believe it, can you receive it, 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢? God is a girl, whatever you say, 朋友呀,不管你有何言语,上帝她就是一个女孩, Do you believe it, can you receive it, 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢? God is a girl, however you live, 朋友呀,不管你是如何度日,上帝她就是一个女孩, Do you believe it, can you receive it, 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢? God is a girl, she"s only a girl, 上帝是一个女孩,她仅是一个女孩而已, Do you believe it, can you receive it? 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?2023-07-07 10:13:441
最正规的问法和答法:1. Ask you what name? 2. Do you come from? 3. You prepared to where? 4. Do you go to New York? Tourism 5. Few people you go along? one 6. In New York have no friends or relatives? No 7. How long are you prepared to go to New York? One week 8. Do you have any baggage? 9. Please show your passport please 10. Which you to the United States? 11. This year you age? 12. Boarding Portugal Los Angeles, New York2023-07-07 10:13:5811
我对你是可有可无的吗 英文
Am I dispensable to you?2023-07-07 10:14:432
find_found2023-07-07 10:14:544
take pride in2023-07-07 10:15:394
头:head 头发:hair 脸:face 眼睛:eye 鼻子:nose 觜巴:mouth 耳朵:ear 脖子;neck 手:hand 手指:finger 指甲:fingernail 手掌:palm 手臂:arm 肩膀:shouder 背:back 腰:waist 屁股:buttocks腿:leg 脚:foot 脚趾:toe2023-07-07 10:15:595
have got to 必须要,必须做have got 拥有例句:I have got to win the competition this time.I have got a happy family with wonderful parents.2023-07-07 10:16:185
由于某种原因 英文怎么说
1、for some reason or other:For some reason or other he had not returned. 因为某些原因,他没有回来。2、for some reasonFor some reason he didn"t do his homework.由于某种原因,他没写作业。3、because因为He achieved because he was a hard worker.他之所以成功是因为他工作勤奋。4、because of因为……5、owing to因为6、due to 由于7、thanks to由于 例句就不一一列举了2023-07-07 10:16:354
礼拜一到礼拜天的英文单词分别是:1、礼拜一 Monday;2、礼拜二 Tuesday ;3、礼拜三 Wednesday ;4、礼拜四 Thursday ;5、礼拜五 Friday;6、礼拜六 Saturday;7、礼拜天 Sunday。扩展资料:1、Monday的用法:Monday的基本意思是星期一,指一周之中,位于星期日之后的那一天。表示在星期一时通常用介词on,在非正式语体中,尤其是美式英语中,常可省去介词on,直接用Monday作时间状语。当Monday前有next,last,that,some,every等修饰语时,前面也不用介词on。在Monday后有next,last等修饰语时,尤其在英式英语中,通常不省略介词on,而在美式英语和非正式文体中,介词on则可有可无。2、Wednesday的用法:Wednesday的意思是星期三,来自Day of Mercury,在美式英语中,指一周的第三天。在英式英语中,指一周的第四天。Wednesday可缩写成Wed。Wednesday前一般不用冠词,有时可加定冠词the来表示上下文所谈到的那一周的星期三。2023-07-07 10:16:431
yuying2023-07-07 10:17:048
发现的英文是find。英 [fau026and] 美 [fau026and] v. 发现,找到,认为,觉得,感到,裁决,判定n. 发现例句:I think I"m lost; I can"t find the bridge.翻译:我想我是迷路了,我找不到那座桥了。短语:find money 筹措费用用法1、find主要用作及物动词,可接名词、仿源代词、带疑问词的动词不定式或从句作宾语,也大大者可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转换为介词for的宾语,可用于被动结构。2、find还可接以动词不定式或“(to be+) adj./v -ed/ v -ing/ prep. -phrase”充当补足语的复合宾语。接现在分词时表示动作正在进行;接过去分词表示动作已经完成;接动词不定式则表示看到动作的全部过程,不定式符号滚薯to可有可无,但如果不定式是to be,to则不可省略,但可省略to be。2023-07-07 10:17:221
『高分』我是一个可有可无的人 英文怎么说
我是一个可有可无的人。英文翻译:I am a dispensable person.重点词汇:dispensable 英[du026au02c8spensu0259bl] 美[du026au02c8spu025bnsu0259bu0259l] adj. 非必需的,可省去的; 不必要; [例句]They looked on music and art lessons as dispensable. 他们认为音乐课和美术课是可有可无的。2023-07-07 10:17:521
June.19th2023-07-07 10:18:043
是否在你心里,我可有可无…… 的英文怎么写
是否在你心里,我可有可无…… 英文翻译:Am I important in your heart or not? 这句话表达了不确定自己在他人心中是否重要的感受。这是一种常见的心理状态,常常伴随着无助、不安和困惑,需要逐渐通过与他人建立更深刻的联系和接纳来突破。可以通过表达自己的情感和需求、关注他人的反馈和回应以及提高自我认知和自尊来帮助自己摆脱这种困境,找到更积极的生活意义和价值。2023-07-07 10:18:137
请问在英文里,X路X号X幢X层X区X室 的正式写法是什么? Room 402,Unit 1 Building NO.20 Shizhong District NO.38 Jinan,Shandong (Provience可有可无)英文地址一般的写法与我们描述的相反,由小写到大;其次要注意标点符号和英文字母的大小写。格式如下: (1)*** 室 / 房 :RM.*** ; (2) *** 村(乡): *** Village ; (3)*** 号: No. *** ; (4)***号宿舍: *** Dormitory ; (5)***楼 / 层 : *** /F ; (6) ***住宅区 / 小区 : *** Residential Quater ; (7)甲 / 乙 / 丙 / 丁 : A / B / C / D ; (8) ***巷 / 弄 : *** Lane ; (9)***单元 : Unit *** ; (10) ***号楼 / 幢 : *** Buld ; (11)***公司 : *** . / *** Crop ;(12) ***厂 : *** Factory ; (13)***酒楼/酒店 :** Hotel ; (14) ***路 : *** Road ; (15)***花园 : *** Garden ; (16) ***街 : *** Street ; (17)***县 : *** County ; (18) ***镇 : *** Town ; (19)***市 : *** / *** City ; (20) ***区 : *** District ; (21)*** 信箱 : Mailbox *** ; (22) ***省 : *** Prov. ; (23)中国:P. R. China. (二)以下为示范: 宝山区示范新村37号403室 Room 403,No.37,ShiFan Residential Quarter,BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室 Room 201,No.34,Lane 125,XiKang Road(South),HongKou District 河南省南阳市中州路42号 Room 42, Zhongzhou Road,Nanyang City, Henan Prov. 湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 Hongyuan Hotel, Jingzhou city, Hubei Prov. 河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 Special Steel Corp,No.272, Bayi Road,Nanyang City, Henan Prov. 中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 Room 702, 7th Building, Hengda Garden, East District, Zhongshan 福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室 Room 601, No.34 Long Chang Li, Xiamen, Fujian 厦门公交总公司承诺办 Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si, Xiamen, Fujian 山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲 NO. 204,Entrance A, Building NO. 1, The 2nd Dormitory of the NO. 4 State-o...... 请问“5幢”英语怎么翻译? 如果是5撞楼,就直接5BUILDINGS,英语中无冠词 而如果是门牌号码,则是BUILDING 5 几号几幢用英文怎么翻译 Cream Bamboo Highway 98, 2 我住在19幢9楼英文 I live at building No.19 the seventh floor(美式,英式的是 the eighth floor).望采纳。 南京市软件大道168号2幢B座511室 怎么翻译成英文 Room 511, Section B, Biulding 2, No.168 of the Software Avenue, Nanjing, China 或者, Room 511, Section B, Biulding 2, No.168 Software Street, Nanjing, China 英文 1幢A座2单元 怎么翻译 1幢A座2单元 Unit 2, Tower A, Building 1. 我想问一下, 如果中文地址翻译成英文地址的话,38号楼/28幢,写哪个比较好?还有这两个分别怎么翻译? 在英语中, 都写作: Building 38 Building 28. 除非你的这个"幢"是独立的一套一套的: villa 28 某某小区第几幢某某室用英语怎么写? ##Room in ##building in/of ## munity2023-07-07 10:18:381
信封/抬头格式Room 306, Building 1, Bajiaolou CommunityChenghai District, Shantou CityGuangdong Province, PRC正文格式Room 306, Building 1, Bajiaolou Community, Chenghai District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, PRC1.英语地址,从小到大,倒叙2.汉语固定名词,如广东、汕头、澄海、八角楼,拼音连写3.各单词首字母,大写2023-07-07 10:18:482
The response:- (1)Peter "to keep a follow (noun) of" ="to infin" used as adj qualing Peter (subj) (2)"To review with ABC =consisting of a "to infinitive"used as the arbitrary phrase =s +v +o have not yet seen ; =subject meets the challenge of objects. (3) reminder=you have fotten the name or a note to inform somebody that he has not yet done properly (4)plement:-is phrase adj or n.used after linking verbs be and bee to describe the subject of the verb erned by the verb es after the verb in a sentence.eg:-I am shocked----refering break down. He became a lift-repairer-------refering fall off adverbial =adverbial particle is an adverb used after a verb to show position direction of movement etc in the lift break down and lift falls off----down and off are all adverbial particles. (5)predicative=adj of an adjetive ing after a verb such as be bee get seem look In predicative try read predicate n. is a part of a sentence containing a verb that makes a statement about the subject of the verb such as break down in "He had a nervous break down".fall off in" He had a "fall off" experience in the fallen lift !" (6)as agree----by oral agreement first; am writing because----by writing to confirm later as in HK Govt. documents delivery----date---From---To----remarks---Sign---by spoken---by written. 2015-05-17 08:09:07 补充: proposed amendment to a rule:-(1)keep following(a present participle as plement).(6)I was expected to start on Nov.5--(main cl.) as agreed (&) by written confirmation.--(adv.cl.of reason cause &condition).The change proposed. 2015-05-17 10:07:43 补充: (3) I agreed I therefore (=adv for that reason) am writing. (2)adv phr-After that accident he has a fear for taking the lift.To save energy the lift is stopped AdCl:When the lift fell he was trappedHe ran madly as if he were trapped. (1)Since he was hurt he could not work 只作补充 predicative (adj.) - relating to the predicate of a sentence. The term is particularly used in the classification of adjectives. (contrasted with "attrivutive") Most adjectives can be used in attrivutive and predicative positions. 2015-05-18 23:51:54 补充: a fine day ~ fine 是 attrivutive adjective the day was fine ~ 是 predicative adjective predicative-only adjectives 有 afraid alone....etc The boy is alone. 不能说 an alone boy 因为 alone 不能作 attributive adjective alone 是 predicative adjective alone 可作 adverb 例子 He lives alone. 2015-05-19 00:42:39 补充: Complement is a word phrase or clause that when following a verb pletes or enhances the meaning and syntactic structure of a sentence. He appears (confused). - word She is (a good teacher).- phrase They appointed him (interim mayor.) - phrase We are pleased (that you could e).- clause 2015-05-19 00:58:04 补充: Adverbial - a structure functioning as an adverb.包括 an adverb adverbial phrase adverbial clause. He walks (slowly).- an adverb You apologize (too much) - adv. phrase (Although he is alone) he is never lonely. - adv. clause 分别: Complement 必须有才完成句子 Adverbial 可有可无 2015-05-19 08:04:31 补充: Sorry! Typo error attrivutive ~ wrong It should be "attributive" 2015-05-19 09:04:10 补充: I find Orwell"s novels thought-provoking. "thought-proboking" 是 adjective 因为形容个 object (Orwell"s novels) . 是 object plement They find BB an idiot.. "an idiot" .是 noun phrase It refers to the object (BB) BB 和 an idiot 是同一个人 "an idiot" 是 object plement 2015-05-19 10:38:02 补充: "therefore am" “No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none and therefore am no beast.” - .W.Shakespeare Richard III Edward Kennedy wrote: I therefore am writing to urge you to work together to amend the law through the normal legislative process ..." 2015-05-19 19:26:16 补充: Revised sentence They always find BB an idiot. "an idiot" 是 object plement 真要小心书写 They find BB a wife "a wife" 在这句子不是 object plement 2015-05-19 19:51:09 补充: 正如 Dunview 言及 你的第一句子 第二句子不是 plete sentence 全没有 main verb To review with ABC pany for the arrangement of lighting is a waste of time. "To review with ABC pany .....of lighting" ~ Infinitive phrase 可作 subject 2015-05-19 20:14:28 补充: 容许我说: Duncan has expressed his view cogently. We can take it as good guidelines. His clear and concise writing graces Yahoo 知识网 Thanks. 2015-05-27 20:04:25 补充: 说句公道话 回答问题真要抱着帮人态度 People will appreciate what Dunc has done. Thanks. Some of the voters are totally blind to the grammatical mistakes made by TOMING88 . They don"t care. 投同情票? 选做最佳解答? You must be kidding! 1) Peter to keep follow the temporary installation arrangement and the location of lift panel. This is not a plete sentence but a broken sentence with the main verb "is/are" removed to express an action plan. ~ Someone to do something = Someone "is" to do something. From Longman dictionary: "be to do something" (auxiliary verb) ~ used to talk about arrangements for the future or to give an order or an advice to someone. "keep" is an intritive verb here meaning "continue". It cannot take an infinitive (to-infinitive or bare infinitive) but a present participle as plement. e.g. keep (on) doing something "keep follow" is wrong and it should be "keep following" or "keep on following". 2) To review with ABC pany for the arrangement of lighting. Same as (1) it is a broken sentence to express action plan. ~ we are to review; or you are to review ... 3) 在take minutes中 action by一栏中写上reminder是甚么意思? "action by" = 由谁去执行这行动 "reminder" = 提醒物 I think it me "the person to take action" hasn"t been decided yet but should be reminded to delegate a person in next meeting. 4) 补语Complement与状语Adverbial的分别 Complement = something pulsory or obligatory (必须的) to plete the whole meaning of an expression" Adverbial = a word (adverb) or a group of words (adverbial phrase or adverbial clause) that modifies or tells us additional information about the sentence or the verb. It is not pulsory in a sentence. 5) 甚么是谓语predicative? It is a term usually used to describe adjectives which e after the linking verbs. 6) I was expected to start on November 5 as agreed and am writing because. I don"t think the sentence is correct. "because" can be used as a conjunction or preposition. When placed at the end of the sentence it looks like an adverb. To correct the grammar we can use adverb "therefore" to replace because. ~ I was expected to start on November 5 as agree and therefore am writing (to inform ...). 2015-05-17 02:54:22 补充: ~ I was expected to start on November 5 as agreed and therefore am writing to inform you that .... "经同意及文字确认的首天上班日是11月5号" As agreed and by written confirmation I was expected to start on November 5. 2015-05-17 15:55:15 补充: 主词补语 subject plement 是接在连系动词之后的形容词(predicative adjective) 或名词(predicative nominal). adverbial phrase:: ~ I went to school "by bus". (介词短语) ~ I went to school "last Friday". (时间名词短语) 2015-05-17 16:12:29 补充: and am writing because. 其实我不知道你想表达什么意思?? 这句子是有错! and therefore I am writing to inform you that .... 因此,我写信通知你 xxxxx 2015-05-17 16:19:56 补充: adverbial clause: ~ I went to school "when I was five". (time) ~ I went to school "because I liked learning". (reason) ~ I went to school "so that I could learn". (purpose) 2015-05-18 11:43:04 补充: 受词补语也是predictive adjective 及 predictive nominal ? Object plement follows and modifies a direct object. It can be a noun or adjective or any word acting as a noun or adjective. However predictive adjective and predictive nominal (nominative) are terms only referring to subject plement.2023-07-07 10:19:391
擦擦擦擦擦擦擦擦擦擦擦擦2023-07-07 10:19:488
cold名词 n.1.冷, 寒冷; (尤指)低气温 I can"t stand the cold.这么冷我受不了。2.伤风, 感冒 A cold kept him in bed for three days.感冒使他卧床三天。形容词 adj.1.冷的, 寒冷的 A cold wind was coming down the valley.有一股冷风正吹进山谷。It was bitterly cold that day.那天天气严寒。2.冷淡的, 冷酷的; 冷漠的; 不友好的 Your brother is a cold person.你的兄弟是个冷酷的人。She is cold to her husband.她对丈夫很冷淡。3.(儿童游戏中)离目标远的,未猜中的 4.失去知觉5.真实的;客观的 6.未热过的;已凉的;冷却的7. 冷的;冷色的;寒色的 8. 不易发现的 副词 adv.1.突然;完全2. 毫无准备地2023-07-07 10:20:447
我想问别人来自哪个国家我应该说用英语回答. Which country are you from...? I"m from ... 或 Which country do you e from? I e from... 他来自哪个国家用英语说 Where does he e from?或which country does he e from?(这里的e可有可无) 用英语怎么说他们来自哪个国家 "Where do they e from?" or "Where are they from?" 个国家我应该办欧洲哪个国家的签证 你是说要去多个欧洲国家旅游吗?办理申根签证可以满足你的要求,谢谢。 英语提问:你来自哪里、你来自哪个国家 以及相对应的回答 Where are you from? I am from _ Where do you e from? I e from_ What"s your nationality? I"m _ Where is your hometown? My hometown is _ 你来自哪个国家,或者问你是哪国人,用英语怎么说 国际上正确问对方祖籍的问法: Where are your e from? 也可省略为Where"s you from? what country are you from? 你来之那个国家? what is your nationality? 你是什么国籍? 我澳洲本地的~ 请问你来自哪个国家用英语翻译是? Which country do you e from? 你来自哪里?(你来自哪个国家?),请问英语怎么说: 1.where are you from?你来自哪里 2.which country are you from?你来自哪个国家 小学英语Sarah 来自哪个国家 Canada 加拿大2023-07-07 10:21:421
高冷女神High cold goddess望采纳,谢谢2023-07-07 10:21:512
Increase in xuzhou city, jiangsu province Xu Zhuangna 5 door, room 102 on the ground floor2023-07-07 10:22:254
God is a girl的歌词(英文的)和翻译,翻译可有可无
GodisaGirl上帝是个女孩专辑:booom2003乐队:GrooveCoverage舞动精灵来自德国,以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧,声音相当润滑舒适悦耳.它的成员有两名:主唱(女)Verena,1984年5月14日出生.DJ及创作:DJNovus.原名MarkusSchaffarzyk.1976年11月7日出生.Rememberingme,discoverandsee,曾记得,我寻遍寰宇,终于发现,Allovertheworld,she"sknownasagirl,她作为一个女孩被我们所知。Tothosewhoarefree,themindshallbekey,对自由的人们而言,这个思想至关重要啊。Forgottenasthepast,"causehistorywilllast.被遗忘的事情就让它过去吧,因为历史将会延续。Godisagirl,whereveryouare,朋友呀,不管你身居何处,上帝她就是一个女孩,Doyoubelieveit,canyoureceiveit,你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?Godisagirl,whateveryousay,朋友呀,不管你有何言语,上帝她就是一个女孩,Doyoubelieveit,canyoureceiveit,你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?Godisagirl,howeveryoulive,朋友呀,不管你如何度日,上帝她就是一个女孩,Doyoubelieveit,canyoureceiveit,你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?Godisagirl,she"sonlyagirl,上帝是一个女孩,她仅是一个女孩而已,Doyoubelieveit,canyoureceiveit?你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?Shewantstoshine,foreverintime,她希望在时间的河流中永远闪耀,Sheissodriven,she"salwaysmine,她是如此的迫切,她一直都属于我呀。Clearlyandfree,shewantsyoutobe,她清楚和自由地,祈望你Apartofthefuture,agirllikeme,成为未来的一部分,成为一个如我一般的女孩。Thereisasky,illuminatingus,苍穹的光芒照耀着我们,Someoneisoutthere,thatwetrulytrust,有位人儿就在那里,她可是我们真诚信任的人呀。Thereisarainbow,foryouandme,七彩的霓虹,纯美的日出,Abeautifulsunrise,eternally.永恒为你我展现。Godisagirl,whereveryouare,朋友呀,不管你身居何处,上帝她就是一个女孩,Doyoubelieveit,canyoureceiveit,你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?Godisagirl,whateveryousay,朋友呀,不管你有何言语,上帝她就是一个女孩,Doyoubelieveit,canyoureceiveit,你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?Godisagirl,howeveryoulive,朋友呀,不管你是如何度日,上帝她就是一个女孩,Doyoubelieveit,canyoureceiveit,你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?Godisagirl,she"sonlyagirl,上帝是一个女孩,她仅是一个女孩而已,Doyoubelieveit,canyoureceiveit?你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?2023-07-07 10:22:321
Only the cold-blooded will not wound themselves. Only the cold blooded will never suffer from injuries.2023-07-07 10:22:433
或许我对你可有可无但是你对我却很重要Maybe I am not essential to you but you are very important to me2023-07-07 10:23:161
Roman2023-07-07 10:23:245
Wendy含义:冒险勇气读音:温蒂本是小说中女飞侠的名字。2023-07-07 10:23:427
我也不喜欢的英文me,neither如下:Me,neither.是常用的答语,其意思是“我也不”。neither是也不,两个都不;既不...也不的意思。例句:I don"t like it.我不喜欢它。Me,neither.我也不喜欢。一、me,neither用法me neither采用“人称代词的宾格+neither”形式,是“neither/nor+be动词、助动词或情态动词+与前句不相同的主语”的倒装结构缩略形式,用于后一句所述情况与前一句陈述的否定情况相同,该结构表示“甲不怎样,乙也不怎样”。me neither用于否定句。二、too和me.neither的区别1、意思不同①too意思:(用于形容词和副词前)太,过于,过度;也;又;还;(评说某事物使情况更糟)而且②me.neither意思:我也是。2、用法不同①too用法:too的基本意思是“也”“还”“而且”,用于肯定句,否定句用either。too通常位于句末,其前的逗号可有可无,在书面语中,可位于句中,这时其前后一般应有逗号,在美式英语里,too可用于句首,其后必须有逗号。too也可作“太”“过于”“过分”解,修饰形容词或副词,与动词不定式连用时构成too...to结构,以肯定形式表示否定意义,译作“太…以至不能”。②me.neither用法:作代词时表示“两者都不”,可单独使用,用于没有冠词、物主代词、指示代词等限定词修饰的单数名词前,用作主语时,谓语动词用作单数形式,也可以和介词of连用,后接复数名词或人称代词,名词前面一定要有限定词修饰。3、使用场合不同①too使用场合:too用于肯定句。例句:I like football.—Me too.②me.neither使用场合:me neither用于否定句。例句:I don"t like volleyball.—Me neither.2023-07-07 10:24:091