- Ready to work! 准备工作
- Hmmm? 恩?
- Yes? 是的?
- Something need doing? 要做点什么吗?
- What you want? 你想要什么?
- Okie dokie. 好的好的
- Be happy to. 很乐意
- Work, work. 干活呀干活
- I can do that. 我做的了
- Whhaaaaaattt? 什 么???
- Me busy, leave me alone. 我很忙,别烦我
- No time for play. 没时间玩耍
- Me not that kind of Orc. 我不是那种兽人
- [.vs 英雄] Why not? 为什么不?
- I""ll try 我试一下
- Get em! 扁他们!
- Ok 好!
- Owww! 喔
- My life for the Horde! 为部落而生!
- Yes? 是的?
- Huh? 哈?
- Master? 主人?
- What you want? 你想要我干什么?
- Loktar! 兽人语
- Zugzug! 兽人语
- Dabu! 兽人语
- Swobu! 兽人语
- Why you poking me again? 为什么又戳我?
- Why don""t you lead an army instead of touching me? 你怎么不去指挥部队而一直碰我?
- Poke, poke, poke, is that all you do? 戳戳戳,你就会干这个吗?
- Eww, that was kind of nice. 呃,这还差不多
- Me so horned, me hurt you long time! 我有角,我会伤到你的哦
- Me no sound like Yoda, do I? 我听起来不象尤达(星战系列),(以尤达的口气)是吗?
- It not easy being green... (用唱的) 绿皮肤可不简单哟~
- [.vs 英雄] For the Horde! 为了部落!
- Hiyah! 嗨呀!
- Time for killing! 杀戮的时刻到了!
- Time to die! 去死吧!
- Venegence for Zulti 为Zul"jin报仇!(zul"jin是魔兽2中的巨魔族老大)
- Who you want me kill? 想让我杀谁?
- What? 什么?
- Wasch you want me do?* 想让我干吗?(Wasch you=what you,读读看是不是这样?)
- Wasch you want me go?* 想让我去哪?(该是where""j you,参见battle.net creeps中的Forest troll页)
- Ahhh! 啊!
- Anything you want 怎样都行
- Joo got it man!* 了解了兄弟
- Yeah, hehe hehe hehe he! 耶~呵呵,呵呵,呵呵,呵!
- Wasch you bother me for?* 为什么烦我
- Leave it to me, I take a big weight off your shoulders! 交给我吧,我给你减轻负担
- Schoo wanna buy a cigar?* (Schoo = you) 你想来只烟吗?
- Luuucyy!
- Say hello to my lil friend.跟我的小朋友说声好
- [.vs 英雄] Asdingo! 兽人语
- Asdingo! 兽人语
- Don""t mess with the bad guy! 别惹我,我是个坏人!
- It""s time for a lil blood! 血债血偿!
弩车 - (注解:音效全是噪音没有文字 )
牛头人 -
- May my ancestors watch over me! 愿我的祖先注视着我!
- Bring it on! 来吧!
- I am able to help! 我帮的上忙
- How now! 现在怎么样?
- For the Tribes! 为了部落!
- Immediately! 马上!
- Well done! 干的好!
- Do not push me, or I wil impale you on my horns! 别推我,要不我会用我的角顶你。
- Doubles!
- Got Milk? 要奶吗?
- There""s a lot at stake here! 别的地方有很多树桩!
- Hey, what are these letters burned on my ass? 嗨,在我PP上印的什么字?
- Oh ley !**
- (玻璃碎裂) Sorry! 抱歉!
- [.vs 英雄] Ruuuuaahh! 喊声
- Death to the enemies of the Horde! 部落的敌人受死吧!
- Death to the Enemy! 敌人受死吧!
- Start running! 逃跑吧!
- Euuhhhhh! 喊声
狼骑兵- (趣味注解: 他的死亡音效文件名是""raiderdeath""但他叫做 ""wolfrider"" )
- Ready to ride! (狼的喘气和吠叫声) 狼骑就绪!
- Yes Cheiftan? (狼的喘气声) 是,酋长?
- Hmmmm? (狼的呻吟声) 恩??
- Need something? (狼的喘气声) 需要什么吗?
- Say the word! (狼的吠叫声) 说啊!
- No problem! (狼的吠叫声) 没问题!
- Hi yah!* (狼的跑动声) 嗨呀!
- Mush! (狼的跑动声和呻吟声)
- Let""s ride! (狼的跑动声和呻吟声) 冲吧!
- Down boy! (狼的吠叫声) 下来,小孩!
- You""re annoying my dog! (狼的吠叫声) 你若恼我的狗了!
- What""s that smell? (狼的喘气声) Oh! Bad dog! (狼的哭叫声) 那是什么气味?啊!坏狗狗!
- I""m hungry like the wolf! (狼的笑声) (注解: 听起来想狼的笑声... 当然,如果它们能笑的话) (用唱的) 我饿的象头狼!
- [.vs 英雄] For the glory of the War Chief! 为了酋长的荣耀!
- Sick em! (狼的咆哮声)
- Taste my steel! (狼的吠叫声) 尝尝我的铁刃!
- For Doomhammer! (狼的吠叫声) 为了毁灭之锤(一个部落吧?)
- Ready to soar Master! 准备飞行,主人!
- Are there enemies above? 有敌人在天上吗?
- Un double!*
- Sping Chieftan!* 正在侦察,酋长!
- I need order! 我需要命令!
- To the winds! 与风同行
- Let""s fly! 我们飞吧!
- Onward and upward! 向前,向上!
- Yee Haw! 呀呼~
- Peter! I can fly! Peter,我会飞了!Peter.
- I can see my house! 我看家我家房子了!
- The onnnly way to fly! 飞行的唯一办法
- I""m getting a little dizzy! 我有点头晕了!
- Flash! (飞兽在咆哮) Ah ha ha! 闪光吧,啊哈哈!
- Fly the friendly skies! 飞向友好的天空!
- Look, up in the sky! It""s a bird! It""s a plane! It""s ME! 看天上,那是一只鸟,那是一架飞机,那是我!
- [.vs 英雄] Death to all who oppose the Horde! 挡我部落者死!
- Die! 死!
- Death from above! 空中者死!
- Victory for the Horde! 我族必胜!
- For the glory of the Horde! 为了部落的荣耀!
柯多兽- (趣味注解: 在游戏和建造描述里面它们都叫""Kodo"" 但是在音效文件里面它们都叫 ""Koto"" ) 所有其他音效都是柯多兽的咆哮.
- Here comes the beast again! 野兽又回来啦!
萨满法师 -
- Storm, Earth, and Fire, head my call! 风暴,大地,火焰,接受我的召唤吧!
- Yes? 是?
- Yes, War Chief? 是,酋长?
- How can I help? 要我怎么帮忙?
- Direct me! 指引我吧!
- Understood! 了解!
- A wise plan! 明智的计划!
- For the Horde! 为了部落!
- Right away! 马上!
- You ever get hit by lightning where the sun don""t shine?你曾在没有太阳的地方被雷击过吗? (闪电声) (注解: 哎哟!)
- Back off pup! 后退,小子!
- The sky is falling! 天空,正在坠落!
- Raindrops keep falling on my head! (用唱的) 雨水不停落在我的额头~~
- No time for play, we have war to ! 没有时间玩啦,我们有仗要打!
- Electrifying! 放电!
- Blame it on the rain! Huh ha ha! 怪那些雨水吧!哼哈哈哈!
- [.vs 英雄] I dedicate my power to the Horde! 为部落贡献我的力量!
- Thunder! (雷鸣声) 雷!
- Power to the Horde! 以部落的力量!
- Feel the ground trrremble!* 感受大地的颤抖吧!
- Lightning! (闪电声) 电!
- Someone call for de doctor?* 有人召唤巫医吗?
- I hear de summons!* 我听到了你的呼唤!
- How may I serve? 我要怎样服务?
- You sick, me help? 你生病,我帮忙?
- What you be cravin?* 你在渴望什么?
- Pasdingo! 兽人语
- Ride eway!* (Right away!) 立刻!
- Da be good choice, man!* 正确的选择,兄弟!
- E com bou com!* ** 兽人语
- Do you be feelin well?* 你感觉好吗?
- I may have somethin for ya!* 我可能有东西要给你
- We be jammin! 有干扰!
- It""s a cook book. A cook book! 这是一本烹调书,一本烹调书!
- Soil and grain is made from Trolls!
- [广播员]: Fankuisan? [Fakuisan]: Yes? Go ahead. [广播员]: What the Iron Troll is doing right now, is putting the heads in a pot. They have to boil for 20 minutes, so that the eyes can be used in a second dish, an eye and ra**erry sorbet. [女声]: Mmmm! Sounds good! (可以清楚得听见头普通一声掉进水的声音)
[广播员]: Fankuisan? [Fakuisan]: 恩?说吧. [广播员]: 现在武装巨魔在做的就是把他们的头放进一个罐子里.蒸他们20分钟,然后眼睛就可以用在甜点上,一个有眼睛的果汁冰糕. [女声]: 恩~~~~听起来不错啊~!(可以清楚得听见头普通一声掉进水的声音)
- [.vs 英雄] Ahhh! 啊!!
- I do it... Now! 现在就做!
- Blah aha hul!* ** 兽人语!
- Blah!
剑圣- (英雄,城镇中心)
- I obey the six vengance!
- I am yours! 我属于你!
- Ohh! 噢!
- Yesa, Lord!* 是,主人!
- What task is there?有什么任务?
- I hearo and obey!* 我听从命令!(剑圣说的是日式英语……把r音发成鲁等)
- Hai! 日语,嗨咿!
- Excellent choice! 完美的选择!
- Yes, huh! 是,哈!
- Snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper!
- My a blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato!* 我的刀可以切穿盔甲,切到里面的番茄(心脏)
- Twin blade action, for clean, close shave everytime! 看我的双刀流……每次都可以把脸刮的很干净~(剔须刀呀?)
- Wasabi! 日语,芥末 (……剑圣整个一日本武士)
=Attack Sounds=
- [.vs 英雄] For the burning Blade! 为了燃烧之刃
- Taste a* my blade! 尝尝我的利刃
- Ailease! *喊声*
- Hooah! *吼声*
先知- (英雄,城镇中心)
- The future is ours! 未来属于我们!
- My eyes are open. 我洞悉一切
- Seeing is believing! 眼见为实
- Do you need my counsel? 需要我的忠告吗?
- Destiny awaits. 命运在等待
- It is certain. 确信无疑
- Of course. 当然
- I see. 明白
- Watch out!
- I see dead people. 我看见死人了(开地图秘籍哦,果然是farseer)
- Touch you tongue to mine! 敢用你的舌头舔我! (狼的呻吟声)
- Concentrate and ask again. 思想集中一点!再问我一遍
- Outlook not so good. 前景不太理想(暗指微软的outlook不太好用)
- Reply hazy. Try again! 回答的摸棱两可,再说一遍!
- [.vs 英雄] Spirits of Earth and Storm, strike! 大地与风暴的灵魂啊,攻击吧!
- Strike! 进攻!
- Look out! 注意!
- Attack! 进攻!
牛头人酋长- (英雄,城镇中心)
- I have an axe to grind! 我有把斧子要磨
- I stand ready! 我准备好了
- Your command? 你的命令?
- Your order? 你的指示?
- What would you ask of me? 你要我做什么?
- Done! 完成!
- For my ancestors!为了我的祖先们!
- An excellent plan! 好计划!
- Yes Chieftan? 是,酋长?(他自己也是酋长哦)
- Mmmm. My back is killing me! 唔,我的后背要了我的命。
- I need to take a load off! 我需要减轻负荷。
- Rrrrggg! I think I have a splinter! 呃啊~~~~我想我的骨头碎了!
- These poles are heavy, I should find someone else to tote em!这些柱子好沉啊,我该找别的人来背它(找个真人来作我的图腾)
- I used to have to go to war uphills, both ways!我以前打仗的时候还得上坡,两个方面……
- Your way, right away! 一是你上,二是马上
- [.vs 英雄] For the War Chief and the Tribes! 为了酋长和部落!
- For the Tribes! 为了部落!
- Honorguide me!* 荣誉引导着我!
- None shall pass! 把命留下!
- The damned stand ready! 诅咒者就绪!
- My life for Nazul! Ner ""zhul万岁!(Nazul应为Ner ""zhul,UD的老大,下同)
- I wish only to serve! 服从是我的天命!
- Thy bidding, Master? 您的命令,主人?
- Where shall my blood be spilled? 我的热血应撒向何处?
- I bow to your will. 服从您的意愿。
- Yes, Master! 是,主人!
- I gladly obey. 我乐意服从。
- My fate is sealed. 我的前途是未知的。
- Thy will be done! 您的意愿已完成!
- This is the hour of the scourge! 天罚的时代降临了!
- Death shall cleanse the world! 死亡将清洗大地!
- All I see is blackness... Oh, my hood""s down. 我见到无尽的黑暗…噢,我的头巾掉下来了。
- Let blood drown the weak! 让血海淹没弱者吧!
- My life for Aiur! Uh, I mean Nazul! Aiur万岁!啊,我指的是Ner ""zhul!
- The living be cursed! 诅咒生者!
- Would you like to know the secret to eternal happiness? Page 246. 想知道永恒的幸福的秘密吗?翻到246页。
- Once you head down the Dark Path, forever will it dominate your destiny! And you get dental. 一旦你步入黑暗,它会永恒支配你的命运!
- [.vs 英雄] I am sanctified! 我被净化了!
- Death shall reign! 亡灵支配一切!
- Fear the Reaper! 在死神面前颤抖吧!
- Let life cease! 生命,终结吧!
噬尸鬼 - (注解: 所有其他音效都是噪音)
- Me eat dead people! 我吃死人~
- Me scary! 我很可怕吧~
- Me eat brains! 我吃脑髓~
- No guts, no glory! 不贪婪地吃,怎么能获得荣耀!
又译“要吃内脏才有荣誉 (双关语)”
地穴魔王- (趣味注解: 他的死亡音效文件名是""PitFiendDeath"" 而不是""CryptFiend"" )
- The sleeper awakes! 沉睡者苏醒了!
- Proceed! 前进!
- Make your choice!请指示!
- You rang? 你在召唤我吗?
- I await. 待命。
- [召唤Vile Insects] Rise! 起来吧!
- By Narube!** 以Narube的名义!
- What""s done is done! 奉命行事!
- The time is now! 是时候了!
- Yes, Master! 是,主人!
- What a tangled web we weave!我们编织的网多么缠绕!
well get up大法
I for death死亡骑士
for the lichking死亡骑士
must be狗
the night backcome恐惧魔王
- Ready to work! 准备工作
- Hmmm? 恩?
- Yes? 是的?
- Something need doing? 要做点什么吗?
- What you want? 你想要什么?
- Okie dokie. 好的好的
- Be happy to. 很乐意
- Work, work. 干活呀干活
- I can do that. 我做的了
- Whhaaaaaattt? 什 么???
- Me busy, leave me alone. 我很忙,别烦我
- No time for play. 没时间玩耍
- Me not that kind of Orc. 我不是那种兽人
- [.vs 英雄] Why not? 为什么不?
- I""ll try 我试一下
- Get em! 扁他们!
- Ok 好!
- Owww! 喔
- My life for the Horde! 为部落而生!
- Yes? 是的?
- Huh? 哈?
- Master? 主人?
- What you want? 你想要我干什么?
- Loktar! 兽人语
- Zugzug! 兽人语
- Dabu! 兽人语
- Swobu! 兽人语
- Why you poking me again? 为什么又戳我?
- Why don""t you lead an army instead of touching me? 你怎么不去指挥部队而一直碰我?
- Poke, poke, poke, is that all you do? 戳戳戳,你就会干这个吗?
- Eww, that was kind of nice. 呃,这还差不多
- Me so horned, me hurt you long time! 我有角,我会伤到你的哦
- Me no sound like Yoda, do I? 我听起来不象尤达(星战系列),(以尤达的口气)是吗?
- It not easy being green... (用唱的) 绿皮肤可不简单哟~
- [.vs 英雄] For the Horde! 为了部落!
- Hiyah! 嗨呀!
- Time for killing! 杀戮的时刻到了!
- Time to die! 去死吧!
- Venegence for Zulti 为Zul"jin报仇!(zul"jin是魔兽2中的巨魔族老大)
- Who you want me kill? 想让我杀谁?
- What? 什么?
- Wasch you want me do?* 想让我干吗?(Wasch you=what you,读读看是不是这样?)
- Wasch you want me go?* 想让我去哪?(该是where""j you,参见battle.net creeps中的Forest troll页)
- Ahhh! 啊!
- Anything you want 怎样都行
- Joo got it man!* 了解了兄弟
- Yeah, hehe hehe hehe he! 耶~呵呵,呵呵,呵呵,呵!
- Wasch you bother me for?* 为什么烦我
- Leave it to me, I take a big weight off your shoulders! 交给我吧,我给你减轻负担
- Schoo wanna buy a cigar?* (Schoo = you) 你想来只烟吗?
- Luuucyy!
- Say hello to my lil friend.跟我的小朋友说声好
- [.vs 英雄] Asdingo! 兽人语
- Asdingo! 兽人语
- Don""t mess with the bad guy! 别惹我,我是个坏人!
- It""s time for a lil blood! 血债血偿!
弩车 - (注解:音效全是噪音没有文字 )
牛头人 -
- May my ancestors watch over me! 愿我的祖先注视着我!
- Bring it on! 来吧!
- I am able to help! 我帮的上忙
- How now! 现在怎么样?
- For the Tribes! 为了部落!
- Immediately! 马上!
- Well done! 干的好!
- Do not push me, or I wil impale you on my horns! 别推我,要不我会用我的角顶你。
- Doubles!
- Got Milk? 要奶吗?
- There""s a lot at stake here! 别的地方有很多树桩!
- Hey, what are these letters burned on my ass? 嗨,在我PP上印的什么字?
- Oh ley !**
- (玻璃碎裂) Sorry! 抱歉!
- [.vs 英雄] Ruuuuaahh! 喊声
- Death to the enemies of the Horde! 部落的敌人受死吧!
- Death to the Enemy! 敌人受死吧!
- Start running! 逃跑吧!
- Euuhhhhh! 喊声
狼骑兵- (趣味注解: 他的死亡音效文件名是""raiderdeath""但他叫做 ""wolfrider"" )
- Ready to ride! (狼的喘气和吠叫声) 狼骑就绪!
- Yes Cheiftan? (狼的喘气声) 是,酋长?
- Hmmmm? (狼的呻吟声) 恩??
- Need something? (狼的喘气声) 需要什么吗?
- Say the word! (狼的吠叫声) 说啊!
- No problem! (狼的吠叫声) 没问题!
- Hi yah!* (狼的跑动声) 嗨呀!
- Mush! (狼的跑动声和呻吟声)
- Let""s ride! (狼的跑动声和呻吟声) 冲吧!
- Down boy! (狼的吠叫声) 下来,小孩!
- You""re annoying my dog! (狼的吠叫声) 你若恼我的狗了!
- What""s that smell? (狼的喘气声) Oh! Bad dog! (狼的哭叫声) 那是什么气味?啊!坏狗狗!
- I""m hungry like the wolf! (狼的笑声) (注解: 听起来想狼的笑声... 当然,如果它们能笑的话) (用唱的) 我饿的象头狼!
- [.vs 英雄] For the glory of the War Chief! 为了酋长的荣耀!
- Sick em! (狼的咆哮声)
- Taste my steel! (狼的吠叫声) 尝尝我的铁刃!
- For Doomhammer! (狼的吠叫声) 为了毁灭之锤(一个部落吧?)
- Ready to soar Master! 准备飞行,主人!
- Are there enemies above? 有敌人在天上吗?
- Un double!*
- Sping Chieftan!* 正在侦察,酋长!
- I need order! 我需要命令!
- To the winds! 与风同行
- Let""s fly! 我们飞吧!
- Onward and upward! 向前,向上!
- Yee Haw! 呀呼~
- Peter! I can fly! Peter,我会飞了!Peter.
- I can see my house! 我看家我家房子了!
- The onnnly way to fly! 飞行的唯一办法
- I""m getting a little dizzy! 我有点头晕了!
- Flash! (飞兽在咆哮) Ah ha ha! 闪光吧,啊哈哈!
- Fly the friendly skies! 飞向友好的天空!
- Look, up in the sky! It""s a bird! It""s a plane! It""s ME! 看天上,那是一只鸟,那是一架飞机,那是我!
- [.vs 英雄] Death to all who oppose the Horde! 挡我部落者死!
- Die! 死!
- Death from above! 空中者死!
- Victory for the Horde! 我族必胜!
- For the glory of the Horde! 为了部落的荣耀!
柯多兽- (趣味注解: 在游戏和建造描述里面它们都叫""Kodo"" 但是在音效文件里面它们都叫 ""Koto"" ) 所有其他音效都是柯多兽的咆哮.
- Here comes the beast again! 野兽又回来啦!
萨满法师 -
- Storm, Earth, and Fire, head my call! 风暴,大地,火焰,接受我的召唤吧!
- Yes? 是?
- Yes, War Chief? 是,酋长?
- How can I help? 要我怎么帮忙?
- Direct me! 指引我吧!
- Understood! 了解!
- A wise plan! 明智的计划!
- For the Horde! 为了部落!
- Right away! 马上!
- You ever get hit by lightning where the sun don""t shine?你曾在没有太阳的地方被雷击过吗? (闪电声) (注解: 哎哟!)
- Back off pup! 后退,小子!
- The sky is falling! 天空,正在坠落!
- Raindrops keep falling on my head! (用唱的) 雨水不停落在我的额头~~
- No time for play, we have war to ! 没有时间玩啦,我们有仗要打!
- Electrifying! 放电!
- Blame it on the rain! Huh ha ha! 怪那些雨水吧!哼哈哈哈!
- [.vs 英雄] I dedicate my power to the Horde! 为部落贡献我的力量!
- Thunder! (雷鸣声) 雷!
- Power to the Horde! 以部落的力量!
- Feel the ground trrremble!* 感受大地的颤抖吧!
- Lightning! (闪电声) 电!
- Someone call for de doctor?* 有人召唤巫医吗?
- I hear de summons!* 我听到了你的呼唤!
- How may I serve? 我要怎样服务?
- You sick, me help? 你生病,我帮忙?
- What you be cravin?* 你在渴望什么?
- Pasdingo! 兽人语
- Ride eway!* (Right away!) 立刻!
- Da be good choice, man!* 正确的选择,兄弟!
- E com bou com!* ** 兽人语
- Do you be feelin well?* 你感觉好吗?
- I may have somethin for ya!* 我可能有东西要给你
- We be jammin! 有干扰!
- It""s a cook book. A cook book! 这是一本烹调书,一本烹调书!
- Soil and grain is made from Trolls!
- [广播员]: Fankuisan? [Fakuisan]: Yes? Go ahead. [广播员]: What the Iron Troll is doing right now, is putting the heads in a pot. They have to boil for 20 minutes, so that the eyes can be used in a second dish, an eye and ra**erry sorbet. [女声]: Mmmm! Sounds good! (可以清楚得听见头普通一声掉进水的声音)
[广播员]: Fankuisan? [Fakuisan]: 恩?说吧. [广播员]: 现在武装巨魔在做的就是把他们的头放进一个罐子里.蒸他们20分钟,然后眼睛就可以用在甜点上,一个有眼睛的果汁冰糕. [女声]: 恩~~~~听起来不错啊~!(可以清楚得听见头普通一声掉进水的声音)
- [.vs 英雄] Ahhh! 啊!!
- I do it... Now! 现在就做!
- Blah aha hul!* ** 兽人语!
- Blah!
剑圣- (英雄,城镇中心)
- I obey the six vengance!
- I am yours! 我属于你!
- Ohh! 噢!
- Yesa, Lord!* 是,主人!
- What task is there?有什么任务?
- I hearo and obey!* 我听从命令!(剑圣说的是日式英语……把r音发成鲁等)
- Hai! 日语,嗨咿!
- Excellent choice! 完美的选择!
- Yes, huh! 是,哈!
- Snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper!
- My a blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato!* 我的刀可以切穿盔甲,切到里面的番茄(心脏)
- Twin blade action, for clean, close shave everytime! 看我的双刀流……每次都可以把脸刮的很干净~(剔须刀呀?)
- Wasabi! 日语,芥末 (……剑圣整个一日本武士)
=Attack Sounds=
- [.vs 英雄] For the burning Blade! 为了燃烧之刃
- Taste a* my blade! 尝尝我的利刃
- Ailease! *喊声*
- Hooah! *吼声*
先知- (英雄,城镇中心)
- The future is ours! 未来属于我们!
- My eyes are open. 我洞悉一切
- Seeing is believing! 眼见为实
- Do you need my counsel? 需要我的忠告吗?
- Destiny awaits. 命运在等待
- It is certain. 确信无疑
- Of course. 当然
- I see. 明白
- Watch out!
- I see dead people. 我看见死人了(开地图秘籍哦,果然是farseer)
- Touch you tongue to mine! 敢用你的舌头舔我! (狼的呻吟声)
- Concentrate and ask again. 思想集中一点!再问我一遍
- Outlook not so good. 前景不太理想(暗指微软的outlook不太好用)
- Reply hazy. Try again! 回答的摸棱两可,再说一遍!
- [.vs 英雄] Spirits of Earth and Storm, strike! 大地与风暴的灵魂啊,攻击吧!
- Strike! 进攻!
- Look out! 注意!
- Attack! 进攻!
牛头人酋长- (英雄,城镇中心)
- I have an axe to grind! 我有把斧子要磨
- I stand ready! 我准备好了
- Your command? 你的命令?
- Your order? 你的指示?
- What would you ask of me? 你要我做什么?
- Done! 完成!
- For my ancestors!为了我的祖先们!
- An excellent plan! 好计划!
- Yes Chieftan? 是,酋长?(他自己也是酋长哦)
- Mmmm. My back is killing me! 唔,我的后背要了我的命。
- I need to take a load off! 我需要减轻负荷。
- Rrrrggg! I think I have a splinter! 呃啊~~~~我想我的骨头碎了!
- These poles are heavy, I should find someone else to tote em!这些柱子好沉啊,我该找别的人来背它(找个真人来作我的图腾)
- I used to have to go to war uphills, both ways!我以前打仗的时候还得上坡,两个方面……
- Your way, right away! 一是你上,二是马上
- [.vs 英雄] For the War Chief and the Tribes! 为了酋长和部落!
- For the Tribes! 为了部落!
- Honorguide me!* 荣誉引导着我!
- None shall pass! 把命留下!
- Ready to work! 准备工作
- Hmmm? 恩?
- Yes? 是的?
- Something need doing? 要做点什么吗?
- What you want? 你想要什么?
- Okie dokie. 好的好的
- Be happy to. 很乐意
- Work, work. 干活呀干活
- I can do that. 我做的了
- Whhaaaaaattt? 什 么???
- Me busy, leave me alone. 我很忙,别烦我
- No time for play. 没时间玩耍
- Me not that kind of Orc. 我不是那种兽人
- [.vs 英雄] Why not? 为什么不?
- I""ll try 我试一下
- Get em! 扁他们!
- Ok 好!
- Owww! 喔
- My life for the Horde! 为部落而生!
- Yes? 是的?
- Huh? 哈?
- Master? 主人?
- What you want? 你想要我干什么?
- Loktar! 兽人语
- Zugzug! 兽人语
- Dabu! 兽人语
- Swobu! 兽人语
- Why you poking me again? 为什么又戳我?
- Why don""t you lead an army instead of touching me? 你怎么不去指挥部队而一直碰我?
- Poke, poke, poke, is that all you do? 戳戳戳,你就会干这个吗?
- Eww, that was kind of nice. 呃,这还差不多
- Me so horned, me hurt you long time! 我有角,我会伤到你的哦
- Me no sound like Yoda, do I? 我听起来不象尤达(星战系列),(以尤达的口气)是吗?
- It not easy being green... (用唱的) 绿皮肤可不简单哟~
- [.vs 英雄] For the Horde! 为了部落!
- Hiyah! 嗨呀!
- Time for killing! 杀戮的时刻到了!
- Time to die! 去死吧!
- Venegence for Zulti 为Zul"jin报仇!(zul"jin是魔兽2中的巨魔族老大)
- Who you want me kill? 想让我杀谁?
- What? 什么?
- Wasch you want me do?* 想让我干吗?(Wasch you=what you,读读看是不是这样?)
- Wasch you want me go?* 想让我去哪?(该是where""j you,参见battle.net creeps中的Forest troll页)
- Ahhh! 啊!
- Anything you want 怎样都行
- Joo got it man!* 了解了兄弟
- Yeah, hehe hehe hehe he! 耶~呵呵,呵呵,呵呵,呵!
- Wasch you bother me for?* 为什么烦我
- Leave it to me, I take a big weight off your shoulders! 交给我吧,我给你减轻负担
- Schoo wanna buy a cigar?* (Schoo = you) 你想来只烟吗?
- Luuucyy!
- Say hello to my lil friend.跟我的小朋友说声好
- [.vs 英雄] Asdingo! 兽人语
- Asdingo! 兽人语
- Don""t mess with the bad guy! 别惹我,我是个坏人!
- It""s time for a lil blood! 血债血偿!
弩车 - (注解:音效全是噪音没有文字 )
牛头人 -
- May my ancestors watch over me! 愿我的祖先注视着我!
- Bring it on! 来吧!
- I am able to help! 我帮的上忙
- How now! 现在怎么样?
- For the Tribes! 为了部落!
- Immediately! 马上!
- Well done! 干的好!
- Do not push me, or I wil impale you on my horns! 别推我,要不我会用我的角顶你。
- Doubles!
- Got Milk? 要奶吗?
- There""s a lot at stake here! 别的地方有很多树桩!
- Hey, what are these letters burned on my ass? 嗨,在我PP上印的什么字?
- Oh ley !**
- (玻璃碎裂) Sorry! 抱歉!
- [.vs 英雄] Ruuuuaahh! 喊声
- Death to the enemies of the Horde! 部落的敌人受死吧!
- Death to the Enemy! 敌人受死吧!
- Start running! 逃跑吧!
- Euuhhhhh! 喊声
狼骑兵- (趣味注解: 他的死亡音效文件名是""raiderdeath""但他叫做 ""wolfrider"" )
- Ready to ride! (狼的喘气和吠叫声) 狼骑就绪!
- Yes Cheiftan? (狼的喘气声) 是,酋长?
- Hmmmm? (狼的呻吟声) 恩??
- Need something? (狼的喘气声) 需要什么吗?
- Say the word! (狼的吠叫声) 说啊!
- No problem! (狼的吠叫声) 没问题!
- Hi yah!* (狼的跑动声) 嗨呀!
- Mush! (狼的跑动声和呻吟声)
- Let""s ride! (狼的跑动声和呻吟声) 冲吧!
- Down boy! (狼的吠叫声) 下来,小孩!
- You""re annoying my dog! (狼的吠叫声) 你若恼我的狗了!
- What""s that smell? (狼的喘气声) Oh! Bad dog! (狼的哭叫声) 那是什么气味?啊!坏狗狗!
- I""m hungry like the wolf! (狼的笑声) (注解: 听起来想狼的笑声... 当然,如果它们能笑的话) (用唱的) 我饿的象头狼!
- [.vs 英雄] For the glory of the War Chief! 为了酋长的荣耀!
- Sick em! (狼的咆哮声)
- Taste my steel! (狼的吠叫声) 尝尝我的铁刃!
- For Doomhammer! (狼的吠叫声) 为了毁灭之锤(一个部落吧?)
- Ready to soar Master! 准备飞行,主人!
- Are there enemies above? 有敌人在天上吗?
- Un double!*
- Sping Chieftan!* 正在侦察,酋长!
- I need order! 我需要命令!
- To the winds! 与风同行
- Let""s fly! 我们飞吧!
- Onward and upward! 向前,向上!
- Yee Haw! 呀呼~
- Peter! I can fly! Peter,我会飞了!Peter.
- I can see my house! 我看家我家房子了!
- The onnnly way to fly! 飞行的唯一办法
- I""m getting a little dizzy! 我有点头晕了!
- Flash! (飞兽在咆哮) Ah ha ha! 闪光吧,啊哈哈!
- Fly the friendly skies! 飞向友好的天空!
- Look, up in the sky! It""s a bird! It""s a plane! It""s ME! 看天上,那是一只鸟,那是一架飞机,那是我!
- [.vs 英雄] Death to all who oppose the Horde! 挡我部落者死!
- Die! 死!
- Death from above! 空中者死!
- Victory for the Horde! 我族必胜!
- For the glory of the Horde! 为了部落的荣耀!
柯多兽- (趣味注解: 在游戏和建造描述里面它们都叫""Kodo"" 但是在音效文件里面它们都叫 ""Koto"" ) 所有其他音效都是柯多兽的咆哮.
- Here comes the beast again! 野兽又回来啦!
萨满法师 -
- Storm, Earth, and Fire, head my call! 风暴,大地,火焰,接受我的召唤吧!
- Yes? 是?
- Yes, War Chief? 是,酋长?
- How can I help? 要我怎么帮忙?
- Direct me! 指引我吧!
- Understood! 了解!
- A wise plan! 明智的计划!
- For the Horde! 为了部落!
- Right away! 马上!
- You ever get hit by lightning where the sun don""t shine?你曾在没有太阳的地方被雷击过吗? (闪电声) (注解: 哎哟!)
- Back off pup! 后退,小子!
- The sky is falling! 天空,正在坠落!
- Raindrops keep falling on my head! (用唱的) 雨水不停落在我的额头~~
- No time for play, we have war to ! 没有时间玩啦,我们有仗要打!
- Electrifying! 放电!
- Blame it on the rain! Huh ha ha! 怪那些雨水吧!哼哈哈哈!
- [.vs 英雄] I dedicate my power to the Horde! 为部落贡献我的力量!
- Thunder! (雷鸣声) 雷!
- Power to the Horde! 以部落的力量!
- Feel the ground trrremble!* 感受大地的颤抖吧!
- Lightning! (闪电声) 电!
- Someone call for de doctor?* 有人召唤巫医吗?
- I hear de summons!* 我听到了你的呼唤!
- How may I serve? 我要怎样服务?
- You sick, me help? 你生病,我帮忙?
- What you be cravin?* 你在渴望什么?
- Pasdingo! 兽人语
- Ride eway!* (Right away!) 立刻!
- Da be good choice, man!* 正确的选择,兄弟!
- E com bou com!* ** 兽人语
- Do you be feelin well?* 你感觉好吗?
- I may have somethin for ya!* 我可能有东西要给你
- We be jammin! 有干扰!
- It""s a cook book. A cook book! 这是一本烹调书,一本烹调书!
- Soil and grain is made from Trolls!
- [广播员]: Fankuisan? [Fakuisan]: Yes? Go ahead. [广播员]: What the Iron Troll is doing right now, is putting the heads in a pot. They have to boil for 20 minutes, so that the eyes can be used in a second dish, an eye and ra**erry sorbet. [女声]: Mmmm! Sounds good! (可以清楚得听见头普通一声掉进水的声音)
[广播员]: Fankuisan? [Fakuisan]: 恩?说吧. [广播员]: 现在武装巨魔在做的就是把他们的头放进一个罐子里.蒸他们20分钟,然后眼睛就可以用在甜点上,一个有眼睛的果汁冰糕. [女声]: 恩~~~~听起来不错啊~!(可以清楚得听见头普通一声掉进水的声音)
- [.vs 英雄] Ahhh! 啊!!
- I do it... Now! 现在就做!
- Blah aha hul!* ** 兽人语!
- Blah!
剑圣- (英雄,城镇中心)
- I obey the six vengance!
- I am yours! 我属于你!
- Ohh! 噢!
- Yesa, Lord!* 是,主人!
- What task is there?有什么任务?
- I hearo and obey!* 我听从命令!(剑圣说的是日式英语……把r音发成鲁等)
- Hai! 日语,嗨咿!
- Excellent choice! 完美的选择!
- Yes, huh! 是,哈!
- Snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper!
- My a blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato!* 我的刀可以切穿盔甲,切到里面的番茄(心脏)
- Twin blade action, for clean, close shave everytime! 看我的双刀流……每次都可以把脸刮的很干净~(剔须刀呀?)
- Wasabi! 日语,芥末 (……剑圣整个一日本武士)
=Attack Sounds=
- [.vs 英雄] For the burning Blade! 为了燃烧之刃
- Taste a* my blade! 尝尝我的利刃
- Ailease! *喊声*
- Hooah! *吼声*
先知- (英雄,城镇中心)
- The future is ours! 未来属于我们!
- My eyes are open. 我洞悉一切
- Seeing is believing! 眼见为实
- Do you need my counsel? 需要我的忠告吗?
- Destiny awaits. 命运在等待
- It is certain. 确信无疑
- Of course. 当然
- I see. 明白
- Watch out!
- I see dead people. 我看见死人了(开地图秘籍哦,果然是farseer)
- Touch you tongue to mine! 敢用你的舌头舔我! (狼的呻吟声)
- Concentrate and ask again. 思想集中一点!再问我一遍
- Outlook not so good. 前景不太理想(暗指微软的outlook不太好用)
- Reply hazy. Try again! 回答的摸棱两可,再说一遍!
- [.vs 英雄] Spirits of Earth and Storm, strike! 大地与风暴的灵魂啊,攻击吧!
- Strike! 进攻!
- Look out! 注意!
- Attack! 进攻!
牛头人酋长- (英雄,城镇中心)
- I have an axe to grind! 我有把斧子要磨
- I stand ready! 我准备好了
- Your command? 你的命令?
- Your order? 你的指示?
- What would you ask of me? 你要我做什么?
- Done! 完成!
- For my ancestors!为了我的祖先们!
- An excellent plan! 好计划!
- Yes Chieftan? 是,酋长?(他自己也是酋长哦)
- Mmmm. My back is killing me! 唔,我的后背要了我的命。
- I need to take a load off! 我需要减轻负荷。
- Rrrrggg! I think I have a splinter! 呃啊~~~~我想我的骨头碎了!
- These poles are heavy, I should find someone else to tote em!这些柱子好沉啊,我该找别的人来背它(找个真人来作我的图腾)
- I used to have to go to war uphills, both ways!我以前打仗的时候还得上坡,两个方面……
- Your way, right away! 一是你上,二是马上
- [.vs 英雄] For the War Chief and the Tribes! 为了酋长和部落!
- For the Tribes! 为了部落!
- Honorguide me!* 荣誉引导着我!
- None shall pass! 把命留下!
- The damned stand ready! 诅咒者就绪!
- My life for Nazul! Ner ""zhul万岁!(Nazul应为Ner ""zhul,UD的老大,下同)
- I wish only to serve! 服从是我的天命!
- Thy bidding, Master? 您的命令,主人?
- Where shall my blood be spilled? 我的热血应撒向何处?
- I bow to your will. 服从您的意愿。
- Yes, Master! 是,主人!
- I gladly obey. 我乐意服从。
- My fate is sealed. 我的前途是未知的。
- Thy will be done! 您的意愿已完成!
- This is the hour of the scourge! 天罚的时代降临了!
- Death shall cleanse the world! 死亡将清洗大地!
- All I see is blackness... Oh, my hood""s down. 我见到无尽的黑暗…噢,我的头巾掉下来了。
- Let blood drown the weak! 让血海淹没弱者吧!
- My life for Aiur! Uh, I mean Nazul! Aiur万岁!啊,我指的是Ner ""zhul!
- The living be cursed! 诅咒生者!
- Would you like to know the secret to eternal happiness? Page 246. 想知道永恒的幸福的秘密吗?翻到246页。
- Once you head down the Dark Path, forever will it dominate your destiny! And you get dental. 一旦你步入黑暗,它会永恒支配你的命运!
- [.vs 英雄] I am sanctified! 我被净化了!
- Death shall reign! 亡灵支配一切!
- Fear the Reaper! 在死神面前颤抖吧!
- Let life cease! 生命,终结吧!
噬尸鬼 - (注解: 所有其他音效都是噪音)
- Me eat dead people! 我吃死人~
- Me scary! 我很可怕吧~
- Me eat brains! 我吃脑髓~
- No guts, no glory! 不贪婪地吃,怎么能获得荣耀!
又译“要吃内脏才有荣誉 (双关语)”
地穴魔王- (趣味注解: 他的死亡音效文件名是""PitFiendDeath"" 而不是""CryptFiend"" )
- The sleeper awakes! 沉睡者苏醒了!
- Proceed! 前进!
- Make your choice!请指示!
- You rang? 你在召唤我吗?
- I await. 待命。
- [召唤Vile Insects] Rise! 起来吧!
- By Narube!** 以Narube的名义!
- What""s done is done! 奉命行事!
- The time is now! 是时候了!
- Yes, Master! 是,主人!
- What a tangled web we weave!我们编织的网多么缠绕!
回答者:chestter - 助理 二级 12-17 01:46
- Ready to work! 准备工作
- Hmmm? 恩?
- Yes? 是的?
- Something need doing? 要做点什么吗?
- What you want? 你想要什么?
- Okie dokie. 好的好的
- Be happy to. 很乐意
- Work, work. 干活呀干活
- I can do that. 我做的了
- Whhaaaaaattt? 什 么???
- Me busy, leave me alone. 我很忙,别烦我
- No time for play. 没时间玩耍
- Me not that kind of Orc. 我不是那种兽人
- [.vs 英雄] Why not? 为什么不?
- I""ll try 我试一下
- Get em! 扁他们!
- Ok 好!
- Owww! 喔
- My life for the Horde! 为部落而生!
- Yes? 是的?
- Huh? 哈?
- Master? 主人?
- What you want? 你想要我干什么?
- Loktar! 兽人语
- Zugzug! 兽人语
- Dabu! 兽人语
- Swobu! 兽人语
- Why you poking me again? 为什么又戳我?
- Why don""t you lead an army instead of touching me? 你怎么不去指挥部队而一直碰我?
- Poke, poke, poke, is that all you do? 戳戳戳,你就会干这个吗?
- Eww, that was kind of nice. 呃,这还差不多
- Me so horned, me hurt you long time! 我有角,我会伤到你的哦
- Me no sound like Yoda, do I? 我听起来不象尤达(星战系列),(以尤达的口气)是吗?
- It not easy being green... (用唱的) 绿皮肤可不简单哟~
- [.vs 英雄] For the Horde! 为了部落!
- Hiyah! 嗨呀!
- Time for killing! 杀戮的时刻到了!
- Time to die! 去死吧!
- Venegence for Zulti 为Zul"jin报仇!(zul"jin是魔兽2中的巨魔族老大)
- Who you want me kill? 想让我杀谁?
- What? 什么?
- Wasch you want me do?* 想让我干吗?(Wasch you=what you,读读看是不是这样?)
- Wasch you want me go?* 想让我去哪?(该是where""j you,参见battle.net creeps中的Forest troll页)
- Ahhh! 啊!
- Anything you want 怎样都行
- Joo got it man!* 了解了兄弟
- Yeah, hehe hehe hehe he! 耶~呵呵,呵呵,呵呵,呵!
- Wasch you bother me for?* 为什么烦我
- Leave it to me, I take a big weight off your shoulders! 交给我吧,我给你减轻负担
- Schoo wanna buy a cigar?* (Schoo = you) 你想来只烟吗?
- Luuucyy!
- Say hello to my lil friend.跟我的小朋友说声好
- [.vs 英雄] Asdingo! 兽人语
- Asdingo! 兽人语
- Don""t mess with the bad guy! 别惹我,我是个坏人!
- It""s time for a lil blood! 血债血偿!
弩车 - (注解:音效全是噪音没有文字 )
牛头人 -
- May my ancestors watch over me! 愿我的祖先注视着我!
- Bring it on! 来吧!
- I am able to help! 我帮的上忙
- How now! 现在怎么样?
- For the Tribes! 为了部落!
- Immediately! 马上!
- Well done! 干的好!
- Do not push me, or I wil impale you on my horns! 别推我,要不我会用我的角顶你。
- Doubles!
- Got Milk? 要奶吗?
- There""s a lot at stake here! 别的地方有很多树桩!
- Hey, what are these letters burned on my ass? 嗨,在我PP上印的什么字?
- Oh ley !**
- (玻璃碎裂) Sorry! 抱歉!
- [.vs 英雄] Ruuuuaahh! 喊声
- Death to the enemies of the Horde! 部落的敌人受死吧!
- Death to the Enemy! 敌人受死吧!
- Start running! 逃跑吧!
- Euuhhhhh! 喊声
狼骑兵- (趣味注解: 他的死亡音效文件名是""raiderdeath""但他叫做 ""wolf
I"m a blind not deaf
是时候了 英文怎么说?
it"s the time>2023-07-05 07:58:063
It is the time for是时候了time up时候到了,时间到2023-07-05 07:58:162
"It is time it were time"?
首先本人对这个诗人背景并不熟悉,略通点德语,所以本能就直接看了原文,后来参考了译文,个人感觉英文译本还尚可理解,但已经有偏颇,比如这个虚拟时态的运用,中译本就更是。。。。美感都木有了查了些资料,看了下作者背景,我个人认为重点在时间的缅怀上,对于过去的时间,故去的人和悲痛的告别。要说这个时间,必须回溯到那一句"我们从坚果剥出时间并教它走路:而时间回到壳中" 那段过去的时间曾经挥之不去,失而复得,而现在,该是时刻,让这个时间重新被提起,被重新审视。或者说是时候,让那段时光真正成为一段时光,不再另人迷惑饱受牵绊。头脑风暴一下王国维说的三重境界,时间可以从多重层面理解。如果仅仅是字面上牵扯过去的时间,虚拟的时间,生搬硬套,那实在是诗意的毁灭。最后说一下,德文原文的这句话,没有用过去时态,也没有虚拟失态。2023-07-05 07:58:501
现在是时候了2023-07-05 07:59:202
It"s about time. 时间差不多了/是时候了。2023-07-05 07:59:402
Let it go!It is time to go.2023-07-05 07:59:473
现在 是说再见的时候了今夜 我就要离开了我保证不会让你哭泣我会想念你的离开你 可能吗你知道你对我是多么重要的如果没有你 生活就在一片空白中结束我会想念你的离开你 可能吗时候到了 说再见的时候到了今夜我就要离开了我会想念你的我会想念你的我会想念你的离开你独自生活和跟你在一起一样困难生活有时候就是那么不易但是 我真的不知道该怎么办但我始终记得一件事我们的共同追求的目标已经被遗忘了 永远地遗忘了也许未来的某天我们会在见面明天我们再重新开始但是到那时 我知道我仍然想念你什么都不能改变爱的重现时候到了 说再见的时候到了今夜我就要离开了我会想念你的我会想念你的我会想念你的时候到了 说再见的时候到了今夜我就要离开了我会想念你的我会想念你的我会想念你的2023-07-05 08:00:132
一句英文的谚语 请大家翻译一下 谢谢
我们需要时间去梦想、去回忆、去探求更广阔的领域,去--Gladays Taker这不是谚语2023-07-05 08:00:202
我总是那样的女孩隐藏着自己的脸不敢告诉世界渴望说出的话语但我长久有着这样的梦想埋藏在自己的内心我想把它展示正是此刻让你知晓让你了解这是真实,这是真正的自己我到达自己渴望的所在将要让那光芒照耀着我现在我发现真实的自己再不会将它禁锢再不会隐藏我期盼的所在这是真正的我自己原文意境更深,表示水平所限,只能这个样子粗略翻译下,希望能帮到你2023-07-05 08:00:272
I think it"s the time ,but I don"t have enough courage yet2023-07-05 08:00:353
求Billy Gilman《Jingle Bell Rock》 歌词中文翻译?
ingle bells 歌词 中文也要!!!!求Billy Gilman - Jingle Bell Rock 歌词中文翻译求Billy Gilman《Jingle Bell Rock》 歌词中文翻译? Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh, hey 叮叮当! 叮叮当!2023-07-05 08:00:444
人类的:农民 Peasant-------------------------- 准备工作! Ready to work! 陛下? Yes milord? 干什么? What is it? 什么? What? 还要干活? More work? 好。 Right-o. 行。 All right. 马上就去。 Off I go then. 你是国王?可我没投你的票。 You"re the king? Well, I didn"t vote for you. 我们找到了一个女巫!我们应该烧死她吗? We found a witch! May we burn her? 救救我!我被镇压了! Help, help! I"m being repressed! 一匹马踢了我,真疼。 A horse kicked me once. It hurt. 咚! Doh! 没其他人闲着吗? Noe one else available? 好,我死定了。 That"s it! I"m dead. 如果你想要的话。 If you want. 步兵 Footman-------------------------- 准备行动! Ready for action! 遵命! Yes my liege! 命令? Orders? 下令吧! Say the word! 是,陛下! Aye milord! 正在行动! On my way! 当然。 Of course. 你需要什么? What do you need? 不要问,不要说。 Don"t ask, don"t tell. 拿起你的剑作战吧! Grab your sword and fight the horde! 洛萨大叔需要你!(洛萨是《魔兽争霸II》中人类的国王) Uncle Lothar wants YOU! 这是道新疤! It"s only a flesh wound! 进攻! Attack! 拿起武器! To arms! 我来对付他们! Let me at "em! 矮人火枪手 Rifleman -------------------------- 锁定目标,装弹! Locked and loaded! 你有目标吗? Ye have a target? 是,长官! Aye sir! 你需要什么? Whaddya need? 是。 Aye. 该走了! Time to go! 好。 Okay. 我是你的射手。 I"m your shooter. 这……是……我的……火枪! This... is... my... BOOMSTICK! 我的酒呢? Where"s me drink!? 不喝它一盅我就瞄不准! I can"t shoot straight unless I"ve had a pint! 欧,这是我的酒,下肚子吧! Oh, there"s me drink. Get in mah belly! 枪不杀人……我杀!哈哈哈! Gun"s don"t kill people . . . I DO! Hahah! 别用那东西射我! Don"t shoot yer shit that thing at me! 我杀了郡长,又杀了副官,现在我要杀你这条狗! I shot the sheriff, and the deputy, and yer little doggie too! 只有等我死了你才能从我手中拿走我的枪! You"ll take me blunderbuss when you pry it from my cold dead hands! 看这个,白痴! Take that ya sod! 枪毙他们! Shoot to kill! 我看见野兽了! I"ve got the beast in mah sights! 开火! Fire! 大法师 Archmage-------------------------- 最好值得这样做。 This had better be worth it. 你需要我的帮助吗? You require my assistance? 什么? Well? 继续。 Get on with it. 现在怎么办? What is it now? 很好。 Fine. 我不能再等了。 I can hardly wait.. 太棒了! Perfect! 你难道没有一个战略构想吗? Don"t you have a strategy? 我已经开始厌烦你的闲谈了。 Your prattle begins to annoy me. 你最好滚远些,不然我把你变成一只没脑子的绵羊。 You"d best stay clear of me, or I"ll turn you into a mindless sheep. 我不会轻易浪费我的魔法。 I don"t waste my magic on just anything. Nimthory forstatis sedah (吟唱咒语) Nimthory forstatis sedah (something like that - mystic chanting, spelling approximates the words) 为光荣而战! For Glory! 准备战斗! To battle! 骑士 Knight-------------------------- 我等候您的命令。 I await your command. 遵命,陛下。 Yes my lord. 您的荣誉? Your honor? 命令我! Command me! 马上! At once! 为了国王! For the king! 绝对服从! Absolutely! 我最喜欢蓝色,不,黄色——! My favorite color is blue. No, yellowwww! 洛丹伦的胜利!(洛丹伦是魔兽世界里的一块大陆) Victory for Lordaeron! 您在跟我说话吗? Dost thous speak unto me? 以神的名义,你太烦人了! By the gods you"re annoying! 我从没说过“Ni”。 I never say Ni. 该死的头盔……根本摘不下来…… Damn helmet... can"t seem to get this thing... 去死吧! To the death! 为了国王! For the king! 进攻! Have at thee! 山丘之王 Mountain King-------------------------- 很好,谁要? All right, who wants some? 什么? Aye? 等待命令! Wait "til ya see me in action! 给我些事做! Give me something to do! 嗯? Hmm? 我来啦! I"m comin" through! 别挡我的道! Outta my way! 遵命! Move it! 光彩照人! Brilliant! 你能给我的饮酒技能升上几级吗? Could ya put some bonus points in my drinking skill? 前面有快餐店吗? Any fish "n chips shops about heah? 我认为该吃点心了。 I think it"s time for a nippy shweetie. 你们这些混蛋在干什么? What the bloody hell are you playing at? 没什么比跟酒醉想要呕吐的感觉斗争更加刺激的事情了。 There"s nothing more motivatin" than fightin" with a bad hangover. 酒吧在哪里? Where"s the pub? 痛痛快快的玩吧! Let"s get PISSED! 我去打发他们。 I"ll run "em through. 什么? What"s this? 拿起武器! To arms! 死吧! Death comes for ye! 圣骑士 Paladin -------------------------- 我为服务信徒而生。 I live to serve all believers. 为您效劳! At your call! 为了我的人民。 For my people. 如您所愿。 As you wish. 没问题。 It shall be done! 我毫不恐惧。 I am not afraid. 让我来面对危险。 Let me face the peril. 您要我做什么? What would you ask of me? 该抡起锤子了! It"s hammer time! 我要成为您的长柄战锤。 I want to be your sledgehammer. 不要碰我,我是纯洁的! Touch me not, I am chaste! 不?那时您最后的回答吗? No? Is that your final answer? 我呼吸不畅。 I have bad brethren. 那是一柄剑吗?奢侈!那是一匹马吗?懒惰!那是一顶头盔吗?虚荣! Is that a sword? Luxury! Is that a horse? Sloth! Is that a helmet? Vanity! 公正终将得以伸张。 Justice will be served. 为您的名誉而战。 Defending your name. 让异教徒去死吧! Death to the infidels! 狮鹫骑士 Gryphon Rider-------------------------- 欧,又叫我了。 Och, count me in. 你是头儿。 Yer the boss. 没问题。 No problem. 直飞蓝天! Ter the skies! 棒极了! That"s great! 噢! Och! 遵命,长官。 Aye sir. 照办。 I"ll do what it takes. 你是根据我的块头来看待我的,不是吗? Judge me by my size, do ya? 战锤的尺寸不说明问题,怎么用它才是问题。 It"s not the size of the hammer that counts, it"s how ya wield it. 有人送我了这只鸟! Someone gave me the bird! 这把战锤花了4万块!呵呵呵。 This warhammer costs 40k! Heheh. 这怪物一半岌岌可危……但另一半本身就是危险! Half this beast is in danger . . . but the other half IS danger! 为了胜利! For victory! 你死定了! Death comes for ye! 以米莱丁胡须的名义! By Merradin"s beard! 牧师 Priest -------------------------- 我为净化这片土地而来。 I come to cleanse this land. 有人需要我的帮助吗? Is my aid required? 你需要帮忙吗? What ails you? 好,我的朋友。 Yes, my friend. 有人受伤吗? Is someone injured? 如你所愿。 As you wish. 当然。 Of course. 我是您的仆人。 I am your servant. 手术刀!海绵!法杖! Scalpel! Sponge! Magic wand! 在光明中有和平和静谧。 There is peace, and serenity, within the light. 清洁!(伴随着释放电能的声音) Clear! (followed by an electrical discharge sound) 穿越孩子们,穿越,直到光明! Cross over children, cross over, into the light! 我被天上巨大的铁手选中了!(指的是玩家的鼠标指针) I have been chosen, by the big metal hand in the sky! 副作用可能包括口舌干燥、恶心、想呕吐、积水、阵痛、幻觉、头疼、精神病、昏迷、死亡等等。魔法并不适用于所有人,在使用之前请咨询你的医生。 Side effects may include dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, water retention, painful rectal itch, haullucination, dementia, psychosis, coma, death, and halitosis. Magic is not for everyone. Consult your doctor before use. 以光明之力的名义,燃烧吧! By the power of the light, BURN! 消失吧,黑暗的力量! Begone, spawn of darkness! 现在,感受我的愤怒吧! Now, feel my wrath! 女巫 Sorceress -------------------------- 今天魔法的波动很奇怪。 The flows of magic are whimsical today. 这样就好。 This better be good. 你需要帮助吗,人类? Do you require aid, Human? 协助我帮助你。 Help me help you. 如果你坚持的话。 If you insist. 好主意。 What a good idea. 是时候了。 It"s about time. 又一次由精灵决定一切了。 Once again, it"s up to the Elves. 下来,小东西! Get down, Sparky! 再点击我一次,宝贝。 Click me baby, one more time. 你也许需要一本战略指导。 Maybe you should get a strategy guide. 我不记得曾对你施放过减速术。 I don"t remember casting slow on you. 你不是很明白,对吧? You don"t get out much, do you? 改日到战网上聊天吧。 Let"s chat on battle.net sometime. 要施展世界末日魔法,请同时按下Ctrl+Alt+Del!(试试看会发生什么……) For the end of the world spell, press Control-Alt-Delete. 马上就来 Wiout delay! 胜利是我们的! Now victory shall be ours! 你的愿望就是给我的命令。 Your wish is my command. 矮人直升机 Gyrocopter -------------------------- 我们起飞了! We have liftoff! 哦,是你。 Oh, it"s you. 可以走了。 OK to go. 你在干什么? How you doing? 去哪里? Where to? 什么?在哪里? What, over there? 他们绝对不会发现我来了。(引擎轰鸣声) They"ll never hear me coming (engine knocks) 遵命。 Will do, command. 天哪,我掉下去了什么东西。(呼哨声,然后是爆炸声) Oops, I dropped something (whistle, boom) 盯紧目标…… Stay on target . . . 我宁愿飞行,哦,噢。 I"d rather be flying. Uhh, oh. 你随时可以当我的舵手。 You can be my wingman anytime. 飞行员和投弹手,投弹手就位,继续飞行。 Pilot to bombardier. Bombardier here, go ahead pilot. 我将在此证明重力效应。(逐渐减弱的喊声) I will now demonstrate the doppler effect (Dopppleeerrrrrrr) 机翼上……有……一些……东西! There"s . . . something . . . on . . .the wing! 我在一种不同的飞机上,明白吗?飞机。 I"m on a different PLANE of existence. Get it? PLANE. 我要唱歌! I"ve got tone! 这颗炸弹是给你们的! This bomb"s for you! 接着! Take it! 死吧! Death! 迫击炮小队 Mortar Team -------------------------- 迫击炮战斗! Mortar combat! 你好! Hello! 给我们指定目标! Show us a target! 让我们作战吧! Let"s get to fightin"! 正在行动。 Move yer arse. 我们会干得干净利落。 We"ll do it in a jiffy. 你作出了正确的选择! Ye made the right choice! It"s on! 马上就来! Come on shorty. On our way! 移动! Mobile! 我们必须打败矮人!//我们就是矮人。//噢! We must defeat the dwarves! Uh, we ARE the dwarves. Oh. 你的肩膀上有薯条。//嗯,是的,还有鱼片。 You"ve got a chip in your shoulder. Mm, yes, and a bit of fish too. 小矮人就是这么来的,哈! And that"s how baby dwarves are made. Bah! 显然塔斯达使我们失败了,你绝对不能!(别告诉我你不知道塔斯达是谁) Clearly Tassadar has failed us. You must not! 那是什么?//把你的手指头从炮管里拿开!——砰! What"s that? Get yer finger out of the bunghole! *pop* 嗯……嗯,引线燃烧,炸药爆炸!(唱歌) Mmm-hmm-hmm. Burnin lootin, bombin shootin! (sung) 混蛋,看这个!(爆炸) Take this you bastard! (boom) 你想要我们去哪里? Where do you want us? 嘿!你们,接着! Hey you! Catch! 战斗结束了。 This battle is over. 烧掉它! Burn it! 要其他族的说,我再给你2023-07-05 08:01:361
hello; how are you; nice to see you ; good morning/afternoon/evening; thank you;2023-07-05 08:01:444
粘贴不是我强项2023-07-05 08:01:534
里面.....很多E文啊,不知你指哪句???2023-07-05 08:02:056
Across the line中英文歌词
In this desert 在这个荒芜的地方In darkness 在黑暗的里Lying with the gun across his chest他的胸前放着一把枪Pretending 他装作He"s heartless 什么也没有发生As the fire flashes in the sky 当天空被火球照常时He was fragile他那时很虚弱And frozen被冻僵了When the bullet took away his friend那时子弹带走他的战友And now he"s somehow 现在他比他们伤的More broken更厉害He"s pulling his weapon to his side他把枪推到一旁Loading it full of his goodbyes装满子弹的枪寄托这离别之意Holding an enemy across the line在战线上阻击敌人He"s pulling his weapon to his side他把枪推到一旁Loading it full of his goodbyes 装满子弹的枪寄托这离别之意Holding an enemy across the line 在战线上阻击敌人Sweating 流汗And shaking 颤抖Lying with her hands across her chest她的双手胸前She wakes with当她醒来是Her cravings她思念着As the fire flashes in her eye眼睛里闪这火球She was fragile她很虚弱And frozen她僵住了When the needle took away her friend当针带走了她的朋友And now she"s somehow现在她比她们More broken更不幸She"s pulling her weapon to her side她把枪推到一旁Loading it full of her goodbyes装满子弹的枪寄托这离别Holding an enemy across the line在战场上阻击敌人She"s pulling her weapon to her side她把枪推到一旁Loading it full of her goodbyes装满子弹的枪寄托这离别Holding an enemy across the line在战场上阻击敌人With every battle he"s choosing他参加了每一场战斗With every fight he"s losing他正在节节败退His enemy"s not far behind敌人离他很近With every promise she"s broken她打破了诺言With every lie she"s spoken不断的撒谎Her enemy"s not far behind敌人离她很近It"s your time是时候了It"s your time是时候了It"s your time是时候了It"s - your - TIME!你的时间到了He"s pulling his weapon to his side他把枪推到一旁Loading it full of his goodbyes装满子弹的枪充满离别Holding an enemy across the line在战场上阻击敌人He"s pulling his weapon to his side他把强放到一旁Loading it full of his goodbyes装满子弹的枪充满离别Holding an enemy across the line在战场上阻击敌人She"s pulling her weapon to her side她把枪推到一旁Loading it full of her goodbyes 装满子弹的枪充满离别Holding an enemy across the line 在战场上阻击敌人She"s pulling her weapon to her side 她把枪推到一旁Loading it full of her goodbyes 装满子弹的枪寄托这离别Holding an enemy across the line 在战场上阻击敌人With every battle he"s choosing 他参加了每一场战斗With every fight he"s losing 他正在节节败退His enemy"s not far behind 敌人离他很近With every promise she"s broken 她打破了诺言With every lie she"s spoken 不断的撒谎Her enemy"s not far behind 敌人离她很近2023-07-05 08:02:383
as a result ,in a word,2023-07-05 08:02:4815
很长一端时间里,我假装我已经在通往快乐彼岸的正道上.终于我失败了.我无法逃出命运的影子.我深爱的女孩去世了,和上帝生活在了一起.我曾经从我敬爱的父亲那里领悟到挫折的意义.但这远远不止那样 这种痛苦更加的艰难没有任何言语可以用来表达我现在的感受因为我可笑的行为无法回应我的愚蠢自始至终 唯一的自始至终 我所接触的唯一工作就是在人行道上画画希望走过的人们可以把钱扔在我的帽子上作为一个比他们低一等的人我希望我从来没有出生过再见 我的尊严 我的生命 还有,我的爱人好了是时候了..2023-07-05 08:03:363
一首英文歌里头有see you ,see me什么的是什么歌?
Sing me to sleep2023-07-05 08:03:443
1. Absolutely not. 绝对不是。2. Are you coming with me? 你跟我一起去吗?3. Are you sure? 你能肯定吗?4. As soon as possible. 尽快。5. Believe me. 相信我。6. Buy it . 买下来!7. Call me tomorrow. 明天打电话给我。8. Can you speak slowly? 请您说得慢些好吗?9. Come with me. 跟我来。10. Congratulations. 恭喜恭喜。11. Do it right! 把它做对。12. Do you mean it ? 你是当真的吗?13. Do you see him often? 你经常见到他吗?14. Do you see it? = Do you understand? 你明白了吗?15. Do you want it? 你要吗?16. Do you want something? 你想要些什么?17. Don"t do it . 不要做。18. Don"t exaggerate. 不要夸张。19. Don"t tell me that. 不要告诉我。20. Give me a hand . 帮我一下。21. Go right ahead. 一直往前走。22. Have a good trip. 祝旅途愉快。23. Have a nice day. 祝你一天过得愉快。24. Have you finished? 你做完了吗?25. He doesn"t have time. 他没空。26. He is on his way. 他现在已经在路上了。27. How are you doing? 你好吗?28. How long are you staying ? 你要呆多久?29. I am crazy about her. 我对她着迷了。30. I am wasting my time . 我在浪费时间。31. I can do it . 我能做。32. I can"t believe it . 我简直不能相信。33. I can"t wait . 我不能再等了。34. I don"t have time . 我没时间了。35. I don"t know anybody. 我一个人都不认识。36. I don"t like it . 我不喜欢。37. I don"t think so . 我认为不是。38. I feel much better. 我感觉好多了。39. I found it . 我找到了。40. I hope so . 我希望如此。41. I knew it . 我早知道了。42. I noticed that. 我注意到了。43. I see. 我明白了。44. I speak English well. 我英语说得很好。45. I think so . 我认为是这样的。46. I want to speak with him. 我想跟他说话。47. I won. 我赢了。48. I would like a cup of coffee, please. 请给我一杯咖啡。49. I"m hungry. 我饿死了。50. I"m leaving. 我要走了。51. I"m sorry. 对不起。52. I"m used to it . 我习惯了。53. I"ll miss you. 我会想念你的。54. I"ll try. 我试试看。55. I"m bored. 我很无聊。56. I"m busy. 我很忙。57. I"m having fun. 我玩得很开心。58. I"m ready. 我准备好了。59. I"ve got it . 我明白了。60. I"ve had it . 我受够了。61. It"s incredible! 真是难以置信!62. Is it far? 很远吗?63. It doesn"t matter. 没关系。64. It smells good. 闻起来很香。65. It"s about time . 是时候了。66. It"s all right. 没关系。67. It"s easy. 很容易。68. It"s good. 很好。69. It"s near here. 离这很近。70. It"s nothing. 没什么。71. It"s time to go . 该走了。72. It"s different. 那是不同的。73. It"s funny. 很滑稽。74. It"s impossible. 那是不可能的。75. It"s not bad. 还行。76. It"s not difficult. 不难.77. It"s not worth it . 不值得。78. It"s obvious. 很明显。79. It"s the same thing. 还是一样的。80. It"s your turn. 轮到你了。81. Let me see . 让我想想。82. Let me know . 告诉我。83. Me too. 我也一样。84. Not yet. 还没有。85. Relax! 放松。86. See you tomorrow. 明天见。87. She is my best friend . 她是我最好的朋友。88. She is so smart. 她真聪明。89. Show me . 指给我看。90. Sell me . 告诉我。91. Thank you very much. 多谢。92. That happens. 这样的事情经常发生。93. That"s enough. 够了。94. That"s interesting. 很有趣。95. That"s right. 对了。96. That"s true. 这是真的。97. There are too many people here. 这里人很多。98. They like each other. 他们互相倾慕。99. Think about it . 考虑一下。100. Too bad! 太糟糕啦!101. Wait for me . 等等我。102. What did you say? 你说什么?103. What do you think? 你认为怎样?104. What is he talking about? 他在说些什么?105. What terrible weather! 多坏的天气。106. What"s going on/ happening / the problem? 怎么啦?107. What"s the date today?今天几号?108. Where are you going ? 你去哪里?109. Where is he? 他在哪里?110. You are impatient. 你太性急了。111. You look tired. 你看上去很累。112. You surprise me. 你让我大吃一惊。113. You"re crazy. 你疯了。114. You"re welcome. 别客气。115. You"re always right. 你总是对的。116. You"re in a bad mood. 你的心情不好。117. You"re lying. 你在撒谎。118. You"re wrong. 你错了。2023-07-05 08:04:091
魔兽3语音中英文对照 -=亡灵=- 侍从=建造音效= -Thedamnedstandready!诅咒者就绪! =选定音效= -MylifeforNazul!Nerzhul万岁!(Nazul应为Nerzhul,UD的老大,下同) -Iwishonlytoserve!服从是我的天命! -Thybidding,Master?您的命令,主人? -Whereshallmybloodbespilled?我的热血应撒向何处? -Ibowtoyourwill.服从您的意愿。 =行动/执行动作音效= -Yes,Master!是,主人! -Igladlyobey.我乐意服从。 -Myfateissealed.我的前途是未知的。 -Thywillbedone!您的意愿已完成! =骂游戏者音效(就如星际里连续点多次一样)= -Thisisthehourofthescourge!天罚的时代降临了! -Deathshallcleansetheworld!死亡将清洗大地! -AllIseeisblackness...Oh,myhoodsdown.我见到无尽的黑暗…噢,我的头 巾掉下来了。 -Letblooddrowntheweak!让血海淹没弱者吧! -MylifeforAiur!Uh,ImeanNazul!Aiur万岁!啊,我指的是Nerzhul! -Thelivingbecursed!诅咒生者! -Wouldyouliketoknowthesecrettoeternalhappiness?Page246.想知道永 恒的幸福的秘密吗?翻到246页。 -OnceyouheaddowntheDarkPath,foreverwillitdominateyourdestiny! Andyougetdental.一旦你步入黑暗,它会永恒支配你的命运! =攻击音效= -[.vs英雄]Iamsanctified!我被净化了! -Deathshallreign!亡灵支配一切! -FeartheReaper!在死神面前颤抖吧! -Letlifecease!生命,终结吧! 噬尸鬼-(注解:所有其他音效都是噪音) =骂玩家音效= -Meeatdeadpeople!我吃死人~ -Mescary!我好怕怕哦~ -Meeatbrains!我吃脑髓~ -Noguts,noglory!不贪婪地吃,怎么能获得荣耀! 地穴魔王-(趣味注解:他的死亡音效文件名是PitFiendDeath而不是CryptFiend ) =建造音效= -Thesleeperawakes!沉睡者苏醒了! =选定音效= -Proceed!前进! -Makeyourchoice!请指示! -Yourang?你在召唤我吗? -Iawait.待命。 =行动/执行动作音效= -[召唤VileInsects]Rise!起来吧! -ByNarube!**以Narube的名义! -Whatsdoneisdone!奉命行事! -Thetimeisnow!是时候了! -Yes,Master!是,主人! =骂玩家音效= -Whatatangledwebweweave!我们编织的网多么缠绕! -Spidersensetingling. -LastweekmytophalfwasontheDiscoverychannel.上星期我的上半身出现在 《探索频道》 -AndmybottomhalfwasonAnimalPlanet.而下半身出现在《动物星球》 -Myassalwaysgetsbloatedduringmyspincycle!(注解:lol)我吐丝的时候PP 都肿起来了! -Ilikechicksthatareintobandage!(注解:rofl!)我喜欢绷带绑起来的小鸡 -Imstuckonbandages,causebandagesarestuckonme!*我被绷带绑住了, 因为我绑住了绷带! =攻击音效= -[.vs英雄]Fallbeforethescourge!在天罚面前倒下吧! -FortheSpiderKingdom!为了蜘蛛王国! -Bedrainedoflife!吸干你的生命! -Youmayfeelasting.可能会有点疼的~ 石象鬼-(注解:全是噪音没有文字) 绞肉车-(注解:全是噪音没有文字) 憎恶- =建造音效= -Ushearandobey!*我们听从命令! =选定音效= -Whatwedo?*让我们做什么? -Egghhhh?*恩? -Wedonewaiting!完成并等待! -Hmmmm.唔 =行动/执行动作音效= -Usgo!*我们上! -Egghhhh?*恩? -Randomterror!*随机之恐怖! -(Growl)咆哮声 -(Growl)咆哮声 =骂玩家音效= -Wecomeinpeace...es!我们平静的到来……(由碎片组成)。 -Happyentrails!祝内脏快乐! -Yougotusinstenches!我们从恶臭中而来! -Choke!*打嗝* -(Growl)咆哮声 -Usdeadsexy!我们贼性感! =攻击音效= -[.vs英雄]Allforone!(注解:还有oneforall!)万物归一 -Kill!杀! -(Growl)咆哮声 -Tearmeat!撕成肉片! -Rip!撕碎! 亡灵巫师- =建造音效= -Theshadowsbeckon!影子在召唤! =选定音效= -Thedeadshallserve!死者服从于我! -Therestlessdeadawait!无尽的死亡在等待! -Whatdoestheshadowwill?何为影之意愿? -Thisbetterbegood!这最好有用! =行动/执行动作音效= -[尸体炸弹]Bloodycorpses!血之尸啊!(尸爆?早取消了啊) -[召唤骷髅]Awaken!苏醒吧! -Intriguing!有趣 -FortheLichKing!为了巫妖王! -LetDarknessguideme!黑暗,指引我吧! -Astheshadowwills!服从影之意愿! =骂玩家音效= -Everymanlives,noteverymantruelydies!每个人都生存过,但不是每个人都 会真正死去! -Ilovethedead...frequently!我爱死尸……经常是 -Iseeundeadpeople!我看见亡灵啦~~ -Yousmellsomething?Oh,itsjustthetroops!你闻到什么东西了吗?啊,这就 是军队! -Rightclickforhot,undeadaction!点右键观看亡灵热舞秀 =攻击音效= -[.vs英雄]Theyllallbemineintheend!他们最终都将成为我的傀儡! -Die!死吧! -Tremblebeforethescourge!在天罚面前颤抖吧 -Noneshallsurvive!杀无赦! 骷髅-(注解:全是噪音没有文字) 女妖- =建造音效= -Letmycrieschilltheliving!让生命在我的尖叫中颤栗吧! =选定音效= -Youcalltome?你召唤我? -Youbroughtmeback?你把我带回来了? -WhyhaveIbeensummoned?为什么我被召唤来? -WhatmustIdo?我得做什么? -High!*high =行动/执行动作音效= -Ifitpleasesyou.如果这能取悦你 -Yes.是 -IfImust.如果我必须做 -Imustobey.我必须服从 -Ifthatisyourwish.如果那是你的意愿。 =骂玩家音效= -Letthistormentend!让痛苦结束吧! -HowlongmustIsuffer?我还要受多少折磨? -U.N.D.E.A.D.Findoutwhatitmeanstome!UNDEAD,告诉我是什么意 思! -Thereisnobanshee,onlyZul!**没有女妖,只有Zul。 -Ihateyou,Ihateyou...callme!我恨你,我恨你……召唤我。 =攻击音效= -[.vs英雄]Mydeathawaits!死亡在等待我! -Die!死! -Feelmypain!感受我的痛苦吧! -Yoursoulshall(注解:还有一个字在shall后面,我玩了超过30次还是听不清 楚.听起来象是以m开头的但是我试过了所有以m开头的都发现不是很配.)你的 灵魂属于我! 冰龙-(注解:全是噪音没有文字) 阴影- =建造音效= -Thedamnedreturn!被诅咒者再生了! =选定音效= -Ishallbeyoureyes!让我做你的眼睛! -Mysightisyours!我的视线就是你的! -Whatneedsrevealing?有什么需要揭示? =行动/执行动作音效= -Letssee.我们来看吧 -Illlookintoit.我看一下 -Allshallberevealed.揭示一切 -Igounseen!探索未知 =骂玩家音效= -Imbutashadowofmyformerself.我只是前身的一个影子 -WhatIdoindeathechoesineternity!我的死亡回荡于永恒! -Deathisitsownreward!死亡就是回报! -Imhavingamid-deathcrisis!我存在于生死之间 -Iaintgotnobody!(用唱的)我没有身体~~~~ -Iminvisible,gaseous,anddeadly!我是隐形的,气态的,致命的! =攻击音效= -[.vs英雄]Glorytothescourge!为了天罚的荣耀! -MoresoulsfortheMaster!更多的灵魂将会归于我主 -Die!死! -Letscreamsfilltheair!让尖叫充斥天空! -Feelmyrath!感受我的愤怒! -FortheMaster!为了我主! 死亡骑士-(英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= -Thepactissealed!契约已订! =选定音效= -Youcalled?你召唤我吗? -Mypatiencehasended!我的耐心已尽! -IamtheDarkness!我就是黑暗! -Myvengenceisyours!你就是我的复仇! =行动/执行动作音效= -Letbattlebejoined!加入战斗! -Asyouorder!听从命令! -Hiyah!嗨呀! -Atlast!终于! -FortheLichKing!为了巫妖王! =骂玩家音效= -Hashellfrozenoveryet?地狱还没有冻住吗? -IamtheonehorsemanoftheApocalypse.我是天命骑士之一。 -Ihatepeople,butIlovegatherings!我恨人们,但我喜欢收藏品 -ImaDeathNightRider!Muhhahaha我是一个死亡骑士(死掉的夜骑士)!啊 哈哈哈 -Blueca!** -Donttouchme...Imevil!别碰我……我是邪恶的! =攻击音效= -[.vs英雄]Letterrorreign!让恐惧统治一切吧! -Feelmyrath!感受我的愤怒! -Rideordie!逃跑还是受死! -ByNazul!以Nerzhul的名义 恐惧之王-(英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= -Thenightbeckons!夜在召唤! =选定音效= -Greetings!向您问候! -What,mortal?什么事,主人 -Whatisitnow?现在呢? -Imusthuntsoon!我立即行动! =行动/执行动作音效= -Thatwasmyplan!正是我的计划! -Agreed!同意! -Verywell.很好! -Youthoughtofthat?你也那么想? =骂玩家音效= -IfIhavewings,whyamIalwayswalking?既然我有翅膀,为什么我总是步行? -(电话铃声)Yes?Arrgghh!Forthelasttime,ImaDreadLord,notaDrug Lord!喂?啊!!我说最后一次,我是一个恐怖魔王,不是毒品王! -Thisisnotadress,itsthestandardDreadLorduniform!这不是一般的服装 ,这是恐怖魔王标准套装! -Dresstokill!Blah!是穿来杀人的!废话! -(电话铃声)Yes?Darkness,hey,whatsup?TheDemonHunterleftyoua message?No,Idonthavehisnumber.喂?黑暗之王吗?嗨,情况如何?恶魔猎手 给你留了条短信?哦,不,我没有他的号码。 -Andthen,afterIoverthrowthisfool...Oh!Hello!Ididntknowyou werethere.然后,我揭穿这个笨蛋……啊,喂,我不知道你在那 -Imbisile!不可思议 =攻击音效= -[.vs英雄]Yoursoulismine!你的灵魂属于我! -Ihunger!我饥渴! -Deathrageous!死之怒! -Die!死吧! 巫妖-(英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= -Theancientevilsurvives!远古邪恶生还了! =选定音效= -IamsworntoNazul!我效忠于Nerzhul! -Thybidding?你的命令? -Directme!指示我吧! -Yourstocommand!由你指挥! =行动/执行动作音效= -[清醒]Cllleeaarrr!了解!!! -[冰霜铠甲]Nazulprotectthem!Nerzhul保护他们! -[冰河]Freeze!结冻吧 -[召唤冰龙]Risefromyourgrave!从坟墓中复活吧! -Sobeit!正是如此! -Byyourwords!听你的! -Ititdestined!这是宿命! -Deadmanwalking!死者在行走啊! -Chilling!颤抖吧! =骂玩家音效= -Couldyouchewthatupforme?能帮我咀嚼一下吗? -Imsopoor,Idontevenhavecalciumdeposits!我真可怜,我甚至连个钙质 的驱壳都没有。 -IamtheGhostofWarcraftpast.我是魔兽之幽灵。 -Ihearthatbansheesarealscreamer!我听见女妖还真是能喊哪! -Youshouldseetheskeletonsinmycloset!你该看看我橱子里的骷髅! -Imhoechap!** -Alltheladiesdigrigormortis.女人们在掘坟。 -YouaretheWeakestLink,goodbye!你是最烂的链接,再见 =攻击音效= -[.vs英雄]FortheburningLegion!为了燃烧军团! -Embracetheend!接受这个结局吧! -Iwillcrushyou!我要灭了你! -Embracethecold!接受寒冷吧! -=兽人=- 苦工- =建造音效= -Readytowork!准备工作 =选定音效= -Hmmm?恩? -Yes?是的? -Somethingneeddoing?要做点什么吗? -Whatyouwant?你想要什么? =行动/执行动作音效= -Okiedokie.好的好的 -Behappyto.很乐意 -Work,work.干活呀干活 -Icandothat.我做的了 =骂玩家音效= -Whhaaaaaattt?什么??? -Mebusy,leavemealone.我很忙,别烦我 -Notimeforplay.没时间玩耍 -MenotthatkindofOrc.我不是那种兽人 =攻击音效= -[.vs英雄]Whynot?为什么不? -Illtry我试一下 -Getem!扁他们! -Ok好! =击中音效= -Owww!喔 咕噜兽- =建造音效= -MylifefortheHorde!为部落而生! =选定音效= -Yes?是的? -Huh?哈? -Master?主人? -Whatyouwant?你想要我干什么? =行动/执行动作音效= -Loktar!兽人语 -Zugzug!兽人语 -Dabu!兽人语 -Swobu!兽人语 =骂玩家音效= -Whyyoupokingmeagain?为什么又戳我? -Whydontyouleadanarmyinsteadoftouchingme?你怎么不去指挥部队而一 直碰我? -Poke,poke,poke,isthatallyoudo?戳戳戳,你就会干这个吗? -Eww,thatwaskindofnice.呃,这还差不多 -Mesohorned,mehurtyoulongtime!我有角,我会伤到你的哦 -MenosoundlikeYoda,doI?我听起来不象尤达(星战系列),(以尤达的口气) 是吗? -Itnoteasybeinggreen...(用唱的)绿皮肤可不简单哟~ =攻击音效= -[.vs英雄]FortheHorde!为了部落! -Hiyah!嗨呀! -Timeforkilling!杀戮的时刻到了! -Timetodie!去死吧! 猎头者- =建造音效= -VenegenceforZulti =选定音效= -Whoyouwantmekill?想让我杀谁? -What?什么? -Waschyouwantmedo?*想让我干吗?(Waschyou=whatyou,读读看是不是这样? ) -Waschyouwantmego?*想让我去哪?(该是wherejyou,参见battle.net creeps中的Foresttroll页) =行动/执行动作音效= -Ahhh!啊! -Anythingyouwant怎样都行 -Joogotitman!*了解了兄弟 -Yeah,hehehehehehehe!耶~呵呵,呵呵,呵呵,呵! =骂玩家音效= -Waschyoubothermefor?*为什么烦我 -Leaveittome,Itakeabigweightoffyourshoulders!交给我吧,我给你减 轻负担 -Schoowannabuyacigar?*(Schoo=you)你想来只烟吗? -Luuucyy! -Sayhellotomylilfriend.跟我的小朋友说声好 =攻击音效= -[.vs英雄]Asdingo!兽人语 -Asdingo!兽人语 -Dontmesswiththebadguy!别跟坏孩子在一起! -Itstimeforalilblood!血债血偿! 弩车-(注解:音效全是噪音没有文字) 牛头人- =建造音效= -Maymyancestorswatchoverme!愿我的祖先注视着我! =选定音效= -Bringiton!来吧! -Iamabletohelp!我帮的上忙 -Hownow!现在怎么样? =行动/执行动作音效= -FortheTribes!为了部落! -Immediately!马上! -Welldone!干的好! =骂玩家音效= -Donotpushme,orIwilimpaleyouonmyhorns!别推我,要不我会用我的角顶 你。 -Doubles! -GotMilk?要奶吗? -Theresalotatstakehere!别的地方有很多树桩! -Hey,whataretheselettersburnedonmyass?嗨,在我PP上印的什么字? -Ohley!** -(玻璃碎裂)Sorry!抱歉! =攻击音效= -[.vs英雄]Ruuuuaahh!喊声 -DeathtotheenemiesoftheHorde!部落的敌人受死吧! -DeathtotheEnemy!敌人受死吧! -Startrunning!逃跑吧! =击中音效= -Euuhhhhh!喊声 狼骑兵-(趣味注解:他的死亡音效文件名是raiderdeath但他叫做 wolfrider) =建造音效= -Readytoride!(狼的喘气和吠叫声)狼骑就绪! =选定音效= -YesCheiftan?(狼的喘气声)是,酋长? -Hmmmm?(狼的呻吟声)恩?? -Needsomething?(狼的喘气声)需要什么吗? -Saytheword!(狼的吠叫声)说啊! =行动/执行动作音效= -Noproblem!(狼的吠叫声)没问题! -Hiyah!*(狼的跑动声)嗨呀! -Mush!(狼的跑动声和呻吟声) -Letsride!(狼的跑动声和呻吟声)冲吧! =骂玩家音效= -Downboy!(狼的吠叫声)下来,小孩! -Youreannoyingmydog!(狼的吠叫声)你若恼我的狗了! -Whatsthatsmell?(狼的喘气声)Oh!Baddog!(狼的哭叫声)那是什么气味?啊 !坏狗狗! -Imhungrylikethewolf!(狼的笑声)(注解:听起来想狼的笑声...当然,如果 它们能笑的话)(用唱的)我饿的象头狼! =攻击音效= -[.vs英雄]ForthegloryoftheWarChief!为了酋长的荣耀! -Sickem!(狼的咆哮声) -Tastemysteel!(狼的吠叫声)尝尝我的铁刃! -ForDoomhammer!(狼的吠叫声)为了毁灭之锤(一个部落吧?) 飞龙骑士- =建造音效= -ReadytosoarMaster!准备飞行,主人! =选定音效= -Arethereenemiesabove?有敌人在天上吗? -Undouble!* -SpingChieftan!*正在侦察,酋长! -Ineedorder!我需要命令! =行动/执行动作音效= -Tothewinds!与风同行 -Letsfly!我们飞吧! -Onwardandupward!向前,向上! -YeeHaw!呀呼~ =骂玩家音效= -Peter!Icanfly!Peter,我会飞了!Peter. -Icanseemyhouse!我看家我家房子了! -Theonnnlywaytofly!飞行的唯一办法 -Imgettingalittledizzy!我有点头晕了! -Flash!(飞兽在咆哮)Ahhaha!闪光吧,啊哈哈! -Flythefriendlyskies!飞向友好的天空! -Look,upinthesky!Itsabird!Itsaplane!ItsME!看天上,那是一 只鸟,那是一架飞机,那是我! =攻击音效= -[.vs英雄]DeathtoallwhoopposetheHorde!挡我部落者死! -Die!死! -Deathfromabove!空中者死! -VictoryfortheHorde!我族必胜! -ForthegloryoftheHorde!为了部落的荣耀! 柯多兽-(趣味注解:在游戏和建造描述里面它们都叫Kodo但是在音效文件里面它 们都叫Koto)所有其他音效都是柯多兽的咆哮.2023-07-05 08:04:171
选定音效= - The time has come. 是时候了 - We must act! 我们必须行动了! - My blade thirsts 我的刀刃渴望着…… - Quickly! 快! - Command Me! 命令我吧! =行动/执行动作音效= - [思想控制] You are spellbound!*** 你已经着魔了 - [蜕变] Time to raise hell! 呼唤地狱的时刻到了 - [吸魂] Your soul is mine!*** 你的灵魂属于我 - [鬼怪视界] Hide no longer!*** 你无处可藏 - Anatorettador!** 精灵语 - Though I be damned! 就算我是被诅咒的! - Duranacal.** 精灵语 - At last. 终于 - Hmmm. 唔 =骂玩家音效= - I shall fight fire with fire! 我要以火焰来克制火焰。 - Chaos boils in my veins! 混沌的力量在我血液中沸腾 - Demon blood is thicker than... regular blood. 恶魔之血浓于……一般的血 - I like my enemies dead and my blades flaming. 最爱看敌人死在我燃烧的刀刃下 - I love green trees! (注解: 这个很粗暴. 在游戏中其实是倒过来的, 我不想把它拼出来所以我把它倒过来了. ) - You will perish in flames (咳嗽声) Ops, sorry! 你将在火焰中毁灭(咳嗽)哦,对不起! - Darkness called, ... but I was on the phone, so I missed him. I tried to *69 Darkness, but his machine picked up. I yelled: "Pick up the phone Darkness", but he ignored me. Darkness must have been screening his calls. 黑暗之王一度召唤我,……但我在打电话,所以我错过了。我试着回拨给他,但只听到录音留言。我喊道:“拿起电话呀,黑暗之王”,但是他不理我。黑暗之王一定是屏蔽了他的电话。 =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] For Calendor! 为了Kalimdor - None shall survive! 挡我者死! - Your blood is mine! 喝你的血! - Run for your life! 快逃命吧! - Revenge! 复仇!2023-07-05 08:04:261
All in all...总而言之……Who cares!谁稀罕!Any thing you say.悉听尊便。Keep in touch .保持联系,打的好累啊。。2023-07-05 08:04:595
at mostat leastlike bestenjoy mostrun fastestjump highestswim fastestthe most clever boythe longest distancejump farest.2023-07-05 08:05:553
圣经典故: The writing on the wall古巴比伦国王Belshazar(伯沙撒)在宫殿里设宴纵饮时,忽然看到一个神秘的手指在王宫墙上写看不懂的文字,后来,国王叫到虏囚犹太预言家Daniel(但以理)才搞明白,墙上的字表示“大难临头”。如预言所示,伯沙撒当夜被杀,新国王由玛代人大利乌继任。 正由于这个“身死国王”的典故,the finger on the wall(墙上的手指)或the writing on the wall(墙上的文字)常和动词see或read连用,用来形容“不祥之兆”。所以,刚才的例句——The official saw the writing on the wall and fled the country——就可翻译为:“这个官员预感到自己将有大难,立即逃到了国外。”2023-07-05 08:06:022
http://www.iselong.com/English/0000/576.htm2023-07-05 08:06:134
body身体,face脸,arm手臂,eye眼睛,hand手,head头,ear耳朵,nose鼻子,foot脚,mouth嘴,yellow黄色,red红色,green绿色,black黑色,white白色family家庭,father父亲,mother母亲,uncle叔叔,aunt阿姨,sister姐姐,brother兄弟home家,room房间,pen钢笔,pencil铅笔,school学校,this这个,that那个。2023-07-05 08:06:252
求got the hots歌词中文翻译
you know i can"t be away from you, girl 你知道我无法离开你,女孩you"ve got me shaking 为你我浑身颤抖,不能自已i"m in love of all the things you do, girl 你的一举一动我都爱,女孩my body is aching 为你我好心疼come on, baby, get up and rock,来吧,宝贝,起来与我一同摇摆身躯 get to the real burn追随那真正的炙热 without your heart to me, the night失去了你对我的心意,夜色will let me set you free 会迷惑我放你脱逃chorus (合唱)our love will shine at the dawn of a brandnew feeling我们的爱将在全新的感觉中苏醒发芽、熠熠生辉 just take your time, now you see that the the magic"s on its way 抓紧时间吧!你要知道,魔法即将来临girl, if we try, we can send all our senses 女孩啊,只要你愿意,我们能交换所有的感情 (we will) we will pass the day就在喁喁私语中度过整整一天you know i"ve got the hots tonight你知道今晚的我,已被你的炽热融化 night, girl (girl) 夜啊,女孩(hee) (MJ经典怪声1)(hoo) (MJ经典怪声2)verse 2i"ve got a heart beatin" just for you, girl 我的心只为你一人悸动,女孩you"ve got me shaking 我为你而颤抖不已i tried all but i can"t get you, girl 我想方设法,还是得不到你,女孩 my body is aching 我的心好疼 come on, baby, get up and rock来吧,宝贝,起来与我一同摇摆get to the real burn (rock it, baby!)追随那真正的炙热(摇摆吧,宝贝!)without your heart to me, the night失去了你对我的心意,夜色will let me set you free 会迷惑我放你脱逃(let me set you free, girl!) (就放你逃吧!女孩!) chorus (合唱)our love will shine at the dawn of a brandnew feeling 我们的爱将在全新的感觉中苏醒发芽、熠熠生辉 just take your time, now you see that the the magic"s on its way 抓紧时间吧!你要知道,魔法即将来临 girl, if we try, we can send all our senses 女孩啊,只要你愿意,我们能交换所有的感情(we will) we will pass the day就在喁喁私语中度过一天又一天 bridge baby, the love that is waiting inside your temper (hoo hee, hee-hee) 宝贝,你内心也在渴望爱吧show me the passion i feel with the body at your side (oh, girl) 尽情展示那已为我察觉的如火热情吧(Oh,女孩!) this is the time to discover the dream we live in (hee)是时候了,我们一同去探索那梦境 girl, can"t you feel it? 女孩,你能感觉到吗? time will be the only alife (aaow!)世上唯有时间永恒流淌 (ooh) (hee) don"t you know?你不知道吗?2023-07-05 08:07:121
是哼哈 杀啊 冲啊 的意思2023-07-05 08:07:223
CCTV-5:NBA冲击总冠军MV “是时候了 将梦想变成现实”背景音乐是哪首英文歌?
@#$%CCTV5总冠军MV: 是时候了 将梦想变成现实The Time of My Life $%%歌词是 Artist:David Cook Song:The time of my life I"ve been waiting for my dreams To turn into something I could believe in And looking for that Magic rainbow On the horizon I couldn"t see it Until I let go Gave into love and watched all the bitterness burn Now I"m coming alive Body and soul And feelin" my world start to turn And I"ll taste every moment And live it out loud I know this is the time, This is the time To be more than a name Or a face in the crowd I know this is the time This is the time of my life Time of my life Holding onto things that vanished Into the air Left me in pieces But now I"m rising from the ashes Finding my wings And all that I needed Was there all along Within my reach As close as the beat of my heart So I"ll taste every moment And live it out loud I know this is the time, This is the time to be More than a name Or a face in the crowd I know this is the time This is the time of my life Time of my life And I"m out on the edge of forever Ready to run I"m keeping my feet on the ground My arms open wide My face to the sun I"ll taste every moment And live it out loud I know this is the time, This is the time to be More than a name Or a face in the crowd I know this is the time This is the time of my life Time of my life More than a name Or a face in the crowd I know This is the time This is the time of my life. This is the time of my life. 我一直在等待我的梦想得到收获 我相信并且一直在寻找地平线上的魔法彩虹 我不能看到它,除非我放过它 把我的爱给它并且看着所有的痛苦化为灰烬 现在我慢慢苏醒 不仅躯体也有灵魂 并且感觉到我的世界开始改变 我会品味每时每刻 勇敢地实现我的梦想 我知道现在正是时候 我不仅仅是拥挤人群中的一个名字 一张面孔 我知道现在正是时候 是我生命中的时候 紧紧抓住直到它消失不见 留下我痛苦心碎 但是现在我正在从废墟中站起来 寻找到我的翅膀和一切我需要的伸手能及的 就像我自己的心跳一样的东西 我会品味每时每刻 勇敢地实现我的梦想 我知道现在正是时候 我不仅仅是一个名字或一张面孔站在拥挤的人群中 我知道现在正是时候 是我生命中的时候 我站在永远的边缘准备奔跑 我永远不会停下我的脚步 张开双臂 面朝阳光 我会品味每时每刻 勇敢地实现我的梦想 我知道现在正是时候 我不仅仅是拥挤人群中的一个名字 一张面孔 我知道现在正是时候 是我生命中的时候 不仅仅是拥挤人群中的一个名字 一张面孔 是时候了,我生命中奋斗的时候 奋斗的时候2023-07-05 08:07:301
同样要求的是无兄弟,不篮球中文的篮球让邓肯说出来很逗 注重的是团队合作2023-07-05 08:07:374
yun 32023-07-05 08:07:482
Timeisup时间到It"stimeto do...是时候(做。。。)It"abouttime.是时候了都可以。最好结合上下文来选择2023-07-05 08:08:061
It is time英文发音:[u026at u026az tau026am]中文释义:是时候了;现在是时候;时候到了例句:All Italy"s political parties have accepted that it is time to revamp the system所有的意大利政党都已经承认现在是时候对体制进行改组了。词汇解析:time英文发音:[tau026am]中文释义:n.(以分钟、小时、天等计量的)时间例句:I am spending a lot of money and time on this boat, but it is worth it我在这艘船上花了很多金钱和时间,但都很值得。扩展资料time的同根词:1、timely英文发音:[u02c8tau026amli]中文释义:adj.及时的;适时的例句:The exhibition is timely, since "self-taught" art is catching on in a big way.展会召开得非常及时,因为“自修”艺术正在广泛流行。2、timeless英文发音: [u02c8tau026amlu0259s]中文释义:adj.不受时间影响的;无时间性的;永不过时的例句:Tweed is timeless, tactile and tough.粗花呢从不过时,手感很好,结实耐磨。2023-07-05 08:08:131
now it is2023-07-05 08:08:292
求“This is the time”中英文歌词
As the years say good-byeOne by one on silent wings they flyWhat will last, what is trueThat"s a lesson I learned lovin" youThis world will find its way somehowI"ve got all that I need right here, right nowCHORUSThis is the time when the cold winds blowWhen the snow falls from HeavenOn the dreamers belowBaby this is the time when I need to knowThat your love will always be mineBaby this is the time, Baby this is the time(Wynonna)Sometimes life leads you blindTo the one you"ve been waiting to findSometimes life lets you seeJust how great the gift of love can beNow the light that fires the brightest starsIs waiting to shine on this moment of oursCHORUS(Wynonna&Michael)If life is just a dream, I know within my heartJust getting closer to youIs by far the sweetest partSo tell me one thing baby, the one thing I need to know2023-07-05 08:08:351
1. Absolutely not. 绝对不是.2. Are you coming with me? 你跟我一起去吗? 3. Are you sure? 你能肯定吗? 4. As soon as possible. 尽快. 5. Believe me. 相信我. 6. Buy it . 买下来! 7. Call me tomorrow. 明天打电话给我. 8. Can you speak slowly? 请您说得慢些好吗? 9. Come with me. 跟我来. 10. Congratulations. 恭喜恭喜. 11. Do it right! 把它做对. 12. Do you mean it ? 你是当真的吗? 13. Do you see him often? 你经常见到他吗? 14. Do you see it? = Do you understand? 你明白了吗? 15. Do you want it? 你要吗? 16. Do you want something? 你想要些什么? 17. Don"t do it . 不要做. 18. Don"t exaggerate. 不要夸张. 19. Don"t tell me that. 不要告诉我. 20. Give me a hand . 帮我一下. 21. Go right ahead. 一直往前走. 22. Have a good trip. 祝旅途愉快. 23. Have a nice day. 祝你一天过得愉快. 24. Have you finished? 你做完了吗? 25. He doesn"t have time. 他没空. 26. He is on his way. 他现在已经在路上了. 27. How are you doing? 你好吗? 28. How long are you staying ? 你要呆多久? 29. I am crazy about her. 我对她着迷了. 30. I am wasting my time . 我在浪费时间. 31. I can do it . 我能做. 32. I can"t believe it . 我简直不能相信. 33. I can"t wait . 我不能再等了. 34. I don"t have time . 我没时间了. 35. I don"t know anybody. 我一个人都不认识. 36. I don"t like it . 我不喜欢. 37. I don"t think so . 我认为不是. 38. I feel much better. 我感觉好多了. 39. I found it . 我找到了. 40. I hope so . 我希望如此. 41. I knew it . 我早知道了. 42. I noticed that. 我注意到了. 43. I see. 我明白了. 44. I speak English well. 我英语说得很好. 45. I think so . 我认为是这样的. 46. I want to speak with him. 我想跟他说话. 47. I won. 我赢了. 48. I would like a cup of coffee, please. 请给我一杯咖啡. 49. I"m hungry. 我饿死了. 50. I"m leaving. 我要走了. 51. I"m sorry. 对不起. 52. I"m used to it . 我习惯了. 53. I"ll miss you. 我会想念你的. 54. I"ll try. 我试试看. 55. I"m bored. 我很无聊. 56. I"m busy. 我很忙. 57. I"m having fun. 我玩得很开心. 58. I"m ready. 我准备好了. 59. I"ve got it . 我明白了. 60. I"ve had it . 我受够了. 61. It"s incredible! 真是难以置信! 62. Is it far? 很远吗? 63. It doesn"t matter. 没关系. 64. It smells good. 闻起来很香. 65. It"s about time . 是时候了. 66. It"s all right. 没关系. 67. It"s easy. 很容易. 68. It"s good. 很好. 最常用的英文短语999句1. I see. 我明白了. 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me too. 我也是. 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. Come on. 来吧(赶快) 8. Hold on. 等一等. 9. I agree. 我同意. 10. Not bad. 还不错. 11. Not yet. 还没. 12. See you. 再见. 13. Shut up! 闭嘴! 14. So long. 再见. 15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?) 16. Allow me. 让我来. 17. Be quiet! 安静点! 18. Cheer up! 振作起来! 19. Good job! 做得好! 20. Have fun! 玩得开心! 21. How much? 多少钱? 22. I"m full. 我饱了. 23. I"m home. 我回来了. 24. I"m lost. 我迷路了. 25. My treat. 我请客. 26. So do I. 我也一样. 27. This way. 这边请. 28. After you. 您先. 29. Bless you! 祝福你! 30. Follow me. 跟我来. 31. Forget it! 休想! (算了!) 32. Good luck! 祝好运! 33. I decline! 我拒绝! 34. I promise. 我保证. 35. Of course! 当然了! 36. Slow down! 慢点! 37. Take care! 保重! 38. They hurt. (伤口)疼. 39. Try again. 再试试. 40. Watch out! 当心. 41. What"s up? 有什么事吗? 42. Be careful! 注意! 43. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)! 44. Don"t move! 不许动! 45. Guess what? 猜猜看? 46. I doubt it 我怀疑. 47. I think so. 我也这么想. 48. I"m single. 我是单身贵族. 49. Keep it up! 坚持下去! 50. Let me see.让我想想. 51. Never mind.不要紧. 52. No problem! 没问题! 53. That"s all! 就这样! 54. Time is up. 时间快到了. 55. What"s new? 有什么新鲜事吗? 56. Count me on 算上我. 57. Don"t worry. 别担心. 58. Feel better? 好点了吗? 59. I love you! 我爱你! 60. I"m his fan. 我是他的影迷. 61. Is it yours? 这是你的吗? 62. That"s neat. 这很好. 63. Are you sure? 你肯定吗? 64. Do l have to 非做不可吗? 65. He is my age. 他和我同岁. 66. Here you are. 给你. 67. No one knows . 没有人知道. 68. Take it easy. 别紧张. 69. What a pity! 太遗憾了! 70. Any thing else? 还要别的吗? 71. To be careful! 一定要小心! 72. Do me a favor? 帮个忙,好吗? 73. Help yourself. 别客气. 74. I"m on a diet. 我在节食. 75. Keep in Touch. 保持联络. 76. Time is money. 时间就是金钱. 77. Who"s calling? 是哪一位? 78. You did right. 你做得对. 79. You set me up! 你出卖我! 80. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? 81. Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心! 82. Excuse me,Sir. 先生,对不起. 83. Give me a hand! 帮帮我! 84. How"s it going? 怎么样? 85. I have no idea. 我没有头绪. 86. I just made it! 我做到了! 87. I"ll see to it 我会留意的. 88. I"m in a hurry! 我在赶时间! 89. It"s her field. 这是她的本行. 90. It"s up to you. 由你决定. 91. Just wonderful! 简直太棒了! 92. What about you? 你呢? 93. You owe me one.你欠我一个人情. 94. You"re welcome. 不客气. 95. Any day will do. 哪一天都行夕 96. Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧! 97. Congratulations! 祝贺你! 98. T can"t help it. 我情不自禁. 99. I don"t mean it. 我不是故意的. 100. I"ll fix you Up. 我会帮你打点的.101. It sounds great!. 听起来很不错. 102. It"s a fine day. 今天是个好天. 103. So far,So good. 目前还不错. 104. What time is it? 几点了? 105. You can make it! 你能做到! 106. Control yourself! 克制一下! 107. He came by train. 他乘火车来. 108. He is ill in bed. 他卧病在床. 109. He lacks courage. 他缺乏勇气. 110. How"s everything? 一切还好吧? 111. I have no choice. 我别无选择. 112. I like ice-cream. 我喜欢吃冰淇淋. 113. I love this game. 我钟爱这项运动. 114. I"ll try my best. 我尽力而为. 115. I"m On your side. 我全力支持你. 116. Long time no see! 好久不见! 117. No pain,no gain. 不劳无获. 118. Well,it depends 噢,这得看情况. 119. We"re all for it. 我们全都同意. 120. What a good deal! 真便宜! 121. What should I do? 我该怎么办? 122. You asked for it! 你自讨苦吃! 123. You have my word. 我保证. 124. Believe it or not! 信不信由你! 125. Don"t count on me.别指望我. 126. Don"t fall for it! 别上当! 127. Don"t let me down. 别让我失望. 128. Easy come easy go. 来得容易,去得快. 129. I beg your pardon. 请你原谅. 130. I beg your pardon? 请您再说一遍(我没有听清). 131. I"ll be back soon. 我马上回来. 132. I"ll check it out. 我去查查看. 133. It"s a long story. 说来话长. 134. It"s Sunday today. 今天是星期天. 135. Just wait and see! 等着瞧! 136. Make up your mind. 做个决定吧. 137. That"s all I need. 我就要这些. 138. The view is great. 景色多么漂亮! 139. The wall has ears. 隔墙有耳. 140. There comes a bus. 汽车来了. 141. What day is today? 今天星期几? 142. What do you think? 你怎么认为? 143. Who told you that? 谁告诉你的? 144. Who"s kicking off? 现在是谁在开球? 145. Yes,I suppose So. 是的,我也这么认为. 146. You can"t miss it 你一定能找到的. 147. Any messages for me? 有我的留言吗? 148. Don"t be so modest. 别谦虚了. 149. Don"t give me that! 少来这套! 150. He is a smart boy. 他是个小机灵鬼. 151. He is just a child. 他只是个孩子. 152. I can"t follow you. 我不懂你说的. 153. I felt sort of ill. 我感觉有点不适. 154. I have a good idea! 我有一个好主意. 155. It is growing cool. 天气渐渐凉爽起来. 156. It seems all right. 看来这没问题. 157. It"s going too far. 太离谱了. 158. May I use your pen? 我可以用你的笔吗? 159. She had a bad cold. 她患了重感冒. 160. That"s a good idea. 这个主意真不错. 161. The answer is zero. 白忙了. 162. What does she like? 她喜欢什么? 163. As soon as possible! 越快越好! 164. He can hardly speak. 他几乎说不出话来. 165. He always talks big. 他总是吹牛. 166. He won an election. 他在选举中获胜. 167. I am a football fan. 我是个足球迷. 168. If only I could fly. 要是我能飞就好了. 169. I"ll be right there. 我马上就到. 170. I"ll see you at six. 我六点钟见你. 171. IS it true or false? 这是对的还是错的? 172. Just read it for me. 就读给我听好了. 173. Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量. 174. Move out of my way! 让开! 175. Time is running out. 没时间了. 176. We are good friends. 我们是好朋友. 177. What"s your trouble? 你哪儿不舒服? 178. You did fairly well! 你干得相当不错1 179. Clothes make the man. 人要衣装. 180. Did you miss the bus? 你错过公共汽车了? 181. Don"t lose your head. 不要惊慌失措. 182. He can"t take a joke. 他开不得玩笑. 183. He owes my uncle $100.他欠我叔叔100美元. 184. How are things going? 事情进展得怎样? 185. How are you recently? 最近怎么样? 186. I know all about it. 我知道有关它的一切. 187. It really takes time. 这样太耽误时间了. 188. It"s against the law. 这是违法的. 189. Love me,love my dog. (谚语)爱屋及乌. 190. My mouth is watering. 我要流口水了. 191. Speak louder,please. 说话请大声点儿. 192. This boy has no job. 这个男孩没有工作. 193. This house is my own. 这所房子是我自己的. 194. What happened to you? 你怎么了? 195. You are just in time. 你来得正是时候. 196. You need to workout. 你需要去运动锻炼一下. 197. Your hand feels cold. 你的手摸起来很冷. 198. Don"t be so childish. 别这么孩子气. 199. Don"t trust to chance! 不要碰运气. 200. Fasten your seat belt. 系好你的安全带.2023-07-05 08:08:421
Warcraft English?说明白点啊 你到底要什么2023-07-05 08:08:512
At first glance最常用的英语句子1、It doesn"t matter.没关系。2、What is he talking about?他在说些什么?3、Congratulations.恭喜恭喜。4、Call me tomorrow.明天打电话给我。5、She is so smart.她真聪明。6、I feel much better.我感觉好多了。7、Don"t do it .不要做。8、Are you sure?你能肯定吗?9、It"s about time .是时候了。10、That"s right.对了。11、What did you say?你说什么?12、I can"t believe it .我简直不能相信。13、I can"t wait .我不能再等了。14、I"m sorry.对不起。15、I see.我明白了。16、Don"t tell me that.不要告诉我。17、It"s easy.很容易。18、I don"t think so .我认为不是。19、It"s near here.离这很近。20、Come with me.跟我来。2023-07-05 08:09:001
没有注意到2023-07-05 08:09:153
百度搜索英语口语九百句就有很多,加油2023-07-05 08:09:523
以下是我在网上找的 希望能帮到你:Night has fallen 夜幕降临Mute and cold 静谧难耐My horse is crying只有我的马儿哭泣的声音But you know there is time 你知道是时候了But you know there is time 你知道是时候了But you"ll never learn但是你从不让自己明白 Keep you safe 静静的维护你的安全Dare to come 虽然你没有来But you love me still但是我知道你依然是爱我的But you"ll never learn 但是你从不让你自己明白Tears to come 我的眼泪静静地落下来2023-07-05 08:09:581
找一首英文歌。我只知道它的汉译。 宝贝,是时候了,我可是坚不可摧
朝不虑夕 为福楼拜迷地2023-07-05 08:10:062
急求 shemsi的 Say you will be mine 歌词翻译 中英文对照
BabyIwashypnotised宝贝我呗催眠了WhenIlookedintoyoureyes当我看着你的眼睛的时候SawtheloveIdbeenwaitinfor看着爱情我一直在等待Couldnthelpbutfantasize不能得救但是能幻想着AboutaworldwhereyouandI关于我和你在哪里Staytogetherforevermore在一起知道永远Donthesitate不要犹豫CosIcantcontrolmyfeelings因为我不想控制你的想法Justcantwait仅仅是不能等待NowIknowwherethisisleadin现在我知道了这个引导在哪里Babypleasethisheartsontheline宝贝,请你一直爱着我Dontwastethisprecioustime不要浪费这宝贵的时间Sayyoullbemine说你将是我的Itsnothardtodo这个做起来不难Justtellmeyoufeelittoo仅仅告诉我你也是这样想的Baby,itstime宝贝,是时候了Sayyoullbemine(sayyoullbemine)说你是我的Tookasparktostartthefire火花开始燃烧Fantheflameofmydesire扇动我欲望的火焰Turnthelightonmydestiny把我的命运点亮Andittookmebysurprise给我带来惊喜AlltheloveIfeltinside我能感受到里面所有的爱NowIknowitwasmeanttobe现在我知道是什么意思了Andstepbystep一步接着一步Icanfeelhowcloseweregetting我能感受到越来越接近了Cantstopyet不要停歇CosIknowwherethisisheadin因为我想知道哪里是尽头Babyplease,(babyplease)thisheartsontheline宝贝求你一直把我放在你心上Dontwastethisprecioustime(dontwasteit)不要浪费这宝贵的时间Sayyoullbemine(sayyoullbemine)说你将是我的Itsnothardtodo(no,no)这样做不难Justtellmeyoufeelittoo(feelittoo)仅仅让我也能体会到Baby,itstime(itstime)宝贝,是时候了Sayyoullbemine(sayyoullbemine)说你将是我的Baby,itstime(itstime)宝贝,是时候了Sayyoullbemine(sayyoullbemine)说你将是我的Sayit,allyagottadoissayit(justsayit)说,全部说出来YouretheoneIvebeenwaitingfor你是我唯一在等待的人Sayit,allyougottadoissayit(justsayit,aah)全部说出来Babyplease,thisheartsontheline宝贝,请你一直吧我放在心上Dontwastethisprecioustime不要浪费宝贵的时间SayyoullbemineItsnothardtodo(nothardtodo)Justtellmeyoufeelittoo(feelitto)Baby,itstime(cmon)Sayyoullbemine(sayyoullbemine)(Sayit)sayyoullbemine(sayyoullbemine)(Sayit)sayyoullbemine(sayyoullbemine)(Sayit)sayyoullbemine(sayyoullbemine)Baby,itstime(itstime)SayyoullbemineBabyplease,(babyplease)thisheartsonthelineDontwastethisprecioustimeSayyoullbemine(saidyoullbemine)Itsnothardtodo(nothardtodo)Justtellmeyoufeelittoo(feelittoo)Baby,itstime(itstime)Sayyoullbemine(sayyoullbemine)Sayyoullbemine..2023-07-05 08:10:121
下面的网址里有详细的翻译2023-07-05 08:10:202
Be一般接动词+ing,名次还有形容词2023-07-05 08:10:303
蛇发女妖:Istand ready我准备好了;Time is short,normal普通人,你的时间不多了 地精修补匠:I"m all geared up我武装好了;Yeah, runs on 2;20,2;21 whatever it takes对啊,它会在2.20,或者2.21,或者其他需要的状态下工 炼金术士:Care for a cocktail?想要马尾酒吗? Don"t rush me 不要催我 死亡先知:You call to me? 你在呼唤我?If that is your wish. 如果那是你的意愿。 地狱领主:I am the Darkness! 我就是黑暗!As you order!随时候命 兽王:Ihear the call of the wild我听见大自然的呼唤了;What lies before me我前面有什么 影魔:You"re ear I live 你来了,我便得到了生命 Fire away. 你可以退下了 黑市商人:My life for Nazul! Ner 耐奥祖万岁 地穴刺客:Make your choice!给你一次机会 The time is now! 是时候了! 德鲁伊:I"m awake, I"m awake! 我醒来了~ Our time is short! 我们时间紧迫 敌法师:We must act! 我们必须行动了! At last. 终于 屠夫:Us hear and obey!* 我们听从命令,What we do?* 让我们做什么?,另有DOTA唯一的全图吼声:fresh meat!好新鲜的肉。(多点几次会说一大堆,其中有一句好像说我们很性感,狂晕!!) 40法师:The shadows beckon! 影子在召唤!,The restless dead await! 无尽的死亡在等待! 暗夜魔王:The night beckons! 夜在召唤!(唉,就这时候猖狂)What is it now? 现在呢? 巫妖:Direct me!请指示,So be it! 正是如此! 秀逗魔导师:Do you require aid, human?需要帮助吗,人类? Help me, help you. 帮助我就是帮助你 What a good idea. 真是个好主意 哥布林工程师:Oh my baby!哦,我的孩子。 光之守卫:Well? 什么? What is it now? 现在该怎么样? 剑圣:I am yours! 我属于你!I hear(这个单词他说的是嗨噜) and obey!* 我听从命令! 撼地神牛:Oh no。哦,不。 May my ancestors watch over me!也许我的主要在看着我! 众神之王:Move it! 行动! Watch this! 看这招! 月之骑士:As the Godess wills! 按照女神的意愿! Fear the night! 魅惑魔女:Is there trouble? 有麻烦吗? What is nature""s call? 大自然在召唤什么? 受折魔的灵魂:The calm, before the storm. 暴风雨前的宁静 The time is now. 就是现在(这斯很激动,声音一直在抖) 血魔:fire away.快离开。 Right away! 马上! 巫医:Da be good choice, man!* 正确的选择How may I serve?我要怎样服务?最响的一句“怕听狗”经分析应该是兽语之类的 复仇电魂:for the lich king.为了巫妖王。 隐形刺客:deliciens 美味的 赏金猎人:moxi moxi(听不懂)I can。什么什么我可以。 火枪:ya ha ma ta re gei呵呵,正确的是you have a taregit你得有一个目标 混沌骑士:PERFECET完全的 圣骑士:future is ours.未来是我们的(倒底还是先知) 黑暗游侠:I am here, as always. 我在这儿,一直都在 幻影刺客:I am wasting time here.我是在这浪费时间。 沉默术士:Your magic is mine!你的魔法是我的。 暗影萨满:Be happy.要快乐些。2023-07-05 08:10:371
Claude Kelly 的《Obvious》中英文歌词
这首歌很好听呢,所以我愿意帮你翻一下喽,加分吧,辛苦啊哈。 Oooh. Yeah. My friends say that I Should move on with my life. Its easier said than done, Cuz I know that Ive tried. They say its time To go our separate ways. But Im paralyzed, And believe me when I say, If I could live without you, I would just walk away. But I feel sick when Im not around you. Like Im allergic to the pain. If I could breathe without you, I would let go of your hand. But every time I try, I feel like half a man. So its obvious I cant. (Its obvious I cant) No prayers of love Have fallen way too far. Theres no cure, no drug To heal my burning heart. Dont say its time, To go our separate ways. Cuz Im paralyzed. And it wouldnt last for a single day. If I could live without you, I would just walk away. But I feel sick when Im not around you. Like Im allergic to the pain. If I could breathe without you, I would let go of your hand. But every time I try, I feel like half a man. So its obvious I cant. (Its obvious I cant) (Its obvious I cant) Oh, its obvious. I need you love. So dont you ever go away. No, I need you girl, In my life, Every minute, every day. If I could live without you, I would just walk away. But I feel sick when Im not around you. Like Im allergic to the pain. If I could breathe without you, I would let go of your hand. But every time I try, I feel like half a man. So its obvious I cant. If I could live without you, I would just walk away. But I feel sick when Im not around you. Like Im allergic to the pain. If I could breathe without you, I would let go of your hand. But every time I try, I feel like half a man. So its obvious I cant. (na na na na na na na na na) Its obvious I cant. (na na na na na na na na na) (Ooh) Its obvious I cant. (Ohh) Oooh 是的。 我的朋友说我 应该继续我的生活。 其实说起来容易做起来难, 因为我知道我曾试过。 他们说是时候了 该分手了。 但我已不能自拔, 请相信我,当我说: 如果我可以过没有你的生活, 我会走开。 然而当我不在你身边我便觉得虚脱。 就像我对海鲜过敏的痛苦。 如果离你而去我还可以呼吸, 我会松开你的手。 但是每次我试着这样做, 我就觉得我不像个男人。 因为显而易见我不能。 (显而易见我不能)。 没有爱的祈祷 已经陷得太深。 没有什么方法,没有什么药物 可以治愈我的心。 不要说到时间了, 该分手了。 因为我已无法自拔。 而这不会仅仅维持一天。 如果我可以过没有你的生活, 我会走开。 然而当我不在你身边我便觉得虚脱。 就像我对海鲜过敏的痛苦。 如果离你而去我还可以呼吸, 我会松开你的手。 但是每次我试着这样做, 我就觉得我不像个男人。 因为显而易见我不能。 (显而易见我不能)。 噢,如此明显。我需要你的爱。 所以不要走开。 不,我需要你,女孩, 在我的生命中, 每一天,每一分钟。 如果我可以过没有你的生活, 我会走开。 然而当我不在你身边我便觉得虚脱。 就像我对海鲜过敏的痛苦。 如果我可以离开你呼吸, 我会松开你的手。 但是每次我试着这样做, 我就觉得我不像个男人。 因为显而易见我不能。 如果我可以过没有你的生活, 我会走开。 然而当我不在你身边我便觉得虚脱。 就像我对海鲜过敏的痛苦。 如果我可以离开你呼吸, 我会松开你的手。 但是每次我试着这样做, 我就觉得我不像个男人。 因为显而易见我不能。 ( )。 如此明显我不能。 ( )。 (哦)。 如此明显我不能。 (哦)。2023-07-05 08:10:441
22------Taylor swift2023-07-05 08:10:512
找英语高手翻译下nervous breakdown的歌词
告诉我为何,你不搭我的车 不知为何,你从不留在我的眼前我TMD只想知道到底什么不对劲 让我怎麼作你才觉得对若让你哭泣我就是个傻瓜放过我吧你最好改变你的愚蠢行为在我离去之前我只想紧紧抱住你我只想感觉你气息今晚想留在你身边所以宝贝,别让我失望我知道如何满足你我知道你今晚需要我从未让我知道你在想些什麼你让我精神崩溃是时候了,我要会让你玩到尽兴不用担心,我要让你散发光芒非常想知道你TMD到底感觉怎样要我怎麼做你才觉得对若让你哭泣我就是个傻瓜放过我吧你最好改变你的愚蠢行为在我消失之前我只想好好待你我只想凝望你双眸只想整夜吻你所以宝贝,别让我失望我知道如何满足你我知道你今晚需要我从未让我知道你在想些什麼你让我精神崩溃你让我疯狂很快的我会让你躺下(失望/离开)这里双管,即暧昧又要挟一下告诉我为何,你不搭我的车 不知为何,你从不留在我的眼前放过我吧你最好改变你的愚蠢行为在我消失之前后面反复,同上2023-07-05 08:11:304