1.people inst
2.things purchused
3.more access
4.are less
6.they enjoy
7.access to
8.separable things
9.the wild world
11.C)She enjoys staying in Washington。
12.C)The director"s opinion of her work。
13.D)Avo id excessive physical training。
14.C)Whether she can travel by air。
15.B)The woman violated traffic regulations。
16.B)Have someone repair the refrigerator。
17.A)He can finally do what he has dreamed of。
18.B)She got hurt in an accident yesterday。
19.A)She was a witness to the crime。
20.B)A tall man with dark hair and a moustache。
21.D)Identify the suspects for pictures。
22.C)By reading a newspaper ad。
23.A)She would work close to her family。
24.B)Working as a secretary。
25.A)Send in a written application as soon as possible。
26.D)They mistake the firefighters for monsters。
27.A)He often teaches children what to do during a fire。
28.D)He saved the life of his brother choking on food。
29.D)Informative speeches can save lives。
30.C)To make money for early retirement。
31.A)They may have to continue to work in old age
32.B)Making wise use of your time。
33.C)Innocent people being suspected groundlessly。
34.D)Allowing only two students to enter at a time。
35.B)He was closely watched。
36. preserve
37. appreciate
38. households
39. chat
40. convenient
41. rates
42. receive
43. submit
44. They are also sharing information about concerts, sports events, or jokes and philosophy of life
45. A handwritten note to a friend or a family member is the best way to communicate important thoughts
46. This writing practice brings rewards that cannot be seen in bank account
47. M) rai
48. L) psychological
49. E) contributions
50. A) abilities
51. B) achieve
52. N) smart
53. I) extent
54. J) indicates
55. G) essentially
56. H) eventually
Section B 仔细阅读参考答案
57-61:C A B D A
62-66: D B A A B
67. D came out
68. C less
69. D by
70. A almost
71. B developed
72. C growth
73. B lead
74. A pressure
75. B services
76. B into
77. C driven
78. C wealth
79. C unless
80. D expand
81. C at
82. C common
83. A major
84. D trend
85. C but
86. B possibilities
67. D came out 表示出版,公布,这里表示报告的公布。
68. C less 根据上下文可知这里说的是都市人口的增长,强调之前的少和现在的多,所以用少于更合适。less than:少于,不到。
69. D by 在这里表示截止到某时间为止。
70. A almost 几乎,将近,对前面的解释,说明人口有多少。
71. B developed 根据上下文意思,以及后文相对的developing world可知应该是发达国家,即:developed countries。
72. C growth 仔细阅读的话可以发现下文就有答案,这里讲的是都市人口的增长,所以用growth。
73. B lead lead to表示导致,通向,本段末也有出现过,在这里是说都市化有助于社会和经济的进步。
74. A pressure 从下文的描述可以看出过快的都市化也给城市带来了巨大压力,所以选pressure。
75. B services 服务,城市为人们提供住房和服务。
76. B into 介词选择,move into 移入,迁入;固定搭配。
77. C driven 表示推动,驱动,driven by 由…驱动,由什么原因引起的。
78. C wealth 财富;social division and differences in wealth 社会分化和财富上的差距。
79. C unless 除非,这里说的是除非城市规划更好,否则各部分财富分配不均的局面将可能导致犯罪问题。
80. D expand 指扩张, expand into rural areas 扩张到农村地区。
81. C at at a much faster rate 以更快的速度,固定搭配
82. C common 表示某事件很普遍,平常。从下文的across America可知这种情况很普遍很常见。
83. A major major cities,大城市,与后文中的smaller cities形成对比
84. D trend 趋势,这里是对前面情况的概括,a trend toward de-urbanization 表示一种逆城市化的发展趋势。
85. C but 表示转折,说城市还是有自身优点的,与前面的“逆城市化”形成转折关系。
86. B possibilities 可能性,这里表示城市依然能够提供农村所不能提供的机会和可能性。
87. To ensure that he can attend the meeting
88. i
s said to have been built
89. without the distinct environment of the earth
90. What impressed the tourists most
91. I return the book to the library
A级答案 A卷 16---20 32 421 21---25 43122 26 lucking 27 introduction 28 to make 29 informeds 30 rebuilts 31 had lived 32 winning 33 mores 34 heavily 35 lefts 36--40 13323 41--45 12234 46tuiters 47returning 48 pocket money 49educational career 50February 51 DQ 52 LJ 53 AE 54 NP 55 GI 56 14week 57sales support activity 58an online catalog 59business communication 60in interview 61--64 4221 B卷 16--20 ACBCC 21--25 BDACB 36--40 BCDCD 41--45 BBACC 46tuiters 47returning 48 pocket money 49educational career 50February 51DQ 52LJ 53AE 54NP 55GI 56 14week 57sales support activity 58an online catalog 59business communication 60in interview 61--64 DBAD 65 城市政府认识到市民有些必然的新需求,为更好的满足您的需求,在2009年我们已经做了一些社区设施的改变:已经增加了三条从郊区到西火车服务站,宽带现在也全市的所有 地方可以使用,从市图书馆买了5000本新书,在城市医院安装了新的设备。明年我们将尽我们的全力让我们的生活更好 除了选择题 其他跟A卷一样 作文: 说明:假设你是某公司人事部职员王林,为安排一次职工的假期旅行,向某旅行社写信询问有关事宜。 内容: 1 询问旅游信息 (线路价格折扣) 2 告诉对方参加旅游的人数和时间安排 3 素要相关的资料,特别是行程的安排~~~~~~~~~~~~这是我收索到的!希望点评,仅供参考!
2010-12-18 21:26 回复
作,1你对环保社会的认识。2你将为如何建设环保社会做出自己的贡献。 =13 B consits14 C back15 C vision16 in brief17 D permared18 A book19 c all in20 D detected21 look up22 better23 apologizing24 duty25 will have discovered26 to be discovering27 not to make28 have not sold29 leaving30 ten thousand31 all that32 could to taken33 D deaf,mute and virtually bind34 D soseph shiroko35 B baby clothes anddeied somoked meat36 D running the school37 A helping its students learn a way to make a living38 C lover more39secret40 A 1980s41 D warn42 C contact43 D making44.D genetic45:A humans”instinctive preference towards looks46B the opposite sex47A the were not interested in good looks48C loved49B lost support50B getting51 C lover52 speech
without while Unless will find whose so finish Shocked at That
(interview)___were interviewed
(discuss)__will be discuss
(第一部分 注意:我只写了答案,到时题序会打乱。只记答案)
bosses determine your career future.
being promoted in position
do your best in your work.
effective communication
How to get along with your boss.
help poor people
find out where infections diseases develep.
small and medium-sized businesses.
Google"s profits and stock value
2,on the ground
3,during the flight
4,video programs
5,Northern China
(第四部分 根据文章内容写出问题的答案)
What job postion is ..................................?The after _sales manager
a union a lawyer ,.......................
By conacting the Emplovment service office...........
when...................By 1 June 2009
This offer will be automatically withdraw.....................
(第五部分 根据中文选择相对应的英文。)
安全保障级别:level.......... 有效证件:valid ducument
安全监控;security monitoring and control 入境要求:entry requierment
空中交通管制系统:air traffic comtrol system 安保人员: seurity personal
安全预防措施:safety precaution measure
巡逻车:patrouing vehicle
武装警察:arme dpolice
( A )空中交通管制系统 ( J ) 安全预防措施
( I )巡逻车 ( B ) 武装警察
( E )国际刑警组织 ( P ) 有效证件
( D )入境要求 ( O )安保人员
( F )安全保障级别 ( Q )安全监控
翻译 下面的答案为错误的 所以你要选其他的三个
1. if either party 如果 …….撤消…..
2. there is no 尽管没有人….机会消失…肯定的
3. most of the 第二个 讨论
4. only in this 如果…..击败…. 外国对手
Part ⅤWriting
We are to hold a mee ting of study monitors of every class in Room 205 of the Classroom Building at 2∶00 p.m. next Monday, Nov.30. The topic of the meeting is “How to improve our spoken English”. You are requested to give your ideas on how to practice spoken English and tell what kind of problems your classmates are facing. You can speak of your own experience in learning oral Englishor what you can do to help your classmates make progress. Your valuable opinions and suggestions are welcome. Please get ready, and come on time. No one is to be absent.
Student Union
Overseas Sales Manager: 海外销售部经理 appoint: 任命 promotion:晋升,提升
mainly:主要的 contribution:贡献 colleague:同事 support:支持
due to:由于,幸亏 efforts:努力 maintain:保持 contact:联系
level:水平 recently:最近 be interested in:对。。。感兴趣 new style:新款
detail:详细的 information:信息 product:产品 function:功能 outlook:前景 set up / build :建立 relationship:关系
有用句型;1,I look forward to your reply.2,Would you let me know.....
3,I am writing to you in the hope that I may get.....
4,I would like to inquire about some information about.....
5,Yours sincerely 6,December 20th.2009
(1)I would like to inquire about some information about…
(2)I would like some detailed information on…
(3) I shall be grateful if you could have details concerning. . . available.
(4) I am writing to you in the hope that I may obtain…
(5) Would you be so kind as to let me know. . .
(6) I am greatly concerned about. . .
(7) Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be greatly appreciated.
(8) I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.
(9) Yours sincerely,
开头句 I would like to in quire about some in form ation a bout……
结束句 I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your…earliest convenience
1 We insvest...the. 选B How
2 The Humen...this year. 选A increased
3 The team... 选B completed
4 Dn"t...losing it. 选C unless
5 By ... 选D will have worked for
6 .... 选C on arriving
7 Not...campaiy. 选C did I learn
8 Miss... 选B working
9 Tom...advice 选A follwed
10 Jack...to us. 选D which
二 填空题
4.(consider)was considered
8.(keep)to keep
9.(fill) filling
选B teamwork skills
2.According ...skill
选B Are learn...in a team
选B In....to perate.
选A came to an agreement
选A team...
1. Fairnay…that.
选C pravides car the bire
选B thlatest computersys tems.
选C telephone.
4.The …clienes to…
B.Do sighcseeing ..lower price.
选 A wedding service.
答案 文章中找 不会超个三个单词 文章中找傻子都会
1.John Brown
2.human resoure management
3.educatinnl bucleround
4.wnrle expenrience
5.early affemoons
1()旅行文件 Travel bocuments
2()儿童...Child help
3(D)急诊医疗手术Emergenly medi
4(M)第三方...Third dury insurule
5 (F)医疗费用Medicul exp...
6(N)行程延误 Travel delay
7(B)行李损坏.. Damaytd
8(L)罢工..Strike risle
9(K)租车..保险Rentul vehide
10(Q)战争…War risle
1.It offer..of credit?
Personal line
$100,000 cashor twice you monthly in come (文中有)
a low interest rate…
I"s ..flexible repayments
5 How can …?
Throngh on line banking .
六.翻译(不选一下的 其它自己看着办都有分)
1.All of the…our commercial partner.
2.I you…
不选B 如果你无法预付租金,你的…两种贷款
3.These …cus tomers.
不选C 你们生产的…都是不合格的…顾客要求退换。
4 不选D 董事会决..他有权对重大问题采取措施
December 19th,2010.
Dar mr xxx,
1, 表示要辞职 I am wrieing to inform you about my decision to resign from my….
2, 辞职的原因 I have accepted an oiffer by anther firm and have decided to tender my
3, 说明辞职时间 Effective amonth later, I will be resing my employment with your"s company
4, 表示感谢 Thank you for your company and consideration in these several years wrking.
一 选择题 1 We insvest...the. 选B How 2 The Humen...this year. 选A increased 3 The team... 选B completed 4 Dn"t...losing it. 选C unless 5 By ... 选D will have worked for 6 .... 选C on arriving 7 Not...campaiy. 选C did I learn 8 Miss... 选B working 9 Tom...advice 选A follwed 10 Jack...to us. 选D which 二 填空题 1.(educate)education 2.(confort)confortable 3.(need)needed 4.(consider)was considered 5.(harm)harmful 6.(careful)carefully 7.(good)best 8.(keep)to keep 9.(fill) filling 10.(interst)intersted 阅读一 1.I"m...successful? 选B teamwork skills 2.According ...skill 选B Are learn...in a team 3.Team...for.. 选B In....to perate. 4.Why... 选A came to an agreement 5.What...puss? 选A team... 阅读二 1. Fairnay…that. 选C pravides car the bire 2.The… 选B thlatest computersys tems. 3.Form…by. 选C telephone. 4.The …clienes to… B.Do sighcseeing ..lower price. 5.which….part? 选 A wedding service. 阅读三 答案 文章中找 不会超个三个单词 文章中找傻子都会 1.John Brown 2.human resoure management 3.educatinnl bucleround 4.wnrle expenrience 5.early affemoons 四.英汉互译选择 1()旅行文件 Travel bocuments 2()儿童...Child help 3(D)急诊医疗手术Emergenly medi 4(M)第三方...Third dury insurule 5 (F)医疗费用Medicul exp... 6(N)行程延误 Travel delay 7(B)行李损坏.. Damaytd 8(L)罢工..Strike risle 9(K)租车..保险Rentul vehide 10(Q)战争…War risle 五.阅读回答 根据提示到文中找 1.It offer..of credit? Personal line 2…..? $100,000 cashor twice you monthly in come (文中有) 3……? a low interest rate… 4…..? I"s ..flexible repayments 5 How can …? Throngh on line banking . 六.翻译(不选一下的 其它自己看着办都有分) 1.All of the…our commercial partner. 不选A 2.I you… 不选B 如果你无法预付租金,你的…两种贷款 3.These …cus tomers. 不选C 你们生产的…都是不合格的…顾客要求退换。 4 不选D 董事会决..他有权对重大问题采取措施 七.作文 关于辞职信 December 19th,2010. Dar mr xxx, 1, 表示要辞职 I am wrieing to inform you about my decision to resign from my…. 2, 辞职的原因 I have accepted an oiffer by anther firm and have decided to tender my resignation…… 3, 说明辞职时间 Effective amonth later, I will be resing my employment with your"s company….. 4, 表示感谢 Thank you for you
We must find……… A.Without
2. sone stadents ……. whice
3.______the weather improves…… D.Unless
4.Encosed you_______ will find
5.Would you pass whose
6.John had nerer been so
7.It is finish
8._______by the tailure shocked
9.when I firse at
10.we are happy that
1.If your neigh badly complaint
2.Measares should brouht
3.Having been badly reduilt
4.I shall correcting
5.The local eccnomy heavily
6.Some domescic advanxed
7.Since we work occasionally
8.30 perent of were interviewed
9.Finally the lost
10The proposal will be discussed
1.The main idea bosses determine……….
2.In the second being promoted in position
3In order to do your best in your wor
4. The morst importont effective communication
5.From the last hom to fot alory withyou boss
1.Seat helts remain help poor people
2.Accrding to aleem find out where infectious diseases
3.What king of small and medium….
4.From the fourth conduct studies
5.From the last Goog le"s profits
基本上可以在原文上找得到 fastened on the ground during the flight video proyrams northern china
1.what job position the after sales manager
2.From who a lwyer
3.how can mr employment service office
4.CD andDVD video programs
5.what will happen automatically with draw
空中交通管制系统 Air traffic control system
安全预防措施 Safety precautions
巡逻车 Patrol
国际刑警组织 International Criminal Police Organization
安全保障级别 level of security
安保人员 Security personnel
入境要求 Entry requirements
武装警察 Armed police
安全监控 security monitoring
有效证件 valid docaments
翻译 下面的答案为错误的 所以你要选其他的三个
1. if either party 如果 …….撤消…..
2. there is no 尽管没有人….机会消失…肯定的
3. most of the 第二个 讨论
4. only in this 如果…..击败…. 外国对手
开头句 I would like to in quire about some in form ation a bout……
结束句 I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your…earliest convenience
一、选择题 1,we inrestig ated other...(bhow) 2,the human resources...(Ain(reased)) 3,the tearm is going...(Acompetes) 4,Don"t risk any...(Cunless) 5,By the end of...(Dwill have worked) 6,(Con arrivig)attlne... 7,Not until...(CDid"t i learn) 8,Miss sinth"s...(Bworking) 9,tom night have...(Afollowed) 10,Jack said...(Dwhich) 二、填空题 1,I have a work(education) 2,more than half of the staff ...they(comfortable) 3,the student asked...(needed) 4,at that time i worked...(was considered) 5,all types of water...(harmful) 6,if the inrestment...(carefully) 7,Among all the internet...(best) 8,companies are legauy...(to keep) 9,please read through...(filling) 10,At the meeting i made...(interested) 三、阅读理解 task1 when i come 1,in the anthor"s... tearawork skills 2,According to he second... Bare learned while working in a term 3,Team bulidiy... Bencouraging employees to co-operate 4,why are team member ... A o come an agreement 5,what"s is the best title of passager A eam bulidig task2 1,fairway kenwood is a company that Cprovides private car hire service 2,the company"s vehicies are equipped with B he latest computer systems 3,from the passage we know tha you can coutact the sales... C elephone 4,the prafessiona sale of the company can help clients to... Bdo sightseeing at a lower price 5,which of the following speacil se.... Awedding service task3 Der mr smith job applicant (John Brown) post...(human resource managoment) personal in...(educational background) (work experience) time avabile (early afternoons) task4 cash plus gives you extra cash 1,what service does cashplus offer(personal line) 2,what is the upper credit limit for cashplus up to($100,000cash)or twice your monthly in come 3,what is the benefit if you get cash from cashplus(low interest rate) 4,what is advantage of cashplus (monthly repaynont)flexlble monthly repay ments 5,how can cashplus be used? online banking 四、连线题 旅行文件 (O)travel documents 儿童救助 (A)child help 急诊医疗手术 (D)emergency medical operation 第三方责任 (M)third party insurance 医疗费用 (F)medical expenses 行程延误 (N)travel delay 行李损坏 (B)dainaged baggage 罢工险 (L)strike risk 租车保险负额 (K)rental vehicle excess 战争险 (Q)war risk 五、翻译题 以下给出的是错误答案,请选择正确答案。 1、All of the infrorun that you need to a apply for your visa is available free of charge. A你申请签证时所需要的一切证明材料全由我的贸易网站woriz bridge向你提供。 2,if you... B如果无法预付租金,你可以从两类社会基金中获得贷款 3,these products certainly C你们发来的产品和我们所看到的样品都不合格,顾客要求退换。 4,A compuny"s goals and... 董事会决心修改公司的方针政策,他们有权对重大问题采取措施。 六、重点单词及短语 attend your appointment 赴约 conrenient 方便 as soon as possible 尽快 enable 能够 offer 提供 patient 病人 rebook 重新预约 cancel 取消 change 改变 method 方法 作文:写辞职信 , 表示要辞职 I am wrieing to inform you about my decision to resign from my…. 2, 辞职的原因 I have accepted an oiffer by anther firm and have decided to tender my resignation…… 3, 说明辞职时间 Effective amonth later, I will be resing my employment with your"s company….. 4, 表示感谢 Thank you for your company and consideration in these several years wrking.
听力:1 Put the key in the wrong places 2.8:00 3.recover from the 4.30 5.attened the meeting 6.japan 7.bus 8.camera speech context 9.park the car case 10.trip with school
11.the day later 12.no plan 13. planning 14.suffer
15.schedual 16 . 17volunteer 18. 19. boarding 20. work out
单选。1题,above all. 2题,popular.3题,inquired. 4题,in brief. 5题, admitting. 6题,look into 7题, view. 8题,consists. 9题,duty. 10题, back.11题,book. 12题,superior. 13题,all that . 14题, be introduced. 15题, could be taken. 16题,will have discovered. 17题,not to make. 18题, leacing. 19题,didnot sell .20题 ten.
阅读一开头是in kenya,
答案1,100or,2she was supposed3inthe1980s4confirm5hadnotbeen
阅读三开头是men who
答案1making decision2he is born with 3humaninstinctive 4theoppsite sex5they had differrent personalties
阅读四(关键字或是开头的单词:I was lucky- I found~~~~。
第一个, 答案: he had been doing what he~~~.
第二个。答案: he lost support of~~~.
第三个,.答案: getting fired from apple~~.
第四个, 答案: the feeling for a lover.
第五个,答案: a speech at a gathering.
五个翻译答案要点(关键字):1,是否具备供养。2,往后。 3,我当时没意识。4,努力打破。5,通过
As you know,there"s no enough clean water for people. So many of them lose their lives because of water. In a lot of
countries, people have to cut trees for living. So there"s nothing to keep water from running away. Also we have polluted the land, the river and the air. So we have to face more and more floods and droughts .
It"s time that we must do something useful to protect our environment. We can plant trees and take good care of them. We can save the water and ask our parents to do so. We can"t throw any litter onto the ground and we should collect them for recycling.
If we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow
13 B consits
14C back
15 C vision
16 in brief
17 D permared
18 A book
19 c all in
20 D detected
21 look up
22 better
23 apologizing
24 duty
25 will have discovered
26 to be discovering
27 not to make
28 have not sold
29 leaving
30 ten thousand
31 all that
32 could to taken
33.D,deaf,mute and virtually bind
34D soseph shiroko
35B baby clothes anddeied somoked meat
36D running the school
37A helping its students learn a way to make a living
38C lover more
40 A 1980s
41 D warn
42 C contact
43 D making
44.D genetic
45:A humans”instinctive preference towards looks
46B the opposite sex
47A the were not interested in good looks
48C loved
49B lost support
50B getting--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A卷 1-5 23142 6-10 44113 11-15 32442 16-20 23124
21-25 13341 26-30 34211 31-35 34331 36-40 42343
41-45 42422 46-50 41321 51-52 34
S1-S6 create conclusion subject beautiful
orgnized values
B卷 1-5 41432 6-10 31132 11-15 24144 16-20 13232
21-25 11332 26-30 44422 31-35 13221 36-40 33441
41-45 21133 46-50 14322 51-52 43
S1-S6 create conclusion subject beautiful
orgnized values
C卷 1-5 34143 6-10 32422 11-15 31212 16-20 14313
21-25 11442 26-30 23431 31-35 32421 36-40 14232
41-45 33421 46-50 32142 51-52 34
S1-S6 create conclusion subject beautiful
orgnized values
8. disabling a driver"s phone
9 assessing separate streams of information
10 hands-free phones are safe to use while driving
36 ignored 37 contrary 38 subtle 39 ready 40 seeking
41 observes 42 authority 43 element
44 The child may be able to attain his immediate goal only to find that his method brings critici什么 from people who observe him
45 Thus,the desire to solve any objective situation is overlaid with the desire to solve it properly
46 If one is to maintain the support of others and his own
self-respect ,he must adopt response his social group
87 in pursuit of profit
88 only to find he had gone abroad two days before
89 should a child be deprived of the right to be educated
90 to promote friendship with the third-wolrd countries
91 the apple would not fall onto the ground
16---20 42132
21---25 43122
26 lucking
27 introduction
28 to make
29 informeds
30 rebuilts
31 had lived
32 winning
33 mores
34 heavily
35 lefts
36--40 13323
41--45 12234
46 tuiters
47 returning
48 pocket money
49 educational career
50 February
51 D Q
52 L J
53 A E
54 N P
55 G I
56 14week
57 sales support activity
58 an online catalog
59 business communication
60 in interview
61--64 4221
但个人感觉 牵手走走1步2步 这位同学发的真实性可能较大……
到货 英语怎么说
arriveon arrival 到货例句与用法: 1. 当新的夏季时装到货以后,该店决定降价出售冬装。 The shop decided to clear off the winter clothes when the new summer fashions arrived. 2. 到货情况不能令人满意,正在进一步检查受损情况,恐买方索赔不可避免。 Condition on arrival unsatisfactory inspect damage further but buyer claim inevitable.2023-07-04 21:10:551
一般10天内到货 这句话英文怎么说
and causing the pursuers to rock and toss in t2023-07-04 21:11:214
出货单:delivery order;BS;landing order提货单:delivery order;freight release;bill of lading;dandy note;invoice with B/L;入库单:warehousing entry;godown entry出库单好像和提货单是一样的吧~到货单不知道2023-07-04 21:11:392
Arrive after a week when ordered.2023-07-04 21:11:584
英文Please inform me of the time of arrival in time 请及时通知我到货的时间2023-07-04 21:12:071
Arrival quantity and actual receiving quantity don"t coincide2023-07-04 21:12:183
arrival contract 的英文翻译
合同到期2023-07-04 21:12:283
Your computer has arrived, please come to us and pick it up tomrrow.2023-07-04 21:12:383
You will receive the products within 30 days after we signed formal contract.2023-07-04 21:12:504
Just for your imformation:1 C&F(cost&freight)成本加运费价 2 T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇 3 D/P(document against payment)付款交单 4 D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单 5 C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证 6 G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制 7 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱 8 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等 9 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元 10 DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打 11 PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等 12 WT(weight)重量 13 G.W.(gross weight)毛重 14 N.W.(net weight)净重 15 C/D (customs declaration)报关单 16 EA(each)每个,各 17 W (with)具有 18 w/o(without)没有 19 FAC(facsimile)传真 20 IMP(import)进口 21 EXP(export)出口 22 MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的 23 MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度 24 M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的 25 M/V(merchant vessel)商船 26 S.S(steamship)船运 27 MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨 28 DOC (document)文件、单据 29 INT(international)国际的 30 P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表 31 INV (invoice)发票 32 PCT (percent)百分比 33 REF (reference)参考、查价 34 EMS (express mail special)特快传递 35 STL.(style)式样、款式、类型 36 T或LTX或TX(telex)电传 37 RMB(renminbi)人民币 38 S/M (shipping marks)装船标记 39 PR或PRC(price) 价格 40 PUR (purchase)购买、购货 41 S/C(sales contract)销售确认书 42 L/C (letter of credit)信用证 43 B/L (bill of lading)提单 44 FOB (free on board)离岸价 45 CIF (cost,insurance&freight)成本、保险加运费价 补充: CR=credit贷方,债主 DR=debt借贷方 (注意:国外常说的debt card,就是银行卡,credit card就是信誉卡。这里都是指银行和财务公司说的,你的银行卡,是你将钱放入银行,银行是“借贷方”,所以叫做debt卡。用credit卡,是你从银行或者财政公司借钱,银行或公司是“贷方”,所就叫credit.) Exp=Expense花费,费用 O/H=overhead常用开支 TC=total cost总费用 FC=fixed cost常设费用 VC=variable cost变动费用 P=profit竟利润 S=sales销售总额 Rev=revenue利润 MC=marginal cost费用差额 GM=gross margin毛利 MR=marginal revenue利润差额 A/R=acount receivable待收款(销售后,记账以后收取。) A/P=account payable代付费(花费后记账,以后付费。) PMT=payment支付款 N/I=net income纯收入 AMT=amount数额 DCT=discount打折 ceiling price 最高价,顶价 maximum price 最高价 minimum price 最低价 average price 平均价格 base price 底价 rockbottom price 最低价 bedrock price 最低价 price 价格,定价,开价 priced 已标价的,有定价的 pricing 定价,标价 priced catalogue 定价目录 price of commodities 物价 pricing cost 定价成本 price card 价格目录 pricing method 定价方法 price list 定价政策,价格目录,价格单 pricing policy 定价政策 price format 价格目录,价格表 price tag 价格标签,标价条 price current (p.c.) 市价表Price is high(low). 价格高(低)。 Price is rising (falling). 价格上升(下降)。 Price is up (down). 价格上涨(下跌)。 Price is looking up. 价格看涨。 Price has skyrocketed.价格猛涨. Price has shot up. 价格飞涨。 Price has risen perpendicularly. 价格直线上升。 Price has risen in a spiral. 价格螺旋上升。 Price has hiked. 价格急剧抬高。 so on and so on ^最后声明一下,这答案不是我一个个写出来的,是从我常去的外贸网站复制的。2023-07-04 21:13:162
The keyboards will be arrived next Thursday if no surprisingly.2023-07-04 21:13:243
差不多是这个意思,细节上有一点点不精准。它是三个英文单词Material in house的首字母缩写,你可以直译为:来料到屋里了2023-07-04 21:13:332
Hello, this T-shirt is 45 Yuan, if it is imported to spain, it would cost 170 yuan and would take around 30 days, express would cost 230 yuan and delivery time is around 20 days. Thank You2023-07-04 21:13:433
你的邮件我已经看到”“如有任何进展我会及时通知你ihavereadyourmail,andiwillinformyouofanyprogressintime.2023-07-04 21:13:541
差不多是这个意思,细节上有一点点不精准。它是三个英文单词Material in house的首字母缩写,你可以直译为:材料到屋里了2023-07-04 21:14:042
grand sale 大减价dive price 跳水价on sale 打折discount 打折A special disposal of goods at lowered prices: 减价处理: for sale 待售,出售 Not for Sale 非卖品特卖场,Special Salesa clearance sale 清仓拍卖 店长/卖场经理, Store Manager2023-07-04 21:14:132
t/t到货后100% 英文
好象很怪啊- - 我在学商务,相信我 可以直接写 Pay 100%T/T in six mouths after receiving the products.2023-07-04 21:14:221
国际常用外贸物流英语知识 1. 所有航线共有的运输费用英语(共32个) 代码 英文解释 中文解释 OCB OCEAN FRT. BOX 海运费 CYC CY HANDLING CHARGE 日本港口操作附加费 IAC Intermodel Administrative Charge 多式联运附加费 SPS Shanghai Port Surcharge 上海港附加费 YAS Yen Applica surcharge 日元货币附加费 ACC ALAMEDA CORRIDOR 绿色通道费 CAF Currency Adjustment Factor or Devaluation Surcharge 币值调整费 CUC Chassis Usage 托盘使用费 DDC DEST. DELIVERY CHARGE EBS Emergent Bunker Surcharge 紧急燃油附加费 EMS Emergency Surcharge(near the war field) 紧急战争附加费 ERS EQUIP. REST. SURCH 空箱调运费 FSC Fuel Surcharge 燃油附加费 GRI GEN RATE INCREASE 运费普遍增长 CongestioN LLO Lift on / Lift off 上下车费 ODB OCB, DDC and BAF ORC Original Receiving Charge 启运港接货费 OWS OVERWEIGHT SURCHAARGE 超重附加费 PCF Panama Canal Fee 巴拿马运河费 PCS Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤费 PSC Port Service Charge 港口服务费 PSS Peak season surcharge 旺季附加费 SCF Suez Canal Fee 苏伊士运河费 SPS Shanghai Port Surcharge 上海港附加费 BAF Bunkering Adjustment Fee 燃油附加费 CFS CFS Charge 集装箱场站费用 COD Charge of Diversion 转港费 DHC Dest. Terminal Handling Charge 目的港港口附加费 DIB " Destination Inland (Box) 目的港内陆附加费 EFS Emergency Fuel Surcharge 燃油附加费 IMO IMCO additional 危险品附加费 LHC Loading port Terminal Handling Charge 装港港口附加费 OIB Original Inland (Box) 启运港内陆附加费 WRS War Risk Surcharge 战争风险附加费 ISPS INTERNATIONAL SHIP AND PORT FACILITY SECURITY CHARGE 国际船舶和港口安全费用 Suez Canal Surcharge 苏伊士运河附加费 Transhipment Surcharge 转船附加费 Direct Additional 直航附加费 Port Surcharge 港口附加费 Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤附加费 Heavy-Lift Additional 超重附加费 Long Length Additional 超长附加费 Cleaning Charge 洗舱费 Fumigation Charge 熏蒸费 Ice Surcharge 冰冻附加费 Optional Fees or Optional Additional 选择卸货港附加费 Alteration Charge 变更卸货港附加费 Deviation Surcharge 绕航附加费 ICD INLAND CONTAINER DEPOT 内陆集装箱装卸站 常用海运术语 ANERA:ASIA NORTH AMERICA EASTBUND RATE AGREEMENT 远东-北美越太平洋航线东向运费协定 A/W: ALL WATER 全水陆 APPLY TO CUSTOMS: 报关 ( DECLARATION==CLEAR FROM CUSTOMS) ANTIDATED B/L: 倒签提单 AMS: AUTOMATED MANIFEST SYSTEM 美国24小时前提交载货清单规定 TWRA:TRANS PACIFIC WESTBOUND RATE AGREEMENT 泛太平洋西向运费同盟 BAF: BUNKER ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 燃油附加费 B/L: BILL OF LADING 提单 BAY PLAN: 配载图 CAF:CURRENCY ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 货币贬值附加费 CY: CONTAINER YARD 集装箱堆场 CFS:CONTAINER FREIGHT STATION 拼货拆装箱场所 COLLECT:到付 CARGO RECEIPT: 货物签收单 CUSTOMS BROKER: 报关行 COC:CARRIER"S OWNED CONTAINER 船东箱 CNTR NO.: CONTAINER NO. 柜号 CBM: CUBE METER 立方米 CUFT: CUBE FEET 立方材(乘以35.315=CBM) CLP: CONTAINER LOADING PLAN 集装箱装载图 DDC: DESTINATION DELIVERY CHARGE 目的港收货费用 DST: DOUBLE STACK TRAIN 双层火车运送 DOC: DOCUMENT FEE 文件费 DEMURRAGE CHAGE: 超期堆存费 DETENTION: 滞箱费 D/O: DELIVERY ORDER 提货单 DEVANNING: 拆柜(=UNSTUFFING) DOCK RECEIPT: 场站货物收据 ETA:ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL 预计到达日 ETD: ESTIMATED TIME OF DEPARTURE 预计开航日 EBS: EMERGENCY BUNKER SURCHARGE 燃油附加费 ETC: ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING 结关日 EDI: ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE 电子数据转换 FEU: FORTY FOOT EQUIVALENT UNITS 40"尺柜简称 FAF: FUEL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 燃油附加费 FLAT RACK: 平板货柜 FO: FREE OUT 船边交货 FIO: FREE IN & OUT 承运方式的一种,表示船公司不负责两边的装卸费 FCL: FULL CONTAINER CARGO LOAD 整柜 FAK: FREIGHT ALL KINDS 不分ITEM 计价 FMC: FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION 美国联邦海事委员会 FIATA: INT"L FEDERATION OF FORWARDING AGENTS ASSOCIATION 国际货运承揽联盟 GOH: GARMENT ON HANGER 吊衣柜 GRI: GENERAL RATE INCREASE 一般运费调高 GULF PORT: 指美国靠墨西哥湾之港口 HAFFA: 香港货运物流业协会 HONGKONG ASSOCIATION FREIGHT FORWARDING AND LOGISTICS LTD. H/C: HANDLING CHARGE 手续费 HQ: HIGH CUBE 高柜 IPI: INTERIOR POINT INTERMODAL 美国内陆公共运输点 IA: INDEPENDENT ACTION 运费同盟会员采取的一致措施. IATA: INT"L AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION 国际航空运输协会 LCL: LESS THAN CONTAINER CARGO LOAD 拼箱货 L/L: LOADING LIST 装船清单 L/C: LETTER OF CREDIT 信用证 NVOCC: NON VESSEL OPERATING COMMON CARRIER 无船承运人 MLB: MINI LAND BRIDGE 美国大陆桥 MANIFEST: 舱单 MATE"S RECEIPT: 大副签收单 O/F: OCEAN FREIGHT 海运费 ORC: ORIGINAL RECEIVING CHARGE 原产地收货费 OCEAN B/L: 海运提单 OUT PORT CHARGE: 非基本港附加费 ON BOARD DATE: 装船日 PARTIAL SHIPMENT: 分批装运 PSS: PEAK SEASON SURCHARGE 旺季附加费 PCC/PCS: PANAMA CANEL CHARGE/SURCHARGE 巴拿马运河费 PCF: PORT CONSTRUCTION FEE 港口建设费 P/P: FREIGHT PREPAID 运费预付 PNW: PACIFIC NORTHWEST 远东至北美太平洋北部地区之航线简称 PSW: PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 远东至北美太平洋南部地区之航线简称 PORT SURCHARGE: 港口附加费 POA: PLACE OF ACCEPTANCE 收货地 POL: PLACE OF LOADING 装货地、起运港 POD: PLACE OF DISCHARGE 卸货地 PTI: PRE-TRIP INSPECTION 冻柜检测参数 RIPI-REVERSE IPI : 由大西洋港口进入内陆 R/T: REVENUE TON 计费单位 RRS:RATE RESTORATION SURCHARGE 运价调整 SOC: SHIPPER"S OWNED CONTAINER 自备箱 S/O: SHIPPING ORDER 订舱单 SEAL NO.: 铅封号 SEAWAY BILL: 随船提单 STORAGE: 仓储费 STUFFING: 装柜 SHIPPING ADVICE: 装船通知书 S/C: SERVICE CONTRACT 运送契约 TEU: TWENTY FOOT EQUIVALENT UNITS 20尺柜简称 THC: TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE 码头费 USWC: UNITED STATE WEST COAST 美国太平洋西岸之港口 USEC: UNITED STATE EAST COAST 美国太平洋东岸之港口 VSL/VOY: VESSEL/VOYAGE船名航次 YAS: YEN ADJUSTMENT SURCHARGE 日元贬值附加费 ACI:ADVANCE COMMERCIAL INFORMATION DEMURRANGE/STORAGE: 仓租 DETENTION: 柜租 D/O:DELIVERY ORDER 到货通知 L/C:LETTER OF CREDIT 信用证 C/O: CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN 原产地证明书,证明货物产或制造地的证件 FORM A:普惠制产地证 某些国家给予我国一些优惠政策作为进口海关减免关税的依据,如:英、美、德、瑞士、瑞典、芬兰等。 1. 干货集装箱(DRY CARGO CONTAINER) 2. 散货集装箱(BULK CONTAINER)如:装谷物,树脂等 3. 冷藏集装箱(REEFER CONTAINER,RF) 4. 敞顶集装箱(OPEN-TOP CONTAINER,OT)即开顶柜 5. 框架集装箱(PLAT FORM BASED CONTAINER) 6. 牲畜集装箱(PEN CONTAINER) 7. 罐式集装箱(TANK CONTAINER,TK) 8. 汽车集装箱(CAR CONTAINER) CLG: Closing Date 结关日 ETD:Estimated time of departure 预计离港日 ETA::Estimated time of arrival 预计到港日2023-07-04 21:14:542
请帮忙翻译成英文“我们准备合并发货 就按你要求的日期到货 等确切船期出来了我会通知各位提货时间”
We plan to combine the PO to delivery in one time to meet your ETA. When the shipped on board date is clear, I will inform you for picking up.2023-07-04 21:15:055
装运期为签订合同后30天内的翻译是:什么意思 装运期为签订合同后30天内。翻译为英文是: The time of shipment is within 30 days after signing the contract . 与律师签订合同,最终可得是什么意思 你好 具体什么意思要看合同的前后内容才知道,如果到合同条款有异议,双方可以协商清楚,不疑问的,可以不签合同。 期房,签订合同七日内申请房屋预告登记是什么意思 预告登记,就是为保全关于不动产物权的请求权而将此权利进行的登记。 物权法第二十条规定:“当事人签订买卖房屋或者其他不动产物权的协议,为保障将来实现物权,按照约定可以向登记机构申请预告登记。预告登记后,未经预告登记的权利人同意,处分该不动产的,不发生物权效力。”“预告登记后,债权消灭或者自能够进行不动产登记之日起三个月内未申请登记的,预告登记失效。” 购房者可以就尚未建成的住房进行预告登记,以制约开发商把已出售的住房再次出售或者进行抵押。 就我个人理解,在你购买期房时,和房地产开发企业签订商品房买卖合同,并经当地房地产管理部门备案后,预告登记的效用已经产生。 双语人才翻译计划进校是否要签订合同? 计划进校是否要签订合同? Program into the school you want to sign a contract? 正式签订合同后的三十天内到货。这句话的正式英文翻译是该怎样?急求人工翻译。合同上用 Shipment will arrive within 30 days after the contract is signed. 签订合同日期延期该用什么法 合同延期协议属于对从合同,是相对于主合同而言,对主合同约定的期限进行变更的协议。 在写延期协议时需要以下几个方面的内容: 第一,需要主合同双方当事人签署。 第二,需要明确延期的具体时间,并在协议中注明。 第三,该协议中需要明确主合同的内容,或者将主合同作为附件的形式。 第四,双方签字确认。 的装运期从10月提前到9月.的翻译是:什么意思 9月中旬 英文:mid - September 中旬 英文:the middle ten days of a month; midmonth ; Business was strong until the middle of September, then began softening. 九月中旬以前生意兴隆, 之后就开始疲软了. 签订本合同,以便共同遵守.的翻译是:什么意思 签订本合同,以便共同遵守. 翻译是: The contract is signed in order to ply with the contract. 签订合同必备要件是什么 我也想问这个问题! 正式签订合同后的三十天内到货。这句话的正式英文翻译是该怎样,急!谢谢 goods will arrive within 30days after formal contract signed.2023-07-04 21:15:251
a comprehensive package of services 全面的一揽子服务 a designated manned ship 一艘特定的配备船员的船 abbreviation 缩写\缩写词 active voice 主动主态 adjustment factors 调整因素 advisory bodies 咨询机构 air freight 空运货物 Airline cooperation 航空公司协作 amendment 修改 arrival notice 到货通知 as per 按照 assembly plant 装配厂 bale or grain capacity 包装或散装容积 BALTIME form 波尔的姆格式 bank draft 银行汇票 bareboat chartering 光船租船 BARECON form 贝尔康格式 bargaining strenght 讨价还价的能力 bill of entry 报关单 bills of lading 提单 BIMCO 波罗的海国际航运运协会 blank bill of lading 不记名提单 block style 齐头式 body of the letter 书信正文 break bulk cargo 杂货,普通货物 breakage of packing risks 包装破裂险 bunker adjustment factor (BAF) 燃油价格调整因素;燃油附加费 business correspondence 商务通信 call at a port 挂靠,停靠 cargo transportation 货物运输 carriage of goods by sea 海上货物运输 carriage of gooods by road 公路货物运输 carrier 承运人 carrying capacity 运载能力 certificate of registry 登记证书 CFR (Cost and Freight) CFR (成本加运费) chargeable weight 计费重量 charter party 租船合同 check list 核查单 CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) CIF (成本、保险费加运费) CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) CIP (运费、保险费付至) clash and breakage risks 碰损、破碎险 class rates 等级运价 clean bill of lading 清洁提单 clear the goods for export 办理货物出口清关手续 combined transport 合并运输 commission agent 委托代理人 common carrier 公共承运人 common practices 一般做法 complimentary close 结尾敬语,结尾客套语 conciseness 简洁 conference lines 班轮公会运输 consignee 收货人 consolidated shipment 集运货物 consolidation services 合并运输服务 Constructive total loss 推定全损 container cargo 集装箱货物 containerization 集装箱化 contract of affreightment (COA) 包运合同 contract of carriage 货物运输合同 Convention de Merchandises Par Routes (CMR) 国际公路货物运输合同公约 copy notations 抄送 copyright infringement 侵犯著作权 Council of Logistics Management (美国)物流管理协会 CPT (Carriage Paid To) CPT (运费付至) hand pallet truck 油压拖板车 horizontal bracing 横撑 industrial door 工业门 industrial vehicle 9.0pt 工业车辆 intermodal transportation 复合一贯运输 lashing 捆扎加固 levelling plate 垫片 LGV 激光引导无人搬运车 load efficient 装载效率 loading and unloading 9.0pt 装卸 logistical utilities 9.0pt 物流效用 logistics 物流 materials handling 9.0pt 物料搬运 mezzanines floor 积层架 mini-load AS/RS 料盒式自动仓库系统 太多了 自己动手搜索一下吧 我这样拿来你一下子也吸收不了啊2023-07-04 21:15:352
The estimated delivery period should be about 1 month, because nowadays the packages shipped to Russia is more than before.Sorry for the inconvenience it caused once again!Thank you so much for your understanding!Wish you everything is pleasant!2023-07-04 21:15:444
差不多是到货日期这个意思,细节上有一点点不精准。它是三个英文单词Material in house的首字母缩写,你可以直译为:材料到屋里了2023-07-04 21:15:552
可以订货用英文怎么说 可以订货 Can order order 英[u02c8u0254:du0259(r)] 美[u02c8u0254:rdu0259(r)] n. 秩序; 命令; 次序; 规则,制度; vt. 命令; 订购; 整理; vi. 下订单; 订货英文怎么说 order order-goods-meeting订货会用英文怎么说 Commodity Fair “订货一周后到货”英文怎么说 This product lead time is one week. Lead time 从接到订单到交货的时间,外贸术语。 你现在可以订货,我们工厂做的很快的,用英文怎么说 You can place the order right now,and our factory will soon arrange the production. 建议最好不要说做的很快,而是说很快就会安排生产。因为老外会觉得你做的这么快,拿质量由没有保证呢? 只是我的个人看法,因为我也是做外贸的,呵呵。 希望能帮到你~ 订货用韩文怎么说 uae40uce58 ub450ubd09ub97c uc8fcubb38ud574uc694~~! 这么说就对了 简单明了 千万别说什么(ubc30ucd94uae40uce58)韩国uae40uce58就是辣白菜 还有 ubd09 是指小袋子 一般就是那种商店装小食品那么大的袋子 ud3ecub300是指挺老大的麻袋 还有订两袋的订字就是uc8fcubb38ud558ub2e4.千万别用uc608uc57d(预约 ) 又不是订旅店 订货方用英语怎么说? BUYER 空军装备部科研订货部英文怎么说 RESERCH ORDERING DEPARTMENT OF AIR PORCE EQUIPMENT MINISTRY 爱·发现 英语怎么说呢? (订货会主题) 可以用 LOVE·DISCOVER 吗? love / discovery (最好用名词) 这是订货会支付给临时工的费用英文怎么说? Here is the charges which we pay to temporary workers in order-goods-meeting.2023-07-04 21:16:061
到货价和DDP price的区别?
到货价主要指的是 CFR或是CIF价,之所以叫到货价,是因为指的是运费由卖方负担。DDP 是价格术语里面最麻烦的,也是要价最高的,是因为Delivered Duty Paid, 卖方还因负责进口国的清关费用。CFR和CIF 均只用于海运,而DDP可以为陆运,风险划分, CFR和CIF, 货物越过装运港船舷, 出口报关卖方负责,进口报关买方负责 DDP 指定目的地货交买方处置起,卖方负责出口与进口报关买家做价格分析可以由CIF作为基准卖方则应以FOB作为基准2023-07-04 21:16:182
问题一:外贸部用英语怎么说 1. The Ministry of Foreign T恭ade ; 缩写:the MFT (中国、美国用法) 2. The Department of Foreign Trade; 缩写:the DFT (英国用法) 问题二:外贸业务员怎么翻译成英文? Foreign trade agent 问题三:“外贸企业”用英文怎么说 用foreign trade enterprise/pany/corporation 都可以的。 美式英语作文格式: 主要区别就是,美式英语通常阀段落前不空格,都是左靠齐的。,这里主要说的是书信格式。 其他的区别不大。 只是美式英语与英式英语在许多单词的拼写上有不同之处,需要多加注意。 问题四:外贸中总价用英语怎么说 total amount 总金额, 我觉得这个更合适一点,不过用 Price好像也OK的,这个看你怎么用了,如果客人问总的金额还是amount好了 总价 :总的价值,构成全部数目或数量的价值 问题五:外贸跟单用英语怎么说 order handling跟单 order coordinator/order operator 跟单专员 问题六:外贸英语中各种税怎么说? 税的相关单词: duty, tax, tariff, levy 与税务相关的英文名称有 增值税 VAT value added tax 关税 custom duty 消费税 excise duty 关税 tariff 尤指进口税,很少指出口税 出口退税 export rebate 免税 duty/tax exemptin 或 duty/tax free 国内税务局 IRS (这个用的非常多) 报复性关税 retaliatory tariff, 惩罚性关税 punitive tariff 保护关税 Protective tariff 反倾销税 Anti-dumping Duties 特惠税 Preferential Duty 过境税 Transit Duties 进口附加税 Import Surtaxes 差价税 Variable Levy 打字不容易啊,暂时就想出了这么多了 问题七:英语外贸与英语翻译有什么区别 外贸英语、亥务英语、英语翻译、英语教育、旅游英语等等,专业课都会有差别的,虽然都是英语,但是侧重不同,这个你从字面上就可以理解了。外贸英语学习的都是国际贸易中需要用到的,商务英语和外贸英语区别不大,英语教育毫无疑问是教育方向了。其实我倒觉得只要你英语学的好,口语好,掌握的词汇量大,做什么都可以,要从事商业相关还是教育相关就看你的性格了。 问题八:在外贸业务中,现货用英语怎么说? merchandise on hand merchandise in stock 问题九:外贸中常见的英文缩写有哪些? A AA制 自动许可制 AAC 亚非会议 A.A.R 保综合险(一切险) ABCコ-ド ABC商业密码 ac. 英亩 a/c(或A/C) 银行往来存款 acpt 承兑;接受 a/cs pay. 应付帐款 a/cs rec. 应收帐款 ACU 亚洲清算同盟 A/D 出票后 ADB 亚洲开发银行 a.f. 预付运费 AFA 自动外汇分配制度 AFDB 非洲开发银行 A.F.E.B. 核准的外汇银行 agcy 代理公司 agt. 代理人 AIQ制 自动进口配额制 A.M. 互相保险 A.N. 到货通知 A/P 委托付款证 A/P 委托购买证 A/P 附加保险费 A/P 付讫 APO 亚洲生产率组织 APU 亚洲支付同盟 A/R 综合险,一切险 A/S 销货帐单 A/S 见票后 A/S 见票即付 ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟 ASP 美国销售价格 ATAカルネ 暂时许可簿册,临时过境证 A.T.L. 实际全损 A/V 从价 A/W 实际重量 A.W.B. 空运单 B B/Aレ-ト 银行承兑利率 B/B 买入汇票 B/C 托收汇票 B/D 银行贴现 B/D 银行汇票 B/E 入港申报单 B/E 汇票 BETRO 英国出口贸易研究组织 BIS 国际清算银行 B/G 保税货物 B/L 提单 B/N 钞票 B/N 交货记录 B.O. 分公司 B.P. 应付票据 B.R. 应收票据 B/S 再进口免税证 B/St 即票 BTN 布鲁塞尔税则分类 B.T.T. 银行电汇 C C.A.D. 凭单付款 C.B.D. 交货前付款 C.B.S. 装船前预付货款 C/C 商会 C.C. 时价 CCC 关税合作理事会 CCCN 关税合作理事会税则分类表 C.F.S. 集装箱货运站 C.H. 货舱 C.H. 票据交换所 C.H. 海关 Chq. 支票 C.I. 领事签证发票 C/I 保险证书 CIF税条件 成本,保险费,运费加关税条件 CIF条件 成本,保险加运费条件 CIF通费用条件 成本,保险费,运费和一切进口费用条件 CIF&C条件 成本,保险费,运费加佣金条件 CIFにする国际统一规则 CIF买卖契约统一规则 C.L.货物「コ」 (集装箱)整箱货 CLP 装箱单 C/N 发货通知单 C/N 贷记通知书 C/O 转交 C/O 产地证明书 C.O.D. 交货付款 C.O.F.C. 平板车装运集装箱 COGSA 海洋货物运输法 cont. 合同 c.o.s. 装船时付款 C/P 租船合同 C.Q.D. 习惯快速装卸 C.T. 载货吨位 C.t.l. 推定全损 C.W.O. 订货付款 D D/A 承兑交单 D/C 绕航条款 D/C 贴现,折扣 D/D 码头交货 D/D 即期汇票,跟单汇票 D/F 空舱运费 D/M 速遣费 D/N 借记通知 D/O 交货单,出货单 D/......>>2023-07-04 21:16:541
……一句话,卖家尚未发货。2023-07-04 21:17:032
到货日期可能延迟Delivery date may be delayed到货日期可能延迟Delivery date may be delayed2023-07-04 21:17:102
New listing2023-07-04 21:17:1912
来到应该怎么可以少了购物呢?尤其是应该的超市最是深受各地游客的喜欢,英文这里不仅集聚着很多的产品,种类丰富,里面除了日常超市的用品还有着衣服等商场里面的东西,而且价格大多数人可以接受。但是对于一些游客来说,这里虽然好,但是语言就变成了一个最大的问题,超市的员工一般都是不会说中文的,我们要至少会一些才可以更好的购物,那么,我们接下来就来了解一下这里购物的常用英文吧!选择Choosing1.Iwantapairofshoes/ajacket.我想买一双鞋/一件夹克。2.I"dliketoseesometowels.我想看看毛巾。3.Showmethatone,please.请把那个给我看看。4.Itlooksverynice.看上去挺不错的!5.Wouldyoushowmethiscup?你能把这只杯子让我看一下吗?7.I"mjustlooking,thanks.我只是看看,谢谢。8.I"dliketohavealookifyoudon"tmind.如果不介意,我想看一下。试穿Try-on1.IwearsizeM我穿M码的。2.Ilikethisone.MayItryiton?我喜欢这一种。我能试穿吗?3.Thefitisn"tgood.尺寸不太合适。4.It"stooshort/tight/long/small/big太短/紧/长/小/大了。5.Itseemstofitwell.好像蛮合身的。6.Theypunchmytoes.把我脚趾夹疼了。7.CanIhaveasizelarger?可以给我一个大一点儿的吗?8.Thiscolorisverypopular.这个颜色很流行。询问Inquire1.Doyouhaveanyonsale?你们有什么特卖品吗?2.Doyoucarryhundredpercentcottonpants?你们有百分之百纯棉的裤子吗?3.Canyougetmeone?你能帮我拿一件吗?4.IfIorderedasuitnow,howlongcouldittakebeforeIgotdelivery?如果我现在订一件西装,要多久才能接到货?5.Howaboutthisblueone?这个蓝色的怎样?6.Canyouwrapitasagift?你能把它作为礼物包装吗?砍价Bargain1.That"stoomuch!太贵了!2.Thepriceisbeyondmybudget.这价钱超出我的预算了。3.Couldyougivemeadiscount?能给我个折扣吗?4.Isthepricenegotiable?这价钱可以商量吗?(negotiate表示“谈判”,negotiable是“可协商的”。)5.Canyougivemeabetterdeal?可以给我更好的价钱吗?6.Couldyoulowertheprice?价钱可以低点儿吗?7.I"dbuyitrightawayifitwerecheaper.便宜一点的话我马上买。结账Check1.HowcanIpay?我要如何付钱?2.I"lltakeit.我要这个。3.Doyoutakecreditcards?你们接受信用卡吗?4.I"llpaybycard.我要刷卡。退税Taxrefund1.Whereisthetaxrefundwindow?退税窗口在哪?2.CanIgettherefundbycash?我可以要求退税款用现金吗?3.Sendittomycardaccount.把退税款转到我的信用卡账户好了。退换货Refund/Exchange1.I"dliketoreturnthisproduct.我想退货。2.Thisshirtisalittlebigforme.CanIexchangeit?这个衬衫有点大,可以换货吗?3.Thesuitdoesn"tfitmewell.这套衣服我穿着不合身。服装词汇衣服ready-madeclothes,ready-to-wearclothes成衣garments外衣townclothes外衣double-breastedsuit双排扣外衣suit西装dress连衣裙tailoredsuit女式西服everydayclothes便服three-piecesuit三件套layette婴儿的全套服装uniform制服overalls工装裤formaldress礼服dresscoat,tails燕尾服,礼服nightshirt睡衣dinnerjacket无尾礼服fulldressuniform礼服制服overcoat大衣furcoat毛皮大衣three-quartercoat中长大衣dustcoat风衣cloak斗篷sheepskinjacket羊皮夹克pelisse皮质上衣jacket短外衣夹克scarf围巾shawl大披巾knittedshawl针织围巾furstole裘皮披肩bathrobe浴衣nightdress女式睡衣shirt衬衫T-shirt短袖圆领衫,体恤衫vest背心poloshirt马球衬衣sweater运动衫kimono和服trousers裤子jeans牛仔裤shorttrousers短裤breeches马裤skirt裙子underwear,underclothes内衣裤underpants内裤bra乳罩stays,corset束腰,胸衣waistcoat马甲girdle腰带stockings长袜socks短袜handkerchief手帕bathingtrunks游泳裤bikini比基尼泳衣apron围裙(pinafore带护胸围裙)shoe鞋boot靴子canvasshoes帆布鞋glove手套tie领带cap便帽hat带沿的帽子bowlerhat圆顶硬礼帽tophat高顶礼帽Panamahat巴拿马草帽beret贝蕾帽peakedcap鸭舌帽broad-brimmedstrawhat宽边草帽headdress头饰turban头巾naturalfabric天然纤维cotton棉silk丝wool毛料linen麻syntheticfabric混合纤维nylon尼龙worsted呢料cashmere羊绒patterns花样dot圆点花stripe条纹flowerpattern花纹花样veil面纱化妆品词汇护肤品skincare护肤facialcleanser/facewash洗面奶toner爽肤水lotion乳液firminglotion紧肤乳液cream霜daycream日霜nightcream晚霜skincream护肤霜sunscreen防晒霜handcream护手霜moisturizer保湿whitening美白eyegel眼部睹喱facialmask面膜eyemask眼膜lipcare护唇用facialscrub磨砂膏porecleanser毛孔洁面乳;去黑头exfoliatingscrub去死皮showergel沐浴露护肤品功能acne粉刺用active赋活用aftersun日晒后用品alcohol-free无酒精anti-抗、防anti-wrinkle抗老防皱balancing平衡酸硷clean-/purify-清洁用combination混合性皮肤dry干性皮肤essence精华液facial脸部用fast/quickdry快干firm紧肤foam泡沫gentle温和的hydra-保湿用longlasting持久性milk乳mult-多元normal中性皮肤nutritious滋养oil-control抑制油脂oily油性皮肤pack剥撕式面膜peeling敷面剥落式面膜remover去除、卸妆repair修护revitalite活化scrub磨砂式、去角质sensitive敏感性皮肤solvent溶解sunblock防晒用trentment修护waterproof防水彩妆cosmetics化妆品concealer遮瑕膏shadingpowder修容饼foundation粉底pressedpowder粉饼loosepowder散粉shimmeringpowder闪粉browpowder眉粉browpencil眉笔liquideyeliner眼线液eyeshadow眼影mascara睫毛膏lipliner唇线笔lipstick唇膏(笔状lippencil;膏状liplipstick;盒装lipcolor/lipgloss)lipgloss唇彩blush腮红makeupremover卸装水makeupremovinglotion卸装乳manicure修指甲nailpolish指甲油nailpolishremover去甲油nailsaver护甲液化妆工具cosmeticapplicators/accessories工具cosmeticbrush粉刷powderpuffs粉扑spongepuffs海绵扑browbrush眉刷lashcurler睫毛夹eyeshadowbrush眼影刷blushbrush腮红刷pencilsharpener转笔刀electricshaver-forwomen电动剃毛器electriclashcurler电动睫毛卷browtemplate描眉卡facialtissue纸巾oil-absorbingsheets吸油纸cottonpads化装棉q-tips棉签大概在英国超市购物的时候需要的英文就是这些,希望大家记住一些必要的,这样大家的购物之旅也可以方便很多。2023-07-04 21:18:111
你这也太多了2023-07-04 21:18:203
A AA制 自动许可制 AAC 亚非会议 A.A.R 保综合险(一切险) ABCコ-ド ABC商业密码 ac. 英亩 a/c(或A/C) 银行往来存款 acpt 承兑;接受 a/cs pay. 应付帐款 a/cs rec. 应收帐款 ACU 亚洲清算同盟 A/D 出票后 ADB 亚洲开发银行 a.f. 预付运费 AFA 自动外汇分配制度 AFDB 非洲开发银行 A.F.E.B. 核准的外汇银行 agcy 代理公司 agt. 代理人 AIQ制 自动进口配额制 A.M. 互相保险 A.N. 到货通知 A/P 委托付款证 A/P 委托购买证 A/P 附加保险费 A/P 付讫 APO 亚洲生产率组织 APU 亚洲支付同盟 A/R 综合险,一切险 A/S 销货帐单 A/S 见票后 A/S 见票即付 ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟 ASP 美国销售价格 ATAカルネ 暂时许可簿册,临时过境证 A.T.L. 实际全损 A/V 从价 A/W 实际重量 A.W.B. 空运单 B B/Aレ-ト 银行承兑利率 B/B 买入汇票 B/C 托收汇票 B/D 银行贴现 B/D 银行汇票 B/E 入港申报单 B/E 汇票 BETRO 英国出口贸易研究组织 BIS 国际清算银行 B/G 保税货物 B/L 提单 B/N 钞票 B/N 交货记录 B.O. 分公司 B.P. 应付票据 B.R. 应收票据 B/S 再进口免税证 B/St 即票 BTN 布鲁塞尔税则分类 B.T.T. 银行电汇 C C.A.D. 凭单付款 C.B.D. 交货前付款 C.B.S. 装船前预付货款 C/C 商会 C.C. 时价 CCC 关税合作理事会 CCCN 关税合作理事会税则分类表 C.F.S. 集装箱货运站 C.H. 货舱 C.H. 票据交换所 C.H. 海关 Chq. 支票 C.I. 领事签证发票 C/I 保险证书 CIF関税込条件 成本,保险费,运费加关税条件 CIF条件 成本,保险加运费条件 CIF通関费用込条件 成本,保险费,运费和一切进口费用条件 CIF&C条件 成本,保险费,运费加佣金条件 CIFに関する国际统一规则 CIF买卖契约统一规则 C.L.货物「コ」 (集装箱)整箱货 CLP 装箱单 C/N 发货通知单 C/N 贷记通知书 C/O 转交 C/O 产地证明书 C.O.D. 交货付款 C.O.F.C. 平板车装运集装箱 COGSA 海洋货物运输法 cont. 合同 c.o.s. 装船时付款 C/P 租船合同 C.Q.D. 习惯快速装卸 C.T. 载货吨位 C.t.l. 推定全损 C.W.O. 订货付款 D D/A 承兑交单 D/C 绕航条款 D/C 贴现,折扣 D/D 码头交货 D/D 即期汇票,跟单汇票 D/F 空舱运费 D/M 速遣费 D/N 借记通知 D/O 交货单,出货单 D/P 付款交单 D.P.V. 完税价格 D.R. 码头收据 d.t. 交货时间 DW 载重量 D/W 码头栈单 D.W.T. 载重吨位 DWTC 载货吨 E ECAFE(UN) 亚洲及远东经济委员会 ECE 欧洲经济委员会 ECM 欧洲共同市场 E/D 出口申报单 EEC 欧洲经济共同体 EFTA 欧洲自由贸易联盟 E/L 出口许可证 EMA 欧洲货币协定 EPU 欧洲支付同盟 ESCAP(UN) 亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会 ETA 预计到达时间 TTD 预计离港时间 ETE 预计开航时间 exch. 兑换,汇兑;交易所 exd 已查,已检验 作者: 夜半一点钟 2006-2-9 02:38 回复此发言 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 国际贸易术语英文缩写 F FA 外汇配额制度 F.A 货物运送代理行 f.a.a. 一切海损不赔 F.A.K.「コ」 同一费率 F.A.Q. 良好平均质量,大路货 F.A.S. 启运地船边交大货价 F.B. 运费单 F.B.E. 外国汇票 FC&S约款「保」 捕获拘留除外条款 FCL 整箱货 FCL 整装集装箱 f/d 自由港 FEFC 远东水脚公会 f.f.a 船边交货 f.g.a 共同海损不赔 F/L 运价表 F.M. 不可抗力 f.q. 实盘 FOB 船上交货价 FOR 火车上交货价 FOT 卡车上交货价 F.P.A. 单独海损不赔 frt.pd. 运费已付 frt.ppd. 运费预付 F.W.D. 淡水损失 fy.pd. 付讫 G G.A 共同海损 g.b.q. 故障货物 G.M.Q. 上好可销品质 G.N.P. 国民生产总值 Gr.R.T. 注册总吨 grs.wt. 毛重 GT 总吨位 G.T.C. 撤销前有效 G.T.M. 本月中有效 G.T.W. 本周中有效 H HKD 港币 H.O. 总公司 Hr 港口 I I.B.R.D. 联合国国际复兴开发银行 I.C.C. 国际商会 ICHCA 国际货物装卸协调联合会 I/D 进口申报单 IFC 国际金融公司 I/L 进口许可 IMF 国际货币基金组织 IMF借款 国际货币基金信贷 IMF引出権 国际货币基金组织提款权 INCOTERMS 国际贸易条件解释通则 INTRADE 国际贸易发展协会 I.O.P. 不论损失率如何全部赔偿 IQ制 进口配额制 I/R 汇入汇款 ITC 国际贸易中心 ITC 国际贸易宪章 ITO 国际贸易组织 IUMI 国际海上保险联盟 L L/A 卸货代理行 L/A 授权书 LASH 载驳船 L/C 信用证 L/G 保证书 L/H 质押证书 L/I 赔偿保证书 Lkg 漏损 LT 书信电报 l.t.,L/T 长吨,英吨 LWL 载重线 M marg. 保证金 m/d 出票日后……个月(付款) MEA 制造厂商外销代理人 M/F 舱单,载货单 MFN 最惠国 M.I 海上保险 min. 最低限度 M.I.P. 海上保险单 mk 包装标志 M/Lクロ-ズ 溢短装条款 M/O 汇款单 M/R 大副收据 M.T. 信汇 M/T 公吨 N n/a 拒绝承兑,不接受 N/C 新租船契约 N.C.V. 无商业价值 N/F (银行)无存款 N.G. 纯收益 N.L. 纯损,净损失 N/M 无装运标志 N.N. (票据)无签名 N/R 备装通知 NRクロ-ズ 免责条款 N/S 无存货 N.S.F. 存款不足 NTB 非关税壁垒 N.U. 船名不详 NW,N.wt. 净重 O OAEC 亚洲经济合作组织 O/B 开证银行 O/C 货港未定租船合同 O/D 见票即付 O.E.C.D. 经济合作与发展组织 O.F. 海运运费 O.G.L. 公开一般许可证 OR 船舶所有人承担风险 O/R 汇出汇款 ovld. 过载 P P/A 单独海损 P.&L. 损益 payt. 支付,付款 pd 付讫,通过 P.D. 港务费 p.l. 部分损失 pm. 保费 P/N 期票 P.O.C. 停靠港 P.O.D. 交货时付款 P.O.R. 避难港 Q Q 检疫 Q/D 快递件,快速装卸 qlty. 品质 quotn 报价,行市 quty. 数量 R rd. 收讫 R/D 与出票人接洽 R.D.C. 碰撞条款 rept. 收据 R.F.W.D. 雨淋淡水损害 S S.C. 救助费 S.D. 海损 S.D. 装运单据 s.d. 交货不足 S/D 即期汇票 SDR 特别提款权 sgd 已签署 SHEX 星期日和假日除外 SHINC 星期日和假日包括在内 sig. 签署 SITC 标准国际贸易分类 S.L. 海难救助损失 S/N 装船通知单 S.O. 卖方选择 S/O 装货单 SP 起运港 spec. 说明书,规格 S.R. 本船收货单 S.R. 货运收据,装货收据 S/S 轮船 S.S.B.C. 沉没,触碓,火灾和碰撞 S.T. 短吨 stg. 英镑 stor. 存仓费,栈租 T tfr. 转帐,过户 T.L. 全损 T.L.O. 仅保全损 T.M.O. 电汇票 T.P.N.D. 偷窃及提货不着险 T/R 信托收据 T/T 电汇 T.T.B. 买入电汇 T.T.P. 应付电汇 T.T.R. 应收电汇 W W.A. 承保单独海损,水渍险 W/R 战争险 w.r. 仓库收据 W/W 仓单 W/Wクロ-ズ 仓至仓条款 W.W.D. 晴天工作日2023-07-04 21:18:301
求翻译成英文: 主旨:物料到货破损 附件是物料到货破损的照片 1.请要求运输公司查明原因并且改善;
The gist: the material delivery damagedThe attachment is a material delivery damaged photos1 please request transportation company find out the reason andimprovement; unable to use the material value need to pass on the freight forwarding.2 please ask warehouse colleagues, after unloading must take pictures, if damaged, need to be in the single stated description of breakage and damage the number sign. And for the first time to give you feedbackprocessing.2023-07-04 21:18:381
Hello Mr. ***,How is your holiday? Hope everything is fine.Couple of questions below are very urgently, pls reply me ASAP:1, How about the process of my newest order? When can you delivery it for shipping? Give me your soonest delivery time.2, Last order products what we received is only 1 tray not what you told 3, pls confirm it with me.3, How many trays will be needed on earth for this time? Pls re-make the invoice if it is confirmed to be 2.4, Have you got my pay for last order?Pls reply me about all above.Regards,***2023-07-04 21:18:472
New products on the market2023-07-04 21:19:243
到货:收货港POD port of delivered出货:起运港POL port of loading2023-07-04 21:19:331
ETA(estimated time arrived) 到货日ETD(estimated time delivered) 发货日这是我们下单时经常用到的。2023-07-04 21:19:402
Shipment will arrive within 30 days after the contract is signed.2023-07-04 21:19:471
问题一:订货英文怎么说 order 问题二:订购用英语怎么说 order 问题三:订购用英语怎么说? order 问题四:“订货一周后到货”英文怎么说 This product lead time is one week. Lead time 从接到订单到交货的时间,外贸术语。 问题五:以下是你前几天订货的一些信息 英语怎么说! Below are some informations of the goods you ordered few days常ago、 希望可以帮到你,还望及时采纳 谢谢、O(∩_∩)O~~ 问题六:从下个订单开始英语怎么说 from next order 问题七:"我想预订 "用英文怎么说 reserve V. 预定 I want reserve a room. 我想预定一个房间。 I"d like to reserve a room with a single bed. 我想预定一间单人房。 望采纳,谢谢! 问题八:已经给那个公司下了订单 英语怎么说 I already placed order to *** pany. 最好加上该公司的名字,不要用这个那个来代替 问题九:预订英语怎么说 book,如果是订票可以是book 胆 ticket,预订酒店可以是book a room,入住是check in2023-07-04 21:19:541
已经一周了,为什么还没有收到到货通知? 英文怎么翻译
It has been a week, why not received the arrival notice?2023-07-04 21:20:022
After the arrival date please avoid the holidays in China 以后的到货日期请避开中国的节假日2023-07-04 21:20:081
A.A.R = against all risks 担保全险,一切险 A.B.No. = Accepted Bill Number 进口到单编号 A/C = Account 账号 AC. = Acceptance 承兑 acc = acceptance,accepted 承兑,承诺 a/c.A/C = account 帐,帐户 ackmt = acknowledgement 承认,收条[/color] a/d = after date 出票后限期付款(票据) ad.advt. = advertisement 广告 adv. = advice 通知(书) ad val. = Ad valorem(according to value) 从价税 A.F.B. = Air Freight Bill 航空提单 Agt. = Agent 代理商 AI = first class 一级 AM = Amendment 修改书 A.M.T. = Air Mail Transfer 信汇 Amt. = Amount 额,金额 A.N. = arrival notice 到货通知 A.P. = account payable 应付账款 A/P = Authority to Purchase 委托购买 a.p. = additional premiun 附加保险费 A.R. = Account Receivable 应收款 Art. = Article 条款,项 A/S = account sales 销货清单 a/s = after sight 见票后限期付款 asstd. = Assorted 各色俱备的 att,.attn. = attention 注意 av.,a/v = average 平均,海损 a/v = a vista (at sight) 见票即付 (D) DD/A =documents against acceptance, 承兑后交付单 = documents for acceptance,= documents attached, 备承兑单据 = deposit account 存款账号 d/a = days after acceptance 承兑后……日付款 D.A. = Debit advice 付款报单 D/D,D. = Demand draft,documentary draft 即期汇票,跟单汇票 d/d = day"s date (days after date) 出票后……日付款 d.f.,d.fet. = dead freight 空载运费(船) Disc. = Discount 贴现;折扣 DLT = Day Letter Telegram 书信电 D/N = debit note 借方通知 D/O = delivery order 卸货通知书 D/P = documents against payment 付款后交付单据 Dr. = debit debter 借方,债务人 d/s. = days" sight 见票后……日付款 DV = Dividends 股利 (E) Eea. = each 每,各 e.e.E.E. = error excepted 错误除外 E/B = Export-Import Bank 进出口银行(美国) enc.,encl.= enclosure 附件 E.& O.E. = errors and omissions excepted 错误或遗漏不在此限 ETA = estimated time of arrival 预定到达日期 ex. = example,executive,exchange,extract 例子,执行官,外汇交换,摘要 Exp. = Export 出口 (F) f.a.q.=fair average quality 良好平均品质 f.a.s.=free alongside ship 船边交货价 F.B.E.=foreign bill of exchange 国外汇票 f.c.l.=full container load 整个集装箱装满 f.d.free discharge 卸货船方不负责 F.& D.=Freight and Demurrage 运费及延装费 f.i.=free in 装货船方步负责 f.i.o.=free in and out 装卸货船方均不负责 f.i.o.=free in out stowed and trimming 装卸堆储平仓船方均不负责 f.o.=free out 卸货船方不负责 f.o.,f/o=firm offer 规定时限的报价 f.o.b.=free on board 船上交货价 f.o.c.=free of charge免费 F.O.I.=free of Interest 免息 f.o.r.=free on rail,free on road 火车上交货价 f.o.s.=free on steamer 轮船上交货价 f.o.t.=free on truck 卡车上交货价 f.p.a.=free of particular average 单独海损不保 fr.f=franc,from,free 法郎,从,自由 FX=Foreign Exchange 外汇 (G) Gg=good,goods,gramme 佳,货物,一克 G/A=general average 共同海损 GATT=General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税贸易总协定 gm.=gramme 一克 g.m.b.=good merchantable brand品质良好适合买卖之货品 g.m.q.=good merchantable quality良好可售品质 G/N=Guarantee of Notes 承诺保证 g.s.w.=gross shipping weight 运输总重量 gr.wt.=gross weight 毛重 (I) IIATA=International Air Transport Association 国际航空运输协会 IBRD=International Bank Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴开发银行 I/C=Inward Collection 进口托收 ICC=International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会 IMO=International Money Orders 国际汇票 Imp=Import 进口 IN=Interest 利息 IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金 inst.=instant(this month) 本月 int.=interest 利息 Inv.=Invoice 发票 IOU=I owe you 借据 I/P=Insurance Policy 保险单 I/R=Inward Remittance 汇入汇款 ISIC=International Standard Industrial Classification 国际行业标准分类 it.=item 项目 (K) Kk.=karat(carat) 卡拉(纯金含有度) kg.=keg,kilogramme笑,公斤 K.W.=Kilo Watt 千瓦 (L) LL/A=Letter of Authorization 授权书 lbs.=pounds 磅 L/C=Letter of Credit 信用证 L/H=General Letter of Hypothecation 质押权利总股定书 L/I=Letter of Indemnity赔偿保证书 L/G=Letter of Guarantee 保证函 l.t.=long ton 长吨(2,240磅) L/T=Letter Telegram 书信电报 Ltd.=Limited 有限责任 L/U=Letter of Undertaking 承诺书 (M) Mm.=mile,metre,mark,month,minute,meridian(noon)哩,公尺,记号,月,分,中午 m/d=month after date 出票后……月付款 memo.=memorandum 备忘录 M.I.P.=marine insurance policy 海上保险单 misc.=miscellaneous杂项 M/L=more or less增或减 M/N=Minimum最低额 MO=Money Order拨款单,汇款单,汇票 m/s=months after sight见票后……月付款 m.s.=mail steamer,mail transfer油船,轮船 M.T.=metric ton,mail transfer公吨,信汇 M/T=Mail Transfer信汇 m.v.=motor vessel轮船 MNC=multi-national corporation跨国公司 (N) NN.B.=Nota Bene(take notice)注意 NO.=number号码 n/p=non-payment拒付 Nt.Wt=Net Weight净重 (O) O.=Order定单,定货 O.B/L=Order bill of lading指示式提单 O.C.P.=Overland Common Point通常陆上运输可到达地点 O/C=Outward Collection出口托收 OD.=Overdraft透支 O/d=overdraft,on demand透支,要求即付款(票据) O/No.=order number定单编号 o.p.=open policy预约保单 O/R=Outward Remittance汇出汇款 ORT=ordinary telegram寻常电报 o/s=on sale,out of stock廉售,无存货 O/S=old style老式 o.t.=old term旧条件 oz=ounce盎斯 (P) PP/A,p/a=particular average单独海损 pa=power of attorney委任状 =private account私人账户 p.a.=per annum(by the year)每年 p.c.=per cent,petty cash百分比,零用金 p.l.=partial loss分损 P.&I.=Protection and Indemnity意外险 P.&L.=profit and loss益损 P.M.O.=postal money order邮政汇票 P/N=promissory note本票 P.O.B.=postal office box邮政信箱 p.o.d.=payment on delivery交货时付款 P.O.D.=Pay on Delivery发货付款 P/O=Payment Order支付命令 P/R=parcel receipt邮包收据 prox.=proximo(next month)下月 PS.=postscript再启 pt.=pint品脱 P.T.O.=please turn over请看里面 PTL=private tieline service电报专线业务 (Q) Qqlty=quality品质 qr=quarter四分之一 qty=quantity数量 quotn=quotation报价单 qy=quay码头 (R) recd=received收讫 recpt=receipt收据 ref.=reference参考,关于 RFWD=rain,fresh water damage雨水及淡水险 remit.=remittance汇款 r.m.=ready money,readymade备用金,现成的 RM=Remittance汇款 R.O.=remittance Order汇款委托书 R.P.=reply paid,returnof post邮下或电费预付,请即会示 rt.=rate率 (S) SS.A.=-Statement of Account账单 s.a.=subject to approval以承认(赞成,批准)为条件 S/C=sale contract售货合同 S/D=sight draft即期汇票 S/D=sea damage海水损害 SD.=Sundries杂项 SE.=Securities抵押品 S/N=shipping note装运通知 S.O.s.o.=shipping order,seller"s option装船通知书,卖方有权选择 S/S,s/s,ss,s.s=steamship轮船 s.t.=short ton短吨 (T) T/A=telegraphic address电报挂号 tgm=telegram电报 T.L.O.=total loss only只担保全损(分损不赔) T.M.O.=telegraphic money order电报汇款 T.R.=trust receipt信托收据 T.T.=telegraphic transfer电汇 TPND=theft,pilferage and nondelivery盗窃遗失条款 Uult.=ultimo(last month)上月 u/w=underwriter保险业者 (V) voy.=voyage航次 V.V.=Vice Versa反之亦然 (W) w.a.=with average水渍险(单独海损赔偿) war=with risk担保一切险 W/B=way bill warehouse book货运单,仓库簿 wgt=weight重量 whf=wharf码头 W/M=weight or measurement重量或容量 w.p.a.=with particular average单独海损赔偿 W.R.=War Risk战争险 W.R.=warehouse receipt仓单 wt=weight重量 (X) x.d.=ex dividend除息 XX=good quality良好品质 XXX=very good quality甚佳品质 XXXX=best quality最佳品质 (Y) yd.=yard码 yr.=your,year你的,年 (Z) Z=Zone地区,地带2023-07-04 21:20:181
来到应该怎么可以少了购物呢?尤其是应该的超市最是深受各地游客的喜欢,英文这里不仅集聚着很多的产品,种类丰富,里面除了日常超市的用品还有着衣服等商场里面的东西,而且价格大多数人可以接受。但是对于一些游客来说,这里虽然好,但是语言就变成了一个最大的问题,超市的员工一般都是不会说中文的,我们要至少会一些才可以更好的购物,那么,我们接下来就来了解一下这里购物的常用英文吧!选择Choosing1.Iwantapairofshoes/ajacket.我想买一双鞋/一件夹克。2.I"dliketoseesometowels.我想看看毛巾。3.Showmethatone,please.请把那个给我看看。4.Itlooksverynice.看上去挺不错的!5.Wouldyoushowmethiscup?你能把这只杯子让我看一下吗?7.I"mjustlooking,thanks.我只是看看,谢谢。8.I"dliketohavealookifyoudon"tmind.如果不介意,我想看一下。试穿Try-on1.IwearsizeM我穿M码的。2.Ilikethisone.MayItryiton?我喜欢这一种。我能试穿吗?3.Thefitisn"tgood.尺寸不太合适。4.It"stooshort/tight/long/small/big太短/紧/长/小/大了。5.Itseemstofitwell.好像蛮合身的。6.Theypunchmytoes.把我脚趾夹疼了。7.CanIhaveasizelarger?可以给我一个大一点儿的吗?8.Thiscolorisverypopular.这个颜色很流行。询问Inquire1.Doyouhaveanyonsale?你们有什么特卖品吗?2.Doyoucarryhundredpercentcottonpants?你们有百分之百纯棉的裤子吗?3.Canyougetmeone?你能帮我拿一件吗?4.IfIorderedasuitnow,howlongcouldittakebeforeIgotdelivery?如果我现在订一件西装,要多久才能接到货?5.Howaboutthisblueone?这个蓝色的怎样?6.Canyouwrapitasagift?你能把它作为礼物包装吗?砍价Bargain1.Thatstoomuch!太贵了!2.Thepriceisbeyondmybudget.这价钱超出我的预算了。3.Couldyougivemeadiscount?能给我个折扣吗?4.Isthepricenegotiable?这价钱可以商量吗?(negotiate表示“谈判”,negotiable是“可协商的”。5.Canyougivemeabetterdeal?可以给我更好的价钱吗?6.Couldyoulowertheprice?价钱可以低点儿吗?7.Idbuyitrightawayifitwerecheaper.便宜一点的话我马上买。结账Check1.HowcanIpay?我要如何付钱?2.I"lltakeit.我要这个。3.Doyoutakecreditcards?你们接受信用卡吗?4.Illpaybycard.我要刷卡。退税Taxrefund1.Whereisthetaxrefundwindow?退税窗口在哪?2.CanIgettherefundbycash?我可以要求退税款用现金吗?3.Sendittomycardaccount.把退税款转到我的信用卡账户好了。退换货Refund/Exchange1.Idliketoreturnthisproduct.我想退货。2.Thisshirtisalittlebigforme.CanIexchangeit?这个衬衫有点大,可以换货吗?3.Thesuitdoesntfitmewell.这套衣服我穿着不合身。服装词汇衣服ready-madeclothes,ready-to-wearclothes成衣garments外衣townclothes外衣double-breastedsuit双排扣外衣suit西装dress连衣裙tailoredsuit女式西服everydayclothes便服three-piecesuit三件套layette婴儿的全套服装uniform制服overalls工装裤formaldress礼服dresscoat,tails燕尾服,礼服nightshirt睡衣dinnerjacket无尾礼服fulldressuniform礼服制服overcoat大衣furcoat毛皮大衣three-quartercoat中长大衣dustcoat风衣cloak斗篷sheepskinjacket羊皮夹克pelisse皮质上衣jacket短外衣夹克scarf围巾shawl大披巾knittedshawl针织围巾furstole裘皮披肩bathrobe浴衣nightdress女式睡衣shirt衬衫T-shirt短袖圆领衫,体恤衫vest背心poloshirt马球衬衣sweater运动衫kimono和服trousers裤子jeans牛仔裤shorttrousers短裤breeches马裤skirt裙子underwear,underclothes内衣裤underpants内裤bra乳罩stays,corset束腰,胸衣waistcoat马甲girdle腰带stockings长袜socks短袜handkerchief手帕bathingtrunks游泳裤bikini比基尼泳衣apron围裙(pinafore带护胸围裙shoe鞋boot靴子canvasshoes帆布鞋glove手套tie领带cap便帽hat带沿的帽子bowlerhat圆顶硬礼帽tophat高顶礼帽Panamahat巴拿马草帽beret贝蕾帽peakedcap鸭舌帽broad-brimmedstrawhat宽边草帽headdress头饰turban头巾naturalfabric天然纤维cotton棉silk丝wool毛料linen麻syntheticfabric混合纤维nylon尼龙worsted呢料cashmere羊绒patterns花样dot圆点花stripe条纹flowerpattern花纹花样veil面纱化妆品词汇护肤品skincare护肤facialcleanser/facewash洗面奶toner爽肤水lotion乳液firminglotion紧肤乳液cream霜daycream日霜nightcream晚霜skincream护肤霜sunscreen防晒霜handcream护手霜moisturizer保湿whitening美白eyegel眼部睹喱facialmask面膜eyemask眼膜lipcare护唇用facialscrub磨砂膏porecleanser毛孔洁面乳;去黑头exfoliatingscrub去死皮showergel沐浴露护肤品功能acne粉刺用active赋活用aftersun日晒后用品alcohol-free无酒精anti-抗、防anti-wrinkle抗老防皱balancing平衡酸硷clean-/purify-清洁用combination混合性皮肤dry干性皮肤essence精华液facial脸部用fast/quickdry快干firm紧肤foam泡沫gentle温和的hydra-保湿用longlasting持久性milk乳mult-多元normal中性皮肤nutritious滋养oil-control抑制油脂oily油性皮肤pack剥撕式面膜peeling敷面剥落式面膜remover去除、卸妆repair修护revitalite活化scrub磨砂式、去角质sensitive敏感性皮肤solvent溶解sunblock防晒用trentment修护waterproof防水彩妆cosmetics化妆品concealer遮瑕膏shadingpowder修容饼foundation粉底pressedpowder粉饼loosepowder散粉shimmeringpowder闪粉browpowder眉粉browpencil眉笔liquideyeliner眼线液eyeshadow眼影mascara睫毛膏lipliner唇线笔lipstick唇膏(笔状lippencil;膏状liplipstick;盒装lipcolor/lipglosslipgloss唇彩blush腮红makeupremover卸装水makeupremovinglotion卸装乳manicure修指甲nailpolish指甲油nailpolishremover去甲油nailsaver护甲液化妆工具cosmeticapplicators/accessories工具cosmeticbrush粉刷powderpuffs粉扑spongepuffs海绵扑browbrush眉刷lashcurler睫毛夹eyeshadowbrush眼影刷blushbrush腮红刷pencilsharpener转笔刀electricshaver-forwomen电动剃毛器electriclashcurler电动睫毛卷browtemplate描眉卡facialtissue纸巾oil-absorbingsheets吸油纸cottonpads化装棉q-tips棉签大概在英国超市购物的时候需要的英文就是这些,希望大家记住一些必要的,这样大家的购物之旅也可以方便很多。2023-07-04 21:20:251
来到应该怎么可以少了购物呢?尤其是应该的超市最是深受各地游客的喜欢,英文这里不仅集聚着很多的产品,种类丰富,里面除了日常超市的用品还有着衣服等商场里面的东西,而且价格大多数人可以接受。但是对于一些游客来说,这里虽然好,但是语言就变成了一个最大的问题,超市的员工一般都是不会说中文的,我们要至少会一些才可以更好的购物,那么,我们接下来就来了解一下这里购物的常用英文吧!选择Choosing1.Iwantapairofshoes/ajacket.我想买一双鞋/一件夹克。2.I"dliketoseesometowels.我想看看毛巾。3.Showmethatone,please.请把那个给我看看。4.Itlooksverynice.看上去挺不错的!5.Wouldyoushowmethiscup?你能把这只杯子让我看一下吗?7.I"mjustlooking,thanks.我只是看看,谢谢。8.I"dliketohavealookifyoudon"tmind.如果不介意,我想看一下。试穿Try-on1.IwearsizeM我穿M码的。2.Ilikethisone.MayItryiton?我喜欢这一种。我能试穿吗?3.Thefitisn"tgood.尺寸不太合适。4.It"stooshort/tight/long/small/big太短/紧/长/小/大了。5.Itseemstofitwell.好像蛮合身的。6.Theypunchmytoes.把我脚趾夹疼了。7.CanIhaveasizelarger?可以给我一个大一点儿的吗?8.Thiscolorisverypopular.这个颜色很流行。询问Inquire1.Doyouhaveanyonsale?你们有什么特卖品吗?2.Doyoucarryhundredpercentcottonpants?你们有百分之百纯棉的裤子吗?3.Canyougetmeone?你能帮我拿一件吗?4.IfIorderedasuitnow,howlongcouldittakebeforeIgotdelivery?如果我现在订一件西装,要多久才能接到货?5.Howaboutthisblueone?这个蓝色的怎样?6.Canyouwrapitasagift?你能把它作为礼物包装吗?砍价Bargain1.Thatstoomuch!太贵了!2.Thepriceisbeyondmybudget.这价钱超出我的预算了。3.Couldyougivemeadiscount?能给我个折扣吗?4.Isthepricenegotiable?这价钱可以商量吗?(negotiate表示“谈判”,negotiable是“可协商的”。5.Canyougivemeabetterdeal?可以给我更好的价钱吗?6.Couldyoulowertheprice?价钱可以低点儿吗?7.Idbuyitrightawayifitwerecheaper.便宜一点的话我马上买。结账Check1.HowcanIpay?我要如何付钱?2.I"lltakeit.我要这个。3.Doyoutakecreditcards?你们接受信用卡吗?4.Illpaybycard.我要刷卡。退税Taxrefund1.Whereisthetaxrefundwindow?退税窗口在哪?2.CanIgettherefundbycash?我可以要求退税款用现金吗?3.Sendittomycardaccount.把退税款转到我的信用卡账户好了。退换货Refund/Exchange1.Idliketoreturnthisproduct.我想退货。2.Thisshirtisalittlebigforme.CanIexchangeit?这个衬衫有点大,可以换货吗?3.Thesuitdoesntfitmewell.这套衣服我穿着不合身。服装词汇衣服ready-madeclothes,ready-to-wearclothes成衣garments外衣townclothes外衣double-breastedsuit双排扣外衣suit西装dress连衣裙tailoredsuit女式西服everydayclothes便服three-piecesuit三件套layette婴儿的全套服装uniform制服overalls工装裤formaldress礼服dresscoat,tails燕尾服,礼服nightshirt睡衣dinnerjacket无尾礼服fulldressuniform礼服制服overcoat大衣furcoat毛皮大衣three-quartercoat中长大衣dustcoat风衣cloak斗篷sheepskinjacket羊皮夹克pelisse皮质上衣jacket短外衣夹克scarf围巾shawl大披巾knittedshawl针织围巾furstole裘皮披肩bathrobe浴衣nightdress女式睡衣shirt衬衫T-shirt短袖圆领衫,体恤衫vest背心poloshirt马球衬衣sweater运动衫kimono和服trousers裤子jeans牛仔裤shorttrousers短裤breeches马裤skirt裙子underwear,underclothes内衣裤underpants内裤bra乳罩stays,corset束腰,胸衣waistcoat马甲girdle腰带stockings长袜socks短袜handkerchief手帕bathingtrunks游泳裤bikini比基尼泳衣apron围裙(pinafore带护胸围裙shoe鞋boot靴子canvasshoes帆布鞋glove手套tie领带cap便帽hat带沿的帽子bowlerhat圆顶硬礼帽tophat高顶礼帽Panamahat巴拿马草帽beret贝蕾帽peakedcap鸭舌帽broad-brimmedstrawhat宽边草帽headdress头饰turban头巾naturalfabric天然纤维cotton棉silk丝wool毛料linen麻syntheticfabric混合纤维nylon尼龙worsted呢料cashmere羊绒patterns花样dot圆点花stripe条纹flowerpattern花纹花样veil面纱化妆品词汇护肤品skincare护肤facialcleanser/facewash洗面奶toner爽肤水lotion乳液firminglotion紧肤乳液cream霜daycream日霜nightcream晚霜skincream护肤霜sunscreen防晒霜handcream护手霜moisturizer保湿whitening美白eyegel眼部睹喱facialmask面膜eyemask眼膜lipcare护唇用facialscrub磨砂膏porecleanser毛孔洁面乳;去黑头exfoliatingscrub去死皮showergel沐浴露护肤品功能acne粉刺用active赋活用aftersun日晒后用品alcohol-free无酒精anti-抗、防anti-wrinkle抗老防皱balancing平衡酸硷clean-/purify-清洁用combination混合性皮肤dry干性皮肤essence精华液facial脸部用fast/quickdry快干firm紧肤foam泡沫gentle温和的hydra-保湿用longlasting持久性milk乳mult-多元normal中性皮肤nutritious滋养oil-control抑制油脂oily油性皮肤pack剥撕式面膜peeling敷面剥落式面膜remover去除、卸妆repair修护revitalite活化scrub磨砂式、去角质sensitive敏感性皮肤solvent溶解sunblock防晒用trentment修护waterproof防水彩妆cosmetics化妆品concealer遮瑕膏shadingpowder修容饼foundation粉底pressedpowder粉饼loosepowder散粉shimmeringpowder闪粉browpowder眉粉browpencil眉笔liquideyeliner眼线液eyeshadow眼影mascara睫毛膏lipliner唇线笔lipstick唇膏(笔状lippencil;膏状liplipstick;盒装lipcolor/lipglosslipgloss唇彩blush腮红makeupremover卸装水makeupremovinglotion卸装乳manicure修指甲nailpolish指甲油nailpolishremover去甲油nailsaver护甲液化妆工具cosmeticapplicators/accessories工具cosmeticbrush粉刷powderpuffs粉扑spongepuffs海绵扑browbrush眉刷lashcurler睫毛夹eyeshadowbrush眼影刷blushbrush腮红刷pencilsharpener转笔刀electricshaver-forwomen电动剃毛器electriclashcurler电动睫毛卷browtemplate描眉卡facialtissue纸巾oil-absorbingsheets吸油纸cottonpads化装棉q-tips棉签大概在英国超市购物的时候需要的英文就是这些,希望大家记住一些必要的,这样大家的购物之旅也可以方便很多。2023-07-04 21:20:331
就是截文件时间2023-07-04 21:20:543
Emblematic delivery (Symbolic Delivery): And be under pointing to condition getting in touch with in business both sides out-of-straight, the seller will according to contract provision time and place after the goods installs a means of transport or delivers a carrier, provide buyer with in relation to Shan including owership certificate certificate, let the transportation document attesting to giving or receiving of goods that the carrier signs and issues and their his commerce document attesting to giving or receiving of goods fulfill delivery duty, but swear to arrive unnecessarily2023-07-04 21:21:054
问题一:”一般贸易”用英语怎么说 processing with imported materials 进料加工 ordinary trade 一般贸易 问题二:一般贸易,进料加工的英文怎么说 processing with imported materials 进料加工 ordinary trade 一般贸易 问题三:关于贸易术语的英语表达! General import and export trade General trade 问题四:一般贸易有英语怎N说啊 general trade 问题五:外贸英语中各种税怎么说? 税的相关单词: duty, tax, tariff, levy 与税务相关的英文名称有 增值税 VAT value added tax 关税 custom duty 消费税 excise duty 关税 tariff 尤指进口税,很少指出口税 出口退税 export rebate 免税 duty/tax exemptin 或 duty/tax free 国内税务局 IRS (这个用的非常多) 报复性关税 retaliatory tariff, 惩罚性关税 punitive tariff 保护关税 Protective tariff 反倾销税 Anti-dumping Duties 特惠税 Preferential Duty 过境税 Transit Duties 进口附加税 Import Surtaxes 差价税 Variable Levy 打字不容易啊,暂时就想出了这么多了 问题六:外贸英语翻译 这个是一个信用证的要求。 1.要在提单日期的10天内并且是信用证的有效期内交单。 2.信用证的号码及日期还有开证行名称要显示在所有的单据上。 3.没有照做信用证上的所有条款、单据可能回收、因为没有仔细考虑而照成的单据差异,出现以上3种情况的任意一种我将会扣除汇票金额的0.125%(最低是60美元)作为我行的操作费及其他费用。 4.不承认保结押汇和担保。 5.提单是不可转让提单,且所交单据中含有一份提单副本. 6.提单必须有3份正本. 7.提单上必须显示集装箱号码。 8.运输单据(主要是提单)的开具日期不能迟于信用证日期。 9.运输单据上必须盖有船公司的章.胆外的货运费比如类似装卸费等是不可接受的。 问题七:用英语简述外贸流程 Export trade processes - to 2007-08-16 16:38 1. Receipt of order: XX Trade pany after the receipt of customer orders, customer orders should be translated into orders for the pany; 2. Orders review: XX pany Trade Department is responsible for organizing the pany, products, goods seized and the Department of the Ministry staff to carry out asses *** ent of customer orders, the main asses *** ent of issues, including product features and quality requirements, production capacity, packaging requirements and delivery dates; 3. The signing of sales contract: XX Trade pany in accordance with orders for the production of a sales contract offer, signed and sealed by the customer return the first, and then signed by the pany official seal; 4. The preparation of export plans: XX pany produces according to the Ministry of Trade, the preparation of the production plan the development of export plans, the production department if the change in production plans, the pany shall promptly notify the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Trade in order to municate with customers in time to change the situation of the export plan; 5. Order Tracking: XX pany after the Ministry of Trade in the preparation of export plans, the need to actively track the production status of the production sector to ensure that the goods on time and accurately issued. If you have not delivered on time and situation, should be timely feedback to the customer information and make adjustment......>> 问题八:外贸中常见的英文缩写有哪些? A AA制 自动许可制 AAC 亚非会议 A.A.R 保综合险(一切险) ABCコ-ド ABC商业密码 ac. 英亩 a/c(或A/C) 银行往来存款 acpt 承兑;接受 a/cs pay. 应付帐款 a/cs rec. 应收帐款 ACU 亚洲清算同盟 A/D 出票后 ADB 亚洲开发银行 a.f. 预付运费 AFA 自动外汇分配制度 AFDB 非洲开发银行 A.F.E.B. 核准的外汇银行 agcy 代理公司 agt. 代理人 AIQ制 自动进口配额制 A.M. 互相保险 A.N. 到货通知 A/P 委托付款证 A/P 委托购买证 A/P 附加保险费 A/P 付讫 APO 亚洲生产率组织 APU 亚洲支付同盟 A/R 综合险,一切险 A/S 销货帐单 A/S 见票后 A/S 见票即付 ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟 ASP 美国销售价格 ATAカルネ 暂时许可簿册,临时过境证 A.T.L. 实际全损 A/V 从价 A/W 实际重量 A.W.B. 空运单 B B/Aレ-ト 银行承兑利率 B/B 买入汇票 B/C 托收汇票 B/D 银行贴现 B/D 银行汇票 B/E 入港申报单 B/E 汇票 BETRO 英国出口贸易研究组织 BIS 国际清算银行 B/G 保税货物 B/L 提单 B/N 钞票 B/N 交货记录 B.O. 分公司 B.P. 应付票据 B.R. 应收票据 B/S 再进口免税证 B/St 即票 BTN 布鲁塞尔税则分类 B.T.T. 银行电汇 C C.A.D. 凭单付款 C.B.D. 交货前付款 C.B.S. 装船前预付货款 C/C 商会 C.C. 时价 CCC 关税合作理事会 CCCN 关税合作理事会税则分类表 C.F.S. 集装箱货运站 C.H. 货舱 C.H. 票据交换所 C.H. 海关 Chq. 支票 C.I. 领事签证发票 C/I 保险证书 CIFv税z条件 成本,保险费,运费加关税条件 CIF条件 成本,保险加运费条件 CIF通v费用z条件 成本,保险费,运费和一切进口费用条件 CIF&C条件 成本,保险费,运费加佣金条件 CIFにvする国际统一规则 CIF买卖契约统一规则 C.L.货物「コ」 (集装箱)整箱货 CLP 装箱单 C/N 发货通知单 C/N 贷记通知书 C/O 转交 C/O 产地证明书 C.O.D. 交货付款 C.O.F.C. 平板车装运集装箱 COGSA 海洋货物运输法 cont. 合同 c.o.s. 装船时付款 C/P 租船合同 C.Q.D. 习惯快速装卸 C.T. 载货吨位 C.t.l. 推定全损 C.W.O. 订货付款 D D/A 承兑交单 D/C 绕航条款 D/C 贴现,折扣 D/D 码头交货 D/D 即期汇票,跟单汇票 D/F 空舱运费 D/M 速遣费 D/N 借记通知 D/O 交货单,出货单 D/......>> 问题九:一般贸易和进料加工的英文怎么说 一般贸易和进料加工_ 翻译结果: General trade and processing 问题十:G.T.是什么贸易方式的缩写? 一般贸易(G.T) 样品贸易(SAMPLE)2023-07-04 21:21:131
呢个size无现货!可以同你订货! This size is out of stock. We can order it for you. 订货需时两个星期!需要付全数! The ordering lead time is o weeks. Advance payment in full is required. 我地系自己厂直接生产的 The goods are produced (or manufactured) by our own factory. 麻烦你等等!我问一问厂果边可唔可以早少少起到货比你! Please wait for a moment! I am checking with the factory whethe the goods may be produced a little bit earlier. 唔好意思!最多可以早几天起货! Sorry! The production schedule may only be advanced by a few days. 我地公司所有鞋都系真皮做的 All the shoes of our pany are made of genuine leatehr. 你响我地公司订的鞋﹐已经做好送到铺头了!有时间可以落黎取货! The shoes that ordered by you have been delivered to our shop. You may collect them at any time. There aren"t any stock for the size now but we can order it for you. It takes o weeks for ordering and payment for once. Our products are manufactured directly from our factory. Please wait while I"m asking the factory if they can deliver the products earlier. Sorry but they can deliver earlier only for a couple of days. All the shoes we have are made of genuine leather. Shoes you ordered have arrived at the store you can e and collect them if you have time. 参考: Me One size does not stock! You can order the same! Orders take o weeks! To pay in full! I have to line their own factory direct production Trouble you so! I ask the plant fruit side effect can Well can arrive a bit earlier than you! Sorry! Up landing a few days ago! I am in the pany of all Department of genuine leather shoes You ring me to set the shoe pany has been sent to guanputou do it! Have time to pick up off the Lebanese! 2010-04-04 11:43:59 补充: 希望可以帮到你 This size has no current inventories but we can order it for you. Ordering takes o weeks and needs to pay in full. We produce directly from our own factory. Please wait a few moments. Let me ask which factory can expedite the goods for you. I apologize for the inconveniences. The best we can do is to finish a few days earlier than the deadline. The shoes of our pany are all made of genuine leather. The shoes that you ordered from our pany had been delivered to the store. You can e and pick up the goods at your earliest convenience. Sorry out of stock atthe moment! if you like we can order it for you! The order may take 2 weeks. all oder payment have to pay all in advance! all product we sales is making from our factory! the order which made we will try to given it to you A.S.A.P.! Please be patience! all the shoses sales from our store is made from real leather! your shose orders is ready at the store! Please e to our store to pick your order! 2010-03-31 13:11:57 补充: Sorry out of stock atthe moment! if you like we can order it for you Sory out of stock at the moment! we can order it for you!! 2010-03-31 13:12:49 补充: sorry it should be "Sorry out of stock at the moment! we can order it for you" sorry for the mistake 参考: myself haha wish it helps~~~ There aren"t stock for the size now but we can order that for you. 呢个size无现货!可以同你订货! It"d take o weeks for ordering and payment for once. 订货需时两个星期!需要付全数! Our products are manufactured directly from our factory. 我地系自己厂直接生产的 Please wait while I ask the factory if they can deliver the products earlier. 麻烦你等等!我问一问厂果边可唔可以早少少起到货比你! Sorry but they can deliver earlier only for a couple of days. 唔好意思!最多可以早几天起货! All the shoes we have are made of genuine leather. 我地公司所有鞋都系真皮做的 Shoes you ordered have arrived at the store you can e and collect them if you have time. 你响我地公司订的鞋﹐已经做好送到铺头了!有时间可以落黎取货!2023-07-04 21:21:191
因为不知道你们的产品是什么,所以不太专业,有些术语可能翻译得不对。但大意应该是清楚的。o(∩_∩)o..呵呵。我们将有2种样品寄往美国。一种是八只装的,另一种是10只装的。 八只装的现在在办公室里。大卫已经把它打包好了,但我们还必须用电缆接头将样品附上标签。 请将样品拆包,标签用塑料膜保护好,以避免被损坏。请注意标签包含了机密,因此请确保只有你知道那些信息。请用塑料小泡包装纸将样品重新包装,注意要格外小心。办理速递业务时,清楚说明它是易碎品,不能被挤压,这样才能保证其完好无损地到达美国客户的办公室。如果可能的话,请使用木箱。 十只装的应在15:00以前到达Gainlink。请向sophie询问到货的具体时间。我们还需要贴两张标签。一张贴在产品上,一张印有"workforce"字样的大标签贴在外包装盒子上。许多小的"workforce"标签,粘贴在产品上。 (请检查标签的质量,如果发现不好的,请不要粘贴于产品。如果是处于好坏边缘,无法辨别的,您可以照一张照片,发到我邮箱,我会给您意见的。 标签是由一个印刷厂负责的,它们同样将在15.00前到达。请向Sophie询问具体到货时间。 同样请将标签用塑料膜保护好,以避免被损坏。请用塑料小泡包装纸将样品重新包装,注意要格外小心。办理速递业务时,清楚说明它是易碎品,不能被挤压,这样才能保证其完好无损地到达美国客户的办公室。如果可能的话,请使用木箱。Sophie,我们的产品必须在星期一工作时间到达美国加拿大办事处,因此一旦样品已到达请通知我。2023-07-04 21:21:306
6.8 After the seller of goods transport procedures after three days of the notice by fax to the buyer, which reads: No. contract. Projects,. Name of the device. Number of boxes. Number. The total weight. Waybill number. No. wagon. (Car brand. Shipping, or Mail). Date of issue. Receipt by the buyer signed the way. 6.9 for the car, such as transport, the above-mentioned information. Formalities, a transportation in the first three days of notification by fax to the buyer and the other vehicle with the cargo directly to pay the buyer. 6.10 arrival of equipment will take place at: Vehicle: Less-than-truckload: Each of the two cases on the side adjacent to use non-fading paint marking main marked as follows: Contract: Mark: (Contract No.) Receiving: Receiving units: Equipment: Me / Number: Gross weight / Net Weight (kg): Size (L "wide" high-mm): Categories of goods: Unit shipments: Note: The bulky goods shall be noted in the center of gravity and lifting focus. 6.10.1 "mid" mechanical. Electric. Instrumentation. Precision instruments. Computer. Dangerous goods. Time-sensitive goods. Spare parts or tools. Materials. Refractories, and so that the words in the box on the surface. 6.10.2 electrical equipment, instrument panel category in the box outside marked with red paint inside the front plate disk, mark it as: "is." 6.10.3 In addition to the above tag, but also all kinds of goods should be marked with water-resistant requirements. Moisture. Anti-inverted. Inflammable. Fragile. Warning markers, such as toxic. 6.10.4 exposed parts. Tied with pieces of galvanized sheet marked with the content of 6.10, including the terms of the content. 6.11 and the box tied with pieces of parts and components in bulk, the per-item should be marked with (with or without labels fading paint to write) their host name, the name of the parts and pieces of the packing list in the serial number on the map and assembly Serial number of spare parts in addition to the above-mentioned writing, still marked "prepared". 6.12 equipment inside the box should be accompanied by the following information: A. Packing List: one-third of, content, the contract should include. Projects,. Name of the device. Specifications. Model. Number. Weight. Chart, (if the box is the disintegration of parts and components should be listed in the name of parts and components, and map ). B. product certification in triplicate (the original of which two copies). Equipment should be qualified to provide a certified copy of the original three. C. assembly equipment (including assembly plans. Installation. Maintenance of the components required for assembly. Wiring diagram. Pipeline map) in triplicate. D. vulnerable pieces of equipment, spare parts and equipment to map the list of spare parts in triplicate. E. product inspection records in triplicate. F. above shipping box with a set of data should be placed on the first of the main box and marked with "inside information here", the other two in three working days after the shipment sent to the buyer.2023-07-04 21:21:481