腐竹 dried beancurd sticks
腐竹: yuba(英语/日语); bean curd rolls (豆腐卷); roll of dried bean curd (干豆腐卷)
dried bean milk cream in tight rolls。
beancurd的意思是:豆腐。beancurd,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“豆腐”。单词发音:英["bi:nku0259:d]。豆腐是一种营养丰富又历史悠久的食材,大众对豆腐的喜爱推动了豆腐制作工艺的前进和发展。豆腐主要的生产过程一是制浆,即将大豆制成豆浆;二是凝固成形,即豆浆在热与凝固剂的共同作用下凝固成含有大量水分的凝胶体,即豆腐豆腐内含人体必需的多种微量元素,还含有丰富的优质蛋白,素有“植物肉”之美称。我国是豆腐的发源地。相传,淮南王刘安(公元前177-前122年)的母亲喜欢吃黄豆,有一次其母因病不能吃整粒黄豆,刘安就叫人把黄豆磨成粉,怕粉太干,便冲入些水熬成豆乳,又怕味淡,再放些盐卤,结果凝成了块状的东西,即豆腐花。淮南王之母吃了很高兴,病势好转,于是豆腐就流传了下来。而豆腐的制作很可能是刘安在组织方士们炼丹实践中发明的。方士们在炼丹中使用了许多矿物和无机盐,偶尔发现石膏或其他盐类可以凝固豆乳做豆腐。宋朝著名诗人朱熹诗曰:“种豆豆苒稀,力竭心已腐,早知淮南术,安坐获泉布。”并自注“世传豆腐本为淮南王术”。明李时珍的《本草纲目·谷部豆腐》:“豆腐之法,始于前汉淮南王刘安”。2023-07-04 05:13:081
豆腐用英文怎么说 豆腐英语的读音
1、豆腐英语是beancurd,读音:英[bi:nku0259:d]。 2、beancurd,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“豆腐”。 3、短语搭配: baked beancurd锅塌豆腐;详细翻译 Spicy beancurd麻婆豆腐;辣豆腐;香辣豆腐;麻辣豆腐2023-07-04 05:13:401
beancurd 英["bi:nkɜ:d] 美["bi:nkɜ:d] n. 豆腐; [例句]The beancurd has gone bad.豆腐已酸腐变质。Beancurd with green vegetables2023-07-04 05:13:541
豆腐是最常见的豆制品,又称水豆腐。主要的生产过程一是制浆,即将大豆制成豆浆;二是凝固成形,即豆浆在热与凝固剂的共同作用下凝固成含有大量水分的凝胶体,即豆腐。豆腐是中国的传统食品,味美而养生。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。 豆腐的英语说法1: tofu 豆腐的英语说法2: bean curd 豆腐的相关短语: 豆腐房 bean-curd plant; 豆腐干 dried bean curd; tofu; 豆腐脑儿 jellied bean curd; 豆腐皮 skin of soya-bean milk; thin sheets of bean curd; 豆腐乳 fermented bean curd; 豆腐的英语例句: 1. She can be a bit tetchy but her bark is worse than her bite. 她脾气可能有点暴躁,但她是刀子嘴,豆腐心。 2. I think Mapo beancurd and shredded meat in chilli sauce are quite special. 我觉得麻婆豆腐和鱼香肉丝味道不错. 3. I"d like to add some pepper to the bean curd. 我想在豆腐里加一点辣椒粉. 4. The God of Thunder strikes the beancurd; bullies pick on the soft and weak. 雷公打豆腐, 拣软的欺. 5. This dish of tofu is delicious, but a little too hot. 这个豆腐也好吃, 但有点过辣了. 6. Yes. The next one is bean curd with crab roe. 是的,下一个是蟹黄豆腐. 7. Some chicken and tofu, please. 请给一些鸡肉和豆腐. 8. " Oh , that"s bean curd. " 哦, 那是豆腐. 9. Corrupt local bureaucracies and slapdash building pushed up the Turkish toll. 当地官员腐败以及豆腐渣工程是促成土耳其遇难人数的剧增. 10. The dish is also a fort food well - suited to preparation at home. 麻婆豆腐也是非常适合家庭准备的一道家常菜. 11. Soja and bean curd, perhaps be the 5 th big invention of China. 大豆和豆腐, 也许是中国的第五大发明. 12. Bean curd , or tofu, is eaten everywhere in Taiwan. 在台湾到处都有豆腐吃. 13. Mandarin - style meals usually include vegetable dishes, soups, tofu and fish. 满清菜系通常包括蔬菜盘 、 、 豆腐和鱼. 14. Sure. Then, you can go and eat fried bean curd. 当然, 然后你再去品尝油炸豆腐. 15. Then put in the fresh beancurd, some pepper , salt and fry. 再放入豆腐 、 椒 、 ,然后混起来炒.2023-07-04 05:14:011
豆腐脑英文是jellied beancurd。一、读音jellied beancurd的英语读音是[u02c8du0292elid biu02d0nku025cu02d0d]。二、制作方法1、做豆腐和豆腐脑黄豆是主要原料,我们要挑选饱满无干瘪的干黄豆为好,准备150克的干黄豆用清水浸泡10个小时,泡到用手可以轻松捏软即可捞出待用。2、准备料理机或者破壁机,用料理机中的桶量取清水1300毫升倒入一个干净的盆中,注意后面打豆浆所用的水都从这1300毫升中取,直至用完为止。3、泡好的黄豆转入料理机或者破壁机中,加入清水打成豆浆,打好的豆浆全部倒入锅中,再将豆渣用纱布挤一下,如果用的是破壁机可以忽略过滤这一步,如果机子自带煮豆浆的功能也可以忽略下一步。4、豆浆全部打完后就开始煮豆浆了,记住这时锅中的豆浆是用1300毫升的清水和150克干黄豆泡发后打好的豆浆。5、时间到后既可以关火,注意冷却大概2分钟时间即可,在冷却时我们准备“葡萄糖酸内脂3克”倒入另一个空盆中用少量的温水化开,再将冷却2分钟的豆浆冲入内脂盆中,不要搅拌,撇去表面浮沫,然后直接覆盖保鲜膜自然凝固30分钟。6、30分钟时间到后,打开保鲜膜看一看,这时的豆浆已经全部的凝结成豆腐脑了,用勺子挖一下,很是爽滑鲜嫩,这时候我们可以根据自己的口味制作各种卤汁或者直接加生抽,香醋,榨菜粒,辣椒油就可以吃了。2023-07-04 05:14:071
问题一:用英语怎么写麻辣豆腐的食谱啊??? 麻婆豆腐:Mopo beancurd 麻辣豆腐:beancurd with hot pepper 希望是你想要的答案。。。求采纳 问题二:麻婆豆腐的英文怎么说 麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu (Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce) 我想要烤鸭和麻婆豆腐。 I like roast duck and mapo tofu. 还有麻婆豆腐,鱼香肉丝和蚝油生菜。 And also Mapo beancurd, fish-flavored pork and lettuce with oyster sauce. 问题三:麻婆豆腐的英文名叫什么呢? 麻婆豆腐在英语中的表达法主要有以下四种: Ma Po Bean Curd Mapo Tofu Ma po dofu Mabo dofu 麻婆豆腐原名陈麻婆豆腐,来源于成都外北万福桥边的陈兴盛饭铺。店主陈春富早殁,小饭店便由老板娘经营,女老板面上微麻,人称陈麻婆,陈氏对烹制豆腐有一套独特的烹饪技巧,所烹制的豆腐色香味俱全,深得人们喜爱。据《成都通览》记载陈麻婆豆腐在清朝末年便被例钉成都著名食品。 问题四:“麻婆豆腐”怎么译成英语 英语 Mapo Tofu 问题五:用英语介绍一下麻婆豆腐的由来 Mapo doufu (Mapo tofu) is a popular Chinese dish from the Sichuan (Szechuan) province. It is a bination of tofu (bean curd) and minced meat, usually pork or beef, in a spicy chili- and bean-based sauce, typically a thin, oily, and bright red suspension. Variations with other ingredients such as water chestnuts, onions, other vegetables, or wood ear fungus are not considered authentic recreations of the Sichuan classic.[who?] The name is often thought to mean Pocked-Face Lady"s Tofu, and is said to e from a (possibly fictional) food vendor by the name of Ma, who made and sold the dish. Another possible explanation stems from an alternate definition of 麻, meaning numb: the Szechuan peppercorns used in the dish can slightly numb the diner"s mouth. True Mapo doufu is powerfully spicy with both conventional heat spiciness and the characteristic mala (numbing spiciness) flavor of Sichuan (Szechuan) cuisine. The feel of the particular dish is often described by cooks using seven specific Chinese adjectives: 麻 (numbing), 辣 (spicy hot), 烫 (hot temperature), 鲜 (fresh), 嫩 (tender and soft), 香 (aromatic), and 酥 (flaky). These seven characteristics are considered to be the most defining of authentic Mapo doufu. The authentic form of the dish is increasingly easier to find outside China today, but usually in Sichuanese restaurants that do not adapt the dish for non-Sichuanese tastes. In the west, the dish is often adul......>> 问题六:我最拿手的是麻婆豆腐,用英语怎么写啊! I am good at cooking the spicy beancurd spicy beancurd /mapo beancurd 麻婆豆腐2023-07-04 05:14:321
bean curd 和tofu异同?
bean curd是原本西方称豆腐的意思,tofu是后来因中国日渐强大,通过拼音音译而来的2023-07-04 05:14:391
答: 豆腐可以翻译为tofu或者beancurd, 因此麻婆豆腐可以翻译为Mapo beancurd。或者根据麻婆豆腐的定义,它是用调味品烹调而成又麻又辣的豆腐羹,因此可以翻译为" Stir fried tofu in hot sauce."解决了这个关键问题之后,那么我们这里的麻婆豆腐四块钱一份用英语就可以说"Our Mapo tofu is 4 yuan a share."2023-07-04 05:14:461
beancurd 就是豆腐2023-07-04 05:15:084
中文传给英文2023-07-04 05:15:164
求英语翻译:1,发展至今,品种齐全,花样繁多,包括鲜豆腐和豆制品等 2,豆腐自身气味清淡,因
1, the development so far, the variety is complete, great variety, including fresh tofu and bean products, etc. 2, tofu smell light itself, thus can be used in the sweet salty dishes2023-07-04 05:15:382
hamandegg火腿肠、beancurdwithodor臭豆腐、flour-ricenoodle面粉、noodles面条、instinctnoodles速食面vegetable蔬菜、springroll春卷、pancake煎饼、riceglueball元宵、gluepudding汤圆、milletcongee小米粥steameddumpling蒸饺、ravioli馄饨、nbsp;cake月饼、greenbeancake绿豆糕、popcorn爆米花呵呵,先说这么多吧,希望对你有用,祝你好运,天天开心!2023-07-04 05:15:462
宫保鸡丁,就是 Kung Pao Chicken。国外对某些知名的中国菜,已经开始用直译的词来表达了。你在英文网站里查这道菜,跳出来的菜谱都是用“Kung Pao Chicken”这个叫法。还有很多中餐菜名,在海外的 Wikipedia里也用同样方式的来做英文命名,比如:Mapo Tofu(麻婆豆腐),Dongpo Pig Knuckle(东坡肘子),等等。宫保鸡丁,以前的叫法里,也有意译的叫法,像:Spicy Diced Chicken with Peanuts. 不过现在很少这样叫了。2023-07-04 05:15:553
太多了,建议你用有道词典翻译或者直接百度。。2023-07-04 05:16:151
下面是我整理的烹饪食材英语词汇, 希望对大家有帮助。 Long rice 长米,较硬,煮前先泡一个小时 Pudding rice or short rice 短米,较软 Brown rice 糙米 THAI Fragrant rice 泰国香米 Glutinous rice 糯米 Strong flour 高筋面粉 Plain flour 中筋面粉 Self- raising flour 低筋面粉 Whole meal flour 小麦面粉 Brown sugar 砂糖(泡奶茶、咖啡适用) dark Brown Sugar 红糖(感冒时可煮姜汤时用) Custer sugar 白砂糖(适用于做糕点) Icing Sugar 糖粉 Rock Sugar 冰糖 Noodles 面条 Instant noodles 方便面 Soy sauce 酱油,分生抽浅色及老抽深色两种 Vinger 醋 Cornstarch 太白粉 Maltose 麦芽糖 Sesame Seeds 芝麻 Sesame oil 麻油 Oyster sauce 蚝油 Pepper 胡椒 Red chilli powder 辣椒粉 Sesame paste 芝麻酱 Beancurd sheet 腐皮 Tofu 豆腐 Sago 西贾米 Creamed Coconut 椰油 Monosidum glutanate 味精 Chinese red pepper 花椒 Salt black bean 豆鼓 Dried fish 鱼干 Sea vegetable or Sea weed 海带 Green bean 绿豆 Red Bean 红豆 Black bean 黑豆 Red kidney bean 大红豆 Dried black mushroom 冬菇 Pickled mustard-green 酸菜 Silk noodles 粉丝 Agar-agar 燕菜 Rice-noodle 米粉 Bamboo shoots 竹笋罐头 Star anise 八角 Wantun skin 馄饨皮 Dried chestuts 干粟子 Tiger lily buds 金针 Red date 红枣 Water chestnuts 荸荠罐头 Mu-er 木耳 Dried shrimps 虾米 Cashewnuts 腰果2023-07-04 05:16:211
rice and rice dumpling. noodles. soup round .egg.cake.chicken.fish.mooncake.steamedbuns.2023-07-04 05:16:305
腐fǔ朽烂,变质:腐烂。腐朽。腐败。腐化。腐蚀。腐臭。陈腐。流水不腐思想陈旧过时:腐旧。腐儒。迂腐某些豆制食品:豆腐。腐乳。腐竹古代指施以宫刑:腐刑笔画数:14;部首:肉;笔顺编号:41332124253434笔画顺序:捺横撇撇竖横竖捺竖折撇捺撇捺详解:腐fǔ【动】同本义〖rot;becomeputrid;corrupt〗腐,烂也。《说文》腐,败也。《广雅》人死,五藏腐朽。汉·王充《论衡·订鬼篇》流水不腐。《吕氏春秋·尽数》肉腐出虫,鱼枯生蠹。《荀子·劝学》又如:腐散;腐坏;腐秽;腐浊通“拊”。拍;击〖clap〗此臣之日夜切齿腐心也,乃今得闻教!《史记·刺客传》腐fǔ【形】指思想或文章陈旧、古板〖pedant;stale〗为天下安用腐儒?《史记·黥布列传》又如:腐板;腐俗;腐音;腐局气味恶臭〖ofrottensmell〗流水不腐。《吕氏春秋·尽数》腐fǔ【名】豆腐的省称〖shortforbeancurd〗。如:腐衣;腐竹宫刑〖castration〗死罪欲腐者许之。《汉书·景帝纪》。注:“宫刑也。”又如:腐史;腐夫;腐罪;腐身;腐庸;腐人腐败fǔbài〖putrid;rotten;corroded;stale〗∶物体腐烂腐败食物〖corrupt;demoralized;depraved〗∶行为堕落的腐败行为〖decayed〗∶〖制度、组织、机构、措施等〗混乱、黑暗政治腐败腐臭fǔchòu〖gooff〗变坏,腐坏池水腐臭腐臭fǔchòu〖rottensmell〗腐烂并有臭味沤肥坑里冒出腐臭的气味腐化fǔhuà〖deprave;degenerate〗有机体腐烂。借喻思想行为变坏腐烂fǔlàn〖rot〗烂掉,朽坏首先腐烂掉的是绸缎有机体由于微生物的滋生而破坏尸体已开始腐烂腐儒fǔrú〖pedanticscholar;pedant〗迂腐的儒生,只知读书,不通世事上折_何之功,谓何为腐儒。《史记·黥布列传》腐乳fǔrǔ〖fermentedbeancurd〗豆腐发酵酱制的佐餐小菜腐蚀fǔshí〖corrode;etch〗∶由化学或由化学作用使物体消耗或破坏〖corrupt〗∶使人在坏的思想、坏行为等因素影响下堕落注意不要让她腐蚀他腐蚀剂fǔshíjì〖etchant;corrodent;corrosive〗∶一种在蚀刻中用的试剂〖poison〗∶使别的东西败坏、腐蚀、堕落的东西腐熟fǔshú〖becomethoroughlydecomposed〗茎、叶、秆等难分解有机物经发酵腐烂成有效肥分和腐殖质的过程腐鼠fǔshǔ〖rottenrat〗腐烂的死老鼠,喻毫无价值的东西视兆人万姓崩溃之血肉,曾不异夫腐鼠。清·黄宗羲《原君》腐刑fǔxíng〖castration〗破坏男子生殖器和女子生殖机能的酷刑太史公受腐刑而有《史记》,盖发郁闷之愁也腐朽fǔ西安ǔ〖decadent;degenerate〗∶比喻思想陈腐、生活堕落或制度败坏腐朽庸俗的作风〖rotten〗∶木料等含有纤维的物质由于长时期的风吹、雨打或微生物的侵害而朽烂的〖decrepit〗∶衰老的,老朽的腐朽的君主政体腐殖土fǔzhítǔ〖humussoil〗主要由腐烂的植物物质组成的一层混合物腐殖质fǔzhízhì〖humus〗土壤中细小的无生命有机物,由动植物遗体被微生物分解而成腐竹fǔzhú〖driedbeanmilkcreamintightrolls〗干豆腐皮卷成的条状食物出处:[①][fǔ][《__》扶雨切,上_,奉。]亦作“_1”。腐烂,腐臭。指使腐烂;损坏。指腐烂之物。谓思想或文章陈旧、古板。古代宫刑或割势之称。豆腐的省称。【未集下】【肉字部】腐;康熙笔画:14;页码:页987第05【唐_】扶雨切【集_】【__】奉甫切【正_】扶古切,?音_。【_文】_也。【__】朽也,_也。【_·月令】季夏之月,腐草__。【_·小雅·_浸_薪_】浸之___腐,不中用也。又腐懦。【前_·英布_】上置酒,__折_何,曰腐儒。【_】_古曰:腐者,__,言_所堪任。又_?曰腐。【前_·景帝_】死罪欲腐者,_之。【_】_?,其_腐臭,故曰腐也。如淳曰:如腐木,不生_。又音_。_名。【_子·至_篇】瞀芮生乎腐_。【_】腐音_。_,音_。_名。_雅云:一名守爪,一名忿鼠。【卷四】【肉部】编号:2719腐,[扶雨切],_也。从肉府_。2023-07-04 05:17:241
问题一:食物 饮料 有哪些用英语写出 食物类英语单词 .蔬菜类(Vegetables): Daikon白萝卜 Carrot 胡萝卜 Radish 小胡萝卜 Tomato 蕃茄 Parsnip 欧洲萝卜 Bok-choy小白菜 long napa(suey choy) 大白菜 Spinach菠菜 Cabbage 卷心菜 Potato 马铃薯 russet potato褐色土豆 Sweet potato红薯(红苕) Eggplant茄子 Celery 芹菜 Celery stalk芹菜梗 Asparagus芦笋 Lotus root莲藕 Cilantro芫荽叶 Cauliflower 白花菜 Broccoli 绿花菜 Spring onions(scallion 或green onion)葱 Zucchini美洲南瓜(西葫芦) Mushroom 洋菇 Chives Flower韭菜花 shallot葱 Red cabbage 紫色包心菜 Squash(pumpkin)南瓜 acorn squash小青南瓜 Watercress 西洋菜豆瓣菜 Baby corn 玉米尖 Sweet corn 玉米 Bitter melon苦瓜 Beet甜菜 chard甜菜 Onion 洋葱 lima bean 青豆 Brussels sprout 球芽甘蓝(小包菜) Garlic 大蒜 Ginger(root) 姜 Leeks韭菜 Scallion(green onion) 葱 Mustard & cress 芥菜苗 Artichoke洋蓟 Escarole 菊苣, 茅菜 Chilly 辣椒 Green Pepper 青椒 Red pepper 红椒 Yellow pepper 黄椒 Courgette小胡瓜,绿皮番瓜(不可生食) Coriander 香菜 Cucumber黄瓜 String bean(green bean)四季豆 Pea豌豆 lima bean青豆 Bean sprout 绿豆芽 Iceberg 透明包菜 Lettuce 生菜 romaine莴苣 Swede or Turnip 芜菁 Okra 秋葵 Taro 大芋头 Eddo 小芋头 yam山药, 洋芋 kale羽衣甘蓝 【 食 物 类 及 调 料 的 英 文 词 汇】 Ac ?食品论坛 -- 关注食品安全,探讨食品技术,汇聚行业英才,推动行业发展。 EA`v 干豆腐dry bean-curd RbjP^ 冻豆腐bean curd(frozen) bhS10 豆浆bean milk W!a 豆腐花beancurd jelly VlA 春卷fried spring rolls B]5B 柿饼Dried persimmon g@+ 抻面hand-pulled noodles cDjPU> 沙琪玛Caramel Treats W 腐乳pickled bean curd Qoy$ @臭豆腐strong *** ell bean curd ?M~ 凉皮cold noodle jt 麻花fried dough twist sMLI9J 馄饨Wonton > 问题二:有几个饮品的中文需要英文翻译 Salted Caramel Milk Tea 盐h焦糖奶茶 Nanyang white Coffee 南洋白咖啡 Jiang Zhinai Gray 格雷姜汁奶 Uji Maccha OLAY 宇治抹茶欧蕾 问题三:不同种类的饮料用英文怎么说 清凉饮料 Cooler ; cooling drink ; refresher ; soft drink 酒精饮料 [食品] alcoholic beverage ; alcohol ; alcoholic drinks ; liquor 混合饮料 [食品] Mixed Drinks ; rickey ; Mixing Drinks ; club cocktails 能量饮料 energy drink ; bHIP Energy ; BEBIDA ENERGET ; Monster Energy 无酒精饮料 non-alcoholic drink ; non-alcoholic beverage ; Beverages ; [食品] temperance drink 其他饮料 Other Drinks ; Beverages 水果饮料 fruit drinks ; fruit beverage 饮料酒精 beverage alcohol 软性饮料 [食品] Soft drink ; Sugary drink ; Soda ; Fizzy pop 问题四:去星巴克什么饮品比较好喝?(英文名称加翻译) 100分 什么咖啡最好?那要看个人的口味了!可能是我因为比较喜欢黑咖啡的原因,所以我个人的话点本日的时候比较多,和朋友一起的话常点焦糖马琪朵。此外每个季度都会有特色饮品,像现在就是太妃榛果拿铁和薄荷飘香摩卡! 除了饮品食品之外还有好多杯子和咖啡工具有时还会有T恤和玩具熊卖 附上美大星巴克的部分价格: 本日咖啡 Coffee Of The Japan 15(普通) 18(中) 21(大) 拿铁咖啡 Cafe Latte 19(普通) 23(中) 26(大) 卡布奇诺 Cappuccino 19(普通) 23(中) 26(大) 摩卡咖啡 Mocha Coffee 23(普通) 26(中) 29(大) 问题五:你喜欢喝什么饮料 用英语怎么说? 你喜欢喝什么饮料 What do you like to drink 请采纳 问题六:你想来点饮料吗?英语怎么说? 你想来点饮料吗? Would you like something to drink? 问题七:我知道那有家很不错的饮品店用英语怎么说 你好: 我知道那有家不错的饮品店。 【翻译】:I know there is a good drink shop there . 希望对你有帮助!满意请采纳! 问题八:特色饮品翻译成英文名 special drink,特别的饮品2023-07-04 05:17:301
rice and rice dumpling. noodles. soup round .egg.cake.chicken.fish.mooncake.steamedbuns.2023-07-04 05:17:395
秘制泡菜home made pickles(英文思维不说秘制,私房就好了)香拌千张 cold-dressed dried beancurd sheets(千张,干豆腐)油酱萝卜radish with bean sauce(这个“油酱”要看楼主怎么做这个菜了哈哈)炝花生Fried peanuts (fried-炒,用火炒使水分蒸发)糖醋小排Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs (ribs排骨,我应该没理解错“小排吧……)川味口水鸡Szechuan-style Steamed chicken with chili sauce 一口蛋酥 flaky muffin(也就是一口酥的意思)牛丸煮波菜spinach soup with beef meatball(牛丸,牛肉肉丸beef meatball)干锅娃娃菜 Griddle Cooked Cabbage Patch(干锅,gribbled cooked烹饪法之一)蟹粉豆腐 crab meat and bean curd(蟹粉,crab meat,蟹肉……下同)蟹粉西兰花broccoli with crab meat蟹粉鱼面筋Fish gluten with crab meat (鱼面筋,gluten,谷胶)蟹粉年糕Rice cake with crab meat(年糕rice cake)咕咾油条Sweet and Sour Fried bread stick(这里咕噜和糖醋做法类似是吧?我翻译成相同的…)米饭(小)rice(small size)米饭(大)rice (large size)白粥 porridge雪菜肉丝面Noodle with shredded pork & pickled cabbage配面 Noodles(这里有问题想问楼主,什么是配面啊=,=)2023-07-04 05:18:441
毛豆腐里的水要倒掉。毛豆腐里的水不能存在太久,否则会腐烂,毛豆腐(hairbeancurd)是以豆腐为主料制作的菜品,是通过人工发酵法,使豆腐表面生长出一层浓密纯净的白色茸毛,通过发酵后使其中的植物蛋白转化成多种氨基酸,故经烹饪后味道鲜醇爽口。2023-07-04 05:18:511
Sweet and sour sea bass: Braised perch: Perch boiled film: Fried sweet and sour spareribs: Pig meat stewed Nan: Sichuan回锅肉: Sauerkraut猪肚: Fried tofu pieces of meat: Ma-po tofu: Kale fried beef: Boiled beef tablets: Cuminum fried beef: Dutch beans scallops xo: Do stir beans: Oil spicy chicken: Sand ginger chicken: King Chicken: When fried vegetables: Solen: Conch:2023-07-04 05:19:033
做法:取一个容器,用少许凉开水溶解一点内酯,刚打好的豆浆,微凉到80度左右,倒入内酯碗里,盖个盖子,静置20分钟左右原料配方碾成碎瓣黄豆5千克瘦嫩羊肉1.5千克熟石膏粉225克干菱粉3.25千克口蘑250克花椒5克蒜泥500克精盐100克酱油500克辣椒油100克麻油100克味精5克豆腐花(BeancurdJelly)是用豆豉、干黄豆、生菜油、熟石膏粉为主材制作的一道汉族小吃,可分为甜、咸两种吃法。一般来说,甜食主要分布于中国南方(甜豆腐花),后者则为中国北方(咸豆腐花)。豆腐花的制作须先将黄豆浸泡,依品种或个人喜好约4至8小时不等,待黄豆吸饱水份后再加以打浆、滤渣、煮滚,复降温至90℃。最后步骤称为“冲豆花”,意即需冲入凝固剂豆浆后再静置5至15分钟才能完成。而豆花美味就出于豆浆与凝固剂融合的温度控制,以及冲豆花的速度与技巧。豆腐花软白细滑,入口即化,豆香浓郁。2023-07-04 05:19:112
酒瓖玉米羹 : 是否指酒酿玉米羹? - Corn Soup with Sweet Wine Sauce包子 - Bun葱油拌面 - Noodles with Spring Scallion, Oil and Soy Sauce / Taiwanese Scallion Oil Noodles双菇肉片 - Sliced Pork with Double Flavoured Mushroom酸菜鱼 - Sliced Fish with Preserved Vegetable滑炒鱿鱼 –Stir-fried Squid (本人认为外国食谱中, 煮食没有爆炒或滑炒之分)牛腩煲 –Beef Brisket Hot Pot / Beef Brisket in Broth / Beef Brisket in a Claypot罗汉斋 –“Lo Hon” Vegetarian / Assorted Vegetarian Cuisine in Chinese Style五香牛肉丝 - Shredded Beef with Five Spicy / Spicy Roast Sliced Beef / Marinated Beef Slice椒盐鱿鱼 - Salted Pepper Squid / Deep Fried Squid / Pepper and salt Squid爆炒鸡胗 - Sautéed Chicken Gizzards姜葱铁板鸡片- Sliced Chicken with Ginger and Green Onion on Sizzling Plate / Sizzling Shredded Chicken with Ginger and Green Onion铁板牛肉 - Beef on Sizzling Plate / Beef Teppanyaki (fast grilled on hot iron plate)豆豉牛肉 - Beef with Black Bean Sauce 海鲜豆腐煲 –Assorted Seafood with Bean Curd / Seafood and Tofu Hot Pot / Assorted Seafood with Tofu Casserole 椒盐排骨 - Sauteed Spareribs in Spicy Salt / Pepper Salt Spareribs / Salt and Pepper Pork Rib / Spicy Salted Spare Rib鱼香肉丝 –Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork (Sauteed with Spicy Garlic Sauce) / Shredded Pork in Spicy Garlic Sauce青椒肉丝 – Shredded Pork with Bell Pepper莞爆肉丝 : 是否指葱爆肉丝? - Shredded Pork with Scallion / Sautéed Pork Slices with Scallion / Shredded pork with green onion and leeks炒肚丝 –Stir-fried Shredded Pig"s Bladder / Stir-fried Pork Tripe Shreds (要视乎你有猪那个部份来切丝炒菜)明炉肥肠: 用明炉烤鸭的方式来煮猪肠, 那样特别? - Quick-Fried Pork Intestines in Brown Sauce辣子肥肠 - Fried Fatty Pig"s Intestine with Sichuan Peppers / Pork Intestines with Dry Peppers牛肉炒丝煲 : 是否指牛肉粉丝煲? - Beef and Vermicelli served in Pot / Beef with Vermicelli Clay Pot葱爆大虾- King Prawn with Spring Onion红烧猪手 – Braised Pork Knuckle椒盐鸡软骨 - Sauteed Chicken Soft Bone in Spicy Salt 字数所限, 请看补充或意见栏 2011-06-23 15:34:47 补充: 干煸四季豆- Fried Green Bean in Sichuan Style / Deep Fried French Be / String Bean with Spicy Garlic Sauce 蒜茸小唐菜 - Boiled Brassica with Garlic 松仁玉米- Pine Nuts With Sweet Corn / Stir Fried Sweet Corn with Pine Nuts 2011-06-23 15:35:06 补充: 南乳肉 - Pork Belly with Fermented Red Soy Bean Curd / Fermented Beancurd Meat 牛筋煲 - Beef Tendon Pot Stew / Beef Tendon Prepared in a Claypot 八宝辣酱 - Eight Treasures Hot Sauce / Eight Delicacies in Hot Sauce 春江鸭: 真的有这菜式吗? 因为春江鸭通常是指有先知先觉的人。在财经里, 尤其有关股票新闻, 通常指有内幕消息的人。 2011-06-23 15:35:22 补充: 啤酒鸭 - Duck Stew in Beer Sauce / Stewed Duck in Beer 头扣肉: 是否指的是芋头扣肉? - Pork Belly Steamed with Taro / Taro With Five Layered Pork 滑炒虾仁 : 是否指的是滑蛋炒虾仁? - Fried Shrimp with Crumbled Egg, 还是清炒虾仁? - Stir-fried Shrimp 豆豉牛百叶 - Beef Tripe with Black Bean Sauce 2011-06-23 15:35:35 补充: 蒜泥黄瓜 - Cucumber with Mashed Garlic / Cucumber with Garlic Dressing / Garlic Cucumber Pieces 麻辣肚丝 - Shredded Pig Tripe in Chili Sauce / Spicy Pig Tripe Slices 盐水鸭 – Boiled Salted Duck / Spiced Duck Cold Cuts 凉拌海带 - Seaweed Salad / Cold Seaweed Salad,参考: 网上+自己意见,Wine ornament corn soup Bun Scallion Noodle Meat Mushrooms Pickled fish Slip sack Beef Brisket Pot Lohan Qi (不确定) Spiced Beef Salt and pepper squid Stir-fried chicken gizzards Tie-plate chicken pieces ginger Tie-plate beef Tempeh beef Seafood tofu pot Salt and pepper ribs Fish-flavored pork Green pepper pork Wan burst pork Fried Dusi Ming furnace broth Spicy broth Beef fried wire pot Scallions prawns Braised trotter Salt and pepper chicken cartilage Stir dry be Garlic pak food Pine nut corn South milk and meat Tendon pot Eight sauce Spring River duck Beer Duck Head Pork Slide fried shrimp Fermented cow blinds Garlic cucumber Spicy Dusi Salted duck Seaweed salad 有些不确定希望有帮助 ,2023-07-04 05:20:081
dimsum系全部的简称 饺子Dumpling 潮州粉果 chiu-chau fun guo 锅贴Potsticker 咸水角Haam Sui Gaau 叉焼包char siu baau 上海小笼包Shanghai steamed buns 肠粉Rice noodle rolls 凤爪Phoenix talons 萝卜糕Turnip cake 参考: en. *** /wiki/Dim_sum 其实都系照译,我之前去一些外国的酒楼都是这样形容 Cha-Siu-Bao 叉烧包 Fung-Jao 凤爪 Har-Gau 虾饺 Ngau-Yuk 牛肉 Siu-Mai 烧卖 Egg Tarts 蛋达 参考: street/misc/dimsum + 自己 叉烧包 barbecue pork buns 虾饺 prawn dumpling 烧卖 dim sims 鸡扎 Chicken Grips 潮州粉果 dumplings 参考: yahoo知识 1. Steamed egg custard bun/Sweet milky bun 奶皇包 2. Steamed barbecued pork bun 叉烧包 3. Steamed lotus seed paste and egg yolk bun 蛋黄莲蓉包 4. Steamed chicken bun 鸡包仔 5. Steamed glutinous rice roll 糯米卷 6. "Mai-lai" cake 马拉糕 7. Steamed vegetable and meat bun 菜肉包 9 Steamed dumpling Chiu Chow-style 潮州粉果 13. Steamed pork dumpling Shanghai-style 小笼包 24. Steamed fresh prawn dumpling / Ha-gau 虾饺 25. Steamed stuffed dumpling with shrimp/ Siu mai 烧卖 29. Turnip cake (steamed) 蒸萝卜糕 30. Mini-sized sticky rice wrapped in lotus leaf 珍珠鸡 40. Deep-fried plain bun 炸馒头 41. Deep fried wonton 炸云吞 42. Pan-fried rice-roll 煎肠粉 43. Pan-fried beancurd sheet roll 煎腐皮卷 44. Turnip cake (pan-fried) 煎萝卜糕 45. Sweetened water chestnut cake (pan-fried) 煎马蹄糕 46. Taro cake (pan-fried) 煎芋头糕 74. Baked barbecued pork puff 叉烧酥 参考: .knowledge.yahoo/question/?qid=70061119011022023-07-04 05:20:151
old merely by a number of years.2023-07-04 05:20:385
my best dishes is spicy bean curd .2023-07-04 05:20:555
我的天天呐!!!!!这也太难了吧?!2023-07-04 05:21:123
中式点心dim sum(饮茶Yum Cha) 油条twisted cruller 豆浆bean milk 豆腐花beancurd jelly 包子bum 豆沙包smashed bean bun 白粥congee 馒头steamed bread 花卷twistbread 馄饨wonton 锅贴fried wontons 水饺boiled dumpling 蒸虾饺steamed prawn dumpling 血糯米black sticky rice 小笼包子small steamer bun 虾饺shrimp dumpling 烧卖shao-mai 肠粉rice noodle roll 春卷spring roll 葱油饼green onion pie 油饼cruller 千层糕layer cake 马拉糕Cantonese sponge cake 八宝饭rice pudding 凉粉agar-agar jelly 河粉fried rice noodles 干炒牛河fried rice noodles w/beef 年糕rice cake 炒面chow mein 杂碎Chop Suey 芙蓉蛋Egg Foo Yung 汤面noodles soup 刀削面sliced noodles 炸酱面noodles w/soybean paste 打卤面noodles w/gravy 阳春面plain noodles 芝麻糊sesame paste 萝卜丝饼turnip strips cake 碗糕salty rice pudding 凤梨酥pineapple cake 豆沙sweet bean paste 糯米sticky rice 附:怎么背英语单词? 1:“三最”狂读背单词 “默默无闻”地背单词效果极其低下!一定要用 “三最法”狂读狂背每个单词。背单词的时候,一定要做到最大声、最清晰、最快速。当你用“三最法”操练单词时,你的注意力会高度集中,记忆的效率会大大提高,你不仅记住了单词,还锻造了国际口腔肌肉! 2:分门别类背单词 英语中有很多单词属于同一类别,可以把同一类别的单词集中起来一起操练,从而大大提高单词记忆的效率。同学们可以自己动手,对本书的单词进行分门别类,抄在小纸条上或制成单词卡,然后集中轰炸、专门突破、分类记忆! 3:单词家族背单词 英语中有很多单词都有整个家族,名词、动词、形容词、副词,加上不同的前缀、后缀就有不同的词性变化、意思变化。要想彻底掌握一个单词,我们要做的`就是:整个家族一锅端!家族内所有的单词全部消灭!通过单词家族可以大大提升背单词的效率。 4:零碎时间背单词 背单词不需要大段大段的整块时间。每天起床后、睡觉前、一日三餐前后、排队等车、上学放学路上、甚至上厕所的零碎时间都可以用来狂读狂背单词。请随身携带这本书,一有时间就疯狂朗读书中的单词,随时随地疯狂的操练,脱口而出!2023-07-04 05:21:301
帮忙翻译下食谱: 急用,请尽量准确,挥泪感谢各位大虾!
翻译-,-怎麼个翻译法呢?2023-07-04 05:21:386
川菜Sichuan Cuisine水煮沸腾鱼 Spicy sliced fish重庆辣子鸡 ChongQin style chichen夫妻肺片 couple lung piece麻婆豆腐 Stewed bean curd with minced pork in pepper or Ma Po Beancurd皮蛋豆腐 Preserved egg and bean curd 松仁玉米 Fried corn with pine nut竹笋红烧肉 Roast pork with bamboo shoots 白果红烧肉 White Fruit Roast Chicken棒棒鸡 Bang-bang Chicken or Leshan Bang-bang Chicken 脆米肉片Sliced Meat With Crispy Rice龙井三虾Longjing Sauna Shrimp龙云吞 Dragon Wonton2023-07-04 05:21:521
一般说来,外国人是不吃动物内脏的Slicesoftheliverpoint溜肝尖roastPekingduck北京烤鸭drunkenchichen(cold)太白醉鸡sauteedprawnsindryredchilli鱼香大虾球"Sichuan"shrimps四川虾仁sauteedscallops"Sichuan"style川汁爆带子scallopsinbrownsause酱爆带子braisedseacucumberwithmincedmeat肉末烧海参imperialhoneyham蜜汁火方slicedporkwithgarlicsause蒜泥白肉stirfriedslicedboiledpork回锅肉deepfriedbambooshootsandvalnuts干烧二松桃仁egglantandmincedporkindryredchillisause鱼香茄子"Mapor"beancurd麻婆豆腐sauteedchickeninhotpeppers大千炒鸡球dicedchickenwithgreenpepper椒子鸡丁2023-07-04 05:21:581
顺着看哦~!水煮鱼、川北凉粉、辣子草虾、铁铛牛肉、毛血旺Boiled fish North Sichuan jelly Lazi grass shrimp, Rail Cheng beef, Mao Xuewang酸菜鱼口水鸡,孜然羊肉,泡椒牛娃, Pickled cabbage fish, saliva chicken, lamb Ziran, Paojiaoniuwa,2023-07-04 05:22:081
菜单 麻烦翻译成英文
Cold dishAppetizing dishSpicy brine peanutsBingSun AntarcticThe yelang dried beanRemove hand zijin bathChinese flavorBad mix Jiao melonBrine elementAnd beefMa sweet skinMix egg ears ashThe cold cucumberMix the longzhaogou fermented foodfryGreen meatKong pao chickenIron yak willowSowthistle stewed mung beanPotato silk gentlyScrambled egg with tomatoBraised bean curd is slipperyFuel-hungry lettuceEggplant garlic sauceBlack pepperShrimp breadFish and rice crisp lampLaZiJi gele mountainHair should. BloodBoiled meatDried shrimp potShiGuo bullfrogsDetonation yanjin saltClay pot sheep hoofMapo beancurdChestnut vegetablesThe cabbageGently braise in soy sauce meatYunnan flavour small dishesEddie curry by greenYang ling pickled cabbage fishBurn all dry fishTea mushroom blasting squid silkIron marrow oilBubble pepper fry you should tryGanJiao bacon,2023-07-04 05:22:175
萨其马是满语2023-07-04 05:22:357
The high-quality goods goose intestines high-quality goods duck intestines high-quality goods wool stomach hot beef coriander beef pill manual fillet silk coriander meatball tasty tender beef fresh bull"s penis quail egg ink fish-fry US fat cow crabmeat fresh goose intestines finless eel luncheon meat green wool stomach characterless goose"s foot ham intestines consume fish chrysanthemum chicken gizzard tonka bean brain brain flower fresh ducks tongue skewered mutton sheep tied ham five spices pig"s intestines hairtail Huang Lading deep sea snow fish crisp meat fresh Mao Duyao piece characterless chicken feet fresh duck intestines fresh pig yellow throat dried shark skin stuffed dumpling prosperous fish tripe Hong Kong to urinate the pill fresh squid fresh fish shrimp stuffed dumpling fresh cow tendons fresh chicken keel crisp skin intestines2023-07-04 05:22:5312
我和我姐我家就我我今晚急急急忘记我积极忘记忘记接娃急急急我2023-07-04 05:23:2511
Mapo beancurd cooked method:Raw material1 piece tofu (300 grams)120 grams of pork3 teaspoons of sichuan hot bean (preferably PI county recently watercress)2 tablespoons chili powder2 tablespoons cooking oil3 teaspoons of oil1 spoon sichuan DaGongPao zanthoxylum bungeanum (baked cooked research into powder)1 spoon soya1 spoon fermented mash wash (bad)Two small leek or green (cut into small sections of 20 mm),2 cloves of garlic thinly (garlic)Half-filled waterAmount of saltMethods:One, will cut tofu into small pieces, filtration purification backup,Second, the heat, fry pan into the cooking oil and oil, add garlic, pork, hot bean minced pork, until the break with minced meat;Third, add chili powder, fermented soy sauce, Fried, a fragrance,Four, add water and bean curd, gently turning tofu (don"t get broken) with the sauce mix entirely. A simmer for 3-5 minutes, or until the sauce thick,Five, add onion, Chinese prickly ash and cooked gently turning to the mixture. It is installed dish.explainOne, such as the dish to relieve the spicy taste, Chinese prickly ash, chili powder, can reduce the dosage of oil and, in order to adapt to the patrons of different flavors.Second, the Chinese restaurants abroad do mapo beancurd, its taste, spicy degree has already localization is reduced greatly.2023-07-04 05:23:567
*碗仔翅 - Fake Shark"s Fin Soup from: plklfc.edu/students/publication/dimension/06/PLKLFC_Dimension06_61_70.pdf *烧卖 - Steamed stuffed dumpling with shrimp from list of Dim Sum Name: cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read?12 46740 Siu Maai en. *** /wiki/Dim_sum *砵仔糕 Sweet glutinous rice pudding with red be Chinese Pudding Brown Sugar Rice Pudding Clay-Pot Pudding From 知识+ *鸡蛋仔 Egg Puffs - from 街头小吃一书 Chinese Egg Puffs *臭豆腐 Stinky Tofu from en. *** . /wiki/Tofu *豆腐花 Tofu Pudding - from 街头小吃一书 Doufuhua - from en. *** /wiki/Dim_sum Soybean curd dessert - from cantonese .sheik.co.uk/phorum/ read?12 46740 *珍珠鸡 Mini-sized sticky rice wrapped in lotus leaf 糥米鸡 Sticky rice wrapped in lotus leaf from list of Dim Sum Name 珍珠鸡/糥米鸡 Pearl Chicken/ Lotus Leaf Rice en. *** /wiki/Dim_sum *菠萝包 Pineapple Bun en. *** . /wiki/Pineapple_b un ~:) 碗仔翅(Shark"s fin soup) 烧卖(Shao mai) 砵仔糕(Red Bean Sweet Clay-pot Puddings) 鸡蛋仔(Egg pancake) 臭豆腐(Stinky Fried Preserved Tofu) 豆腐花(Tofu Pudding) 珍珠鸡/糥米鸡(Glutinous rice leaf wrap with chicken) 菠萝包(Pineapple bun) 参考: me~ 碗仔翅(A bowl of broth with shark fins ) 烧卖(Shao mai) 砵仔糕(Clay-pot Puddings / Earthen bowl young cake / Son"s cake of earthen bowl ) 鸡蛋仔(Egg pancake) 臭豆腐(A strong- *** elling preserved bean curd) 豆腐花(Bean curd) 珍珠鸡/糥米鸡(Glutenous rice wrap with chicken) 菠萝包(Pineapple package) * Bowl young wing * shao mai * pud young cake * egg young * strong- *** elling fermented beancurd * jellied bean curd * pearl chicken/□rice chicken * pineapple package2023-07-04 05:24:461
你说的是豆制品那个把? 千张又名干豆腐(东北说法):dried beancurd sheets 油豆腐:fried beancurd cubes 臭豆腐干:pungent dried beancurd 五香豆腐干:spiced dried beancurd2023-07-04 05:24:551
“制作方法”用英语怎么说啊 制作方法(Ripping Method) 制作方法用英语怎么说 制作方法 creation method;manufacture method更多释义>> [网络短语]制作方法 Production Methods;Ripping Method;Construction 课件制作方法 courseware manufacturing method;methods of making network courseware;courseware making method 鬼魂的制作方法 Making a Ghost 制作工艺用 英语怎么说 制作工艺 craft *** anship;workmanship 制作用英语怎么说 不同语境不一样的。 普通的制作,make,比如做蛋糕什么,做卡片什么的,最普通了。 produce,生产,就厂里面什么的。 manufacture,也是制作,机械里面的制作。等等 “制作方法”用英语怎么说? Making ways “制作”的英文怎么写 这个要看具体情况而定,写几个给你吧 make 做,制作 produce 生产,制作 process 加工,制作 manufacture 制造,制作 如果是本书制作,我感觉是provide by 或 edit by “制作过程”用英文怎么表达 production process 制作费的英文怎么说 制作费 网络 production costs 双语例句 以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考 1 但是所有已过去的月份将以单月租用费率来计算。同时加收一个月的制作费。 However, all past months will be charged by monthly rate plus one extra month fees for operation cost. “制作方法”用英语怎么说 制作方法 英文:making method recipes for jams and preserves 果酱和蜜饯的制作方法 The manufacturing Methods: Will be illustrated in the next chapter. 制作方法将在下一章说明. This paper introduces the production process of Chinese cabbage preserved beancurd. 本文介绍了白菜豆腐乳的制作方法,它是成都盆地生产的一种风味腐乳. 的做法用英语怎么说 的做法 way of doing2023-07-04 05:25:021
你说的是豆制品那个把? 千张又名干豆腐(东北说法):dried beancurd sheets 油豆腐:fried beancurd cubes 臭豆腐干:pungent dried beancurd 五香豆腐干:spiced dried beancurd2023-07-04 05:25:121
otto of “Eat, drink,2023-07-04 05:25:233
中国菜的英文名1.北京烤鸭 Peking Roast Duck2.辣子鸡丁 saute diced chicken with hot peppers3.宫爆鸡丁 saute diced chicken with peanuts4.红烧鲤鱼 braised common carp5.竹笋鱼片 saute fish slices with bamboo shoots6.涮羊肉 instant boiled sliced mutton7.糖醋里脊 pork fillets with sweet&sour sauce8.炒木须肉 saute shredded pork with eggs&black fungus9.榨菜肉丝汤 pork with Sichuan cabbage soup10.生炒肚片 saute fish maw slices11.回锅肉 saute pork in hot sauce12.糖醋排骨 saute chops with sweet&sour sauce13.家常豆腐 fride beancurd with sliced pork&pepper14.醋溜白菜 saute cabbage&pepper in sweet&sour sauce15.鱼香茄子 saute eggplant with fish flavor16 麻婆豆腐 stwed beancurd with minced pork in pepper sauce17.韭菜炒蛋 saute leek sprouts&eggs面食与糕点 Chinese Pastry&Cooked Wheaten Food1.肉/鸡丝汤面 noodles in soup with pork/chicken2.担担面 noodles with sesame paste&pea sprouts3.龙须面 saute fine noodles with shredded chicken4.炒米线 saute rice noodles with green bean sprouts5.杂酱面 soy beans in minced meat&noodles6.酸辣汤面 noodles in sour pungent soup7.排骨面 soup noodles with pork rib8.阳春面 noodles in superior soup9.凉拌面 cool braised noodles10.肉包 steamed meat dumpling11.豆沙包 bean paste dumpling12.水晶包 stuffde bread with lard&sugar13.叉烧包 stuffed bread with roast pork14.水煎包 lightly fried Chinese bread15.花卷 twist16小笼包 steamed small meat dumpling in basket17.馄饨 ravioli;hun-tun18.大饼 bannock19.油条 twistde cruller20.豆腐脑 beancurd jelly21.茶叶蛋 egg boiled with salt&tea22.八宝饭 steamed glutinous rice with eight treasures23.葱油饼 green>24.黄桥烧饼 crisp short cakes25.月饼 moon cake26.酒酿 sweet ferment rice27.麻花 fried dough twist28.元宵 rice glue ball2023-07-04 05:25:371
Spicy Beancurd Spicy Beancurd,also called Mapo Beancurd,is a very famous dish in Chinese daily life.And it is also one of the top ten weled dishes by foreigners. It is not hard to prepare this dish.You just have to get some beancurd,minced beef,broad bean paste,fermented soybeans,ginger,green garlic,paprika powder,soy sauce and salt. The first step is to cut the beancurd into 2cm square piece,add some salt in boiling water,and put the beancurd in to remove the odor of it.Remove beancurd out of water and put it into plate. Second,chop fermented soybeans and ginger and cut green garlic into sections. Third,heat the pan and put oil into it.Fry the minced beef. Fourth,when the minced beef turns into golden colour,put broad bean paste in and stir-fry them. Finally,add fermented soybeans,ginger,green garlic and paprika powder.Stir-fry them together until the beef get the colour.Put the fried beef onto beancurd and add soy sauce onto it. A delicious Chinese dish is prepared.Hope you enjoy it.2023-07-04 05:25:571
更新1: 哎呀!!仲有仲有T^T 京式素鹅 潮式卤饱子 卤水猪仔脚 凉伴脆耳丝 台式冻豆腐 ,脆皮蒜香鸡=Crispy garlic chicken 鲜沙姜浸鸡=Ginger marinated chicken 秘制花雕鸽=Hua Diao marinated pigeon with secret recipe 海蜇手撕鸡=Jelly fish shredded chicken 鲍鱼蛋白鲜带子炒饭=Fried rice with abalone, scallops and egg white 2006-10-17 14:22:06 补充: 京式素鹅=Vegetarian goose Beijing style潮式卤饱子=Marinated buns Chiuchow style卤水猪仔脚=Marinated pig knuckles凉伴脆耳丝=Chilled shredded pig's ear台式冻豆腐=Chilled Tofu Taiwanese style,脆皮蒜香鸡 Crispy Garlic Chicken 鲜沙姜浸鸡 Baised Ginger Chicken 秘制花雕鸽 Homemade Hua Diao Chicken 海蜇手撕鸡 Jellyfish with Shredded Chicken 鲍鱼蛋白鲜带子炒饭 Abalone, Egg White and Scallop Fried Rice 京式素鹅 Beijing Style Vegetarian Goose 潮式卤饱子 Savoury Chinese Buns 卤水猪仔脚 Soya Sauce Marinated Pig's Feet 凉伴脆耳丝 Shredded Pig Ear (Cold Dish) 台式冻豆腐 Taiwanese Chilled Tofu/Beancurd (Cold Dish),Crispy Garlic Chicken Ginger Chicken Chinese wine Pigeon Jelly Fish with Chicken slices Abalone, Scallope and egg white fried rice sounds very yummy!!!,2023-07-04 05:26:031
腐fǔ朽烂,变质:腐烂。腐朽。腐败。腐化。腐蚀。腐臭。陈腐。流水不腐思想陈旧过时:腐旧。腐儒。迂腐某些豆制食品:豆腐。腐乳。腐竹古代指施以宫刑:腐刑笔画数:14;部首:肉;笔顺编号:41332124253434笔画顺序:捺横撇撇竖横竖捺竖折撇捺撇捺详解:腐fǔ【动】同本义〖rot;becomeputrid;corrupt〗腐,烂也。《说文》腐,败也。《广雅》人死,五藏腐朽。汉·王充《论衡·订鬼篇》流水不腐。《吕氏春秋·尽数》肉腐出虫,鱼枯生蠹。《荀子·劝学》又如:腐散;腐坏;腐秽;腐浊通“拊”。拍;击〖clap〗此臣之日夜切齿腐心也,乃今得闻教!《史记·刺客传》腐fǔ【形】指思想或文章陈旧、古板〖pedant;stale〗为天下安用腐儒?《史记·黥布列传》又如:腐板;腐俗;腐音;腐局气味恶臭〖ofrottensmell〗流水不腐。《吕氏春秋·尽数》腐fǔ【名】豆腐的省称〖shortforbeancurd〗。如:腐衣;腐竹宫刑〖castration〗死罪欲腐者许之。《汉书·景帝纪》。注:“宫刑也。”又如:腐史;腐夫;腐罪;腐身;腐庸;腐人腐败fǔbài〖putrid;rotten;corroded;stale〗∶物体腐烂腐败食物〖corrupt;demoralized;depraved〗∶行为堕落的腐败行为〖decayed〗∶〖制度、组织、机构、措施等〗混乱、黑暗政治腐败腐臭fǔchòu〖gooff〗变坏,腐坏池水腐臭腐臭fǔchòu〖rottensmell〗腐烂并有臭味沤肥坑里冒出腐臭的气味腐化fǔhuà〖deprave;degenerate〗有机体腐烂。借喻思想行为变坏腐烂fǔlàn〖rot〗烂掉,朽坏首先腐烂掉的是绸缎有机体由于微生物的滋生而破坏尸体已开始腐烂腐儒fǔrú〖pedanticscholar;pedant〗迂腐的儒生,只知读书,不通世事上折_何之功,谓何为腐儒。《史记·黥布列传》腐乳fǔrǔ〖fermentedbeancurd〗豆腐发酵酱制的佐餐小菜腐蚀fǔshí〖corrode;etch〗∶由化学或由化学作用使物体消耗或破坏〖corrupt〗∶使人在坏的思想、坏行为等因素影响下堕落注意不要让她腐蚀他腐蚀剂fǔshíjì〖etchant;corrodent;corrosive〗∶一种在蚀刻中用的试剂〖poison〗∶使别的东西败坏、腐蚀、堕落的东西腐熟fǔshú〖becomethoroughlydecomposed〗茎、叶、秆等难分解有机物经发酵腐烂成有效肥分和腐殖质的过程腐鼠fǔshǔ〖rottenrat〗腐烂的死老鼠,喻毫无价值的东西视兆人万姓崩溃之血肉,曾不异夫腐鼠。清·黄宗羲《原君》腐刑fǔxíng〖castration〗破坏男子生殖器和女子生殖机能的酷刑太史公受腐刑而有《史记》,盖发郁闷之愁也腐朽fǔ西安ǔ〖decadent;degenerate〗∶比喻思想陈腐、生活堕落或制度败坏腐朽庸俗的作风〖rotten〗∶木料等含有纤维的物质由于长时期的风吹、雨打或微生物的侵害而朽烂的〖decrepit〗∶衰老的,老朽的腐朽的君主政体腐殖土fǔzhítǔ〖humussoil〗主要由腐烂的植物物质组成的一层混合物腐殖质fǔzhízhì〖humus〗土壤中细小的无生命有机物,由动植物遗体被微生物分解而成腐竹fǔzhú〖driedbeanmilkcreamintightrolls〗干豆腐皮卷成的条状食物出处:[①][fǔ][《__》扶雨切,上_,奉。]亦作“_1”。腐烂,腐臭。指使腐烂;损坏。指腐烂之物。谓思想或文章陈旧、古板。古代宫刑或割势之称。豆腐的省称。【未集下】【肉字部】腐;康熙笔画:14;页码:页987第05【唐_】扶雨切【集_】【__】奉甫切【正_】扶古切,?音_。【_文】_也。【__】朽也,_也。【_·月令】季夏之月,腐草__。【_·小雅·_浸_薪_】浸之___腐,不中用也。又腐懦。【前_·英布_】上置酒,__折_何,曰腐儒。【_】_古曰:腐者,__,言_所堪任。又_?曰腐。【前_·景帝_】死罪欲腐者,_之。【_】_?,其_腐臭,故曰腐也。如淳曰:如腐木,不生_。又音_。_名。【_子·至_篇】瞀芮生乎腐_。【_】腐音_。_,音_。_名。_雅云:一名守爪,一名忿鼠。【卷四】【肉部】编号:2719腐,[扶雨切],_也。从肉府_。2023-07-04 05:26:231
素鸡素鸭chickens/ducks made of beancurds2023-07-04 05:26:333
北京烤鸭 fried pork stomach & chicken gizzard 荸荠罐 Beijing (roast) duck 碧绿酿仙掌 shrimp-stuffed fairy feet 碧绿野鸡卷 stir-fried pork rolls with broccoli 碧玉珠虾 azure jade freshwater shrimp 冰糖肘子 pork joint stewed with rock sugar 冰汁银耳 white fungus in honey sauce 玻璃虾球 "glassy" shrimp beancurd with spinach 菠菜 spinach 菠菜豆腐 stewed beancurd with spinach 菠菜豆腐汤 spinach & beancurd soup 菠菜泥 chopped spinach with ham & carrots 菠菜汤 spinach soup 菠萝焗烧鸭 fried duck with pineapple 菠萝鸭片 sliced duck with prineapple 菜扒三菇 mushrooms with vegetables 菜饭 vegetable rice 菜脯煎蛋 omelet with salted & dried radish 菜干 dried vegetable 菜片鹌鹑松 minced quail with lettuce 菜心狮子头 greens & Chinese meatballs 菜心双元汤 soup of chicken and fish balls with vegetables 菜心素鳗 mustard green stem with vegetables 菜蘧鸡球 fried chicken balls with vegetables 菜蘧鸡球饭 rice with chicken balls & vegetable 菜蘧牛肉 fried beef with vegetables 菜蘧肉片汤 sliced pork & vegetable soup 菜蘧虾球 prawn balls with green kale 草菇 straw mushroom 草菇鲍鱼 abalone with button mushrooms 草菇菜心 cabbage heart with mushrooms; straw mushroom with stems of mustard greens 草菇罐 canned straw mushrooms 叉烧肉 barbecued/broiled pork 叉烧肉鸡蛋花 barbecued pork with stuffed eggs 茶叶蛋 tea flavoured egg 长寿菜 longevity greens/mustard green 长寿面 long-life noodles 炒扁豆 stir-fried green beans 炒大虾 fried prawns 炒蛋 scrambled eggs 炒冬菇 fried mushrooms 炒豆苗 fried bean sprouts 炒肚尖 fried pig"s tripe tip 炒饭 fried rice 炒甘蓝菜 fried kale 炒鸽松 fried minced pigeon 炒滑鱼球 fried fish balls 炒鸡蛋 scrambled egg 炒鸡丁 stir-fried chicken cubes 炒鸡什 fried chicken giblets 炒鸡丝 fried/stir-fried chicken shreds2023-07-04 05:26:411
1.北京烤鸭 roast Beijing duck2.辣子鸡丁 saute diced chicken with hot peppers3.宫爆鸡丁 saute diced chicken with peanuts4.红烧鲤鱼 braised common carp5.茄汁虾仁 saute fish slices with bamboo shoots6.涮羊肉 instant boiled sliced mutton7.糖醋里脊 pork fillets with sweet&sour sauce8.炒木须肉 saute shredded pork with eggs&black fungus9.榨菜肉丝汤 pork with Sichuan cabbage soup10.生炒肚片 saute fish maw slices11.回锅肉 saute pork in hot sauce12.糖醋排骨 saute chops with sweet&sour sauce13.家常豆腐 fride beancurd with sliced pork&pepper14.醋溜白菜 saute cabbage&pepper in sweet&sour sauce15.鱼香茄子 saute eggplant with fish flavor16 麻婆豆腐 stwed beancurd with minced pork in pepper sauce17.韭菜炒蛋 saute leek sprouts&eggsⅡ.面食与糕点 Chinese Pastry&Cooked Wheaten Food1.肉/鸡丝汤面 noodles in soup with pork/chicken2.担担面 noodles with sesame paste&pea sprouts3.龙须面 saute fine noodles with shredded chicken4.炒米线 saute rice noodles with green bean sprouts5.杂酱面 soy beans in minced meat&noodles6.酸辣汤面 noodles in sour pungent soup7.排骨面 soup noodles with pork rib8.阳春面 noodles in superior soup9.凉拌面 cool braised noodles10.肉包 steamed meat dumpling11.豆沙包 bean paste dumpling12.水晶包 stuffde bread with lard&sugar13.叉烧包 stuffed bread with roast pork14.水煎包 lightly fried Chinese bread15.花卷 twist16小笼包 steamed small meat dumpling in basket17.馄饨 ravioli;hun-tun18.大饼 bannock19.油条 twistde cruller20.豆腐脑 beancurd jelly21.茶叶蛋 egg boiled with salt&tea22.八宝饭 steamed glutinous rice with eight treasures23.葱油饼 green>24.黄桥烧饼 crisp short cakes25.月饼 moon cake26.酒酿 sweet ferment rice27.麻花 fried dough twist28.元宵 rice glue ball2023-07-04 05:26:491