First, they can broaden their horizons. The Internet can keep abreast of current events, the latest knowledge and access to information, have very good guidance to the future study and life. Internet can enrich the mind, as long as the ear can learn many schools cannot learn knowledge, expand their knowledge. The click of a mouse, universe of 1,000,000,000 universes is a panoramic view.
Second, foreign exchange. A person often mentioned weaknesses of students is lack of confidence, not with the external dialogue, exchange. Now with the Internet, they can completely overcome this psychological barrier, and in the process of foreign exchanges, but also broaden their horizons. Network for the exchange of educational resources provide easy access, not only the teacher, but students can obtain information through the Internet learning all kinds of education web site login.
Third, can promote the development of individual young people. Eliminate the psychological barriers, can not scruple to worry to the friend pour out, reduce the academic burden caused by psychological pressure; can post their views on various issues and opinions in every BBS, can exercise the style of writing, and I feel a great sense of accomplishment; can improve their level of a hobby; DIY home is become a fashion, to their favorite photos Chuan up, open a discussion area, send some of the posts, and we exchange, in the hands of the use of computer software at the same time do webmaster feeling really good, to establish the confidence of learning.
Fourth, to promote academic students. Middle school students are studying their mission, the network of distance education will bring the benefits of secondary school students. Ordinary high school students learning knowledge can only be confined to his school and some extracurricular books, impart knowledge teacher always only a few, but if the nets, students will be able to fly freely in a rich content, the teacher on site, "answer all the questions", "questions", "lecture", "test counseling"... A careful and rational part category let students make a spurt of progress; ordinary high school students do have to do some reference books or a limited number of papers, if on the net, online all kinds of papers and typical questions should have to do, students can choose.
Fifth, can grasp the latest education. Middle school students, especially high school students can understand the latest network education, because the exploration in recent years in the reform of college entrance examination, every year many new measures will be introduced. And many students don"t care much for television and newspaper news, only blindly in books, so from online inquiry and education related news in order to adjust the focus of review, to adapt to the new measures of college entrance examination.
To relieve stress
The feeling of fresh, stimulating and interactive Download free movies forecast of film, radio and online news online, MP3 music album, etc
Can communicate with different people, play games, or browse the different information Through the period of learning a new computer and network knowledge, get the technical control and successful, and to improve our self-confidence net benefits: now more and more people in the communication, and most of them are used by mail.
If using online communication, not labor ShangCai namely so, convenient and safe.
Internet benefits. 2: we can also shopping on the Internet.
Five benefits of the Internet: one is to broaden our horizons, to keep abreast of current
events, the latest
knowledge and access to information;
two is to be free
to chat with
friends, pour out
your heart, reduce
the academic burden,
ease the pressure;
the three is
write your own views and opinions on various issues in every BBS, feel very have a sense of
the four is to
improve their level of a hobby; five is a do it yourself home has become a fashion,
to their favorite
photos Chuan
up, open
a discussion
send some of the
posts, and we exchange, their own webmaster feel really good.
不容易 祝你学习进步
aurf the net2023-07-01 14:38:022
surf on the net2023-07-01 14:38:1812
“上网”的英语:surf the Internet。 surf the Internet 网上冲浪、上网。 重点词汇: 1、surf n.海浪;拍岸碎浪。 vi.冲浪;(互联网上)冲浪。 2、Internet n.国际互联网,因特网。 扩展资料 例句: 1、It"s a long time to surf the internet, I should take a breath. 在网络上畅游了好长时间了,我应该出来吸口气。 2、Then I gave her a chance to surf the internet while I was sleeping in the noon. 就在我中午睡觉的时候,我给了她一个机会去上网。 Internet的近义词: 1、network n.网;(电视与计算机)网络;网状物;广播网。 Every connection that you make to the network is stamped with your IP address. 你每次连接到网络都会留下你的"IP地址。 2、net n.网;网状织物;球网;网罩。 vt.用网捕;捕获;净赚;踢入球门。 In fact, connotation and extension of the road net is blurry, it is a grey system. 事实上公路网综合水平的内涵和外延是不清晰的,是一个灰色系统。2023-07-01 14:38:471
be on the internetto get online别用surf了,中文现在也不用“网上冲浪”啦,太古老的词了2023-07-01 14:39:0214
UP2023-07-01 14:39:5313
上网用英语怎么说 上网用英语说法
1、上网英文:net play。 2、有关上网的短语:surf the internet 上网。surf the net 网上冲浪。On-Line Learning 上网学习。search the internet for information 上网查询。 Internet account 上网账号。2023-07-01 14:40:211
上网 surf on the net 在网上 on the Internet2023-07-01 14:40:306
get online 上网 surf the internet 网上冲浪2023-07-01 14:40:497
When she walks on the street,2023-07-01 14:41:195
pley online2023-07-01 14:41:3611
上网的英文表达方式有很多种,这里给大家大致列举几种:top wire、inter access、be online、get on the inter、surf on the Inter或者可以直接说surf the web。,参考例句:,wire是什么意思: n. 金属丝;电线;电报 v. 给…装电线;拍电报2023-07-01 14:42:011
问题一:"上网”用英语怎么说 楼上提到的都是动词形式。 surf the internet或者surf on the net 都是正确的。 还有,我们可以用be online表示“在上网”这样一种状态,例如,are you online now?你在上网吗。本意是“你在线吗”,这个QQ上经常使用。 use the internet 这种表达,也是上网的意思,而且作文里经常使用。 问题二:去上网用英语怎么说? 标准答案:Surf the Internet. 问题三:上网英文怎么说 Go on line 或者surf the Net 问题四:”上网”用英语怎么说? 翻译讲求“信、达、雅”,在“信”的前提下,为符合语言习惯,我们删去多余的成分,到网吧去,自然不会被误解为去网吧找人或是去借厕所,所以可以这么说: 祈使句 Let"s go to the net bar. 问句 Shall we go to the net bat? 一般现在时 We go to the net bar together. 完成时 We have gone to the net bar together. 这样就很地道。 问题五:“免费上网”英语怎么说 Free Internet 比如咖啡厅里有免费上网的话, 他们会打出招牌Free Internet is provided(提供免费上网)或We offer free Internet搐我们提供免费上网) 问题六:我在上网的英文怎么说? I"m getting online. / I "m online . 问题七:“流量”,上网的词,用英语怎么说 1 手机流量都叫data 2 用过的手机流量叫data usage 3 每个月的包月手机流量叫data plan 问题八:文明上网用英语怎么说 5分 surfing on the internet with civilization2023-07-01 14:42:071
---- on line2023-07-01 14:42:142
surfing internet2023-07-01 14:42:237
on line2023-07-01 14:42:389
可以说成:(mobile) web traffic或者(mobile)data traffic2023-07-01 14:44:001
上网用英语怎么说 要用online
就是online啊2023-07-01 14:44:094
surf on the internet2023-07-01 14:44:207
surf the internet2023-07-01 14:44:353
英语“上网”介词用on at in
connect to the internet2023-07-01 14:44:464
你可以到百度翻译搜索2023-07-01 14:44:567
go to surf the internet bar2023-07-01 14:45:136
读英语书:ReadEnglishbooks去看电影:Gotothemovies上网:Internet发烧:Fever感冒:Cold牙疼:Toothache看医生:Seeadoctor躺下休息:Liedownrest头疼:Headache2023-07-01 14:45:281
iamgoingtosurfontheinternet.一定要加the,否则就错了。网吧是这样说的:internetcafenotinternetbar,2023-07-01 14:45:351
go on line for free2023-07-01 14:45:445
I usually watch movie and get on to the internet2023-07-01 14:46:102
Surfing the Internet has been an essential part of our daily life.2023-07-01 14:46:183
你要上网吗?用英语怎么说 急急急急
Will you surf the Internet?2023-07-01 14:46:272
I would like to go surfing .I would like to go to the internet.2023-07-01 14:46:367
例如打篮球,看书,上网等 用英语翻译
such as或者for example,reading, surfing the internet and son on(etc.)2023-07-01 14:46:521
互联网又称网际网络,始于1969年美国的阿帕网。是网络与网络之间所串连成的庞大网络,这些网络以一组通用的协议相连,形成逻辑上的单一巨大国际网络。通常internet泛指互联网,而Internet则特指因特网。这种将计算机网络互相联接在一起的方法可称作“网络互联”,在这基础上发展出覆盖全世界的全球性互联网络称互联网,即是互相连接一起的网络结构。那么你知道互联网用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 互联网英语说法1: internet 互联网英语说法2: network 互联网的相关短语: 互联网档案馆 Internet Archive ; The Internet Archive 互联网历史; history of the Internet ; Histoire d"Internet 互联网审查 Censure de l"Internet ; Internet censorship Portal:互联网 Portal:Internet ; Portail:Internet 互联网信息服务 Internet Information Server ; ICP ; IIS ; Information Services 星际互联网 Interplanetary transport network ; Interplanetary Transport Network ; InterPlaNetary Internet ; Interplanet Internet 国际互联网协议 Internet Protocol ; IP 互联网信息中心 InterNIC 互联网的英语例句: 1. The new software will prove a boon to Internet users. 这种新软件将会对互联网用户大有益处。 2. The software enables you to access the Internet in seconds. 这种软件使你在几秒钟内便可访问互联网。 3. The Internet has become part of everyday life . 互联网已成为日常生活的一部分。 4. an ISDN Internet connection ISDN互联网连接 5. a printout of text downloaded from the Internet 从互联网下载文本的打印件 6. an Internet service provider 互联网服务供应商 7. He trolled the Internet for advice on the disease. 他搜索互联网寻求治疗这种病的建议。 8. The diploma course would offer remote access to course materials via the Internet"s world wide web. 可以通过国际互联网获得学位课程的学习资料。 9. Many established journals have already taken the leap onto the Web. 许多有实力的杂志已经涉足了互联网. 10. He turned his attention back to the Internet imbroglio of the night 他将注意力转回到前一天晚上的互联网争论。 11. He"s turning years old this month, and hoping to start an Internet business. 这个月他20岁, 并且想开办一家国际互联网公司. 12. Another excellent approach is to abandon the browser entirely and, instead, create a non - browser - based , Internet - enabled application. 另一个非常好的方法是干脆放弃浏览器, 取而代之, 创建一个不基于浏览器, 但却是基于互联网的应用. 13. Do you think that you can find eternal love through the Internet? 你认为你可以通过互联网到永久的爱情 吗 ? 14. That"s because the Internet attracts more and more users. 那是因为互联网吸引着越来越多的用户. 15. The Internet is really another world. 互联网真的是另一个世界.2023-07-01 14:47:011
For information on the Internet2023-07-01 14:47:194
I"m on line2023-07-01 14:47:276
I often play computer games on the Internet.2023-07-01 14:47:4310
绿色greenu261eu2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667u261c2023-07-01 14:48:114
我们每天都在上网,那你知道上网的英文是什么吗?英语栏目为您带来“上网”用英语怎么表达,一起来看看吧! 释义: 上网 net play/go online/surfing the internet 英语例句: Surfing the Internet is fun, but it"s also a time waster. 上网很有意思,但也很浪费时间。 2. Go to the website today and you can unsubscribe online. 今天上网就可以退订。 3. Once more people are wired, the potential to change the mainstream media will be huge. 一旦更多人能上网,网络改变主流媒体的潜力将十分巨大。 4. Do you spend more than forty hours on the Internet a week? 你每周上网的时间超过四十个小时 吗 ? 5. We can"t access the Internet. 我们连不上网。 6. If you"re interested in a subject, use the Internet to delve deeper. 如果对某一主题感兴趣,就上网进一步深入研究。 7. I surf the Internet two hours a day. 我每天上网冲浪两个小时. 8. Some experts recommend that people set strict limits on their time for Internetuse. 许多专家建议人们严格限制自己的上网时间. 9. More mobiles are likely to be linked to the internet than personal computersby 2003. 到2003年,与因特网连接的移动电话很可能超过上网的个人计算机. 10. At night, she would go online and chat with her friends back home. 夜深人静时, 她会上网跟故乡的朋友聊天.2023-07-01 14:48:291
哦哦你用流量二十李5天,哦组同学旅途愉快2023-07-01 14:48:497
online2023-07-01 14:49:067
surf on the net2023-07-01 14:49:2312
surfonline是比较正式的说法,相当于汉语当中的我正在浏览网页,更正式的说法是surfontheinernet;或是getontheinternet,一般朋友之间经常用的是getonline即我在上网。其实说法很多,有很多说法都能使美国人明白,我列举的是最常用的说法!2023-07-01 14:49:461
Surfing the Internet 或 get on line 都是上网的意思. 我喜欢上网是 I like surfing the internet. 还可以说 I enjoy surfing the Net. I am fond of getting on line 等等.,7,surf in the Internet !,2,surffer the internet,1,be online I like to go online.,1,上网:Get on line. I like to get on line.,0,2023-07-01 14:49:541
“上网” 和“看电视”用英语怎么写
surf/roam on Internet watch TV2023-07-01 14:50:025
browse the Internet2023-07-01 14:50:181
上网用英语怎么说 要用online
就是online啊2023-07-01 14:50:274
1 手机流量都叫data 2 用过的手机流量叫data usage 3 每个月的包月手机流量叫data plan2023-07-01 14:50:481
Hello, do you want to go on internet?2023-07-01 14:50:565
互联网用英语表示为Internet,读音为英["u026antu0259net],美["u026antu0259rnet]。Internet解析如下:一、读音英式发音:/u02c8u026antu0259net/美式发音:/u02c8u026antu0259rnu025bt/二、释义n. 互联网,因特网三、常用短语surf the Internet - 浏览互联网Internet access - 互联网接入Internet cafe - 网吧四、用法Internet是一个名词,指代全球范围内的计算机网络。Internet通常用于描述人们如何使用计算机和网络进行信息交流和获取。五、例句Internet plays a very important role in modern life.互联网在现代生活中发挥非常重要的作用。My brother doesn"t know much about the Internet.我哥哥对因特网所知不多。The Internet has great attraction for young people.因特网对年轻人有很大的吸引力。You can obtain this information on the Internet.你可以从因特网上获得这一信息。You can find it on the Internet.你可以在国际互联网上找到它。2023-07-01 14:51:102
要看你用在什么情况下了Internet就是我们说的互联网上网冲浪就可以说SurftheInternetNet是它的简写版原表示网状物什么的可用得较随意还可以说NetworkWeb偏指网页(表示网页搜索的话还可以用Pagesearching)WIFI表示的就是无线网络了..希望对你有帮助吧2023-07-01 14:51:251
surf the internet with pure civilization2023-07-01 14:51:413
All the people are used to surfing the Internet.习惯是接ing2023-07-01 14:51:501