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求翻译一句中文至英文 即使我忘记了曾今帮助过我的朋友们的样子,我也不会忘记我们之间的友谊.

2023-07-01 13:16:16

although i have forgotten the looks of those who has helped me aa lot,i never forget our friendship!


即使 [jíshǐ] 1. even 2. even if 3. even though 4. if 即使 〈连〉たとい,たとえ,よしんば,かりに. 即使 [jí shǐ] 1 even;even if;even though 2 即使, 如果 [rú guǒ]: 见“如果”. 3 即使, 纵然 [zòng rán], 哪怕 [nǎ pà], 任凭 [rèn píng]: 它们均为连词, 都可以表示假设让步关系. “即使”兼用于口语和书面语, 除了同“也”呼应表示假设让步, 还可同“但是”、“却”等配合, 有强调以假设为前提的转折关系的作用和强调没有例外的意思. 4 纵然”是书面语. 5 哪怕”多用于口语, 6 任凭”表示“排除性的条件(无论怎么说)”, 7 即使, 虽然 [suī rán]: 见“虽然”.
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notwithstanding,这个才是正确的即使 [jí shǐ]even though even if相关解释:if be it so the face of e"en although be it that 例句:即使他这么说,你大可不必相信他。Even if he said so, you need not believe him.即使下雨我们也要去。We"ll go even if it rains.即使这工作要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要把它完成。Even if it will take me six weeks, I am determined to finish the job.海词广告: 学外语,交外国真朋友 “薪满意足”我信韦博08 Dict.CN 在线词典 更多解释句酷双语例句 即使"A wife would be no good to him now."“即使他现在有妻子,也不顶用。”-- 英汉 - 辞典例句Delay is not permissible, even for a single day.不得延误, 即使一日亦不可.-- 英汉 - 辞典例句Even the cheapest was priced at 5.即使最便宜的也标价5英镑.-- 英汉 - 辞典例句He doesn"t lie in even on Sunday.即使在星期天他也不睡懒觉。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句He is none the happier for his great wealth.即使他有钱,却一点也不快乐。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句He will come on time even though it rains.即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句It"s best to err on the safe side.即使错,最好也错在谨慎上面。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句It was a worthwhile attempt even though it failed to achieve its aim.这个尝试即使没有达到目的还是值得的。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句It would be too late, even if the weather had cleared up.即使天气好转,也已经太迟了。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句There is often tax evasion in the case of customs duties.即使关税,也经常发生逃税
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问题一:即使的意思是什么? 精锐教育莘庄中心语文老师温馨提示:表示承认某种事实,表示假设的让步,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 问题二:即使是什么意思 基本信息 词目:即使 拼音:jíshǐ 英文:[even if;even though;granted that] 释义:表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 例如:即使败了一阵也没有关系,全局还没有失尽 编辑本段 基本解释 [even if;even though;granted that] ――表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 即使败了一阵又如何?全局还没有失尽 问题三:即使和即便区别的意思? 即使 jí shǐ 连词,表示假设的让步:~我们的工作取得了很大的成绩,也不能骄傲自满ㄧ~你当时在场,恐怕也没有别的办法。‘即使 "所表示的条件,可以是尚未实现的事情,也可以是与既成事实相反的事情。 即便 jíbiàn DD用来加强语气,指即使;纵使 即便你有理,也不该发脾气啊! 问题四:即时是什么意思 就是打完折的价 他们的门市价(就是酒店标价)一般都是黄金周的价格 过了黄金周就会在这个价格的基础上打折 你去酒店订房 他们就会说;我们的房间现在打完折元 问题五:即 和既是什么意思 即: 1.就是:知识~力量。 2.当时或当地:~日。~刻。~席。~景。在~。~兴(xìng )。 3.就,便:黎明~起。 4.假如,倘若:~使。~便(biàn )。~或。~令。 5.靠近:不~不离。 6.到,开始从事:~位。 既: 1.动作已经完了:~往不咎。~而。 2.已经:~成事实。~定。 3.常与顶且”、“又”连用,表示两者并列:~快又好。 问题六:即时的意思是什么 当下;立刻。 问题七:纵使和即使的意思有什么区别 纵使,在作连接分句、表示假设的让步,即在偏句提出某种情况时与即使相同。 例如:冰心 《往事()》八:“除夕的梦纵使不灵验,万一能梦见,也是慰情聊胜无。” 但纵使还有放纵、听任的意思,即使没有这个义项。例如,范文澜、蔡美彪等《中国通史》第四编第五章第二节:“各地权贵也经常纵使家奴侵渔商铺,名为和市,其实胁取。”
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词目:即使 拼音:jíshǐ 英文:[even if;even though;granted that] 释义:表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 例如:即使败了一阵又如何?全局还没有失尽 同义词:就算,哪怕
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无论 no matter what; soever; whether; regardless of 即使 although; even if; even though; if 虽然 although; despit; ehowbeitnot; withstanding; though; while
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even 即使的意思;even 主要是和其他词加在一起的合成词比较多,容易弄混掉。如even if 即便,纵然; even though虽然,纵然;even as 正当,恰好;even so 即使如此,即使这样...... 还有很多我不举例了,你自己去研究吧。
2023-07-01 01:21:313


even 英[u02c8i:vn] 美[u02c8ivu0259n] adv. 甚至; 即使; 更加; 恰巧在…时候; adj. 公平的; 平坦的; 偶数的; 平均的; vt. 使平坦; 使相等; [例句]He kept calling me for years, even after he got married多年来他一直打电话给我,甚至是在他结婚以后。[其他] 第三人称单数:evens 现在分词:evening 过去式:evened过去分词:evened
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问题一:尽管 但是用英语怎么说 尽管,但是: although though even though/if in spite of despite nevertheless notwithstanding 问题二:尽管但是用英语怎么说 Although****,后面but省略 问题三:尽管但是 用英语怎么说? Although****,后面but省略 问题四:在英语作文中尽管,但是可以连用吗 同一句子中不可以连用的 问题五:尽管 英语 although和though都有虽然的意思,两者的意思很接近,区别也不是很大,一般情况下可以通用。两者的区别是though可以用在句末,但是although不可以,即:Though,but not although can be used at the end of a sentence. 看个例子: She knew all her friends would be there.She didn"t want to go,though. 而且though除了虽然,还有别的意思,比如可以表示转折,意思是“但是”。 even though是“即使”的意思,等同与“even if” despite,in spite of Despite用作介词时,与 in spite of同义,都表示“尽管”、“虽然”、“不顾”之意,但程度有所不同。 一般说来,in spite of的语气较强,使用范围也较广; despite的语气较弱,多用于诗歌或正式的文体中。Despite可以写作despite of,也可以写作 in despite of;in spite of则可以写作 spite of,但这些写法已少用了。例: Despite his advanced years,he is learning to drive. 虽然年事已高,他现在在学驾驶汽车。 Despite the drought,we expect a good crop. 尽管天旱,丰收依然在望。 In spite of the police brandis龚ing their clubs and pistols,people showed not the slightest fear. 尽管警方挥动着短棍及手枪,但人们毫不畏惧。 We arrived at the station in spite of the storm. 虽然有暴风雨,我们依旧准点到达火车站。 应当在此指出的是,在现代英语里,despite和in spite of的差距已日渐缩小,很多人已将它们互换使用。 Despite除作介词外,尚可用作名词,表示“蔑视”、“憎恨”、“无意对待”之意。例: The old woman died of despite. 那位老大娘饮恨而死。 He tripped me out of despite,not by accident. 他绊倒我是出于恶意,不是出于意外。 在上列两句中,despite用作名词,它亦可改写为spite. 问题六:虽然但是用英语怎么说 虽然 although though 但是 but 在英语句子中,只能出现一次“虽然”或“但是” 例如攻 虽然我很年轻,但是我很聪明。 错句:Although I am very young,but I am clever. 正确:Although I am very young,I am clever. 或 I am very young,but I am clever.. 问题七:尽管 但是 英文 尽管是though, 但是是but 不过英语里这两个词不能一起用。一句话里只能用一个。 问题八:尽管 英语怎么写? although 问题九:尽管天空乌云密布,但阳光依旧都在的英文 尽管天空乌云密布,但阳光依旧都在 Though the sky is cloudy, the sun is still in the sky. 问题十:尽管用英语怎么说 although/though/even if 尽管她有一张中国高速公路地图。 Although/though she has a highway map of China. 在狂欢节中,每个人都可以有个梦,尽管可能仅仅只有一天。 During carnival everyone has a dream, even if工it is only for a day
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even so
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as表示“尽管;虽然”,只能用于倒装句,即:将表语、状语或谓语动词放在as之前. 例如: Young as/though he is,he knows a lot. 他虽然年纪不大,却懂得很多.
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21、所见 袁枚
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英文中 "因为"和"所以" "即使"和"但是" 为什么不可以连用

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Liu Si
2023-07-01 01:25:076


即使说抱歉 Even to say sorry; I feel regret that I don"t have the ability to change anybody, I couldn"t even make a little kid to say "sorry". I am so ashamed. 我恨自己没有能力改变这一切,我甚至无法让一个做错事的孩子说一声“对不起”,我很惭愧。
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  即使英文伤我一千遍,我依然会如初恋般爱恋你。下面是我给大家整理的爱你的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   爱你的英文是什么   I love you   关于我爱你的英语作文1   all them, this is what I want to know most. I had supper at 5 ou2019clock in the dining room. There is no need for me to cook by myself, no need to wash the dishes. However, now it is the busiest time for my parents. Dad has night shift every day, he works from seven o"clock in the morning to nine o"clock in the evening. Therefore, all the housework is left to my mum, besides her own job, she also has to work the vineyard   关于我爱你的英语作文2   Love爱   Love is an art which involves deep emotion.It is a pure and lofty desire in one"s innermost heart.Real love means not only a pleasure, but also loyalty and obligation.To love is to give and sacrillce.One who can not create happiness, even make sacrifice for his beloved, cannot be counted as a true lover.爱是涉及感情深处的艺术。它是人内心深处纯洁而崇高的欲望。真正的爱不仅意味着愉快,而且意味着忠诚和义务。爱是付出和牺牲。一个不能为所爱的人创造幸福甚至做出牺牲的人,不能算作一个真正的爱人。   To be loved you have to love.True lovers are willing to sacrifice themselves for each other"s sake.True love needs no expression in words. One glance is enough to make each other understand.A handshake, a gentle touch inspired by respect and admiration, will leave you intoxicated and remain in your memory. Even when you are old you will recall and cherish it with deep emotion.要得到爱就必须付出爱。真正相爱的人愿为彼此做出牺牲。真正的爱不需要任何的语言来表达,一个眼神就足以使彼此互相了解。怀着尊重和敬意的握手、轻触就会令人陶醉,永记心头,甚至到老也会满怀深情地珍惜回忆。   Real love is unforgetahle.With the development of science and technology, love becomes more noble, rich, fine and subtle.As is known to all, everyone is born with the right to love and also the right to refuse to return love.Human love exists with human beings.Wherever there are people, there is love.真爱是让人无法忘怀的。随着科学技术的发展,爱变得更崇高,更丰富,更美好和更细腻。众所周知,每个人都有权利去爱,也有权利拒绝别人给予的爱。爱与人类同在。哪里有人类,哪里就有爱(爱无处不在)。   Let us draw courage, confidence and happiness from love.让我们从爱中得到勇气,信心和快乐吧。   关于我爱你的英语作文3   In general, a girl with pretty face must be popular all the time. Everyone believe that a pretty girl will always be the winner. While the fact is not true sometimes. Many homely girls win the handsome boyu2019s hearts and thatu2019s the common situation. It is the girlu2019s attitude to life that makes her charming.   一般来说,一个有漂亮脸蛋的女孩一定是受欢迎的。每个人都认为,一个漂亮的女孩永远是赢家。而事实有时并不是如此。许多平凡的女孩赢得了帅哥的心,这是常见的情形。正是女孩对生活态度,使她充满了魅力。   Though most girls are not born with nature beauty, they love life and make themselves attractive all the time. They live the healthy lifestyle. They less stay up and pay special attention to the meal. Breakfast will not be missed no matter how busy they are. When they are not busy, they will learn to make some food and enjoy casual time.   尽管大多数女孩不是与生俱来就长得好看,但是她们热爱生活,让自己看起来迷人。她们过着健康的生活方式。几乎不怎么熬夜,对吃的特别注意。早餐是不会错过的,不管她们有多忙。不忙时,她们会学着去做一些食物,享受休闲时光。   They do not follow fashion. They have their own dressing style. It is important for girls to make up, even though people say beautiful soul is beyond everything. While dressing well can reflect a girlu2019s confidence and her charm. People will remember her at first sight for her special temperament.   她们不跟随时尚。她们有自己的穿衣风格。化妆对女孩子来说是很重要的,尽管人们说美丽的心灵是超越了一切。虽然穿着得体可以反映出女孩的自信和她的魅力。人们会一眼记得她,因为她特殊的气质。   Beautiful face indeed brings many advantages, but only the characteristic makes a person stand out.   美丽的脸蛋确实带来了很多优势,但是只有性格才能让一个人脱颖而出。   爱你的英文是什么4   In a class I teach for adults, I recently did the “unpardonable.”   最近在我执教的一个成人班级里,我干了一件“不可饶恕的”事情。   I gave the class homework!   我居然给班上的学生布置了一份家庭作业!   The assignment was to “go to someone you love within the next week and tell them you love them.   任务是“下周之内要走到你所爱的人面前,告诉他们你爱他。   It has to be someone you have never said those words to before   此人必须是一位此前你从未对之说过此话的对象,   or at least havenu2019t shared those words with for a long time.”   或至少很久没有与他们交流过这些爱意盎然的话语了。”   Now that doesnu2019t t sound like a very tough assignment, until you stop to realize that most of the men were over 35   听起来这不像是一份苛刻的任务,直到你意识到这个班里多数男生已年逾35岁。   and were raised in the generation of men that were taught that expressing emotions is not “macho.”   何况在他们成长的那个年代,他们受到的是这样的灌输:流露情感没有“阳刚之气”。   Showing feelings or crying (heaven forbid!) was just not done.   人们不会轻易流露情感和哭泣(老天也不允!)。   So this was a very threatening assignment for some.   因此对某些人来说,这是一项令人生畏的任务。   At the beginning of our next class,   第二次上课一开始,   I asked if someone wanted to share what happened when they told someone they loved them.   我就问:当你告诉别人你爱他/她时,结果怎样?有没有人愿意讲一讲?   I fully expected one of the women to volunteer6, as was usually the case,   我满心指望像平常一样,某位女士能自告奋勇,   but on this evening one of the men raised his hand.   但是这天晚上,一位男士举起了手。   He appeared quite moved and a bit shaken.   他看上去很受感动的样子,还有一点颤抖。   As he unfolded out of his chair (all 6 2" of him),   当他从座椅上直起身来时(他身高6英尺2英寸),   he began by saying, Dennis, I was quite angry with you last week when you gave us this assignment.   他这样说道:“丹尼斯,上周你给我们布置任务时,我很生你的气。   I didn`t feel that I had anyone to say those words to, and besides,   我认为我没有什么人需要我说那些话,而且,   who were you to tell me to do something that personal8?   你是谁?凭什么让我们去干这种涉及隐私的事?   “But as I began driving home my conscience started talking to me.   “但我驱车回家时,我的良知开始与我对话。   It was telling me that I knew exactly who I needed to say I love you to.   它告诉我,我确实知道需要向谁说“我爱你”这句话。   You see, five years ago, my father and I had a vicious disagreement and really never resolved it since that time.   “你瞧,5年前,我与父亲发生了激烈的争执,而且从此再也没有消除隔阂。   We avoided seeing each other unless we absolutely had to at Christmas or other family gatherings.   我们互相回避,除非绝对必须出席圣诞节聚会或其他的家庭聚会。   But even then, we hardly spoke to each other.   但甚至在那些场合,我们彼此几乎也不说一句话。   “So last Tuesday by the time I got home I had convinced myself I was going to tell my father I loved him.   “因此,上周二到家时,我确信自己做得不对,打算告诉父亲我爱他。   “Itu2019s weird, but just making that decision seemed to lift a heavy load off my chest.   “这事儿有点怪怪的,但就是这个决定似乎搬走了一块压在我胸口的重石。   “When I got home, I rushed into the house to tell my wife what I was going to do. She was already in bed, but I woke her up anyway. When I told her, she didnu2019t just get out of bed, she catapulted out and hugged me, and for the first time in our married life she saw me cry. We stayed up half the night drinking coffee and talking. It was great!   到家的时候,我冲进屋里,想告诉妻子我的打算。当时她已经上床睡了,但我无论如何还是叫醒了她。我如此这般告诉她,她不单是起了床,简直就是跳起来拥抱我,婚后第一次她目睹了我哭泣的样子。那一夜我们品着咖啡说着话一直聊到半夜。这感觉真棒!   “The next morning I was up bright and early. I was so excited I could hardly sleep. I got to the office early and accomplished more in two hours than I had the whole day before.   “第二天一大清早我就起了床。我激动得睡不着觉,提前到办公室上班,两个小时之内就干完了比以前干一整天还要多的活。   “At 9:00 I called my dad to see if could come over after work. When he answered the phone, I just said, u2018Dad, can I come over after work tonight? I have something to tell you.u2019 My dad responded with a grumpy, u2018Now what?u2019 I assured him it wouldnu2019t take long, so he finally agreed.   “在九点的时候我打电话给父亲问问能不能下班后去看他,当他接电话的时候,我只是说:u2018老爸,今晚上下班后我能到你哪儿去吗?我有事跟你说。u2019父亲不耐烦的应答:u2018什么事?u2019我向他保证花不了多长时间,最终他同意了。   “At 5:30, I was at my parentsu2019 house ringing the doorbell, praying that Dad would answer the door. I was afraid if Mom answered that I would chicken out and tells her instead. But as luck would have it, Dad did answer the door.   “五点半,我就来到父母家摁响了门铃。我暗自祷告老爸会应声开门。害怕如果应声开门的是母亲,我会因胆怯而对她说出那几个字。终归我的运气好,老爸应声来到门口。   “I didnu2019t waste any time u2013 I took one step in the door and said, u2018Dad, I just came over to tell you that I love you.u2019   “我抓紧时间———我一脚跨进门槛说:u2018老爸,我来就是为了特地告诉你一声我爱你。u2019   “It was as if a transformation came over my dad. Before my eyes his face softened, the wrinkles seemed to disappear and he began to cry. He reached out and hugged me and said, u2018I love you too, son, but Iu2019ve never been able to say it.u2019   “听了这话,老爸似乎前后判若两人。只见他脸变得柔和起来,连皱纹似乎也消失了,他泣不成声。他伸出手拥抱我说:u2018儿子,我也爱你,但这话以前我从来没能说出口。u2019   “It was such a precious moment I didnu2019t want to move. Mom walked by with tears in her eyes. I just waved and blew her a kiss. Dad and I hugged for a moment longer and then I left. I hadnu2019t felt that great in a long time.   “这一刻如此宝贵以至于我不想挪动半步。妈妈双眼含泪走过来,我只挥了挥手,给了她一个飞吻。我和父亲又相拥片刻,然后我离开了。许久以来,我都没有过那么棒的感觉了。   “But thatu2019s not even my point. Two days after that visit, my dad, who had heart problems, but didnu2019t tell me, had an attack and ended up in the hospital, unconscious. I donu2019t know if he"ll make it.   “但这并不是我说这些的目的。那次上门之后过了两天,我的父亲———他患有心脏病,但没有告诉我———突发心肌梗塞,结果被送往医院,昏迷不醒。我不知他是否能挺过去。   “So my message to all of you in this is: Donu2019t wait to do the things you know need to be done. What if I had waited to tell my dad u2013 maybe I will never get the chance again! Take the time to do what you need to do and do it now!”   “所以我要忠告全班同学的是:如果你知道有些事情需要做的话,千万不要等。要是我等到以后再对父亲说u2018我爱你u2019那句话会怎么样呢———也许我永远没有机会了!抓紧时间去干你需要干的事情,现在就行动!   
2023-07-01 01:25:441


2023-07-01 01:25:5413

我愿你安好 即使你后来与我全然无关,用英文怎么说

Wo yuan ni an hao, jishi ni houlai yuwo quanran wuguan.
2023-07-01 01:26:294


Don"t ever let somebody tell you you can"t do something, not even me.别让别人告诉你你成不了才,即使是我也不行。出处:电影《当幸福来敲门》除此之外,此电影还有一些经典台词:No.1You have a dream. You got to protect it.如果你有梦想,就要守护它。got to 不得不;必须 = have toNo.2 People can"t do something by themselves, they wanna tell you you cannot do it.当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会告诉你说,你也不行。can"t = cannot(更正式一些)wanna = want toNo.3 You want something. Go get it. Period.你想要什么的话,就去努力得到!就这么简单。No.4 Maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue. And maybe we can actually never have it no matter what.幸福或许是我们只能努力去追寻的,又或是无论怎么样都得不到的。pursue 追逐;追求
2023-07-01 01:26:361


我看了 上面的回答是对的
2023-07-01 01:27:142


I could be everything you need )Say what you wanna hear )So don"t say sorry )How long I have to wait ) I could be everything you need ) do you want to see )So don"t say sorry )Baby, please take me away )I"m sorry, oh, baby don"t you know)What have you to do for me ) you know I say sorry )I can only say sorry )What do you want, I don"t care )I"m sorry, oh, baby don"t you know)What have you to do for me )In fact, you know what I mean ) to say sorryI can only say sorry ) what do you want, I don"t care )
2023-07-01 01:27:333


更新1: 被人家给检举掉了,所以重新发问,并且以更有方向的标题来发题! 所谓例外 顾名思义就是常例以外的人、事、物等等 而例外当然是极为少数的 所以称为例外.英文文法是如此 其他的人事物也一样.比方说建中多是好学生 但也有例外.又如:搭飞机是很安全的 但也有例外 因此 即使英文文法有例外 也不必担心文法不会学得好 因为例外是极少数的 这样版大还会担心英文文法的例外吗? 又 版大所读的『贺氏英文法』是很早很早以前(初版约45年前)的一本好的文法书 难道近年来它有新版出现吗 ? 2009-06-05 16:08:58 补充: 贺氏英文法』是很早很早以前(初版约45年前)的文法书 凡有规则必有例外,但这些例外,也就是规则。只要你融会贯通了,就不会觉得有什么例外了。 『英文法:只是一些规则而已』并不是口号,而是书名。 是啊~ 西洋老歌都有完整的句子=比起现在的歌词 但是就是会有一些不合乎文法的歌词 问题是: 那些歌词都很红=影响甚远 如果不知道=会以为是老外讲错了 其实对方只是引用以前很红的歌词罢了 如果可以立刻想起那首老歌=定会让对方刮目相看 怎么办呢? 平常多听多学罗~ 的确是凡规则必有例外啊~~~ 不管是动词变化还是名词的单复数变化都有规则和不规则变化 这不影响学习英文吧~~ 记住规则变化的原理然后背清楚不规则变化的规则就好啦 有空来我们的部落格逛逛喔 .myblog.yahoo/basictest-plus 参考: 罗林文理 (原基测+家教班) 罗林老师
2023-07-01 01:27:411


2023-07-01 01:27:511


Fish only seven seconds to remember, even if the sea can also be covered with tears鱼仅有七秒钟记忆,即使泪尽大海也能遮掩
2023-07-01 01:27:581


Some things, even if the effort can not do!
2023-07-01 01:28:107

这英语是使役用法吗?句子结构怎么划分?it may make him feel rude

是。it主语may make谓语him宾语feel rude宾补
2023-07-01 01:28:306

但即使是这样 我看着你还是很开心怎么用英文说?

即使是这样,但是我看著你还是很开心的,英文可翻译成:Even so, I am still very happy to see you
2023-07-01 01:28:521


写在前面:关于中翻英和英翻中哪个更难的问题? 个人觉得中翻英相对简单,英翻中更难。 中翻英时,首先我们可以更好的理解中文,其次最不济翻译英文时可以从写作的高度来译。而英翻中比较难,首先你要理解英文的话里话外,包括一些背景人物地名等,很多定语从句和代词也要找到精确对应,尤其很多英文句子特别长,找到主语谓语,主句从句,分析出逻辑关系也要颇费周折,其次即使英文理解到位,翻译成中文时要让看个人的中文功底(用词表达的精确凝练程度),而这种功底不是一两天炼成的。正如大家都懂中文,但真正写作好的没有几个。 接上一篇的中译英翻译技巧,我继续学习韩刚《90天攻克二级笔译》,对于英译中的翻译技巧总结如下,拿来共享,欢迎大家提出批评意见: 1.英译中首先要分清英文主从句,先处理从句,再处理主句。因为上篇说过,中文前轻后重,比如我们通常看到中文句子:先事实背景,后判断表态。而英文则是前重后轻。同时,翻译时要按照中文来龙去脉,由远及近的叙事原则组织行文。 2.中文已知信息可不翻译,同理,也可适当添加背景信息 3.翻译时使用中文的四、六、八字句构成同义重复,从而增强语言张力。例如口若悬河,剑拔弩张之势,箭在弦上不得不发等。 4.英译汉翻译考试讲究速度,而速度的提升在于对句子结构的快速把握。动笔前先对全段或全篇做“心译”,标记出不确定的词语,动笔前还要牢记保持卷面干净整洁。所以平时训练时要纸笔翻译,练习卷面和时间把握,不要过度依赖电脑。 5.有些英译中的难点在于知识面和专有名词,不属于技巧层面问题。所以要做好背景调查和了解,注意平常知识面的扩宽和积累。 6.英文中的形容词和副词属于判断表态词,英译汉时应该先处理事实背景部分,然后处理判断表态部分。例如 The process slightly, but measurably, lubricates and accelerates the grinding passage of ice towards the sea. 可译为“整个过程对冰划入海洋起着润滑和加速的作用,虽然过程缓慢,但是作用明显。” we mark the passing of 800 years, and that is indeed a remarkable span for any institution. 可译为“今天,我们迎来了剑桥800周年纪念日,对于任何一个机构而言,800年都不是须臾瞬间,不由令人惊叹。” 其中,“a remarkable span”指的是时间跨度,翻译时还原为800年,remarkable属于表态判断词, 独立出来翻译为“不由令人惊叹”,前面交代背景铺垫的“都不是须臾瞬间”则是正说反译,以前后照应,增强语感。 7.英译中基本遵循逆序的原则。 8.中文形散而神不散,翻译为中文时以意群为成句单位,意群间除非有必要,否则不用特别指明逻辑关系。但是,翻译一定不能脱离上下文,逻辑一定是行文的基础,找不到逻辑,多通读几遍,确保逻辑准确的前提下,行文考察的是一个人的写作功底。 9.英文中代词和替换同义词使用较为频繁,英汉翻译时要将英文中代词所指对象明确化,将同义替换词译为统一的汉语表达,保持前后一致。 10.英译汉时不能拘泥于英文动词,否则会“费力不讨好”,词不达意,影响行文质量。 11.英译汉时尽可能少用或不用“的”、“被”字,避开被动,使译文符合中文的行文习惯。 12.翻译必须以知识背景为依托,翻译技巧和翻译能力是次要的,如果没有知识背景而仅靠语言结构分析,肯定不会译出精品,甚至可能出现词不达意的“外行话”。 13."of"前属于英文形象或概括词,后面是实意具体词,翻译时,重点处理后面的实意词,前面的修饰性概念可灵活处理,有时甚至可以省去不译. 14.汉译英一般"数字先行",而英译汉尽可能把数字放在句末,,可保证行文准顺快.例如, "In the first half of this year 38 million Chinese took international trips, 18% more than in the same period last year. In 2011 they spent $73 billion while traveling abroad, third only to Germans and Americans." 可译为“今年上半年,中国出境游达3800万人次,同比增长18%。2011年中国游客海外旅游消费达730亿美元,仅次于德美游客,居世界第三位。” 15.we have seen...we have witnessed...we are expecting...等句型,其中的动词并非实意动词,只是构成一种句式而已,翻译时无需处理。 16.具体语境下,有了主语和宾语,可以推测添加适当的动词,用写作的角度去翻译,不必将注意力放在英文动词本身。 17.具体转宏观。英译汉时中文属于已知细节部分可以略去,英文细节描述往往在中文都是高度概括表达,要进行宏观化处理。例如 50% of the population are now living in cities and towns. 可译为:城镇化率50%。
2023-07-01 01:28:591


I love you, this is the permanent promise! I will be more happy if you are happy! I will be with you in the rest of life if you agree
2023-07-01 01:29:061


一、译为汉语对应的拟声词,有的译为独词句,有的译为动词或名词的辅助成分。 1.Crack! The stick broke in two. 喀嚓!棒子断为两截。 2.Only the venliator in the cellar window kept up a cealess rattle. 只有地下室窗户上的鼓风机发出无休无止的呼呼声。 3.Round the corner of Croscent Bay, between the pile-up masses of broken rock, a flock of sheep came pattering. 沿着新月海湾的地方,从一堆堆破碎的岩石堆中,一群羊叭嗒叭嗒地跑了过来。 二、有时可以将英文的拟声词译为汉语中较为抽象的“..........的叫,...........声”,有的则直叙其动作。 1.The cock in the yard crowed its first round. 院子里的雄鸡已经叫头遍了。 2.He felt as if he must shout and sing, he seemed to hear about him the rustle of unceasing and inmumberable wings. 他感到简直要大喊大唱,耳际仿佛传来无数翅膀的拍击声。 3.They splashed through the mire to the village. 他们一路踏着泥水向村子去。 三、为增加效果,即使英文未出现拟声词,翻译时添加拟声词。 1.The logs were burning briskly in the fire. 木柴在火中哔哔剥剥烧的正旺。 2.“Impartinent!” snorted Imalds. 伊梅尔达鼻子哼了声“没家教!” 3.Then a dog began to howl somewhere ina a farm house far down the road--a long, agonized wailing, as if from fear. 接着,路尽头一所农舍附近响起狗的汪汪声,那是一声长长的哀鸣,似乎是因恐惧而发出的惊恐之声。 再看一段英国作家梭罗描写沃尔登湖冬景的一句(附翻译,就剩一句了) I seldom opened my door in a winter evening without hearing it; Hoo hoo hoo, hooner hoo, sounded sonorously, and the first three syllables accented somewhat like how deardo; or sometimes hoo hoo only. 冬季傍晚,我一打开门常常听到“唿——唿——唿,唿——唿”的鸟叫声,声音哼悦耳,前三个音节听起来有点象英语的“你好哇!”有时便只是鸟叫而已。
2023-07-01 01:29:131


即使 [jíshǐ] 1. even 2. even if 3. even though 4. if 即使 〈连〉たとい,たとえ,よしんば,かりに. 即使 [jí shǐ] 1 even;even if;even though 2 即使, 如果 [rú guǒ]: 见“如果”. 3 即使, 纵然 [zòng rán], 哪怕 [nǎ pà], 任凭 [rèn píng]: 它们均为连词, 都可以表示假设让步关系. “即使”兼用于口语和书面语, 除了同“也”呼应表示假设让步, 还可同“但是”、“却”等配合, 有强调以假设为前提的转折关系的作用和强调没有例外的意思. 4 纵然”是书面语. 5 哪怕”多用于口语, 6 任凭”表示“排除性的条件(无论怎么说)”, 7 即使, 虽然 [suī rán]: 见“虽然”.
2023-07-01 01:29:331


1though 2 even thouhg 3even if 4while
2023-07-01 01:29:434


问题一:即使和即便区别的意思? 即使 jí shǐ 连词,表示假设的让步:~我们的工作取得了很大的成绩,也不能骄傲自满ㄧ~你当时在场,恐怕也没有别的办法。‘即使 "所表示的条件,可以是尚未实现的事情,也可以是与既成事实相反的事情。 即便 jíbiàn DD用来加强语气,指即使;纵使 即便你有理,也不该发脾气啊! 问题二:即使的意思是什么? 精锐教育莘庄中心语文老师温馨提示:表示承认某种事实,表示假设的让步,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 问题三:即使是什么意思 基本信息 词目:即使 拼音:jíshǐ 英文:[even if;even though;granted that] 释义:表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 例如:即使败了一阵也没有关系,全局还没有失尽 编辑本段 基本解释 [even if;even though;granted that] ――表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 即使败了一阵又如何?全局还没有失尽 问题四:即使和既使的区别 应该说只有“即使”这个词而没有“既使”这个词。 “即使”是连词,表示假设的让步。以进一步证实或者加强主句的意思。 例如:即使你取得了很好的成绩,也没有任何骄傲的理由。 问题五:即使的意思。 即使 [ jí shǐ ] 基本释义 --表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用也呼应,说出结论 问题六:即使的意思是什么 即使,表示假设的让步。在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论。语出裴松之注引三国魏鱼豢《魏略》:“ 丁掾 ,好士也,即使其两目盲,尚当与女,何况但眇?” [even if;even though;granted that] ――表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论。 即使败了一阵又如何?全局还没有失尽。 问题七:即使意思是什么 即使,表示假设的让步。在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论。 语出裴松之注引三国魏鱼豢《魏略》:“ 丁掾 ,好士也,即使其两目盲,尚当与女,何况但眇?” 问题八:隐约雷鸣 阴霾天空 即使天无雨 我亦留此地 什么意思 这个出自《万叶集》雷神短歌. 总共两句 隐约雷鸣 阴霾天空 但盼风雨来 能留你在此 隐约雷鸣,阴霾天空,即使天无雨,我亦留此地. 是讲爱情的.第一句是女生的角度,第二句是男生的角度.就是希望对方留下来,对方也有这样的心意的意思. 问题九:纵然和“即使”“虽然”意思是一样的吗? 释意相近 但后两者用法不同 虽然 常与但是相连用 表示承认某事为事实 但另一件事并不因前一件事成立 即使表假设的让步 可以是未完成的事 也可以是与既成事实相反的事情 纵然的意思大抵和即使相同
2023-07-01 01:29:501


大自然的力量the force of nature 即使even though,绝对正确的
2023-07-01 01:29:571


even if/though
2023-07-01 01:30:051


问题一:即,又用英语怎么说 比较通常的有namely,in other words,that is (to say),accordingly 在论文里可以用i.e. 这是拉丁文id est的缩写,是比较正式的“即”的用法 问题二:英文中“即”或者“也就是”怎么说 即 that is;that is to say;namely 也就是说 that is;that is to say;in other words 问题三:即用英语怎么说 namely 但我认为还是i.e.和that is地道 问题四:既又英语怎么说 1. 答案应该是:both...and...,当然也可以说:as well as,not only...but also... either...or...的意思是“或者/要么...,或者/要么...”。 2. 如: 1)He is both tall and strong. = He is tall as well as strong. = He is not only tall but also strong. 他既高又健壮。 2)He is either a teacher or a college student. 他是一个老师或者大学生。 问题五:即开即用的英语怎么说 Open and use. 祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢! 问题六:即使用英文怎么说 即使 [jíshǐ] 1. even 2. even if 3. even though 4. if 即使 〈连〉たとい,たとえ,よしんば,かりに。 即使 [jí shǐ] 1 even;even if;even though 2 即使, 如果 [rú guǒ]: 见“如果”。 3 即使, 纵然 [zòng rán], 哪怕 [nǎ pà], 任凭 [rèn píng]: 它们均为连词, 都可以表示假设让步关系。 “即使”兼用于口语和书面语, 除了同“也”呼应表示假设让步, 还可同“但是”、“却”等配合, 有强调以假设为前提的转折关系的作用和强调没有例外的意思。 4 纵然”是书面语。 5 哪怕”多用于口语, 6 任凭”表示“排除性的条件(无论怎么说)”, 7 即使, 虽然 [suī rán]: 见“虽然”。 问题七:即使英语怎么说 even if 即使(你会怎样),有点将来时的语态 even though即使(你已经怎样),多指已经发生的情况 even if you buy a new one for me, I won"t forgive you 即使你买个新的给我(打算去买),我也不会原谅你的! eve唬 though you buy a new one for me, I won"t forgive you 即使你买了个新的给我(已经买了),我也不会原谅你的! 问题八:中文“既……又……”用英文短语怎么翻译? not only...but also 不但…而且… 1. 不但…而且… He not only read the book but also remembered what he had read. 他不仅读书, 而且记得住他所读过的内容 1.She not only plays well, but also writes music. 她不仅很会演奏,而且还会作曲。 2. Not only did he make a promise, but also he kept it. 他不仅作出了许诺,而且履行了诺言。 3. He not only studies hard but also works well. 他不仅学习努力,而且认真工作。 4. Not only you but also I am planning to go. 不仅有你,而且我也准备去。 5. Laboratory work needs not only accurate measurements but also correct calculation. 实验工作不但需要准确的测量,而且需要准确的计算 as well as 英 [?z wel ?z] 美 [?z w?l ?z] adv. 也,又 既…又…;除…之外(也);此外 1.He was out of sorts physically, as well as disordered mentally. 他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。 2. The opera was an aural as well as a visual delight. 这部歌剧对于听觉和视觉都是一种享受。 3. Bad deeds, as well as good, may rebound upon the doer. 善有善报,恶有恶报。 4. Those drugs are given by injection as well as through the mouth. 那些药品可以注射,也可以口服。 5. He is a paradoxical aesthete as well as a paradoxical moralist. 他是一个矛盾的唯美主义者,同时他更是一个矛盾的道德家。 both and 两个都;既…又… 1.He charged at me with his head down and both fists flying. 他低着头,挥舞双拳朝我冲来。 2. The captain cares the safety of both the crew and the passengers. 船长为船员和旅客们的安全操心。 3. Bill is both a good swimmer and a good cook. 比尔不仅是个游泳好手,而且是个烹调能手。 4. Mental and physical deterioration both occur naturally with age. 随着年龄的增长,心智和体力自然衰退。 5. These habits are both universal among mankind and peculiar to individuals. 这些习惯在全人类中很普遍,而对个人来说又很独特。...>> 问题九:“即日起”英文怎么说 from today 问题十:请教一个问题,急,英语中表达“即:”怎么说 i.e. 表 “即” 是拉丁语 id est 的简写。 例句: It weighs ten 1 bs . , i . e . about 4.5 kg. 它重十磅, 即大约四点五公斤.
2023-07-01 01:30:141


I"ll never beg you even if you succeed.
2023-07-01 01:30:217

即使机会渺茫 用英文怎么说

Although there is little hope
2023-07-01 01:30:363

即使这样用 英语怎么说

即使这样: even so
2023-07-01 01:30:461


Around the corner,yet miles away. I will come again,my love,Tho" it were ten thousand miles.
2023-07-01 01:30:531


2023-07-01 01:31:141


Even if this is true, what is the relationship? "
2023-07-01 01:31:212


"There are things that you can"t do even if you try
2023-07-01 01:31:292


发现自己的问题即使改正.Find your own problems even if you correct them.
2023-07-01 01:31:371


中文:即使这样子了,但是我还是会迟到。英文:Even so, I will still be late.
2023-07-01 01:31:471