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控制在最小范围内 用英文怎么说阿

2023-07-01 13:11:39
TAG: 英文

Control in the minimum range



Although we were able to limit the casualties.


Managing risk, that is, to control the risk to the least extent;


Forging laps are not permitted and inherited seams from bar stock shall beminimized and controlled.


Control it to the minimum

范围 英文怎么说?

范围 fan wei 1.scope; range; ambits
2023-06-30 23:32:286


scope 或者 range
2023-06-30 23:32:442

范围 英文

2023-06-30 23:32:511


2023-06-30 23:33:219


问题一:“数据范围”的“范围”用英语怎么说 如果是一道算法题的话可以使用Constraints 如果是一个数字的范围的话可以使用range。 scope不是指数字的范围,是指活动范围,是不行的。 问题二:活动范围用英语怎么说? range of activity 问题三:“在能力范围内 ”用英语怎么表达 你好! 在能力范围内 In the range of ability 问题四:“参加者范围”用英语怎么说? the range of participants 我们今天才教了这个短语 问题五:急!!!“适用范围”英文怎么说? 看语境 1,商品途 Application scope 2,经销地区 Coverage 3,功能概述 Available range 问题六:能力范围用英语怎么说 capabilities 问题七:控制在最小范围内 用英文怎么说阿 Control in the minimum range ----------------------------- 虽然我们已经把伤亡控制在最小的范围内了。 Although we were able to limit the casualties. 管理风险,即将风险控制在最小的范围内; Managing risk, that is, to control the risk to the least extent; 锻造,研磨是不允许的,并且棒形钢材上的缝隙应该控制在最小范围内。 Forging laps are not permitted and inherited seams from bar stock shall beminimized and controlled. 问题八:在 范围内英文怎么写 在 范围内英文怎么写 ranging from A to B ranging between A and B 问题九:在范围之内的英文怎么说 呵呵,LZ不要这样完全按照字面翻译,会被别人笑话的 地道一点的 我只能买一辆在自己能力范围之内的车。 I could only buy a car which is affordable to me affordable:形容词,表示可以负担得起 问题十:适用范围的英语翻译 适用范围用英语怎么说 适用范围 the extent of application the scope of application the application range
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2023-06-30 23:34:083

经营范围 怎么翻译成英文?

Scope of Business
2023-06-30 23:34:165

在 范围内英文怎么写

范围内Within range
2023-06-30 23:34:502


问题一:营业执照 经营范围 英文翻译 公司类型:有限责ren公司(台gang澳与境内he资) Type of pany: Limited pany (A joint venture run by Tai*wan/Hong*kong/Ma*cau and domestic enterprises) 经营范围:蚕茧收购(仅限分支机构经营),生产销售生丝、丝绸、纺织品、服装及相关副产品。(凡涉及许可证的项目凭许可证在有效期内经营) Businesses: Purchasing silkworm cocoon(managed by branches only), making and selling raw silk, silk, textiles, costumes and related by-products (All business items concerning marketing license shall be traded depending on the later during the expiry date). 用时去掉* 供参 问题二:求营业执照里经营范围的英文翻译 经营范围 :销售针纺织品、日用品、服装鞋帽、摄影器材、音响设备及器材、体育用品、建筑材料、金属材料、五金交电、机械设备、电子产品、计算机软件及辅助设备;技术推广服务;经济贸易咨询(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动)=Business: Sales of textile needles, daily necessities, clothing and footwear, photographic equipment, audio equipment and equipment, sporting goods, building materials, metal materials, hardware, machinery and equipment, electronic products, puter software and ancillary equipment; technical extension services; economic and Trade consulting (legally subject to the approval of the project, after approval of the relevant departments to carry out business activities in accordance with the approved content) 问题三:营业执照经营范围的英语翻译 You: nolicense General operating items:textile raw material(cotton,silk cocoons exception),clothing,shoes,department stores,munication equipment,machinery,electronic products,sales,or self-employedagents various types ofgoods and technology im珐ort andexport business(national panies to limit or prohibit theimport and export of goods and technologies) 问题四:公司经营范围英文翻译,谢谢 General Line of Business: Sales of chemical products (excluding hazardous chemicals), metal hardwares and electrical appliances, daily necessities, costumes, artwares, minerals (excluding coal) and metallic materials; Consulting services on business & trade; puter graphic designs. 问题五:求营业执照经营范围的英语翻译 Science and technology popularization and application services (if you want to know more specific items ,please enter in Guangzhou business subject information public platform .Project is subject to ratification in accordance with the law, the relevant department approval to operate.) 问题六:营业执照经营范围求英文翻译 Scope of Business: For specific scope of business, please visit the mercial subject credit information platform provided by the Guangzhou Municipality for mercial Registration. Any products and services specified in the scope of business, which require examination and approval as stipulated by laws and regulations, cannot be engaged until all required approval documents have been granted. ~~~~~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~~ 原文如下: 经营内容: 具体经营项目,请登陆广州市商事主体信息公示平台查询。 经营范围以审批机关核定的为准,依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动。 问题七:营业执照 经营范围 英文翻译 Scope of business:clothing,textiles,textileraw materials sales,engaged in goodsand technology import and export business,business consulting(exceptbrokers),electronic merce(shall not be engaged invalue-added tele,financial services),design,make various advertisements,using its ownmedia advertising,puter software development,landscape engineering(with licensequalificationmanagement). 问题八:公司经营范围的英文翻译 The sales of beed cattle breeding,SRCF,feed production and sales,feed raw materials purchase,meat and aquatic products import and export,wholesales,and retail aren"t relevent to the produce of the state trading,import and export quota license,export quota bidding,or export licence.The other special regulations of modities are transacted by the relevant provisions 攻f the state. 累死了,供参考~ 问题九:急求关于公司经营范围的英文翻译,谢谢! 中文翻译英文:Sales of engineering machinery and spare parts, construction machinery leasing, maintenance, maintenance (not including lifting equipment) and related consulting. (the country has a special provision for the project to obtain the effective approval of the document or permit operation) 问题十:急!公司经营范围英文翻译 Business Scope: puter hardware and software technology development, technology transfer, technical advisory services; munication products of technology development, technology application, technology transfer and advisory services; puter hardware and software, control munications equipment, instruments and meters, general machinery equipment, electrical equipment, household appliances, air conditioning, furniture, teaching equipment, teaching equipment, automation equipment sales; The development of electronic products, construction machinery and equipment accessories and sales; puter system integration and maintenance services; puter network systems engineering services. (subject to ratification in accordance with the project, the related department approval to operate)
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营业执照 经营范围 英文翻译

Scope of business:clothing,textiles,textileraw materials sales,engaged in goodsand technology import and export business,business consulting(exceptbrokers),electronic commerce(shall not be engaged invalue-added telecom,financial services),design,make various advertisements,using its ownmedia advertising,computer software development,landscape engineering(with licensequalificationmanagement).
2023-06-30 23:35:222


常见行业营业执照经营范围有:1.广告公司经营范围 :设计、制作、代理、发布各类广告,电脑图文设计制作,影视策划,企业形象策划,展览展示设计服务,会务服务,美术设计,动画设计,电脑多媒体领域技术开发,舞台道具租赁,工艺礼品批发、零售。1.advertising business scope: design, production, agency, distribution of all kinds of advertising, computer graphic design, film and Television planning, corporate image planning, exhibition design services, conference services, art design, animation design, computer multimedia technology development, stage props leasing, craft gifts wholesale, retail.2. 国际贸易公司经营范围 :机械设备及配件,汽摩配件,五金交电,电子数码产品,文具,汽车用品,服装面料,毛纺织品,家具,计算机硬件,橡胶制品,化工原料及产品。2. International Trade Company"s business scope: machinery and accessories, automobile and motorcycle accessories, hardware and telecommunications, electronic and digital products, stationery, automobile supplies, garment fabrics, wool textiles, furniture, computer hardware, rubber products, chemical raw materials and products.3. 信息技术公司经营范围 :通讯设备的技术开发、技术咨询、技术服务。机械设备安装,通信设备、电子产品、电脑软硬件的销售。3. Information Technology Company"s business scope: technical development of communication equipment, technical consultation, technical services. Machinery and equipment installation, communications equipment, electronic products, computer hardware and software sales.4. 网络公司经营范围 :计算机领域的技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询和技术服务,网络工程,计算机软件开发、销售、电脑维修服务。4. network company"s business scope: technology development, technology transfer, technology consultation and technical service in computer field, network engineering, computer software development, sales and computer maintenance service.扩展资料:经营范围:1、互联网科技:网络通信科技产品领域内的技术开发、技术咨询、技术转让、技术服务,计算机网络工程,计算机软件开发及维护,计算机辅助设备的安装及维修,电子产品的安装和销售,计算机及相关产品(除计算机信息系统安全专用产品)、办公用品的销售,企业管理咨询(除经纪)。2、医疗器械:健康管理、健康咨询、医疗器械、电子设备、仪器仪表、机电设备及配件等。(企业依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。)3、本地生活:清洁服务;婚庆服务;劳务服务;化粪池清扫;汽车驾驶陪练;开锁服务;物流服务。4、广告文化:组织文化艺术交流活动;文艺创作;体育运动项目经营(高危险性体育项目除外);承办展览展示;婚庆服务;摄影服务;摄像服务;公共关系服务;礼仪服务;模特服务;会议服务;大型活动组织服务;经济信息咨询;婚纱礼服出租;花卉租摆;舞台策划;摄影器材租赁;舞台灯光音响设计;电脑图文设计;电脑动画设计;设计、制作、代理、发布广告。5、游戏:从事互联网文化活动;技术服务、技术转让、技术开发、技术推广、技术咨询;软件开发;电脑动画设计;工艺美术设计;设计、制作、代理、发布广告;基础软件服务;应用软件服务。6、餐饮:餐饮服务。7、金融服务:接受金融机构委托从事金融信息技术外包服务;接受金融机构委托从事金融业务流程外包服务;接受金融机构委托从事金融知识流程外包服务。8、商贸:销售食品、针纺织品、服装、鞋帽、日用品、化妆品、钟表、眼镜、箱包、文化用品、办公用品、体育用品、珠宝首饰、集邮票品、纪念币、工艺美术品、玩具、游艺用品、室内游艺器材、乐器、照相器材、医疗器械(I类);避孕套、避孕帽、化肥、农业用薄膜、化工产品(不含化学危险品)、矿产品、金属材料、农药、 农业机械、自行车、摩托车(不含三轮摩托车)、汽车、汽车摩托车零配件、机械设备、家用电器、计算机软件及辅助设备、通讯设备、电子产品、电气机械、电子元器件、仪器仪表、文化办公用机械、 消防器材、润滑油、健身器材、粮食、新鲜蔬菜、新鲜水果、未经加工的干果及坚果、禽蛋、不再分装的包装种子、饲料、社会公共安全设备。9、电影休闲娱乐:音像制品制作;电子出版物制作;电子出版物复制;广播电视节目制作;电影摄制;电影发行;电影放映;文艺表演;演出经纪。10、职业人才中介:人才信息的收集,归纳与发布;为企业经营提供咨询服务,劳务咨询提供咨询服务,人力资源咨询提供相应服务,为企业策划,改革提供相应服务;专业的人才培训,人才推荐,人才规划,人才派遣,就业指导;劳务派遣,房地产咨询,网络信息咨询,保洁家政咨询等。11、注册进出口公司类公司:自营和代理各类商品和技术的进出口,但国家限定公司经营或禁止进出口的商品和技术除外。12、建筑:施工总承包 专业承包、劳务分包,建筑装饰工程,景观工程,机电设备安装工程,安防工程,土石方工程;建筑装饰材料、环保设备、金属材料、木材及制品、防水材料、机电设备、花卉盆景、水泵阀门、流体控制成套设备及配件的销售。13、旅游:国内旅游业务;入境旅游业务;出境旅游业务。14、教育:教育咨询。参考资料来源:百度百科-营业执照
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问题一:你能告诉我考试范围吗 英语怎么说?【问老师的】 Can you please tell me the focus area for the exam? 问题二:请问 考试范围 用英语怎么说呢? scope of exam 问题三:“考试”用英文怎么说? 2. The final will be a prehensive test.期末考是没有范围的。 有几个关于考试范围的英语值得学一学,像 prehensive 就是指没有范围的考试,通常是考一整本书或是好几本书。一般的博士班资格考就是一种 prehensive test。另外 cumulative test 也常用到,它指的是上次考过的范围这次也要考。例如明明是第二次考试,却包括了新教的东西再加上第一次考试的范围,这就是 cumulative test。你就可以问老师Will you give a cumulative midterm? midterm 就是期中考,期末考就是 final,这算是两个最常用的讲法。你知不知道去哪里找过去的题? 过去的题叫 old exam,或者也可以说 previous exam,past exam。考试还有很多其它的讲法,除了midterm (期中考) 和 final (期末考),test,quiz (测验) 还有 pop quiz ( 随堂测验) 都是考试大家庭的成员。 4. close book, open book, open note.闭卷考还是开卷考? 有一次期中考试有一位同学问教授要怎么考,是 close book,open book 还是 open note。结果那位教授回答的也很妙:Close book, close note, but open-minded. 另外一位教授也挺逗的,他说:Close book, close note, but you can open your eyes!" close book 毫无疑问是闭卷考了,open book就是可以带书去翻的开卷考试,而open note则只能带笔记了。5. Please turn in the tests.请把考卷交上来。 turn in 是交的意思,或是用 hand in 也可以。一般交作业或是交考卷都可以用 turn in。老师返回考卷就叫 return the tests。 例如:The professor will return the tests today.还有值得注意的是,考试卷就叫 tests,可别画蛇添足,说 test sheet 或 exam sheet。 6. The TA is going to explain the test today.助教(Teaching Assistant) 今天会来讲解考题。 explain 就是讲解的意思,所以 explain the test 就是讲解考试题。Explain the homework 就是讲解作业。另外, go over 也有讲解的意思。例如:The professor will go over the test today.7. I bombed the test.我下次要把它考好. 把考试考好在英文里有固定的用法,叫ace the test。 如果你把它说成了I am gonna score high on the test next time.也可以,但是就不够口语化。另外还有一个讲法叫I nailed my test.,这也是考得很好的意思......>> 问题四:“考试科目”用英语怎么说 可以使用: subjects of examination examinational subject test subject 问题五:考试科目用英语怎么说 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试 含金量:全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试是在国家人事部指导下,由中国外文出版发行事业局组织实施与管理。该证书的诱人之处在于与翻译职称挂钩。根据国家人事部有关规定,翻译专业资格(水平)考试已纳入国家职业资格证书制度。翻译和助理翻译专业职务不再通过评审,而是由全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试的二、三级口译和笔译替代。 等级划分:翻译专业资格(水平)考试等级分为:(一)资深翻译;(二)一级口译、笔译翻译;(三)二级口译、笔译翻译;(四)三级口译、笔译翻译。考试合格后,由国家人事部颁发《中华人民共和国翻译专业资格(水平)证书》。 考试时间:全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试试点期间,每年进行一次。上海作为试点城市之一,今年5月29日、30日分别举行口译和笔译考试。翻译专业资格(水平)证书实行定期登记制度,每3年登记一次。有效期满前,持证者应按规定到指定的机构办理再次登记手续,同时需要提供接受继续教育或业务培训的证明。 辅导书:全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试辅导丛书,你的根据自己水平等级和方向,比如口译还是笔译来选择系列丛书中的某一本,都是外文出版社出的。 全国外语翻译证书考试 含金量:全国外语翻译证书考试是教育部考试中心与北京外国语大学合作举办,在全国实施的面向全体公民的非学历证书考试。作为中国首个翻译资格认证考试,如今已被很多翻译从业者和英语爱好者所接受。该考试不是很强调专业化,比较适合于大众人群。 等级划分:该考试分为笔译和口译两大类,考试合格者可分别获得初级笔译证书、中级笔译证书、高级笔译证书;初级口译证书、中级口译证书、高级口译证书。 考试时间:全国外语翻译证书考试初级和中级每年开考两次,5月和10月各举行一次。高级口译和高级笔译仅在每年的5月举行。具体考试时间为5月和10月的第四个周末. 全国外语翻译证书考试教材 上海外语教育出版社 中高级口译资格考试 含金量:中高级口译资格考试是上海市紧缺人才培训工程的高层次项目之一。由于该考试低于10%的通过率,使其在求职领域有“黄金证书”之称。目前杭州、苏州、宁波、南京等地也相继引进了这一考试,从而使其影响扩展到长三角地区。 等级划分:该考试项目1994年启动,1995年6月首次开考英语高级口译,1997年3月开考了英语中级口译,1997年9月开考了日语口译。笔试合格者根据自愿需要,可获得由上海市外语口译岗位资格证书考试委员会印制的《笔试合格证》(属口译考试阶段性证书)。笔试和口试全部合格者可获得由XXXXX上海市委组织部、上海市人事局、上海市教育委员会和上海市成人教育委员会统一印制的《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》。 考试时间:《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》考试每年开考两次。3月中旬和9月中旬的一个周日为综合笔试,合格者可参加口试。 英语口译实战技巧与训练/英语中高级口译资格证书考试用书 大连理工大学出版社 问题六:英语翻译 “考试范围”和“这次考试考察的知识很多(范围很广)” 谢谢 考试范围:scope of exam 这次考试考察的知识很多:It is contains many knowledge points in this exam. 问题七:考试的内容是什么,这个的英文要怎么说.跪求 what"s the content of the examination today 问题八:英语翻译考试相关内容 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试 含金量:全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试是在国家人事部指导下,由中国外文出版发行事业局组织实施与管理。该证书的诱人之处在于与翻译职称挂钩。根据国家人事部有关规定,翻译专业资格(水平)考试已纳入国家职业资格证书制度。翻译和助理翻译专业职务不再通过评审,而是由全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试的二、三级口译和笔译替代。 等级划分:翻译专业资格(水平)考试等级分为:(一)资深翻译;(二)一级口译、笔译翻译;(三)二级口译、笔译翻译;(四)三级口译、笔译翻译。考试合格后,由国家人事部颁发《中华人民共和国翻译专业资格(水平)证书》。 考试时间:全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试试点期间,每年进行一次。上海作为试点城市之一,今年5月29日、30日分别举行口译和笔译考试。翻译专业资格(水平)证书实行定期登记制度,每3年登记一次。有效期满前,持证者应按规定到指定的机构办理再次登记手续,同时需要提供接受继续教育或业务培训的证明。 辅导书:全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试辅导丛书,你的根据自己水平等级和方向,比如口译还是笔译来选择系列丛书中的某一本,都是外文出版社出的。 全国外语翻译证书考试 含金量:全国外语翻译证书考试是教育部考试中心与北京外国语大学合作举办,在全国实施的面向全体公民的非学历证书考试。作为中国首个翻译资格认证考试,如今已被很多翻译从业者和英语爱好者所接受。该考试不是很强调专业化,比较适合于大众人群。 等级划分:该考试分为笔译和口译两大类,考试合格者可分别获得初级笔译证书、中级笔译证书、高级笔译证书;初级口译证书、中级口译证书、高级口译证书。 考试时间:全国外语翻译证书考试初级和中级每年开考两次,5月和10月各举行一次。高级口译和高级笔译仅在每年的5月举行。具体考试时间为5月和10月的第四个周末. 全国外语翻译证书考试教材 上海外语教育出版社 中高级口译资格考试 含金量:中高级口译资格考试是上海市紧缺人才培训工程的高层次项目之一。由于该考试低于10%的通过率,使其在求职领域有“黄金证书”之称。目前杭州、苏州、宁波、南京等地也相继引进了这一考试,从而使其影响扩展到长三角地区。 等级划分:该考试项目1994年启动,1995年6月首次开考英语高级口译,1997年3月开考了英语中级口译,1997年9月开考了日语口译。笔试合格者根据自愿需要,可获得由上海市外语口译岗位资格证书考试委员会印制的《笔试合格证》(属口译考试阶段性证书)。笔试和口试全部合格者可获得由XXXXX上海市委组织部、上海市人事局、上海市教育委员会和上海市成人教育委员会统一印制的《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》。 考试时间:《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》考试每年开考两次。3月中旬和9月中旬的一个周日为综合笔试,合格者可参加口试。 英语口译实战技巧与训练/英语中高级口译资格证书考试用书 大连理工大学出版社 问题九:期末考试英语怎么说 finally examination首先,要学好英语,最关键的是要有兴趣。俗话说:兴趣是最好的老师。教我们英语的是一位 年轻的老师,他讲课很风趣,还总是让我们自己上台讲课,演小品。生动的英语教学,让我对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣。 光有兴趣还不行,我们还得知道如何去学。 先说说背单词吧!对很多同学来说背单词无疑是件很痛苦的事了。我在背单词时,不是按照单词书上的一个一个背下来,这样很容易让人产生厌倦心理,而且很容易忘。我是在每一页抽几个背,就是很随机的。在平时,我们可以制作一些小卡片,把很难记的写在上面,一有空就那出来看一下,或者可以在床头放一些卡片,每天睡觉前看几眼。更有效的就是在睡前和寝室的同学进行猜字竞赛。每次大家互相把当天学的单词猜一遍,这样就记的牢了。当然背单词最重要的是要不间断的进行温习。 同学都很头疼阅读理解,一是时间紧,二是难理解。如果觉得时间紧,那我就教你一招。那就是把每次的练习当作考试,自己限定时间,做不完的就猜。久而久之,你的心中就会有一只无形的闹钟,使你在做题时总有一种紧迫感。练习时间长了,你也就习惯了。 对于理解,我觉得我们应该扩大阅读的范围。我们可以看英文报或杂志。在大一时我看的是中英文对照的《英语沙龙》。以后随着词汇量的增加,我就开始看英文报。我经常看的是上海星报,shanghai star。这份报纸内容覆盖广,且较浅,易懂。在看报纸的时候,我不喜欢逐个字的去查,碰到生词就猜,遇到好的词句,就顺手抄下来。三年下来,这样的小小摘录本我已有好几本了。总之,看英文报,不仅可以摄取更多的知识,而且可以培养语感,练习阅读速度。 听力也是大家头疼的一个问题。提高听力能力,光用听力磁带是不够的。可以采用其他的方法比如我们可以听英语新闻。我常听的是上海990的夜间十一点档播出的live it up shanghai。另一个方法便是去英语角。我是从去年开始上英语角的,在那里一大群的英语爱好者在一起,大家用英语聊天,发表言论。有时也有机会和老外来个亲密接触。多说多听,你的听力和口语的能力就在不知不觉中提高了。
2023-06-30 23:36:031


The management scope provides the automobile to expend the loan, to rent, the economic contract guarantee; The project investment and the management, the investment consultation (including after does not melt the service; Must after the permission management, have to depend on the permit management).
2023-06-30 23:36:143


Started over a century ago , general stores nowadays can be found mainly in *** all towns and rural areas , featuring a wide range of merchandise and more personal services 开始?个世纪以前,现今综合商店大概只能在小市镇与农村地区找到了,其特征是` 商品范围 更广,个人服务更多。 A “ relevant market ” in this law refers to the modity scope or regional area within which the undertakings pete against each other during a certain period of time for specific modities or services ( hereinafter “ modities ” ) 本法所称相关市场,是指经营者在一定时期内就特定商品或者服务(以下统称商品)进行竞争的 商品范围 和地域范围。 Article 2 moftec shall determine upon and readjust from time to time the scope and catalogue of the modities whose export should be put on pcense control and the scope of export pcenses that should be issued by special administrative bodies 第二条外经贸部依照《外贸法》 ,确定、调整出口许可证管理 商品范围 和目录以及发证机关的发证商品范围。 A “ relevant market ” in this law refers to the modity scope and regional area within which the undertakings pete against each other during a certain period of time for specific modities or services ( hereinafter referred to as “ modities ” ) 本法所称相关市场,是指经营者在一定时期内就特定商品或者服务(以下统称商品)进行竞争的 商品范围 和地域范围。 Answer : after the implementation of zero - tariff popcy towards these african countries , we are to study the possibipties of broadening the scope of apppcation of this popcy , taking into account china " s wto mitment and the strength of our domestic market 答:对非零关税政策实施一段时间后,我们将根据非洲有关国家的意见和建议,结合现有政策实施效果、入世有关承诺,以及国内市场承受能力等情况,认真研究进一步扩大受惠 商品范围 的可能性。 4 contributions are intended in the present dissertation : first , h . s for modity is to be regard as more than a technical work ; a plete system of modity categorization for h . s should be estabpshed ; secondly , several fundamental principles about h . s are summarized ; thirdly , h . s is , in this dissertation , a modity categorization governed by the " administrator " and appped to the due administration on a group of modities or a modity category with specific functions or usages . ; last but not the least , h . s , which should be a pure technical issue , bears apparent marks of administration in its apppcation 本文的主要贡献有四点,分别是: 1 、认为商品的协调制度归类不单纯是纯粹技术的工作,而应当建立一个协调制度商品归类的体系; 2 、归纳了协调制度商品归类的几条基本原则; 3 、本文认为协调制度属于“管理者”的商品目录,适于对具有特定功能或用途的一组商品或 商品范围 进行规范的管理; 4 、本文认为单纯的技术性的协调制度归类问题,在使用时具有很强的行政管理色彩。
2023-06-30 23:36:271


超出……的范围的英文:beyond the confine ofbeyond是什么意思:prep. 那一边;在...较远的一边;超过;越过adv. 在远处;在更远处n. 更远处;来世Beyond the scope越出范围 Beyond the seas在国外,在海外Beyond gainsay, it is a genuine Rembrandt.无可否认地,那是真的伦布兰特(的画)。Beyond one"s grasp鞭长莫及His behavior was beyond bearing. 他的行为令人忍无可忍。confine是什么意思:v. 限制;使局限;禁闭;幽禁n. 边缘,范围,区域The accommodation was confined, but neat.这间房舱虽小,但是非常干净。Uncomfortably tight and confining.不适地紧绷的,不适地束缚的 It is beyond the confines of human knowledge.这超出了人类的知识范围。He was confined to bed by illness. 他因病卧床。 This is outside the confines of human knowledge. 这超出了人类知识范畴。
2023-06-30 23:36:361


2023-06-30 23:36:465


超出范围正式英文Out of boundary
2023-06-30 23:37:152

用within 写“超出范围”可以吗?如果不可以那么“超出范围”到底用正规英文怎么说呢

within,表示“在...范围内” 超出范围,可以用out of.(加具体事物) 如out of compass,超出范围
2023-06-30 23:37:331

经营范围 英文翻译

Business Scope: 1 Project management 2 Construction labor services 3 Air-conditioning equipment repair and maintenance 4 Dust purification equipment sales and technical services 5 Machinery and equipment rental 6 Translation services
2023-06-30 23:37:403


Describe in high level terms the proposed system and define the scope of the subsequent sa & d study 以高阶语言描述拟议系统,及为其后进行的系统分析及设计研究 界定范围 。 Describe in sufficient details the proposed system and define the scope of the subsequent implemented system 拟议系统详细描述拟议系统并提供足够的资料,及为其后推行的系统 界定范围 。 Convergence theory of economic growth bees a mon way of regional inequapty *** ysis theory and research methods , but to the central region that is redefined the 然而对重新 界定范围 的中部地区的研究,却鲜见这一理论与方法的应用。 There is not a clear range for the drugs legally , especially the legislation to the new - type drugs lags behind seriously , which has brought the great predicament to the corresponding banning drugs work 在法律上,毒品也没有一个明确的 界定范围 ,尤其是对新型毒品的立法严重滞后,这种立法的缺失给相应的禁毒工作带来了极大的困境。 A review on the information systems strategy of the department was conducted during the year . it redefined the information systems strategy of the department and formulated a five - year information systems strategic plan for the department 过去一年,本局就资讯系统策略进行了覆检,重新 界定范围 及制定资讯系统策略五年计划共12个项目。 First of all , by paring the differences and mons of the definition of the witness in system of civil law , system of mon law and in our country , it concludes that the definition of the witness is similar to that in the system of civil law . as far as the petence of the witness is concerned , the article firstly pares and *** yzes the provisions in o famipes of law , then *** yzes the stipulations about the petence of the witness in our country , and e to the conclusion that the stipulation that unit has the petence of the witness is not scientific and the stipulation that persons of legal incapacity and persons of pmited indisposing capacity can not be really carried out in judicial practice 在证人概念方面,通过比较分析英美法系国家、大陆法系国家和我国对证人概念的定义表述和 界定范围 的异同,得出我国对证人概念的理解与大陆法系国家相似的结论;在证人资格方面,首先对两大法系国家的证人资格规定进行了比较和研究,然后又对我国有关证人资格的规定进行了分析,并提出自己的观点,即单位具有证人资格的规定不科学,无行为能力人、限制行为能力人作为证人的规定在实践中可能不会得到真正贯彻。
2023-06-30 23:38:041

营业执照 经营范围 英文翻译

公司类型:有限责ren公司(台gang澳与境内he资)Type of Company: Limited Company (A joint venture run by Tai*wan/Hong*kong/Ma*cau and domestic enterprises)经营范围:蚕茧收购(仅限分支机构经营),生产销售生丝、丝绸、纺织品、服装及相关副产品。(凡涉及许可证的项目凭许可证在有效期内经营)Businesses: Purchasing silkworm cocoon(managed by branches only), making and selling raw silk, silk, textiles, costumes and related by-products (All business items concerning marketing license shall be traded depending on the later during the expiry date).用时去掉*供参
2023-06-30 23:38:133


Sales of organic compound of beef cattle breeding, and the production and sales of feed and feed raw material purchase, Meat and aquatic products import and export, wholesale and retail of import and export of goods (not involving the state-run trade, import and export quota and license and quota bidding, the export license, and other commodities such as special provisions management commodity in accordance with relevant state regulations).
2023-06-30 23:38:284


General Line of Business: Sales of chemical products (excluding hazardous chemicals), metal hardwares and electrical appliances, daily necessities, costumes, artwares, minerals (excluding coal) and metallic materials; Consulting services on business & trade; Computer graphic designs.
2023-06-30 23:38:442


The approved domestic air passenger and cargo transport business; aviation maintenance and services; air travel; Air Catering; machine supplies; aviation equipment; aviation ground equipment and spare parts production; Terminal Services and operated by the Hainan Province of origin to Southeast Asia and surrounding countries and regions of regular and irregular passenger and cargo air transport operations. Shareholders (promoter): the domestic legal person shares (A shares), the public shares, foreign stocks, domestic promoter shares, employee shares.
2023-06-30 23:38:582


The transportation by sea, land, and air import and export goods, international exhibits, personal items and transit goods international transport agency business, including: seek goods, baggage, booking space, warehousing and storage, transfer, container FCL and box, settlement for incidental expenses, customs clearance, commodity inspection, quarantine, insurance, correlative short-distance transportation service and consulting business of transportation; Road general cargo transport; The non-vessel shipping. Chemicals (dangerous chemicals limited license, specialty chemicals, scope of precursor chemicals except) wholesale, import and export, a commission agent (auction except) and related business. (does not involve the state-run trade management products, involving quota or license management of goods, according to the state"s relevant regulations apply for) (relating to the administrative licensing with permits to operate)
2023-06-30 23:39:123


Self-agent addition to national and unified joint ventures and exports 16 countries approved for the company to operate 14 to Commodities other than goods and technology import and export businesses. launch processing and feed "three - to a" business; business-to-back, Re-exports, and contract various projects abroad, foreign send engineering and production services, according to the relevant state regulations in the country (Habitat), held outside enterprises; export goods acquisition, transfer, storage and transportation business, advisory services, Sales of industrial production (special provisions related to the above except)
2023-06-30 23:39:272

营业执照经营范围 英文翻译

Operating range: project investment, enterprise marketing planning, business information consulting, financial information consulting, investment information consultation; Import and export of goods. (the above business scopes contains no national laws and regulations and the state council decided to need to pre-approval or licensed projects)
2023-06-30 23:39:552


2023-06-30 23:40:136


business range/scale
2023-06-30 23:40:282

适用范围 用英语怎么说

2023-06-30 23:40:368

英语physical extent怎么翻译?

“physical extent”的英语翻译为“物理范围”。
2023-06-30 23:40:5211


Scope of business license
2023-06-30 23:41:187

英语的使用范围 国际通用语言之一

1、英语的使用范围非常广泛。世界上70%以上的邮件是用英文写或用英文写地址的。全世界科技出版物 70% 以上用英语发表。全世界的广播节目中,有60%是用英语进行的。绝大部分的国际会议是以英语为第一通用语言(90% 以上的国际会议用英语召开),它也是联合国的正式工作语言之一。 2、英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言之一,也是世界上最广泛使用的语言。据1986年的统计,世界上以英语为母语的人近4亿,差不多每十个人中就有一个人讲英语。
2023-06-30 23:41:571

营业执照 经营范围 英文翻译

翻译如下:Business scope: garment processing and marketing: for the record within the scope of import and export of goods (prohibited by laws, administrative regulations, the state council decided to regulations except project, subject to operating permit, entry permit to operate) (subject to ratification in accordance with the project, the relevant part of the approval to operate)
2023-06-30 23:42:272


specially-permitted commodities:noneaverage commodities;textiles(except cotton and silk),clothing,shoes &hats,groceries,communication tools,machines,electronics,other cargos for import and export(except those restricted or prohibited for sale under state laws)
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1 range from 表范围 2 limit表示限制
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2023-06-30 23:43:201


Computer hardware and software, common mechanical and electrical products, environmental protection equipment research and development, sales and maintenance; The photographic equipment sales and maintenance; Business information consulting; Agricultural product research and development, grow; Photographic materials, style and office supplies, jewelry, handicraft, cosmetics, electronic products, household appliances, metal materials, labor insurance supplies, plastic products, medical devices (three) sales. (the state have special provisions of the project after examination and approval by the approved business license within the time limit)
2023-06-30 23:43:283


Mechanical and electrical products, packaging materials, auto parts, building materials, department stores, wujinjiaodian, electronic products, textile raw materials and accessories (except cotton), needles textiles, chemical raw materials and products (except dangerous goods), metal materials, mineral products (except special approval), mechanical equipment, handicrafts, computer and accessories, wood, refrigeration equipment, instruments and meters, decorative materials sales, indoor decoration, corporate image planning, morning consultation, poisonous chemicals: potassium cyanide to gold, silver potassium cyanide, corrosive: potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide sales (limited branch operation), (involving the licensed business operating permits).
2023-06-30 23:43:473


经营范围的英文是scope of business经营范围是指国家允许企业生产和经营的商品类别、品种及服务项目,反映企业业务活动的内容和生产经营方向,是企业业务活动范围的法律界限,体现企业民事权利能力和行为能力的核心内容。简单来说,经营范围是指企业可以从事的生产经营与服务项目,是进行公司注册申请时的必填项。《民法通则》规定,“企业法人应当在核准登记的经营范围内从事经营。”这就从法律上规定了企业法人经营活动的范围。经营范围一经核准登记,企业就具有了在这个范围内的权利能力,企业同时承担不得超越范围经营的义务,一旦超越,不仅不受法律保护,而且要受到处罚。核定的企业经营范围是区分企业合法经营与非法经营的法律界限。扩展资料:根据《公司法》的规定,对企业的经营范围有以下要求:1.企业的经营范围由公司章程规定,不能超越章程规定的经营范围申请登记注册。2.企业的经营范围必须进行依法登记,也就是说,企业的经营范围以登记注册机关核准的为准。企业应当在登记机关核准的经营范围内从事经营活动。3.企业的经营范围中属于法律、行政法规限制的项目,在进行登记之前,必须依法经过批准。参考资料来源:百度百科—经营范围
2023-06-30 23:44:021


examination scope
2023-06-30 23:44:181


适用范围的英语翻译 适用范围用英语怎么说 适用范围 the extent of application the scope of application the application range适用范围 这个词用英语怎么说? scope of application appli耽ation scope applicable range 都可以的
2023-06-30 23:44:251


问题一:营业执照 经营范围 英文翻译 公司类型:有限责ren公司(台gang澳与境内he资) Type of pany: Limited pany (A joint venture run by Tai*wan/Hong*kong/Ma*cau and domestic enterprises) 经营范围:蚕茧收购(仅限分支机构经营),生产销售生丝、丝绸、纺织品、服装及相关副产品。(凡涉及许可证的项目凭许可证在有效期内经营) Businesses: Purchasing silkworm cocoon(managed by branches only), making and selling raw silk, silk, textiles, costumes and related by-products (All business items concerning marketing license shall be traded depending on the later during the expiry date). 用时去掉* 供参 问题二:求营业执照里经营范围的英文翻译 经营范围 :销售针纺织品、日用品、服装鞋帽、摄影器材、音响设备及器材、体育用品、建筑材料、金属材料、五金交电、机械设备、电子产品、计算机软件及辅助设备;技术推广服务;经济贸易咨询(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动)=Business: Sales of textile needles, daily necessities, clothing and footwear, photographic equipment, audio equipment and equipment, sporting goods, building materials, metal materials, hardware, machinery and equipment, electronic products, puter software and ancillary equipment; technical extension services; economic and Trade consulting (legally subject to the approval of the project, after approval of the relevant departments to carry out business activities in accordance with the approved content) 问题三:营业执照经营范围的英语翻译 You: nolicense General operating items:textile raw material(cotton,silk cocoons exception),clothing,shoes,department stores,munication equipment,machinery,electronic products,sales,or self-employedagents various types ofgoods and technology im珐ort andexport business(national panies to limit or prohibit theimport and export of goods and technologies) 问题四:公司经营范围英文翻译,谢谢 General Line of Business: Sales of chemical products (excluding hazardous chemicals), metal hardwares and electrical appliances, daily necessities, costumes, artwares, minerals (excluding coal) and metallic materials; Consulting services on business & trade; puter graphic designs. 问题五:一般经营项目用英语怎么讲啊 General Business 问题六:急求关于公司经营范围的英文翻译,谢谢! 中文翻译英文:Sales of engineering machinery and spare parts, construction machinery leasing, maintenance, maintenance (not including lifting equipment) and related consulting. (the country has a special provision for the project to obtain the effective approval of the document or permit operation) 问题七:求营业执照经营范围的英语翻译 Science and technology popularization and application services (if you want to know more specific items ,please enter in Guangzhou business subject information public platform .Project is subject to ratification in accordance with the law, the relevant department approval to operate.) 问题八:营业执照经营范围求英文翻译 Scope of Business: For specific scope of business, please visit the mercial subject credit information platform provided by the Guangzhou Municipality for mercial Registration. Any products and services specified in the scope of business, which require examination and approval as stipulated by laws and regulations, cannot be engaged until all required approval documents have been granted. ~~~~~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~~ 原文如下: 经营内容: 具体经营项目,请登陆广州市商事主体信息公示平台查询。 经营范围以审批机关核定的为准,依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动。
2023-06-30 23:44:321


cover the area of覆盖多少就写多少
2023-06-30 23:44:503


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2023-06-30 23:45:201


Expanded customer scope
2023-06-30 23:45:294

超出 的范围的英文怎么说

ch, Spanish and German. Ashore, he makes
2023-06-30 23:45:363

范围广泛 英文怎么说

have a wide range of
2023-06-30 23:45:431