of them all中 them是中心词,all是限定范围的形容词(可以说这儿的定语后置了吧)of介词就不解释了 如例:在他们之中小明最聪明.(of them all Xiao Ming is the most clever one)
而all of them 则是all的中心词 of them 只是介词短语做的定语(也可以叫后置吧) 如例:(之中)所有人都是学生(all of them are students.)
表语形容词就是只能做表语(跟在系动词后面的叫表语)的形容词如asleep,只能说He is asleep.(asleep这个位置是表语)而不能用the asleep baby.(这个位置是定语)非要说睡着了的婴儿只能用the sleeped baby
of them all中 them是中心词,all是限定范围的形容词(可以说这儿的定语后置了吧)of介词就不解释了 如例:在他们之中小明最聪明.(of them all Xiao Ming is the most clever one)
而all of them 则是all的中心词 of them 只是介词短语做的定语(也可以叫后置吧) 如例:(之中)所有人都是学生(all of them are students.)
表语形容词就是只能做表语(跟在系动词后面的叫表语)的形容词如asleep,只能说He is asleep.(asleep这个位置是表语)而不能用the asleep baby.(这个位置是定语)非要说睡着了的婴儿只能用the sleeped baby
they all和all of them的区别
they all want to driveI can drive better than all of them2023-06-30 15:39:182
All of them怎么翻译
他们都2023-06-30 15:39:525
All of them 是什么意思?
是所有的人2023-06-30 15:40:066
All of them是什么意思?我还小不懂,不过书上出现了!所以我就来提问了。。
他们全都。。。2023-06-30 15:40:315
all of them 用单数还是复数
all of them是指他们所有人,应用动词的复数形式。另外all of后面可以跟其他人称代词的宾格形式,us和you,all of us和all of you分别表示“我们所有人”,“你们所有人”。 all of them具体使用 (1)On hearing the news all of them were trembling with fear. 听到消息他们无不战战兢兢。 (2)All of them had run afoul of the law at some time or other. 他们所有人都曾触犯过法律。 (3)All of them were French possessions at one time or another. 它们都曾是法国的领地。 (4)All of them are students. 他们全部是学生。 (5)All of them are members of the women"s volleyball team. 她们都是女子排球队队员。 all of us具体使用 (1)I think all of us need to rethink our attitudes toward health and sickness. 我想我们都需要反思自己对待健康和疾病的态度。 (2)All of us joined lustily in the chorus. 我们全都劲头十足地加入了合唱。 (3)All of us felt like social outcasts. 我们都觉得自己像是社会的弃儿。 (4)All of us are busy over our work and nobody is idle. 我们现在都正忙着,一个闲人也没有。 (5)All of us will struggle fairly hard to survive if we are in danger 所有人在身处险境时都会努力地要保住性命。 all of you具体使用 (1)All of you have been faced with the extra cookie. 你们都面对着那块多出来的饼干。 (2)All of you seem to have gone through hell making this record 为了制作这张唱片你们大家似乎都经历了重重波折。 (3)So now, let me and all of you think again, do we really have "No Life"? 所以现在,让我们大家再一起来思考一下,我们过的真的是“没有生命”吗?2023-06-30 15:40:461
all of them 后面是用is 还是are?
ARE2023-06-30 15:40:5511
①each of them…②all of them…译:他们每人都……例句:Each of them likes pop music.译:他们每人都喜欢流行音乐。All of them are from China.译:他们每人都来自中国。2023-06-30 15:41:353
all/some/none/any of them的区别
1.【all,some,any,most用作主语】时,指一个人或一件事物时,用单数形式;指两个或多个人或事物时用复数形式。谓语动词的单复数根据其表达的意思用单数或复数形式。eg1:All(指事情,单数意思) is good and all(指人,表达复数意义) are there.eg2:I don"t think any is done.我认为不是全部都完成了。eg3:I don"t think any of them have liked her.他们中没有人喜欢她。eg4:Most of the teacher was good but most were the best.2. 【each of + 复数名词】的结构谓语动词要求用单数形式,而“复数名词+ each”结构的谓语动词要求用复数形式。eg2:Each of the books(每一本书) was destroyed by Jill.eg:They each(他们每个人) have a chance of eating out.3. 【every与everyone 】的结构中,常常要求谓语动词用单数形式;而【either】的结构中,语法谓语动词一般要求用单数形式,如果在一些非正式文体中,【either of +复数名词/代词”】 结构中,谓语动词要用复数形式。eg1:Either teacher(任何一位老师) is perfect.eg2:Either of us(我们中任何一人) are/is enough to study well.4. 【Many 之后】一般情况下谓语要用复数形式,如果在many"s (was) the time/thing…(that)…这种固定结构中时,谓语动词应用单数形式。eg1:Many"s the time (很多次)(that) I"ve watsed.eg2:Many was the time(很多次) I played in that park.5. 【neither,none 】结构中,谓语动词可用单数或复数形式。eg1:Neither of the boys is /are handsome.eg2:None of us know / knows for nothing.6. 【疑问代词what作主语】时,谓语动词与其句中意思的表达数量保持一致。当谈话人不确定what的表达是单数或不强调单复数意思时,谓语要用单数形式。eg1:What"s in the dest?桌上里面是什么?eg2:What are on the box? 盒子上是些什么?eg3:What"s in the box? 盒子里是什么?2023-06-30 15:41:431
all of them :all of which:all of whom 的区别?
all of them 可以作为主语,指所有的XXX,这个them所指的对象前文中已经提到的,可以指人、事物等等,举个简单的例子:We have ten people in the room; all of them are girls. 其中all of them are girls也可单独成句. all of which和all of whom 都只能引导从句,进行补充说明,不可置于句首.但which指事情或者物,whom指人.例句: 1、The vases on display are highly valuable, all of which were made in China.这句也可以拆分成两句The vases on display are highly valuable. All of the vases(them) were made in China. 2、The students are hard-working, all of whom wish to enter top universities. 这句可拆分为The students are hard-working. All of the students(them) wish to enter top universities.,2,The slaves worked hard in the cotton field, all of whom had sweat on their faces. all of whom had sweat on their faces是非限定性定语从句,进行补充说明。 可以改成and all of them,这样就变成两个并列句而不是主从复合句了 all of which也一样,只不过是用来指物,1,这是all of接不定代词,可以从自面意思区别接them,他们中的所有人或者是物,只能用在主语位置。接which表示哪一个人或是哪一个物的什么,表忒指,可表主语也可表宾语。接whom表宾格谁的所有全部,也表忒指,但只能用在宾格和宾语补足语。,0,all of them :all of which:all of whom 的区别 最好详细点 能不能给些例句2023-06-30 15:42:351
all of them most of them some of them哪个正确?
都正确。All of them have passed this English exam. 他们中的所有人都通过了这次的英语考试。Most of them have passed this English exam.Some of them have passed this English exam.2023-06-30 15:42:412
all of them和who,怎么区别?
who特殊疑问词,可单独领导问句,代指名词人;在复合句中,who可领导宾语从句,表语从句,定语从句. all of them名词短语,在句子中做主语,宾语;不是关联词,没法连接复合句中的主句和从句,若要做关联词,需要改成all of whom2023-06-30 15:42:591
they all和all of them的区别
allofwhich意思是这些书中无论哪一个(常在后面跟否定词)allofthem意思是所有的这些书(用于肯定语句)下面的道理是一样的2023-06-30 15:43:084
All of them clean the room这句话为什么把all of放在前面?
All of them clean the room.同义句是 They all clean the room.他们都打扫房间。2023-06-30 15:43:152
请问all of them和of them all有什么区别?
allofwhich意思是这些书中无论哪一个(常在后面跟否定词)allofthem意思是所有的这些书(用于肯定语句)下面的道理是一样的2023-06-30 15:43:302
这两句英语句尾的 all/both 能写成 all of them / both of them吗? It is hard to please all.
可以的,不过不改完全能够表达清楚。2023-06-30 15:43:5413
all of them :all of which:all of whom 的区别
all of them 可以作为主语,指所有的XXX,这个them所指的对象前文中已经提到的,可以指人、事物等等,举个简单的例子:We have ten people in the room; all of them are girls. 其中all of them are girls也可单独成句。all of which和all of whom 都只能引导从句,进行补充说明,不可置于句首。但which指事情或者物,whom指人。例句: 1、The vases on display are highly valuable, all of which were made in China.这句也可以拆分成两句The vases on display are highly valuable. All of the vases(them) were made in China.2、The students are hard-working, all of whom wish to enter top universities. 这句可拆分为The students are hard-working. All of the students(them) wish to enter top universities.2023-06-30 15:44:253
all of them 和all of which的区别
落日太美说的对!2023-06-30 15:44:323
傻问题:all of them另外一种说法是all them还是them al 啊?
应该是they all和they both吧,在all of them中them作介词宾语,所以用宾格,而在they all中就是主格啊2023-06-30 15:44:401
All of they还是All of them are my friends.
必须是:Allofthemaremyfriends.这里的主语是Allofthem,of是介词,后面应该跟宾格形式.2023-06-30 15:44:471
all of them 用单数还是复数
none of them……单数 both of them……复数 neither of them……单数 all of them……复数2023-06-30 15:45:071
each of them 和 all of them 的区别?
"each of them"是指他们中的每一个,谓语也相应的用单数"all of them"是指他们中的所有,谓语则相应的用复数them不一定指人,也可能指物2023-06-30 15:45:201
请问all of which和all of them的区别
allofwhich意思是这些书中无论哪一个(常在后面跟否定词)allofthem意思是所有的这些书(用于肯定语句)下面的道理是一样的2023-06-30 15:46:282
all of them :all of which:all of whom 的区别
这是allof接不定代词,可以从自面意思区别接them,他们中的所有人或者是物,只能用在主语位置。接which表示哪一个人或是哪一个物的什么,表忒指,可表主语也可表宾语。接whom表宾格谁的所有全部,也表忒指,但只能用在宾格和宾语补足语。2023-06-30 15:46:351
all of them做主语
Not all of them在英语句子中作主语时,那它是个复数.比如:Not all of them are hard-working students.2023-06-30 15:46:431
I did not like ____of them
在这个句子中,not all 表示并非所有都喜欢not either 表示两个中任何一个都不喜欢not any 表示三个或三个以上的任何一个都不喜欢2023-06-30 15:46:502
英语 all of 、all的区别
不要把英语学成死东西,就是很自然的表达,of就是“的”的意思实际运用表示所有的意思,用不用都是可以的。意思都说的通。第一句没错,但表达太累,第二句意思不合逻辑,意思是病句,不是of的问题。2023-06-30 15:46:583
but all of them
all of which 意思是这些书中无论哪一个( 常在后面跟否定词 ) all of them 意思是所有的这些书(用于肯定语句) 下面的道理是一样的2023-06-30 15:47:041
all of them,none of them...
第一个 are 第二个 is都不可数2023-06-30 15:47:263
all of them 后跟三单还是复数形式
eachofthem作主语时,中心词是each,是单数形式,所以后面的为主动词也要用第三人称单数形式希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼o(∩_∩)o有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*)2023-06-30 15:47:331
with regard to the welfare of the An2023-06-30 15:47:422
介词短语不同。allofthem中,代词all用了介词短语的ofthem做了其后置定语;而ofthemall则是一个介词短语,修饰of前面的名词或代词,其中的all是them的同位语。2023-06-30 15:47:491
Both of them 与 all of them要如何区分
Both用于两者都,All用于三者及以上都2023-06-30 15:48:001
All of them ____ palying the piano A.is B.are C./
are all of修饰三者以上人数 后面的be动词用复数形式祝学习进步 如有帮助、请及时采纳!谢谢!2023-06-30 15:48:073
all of them are having a picnic句子结构分析?
您好,本句话是主谓宾结构,其中主语是all of them,复合谓语are having,宾语是a picnic。2023-06-30 15:48:151
All of them are us to their new friends 对吗?
All of us are their new friends. 我们全部都是他们的新朋友。2023-06-30 15:48:303
all of them和all they的区别
前者是他们中的所有人,强调个体后者是他们所有人,强调整体2023-06-30 15:48:381
all of them :all of which:all of whom 的区别
一般用于定语从句中,在定语从句中有区别 all of them 可以作为主语,指所有的XXX,这个them所指的对象前文中已经提到的,可以指人、事物等等,举个简单的例子:We have ten people in the room; all of them are girls.其中all of them are girls也可单独成句. all of which和all of whom 都只能引导从句,进行补充说明,不可置于句首.但which指事情或者物,whom指人.例句: 1、The vases on display are highly valuable,all of which were made in China.这句也可以拆分成两句The vases on display are highly valuable.All of the vases(them) were made in China. 2、The students are hard-working,all of whom wish to enter top universities.这句可拆分为The students are hard-working.All of the students(them) wish to enter top universities2023-06-30 15:49:121
大神头疼,2023-06-30 15:49:223
all of them的用法
all of which作定语,而and后不跟定语,all of them可作主宾表2023-06-30 15:49:301
of them all 和 all of them区别
表示的范围不一样,比如这里有n个人theyall表示其中一些人(不一定是全部n个人,只要超过两个都可以用they表示)都.....allofthem表示所有这n个人都....第一题选c,两个都可以第二题选b,因为选a,all和are的位置不对2023-06-30 15:49:361
of them all 和 all of them区别
1.of them all是形容词性短语,all of them 是名词性短语。2.语法是什么?____欧美人说话的方式。3.定语形容词前置,表语形容词后置——这就是语法,还怎么解释?除此之外短语和从句做形容词时都后置。2023-06-30 15:49:442
指他们当中的所有人都能按时完成作业,因此用all of them2023-06-30 15:49:532
请问all of which和all of them的区别
all of which 意思是这些书中无论哪一个( 常在后面跟否定词 )all of them 意思是所有的这些书(用于肯定语句)下面的道理是一样的2023-06-30 15:50:241
all of them 等于什么
应该是they all和they both吧,在all of them中them作介词宾语,所以用宾格,而在they all中就是主格啊2023-06-30 15:50:421
all of them are in nice boxes,为什么是them
1,用复数,想表示不至一个; 2,用宾格,因为是介词of的宾语. 翻译:它们全部在很好的盒子中.2023-06-30 15:50:491
all of后面的谓语动词用什么呢?
1)不定代词有 肯定:all ,both,every,each,much,many,another,other,some,something,everything,somebody,someone,everybody,everyone. 否定either,neither,more,little,few,any ,anything,anybody,anyone,nothing ,nobody,no one,none,等. 2) 不定代词的功能与用法 a.除every 和no外不定代词既可用作名词,也可用作形容词.every和no在句中只能作定语. I have no idea about it. b.all 都,指三者以上. all of them/us,肯定是三者以上,这就要用复数,就算是not all of us(不完全否定)也用复数谓语形式. 3) both 都,指两者. both of them/us 为复数,所以谓语动词也要用复数. 4) either 两者都不 neither作主语时,谓语动词用单数. Neither of them/us has passed the exam. 基本上可以这样总结: 不定代词+ of+名词的结构中, 1)如果名词为可数名词,表示肯定或者不完全否定,那么谓语动词要用复数. 2)若名词为不可数名词或者不定代词为否定式的那么谓语要用单数.2023-06-30 15:50:551
most of them的翻译是什么?
"Most of them" 的翻译是 "他们中的大多数"。2023-06-30 15:51:031
是all of them are 还是 all of they are
all of them are of 介词 后面要宾语. 比如说 all of us 就是我们所有人, 因为是复数 所以be动词用are. 懂了么,LZ.2023-06-30 15:51:181
all of them are not here
三者以上的否定用none,所以此句的全部否定用none.用all .not 只是部分否定. both 只能指两者.而 “两个都不” 才用neither. 楼主的句子:All of them are not here means some of them are not here.正是解释all.not是部分否定的意思,即:All of them are not here 就是指some of them are not here2023-06-30 15:51:261
both of them 后面跟is还是are?
both of them后面跟are,因为both of them的意思是他们俩,指复数意义,用are。none of them应用单数。both of them应用复数。neither of them应用单数。all of them应用复数。一般方法1、元音字母和大多数除s,z,x,sh,ch之外的辅音字母(或字母组合)直接加-s,清辅音后的s读作/s/,元音和浊辅音后的s读作/z/。如:bag-bags,biscuit-biscuits,egg-eggs。2、当单数名词结尾为se,ze,ge,ce时(其词尾辅音为/s,z,u0283,u0292/等),加s后读作/iz/,如vase-vases,fridge-fridges。3、当单数名词结尾为s,z,x,sh,软音ch时(其词尾辅音为/s,z,u0283,u0292/等)加-es(读/iz/),如:box-boxes,peach-peaches。2023-06-30 15:51:491