其实你说的suggest sb. do sth应该是suggest (that) sb. do sth. …吧…我知道建议某事直接是suggest sth ,如果向某人提建议某事则是suggest sth (to sb)。
这个词主要有三点要注意。一,它的正常运用。I suggest (that) we go out to eat. (宾语从句的that不充当成分,可省略)。二,虚拟语气在宾语从句中的运用。当suggest作“建议,提议”讲而又表示与现实相反或难以实现时,后面的从句用虚拟语气,即suggest that+(should) do…(should可省略)。如:We suggested that we (should) have a meeting.注:当suggest作“表明”讲时,后面不用虚拟语气。如:All the evidence suggests (that) he stole the money.(所有证据都表明是他偷了钱)。
值得说的是,注意若that省略了不太容易看出句子结构,很多人就以为suggest sb do是个固定形式,这样记也没什么不可,但记得that 和should通常被隐藏起来的,最主要的是…sb.不是宾格,而是主格,做that引导的后面的从句的主语的…像上面的he千万别写成him就是了。
类似的词有desire insist order request require advice demand等等…
最后,建议做某事:suggest doing sth是固定格式(注意中间没有sb)。I suggested going in my car.我建议坐我的车去。
suggest sb 后面接什么
suggest sb后面接doing。英语习惯上不能说suggest sb to do sth,而应该说suggest sb doing sth。也就是说,suggest后不仅不接不定式,而且也不接不定式的复合结构。例如:l suggest asking her advice. 我建议问一下她的想法。suggest虚拟语气用法:1、suggest表示提出建议:若suggest表示“建议”,后接从句所表示的内容为建议要做的事情,也就是说从句所描述的内容尚未成为事实,此时从句谓语要用虚拟语气,即谓语采用“should+动词原形”,其中的should在美国英语中通常被省略。如: suggest that we (should) have lunch now. 我建议我们现在吃午饭。He suggested that she (should) come another day. 他建议她改天再来。2、suggest表示陈述事实:若宾语从句的内容表示的是已经存在的真实情况,则用陈述语气,此是suggest的意思是“暗示"“表明”“指出”“提出(看法)”等。如:His smile suggested that he was satisfied. 他的微笑表明他是满意的。2023-06-26 07:25:451
suggest sb to do还是doing suggest的其他用法
1、没有suggest sb to do这种说法,所以是:suggest doing sth. 建议做某事,接动名词作宾语。 2、suggest的其他用法:可接名词作宾语,suggest sth 建议某事 【例句】She suggested an early start.(她建议早一点出发。) 3、可接that 宾语从句,that从句用should+动词原形,其中的should 可以省略,suggest +(that )+主语+(should) do+sth。 【例句】He suggested that you should go there tomorrow.(他建议你明天应该过去。) 4、在主语从句It is suggested that... 及名词suggestion 后面表示具体建议的表语从句、同位语从句都应用should+动词原形,should可以省略。 【例句】It was suggested that we (should) give a performance at the party. (人们建议我们在晚会上表演节目。)2023-06-26 07:26:371
suggest什么时候加to do,什么时候加doing
建议是用todo暗示是用doing2023-06-26 07:26:486
suggest sb todo与suggest sb doing有什么区别?
To do是去做,doing是做过2023-06-26 07:27:042
suggest sb do sth 对吗
suggest的搭配是suggest sb to do sth. 你的题目中提到的所谓“suggest sb do sth” 实际上“suggest (that) sb (should) do sth”, 这是虚拟语气的用法,其中括号中的词可以被省略掉。 总而言之,你的提法是正确的。2023-06-26 07:27:181
suggest sb to do sth 还是suggest sb doing sth ?那个短语是正确的?
suggest sth. to sb.suggest doing sth.2023-06-26 07:27:374
suggest sb to do 对么?
不对 +doing1)名词、代词或动名词;suggest sb doing sth 2)疑问词引导的不定式或宾语从句;suggest what to do/ what we should do 3)that引导的宾语从句:当做建议的意思讲时,后面所接的从句要用虚拟语气形式. 动词suggest有如下一些用法: 一、有"建议"的意思.advise,propose也有此义,请比较它们用法的异同: 1)都可接名词作宾语 Shesuggested/advised/proposedanearlystart.她建议早一点出发. Wesuggested/advised/proposedavisittothemuseumthenextday.我们建议明天去参观博物馆. 2)都可接动名词作宾语 Isuggested/advised/proposedputtingoffthesportsmeet.我建议将运动会延期. Theysuggested/advised/proposedwaitinguntilthepropertime.他们建议(我们)等到恰当的时机才行动. 3)都可接that宾语从句,that从句用should+动词原形,should可以省略. Shesuggested/advised/proposedthattheclassmeeting(should)notbeheldonSaturday.她建议班会不要在星期六举行. Wesuggested/advised/proposedthathe(should)goandmakeanapologytohisteacher.我们建议他去向老师道歉. 4)advise可接动词不定式复合宾语,propose可接不定式作宾语. Iadvisedhimtogiveupthefoolishidea.=Isuggested/proposedhis/himgivingupthefoolishidea.我建议他放弃那愚蠢的念头.(suggest和propose在口语里可接动名词的复合宾语). Weproposedtostartearly.=Weproposedstartingearly.我们建议早一点出发.(接不定式不用suggest和advise) 二、有"提出"的意思.如: Hesuggestedadifferentplantohisboss.他向老板提出了一个不同的计划. XiaoWangsuggestedawaytosolvetheproblem.小王提出了一个解决这个问题的办法. 三、有"暗示、表明"的意思.其主语往往是事物,而不是人. 1)接名词或动名词作宾语. Thesimplehousesuggestedamodestincome.这座简朴的房子表明(房主的)收入并不高. Herpalefacesuggestedbadhealth.她脸色苍白,看来身体不好. Thethoughtofsummersuggestsswimming.一想到夏天就使人们联想到游泳. 2)接宾语从句,从句用陈述语气.如: Thedecisionsuggestedthathemightbringhisfamily.这个决定表明他可以把家属带来. Theexpressiononhisfacesuggestedthathewasveryangry.他脸上的表情表明他很生气.2023-06-26 07:27:461
suggest sb to do和suggest doing有什么区别吗
没有suggestsbtodo用法。suggest重要用法有下面两种。1.suggest+doingsth例句Hesuggestedgoingoutforawalk.注意:suggest不可以加不定式,所以上面的句子不可以这样写:Hesuggestedtogooutforawalk.(Χ)2.suggest+(that)+主语+(should)do+sth其中的should可以省略例句Hesuggestedthatyoushouldgotheretomorrow.=Hesuggestedyougotheretomorrow.注意,不可以这样说:Hesuggestedyoutogotheretomorrow.2023-06-26 07:28:012
suggest sb doing sth还是suggest sb to do sth还是suggest sb do sth
suggest doingsuggest sb to do suggest that sb (should) do2023-06-26 07:28:105
suggest sb to do有错吗?
英语一般不能这样用,英语通常用suggest后接宾语从句,这个宾语从句,而且是省略助动词should的虚拟语气句子,即suggest sb (should)do sth。2023-06-26 07:28:361
suggest to do 和 suggest doing 的区别
没有suggest to do 这种形式。的确,suggest 后面 可以跟to,但to 这时是介词,后面要跟宾语,具体用法是:suggest + 名词/代词+to +人。如:We suggest the plan to him.另外就是suggest doing sth.表示“建议做某事”,如:He suggests going out for a walk.2023-06-26 07:28:515
2023-06-26 07:29:214
suggest后接 to do还是 doing
suggest后接 doing2023-06-26 07:29:374
suggest to do和 suggest doing的区别
suggest的用法只有以下几种:suggestdoingsuggest宾格/物主代词/名词/名词所有格doing(动名词复合结构)suggest+从句suggesttosbsthsuggeststhtosb根本就没有suggestsbtodosth2023-06-26 07:29:467
suggest sb do和suggest doing的区别
没有suggestsbdo用法。suggest重要用法有下面几种。1.suggest+doingsth例句hesuggestedgoingoutforawalk.注意:suggest不可以加不定式,所以上面的句子不可以这样写:hesuggestedtogooutforawalk.(χ)2.suggest+(that)+主语+(should)do+sth其中的should可以省略例句hesuggestedthatyoushouldgotheretomorrow.=hesuggestedyougotheretomorrow.注意,不可以这样说:hesuggestedyoutogotheretomorrow.suggest的用法:suggestdoingsuggest宾格/物主代词/名词/名词所有格doing(动名词复合结构)suggest+从句suggesttosbsthsuggeststhtosb建议做某事:suggestdoingsth是固定格式(注意中间没有sb).isuggestedgoinginmycar.我建议坐我的车去。2023-06-26 07:30:011
Suggest sb doing还是do
建议做某事:suggestdoingsth是固定格式(注意中间没有sb)suggestthatsbshoulddo这是虚拟语气,should可以省略这个词的用法:1.虚拟语气在宾语从句中的运用。当suggest作“建议,提议”讲而又表示与现实相反或难以实现时,后面的从句用虚拟语气,即suggestthat+(should)do…(should可省略)。2.当suggest作“表明”讲时,后面不用虚拟语气3.它的正常运用。Isuggest(that)wegotobed的that不充当成分,可省略)。谢谢!2023-06-26 07:30:071
suggest sth和suggest sb.doing 有什么区别?
前者短语成立的前提是suggest词组所在的句子是虚拟语气,所以省略do前面的情态动词should。后者是动词的一般固定用法。2023-06-26 07:30:427
suggest sb doing sth 与 suggest sb do sth 有什么区别
没有suggest sb to do用法。suggest重要用法有下面两种。1.suggest+doing sth【例句】He suggested going out for a walk.★注意:suggest 不可以加不定式,所以上面的句子不可以这样写:He suggested to go out for a walk.2.suggest +(that )+主语+(should) do+sth 其中的should 可以省略【例句】He suggested that you should go there tomorrow.=He suggested you go there tomorrow.★注意:不可以这样说:He suggested you to go there tomorrow.2023-06-26 07:32:092
Suggest用法小结 1.Suggest表示建议,用法如下: 1)Suggest+ 名词/代词或suggest+名词/代词to+人,但不能说suggest sb sth ,即不能加双宾做宾语 eg:We suggest him the plan (Χ)但We suggest the plan to him(√) 2)suggest+doing sth eg He suggested going out for a walk. 注意:suggest 不可以加不定式,所以上面的句子不可以这样写: He suggested to go out for a walk.(Χ) 4suggest +(that )+主语+(should) do+sth 其中的should 可以省略 eg:He suggested that you should go there tomorrow. =He suggested you go there tomorrow. 注意,不可以这样说:He suggested you to go there tomorrow.也就是说suggest不可以加不定式的复合结构. 5)it is suggested that +主语+(should )do sth eg:It is suggested that the work (should) be finished at once. 6)suggestion做主语时,其后的表语从句也用这个结构即: The suggestion is that +主语+should +do sth eg:His suggestion is that I should leave for Beijing immediately. 2.suggest 表示暗示或表明之意,注意此时做主语时后面的表语从句用陈述语气 eg:Her yawn suggested that she was sleepy. 她哈欠连天表明她困了.2023-06-26 07:32:441
suggest sb. 后跟什么?是跟do ,还是跟doing ?
suggest 英音:[su0259"du0292est] 美音:[su0259"du0292u025bst]及物动词vt.1.建议,提议[+v-ing][+(that)][+wh-]IsuggestourgoingtotheparkonSunday.我建议我们星期天去公园。Thedentistsuggestedthatshe(should)comeanotherday.牙医建议她改天再来。2.暗示;启发[+(that)]Herexpressionsuggestedpleasure.她面露喜色。3.使人想起,使人联想到[(+to)]Thatcloudsuggestsaboattome.那朵云使我联想到船。doing2023-06-26 07:32:531
suggest 后加doing 还是to do ?
动词suggest有如下一些用法: 一、 有"建议"的意思.advise, propose 也有此义,请比较它们用法的异同: 1) 都可接名词作宾语 She suggested / advised / proposed an early start. 她建议早一点出发. We suggested / advised / proposed a visit to the museum the next day. 我们建议明天去参观博物馆. 2) 都可接动名词作宾语 I suggested / advised / proposed putting off the sports meet. 我建议将运动会延期. They suggested / advised / proposed waiting until the proper time. 他们建议(我们)等到恰当的时机才行动. 3) 都可接that 宾语从句,that从句用should+动词原形,should可以省略. She suggested / advised / proposed that the class meeting (should) not be held on Saturday. 她建议班会不要在星期六举行. We suggested / advised / proposed that he (should) go and make an apology to his teacher. 我们建议他去向老师道歉. 4) advise 可接动词不定式复合宾语,propose 可接不定式作宾语. I advised him to give up the foolish idea. = I suggested / proposed his / him giving up the foolish idea. 我建议他放弃那愚蠢的念头.(suggest和propose在口语里可接动名词的复合宾语). We proposed to start early. = We proposed starting early. 我们建议早一点出发.(接不定式不用suggest和advise) 二、 有"提出"的意思.如: He suggested a different plan to his boss. 他向老板提出了一个不同的计划. Xiao Wang suggested a way to solve the problem. 小王提出了一个解决这个问题的办法. 三、 有"暗示、表明"的意思.其主语往往是事物,而不是人. 1)接名词或动名词作宾语. The simple house suggested a modest income. 这座简朴的房子表明(房主的)收入并不高. Her pale face suggested bad health. 她脸色苍白,看来身体不好. The thought of summer suggests swimming. 一想到夏天就使人们联想到游泳. 2)接宾语从句,从句用陈述语气.如: The decision suggested that he might bring his family. 这个决定表明他可以把家属带来. The expression on his face suggested that he was very angry. 他脸上的表情表明他很生气. 四、 在主语从句It is suggested that... 及名词suggestion 后面表示具体建议的表语从句、同位语从句都应用should+动词原形,should可以省略.如: It was suggested that we (should) give a performance at the party. 人们建议我们在晚会上表演节目. His suggestion was that the debts (should) be paid off first. 他的建议是先把债务还清. The doctors made a suggestion that the new hospital (should) not be set up on the hill. 医生们建议不要把新医院建在山上.2023-06-26 07:33:021
有没有suggest sb. doing和suggest sb. to do呢?
suggest doing有 suggest sb doing也有 sugest to do没有 suggest sb to没有2023-06-26 07:33:456
suggest的用法有to do吗?
1)名词、代词或动名词;suggest sb doing sth 2)疑问词引导的不定式或宾语从句;suggest what to do/ what we should do 3)that引导的宾语从句:当做建议的意思讲时,后面所接的从句要用虚拟语气形式. 动词suggest有如下一些用法: 一、有"建议"的意思.advise,propose也有此义,请比较它们用法的异同: 1)都可接名词作宾语 Shesuggested/advised/proposedanearlystart.她建议早一点出发. Wesuggested/advised/proposedavisittothemuseumthenextday.我们建议明天去参观博物馆. 2)都可接动名词作宾语 Isuggested/advised/proposedputtingoffthesportsmeet.我建议将运动会延期. Theysuggested/advised/proposedwaitinguntilthepropertime.他们建议(我们)等到恰当的时机才行动. 3)都可接that宾语从句,that从句用should+动词原形,should可以省略. Shesuggested/advised/proposedthattheclassmeeting(should)notbeheldonSaturday.她建议班会不要在星期六举行. Wesuggested/advised/proposedthathe(should)goandmakeanapologytohisteacher.我们建议他去向老师道歉. 4)advise可接动词不定式复合宾语,propose可接不定式作宾语. Iadvisedhimtogiveupthefoolishidea.=Isuggested/proposedhis/himgivingupthefoolishidea.我建议他放弃那愚蠢的念头.(suggest和propose在口语里可接动名词的复合宾语). Weproposedtostartearly.=Weproposedstartingearly.我们建议早一点出发.(接不定式不用suggest和advise) 二、有"提出"的意思.如: Hesuggestedadifferentplantohisboss.他向老板提出了一个不同的计划. XiaoWangsuggestedawaytosolvetheproblem.小王提出了一个解决这个问题的办法. 三、有"暗示、表明"的意思.其主语往往是事物,而不是人. 1)接名词或动名词作宾语. Thesimplehousesuggestedamodestincome.这座简朴的房子表明(房主的)收入并不高. Herpalefacesuggestedbadhealth.她脸色苍白,看来身体不好. Thethoughtofsummersuggestsswimming.一想到夏天就使人们联想到游泳. 2)接宾语从句,从句用陈述语气.如: Thedecisionsuggestedthathemightbringhisfamily.这个决定表明他可以把家属带来. Theexpressiononhisfacesuggestedthathewasveryangry.他脸上的表情表明他很生气. 四、在主语从句Itissuggestedthat...及名词suggestion后面表示具体建议的表语从句、同位语从句都应用should+动词原形,should可以省略.如: Itwassuggestedthatwe(should)giveaperformanceattheparty.人们建议我们在晚会上表演节目. Hissuggestionwasthatthedebts(should)bepaidofffirst.他的建议是先把债务还清. Thedoctorsmadeasuggestionthatthenewhospital(should)notbesetuponthehill.医生们建议不要把新医院建在山上.2023-06-26 07:34:121
suggest to do 和 suggest doing 的区别
没有【suggest to do】这种用法 suggest的用法只有以下几种: suggest doing suggest 宾格/物主代词/名词/名词所有格 doing(动名词复合结构) suggest+从句 suggest to sb sth suggest sth to sb2023-06-26 07:34:201
1.Suggest表示建议,用法如下:1)Suggest+ 名词/代词或suggest+名词/代词to+人,但不能说suggest sb sth ,即不能加双宾做宾语eg: We suggest him the plan (Χ)但We suggest the plan to him(√)2)suggest+doing stheg He suggested going out for a walk.注意:suggest 不可以加不定式,所以上面的句子不可以这样写: He suggested to go out for a walk.(Χ)4suggest +(that )+主语+(should) do+sth 其中的should 可以省略eg: He suggested that you should go there tomorrow.=He suggested you go there tomorrow.注意,不可以这样说:He suggested you to go there tomorrow.也就是说suggest不可以加不定式的复合结构。5)it is suggested that +主语+(should )do sth eg: It is suggested that the work (should) be finished at once.6)suggestion做主语时,其后的表语从句也用这个结构即:The suggestion is that +主语+should +do stheg: His suggestion is that I should leave for Beijing immediately.2.suggest 表示暗示或表明之意,注意此时做主语时后面的表语从句用陈述语气eg: Her yawn suggested that she was sleepy.她哈欠连天表明她困了。2023-06-26 07:34:271
suggest to do sth 还是suggest doing sth还是suggest do sth
suggest:1.doing sth. 2.(that) sb. (should) do sth."s doing sth.2023-06-26 07:34:454
suggest sb do
选A 没有suggest sb to do 这个搭配 suggest 后只能接doing或者虚拟语气[(should) do] 这里的that不能省略,否则会引起误会:(that)suggest sb (shuld)do 如果括号里的词都省略了,会误看成suggest sb do,而suggst没有这个搭配.2023-06-26 07:34:521
suggest to do和suggest doing的区别
没有suggest to do这种说法,所以无法区别。suggest是及物动词,后面只能跟名词或者动名词,所以不能用to do,只能是suggest sb. do sth.。suggest doing sth. 建议做某事,接动名词作宾语。 扩展资料 suggest的.其他用法:1、可接名词作宾语,suggest sth 建议某事;2、可接that 宾语从句,that从句用should+动词原形,其中的should 可以省略,suggest +(that )+主语+(should) do+sth;3、在主语从句It is suggested that... 及名词suggestion 后面表示具体建议的表语从句、同位语从句都应用should+动词原形,should可以省略。2023-06-26 07:35:005
suggest sb to do和suggest doing有什么区别吗
没有to do 的说法!只有 doing 的句型!2023-06-26 07:35:444
suggest sb doing sth还是suggest sb to do sth还是suggest sb do sth
suggest sb doing sth2023-06-26 07:36:194
suggest sb 后面接什么
suggest sb后面接doing。没有suggest sb to do的用法,suggest sb后面只能接doing。比如suggest doing sth,意思是建议做某事。suggest sb doing sth,意思是建议某人做某事。suggest sth to sb,意思是向某人提出某情况。短语1、suggest a chance 暗示一个机会2、suggest a further investigation 建议进一步调查3、suggest a lack of proper training 暗示缺乏训练4、suggest a plan 提出计划5、suggest a solution 提出解决问题的方法2023-06-26 07:36:261
suggest to do 与 suggest doing 用法上有什么区别
先更正一下lz,没有suggest to do 这种形式,的确,suggest 后面 可以跟to, 但to 这时是介词,后面要跟宾语,具体用法是:suggest + 名词/代词+to +人。如:We suggest the plan to him。另外就是suggest doing sth. 表示“建议做某事”,如:He suggests going out for a walk.2023-06-26 07:37:054
suggest sb todo sth有这种用法吗?
没有这种用法,只有suggest doing sth.和suggest that sb.(should) do 的用法2023-06-26 07:37:381
suggest sb do和suggest doing的区别
suggest sb do建议某人做和suggest doing建议在做2023-06-26 07:37:592
suggest doing 和suggest should do 区别
没有suggest sb to do用法。suggest重要用法有下面两种。1.suggest+doing sth【例句】He suggested going out for a walk.★注意:suggest 不可以加不定式,所以上面的句子不可以这样写:He suggested to go out for a walk.2.suggest +(that )+主语+(should) do+sth 其中的should 可以省略【例句】He suggested that you should go there tomorrow.=He suggested you go there tomorrow.★注意:不可以这样说:He suggested you to go there tomorrow. advice与suggest的区别advise与suggest的区别advise 后可以直接跟人称代词作宾语, 如: advise sb. to do sth.; advise sb. against (doing) sth.; advise sb. on/ about sth.; 而 suggest 后一般用 suggest to sb that … 形式。如:他建议我们改天 再来。[ 正 ]He advised us to come another day. [ 误 ]He suggested us to come another day. [ 误 ]He suggested us that we come another day. suggest 还有 “ 暗示、表明、指出(一个事实) ” 的意思。此时从句中用陈述语气,不用虚 拟语气。如: Her expression suggested pleasure. 她面露喜色。His silence could only suggest disapproval. 他的沉默只能暗示反对。2023-06-26 07:38:462
英语中,suggest后面不能接to do, 只能接doing,所以无法区别。 下面就suggest这个动词,作简要归纳:suggest sth 建议某事He suggests a walk after supper. 他建议饭后散散步。suggest doing sth 建议做某事I suggest wearing something warm. 我建议穿暖和些。suggest sth to sb/suggest to sb sth 向某人建议某事My father suggested a friend to me.我父亲向我推荐了一位朋友。suggest (that) sb (should) do sth建议某人做某事Tom suggested (that)she (should) go to see a doctor. 汤姆建议她应该去看医生。suggest one"s doing sth 建议某人做某事I suggest your opening the windows. 我建议你打开窗户。2023-06-26 07:38:541
suggest sb to do为什么不对?表示建议某人做某事应该怎样表达?
advice sb. to do sth.2023-06-26 07:39:023
suggest sb.doing 建议做某事:是suggest 后加sb作宾语,doing 是宾语补足语,是动名词的复合结构作宾语。suggest sth 建议某人做某事:是suggest 后加了个宾语从句。that 不做成分,所以省略了that 这个句型。suggest doing sth 建议做某事:是固定格式,中间是没有sb的。I suggested playing basketball with ours teachers .虚拟语气在宾语从句中的运用。当suggest作“建议,提议”讲而又表示与现实相反或难以实现时,后面的从句用虚拟语气,即suggest (that)sb.+(should) do sth. 其中that与should是可以省略的,(should) + 动词原形“ 是虚拟语气的一种形式。即:suggest sb do sth. I suggest (that) you (should) find your girlfriend now.2023-06-26 07:39:161
suggest sb. doing是什么意思?
建议/提议某人做某事2023-06-26 07:39:231
suggest to do和suggest doing的区别是什么?
一个建议做某事是在别人的帮助下做这个事情,但是后者的话是建议自己做某事。2023-06-26 07:41:082
suggest sb doing还是suggest sb doing sth?
suggest sb.doing 建议做某事:是suggest 后加sb作宾语,doing 是宾语补足语,是动名词的复合结构作宾语。suggest sth 建议某人做某事:是suggest 后加了个宾语从句。that 不做成分,所以省略了that 这个句型。suggest doing sth 建议做某事:是固定格式,中间是没有sb的。I suggested playing basketball with ours teachers .虚拟语气在宾语从句中的运用。当suggest作“建议,提议”讲而又表示与现实相反或难以实现时,后面的从句用虚拟语气,即suggest (that)sb.+(should) do sth. 其中that与should是可以省略的,(should) + 动词原形“ 是虚拟语气的一种形式。即:suggest sb do sth. I suggest (that) you (should) find your girlfriend now.2023-06-26 07:41:181
suggest后面可以加to do吗?
英语中,suggest后面不能接to do, 只能接doing,所以无法区别。 下面就suggest这个动词,作简要归纳:suggest sth 建议某事He suggests a walk after supper. 他建议饭后散散步。suggest doing sth 建议做某事I suggest wearing something warm. 我建议穿暖和些。suggest sth to sb/suggest to sb sth 向某人建议某事My father suggested a friend to me.我父亲向我推荐了一位朋友。suggest (that) sb (should) do sth建议某人做某事Tom suggested (that)she (should) go to see a doctor. 汤姆建议她应该去看医生。suggest one"s doing sth 建议某人做某事I suggest your opening the windows. 我建议你打开窗户。2023-06-26 07:41:321
有没有suggest sb. doing的用法,如果有造个句子!
没有 suggest sb. doing只有suggest doingI wouldn"t suggest taking food.我建议别带食物。2023-06-26 07:41:593
英语中,suggest后面不能接to do, 只能接doing,所以无法区别。 下面就suggest这个动词,作简要归纳:suggest sth 建议某事He suggests a walk after supper. 他建议饭后散散步。suggest doing sth 建议做某事I suggest wearing something warm. 我建议穿暖和些。suggest sth to sb/suggest to sb sth 向某人建议某事My father suggested a friend to me.我父亲向我推荐了一位朋友。suggest (that) sb (should) do sth建议某人做某事Tom suggested (that)she (should) go to see a doctor. 汤姆建议她应该去看医生。suggest one"s doing sth 建议某人做某事I suggest your opening the windows. 我建议你打开窗户。2023-06-26 07:42:071
suggest to do 与 suggest doing 用法上有什么区别
“建议做某事”,英语通常用 suggest doing sth.没有 suggest to do sth,而是 suggest sb. to do sth.的形式2023-06-26 07:42:432
Suggest用法小结 1.Suggest表示建议,用法如下: 1)Suggest+ 名词/代词或suggest+名词/代词to+人,但不能说suggest sb sth ,即不能加双宾做宾语 eg:We suggest him the plan (Χ)但We suggest the plan to him(√) 2)suggest+doing sth eg He suggested going out for a walk. 注意:suggest 不可以加不定式,所以上面的句子不可以这样写: He suggested to go out for a walk.(Χ) 4suggest +(that )+主语+(should) do+sth 其中的should 可以省略 eg:He suggested that you should go there tomorrow. =He suggested you go there tomorrow. 注意,不可以这样说:He suggested you to go there tomorrow.也就是说suggest不可以加不定式的复合结构. 5)it is suggested that +主语+(should )do sth eg:It is suggested that the work (should) be finished at once. 6)suggestion做主语时,其后的表语从句也用这个结构即: The suggestion is that +主语+should +do sth eg:His suggestion is that I should leave for Beijing immediately. 2.suggest 表示暗示或表明之意,注意此时做主语时后面的表语从句用陈述语气 eg:Her yawn suggested that she was sleepy. 她哈欠连天表明她困了. 希望你能全面掌握其用法,加油!2023-06-26 07:43:301
关于suggest的详细用法 07:43:398
suggest后面到底是跟to do 还是 doing ?
Joan suggested asking her father for his opinion.例句来自朗文词典2023-06-26 07:44:375
suggest sb. do sth的用法对吗?
不对suggest sth. 建议某事suggest doing sth. 或者是suggest to do sth.建议做某事suggest +that从句 建议……(that 从句中使用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,其中 should 可以省略。)Example: We suggested a visit to the museum the next day. 我们建议第二天去博物馆。Example: They suggested waiting for the proper time to go fishing. 他们建议等到合适的时机再去钓鱼。Example: My sister suggested I (should) go and make an apology to my mom. 我姐姐建议我向我妈妈道歉。1、动词suggest有建议的意思,都可接名词作宾语,都可接动名词作宾语,都可接that宾语从句,that从句用should+动词原形,should可以省略,有提出的意思,接名词或动名词为宾语,宾语从句和陈述语气的从句。2、动名词是指兼有动词和名词特征的不定动词,是动词ing的一种形式。它可以支配宾语或被副词修饰。动名词有时态和语态的变化。英语中的动名词是由动词变化而来的。3、宾语从句是主从复合句中充当宾语的从句,位于及物动词、介词或复合谓语之后。它是一种名词性从句。宾语从句主要分为三类:动词宾语从句、介词宾语从句和形容词宾语从句。2023-06-26 07:44:551
英语中,suggest后面不能接to do, 只能接doing,所以无法区别。 下面就suggest这个动词,作简要归纳:suggest sth 建议某事He suggests a walk after supper. 他建议饭后散散步。suggest doing sth 建议做某事I suggest wearing something warm. 我建议穿暖和些。suggest sth to sb/suggest to sb sth 向某人建议某事My father suggested a friend to me.我父亲向我推荐了一位朋友。suggest (that) sb (should) do sth建议某人做某事Tom suggested (that)she (should) go to see a doctor. 汤姆建议她应该去看医生。suggest one"s doing sth 建议某人做某事I suggest your opening the windows. 我建议你打开窗户。2023-06-26 07:45:071