make the adjustment :作出调整
the new president of the USA,主语的同位语
is trying to help the Americans suffering from Wall Street crisis make adjustment the needed to re-balance their lives. 这是谓语部分。其中重要结构是help sb make sth.:帮助某人做出。
suffering from 遭受痛苦。此处做定语修饰the Americans
to re-balance their lives这是不定式做目的状语。
全句译文:奥巴马,这位新任的美国总统,正在努力地帮助深受华尔街危机的美国人 做出有必要的调整来重新恢复(平衡)他们的生活。
United States President Barack Obama was born in 1961, his father is black and his mother was white. Childhood, when parents divorced, life is hard. To study hard to obtain a Ph.D. from Harvard. 2008, the first black president in U.S. history. Excellent speakers, a lot of people by his famous speech <<yes. we can>> incentives. He is optimistic self-confidence gives us hope and encouragement, I really admire him, we move forward during difficult2023-06-26 06:08:255
不行2023-06-26 06:09:292
名:巴拉克·胡赛因·奥巴马 Barack Hussein Obama Jr.2023-06-26 06:09:373
奥巴马 用英文怎么写
Obama2023-06-26 06:09:485
美国总统2023-06-26 06:10:032
欧巴马2023-06-26 06:10:194
......好吧2023-06-26 06:10:262
德州的吧2023-06-26 06:10:463
奥巴马个人资料 全名:巴拉克?胡赛因?奥巴马(小)(Barack Hussein Obama Jr.)(台湾地区译为欧巴马) 党派:民主党 公职:伊利诺伊州联邦参议员(2004年首次当选) 伊利诺伊州州参议员(1997-2004) 职业背景:1993-2004,Miner Barnhill & Galland律师事务所律师(伊利诺伊州芝加哥) 生日:1961年8月4日 出生地:夏威夷檀香山 居住地:伊利诺伊州芝加哥市 教育背景:1983年获哥伦比亚大学文学学士学位 1991年获哈佛大学法学院法学博士学位 婚姻状况:1992年结婚,育有二女 宗教信仰:联合基督教会 竞选主页:www.barackobama.com (截止2007年第三季度)募集竞选经费:8026万美元;已开销:4417万美元 著作:《希望无畏:开垦美国梦的思考》(The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream)[2006]; 《父亲留下来的梦想:种族与传统的故事》(Dreams from my Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance)[1995]奥巴马生平简介 奥巴马出生在美国夏威夷,父亲是一位来自肯尼亚的留学生,母亲是美国堪萨斯州的白人。奥巴马先后毕业于哥伦比亚大学和哈佛大学,于1996年首次当选为伊利诺伊州参议员,2004年在伊利诺伊州首次当选为国会参议员,成为美国国会历史上的第5位、本届国会中唯一一位黑人参议员。 在2004年7月,民主党召开全国代表大会,奥巴马被指定在第二天做“基调演讲”。所谓“基调演讲”,就是民主党人阐述本党的纲领和政策宣言,通常由本党极有前途的政治新星来发表,1988年做“基调演讲”的人就是时任阿肯色州州长的克林顿。奥巴马不负众望,他亲自撰写演讲稿,并发表了慷慨激昂的演说。在演说中他提出消除党派分歧和种族分歧、实现“一个美国”的梦想。 45岁的奥巴马演说极具魅力,灿烂的笑容更虏获许多民众的心。与过去有意竞选总统的黑人前辈相比,奥巴马是首位在初选前民调获得全国性支持的明日之星,打败2008年民主党总统候选人的热门人选之一的希拉里,成为民主党总统竞选人。 奥巴马在短短两年多的时间里就已在政坛造成一股旋风,甚至有人把“奥巴马现象”拿来与前总统肯尼迪1960年挟带强大人气进军白宫来相提并论。 不过也有许多黑人表示对于奥巴马并没有认同感,评论家也认为竞选总统他还稍嫌太嫩,奥巴马需要努力的空间仍然不小。2023-06-26 06:10:581
[编辑本段]个人简介 贝拉克·奥巴马(Barack Hussein Obama II),1961年8月4日生于美国夏威夷,父亲是一位来自肯尼亚的黑人穆斯林,母亲是堪萨斯州的白人。 1983年毕业于哥伦比亚大学,1985年到芝加哥工作。1991年毕业于哈佛大学的法学院,是第一个担任哈佛法学评论主编的非洲裔美国人。 1992年和米歇尔·拉沃恩·奥巴马结婚。 1996年,奥巴马从芝加哥当选为伊利诺伊州国会参议员并在之后的3年中连任;2000年,在竞选美国众议院议员席位失败后,奥巴马将主要精力投入到伊利诺伊州的参议工作中。 2007年2月10日,奥巴马在伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德市正式宣布参加2008年美国 儿童时代总统大选,并提出了重点在“完结伊拉克战争以及实施全民医疗保险制度”的竞选纲领。 2008年6月3日,奥巴马被定为民主党总统候选人;同年8月23日,在民主党全国代表大会上奥巴马被正式提名,从而成为了美国历史上首个非洲裔总统大选候选人。 2008年1月1日,奥巴马开通了自己的微博网,通过网络渠道对竞选进行宣传,后来被人们称为Web2.0总统,可见奥巴马对网络的重视。 2008年11月5日,奥巴马击败共和党候选人约翰·麦凯恩,正式当选为美国第四十四任总统(届数:第56届,任数:第44任,位数:第43位, 政党:民主党)。于2009年1月20日,在美国首都华盛顿特区参加就职典礼,发表就职演说,并参加了游行。任期4年。根据美国法律,他还可以在2013年,再次竞选总统。 2009年10月9日,据英国广播公司报道,诺贝尔奖评审会称,美国总统奥巴马因“为增强国际外交及各国人民间的合作做出非同寻常的努力”而被授予2009年度诺贝尔和平奖。 名字含义 英文:Barack Hussein Obama II ,II 是罗马数字2 的意思。 也可以称其为 Barack Hussein Obama, Junior。 根据有些国家的传统,有时候,父亲会给自己的儿子取和自己一样的名字。父传子,子传孙。可以 青年时代一直延续下去。为了区别,就加入罗马数字。也可称其父亲为Senior, 中文翻译为 “老”。儿子为 Junior,中文翻译为“小”。 Barack,是Swahili 的名字,来自阿拉伯语。阿拉伯语言中,词根 B-R-K 代表被祝福的意思。 Hussein,是他祖父的名,来自阿拉伯语,代表 “好”,或者 “英俊的人”。 Obama,这个姓是他高祖父的名。在非洲国家肯尼亚的 Luo部落很普遍,该部落是肯尼亚的三大民族之一。他们讲的是Dhoulou语言。在欧洲殖民者没有到来前,很多非洲文化中,很多人都是将父亲的名作为自己的姓。他高祖父为什么会有这个名,我们无从知晓。通晓Luo部落文化和语言的专家认为,动词Bam的含义是”弯曲“,他的高祖父出生的时候可能一只手,或者一只脚有点弯曲,也可能是出生的时候,臀部先出来,(英文: breechposition)。 家庭背景 家庭: 父亲:贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马 母亲:安·邓纳姆 夫人:米歇尔·拉沃恩·奥巴马;女儿:玛丽亚·安·奥巴马(Malia Ann Obama),娜塔莎·奥巴马 ( Natasha Obama) 家庭 奥巴马祖籍肯尼亚,是美国历史上第一位具有黑人血统的总统。当然,美国社会对黑人和其他有色人种的种族歧视,至今仍然存在,解决种族歧视依然任重道远。事实上,奥巴马并没有像很多美国黑人奴隶的后裔一样在很多城市的贫民窟长大。他小时候是由他的白人祖父母抚养,他的童年中有很长时间是在印度尼西亚度过的。因此他的思维方式和美国白人或亚洲人比较接近。他本人从来也没有在公开场合,承认自己是黑人,只承认自己是混血。 奥巴马的父亲老奥巴马是肯尼亚的黑人穆斯林,母亲安·邓纳姆是美国一名白人女教师。两人婚姻没有维持多久,只生下奥巴马一个孩子。后来奥巴马随母亲与继父在印度尼西亚生活4年。 老奥巴马出生在肯尼亚西部一个贫穷的小村庄,当过放牛娃,后来因为一个很偶然的机会去美国读书,与邓纳姆相遇,生下奥巴马。奥巴马的祖母和许多亲戚如今仍住在那个小村庄,老奥巴马1982年因车祸去世后也埋在村内。1992年时,奥巴马初访家乡,把未婚妻领进门。老奥巴马的生平比较复杂。他在肯尼亚时就娶了第一个妻子柯齐亚,并育有两个孩子,儿子罗伊和女儿奥玛。 按照奥巴马的说法,父亲从没真正离开柯齐亚。但邓纳姆说,老奥巴马确实与柯齐亚分开,但“由于结婚时是一个乡村婚礼,所以也没有文件证明离婚”。老奥巴马和邓纳姆在夏威夷的婚姻也许也没有适当的文件证明。奥巴马在回忆录中说:“这段婚姻如何开始和何时开始依然弄不清,有些细节我永远没勇气弄清。”老奥巴马离开邓纳姆和两岁的儿子去哈佛读书后,后来带着另一名美国女人露丝回到了非洲。露丝成为他的第三任妻子,在肯尼亚为他生了两个儿子,其中一个儿子死于车祸。但是,老奥巴马还经常探望柯齐亚。2023-06-26 06:11:061
[最佳答案] 全名:巴拉克·胡赛因·奥巴马(Barack Hussein Obama Jr.) 生日:1961年8月4日 出生地:美国,夏威夷,檀香山 家乡:雅加达,印度尼西亚;檀香山,夏威夷。 配偶:米歇尔· 罗宾逊 ·奥巴马(1992年结婚) 子女:玛丽· 安· 奥巴马 萨莎· 奥巴马 信仰:联合基督教会 党派:民主党 教育经历 1991年获哈佛大学法学院法学博士学位 1983年获哥伦比亚大学文学学士学位 火奴鲁鲁的普那胡学校 职业经历 邻居和技术中心 库克县律师协会 乔伊斯基金会董事会成员 芝加哥森林基金会 1993-2004,Miner Barnhill & Galland律师事务所律师(伊利诺伊州芝加哥); 公共服务: 1996年,首次当选为伊利诺伊州参议员;4年后,他为美国众议院竞选而以失败告终。 2004年在伊利诺伊州首次当选为国会参议员。 08年1月,奥巴马宣布成立总统竞选试探委员会。2月10日,他正式宣布参加2008年美国总统大选角逐。 著作: 《我父亲的梦想:一个关于种族和继承的故事》2023-06-26 06:11:2211
奥巴马既不姓奥也不姓巴马,奥巴马是他的姓的中译名,也就是说他就姓奥巴马,全名Barack Hussein Obama 。就以这个名字为例来说一下英语名字,名在前,Barack是他父母给他取的,Hussein是中间名字,也是取的,Obama是他老爸的姓,英文名一般包括这三部分,很多时候中间名字可以省略。 下面再来说说英文名的翻译,跟我们中国名字不一样,国外姓是很少有重复的,而中国姓李姓张的有很多,中国名字是比较独特的,大家都不想要重名,对吧,但偏偏外国人的名字就那几个,Henry啊,Mary啊,翻去翻来,很容易重复,所以翻译成中文时,我们实际上翻译的是他们的姓,这样便于区分,如果你说Barack,那全美不知道有多少个Barack。 依此类推,当我们说莎士比亚,歌德等等时,都只是他们的姓,这是翻译中的一种现象。2023-06-26 06:12:271
Barack ObamaBorn August 4, 1961 (1961-08-04) (age 47)Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. Birth name Barack Hussein Obama II Political party Democratic Party Spouse Michelle Obama (m. 1992) Children Malia Ann (b. 1998)Sasha (b. 2001) Residence Kenwood, Chicago, Illinois Alma mater Columbia UniversityHarvard Law School Profession AttorneyPolitician Religion United Church of Christ Signature Website Office of the President-Elect More detailed articles about Barack Obama————————————Early life and career · (Family · Memoir)Illinois Senate careerU.S. Senate careerPresidential primaries · Obama–Biden 2008Policy positions · Public image Barack Hussein Obama II (pronounced /bu0259u02c8rɑu02d0k hu028au02c8seu026an ou028au02c8bɑu02d0mu0259/; born August 4, 1961) is the President-elect of the United States. He was the junior United States Senator from Illinois from 2005 until his resignation on November 16, 2008. Obama is the first African American to be elected President of the United States.He is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was president of the Harvard Law Review. Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, he announced his campaign for the U.S. Senate in January 2003, won a primary victory in March 2004, and was elected to the Senate in November 2004. Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004.As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, he helped create legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for returned U.S. military personnel.Early life and careerMain article: Early life and career of Barack ObamaBarack Obama was born at the Kapi"olani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu, Hawaii,[1] to Barack Obama, Sr., a Luo from Nyang"oma Kogelo, Nyanza Province, Kenya, and Ann Dunham, a white American from Wichita, Kansas[2] of mainly English, Irish and smaller amounts of German descent.[3][4][5] His parents met in 1960 while attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where his father was a foreign student.[6][7] The couple married February 2, 1961;[8] they separated when Obama was two years old and subsequently divorced in 1964.[7] Obama"s father returned to Kenya and saw his son only once more before dying in an automobile accident in 1982.[9]After her divorce, Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, and the family moved to Soetoro"s home country of Indonesia in 1967, where Obama attended local schools, such as Asisi, in Jakarta until he was ten years old. He then returned to Honolulu to live with his maternal grandparents, Madelyn and Stanley Dunham, while attending Punahou School from the fifth grade in 1971 until his graduation from high school in 1979.[10] Obama"s mother returned to Hawaii in 1972 for several years, and then in 1977 went back to Indonesia, where she worked as an anthropological field worker. She stayed there most of the rest of her life, returning to Hawaii in 1994. She died of ovarian cancer in 1995.[11]Right-to-left: Barack Obama and half-sister Maya Soetoro-Ng, with their mother Ann Dunham and grandfather Stanley Dunham, in Hawaii (early 1970s)As an adult Obama admitted that he used marijuana, cocaine, and alcohol when in high school, which he described as his greatest moral failure at the 2008 Civil Forum on the Presidency.[12][13]Following high school, Obama moved to Los Angeles, where he studied at Occidental College for two years.[14] He then transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations.[15] Obama graduated with a B.A. from Columbia in 1983, then at the start of the following year worked for a year at the Business International Corporation[16][17] and then at the New York Public Interest Research Group.[18][19]After four years in New York City, Obama moved to Chicago, where he was hired as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland (Roseland, West Pullman, and Riverdale) on Chicago"s far South Side, and worked there for three years from June 1985 to May 1988.[18][20] During his three years as the DCP"s director, its staff grew from one to thirteen and its annual budget grew from $70,000 to $400,000, with accomplishments including helping set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants" rights organization in Altgeld Gardens.[21] Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.[22] In mid-1988, he traveled for the first time to Europe for three weeks and then for five weeks in Kenya, where he met many of his Kenyan relatives for the first time.[23]Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988. At the end of his first year, he was selected, based on his grades and a writing competition, as an editor of the Harvard Law Review.[24] In February 1990, in his second year, he was elected president of the Law Review, a full-time volunteer position functioning as editor-in-chief and supervising the Law Review"s staff of eighty editors.[25] Obama"s election as the first black president of the Law Review was widely reported and followed by several long, detailed profiles.[25] During his summers, he returned to Chicago where he worked as a summer associate at the law firms of Sidley & Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990.[26] After graduating with a Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude[27][28] from Harvard in 1991, he returned to Chicago.[24]The publicity from his election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review led to a publishing contract and advance for a book about race relations.[29] In an effort to recruit him to their faculty, the University of Chicago Law School provided Obama with a fellowship and an office to work on his book.[29] He originally planned to finish the book in one year, but it took much longer as the book evolved into a personal memoir. In order to work without interruptions, Obama and his wife, Michelle, traveled to Bali where he wrote for several months. The manuscript was finally published in mid-1995 as Dreams from My Father.[29]Obama directed Illinois" Project Vote from April to October 1992, a voter registration drive with a staff of ten and seven hundred volunteers; it achieved its goal of registering 150,000 of 400,000 unregistered African Americans in the state, and led to Crain"s Chicago Business naming Obama to its 1993 list of "40 under Forty" powers to be.[30][31]Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, being first classified as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and then as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004.[32] He also joined Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a twelve-attorney law firm specializing in civil rights litigation and neighborhood economic development, where he was an associate for three years from 1993 to 1996, then of counsel from 1996 to 2004, with his law license becoming inactive in 2002.[18][33][34]Obama was a founding member of the board of directors of Public Allies in 1992, resigning before his wife, Michelle, became the founding executive director of Public Allies Chicago in early 1993.[18][35] He served from 1994 to 2002 on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago, which in 1985 had been the first foundation to fund the Developing Communities Project, and also from 1994 to 2002 on the board of directors of The Joyce Foundation.[18] Obama served on the board of directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge from 1995 to 2002, as founding president and chairman of the board of directors from 1995 to 1999.[18] He also served on the board of directors of the Chicago Lawyers" Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the Center for Neighborhood Technology, and the Lugenia Burns Hope Center.[18]2023-06-26 06:12:341
Barack Hussein Obama, born on August 4, 1961, is the junior United States Senator from Illinois and presidential nominee of the Democratic Party in the 2008 United States presidential election. Obama graduated with a B.A. from Columbia in 1983, then at the start of the following year worked for a year at the Business International Corporation and then at the New York Public Interest Research Group. After four years in New York City, Obama moved to Chicago, where he was hired as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP) and worked there for three years from June 1985 to May 1988. Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988. At the end of his first year, he was selected, based on his grades and a writing competition, as an editor of the Harvard Law Review. In February 1990, in his second year, he was elected president of the Law Review, a full-time volunteer position functioning as editor-in-chief and supervising the Law Review"s staff of eighty editors. After graduating with a Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991, he returned to Chicago. He served from 1994 to 2002 on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago, and also from 1994 to 2002 on the board of directors of The Joyce Foundation. Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996, In January 2003, Obama became chairman of the Illinois Senate"s Health and Human Services Committee. He resigned from the Illinois Senate in November 2004 following his election to the US Senate. 巴拉克u2022侯赛因u2022奥巴马,出生于1961年8月4日,是代表美国伊利诺州的联邦参议员,2008年美国总统选举民主党候选人。 1983年在哥伦比亚大学取得学士学位后,奥巴马在“国际商务集团”和“纽约公共利益研究所”工作了一年。 1985年,他迁往芝加哥,并在之后的三年主持了一个社区发展计划。 奥巴马于1988年底进入哈佛法学院。第一年年末,奥巴马凭借其出色的成绩和在一次论文比赛中脱颖而出,被选为《哈佛法律评论》的编辑。1990年2月,他被选为该学术期刊的主席,任全职主编,手下有八名编辑。 1991年,奥巴马在哈佛大学获得了“极优等”(拉丁文的学位荣誉,magna cum laude)法学士的学位,并回到芝加哥。1994年至2002年,奥巴马分别在芝加哥森林基金会和乔伊斯基金会的董事会任职过一段时间。 1996年,奥巴马进入政坛,当选伊利诺斯州参议员。2003年1月,奥巴马被选 为伊利诺斯州卫生公共服务委员会主席。2004年11月,他在国会选举中当选伊利诺斯州联邦参议员。 2008年11月,当选为首位非洲裔美国总统。2023-06-26 06:12:571
obama是奥巴马 care 是在乎的意思。2023-06-26 06:13:084
奥巴马2023-06-26 06:13:427
Obama,源于非洲东部地区的一个常见姓氏。中国内地与港澳地区以及新加坡、马来西亚等地一般译为奥巴马,欧巴马这一译法主要用于我国的台湾地区以及美国官方的部分中文材料。这个姓在非洲国家肯尼亚的Luo 部落很普遍。据不完全统计,在mahatali地区,姓Obama的人大概在7000到8000之间。(2003年肯尼亚《联合报》数字) 。 现任美国总统,英文原名为Barack Hussein Obama II ,新华社的译名库是“贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马”(实际上应作贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马二世),这一姓名自2004年11月3日以来一直沿用至今。也有媒体报道,这一姓名用法是在2009年9月22日作为资料存储入库的。2009年11月12日,美国驻华使馆发布了一款关于美国总统首次访华的纪念海报,这份海报为红色底面,金黄色字体,海报标题为“共同走过的日子”,底部为“美国总统巴拉克·欧巴马2009年11月首次访问中国的纪念海报”字样。对于海报上的“欧巴马”字样,美驻华使馆称,使用“欧巴马”的译法,是因为其译音更接近英语发音。但实际上,美国使馆的官方网站上面发布的各种消息却是“奥巴马”和“欧巴马”都在混用。对此,据美国驻华使馆新闻发言人史雯珊介绍,对于以前“欧巴马”和“奥巴马”两种译名混着用的情况,美国政府现在正在规范总统中文译名,今后将统一使用“欧巴马” 。中国外交部外语专家、前外交部翻译室主任过家鼎认为 ,“奥巴马”这个翻译没有问题,但美国人由发音来考虑倒也能理解。“提出讨论可以,但按照惯例,已经沿用一段时间的译名不会随便更改。”按照惯例,已经沿用一段时间的译名不能随便更改,除非新华社改变译法,不然外交部一般不会同意将“奥巴马”改成“欧巴马”。外国首脑的译名不是外交部决定的,但都要按照通行的《英语姓名译名手册》翻译,不可以随便乱翻译、乱改变。一般来说,外国领导人的姓名翻译工作由《参考消息》译名室来完成,《参考消息》译名室在进行国家领导人的名字翻译时是非常谨慎的,加之是美国总统这样重要人物的名字,一旦翻译定稿后更改的可能性非常小。如果需要,新华社总编室会下发文字通知,最终获得改正。这名工作人员说,当下,一般都是“报道优先”原则,有不少人的名字是有两种翻译说法的 。 1. 里卡多·曼格·奥巴马·恩富贝阿(Ricardo Mangue Obama Nfubea,1961-) ,律师,也是赤道几内亚民主党成员。奥巴马曾经担任副总理、劳工部长和教育部长。2006年8月14日起就任赤道几内亚总理。2008年7月4日,奥巴马内阁宣布总辞职。2. 著名非洲歌唱家: 辛巴迪·奥巴马3. 美国黑人歌手: 迪罗·奥巴马2023-06-26 06:14:081
Michelle Obama 米歇尔·奥巴马~2023-06-26 06:14:223
三个。名字可以去百度。2023-06-26 06:14:304
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama (born January 17, 1964) is an American attorney and the wife of Barack Obama, who is the President-elect of the United States[2] and Senator from Illinois. She will be the first African-American to become the First Lady of the United States.She was born and grew up on the South Side of Chicago and graduated from Princeton University and Harvard Law School. After completing her formal education, she returned to Chicago and accepted a position with the law firm Sidley Austin, and subsequently worked as part of the staff of Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley, and for the University of Chicago and the University of Chicago Hospitals.Michelle Obama is the sister of Craig Robinson, men"s basketball coach at Oregon State University. She met Barack Obama when he joined Sidley Austin. After his election to the U.S. Senate, the Obama family continued to live on Chicago"s South Side, choosing to remain there rather than moving to Washington, D.C.2023-06-26 06:14:393
律师。我也觉得他超有气质。2023-06-26 06:14:486
Main article: Early life and career of Barack Obama Barack Obama was born at the Kapi"olani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu, Hawaii,[12] to Barack Obama, Sr., a Luo from Nyang"oma Kogelo, Nyanza Province, Kenya, and Ann Dunham, a white American from Wichita, Kansas[13] of mainly English, Irish and smaller amounts of German descent.[14][15][16] His parents met in 1960 while attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where his father was a foreign student.[17][18] The couple married February 2, 1961;[19] they separated when Obama was two years old and subsequently divorced in 1964.[18] Obama"s father returned to Kenya and saw his son only once more before dying in an automobile accident in 1982.[20] After her divorce, Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, and the family moved to Soetoro"s home country of Indonesia in 1967, where Obama attended local schools, such as Asisi, in Jakarta until he was ten years old. He then returned to Honolulu to live with his maternal grandparents, Madelyn and Stanley Dunham, while attending Punahou School from the fifth grade in 1971 until his graduation from high school in 1979.[21] Obama"s mother returned to Hawaii in 1972 for several years, and then in 1977 went back to Indonesia, where she worked as an anthropological field worker. She stayed there most of the rest of her life, returning to Hawaii in 1994. She died of ovarian cancer in 1995.[22] Right-to-left: Barack Obama and half-sister Maya Soetoro-Ng, with their mother Ann Dunham and grandfather Stanley Dunham, in Hawaii (early 1970s)As an adult Obama admitted that during high school he used marijuana, cocaine and alcohol, which he described at the 2008 Civil Forum on the Presidency as his greatest moral failure.[23][24] Following high school, Obama moved to Los Angeles, where he studied at Occidental College for two years.[25] He then transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations.[26] Obama graduated with a B.A. from Columbia in 1983, then at the start of the following year worked for a year at the Business International Corporation[27][28] and then at the New York Public Interest Research Group.[29][30] After four years in New York City, Obama moved to Chicago, where he was hired as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland (Roseland, West Pullman, and Riverdale) on Chicago"s far South Side, and worked there for three years from June 1985 to May 1988.[29][31] During his three years as the DCP"s director, its staff grew from one to thirteen and its annual budget grew from $70,000 to $400,000, with accomplishments including helping set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants" rights organization in Altgeld Gardens.[32] Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.[33] In mid-1988, he traveled for the first time to Europe for three weeks and then for five weeks in Kenya, where he met many of his Kenyan relatives for the first time.[34] Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988. At the end of his first year, he was selected, based on his grades and a writing competition, as an editor of the Harvard Law Review.[35] In February 1990, in his second year, he was elected president of the Law Review, a full-time volunteer position functioning as editor-in-chief and supervising the Law Review"s staff of eighty editors.[36] Obama"s election as the first black president of the Law Review was widely reported and followed by several long, detailed profiles.[36] During his summers, he returned to Chicago where he worked as a summer associate at the law firms of Sidley & Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990.[37] After graduating with a Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude[38][39] from Harvard in 1991, he returned to Chicago.[35] The publicity from his election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review led to a publishing contract and advance for a book about race relations.[40] In an effort to recruit him to their faculty, the University of Chicago Law School provided Obama with a fellowship and an office to work on his book.[40] He originally planned to finish the book in one year, but it took much longer as the book evolved into a personal memoir. In order to work without interruptions, Obama and his wife, Michelle, traveled to Bali where he wrote for several months. The manuscript was finally published in mid-1995 as Dreams from My Father.[40] Obama directed Illinois" Project Vote from April to October 1992, a voter registration drive with a staff of ten and seven hundred volunteers; it achieved its goal of registering 150,000 of 400,000 unregistered African Americans in the state, and led to Crain"s Chicago Business naming Obama to its 1993 list of "40 under Forty" powers to be.[41][42] Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, being first classified as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and then as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004.[43] He also joined Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a twelve-attorney law firm specializing in civil rights litigation and neighborhood economic development, where he was an associate for three years from 1993 to 1996, then of counsel from 1996 to 2004, with his law license becoming inactive in 2002.[29][44][45] Obama was a founding member of the board of directors of Public Allies in 1992, resigning before his wife, Michelle, became the founding executive director of Public Allies Chicago in early 1993.[29][46] He served from 1994 to 2002 on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago, which in 1985 had been the first foundation to fund the Developing Communities Project, and also from 1994 to 2002 on the board of directors of The Joyce Foundation.[29] Obama served on the board of directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge from 1995 to 2002, as founding president and chairman of the board of directors from 1995 to 1999.[29] He also served on the board of directors of the Chicago Lawyers" Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the Center for Neighborhood Technology, and the Lugenia Burns Hope Center.[29] 真的~2023-06-26 06:15:044
我也要做啊! 而且还要有美国黑人的背景资料!2023-06-26 06:15:134
贝 拉 克·侯 赛 因·奥 巴 马(Barack Hussein Obama),1961年8月4日出生,美国民主党籍政治家,第44任美国总统,为美国历史上第一位非洲裔总统。2008年11月4日正式当选为美国总 统,2009年1月20日,正式宣誓就职总统,2012年11月7日,再次竞选成功,2013年1月20日,再次宣誓就职。 美国时间2015年1月20日晚间,一段视频在网络上“疯传”。视频中,美国总 统贝 拉 克·奥 巴 马所说不言自明、毫无新意:“我不再会投入竞选。”2008年11月当选,次年1月20日就任总 统,意味着2017年1月20日,奥 巴 马依法律规定将卸任。2023-06-26 06:15:223
奥巴马 诺贝尔颁奖词 英文版
The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama"s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.Obama has as President created a new international climate. Politic multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult (international) conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama"s initiative, the United States is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world"s attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world"s population.For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world"s leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama"s appeal that "Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges."2023-06-26 06:15:281
晕。。 上网找一下就有了吧。。。2023-06-26 06:15:485
Obama was the first black U.S. president,his has half lineage form Kenya.2023-06-26 06:16:054
玛利亚·奥巴马(Malia Obama)是美国总统贝拉克·奥巴马大女儿,亦是美国第一千金,就读于美国西德维尔友谊学校(Sidwell Friends School)。2023-06-26 06:16:112
好听吧2023-06-26 06:16:197
去虫洞翻翻找老外在线人工翻译啊~!个人感觉很靠谱的2023-06-26 06:16:422
Obama plays well in the great well2023-06-26 06:16:5010
哈佛2023-06-26 06:17:252
民主党2023-06-26 06:17:336
hahahahahaha bai chi2023-06-26 06:17:473
是美国人!祖籍肯尼亚人2023-06-26 06:18:554
贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马于1961年8月4日出生在美国夏威夷州檀香山市,2023-06-26 06:19:034
奥巴马 (英文:Obama) 注意:是一个姓氏 ,并不是一个人的全名 。他的全名是巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马二世(Barack Hussein Obama II )根据有些国家的传统,有时候,父亲会给自己的儿子取和自己一样的名字。父传子,子传孙。可以一直延续下去。为了区别,就加入罗马数字。也可称其父亲为 Senior, 中文翻译为 “老”。2023-06-26 06:19:111
我是从百度中知道奥巴马的。2023-06-26 06:19:204
奥2023-06-26 06:19:366
贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马(Barack Hussein Obama),1961年8月4日出生,美国民主党籍政治家,第44任美国总统,为美国历史上第一位非洲裔总统。1991年,奥巴马以优等生荣誉从哈佛法学院毕业,而后在著名的芝加哥大学法学院教授宪法长达12年(1992年-2004年)。2007年2月10日,宣布参加2008年美国总统选举。2008年11月4日正式当选为美国总统。 2009年10月9日,获得诺贝尔委员会颁发的诺贝尔和平奖。2012年11月6日,第57届美国总统大选中,奥巴马击败共和党候选人罗姆尼,成功连任。 贝拉克·奥巴马于2014年11月10日至12日来华出席亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议并对中国进行国事访问。2014年12月,奥巴马参加了由非盈利组织Code.org举办的编程大会。会上,奥巴马熟练地习得一小段JavaScrip代码,并成功地画出了一个正方形。使得他成为了美国史上首位会编程的总统。 2015年3月11日,贝拉克·奥巴马在各国领导人工资中,排名第一位。2015年5月,奥巴马基金会确认“奥巴马总统图书馆(Obama Presidential Library)”将落户于他曾经长期执教的芝加哥大学。2015年10月,美国财经杂志《彭博市场》公布了第五届全球金融50大最具影响力人物,美国总统奥巴马排名第六。2015年11月4日,奥巴马名列《福布斯》全球最有权力人物排行榜第三位。2023-06-26 06:19:502
Barack Obama 全名:巴拉克·胡赛因·奥巴马2023-06-26 06:20:081
Full nameuff1aBarack Hussein Obama Partiesuff1aDemocratic Party Heightuff1a186cm Birthdayuff1aAugust 4, 1961 Place of residence: Chicago, Illinois Obama was born in Hawaii. Father was a black Kenyan economist, and his mother was a white female teachers in the United States. Parent Obama at a time when two-year-old split in 1982 heard that the father died in a car accident in Kenya before Obama only met his father once, Obama with his mother and grandmother grew up Grandpa. Father, Barack Obama was a student at the Kenya International Students Hawaii. An dunham mother is a white, originally from Kansas. When the old Obama dunham marriage, she is just 18 years of age. This is a very short period of marriage, the old Obama left for Harvard University to study a doctorate in economics, put young wife and young son Obama (when he was two years old) leaving behind, he has no money bring his wife and children go with. After graduation, he was with another American woman Ruth returned to Kenya, Ruth became his third wife, at his home because he had married a previous wife. His father left, Obama grew up with his mother. Dunham later married an Indonesian oil company manager Russell Luo toro, toro, Su-job because of the relationship between the need to Jakarta, therefore, dunham with a 6-year-old Obama went to Indonesia. Obama spent in Indonesia for four years of her childhood here. 10 years old, mother and stepfather divorced, Obama returned to Hawaii, most of the time he and his grandfather, grandmother live together. Dunham with her daughter, Su-toro Health Maya returned to Indonesia. At that time, dunham very difficult life, her own students and a PhD degree in Anthropology, but also for his son to study live frugally. Everyone Obama2023-06-26 06:20:152
47岁!生日:1961年8月4日2023-06-26 06:20:353
贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马(Barack Hussein Obama),1961年8月4日出生,美国民主党籍政治家,第44任美国总统,为美国历史上第一位非洲裔总统。1991年,奥巴马以优等生荣誉从哈佛法学院毕业。2007年2月10日,宣布参加2008年美国总统选举。2008年11月4日正式当选为美国总统。 奥巴马有两个女儿。 奥巴马家庭成员: 父亲:巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马一世,英文:Barack Hussein Obama I,肯尼亚人。 母亲:斯坦利·安·邓纳姆,英文:Stanley Ann Dunham,她是美国堪萨斯州出生。 夫人: 米歇尔·奥巴马(依照美国传统,婚后冠夫姓)。 女儿:玛丽亚·安·奥巴马(Malia Ann Obama); 娜塔莎·奥巴马(Natasha Obama)。2023-06-26 06:20:552
问题一:欧巴用英文怎么说 欧巴 Obama 欧巴 Obama 问题二:欧巴用英语怎么说 欧巴=大叔=uncle 接近于sugar daddy (干爹) 问题三:欧巴英语怎么读? 欧巴是韩语 哥哥的意思 你可以说brother 问题四:"你是个很帅的欧巴"用英文怎么翻译 你是个很帅的欧巴 You are a very handsome Obama 问题五:欧巴英文怎么说,欧巴的英文例句 翻译结果 欧巴英文怎么说,欧巴的英文例句 English how to say Obama, and the sample sentences in English 问题六:请问“欧巴”翻译中文是什么 欧巴,韩语中“哥哥”的意思,韩文为“??”。欧巴在韩国是尊称,也是很亲密的男女之间的称呼。常见于韩剧,女生对男生称欧巴。 在中国网络用语中,这一称谓表示喜欢和亲近,甚至有一点暧昧。 欧巴一词现如今广泛流行于我国年轻女生中,来源于韩剧。如对韩国某一男明星表示很喜欢就会喊起“欧巴”。 问题七:欧巴 英文怎么写最准 obba音译就酱 问题八:欧巴用英语怎么翻译呢 欧巴 [名] (网络用语) 30岁以上的女性; [网络] Oboe; Auntie; Nuriootpa; 问题九:欧巴英语怎么写? 怎么说呢,字面意思,欧巴在韩语中是哥哥的意思 如果想要哥哥的英文那就是:Older brother brother在英文中有哥哥也有弟弟的意思,是兄弟的意思 但现在韩语欧巴一般都指示帅哥的成分更多,帅哥英文handsome boy2023-06-26 06:21:021
Obama is the 44th and current President of the United States. He is the first African American to hold the office. His story is the American story — values from the heartland, a middle-class upbringing in a strong family, hard work and education as the means of getting ahead, and the conviction that a life so blessed should be lived in service to others.With a father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas, President Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. He was raised with help from his grandfather, who served in Patton"s army, and his grandmother, who worked her way up from the secretarial pool to middle management at a bank.After working his way through college with the help of scholarships and student loans, President Obama moved to Chicago, where he worked with a group of churches to help rebuild communities devastated by the closure of local steel plants.He went on to attend law school, where he became the first African—American president of the Harvard Law Review. Upon graduation, he returned to Chicago to help lead a voter registration drive, teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago, and remain active in his community.President Obama"s years of public service are based around his unwavering belief in the ability to unite people around a politics of purpose. In the Illinois State Senate, he passed the first major ethics reform in 25 years, cut taxes for working families, and expanded health care for children and their parents. As a United States Senator, he reached across the aisle to pass groundbreaking lobbying reform, lock up the world"s most dangerous weapons, and bring transparency to government by putting federal spending online.2023-06-26 06:21:101
奥巴马的父亲是哈佛大学博士、经济学家,母亲是一位教师。他是在外公家长大的,而这位老人家则是一位富翁,因而他得以从小一直就读于贵族学校。 奥巴马首先在洛杉矶的西方学院读了两年,接着转到了哥伦比亚大学,后来又去哈佛大学法学院读博士。西方学院类似于我国的二本院校。2023-06-26 06:21:204
贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马(Barack Hussein Obama),1961年8月4日出生,美国民主党籍政治家,第44任美国总统,为美国历史上第一位非洲裔总统。1991年,奥巴马以优等生荣誉从哈佛法学院毕业。2007年2月10日,宣布参加2008年美国总统选举。2008年11月4日正式当选为美国总统。2012年连任。所以从资料可以看出奥巴马是民主党人士2023-06-26 06:21:322
英语姓名的一般结构为: 教名+自取名(中间名)+姓,奥巴马是姓,贝拉克不是2023-06-26 06:21:472
Barack Obama has admitted that he struggled through his initial childhood years to find answers about his multicultural, multi racial heritage. As a very small child he found difficult to accept such vast differences between his mother and fathers skin color. In his own words he says that he had a middle class upbringing. During his teenage years, he even used cocaine, marijuana and alcohol to deal with his internal conflicts, something which he regretted later. Now, he thinks it was a big mistake and he was morally wrong. He never touched illegal drugs again after those years. After high school, Barack moved to Los Angeles and studied at the Occidental College for two years; from there to Columbia College in New York. He majored in Political Science with specialization in International relations in 1983. In the meantime his father had died in Kenya in 1982. Barack Obama moved to Chicago after spending four years in New York and working at Business International Corporation and New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG). He was hired as Community organizer by Developing Communities Project, a church based community organization. The organization wanted a young black man to help them collaborate with black churches in the south side. From 1985 to 1988, Obama worked there as Director of the organization. He helped blacks fight for their rights from the city government. He worked to improve the living conditions of poor neighborhoods which faced crimes unemployment. Working in a small organization taught him organizational skills. He was always good with words and was known for making speeches which people could emotionally connect to. He worked with Saul Alinsky whose method was agitation which meant getting people angry enough about their current state of things that they are compelled to take some step and do something. During his tenure at Developing Communities Project, the staff at this organization grew from 1 to 13 and so did their budget. Then, he worked as consultant and instructor for Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute. It was 1988 when we first traveled to Europe and then to Kenya for few weeks, where he met his fathers family for the first time. Barack Obama felt that law was a medium which could facilitate activism and community organization. So in late 1988, he entered Harvard Law School. In his second year at college, in 1990, he was elected as the president of law review. This role required him to be editor- in-chief and supervisor of law review staff of about 80 editors. As he was the first black to be elected for this position, it was a widely reported and much publicized event. It had taken Obama long sessions of discussion with conservatives to support him. While still in law school in 1989, he worked as an associate at Sidley and Austin law firms. He met his future wife Michelle, also a lawyer, here. Newton Minnow was a managing partner here. Minnow, later introduced him to many of the Chicagos top leaders. In the summer of 1990, he worked at Hopkins and Sutter and finally graduated from Harvard in 1991; after which he again moved back to Chicago where he practiced as a civil rights lawyer. His could have easily taken up a god job after Harvard but his values and mothers teachings had taught him to do something for the society and the less privileged ones. The publicity that he garnered at Harvard, because of his election as first black president of Harvard law review, led him to an offer by University of Chicago law school to write book on racial relations. He was offered a fellowship from the university and an office from where he could write the book. In the meantime, after dating for few years and being engaged for a year, Barack married Michelle Robinson in 1992. Obama initially thought he would complete the book in one year but it took much longer as it was a memoir and he included bits about his personal life also. He traveled to Bali with his wife and wrote most of the part of the book there. In mid 1995, the manuscript was published. Book was named Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. Few months after this publication his mother Ann, who had moved to Hawaii from Indonesia in 1994, died of ovarian and uterine cancer. He won the Grammy award for the audio version of this book.2023-06-26 06:22:191