again [05"ɡen; -"ɡein] adv. 1. 再一次,又一次 2. 再,又,另外,此外;作为附加 3. 回原状,回到原来状态,回原处,复,还,重新 4. (在)另一方面;然而 5. [常用在then或and then后]而且,还有;再者,再则;加之,其次 6. [废语]回,向(或在)相反方向;向后 7. [罕用语]回音,回答,回复;作为反应;作为结果 8. [加勒比英语][通常用于否定句]再,还 adj. [口语]断续性的;时隐时现的;不定的 短语 1. again and again一再地,再三地,三番五次地,反复(不止)地;时常 2. as big again(as)(比…)大一倍 3. as large again(as)(比…)大一倍,两倍于 4. as long again(as)(比…)长一倍 5. as much(或many)again(as)倍于,(比…)多一倍,加倍;再有同样多的,再有同样数目的 6. as old again as年纪比…大一倍 7. be oneself again(身体或精神)恢复正常 8. come again见come 9. ever and again见ever01 10. half as long again as比…长一半 11. half as many(或much)again(as)比…多一半,是…的一倍半 12. now and again不时地,时而,间或,偶尔 13. off again, on again[口语]易变化的;未解决的;不肯定的[亦作 on again, off again] 14. once(或yet)again再一次 15. over again再次,重新,重复 16. over and over again一再地 17. (the)same again(,please)[口语](请)同样的再来一份(对酒店服务员说的话) [见same] 18. time and (time) again屡次,多次,一再[见time]
1、again,英语单词,副词、名词,作名词时意为“(英、保)阿盖恩”。作副词时意为“又,此外;再一次;再说;增加”。2、单词发音:英[??ɡen; ??ɡe?n];美[??ɡ?n, ??ɡen]。3、短语搭配:Fool Again痴心愚弄;再次被欺骗;再次愚弄;再次被诈骗Rise again觉醒;死而复生;苏醒;再来一次2023-06-25 12:45:351
again的读音是:英[?"ɡen]。again的读音是:英[?"ɡen]。again的详尽释义是adv.(副词)再一次,又一次再,又再说此外,再者,另外,而且另一方面重回恢复原状,复原重新返回原处增加,多其次请再说一遍加一倍。again的例句是用作副词(adv.)Try again.再试试。一、详尽释义点此查看again的详细内容adv.(副词)再一次,又一次再,又再说此外,再者,另外,而且另一方面重回恢复原状,复原重新返回原处增加,多其次请再说一遍加一倍二、词典解释1.又一次;再一次You useagain to indicate that something happens a second time, or after it has already happened before.e.g. He kissed heragain...他再一次吻了她。e.g. Again there was a short silence...接着又是一阵短暂的沉寂。2.还原;复原You useagain to indicate that something is now in a particular state or place that it used to be in.e.g. He opened his attaché-case, removed a folder, then closed itagain...他打开公文包,拿出一个文件夹后又把它合上了。e.g. I started to feel good about myselfagain.我又开始感觉良好了。3.(表示与前一话题相似)同样You can useagain when you want to point out that there is a similarity between the subject that you are talking about now and a previous subject.e.g. Again the pregnancy was very similar to my previous two...同样,这次怀孕和我前两次的情形非常相似。e.g. With the new artists, you see a more dynamic stage show than you used to see. Andagain, that"s probably part of the progress of technology.有了这些新艺术家,你看到的舞台剧会比你以前看的更富有活力。同样,那也可能是科技进步的一部分。4.(用于对比或语气的削弱)不过,然而You can useagain in expressions such asbut again ,then again, andthere again when you want to introduce a remark which contrasts with or weakens something that you have just said.again的解释e.g. It"s easier to take a taxi. But thenagain you can"t always get one...打出租车要容易些,但也并不总是能打到的。e.g. They may, but thereagain they may not.他们可能会,但也可能不会。5.(用于问题后)请再说一遍You can addagain to the end of your question when you are asking someone to tell you something that you have forgotten or that they have already told you.e.g. Sorry, what"s your nameagain?对不起,再问一次,你叫什么名字?6.还,另,再(多一半等)You useagain in expressions such ashalf as much again when you are indicating how much greater one amount is than another amount that you have just mentioned or are about to mention.e.g. A similar wine from France would cost you half as muchagain.法国类似的一种葡萄酒的价格比这高一半。e.g. Sherry is half as strongagain as table wine.雪利酒比佐餐酒酒劲强一半。7.再三;反复You can useagain and again ortime and again to emphasize that something happens many times.e.g. He would go over his workagain andagain until he felt he had it right...他会反复检查自己的工作直到他认为正确为止。e.g. Time andagain political parties have failed to tackle this issue.各个政党处理这个问题时都屡屡失败。8. now andagain -> see nowonceagain -> see once三、网络解释1. again是什么意思1. 再次:拷贝(Copy)选取的图形或文字到剪贴板 [Ctrl]+[C] 将剪贴板的内容粘贴到当前文档 [Ctrl]+[V] 将粘贴到容器中的物体分离出来 [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[X] 将剪贴板的内容粘贴到所选物体内部 [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[V] 再次(aGain)变形 [Ctrl]四、例句Try again.再试试。Say that again, please.请再说一遍。I am longing to see my friend Jack again.我渴望再见到我的朋友杰克。I am sorry-she"s out. Can you ring again later?对不起-她出去了。你过些时候再打电话来好吗?You"ll never get the money back again.那笔钱你再也弄不回来了。He has spoken down again after slightly pausing.他在略作停顿后又讲了下去。After ten years in prison, he was a free man again.他坐了十年监狱,又成了自由人。He sucked in air, then went under the water again.他深深吸了一口气又潜到水里。五、常用短语用作副词(adv.)again and again〈英〉再三地,反复地 time and againas...again (as)(比…)大一倍,(比…)多一倍,年纪(比…)大一倍 in addition one timeback again回到原地 back to the original placebe (oneself) well again(身体或精神)恢复到原来的(正常)状态 back to the original positioncome again再说一遍 pardonever and again不时地 occasionallynow and again不时地 occasionallyonce again再次 another timeover again再一次,重新,重复 once againthen again而且,其次,还有 any more another timetime and again〈美〉=〈英〉again and again六、经典引文They have moved us back again to where we were before.出自:S. Hill七、词义辨析adv.(副词)again, another这两个词都可译成“另一个”。其区别是:当表示数量时,多用another; 当表示动作时,多用again。again, repeatedly这两个词都可表示“反复地”“ 再三地”。其区别在于:again多用于口语; 而repeatedly则是书面语。again的相关临近词against、aga、again crime、again to verify、again and again、again capsulorhexis、Again it gnaws my heart、again for several months、again manufacture project、Again plants the technique点此查看更多关于again的详细信息2023-06-25 12:46:411
再,再一次.2023-06-25 12:46:506
again 什么意思
again的意思是再一次;又一次;返回原处。一、读音美[u0259u02c8ɡen],英[u0259"ɡen]。二、释义再一次;又一次;返回原处;复原;增加;多;再说;再说,请再说一遍。三、词性作副词:再一次;又一次;返回原处;复原;增加;多;再说;再说,另一方面;请再说一遍。四、同义词once more再一次;“once again/more”的变体,又一次;再次;再来一次。another time下次;下一次;另一次;改时间。yet again再一次;又一次;却再一次;再来一次。over again再来一次;再一次;重头开始;再一遍。五、短语搭配Fool Again痴心愚弄;再次被欺骗;再次愚弄;再次被诈骗。Never Again从此不再;不再;钟丽缇主演;永不回头。Breathe Again再次呼吸;小燕子之歌;重生;宽心。Live again再次苏醒;天堂鸟;再次清醒;重新生活。Password Again重复密码;确认密码;再次输入密码;密码再输入一次。Sunshine Again日出东方;日出西方;又见阳光wrong again又错了;可我又错了;我又错了;但我又错了。again的例句:1、Meanwhile,the oil industry is already getting to grips with the question of what to do if such a thing should happen again.同时,石油产业已着手解决一旦这样的事件再次出现,该如何应对的问题。2、We realized that we were very,very lucky to be in Her physical presence again.We had been waiting for this chance for many years.我们感觉自己是何等幸运可以再度跟随在她身旁,我们已等待这个机会好几年了。3、The next day,the Brunette and the Red Head are talking about going Home early again.They ask the Blonde if she wants to leave early again.第二天,褐发女郎和红发女郎又开始谈论提早回家的事情。她们问金发女郎想不想提早回家。4、Many analysts believe that stocks are again in such a turbulent period,and that this rally could lead to another slump.许多分析师认为,股市又进入了这种动荡期,反弹可能导致另一次低迷。5、Most recently,on the poverty of the recipients do not know how thankful again become the focus of media attention.最近一段时间,关于受助贫困生不懂得感恩的问题再次成为媒体关注的焦点。2023-06-25 12:47:381
again的意思是再一次;又一次;又。again是一个英文词汇,读音是u0259gen,可做副词用,表示又、再,源自古英语的ongean,意为朝向,反对,again一般放在句末。again同back的意思相近,但用法不同。back与动词连用时,作为副词,常指退回到前一个状态,或是从与之前相反的状态返回去,而again不可这样说。Give me my watch back again与动词连用时,表示重复,再一次。注意sell back和sell again的不同,前者是卖回给同一个人,后者是再次卖,卖给不同的人。当动词本身指退回,返回的意思时,不可再用back,而可以用again加强退回,返回的意思。在副词+动词+介词结构中,back和again都表示回到上一状态。back可以用在动词和主语之间,而again则不可以,Take back your money Count the money again please,again and again或time and again指反复地,频繁地,now and again指有时,不时。2023-06-25 12:48:361
jkkmkjnjjnb2023-06-25 12:48:563
again 英[u0259"ɡen] 美[u0259u02c8ɡu025bn] 如果不认识音标的话,用汉字读就是”额盖恩“,另外有道词典上有真人发音,建议LZ多听听,对照音标,音标相当于汉语的拼音了。2023-06-25 12:49:132
再一次,又一次2023-06-25 12:49:402
again[英][u0259"ɡen] [美][u0259u02c8ɡu025bn] 生词本简明释义adv.再一次;再说;此外;增加易混淆的单词:Again以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.ADV又一次;再一次You use again to indicate that something happens a second time, or after it has already happened before. He kissed her again...他再一次吻了她。Again there was a short silence...接着又是一阵短暂的沉寂。I don"t ever want to go through anything like that again.我不想再经历那样的事了。2023-06-25 12:49:551
again英音:[05"gen]美音:[05"g07nhttp://dict.baidu.com/s?wd=again裏面有语言!2023-06-25 12:50:041
可以、I eat rice again like yesterday.2023-06-25 12:50:122
again中文翻译意思是再次2023-06-25 12:50:201
不一定,要看具体情况没有针对again的过去式的用法2023-06-25 12:50:362
又一次2023-06-25 12:50:4711
also,too 这两个词都是副词,又都表示“也是”的意思,但在修辞意味和使用场合上有所不同。它们的区别如下: (一)一般说来,also用于比较正式(formal)的场合,语气比too庄重; too是惯熟(familiar)的用语,使用范围较广。 (二)also在句中的位置要紧靠动词; too在句中的位置比较灵活,有时插入句中,前后用逗号分开,有时放在句末。 (三)too只能用在肯定句中,不可用于否定句内。在否定句中,只能用either;also则可以用在否定句中。 下面请看例句: The Hong Kong Chief Executive also heads the university as Chancellor. 香港行政长官也以(大学)校监身份领导大学。 Reading books is learning,but application is also learning and the more important form of learning. 读书是学习,买践也是学习,而且是更重要的学习。 We have not heard such a thing.Also,we have never seen such a scene. 我们没有听见过这种事情,我们也从来没有见过这种场面。 请注意,一般说来,also在句中的位置应紧靠动词,但有时为了强调其意,也可以将它放在句首或句末。 Here,too,the colon must be followed by a dash. 这里也一样,应当在冒号之后加破折号。 Mary,too,can play the piano. 玛丽也会弹钢琴。 Could you speak Japanese?—Yes,and Spanish too. 您会说日语吗?——会的,还会说西班牙语哩。 Also虽然和too同义,但前者大都用于书面语,后者大都用于口语。例: The lady washed the children and also gave them dinner.(书面语) The lady washed the children and gave them dinner too.(口语) 在口语中,too还可以用 as well代替。 有时候,also在句中的位置不同,句子的涵义也会跟着变化。例: John is also concerned in this matter.(1) John also is concerned in this matter.(2) John is concerned in this matter also.(3) (1)句的涵义是:John is concerned in this matter as well as that one. (2)句的涵义是:John is concerned in this matter,just as somebody else is. (3)句的涵义是:This matter is the last of many that have been mentioned.2023-06-25 12:51:121
于1975年由Agnesb.创立的法国品牌,是香港及日本最流行的法国Fashion牌子,其简便独特的风格,带自然的简单法国情怀。而Agnesb.近年对法国艺术及电影不遗余力,除设立Artgalleries外,更赞助法国电影艺术,2003Spring/Summer系列Agnesb.则以Asian及Bohemianlook民族设计及剪裁作主打,充分表现当年的民族热潮。2023-06-25 12:51:211
"Again"是一个常用的英语单词,通常表示“再次”、“重新”、“再一次”等意思。它可以用来表示某件事情发生了一次或多次,然后又发生了一次。例如,“I need to wash my clothes again”,意思是“我需要再次洗我的衣服”。拓展:除了表“再次”的意思之外,"again"还可以用于表示“回到原来的状态”或“恢复原样”。例如,“The sun is shining again”,意思是“太阳又再次出现了”。此外,"again"还可以用于表示“重新开始”、“重新考虑”或“重新审视”。例如,“Let"s start again from the beginning”,意思是“让我们从头再开始”。"again"还可以用于表示“再次尝试”或“再次尝试做某事”。例如,“I failed my driving test again”,意思是“我再次失败了驾驶考试”。在固定搭配方面,"again"还可以与其他单词组合使用,形成一些常用的短语和表达方式。例如:1. Over and over again:表示“一遍又一遍地”或“反复地”。例如,“I told you over and over again not to touch the stove”。2. Time and again:表示“多次”或“屡次”。例如,“He has been warned time and again about his behavior”。3. Never again:表示“再也不”或“绝不再”。例如,“I will never again trust him”。4. Again and again:表示“一次又一次地”或“反复地”。例如,“He kept asking me again and again until I finally said yes”。2023-06-25 12:51:391
again[E5^ein]adv.又, 再次, 此外, 再一次2023-06-25 12:52:412
歌词中有 say you again的歌
《See You Again》歌词:It"s been a long day without you my friend没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长And I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有We"ve come a long way from where we began回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程Oh I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有When I see you again与你重逢之时Damn who knew all the planes we flew谁会了解我们经历过怎样的旅程Good things we"ve been through谁会了解我们见证过怎样的美好That I"ll be standing right here我都会在这里Talking to you about another path与你聊聊另一种选择的可能I know we loved to hit the road and laugh我懂我们都喜欢速度与激情But something told me that it wouldn"t last但有个声音告诉我这美好并不会永恒Had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture如何才能改变观点用更宏观的视野看这世界Those were the days hard work forever pays有付出的日子终有收获的时节Now I see you in a better place此刻 我看到你走进更加美好的未来Now I see you in a better place此刻 我看到你走进更加美好的未来How could we not talk about family when family"s all that we got?当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊时 我们怎么能忘却最可贵的亲情Everything I went through you were standing there by my side无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷 总有你相伴陪我度过And now you gonna be with me for the last ride而今你将陪我走完这最后一段旅程It"s been a long day without you my friend没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长And I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有We"ve come a long way from where we began回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程Oh I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有When I see you again与你重逢之时First you both go out your way从一开始你就努力走自己的路And the vibe is feeling strong and what"s small turn to a friendship a friendship然后你我的感情愈加真实强烈 再渺小的东西也能让我们的友谊更高价深厚Turn into a bond and that bond will never Be broke and the love will never get lost深厚的友情蜕成血浓于水的感情 此情不变 此爱难逝And when brotherhood come first then the line莫逆之交的我们 绝不会背叛彼此Will never be crossed established it on our own只因这深情厚谊基于我们真实意愿When that line had to be drawn and that line is what这友谊让我们肝胆相照 荣辱与共We reach so remember me when I"m gone即便我离去 也请将我铭记How could we not talk about family when family"s all that we got?当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊时 我们怎么能忘却最可贵的亲情Everything I went through you were standing there by my side无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷 总有你相伴陪我度过And now you gonna be with me for the last ride而今你将陪我走完这最后一段旅程Let the light guide your way就让那光芒引导你的前路Hold every memory as you go当你走的时候请留住所有的美好瞬间And every road you take will always lead you home这样的话不论你选择哪条路它都会引领你回家Hoo~It"s been a long day without you my friend没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长And I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有We"ve come a long way from where we began回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程Oh I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有When I see you again与你重逢之时Again重逢之时When I see you again see you again与你重逢之时When I see you again2023-06-25 12:52:491
again 是什么意思?
再次又2023-06-25 12:52:578
again是一个英语副词,基本意思是“重复”,即表示动作“再一次,又一次”发生,也可表示“重新”,引申还可表示“回复”“反响”“响应”。 扩展资料 again是一个英语副词,基本意思是“重复”,即表示动作“再一次,又一次”发生,也可表示“重新”,引申还可表示“回复”“反响”“响应”。 again的短语搭配 try again 再来一次 rise again 死而复生 yet again 再一次 on again 易变化的;不肯定的 begin again 重新开始;重做 every now and again 偶尔,有时 give again 归还 again例句分享 I would very much like to see you again. 我很想再见到你。 Once again the train was late. 火车又一次晚点了。 After a course of treatment she became herself again. 经过一个疗程的治疗后她复原了。2023-06-25 12:53:191
找一首英文歌。。 是个女的唱的,最后就是一直again again again again 比较伤感的歌。
breathe you in---monrose是这个么?2023-06-25 12:53:277
Winning again and again 一次次地赢得胜利 ; 一次又一次的赢取胜利Changed Again and Again 改变又改变So interesting was this book that I read it again and again. 这本书是如此的有趣,以致于我读了一遍又一遍。2023-06-25 12:53:422
need是及物动词,后面应该要跟宾语的。如果是a,就是ifyouneedit.但是从句意上看应该是如果你必须要用的话,就借给你。2023-06-25 12:54:022
again 英[u0259"ɡen] 美[u0259u02c8ɡu025bn] adv. 再一次;再说;此外;增加 [例句]They had better think again.现在他们最好重新考虑了。2023-06-25 12:54:132
[人名]阿盖恩;2023-06-25 12:54:224
seeyouagain表达爱情再见。毕竟当今的婚姻已经是企业模式,两个股东如果旗鼓相当,遇到事情可以有商有量,大度一点的股东就吃亏包容一点,企业也能运营下去。 如果一个股东太弱,资本少,颜值低,没有对企业贡献多少价值,可能就出现破产、兼并、重组,这可不是好事情。 社会的稳定需要每一个最小的组织单位保持稳定,为了响应国家的维稳、和谐、可持续发展,为了伟大的社会主义早日到来,我们女人要好好努力!2023-06-25 12:54:351
话说能把整句话发过来吗?2023-06-25 12:54:434
"again" 的发音为 /u0259u02c8ɡen/ 或 /u0259u02c8ɡeu026an/,根据不同方言和口音可能有一些微小的差异,但大致都是这样的。这个词意思是“再次,重复”,通常用来表示某个动作或情况又发生了一次。例如,“I ate pizza for lunch yesterday, and I"m eating it again today”(昨天我午餐吃了披萨,今天我又吃了)。除了表明重复发生的动作外,"again" 还可以表示重新开始。比如,“Let"s start the game again”(我们重新开始游戏)。此外,"again" 还可以表示强调某一个动作或情况的重要性。例如,“You must try again”(你一定要再试一次)。总的来说,"again" 是英语中常用的词汇之一,适用于各种情形,记住它的正确发音并掌握它的用法,可以有效提高英语交流的效率。2023-06-25 12:54:541
again[英][u0259"ɡen] [美][u0259u02c8ɡu025bn] 生词本简明释义adv.再一次;再说;此外;增加易混淆的单词:Again以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.ADV又一次;再一次You use again to indicate that something happens a second time, or after it has already happened before. He kissed her again...他再一次吻了她。Again there was a short silence...接着又是一阵短暂的沉寂。I don"t ever want to go through anything like that again.我不想再经历那样的事了。2023-06-25 12:55:322
again英 [ə"gen; ə"geɪn]美 [ə"ɡɛn]adv. 又,此外;再一次;再说;增加n. (英、保)阿盖恩2023-06-25 12:55:391
つtsu浊化是zi2023-06-25 12:55:484
again一般作为副词用表示"又","再"的意思即重复,再一次去做而且again通常放在句末2023-06-25 12:55:551
again翻译:adv.再一次;又一次;返回原处;复原;增加;多;再说;再说,另一方面;请再说一遍;习语:adv.1.(every) now and again/then有时;偶尔;时常2.from time to time; occasionallyEvery now and again she checked to see if he was still asleep. 她隔一会儿就看看他是否还在睡觉。3.(the) same again(informal)同样的(饮料)再来一份4.used to ask sb to serve you the same drink as beforeSame again, please! 和刚才一样的,请再来一份!5.time after timetime and (time) again一次又一次;一再;屡屡;总是6.often; on many or all occasionsYou will get a perfect result time after time if you follow these instructions. 如果你遵循这些用法说明,每次都会得到最佳的效果。例句:1.Prices were cut yet again.物价再一次降低。2.The accident again raises questions about the safety of the plant. 这起事故再一次引发了人们对于工厂安全性的质疑。3.I would very much like to see you again. 我很想再见到你。4.And again, we must think of the cost. 再说,我们必须考虑成本。5.I don"t see the point of doing it all again. 我就不明白,再做一次有什么意义。6.We can make this country great again. 我们可以使这个国家再次强大起来。7.It was good to be back on dry land again. 回到陆地上真好。8.It"s good to see you again. 再次见到你真高兴。2023-06-25 12:56:161
again[u0259"ɡen],英语词汇,副词,表示“又;再”,源自古英语的ongean,意为朝向,反对。again与动词连用时,表示“重复,再一次”。2023-06-25 12:56:391
again是什么意思 again的意思
1、again,英语单词,副词、名词,作名词时意为“(英、保)阿盖恩”。作副词时意为“又,此外;再一次;再说;增加”。 2、单词发音:英[u0259u02c8ɡen; u0259u02c8ɡeu026an];美[u0259u02c8ɡu025bn, u0259u02c8ɡen]。 3、短语搭配: Fool Again痴心愚弄;再次被欺骗;再次愚弄;再次被诈骗 Rise again觉醒;死而复生;苏醒;再来一次2023-06-25 12:56:541
1、again,英语单词,副词、名词,作名词时意为“(英、保)阿盖恩”。作副词时意为“又,此外;再一次;再说;增加”。2、短语搭配FoolAgain痴心愚弄;再次被欺骗;再次愚弄;再次被诈骗Riseagain觉醒;死而复生;苏醒;再来一次NeverAgain从此不再;不再;钟丽缇主演;永不回头BreatheAgain再次呼吸;小燕子之歌;重生;宽心Liveagain再次苏醒;天堂鸟;再次清醒;重新生活wrongagain又错了;可我又错了;我又错了;但我又错了PasswordAgain重复密码;确认密码;再次输入密码;密码再输入一次SunshineAgain日出东方;日出西方;又见阳光2023-06-25 12:57:081
again:副词、名词,作名词时意为“(英、保)阿盖恩”。作副词时意为“又,此外;再一次;再说;增加”。 短语搭配: Fool Again痴心愚弄 ; 再次被欺骗 ; 再次愚弄 ; 再次被诈骗 Rise again觉醒 ; 死而复生 ; 苏醒 ; 再来一次 Never Again从此不再 ; 不再 ; 扩展资料 You shall not do that again. 你不可以再做那样的`事。 Yeah, well, again. 是的,嗯,再次。 You again, what do you do stealthily behind me? 你再一次,你暗地里在我之后做什么?2023-06-25 12:58:091
百度去搜2023-06-25 12:59:472
再一次,又,再,应该就这些意思2023-06-25 13:00:024
again 通常做副词,中文意思是又,此外;再一次;再说;增加。1、again主要用于修饰性动态动词,基本意思是“重复”,即表示动作又一次、再一次发生,重复发生; 也可表示“重新”,即恢复到原来的位置或状态。引申可表示“回复”“反响”“响应”。again表示又 (回到过去的状态或地方) ,作为副词在动词之后。 例:He opened his attaché case, removed a folder, then closed it again.他打开了他的公文包,拿出了一个文件夹,然后又把它合上了。2023-06-25 13:00:116
again 英[u0259"ɡen] 美[u0259u02c8ɡu025bn] 如果不认识音标的话,用汉字读就是”额盖恩“,另外有道词典上有真人发音,建议LZ多听听,对照音标,音标相当于汉语的拼音了。2023-06-25 13:01:352
again 中文是怎么解释
再,又2023-06-25 13:01:504
又,再2023-06-25 13:02:062
再一次2023-06-25 13:03:283
“again”是一个常用的英语单词,它有多种用法,包括:1、重复地,再一次地:例如,“Canyousaythatagain”译为“你能再说一遍吗”表示需要对方再重复一次之前说的话。2、再次,又:例如,“Imetheragainyesterday.”译为“我昨天又见到了她。”表示在昨天再次碰到了她。3、更多地,再一次:例如,“Heprovedhimselfonceagainasareliableemployee.”译为“他再一次证明自己是一名可靠的员工。”表示他再一次证明了自己的能力。4、此外,还有“再见”的意思,常常用于告别场合中,例如,“Bye。Seeyouagainsoon.”译为“再见。很快再见。”2023-06-25 13:03:541
again是什么意思中文 英语again是什么意思中文
1、again主要用于修饰性动态动词,基本意思是“重复”,即表示动作又一次、再一次发生,重复发生; 也可表示“重新”,即恢复到原来的位置或状态。 2、引申可表示“回复”“反响”“响应”。again表示又 (回到过去的状态或地方) ,作为副词在动词之后。2023-06-25 13:04:341
again是什么意思中文 英语again是什么意思中文
1、again主要用于修饰性动态动词,基本意思是“重复”,即表示动作又一次、再一次发生,重复发生; 也可表示“重新”,即恢复到原来的位置或状态。 2、引申可表示“回复”“反响”“响应”。again表示又 (回到过去的状态或地方) ,作为副词在动词之后。2023-06-25 13:06:131
单词用法 1、again主要用于修饰性动态动词,在表示“增加…倍”时一般放在比较连词的前面,表数量的词后面。 2、again一般位于句尾或句首。 3、again不用于比较等级,没有比较级和最高级。 扩展资料 例句: 1、And again, we must think of the cost. 再说,我们必须考虑成本。 2、I would very much like to see you again. 我很想再见到你。 3、I don"t see the point of doing it all again. 我就不明白,再做一次有什么意义。2023-06-25 13:06:201
再一次再拼 音 zài 部 首 冂 笔 画 6 五 行 金 繁 体 再 五 笔 GMFD生词本基本释义 详细释义1.表示已经重复的动作用“又”,表示将要重复的动作用“再”:这部书前几天我又读了一遍,以后有时间我还要~读一遍。b)表示更加:高点儿,~高点儿。~多一点儿就好了。c)表示如果继续下去就会怎样:学习~不努力,就得留级了。离开车只剩半个钟头了,~不走可赶不上了。d)表示即使继续下去也不会怎样:你~解释,他也不会同意的。e)表示一个动作发生在另一个动作结束之后:咱们看完了这个节目~走。你把材料整理好~动笔。f)表示另外有所补充:~则。~不然。院子里种着迎春、牡丹、海棠、石榴,~就是玫瑰和月季。2.再继续;再出现:青春不~。良机难~。3.姓。2023-06-25 13:06:512