care:做名词有关怀、照料、谨慎、忧虑的意思;做动词是在意、希望或喜欢的意思。care是名词、及物动词、不及物动词。作名词时意思是“关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑;人名;(英)凯尔;(塞)察蕾”,作及物动词时意为“在意;希望或喜欢”,作不及物动词时意为“照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑”。care用作及物动词作“在乎”“介意”“关心”解时,后面常跟that/wh-或if/whether引导的从句;作“愿意”解时,后面常跟动词不定式,一般多用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,也可用于含有怀疑或不确定意味的半否定句中,但不用于意思十分确切的肯定句中。care作“在乎,介意,关心”解时还可用作不及物动词,后面常跟介词about或for引导的短语。care只有在答句中、含有情态动词时、if从句中或定语从句中才可用于肯定句。care用作名词时意思是“照顾”“护理”,也可指“小心”“注意”,还可指“忧虑”“挂念”,均用作不可数名词。care可作“烦人的事”解,为可数名词,多用其复数形式。2023-06-23 19:14:191
关心,在意2023-06-23 19:14:296
care基本词汇 英[keu0259(r)] 美[ker] v.关心;担忧;照顾;喜爱;介意;倾向于;愿望;在乎n.小心;照料;忧虑;注意;护理2023-06-23 19:15:031
care的读音是:英[ke?(r)]。care的读音是:英[ke?(r)]。care的详尽释义是v.(动词)计较喜欢,喜爱,爱好,对...中意愿意(后接不定式)挂念,思念想要,希望,想做,愿意,愿望忧虑,愁看管,照管,照应,看护,监督抚育,关怀,照顾,关心,担心,在乎,照料,照看,操心管,顾,问(对…)介意,(对...)计较有异议,反对感到遗憾赡养(for)。care的意思是v.关心;担忧;照顾;喜爱;介意;倾向于;愿望;在乎;n.小心;照料;忧虑;注意;护理。一、详尽释义点此查看care的详细内容v.(动词)计较喜欢,喜爱,爱好,对...中意愿意(后接不定式)挂念,思念想要,希望,想做,愿意,愿望忧虑,愁看管,照管,照应,看护,监督抚育,关怀,照顾,关心,担心,在乎,照料,照看,操心管,顾,问(对…)介意,(对...)计较有异议,反对感到遗憾赡养(for)n.(名词)小心,谨慎照料,关怀,看护,保护,爱护忧虑,烦恼,忧烦管理心事用心努力所关心之事当心,注意挂念,思念,忧念abbr.(缩略词)=Cooperative for American Remittances to Everywhere 美国援外汇款合作组织=Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe 汇款到欧洲合作社=Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere 美国援外合作组织二、词典解释1.关心;在乎;在意If youcare about something, you feel that it is important and are concerned about it.care在线翻译e.g. ...a company that cares about the environment.注重环保的公司e.g. ...young men who did notcare whether they lived or died...不在乎死活的年轻人2.爱;喜爱If youcare for someone, you feel a lot of affection for them.e.g. He wanted me to know that he still cared for me.他想要我知道他仍爱着我。e.g. ...people who are your friends, whocare about you.关爱你的朋友们caring...the "feminine" traits of caring and compassion.富有爱心和同情心的“女性”特质3.照料;照顾;护理If youcare for someone or something, you look after them and keep them in a good state or condition.care的近义词e.g. They hired a nurse tocare for her.他们雇了个护士来照顾她。e.g. ...these distinctive cars, lovingly cared for by private owners.这些受到车主们悉心养护、与众不同的私家车4.(政府)收养,监护Children who arein care are looked after by the state because their parents are dead or unable to look after them properly.care是什么意思e.g. ...a home for children incare...儿童福利院e.g. She was taken intocare as a baby.她尚在襁褓中时就被福利院收养。5.喜欢;喜爱If you say that you do notcare for something or someone, you mean that you do not like them.e.g. She had met both sons and did notcare for either.两个儿子她都见了,一个都不喜欢。6.想;愿意If you say that someone does something when theycare to do it, you mean that they do it, although they should do it more willingly or more often.e.g. The woman tells anyone who cares to listen that she"s going through hell...只要一有人听她诉说,那个女人就会告诉人家她正在受苦受难。e.g. Experts reveal only as much as theycare to.专家们只透露了他们想透露的那些。7.愿意,要(一种有礼貌的询问)You can ask someone if they wouldcare for something or if they wouldcare to do something as a polite way of asking if they would like to have or do something.e.g. Would youcare for some orange juice?...来杯橙汁怎么样?e.g. He said he was off to the beach and would wecare to join him.他说他要去海滩,问我们愿不愿和他一块儿去。8.小心;用心If you do somethingwith care, you give careful attention to it because you do not want to make any mistakes or cause any damage.e.g. Condoms are an effective method of birth control if used withcare...如果使用得当,避孕套是很有效的避孕手段。e.g. We"d taken enormouscare in choosing the location.在地点的选择上我们格外谨慎。9.担心;忧虑;恐惧Yourcares are your worries, anxieties, or fears.e.g. Lean back in a hot bath and forget all the cares of the day...舒舒服服地躺着泡个热水澡,忘掉白天的一切烦恼。e.g. Johnson seemed without acare in the world.约翰逊似乎无忧无虑。10. see also: caring;aftercare;day care;intensive care11.毫不在乎You can usefor all Icare to emphasize that it does not matter at all to you what someone does.e.g. You can go right now for all Icare.你现在就可以走,我才不在乎呢。12.毫不在意;毫不关心(美国英语中亦可用could care less)If you say that youcouldn"t care less about someone or something, you are emphasizing that you are not interested in them or worried about them. In American English, you can also say that youcould care less, with the same meaning.e.g. I couldn"tcare less about the bloody woman...那个该死的女人关我屁事!e.g. Personally, I couldn"t have cared less whether the ice-cream came from Italy or England...就我来说,我根本不在乎冰淇淋是意大利产的,还是英国产的。13.经由…转交;由…收转If someone sends you a letter or parcelcare of a particular person or place, they send it to that person or place, and it is then passed on to you. In American English, you can also sayin care of .care在线翻译e.g. Please write to mecare of the publishers...写给我的信请由出版商收转。e.g. I addressed their letters incare of the bars and clubs where I"d known them.我把写给他们的信寄往我们结识时的酒吧和俱乐部,请它们代为转交。14.照顾;照看;看护If youtake care of someone or something, you look after them and prevent them from being harmed or damaged.e.g. There was no one else to takecare of their children...没有别人可以照料他们的孩子。e.g. You have to learn to takecare of your possessions.你得学会保管好自己的财物。15.保重,珍重(用于道别)You can say "Take care" when saying goodbye to someone.16.确保(做);特意If youtake care to do something, you make sure that you do it.e.g. Foley followed Albert through the gate, takingcare to close the latch.福利跟着艾伯特穿过大门,特意将门闩插好。17.处理;应对Totake care of a problem, task, or situation means to deal with it.e.g. They leave it to the system to try and takecare of the problem...他们让系统去设法解决这个问题。e.g. "Do you need clean sheets?" — "No. Mrs. May tookcare of that."“您需要干净床单吗?”——“哦,不用了。梅夫人帮我换好了。”18.(表示说话者毫不在乎)谁在乎?You can say "Who cares?" to emphasize that something does not matter to you at all.e.g. Who cares about some stupid vacation?...谁在乎什么愚蠢的度假?e.g. "But we might ruin the stove." — "Whocares?"“可我们会把炉子弄坏的!”——“我才不在乎呢!”三、网络解释1. 国际关怀协会:目前,这批PUR净水剂正由数家NGO救援机构代为分发到海地受灾地区,这些救援机构包括美国关怀 (AmeriCare),国际关怀协会(CARE),全球医援机构(Global Medic),国际人口服务组织(PSI),纯洁爱心机构(Pure Compassion Ministries),2. care2. 小心:翻看着那些照片 突然感觉 粉色的大头靴子 真漂亮 我以前有双黑色的呢 可穿起来 怎么就不对味呢 这几天 耳根就不清静 总有些唠唠叨叨的声音在围绕(environment) 我真想说 请别再说了我 其实比你们 更着急 越听着 越感觉 我好像跟个废人一样 可是 生活 有时候 就连能拿出喘口气活着的勇气(courage)都很可敬了 还要怎么样活着 for assistance and relief everywhere; 国际人道救援合作组织 – aided reliability estimation; 计算机辅助的可靠性测定〖程序〗 for american remittances to europe; 美国对欧汇业协会 account record exchange; 客户账目记录交换四、例句It makes me feel good that you care about me.你关心我,我感到很高兴。She will care for the children while I am away.我不在的时候,她会照顾那些孩子。He doesn"t care for fish.他不喜欢吃鱼。I don"t care whether or not she will attend the meeting.她是否来参加会议,我不介意。Would you care for another help?你还想得到帮助吗?Would you care to have a small wager on the game?你愿意在这场比赛上下个小赌注吗?The students don"t care how much you know until they know how much you care.学生不在乎你懂多少,而是在乎你对他们有多在意。Owing to wet weather, motorists are advised to drive with extra care.雨天路滑,请格外小心驾驶。John"s old enough to take care of himself.约翰长大了,能照顾自己了。He leads a life free from care.他过着无忧无虑的生活。If you decide to do this, you need to take care of several things.如果你决定要这样做,你必须注意几个方面。This patient requires intensive care.该病人需要加强护理。五、常用短语用作动词(v.)care about (v.+prep.)在乎,在意 mindcare for (v.+prep.)尊重 have regard for用作名词(n.)in care of转交 giving sb sth by the third persontake care坚持到底 keep ontake care of抵消 balancethe care of由…照顾〔管理〕 being responsible for六、情景对话点酒水care什么意思A:Would youcare for some red wine?您想喝点儿红酒吗?B:No, thanks.不,谢谢。道别A:I just dropped in to say goodbye.我到这里来是跟你告别的。B:What time are you leaving?你什么时间出发?A:I"ll leave at 10 o"clock.我10 点钟走。B:Takecare and give my best to your parents.保重。代我问候你的父母。A:Thank you, I will. Hope to see you again next year.谢谢,我会的。希望明年可以再见到你。排球赛A:There"s going to be a volleyball match between Economy Department and Foreign Languages Department this afternoon. Are any of you keen on volleyball?今天下午经济系要与外语系进行一场排球赛。有人愿意看排球赛吗?B:Sorry, I"m not a volleyball fan. I"d rather play football. How about you, Mr. Wang? Are you interested in volleyball?对不起,我不是排球迷。我倒愿意踢足球。你呢,王先生?你对排球感兴趣吗?care的反义词C:I"m afraid not. My favorite sport is running. I don"tcare for ball games.恐怕也不喜欢。我最喜欢的运动是跑步。我不喜欢球类运动。七、词源解说☆ 直接源自古英语的caru,意为悲痛,焦虑;最初源自原始日耳曼语的karo。care的相关近义词delight in、desire、enjoy、want、affliction、anxiety、caution、regardcare的相关反义词carelessness、inattention、thoughtlessnesscare的相关临近词career、cardiovascular、Caren、Carew、Carea、Carei、Carek、caret、carex、Carev、CARES、Carel点此查看更多关于care的详细信息2023-06-23 19:15:421
care的中文意思 care是什么意思
1、care,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑;人名;(英)凯尔;(塞)察蕾”,作及物动词时意为“在意;希望或喜欢”,作不及物动词时意为“照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑”。 2、care的单词发音:英[keu0259(r)],美[ker]。2023-06-23 19:15:571
care英 [keu0259(r)] 美 [ker] v.照顾; 关心; 担心; 喜爱; n.照顾; 小心; 忧虑; [例句]Kevin arrived right on cue to care for Harry. 凯文到的正是时候,可以照顾哈丽。 [其他]第三人称单数:cares 现在分词:caring 过去式:cared 过去分词:cared2023-06-23 19:16:051
细心,在意2023-06-23 19:16:122
Care,英语单词,作动词和名词,意思有关心,在意;小心,照料。care的意思就是照顾,愿望,担忧,关心,或者是护理,小心,注意,照料等。如果把它当成是动词,比如关心或者在乎,后面一般都会跟whether作为从句。如果是把它当成愿意去解释之时,那么后面通常都是跟动词不定式。这就是用在否定句,疑问句或者是条件句中,或者还能用在怀疑句,就是要注意不能用在意思已经非常明确地肯定句里面。而且它只有在包含了情态动词里面的时候,定语从句里面,此时才能用作是肯定句。作及物动词时意为在意;希望或喜欢,作不及物动词时意为照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑。care例句:1、Would youcare for a dram?你要不要来点儿威士忌?2、He doesn"t bloodycare about anybody else.他根本不关心别人。3、I don"tcare what colour she is.我不在乎她是什么人种。4、I can takecare of your kind.我能对付你这类人。5、Good healthcare is of primary importance.良好的医疗保健是重中之重。2023-06-23 19:16:461
care作为名词的意思是:“关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑;人名;(英)凯尔;(塞)察蕾”;作及物动词名词的意思是:“在意;希望或喜欢”;作不及物动词名词的意思是:“照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑”。 care这个英文单词,使用的频率比较高,可是要真正了解这个英文单词的含义,却不是那么容易,不少人经常出现使用错误,下面让我们共同去了解这个英文单词吧。 详细内容 01 单词发音: 英[keu0259(r)]美[ker]。 02 friso care美素佳儿 ; 美素全称美素佳儿; Primary Care医学院 ; 基层医疗 ; 社区医疗; Child care儿童保健 ; 儿童护理 ; 托儿所 ; 儿童看护。 03 Critical Care急救护理 ; 特级护理 ; 重症监护 ; 医院人生; Self Care照顾自己 ; 自我照顾 ; 自我照料 ; 自顾; BUICK CARE别克关怀 ; 别克眷注。 04 parental care亲代抚育 ; 亲代养育 ; 亲代关怀 ; 亲代照顾; MAGIC CARE魔法护理 ; 邪术照顾护士; denture care清洗假牙 ; 假牙的护理 ; 假牙护理; Patient Care病人照护 ; 病患照顾 ; 病人护理 ; 病人照顾 。 05 They care about no one but themselves. 他们只关心自己,不关心别人。 What do you care? 你有什么在意的? Because I care. 因为我关心。2023-06-23 19:17:421
关心,关注,在意2023-06-23 19:17:514
care用法归纳 1. 用作名词:表示“注意”、“小心”、“关心”等,均为不可数名词.如:You must do it with great care. 你必须十分小心地做它.Care is needed when crossing the road. 过马路时要小心.We should take good care of the children. 我们应该好好照看这些孩子.2. 用作动词:注意以下用法:(1) 后接不定式,表示“愿意”、“喜欢”、“想要”,通常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句等.如:I don"t care to play basketball. 我不喜欢打篮球.Would you care to go for a walk? 你想去散散步吗?(2) 后接从句,表示“在乎”“在意”等,多用于否定句或疑问句,偶尔也用于肯定句.如:I don"t care what they say. I shall go on just the same. 我不在乎他们说什么,不管怎么说,我都会继续干下去.I really care whether we win or lose. 我们是输是赢我真的很在乎.3. 用于 care about(1) 表示“在乎”、“介意”.如:He does not care about his clothes. 他对穿衣服在乎.The only thing he cares about is money. 他只在乎钱.(2) 表示“对……感兴趣”.如:I don"t care about it. 我对此不感兴趣(from cared little about computers. 他对计算机没什么兴趣.4. 用于 care for(1) 表示“喜欢”,通常用于否定句或疑问句.如:Would you care for a drink? 你想喝一杯吗?He doesn"t care much for music. 他不大喜欢音乐.(2) 表示“照看”、“照顾”(可用于各种句型).如:He cared for his father all through his long illness. 他父亲在长期的生病期间由他照顾.Who will care for him if his wife dies? 假若他妻子死了,谁来照顾他2023-06-23 19:18:081
照顾2023-06-23 19:18:176
n.1. 看护;保护[U]Is he in the doctor"s care?他有医生治疗护理吗?2. 照料;管理;关怀[U]The baby needs a lot of care.这婴孩需要精心照料。3. 忧虑,烦恼;心事[C][U]He is now free from all care.他如今无忧无虑。4. 用心;努力[U]Caroline began to devote more care to her work.凯洛琳开始更加努力地工作了。5. 小心,谨慎[U]Fragile; handle with care!易碎品,小心轻放!6. 所关心之事[C]The dog was the old man"s major care.这条狗是这位老人最操心的事。vi.[W]1. 关心;担心;在乎,介意[(+about/for)]Do you care if I go?如果我去的话,你不介意吧?2. 关怀,照顾[(+for)]3. 喜欢,愿意,想要[(+for)]I don"t care for coffee.我不喜欢喝咖啡。vt.[W]1. 对...介意,对...计较[+wh-]I don"t care what they say.我不在乎他们说什么。2. 喜欢,愿意,想要[+to-v]I don"t care to go out.我不想出去2023-06-23 19:18:301
国际救助贫困组织(CARE)国际救助贫困组织(CARE)是世界上主要的人道主义组织,在世界上70多个国家中帮助对抗贫困和不公正。在紧急救助和开发合作方面,它拥有60多年的实践和实际工作经验。它的计划解决贫困的深层次的根本原因,不仅仅是其产生的结果。最近的数字显示,国际救助贫困组织(CARE)每年帮助5900多万人找到脱贫的途径。国际救助贫困组织(CARE)与联合国经济和社会理事会保持着顾问状态,帮助需要帮助的人们,无论他们的政治信仰、宗教或者种族情况如何。国际救助贫困组织(德国-卢森堡)(CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg)位于德国,形成国际救助贫困组织( CARE International)的一部分。在第二次世界大战后,由22家美国组织组成的一个社团共同努力,向饱受战争创伤的德国(数百万人正在遭受着饥饿之苦)交付了大于1千万的CARE包。出于对这次慷慨行动的感激之情,于1980年成立了国际救助贫困组织(德国)(CARE Deutschland),今天,以国际救助贫困组织(德国-卢森堡)(CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg e.V.)的名称运行。该组织已经赢得了监测慈善性非政府组织捐赠的使用情况的独立机构DZI的认证,同时赢得了审计公司普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)关于透明度和可计算性方面的认证。2023-06-23 19:18:401
是的!!即可做可数名词也可做不可数名词2023-06-23 19:18:492
care和carefulness主要有两个方面不同:①词性不同.carefulness是名词;care可以用作名词和动词②两者同时作为名词时,意思侧重点不同。下面是例子:carefulness 仔细,慎重(侧重于细心,仔细)[例句]This is a job required more responsibility and carefulness.这是一个需要更多责任心和细心去完成的工作。care v. 照顾; 关心; 担心; 喜爱; n. 照顾; 小心; 忧虑; (侧重于关心) [例句]Does anybody know we"re here, does anybody care?有谁知道我们在这儿?有谁在乎?望采纳,谢谢!2023-06-23 19:19:054
照料关心的意思在意 喜欢2023-06-23 19:19:342
care of、care about、care for、care with的区别
★care既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,意为“在乎”“在意”,通常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。如: ① vi. They might fail, but they didn"t care. 他们可能会失败,但他们不在乎。 I don"t care if I never see him again. 即便我永远再也见不到他,我也不在乎。② vt. I"ll go. I don"t care what happens. 不管发生什么,我都要去。 I don"t care whom you will go together with. 我并不介意你要和谁一起去。★care与for或about连用,意为“关心”“爱护”。care for作“照顾”解时,可用于被动语态。如: ① We should care for/about each other. 我们应该互相关心。② The children are well cared for in the nursery. 孩子们在托儿所受到很好的照顾。★care后接动词不定式或介词for/about,意为“喜欢”“愿意”“对……感兴趣”,用于否定句和疑问句中,不可用于被动语态。如: ① He might not care to go. 他也许不想去。② She didn"t care to be disturbed. 她不愿意被打扰。③ Rose doesn"t care about money. 罗斯对钱不感兴趣。④ I don"t care for the place. 我不喜欢这个地方。★care作名词用时,除了作“关心”“照顾”“忧虑”等解以外,还有“小心”“谨慎”“保护”“管理”“责任”“可忧虑的事(原因)”等。如: ① I retired last year. Now I am a man free from care duty. 我去年退休了。现在我是个无工作之忧的人了。② Mr James is old, but can not be free from the care of his big family. 詹姆士先生已经老了,但是仍摆脱不了养活一大家子的负担。③ Our house is under the care of my uncle"s, when we all go abroad. 在我们全家出国期间,我们的房子交由叔叔家照管。④ This is very fragile. Please handle with care! 这是易碎品。请小心轻放!⑤ Care has made him look at least six years older than his age. 忧虑使他看上去比实际年龄至少老六岁。★take care of(=look after)意为“照料”。如: The baby must be taken good care of. 这婴儿一定要很好地照料。★take care of还要作“对付”“应付”解。如:Don"t worry; I can take care of it. 别担心,我能对付它。【注】与care相关的词组及复合词: care of转交往往被缩写为c/o,多用于信封上。 care-taker守门者;管理员 care-worn (因担心、劳苦而)消瘦憔悴的★care加后缀-ful和-less分别构成形容词careful和careless。careful的意思是“细心的”“谨慎的”;careless的意思主要有“粗心的”“不在乎的”等。如: ① On the whole, he is a careful person. 总的来说,他是个细心的人。② Be careful with your health. 注意你们的身体健康。③ That is our careful selection. 那是我们谨慎的选择。④ No such careless mistake is allowed once more. 如此粗心的错误绝不允许再次发生。⑤ Being young men, we should be careless of hardship. 作为年轻人,我们不应该怕吃2023-06-23 19:19:441
care 英[keu0259(r)] 美[ku025br] vt.& vi.关心;担心;在乎;介意 vt.喜欢,愿意;想要;希望;欲望[后接不定式,常用于否定、疑问及条件句... n.照顾;忧虑;当心 [例句]Mr obama may not care. 奥巴马可能不在乎这些.2023-06-23 19:19:571
意思是:关怀。英[keu0259(r)]释义:n.关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑vi.照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑vt.在意;希望或喜欢n.(Care)人名;(英)凯尔;(塞)察蕾[复数:cares;第三人称单数:cares;现在分词:caring;过去式:cared;过去分词:cared]短语:friso care美素佳儿;美素全称美素佳儿扩展资料:词语辨析:worry,brood,care,fret这些动词均有“烦恼、担忧”之意。1、worry普通用词,着重使人焦虑、烦恼或深深不安。2、brood语气比worry强,多指沉思、沮丧或忧郁。3、care多指极强烈的关心和忧虑。常带纯客观的意味。4、fret通常指因悲哀、焦虑或忧愁等所困扰的心理状态。2023-06-23 19:20:071
在乎关心2023-06-23 19:20:245
什么是apple care
AppleCare Protection Plan 全方位服务计划或 AppleCare+ 全方位服务计划可提供专家电话技术支持,以及来自 Apple 的额外硬件保修服务。由于 Apple 制造了硬件、操作系统及众多应用软件,Apple 产品是真正意义上的集成系统。只有 AppleCare 产品可为你提供来自 Apple 专家的一站式维修服务和技术支持,只要拨打一个电话即可解决大部分问题。2023-06-23 19:20:418
care 什么意思?
n.关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑vi.照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑vt.在意;希望或喜欢2023-06-23 19:21:582
care[英][keu0259(r)][美][ker]v.关心; 担心; 照顾; 喜爱; n.照顾; 小心; 忧虑; 第三人称单数:cares过去分词:cared现在进行时:caring过去式:cared例句:1.Mr obama may not care. 奥巴马可能不在乎这些。2.Freaking take care of yourself. 该死的要照顾好自己。3.He also promised service members higher pay, better child care and other benefits. 他还承诺提高军人的待遇,和给予军人小孩更好照料和其他福利。2023-06-23 19:22:061
作为名词:注意,照料(如takecareof……),烦恼,忧虑作为不及物动词:关心,顾虑,照顾,喜爱(如carefor……)作为及物动词:在意2023-06-23 19:22:131
作名词时意为“关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑;人名;(英)凯尔;(塞)察蕾”,作及物动词时意为“在意;希望或喜欢”,作不及物动词时意为“照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑”。care 变化形式:第三人称单数: cares过去式: cared过去分词: cared现在分词: caring易混淆的单词: CareCarECaRECAREcare 用法和例句:Who will care for the fallen ?谁又会在乎树叶的掉落?Child care has increasingly become a profession .照顾儿童越来越成为一项职业。For many years I worked in palliative care .我在临终关怀行业工作了很多年。These pups need as much care as human babies do .这些小崽崽就像人类婴儿一样需要充分的照料。Few care much about optimal policy .没人太多关心什么是最佳政策。2023-06-23 19:22:471
care,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑;人名;(英)凯尔;(塞)察蕾”,作及物动词时意为“在意;希望或喜欢”,作不及物动词时意为“照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑”。关于care的发音:英[keu0259(r)]美[ker];扩展资料:Primary Care医学院 ; 基层医疗 ; 社区医疗Child care儿童保健 ; 儿童护理 ; 托儿所 ; 儿童看护Critical Care急救护理 ; 特级护理 ; 医院人生They care about no one but themselves.他们关心自己,不关心别人。What do you care?你有什么在意的。2023-06-23 19:25:071
照顾关心2023-06-23 19:25:254
care用法归纳 1. 用作名词:表示“注意”、“小心”、“关心”等,均为不可数名词。如:You must do it with great care. 你必须十分小心地做它。Care is needed when crossing the road. 过马路时要小心。We should take good care of the children. 我们应该好好照看这些孩子。2. 用作动词:注意以下用法:(1) 后接不定式,表示“愿意”、“喜欢”、“想要”,通常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句等。如:I don"t care to play basketball. 我不喜欢打篮球。Would you care to go for a walk? 你想去散散步吗?(2) 后接从句,表示“在乎”“在意”等,多用于否定句或疑问句,偶尔也用于肯定句。如:I don"t care what they say. I shall go on just the same. 我不在乎他们说什么,不管怎么说,我都会继续干下去。I really care whether we win or lose. 我们是输是赢我真的很在乎。3. 用于 care about(1) 表示“在乎”、“介意”。如:He does not care about his clothes. 他对穿衣服在乎。The only thing he cares about is money. 他只在乎钱。(2) 表示“对……感兴趣”。如:I don"t care about it. 我对此不感兴趣(from。He cared little about computers. 他对计算机没什么兴趣。4. 用于 care for(1) 表示“喜欢”,通常用于否定句或疑问句。如:Would you care for a drink? 你想喝一杯吗?He doesn"t care much for music. 他不大喜欢音乐。(2) 表示“照看”、“照顾”(可用于各种句型)。如:He cared for his father all through his long illness. 他父亲在长期的生病期间由他照顾。Who will care for him if his wife dies? 假若他妻子死了,谁来照顾他2023-06-23 19:26:071
care 是什么意思
care——照料2023-06-23 19:26:465
care用法归纳 1. 用作名词:表示“注意”、“小心”、“关心”等,均为不可数名词.如:You must do it with great care. 你必须十分小心地做它.Care is needed when crossing the road. 过马路时要小心.We should take good care of the children. 我们应该好好照看这些孩子.2. 用作动词:注意以下用法:(1) 后接不定式,表示“愿意”、“喜欢”、“想要”,通常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句等.如:I don"t care to play basketball. 我不喜欢打篮球.Would you care to go for a walk? 你想去散散步吗?(2) 后接从句,表示“在乎”“在意”等,多用于否定句或疑问句,偶尔也用于肯定句.如:I don"t care what they say. I shall go on just the same. 我不在乎他们说什么,不管怎么说,我都会继续干下去.I really care whether we win or lose. 我们是输是赢我真的很在乎.3. 用于 care about(1) 表示“在乎”、“介意”.如:He does not care about his clothes. 他对穿衣服在乎.The only thing he cares about is money. 他只在乎钱.(2) 表示“对……感兴趣”.如:I don"t care about it. 我对此不感兴趣(from cared little about computers. 他对计算机没什么兴趣.4. 用于 care for(1) 表示“喜欢”,通常用于否定句或疑问句.如:Would you care for a drink? 你想喝一杯吗?He doesn"t care much for music. 他不大喜欢音乐.(2) 表示“照看”、“照顾”(可用于各种句型).如:He cared for his father all through his long illness. 他父亲在长期的生病期间由他照顾.Who will care for him if his wife dies? 假若他妻子死了,谁来照顾他2023-06-23 19:27:151
care for,look after,take care和take care of的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 for意思:照顾;关心;喜欢2.look after意思:照料;照顾;照管;(尤指作为工作)料理,打理3.take care意思:当心;留心4.take care of意思:处理;应对;照顾;照看;看护二、用法不同 for用法:care用作及物动词作“在乎”“介意”“关心”解时,后面常跟that/wh-或if/whether引导的从句,作“愿意”解时,后面常跟动词不定式,一般多用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,也可用于含有怀疑或不确定意味的半否定句中,但不用于意思十分确切的肯定句中。2.look after用法:基本意思是“为了看清某物而有意识地向某一方向看去”,指使用人的视力,强调的是有意地“看”的动作。3.take care用法:作“在乎,介意,关心”解时还可用作不及物动词,后面常跟介词about或for引导的短语。4.take care of用法:care用作名词时意思是“照顾”“护理”,也可指“小心”“注意”,还可指“忧虑”“挂念”,均用作不可数名词。三、侧重点不同 for侧重点:Care for通常我们会说I care for you,意思是说我关心你。2.look after侧重点:look after适用于医生对病人的照顾以及主人对宠物的照顾。3.take care侧重点:take care一般口语化颇多,例如老外在分手的时候会说take care,意思就是好好照顾自己。4.take care of侧重点:比较口语化一点,有局限性,比如让人照料什么东西。2023-06-23 19:27:341
care的用法如下:care作“在乎,介意,关心”时可用作不及物动词,后面常跟介词about或for引导的短语。care用作及物动词作“在乎”“介意”“关心”解时,后面常跟that/wh-或if/whether引导的从句。作“愿意”解时,后面常跟动词不定式,一般多用于疑梁耐问句、否定句或条件句中,也可用于含有怀疑或不确定意味的半否定句中,禅渣中但不用于意思十分确切的肯定句中。care只有在答句中、含有情态动词时、if从句中或定语从句中才可用于肯定句。care用作名词时意思是“照顾”“护理,也可指“小心”“注意”,还可指“忧虑”“挂念”,均用作不可数名词。care还可作“烦人的事”解,为可数名词贺山,多用其复数形式。造句:1、Would you care for a dram?你要不要来点儿威士忌?2、He doesn"t bloody care about anybody else.他根本不关心别人。3、I don"t care what colour she is.我不在乎她是什么人种。4、I can take care of your kind.我能对付你这类人。5、Good health care is of primary importance.良好的医疗保健是重中之重。6、She takes great care of her clothes.她非常爱惜自己的衣服。7、Joe Sixpack doesn"t care about that.普通工人不在意那事。8、Would you care for another drink?您再来一杯好吗?9、I don"t really care for spicy food.我其实不喜欢吃辛辣食物。10、See that you take care of him.你一定要好好照顾他。2023-06-23 19:27:501
Care:作名词时意为“关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑;。作及物动词时意为“在意;希望或喜欢”,作不及物动词时意为“照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑”。一、短语搭配Primary Care医学院 ; 基层医疗 ; 社区医疗Child care儿童保健 ; 儿童护理 ; 托儿所 ; 儿童看护Critical Care急救护理 ; 特级护理 ; 重症监护 ; 医院人生Self Care照顾自己 ; 自我照顾 ; 自我照料 ; 自顾BUICK CARE别克关怀 ; 别克眷注parental care亲代抚育 ; 亲代养育 ; 亲代关怀 ; 亲代照顾MAGIC CARE魔法护理 ; 邪术照顾护士denture care清洗假牙 ; 假牙的护理 ; 假牙护理Patient Care病人照护 ; 病患照顾 ; 病人护理 ; 病人照顾二、双语例句They care about no one but themselves.他们只关心自己,不关心别人。What do you care?你有什么在意的?。Because I care.因为我关心。2023-06-23 19:28:461
care,读音:英[keu0259r],美[ker]。释义:n.关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑。vi.照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑。vt.在意;希望或喜欢。变形:过去式cared,过去分词cared,现在分词caring,第三人称单数cares,复数cares。短语:care about担心,关心care for关心,照顾;喜欢medical care医疗护理don"t care不管,不在意care的例句1、Most of her life was spent in caring for others.她大半辈子的时间都用来照顾别人了。2、These pets require a lot of care and attention.这些宠物需要悉心照顾。3、Medical care is still free at the point of use.医疗保健在实际提供点仍然是免费的。4、Do what you like, I don"t care.你想做什么就做什么,我不在乎。5、I don"t care if I never see him again!即使我永远再也见不到他,我也不在乎!2023-06-23 19:29:081
care about 意为 在乎,在意,或者关心例:I don"t care what he for 意为 对……感兴趣,喜欢例:I don"t for for sb 除了作为“喜欢某人”解之外,亦有“照顾/照料某人”解例:She moved pack home to care for her elderly parents.她搬回家住,好照料她年迈的双亲。全是在语法书上找的,绝对没错,有问题还可以再问我~2023-06-23 19:30:182
care英[keu0259]美[ku025br]n.关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑vt.在意;希望或喜欢vi.照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑n.(Care)人名;(英)凯尔;(塞)察蕾2023-06-23 19:31:492
take care 注意;小心 take care of 照顾;注意;抚养 care of 由…转交 health care 卫生保健 take care of oneself 照顾自己;颐养 care about v.担心,关心 care for 关心,照顾;喜欢 medical care 医疗护理 don"t care 不管,不在意 nursing care 护理 skin care 护肤品;皮肤护理 take good care 好好照顾;珍重 take good care of 照顾好;好好照看 with care 小心地 personal care 个人护理;个人护理用品 health care products 保健品 child care 儿童保育 health care system 保健系统;医疗制度 intensive care 重病特别护理 take care of yourself 照顾好你自己;自己多保重2023-06-23 19:32:231
care的形容词是careful 仔细的,小心的;副词是carefully 小心地;care,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑;人名;(英)凯尔;(塞)察蕾”,作及物动词时意为“在意;希望或喜欢”,作不及物动词时意为“照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑”。短语搭配friso care美素佳儿 ; 美素全称美素佳儿Primary Care医学院 ; 基层医疗 ; 社区医疗Child care儿童保健 ; 儿童护理 ; 托儿所 ; 儿童看护Critical Care急救护理 ; 特级护理 ; 重症监护 ; 医院人生Self Care照顾自己 ; 自我照顾 ; 自我照料 ; 自顾BUICK CARE别克关怀 ; 别克眷注parental care亲代抚育 ; 亲代养育 ; 亲代关怀 ; 亲代照顾MAGIC CARE魔法护理 ; 邪术照顾护士denture care清洗假牙 ; 假牙的护理 ; 假牙护理Patient Care病人照护 ; 病患照顾 ; 病人护理 ; 病人照顾2023-06-23 19:33:251
care for,look after,take care和take care of的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 for意思:照顾;关心;喜欢2.look after意思:照料;照顾;照管;(尤指作为工作)料理,打理3.take care意思:当心;留心4.take care of意思:处理;应对;照顾;照看;看护二、用法不同 for用法:care用作及物动词作“在乎”“介意”“关心”解时,后面常跟that/wh-或if/whether引导的从句,作“愿意”解时,后面常跟动词不定式,一般多用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,也可用于含有怀疑或不确定意味的半否定句中,但不用于意思十分确切的肯定句中。2.look after用法:基本意思是“为了看清某物而有意识地向某一方向看去”,指使用人的视力,强调的是有意地“看”的动作。3.take care用法:作“在乎,介意,关心”解时还可用作不及物动词,后面常跟介词about或for引导的短语。4.take care of用法:care用作名词时意思是“照顾”“护理”,也可指“小心”“注意”,还可指“忧虑”“挂念”,均用作不可数名词。三、侧重点不同 for侧重点:Care for通常我们会说I care for you,意思是说我关心你。2.look after侧重点:look after适用于医生对病人的照顾以及主人对宠物的照顾。3.take care侧重点:take care一般口语化颇多,例如老外在分手的时候会说take care,意思就是好好照顾自己。4.take care of侧重点:比较口语化一点,有局限性,比如让人照料什么东西。2023-06-23 19:33:401
care的用法:1、用作名词:表示“注意”、“小心”、“关心”等,均为不可数名词。如:You must do it with great care. 你必须十分小心地做它。Care is needed when crossing the road. 过马路时要小心。We should take good care of the children. 我们应该好好照看这些孩子。2、用作动词:注意以下用法:(1) 后接不定式,表示“愿意”、“喜欢”、“想要”,通常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句等。如:I don"t care to play basketball. 我不喜欢打篮球。Would you care to go for a walk? 你想去散散步吗?(2) 后接从句,表示“在乎”“在意”等,多用于否定句或疑问句,偶尔也用于肯定句。如:I don"t care what they say. I shall go on just the same. 我不在乎他们说什么,不管怎么说,我都会继续干下去。I really care whether we win or lose. 我们是输是赢我真的很在乎。3.、用于 care about(1) 表示“在乎”、“介意”。如:He does not care about his clothes. 他对穿衣服在乎。The only thing he cares about is money. 他只在乎钱。(2) 表示“对……感兴趣”。如:I don"t care about it. 我对此不感兴趣。He cared little about computers. 他对计算机没什么兴趣。4. 用于 care for(1) 表示“喜欢”,通常用于否定句或疑问句。如:Would you care for a drink? 你想喝一杯吗?He doesn"t care much for music. 他不大喜欢音乐。(2) 表示“照看”、“照顾”(可用于各种句型)。如:He cared for his father all through his long illness. 他父亲在长期的生病期间由他照顾。Who will care for him if his wife dies? 假若他妻子死了,谁来照顾他。2023-06-23 19:34:091
在乎,关心,在意2023-06-23 19:34:524
care[英][keu0259(r)][美][ker]v.关心; 担心; 照顾; 喜爱; n.照顾; 小心; 忧虑; 第三人称单数:cares过去分词:cared现在进行时:caring过去式:cared2023-06-23 19:35:272
给你标汉字吧!凯爱儿2023-06-23 19:35:352
“care” 的音标为 /keu0259/。意思是 “关心;照顾”,是指对人或事物的保护和关爱。She cares deeply about the environment and tries to recycle as much as possible.她非常关心环境问题,尽可能地回收利用。They hired a professional caregiver to take care of their elderly mother.他们雇了专业护工照顾他们年迈的母亲。He didn"t care about the consequences of his actions, which often hurt others.他不关心他的行为所导致的后果,这经常伤害别人。The teacher cares about her students and always tries to help them with their problems.这位老师关心她的学生,总是试图帮助他们解决问题。She took care of her sick daughter all night, not getting any rest.她整夜照顾生病的女儿,没有休息。The company provides health care benefits for all of its employees.公司为所有员工提供医疗保险福利。He showed how much he cared by volunteering his time and resources to help those in need.他通过志愿奉献时间和资源来帮助那些需要的人,表明了他的关心。2023-06-23 19:36:301
我们关心or我们在意。2023-06-23 19:37:301
关心2023-06-23 19:38:308
1,care作名词用时常与动词take连用,如:takecare后接从句或不定式,或takecareof"照顾,保管,管理,负责"等意;间或与have连用构成短语haveacare"当心,注意".其次是与介词连用,组成不同意义的介词短语.如:withcare"仔细地,认真地,当心";undercare"(由…)照顾照管".2,care作及物动词用,意思是"在乎,介意",后面可以直接跟从句.与介词连用时,由于介词本身的意义有不同,所组成的短语,在意思上也有些变化.careabout"在意,关心";carefor"喜欢,感兴趣,照顾料";careof不多见,大都与take连用.单独使用时,接近careabout.不过象这样的短语动词,最好是通过句子来体会掌握,单独解释很难理解它内在的差异.2023-06-23 19:38:581
关心/在乎2023-06-23 19:39:064
动词:关心,担心,在乎,介意名词:照顾,忧虑,当心比如,Idon"tcare,shecares,等等,是关心,在乎,介意的意思比如,Shewilltakecareofme,意思就是类似于她会照顾我的了比如,takecareofyourself,意思为,当心你自己,照顾好你自己2023-06-23 19:39:1613