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2023-06-23 11:56:15













ssign的意思是“标记,标志,手势”,第二个含义是“征兆,迹象,标牌”,同时可以作为数学中正负号,作为动词来说,sign表示“签名,手写”,还有“用手势比划”的意思1.sign相关的词语和短语搭配与sign相关的使用频率较高的词组,包括sign for up,意思是“报名,参与,参加”,例句有l have signed up this company",翻译是我已经加入这个公司了,第二个短语词组是sign contract意思是“签约合同,签署条款”,sign convention表明“签约公约”和“符号规约”,也就是数学正负号的表达上可以用sign conversion,最后比较常见的sigh the reception,意思是“签署收条”。2. sign作为词根拓展当sign作为词根时,拓展词有signal,作为形容词是“明显的,显著的”,作为名词和动词来说,表示“信号,编号”或者“某件事物的导火线”,它也有名词的使动动词翻译,比如说please sign with fire in this dangerous place,翻译是请在这个危险的地方,用烟火发射信号弹。同时signed,一方面可以作为sign的过去式和过去分词,另一方面作为形容词来讲,它是“签署好的,约定了的”,能够表示正负的的意思。当sign和age年龄这个单词进行组合,signage表示指示牌和标示信号。无论词形怎么变化,sign作为其他单词的词根,其翻译也是主要围绕信号和标志来进行延伸和拓展,这样对于学生来说可以减轻其单词词义的记忆负担。
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sign的读音是:英[sa_n]。sign的读音是:英[sa_n]。sign的例句是用作名词(n.)I talked with him by signs.我和他用手势交谈。sign名词:signer;过去式:signed;过去分词:signed;现在分词:signing;第三人称单数:signs。一、详尽释义点此查看sign的详细内容n.(名词)手势,暗号,信号招牌,标牌符号,标志,记号征兆,前兆【宗】神迹,显灵【医】体征,症候【天】宫(十二宫)v.(动词)签字,签署,签(名)签约雇用,订契约,签名盖章约定做手势通知,做手势示意 ,打手势对?画十字使眼色做暗号用信号表示,发信号,打信号预示签名于,署名于,画押于使签名,使订约加记号于二、词典解释1.符号;记号Asign is a mark or shape that always has a particular meaning, for example in mathematics or music.sign在线翻译e.g. Equations are generally written with a two-bar equalssign.等式通常用两道横的等号来表示。2.(示意的)动作,姿势,手势Asign is a movement of your arms, hands, or head which is intended to have a particular meaning.e.g. They gave Lavalle the thumbs-upsign...他们对拉瓦列竖起了大拇指。e.g. The priest made thesign of the cross over him.神父在他上方画了个十字。3.打手势语;为(节目或表演)配手语If yousign, you communicate with someone using sign language. If a programme or performanceis signed, someone uses sign language so that deaf people can understand it.sign的解释e.g. All programmes will be either "signed" or subtitled...所有节目要么要配手语要么要打字幕。4.招牌;标牌;指示牌;告示牌;标志Asign is a piece of wood, metal, or plastic with words or pictures on it. Signs give you information about something, or give you a warning or an instruction.e.g. ...asign saying that the highway was closed because of snow.声明公路因大雪而关闭的告示牌e.g. ...a cardboardsign, which stated "No to Poll Tax"...写有“反对人头税”的硬纸板抗议牌5.迹象;征兆;表象;痕迹If there is asign of something, there is something which shows that it exists or is happening.signe.g. They are prepared to hand back a hundred prisoners of war a day as asign of good will...他们准备每日遣返100名战俘以示友好。e.g. His face and movements rarely betrayed asign of nerves...他的表情和行为几乎没有流露出紧张的迹象。6.在?上签名;在?上签字;签署When yousign a document, you write your name on it, usually at the end or in a special space. You do this to indicate that you have written the document, that you agree with what is written, or that you were present as a witness.signe.g. World leaders are expected tosign a treaty pledging to increase environmental protection...世界各国首脑预计会签署一份承诺加强环境保护的协定。e.g. Before an operation the patient will be asked tosign a consent form.手术前患者将被要求在同意书上签字。7.(和?)签约If an organizationsigns someone or if someonesigns for an organization, they sign a contract agreeing to work for that organization for a specified period of time.signe.g. The Minnesota Vikings signed Herschel Walker from the Dallas Cowboys...明尼苏达维京人队签下了来自达拉斯牛仔队的赫舍尔·沃克。e.g. The band then signed to Slash Records.随后乐队和伤痕唱片公司签约。8.(黄道十二宫的)宫,星座In astrology, asign or asign of the zodiac is one of the twelve areas into which the heavens are divided.e.g. The New Moon takes place in your oppositesign of Libra on the 15th.15 日新月会移至你对面的天秤宫。9. see also: signing;call sign10.不见?的踪影If you say that there isno sign of someone, you mean that they have not yet arrived, although you are expecting them to come.sign在线翻译e.g. The London train was on time, but there was nosign of my Finnish friend.伦敦的火车准点到达,却不见我那芬兰朋友的踪影。11.已签字盖章的;已成定局的If you say that an agreement issigned and sealed, orsigned, sealed and delivered, you mean that it is absolutely definite because everyone involved has signed all the legal documents.e.g. The Chancellor had been hoping to have an agreement signed and sealed by the end of this week...财政大臣一直期望这周末前能敲定一份协议。e.g. A government spokesman said the bill must be signed, sealed and delivered by tomorrow.一名政府发言人称议案明天必须定下来。12. tosign one"s own death warrant -> see death warrant相关词组:sign awaysign forsign insign offsign onsign on forsign oversign up三、网络解释1. 符号函数:为实现载荷的精确加载,特别引入两个符号函数(sign)控制载荷的加载区域. 载荷的加载步骤:首先在连杆轴颈的几何中心分别建立柱坐标系,然后用PATRAN 的场(field)赋予其接地弹簧单元(ground bush)属性. 接地弹簧单元可以同时模拟6 个方向的刚度与阻2. sign在线翻译2.sign:the scottish intercollegiate guidelines network; 苏格兰院际指南网络四、例句I talked with him by signs.我和他用手势交谈。The sign was no longer legible because much of the lettering had worn away.这块招牌已看不清楚,因为大部分字已磨掉了。Make sure that the sign"s the right way up.一定要把符号的上下弄对。There are signs of political unrest in the country.这个国家有政治不安定的迹象。Pay special attention to the sign of the answer.特别注意答案的正负号。He signed his name on the cheque.他在支票上签了名。The postman asked me to sign for the letter.邮差叫我签名收信。She signed to us to stop talking.她做手势示意我们不要讲话。五、常用短语用作名词(n.)a sign of the times某时期的标志 thing that shows the nature of a particular period用作动词(v.)sign away (v.+adv.)签字让出或放弃 lose by signingsign sth _ awayHe has just signed away a fortune.他刚刚签字让出了一份财产。He signed away all his rights to the invention.他签字放弃了这项发明的全部权利。sign in (v.+adv.)通过签字(使)取得入场权 (cause to) gain admittance by signingsign inThey signed in last night around eleven o"clock.他们在昨晚十一时左右签到。sign sb _ inHe signed us in to his club.他签字让我们进他的俱乐部。Can you find someone to sign me in?你能找个人签字放我进去吗?sign off (v.+adv.)签字结束书信 end a letter by signingI"ve written far too much and had better sign off.我这封信写得太长了,最好就此落款结束。sign on (v.+adv.)开始广播 begin to broadcastsign onHe signed on yesterday and will start work on Monday.他昨天签了合同,星期一就要上班。sign sb _ onThey signed on a large number of casual labourers last week.上星期他们雇用了大量临时工。sign onWhen did you sign on?你什么时候参的军?He signed on for nine years in the infantry.他签署了志愿书要在步兵服役九年。sign onIt"s time for you to sign on.你该播音了。sign out (v.+adv.)签名离开 indicate one"s departure by signing a registersign outHe signed out at ten this morning.他在今天上午十点签字离开。sign sb _ outI"ll sign them out and guarantee their good behaviour.我给他们签字放行,保证他们行为端正。He was the first to sign himself out that day.他是那天第一个登记离去的人。sign up (v.+adv.)跟?签订合同 arrange a contract withsign sb _ upHe has signed up a new star for the series.他已经跟一个新影星签订合同拍一套系列片。六、情景对话电子邮件sign的翻译A:How do I (set up/ get/sign up for) an email account?我怎么样可以(建立/获得/申报)一个电子邮件账户?B:Oh, that"s easy.哦,这个容易。学校A:I"d like tosign up for (this class/ summer courses/ accounting).我想(报读这个班/选一些夏季课程/学会计)。B:You should talk to the registrar.你应该和注册主任商量商量。租房sign的近义词A:(Why don"t I/ May I/ Can I) come by your office tomorrow tosign the lease?(我为何不/我可以/我能不能)明天顺路来你的办公室签约?B:Yeah, all right.可以,没问题。七、常见错误n.(名词)这袜子看得出已经穿旧了。误 The stockings show sign of wear.正 The stockings show signs of wear.析 show signs of(表示“显出?的迹象”)一语中, sign习惯用复数。sign的相关近义词mark、symbol、token、gesture、gesticulation、approve、authorizesign的相关临近词signal、sigmoid、signe、signa、Signy、Signef、signor、signup、signum、signer、Signus、signee点此查看更多关于sign的详细信息
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"Sign"的读音为/saɪn/,是一个常见的英语单词,意为“标志、符号、迹象、征兆”等。在日常生活中,我们经常会看到各种各样的标志或符号,如交通标志、商标、标志牌等,这些都是sign的具体应用。除此之外,sign还可以用作动词,表示“签署、示意、表明、预示”等意思。例如:1. She signed the contract yesterday.(她昨天签署了合同。)2. He signed to me to keep quiet.(他示意我保持安静。)3. The dark clouds are a sign of rain.(乌云是下雨的征兆。)在英语中,sign还有一些常见的固定搭配,如:1. sign up:报名,注册2. sign in:登录3. sign off:下线,结束4. sign over:转让,移交5. sign away:放弃,割让除此之外,sign还可以组成一些常见的词组,如:1. sign language:手语2. signpost:路标3. signature:签名4. signatory:签署人5. significant:重要的,有意义的总的来说,sign是一个非常常见的英语单词,具有多种意义和用法,掌握它的用法和固定搭配,可以帮助我们更好地理解和运用英语。
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  sign表达的意思有很多种,那么你知道sign做动词,名词分别都有哪些意思吗?下面我为大家带来sign的英语意思解释和英语例句,供大家参考学习!   sign作名词的意思:   迹象;符号;手势;指示牌   sign作动词的意思:   签名;打手势   sign的英语音标:   英 [sain] 美 [sau026an]   sign的时态:   现在分词: signing   过去式: signed   过去分词: signed   sign的英语例句:   1. The priest made the sign of the cross over him.   神父在他上方画了个十字。   2. Her son used sign language to tell her what happened.   她儿子用手语告诉她发生了什么事。   3. Democratic leaders have challenged the president to sign the bill.   民主党领袖对总统签署这项法案提出了质疑。   4. The letter shows no sign that the Americans have softened their position.   信里没有任何迹象表明美国人的态度已有所缓和。   5. His face and movements rarely betrayed a sign of nerves.   他的表情和行为几乎没有流露出紧张的迹象。   6. O.K. I"ll sign off. We"ll talk at the beginning of the week.   好,就说到这儿吧,下周初我们再谈。   7. He will sign a personal guarantee to additionally secure the loan.   他将签订一个个人担保,以此为贷款多加一层保障。   8. The Party has ruthlessly crushed any sign of organised opposition.   该党派无情地粉碎了任何有组织的反抗的苗头。   9. Don"t sign anything until your solicitor has explained the contract to you.   在律师向你解释清楚合同之前,不要签署任何东西。   10. Some sign languages are very sophisticated means of communication.   有些手语可以表达非常复杂的内容。   11. The most visible sign of the intensity of the crisis is unemployment.   预示危机严重程度的一个最显著的迹象就是失业情况。   12. A sign just ahead of me said, Buckle Up. It"s the Law.   我面前的一个牌子上写着:扣好安全带。这是法律规定。   13. They are willing to sign away their entire worldly possessions.   他们愿意签字放弃所有财产。   14. The sign on the bus read "Private: Not In Service".   巴士的标牌上写着“私家车:不对外出租”。   15. Go straight through that door under the EXIT sign.   从“安全出口”标志下的那道门直穿过去。
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sign: [ sain ] n. 符号,正负号,手势,迹象,招牌v. 签,做手势,做标记词形变化: 名词:signer 动词过去式:signed 过去分词:signed 现在分词:signing 第三人称单数:signs +1 已赞过 2 满意答案 ℡尹恩惠↗ 6级 2008-02-12 举报 n.标记, 符号, 记号, 征兆, 迹象, 征候v.签名(于), 署名(于)~, 签署 +1 已赞过 2 相关知识 sign=(-1)*sign是什么意思。。为什么要再*sign SIGN到底什么意思? Is this a sign? Sign有中文版吗 Oppenheims" Sign是什么意思! 更多相关知识>> 相关搜索 sign的意思zodiac sign什么意…oath sign什么意思sign up什么意思sign in什么意思sign的mv什么意思sign expired什么意…sign comp什么意思
2023-06-23 10:45:001


  英文sign虽说是比较简单的单词,但有不少网友会好奇它具体的中文意思是什么。下面我们就来看看英语单词sign详细所指的中文意思,欢迎大家阅读!   sign的中文意思   英 [san] 美 [san]   名词 迹象; 符号; 手势; 指示牌   及物/不及物动词 签名; 打手势   例句   1. He signed to me to be quiet.   他做手势要我安静。   2. She signed the child to be quiet.   她示意孩子安静下来。   sign的"单语例句   1. His company has been asking suppliers to sign agreements on business ethics as a supplement to each purchase contract since 2007.   2. Once he clears waivers after 48 business hours, teams will be eligible to sign him.   3. Due to the traditional belief that business partnerships should be based on mutual trust, many small companies in China do not sign contracts with overseas customers.   4. The board of Dow Jones said late Tuesday it was ready to sign off on Murdochs proposal to buy the company for $ 5 billion.   5. Although being stimulated by all means, the eurozone economy has not shown any sign of recovery.   6. " Yi should decide his future by himself and sign with the Bucks, " the Nanjing Morning Post said.   7. Liu said they usually contact applicants through an online messaging service or by telephone, and then the two parts will sign an agreement if everything goes as planned.   8. The United States previously performed as a bystander and showed no sign of participation since the establishment of the regional cooperation framework in East Asia.   9. But an Israeli Cabinet minister warned earlier Friday that time was running out for Abbas, the first sign that Israel had already lost patience.   sign的词典解释   1. 招牌;标牌;指示牌;告示牌;标志   A sign is a piece of wood, metal, or plastic with words or pictures on it. Signs give you information about something, or give you a warning or an instruction.   e.g. ...a sign saying that the highway was closed because of snow.   声明公路因大雪而关闭的告示牌   e.g. ...a cardboard sign, which stated;No to Poll Tax...   写有“反对人头税”的硬纸板抗议牌   2. 迹象;征兆;表象;痕迹   If there is a sign of something, there is something which shows that it exists or is happening.   e.g. They are prepared to hand back a hundred prisoners of war a day as a sign of good will...   他们准备每日遣返100名战俘以示友好。   e.g. His face and movements rarely betrayed a sign of nerves...   他的表情和行为几乎没有流露出紧张的迹象。   3. 在…上签名;在…上签字;签署   When you sign a document, you write your name on it, usually at the end or in a special space. You do this to indicate that you have written the document, that you agree with what is written, or that you were present as a witness.   e.g. World leaders are expected to sign a treaty pledging to increase environmental protection...   世界各国首脑预计会签署一份承诺加强环境保护的协定。   4. 不见…的踪影   If you say that there is no sign of someone, you mean that they have not yet arrived, although you are expecting them to come.   e.g. The London train was on time, but there was no sign of my Finnish friend.   伦敦的火车准点到达,却不见我那芬兰朋友的踪影。
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sighn. 符号; 手势; 迹象; 指示牌vt.& vi. 签名; 打手势
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sign是一个英文单词,名词、动词。1、sign作名词时意思是“迹象;符号;记号;手势;指示牌”。2、sign作及物动词时意思是“签署;示意”。3、sign作不及物动词时意思是“签署;签名”。在数学符号中,sign又叫sgn,意思是符号。符号函数(一般用sign(x)表示)是很有用的一类函数,能够帮助我们在几何画板中实现一些直接实现有困难的构造。扩展资料sign的用法1、sign用作名词时有“记号”的意思,转化为动词可作“签名”解,一般指人在文件、信件上签署自己的名字, sign作名词还可作“手势”解,转化为动词则是“做手势”的意思,指由于某种原因不能用语言表达或不想用口头方式交流的情况下用手势来表达某种意图。2、sign可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that从句作宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。3、sign作“签名,签字”解时可用于被动结构,作“发信号,做手势”解时不用于被动结构。
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sign[英][sau026an][美][sau026an]n.符号; 手势; 迹象; 指示牌; vt.& vi.签名; 打手势; 第三人称单数:signs过去分词:signed复数:signs现在进行时:signing过去式:signed例句:1.President bush has promised to sign such a bill. 布什总统已经承诺他将签署如此一个法案。2.Yet there is scant sign of progress. 然而在这方面鲜有进展迹象。
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[sain]n.■记号;符号■【语音学】语言符号(指首字母缩写词、一个字母表示一个概念等)■牌,标牌,指示牌;招牌,广告■标记,标志;表示■(手、身体等的)示意动作;手势;手势语■形迹,痕迹;足迹,踪迹,臭迹■证据,预兆,征兆;迹象■【医学】征,体征;症状■【宗教】(《圣经》中表示神的意志或力量的)神迹■【天文学】宫vt.■签上(名字),署上(姓名):to sign one"s name签上名字■在…上署名,签字于:to sign a letter在信后署名■[sign oneself] 在署名中把(自己)称作:She signed herself “A Peace Messenger.”她在署名中把自己称作“和平使者”。■写下,记下:to sign a capital T here在这儿写一个大写T字母■用手势(或身体姿势)表示;示意:He singed me not to say.他示意我别说。■预示;表示:It signs that he will lose his temper.这表明他快发火了。■(以签订合同)雇用:to sign a few more white collars再雇几名白领雇员■对…划十字(祝福或祈求等)vi.■签字,署名:to sign on the attendance book在签到薄上签字■签约受雇;签字承担义务;签合同(with):to sign with someone与某人签订合同make no sign看来并未发觉;没有反应,没有动静sign and countersign口令;切口,暗语signs and wonders神迹奇事参考资料:纳米盒一一sign
2023-06-23 10:47:433

sign 是什么意思?

签名 ,标志 具体情况具体分析
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sign n. 符号; 手势; 迹象; 指示牌
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c语言中 sign

2023-06-23 10:49:214


  sign, signal, symbol, mark这几个词作名词讲的时候都有“符号,标记”的意思  sign:指人们公认事物的记号、标志,也可指某种情况的迹象。  e.g.You mustn"t smoke in the room with a “No Smoking” sign.  你切勿在有“请勿吸烟”标志的房间里吸烟。  The rain showed no sign ofstopping.  雨一点也没有要停的迹象。  signal: 指为某一目的而有意发出的信号、暗号。  e.g.When they found the ship was sinking, they immediately sentout the emergency signal SOS.  当他们发现船正在下沉的时候,他们立刻发出了SOS紧急求救信号。  symbol: 指有象征意义的或表达某种深邃含义的特殊事物。  e.g.A dove is often used as a symbol of peace.  鸽子常被作为和平的象征。  mark: 既可指方便于辨认而有意做的标记,又可指自然形成的标记或有别于其他事物的特征。  e.g. He made some marks in the article where necessary.  他在文中必要的地方做了一些记号。  Good manners are the mark of agentleman.  彬彬有礼是绅士的特征。
2023-06-23 10:49:291


一下只列出易混含义symble 标志、象征(比如中国的象征是熊猫、长城)sign 暗示、征召(带有‘暗含"的意思)signal 信号 (比如说信号弹,是传递一种信息)mark 记号 (做标记、做记号之类)
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意思基本相同 都是 符号,标志,信号,标记 ,但是表达的事物有所区别, 1.mark 一般指眼睛看到的 事物留下的深刻印迹或某物上用于辨别该物品的附属物,分数、做标记 比 sign 更侧重于区别性或揭示性的标志,有时不一定十分直观或明显. One mark of a writer"s greatness is that different minds can get a different inspiration from his works.一个伟大作家的标志之一是不同的人都能从他那里得到不同的灵感. The road we should take is marked on the map 我们应该在地图上对这条路做个标记 symbol 象征一般是指象征意义性的标志,可是实物也有可能是虚有的; The lion is the symbol of courage 狮子是勇气的象征 sign多指不可见的,表示 迹象 、情绪,性格的直观显示,还指具体的 用于识别或指示的标志,如指标牌,卡片 后面常常跟that从句.表示有.的迹象、征兆: In the British Army,crown,stars and stripes are signs of military rank. 在英国军队里,王冠,星星和条形徽是军阶的标志. signal也都是虚幻不可见的,例如danger signal.常指约定俗成,用于传达某些信息的信号,也指灯光,声音或信号标志 完善了下,希望对你有所帮助,明白了记的采纳哦!不懂再问!
2023-06-23 10:50:061


sign[英][saɪn][美][saɪn]n.记号,符号; 信号,暗号; 手势; 预兆; vt.& vi.签名,签字; 用信号表示; 画十字于; 打手势; 第三人称单数:signs过去分词:signed复数:signs现在进行时:signing过去式:signed
2023-06-23 10:51:261

sign 啥意思

2023-06-23 10:52:173


2023-06-23 10:52:291

sign怎么读 是什么意思呢

1、sign怎么读:英[sau026an],美[sau026an]。 2、n.迹象; 征兆; 预兆; 招牌; 标牌; 指示牌; 标志; 示意的动作(或声音); 手势; 3、v.签(名); 署(名); 签字; 签署; 和…签约(或应聘); 示意; 打手势; 4、[例句]Equations are generally written with a two-bar equals sign.等式通常用两道横的等号来表示。
2023-06-23 10:52:401


sign[英][sau026an][美][sau026an]n.记号,符号;信号,暗号;手势;预兆vt.& vi.签名,签字;用信号表示;画十字于;打手势复数: signs 第三人称单数: signs 过去式: signed 过去分词: signed 现在分词:signing双语例句1.Sign your name in the blank space below.把名字签在下面的空白处。2.There is no sign of a let-up in the recession.经济衰退没有减弱的迹象。3.The snow showed no sign of melting.雪没有一点融化的迹象。4.He glanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of recognition.他瞥了她一眼,但似乎没认出她来。5.He shows no sign of repentance.他没有丝毫悔悟的表示。
2023-06-23 10:53:011


sign是一个英文单词,名词、动词。1、sign作名词时意思是“迹象;符号;记号;手势;指示牌”。2、sign作及物动词时意思是“签署;示意”。3、sign作不及物动词时意思是“签署;签名”。在数学符号中,sign又叫sgn,意思是符号。符号函数(一般用sign(x)表示)是很有用的一类函数,能够帮助我们在几何画板中实现一些直接实现有困难的构造。扩展资料sign的用法1、sign用作名词时有“记号”的意思,转化为动词可作“签名”解,一般指人在文件、信件上签署自己的名困仔字, sign作名词还可作“手势”解,转化誉尺搜为动词则是“做手势”的意思,指由于某种原因不能用语言表达或不想用口头方式交流的情况下用手势来表达某种意图。2、sign可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that从句作宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当宾语补足庆历语的复合宾语。3、sign作“签名,签字”解时可用于被动结构,作“发信号,做手势”解时不用于被动结构。
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sign的中文翻译如下:v.签名;签署;签字; 签(名);署(名);和…签约(或应聘);示意;打手势;打手语n.标志;迹象;征兆;预兆;招牌;标牌;指示牌;示意的动作(或声音);手势;符号短语搭配give a sign打手势hang a sign挂上标牌read a sign读指示牌see a sign看见标志;看到迹象show no sign of something没有…的迹象refuse to sign拒绝签字see no sign of someone/something不见某人/某物的踪影sign on a door门上的标牌sign over an entrance入口指示牌neon sign霓虹灯标志牌stop sign停车标志sign in a window窗户上的标牌sign an agreement签署协议书sign an autograph亲笔签名sign a contract签署合同
2023-06-23 10:54:051


作为动词:1 sign one"s name (签字,签名)2 sign up for sth (报名参加-- -)=== enter for sth.3 sign sb to do sth. (示意某人做某事)
2023-06-23 10:54:423


sign是一个英文单词,名词、动词。1、sign作名词时意思是“迹象;符号;记号;手势;指示牌”。2、sign作及物动词时意思是“签署;示意”。3、sign作不及物动词时意思是“签署;签名”。在数学符号中,sign又叫sgn,意思是符号。符号函数(一般用sign(x)表示)是很有用的一类函数,能够帮助我们在几何画板中实现一些直接实现有困难的构造。扩展资料sign的用法1、sign用作名词时有“记号”的意思,转化为动词可作“签名”解,一般指人在文件、信件上签署自己的名字, sign作名词还可作“手势”解,转化为动词则是“做手势”的意思,指由于某种原因不能用语言表达或不想用口头方式交流的情况下用手势来表达某种意图。2、sign可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that从句作宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。3、sign作“签名,签字”解时可用于被动结构,作“发信号,做手势”解时不用于被动结构。
2023-06-23 10:55:031


significant adjsignificantly adv
2023-06-23 10:55:252


sign用作名词时有“记号”的意思,转化为动词可作“签名”解,一般指人在文件、信件上签署自己的名字; sign作名词还可作“手势”解,转化为动词则是“做手势”的意思。 例句:The sign on the bus read "Private: Not In Service" 扩展资料   sign的用法1:sign可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that从句作宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。   sign的用法2:sign作“签名,签字”解时可用于被动结构,作“发信号,做手势”解时不用于被动结构。   sign的用法3:sign接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语时,充当宾语的名词或代词前有时可加介词for或to。在sign接that从句作宾语的句子中也可加上to sb。   sign的用法4:sign的基本意思是“标记,符号”,指写在或刻画在物体上的",代表具有固定意义的一种简明的符号或标志,使人一看便知道它所代表的意义。sign引申可作“手势,姿势”“信号”“征兆,迹象”解。   sign的用法5:sign后常接of短语作定语,有时还可接动词不定式或that从句作定语。   sign的常用短语:   sign away (v.+adv.)   sign in (v.+adv.)   sign off (v.+adv.)   sign on (v.+adv.)   sign out (v.+adv.)   sign up (v.+adv.)   sign的用法例句:   1. The priest made the sign of the cross over him.   神父在他上方画了个十字。   2. Her son used sign language to tell her what happened.   她儿子用手语告诉她发生了什么事。   3. Democratic leaders have challenged the president to sign the bill.   民主党领袖对总统签署这项法案提出了质疑。
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sign(x)或者Sign(x)叫做符号函数,在数学和计算机运算中,其功能是取某个数的符号(正或负):当x>0,sign(x)=1;当x=0,sign(x)=0;当x<0, sign(x)=-1;在通信中,sign(t)表示这样一种信号:当t≥0,sign(t)=1; 即从t=0时刻开始,信号的幅度均为1;当t<0, sign(t)=-1;在t=0时刻之前,信号幅度均为-1
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用作名词,表示"符号"标牌“手势”迹象”等均为可数名词。如:We hung a sign on the door.我们在门上挂了一个招牌。He gave me a sign to leave the room.他示意我离开房间。There are signs of sales increasing.有迹象表明销售额在增长。用作动词,表示"打手势",可用作及物或不及物动词。The policeman signed me to stop.The policeman signed to [for] me to stop.另外还可以表示"签(名) “或. 上签字”,也可以是及物或不及物动词。Have you signed (on) the cheque?注:表示签名时,sign 只用作动词,不用作名词。其相应的名词为signature。如:The document bore his signature.这份文件有他的签字。We need signatures and we haven"t got enough of them.我们需要签名,而现在得到的还不够。
2023-06-23 10:57:091


sign的音标:(sau026an)。sign是一个英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“迹象;符号;记号;手势;指示牌”,作及物动词时意思是“签署;示意”,作不及物动词时意思是“签署;签名”。基本用法1、sign的基本意思是“标记,符号”,指写在或刻画在物体上,代表具有固定意义的一种简明的符号或标志,使人一看便知道它所代表的意义。sign引申可作“手势,姿势”“信号”“征兆,迹象”解。作此两解时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。2、sign后常接of短语作定语,有时还可接动词不定式或that从句作定语。3、sign用作名词时有“记号”的意思,转化为动词可作“签名”解,一般指人在文件、信件上签署自己的名字;sign作名词还可作“手势”解,转化为动词则是“做手势”的意思,指由于某种原因不能用语言表达或不想用口头方式交流的情况下用手势来表达某种意图。4、sign既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that从句作宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。5、sign作“签名,签字”解时可用于被动结构,作“发信号,做手势”解时不用于被动结构。6、sign接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语时,充当宾语的名词或代词前有时可加介词for或to。在sign接that从句作宾语的句子中也可加上to sb。
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意思基本相同 都是 符号,标志,信号,标记 ,但是表达的事物有所区别,1.mark 一般指眼睛看到的 事物留下的深刻印迹或某物上用于辨别该物品的附属物,分数、做标记 比 sign 更侧重于区别性或揭示性的标志,有时不一定十分直观或明显.One mark of a writer"s greatness is that different minds can get a different inspirationfrom his works.一个伟大作家的标志之一是不同的人都能从他那里得到不同的灵感.The road we should take is marked on the map 我们应该在地图上对这条路做个标记 symbol 象征一般是指象征意义性的标志,可是实物也有可能是虚有的;The lion is the symbol of courage 狮子是勇气的象征sign多指不可见的,表示 迹象 、情绪,性格的直观显示,还指具体的用于识别或指示的标志,如指标牌,卡片 后面常常跟that从句.表示有.的迹象、征兆:In the British Army,crown,stars and stripes are signs of military rank.在英国军队里,王冠,星星和条形徽是军阶的标志.signal也都是虚幻不可见的,例如danger signal.常指约定俗成,用于传达某些信息的信号,也指灯光,声音或信号标志完善了下,希望对你有所帮助,明白了记的采纳哦!不懂再问!追问:好详细,很感谢,但是我太笨了,mark 跟sign还是没怎么搞懂,能在解释一下吗?谢谢追答:sign指有代表性象征意义的标记, 具有一定含义的任何有形或无形的符号或标志, 它的表示可以是实物、表情、动作、文字、语言及任何痕迹或征兆", 如: There is a stop sign at an intersection . 在交叉路口处有停车标志。 一般sign的意义比较抽象 具有标志性指向性 如: A high forehead is thought to be a sign of intelligence. 高额头被认为是智慧的标志。 .mark 指"为某一目的有意作的标记", 也指"无意留下或自然形成的痕迹", 如: Suffering left its mark on his face. 苦难的经历在 他脸上留下了痕迹。 mark 一般做标记是人为的 另外还有 污点,分数,打分数的意义
2023-06-23 10:58:151

在C语言中当sign=0; 时 !sign是什么意思啊????

2023-06-23 10:58:267


  sign有手势;招牌;符号;迹象;签名;做手势等意思,那么你知道sign的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   sign的用法:   sign的用法1:sign用作名词时有“记号”的意思,转化为动词可作“签名”解,一般指人在文件、信件上签署自己的名字; sign作名词还可作“手势”解,转化为动词则是“做手势”的意思,指由于某种原因不能用语言表达或不想用口头方式交流的情况下用手势来表达某种意图。   sign的用法2:sign可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that从句作宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。   sign的用法3:sign作“签名,签字”解时可用于被动结构,作“发信号,做手势”解时不用于被动结构。   sign的用法4:sign接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语时,充当宾语的名词或代词前有时可加介词for或to。在sign接that从句作宾语的 句子 中也可加上to sb。   sign的用法5:sign的基本意思是“标记,符号”,指写在或刻画在物体上的,代表具有固定意义的一种简明的符号或标志,使人一看便知道它所代表的意义。sign引申可作“手势,姿势”“信号”“征兆,迹象”解。   sign的用法6:sign后常接of 短语 作定语,有时还可接动词不定式或that从句作定语。   sign的常用短语:   用作名词 (n.)   a sign of the times   用作动词 (v.)   sign away (v.+adv.)   sign in (v.+adv.)   sign off (v.+adv.)   sign on (v.+adv.)   sign out (v.+adv.)   sign up (v.+adv.)   sign的用法例句:   1. The priest made the sign of the cross over him.   神父在他上方画了个十字。   2. Her son used sign language to tell her what happened.   她儿子用手语告诉她发生了什么事。   3. Democratic leaders have challenged the president to sign the bill.   民主党领袖对总统签署这项法案提出了质疑。   4. The letter shows no sign that the Americans have softened their position.   信里没有任何迹象表明美国人的态度已有所缓和。   5. His face and movements rarely betrayed a sign of nerves.   他的表情和行为几乎没有流露出紧张的迹象。   6. O.K. I"ll sign off. We"ll talk at the beginning of the week.   好,就说到这儿吧,下周初我们再谈。   7. He will sign a personal guarantee to additionally secure the loan.   他将签订一个个人担保,以此为贷款多加一层保障。   8. The Party has ruthlessly crushed any sign of organised opposition.   该党派无情地粉碎了任何有组织的反抗的苗头。   9. Don"t sign anything until your solicitor has explained the contract to you.   在律师向你解释清楚合同之前,不要签署任何东西。   10. Some sign languages are very sophisticated means of communication.   有些手语可以表达非常复杂的内容。   11. The most visible sign of the intensity of the crisis is unemployment.   预示危机严重程度的一个最显著的迹象就是失业情况。   12. A sign just ahead of me said, Buckle Up. It"s the Law.   我面前的一个牌子上写着:扣好安全带。这是法律规定。   13. They are willing to sign away their entire worldly possessions.   他们愿意签字放弃所有财产。   14. The sign on the bus read "Private: Not In Service".   巴士的标牌上写着“私家车:不对外出租”。   15. Go straight through that door under the EXIT sign.   从“安全出口”标志下的那道门直穿过去。
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symbol, sign, signal, mark这些名词均含“标志,象征,符号”之意。symbol: 指作象征或表达某种深邃意蕴的特殊事物。sign: 普通用词,指人们公认事物的记号,也可指某种情况的征兆。signal: 指为某一目的而有意发出的信号。mark: 普通用词,含义广泛。既可指方便于辨认而有意做的标记,又可指自然形成的标记或有别于他事物的特征。
2023-06-23 10:59:241


notice 注意sign 标记
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2023-06-23 10:59:582

sign和symbol 区别是??

symbol一般是指象征意义性的标志,可是实物也有可能是虚有的;主要指作象征或表达某种深邃意蕴的特殊事物. 如:He only bought the yacht as a status symbol he hates sailing. 他买游艇只是为了显示身分--其实他根本不喜欢玩游艇. sign 普通用词,指人们公认事物的记号,也可指某种情况的征兆. 多指不可见的,很常见的一句话“give me a sign" Dark clouds are a sign of rain or snow. 乌云是雨或雪将至的预兆.,4,signs有天兆,信号之意 symbols是象征,标志之意 文中 doves (白鸽)是"象征"peace(和平)的 总之,signs是能看到的,而symbols是抽象的,内在的,2,sign和symbol 区别是? At the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games,people let free thousands of doves which were ____ of peace. A,signs B sighs C symbols D reflection 请问为什么
2023-06-23 11:00:051


symbol, sign, signal, mark这些名词均含“标志,象征,符号”之意。symbol: 指作象征或表达某种深邃意蕴的特殊事物。sign: 普通用词,指人们公认事物的记号,也可指某种情况的征兆。signal: 指为某一目的而有意发出的信号。mark: 普通用词,含义广泛。既可指方便于辨认而有意做的标记,又可指自然形成的标记或有别于他事物的特征。
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"sign"和"signal"是两个常用的英语单词,它们的意思和用法有所不同。"sign"通常指视觉上的标记、表征或指示,例如:- There"s a sign outside the restaurant advertising their daily specials. (餐厅外有一个标志宣传他们的每日特价)- The sign for the toilet is on the left. (厕所的标志在左边)- The teacher signed the exam papers to show that they had been marked. (老师签字盖章表明试卷已经批阅)"signal"一般指传输信息、引起注意或控制行动的手势、动作、声音或物品等,例如:- The green light is a signal for drivers to go. (绿灯是给司机通行的信号)- I waved to signal that I was ready to start. (我挥手示意我已经准备好了)- The police officer used a whistle as a signal to stop the game. (警察使用哨声作为停止比赛的信号)总结来说,"sign"强调一个标记、标识或符号,而"signal"强调一个动作、声音或手势来引起注意
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sign。n.标记, 符号, 记号, 征兆, 迹象, 征候。v.签名(于), 署名(于)~, 签署。
2023-06-23 11:03:023


  sign表示符号; 手势; 迹象;的意思,那么你知道sign的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了sign的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   sight的短语:   sign of the cross   1. [表示祝福或祈祷]画十字   sign of the times   1. 时代的标志(尤指不受欢迎或讨厌的事物)   偷窃是这个时代的标志。   the theft was a sign of the times.   signed, sealed, and delivered (或 signed and sealed   1. 正式签署生效   sign something away/over   1. (在契约上)签字放弃(权利,财产)   我无意签字放弃继承权。   I have no intention of signing away my inheritance.   sign for   1. 签收   sign someone in   1. 签到登记   sign someone off   1. 登记某人(尤指因病)不宜工作   sign off on   1. (美,非正式)认可,同意   很难得到名流对这些问题的认同。   it was hard to get celebrities to sign off on those issues.   sign someone on   1. 签约雇佣   sign someone out   1. 签字放行;登记某人的离开   sign something out   1. 登记某物借出(或租用)   我登记将钥匙借出。   I signed out the keys.   sign someone up   1. (正式)雇佣   sign in   1. 签到:通过在签名记录(另一个人或者是自己的)到达   sign off   1. 宣布广播结束;结束   2. 在说完广播电台台名之后停止播送   3. 【非正式用语】 正式同意:正式或结论性地表示同意   使国会正式同意这项税务提案   got the Congress to sign off on the tax proposal.   同义词辨析:   groan, moan, sigh, sob   这些名词(动词)均有"叹息声,叹息"之意。   groan : 侧重指因受到难忍受的精神负担或强烈的痛苦等而发出沉重的呻吟,也指显示强烈不满的叹息声。   moan语气比groan强,多指拉长的或连续的悲叹(声)或呻吟(声)。   sigh : 多指无意识地发出表示沮丧、悲痛、悔恨或厌倦等情绪的深沉叹息。   sob : 指抽噎声或呜咽声,或边说边哭。   symbol, badge, sign, signal, mark, token, attribute, emblem   这些名词均含"标志,象征,符号"之意。   symbol : 指作象征或表达某种深邃意蕴的特殊事物。   badge : 一般指金属证章或写有姓名的带状标志物。   sign : 普通用词,指人们公认事物的记号,也可指某种情况的征兆。   signal : 指为某一目的而有意发出的信号。   mark : 普通用词,含义广泛。既可指方便于辨认而有意做的标记,又可指自然形成的标记或有别于他事物的特征。   token : 语气庄重,指礼品、纪念物等作为表示友谊、爱情等的象征或标志。   attribute : 指人或物及其地位、属性的象征。   emblem : 指选定象征一个国家、民族或家庭等的图案或实物。   sign的短语例句:   1. The priest made the sign of the cross over him.   神父在他上方画了个十字。   2. Her son used sign language to tell her what happened.   她儿子用手语告诉她发生了什么事。   3. Democratic leaders have challenged the president to sign the bill.   民主党领袖对总统签署这项法案提出了质疑。   4. The letter shows no sign that the Americans have softened their position.   信里没有任何迹象表明美国人的态度已有所缓和。   5. His face and movements rarely betrayed a sign of nerves.   他的表情和行为几乎没有流露出紧张的迹象。   6. O.K. I"ll sign off. We"ll talk at the beginning of the week.   好,就说到这儿吧,下周初我们再谈。   7. He will sign a personal guarantee to additionally secure the loan.   他将签订一个个人担保,以此为贷款多加一层保障。   8. The Party has ruthlessly crushed any sign of organised opposition.   该党派无情地粉碎了任何有组织的反抗的苗头。   9. Don"t sign anything until your solicitor has explained the contract to you.   在律师向你解释清楚合同之前,不要签署任何东西。   10. Some sign languages are very sophisticated means of communication.   有些手语可以表达非常复杂的内容。   11. The most visible sign of the intensity of the crisis is unemployment.   预示危机严重程度的一个最显著的迹象就是失业情况。   12. A sign just ahead of me said, Buckle Up. It"s the Law.   我面前的一个牌子上写着:扣好安全带。这是法律规定。   13. They are willing to sign away their entire worldly possessions.   他们愿意签字放弃所有财产。   14. The sign on the bus read "Private: Not In Service".   巴士的标牌上写着“私家车:不对外出租”。   15. Go straight through that door under the EXIT sign.   从“安全出口”标志下的那道门直穿过去。
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标识 迹象
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中文翻译:Sign - Brown Eyed Girls无法呼吸Mayday dot dot dot dot dot心很痛 Mayday dot dot dot dot dot时间又在 Tic Toc 流逝着 Tic Toc能听到吗 我的 Sign Sign dot dot dot dot dotdot dot dot dot dot 即使不得已dot dot dot dot dot 也看我一次吧看看曾开朗的我 我这样改变着无话可说 dot dot dot dot dotIt"s me 像傻瓜似的 哗哗流泪的我我 all day and all night一直都在黑暗的房间里not all right为什么无论怎么说 你都不懂我的心一分一秒 每个瞬间 都抓紧我的心轻轻闭上的我的双眼哗啦啦流出的我的眼泪就这样结束 我害怕这一切救救这样的我吧 求你无法呼吸 Mayday dot dot dot dot dot心很痛 Mayday dot dot dot dot dot时间又在 Tic Toc 流逝着 Tic Toc能听到吗 我的 Sign Sign dot dot dot dot dotdot dot dot dot dot 有很多没能说的话dot dot dot dot dot 请你听一听吧这样看着我 不要装作不知道失去了一切的我 dot dot dot dot dotyo 你现在了解我的心吗告白了无数次 我对你爱的signDid you get my sign sign有了你才能振作起来失去你 会生病 不要避开我want you by my side side我瑟瑟发抖的嘴唇一天都无法坚持的心脏就这样停下来 我害怕这一切救救这样的我吧 求你无法呼吸 Mayday dot dot dot dot dot心很痛 Mayday dot dot dot dot dot时间又在 Tic Toc 流逝着 Tic Toc能听到吗 我的 Sign Sign dot dot dot dot dot我的心中的你又在翻涌屏住呼吸 忍住你如果放你离开我会崩溃 你是知道的啊 求你无法呼吸 Mayday dot dot dot dot dot心很痛 Mayday dot dot dot dot dot时间又在 Tic Toc 流逝着 Tic Toc能听到吗 我的 Sign Sign dot dot dot dot dot无法呼吸 Mayday dot dot dot dot dot心很痛 Mayday dot dot dot dot dot时间又在 Tic Toc 流逝着 Tic Toc能听到吗 我的 Sign Sign dot dot dot dot dot
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