n.熊; (在证券市场等)卖空的人; 蛮横的人;
vt.忍受; 承担; 支撑; 生育;
vi.生(孩子); 结(果实); 与…有关;
adj.跌价的; 股票行情下跌的; 卖空者的;
You have a pet bear!
这个问题我来说吧。bear是一个多词性和多词义的常用词。 ■当它做动词时,复数形式是bear,单数形式是bears。 ■当它做名词时,复数形式是bears,单数形式是bear。下面为你提供bear的相关形式变化以备不时之需。2023-06-22 12:33:101
熊的英语是bearbear 英 [beu0259(r)] 美 [ber]n.熊;(在证券市场等)卖空的人;蛮横的人vt.承担;忍受;支撑;生育vi.生(孩子);结(果实);与…有关adj.跌价的;股票行情下跌的;卖空者的例句:The houses bear the marks of bullet holes.房子上散布着弹孔。2023-06-22 12:33:553
bear[英][be?(r)][美][ber];憋额2023-06-22 12:34:253
a bear是什么意思acat是什么意思
鲁莽者,恶妇。2023-06-22 12:34:3510
单数:bear 复数:bears2023-06-22 12:35:101
ok2023-06-22 12:35:405
bear 的中文是什么
最准确的应该是bear 英[beə(r)] 美[ber] n. 熊; (在证券市场等) 卖空的人; 蛮横的人; vt. 承担; 忍受; 支撑; 生育; vi. 生(孩子); 结(果实); 与…有关; [例句]They bore the oblong hardwood box into the kitchen and put it on the table.他们把那个长方形的硬木箱抬进厨房,放到桌上。[其他] 第三人称单数:bears 复数:bears 现在分词:bearing 过去式:bore过去分词:borne2023-06-22 12:36:162
北极熊用英语可以说:polar bear。polar bear:1、读音:英 [u02c8pu0259u028alu0259 beu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8pou028alu0259r ber] 2、词性:n.名词3、释义:北极熊;白熊4、复数: polar bears2023-06-22 12:36:257
人见人爱的泰迪熊是所有大朋友,小朋友儿时最美好的回忆,当泰迪熊褪下布娃娃的外衣,变成活生生的狗狗,能跑,能跳,还会撒娇时,有谁能抵挡他的魅力? 苗条纤细的体格,蓬松卷曲的棕色发毛,高贵优雅的气质,犹如披挂高贵皮草的淑媛贵族,活生生的绒毛玩具,席卷日本、台湾,掀起一阵「泰迪熊狗狗」热潮。泰迪熊其实就是玩具型的贵宾犬,而把贵宾犬修剪成泰迪熊的样子只是一种修毛方式,而并非品种为“泰迪”。 既然称为玩具贵宾,当然长相要够像玩具才行,所以圆脸、鼻子短、毛多又卷是必要条件,骨架体型更要端正,才能展现贵宾走路如同跳舞般的轻巧优雅。Teddy bear2023-06-22 12:37:054
因题干条件不完整,缺少文字,不能正常作答。2023-06-22 12:37:396
BenB熊 BenB熊BenB熊2023-06-22 12:38:452
熊英语bear,读作:英[beu0259r],美[beu0259r]。释义:vt.忍受;承担;具有;负担;生孩子;结果实;开花;携带;运送。vi.转向。n.熊;泰迪熊;(股票)卖空者;<非正式>没教养的人;体格笨重的男人;棘手的事情;脾气暴躁。变形:过去式bore,过去分词borne或born,现在分词bearing,第三人称单数bears,复数bears。bear的例句1、The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.发展中国家背负着巨额外债。2、I can"t bear people who make judgements and label me.我讨厌人们对我品头论足。3、I couldn"t bear to see my reflection in the mirror.我不忍看镜子里自己的样子。4、The bear exposed its teeth in a muffled growl.那只熊龇出牙齿,发出一声低沉的吼叫。5、British scientists have brought computer science to bear on this problem.英国的科学家们已经应用计算机科学来解决这个问题。2023-06-22 12:41:511
bear:熊,发音怎么标2023-06-22 12:42:203
hear deer bear发音那个是不同的
hear 不同2023-06-22 12:43:104
bears[英][beu0259z][美][berz]n.熊( bear的名词复数 ); 玩具熊; [美国俚语]1)。 警察; (在证券市场等)卖空的人;v.需要( bear的第三人称单数 ); 具有; 推动; 传达;wakeup唤醒2023-06-22 12:43:291
bear 熊n.熊;(在证券市场等)卖空的人;蛮横的人。vt.忍受;承担;支撑;生育。vi.生(孩子);结(果实);与……有关。adj.跌价的;股票行情下跌的;卖空者的。复数:bears第三人称单数:bears过去式:bore过去分词:borneborn现在分词:bearing易混淆的单词:BEARBearVERB USE动词用法1.VERB抬;背负;负载;驮If you bear something somewhere, you carry it there or take it there. They bore the oblong hardwood box into the kitchen and put it on the table.他们把那个长方形的硬木箱抬进厨房,放到桌上。-bearing...food-bearing lorries.装着食物的卡车。2.VERB持有;携带If you bear something such as a weapon, you hold it or carry it with you. ...the constitutional right to bear arms.宪法规定的携带武器的权利-bearing...rifle-bearing soldiers.持来复枪的士兵...hundreds of flag-bearing marchers.成百上千举着旗帜的游行者。3.VERB承载;支撑If one thing bears the weight of something else, it supports the weight of that thing. The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men.冰不够厚,承载不了行军队伍的重量。例句:Bear legs in the street!街上的熊腿!I can"t bear it anymore.我再也忍受不了了。Should the enterprise bear the social responsibility?企业是否应该承担社会责任?He is unfortunate who cannot bear misfortune.承受不幸的就是不幸。I can"t bear the sight of it.看到它我受不了。All these bear upon him with crushing weight.这些问题使他的负担极其沉重。Who will bear the freight?运费由谁来承担?We will bear all the expenses.我们将承担所有的费用。What color"s the bear?请问熊是什么颜色?Pain is inevitable bear?疼痛是必然承受的?He could not bear it.他不能忍受这种情况。She cannot bear the pain anymore.她再也承受不了那痛苦。I can"t bear this scent.这气我受不了。I missed the bear!我让熊跑了!Will you bear the cost?你愿意负担这个费用殚吗?That is their cross to bear.那是他们必须忍受的苦难。Peach trees have already begun to bear fruit.桃树木已开始结桃了。The ewes usually bear twin lambs.母羊通常生双胞羔羊。Stocks are traded between the bull and the bear.股票就是这样在多头和空头之间交易的。2023-06-22 12:43:381
sweet 英[swi:t] 美[swit] adj. 甜的; 愉快的,快乐的; 温柔的,亲切的; 芳香的; n. 甜味; 糖果,甜食; 餐后的甜点心; 宝贝; bearberry[英]["beəberɪ][美]["berberɪ]n.结红果实的桃类; 复数:bearberries例句 Active component: rose, natural plant phenol of grape seeds, bearberry glycoside、laevo-VC、crowtoe.有效成份:玫瑰、葡萄籽天然植物多酚、熊果苷、左旋VC、百脉根。bearberry leave熊果叶2023-06-22 12:44:001
我有三个玩具熊2023-06-22 12:44:303
一个是名词,表示朋友,一个是形容词,意思是友好的,友善的2023-06-22 12:43:093
形容友情的英语词汇friendshipevergreenA friend in need is a friend indeed.friendlyhelpful2023-06-22 12:43:173
short的读音为英[u0283u0254u02d0t] 美[u0283u0254u02d0rt] 。为英语单词,作名词时意为“短;缺乏;短路;短裤”。作形容词时意为“短的;不足的;矮的,低的”。作副词时意为“不足;突然;唐突地”。short的例句如下:1 For a short while, WE should have no marshal.很短的一段时间,我们应该没有元帅。2 What have you learnt from this short experience?从这么短的工作经历中你学到了什么?3 It was short, so I went back into our records to get some background for you.它是短暂的,这样我回到我们的记录中来为你们获得一些背景。short的相关短语如下:1 short cut快捷方式 ; 走捷径 ; 缩短球路 ; 捷径2 short trousers短裤 ; 裤衩 ; 服装类型英语 ; 中裤3 Short stay短暂停留 ; 短支索 ; 短暂逗留 ; 近锚泊2023-06-22 12:43:241
clever friend funny shy谁是不同类的单词?
friend是名词属于不同类单词,其它三个单词是形容词。2023-06-22 12:43:264
friend是名词,其余是副词2023-06-22 12:43:355
Shorter,这是short的比较级,shortest是short的最高级2023-06-22 12:43:474
朋友们是复数2023-06-22 12:43:515
short 英[ʃɔːt] 美[ʃɔːrt] adj. 短的; 个子矮的; 短期的; 短暂的; adv. 缺少; 不足; 未达到; 不及; 中间(打断); 过早地(终止); n. 少量烈酒; (尤指在正片前放映的) 电影短片; [例句]The announcement was made a short time ago通告是不久前才宣布的。[其他] 比较级:shorter 最高级:shortest 第三人称单数:short 复数:shorts 现在分词:shorting 过去式:shorted 过去分词:shorted2023-06-22 12:44:161
friend的形容词为:friendly friendly的意思是: adj. 友好的;亲切的;支持的; friend] n.朋友;友人;赞助者;支持者;自己人;同志;同伙;同盟者; v.诗>与…为友 扩展资料 Do your parents take an interest in your friends? 你的父母有兴趣了解你的.朋友吗? She found it difficult to make friends because of her natural reserve. 她因天性矜持很难交到朋友。 These new friends of hers are supposed to be very rich. 她的这些新朋友想必都很富有。 He didn"t much care for her friends. 他不太喜欢她的朋友。2023-06-22 12:44:201
friendly,友好的,朋友般的。2023-06-22 12:44:353
friend的形容词: friendly 友好的;亲切的;支持的;融洽的,和睦的; friendless 没有朋友的;无依无靠的;孤单的; friend n. 朋友;助手;赞助者 扩展资料 She turned against her old friend. 她与老朋友翻脸了。 Is she a friend of yours? 她是你的朋友吗? Is he a friend of yours ? 他是你的朋友吗? I called my old friend John Horner. 我给老朋友约翰·霍纳打了个电话。 "Are you a friend of Nick"s?"—"Yes." “你是尼克的"朋友吗?”—“是的。”2023-06-22 12:44:421
short 英[u0283u0254u02d0t]美[u0283u0254u02d0rt]adj. 短的; 个子矮的; 短期的; 短暂的; 不足; 缺乏,缺少(某种品质); 紧俏; 少于; (呼吸)短促,困难; 简略的; 简单粗暴; 短音的;adv. 缺少; 不足; 未达到; 不及; 中间(打断); 过早地(终止);n. 少量烈酒; (尤指在正片前放映的)电影短片;vi. 故意少给…的零头; 骗取短路;short circuit[电]短路 ; 霹雳五号 ; 捷径 ; 最少运算in short简言之 ; 总之 ; 简而言之 ; 简单地说short position空头 ; 空头头寸 ; 淡仓 ; 空仓short bill[金融]短期汇票 ; 短期国库券 ; 短期票据 ; 短期期票Short Cuts银色·性·男女 ; 银色性男女 ; 人生交叉点 ; 银色short cut快捷方式 ; 走捷径 ; 缩短球路 ; 捷径short trousers短裤 ; 裤衩 ; 服装类型英语 ; 中裤Short stay短暂停留 ; 短支索 ; 短暂逗留 ; 近锚泊Short Stirling斯特林轰炸机 ; 斯特林2023-06-22 12:44:491
friend的形容词是friendlyfriendlyadj.友好的;亲切的;支持的;融洽的,和睦的adv.友善地;温和地n.(friendly)人名;(英)弗兰德利比较级friendlier最高级friendliest2023-06-22 12:44:511
kids 是kid 的复数形式2023-06-22 12:44:545
friend(朋友)的形容词 :friendly(友好的) , 如: I like people who are friendly. 我喜欢那些对人友好的人. You are friendly. 你很友好. friend的名词:friendship (友谊) 如: I want to make a friendship with you. 我想和你建立友谊.2023-06-22 12:44:591
riendly作形容词时,意思是“友好的;亲切的;支持的;融洽的,和睦的”。作副词时,意思是“友善地;温和地”。形容词语法及概念:语法是语法规律,任盯宴何人在使用语言时,不管他是否学过语法,但都必须合乎语法。另外,总结语法本身的规律也能加深我们对语言的理解,弯派让我们能够真正熟练地运用语言。想要掌握规范标准的英语,语法是不可忽略的部分。就形容词而言,也是英语语法中一个不可或缺的部分。形容词:表示事物的形状、性质和状态等。如“大、高、认真、生动、美丽、精明、可埋则贺爱、冰凉、初级、高级、简单、复杂”。用法:1、性质形容词一般能受“不”和“很”的修饰。如“不大、很大、不生动、很生动”。少数状态形容词不受“不”和“很”的修饰,如不说“不冰凉、很冰凉、不雪白、很雪白、不初级、很初级”。2023-06-22 12:45:081
close的形容词是closed?friend的形容词是friendly2023-06-22 12:43:011
friendly adj的用法
全部用法如下:英文单词:friendly简明英汉词典 </b>friendly[5frendli]adj.友好的, 友谊的 美国传统词典[双解] </b>friendlyfriend.lyAHD:[frμnd“l?] D.J.[6frendli8]K.K.[6frWndli]adj.(形容词)friend.li.er, friend.li.est(1)Of, relating to, or befitting a friend:友好的:朋友的、与朋友有关的或适合做朋友的:friendly advice.友好的建议(2)Favorably disposed; not antagonistic:友善的:表示赞赏的;不反对的:a government friendly to our interests.符合我们利益的政府(3)Warm; comforting.温暖的;舒适的(4)Computer Science User-friendly.【计算机科学】 (电脑)使用者易使用的(5)Informal Easy to understand or use for a specified agent. Often used in combination:【非正式用语】 容易的:易被某些特定对象理解或使用的。常用于合成词:a reader-friendly novel; a consumer-friendly policy.易于理解的小说;有益消费者的制度adv.(副词)In the manner of a friend; amicably.以朋友方式的;亲密的n.(名词)【复数】 friend.lies【非正式用语】 One fighting on or favorable to one"s own side:支持者:为某一方而战或支持某一方的人:“If I read this right, you"re the only friendly we have there right now”(Tom Clancy)“如果我理解正确的话,你是我们目前唯一的支持者”(汤姆·克兰西) 继承用法 </b>friend“lilyadv.(副词)friend“linessn.(名词) 现代英汉词典 </b>friendly[5frendlI]adj.-lier, -liest(1)友好的;朋友般的He is friendly to us all.他对我们大家都很友好。A friendly dog came to meet us.一条友好的狗出来迎接我们。A friendly argument on any disputes is benefitial to the further understanding of the mutual views.对任何争端进行友好的辩论有助于进一步了解相互的观点。(2)赞成…的;支持…的This company has never been friendly to change.这家公司从不支持改革。(3)仁慈的;慷慨的;乐于助人的(4)不伤感情的(竞赛) 现代英汉综合大辞典 </b>friendly[5frendli]adj.(1)友好的; 朋友似的, 亲密的(2)有帮助的, 互助的(3)好意的, 有利的a friendly shower及时雨a friendly warning忠告a friendly society[英]互助会friendly troops友军be friendly to赞成be on friendly terms with (=have friendly relations with)跟...友好He spoke in a friendly way.他说话的态度很亲切。He"s a friendly sort of fellow.他是和善的人。 词性变化 </b>friendly[5frendli]adv.友好地; 朋友般地 继承用法 </b>friendllilyadv. 词性变化 </b>friendlinessn. 用法词典 </b>friendlyfriend 朋友 + -ly形容词后缀 英文相关词典 </b>friendlyinimical unfriendly 美国传统词典 </b>friendlyfriend.lyAHD:[frμnd“l?] D.J.[6frendli8]K.K.[6frWndli]adj.friend.li.er, friend.li.est(1)Of, relating to, or befitting a friend:friendly advice.(2)Favorably disposed; not antagonistic:a government friendly to our interests.(3)Warm; comforting.(4)Computer Science User-friendly.(5)Informal Easy to understand or use for a specified agent. Often used in combination:a reader-friendly novel; a consumer-friendly policy.adv.In the manner of a friend; amicably.n.pl. friend.liesInformal One fighting on or favorable to one"s own side:“If I read this right, you"re the only friendly we have there right now”(Tom Clancy) 继承用法 </b>friend“lilyadv.friend“linessn. 英汉法学大词典 </b>friendlyadj.友 ,友好 英汉化学大词典 </b>friendlyadj.友谊的,顺利的 英汉计算机大词典 </b>friendlyadj.友谊的(顺利的)2023-06-22 12:42:441
singer,spent,sitting stayed,studies,friendly rainy,fifth leaves2023-06-22 12:42:361
short的翻译:短的。adj.短(期)的;短暂的;短暂的;飞逝的;简短的;简略的;短的;不长的;矮的;不高的;唐突的;简慢无礼的;短缺的;不足的;差的;做空的;卖空的;空头的;短音的;短元音的;短的;短的;非重读的;(松)脆的;不掺水的;烈性的。n.短片;不掺水的酒;烈酒;短信号;短击打声;短元音;短音节;空头合约;卖空;卖空者;做空者;空头;同义词:curt;unstressed;drink;signal;beat;contract;sale;seller等。短语:to have a short memory记忆力差;健忘。to be in short supply供应不足;短缺。to make short work of sb/sth干净利落地处理…;迅速解决…short and sweet简单明了。to be X short of a Y愚蠢;傻乎乎;脑子缺根筋。for short作为简称(或缩写)。in short简而言之;总之。双语例句:1、She hadshort,wavy brown hair.她有一头又短又卷的褐发。2、The ball pitched a yardshort.球差一码落了地。3、In theshort run, unemployment may fall.从短期来看,失业率可能降低。4、short-term contracts increase staff turnover.短期合同会增加员工的流动率。5、There followed ashort silence.接着沉默了一会儿。6、She suffered fromshort sight.她眼睛近视。7、Hirst rolled ashort pass to Merson.赫斯特给默森传了个短球。8、He hadshort trousers and scabby knees.他穿着短裤,露出结痂的膝盖。9、Her hair wasshort and severe.她的头发不长,也没有花样。10、That dress of hers is tooshort.她那件连衣裙太短了。2023-06-22 12:42:261
short中文翻译意思是短的2023-06-22 12:41:521
穿的交换机助手里面有2023-06-22 12:41:4513
friend2023-06-22 12:40:474
Friendship (n.)友谊Friend (n.)朋友Help (n./v.)帮助Smile (n.)微笑Each other 彼此Good (adj.形容词)好的precious (adj.)珍贵的cherish (v.)珍惜everlasting (n.)永恒selfless无私的 easy-going好相处的 reliable值得信赖 considerte体贴的 petient有耐心 sincere真诚的 responsible有责任的 generour慷慨 hard-warking努力工作的 horest诚实 helpful乐于助人的 brave勇敢的 friendly友好的generous (adj.)大方的 cheerful (adj.)开心的 kind (adj.)好的 forever 永远 sincere (adj.) 真诚 like (v.)喜爱2023-06-22 12:40:371
friendly2023-06-22 12:40:281
名词2023-06-22 12:40:204
friend的形容词是friendly,形容词性,并不是加ly都是副词.2023-06-22 12:39:593
friend的读音是:英[frend]。friend的读音是:英[frend]。friend的详尽释义是n.(名词)朋友,友人支持者,赞助者同胞,同伴,自己人同情者有帮助的事物下议院议员间的称呼法院律师间的称呼助手,随从近亲,家属【宗】公谊会教友同伙,同盟者,同志。friend形容词:friendless;名词:friendlessness;过去式:friended;过去分词:friended;现在分词:friending;第三人称单数:friends。一、详尽释义点此查看friend的详细内容n.(名词)朋友,友人支持者,赞助者同胞,同伴,自己人同情者有帮助的事物下议院议员间的称呼法院律师间的称呼助手,随从近亲,家属【宗】公谊会教友同伙,同盟者,同志v.(动词)帮助,协助与…为友,以朋友态度对待,亲近二、双解释义n.(名词)[C]朋友,友人 person that you like and know very well[C]同胞; 自己人,同盟者 person who is of the same country, group, etc. as oneself; ally[C]极有益或熟悉的事物 thing that is very helpful or familiar三、英英释义Noun:a person you know well and regard with affection and trust;"he was my best friend at the university"an associate who provides cooperation or assistance;"he"s a good ally in fight"a person with whom you are acquainted;"I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances""we are friends of the family"a person who backs a politician or a team etc.;"all their supporters came out for the game""they are friends of the library"a member of the Religious Society of Friends founded by George Fox (the Friends have never called themselves Quakers)四、例句A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交才是真朋友。My friend invited me to dine out.我的朋友邀请我出去吃饭。I made friends with Bill in high school.我和比尔在高中就成为朋友。Mr. Green has been a friend of community charity.格林先生一直是社区慈善事业的支持者。He has been a good friend to me.他一向是我的赞助者。The death of his friend made him sad at heart.友人之死使他十分伤心。A joke never gains an enemy but loses a friend.戏谑不能化敌为友,只能使人失去朋友。Every man desiring to be a friend of this world makes himself a hater of God.所以凡想要与世俗为友的,就是与神为敌了。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~assist a friend帮助朋友back up a friend支持朋友become friends with sb和某人交朋友break with a friend和朋友绝交call on a friend拜访朋友choose a friend选择朋友forget a friend忘记朋友get a friend交朋友have a friend有朋友invite a friend邀请朋友keep friends with sb与某人保持友好make friends (with sb)(和某人)交朋友meet a friend迎接〔看到,遇到〕朋友miss one"s friend想念朋友see a friend看望朋友sell one"s friend出卖朋友stand up for one"s friend支持朋友stay friends with sb与某人保持友好thank a friend感谢朋友visit a friend拜访朋友win a friend赢得朋友形容词+~best friend最好的朋友casual friend偶然认识的朋友close friend亲密的朋友common friend共同的朋友dear friend亲爱的朋友distinguished friend尊贵的朋友false friend虚伪的朋友familiar friend熟悉的朋友far-away friend远方的朋友fast friend可靠的朋友firm friend盟友foreign friend外国朋友good friend好朋友great friend知己international friend国际友人low-brow friend低级趣味的朋友loyal friend忠诚的朋友new friend新朋友old friend老朋友old-time friend从前的朋友personal friend私人朋友real friend真正的朋友seeming friend表面上的朋友selfish friend自私的朋友sometime friend以前的朋友tried friend可靠的朋友,经过考验的朋友true friend忠实的朋友unfailing friend可靠的朋友warm friend亲热的朋友名词+~boy friend男(的)朋友childhood friend孩提时代的朋友family friend家庭共同的朋友girl friend女(的)朋友New Year postcard friend只是在新年寄张贺年卡的朋友school friend同学,校友介词+~among friends在朋友中间as a friend作为朋友circle of friends朋友圈子through a friend通过朋友(的帮助)~+介词friend in days of simple life布衣之交friend in need患难朋友friend of〔to〕…的支持者或赞助者friend to truth拥护真理的人六、情景对话Emergency-(突发情况)A:Look, Jim. That man just fell down over there.瞧,吉姆,那边有人摔下来了。friend的翻译B:We better see if he"s o.k.我们最好去看看他是否没事。A:Sir…sir? Are you all right? Sir?先生,先生,你还好吗?先生?friend的翻译B:He"s not answering. You"d better check his pulse and breathing.没有回应。检查一下他的脉搏和呼吸。friend是什么意思A:Oh, no. He"s not breathing, and there"s no pulse. Call 911.喔,天,呼吸没有了,脉搏也停了。拨911。B:Hello? Yes. Someone has passed out at Connecticut Ave. and 1st St. He isn"t breathing and does not have a pulse. Yes. Myfriend is perfomp3ing CPR. OK. Thank you. They"re sending an ambulance. Here, let me help.喂?是的,有人在康涅狄格大道和第一大街之间昏倒了,没有呼吸和脉搏。是的,我的朋友在给他做CPR.好的,谢谢你,他们正派了一辆急救车,来,我来帮手。Joe"s Date-(乔的约会)A:And then we went to a dance after dinner, and after the third dance she tells me that she"s practically engaged to some G.I. who"s overseas.那样,晚饭后我们去跳舞,跳完第三只舞她告诉我,其实她已经同一位海外的大兵订婚了。B:So?这没什么。A:What do you mean by "so"? You don"t accept dates if you"re practically engaged.你说"这没什么"是什么意思?既然你已订婚,就不应再接受约会。B:Why not? You only asked her for a date, not for her hand in marriage.There"s nothing wrong in going out with afriend from the office.为什么不可以?你只不过是请她赴约会,又不是向她求婚。同办公室的一位朋友出去玩玩并没有什么不对。A:I know, but it makes me mad.我知道,不过这使我很恼火。B:They"re all engaged, and they never tell you before you ask them out.她们都订婚了,而如果你不问她们,她们从不告诉你。在邮局A:Would you please weigh this letter to see what the postage is?麻烦您称一下这封信,看看需要多少邮资,好吗?B:Do you want to send it by ordinary or registered mail?您是要寄普通信还是挂号信?A:By ordinary air mail, please.请给我寄普通航空信。B:Anything of value in it?里面有什么值钱的东西吗?friend什么意思A:A postal order for four hundred dollars.一张400 美元的邮政汇票。friend的反义词B:In that case, you"d better have it registered.既然那样,您最好寄挂号信。friendA:Will I be informed when myfriend gets the letter?当我朋友收到这封信后,我会被通知吗?friendB:Yes, when yourfriend gets it, he"ll sign a receipt, which will be sent to you by mail. Then you can be sure it"s been received.是的,当您的朋友收到信后,他将签一张收据,这张收据会寄给您,您就可以确定他收到了。friendA:All right, I"ll have it registered, then.好,那我就寄挂号信。七、词义辨析n.(名词)be friends with sb, make friends with sb这两个短语意思有所不同:前者的意思是“是某人的朋友”或“与某人友好”,强调一种状态; 后者的意思是“与某人交朋友”,强调的是一时的动作。试比较:I"m great friends with him.我和他很要好。Haas found it hard to make friends with others.哈斯觉得和别人交朋友真难。下面各组中的两个句子意思不同:He is a friend of mine.他是我的一个朋友。He is my friend.他是我朋友。A friend of his has just arrived.他的一位朋友刚刚到达。His friend has just arrived.他朋友刚刚到达。friend的相关近义词chum、companion、confidant、matefriend的相关反义词enemy、foe、opponentfriend的相关临近词friendly、fridge、friends、friended、FriendTM、Friendies、friendless、friendlies、friendster、friendship、friend boy、friendships点此查看更多关于friend的详细信息2023-06-22 12:39:511
short[英][u0283u0254:t][美][u0283u0254:rt]adj.短的,短暂的; 矮的; 短缺的; 短期的; adv.突然; 唐突地; 简短地; 横贯地; n.短裤; 短路; 缺乏; vt.故意少给…的零头,骗取; vi.短路; 第三人称单数:short过去分词:shorted复数:shorts最高级:shortest现在进行时:shorting比较级:shorter过去式:shorted2023-06-22 12:39:283
friendly。 还望采纳,举手之劳,这将让我们以后更好为您解答,谢谢!2023-06-22 12:39:211
friend、firendship都是名词;friendly形容词。 friendly变化:名词:friendliness;副词:friendlily;名词复数:friendlies ;形容词比较级:friendlier ;最高级:friendliest。 扩展资料 friendship:n.友谊;朋友关系;友情;友好 复数: friendships 记忆技巧:friend 朋友 + ship 某种关系 → 友谊 例句: Their friendship soon deepened into love. 他们的"友谊很快发展成为爱情。 A bond of friendship had been forged between them. 他们之间形成了一种友谊的纽带。 Their friendship blossomed into love. 他们的友谊发展成了爱情。 I treasure his friendship. 我珍重他的友谊。 They vowed eternal friendship. 他们立誓要友谊长存。2023-06-22 12:39:131
是friendly2023-06-22 12:38:586