heart-struck 伤心的
smart from 伤心
dolorous 忧伤的
grief-stricken 极度忧伤的
agonise 烦恼
agonising 烦恼的
agonisingly 烦恼地
agonizingly 使人烦恼地
annoyance 烦恼
bother about 烦恼
cark 烦恼
disencumber 摆脱烦恼
fash 烦恼
fret away 烦恼中度过
fret 烦恼
galling 使烦恼的
harass 烦恼
overcare 自寻烦恼
shuffle off this mortal coil 摆脱尘世烦恼
Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof 当时的烦恼就够多了
teasingly 烦恼地
trouble 烦恼
untroubled 无烦恼的
vex oneself 独自烦恼
vex 使烦恼
vexation 烦恼
worriless 无烦恼的
worrisome 令人烦恼的
worrit 烦恼
worry oneself 自找烦恼
worry 烦恼
worrywart 自寻烦恼者
desolation mourn take no thought for 忧伤
mirthlessly 忧伤地
have fun 玩得开心
jollier 讨人开心者
yippee 开心
slop over 伤感
part friends 不伤感情地分手
sentimentalize 伤感
awkard embarrassed discomfiture 尴尬
up a stump 处境尴尬
exasperation 恼怒
get the needle 恼怒
irritated 恼怒的
angry 生气的
as cross as two sticks 非常生气的
as mad as a wet hen 非常生气
huffish 生气的
riley 生气的
snuffy 生气的
sulky 生气的
beatific 幸福的
benedictional 使人幸福的
blessedly 幸福地
blessedness 幸福
blissfully 幸福地
days marked with a white stone 幸福的日子
eudemonia 幸福
eudemonic 幸福的
felicific 幸福的
felicity 幸福
happily 幸福地
happiness 幸福
on top of the world 幸福到极点
bobbish 高兴的
cheerfully 高高兴兴地
cheerfulness 高兴
chuffed 高兴的
delectate 使高兴
disgruntle 使不高兴
exhilarate 使高兴
exhilaration 令人高兴
exhilarative 使高兴的
exult 非常高兴
exultant 非常高兴的
glad at 高兴
glad of 高兴
glad to meet you 很高兴认识你
glad 高兴的
gladly 高兴地
gladsome 高兴的
gleesome 极为高兴的
good humor 高兴
grouch 不高兴的人
grouchily 不高兴地
grouchy 不高兴的
hilarity 高兴
ill humor 不高兴
jauntily 高兴地
jauntiness 高兴
jollity 高兴
joyancy 高兴
joyless 不高兴的
nice to meet you 很高兴见到你
out of sorts 不高兴的
pleased 高兴的
rejoicingly 高兴地
sulkiness 不高兴
sullenly 不高兴地
harrowing 痛心的
lone 孤独的
loneliness 孤独
lonely 孤独的
loner 孤独的人
monophobia 孤独恐惧症
plough a lonely furrow 孤独地行动
solitary 孤独的
solitude 孤独
aweary 疲倦的
beat-out 疲倦不堪的
careworn 疲倦的
dog-tired 疲倦极的
forspent 疲倦的
forwearied 极疲倦的
forworn 极疲倦的
get tired 疲倦
got tired 疲倦
harassed 疲倦的
indefatigable 不知疲倦的
languid 疲倦的
languidly 疲倦地
languorously 疲倦地
poohed 疲倦的
tireless 不疲倦的
tirelessly 不知疲倦地
untiringly 不疲倦地
unwearied 不疲倦的
wearily 疲倦地
weariness 疲倦
wearisome 使疲倦的
weary 疲倦的
a wet smack 讨厌的人
abominable 讨厌的
accursed 讨厌的
accurst 讨厌的
antipathetic 讨厌的
bally 讨厌的
betenoire 讨厌的人
blighter 讨厌的家伙
bore 讨厌的人
brattish 讨厌的
bratty 讨厌的
cumbersome 讨厌的
cumbrous 讨厌的
disfavour 讨厌
disgustingly 讨厌地
dislike 讨厌
disrelish 讨厌
distaste 讨厌
flipping 讨厌之极的
icky 讨厌的
irksome 讨厌的
loathing 讨厌
loathsome 讨厌的
loathsomely 令人讨厌地
nuisance 讨厌的
objectionable 讨厌的
odiously 讨厌地
odiousness 讨厌
odium 讨厌
offensive 讨厌的
pesky 讨厌的
plaguy 讨厌的
rebarbative 令人讨厌的
sad apple 讨厌的家伙
skunk 讨厌鬼
snorty 令人讨厌的
sourpuss 讨厌鬼
stinking 非常讨厌的
vilely 讨厌地
vileness 讨厌
wet smack 讨厌的人
get down on 开始不喜欢
grow upon 逐渐喜欢
have a liking for 喜欢
have a mark on 喜欢
have a sweet teeth 喜欢吃甜
have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜
homekeeping 不喜欢外出的
inhabitiveness 喜欢待在同一住所
liked 喜欢
likesome 讨人喜欢的
neophilia 喜欢新奇
out of conceit with 不再喜欢
persona grata 讨人喜欢的人
prefer 更喜欢
take a fancy to 喜欢
take a liking for 喜欢
take a pleasure in 喜欢
take shine to 喜欢
yappy 喜欢叫嚷的
affection 友爱
affectionate 亲爱的
affectionately 挚爱地
agapanthus 爱情花
amative 恋爱的
amatively 恋爱地
amativeness 恋爱
amatorial 恋爱的
amatory 恋爱的
beloved 心爱的
rue sadness soreness sorrow 悲伤
blue note 悲伤的音符
disconsolately 悲伤地
disconsolateness 悲伤
disconsolation 悲伤
distressing 悲伤的
fiddle-faced 悲伤的
heartbreak 悲伤
heartbreaking 悲伤难忍
heartbroken 悲伤的
lament 悲伤
lamenting 悲伤的
mourner 悲伤者
ruefully 悲伤地
ruefulness 悲伤
sorrily 悲伤地
sorrow 悲伤
sorrowful 悲伤的
woeful 悲伤的
woefully 悲伤地
woful 悲伤的
marble-hearted 冷酷的
marblehearted 冷酷无情的
Mephistophelean 冷酷的
Mephistophelian 冷酷的
remorseless 冷酷的
remorselessly 冷酷地
ruthlessly 冷酷地
hate regret 恨
abhorrence 痛恨
abominate 痛恨
abomination 憎恨
animosity 仇恨
bad blood 恨
compunction 悔恨
damnably 可恨地
hate 憎恨
hateable 可恨的
hateful 可恨的
resentment 怨恨
rueful 悔恨的
spite 怨恨
spiteful 怀恨的
spitefully 怀恨地
the worm of conscience 悔恨
virulency 痛恨
willing to wound 怀恨的
enemy enmity 仇
animosity 仇恨
avengement 报仇
avenger 复仇者
avenging 报仇的
avengingly 报仇地
Although on the mouth dislikes you to say me slightly stupid stupid, but in the heart very is actually happy - - because likes you
time always first which is wronged thinking of you - - because I love you
is late in you blames you,Really scolds you,But is treasures each time with you in together - - because me loves you
really very mean-spiritedly,In the eye allows not to be below sand - - because I like your
each time vitality doing intentionally have calmed down,Only is wants to listen to you to roar oneself - - because I like you
being able to accompany you to look together you most like program,Even if is the oneself most repugnant drop - - because I like you
always wanting your slow spot to eat,Because feared you can have gastric disease - - because I like you
being able to take great pains admonish you to stop smoking,Even if knew this is not the impossible matter - - because I like you
being able to accompany you to hit the game together,Regardless of is oneself likes the drop - - because I like you
being able the thing which collects you for you most to like,So long as you happy - - because I love you
no matter how nitpicks on the mouth,Most loves you in my heart - - because I like you
being moved very easily by you,Even if is a minimum matter - - because I love you
even if can assume sole responsibility for an important task again.
sad sorrow happy lonely hate love like enjoy
sad happy sorrow lonely hate enjoy love
sad happy lovly
care的形容词:careful;副词:carefully。2023-06-22 08:03:362
care是什么意思,不懂耶!2023-06-22 08:04:034
care形容词形式只有两种,形容词是careful(细心的,谨慎的),或者careless(粗心的)。care本身就是名词。例句:Without her care and concern, he had no chance at all.若非她的关心和照顾,他根本没有机会。 双语例句 They care about no one but themselves. 他们只关心自己,不关心别人。 What do you care? 你有什么在意的?。 Because I care. 因为我关心。2023-06-22 08:04:331
care的形容词是careful.care形容词形式只有两种,形容词是careful(细心的,谨慎的),或者careless(粗心的)。英语中形容人性格的各种形容词有amiable 和蔼可亲的、alert 机灵的、considerate 体贴的。forceful 坚强的、frank 直率的,真诚的、friendly 友好的、generous 宽宏大量的、genteel 有教养的、gentle 有礼貌的、honest 诚实的、humble 恭顺的、humorous 幽默的、sincere 真诚的,等等。careful造句如下:1、Careful epidemiological monitoring of circulating strains is recommended.建议对流行株仔细进行流行病学监测。2、I was careful to point out that this is a natural process, not one to be forced.我用心地解释这是自然过程,并非强迫着去做的。3、Be careful not to bump your head on the beam when you stand up.当心站起来时头别撞了横梁。4、Don"t forget to keep a careful tally of what you spend别忘了仔细记下你的开支账目。2023-06-22 08:04:391
careful2023-06-22 08:05:062
carefulcareless2023-06-22 08:05:168
care形容词和副词分别是careful和carefully。care的意思是照料,照顾,照看,护理,小心,谨慎,忧虑,焦虑,引起。care的例句:He wanted me to know that he still cared for me(他想要我知道他仍爱着我)。 扩展资料 care的例句:She had met both sons and did not care for either(两个儿子她都见了,一个都不喜欢);The woman tells anyone who cares to listen that she"s going through hell(只要一有人听她诉说,那个女人就会告诉人家她正在受苦受难)。2023-06-22 08:05:321
careful2023-06-22 08:05:423
west本身是形容词,可以译成西方的care的形容词是careful2023-06-22 08:06:011
care 的名词形式
还是care2023-06-22 08:06:094
副词carefulcarefully2023-06-22 08:06:3712
care careful carefully2023-06-22 08:07:091
care careful careless carefulness carelessn2023-06-22 08:07:204
care careful carefully有什么区别?
他们的意思相近,但词性不同care是动词please take care of him. 请照顾好他careful是形容词be careful when you cross the street.过马路的时候小心.carefully是副词please finish your homework carefully.认真完成你的作业.2023-06-22 08:07:503
2023-06-22 08:08:101
副词!因为CHECK是动词!2023-06-22 08:08:196
train的名词 invite的名词 free的反义词和名词 care的形容词,副词和形容词的反义
train的名词traininginvite的名词invitationfree的反义词和名词busy,freedomcare的形容词,副词和形容词的反义词carefulcarefullycarelessmean的名词,名词方法meaningboth的反义词neitherwho宾格和所有格whomwhose2023-06-22 08:08:331
fame,wood,science,south,care 的形容词分别是什么
famouswoodenscientificsoutherncareful2023-06-22 08:08:521
care可以是名词或动词,但n/v没有最高级.careful为形容词形式,比较级为more careful,最高级为the most careful7分享评论踩美国大学排名_20世界大学排名值得一看的dartmouthcollege相关信息推荐想去美国留学,就选百利天下,留学申请+背景提升,体系化服务,专业靠谱!百利天下教育已帮助数万名学子申请到国外名校,立即点击咨询本月8369人已咨询相关问题咨询北京环球百利教育科技有限公司广告dartmouth college 美国名校排名一览表关注dartmouthcollege的人也在看想去美国留学,就选百利天下,留学申请+背景提升,体系化服务,专业靠谱!百利天下教育已帮助数万名学子申请到国外名校,立即点击咨询本月7107人已咨询相关问题咨询北京前程百利教育科技有限公司广告care的最高级...心理专家1对1在线解答疑惑去提问— 你看完啦,以下内容更有趣 —dartmouthcollege_申请条件_攻略dartmouth college一对一面授,一站式服务,让你放心,我们安心dartmouth college2023-06-22 08:08:592
不一定. 具体比较复杂,不能笼统的说. 因为英语里有 名词 冠词 数词 代词 形容词 副词 动词 动名词 还有些单词本身既是名词又是副词. 推荐你看看2023-06-22 08:09:251
care 名词 He looked after her with care.careful 形容词,用于修饰名词。He is a careful boy. 此处careful用于修饰boy。carefully 副词, 用于修饰动词。He looked after her carefully. 此处carefully用来修饰look after。2023-06-22 08:09:333
careful 的名词是什么
care2023-06-22 08:09:447
单独的说Be care有语法错吗?
be careful 或者说 teke care2023-06-22 08:10:066
care of、care about、care for、care with的区别
★care既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,意为“在乎”“在意”,通常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。如: ① vi. They might fail, but they didn"t care. 他们可能会失败,但他们不在乎。 I don"t care if I never see him again. 即便我永远再也见不到他,我也不在乎。② vt. I"ll go. I don"t care what happens. 不管发生什么,我都要去。 I don"t care whom you will go together with. 我并不介意你要和谁一起去。★care与for或about连用,意为“关心”“爱护”。care for作“照顾”解时,可用于被动语态。如: ① We should care for/about each other. 我们应该互相关心。② The children are well cared for in the nursery. 孩子们在托儿所受到很好的照顾。★care后接动词不定式或介词for/about,意为“喜欢”“愿意”“对……感兴趣”,用于否定句和疑问句中,不可用于被动语态。如: ① He might not care to go. 他也许不想去。② She didn"t care to be disturbed. 她不愿意被打扰。③ Rose doesn"t care about money. 罗斯对钱不感兴趣。④ I don"t care for the place. 我不喜欢这个地方。★care作名词用时,除了作“关心”“照顾”“忧虑”等解以外,还有“小心”“谨慎”“保护”“管理”“责任”“可忧虑的事(原因)”等。如: ① I retired last year. Now I am a man free from care duty. 我去年退休了。现在我是个无工作之忧的人了。② Mr James is old, but can not be free from the care of his big family. 詹姆士先生已经老了,但是仍摆脱不了养活一大家子的负担。③ Our house is under the care of my uncle"s, when we all go abroad. 在我们全家出国期间,我们的房子交由叔叔家照管。④ This is very fragile. Please handle with care! 这是易碎品。请小心轻放!⑤ Care has made him look at least six years older than his age. 忧虑使他看上去比实际年龄至少老六岁。★take care of(=look after)意为“照料”。如: The baby must be taken good care of. 这婴儿一定要很好地照料。★take care of还要作“对付”“应付”解。如:Don"t worry; I can take care of it. 别担心,我能对付它。【注】与care相关的词组及复合词: care of转交往往被缩写为c/o,多用于信封上。 care-taker守门者;管理员 care-worn (因担心、劳苦而)消瘦憔悴的★care加后缀-ful和-less分别构成形容词careful和careless。careful的意思是“细心的”“谨慎的”;careless的意思主要有“粗心的”“不在乎的”等。如: ① On the whole, he is a careful person. 总的来说,他是个细心的人。② Be careful with your health. 注意你们的身体健康。③ That is our careful selection. 那是我们谨慎的选择。④ No such careless mistake is allowed once more. 如此粗心的错误绝不允许再次发生。⑤ Being young men, we should be careless of hardship. 作为年轻人,我们不应该怕吃2023-06-22 08:10:211
1,careful2,energetic3,September 4, get along with5,Can henry have6,How long does it take you to go to the park?(你去公园用了多长时间?)2023-06-22 08:10:465
同根词:在同一语种中词根相同、意义相似的词比如动词wake有叫醒的意思。造句:pleasewakemetomorrowmorning明天请叫醒我。wake,叫醒,的形容词是:awake意思是醒来的。比如:Iamawake,我现在醒着的。我起来了。那么这里动词wake跟形容词awake,根据我最开始给出的定义,他俩意思相同,虽然一个是动词一个是形容词,但是都是跟醒有关。而且形似。所以我们就说着两个词是同根词。根=形,根=意思。再比如:color:名词颜色colorful形容词=五彩缤纷的他俩也是同根词。一般名词后边+ful就变成了形容词。比如:care,小心careful小心的。当然不是所有名词后边都加ful就变成了形容词。同根词只是让你记单词容易些。比如你只认识care,不认识careful,当你知道同根词的概念之后,你就能才出来careful是care的形容词了,意思是小心的的意思。再比如beauty,你知道是美丽的意思吧?那比如你不知道beautiful是啥意思,可是你感觉你怎么好像认识前边半部分呢?那你就可以顺藤摸瓜才出来beautiful是美丽的的意思。当然很多tive结尾也是形容词。比如construct=建设constructive=有建设性的。所以你要多看,就能找到规律,这样即便不用背单词,也会无形中增加您的单词量。1,首先你要练就看到一个词,虽然不知道他啥意思,你最起码能区分他的词性。比如是名词啊?还是动词啊?还是形容词啊?2,阅读多了,记得基本词根了,就能猜出很多不知道的词的意思了2023-06-22 08:11:001
truelyweatherquestionsmallerthrewhotcareful2023-06-22 08:11:285
Care形容词CarefulCareful名词Carefulness。Carefulness是指细心,是名词,应该是用CarefulNess吧,2023-06-22 08:11:515
careful adj. care n. carefully 副词2023-06-22 08:12:051
请写出三组这类单词正确使用他们,选择他们一组造句例如care 名词 careful 形容词carefully 副词
danger是名词,形容词是dangerous,副词是dangerouslyhealth是名词,形容词是healthy,副词是healthilyluck是名词,形容词是lucky,副词是luckily2023-06-22 08:12:292
beautiful 漂亮的2023-06-22 08:12:397
- “hismothertookgoodcareofhim"他的妈妈好好照顾他/他妈妈把他照顾的很好。通常“好好照顾”,用goodcareofsb.这里的good是形容词用来修饰後头的名词care.good和well都是良好之意,但词性不同。well通常为副词用来修饰副词,形容词,动词等,在此不适用於此一句型。2023-06-22 08:13:042
英语单词后面加什么变成另一种词态? 例如:名词care+ful就变成形容词小心的
.............2023-06-22 08:13:143
your parents care so much about
答案:D,固定用法.句意"你的父母太关注你的成绩以至于你总是感到有压力."too much中的中心词是"much",后面跟 不可数名词 ,意思是"太多的…".much too中的中心词是"too",后面跟 形容词 或副词,意思是"非常,太".very much很、非常.so much非常.根据题干Your parents care______ about your marks that you always feel stressed.可知是so…that结构,表示如此…以至于…,即你的父母太关注你的成绩以至于你总是感到有压力.故选D.2023-06-22 08:13:281
初一 英语 词性转换 请详细解答,谢谢! (7 21:48:54)
1cities 2englishmen 3uses 4stopping 5last 6.? 7? 8drank 9choose 10cleaning 11actor(演员) action 12本来就是动词 13本来就动词 14child 15married 16careful 17final 18lives 19? 20sitting2023-06-22 08:13:363
care的形容词和副词形式care的形容词是careful 仔细的,小心的;副词是carefully 小心地;care,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑;人名;(英)凯尔;(塞)察蕾”,作及物动词时意为“在意;希望或喜欢”,作不及物动词时意为“照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑”。短语搭配friso care美素佳儿 ; 美素全称美素佳儿Primary Care医学院 ; 基层医疗 ; 社区医疗Child care儿童保健 ; 儿童护理 ; 托儿所 ; 儿童看护Critical Care急救护理 ; 特级护理 ; 重症监护 ; 医院人生Self Care照顾自己 ; 自我照顾 ; 自我照料 ; 自顾BUICK CARE别克关怀 ; 别克眷注parental care亲代抚育 ; 亲代养育 ; 亲代关怀 ; 亲代照顾MAGIC CARE魔法护理 ; 邪术照顾护士denture care清洗假牙 ; 假牙的护理 ; 假牙护理Patient Care病人照护 ; 病患照顾 ; 病人护理 ; 病人照顾双语例句They care about no one but themselves.他们只关心自己,不关心别人。What do you care?你有什么在意的?。Because I care.因为我关心。2023-06-22 08:14:281
care的形容词:careful;副词:carefully。care的形容词形式:careful;副词形式:carefully;n.照顾;护理;照料;小心;照看;谨慎;忧虑;焦虑;引起烦恼的事;令人焦虑的事。v.关心;关怀;在意;关注;担忧;努力做。句子1、Most of her life was spent in caring for others.她大半辈子的时间都用来照顾别人了。2、These pets require a lot of care and attention.这些宠物需要悉心照顾。3、Medical care is still free at the point of use.医疗保健在实际提供点仍然是免费的。4、Do what you like─I don"t care.你想做什么就做什么——我不在乎。5、I don"t care if I never see him again!即使我永远再也见不到他,我也不在乎!2023-06-22 08:14:481
care的形容词形式:careful 仔细的,小心的; 副词形式:carefully 小心地; care: n. 关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑; vi. 照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑; vt. 在意;希望或喜欢 扩展资料 Joe Sixpack doesn"t care about that. 普通工人不在意那事。 It"s nonsense to say they don"t care. 说他们不在意那是瞎扯。 He"s old enough to take care of himself. 他已经不小了,能照顾自己了。 Nobody wants to pay more for health care. 没人愿意为医疗保健花更多的钱。 They took care not to prejudge the issue. 他们态度谨慎,不过早对此事作出判断。2023-06-22 08:15:021
care的形容词: careful 仔细的; careless 粗心的;无忧无虑的; caring 有同情心的;表示或感到关怀或关心的; care的名词是: carelessness 粗心大意; caregiver 照料者,护理者; care n. 关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑; vi. 照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑; vt. 在意;希望或喜欢 扩展资料 See that you take care of him. 你一定要好好照顾他。 They hired a nurse to care for her. 他们雇了个护士来照顾她。 We need to take care of our bodies. 我们需要照顾好自己的身体。 Joe Sixpack doesn"t care about that. 普通工人不在意那事。2023-06-22 08:15:081
care的形容词形式是careful 细致的;精心的;慎重的;派生词: carefully adv. carefulness n. 扩展资料 Word always gets out no matter how careful you are. 无论你多么小心,总会有消息走漏。 Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car. 精心保养可延长汽车寿命。 You"ll have to be careful how you frame the question. 如何提出这个问题,你得慎重。 Be careful you don"t trip up on the step. 你小心别在台阶上绊倒了。2023-06-22 08:15:141
它的形容词有两个:careful小心的careless粗心的词典解释:care1、Is he in the doctor"s care?他有医生治疗护理吗?2. 照料;管理;关怀[U]The baby needs a lot of care.这婴孩需要精心照料。3. 忧虑,烦恼;心事[C][U]He is now free from all care.他如今无忧无虑。4. 用心;努力[U]Caroline began to devote more care to her work.凯洛琳开始更加努力地工作了。5. 小心,谨慎[U]Fragile; handle with care!易碎品,小心轻放!6. 所关心之事[C]The dog was the old man"s major care.这条狗是这位老人最操心的事。2023-06-22 08:15:211
care形容词和副词分别是 careful和 carefully She is a careful girl and she always does her homework carefully.2023-06-22 08:15:281
care的 adj adv
careful adjcarefully adv2023-06-22 08:15:364
care的形容词: careful 仔细的,小心的; careless 粗心的;无忧无虑的;淡漠的; caring 有同情心的;表示或感到关怀或关心的; care的副词是: carefully 小心地; carelessly 粗心地; care n. 关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑; vi. 照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑; vt. 在意;希望或喜欢 扩展资料 They hired a nurse to care for her. 他们雇了个护士来照顾她。 We need to take care of our bodies. 我们需要照顾好自己的身体。 Joe Sixpack doesn"t care about that. 普通工人不在意那事。 It"s nonsense to say they don"t care. 说他们不在意那是瞎扯。2023-06-22 08:15:571
careful2023-06-22 08:16:052
careful adj. 仔细的,小心的; 例句: The trip needs careful planning. 这次旅行需要认真计划。 From now on Ill be more careful. 从今以后,我会更加细心。 He should have been more careful. 他应当更小心点儿才是。 扩展资料 You ought to have been more careful. 你本应该更小心一点的。 Be careful of the nettles—they sting! 小心给荨麻扎着—荨麻有刺! These proposals deserve careful study. 这些建议值得认真研究。 I said you"d have to be extra careful. 我说过你必须格外小心。 I"ve given the matter careful thought. 我对这件事认真考虑过了。2023-06-22 08:16:121
care的形容词是careful一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com2023-06-22 08:16:191
careful adj. 仔细的,小心的; 例句: The trip needs careful planning. 这次旅行需要认真计划。 From now on Ill be more careful. 从今以后,我会更加细心。 扩展资料 These proposals deserve careful study. 这些建议值得认真研究。 I said you"d have to be extra careful. 我说过你必须格外小心。 I"ve given the matter careful thought. 我对这件事认真考虑过了。2023-06-22 08:16:251
他们的意思相近,但词性不同。care是动词或者名词,careful是形容词,carefully 是副词。详解:care 英[keu0259(r)] 美[ker] v. 照顾; 关心; 担心; 喜爱; n. 照顾; 小心; 忧虑; [例句]Does anybody know we"re here, does anybody care?有谁知道我们在这儿?有谁在乎?careful 英[u02c8keu0259fl] 美[u02c8kerfl] adj. 仔细的,小心的; 周到的; 慎; 心细; [例句]Be very careful with this stuff, it can be dangerous if it isn"t handled properly这东西一定要小心,稍不注意的话就会有危险。carefully 英["keu0259fu0259lu026a] 美[u02c8ku025brfu0259lu026a] adv. 仔细地; 小心谨慎地; 警惕地; 周密地; [例句]We carefully watched every detail of his action.我们仔细观察了他动作的每个细节。2023-06-22 08:16:321
careful adj. 仔细的,小心的; carefully adv. 小心地; 反义词:careless adj. 粗心的;无忧无虑的;淡漠的 扩展资料 Careful—you"re messing my hair. 小心—你弄乱我的头发了。 The trip needs careful planning. 这次旅行需要认真计划。 The report repays careful reading. 这份报告值得仔细阅读。 He folded the paper carefully. 他小心地把那张纸折起来。 He carefully knotted his tie. 他仔细地打着领带。 It"s your own fault for being careless. 你粗心大意是你自己的过失。2023-06-22 08:16:471