她对我的爱有增无减,爱很想飞过代沟,殊不知,这条代沟太深,太宽了。下面给大家分享一些关于代沟的 作文 ,希望对大家有帮助。 关于代沟的作文1 大风肆意地刮,混进了“叛逆”意识的颜料,仿佛是渲染青春之中最显眼的色彩。但这个词又是黯淡的,透着淡淡的灰色或黑色,在鲜艳明亮的色彩中所以显眼。它所带来的或多或少都有一些伤害,最后变成一抹斑点的它抹得掉吗?留下来的痕迹难以擦掉吧。 我和母亲的争吵,就像春天连绵的雨和潮湿,火药线总是在无意识间被点燃。争吵的缘由因微不足道而显得简单,后果却是两败俱伤。争吵时又将这段记忆丢在某个角落,继续,无止境的辩驳着对方。 本以为不会有一天休止的杂乱在某一天突然有了转机。父母在商量过后决定他们退一步,先不管别的,自己首先要有自控力,再就是先想办法去解决彼此都因为各种争吵而闹得关系很僵这个问题。比起其他的,处理好自己与家人的关系更为重要。 那个周末难得的晴朗无雨,干燥的风瞬间卷走了曾停留在各处的湿气,房间也是干净整洁的。我与妈妈相视一笑,过去的争纷和嚣张的气焰在此刻化为灰烬被风带向远方。早该像如此这般平和的相处了,除了争吵还有别的 方法 可以将问题解决,那些可以出口伤害对方的话显得无意义而多余。代沟是存在,但亲子间有一条比代沟更为坚固的纽带——血缘和时间。十多年里积攒下来的温暖的亲情,怎能抵不过这短暂的风雨?因为心态不同,所以天在看起来会格外的蓝,世界对于自己来说貌似无处不在的阴暗和烦闷一扫而空。 与父母沟通的方式有很多,争吵不是发泄情绪和解决问题的唯一途径。叛逆的色彩在每个人身上都有小小的停留过。它所给我们带来的烦躁和不耐烦,像一种痒。想发脾气像一种痒,它试图扰乱清醒和理智。 但忍住这“痒”,就不会留下无法抚平的伤痕。 关于代沟的作文2 距离不在于时空的相隔,而是心与心的相连。 ——题记 仲夏夜,微风轻吹,树影微晃。繁星璀璨,遥挂远空。 驻足石屋旁,细细听那蝉鸣的音。我和祖母漫步到一片山坡上,悄悄坐下,生怕惊动了草地里的小生命。 那些惜存记忆,在回忆边缘,绽放出美丽而瞬息的,令人悲悯的花。那个曾经懵懂的少年,如今,还记得吗…… 老家在江南鱼米之乡,小桥流水,青砖黛瓦。我随父母旅居苏北市区,车水马龙,高楼林立。 那时,与故乡的交集一年只有一次,每逢过年,必要回家省亲。那也是我记忆中最为快乐的日子。父母提着大包小包,而我,远远的看到爷与奶,然后像归巢的乳燕,欢笑着扑入奶的怀抱。 在老家,不是缠着爷就是跟着奶,河边、田野、树丛中都留下我欢快的足迹。 小时候,故乡很远,心很近。 后来,随着生活条件的改善,奶也搬来和我们一起生活。但是随着年级的升高,学业的加重,还有青春期的到来,我逐渐不再跟奶那么亲近,代沟也越来越深,浓浓的亲情逐渐疏远。 那日下午,我正为繁重的作业而苦恼,奶过来对我说:“小訾啊,要不要歇一歇,跟奶一起去散散步啊?”我看着眼前的难题,没好气地回绝了奶。当时的我丝毫没有意识到自己是多么令人生厌,更没有注意到奶落寞的背影。 长大后,亲情很近,心很远。 我与祖母越距越远,仿佛中间隔了一片海,浓浓的亲情逐渐淡去。我推开窗。不经意间,看到夕阳下有一个佝偻的身影在踟蹰前行,脸上写满了孤独。是奶。我没有哭一声,眼泪却全落在了衣服上。我没有擦拭脸,手背上却全沾满了泪水。 “奶,我们去散步吧。”她脸上的皱纹舒展开来,漾成了一朵花。就这样,在那末夏的傍晚,清风微吹,我拉起奶的手,扶着她,沐浴着夕阳的余晖,慢慢,慢慢,慢慢地走过青青草地,那木质小桥,还有开满鲜花的地方。 那日,我陪她走过了很远的路,我们之间的那片海,也终于伴着那片星空,消失在了人际。 心若近了,世间便没有距离。 关于代沟的作文3 “门,都是关着的。” 我们初来到这,外婆这么说。 门,关着。可真是耐人寻味!我和外婆,不也都把“门”关上了吗?和最亲近的人之间,不也是隔着一扇厚重的大门吗?这所谓的“门”是什么?是代沟呀!那隔着两代、无法逾越的代沟。 可偏偏,我却得对着那“门”生活。天天,生活在那代沟之中。 “节俭”与“卫生”起冲突 “外婆!你垃圾袋怎么又不换?”看着这早已脏兮兮的塑料袋,再一次被“废物利用”,我心里不知蹿上了几团怒火,化为对外婆的一声怒吼。这下,外婆可慌了,她“挥舞”着手,辩解道:“哎呀!这垃圾袋明明很干净嘛,我看就再用一次,下次换掉。” 还干净?还有下次?怒火重燃。我一眼瞪向外婆。她似乎秒懂我眼里的信息,连忙蹲下身来,又以最慢的速度提起那塑料袋,还配着一声“唉”的叹息。 她以节俭为第一,我以卫生为第一。岂不为代沟?何为代沟? “不浪费”与“健康”起冲突 “外婆!你怎么又吃冷菜呀!”这原本是一大碗的菜,经外婆一次又一次的“战斗”,从一大碗变成一小盘,从一小盘变成一小碗。如今,还处于即将被消灭状态。“冷菜难道不能吃?”外婆看似理直气壮。“当然不能!常吃冷菜,有多大危害,你知道么?”“我在家不都这么吃的吗?你外公喏,这冷菜还吃一个星期的。这才两天时间,能吃的。” 才两天?还能吃?不,一定要倒掉!再这样下去,外婆都要成“垃圾桶”了。可和外婆说,她根本不听呀!她才不管什么三七二十一,只要那菜不浪费,做什么牺牲都行。看来这理论是行不通了,只能被迫行动。 终于——那油腻腻的碗,被我抓住了。“哗”一声,饭菜全都跑入了垃圾桶。外婆的脸瞬间凝滞,她看着那垃圾桶,似乎在“怜悯”,嘴上还不停的嘀咕着:“倒了多可惜!多可惜!” 她以不浪费为第一,我以健康为第一。岂不为代沟?何为代沟? 我们在“门”前徘徊、徘徊,一次又一次。可能,都只是呆呆地望着紧闭的“门”,踌躇着,是否要伸出手,做一个不太娴熟的动作。一次又一次,我们失去了敲“门”的勇气。以至于最后,连那“门”,也不想张望了。 看来,这扇“代沟”的大门,怕是终究打不开了…… 关于代沟的作文4 从小学五年级起,我与她就没再多说话。有时很想像以前一样无话不说,可是总是无话可说。 她会讲我披着头发,疯疯癫癫;我会讲她天天一个发型毫无新意;她会给我买在我看来幼稚至极的衣服,我会拼命笑她穿着太老土;她会扔掉我偷偷买的口红和指甲油,我会用她的眉笔和粉扑在浴室里化妆…… 现在想想,觉得自己很可笑,明明什么都不懂,却还要装的很深沉。 最可笑的还是我暗恋别人这件事。其实只是暗恋,我喜欢那个男生在午后打 篮球 大汗淋漓的样子;我喜欢那个男孩被老师提问支支吾吾答不上来脸红的样子;我喜欢那个男孩笑起来露出一口白牙的样子。她怎么会知道我每天上课喜欢偷偷朝窗外探,只是为了用眼角暼他几眼呢?她不知道。 她应该理解我,帮我走出迷雾的。 可她只偷看了我的 日记 。 从那时起,我便不太理她。 我以为应该相信世上有爱情,她笃定地确信爱情是假的,而且我这么小,不懂爱情,也不配有爱情。 现在,三年了,我终于寄宿了。我终于可以不看见她了,我终于自由了。 放假回家,桌上一盘水煮肉片,一碗虾汤。她在仔细地把肉片里的香菜和花椒挑掉。她不知道,因为她,我改掉了不吃香菜的习惯——她爱吃香菜。她略带兴奋地说:“尝尝虾,上次太辣了,你都没吃几个,这次特意没放辣椒,多吃点。” 我点点头,想说什么又欲言又止。她不知道,我习惯了吃辣。在学校食堂,无数次被辣哭却还在往嘴里塞,因为她爱吃辣。 我以为我们中间有代沟,这条代沟让我们无法进入对方的世界。可是,代沟会随着年龄的增长以及心智的逐渐成熟变小,直至消逝在生活里。 吃完饭,她指了指衣柜里给我新买的牛仔裤和风衣说,我大了,不给我买童装了。 我默默地从书包里掏出生地AB卷说,我去写作业了。 我知道,她喜欢看我勤奋的样子。 转学后,我为她改变了很多,她也变了,变得我越来越喜欢了。 这条代沟,我终究是跨过来了。 在以后的日子里,我希望我们就这样一直下去,因为太爱了,所以,我们用各自的方式去爱对方,爱的交错点便是代沟的终结。 关于代沟的作文5 代沟,本来与亲情的联系并不多,毕竟谁会将亲情这个字眼联系到本不该出现的代沟上面呢?然而到了现在,它们却“无缝”结合在了“千家万户”。许多家庭亲情也出现了“代沟”。 很久以前,我曾读过一篇小小说,小说主要讲的是一对母女熊之间无法互相理解,互相交流的 故事 。动物园里有一只母熊和一只小熊,一次小熊病了 饲养 员就把鱼做成熟鱼排喂给小熊吃。从此小熊喜欢上了鱼排,并为了得到饲养员的鱼排跟饲养员学会了许多动作——仅仅是为了讨鱼排吃。当母熊教小熊 捕鱼 时,小熊便不肯学了。因为小熊可以不费吹灰之力得到鱼排,只要做几个动作。母熊却认为野外可没有饲养员给你送鱼排,必须学捕鱼。因此母女间的“代沟”也就越来越深。 读了这篇短篇小说,我发现这真的好像现在许许多多的家庭。或多或少的,两代人之间总会有个“代沟”,有的像一条小小细缝,有的则像鸿沟,彼此相持,互相伤害着,谁也不愿从中跨过。我们家也不例外。爸爸妈妈为了我,消逝了他们的青春。而我随着长大也越来越不愿听爸爸妈妈的“摆布”了。我的想法越来越新奇,也不再对父母言听计从了。我像一只小鸟,挣扎着要在高空翱翔,爸爸妈妈却牢牢地禁锢着,总觉得我太小,怕我飞不好。 我想,家里最大的代沟就是网络代沟了。从四年级开始,有同学便在我的手机上问我作业是什么,题怎么解等等,还有相当一部分的作业要在手机上完成,比如一起作业,比如学乐云,比如老师让我们用手机参加的各种竞赛……无不用到手机,我也把用手机看作了理所当然。 老爸老妈不让我用手机,当我用手机时老爸总认为我在打游戏。老妈也害怕我打游戏,而且他们认为用不着手机,他们小时候没有手机也照常写作业,所以我的手机总会被时不时的没收。因此,时间一长,我就总会忍不住与爸妈争辩几句。不经意间就形成了一个代沟,我也没有把它放在心上,而爸妈却一直很看重。所以网络这个大代沟也越来越大。但是,没有人愿意跨过这个代沟。有时我会感到很无助,感觉就像一个小孩儿,站在路灯下茫然的找不到回家的方向。感觉爸爸妈妈不爱我了。 这个大代沟,究竟怎么过去,真想在这上面搭一座桥,我百思不得其解。时间,仍在继续;我,也越来越迷惑。 终于有一天,我发现:尽管我早上跟爸爸妈妈拌嘴,但爸爸妈妈也一直迎接着我的放学;尽管我中午做了错事,妈妈也给我做可口的饭菜,帮我收拾房间,洗衣服……毫无怨言;明明我晚上大吵大嚷,妈妈依然帮我泡茶,不冷不热时端过来看着我喝掉……爸爸也经常给我买好吃的,带我玩。 这一切的一切,他们都从未提起,曾经我也未曾留意。 一天晚上,我又跟老妈拌了几句嘴,气呼呼地去我的房间看书。一会儿,我出来了,老妈接着召唤我一声出去玩儿。路过超市门口的奶茶店,爸妈便给我买了一杯奶茶,却没有给自己买。捧着奶茶,我心中百感交集…… 亲情,像一块万能的宝石,弥补了那个让我们极不舒服的代沟。爸爸妈妈率先用爱搭了一个桥梁,并一直在桥上等待。 希望那只小熊能够理解它的妈妈,为什么这样做。我也想对爸爸妈妈说谢谢您们,感谢您们的爱与陪伴。 关于代沟的作文汇总5篇相关 文章 : ★ 关于代沟的作文 ★ 关于代沟的高中英语范文5篇 ★ 有关代沟的作文 ★ 关于代沟的英语作文 ★ 描写关于代沟的记叙文 ★ 以代沟为话题的作文 ★ 关于孩子与家长代沟的英语作文 ★ 关于与父母有代沟作文 ★ 高中作文议论文代沟800字左右 ★ 代沟的相关作文600字2023-06-08 06:12:111
导语:代沟广义指年轻一代与老一代在思想方法、价值观念、生活态度、兴趣爱好方面存在的心理距离或心理隔阂。下面是关于代沟的作文。欢迎阅读及参考! 篇一、关于代沟的记叙作文 进入亲春期后,我们生命又奏响了全新的乐章。我们于父母的关系也发生了变化,出现了沟通上的困难。我们总在抱怨“父母越来越不理解我们”,而父母也在感叹“孩子越来越难以管教”。大多数人会与父母产生不同程度的误解、分歧,甚至隔阂、矛盾与冲突。 心理学家和社会学家把两代人之间的矛盾和冲突称为“代沟”或“代际冲突”。美国社会学家玛格丽特·米德在一本名叫《代沟》的书中指出:“整个世界处于一个前所未有的局面之中,青年人和老年人,青少年和所有比他们年长的人,隔着一条深沟在互相相望……” 这些问题的出现有多方面的原因。 进入青春期,我们开始朦胧地意识到自己正在变成“大人”;我们对自己的言行和内心世界表现出越来越多的关注,自我意识和自尊心不断增强;我们对成人的依赖越来越少,独立性越来越强。 我们不再像过去那样把父母看成是至高无上、无所不知的,而是逐步用批判的眼光看待父母。我们强烈希望并尝试与父母建立平等的关系。我们不再一味地依赖父母,被动地接受他们的干预、指导,而是开始独立地思考问题,自主地解决问题。 但是,很多父母仍然把我们方程不懂事的“小孩儿”。因此,我们与父母之间就产生了各种误解、分歧、隔阂,甚至产生矛盾与冲突。 由于我们与父母在知识水平、思想观念、行为方式等方面存在差异,因此对同一个问题的看法、态度不一定相同,这是双方矛盾产生的重要原因。 我们在学习和生活上遇到困难时,很愿意求助父母和老师。但是,遇到心理困惑,可能更愿意向同伴倾诉。我们与同伴之间越来越密切的关系也可能使我们与父母的亲情变得相对疏远。 在这个时期,我们往往会以执拗的、对立的、反抗的心态对待妇女。这又加剧了我们与父母治疗的矛盾和冲突。 父母与子女之间的“代沟”是客观存在的,同时是难以避免的。 篇二、关于代沟的记叙作文 在中国,有一句老话说的是家家都有一本难念的经,父母和孩子们的一些问题一直都存在着,似乎父母和他们的孩子永远都无法和平的相处,他们的代沟在孩子进入青春期以后,就变得更加的明显,这种情况是有着很多的原因的。 孩子们来到青春期的时候,他们非常的渴望独立,他们想要远离父母的管制。青春期意味着孩子们都长大了,他们不再是小孩子了,他们想要自己为自己做主,所以他们才会变得这么的叛逆,整天违背父母的要求,他们这样做是想要证明他们已经是成年人了。 大多数的父母都是把他们的孩子当做是小孩子。在大多数的父母眼里,他们孩子永远都长不大,不管他们多大了。父母仍然把他们的孩子当做是小孩子,所以他们会为自己的孩子们做着一些决定。父母不想接受孩子们已经长大并且可以孤立的进行一些决定了的事实,所以沟通的障碍就这样发生了。 孩子和父母之间的代沟是家庭问题。父母们应该要学会去放手,孩子们也应该和自己的父母去好好的谈一谈,多沟通沟通,这样问题就能够更好的被解决。 篇三、关于代沟的记叙作文 好多人都说“三岁一代沟”,两个人之间如果有了代沟,想法上差别很大,话题上也扯不到一块儿,更不必说什么“心有灵犀”了。 但在我看来,似乎并非如此。 就拿父母来说,许多人都觉得我们正值青春期,不愿和父母交谈。虽然有时候和父母争论时嚷嚷着:“真的是有代沟!根本无法交流!”但是等到心里平静后,我还是愿意和他们交谈。我喜欢和他们分享身边的趣事,抱怨一些无谓的琐事,他们也会与我分享工作、单位上的趣事,大家不时也会疯疯癫癫、哈哈大笑,我们有时也会针对某一种行为或事情在饭桌上展开一番讨论……这些时候,是温馨快乐的。 再拿亲戚之间来说,许多人觉得兄弟姐妹之间会无话不谈。但对于我的堂哥,我很“无力”。 我想跟他讨论一些音乐上的东西,他又跟我讲军事上的东西。他问我:“你知道某某军官吗?”我摇头,他又问:“你知道某种枪吗?”我摇头,他再问:“你知道某种军舰吗?”我继续摇头。他无奈,我更无奈,感觉想找个话题聊都找不到。我试着叫他去听一些我认为好听的歌,他“呀呀”叫着直摇头,有时候我甚至在想:我的品位有这么差吗?他却说什么德国的某某军歌才好听,我感觉整个人好像被泼了一盆冷水。他失望,我更失望。只差两年,代沟怎么这么大? “代沟”并没有一个确切的定义,而是根据人与人之间的兴趣性格来决定的。可能即使是同班同学,也会存在着所谓的“代沟”呢!所以不妨打开心窗,听听别人的想法,也会得到许多。 篇四、关于代沟的记叙作文 今天去三院复查眼睛,复查完后就去了对面的一家肯德基,妈妈点完菜,我们就开始吃,吃得津津有味,嘴都忙不过来了,当我打算吃“上校鸡块”的时候,发现酱拿错了,我起身去洗手池洗了洗手,拿着“甜辣酱”去换“糖醋酱”,刚好那点餐台挺空的,只有一个顾客,三个服务员,便兴高采烈的说:“阿姨,换一下酱,换成糖醋酱!”那位“小姐没听见的样子跑到后厨去了。我心里顿时波折了一下:好吧,算我声音小,全当您没注意。我刻意提高了一倍的嗓音对右边的服务员说了同样的话,那“第二位小姐”对我左边正在给顾客点餐的.服务员说了声:“我来帮你!”冥冥之中,就把我当成了空气,我想说的是:您不需要空气吗?!我的心脏暂停了5秒,我咽了一口唾沫,看了看我旁边的这位顾客,她没表情地看了我一眼,这时,那“第一位小姐”从后厨回来了,我就又立刻叫了一声:“阿姨。。。。。。”话还没说完,这位“小姐”低下头去拿袋子帮忙装可乐,我有点火了,在她装可乐的时候连叫了她三声阿姨,她愣是装聋子,相信我旁边的那个顾客都快看不下去了,我顿时觉得自己特别尴尬,于是,就不喊了,干脆靠在了台子边等她们“空下来”。突然,余光发现“第一位小姐”空下来了,居然看着那位正在招待顾客的人打包,我转过身,凑上去,说:“阿姨,换酱。”她却还是当作什么也没有发生。我扭头细声说到:“居然敢不理我!”所以我又提高了一倍声音,又把手里的酱“啪”地放在了她门前,说:“阿姨,换。。。。。。”也许是听到了我刚刚的细语,又也许是我提高了两倍的声音,她装聋子装不下去了,没等我说完话,她就帮我换了酱,换给我的酱居然放在桌上甩给我,给酱来了个漂移,我拿着酱,气冲冲地回到了座位,狠狠地咬了一口“上校鸡块”。妈妈问我怎么回事,我用20个字回复了妈妈。妈妈居拿着手机,打着“斗地主”,对我说:“又不是像你想的那样:每个肯德基的服务都好,现在的服务业就这样,你要是不满意,可以投诉的。”我大口大口的吃完了“上校鸡块”,一口气喝下了半杯滚烫的咖啡,妈妈看我气成这样,居然说:“你就这样的沉受能力,以后怎么在社会上生活啊!”我表示不语。 突然,我身后走过一个老奶奶,她对我旁边一桌的小女孩说:“外婆先走了,你在这里等你奶奶!”声音超大,还是土话,周围人都看着她,弄的女孩超尴尬。女孩点了点头表示明白了,不料,那位老奶奶拜托旁边的服务员,看着她点儿,女孩瞬间苦笑,然后又皱起了眉头,我真为她感到悲哀,成了所有人的交点。 不到五分钟的时间,我和妈妈出了肯德基,边走边聊,无意中聊到了那个女孩。妈妈说:“那个小女孩就和你们现在的小孩一样,冷漠对待长辈。”我说:“那是那老奶奶不将她的自尊心放在眼,你不知道现在的学生自尊心很强吗?”妈妈说:“那只你们对不尊重长辈的一种借口罢了。。。。。。” 我顿时石化,为什么长辈与晚辈的遇事的看法都是不同的,甚至是相对的? 难道这就是代沟吗?2023-06-08 06:12:251
代沟作文300 400
代沟是小孩的烦恼2023-06-08 06:12:335
阿的图片科目迫于是咯2023-06-08 06:12:473
关于代沟的作文1 我们是新一代的新人。我们喜欢嚣张任性,张扬自己的个性,潇潇洒洒度一生,我们追求高调,可父母却偏偏拿古人的满招损,谦受益来教育我们要低调,不能过度张扬;我们喜欢开朗大方,活泼爱笑,单单纯纯心事全吐露,可父母却偏偏讲究含蓄,一说起话来就是子曰之乎者也;我们追求潮流,热爱时尚,炫酷漂亮是我们的梦想,可父母却偏偏认为我们都是一群疯子,喜欢什么不三不四,不伦不类的东西,有损他们的形象。 时代在变化,一代又一代人的心理也在变化,层层变化,行为的变化,语言的变化,心理的变化,观念的变化,让我们和父母和爷爷奶奶之间产生了代沟,这种没有桥梁可以跨越的鸿沟。 大年二十九除夕夜,新年晚会在八点时分播出了。可我们一家四口却都在忙乎着给自己的朋友拜年,新年晚会似乎成了个摆设。突然间,我发现,原来在拜年中也可以体会到我们一家四口产生的代沟。首先说说奶奶吧,奶奶是上个世纪40年代出生的人,什么高科技的玩意儿啊,一律不会用,在家无聊时,也就是和几个老姐妹们通通电话,一起去逛会儿街,顶多就是看个电视而已。 如今,社会发达了,爸妈发现和奶奶联系不方便,也给奶奶配置了个座机电话和手机,这不,一到三十晚上,奶奶看着我们都在拜年,也赶紧抱起电话,拿起电话薄,给她那几个老姐妹们一一拜年,不过,说的话也无非就是那几句新年好啊,身体健康之类的。再把视线转向爸妈,老爸老妈也是忙的不亦乐乎,老爸手拿一个手机,编辑着短信,老妈手拿一个电话薄,念着几百位客户的电话。 等把短信编辑完了,也把电话存到了手机上,就一点“群发”,立马这些个客户就统统收到了爸妈的短信,这个比起奶奶的电话一一通知,就又更进一步了,短信内容也更有文化度了,变成了,祝您龙马精神,一帆风顺,新年里家兴人兴才气兴,福旺财旺运道旺!不过,比起我呀,他们这个还真是差了一点。我打开笔记本电脑,登陆QQ,在键盘上敲一敲,又在鼠标上按一按。 这个,那个,不一会儿啊,同学们就都给我答复来了,相比之下,还是我这个方式最节约资金,而且最方便快捷呢,而我的祝福与他们相比之下,更带有了一点小情调,小韵味:想念的话,说也说不完;关怀的心,永远不改变;真挚的友谊,永远不会忘,愿我的祝福将你围绕。 我想有时候,代沟不仅仅体现在我们和长辈的思想观念的差异上,在生活中,点点滴滴的行为举止都体现出我们和长辈之间的代沟。而代沟是因我们和长辈的出生年份不同而产生各方面的差异,我想,或许,这也恰好体现出了时代的巨变吧!差一辈便是三十年,两辈即是六十年。发一次新年祝福,便产生出如此多种的差异,从奶奶的打电话,到爸妈的发短信,再到我的网上留言,这三代之差,三代人都代表了各自出生年代科学的发展,对比之下,不正是形象的诠释了祖国的进步,社会的进步,科学的进步吗? 关于代沟的作文2 “代沟”也就是指两代人之间的价值观念,心理状态,生活习惯等方面的差异。它就像一道无形的墙,始终无法打开心窗沟通。毕竟父母与子女已经相隔了几十年,“几十年”这又是一个什么概念呢?它足以使一个国家的诞生,也可以使一个国家毁灭。在这遥遥漫长的几十年里,世界将发生怎样的变化,谁都无法预料到。 教育是每一辈人都关心的话题,但在这千千万万的家庭中,谁又能做到人格与学问齐发展呢?在奶奶那一年代里,教育的概念就是要求晚辈具有良好的"品格;在妈妈那这一代人中,教育就是腰包能鼓起来;而在我们这一代人中,品格又要与知识齐发展。 可见在这短短的几十年里,教育在人们的心中发生了如此大的改革。它不是在于想起时就给与子女长篇大论,要求子女该怎样,而是在无形中给晚辈们树立良好的作风,你的每个思想都将通过语言、神态、动作等方面表现出来,从而使子女在自己的大脑中形成坚固的堡垒,遇事能迅速反弹出来,以次给予子女正确的引导。但是,父母往往都没有认识到这点:一味的相信“黄金条下出好人”这无疑是给自己与子女之间加上隔离装置,反而使子女不敢与父母说出心里话,父母也更加不能理解到子女们的内心世界,这样就使后果与想法背道而驰。 家长不是圣人,他只是以一个后来人的身份起到一个警戒的作用,在子女的思想出现分歧后进行开导。也并不是一张日程表,约束子女,让子女按照自己的意愿生活。然而家长的做法正是现在的少年所痛恨的,仿佛自己就是一个木偶,任人摆布。 回想过去做的错事,假使听信父母的话就不会出现如此种种难堪。可是,人就是有点古怪,任何事情偏要自己亲自尝试,初生牛犊不怕虎嘛,家长的种种经验不也是从实践中得到的吗?为何偏偏要干涉子女呢? 或许家长们都还没有认识到,当今世上的某些不法份子犯罪的原因不是别的,而是因为与父母之间的代沟太深,时间越久,压抑感就越大,最终有一天火山爆发,而一发不可收拾。 关于代沟的作文3 二十一世纪,我们这些青少年的思想,与我们所敬爱的上一辈人,永远无法融在一起,似乎没有为什么,也不知道为什么。大人们喜欢把他们的思想强加在我们新一辈人的身上,而我们,也必须接受这种“无理”的思想,如若不接受,也许,在大人的眼睛里,我们的行为就是所谓的叛逆、不懂事、翅膀硬了,可是,你们永远不会知道我们心中所想的一切,只能默默地承受这一切,埋藏我们自己的思想,不动生色。 我们是这个时代的——未来。我们有自己的梦想,我们有自己的未来,我们有我们自己的生活要过,这一切,要我们自己去承担,你们永远不能陪伴我们一生,往后的路,还要靠我们自己去走。请你们放开你们那宽厚的手,让我们自己飞翔吧。 时代在变,生活也在变。不同的时代,不同的人,有自己的路。亲爱的——爸爸,妈妈,我们长大了,学会走路了,前面坎坷的路,让我们独自面对吧,十几年的养育之恩,我们不会忘记,你们也该休息休息了。 关于代沟的作文4 在学校举行的“四爱”教育演讲会上,邹老师说:“在麦当劳里,当你们吃着汉堡,啃着鸡翅时,你们的父母只是坐在一旁看你们吃,他们说:‘我们不吃。"孩子们,你们真的以为是他们不爱吃吗?他们是让给你们吃啊!你们想想看,你们都喜欢吃的东西,父母怎么会不爱吃呢?”老师说得的确属实,但在我妈身上却是个例外。我笑着问坐在身边的妈:“你爱吃麦当劳吗?”妈说:“呵,我可没骗你,我真的不爱吃那东西,那股味道我可受不了。你知道的,我只喜欢吃麦当劳里的脆皮甜筒。”我笑了,我当然知道。其实我真的很了解她。 她不吃糖,不碰牛肉、羊肉等味重的东西,喜欢吃生黄瓜、生西红柿、胡萝卜、生地瓜和类似虾、螃蟹、扇贝这类的海鲜。她受我的影响极爱吃肉串,有时还会抿两口啤酒。她从不喝牛奶,说那有种令她恶心的味道,她宁愿用豆浆取代牛奶。她骗不了我,我太了解她。 我和妈妈之间似乎不存在代沟。我不喜欢听歌,不追求时尚,我是个被“流行”一脚踹开的落伍之人,单凭这一点,代沟就难以形成。妈妈喜欢民族唱法和美声唱法,于是,在她的熏陶下,我知道了喜欢把头发高高挽起,殷秀梅喜欢穿袖口极大的蓬蓬裙,戴玉强喜欢“唱不露齿”…… 妈妈从不搽脂抹粉,对此,我曾感不满,为什么人家妈妈都花枝招展,只有我妈妈素面朝天?渐渐,我明白了,我要的妈妈不是模特,我要的是爱。现在想想,朴实、自然的妈妈才会令人倍感温暖与亲切。看看我左边那位厚粉浓妆,一副神圣不可侵犯的“王室贵族”,再看我右边和蔼可亲,正与别人谈笑风生的妈,我不禁释然许多。 妈说:“我喜欢银色的小轿车。”我说:“行!我以后给你买。”“你还得给我买套房子。”“没问题,你喜欢住哪儿?北京?还是上海?”“城市倒无所谓,只要靠湖就行。别忘了,一定要别墅,不是别墅我可不住哦!”我笑了,说:“好,以后一定让你每天从自家别墅的车库里开出银色轿车,把全市的湖看个遍!” 关于代沟的作文5 代沟之我见My View on Generation Gap According to the variety of social background, personal experience and personal emotion, differernt people have different opinions towards things。 Thus, there is no doubt that generation gap exists everywhere。 We always find that there are big differences between us and the old generation。 We always regard the old are outdated, while they think us are crazy。 They can"t bear the dress we like, the fashion we pursue or even our childish thinking。 Instead, we could put up with their standpat thingking and their “feudal rulers”。 Thus, the generation gap bees more and more obvious and serious。 However, why don"t we realize that opinions can be changed, while people can"t。 So, we can think in an other way, learn to accept。 It is certain that we can narrow the generation gap to live a more harmonious life。 由于社会背景,个人的经历和个人情感的不一样,不一样的人对事情有不一样的看法。因此,毫无疑问代沟随处可见。 我们总是发现我们和老一代之间有很大的差异。我们总是认为他们思想守旧,而他们却觉得我们疯狂。他们不能忍受我们喜欢的衣服,我们追求的时尚甚至是我们幼稚的思维方式。相反,我们觉得他们思想保守,“封建专制”。因此,代沟越来越明显和严重。但是,为什么我们没有意识到想法是能够改变的,而人却是不能够的。所以,我们能够尝试换位思考,学会去理解。能够肯定的是,我们能够缩小代沟过上更和谐的生活。 关于代沟的作文6 Parents say that children do not show them proper respect and obedience, while children complain that their parents do not understand them. This phenomenon is often referred as the generation gap. What are the causes of the generation gap? One important cause of the generation gap is that young people have to choose their way of life. In more traditional societies, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and agree to, and to continue the family occupation. In modern society, young people often travel a great distance for their education, move out of the family at an early age, marry or live with people whom their parents have never met, and choose occupations different from those of their parents. In the easily changing society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs, to make more money; and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, however, the strong desire that parents have for their children are another cause of the disagreement between them. Often, they discover that they have very little in comMon with each other. Finally, the speed at which changes take place in modern society is another cause of the gap between the generations. In a traditional culture, elderly people are valued for their wisdom, but in modern society, the knowledge of a lifetime may become out of date overnight. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities. No doubt, the generation gap will continue to be a future of our life for some time to come. Its causes are rooted in the changes of our society, and in the rapid speed at which society changes. 关于代沟的作文7 正在提笔写着作业,便吹来一阵莫名的感想,人活着,是为了什么?为什么而我活着,却不能做自己想做的。 今年已经16岁了,我很疑惑,到底我活着,是为了做什么。难道就是为了生存在这个世界完成父母的心愿?难道就一定要为此而放弃自己的梦想? 我正在房间做作业。然而心里却迫不及待想着去练歌,写作。但是为了能去,也只能先专心致志的地做着。 “你姐姐一天到晚唱歌,你也开始了是不是,她想考音乐大学我是不允许的,必须给我报军校。考不上军校也得给我考另外的。” 即使是很专心的地把心思投入在作业上,却听见外面的爸爸指责妹妹。是的,爸爸曾经一直希望我考军校,但是,这个要求,我不能做到。但是,爸爸仍然抱着这个愿望不曾放弃,很久,已经没有提起这个问题,现在又源源不断的地提了出来。妹妹呢,和我一样,都热衷于音乐,却连连遭到爸爸的反对。我想过,为什么爸爸会不同意?可又不敢问问他。我知道现在的我对爸爸极其的不满,因为他从来不尊重我的想法。 16岁的自己,也应该有了自己的想法了吧。但是,做什么都需要经过爸爸的同意。我家中有个妹妹,学习不怎么好,因此,希望都只寄托在我的身上,于是,我失去了很多自由与快乐。在学校里,我总能展现自己开朗的一面,而在家中,是沉重的功课再加上沉重的功课。如山的作业中有很大一部分就是爸爸施来的压力。 今天天气很冷,雨飒飒的,风也飒飒的。听到那句话的我真的有很多压力,我不想放弃自己的梦,也不想让爸爸失望,虽然他给我施加压力,但毕竟,他是我的父亲,我是他的希望。我该怎么办呢? 关于代沟的作文8 好多人都说“三岁一代沟”,两个人之间如果有了代沟,想法上差别很大,话题上也扯不到一块儿,更不必说什么“心有灵犀”了。 但在我看来,似乎并非如此。 就拿父母来说,许多人都觉得我们正值青春期,不愿和父母交谈。虽然有时候和父母争论时嚷嚷着:“真的是有代沟!根本无法交流!”但是等到心里平静后,我还是愿意和他们交谈。我喜欢和他们分享身边的趣事,抱怨一些无谓的琐事,他们也会与我分享工作、单位上的趣事,大家不时也会疯疯癫癫、哈哈大笑,我们有时也会针对某一种行为或事情在饭桌上展开一番讨论……这些时候,是温馨快乐的。 再拿亲戚之间来说,许多人觉得兄弟姐妹之间会无话不谈。但对于我的堂哥,我很“无力”。 我想跟他讨论一些音乐上的东西,他又跟我讲军事上的东西。他问我:“你知道某某军官吗?”我摇头,他又问:“你知道某种枪吗?”我摇头,他再问:“你知道某种军舰吗?”我继续摇头。他无奈,我更无奈,感觉想找个话题聊都找不到。我试着叫他去听一些我认为好听的歌,他“呀呀”叫着直摇头,有时候我甚至在想:我的品位有这么差吗?他却说什么德国的某某军歌才好听,我感觉整个人好像被泼了一盆冷水。他失望,我更失望。只差两年,代沟怎么这么大? “代沟”并没有一个确切的定义,而是根据人与人之间的兴趣性格来决定的。可能即使是同班同学,也会存在着所谓的“代沟”呢!所以不妨打开心窗,听听别人的想法,也会得到许多。 关于代沟的作文9 Parents say that children do not show them proper respect and obedience, while children complain that their parents do not understand them. This phenomenon is often referred to as the generation gap. What then are the causes of the generation gap? One important cause of the generation gap is the chance that young people have to choose their way of life. In more traditional societies, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and agree to, and to continue the family occupation. In modern society, young people often travel a great distance for their education, move out of the family at an early age, marry or live with people whom their parents have never met, and choose occupations different from those of their parents. In the easily changing society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs, to make more money; and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, however, the strong desire that parents have for their children are another cause of the disagreement between them. Often, they discover that they have very little in comMon with each other. Finally, the speed at which changes take place in modern society is another cause of the gap between the generations. In a traditional culture, elderly people are valued for their wisdom, but in modern society, the knowledge of a lifetime may become out of date overnight. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities. No doubt, the generation gap will continue to be a future of our life for some time to come. Its causes are rooted in the changes of our society, and in the rapid speed at which society changes. Going Abroad Nowadays study abroad is very popular. Even some primary school students, whose families are well off, are studying abroad, let alone university students and postgraduates. Studying abroad can widen one's view and help learn about the cultures of foreign countries. Of course, it's a good way to learn foreign languages. But study abroad is not suitable for everyone because of the high cost, fees. If a student's family can't support him , he has to struggle in a foreign country just for a living not for his studies. I think he needn't go abroad. He can study well in China. So study abroad is one way but not the only way to one's education and success pian 关于代沟的作文10 Nowadays, the problems of generation gap bee more and more serious。 The poor relationship between parents and their children is very mon。 Are these problems caused by the busy parents? Or, do the harsh family rules affect the relationship of parents and children? Firstly, in most of the families in China both of the parents have to go out for work in order to earn more money to provide better environment for their lovely children。 Unfortunately, this causes the rare munication between them and theft children, since these parents always take rest during leisure time。 These parents and children cannot know deeply about each other and friction will appear。 Secondly, parents who ask their children to be absolutely obedient is also one of the grave causes of the generation gap between them! They do not try to municate with their children as their equals。 Thus, misinterpretation of them may easily occur。 To solve these problems, the busy parents should sacrifice their spare time to municate with their children actively and friendly to improve their relation。 At the same time, they can also observe their children"s behavior at the same time in order to understand heir children"s personality as it can reduce the quarrel between them。 Besides that, the parents should try to give up their absolute power in family so as lo make their children feel free to chat with them。2023-06-08 06:12:551
【关于代沟的英语作文篇一】 Nowadays,the problem of generation gap becomes more and more serious. Based on the survey by our school, the poor relationship between parents and their children is very common. Are these problems caused by the busy parents? Or,do the harsh family rules affect their relationship? Firstly, in most of the families in the US, both of the parents have to go out for work in order to earn more money to proveide better environment for their lovely children. Unfortunately, this causes the rare communication between them and their children, since these parents always take rest during leisure time. These parents and children cannot know deeply about each other, then friction is easy to appear. Therefore, a wide generation gap comes into being. Secondly, parents who ask their children to be absolute obedient to them is also one of the grave causes of generation gap between them. Therefore, these children are not willing to communicate with their parents and most of these parents are not active to talk with their children. Thus, misunderstanding between them often occurs. To solve these problems, the busy parents should sacrifice their spare time to communicate with their children actively so as to improve their relationship. At the same time, they can also observe their children"s behavior in order to understand their children"s personality and reduce the quarrel betweeen them. Besides that, the parents should try to give up their absolute power in family to give a better image to their children since it can make their children feel free to chat with their parents. Then it is easy for the parents to approach their lovely children. Therefore, a close and harmonious relationship between parents and children appears. In conclusion, to have a close relationship between parents and children, the parents should devote their leisure time to talking with their children and observing their childern"s personality and give their children the approaching images. If so, this terrible phenomenon, generation gap, cannot occur any more. 【关于代沟的英语作文篇二】 Nowadays, the problems of generation gap become more and more serious. The poor relationship between parents and their children is very common. Are these problems caused by the busy parents? Or, do the harsh family rules affect the relationship of parents and children? Firstly, in most of the families in China both of the parents have to go out for work in order to earn more money to provide better environment for their lovely children. Unfortunately, this causes the rare communication between them and theft children, since these parents always take rest during leisure time. These parents and children cannot know deeply about each other and friction will appear. Secondly, parents who ask their children to be absolutely obedient is also one of the grave causes of the generation gap between them! They do not try to communicate with their children as their equals. Thus, misinterpretation of them may easily occur. To solve these problems, the busy parents should sacrifice their spare time to communicate with their children actively and friendly to improve their relation. At the same time, they can also observe their children"s behavior at the same time in order to understand heir children"s personality as it can reduce the quarrel between them. Besides that, the parents should try to give up their absolute power in family so as lo make their children feel free to chat with them. 【关于代沟的英语作文篇三】 Nowadays, the problems of generation gap become more and more serious. The poor relationship between parents and their children is very common. Are these problems caused by the busy parents? Or, do the harsh family rules affect the relationship of parents and children? Firstly, in most of the families in China both of the parents have to go out for work in order to earn more money to provide better environment for their lovely children. Unfortunately, this causes the rare communication between them and theft children, since these parents always take rest during leisure time. These parents and children cannot know deeply about each other and friction will appear. Secondly, parents who ask their children to be absolutely obedient is also one of the grave causes of the generation gap between them! They do not try to communicate with their children as their equals. Thus, misinterpretation of them may easily occur. To solve these problems, the busy parents should sacrifice their spare time to communicate with their children actively and friendly to improve their relation. At the same time, they can also observe their children"s behavior at the same time in order to understand heir children"s personality as it can reduce the quarrel between them. Besides that, the parents should try to give up their absolute power in family so as lo make their children feel free to chat with them.2023-06-08 06:13:011
每一代人都有他们不同的生活习惯,每一代人都有不同的思维方式,于是“代沟”就悄然形成了.下面,是我为你整理的有关父母与孩子代沟的英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 有关父母与孩子代沟的英语作文篇1 Generation gap refers to the misunderstanding between the old and young. The term came into fashion after the 1980s. However, in recent years, the phenomenon is getting more and more fierce. 代沟指的是老人和年轻人之间的误解。这个词在20世纪80年代就开始流行。然而,近年来,这种现象是越来越激烈。 How does generation gap come into being? The first reason is that the two generations have grown up in different ages, thus they have different attitudes toward life. Secondly, due to having little in common with each other, they are unwilling to sit down and talk face to face. Besides, as modern life is so stressful, both of them are so busy with their study or work that they have not enough time to exchange their ideas. 代沟是如何产生的呢?第一个原因是这两代人是在不同时代长大的,所以他们对生活的态度是不同的。其次,由于由于彼此之间很少有共同之处,所以他们都不愿意坐下来面对面交谈。此外,由于现代生活的压力很大,大家都忙于学习或者工作,以至于都没有时间来交流彼此的想法。 To bridge the generation gap is not easy at all, but we can do something to shorten it. For one thing, children should respect their parents as well as accept their good advice. For another, parents should not only show their love and care to the kids, but also support their good life view. As long as the old and young can understand each other, it would be more harmonious in family and world. 架起代沟的桥梁并不容易,但是我们可以做些事情来减小代沟。一方面,孩子们应该尊重他们的父母并接受他们的建议。另一方面,父母不仅要展示他们对孩子的爱和照顾,也要支持他们良好的人生观。只要老人和年轻人能够互相理解,家庭与世界之间会变得更加和谐。 有关父母与孩子代沟的英语作文篇2 According to the variety of social background, personal experience and personal emotion, differernt people have different opinions towards things. Thus, there is no doubt that generation gap exists everywhere. We always find that there are big differences between us and the old generation. We always regard the old are outdated, while they think us are crazy. They canu2019t bear the dress we like, the fashion we pursue or even our childish thinking. Instead, we could put up with their standpat thingking and their “feudal rulers”. Thus, the generation gap becomes more and more obvious and serious. However, why donu2019t we realize that opinions can be changed, while people canu2019t. So, we can think in an other way, learn to accept. It is certain that we can narrow the generation gap to live a more harmonious life. 由于社会背景,个人的经历和个人情感的不同,不同的人对事情有不同的看法。因此,毫无疑问代沟随处可见。 我们总是发现我们和老一代之间有很大的差异。我们总是认为他们思想守旧,而他们却觉得我们疯狂。他们不能忍受我们喜欢的衣服,我们追求的时尚甚至是我们幼稚的思维方式。相反,我们觉得他们思想保守,“封建专制”。因此,代沟越来越明显和严重。但是,为什么我们没有意识到想法是可以改变的,而人却是不可以的。所以,我们可以尝试换位思考,学会去接受。可以肯定的是,我们可以缩小代沟过上更和谐的生活。 有关父母与孩子代沟的英语作文篇3 The generation gap refers to the difference in attitude toward thing or the lack of understanding between young people and older folks. In families as well as in society, the young and the older may not agree with each other on this and that from time to time. Young people would llke to make as much money as they could and spend as much money as they could earn while older folks are easily satisfied with what they earn and save as much as possible. Young people llke the exciting and deafening pop music while older folks prefer melodious folk-songs or classic music. A boy and a glrl today may fall in love with each other as quick as lightning, while their parents or grand parents might trudge over a long distance before they kissed each other and became lovers when they were young. However, we should not be amazed at the generation gap,for it is quite natural in the development of society. The world is a changing world, in which everything keeps changing, generations of human beings included. And changes lead to progress.2023-06-08 06:13:071
才许昌2023-06-08 06:13:168
随着我们年龄的增长,思想上日趋成熟,想要凸显个性的我们,再加上父母的日渐衰老,两代人的思想上难免出现不统一。我们觉得父母古板、不开窍、跟不上时代的潮流、唠叨、老是爱管这说东说西的。而父母也反而觉得我们不乖了,不比小时候那么听话,说什么都不会去反驳,且现在老是弄些没用的新鲜玩意,越大越难管了。就这样,思想上的不同和看待事物的不同,不免会出现代沟所以,我们研究这一个课题,让我们能够正确的认识代沟,去跨越代沟,架起两代人之间沟通的桥梁。 引言(何为代沟): 代沟是指子女在走向社会的过程中,背弃父母原有的观点,有了新的见解而造成的思想观念、行为习惯的差异。 年龄不等的人,生活圈子不同,接触的事物、人物各异,故此思想方法和行为也有差别。如果这种差别不加以改善而让它扩大,两代人之间便会形成一堵无形的墙,误会便容易产生。这就是心理学上所说的世代隔阂,套用一句现代语言,即所谓“代沟”。 “代沟”一词从英文generation gap直译过来,由于译法贴切而新颖,加上易于记忆,所以马上成了常用语。从翻译的角度上看,比起原来的用语“世代隔阂”,“代沟”确是优胜一些。现代翻译的趋势看来是以短语占了上风,文绉绉的累赘译法似乎是落伍了。 generationgap一词的出现并不久,大约是六十年代后期的事吧。generation是一个总称语,指同一代的人。它所指的一“代”,大约是二十五到三十年之间,但没有定限,很可能年纪相差十年的人便会被认为是属于另一代的。至于gap一字的原义,则是缺口、裂缝或鸿沟,抽象一点的意思是指个性、意见等方面的歧异。 对于generationgap的存在与否,西方学者有过很激烈的争论。初期有些心理学家认为绝大多数的年轻人价值观方面都是接受传统的,所以不能承认“代沟”的存在。不过,最近几年来,“代沟:的问题越来越显著,越来越严重了,使得持反对意见的人也为得不正视这个问题。有人提出,要消减成年人与青少年之间的代沟,其实并非难事,只要“读青年人的书报,看青年人的电影与电视节目,参加青年人的活动”便可以了。 三岁一代沟 代沟现象,本来十几二十几岁的年龄差就会有代沟,而现在,快节奏的21世纪,相差三岁,就会有“沟”。 便是所谓的:“三岁一代沟”。 代沟产生的原因: 代沟,指的是两个不同年龄段的人彼此之间在心理和行为上产生的差距 ,同时由于差异而造成的理解和沟通上的困难。它产生的根源我觉得有以下两个主要的方面:一是、青少年的独立性开始增强,不想再依附于长辈,总不满于父母的安排和监护想自己来解决问题。 而这就是问题的关键所在!往往是父母安排的事情,我们就都以抵制的态度去对付,而越是这样,距离就越大!二是、来自于家人。如果作父母的不了解我们的这种想长大的心理,总是用像以前的教说方式来和我们交谈或者是教育,那也将使问题变得复杂化,事情会越来越难办,到最后,甚至于孩子离家出走。解决的办法:年轻人要理解作为父母的苦衷,然后好好的和他们沟通,让他们理解自己的想法和计划,让问题有个好的处理结果。 在当代青少年的价值观念中,自我是最重要的,自我意味着独立、自由,是现代社会最起码的思想资源。他们认为应该有自己的运动、时尚和娱乐,有自己的语言和表达方式。在一项以高中生为对象的调查中,超过70%的调查对象认为:"我们这一代人和父母一代人在消费观念、处世态度,乃至处世目标上都有很大的不同。"在自己心理成熟度的认定上,认为自己在心理上"很成熟"和"比较成熟"的占31.8%,同时,74.8%的调查对象同意"我觉得大部分同龄人都很幼稚"这一观点。调查表明,高中生认为现代社会最应提倡的品行排在前五位的是:竞争、守法、孝顺、责任心、平等。可见,我们的孩子大部分还是接受和认同我们现代社会的道德观的。高中生把"孝顺"也作为现代社会最应提倡的道德观之一,在某种意义上说是对我们道德传统的继承。 每代人都生活在特定的社会历史背景下,他们的思想意识、行为准则无不打上时代的烙印,因此说,一代人有一代文化。子女与父母间价值观上的差异以及沟通上的不畅,造成了两代人之间的“代沟”。在这种情况下,子女心理上常产生冲突、不满,甚至影响到子女的社会适应。而父母把自己原有的生活方式、行为方式以及价值观念带进了迅猛变迁着的新时期,他们在对子女的管教上也倍感困难与迷惑,有对子女的失望而感到委屈和伤心。那么两代人之间的鸿沟是如何掘成的呢? 首先,变异与反抗,这种青春期的表现特征导致了“代沟”的出现。青春期子女对父母的态度从儿童时期的顺从、崇拜变成怀疑、不满、批判和对立,开始用独立的价值观和道德标准去评价父母对自己的行为。同时,青春期生理、心理的发展,是他们变的感情化、主观化了,开始不喜欢同自己的思想、行为相悖逆的父母甚至为了显示自己已是有了独立观点的“成年人”,会出现虚张声势的倾向。所以这种鸿沟的出现是完全自然的。 其次,传统观念与现代观念的差异是“代沟”出现的又一个原因。两代人生活与成长的环境不同,接受的教育不同,必然造就各自不同的观念意识,而这种差异必然会在管束与被管束问题上形成不同的态度和观点。父母重视传统、保守、权威与顺从;子女则要求新潮、开放、民主与灵活。有的父母虽然也想在教育子女的问题上开放和民主一些,但却找不到适当的标准和正确的方法;子女则受知识与阅历的局限,往往对传统缺乏全面、客观的了解和认识,优劣难以辫清,易固守一隅而形成偏激观点,彼此之间的冲突自然在所难免。 第三,父母的管教不自觉地受过去经验的影响,这也是形成“代沟”的一个原因。每位父母都曾经有过自己的理想和期望,但是由于种种原因未能如愿以偿,因此,父母便把子女视为自己的延伸,殷切期望在子女身上思想自己过去没有达到的目标或理想。父母的这种补偿心理,完全忽视了子女是一个独立的、有着自己价值观念的个体,所以父母和子女之间常常相互抱怨对方不理解自己。 一是青少年身心状态的剧变。剧变促使我们发现自我,追求独立,对童年的观念进行颠覆,对事业,友谊,爱情和人生价值开始选择和追求。而现在的独生子女家庭,父母在知识和经验上的缺乏,使得他们对子女的变化准备不足,只能按照以前的方式应对。青少年只有让父母明确这种突变,才能带来他们观念意识上的相应变化,才能消除误解和隔膜。 二是时代的烙印。出生于五、六十年代的父母对今天世界大融合的观念需要一个渐进的认识理解接受的过程。家庭中,思想文化更新最快的当然是子女,所以,引导父母接近,认识,理解和接受时代的任务,责无旁贷需要子女来承担。 三是时代迅猛发展为父母带来的紧张,疲惫,焦躁的情绪态度。紧张,疲惫和焦躁的情绪态度是子女反感父母,形成代沟的重要原因。不要让父母在恶劣情绪下作决定,帮助父母消除恶劣情绪,本身是子女的义务。 四是子女的浮躁,赌气和自以为是。见多识广的父母当然不买账了。 父母方面: 就代沟的产生而言,本身就是由于不平等、不理解和不尊重,尽管君为臣纲、父为子纲的旧观念早被人否定,但它在那些为人父母的心中仍然根深蒂固。 张爱玲说过这么一句话:“小孩子不像大人这么糊涂,父母大都不懂子女和青年的特点,时健忘,才使我们流过了儿童时代,便把儿童时代的心理忘得干干净净。”张爱玲的话说明了父母对子女心理的不理解。父母是那代沟的制造者,让这世界最伟大的爱在代沟中扭曲,是父母让世界上最无私的爱在代沟中徘徊。 我们的父母一代出生在五十、六十年代,成长在七十、八十年代,他们世界形成的时代是和我们完全不同是时代。马克思主义教导我们看问题要用发展的眼光,那么,我们怎能用昨天的眼光来看待今天的问题呢? 平时父母和孩子谈话教导孩子的时候,那那种绝对的领导绝对的统治的态度尽显无疑。这使父母孩子之间的关系之间形成一种主从关系。这种主从关系的发展,必导致代沟的产生。 子女方面: 一是没有任何一个父母愿意和子女产生代沟。子女从小不为生计担忧,很少体味人间疾苦,时间长了导致自我中心倾向。而父母一直含辛茹苦、受苦受累却又不被子女所理解。这种痛苦的心情,又有谁能体会?尽管父母在主客观上都有消除代沟的意愿,可同学们扪心自问,我们有几个人真正给了父母机会呢? 二是我们常说,“熟悉的地方没有风景。”子女长期处于父母的教育下,很容易产生抵触情绪,代沟也因此形成。 三是父母在一个人的成长过程中会有一定的影响,然而正所谓外因无法决定内因,根本问题还是在子女身上。子女受到社会上各种各样思想的影响,思想又不成熟,很难正确地把握自己,而又对父母的话又不以为然,这是导致代沟产生的最主要的原因。 引经据典 孩子的世界,与成人截然不同,一昧蛮管,就大碍孩子的发展 —— 鲁迅 如何跨越代沟: 代沟解决的途径在于双方。父母应该努力学习文化知识,预先了解子女的特点并努力把握时代特点和时代观念;不断学习进步;同时调整好身心状态,争取以乐观开朗和信任的面貌对待子女;子女要体谅,关心父母,采用合适的办法引导父母了解自己,了解时代观念;同时,对自己的年轻和肤浅需要有清醒深刻的认识。但是,父母首要责任是养家;而子女的社会任务是学习。在代沟问题上,父母和子女双方都有责任。 伴随青春期的到来,孩子的心理发生了重大变化,出现了“成人感”和强烈的社会独立意识,对许多问题有了自己独立的看法。如果家长硬要孩子服从自己,家庭“强权政治”的高压,很容易让孩子产生强烈的逆反心理。这就出现了我们常常说的代沟。 代沟是客观存在的,也是正常的。但是,一家人之间需要交流,畅通的交流可以使家庭和睦,也有利于孩子健康成长。要做到交流的畅通,就需两代人共同努力,给对方理解和宽容,才能缩小代沟,甚至跨越。 求同还需存异 所谓“求同存异”,就是我与孩子在对某个问题的看法意见不一致时,我们可以保留各自的意见,但要尽可能地找到双方对问题的一致性。 多一些理解和宽容 父母与子女是一种血肉亲情的关系,父母希望孩子健康成长,有一个光明的前途,而孩子也想通过自己的努力,换来一个辉煌的人生。然而,如果父母处理问题的方式不当,就可能引发了孩子的逆反心理,就使得两代人在共同心愿的问题上发生重大分歧,实在是不应该。如有的家长对孩子的期望值过高,而孩子学习成绩有时又达不到家长的要求,于是就常常在孩子面前表露出焦虑的表情和不满言行。这不利孩子学习成绩的提高,只能对孩子的心态起负面影响。 相信从尊重开始 我在与孩子交流时,尽可能地尊重孩子,采取民主、平等的方式。在与孩子谈话时,我很冷静,态度也好,引导孩子多说话,尽可能让他把心里话,甚至在他看来是毫无疑义的话都说出来。有句话说得好——一吐为快! 平等的对话好处很多。首先,父母的尊重使孩子感受到别样的温暖,孩子可能从此会更加尊重父母,加深了两代的情感。其次,孩子从此有了一个倾述烦恼的对象,这非常有利于孩子心理的健康成长。再次,孩子向父母敞开了心扉,说出了心里话,有利于父母及时了解孩子的思想状况,并及时作孩子的思想工作。 主动寻找共同语言 家长与孩子,由于各自处于不同的人生阶段,兴趣爱好存在较大的差异。但是,家长也要与时俱进,去了解、研究年轻人的兴趣爱好,接触一些新的东西。这样,两代人之间的共同语言才会多一些,亲情关系就会更加融洽。 父母方面: 作为家长,我们的价值观念肯定会和下一代存在一定的差异,但我们应当认识到,这种差异是由两代人不同的生活环境、成长历程带来的,是必然的。所以,我们无须强求孩子与我们保持同样的价值观,而是应该求同存异,尽量去理解他们。同时,处于高中阶段的青少年们虽然已经初步具有了一定的价值观,但还不是非常稳定,仍有很强的可塑性,所以父母的价值观念仍然会对孩子产生一定的影响。父母优秀的人格魅力和人生观可以给孩子起到一定的榜样作用,因此,作为父母,我们仍应注意以身作则,言传身教,帮助孩子树立积极向 一、 尊重与理解子女。人人都希望被尊重和理解,青少年同样需要,这也是青少年的一个鲜明心理特征,是他们的共同心声。父母应该放下权威的架子,坦诚地有子女交流,而不是整天板着面孔管束孩子。研究表明,民主型家庭中的亲子干系比权威型家庭中的亲子关系自然、和谐得多。 二、让子女有自己的空间。青少年期的另一特征是闭锁性。这时期的孩子大都变得不爱与父母讲话,喜欢一个人待在自己的房间,有什么烦恼与心事也不愿向父母讲,而是倾诉在日记中。为此,父母应认识到这是青少年发展的正常现象,不要严密监视孩子所做的每一件事,对孩子的个人隐私和不要寻根究底,非弄出个水落石出不可。 三、对孩子多鼓励和表扬。青少年都有一颗敏感而脆弱的自尊心,如强要性,但更需要父母的认同与支持。因此,适当的表扬,哪怕是为一件小事,都会增强孩子自信心,引发其成就感,从而使他们内觉得父母与自己是相通的,倍加敬重父母,并努力做得更好。对孩子负责的态度和严格教育孩子的理念。没有严格要求,孩子在成长过程中出现的问题就得不到纠正,缺点也得不到克服,对孩子的成长是很不利的。 但严格要求不等于打骂责罚,更不是虐待。不要过于注重形式上的严厉,而态度、方法过于简单粗暴,缺少温情的教育和让人信服说理。 父母爱孩子的初衷都是一样的。但由于教育手段和方式的不同,其结果也就千差万别。孩子在成长过程中,需要不断地鼓励,父母的信任、理解和尊重,过分的苛求和严厉的管教不仅不能使之心理正常发育,反而会使之长期处于压抑的心态中,久而久之就会变得疲倦、螺弱、消沉甚至逆反。而且,棍棒教育会使孩子冷漠无情,甚至对父母、对社会充满敌意。 对孩子一味地严厉管教,望子成龙的心理过程,急功近利,却忽略了孩子的心理需求,忽略了孩子的个性发展,这种严厉的打骂或教育是非常有害的。孩子小的时候,畏惧严厉而被动地接受管教,但随年龄的增长,自我意识的增强,自然会表现出抵触和反抗。 爱孩子、教孩子,前提是要了解,掌握其心理发展的特点,而给予鼓励、启发式教育。严格要求应当严而有格,就是在合理的要求范围内,在生理、心理 承受能力之内,且要遵循事物发展的规律,不能急于求成,孩子一犯错误就火冒三丈,恨铁不成钢,非打即骂,这样的严厉是没有度的。 严格要求要有章法,平时要对其行为提出要求,指定规定,然后按要求、规定去规范孩子的言行,指导其成长。如果只凭自己的是非观念或情绪好恶来教育,随意打骂,责罚,只能使之无所适从,一次犯错受到惩罚后仍不知下次该如何避免犯同类错误,且会对你的惩罚产生不服情绪。 另外,严格管教不能不教而诛,就是说犯了错误后,忌讳不管三七二十一痛打一顿,事后不讲清打他的缘由,指出错误所在。严格要求的前提是教育,对孩子应当坚持教育在先,通过教育逐步让孩子了解到哪些行为是错的。如果同一个错误屡教不改,明知故犯,才能给予警告和惩治。 孩子经常犯错误是必然的,不能动辄就对他失望,更不能操之过急,善待孩子,待子如己,会少许多烦恼。使两代人之间能够愉悦地相处,然后以朋友的身份平等交流,共同解决存在的问题和分歧。 希望您用诚挚的爱和恰当的教子方法,带孩子一程,送他走上自己的漫漫人生路。 坦诚自己没有教育孩子的经验,为人父、为人母是头一回,不可避免地会有不恰当方法方式,求得孩子的理解,共同摸索成长之路。家长不是抚养孩子成人,而是和孩子一起成长。 子女方面: 1.正确认识父母对自己的关爱与教育,以及可能产生的矛盾,体会父母在我们的成长过程中付出的大量心血和汗水,以感激的心情和理智的态度对待父母,坚持正确的看法和行为。 2.正确理解自身在家庭中的角色,懂得与父母平等沟通,构建和谐的家庭关系。 3.能以平等的态度与父母沟通,掌握一些处理与父母关系的具体方法,学会沟通的技巧和克服逆反心理。 4.认识逆反心理的危害,积极主动地与父母交流、沟通,努力做到有话好好说,提高自己的人际交往能力和适应社会的能力。 (1)回家外出主动与父母打招呼; (2)在家里参与父母聊天; (3)相信父母,赞美父母; (4)自己做了错事时,主动向父母道歉; (5)常能与父母进行心里换位,多从父母的立场考虑问题。 相信经过两代人的共同努力,我们定能跨过代沟,成为好朋友,架起两代人之间沟通的桥梁!!2023-06-08 06:13:421
Directions: Write a composition entitled Generation Gap. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1. 现代生活越来越好,但老年人和年轻人之间的代沟却依然不可逾越2. 产生代沟的原因3. 解决的办法【范文】Generation GapThough many aspects of our social life have been improved, the generation gap between the youths and the olders remain and even grows wider.In my opinion, because of the influence of individualism from western civilization, the youths do not blindly follow what the elders say, that causes the gap. The young arecreative and revolutionary, always go along with the trend and like changing. While the old, accustomed to everything of the past, are hostile to change. Also with more and more different beliefs and philosophical ideas, it is natural the young hold different opinions from the old.I think in order to narrow the gap, both parts should try to understand and respect each other, instead of trying to change others as they wish. Diversity doesn"t mean conflict so long as they hold the right attitude towards the problems.【译文赏析】代沟虽然我们社会生活的诸多方面,已经得到了改善,但年轻人与老年人之间的代沟仍然存在,甚至在扩大。依我来看,因为受西方个人主义的影响,年轻人不再盲目跟随老人们的说法,而这导致了差距。年轻人富有创造性和革新的力量,始终顺应潮流,喜欢变化。而老人们则习惯了过去的一切,不喜欢改变。同时也有越来越多的不同信仰和哲学思想,这自然造成了年轻人与老年人持有不同意见。我认为,想要缩小差距,双方应尽量相互理解和尊重,而不是以他们自己的意愿来试图改变别人。只要他们持有应对问题的正确态度,多元化并不意味着冲突。【词汇表达亮点】aspect n. 方面,方位influence n./v. 影响individualism n. 个人主义civilization n. 文明blindly adv. 盲目地,轻率地creative adj. 创造性的revolutionary adj. 革命的 n. 革命者trend n. 趋势,潮流 v. 趋向be accustomed to 习惯于be hostile to 对……有敌意,与……敌对philosophical ideas 哲学思想narrow v. 使变窄;缩小 adj. 狭窄的diversity n. 差异;多样性conflict n./v. 冲突so long as 只要2023-06-08 06:13:491
为大家整理的高中英语作文:谈谈代沟,供大家参考。 高中英语作文:谈谈代沟 Nowadays, many young people are complaining that their parents can not understand them very well. They say that their parents take care of every aspect of their lives, leaving them unable to have their private space. Yet, parents are worried that their children don"t show any respect to them and never give them any trust. 现在,许多年轻人抱怨他们的父母不太了解他们,他们认为父母对他们生活的各个方面干涉太多,使得他们没有自己的空间。然而,父母却担心孩子对他们不够尊重和信任。 Consequently, the household phrases spreading. It is the "Generation Gap". By using this phrase, both the young and the old have found a good explanation for their misunderstanding of each other, yet they don"t bother to take any measures to cover the distance between them. 这种现象的结果使得“代沟”一词广为流传。通过使用该词,年轻人和上了岁数的人都能对存在于他们中间的误解找到很好的借口。然而,他们却不去想办法消除彼此的距离。 In my opinion, I think we should first admit that there are indeed some differences between parents and children. Then, we should try to take some time to communicate with each other frequently. Not only the parents, but also the kids should be equal when exchanging their views. Only by their joint efforts can the parents and children bridge the generation gap between them. 在我看来,首先我们应该承认父母与孩子之间的确存在着差异。然后,我们应该经常花时间去沟通。在交换彼此意见时,父母和孩子应该处于平等地位。只有通过他们的共同努力,父母和孩子才能拉近彼此的距离。 NOTES 1. every aspect of各方面 to attend to each and every aspect of a matter 面面俱到 2. household a. 家庭的,家用的 This is a good household soap. 这是一种品质优良的家用肥皂。 b. 家喻户晓的,为人所熟知的 He is a household legendary figure. 他是个家喻户晓的传奇性人物。 3. exchange views with sb. 同某人交换意见 exchange gifts 互相赠送礼品;exchange toasts 互相敬酒 exchange 也可以做名词用,如:an exchange of views with sb. 4. joint efforts 共同努力2023-06-08 06:13:561
关于代沟的英语作文 关于代沟的英语作文范文欣赏
1、Nowadays,“generation gap”has gradually become a common phenomenon all over the world. Experiencing different time, as a result, causes the difference between parents and children in tastes, the method they deal with problems and values. This case may more easily happen in teenagers. The reason lies in they are young, they have strong passion for freedom, and they like showing themselves off. Then it is no wonder that arguments often arise between their parents and them, which always make the parents worried. They can hardly figure out what their children are thinking about. Because they wear strange clothes, listen noisy music and even walk around town with tattoos and pierces all over their bodies. Nevertheless, in teenager" eyes, their parents are out of date and conservative. They may talk with their friends more often than their parents. In a word, ‘generation gap" is an interminable problem. Seriously, how to bridge the generation gap? In my opinion, first, show respect. The mutual respect can play an important role in avoiding conflicts. Second, listen more than talk. It"s no doubt that it is a very efficient way to keep the conversation longer. At last, keep humors, this can make the talk friendly. Despite the fact that parents may be worried about the generation gap between their children and themselves. But as we all know, with time going by, children gradually grow old and ripe. And then they will come to understand their parents. 2、如今,“代沟”已逐渐成为一种普遍现象世界各地。经历不同的时间,因此,导致父母和孩子之间的区别在品味,他们处理问题的方法和价值观。 这种情况下可能更容易发生在青少年。原因在于他们年轻,他们有强烈的热爱自由,然后他们喜欢显示自己。难怪争论他们的父母和他们之间经常出现,这总是让父母担心。他们很难找到他们的孩子在想些什么。因为他们穿奇怪的衣服,听着嘈杂的音乐,甚至走在城里的纹身和刺入自己的身体。然而,少年的眼睛,他们的父母是过时的和保守的。他们可能比他们的父母更经常与他们的朋友。总之,“代沟”是一个冗长的问题。 严重的是,如何缩小代沟呢?在我看来,首先,尊重。相互尊重可以发挥重要作用在避免冲突。第二,听多说话。毫无疑问,这是一个非常有效的方法来保持谈话了。最后,保持幽默,这可以使友好交谈。 尽管父母可能会担心他们的孩子之间的代沟和他们自己。但我们都知道,随着时间的经过,孩子逐渐变老和成熟。然后他们会开始理解父母。2023-06-08 06:14:021
代沟英语作文 代沟英语作文带翻译
1、正文 The idea of each person is different, naturally there is the differences in language, also appeared in the catchword of generation gap now. Parents think that since I gave birth to you, you should complete listen to me, but this is wrong. Although the law, parents are the guardian of children, keep the to the age of 18, but parents also there is no need to impose their feudal ideas to children. Is the so-called parents dont want to let the child to do, children, the more willing to challenge the limit of the parents. Now children after 00, mostly only children, by the education is the best. So parents dont need to put their own ideas about the childs body, as for the problem of puppy love now, parents repeatedly discouraged, and education, but I want to ask, useful? Is not the best to fight, the way of the cold war ended, not communicate slowly sit down with the kids. Parents always think that they have no wrong, he is high above the, beat and scold the child is normal, because there used to be a famous saying the stern father son, but I want to say, that was the last time, please dont compared with modern, you should keep up with the trend of The Times, we know you is good for us, but in a different way, the result is different also. Now the children are in the rebellious period, temper is normal, but their parents think children back to the unfilial, is bound to cause a family war. Child achievement good, delicious good drink honours, record down, is not let into the house, you only see the childs grades, but not children how hard. Dont they saw scores and sad? More for your child to think it over. I just hope that parents understand the children, to narrow the generation gap. 2、译文 每一个人的思想不同,自然而然就出现了语言上的差别,也就出现在了现在的流行语代沟。 父母觉得我既然生了你们,你们就应该完完全全听我的,但这是错的。虽然法律规定,父母是孩子的监护人,要看守到18岁,但父母也没有必要去把他们那种封建思想强加到孩子身上。正所谓父母越不愿意让孩子去做的事,孩子越愿意去挑战父母的极限。 现在00后孩子,大多数是独生子女,受到的教育自也是最好的。所以父母没有必要去把自己的思想灌输的孩子的身上,至于现在的早恋问题,父母一再阻止、教育,但我想问一下,有用吗?还不是最好以吵架、冷战的方式结束,不如坐下来与孩子们慢慢交流。 父母总以为自己没有错,自己是高高在上的,打骂孩子是正常的,因为以前有一句名言严父出孝子,但我想说,那已是过去的时代,请不要与现代比较,你们应该跟上时代的潮流,我们知道你们为我们好,但方式不同,出现的结果也就不同。现在的孩子正处于叛逆期,脾气暴躁是正常的,但父母觉得孩子顶嘴属于大不孝,必定会引起一场家庭战争。 孩子成绩好的时候,好吃好喝供奉着,成绩一落,便是不让进家门,你们只看得到孩子的成绩,却看不到孩子有多么努力。难道他们看到成绩就不伤心吗?多替孩子考虑考虑吧。 我只希望家长理解一下孩子,让代沟缩小。2023-06-08 06:14:081
我是一个值勤生,每到星期五都要比其他同学早点到校晚点回家,早上还要找同学帮忙把书包送到教室,这么辛苦,不光得不到老师的“厚爱”,还会被老师冤枉。星期五快到了,我的心里又酸又甜,甜是因为又要放假了,酸是因为又要“早出晚归”了。星期五到了,值勤时,我被大队委安排在了最角落的岗位上,以前那里从来没有安排值勤学生啊,怎么这次安排了?倒霉的为什么是我啊!我只好一个人默默地站在那儿,没有人理我,没有人跟我说话,我像一只被遗忘了的羊羔。同学们终于全部离校了,我连忙跑向学校向大队委报告情况。一看扣分表,怎么有我们五(3)班!还是今天扣的!我可是负责五(1)、五(2)、五(3)的,怎么回事?要是让我们的同学责问起来,我可没法回答呀!我带着一肚子疑问到大队部查看。答案是星期五值勤学生在一起说话。我赶紧把这一情况告诉了班主任李老师,李老师把星期五值勤的三个女生叫来,问我们怎么回事。大家都不吱声,我心想我被安排在角落,都没人理我,我怎么和她们说话!后来老师很生气,还要我们三个人各写一篇五百字检讨再扣个人得分五分,我真委屈呀,明明我没有讲话呀!我不敢跟老师说,便找好朋友张艺媛诉苦。她安慰我说:“没关系!分数你不缺你缺的是胆量,你给自己打打气,你就想:‘我没有错,是老师误会了",再去跟老师解释老师一定会理解你的!”我听了,挺了挺胸,找老师说了一下,老师果然理解了我,把我扣了的分加上去,也不让我写检讨了,还表扬我勇敢了呢!我的好朋友真好!要不是她这么热心地开导我,我还是一直不敢,勇敢地去向老师解释!2023-06-08 06:14:161
Nowadays,there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children.Children always complain that their parents are out of date,while parents can"t approve of what their children say and do.Thus,a big generation gap is formed.The gap remains wide for many reasons.Children want to be free to choose their own friends,select their own classes in school,plan their own future,earn and spend their own money,and generally run their own life in a more independent way than many parents allow.Also,young children wish to be understood by their parents,but most parents don"t quite understand their children.They regard it as their responsibility to teach their offspring traditional beliefs.They want them to be obedient and do well in school.Therefore,misunderstanding often arise from parents" tendency to interfere in children"s daily activities.In my opinion,most problems between parents and children could be solved by joint efforts of both sides to enhance mutual understanding.2023-06-08 06:14:221
很高兴回答你的问题,以下是我个人见解,希望可以帮到你:Nowadays, there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents are out of date, while parents can"t approve of what their children say and do. Thus, a big generation gap is formed. The gap remains wide for many reasons. Children want to be free to choose their own friends, select their own classes in school, plan their own future, earn and spend their own money, and generally run their own life in a more independent way than many parents allow. Also, young children wish to be understood by their parents, but most parents don"t quite understand their children. They regard it as their responsibility to teach their offspring traditional beliefs. They want them to be obedient and do well in school. Therefore, misunderstanding often arise from parents" tendency to interfere in children"s daily activities. In my opinion, most problems between parents and children could be solved by joint efforts of both sides to enhance mutual understanding.望采纳,十分感谢。2023-06-08 06:14:311
Generation GapA few years ago it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap. Parents complained that children didn"t show them proper respect and obedience, while children complained that their parents didn"t understand them at all. Many critics argue that it is built into the fabric of our society.One cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life. In traditional socieries, children live in the same area as their parents, marry people their parents know and approve of, and often continue the family occupation. In our society, people often move out of the home at an early age, marry or live with people their parents have never met, and choose occupations that are rather different.In our upwardly mobile society, parents often expect their children to be better than them. However, these ambitions for their children are another cause of the division between them. Often they discover that they have very little in common.Finally, the speed of change in our society is another cause of it. In a traditional culture, people are valued for their wisdom, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become out of date. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities.No doubt, the generation gap will continue to be a feature of our life for some time to come. Its causes are rooted in the freedoms and opportunities of our society, and in the rapid pace at which society changes. 代沟几年前,代沟是一个非常流行的词。父母抱怨孩子对他们没有应有的尊重和服从;而孩子们却抱怨父母根本不理解他们。很多批评家指出,这成为了我们社会结构的组成部分。造成代沟的原因之一,是现在年轻人对自己的生活有了更多的机会进行选择。传统的社会里,孩子和他们的父母生活在同一个地方,与父母认识并认可的人结婚,常常几代人做着同样的工作。而在现代的社会中,人们年轻时就离开家,他们的结婚对象可能父母从来没见过,他们选择的职业也与祖辈大相径庭。在这个人往高处发展的社会,父母总是盼望着孩子能比自己过得好。然而这种对孩子的期望也是造成他们之间分歧的另一个原因。其结果常常是发现父母和孩子之间共同之处很少。最后,现代社会的飞速变化也是形成代沟的一个原因。传统社会里,人们往往以智慧来衡量一个人。而现在,一种知识用一生的观点已经过时了。不同的技术,不同的能力,将年轻人和年长的人划入两个完全不同的世界。毫无疑问,在今后相当一段时间里,代沟将会继续成为我们生活的一个特征。它产生的原因源于社会的自由和选择,源于社会日新月异的快速发展。2023-06-08 06:14:371
自己不妨先写汉语作文,再用百度翻译并作修改,也可以请知友翻译成英语。对搞不懂的题目,请上传题目内容以方便大家为你回答。2023-06-08 06:14:442
有中文可以帮你翻译下2023-06-08 06:15:032
帮忙写一篇关于代沟的英语作文 要300字
The generation gap The generation gap is a very common social phenomenon,which is the diffence and misunderstanding between generations. Why is there a gap between generations?First of all,the elder and the younger grow up in different periods and socienties. They have formed different values .So they they can"t understand each other .Second ,even for the same person ,his ideas will change with age .if the elder and the younger cling to their own ideas,conflicts appear. how can we solve this problem .I think that the most important is to forbear and understand each other .The different generations should respect each other and try to understand each other through communication.if we can do so ,the generation gap will be narrowed or even disappear.2023-06-08 06:15:101
Generation gapGeneration gap refers to the distance and contradiction(矛盾) between the oldand the youth.It"s a common(常见的) phenomenon(现象) that exits everywherein the world and influences both the old and the youth.Generally speaking,generation gap results in different understanding andappreciation of the great and constant changes of the world,different reactionto new things,and different attitudes to tradition(传统) principles(原则) andbeliefs.Therefore,we may say where there are the old and the youth; there isthe generation gap.Generation gap is natural,but very influential(有影响的).If we cannot deal withit appropriately(适当地),the gap will be greater and greater and consequently(结果) affect the work and the relation between the old and the young.2023-06-08 06:15:171
How to deal with generation gap?When it comes to the topic generation gap. Most of us could get the conception that there is no many words between the Two generation.0f course, from the conception and reality ,it is so. Judging from such reason. We could deal with it from the root.For the parents , they should get more heart mind about children and read their heartily carefully. More communication will help them to reduce the gap. Certainly, as children, they should learn the parents thought, do to demand any hard expectation. So that , it may be a good result for everyone.2023-06-08 06:15:251
如何处理与父母之间的代沟 写一篇英语作文
Nowadays, there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents are out of date, while parents can"t approve of what their children say and do. Thus, a big generation gap is formed. The gap remains wide for many reasons. Children want to be free to choose their own friends, select their own classes in school, plan their own future, earn and spend their own money, and generally run their own life in a more independent way than many parents allow. Also, young children wish to be understood by their parents, but most parents don"t quite understand their children. They regard it as their responsibility to teach their offspring traditional beliefs. They want them to be obedient and do well in school. Therefore, misunderstanding often arise from parents" tendency to interfere in children"s daily activities. In my opinion, most problems between parents and children could be solved by joint efforts of both sides to enhance mutual understanding.2023-06-08 06:15:341
已经不记得上一次好好地看您是什么时候了,父亲。 我只记得那时的您,头发乌黑,皮肤泛着古铜的光。青年时期的下乡生活,让您有了健康的体魄,也让您在这纷繁的社会中变得寡言少语。 自我上高中以来,您就很少管过我。有人说“儿随母,女随父”。在我的生活中,更多的是妈妈的教育和关怀。我几乎每天都要和她谈笑,却很少能跟您讲上一句话。妈妈总是关心我这,关心我那,而在我眼中,您总是坐在您自己的角落里,研究着您自己的股票。我总觉得您根本不关心我,我总觉得您是家中的一个外人。 . 随着感情的疏远,我发现我渐渐地不认得您了。“代沟”,这可真是个神奇的东西。 高考离我越来越近,可您却离我越来越远。虽然您也开始时不时地说些什么,您也开始每天按时往我嘴里塞各种各样的补品。可对我来讲,那些话远不如妈妈讲得动听。而塞药时我甚至感觉,您是一个“医生”,而不是一个父亲。感情的疏远,似乎真的隔断了认知。 考前的那几天学校放假,您让我到您的学校复习。您带着我去了您的学校,让我在办公室等着,自己去清一间教室出来。我一人待在办公室里无聊,就走下楼去,走到那间教室门口。教室里您忙碌的身影晃动着。我突然意识到我很久没有好好看看您了。 我不声不响地走进去。您还在忙着。光线并不明亮,我却看到了您头上几点晃眼的光。我头一次注意到您有白头发了。您费力地搬着桌子,额头上已经闪着莹莹的光。这就是我的父亲啊,曾几何时家里重活一人包的父亲,竟也变得这样虚弱!您还是老了啊! 那一刻,我突然感觉一股冲击从心底喷涌而出,震动着我的全身。我觉得那是源自割不断的亲情,那是心底的回音。突然找回了被父爱包围的感觉,这父爱不像从前那样广博而无微不至,但它却更深沉,更能激起我内心的共鸣。我觉得我重新认识了您。 也许您还没有感觉到我的觉醒,也许在您眼中我还是那个对您冷若冰霜不屑一顾的小男孩。可您一定知道,只要亲情不断,血脉相连,我一定会认识到父爱的伟大。感情也许会疏远,可无论这代沟有多宽,我终究会望见您的! [简评]作者以一种特殊的方式来诠释和解读“代沟”,浓浓的亲情流动在父女的心田,也涌动在读者的血脉里。有谁没有父母?有谁没有父爱?父爱的形式是丰富多彩的,但终极目标只有一个;阅读父爱的方式是多种多样的,但父亲的白发永远是不变的。“代沟”是客观存在的,但往往又会成为跨越“代沟”的桥。本文的作者就是站在这座桥上,“突然找回了被父爱包围的感觉”,迸发了这篇优秀作文的灵感。2023-06-08 06:15:401
Generation GapGeneration gap means the different opinions between the child and the parents when the child is growing up. This is usually due to the lack of communication between the parents and child, hence worsening the relationship between them. Once the generation gap is being formed, it is not easy to melt. For the parents, the best way to mend relationship bounding is spending more time with their children when they are free, get to know what they want and what they need. Thus, you will then be able to be more close to your children to heart. Having said that, we shall not the generation gap spoil the hamonious family.2023-06-08 06:15:481
学会与父母沟通 小时侯,我们对父母依附.崇拜.进入青春期后,我们有了自己的思想,开始独立行事,渴望从家长那里拿到"解放证书",渴望父母像对待大人那样对待我们,甚至挑战父母的权威.而在父母的眼里,我们总是长不大的孩子,没有生活经验,没有丰富的阅历,却有自己的主意.父母责怪我们越来越不服管教,越来越不懂事,而怀念我们小时侯的乖样子.他们对我们的关爱之心没有变,只是要求更加严格,免不了多叮嘱几句,在我们听不进时,就觉得家长唠叨.罗嗦.于是,我们与父母之间就产生了矛盾. 。 望子成龙.望女成风,是天下父母共同的心愿.我们与父母的冲突,往往基于父母对我们的高期待.严要求.这种在我们看来有些苛求的"严",反映出父母对于我们的爱.我们要理解.体谅父母的一片苦心.。 与父母发生冲突,如果以强硬的态度顶撞,以粗暴的举止反抗,或者对他们不理不睬.冷淡相对,或者由对某事的分歧迁移到对父母本人的恶感,甚至采用极端的办法来处理,都是错误的,会造成极大的危害. 在家中,父母与我们之间容易产生矛盾和代沟,对此不能否认,不能漠视,但也不能夸大.积极的 做法是从中架起沟通的桥梁.沟通是双方的事.我们做子女的,要走近父母,亲近父母,努力跨越代沟,与父母携手同行. 在家庭交往中,与父母不必太计较.即使父母错了,也要多原谅,不要非与父母争个高低上下.有时即使争赢了,也不一定给自己带来快乐,给家庭带来幸福;我们认了错,也不会丢面子了,反而让我们丢掉包袱,得到更多的爱和快乐。2023-06-08 06:15:554
Generation Gap At present, never is the issue concerning generation gap failing to attract our eyes. Many educators and parents present their opinions from different angles. As I see it, there are three following factors contributing to this risk and also,three solutions can be outlined respectively. As for its causes, I think that three reasons are worth mentioning. To begin with, people receive different education and form different outlooks of the world. The education children receive today is different from that of their parents, thus causing that parents want their children to follow the traditional values as a rebellion, So, conflict between parents and children seems unavoidable. In addition, lack of communication also accounts for the fact. Many parents fail to realize the importance of communication and in their minds, children should obey them and it id natural. However, in children"s minds, their parents do not value the modern development ,advanced technology, their real thoughts, to mane just a few, Both parents and children do believe that they themselves are right. In this way , they do not wangt to communicate with each other. Finally, it is due to the big influence of media which wsually exaggerates the importance of individuality that many children regard rebellion against their parents as cool and fantastic. Hence, misunderstanding and prejudice will be produced. To sovel this problem,I do believe the following measures should be taken. First, parents ought to communicate positively with their children and give them more person-to-person services. What is more, a looser educational enviorment should be created in every family and free speech should be advocated. Last ,a range of knowledge should be given to children and they should be encouraged to understand their parents and think in their parents" positions. In conclusion, only when these practical measures are taken will this problem be dealt with step by step and be gone with the wind.2023-06-08 06:16:011
feichao2023-06-08 06:16:316
My View On Generation Gap Nowadays, generation gap is a very popular saying. It refers to the communicative barrier between different generationsuff0c especially between parents and their children. With the development of the society, this problem becomes much more obvious. There are a variety of reasons that lead to generation gap. The key one is the fast-growing society. Different generations play different roles in the society. The different experience ends in their different views. The old generation is conservative, while the young is liberal. Hence the conflict exists. To narrow the generation gap, we are required to pay much more attention to communication. We should open our hearts and try to understand others. In addition, we should follow the rhythm of the times to enjoy the new ideas, new conception, and new things! Then we will find that generation gap is not a terrible thing. In fact, we can benefit from it.2023-06-08 06:16:441
you点难哈2023-06-08 06:16:522
越来越多的父母和他们的孩子正抱怨所谓的“代沟”,代沟使他们之间的距离变得很大甚至更大,写出你对代沟的观点。就是这样的意思。。。一定要加分。。。2023-06-08 06:16:592
To solve the problems of generation gap, the busy parents should sacrifice their spare time to communicate with their children actively and friendly to improve their relation. At the same time, they can also observe their children"s behavior at the same time in order to understand heir children"s personality as it can reduce the quarrel between them. Besides that, the parents should try to give up their absolute power in family so as lo make their children feel free to chat with them.2023-06-08 06:17:052
The generation gap I thought is the different thought pattern and the exchange environment.Thought the parents in you thought is money which should spend,but they do not give up,they have their idea,possibly more wants to leave the money you,later will use,but we might not necessarily like this go to think.We possibly can think later we also will be able to go to gain any!The elimination generation gap method is the academic society conversion ponder,many stands in theirs side consideration question.Like this can find the same thought direction!2023-06-08 06:17:121
你与父母之间的代沟 英语作文题目
Generation Gap Nowadays, there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents are out of date, while parents canu2019t approve of what their children say and do. Thus, a big generation gap is formed.2023-06-08 06:17:212
Generation Gap Nowadays, there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents are out of date, while parents canu2019t approve of what their children say and do. Thus, a big generation gap is formed.2023-06-08 06:17:271
Generation Gap-代沟 The generation gap refers to the difference in attitude toward thing or the lack of understanding between young people and older folks. In families as well as in society, the young and the older may not agree with each other on this and that from time to time. Young people would llke to make as much money as they could and spend as much money as they could earn while older folks are easily satisfied with what they earn and save as much as possible. Young people llke the exciting and deafening pop music while older folks prefer melodious folk-songs or classic music. A boy and a glrl today may fall in love with each other as quick as lightning, while their parents or grand parents might trudge over a long distance before they kissed each other and became lovers when they were young. However, we should not be amazed at the generation gap,for it is quite natural in the development of society. The world is a changing world, in which everything keeps changing, generations of human beings included. And changes lead to progress.讲的是年轻人和老一代人的代沟 其实也和你的那个主题差不多 你自己再改改就行了2023-06-08 06:17:475
小议“代沟” 每一代人都有他们不同的生活习惯,每一代人都有不同的思维方式,于是“代沟”就悄然形成了.它如同一座大山一样,把不同时代的人截然分开,使他们不能彼此理解. 在年轻人眼里,老一辈人总喜欢用旧眼光、旧观念来约束他们的下一代.而年轻人呢,很容易接受新鲜事物,总是觉得老一辈人的思想陈旧,总认为两代人之间有不可逾越的鸿沟.从而不愿接受老一辈人的教导. 在家长的眼里,年轻一代喜欢追星,喜欢交朋好友,喜欢异端,喜欢上网跳舞,这些都不是正经事.还有,好模好样的黑头发染成颜色,更是不可忍.简直就是异类! 于是有更可怕的事件发生着:越来越多的年轻人和家里意见不和,赌气离家出走,甚至有的走上了不归路.很多孩子由于和家长缺少沟通交流,与家长见面,视若大敌,这多么令人心寒啊!代沟这个可怕的东西,使家长心力交悴,使孩子默默寡言,它使人变得消极,使家庭失去了欢乐. 代沟这么严重地影响着我们的生活,可见,要除去这代沟是多么重要啊.可是,要想除去它,我们必须共同努力.作为家长,应多与孩子交流,让孩子说说自己真实的内心想法,想办法减轻他们身上的各种压力,成为孩子的知心朋友;孩子们也应该与父母交心,父母毕竟是过来人,我们应该从他们身上学习好的一面,同时应该多体谅他们持家的艰辛,为他们分忧,而不是无限制的苛求与索取. 父母还应该了解自己的孩子,现代社会孩子面临的压力很大,有学习的压力、发展的压力、与父母冲突的压力、与同学交往的困惑等.现在全社会都有成功焦虑,成功的标准又很单一,对孩子来说,考试成绩好、能上好大学成了成功惟一的标准.而实际上,一个人的成功标准不是惟一的,人最大的满足是精神满足,片面强调考上好大学,孩子自己感觉不到学习的乐趣,寻不到幸福感.社会在转型期价值观混乱,孩子自我选择价值观出现困难.父母应该了解孩子,才能沟通好。我想,不论时代如何发展变化,铲平代沟都有利于社会的进步与发展.面对这个日新月异的时代,我们每一个人都应该多一分谅解,少一分苛求;多一分宽容,少一分计较.那么,我们之间形成的代沟就一定会铲平。2023-06-08 06:18:032
代沟就像一道无形的墙,始终无法开启心窗沟通。下面,是我为你整理的,希望对你有帮助! 篇1 Today"s teenager is a young *** ; he is more mature and responsible than the teenagers of previous generations. Nevertheless, he is beset with customary trials natural to his age group-disconcerting periods of self-doubt and other periods of self-sufficiency. His character and personality are in the process of being molded. It is a stage when he is not quite sure he wants to be on his own, yet he resents too much parental pressure. This attitude and feeling is called the generation gap or the munication gap. However, this attitude and feeling will change as he learns how to live with the world, especially with his parents, brothers, sisters, and teachers. 篇2 Nowadays, there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always plain that their parents are out of date, while parents can"t approve of what their children say and do. Thus, a big generation gap is formed. The gap remains wide for many reasons. Children want to be free to choose their own friends, select their own classes in school, plan their own future, earn and spend their own money, and generally run their own life in a more independent way than many parents allow. Also, young children wish to be understood by their parents, but most parents don"t quite understand their children. They regard it as their responsibility to teach their offspring traditional beliefs. They want them to be obedient and do well in school. Therefore, misunderstanding often arise from parents" tendency to interfere in children"s daily activities. In my opinion, most problems between parents and children could be solved by joint efforts of both sides to enhance mutual understanding. 篇3 Nowadays, the problems of generation gap bee more and more serious. The poor relationship between parents and their children is very mon. Are these problems caused by the busy parents? Or, do the harsh family rules affect the relationship of parents and children? Firstly, in most of the families in China both of the parents have to go out for work in order to earn more money to provide better environment for their lovely children. Unfortunately, this causes the rare munication between them and theft children, since these parents always take rest during leisure time. These parents and children cannot know deeply about each other and friction will appear. Secondly, parents who ask their children to be absolutely obedient is also one of the grave causes of the generation gap between them! They do not try to municate with their children as their equals. Thus, misinterpretation of them may easily occur. To solve these problems, the busy parents should sacrifice their spare time to municate with their children actively and friendly to improve their relation. At the same time, they can also observe their children"s behavior at the same time in order to understand heir children"s personality as it can reduce the quarrel between them. Besides that, the parents should try to give up their absolute power in family so as lo make their children feel free to chat with them.2023-06-08 06:18:091
天真的我总认为父母和儿女之间是没有一点代沟的,可是,我错了. 我还真不明白那些大人一天在想些什么,一点也不"单纯",而且总不能相信别人,甚至他们的儿女,我搞不懂他们是怎么想的,也搞不懂他们的一些做法的目的到底是什么.明明就是想到房间里看我们有没有打电脑,可是总回找一大堆借口到房间来,或是假装扔垃圾,或是帮我们到水,或是给我们拿水果来吃,他们还以为我们不知道他们的做法,每进房间出去以后都会偷笑。 一次,我在电脑里写作文,写了差不多3个多小时,妈妈一会给我送苹果来,一会给我到水来,一会又……每次送完东西就老往电脑那边嘌,我真不明白电脑有什么吸引他们的地方。写完作文我才发现,我桌子上有N多东西,我数了数,一共有10个苹果,5杯水,扔了12次垃圾,到我房间里共来了30次。唉!他们不觉得累我都觉得累了,还打扰到我写作文呢! 现在我终于明白大人与小孩的代沟了!小孩永远比大人单纯许多,而大人,却总是神神秘秘的,而且思想比较老旧,最主要的是——他们从来不回光明正大的做他们想做的一些事情,总会给自己找一大堆借口,而且有点自做聪明。 唉!“好笑”的大人!2023-06-08 06:18:162
随着我们年龄的增长,思想上日趋成熟,想要凸显个性的我们,再加上父母的日渐衰老,两代人的思想上难免出现不统一。我们觉得父母古板、不开窍、跟不上时代的潮流、唠叨、老是爱管这说东说西的。而父母也反而觉得我们不乖了,不比小时候那么听话,说什么都不会去反驳,且现在老是弄些没用的新鲜玩意,越大越难管了。就这样,思想上的不同和看待事物的不同,不免会出现代沟所以,我们研究这一个课题,让我们能够正确的认识代沟,去跨越代沟,架起两代人之间沟通的桥梁。 引言(何为代沟): 代沟是指子女在走向社会的过程中,背弃父母原有的观点,有了新的见解而造成的思想观念、行为习惯的差异。 年龄不等的人,生活圈子不同,接触的事物、人物各异,故此思想方法和行为也有差别。如果这种差别不加以改善而让它扩大,两代人之间便会形成一堵无形的墙,误会便容易产生。这就是心理学上所说的世代隔阂,套用一句现代语言,即所谓“代沟”。 “代沟”一词从英文generation gap直译过来,由于译法贴切而新颖,加上易于记忆,所以马上成了常用语。从翻译的角度上看,比起原来的用语“世代隔阂”,“代沟”确是优胜一些。现代翻译的趋势看来是以短语占了上风,文绉绉的累赘译法似乎是落伍了。 generationgap一词的出现并不久,大约是六十年代后期的事吧。generation是一个总称语,指同一代的人。它所指的一“代”,大约是二十五到三十年之间,但没有定限,很可能年纪相差十年的人便会被认为是属于另一代的。至于gap一字的原义,则是缺口、裂缝或鸿沟,抽象一点的意思是指个性、意见等方面的歧异。 对于generationgap的存在与否,西方学者有过很激烈的争论。初期有些心理学家认为绝大多数的年轻人价值观方面都是接受传统的,所以不能承认“代沟”的存在。不过,最近几年来,“代沟:的问题越来越显著,越来越严重了,使得持反对意见的人也为得不正视这个问题。有人提出,要消减成年人与青少年之间的代沟,其实并非难事,只要“读青年人的书报,看青年人的电影与电视节目,参加青年人的活动”便可以了。 三岁一代沟 代沟现象,本来十几二十几岁的年龄差就会有代沟,而现在,快节奏的21世纪,相差三岁,就会有“沟”。 便是所谓的:“三岁一代沟”。 代沟产生的原因: 代沟,指的是两个不同年龄段的人彼此之间在心理和行为上产生的差距 ,同时由于差异而造成的理解和沟通上的困难。它产生的根源我觉得有以下两个主要的方面:一是、青少年的独立性开始增强,不想再依附于长辈,总不满于父母的安排和监护想自己来解决问题。 而这就是问题的关键所在!往往是父母安排的事情,我们就都以抵制的态度去对付,而越是这样,距离就越大!二是、来自于家人。如果作父母的不了解我们的这种想长大的心理,总是用像以前的教说方式来和我们交谈或者是教育,那也将使问题变得复杂化,事情会越来越难办,到最后,甚至于孩子离家出走。解决的办法:年轻人要理解作为父母的苦衷,然后好好的和他们沟通,让他们理解自己的想法和计划,让问题有个好的处理结果。 在当代青少年的价值观念中,自我是最重要的,自我意味着独立、自由,是现代社会最起码的思想资源。他们认为应该有自己的运动、时尚和娱乐,有自己的语言和表达方式。在一项以高中生为对象的调查中,超过70%的调查对象认为:"我们这一代人和父母一代人在消费观念、处世态度,乃至处世目标上都有很大的不同。"在自己心理成熟度的认定上,认为自己在心理上"很成熟"和"比较成熟"的占31.8%,同时,74.8%的调查对象同意"我觉得大部分同龄人都很幼稚"这一观点。调查表明,高中生认为现代社会最应提倡的品行排在前五位的是:竞争、守法、孝顺、责任心、平等。可见,我们的孩子大部分还是接受和认同我们现代社会的道德观的。高中生把"孝顺"也作为现代社会最应提倡的道德观之一,在某种意义上说是对我们道德传统的继承。 每代人都生活在特定的社会历史背景下,他们的思想意识、行为准则无不打上时代的烙印,因此说,一代人有一代文化。子女与父母间价值观上的差异以及沟通上的不畅,造成了两代人之间的“代沟”。在这种情况下,子女心理上常产生冲突、不满,甚至影响到子女的社会适应。而父母把自己原有的生活方式、行为方式以及价值观念带进了迅猛变迁着的新时期,他们在对子女的管教上也倍感困难与迷惑,有对子女的失望而感到委屈和伤心。那么两代人之间的鸿沟是如何掘成的呢? 首先,变异与反抗,这种青春期的表现特征导致了“代沟”的出现。青春期子女对父母的态度从儿童时期的顺从、崇拜变成怀疑、不满、批判和对立,开始用独立的价值观和道德标准去评价父母对自己的行为。同时,青春期生理、心理的发展,是他们变的感情化、主观化了,开始不喜欢同自己的思想、行为相悖逆的父母甚至为了显示自己已是有了独立观点的“成年人”,会出现虚张声势的倾向。所以这种鸿沟的出现是完全自然的。 其次,传统观念与现代观念的差异是“代沟”出现的又一个原因。两代人生活与成长的环境不同,接受的教育不同,必然造就各自不同的观念意识,而这种差异必然会在管束与被管束问题上形成不同的态度和观点。父母重视传统、保守、权威与顺从;子女则要求新潮、开放、民主与灵活。有的父母虽然也想在教育子女的问题上开放和民主一些,但却找不到适当的标准和正确的方法;子女则受知识与阅历的局限,往往对传统缺乏全面、客观的了解和认识,优劣难以辫清,易固守一隅而形成偏激观点,彼此之间的冲突自然在所难免。 第三,父母的管教不自觉地受过去经验的影响,这也是形成“代沟”的一个原因。每位父母都曾经有过自己的理想和期望,但是由于种种原因未能如愿以偿,因此,父母便把子女视为自己的延伸,殷切期望在子女身上思想自己过去没有达到的目标或理想。父母的这种补偿心理,完全忽视了子女是一个独立的、有着自己价值观念的个体,所以父母和子女之间常常相互抱怨对方不理解自己。 一是青少年身心状态的剧变。剧变促使我们发现自我,追求独立,对童年的观念进行颠覆,对事业,友谊,爱情和人生价值开始选择和追求。而现在的独生子女家庭,父母在知识和经验上的缺乏,使得他们对子女的变化准备不足,只能按照以前的方式应对。青少年只有让父母明确这种突变,才能带来他们观念意识上的相应变化,才能消除误解和隔膜。 二是时代的烙印。出生于五、六十年代的父母对今天世界大融合的观念需要一个渐进的认识理解接受的过程。家庭中,思想文化更新最快的当然是子女,所以,引导父母接近,认识,理解和接受时代的任务,责无旁贷需要子女来承担。 三是时代迅猛发展为父母带来的紧张,疲惫,焦躁的情绪态度。紧张,疲惫和焦躁的情绪态度是子女反感父母,形成代沟的重要原因。不要让父母在恶劣情绪下作决定,帮助父母消除恶劣情绪,本身是子女的义务。 四是子女的浮躁,赌气和自以为是。见多识广的父母当然不买账了。 父母方面: 就代沟的产生而言,本身就是由于不平等、不理解和不尊重,尽管君为臣纲、父为子纲的旧观念早被人否定,但它在那些为人父母的心中仍然根深蒂固。 张爱玲说过这么一句话:“小孩子不像大人这么糊涂,父母大都不懂子女和青年的特点,时健忘,才使我们流过了儿童时代,便把儿童时代的心理忘得干干净净。”张爱玲的话说明了父母对子女心理的不理解。父母是那代沟的制造者,让这世界最伟大的爱在代沟中扭曲,是父母让世界上最无私的爱在代沟中徘徊。 我们的父母一代出生在五十、六十年代,成长在七十、八十年代,他们世界形成的时代是和我们完全不同是时代。马克思主义教导我们看问题要用发展的眼光,那么,我们怎能用昨天的眼光来看待今天的问题呢? 平时父母和孩子谈话教导孩子的时候,那那种绝对的领导绝对的统治的态度尽显无疑。这使父母孩子之间的关系之间形成一种主从关系。这种主从关系的发展,必导致代沟的产生。 子女方面: 一是没有任何一个父母愿意和子女产生代沟。子女从小不为生计担忧,很少体味人间疾苦,时间长了导致自我中心倾向。而父母一直含辛茹苦、受苦受累却又不被子女所理解。这种痛苦的心情,又有谁能体会?尽管父母在主客观上都有消除代沟的意愿,可同学们扪心自问,我们有几个人真正给了父母机会呢? 二是我们常说,“熟悉的地方没有风景。”子女长期处于父母的教育下,很容易产生抵触情绪,代沟也因此形成。 三是父母在一个人的成长过程中会有一定的影响,然而正所谓外因无法决定内因,根本问题还是在子女身上。子女受到社会上各种各样思想的影响,思想又不成熟,很难正确地把握自己,而又对父母的话又不以为然,这是导致代沟产生的最主要的原因。 引经据典 孩子的世界,与成人截然不同,一昧蛮管,就大碍孩子的发展 —— 鲁迅 如何跨越代沟: 代沟解决的途径在于双方。父母应该努力学习文化知识,预先了解子女的特点并努力把握时代特点和时代观念;不断学习进步;同时调整好身心状态,争取以乐观开朗和信任的面貌对待子女;子女要体谅,关心父母,采用合适的办法引导父母了解自己,了解时代观念;同时,对自己的年轻和肤浅需要有清醒深刻的认识。但是,父母首要责任是养家;而子女的社会任务是学习。在代沟问题上,父母和子女双方都有责任。 伴随青春期的到来,孩子的心理发生了重大变化,出现了“成人感”和强烈的社会独立意识,对许多问题有了自己独立的看法。如果家长硬要孩子服从自己,家庭“强权政治”的高压,很容易让孩子产生强烈的逆反心理。这就出现了我们常常说的代沟。 代沟是客观存在的,也是正常的。但是,一家人之间需要交流,畅通的交流可以使家庭和睦,也有利于孩子健康成长。要做到交流的畅通,就需两代人共同努力,给对方理解和宽容,才能缩小代沟,甚至跨越。 求同还需存异 所谓“求同存异”,就是我与孩子在对某个问题的看法意见不一致时,我们可以保留各自的意见,但要尽可能地找到双方对问题的一致性。 多一些理解和宽容 父母与子女是一种血肉亲情的关系,父母希望孩子健康成长,有一个光明的前途,而孩子也想通过自己的努力,换来一个辉煌的人生。然而,如果父母处理问题的方式不当,就可能引发了孩子的逆反心理,就使得两代人在共同心愿的问题上发生重大分歧,实在是不应该。如有的家长对孩子的期望值过高,而孩子学习成绩有时又达不到家长的要求,于是就常常在孩子面前表露出焦虑的表情和不满言行。这不利孩子学习成绩的提高,只能对孩子的心态起负面影响。 相信从尊重开始 我在与孩子交流时,尽可能地尊重孩子,采取民主、平等的方式。在与孩子谈话时,我很冷静,态度也好,引导孩子多说话,尽可能让他把心里话,甚至在他看来是毫无疑义的话都说出来。有句话说得好——一吐为快! 平等的对话好处很多。首先,父母的尊重使孩子感受到别样的温暖,孩子可能从此会更加尊重父母,加深了两代的情感。其次,孩子从此有了一个倾述烦恼的对象,这非常有利于孩子心理的健康成长。再次,孩子向父母敞开了心扉,说出了心里话,有利于父母及时了解孩子的思想状况,并及时作孩子的思想工作。 主动寻找共同语言 家长与孩子,由于各自处于不同的人生阶段,兴趣爱好存在较大的差异。但是,家长也要与时俱进,去了解、研究年轻人的兴趣爱好,接触一些新的东西。这样,两代人之间的共同语言才会多一些,亲情关系就会更加融洽。 父母方面: 作为家长,我们的价值观念肯定会和下一代存在一定的差异,但我们应当认识到,这种差异是由两代人不同的生活环境、成长历程带来的,是必然的。所以,我们无须强求孩子与我们保持同样的价值观,而是应该求同存异,尽量去理解他们。同时,处于高中阶段的青少年们虽然已经初步具有了一定的价值观,但还不是非常稳定,仍有很强的可塑性,所以父母的价值观念仍然会对孩子产生一定的影响。父母优秀的人格魅力和人生观可以给孩子起到一定的榜样作用,因此,作为父母,我们仍应注意以身作则,言传身教,帮助孩子树立积极向 一、 尊重与理解子女。人人都希望被尊重和理解,青少年同样需要,这也是青少年的一个鲜明心理特征,是他们的共同心声。父母应该放下权威的架子,坦诚地有子女交流,而不是整天板着面孔管束孩子。研究表明,民主型家庭中的亲子干系比权威型家庭中的亲子关系自然、和谐得多。 二、让子女有自己的空间。青少年期的另一特征是闭锁性。这时期的孩子大都变得不爱与父母讲话,喜欢一个人待在自己的房间,有什么烦恼与心事也不愿向父母讲,而是倾诉在日记中。为此,父母应认识到这是青少年发展的正常现象,不要严密监视孩子所做的每一件事,对孩子的个人隐私和不要寻根究底,非弄出个水落石出不可。 三、对孩子多鼓励和表扬。青少年都有一颗敏感而脆弱的自尊心,如强要性,但更需要父母的认同与支持。因此,适当的表扬,哪怕是为一件小事,都会增强孩子自信心,引发其成就感,从而使他们内觉得父母与自己是相通的,倍加敬重父母,并努力做得更好。对孩子负责的态度和严格教育孩子的理念。没有严格要求,孩子在成长过程中出现的问题就得不到纠正,缺点也得不到克服,对孩子的成长是很不利的。 但严格要求不等于打骂责罚,更不是虐待。不要过于注重形式上的严厉,而态度、方法过于简单粗暴,缺少温情的教育和让人信服说理。 父母爱孩子的初衷都是一样的。但由于教育手段和方式的不同,其结果也就千差万别。孩子在成长过程中,需要不断地鼓励,父母的信任、理解和尊重,过分的苛求和严厉的管教不仅不能使之心理正常发育,反而会使之长期处于压抑的心态中,久而久之就会变得疲倦、螺弱、消沉甚至逆反。而且,棍棒教育会使孩子冷漠无情,甚至对父母、对社会充满敌意。 对孩子一味地严厉管教,望子成龙的心理过程,急功近利,却忽略了孩子的心理需求,忽略了孩子的个性发展,这种严厉的打骂或教育是非常有害的。孩子小的时候,畏惧严厉而被动地接受管教,但随年龄的增长,自我意识的增强,自然会表现出抵触和反抗。 爱孩子、教孩子,前提是要了解,掌握其心理发展的特点,而给予鼓励、启发式教育。严格要求应当严而有格,就是在合理的要求范围内,在生理、心理 承受能力之内,且要遵循事物发展的规律,不能急于求成,孩子一犯错误就火冒三丈,恨铁不成钢,非打即骂,这样的严厉是没有度的。 严格要求要有章法,平时要对其行为提出要求,指定规定,然后按要求、规定去规范孩子的言行,指导其成长。如果只凭自己的是非观念或情绪好恶来教育,随意打骂,责罚,只能使之无所适从,一次犯错受到惩罚后仍不知下次该如何避免犯同类错误,且会对你的惩罚产生不服情绪。 另外,严格管教不能不教而诛,就是说犯了错误后,忌讳不管三七二十一痛打一顿,事后不讲清打他的缘由,指出错误所在。严格要求的前提是教育,对孩子应当坚持教育在先,通过教育逐步让孩子了解到哪些行为是错的。如果同一个错误屡教不改,明知故犯,才能给予警告和惩治。 孩子经常犯错误是必然的,不能动辄就对他失望,更不能操之过急,善待孩子,待子如己,会少许多烦恼。使两代人之间能够愉悦地相处,然后以朋友的身份平等交流,共同解决存在的问题和分歧。 希望您用诚挚的爱和恰当的教子方法,带孩子一程,送他走上自己的漫漫人生路。 坦诚自己没有教育孩子的经验,为人父、为人母是头一回,不可避免地会有不恰当方法方式,求得孩子的理解,共同摸索成长之路。家长不是抚养孩子成人,而是和孩子一起成长。 子女方面: 1.正确认识父母对自己的关爱与教育,以及可能产生的矛盾,体会父母在我们的成长过程中付出的大量心血和汗水,以感激的心情和理智的态度对待父母,坚持正确的看法和行为。 2.正确理解自身在家庭中的角色,懂得与父母平等沟通,构建和谐的家庭关系。 3.能以平等的态度与父母沟通,掌握一些处理与父母关系的具体方法,学会沟通的技巧和克服逆反心理。 4.认识逆反心理的危害,积极主动地与父母交流、沟通,努力做到有话好好说,提高自己的人际交往能力和适应社会的能力。 (1)回家外出主动与父母打招呼; (2)在家里参与父母聊天; (3)相信父母,赞美父母; (4)自己做了错事时,主动向父母道歉; (5)常能与父母进行心里换位,多从父母的立场考虑问题。 相信经过两代人的共同努力,我们定能跨过代沟,成为好朋友,架起两代人之间沟通的桥梁!!2023-06-08 06:18:251
1 Nowadays, the problems of generation gap bee more and more serious. The poor relationship beeen parents and their children is very mon. Are these problems caused by the busy parents? Or, do the harsh family rules affect the relationship of parents and children? Firstly, in most of the families in China both of the parents have to go out for work in order to earn more money to provide better environment for their lovely children. Unfortunately, this causes the rare munication beeen them and theft children, since these parents always take rest during leisure time. These parents and children cannot know deeply about each other and friction will appear. Secondly, parents who ask their children to be absolutely obedient is also one of the grave causes of the generation gap beeen them! They do not try to municate with their children as their equals. Thus, misinterpretation of them may easily occur. To solve these problems, the busy parents should sacrifice their spare time to municate with their children actively and friendly to improve their relation. At the same time, they can also observe their children"s behavior at the same time in order to understand heir children"s personality as it can reduce the quarrel beeen them. Besides that, the parents should try to give up their absolute power in family so as lo make their children feel free to chat with them. 2 Generation gap Generation gap refers to the distance and contradiction(矛盾) beeen the old and the youth. It"s a mon(常见的) phenomenon(现象) that exits everywhere in the world and influences both the old and the youth. Generally speaking, generation gap results in different understanding and appreciation of the great and constant changes of the world, different reaction to new things, and different attitudes to tradition(传统) principles(原则) and beliefs. Therefore, we may say where there are the old and the youth; there is the generation gap. Generation gap is natural, but very influential(有影响的). If we cannot deal withit appropriately(适当地), the gap will be greater and greater and consequently(结果) affect the work and the relation beeen the old and the young. Generation gap Might the problem is many parents feel suspicious of why he left no stone unturned in want and children to exchange, but still, they have something to tell you the truth? Ha ha, as our children to secret only with generations can share. Why? Only a generation of talents with know now what the most popular, what we hold, including our own some private business. We can"t have anything like a *** s said, for example, like the one carelessly. Can"t we also ran back to the *** s said? Do you think that this is a possibility? Adults a what you really think it is chased, to. In fact are dead wrong. We need most is tolerance. But they always think that tolerance is = indulgence. If not the *** s, we play your own bad! Just like my dad, he always make me study, no matter when, where, in addition to book and the book is, I don"t like it. He also forced me what table column! I"m not a robot ah. Why not free. my view on generation gap nowadays, generation gap is a very popular saying. it refers to the municative barrier beeen different generations, especially beeen parents and their children. with the development of the society, this problem bees much more obvious. there are a variety of reasons that lead to generation gap. the key one is the fast-growing society. different generations play different roles in the society. the different experience ends in their different views. the old generation is conservative, while the young is liberal. hence the conflict exists. to narrow the generation gap, we are required to pay much more attention to munication. we should open our hearts and try to understand others. in addition, we should follow the rhythm of the times to enjoy the new ideas, new conception, and new things! then we will find that generation gap is not a terrible thing. in fact, we can benefit from it. 7a 1t2023-06-08 06:18:311
eneration Gap(命题作文) 2008-03-02 19:08分类:默认分类 字号: 大大 中中 小小 We have never stopped expecting a harmonious family since the beginning of civilization, and we make efforts towards it from time to time. However, such a supreme target still looked like a dream (At least nowadays). The young generation could hardly ever share exactly the same points of views with their parents, thus resulted in the barriers and conflicts between them. It is the so-called "Generation gap", which puzzled almost every family in the world.Since the world is changing rapidly, it is just common to encounter generation gaps that are fairly wide and deep -- common but not to be "ignored". For little children, incidents that are too terrible may not happen, but if it is not seriously coped with, it may result in teen urge, which led them going to extremes, when they become adolecent.Every time when I saw those poor guys in the Juvenile Disciplinary homes on television, I felt somehow heartache. Stereotyped thinking goes that they are ignorant in ethics and laws (Overall, they themselves are "bad"), which has been repeted thousands of times. As a peer of these stumblers, I may say that a strong self-control could not be easily gained by every teenager. They do have serious faults on themselves and they must pay for it, but most of them can"t be the teens that are nothing but "bad". Actually, they are the victims of the ignored generation gaps.How can they stumble and be sent there? As most cases goes, conflicts broke out between those adolecents and their parents, then the unpleasant situation transformed into a permanent estrangement. No one being able to confide to, they are guadually involved in the whirl of gloom things in the society, corrupted. Step by step, they violate the ethics and laws, then commit a crime, and finally destroy themselves. Think of it, if their parents had delivered more love and care, if they had formed a correct view of right and wrong from their parents" inspiring and guiding, if ...It doesn"t make any sense to talk about IF"s. Since serious generation gaps may lead to terrifying results, the very essence of avoiding it, in my personal opinion, is to face the generation gaps seriously, and to deal with them correctly.It goes without saying that communication is the most effective way to broke the ice between people. Talking about the relationship between two generations, I found that the word "Estrangement" is used again and again. But why estrange? Have to? Or just unwilling to communicate?Almost everyone may respond like the first answer, but I"m afraid that many cases should be caused because by the latter one. We all talk about "Communication", whereas few parents really communicate with their children (Especially adolescent children).My mother often tells me that "We are just close friends", and so we are. When we have different views on a certain matter, we will sit down to consult about the situation. The result may either be an eclectic solution or observing one side. No matter this kind of parent-child relationship fits other families or not, communication is always the golden rule.Sometimes it seems that communication is almost impossible. This is high time that both the children and their parents should seek for problems on themselves. Parents should do more to comfort and guide the children, while children must do their best to be considerate of their parents and show respect of them (Also work hard, of course). Everyone learn to be tolerant, then conflicts and estrangements can hardly come into existance.Generation gap is a common but serious problem. Maybe the gap could never be filled up completely, but we could still do our best to make it narrower and shallower by using the proper methods.At last, we youngsters will have to face an undoubtedly fact. One day we have our own children, we may also be puzzled by coping with the generation gaps. Ready to be estranged?2023-06-08 06:18:391
你们在这几篇 英语 作文 中,是否获得了处理与父母之间代沟的解决 方法 呢?下面是我给大家带来解决与父母的代沟英语作文,供大家参阅! 解决与父母的代沟英语作文篇1 Nowadays,the problems of generation gap become more and more serious.The poor relationship between parents and their children is very common.Are these problems caused by the busy parents?Or,do the harsh family rules affect the relationship of parents and children? Firstly,in most of the families in China both of the parents have to go out for work in order to earn more money to provide better environment for their lovely children.Unfortunately,this causes the rare communication between them and theft children,since these parents always take rest during leisure time 解决与父母的代沟英语作文篇2 The generation gap refers to the difference in attitude toward thing or the lack of understanding between young people and older folks. In families as well as in society,the young and the older may not agree with each other on this and that from time to time.Young people would llke to make as much money as they could and spend as much money as they could earn while older folks are easily satisfied with what they earn and save as much as possible.Young people llke the exciting and deafening pop music while older folks prefer melodious folk-songs or classic music.A boy and a glrl today may fall in love with each other as quick as lightning,while their parents or grand parents might trudge over a long distance before they kissed each other and became lovers when they were young. However,we should not be amazed at the generation gap,for it is quite natural in the development of society.The world is a changing world,in which everything keeps changing,generations of human beings included.And changes lead to progress. 解决与父母的代沟英语作文篇3 My View On Generation Gap Nowadays, generation gap is a very popular saying. It refers to the communicative barrier between different generations, especially between parents and their children. With the development of the society, this problem becomes much more obvious. There are a variety of reasons that lead to generation gap. The key one is the fast-growing society. Different generations play different roles in the society. The different experience ends in their different views. The old generation is conservative, while the young is liberal. Hence the conflict exists. To narrow the generation gap, we are required to pay much more attention to communication. We should open our hearts and try to understand others. In addition, we should follow the rhythm of the times to enjoy the new ideas, new conception, and new things! Then we will find that generation gap is not a terrible thing. In fact, we can benefit from it. >>>下一页更多精彩“解决与父母的代沟英语作文”2023-06-08 06:18:471
Generation gap Might the problem is many parents feel suspicious of why he left no stone unturned in want and children to exchange, but still, they have something to tell you the truth? Ha ha, as our children to secret only with generations can share. Why? Only a generation of talents with know now what the most popular, what we hold, including our own some private business. We can"t have anything like a adults said, for example, like the one carelessly. Can"t we also ran back to the adults said? Do you think that this is a possibility? Adults a what you really think it is chased, to. In fact are dead wrong. We need most is tolerance. But they always think that tolerance is = indulgence. If not the adults, we play your own bad! Just like my dad, he always make me study, no matter when, where, in addition to book and the book is, I don"t like it. He also forced me what table column! I"m not a robot ah. Why not free.2023-06-08 06:18:563
很高兴回答你的问题,以下是我个人见解,希望可以帮到你:Nowadays,thereisoftenalackofunderstandingbetweenparentsandchildren.Childrenalwayscomplainthattheirparentsareoutofdate,whileparentscan"tapproveofwhattheirchildrensayanddo.Thus,abiggenerationgapisformed.Thegapremainswideformanyreasons.Childrenwanttobefreetochoosetheirownfriends,selecttheirownclassesinschool,plantheirownfuture,earnandspendtheirownmoney,andgenerallyruntheirownlifeinamoreindependentwaythanmanyparentsallow.Also,youngchildrenwishtobeunderstoodbytheirparents,butmostparentsdon"tquiteunderstandtheirchildren.Theyregarditastheirresponsibilitytoteachtheiroffspringtraditionalbeliefs.Theywantthemtobeobedientanddowellinschool.Therefore,misunderstandingoftenarisefromparents"tendencytointerfereinchildren"sdailyactivities.Inmyopinion,mostproblemsbetweenparentsandchildrencouldbesolvedbyjointeffortsofbothsidestoenhancemutualunderstanding.望采纳,十分感谢。2023-06-08 06:19:021
小议“代沟都有他们不同的生活习惯,每个人都有不同的思维方式,于是“代沟”就悄然形成了。它如同一座大山一样,把不同时代的人截然分开,使他们不能彼此理解。 在年轻人眼里,老一辈人总喜欢用旧眼光、旧观念来约束他们的下一代。而年轻人呢,很容易接受新鲜事物,总是觉得老一辈人的思想陈旧,总认为两代人之间有不可逾越的。从而不愿接受老一辈人的教导。 在家长的眼里,年轻一代喜欢,喜欢交朋好友,喜欢,喜欢上网跳舞,这些都不是正经事。还有,好模好样的黑头发染成颜色,更是不可忍。简直就是异类! 于是有更可怕的事件发生着:越来越多的年轻人和家里意见不和,赌气,甚至有的走上了。很多孩子由于和家长缺少沟通交流,与家长见面,视若大敌,这多么令人心寒啊!这个可怕的东西,使家长心力交悴,使孩子默默寡言,它使人变得消极,使家庭失去了欢乐。 代沟这么严重地影响着我们的生活,可见,要除去这代沟是多么重要啊。可是,要想除去它,我们必须共同努力。作为家长,应多与孩子交流,让孩子说说自己真实的内心想法,想办法减轻他们身上的各种压力,成为孩子的知心朋友;孩子们也应该与父母交心,父母毕竟是过来人,我们应该从他们身上学习好的一面,同时应该多体谅他们持家的艰辛,为他们分忧,而不是无限制的苛求与索取。 我想,不论时代如何发展变化,铲平代沟都有利于社会的进步与发展。面对这个的时代,我们每一个人都应该多一分谅解,少一分苛求;多一分宽容,少一分计较。那么,形成的代沟就一定会铲平。every generation has their different living habits, each generation has a different way of thinking, so the "generation gap" is quietly formed. It is like a mountain, the people of different age separated, that they could not understand each other. In the eyes of young people, old people always like to use the old vision, old concepts to restrain their children. And for young people, it is easy to accept new things, always feel old, the older generation ideas always think there are insurmountable gap between two generations. Thus is unwilling to accept the teachings of the older generation. Long eyes at home, the young generation like make track for a star, like making friends of friends, like heresy, like the Internet to dance, these are not serious business. Also, good good black hair dye color, not even me. It is simply a heterogeneous! So there are more terrible event happening: more and more young people and family discord, anger away from home, and even some are on the point of no return. Many children because of the lack of communication and parents communication, meet with the parents, see if enemies, how chilling it! Generation gap this terrible thing, make the parents heart strain, make the child quietly silent, it make the person becomes negative, the family lost their joy. Generation gap so seriously affecting our life, can be seen, to eliminate the generation gap is how important. To get rid of it, however, we must work together. As a parent, should be more communication with children, let the children talk about their true inner thoughts, to find a way to relieve them of all kinds of pressure, will become the child"s bosom friend; Children should also be heart-to-heart talks with their parents, parents, after all, is a n experienced person, we should learn from them on the bright side, at the same time, they should be more considerate of living hard, for they share, rather than unlimited demanding and taking. I think that no matter how The Times change, level the generation gap is conducive to social progress and development. In the face of the changing times, every one of us should be more understanding, less demanding. More tolerance, less dispute. So, form the generation gap between us will be demolished2023-06-08 06:19:221
generationgapbetweenparentsandchildren父母与子女之间的代沟天真的我总认为父母和儿女之间是没有一点代沟的,可是,我错了.我还真不明白那些大人一天在想些什么,一点也不"单纯",而且总不能相信别人,甚至他们的儿女,我搞不懂他们是怎么想的,也搞不懂他们的一些做法的目的到底是什么.明明就是想到房间里看我们有没有打电脑,可是总回找一大堆借口到房间来,或是假装扔垃圾,或是帮我们到水,或是给我们拿水果来吃,他们还以为我们不知道他们的做法,每进房间出去以后都会偷笑。一次,我在电脑里写作文,写了差不多3个多小时,妈妈一会给我送苹果来,一会给我到水来,一会又……每次送完东西就老往电脑那边嘌,我真不明白电脑有什么吸引他们的地方。写完作文我才发现,我桌子上有N多东西,我数了数,一共有10个苹果,5杯水,扔了12次垃圾,到我房间里共来了30次。唉!他们不觉得累我都觉得累了,还打扰到我写作文呢!现在我终于明白大人与小孩的代沟了!小孩永远比大人单纯许多,而大人,却总是神神秘秘的,而且思想比较老旧,最主要的是——他们从来不回光明正大的做他们想做的一些事情,总会给自己找一大堆借口,而且有点自做聪明。唉!“好笑”的大人!WehavesomethinglikehownaiveIalwaysthinkthatparentsandchildrenisnogenerationgap,butIwaswrong.Ireallydon"tunderstandthoseadultsonedayinwanttowhat,isnot"pure",andcannotbelieveinothers,andeventheirchildren,Idon"tunderstandthem,donotunderstandtheirpurposeintheendwhatisobviouslythoughtisintheroomtoseeusplaycomputer,buttofindalotofexcusestotheroom,orpretendtothrowgarbage,orhelpustowater,ortotakeafruittoeat,theyalsothinkthatwedon"tknowtheirapproach,eachintotheroomoutlaterwillstealtosmile.Onetime,Iwriteacompositioninthecomputer,wrotealmost3hours,mymotherwillgivemeamomenttosendanapple,Iwillgivemetothewater,andthenEverytimeafterdeliveringsomethingontheoldcomputer.There,Ireallydon"tunderstandwhatthecomputertoattractthem.IjustfoundoutthatIhaveNonthetable,Icounted,atotalof10apples,5cupsofwater,12timesthegarbagethrownintomyroomatotalof30times.Oh!Theydonotfeeltired,Ifeeltired,butalsodisturbmewriting!NowIfinallyunderstandthegapbetweenadultsandchildren!Thechildisalwaysbetterthanadultsalotsimpler,andadults,butalwaystobemysterious,andcomparisonofthethoughtoftheold,themostimportantis,theyneverbackaboveboardtodosomeofthethingstheywanttodo,alwaysgiveyourselftofindalotofexcuseandpointstobesmart.Oh!"Funny"!2023-06-08 06:19:281
My View On Generation Gap Nowadays, generation gap is a very popular saying. It refers to the communicative barrier between different generations, especially between parents and their children. With the development of the society, this problem becomes much more obvious. There are a variety of reasons that lead to generation gap. The key one is the fast-growing society. Different generations play different roles in the society. The different experience ends in their different views. The old generation is conservative, while the young is liberal. Hence the conflict exists. To narrow the generation gap, we are required to pay much more attention to communication. We should open our hearts and try to understand others. In addition, we should follow the rhythm of the times to enjoy the new ideas, new conception, and new things! Then we will find that generation gap is not a terrible thing. In fact, we can benefit from it.7A1T2023-06-08 06:19:352
i think,some child and their mother can"t talk very well.why?because mother is so old,and child ia so young.2023-06-08 06:19:412
中英文,希望采纳 Generation Gap A few years ago it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap. Parents complained that children didn"t show them proper respect and obedience, while children complained that their parents didn"t understand them at all. Many critics argue that it is built into the fabric of our society. One cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life. In traditional socieries, children live in the same area as their parents, marry people their parents know and approve of, and often continue the family occupation. In our society, people often move out of the home at an early age, marry or live with people their parents have never met, and choose occupations that are rather different. In our upwardly mobile society, parents often expect their children to be better than them. However, these ambitions for their children are another cause of the division between them. Often they discover that they have very little in common. Finally, the speed of change in our society is another cause of it. In a traditional culture, people are valued for their wisdom, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become out of date. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities. No doubt, the generation gap will continue to be a feature of our life for some time to come. Its causes are rooted in the freedoms and opportunities of our society, and in the rapid pace at which society changes. 代沟几年前,代沟是一个非常流行的词。父母抱怨孩子对他们没有应有的尊重和服从;而孩子们却抱怨父母根本不理解他们。很多批评家指出,这成为了我们社会结构的组成部分。 造成代沟的原因之一,是现在年轻人对自己的生活有了更多的机会进行选择。传统的社会里,孩子和他们的父母生活在同一个地方,与父母认识并认可的人结婚,常常几代人做着同样的工作。而在现代的社会中,人们年轻时就离开家,他们的结婚对象可能父母从来没见过,他们选择的职业也与祖辈大相径庭。 在这个人往高处发展的社会,父母总是盼望着孩子能比自己过得好。然而这种对孩子的期望也是造成他们之间分歧的另一个原因。其结果常常是发现父母和孩子之间共同之处很少。 最后,现代社会的飞速变化也是形成代沟的一个原因。传统社会里,人们往往以智慧来衡量一个人。而现在,一种知识用一生的观点已经过时了。不同的技术,不同的能力,将年轻人和年长的人划入两个完全不同的世界。 毫无疑问,在今后相当一段时间里,代沟将会继续成为我们生活的一个特征。它产生的原因源于社会的自由和选择,源于社会日新月异的快速发展。2023-06-08 06:19:481