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2023-06-08 07:49:49


英语话题作文 篇1

  Almost all of us heard the story “Here Comes the Wolf” when we were little kids. What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest. However, there"re lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays.

  Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yourself. Take the case of fake milk powder for example. After drinking this kind of milk, the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin, which badly affected their health. To our great relief, the producers got accused and punished for all the serious consequences in the end.

  Having the reputation of being honest and reliable will make other people trust you, which will provide you many benefits and give you opportunities that others may not get. Being honest, you will find it easier to cooperate with others and people will be friendly to you and support you. In a sense, if life is a longjourney, honesty will be the backpack that should be taken along all the way.

  Let"s pick up our “backpack”—honesty, and start the wonderful journey!





英语话题作文 篇2

  摘要:话题写作:有关 信心与希望 话题



3、你对困难的态度 It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world wit





  It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties. When we are faced with them, nothing is more important than hope and self-confidence. With confidence, we can find sometimes the question is not as hugeas we imagine.

  Take most of us for example, the entrance exam to college seems to be a horrible monster. Accordingly, some people give up, some persist. In my eyes, with confidence, right assessment of the difficulties, as well as full preparation, try and exert your strength, and then we will overcome all problems and challenges. On the whole, I believe we youngsters should face the difficulties in right manner. And nothing is impossible, brave it out and just do it!

英语话题作文 篇3

  Internet has become part of our life, people use computer everywhere, such as they keep in touch with their friends and family, they also use computer to do their work. There is no doubt that computer facilitate our life. But the problem also comes, as there is no clear and powerful laws to limite the act, some people attack others by the rude words. We also can read the rumors on the Internet, like the end of the world is coming. Such rumors bring negative sides to the society. As there is no rules can punish the person who spred the rumors, more and more people use the Internet to do the immoral acts. The celebrities are the main victims. In order to catch more people"s attention, some websites spread the untrue information about the celebrities, which annoys these public figures. Online rumors need to be limited.



英语话题作文 篇4

  话题范围具体话题英文核心词社会效率、经济发展、人口需求、产品质量、满意度、文化、环境efficiency, revolution, culture, economic development, population, needs, quality, price, tension, natural resources financial, efficient, environmental recycle, protect生活健康类、新通讯工具类、节约和浪费、交通、食品安全internet, cell phone, vigor, simplicity, organic food energetic, exhausted cherish, thrift, waste, squander品质创新、奋斗、关爱、人生选择、责任、抗挫折、公正感honesty, fairness, self-discipline, fidelity, responsibility, belief, equality, perseverance, obligation, moral standard independent, considerate, confident, creative, selfish, isolated, conservative人际教育儿童,照顾老人,帮助他人、合作、人际关系、沟通cooperation, communication, harmony, humanity, assistance reciprocal, harmonious educate, encourage, understand

英语话题作文 篇5

  Should the Golden Week Holidays BeAbolished?

  There is no denying the fact that the introductionof the Golden Week holidays in China has considerably promoted the development of thenation"s economy and touring industry and enriched people"s life. People around the countryhave spent more time and money traveling and relaxing themselves.

  As every coin has two sides, the Golden Week holidays have also brought about piles ofproblems. For one thing, due to the fact that people across the country are spending theirvacations during the same period of time, it is terribly crowded almost everywhere: trains,buses, hotels, scenic spots, etc., which have ruined people"s mood for vacations. For another,some businessmen take advantage of the weeklong holidays and raise the price ofcommodities and services.

  Personally, I believe that it is necessary for people to have long vacations, but there is noneed for them to have the vacations during the same period of time. Instead, they should beallowed the freedom to arrange their own vacations. Only in this way can they really relax andrefresh themselves for a new round of work.

英语话题作文 篇6






  How to Reduce Drunken Driving

  Currently, as a mass of reports on deaths andinjuries caused by drunken driving are all over thenews, the phenomenon of drunken driving hasaroused nationwide concern.

  Drunken driving will undoubtedly give rise tosevere consequences if we turn a blind eye to it. Inthe first place, it will put the safety of drivers,passengers and pedestrians under threat by causing traffic accidents, injuries or even deaths.After that, it means a mournful waste of time and money to treat the injured and fix thecrashed cars. In addition, the irresponsible behaviors of the drunken drivers may lead to theunstabilization of the society.

  Prompt and effective measures should be taken to reduce drunken driving before thingsget worse. On the one hand, it is essential that laws and regulations should be strictlyenforced to impose heavy penalty on those who violate the rules. On the other, more effortsshould be made to arouse public consciousness, such as propagating the bad influence ofdrunken driving. Only in this way can drunken driving be reduced.


1. 英语作文50字带翻译 My favorite holiday is New Year, Chinese New Year we can eat dumplings and a lot of good things to eat, but alsoReceive lucky money, parents will acpany us to the amusement park, parks,We are very happy New Year everyone likes, and I also like the Spring Festival. 我最喜欢的节日是春节,在春节我们可以吃饺子和很多好吃的东西,还可以收到压岁钱父母还会带我们去游乐园,公园,所有人都会很开心,所有人都喜欢春节,我也非常喜欢春节。 2. 英语作文,50字左右 WHY SHOULD WE STUDY ENGLISH 为什么我们要学英文If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following.In the first place, English has bee an international language. If you know English, you van make a trip round the world without being misunderstood.In the second place, most valuable books, newspapers and magazines are written in English. If you wish (hope) to get knowledge, you must learn English.如果你7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333335313830要问我们为什么我们要学英文。 我的答复很简单明了。现在让我来把我的理由一一列举在下面:英文已成为一种国际语言。 如果你通晓它,你可以环游世界不会被人误解。大多数有价值的书籍,报纸和杂志都是用英文写的。 如果你希望获得知识,你必须学习英文。 3. 英语作文50字 Latern festival is one of my favorite festivals.My parents always take me to grandma"s home to spend some time with them.We eat dumplings together and we always have a great time!and in this Year"s Lantern Festival,i also went to my grandparents" home.It seemed that they are happy to see me.then we went out to have a great meal.it was really cool!。 4. 初中英语作文50字左右 ,急用 Sat., Feb.6 Fine later cloudy A book exhibition Dropped in at National Library to see the National Book Exhibition which will close today.Suprised at the fact that so many kinds of books are published in our country.Thought the children"s books with many pages of colorful illustrations were made very nicely.Bought a copy of the Chinese version of English and American Short Stories at a 20 per cent discount.Am going to read this through in this good season for reading. 书展 信步走到图书馆看即将在今天结束的全国书籍。 惊奇的是发现我们国家竟然出版了这么多种的书籍。我觉得富有多页彩色插图的儿童书籍印刷的相当精美。 我买了一本打八折的《英美短篇小说》中文版。我要在这读书的好季节里将它读完 -------------------------------------------- Sun.,Feb. 14 Rainy Spring Festival ,known as the Chinese New Year, is the most important holiday in China.From late January to early February,Chinese people are busy preparing for the New Year.They clean their houses ,have their hair cut,and buy new clothes .Jiaozi or dumpling is most popular.To those who live far away from their home,this festival is also a framily reunion occasion. And they often go back home to celebrate the festival with their family.The first day of the new year is the time when people visit their friends adn wish each other good luck in the new year. 二月十四日 星期日 雨 春节,即中国人的新年,是中国最重要的节日。 从一月末到二月初人们忙着为新年做准备。他们打扫房屋、理发和买新衣服。 饺子是最受欢迎的。对那些远离家乡的人们,春节是一个合家团聚的时刻。 他们经常回家和家人欢度春节。新年第一天人们访友并互祝新年好运。 5. 2012用英语写的小作文50字 my favourite pet i have got a pet.it is a dog. look at my dog.it is brown.it is *** all.it is fat.it is lovely.it can run fast.it can jump.it likes to eat bone and meat.i can play with my dog.do you like my pet?i like my pet best. 6. 英语作文 50字 Jane is an English girl. She lives in China now.She likes Beijing Opear .Because is interesting. And she likes Chinese action movies .Beause action movies can learn about chinese history.She often watches Beijing Oprea "s pictures at home on weekends.So.She loves China very much.希望能帮上你!加油哟。 7. 用英语写一篇50字左右的作文.介绍中国的特色食物(饺子)用上:传 Different countries have different food.In China ,there are many kinds of traditional food,like seafood,In Spring Festival ,we usually eat dumplings ,There are cabbages and meat in it.some of them are broccoli,and others are leeks.In China ,every family likes dumplings very much ,Eating dumplings is also a important costom .Chinese people think it brings good luck。 8. 课后辅导用英语写作文50字 On Parents Sending Kids to Training Classes 关于家长送孩子参加培训班 It is quite mon phenomenon that many parents will bring their children to all kinds of classes as long as their children have weekends or holidays.This kind of situation has been hot discussed among public.Some people hold that children deserve to have play time as much as possible.Some believe that children should learn as much as possible since they have strong ability to grasp new knowledge.Standing on my point of view,I"m convinced that children should be sent to training class to learn as much as possible so that they can be more brilliant. 现在,许多家长会趁孩子们周末或者放假的时候带他们去参加各种各样的培训班的现象已经很普遍.这种现象引起了公众的热议.一些人认为孩子们应该有尽可能多的时间去玩.一些人认为孩子们应该趁他们这个年纪学习能力很强的时候去多学习一些新知识.就我看来,我认为应该送孩子们学多点儿知识,这样一来,他们会更加聪明. Firstly,training class can broaden children"s knowledge.For almost all children,they have very limited knowledge.But if they are sent to training class,they can learn various knowledge of life. 第一,培训班能开拓孩子们的视野.对于几乎所有的小孩来说,他们的知识有限.但是如果送他们到培训班学习的话,他们会学到有关生活的各种知识. Secondly,training class helps children to improve their skills.Nowadays,there are many kinds of training agents for children to train children a certain kind of skill.For example,a great number of parents will send their children to dance class.In this kind of class,not only children can learn dance skills,but they can practice themselves at the same time. 第二,培训班能够帮助小孩子们提高技能.现在,有各种各样的培训机构专门培训小孩子某一方面的技能.例如,许多家长会送自己的小孩子去学舞蹈.这样的课程不仅能让孩子们学会跳舞,并且也能够锻炼他们的身体. Thirdly,children can be more outstanding in the future pared with those who don"t attend training class.Kids learn more skills will be more flexible and *** art than those who never attend training classes in doing certain kinds of things. 第三,与那些不参加培训课的孩子们相比,参加过培训课的小孩子们在将来会更优秀.在做某种特定的事情的时候,那些拥有多重技能的孩子会比那些没有参加过培训课的小孩子更加灵活、聪明. All in all,sending kids to training classes will do a lot of good to children"s future. 总之,送小孩子去参加培训课对他们的将来很有帮助.
2023-06-07 11:12:371


  在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是我为大家整理的英文作文10篇,欢迎大家分享。 英文作文 篇1   Competition is a common phenomenon in our society. We compete when we play games, we compete in our study, and we constantly compete for jobs, customers and profit, etc. We can say that competition is one of the motives of the development of society.   在社会生活中,竞争是一个普遍现象。在比赛中我们竞争,在学习中我们竞争。在找工作,赢得客户,获得利润等方面都存在着竞争。我们可以说竞争是社会发展的动力之一。   But we often find competition and cooperation go hand in hand. In a football game, one team is competing with the other. But each member of the team is cooperating with his teammates. In most cases, we can"t compete without cooperation. Thus they are equally important.   但是我们经常发现,竞争与合作是相伴而生的。在足球比赛中,一个队和另一个队存在竞争。但每个队员和他的队友之间则是相互合作。在多数情况下,没有合作就没有竞争。因此,二者同等重要。   While we are advocating competition, we can"t forget cooperation. Nothing can be carried to an extreme. Pure and exclusive competition leads to failure. Only when competition combines with cooperation can it help in obtaining our goals and satisfying our needs.   当我们倡导竞争时,我们不应忘记合作。任何事情不能走极端。纯粹的竞争只能导致失败。只有把竞争与合作相结合,才能有助于我们达到目标并满足自身需求。 英文作文 篇2   中国——我的祖国,在这片神圣的土地,她正在演绎着翻天覆地的变化飞快发展的建设和日益强大的步伐,祖国的变化作文500字。   China, my motherland, in this sacred land, she is interpreting the earth shaking change, the rapid development and the increasingly powerful step, and the change of the motherland is written in 500 words.   听爷爷说以前,人们住的都是土窑洞。没有床人们只好躺地上,半夜寒风呼呼的吹进来,都快把人冻死了。连吃个白馒头都是奢侈。后来,人们住上了平房,但是,家里只有一个破旧的煤炉和几张摇摇晃晃的铺板床,吃的是白水煮面。现在,随着新农村的出现,人们住上了新房,而且家里的陈设特别多:沙发、彩电、电磁炉、空调等等……而屋子外部的墙刷得比雪还要白,窗户边上镶着一道金光闪闪的边,一眼望去,就像一座豪华别墅,又像一座梦幻王宫。这住的环境和以前相比可谓天壤之别。   Listen to Grandpa said before, people are living in caves. People without bed had to lie on the ground, and the cold wind blew in in the middle of the night, and they were freezing to death. Even eating a white steamed bread is a luxury. Later, people live in a cottage, but there is only a few old stoves and rickety plank bed, eat the noodles boiled in water. Now, with the emergence of the new countryside, people live in new houses, and the furnishings of the home are particularly many: sofa, color TV, electromagnetic furnace, air conditioning, etc. The wall outside the house was whiter than snow, a window with a glittering edge, one looked like a luxury villa, and like a dream palace. The environment is quite different from that in the past.   前几天是奶奶的生日,我们全家到酒楼吃了一顿异常丰盛的 晚饭。在宴会上,听奶奶转语重心长地对我说:“孙女,现在的生活是多么好啊!想当年,物资是多么贫乏啊,人们吃不饱、穿不暖,更别说这么丰盛的生日宴了。你要好好珍惜现在幸福的生活,好好学习。”我听了奶奶的"话,深深地体会到了:我们国家从贫穷到富有,科技从落后到超前,人们从步行到出入小轿车,这些的变化是多么大呀!   It was grandma"s birthday a few days ago, and our family had a wonderful dinner at the restaurant. At the banquet, listening to grandma to sincere words and earnest wishes to me said: "now the granddaughter, life is so good ah! I think the material is so poor, people are not full, don"t wear warm, let alone such a rich birthday party. You should cherish the happy life now, study well. " After listening to my grandmother"s words, I deeply realized that our country has changed from poverty to wealth, technology from backward to advanced, and how great the change has been from people to cars.   如今我国的发展越来越快,变化也是非常的大,祖国的未来是靠我们来发展的,让我们好好学习。把我们的祖国变得更加美丽吧!   Now the development of our country is getting faster and faster, the change is very big, the future of the motherland is on us to develop, let us study well. Make our country more beautiful! 英文作文 篇3   More and more college students, in recent years, are finding it difficult to find jobs. This may sound strange since college students used to be the "most favored" people in society. They have received a higher education, hence they are more intelligent, knowledgeable than their counterparts who failed to attend college. But chances are that some of them can hardly find jobs after graduating from colleges.   There are two reasons that account for this strange phenomenon. One is that some college students cannot come to terms with themselves and with the world around them. They pursue too high goals and are too particular about such factors as working conditions, salary, and so on. Therefore, they are reluctant to accept the job when they are offered to them. Another reason is that the majors some students pursue do not match with the demands of the job market. As a result, they can only sit and miss opportunities.   To solve this problem, I think college students should know their own strengths and weaknesses and have the right attitude towards themselves and the job vacancies. In addition, they should not attach too much importance to material aspects of the job. They should put priority to their future development and their contributions to society in stead. Furthermore, they should think of receiving some further training to meet the demands of society. 英文作文 篇4   China nation has a strong family concept and always have family reunion in some important days. Family Reunion Dinner is an essential custom on New Year"s Eve. They usually enjoy a big feast this day. And dumpling and fish are must during the Family Reunion Dinner on New Year"s Eve. Some people will put a coin inside one dumpling. The people who eat this dumpling will be to thought be a lucky guy. The fish could not be eaten out because the fish means extra things by partial tone. And it represents the wish for a prosperous year with abundant and even extra wealth and luck. 英文作文 篇5   On the eve of the New Year"s eve, the streets are full of light, and all kinds of flowers are blooming in the night sky of the program, and the red and red couplets are hanging in each house.   On table filled up with all kinds of delicious dishes, the yellow, hot fry eggs, red crabs take oil, red, green, set each other off carrots stir-fry celery, sweet and delicious sweet and sour pork ribs, delicious braise in soy sauce meat... The delicious stewed duck was steaming, the duck was soft, and the fragrant duck soup had dried bamboo shoots and dried mushrooms, which made the mouth water.   "Dinner! Suddenly my mother shouted, the chopsticks were flying at the table. My father put a sweet and sour spare bone in my bowl. At once I gobbled up the food and ate my mouth full of oil. Everyone laughed.   I held up a cup full of cola, and said with a smile: "father, mother, I wish you every success in the year of the dragon, the life step is high, good luck every day, the longer the healthier." My father and mother also raised the cup and said, "my daughter, I wish you to study hard in the New Year and to learn more every day." I came back to my grandparents and smiled and said, "grandpa, grandma, I wish you happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea, live as long as the southern mountain!" Then everyone bless each other, the sentence of blessing in the restaurant echoed, a gust of warm current into the heart.   On the eve of the thirtieth night, I was very open and had a good time! If every day is big year 30, that should be good ah! I know it"s just my wishful thinking. It"s going to start in a few years. I should devote more enthusiasm to the hot study, strive for better results! 英文作文 篇6   You know my holiday life was busy but wonderful.I got up at 7:00 every day.I did my homework in the morning so that I could finish my homework on time.I sometimes went shopping with my mother in the afternoon.But most of the time I did sports in the afternoon,such as,swimming,playing football,playing table tennins,going out for a walk and so on.I also went to Beidaihe with my parents and we spent three days there.I visited my grandparents and stayed there for a week.I read books,went to the movies,surfed the internet ,went to the library and visited my friends.I also helped my parents do the housework.What"s more,I went to a tennis couse and learnt how to play tennis.So my summer holiday life was very intesting. 英文作文 篇7   Before, our ocean is so beautiful, sparkling, refreshing, linger. But now?! These seas have been seriously polluted, and whether they are Yalong Bay or the Liuyang River, they can see piles of garbage and give off a bad smell.   So what caused it? We can only blame ourselves. They are mainly crude oil from oil tankers and oil wells, pesticides and fertilizers used in farms. The waste water from factories, outflow of mineral acid solution, they make the most of the ocean, lake pollution, biological results not only can grow, birds and humans may be poisoning death by eating these creatures. It"s an incredible but sure number, with 25 thousand people (including children) dying every 24 hours from fish and fish in the polluted sea water. Not only that, the president of the Chinese Academy of engineering, the chairman of the lake environment research scientist, Professor Liu Hongliang   5500 km river research report shows that twenty-three point three percent of the river section water pollution serious and cannot be used for irrigation, forty-five percent river fish, eighty-five percent of drinking water standards do not meet the human, but also the ecological functions of rivers self-cleaning severe recession, severe situation. When our astronauts fly up into space and see our earth, what they see is a crystal ball with blue and white streaks interlaced. But if we pollute the sea again, then the blue will fade away and the earth will become white!   In order that we may have a better tomorrow and live a better life for our children and grandchildren, let us work together! 英文作文 篇8   Happiness is for everyone.In fact,happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.When you are in trouble at school,your friends will help you;when you study hard at your lessons,your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health;when you get success,your friends will congratulate you;when you do something wrong,people around you will help you to correct it.And when you do something good to others,you will feel happy,too.All these are your happiness.If you notice a bit of then,you can find that happiness is always around you.   每个人都会拥有幸福。事实上,只要你用心去感受,幸福时时刻刻都围绕在你的身边。当你在学校遇到了困难,你的朋友会帮助你;当你努力学习时,你的父母总是会照顾好你的起居饮食和健康;当你取得成功时,你的朋友会向你表示祝贺;当你做了错事,你身边的人会帮你纠正。当你善待他人,你自己也感到快乐。所有这些都是你的幸福。如果你能留意到其中的一点,你就能体会到幸福一直都围绕在你身边。 英文作文 篇9   My favourite colour   我最喜欢的颜色   There"re many different kinds of colour in the world, such as white, blue, orange, red, and so on. But my favourite colour is green.   在这个世上,有许多种不同的颜色,比如白色、蓝色、橘色以及红色等等。但是,我最喜欢的颜色是绿色。   I think green is the most beautiful colour. Do you know why? Because green is the colour of life. Do you think so?   我认为绿色是最美丽的颜色。你知道为什么吗?因为绿色是生命的颜色。你觉得呢?   As you know, most alive plants are green, like grass and trees. Green is good for our eyes, too. When your eyes are very tired, you will watch the green trees or green grass, they can help you to relax your eyes. And I think green is the nature colour, I love nature things.   就像你知道的,大多数植物是绿色的,像青草与树木。绿色也有利于我们的眼睛。当你的眼睛非常累的时候,你可以看看绿色的树木或绿色的青草,它们可以帮你放松你的眼睛。而且,我认为绿色是大自然的颜色,我爱自然的事物。   Can you tell me what your favourite colour is?   你可以告诉我,你最喜欢的颜色是什么吗? 英文作文 篇10   Many of my classmates complain about their fathers, because they are busy all the time and barely have time to company them.   But my father is different, though he is busy, he still spare some time to play with me and help me with my homework.   I am so lucky to have such a father, he is the best father in the world.
2023-06-07 11:12:441


  怎么写好 英语 作文 呢?大家不妨多看几篇150字的英语作文,积累素材,练习写作。以下是我为大家整理的,英语作文150字,希望大家喜欢。   150字的英语作文一   In times of crisis--a debilitating illness or loss of one"s home--money can come in pretty handy.   But for all its benefits, it cannot fortify you against the inevitable pain and sadness that follow the crisis.   For that, researchers say, you need close friendships. "Human beings are hard-wired to be social animals".   "They"re not built to handle things alone."   150字的英语作文二   If jobs are so important, wouldn"t salary size be a gauge of job satisfaction?   Americans think so. A survey found that almost 70 percent of the respondents said they would be happier if their families had twice as much household income.   Yet studies show that job satisfaction comes less from how much people earn than from the challenge of their jobs and the control they are able to exert.   Work that doesn"t engage a person will never seem rewarding, no matter how lucrative it becomes.   150字的英语作文三   Philosophers rarely necessary because of the money because they believe that money can bring happiness is very limited.   As Epicurus said: more money will not be more than happy to make money has been achieved limited level.   Whether this understanding, it is because they have another way to enjoy a happy, have a mind.   It is the joy and spirit of comparison, the material can bring the joy of showing its limited only to the spirit of happiness can be unlimited.   Therefore, the sage is a common feature: on the one hand, as happy to see the limited material, the material will be able to at least enable them to meet; On the other hand, because the spirit of boundless desire to be happy, no amount of material does not allow them to meet.   150字的英语作文四   A six-figure income affords a family many pleasures-- a more luxurious home, perhaps a trip to Disneyland or a fancier car. But do such things make you happier?   Pleasure is not the same as happiness. Pleasure is a temporary release.   Happiness comes from experiences in which one"s mental and emotional energies are invested.   Just as happy families value pleasures that involve personal effort, so they value possessions that have personal meaning, like Grandma"s wedding ring.   Unhappy people,however, are more likely to prize possessions because of their cost or utility, a car that handles well or an expensive necklace.   Happiness is a permanent vacation.Would you quit your job if you didn" t need the money?Many Americans said quitting work was an important reason to be rich. Yet researchers find that work is one of life"s chief satisfactions for people.   A job, studies show, is more than a paycheck. Doing something well can increase confidence and self-worth.英语作文150字相关推荐: 1. 初中150字英语作文 2. 100~150字英语美文 3. 高中英语作文自我介绍150字 4. 初中150字英文作文 5. 求职信英语作文150字
2023-06-07 11:12:581


tom, thank you very much for your invitation. i"m very glad to have the new year even"s dinner with you,and i will be there on time. by the way,i will wear the traditional chinese garment--tang suit on that day.what do you think about it? yours xxx
2023-06-07 11:13:072


  在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?下面是我为大家收集的英文作文7篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 英文作文 篇1   If I am a cloud.At a time when the land of drought,people rise into the sky cried:"Baiyun you,please you to get together quickly,give us a heavy rain under it." Deeply moved by these words my heart,I have to think of by "If the clouds are."   If I am a white clouds,sunrise time,I have to let the sun shine on me,it turned into a red roses; into a mighty lion,so that people gave me put an exclamation point.   If I were a white clouds,I will be blown up big desert.At this time,perhaps my is a grandfather of more than 60-year-old body can not afford to step one before,and issued a weak mouth,"water,water ." sound,dying to go thirsty.I am sad to shed a drop of tears,tears that drip Jingying to escape grandfather die clearance.Grandfather to see his smile,than the hearts of people ate honey sweet also.   At a time when the land of drought,people rise into the sky cried:"Baiyun Baiyun you,please you to get together quickly,give us a heavy rain under it." Deeply moved by these words my heart,I have to think of by "If 1 clouds are." If I were a white clouds,sunrise time,I have to let the sun shine on me,it turned into a red roses; into a mighty lion,so that people gave me put an exclamation point.If I were a white clouds,I will be blown up big desert.At this time,perhaps my is a grandfather of more than 60-year-old body can not afford to step one before,and issued a weak mouth,"water,water ." sound,dying to go thirsty.I am sad to shed a drop of tears,tears that drip Jingying to escape grandfather die clearance.Grandfather to see his smile,than the hearts of people ate honey sweet also.If a person is white clouds,the hot sun at the time,into the rain,so that people can keep cool.White clouds,white clouds...Then at me as if the sky blue,and explore the mysteries of it for people to contribute. 英文作文 篇2   learning english is much more than a fad; it is really a must! let"s take a look around us: the latest information around the world is written in or translated into english. to keep up with the ever-changing world, we must be equipped with a good command of english. from a more practical point of view, armed english is one of the most important required subjects for the university and high school entrance exam. to do well on the exam, we must, again, study hard to score high in the subject.   frankly, my english is not good. but i have been doing my best to improve my english in order to pass the college entrance examination .in my case, i force myself to memorize at least a few new words every day because a large vocabulary is essential in learning english well. second, i review some grammar rules every week, which helps me make fewer mistakes in writing english. third, i read short articles and then write an english composition every other day.   i hope to get high marks in both reading and writing. now my english is improving day by day, and i hope i can do well in the english test for the coming college examination. 英文作文 篇3   写作解题时间为30分钟,分为三步:5分钟审题和构思,20分钟写作,5分钟检查可能犯的错误。下面分步骤说明。    (一)审题和构思   事实上提供给写作的时间不止30分钟。一般来说,各考场会提前5分钟左右将答题卡一发到学生手里,大一点的考场甚至可能提前10分钟发卷。这5到10分钟不允许学生作答,但考生完全可以用来做作文部分的审题和构思工作。注意审题一定要仔细,按要求写作,不得擅自改动题目,给定的提纲不得有遗漏,否则会按比例扣分。尤其注意,不要因为事先自己背过或练过哪篇相似的文章而死搬硬套。否则后果很严重。如,20xx年12月六级写作真题题目是College Students" Mental Health,提纲为   1. 心理健康对于大学生很重要   2. 鉴于此,学校可以……   3. 我们自己应该……”   而在考试之前我出过一道类似的模拟题,题目为“Psychological Problems Among College Students”, 提纲为   1. 很多大学生有严重的心理问题   2. 产生这些问题的原因   3. 如何解决这些问题”   可以看出,我给的提纲是按照比较规矩的三段论来的,即“提出问题、分析问题、解决问题”。但真题的提纲并未要求考生分析问题,反倒有两段要写解决问题。有的考生因为看过或背过模拟题的范文,就直接照搬,导致了失分。   另外,构思不是打草稿。并不建议学生练习写作时养成打草稿的习惯。因为考场上时间有限,打完草稿再誊写很可能来不及。另外,更重要的原因是考场上不发草稿纸,一般也不允许往里带纸,难以找到打草稿的地方。考生只要花三五分钟做一下构思即可,即想象一下每段大致写什么,可以记几个关键词(比如在准考证空白的地方)提示自己,在接下来的二十分钟里面按照这几个关键词提示的内容扩展就行。一般来说,要求不少于150词的文章最好写到180到200词,就句子数目来说,如果分三段,每段也就三到五句话,平均四句一段。那么整篇文章大约10个关键词就可以做好构思。以20xx年6月六级写作真题为例。   Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On the Importance of a Name. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.   1. 有人说名字(或名称)很重要   2. 也有人觉得名字(或名称)无关紧要   3. 我认为……   构思第一段时,想到可以来一句铺垫的话,如“名字重不重要是个有争议的话题”,可以写下controversial或topic,作为关键词;下一句是“有人说名字(或名称)很重要”,可以先写下important。再往后想两条理由或例证即可。理由如“好名字容易被记住,因而可以给人来更多机会”(关键词remember或opportunity),和“按照传统理论起的名字可能会对人起到暗中庇护的作用”(关键词tradition或shelter);例证如“有人认为毛泽东伟大是因为名字就大气,Bill Gates有钱是因为他的名字可以表示钞票,姓表示很多大门,很多大门都来钱,所以有钱”。第二、三段情同此理。其实第一段想好了,后两段也就容易了。比如第二段可以将第一段的理由或例证反过来用,第三段可以总结或折中一下。字数还是比较容易写够的。    (二)写作   写作的过程当中,要注意这样几条高分策略。   字迹清楚,段落明朗(clear):字体不要太大,也不要太小,以行间距的三分之一到二分之一为合适;另外,大小要一致,不要忽大忽小;字母的倾斜方向要一致,不要东倒西歪;要抵着给出的虚线写,不能上窜下跳;总之,要给阅卷人清楚、工整的感觉。段落一般为三段,采用段首缩进式,即每段开头空4至8个字母的格,每段段首缩进的量要一致,要让阅卷人一目了然。   内容完整,紧扣提纲(complete):一般来说,六级写作都会给出三点汉语提纲,考生应严格按照三点写成三段。不要有遗漏,也不要随意改变提纲要点的顺序。因为阅卷人要在30秒左右的时间打出分数,所以不希望看到与提纲严重背离的作文。   首保正确,再求闪光(correct):这一条是最核心的,因为在写作时间和篇幅都比较短的情况下,考生写出的内容几乎是一样的,唯一的判断标准几乎就是语言的质量。要首先保证语法和拼写正确,哪怕用小词、短句也可以。有能力的的话再追求闪光的词句。例如,有考生在写20xx年6月的作文时,写出了这样的开头句:There is no denying the fact that the vital of name has been a hotly debated topic in China. 这句话是套用我以往范文给过的句子,基本结构是对的,但有两处明显的错误。一处为vital,是个形容词,而这里应该用名词。作者可能想用一个牛词来替换importance以显示用词多样,结果弄巧成拙。另外一处错误为name之前应该有冠词a,其实题目中都给了,结果这位同学忽略了,缺乏基本的语法意识。其实作文中常犯的语法错误除了冠词错误,还包括时态错误、名词和动词单复数错误、代词不一致错误、词性错误以及句子主谓不完整错误。下笔时一定要谨慎。篇幅关系这里不能赘述。   先总后分,连词用上(coherent):这里说的是段落的`结构和连贯性的问题。英语文章特别喜欢先总后分或开门见山的格局,另外,段落之间和句子之间的形式连接手段特别明显,即关联词用的很多。在写作的时候,几乎就是把给出的三点提纲作为每段的开头句,然后再加上两三个扩展句即理由或例证句就可以了。当然有时候为了论证自然或扩展字数也可以加上一点铺垫的句子。如20xx年6月真题作文开头一句既可以是Some people claim that names are of great importance. 也可以是There is no denying the fact that it is a controversial topic whether names are important or not. 然后再说Some hold the positive view.后面再加上两三句论证的话。论证句或扩展句之间最好有连接词,如First, Second, Besides, Also, Similarly, In the same way, However等等。   语言简练,论据得当(concise):不要啰嗦,不要过于重复和堆砌。有些考生背诵了一些经典的句型,为了凑字就全用上了,给人低层次的感觉。如最后一段用同学写道:As far as I am concerned, weighing the pros and cons of the arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter point of view. 其实As far as I am concerned和weighing the pros and cons of the arguments用一个就行了。另外,尽管内容不及语言重要,但也肯定会影响分数的。考生应尽量平时多练,以期在考场上也能很快想到一些有力的理由和贴切的例证。另外,要敢于表达自己的思想,不要一味地为了保证语言正确而裹步不前,只说一些小学生的话。如有同学写09年真题第一段时写道:Some people think that names are important. They say that, if a person has a name, we can remember him. If he does not have a name, we cannot remember him. 这样的作文倒是没有语言错误,但肯定也得不了高分。    (三)检查   其实考生应该在下笔写作的时候就谨慎,仔细,避免错误,但即便这样,错误也是会有的,包括语法和拼写错误,尤其对于平时缺乏练习的同学来说。那么就需要留几分钟通读一下,检查和改正。注意,要改的是一些语法或拼写错误,而不是作内容上的大的改动,换言之,是改一些词或词组,而不是改整个句子或段落,因为那样会造成卷面混乱,导致低分。要想避免内容上的错误,构思时就要想好,落笔时就要谨慎。还有改正错误要注意方式,尽量不要用涂改液或涂改带,以免有作弊嫌疑,也不要在一个词上涂画太多,影响卷面整洁。一般可以用一条斜线划掉错词,然后在其上方写出正确的,或者用胶带或刀片之类轻轻将错词去掉,然后在原位置写出正确的。   冲刺方略   即使到考前剩的时间不多,写作也是大有可为的。要做的事情有两件,一个是背,一个是练。   背主要是背范文,从实战出发,可以背模拟题的范文。背的目的有两个,一是掌握一些常用的经典句型,在考场上应急,另外是学习范文的思路和文章结构,以期为己所用。背不要贪多,一种类型的文章背一篇也就差不多。如果按我课上讲的把作文分为五大类,那差不多背五篇就行。而且实在不能一字不差的背下来也不要太担心,背下大部分就行。其实,与背范文同样重要的是背诵一些自己在阅读里看到的比较有感觉的好词好句,那样可以避免与别人写成一样的。   练也是练模拟题,因为考过的写作真题再考的可能性几乎是没有的。数量大约5到10篇,也就是每种类型一到两篇。练的时候可以用背诵过的模板,但最好还是能用自己的话,不敢肯定的话可以写完之后去查查字典,实在不敢肯定的可以请教别人或使用范文的说法。其实练模拟题主要目的并不是为了押题,而是提高构思和英汉转换的速度,为了培养一批自己比较喜欢的好词好句。   附:20xx年12月六级作文范文   Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on University Ranking. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.   1. 目前高校排名相当盛行   2. 对这种做法人们看法不一   3. 我认为……   My View on University Ranking   There is no denying the fact that it has become a prevailing trend for some individuals or organizations to rank universities. Taking a look around, we can find examples too many to list. To this phenomenon people"s attitudes differ sharply.   Some hold the positive view. They claim that ranking universities can help high school graduates or their parents to make a sound choice when enrolling in a university or college. Besides, this practice can help promote the level of higher education as a whole in that many universities will exert efforts to elevate their position.   Others, however, hold the opposite view. They point out that the result of ranking is not always credible, for many individuals or institutions do it merely for the purpose of colleting money. Furthermore, some universities overemphasize the result of ranking and waste large amounts of resources.   Personally, I believe that we should not go to extremes. On the one hand, it must be admitted that ranking is an effective means to encourage universities or colleges to compete with each other and improve their work. On the other hand, it should not be conducted and used in the wrong way. 英文作文 篇4   Today I went to a good friend when playing home to see a good friend who has a pet dog, black eyes, a yellow hair, and a good friend in the dog"s neck hung a bell, walk along a road to come will be * ting-a-ling-a-ling sound, listen to a good friend said this dog is very greedy not too long, it has to feed it and it is not a pleasure to see food to eat up.   Look, don"t mention how cute it is. 英文作文 篇5   Miss Canada Natalie Glebova was crowned Miss Universe 20xx in Bangkok on Tuesday at the climax of a beauty pageant that once again managed to stumble into controversy.   Glebova, a 23-year-old motivational speaker from Toronto, succeeded last year"s winner, Australian Jennifer Hawkins, after the usual evening gown and swimsuit parades that pull in TV viewers worldwide but outrage feminists and traditionalists .   Even though hotly tipped for the title, the final announcement appeared to stun Glebova, who moved to Canada from her native Russia only 11 years ago.   "This is all happening too fast and it"s unreal. It"s slowly starting to sink in," she told reporters moments after being crowned with the glittering, diamond-encrusted Miss Universe tiara.   Dressed in a long white evening dress, she hugged her parents on stage and then praised her new homeland for giving her and her family the chance to start a new life.   "When we came 11 years ago, we came with nothing, and now we"ve got so much," she said.   In all, 81 beauties from Albania to Zambia made it to Thailand, riding elephants, touring temples and rollicking on tsunami-hit beaches in the run-up to Tuesday"s finale.   In the middle of the show, the conference hall fell silent for a minute in memory of the more than 228,000 dead or missing from the Dec. 26 Indian Ocean tsunami. Nearly 5,400 of the victims were in Thailand. 英文作文 篇6   Sometimes we think of dreams as fantasies - it"s easy to do when you have money, rent, and work。 But you can"t prepare yourself and jump off the cliff: you should grow your wings first。 A little bit toward the dream。 Step by step。 Take a step forward。 After all, it"s your mission。   有时,我们把梦想看成是幻想——当有钱、有租金、有工作时很容易去做。可是,你也不能不加准备及跳下悬崖:你该先长出自我的翅膀。一点点的朝梦想靠近。一步一步的往前走。往前迈一步吧。毕竟,这是你的使命。 英文作文 篇7   Student Use of Computers   Students tend to use computers more and more nowadays. Reading this chart, we can find that the average number of hours a student spends on the computer per week has increased sharply. In 1990, it was less than 2 hours; and in 1995, it increased to almost 4 hours; while in 20xx, the number soared to 20 hours.   Obviously computers are becoming more and more popular. There are several reasons for this. First, computers facilitate us in more aspects of life. Also, the fast development of the Internet enlarges our demands for using computers. We can easily contact with friends in remote places through the Internet. Besides, the prices of computers are getting lower and lower, which enables more students to purchase them.   Along with the time spent on computers, there arise some problems. The most serious one is that many students are spending so much time playing PC games so that they ignore their studies. It is urgent to let the students use computers in a proper way.
2023-06-07 11:13:151


  在平日的"学习、工作和生活里,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是我精心整理的英文作文600字6篇,欢迎大家分享。 英文作文600字 篇1   In my opinion,the Internet is helpful rather than harmful as someone else thinks. As is known to all,the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. On the Internet,we can read news at home and from abroad and get as much information as we can. We can send e - mails or make phone calls to our family as well as to our friends. We can also attend the net school,read many books and even teach ourselves English. We can also enjoy music,watch matches and play computer games on the Internet. We can even do shopping on line. Besides,we can improve our ability to operate the computer.   But we should not be given to the Internet,or we"ll get our life and study destroyed. Besides,we should keep off the harmful websites. Anyhow,this doesn"t prevent the Internet becoming our friend. We can"t throw away the apple because of the core,can we? 英文作文600字 篇2   My father, no one knows him better than I do. Let me introduce him to you today!   Dad, he"s tall, usually wear black clothes, hands in pockets in love, with a cool look. Introduce his appearance and introduce his personality! He is humorous and serious. For example, this year! At that time, we made snowmen in the snow, “ thump ” once, brother wrestling, but who knows, his ass under the snow “ stroll ” a little, all jumped on the father"s face, “ HA ha! ” when the father was a big cat. When he was serious, he didn"t laugh like that. For example, I am doing math homework, play while writing, how can such a trifle escaped, Dad"s piercing eye? Of course was not free for a scolding!   My father is both humorous and serious. He"s really a “ a versatile ” a dad. 英文作文600字 篇3   Today is the big year, I went to grandma"s house with my parents. Grandma"s house is lively today, there are grandma, uncle, aunt, aunt, uncle and sister. They are eating fruit with melon seeds and enjoying the wonderful performance of my sister and me.   With grandpa"s "eat!" We smell delicious food, a sparkling fan, spicy and delicious cabbage, orange red radish, golden yellow croaker... Drinking my favorite Sprite, slowly tasting delicious. After dinner, my sister and I put together a lot of fireworks.   Thirty nights, I really enjoyed myself and had a good time! "If every day is the year 30, that should be good!" I know it"s just my wishful thinking. It"s going to start in a few years. I should devote more enthusiasm to the hot study, strive for better results! 英文作文600字 篇4   Tor Fuller once said, "a wise man always seizes the opportunity and turns it into a better future."." Yes, opportunities are fleeting, we must firmly grasp,. As Shakespeare said: "the flowers bloom, it takes off, be careful not to need to view a moment, otherwise, it will wither wither and fall in the dust." Opportunity is like this flower. If you don"t take it at the right time, it will pass you by.   Opportunity is for everyone, but many people do not go for it, not seize it. Now or never. I have to pass the opportunity, always think of the next time, but life is like a live TV drama, you can not afford to come second times, can only regret it, after the village, did not have this store. Your life has added a kind of regret. 英文作文600字 篇5   The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the Chong Yang Festival, a traditional festival in China. The celebrating activities are various and romantic ,including climbing mountains , appreciating chrysanthemums , wearing dogwoods , eating the Chong Yang cake and so on .   “Nine"has the same pronunciation as the Chinese character “jiu"which stands for"a long time", and is the biggest single figure . Therefore it indicts longevity. There have been a lot of poems and works celebrating Chong Yang Festival and praising chrysanthemums since ancient times.   People also believe that climbing mountains can expel bad luck, and indicates “climbing to a higher position"and “longevity”.   China designates the ninth day of the ninth month as Senior ‘s Day , which combine tradition with modern times subtly to turn it into a festival for respecting , caring about , loving , and helping the elderly people . 英文作文600字 篇6   Everyone all has each others direction and purposein the life. When we onsider our purpose and place in life. Many people all would harbor grand desires to improve and change their respective community and countries. (But i am an exception hehe)).In other words.. success just likes depends on the small tools, or pieces, which keep structures from tumbling. Just as screws are the small yet essential objects that strengthen and sustain, we should strive for the society to live and work within. Without our earnest efforts, communities couldn"t be so securely maintained. ?   Human society is vast and seems boundless, it also important to be modest. Regardless of how great own achievements maybe, one is still only a single screw in the large machinery. But if you must be a screw, be a strong and shining one!!!
2023-06-07 11:13:211


2023-06-07 11:13:313


  在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是我整理的英文作文600字5篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英文作文600字 篇1   Everyone has hobbies. Hobbies are very important in our life. I also have hobbies. Now let me tell you my hobbies. Exercise is my one of my hobbies. I love sports. The more exercise I do, The healthier I will be. After I have dinner, I often go out for a walk with my sister, and after class I usually play badminton with my friends. Sometimes I play ping-pong, too. So I think I have a wonderful life. Reading is another hobby of mine. On weekends, I love reading some novels. Such as Jane Love and so on. Reading can help me learn more about the world. I think it is very important to have good hobbies. This is my hobbies. If you have hobbies, please share with me.   每个人都有自己的爱好。爱好在我们的生活中很重要。我也有业余爱好。现在让我告诉你我的爱好。锻炼是我的爱好之一。我喜欢运动。我做的运动越多,我就越健康。晚餐后,我经常和我的姐姐一起散步,下课后我通常和我的朋友们一起打羽毛球。有时我打乒乓球,太。所以我觉得我有一个美好的生活。读书是我的另一个爱好。周末,我喜欢读一些小说。如简爱等。读书可以帮助我了解更多关于世界的"。我认为有良好的爱好是非常重要的。这是我的爱好。如果你有兴趣,请与我分享。 英文作文600字 篇2   On December 25, Christmas was coming, and we should make a wish, to his own Christmas present.   My wish is to hope to get a car. On Christmas day, that night I was sleeping, Santa Claus is outside the door, I heard the door, I saw the original is my father bought me a car on the head of a bed. In the morning, I still very happy. I told mom and dad, I received a gift from Santa Claus, dad said: "I"ll buy you a gift." The original is dad to buy Christmas gifts at a time.   I know how much the father loved me!   12月25日,圣诞节到了,我们应该许愿,要自己的圣诞礼物。   我许的愿望是希望得到一辆小汽车。到了圣诞节那天晚上,我正在睡觉,圣诞老人就在门外,我听见了推门声,我看见原来是我的爸爸给我买了一辆小汽车放在了床头。到了早上,我依然很高兴。我跟爸爸、妈妈说,我收到了圣诞老人的礼物,爸爸说:“是我给你买的礼物。”原来每次圣诞节都是爸爸买的礼物。   我知道了爸爸是多么爱我呀! 英文作文600字 篇3   Everybody wants to get wealth. In today"s material world, making money or becoming wealthy symbolizes a person"s success and capability. Many people make every effort, pay any price to attain greater wealth. With money, they can but nice, large apartments in nice neighborhood; with money, they can own stately luxury cars. Wealth seems with money. Wealth seems to bring all happiness in life.   In my opinion, people cannot do anything without money, but money is not everything. What money will bring you depends on your personal belief and goal in life. If you are kind enough to help others, especially the poor, money is a good thing to you. With it, you can do much more for the benefit of people and your country, and it will to your own happiness.   If you want money just for your own needs, you"ll never be satisfied or happy. In a word, you should have money spent for more people, only then can money be the source of your happiness. 英文作文600字 篇4   Comedy is one of the drama category. Use exaggeration irony and laugh at the phenomenon of ugly, and backward, highlighting the phenomenon itself contradiction and the conflict between it and healthy food, lines humor, often laugh, most easily complete ending.This is a comedy.   I like comedy very much, because I think it is very interesting. I also like the characters in the comedy, funny, the role of, like really, lifelike, I love it.One of my favorite comedy is Mr. Bean, Mr Bean is very funny, can be seen from his daily life behavior. Mr He is indeed a very interesting, everybody likes him.Just beginning to see Mr Bean show feel very funny, later again see slowly found that bean is actually a very lonely man, living in his own little world, there is no life on a teddy bear, coax it to sleep.I just found out that the original seems funny Mr Bean, the heart so loneliness, poor.   So please have the time must see Mr Bean the comedy, is very good. 英文作文600字 篇5   One night, the weather was clear and the stars were shining like people"s eyes. I went to yongning park with my father and my mother, and as soon as I got to the park, I saw a lot of people. Some were walking, some were flying kites, others were sitting on the bridge and looking at the stars.   After a while music started to ring, and people spontaneously walked to the clearing on the edge of the river and began to do exercises. With the music rhythm, the body was beating like a spring. We stood by and watched and jumped, sometimes with arms spread like small butterflies, sometimes clapping at the front of the hands, and it was great fun. This is the first time I"ve seen so many people dancing, so I"m excited to be back home until the end.
2023-06-07 11:13:441


  在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是我帮大家整理的英文作文8篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 英文作文 篇1   Nowadays, microblog has been a common communicating tool in our lives and it can be noticed in most places. Microblog provides many conveniences for us while it also brings some bad effects.   For one thing, microblog has some advantages in many aspects. First, it provides a convenient and quick way for us to gain more information. Through microblog, we can be easier and quicker to know what happen in our surroundings. Second, it"s a faster way to express our feelings and share our experiences everywhere. Finally, microblog is a good way to expand or widen our thought. We can learn much knowledge in different aspects by microblog and improve ourselves to a large extent. And we can pay attention to different people and learn different experience from them.   However, microblog has also caused some bad effects. For example, some students are so addicted to it so that they neglect their studies. And what"s more, some lose their communication ability because they use microblog all the time and everywhere.   In my opinion, the advantages of microblog are over its disadvantages. Therefore, we should make good use of its advantages and avoid its disadvantages as much as possible. 英文作文 篇2   Hello, teachers, I"m number 374 , 刘-珂-亮 . My English name is Kerby. Today I will tell you a story : Sell the house .   Three months ago , wewantedtomoveto a new place . So we decided tosellour house .We put a piece of paper on the tree in front of our house . It says“Come , Look and buy .”   Ten minutes later , a young man came . He didn"t go into the house , but he went to look at the tree .   He walked around the tree again and again . Then he asked , “How Much is the tree ? ”We were all surprised . He didn"t come to buy the house . He came to buy the tree . Now the tree has gone . But we still live in that house .   Thank you , teachers ! 英文作文 篇3   There is something in the world. It has no shape, no color and no weight. It can"t be seen or touched. But everyone wants it very much. People try to get it in many ways. Some people think money means it, so they try to make more money; some people believe that knowledge can bring it to them, so they study very hard; some other people find only good health can make themselves get it, so they take part in all kinds of sports and games. Now, you may ask what on earth the mysterious (神秘的)thing is. That"s HAPPINESS. I can"t give you the exact meaning of happiness, but I"m sure if you love and help others, you"ll get it.   I"ll never forget an old lady. She lives in a small house alone. It"s said that her husband and her son died in a traffic accident. What a sorrow life she has!But the old lady often helps others with a smile. Whenever it snows, she is always the first to clean the paths (小路). She looks after several children living nearby. I am one of them. I often remember the stories she told us and her kind smile. Perhaps she is unlucky, but I think she is a happy person. Her life is full of laughter and love.   But I"m sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways. They speak loudly in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy (损坏) trees to enjoy themselves and they laugh at others" shortcomings. Perhaps they feel happy at that time, but they will never get true happiness because they have destroyed others" happiness.   Now I know what happiness is. It means kindness, love and unselfishness. Above all, only bringing happiness to others can make yourself happy. 英文作文 篇4 Dear my tiger parents:   To be honest, it"s still gratifying to know that you set down some rules for me thoroughly. Because I know it is your love that makes you to do so. You establish them in order to let me own a bright future and not regret for what I have done today. Nevertheless, what I really need is just a room to learn this complex world through my consecutive trying.   Since I was in primary school, you have driven me to school to learn to play the piano every week while I was keen on guitar. Although I have made some achievements through your strict training, there is no denying that I am still unhappy. However, as is known to us all, only when people put their hearts into music can they create beautiful sound.   In your opinion, nothing is more important than to become the top student. Under such stress, I need some ways to release them, but you forbid me attending sleepovers even hanging out with my friends. To speak frankly, I feel I am becoming a “study machine” day by day. There is no passion in my life and I just spare no effort to gain knowledge. Forbids on TV and Internet make me lose contact with the world. It"s universally acknowledged that if a student only buries himself in studying and don"t concern about the society, he will make no contribution to the world.   Substantial as my life is, the qualities of my life is on no account satisfactory. My dear tiger parents, so precious is my adolescent that I   can"t make it such dull. Please give me a sky, just let me fly. I"m sure I will give you a surprise to see how strong I become.   Yours sincerely, 英文作文 篇5   I have a beautiful table lamp A year ago, my parents bought it for me。 I use it when I"m doing my homework。 I like it very much。 It is black and red。 The light from it is soft; it isn"t bad for my eyes。 Every weekend I clean it, so it"s very clean all the time。   My brother also has a table lamp。 But it is broken。 Mine is very good because I take good care of it。 My table lamp has a wonderful name。 Its name is Hong Xin。 It helps me a lot with my study。 It"s my best friend。 英文作文 篇6   As humanwe should know it is so important that the water for us.about 70% composition of a person"s body is water.and we can leave off food to live for long time(at least 7 days) but not more than 72 hours we will die if we leave the water.   the reality now days is the resources of water lacked day by day .this require us must save in useing water.how to do it?   in public bathroomwe shouldn"t keep the clean water running without stop in familywe should save water toothe water after washing fruit and vegetables can used in cleanning floor.and the last time of water by washing face also can be used in wash toiletand so on..... 英文作文 篇7   My favorit animals ar swans.thy ar whit.thy can swim vry wll.I think thy look lik a bautiful girl in a whit drss.thy hav a pair of wings and thy can also fly wll.I bliv thy ar angls from th sky.thy bring us lov and mak us happy.thy ar always frindly to us.W can't hurt thm,bcaus thy ar our frind.I lov thm!I lik dogs,too.thy ar not bautiful,but thy ar th bst frinds.thy kp th thivs away.Dogs hav th bst listning and ys.thy can har in th nosiy,s in th dark.If w ar in dangr,thy will hlp us at onc.And thy don't mind thir livs.So,I lov thm. 英文作文 篇8   This Is Me   Hello everyone。 My name is Gong Yanyan。 I"m a happy girl。 I"m thirteen years old。 I have two big eyes and my hair is long。 I"m studying in Class 11, Grade 7 of Dongzhou Middle School。 My school is very big and beautiful。   I have some hobbies, listening to music, looking for things on the Internet, reading books and watching TV。 I like English and maths。 They"re interesting。   I have a happy family。 My father is a driver and my mother is an office worker。 They love me very much。 I like them too。   I have two new friends。 They"re Yu Jinwen and Shen Lin。 They"re girls。 They"re beautiful。   This is me。 What about you?
2023-06-07 11:13:511


  在我们平凡的日常里,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文根据体裁的`不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?下面是我整理的英文作文8篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 英文作文 篇1   A man who was looking for a job picked up a slip of waste paper lying on the floor, and threw it into the wastepaper basket。 This was just witnessed by the manager of the company。Therefore, he was employed。   As a matter of fact, it is easy to be appreciated。 Establish good habits。   A child said to his mother, "Mum, you look so beautiful today。" "Why, my dear?" Mother asked in surprise。 "Because you re not angry today。"   As a matter of fact, it is easy to have beauty。 Be kind to others。   A tennis coach asked his students, "If a tennis ball flies into the lawn, how can you find it?" "Look for it from the center of the lawn。" Answered one student。 "Look for it from where the grass is the thickest。" Answered another one。 The coach revealed the answer, "Look for it just from one side to the other。 "   As a matter of fact, it is easy to gain success。 Step by step,don"t skip any effort。   A chicken, just after being hatched, met a turtle passing by。 From then on, the chicken lived all her life with the eggshell   As a matter of fact, it is easy to escape from an excessively heavy burden。 Throw stubbornness and prejudice away。   A frog living in a farmland said to a friend living beside the road, "It"s so dangerous to live there, move to live with me!"The other one said, "I"m used to living here, what a trouble to leave!" Several days later, the frog living by the road was found rolled over by a truck, dead。   As a matter of fact, it is easy to keep away from bad luck。Just stay away from laziness。   Several children were eager to become angels; God gave each of them a candlestick, telling them to keep the candlestick clean。 However, after a long time since God disappeared, almost nobody remembered to scrub his candlestick any longer。 One day, God came all of a sudden, and found that only a child called"silly boy" kept scrubbing his candlestick。 As a result, the "silly boy" became an angel。   As a matter of fact, it is easy to have your dream come true。Make efforts from the beginning to the end and never lose heart。   An exploration group was going through a boundless desert。Everyone was worn out, full of pains, except one man who was still walking in good mood。 When asked, he smiled, "I"ve brought the least things, only necessities。"   As a matter of fact, it is easy to keep yourself in good spirits。 Don"t unreasonably demand too much that was not necessa   What"s the most colorful thing in your life?   Wake up in the morning。 It"s on your face。 Welcome the forthcoming day with a beautiful smile。   Noon arriving, it"s on your body。 Bestir yourself and enjoy the life at the moment。   When darkness falls, it"s on your feet。 Have both feet on the ground and try your best。   This is the art of life, which is so simple once you"ve learned to cherish everything you have, to be continent and grateful。Then you can lead a happy life。 It is as simple as what I have told you。 英文作文 篇2   In winter, tea tree is winter snow cover a layer of white jacket, said: "in winter, it"s very nice of you, thank you for giving me the jacket, let me warm, let people be able to drink good tea, if not you, people will not drink to drink tea is so good, I will not so warm. Thank you again." In the winter, said a need to go away.   I got up in the morning and went to the window to open the window! It"s snowing!" I eat breakfast at a friend"s house to call them out and snowball fights. I called my sister and three children in the neighborhood with snowball fights. Hit the time when thinking about two things: first, the snow in the winter let us play, two will not be injured. We are happy to play.   Winter, let the world is full of white. Winter, let us play happily. In winter, let us think of a word: "suddenly, such as spring night, the trees of pear blossoms! In winter, many crops have a white cotton padded jacket. In winter, let the world is clear. We love winter. Winter is beautiful! 英文作文 篇3   Dear Colleagues,   As tomorrow is my last day in xx, I wish to bid farewell to all of you.   Thanks to the management for your guidance and the opportunity to experience being a part of xx. It has been a great x years for me.   I wish to express my thanks to everyone for their assistance and cooperation at work throughout these years.   Thanks for all the help rendered when I needed, and the patience that was extended to me during difficult times.   It has been a pleasure working with all of you and I wish xx all the best in all future undertakings.   My sincere thanks to all...   Best regards always, 英文作文 篇4   As we all know, pessimism is Nowadays, large number of person feel negative becomes a great variety of problem which is related study and work and living and so on.   And as far as l am concerned, optimists and pessimists has three distinct characteristics:   permanence , pervasiveness and personalization . Firstly, optimists believe that luck is permanent , but the pessimistic person is just the opposite , they believe that bad luck is permanent, good luck is temporary. Similarly ,the pessimist says the worst thing is universal at the same time ,optimists think bad things always have a specific reason. Above all, optimistic people will care about the intrinsic effort redundant external luck. So under these factors, people who is optimistic will get more surprise from live than pessimists, and they can live a happier live than people who is pessimistic.   But how to overcome pessimism? I have some suggestions:   1. Read some positive information from the world, believe that as long as you stick to your dream and then you can win.   2. Sport everyday. You can take away your sad by doing some sports such as: running 、football or basketball and so on.   3. Live a regular life   Finally, we should overcome our pessimistic attitude and make our life more and more beautiful. 英文作文 篇5   1. The first car appeared on British roads in 1888. By the year 20xx there may be as many as 29 million vehicles on British roads. Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use. What do you think? Give reasons for your answer.   2. The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. Give reasons for your answer.   3. People can do longer expect a job for life. What should individuals and governments do to prepare the current and future environments for different working conditions?   4. As technological innovation brings about rapid changes and retraining becomes a lifelong necessity, industry should take over more and more of the responsibility for education.   5. It is more important for governments to ensure adequate standards of housing, education and health care for their citizens by developing the industrial base than to use their resources to develop the rural areas.   30. Business education and training today must promoter environmental awareness.   6. Whilst studying abroad provides an opportunity to broaden one‘s experience, it also presents the danger of negative influences from the host culture.   7. Technological advances continue to improve manufacturing efficiency; the weight of a drinks can has come down from thirty-five grams to about fifteen grams, for example, and modern cars and production techniques are much more energy efficient. Governments need to control the environment rather than controlling industry, as companies already control their resources very efficiently.   8. Training for work is far more important than proving a broad-based education.   9. What steps should a student take in preparing for tertiary education and what would be the benefit of taking such steps?   10. The developed world should lead by example and not insist that aid to the Third World is used to develop rural areas. 英文作文 篇6   The annual New Year is coming. Today, we come to jiashan"s biyun garden with the sister of niu tong. Participate in colorful and colorful activities.   About an hour and a half by car, we arrived at our destination, and we heard from the big brother of niu tong that the main activities of the year were: writing Spring Festival couplets, making rice cakes, making bacon and picking strawberries. We were excited at the news.   After the rice cake, we started to make the cake around the round table. Like cakes of raw materials like rice cakes, we first put the flour evenly into the mold, then pour out, then squeeze prepared rice cakes to a small, into the mold, finally beating the mould, will be like cake out whole, on a leaf. The leaves of green leaves are white, like fish, some like flowers, some like gourds, and others like longevity peaches. One after another is so small and delicate, makes people mouth watering! We watched as our aunt put the cake in the steamer and waited for the hot cakes to come out early so that we could enjoy the meal. Oh! Hot cakes are coming out! We couldn"t wait to find the cage we made and put it in our mouths. Soft sweet cake, sweet with the scent of osmanthus, it is delicious!   The hall echoed with our merry laughter, which was filled with years of activity, as the camera clicked and clicked into our minds. Looking back, there is a string of sauce ducks on the rooftop of the green cloud garden, the bacon under the eaves, and the spring couplets in the grass hall, which make us feel the strong flavor of the year. We will continue to follow the New Year and welcome the year of the rooster! 英文作文 篇7   The direction I seek   We all have a direction in our mind. When you are at a loss, it will lead the way for you. When are disappointed, it will encourage you to move on. Without exception, I have a hero whose spirit inspires me in my heart. His name is Michael Jackson.   Michael Jackson is an American black. When he was a little boy, American blacks were not respected. His father had great ambitions for his children. So he was often severe with him. There was a little time for him to relax everyday, on the contrary he must spend all the time staying at recording studio. It was hard for such a little child to stick to it, but instead he did not quit.   No pains, no gains. He succeeded in music. Five of his solo studio albums had became some of the word"s best selling records. He became the spiritual leader of the American blacks.   However, life is full of ups and downs. In 1986, Michael Jackson"s skin began to turn white. People have almost made an assumption that he did an operation on purpose. The whole deserted him. But he didn"t care about other people"s opinions. He insisted on making music and committed to the cause of charity.   Nowadays, most students hate studying. They can"t concentrate their attention on studying. Even if they do it, they are lacking persistence. I can"t do it too. When I want to give up, Michael Jackson"s inspiring story   always reminds me to move on. It tells me there is no shortcut to success. Our lives are filled with being questioned. Everyone has been questioned. Some people can"t stand it and even worse they feel depressed, because of this. When I was questioned, I always think if I were Michael Jackson, what would I doMaybe I would let it go and carry on with my life. He is my goal to study forever. His spirits inspires me forever. He will live in my heart forever. Thank him from the bottom of my heart. 英文作文 篇8   Tanabata, to mention the name will make people think of the story of the Cowboy Weaver Tianyuan meet. How wonderful it is.   Today, I went to the streets to play, did not expect the streets full of people everywhere, the vehicle coming and going, crossing the road are very difficult. Looking around, everywhere are hand in hand, shoulder to friends. Girl"s hands are holding a boyfriend to send flowers and chocolate. I think today is their most happy and happiest day, especially for girls.   My mother and I are shopping around the street. We first came to the shoe store. Just go in and see a man is a female confession, that woman is also embarrassed it! That man has been in the chase is willing to, that woman still dare not say. I do not know who called out "promised him", so everyone followed to say that the girl was shyly agreed.   I and my mother bought the shoes out, is talking about just that thing, suddenly I saw in a small alley, a man from the back out of a bouquet of flowers, give a girl, and then out from his pocket A small box, open a look, is a gem diamond ring. The man holding the ring kneel down to see that scene is sure to marry him. The girl soon agreed. Finally they hugged together.   Really Tanabata, I love you!
2023-06-07 11:14:101


1、我的好朋友 My Good Friend My name is Daming.I have a good friend . Her name is Liu Yun. She lives in China . Her mather is a singer. She likes swimming. Her father is a TV reporter. He likes listening to mnsic. Liu Yun likes piaying the violin and riding her bike. Every morning , she goes to school on foot. Every evening, she reads newspaper ai home. Then she goes to bed at nine. This is my good friend Liu Yun. 2、我的家乡 I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snow.   How about you? 3、我 HI!My name is Tess. I am a girl. l can speak English very  well.I like English very  much. I am thin and tall. I am  ten years old.I am lovely ,too. I look like a big pig.I like my tachers.I like my school.It's big.It's beautiful.It's  clean.There are three buildings in  my school. One is school building .One is dance studio. The other is dormetory.There is a playground, too.We can play on it .I like everything!   4、最好的朋友 I have a best friend.    She has long,straight,black hair,big,black eyes and a small nose.She is very thin and kind,she is cute,too. Her English and Chinese is very good.She is hard-working.     She favorite season is summer,because it's hot ,she can eat ice- cream.She like playing the piano ,reading books and singing songs.    Who's she? She is my best friend ---Sun Mengqi.She has a very good English name,too---Angle. 翻译:  我有个最好的朋友.    她有着长长的黑色直发,大大的黑眼睛和一个小鼻子.她很瘦,对人非常和蔼,她也很可爱.她的英语和语文非常好.她学习十分认真.    她最喜欢的季节是夏季,因为夏天很热,她能吃冰淇凌.她喜欢弹琴,读书和唱歌.    她是谁?她就是我最好的朋友——孙梦琪.她还有一个很好听的英文名——Angle.(安琪儿) 5、我的家 My family lives in ShenZhen. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is tall and thin. He is a handsome man. He has big eyes. His hair is straight. He likes to watch TV and movies and read books. My mother works in an office. She cooks very well. She likes to read books, too. She is short and thin. My sister is a student. She is an independent girl. She is very graceful. I am a student, too. But I study in a junior high school. I go to school every weekend. I like to play dodge ball and listen to music very much. much. I like my family because each family member helps me a lot. 6、我的英语老师 In my life, Ms. Wang is the most important person to me. Her teaching skills are diverse. In class, she usually uses games and posters. She works hard for us. When other teachers rest, she still keeps working and working. When we are mischievous, she is good at giving systematic guidance.   We are really grateful for what she has done for us. We want to say ”thank you” to her. 7、母亲节 Mother's Day comes on the second Sunday in May each year. On that day this year, I bought a sweater and some flowers for my mother to thank her for her hard work for me. Receiving my gift, my mother was very happy. 翻译:母亲节是五月的第二个星期日.今年母亲节那天,我为母亲买了一件毛衣和一束鲜花作为礼物,感谢母亲为我付出的辛苦.母亲收到礼物后,非常高兴. 8、你喜欢我吗 Hello! Everyone. I"m a little rabbit. My name is Hanhan. Look! I"m very lovely. My eyes are red. My ears are long. My hair is white. My tail is short. I like carrots very much. I have a good friend. She"s my little master. Her name is Zhou Xun. We always play games together. I like her very much and she likes me, too. 9、钱 Money is indeed important, but money cannot buy everything. A miser may think that “money talks,” but if you only give your attention to making money, you may lose many things, such as health, friendship and love. I don't think we should regard money as everything. Money is just a tool that can help us solve problems or enable us to live a comfortable life. What we should do is to use it appropriately and not become misers. This way, all of us can lead a happier lives. 10、保护水资源 Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We can"t live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on. At work, people use water to put out fires, to grow vegetables, to make things in factories and so on. We also can swim in the sea. Water is important for us, isn"t it?   A poem:   Water has no taste at all.   Water has no color.   Water"s in the waterfall.   The pump.   The tap.   The well.   Water is everywhere around us.   Water is in the rain.   In the stream.   In the pond.   And in the river.   And in the sea again.   There isn"t much water on the earth. we must to save it. It is not inexhaustible.   It is very valuable.
2023-06-07 11:14:181


  在学习、工作或生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。那么,怎么去写作文呢?下面是我为大家收集的英文作文5篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 英文作文 篇1   What is happiness? Different people have different ideas. Some people are rich; they think they are happy. Other people have many friends, so they feel happy. Still others are happy because their lives are meaningful. Happiness attracts everyone. For children, happiness often suggests eating something good or playing with toys. For a stamp collector, stamps bring more delight than meals. And for a scientist, a discovery or an invention rather than anything else gives him greatest satisfaction.   There was once a beggar who was always happy. The king saw him and wondered why he was so happy because he was so poor. However, the king could have whatever he wanted; yet he himself was not happy at all. Thus we can see one s happiness doesn t depend on whether he is rich or poor. Happiness is a state of mind. As long as one thinks he s content and satisfied, he is happy.   As everything exist only because its opposite , happiness exists only when pain exists. Just as a person who does not know failure never knows success, a person, who has not experienced suffering or sadness never knows what happiness means..   Happiness always promises a hope by which people go on living. When they come to the point of losing hope because they have suffered a great deal, it is often the time when happiness comes that will give them the courage and desire to live.   Cheer up and be happy. Happiness is not far from you. It s just around you. Try to grasp it and enjoy it.   幸福是什么?不同的人有不同的想法。有些人认为是富有的,他们认为他们是快乐的。另外的人有很多朋友,所以他们感到高兴。还有的人觉得他们是快乐的,因为他们的生活是有意义的。幸福吸引着大家。对于孩子来说,幸福往往意味着吃好吃的东西或玩玩具。对于一个邮票收集者来说,邮票比吃饭带来更多的快乐。对于一个科学家,是发现或发明,而不是别的什么东西给了他最大的满足。   曾经有一个乞丐总是快乐的。国王看到他,不知道他为何如此快乐,因为他看起来是如此的.糟糕。然而,国王可以随心所欲拥有他想拥有的;但是他自己一点都不快乐。因此,我们可以看到一个人的幸福并不取决于他是富有还是贫穷。幸福是一种心态。只要一个人认为他满意,他就是快乐的。   正如一切存在的仅仅是因为它的对立面的存在,幸福的存在,只有当疼痛的存在。正如一个人不知道成功也不知道失败,一个人没有经历痛苦或悲伤也不会知道幸福的含义。   幸福总是给人们继续活下去的希望。当他们失去希望的时候,因为他们已经遭受了巨大的损失,所以这时候往往是幸福来的时候,这会给他们继续生活下去的勇气和希望。   振作起来变得快乐吧。幸福离你不远。它只是在你身边。试图抓住它,享受它。 英文作文 篇2   Everybody wants to get wealth. In today"s material world, making money or becoming wealthy symbolizes a person"s success and capability. Many people make every effort, pay any price to attain greater wealth. With money, they can but nice, large apartments in nice neighborhood; with money, they can own stately luxury cars. Wealth seems with money. Wealth seems to bring all happiness in life.   In my opinion, people cannot do anything without money, but money is not everything. What money will bring you depends on your personal belief and goal in life. If you are kind enough to help others, especially the poor, money is a good thing to you. With it, you can do much more for the benefit of people and your country, and it will to your own happiness.   If you want money just for your own needs, you"ll never be satisfied or happy. In a word, you should have money spent for more people, only then can money be the source of your happiness. 英文作文 篇3   I remember many things in primary school, but the most unforgettable is the graduation ceremony. It was the end of my six year race, the day the principal"s speech was still ringing in my ears...   The location of the graduation ceremony was very special, avoiding the spacious classroom of the tall movie theater and coming to benxi zoo. On graduation day we sat down. Everyone"s face was grave and serious, with a little pride and hope.   When I looked at the bright banners and said, "the 20xx graduation ceremony of yingbin primary school", I was shocked that my primary school life had left me. I think, from the heated discussion of the issue to the heat of labor, from the smooth movements of the broadcast gymnastics to the brilliant smile of victory; I sigh that the students who have been together for a few days will be separated, listening to the sincere advice, looking at the friendly eyes,   There are many things to say in your heart, but you do not know where to begin.   "Please sit down, please. Please speak to President song." "The host smiled. The title of President song"s speech is "believe in the future". The President wants us to be confident and optimistic about the future, regardless of the difficulties we face in our future studies or life.   After the headmaster"s speech, we had a group picnic in the pine forest. Everyone sits on the soft ground, eating delicious food, listening to the sound of the birds singing, and smelling the thick rosin, chatting and singing together...   This is our graduation ceremony, a different kind of graduation ceremony. I will not forget this graduation ceremony, also will not forget the principal said "believe in the future", will not forget my lovely Alma mater -- yingbin primary school. 英文作文 篇4   Dear ××   I"m sorry to hear that you are afarid of the A1H1M Flu in the USA.I think you shouldn"t be worried if you can come to China and your home town .Here are some ways for you.   When you want to come to China by plane ,you should go to the hospital first.If you are healthy,you can take the plane.And in the plane.you"d better not talk or play with others.   If you still want to stay in the USA. You should have some good habbits. For example, don"t go to anywhere where there are lots of people, clean your hands four times a day and usually keep your windows open. If you do these , I think you won"t be worried about that you will get this illneand you"ll keep away from the flu.   Best wishes, Yours,   ×× 英文作文 篇5   敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们   大家好!   在这充满欢歌笑语的六月,我们最后一次欢聚在操场上,最后一次看着校园里熟悉的景物,最后一次在操场上看着迎风飘扬的五星红旗,心中有一丝丝对哺育了我们六年母校的不舍之情。   从入学到现在,操场上的松树增加了六个年轮,这六个年轮也记载了我们在小学六年的成长。此时此刻,我耳畔又响起了老师孜孜不倦的教诲;同学们嬉闹时的欢笑声;上早自习时朗朗的读书声;眼前又浮现出热火朝天的大扫除;在考场上认真做题同学的身影;在课堂上抢着回答问题的同学们……   我还记得在运动会上您给我们加油打气的场景;再输了比赛后鼓励我们说,只要学习好,我们还是最棒的;您带病给我们上课的场景;在我们犯错误是给我们讲的道理……   往事桩桩件件,历历在目,那是我们记忆宝库中一颗颗流光溢彩的珍珠啊!   亲爱的同学们,六年光阴很快就过去了,我们即将步入新的初中生活,告别红领巾,去迎接团徽的召唤。   再见,敬爱的母校,在您的怀抱里,我们从幼稚变得成熟;从无知变得懂事;今天我们为您而自豪,明天你一定会为我们而骄傲。   再见,敬爱的老师,是您教会了我们做人的道理;是您教会了我们知识;您的哺育之情,我将永远铭记在心。   再见,亲爱的同学,我们就像一片小树苗,并肩成长,但总有一天会成为大树,成为国家栋梁之才,请记住我们在一起的日日夜夜,让友情地久天长!   谢谢大家。   英文:   Dear teachers, dear classmates   Hello everyone!   In this full of song and laughter in June, the last time we gathered on the playground, the familiar scene last time at the campus, the last time in the playground at the five-star red flag fluttering in the breeze, a little feeding on the US for six years is not the heart of his alma mater.   From the entrance to the present, the pine trees on the playground have increased six annual rings, and these six rings also record the growth of our primary school for six years. At this moment, my ear rings and the teacher"s teachings diligently; students frolic of laughter; reading aloud on the morning; turn up be in full swing in the examination room cleaning; seriously to do the students figure; in the classroom students rushing to answer questions......   I remember in the games you give us to cheer the scene; and then lost the game encourages us to speak, as long as the study, we are still the best; you sick to teach us the scene; in our mistakes are telling us the truth......   The past pieces of memory that is our visible before the eyes, treasure pearls Ambilight ah!   Dear classmates, six years passed quickly, we are about to enter a new junior high school life, farewell to the red scarf, to meet Tuanhui summon.   Goodbye, beloved alma mater, in your arms, we become mature from childish; from ignorance to sensible; today we are proud of you, tomorrow you will be proud of us.   Goodbye, dear teacher, is that you taught us the truth of life; you taught us knowledge; your upbringing, I will always remember in the heart.   Goodbye, my dear students, we are like a small tree, grow together, but one day there will be a tree, become a man of tremendous promise together, please remember us day and night, let friendship forever!   Thank you.
2023-06-07 11:14:271


  在生活、工作和学习中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。那要怎么写好作文呢?以下是我为大家整理的英语优秀作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 英语优秀作文1   在我的记忆里,一直记得一件事:教奶奶说英文。   那天晚上,我和弟弟在看电视,奶奶在一旁看报纸,突然,奶奶看到一个大标题:学习说英语,老少皆可。过了一会儿,奶奶支支吾吾的说":先晓琳,先伟豪,你俩教教我说英语吧!”我和弟弟相互看了看对方,呆了,一秒,两秒,三秒“可不可以啊?”奶奶忍不住说了一句。我先开了口:“奶奶,你为什么突然要学英语啊?”“对啊,对啊。”弟弟听了以后也跟着表示了自己的想法。奶奶把手上的报纸一摊,告诉我们。哦,原来是这样啊,奶奶是因为看到报纸上写着“学习说英语,老少皆可。”的字样。我首先答应了,弟弟看我答应了,也不得不点了点头。“教奶奶说英语就从现在开始了!”我兴奋的说。首先,我和弟弟教奶奶说“one”可奶奶却说成“万”我和弟弟让奶奶勉强过关,后来,我和弟弟接着教了奶奶“two”至“ten”的单词,奶奶都是勉强过关。当我们开始教水果的单词的时候,奶奶就犯难了。一开始,我们先教奶奶说香蕉的.单词,可是奶奶却说成“不奶奶”我和弟弟差点晕了过去,不管我和弟弟怎么重复的读这个单词,奶奶还是读不准,而且时不时还造出“新”的单词来!我们只好放弃这个单词,我又教奶奶读“等等”的单词,如“pen”、“bus”……可奶奶却读成“盘,巴死”……奶奶没学会一个单词,就会把我和弟弟弄得快笑死!过了一会儿,我和弟弟同时说“奶奶,求求你不要在学英语了!”奶奶听了以后,尴尬的把头低了下去。“YES。”我和弟弟大叫   学说英语真的快要把我和弟弟笑死!所以,我和弟弟坚决不会让奶奶再学说英语的! 英语优秀作文2   There is a saying,”A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood”.I just had my eighteen years birthday.It"s certain that I have grown much more beautiful now.(laugh) My biggest change is not the appearance but in mind.I have become much more mature.I don"t always think about going out to play instead of focusing my attention on study.I start considering my future.I try my best not to quarel with my parents as I know what they do is for me.I know I should filial my parents.What"s more,I don"t bully my younger sister and brother any more.I have changed a lot,because I have grown up. 英语优秀作文3   If we want to keep our bodies healthy, we must have a good habit. We should get up and go to bed early and sleep at least eight hours every day. Do more exercise, such as walking, swimming, playing balls and so on. We should also eat healthy food——more fruit and vegetables and less meat. If you don"t feel well, you"d better see a doctor at once. And we should wash our hands before meals and drink enough boiled water every day. It"s necessary for our health.   We should not throw litter about, keep long fingernails and smoke etc. It"s also very important.    翻译:   如果我们想保持我们的身体健康,我们必须有一个良好的习惯。我们应该起床,早早上床睡觉,每天至少八小时。多做运动,如散步,游泳,玩球等。我们还应该吃健康食品 - 水果和蔬菜,少吃肉类。如果你觉得不舒服,你最好去看医生。我们应该饭前洗手,每天喝足够的白开水。因此有必要为我们的健康。   我们不应该乱扔乱丢一下,留着长长的指甲和吸烟等,这也是非常重要的。 英语优秀作文4   As I learn more and grow up gradually, I change in many aspects. My teachers say I study harder and my parents say I am more sensible than before. As for me, I want to learn more in school and be a good boy to make my parents happy. Now, I am more focused on lessons and finish my homework actively. I know that only by working hard in study can I get a bright future. At home, I often help my mother in housework. I want to be more independent so that I can take good care of myself. I don"t want my parents worry too much about me. Besides, I like reading now. I realize books can be my friend, too. It is really interesting. 英语优秀作文5   Now,I am a middle school student in grade nine.It"s also the last year of middle school.Therefore,I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior school entrance exam.From this semester,I get up earlier than before because I want to do some more readings.After lunch,I also spend some time in study.I usually review the knowledge I learn in the morning.After dinner,I have class in school until 21:30.It"s for students to autonomous learning.Our teachers would come to the classroom,if we have any questions we could ask them.After school,I do not study at home.I think a good rest is important for me,so I go to bed early at night.Besides,due to the exam,I spend much less time in entertainment.I don"t think it"s bad for me,because a good senior school is my priority now.I must pay my most attention to it. 英语优秀作文6   When I was a little child, I used to play with my friends all day long. We found that almost anything could bring fun to us. But now, I am growing up, things seem to change gradually that I don"t realize. I had a lot of time to play before, but now nearly all my time is spent on study and homework. I used to watch entertainment program but now I prefer news and English programs. Generally speaking, things turn better. Now, I am interested in reading and writing. I think that the more good books I read, the more knowledge I get. Writing is a good way to practice my thinking and improve my writing skills. Besides, I become more independent. I can deal with many problems by myself. I think it"s important change for me. 英语优秀作文7   我的奶奶退休在家,天天在家里打毛衣、看电视、玩手机……过着特别悠闲的日子,可是有一天奶奶坐不住了,非要找点儿新鲜事儿做。   周末,我的同学到我家来玩儿,还带来了一只猫,它跑到我的身边,不停的“喵喵喵”地叫,同学做出像懂猫语的样子,神秘地对我说:“他在说你长得像小王子呢!”我摸了摸小猫的头,有些害羞地说:“你说我长得像小王子,Thank you!”   “什么三克油?三克油是什么?咱家又没油了吗?”奶奶听到了,疑惑地问。   我不禁大笑起来,说:“这是英语!Thank you是谢谢的意思!”   当我的同学走了的时候,我对他说了一句“Goodbye”。奶奶摸了摸脑门儿说:“古大白?古大白又是什么?你是在说我很白吗?”我笑得弯下了腰,笑得口水都快要流出来了,轻轻地拍了拍奶奶的后背说:“奶奶Goodbye的意思是再见!”   可就在这时,我家的狗小黄从房间里屁颠屁颠地蹿了出来,奶奶看见了,一下子从椅子上跳了起来,好奇地问:“快告诉我,狗怎么讲?”   “dog!”我张口就来。奶奶又疑惑地问:“什么?大哥?看来以后我不能说大哥了,不然会有人以为我在骂他是狗!”奶奶自顾自地叨唠着。   我笑得快要哭出来了,对奶奶说:“你别说了,我快要被你笑死了!”   从那天以后,奶奶每天都开始认真地学英语,不到半年奶奶就有了很大的进步。真是“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”呀!会说英语的奶奶也比以前洋气多了! 英语优秀作文8   Now, I am a middle school student in grade nine. It"s also the last year of middle school. Therefore, I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior school entrance exam. From this semester, I get up earlier than before because I want to do some more readings. After lunch, I also spend some time in study. I usually review the knowledge I learn in the morning. After dinner, I have class in school until 21:30. It"s for students to autonomous learning. Our teachers would come to the classroom, if we have any questions we could ask them. After school, I do not study at home. I think a good rest is important for me, so I go to bed early at night. Besides, due to the exam, I spend much less time in entertainment. I don"t think it"s bad for me, because a good senior school is my priority now. I must pay my most attention to it. 英语优秀作文9   妈妈学英语   ABCDE……desk……”“咦,这是谁在学英语呀?这声音怎么这么熟悉呀?”我推开家门一看,只见客厅的桌子上放了一大堆书。妈妈正坐在椅子上读英语字母和英语单词。   “妈妈,我回来了!”我边说边走进自己的小天地,等着妈妈像往常一样收拾桌子盛饭给我吃。过了一会儿,我走出小房间看到妈妈仍坐在那儿读英语。“嗨,看来妈妈今天要走火入魔了。”我轻轻地嘀咕着,“过一会儿再说吧!”我就回到房间拿出作业做了起来。   作业做好了,我抬头向上面的挂钟一看,呀,不得了,已经一点钟了,我一点半还得去上课呢!再看看妈妈,她还像一个机器人似的,只有眼睛、嘴巴在动。唉,还是自己盛饭吃吧。   我来到厨房,把所有的锅盆都掀了一个遍。天啊,竟然连一粒米饭,一滴菜汤都没有找到。这时,我想到自己的小房间里有饼干,冰箱里有冷馒头。我只好将就着吃了一只冷馒头和几块饼干,再加上一杯牛奶当了一顿午饭。然后,我就去上课了。唉,这事还没有完呢。一连几天我和爸爸都对付着自己准备好吃的。   b第五天,我放学回家。天哪!家里面到处贴着英语标签。凡是我能够看到的物品上都贴有英语标签。我在屋子里转了一圈,整个房间都快变成了英语王国了。这时,妈妈出现在我的面前,自豪地对我说:“怎么样,布置得还不错吧,这样学英语就方便多了。以后你们也就不用再做我的家务代理人了。”说完,她便乐呵呵地一边背着英语单词一边走进厨房去烧饭菜了。   于是,我又吃上了美味可口的饭菜。“嗯,这样对我学英语也有帮助……”我一边吃着香喷喷的饭菜,一边想着,心里不由升起一种对妈妈的敬佩之情。
2023-06-07 11:14:341


1. 200字英语作文 One Sunday my mother (Mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers *** ile ( *** iling) at us heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful).When we felt tired, we returned home. We saw Mother (our mother) wait (waiting) for us at the door.有一个星期日,我母亲叫我带小弟弟去乡村游历。 她吩咐我要好好照料他。当沿着道路行走的时候,太阳灿烂地照耀着,微风轻轻地吹着。 看见美丽的花儿对微笑着,并听见鸟儿在树上唱着悦耳的歌曲,风景实十分美丽。当感觉到疲倦的时候,就回家了。 看见母样正在门口等候。How to study during summer holiday Summer holiday is ing.Students can have a rest.But we still need to study.So how to study in vacation is a problem. First,we should make a plan before we do the homework.And then we should study with it.It will promise us that we can plete(完成) the work on time.So we won"t be so hurry before school begins.Second,we"d better to do the homework carefully,or we can"t have good study effect.Third,after we finish doing our homework ,we can have the preparation(预习)for the new term(学期).It will help us to study easier in the class . This is my opinion.I think these things can make us have a good summer holiday .I think I will enjoy my holiday.And you?My Summer PlanI am glad that summer holiday is approaching.I"ll be able to enjoy and relax myselve,which is not easy for me,a pre-graduated student.In order to have a meanningful holiday,I made a plan.First,I would like to do some housework at home.such as cleaning the room,washing the dishes,watering the flowers.Then I am going to do some exercises,including ball games,running.Finally,I want to work at my study.I"ll go over my lessons and pratise my English.。 2. 跪求,英语作文 Polar bears are one of most beautiful animals in this world, but their home, the Arctic, is now in danger. Environmental pollution and global warming are seriously threatening their habitat. Arctic summer sea ice could disappear by 2030, according to climate models. Being already lack of food, they have to be near human settlements where they often acquire a taste for garbage, and that brings bears and humans both into perilous proximity. Based on current projections, scientists say that o-thirds of the world"s polar bears could be extinct by mid-century, though a significant cut in greenhouse gas emissions could help halt that decline. So measures should be taken to protect the environment on which they are relying. First, governments should legislate to protect oceans as well as the atmosphere. Second, voices should be made to teach the public of the importance of environment protection. Third, enterprises should pay special attention to the effect they have on the environment and work out solutions for the problems. Of course, every individual should try one"s best in daily life by saving water/energy, driving less and so on.译文: 北极熊是在这个世界上最美丽的动物之一,但他们的家,北极,目前正处于危险中。 环境污染和全球气候变暖正严重威胁它们的栖息地。根据气候模型,北极夏季海冰到2030年就会消失。 因为它们已经缺乏食物,它们开始侵扰人类32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333330363239住区附近,甚至是吃垃圾,这会让熊和人类的距离近的危险。 根据目前的预测,科学家们说,到本世纪中叶世界上北极熊的三分之二就可能已经灭绝,但显著削减温室气体排放量可以帮助制止这种趋势。 因此,应采取措施,保护环境。首先, *** 应立法保护海洋和大气。 其次,教导大众保护环境的重要性。第三,企业要特别注意它们对环境的影响,并制定出问题的解决方案。 当然,每个人都应该在日常生活中尽量保护环境,例如节约水资源/能源,少开车,等等。 3. 求一篇英语作文,200字以内即可 As regards the study pressure in universities, students vary in their opinions. Some argue too much pressure is harmful to their academic life, while others regard pressure as a driving force that encourages them to work hard and be top students.As far as I am concerned, too much pressure from study will do harm to my academic life. First and foremost, being overburdened by study, students will be exhausted and bee less creative.Moreover, excessive tensions will do no good to their physical health. Only a sound body could guarantee longterm efficient academic study and research.As the proverb goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”It is suggested that university students balance work and leisure by putting aside enough time for relaxation. Only in this way could higher efficiency in academic study be ensured。 4. 求英语作文200字左右 Life is like a mirror, you *** ile to it, it you laugh, you cry it, it will cry for you, anyway, is a happy day, is not a happy day, why not do a little happy? So, with a *** ile in the face Life. In the face of life with a *** ile, it can raise your self-confidence, so that we will be able to do much more effective, we came to this world naked, naked and can not go back, right? Otherwise, it came to the world that has been going on in vain. If Everyone with a *** ile in the face of life, then the world will not be a bad guy, we do not have to sleep all closed down. "In the face of life with a *** ile," these words will acpany me through my life!。 5. 谁能帮我写篇200字的英文作文么们关于我的家乡,我今天要,还有几 My hometown is in a city which is not very large.There are not any high buildings,and the streets are not very wide.But it is really beautiful with lots of hills and lakes. The climate is very suitable for people to live.In my hometown,you can find many places of entertainments,such as,tea houses,bars and cafe bars and so on.And they are all in the same street.Many people who have visited here say that it is just like a *** all Hongkong.If I can change my hometown,first of all, I"d like to build a entertainment park,just like the Happy Valley.I think that people can relax themselves at the weekends.Meanwhile,people have a place to have the social munication.Certainly enough,it can promote the local economy and beautify the environment.Anyway,that"s my dream.I know that I have to work harder to realize my dream. Declarative(陈述句)My elder brother was a very clever boy in his class in the middle schoolInterrogative(疑问句)Do you always help the other people when they are in trouble?Imperative(祈使句)Come back home,or you will catch a cold in such a cold day.Exclamatory(感叹句)How interesting the story is!Simple(简单句)He is a good at handwriting.Compound(并列句)Are you serious or are you kidding at this matter?Complex(复合句)I don"t like the cities where it is so noisy and crowded.Compound—Complex(复杂句)Being a student,you should work hard at your lessons which can help you get matured.Long Sentences(长句)Thinking about the problem,he looked at his text-books on the table when he finished his homework which makes him bored and tired as well.Periodic(圆周句)He is a busy man,and the busy man is him.Bakabced(对称句)He is very clever,but,he is very lazy.。 6. 英语作文200字左右3篇 考试作文1: Title: A Strange Dream Time Limit: 30 minutes Word Limit: No less than 120 words 参考范文A Strange Dream It was a sweet spring. How pretty it was! I sat on the green meadow and glanced over my book. The warm winds blew gently. I was very tired and lay down to rest for a little while. Very soon I went into a state of dreaming. A little girl sleeps in a corner of the garden. She cries and cries until her sound is broken. Suddenly a bright figure appears before the child. A beautiful fairy stands in front of her. She had a wand in her hand. “Why do you cry? What"s the trouble? Perhaps I can help you”, the fairy says. “My mother is dead. I am lonely, and nobody loves me”, answers the girl. “I am a fairy, my home is in the moon. Do you see the light of the moon? How pleasant it is. Would you like to live with me in the moon?” “Thank you, dear fairy, I want to go with you”. The fairy leads the girl into a wood where there are many dwarfs. They look very busy. Every one of them has to dig the soil. They are trying to find varieties of seeds. They cultivate the fields with their hands. All day long though they are exhausted, yet they are forced to work on. Otherwise they will be whipped to death. I made up my mind to save all of those dwarfs. The sound of the bell suddenly came to my ears. I had to wake up. Oh! This is no other than a dream. I will not let it trouble my mind. (264 words)考试作文2: Title: A Visit to My Uncle (Grandfather,… ) Time Limit: 30 minutes Word Limit: No less than 120 words 参考范文A Visit to My Uncle I spent the winter vacation at my hometown last year. I went to visit my uncle on the following afternoon of my arrival, acpanied by my brother. The weather was bitterly cold. Drifts of snow were frozen up by the strong north wind. We wore fur gowns and walked closely together, but still shivered from time to time. My uncle"s house was at the other side of the hill, near the city wall. It is a shorter way to go across the h1ll and down straight to his door. We went by that way to his house. When we got on the top of the hill, his house was already within our sight. Then we quickened our paces, excited with a sort of passion which was very dear to us from years pas? We fot the cold already. My uncle was still the same as I remember him. His laugh, his voice and his gesture, were all as familiar to me as if we had not parted even one day. He was still very healthy. He treated us very kind. He asked to prepare tiff for us in spite of our protest. We said that we could eat only a little, since we had already taken much food, but his warm entreaties made us empty all the dishes. I spent the whole afternoon with our cousins in the country. I was very happy to enjoy the fine scenery in the country, and to breathe some fresh air. When it was growing dark, we started for home. On the way back, we talked about the pleasure of the country people and the pain of the farmers. (275 words)考试作文3: Title: The Person I Admire the Most Time Limit: 30 minutes Word Limit: no less than 120 words Outline: (1) His / Her identity (2) Reasons for my admiration (3) My conclusion 参考范文The Person I Admire the Most Mrs. Fulmer is my English instructor. She es from the U.S.A. Like most of my clas *** ates, I think of her as a repeatable person. She is also very popular among us. Mrs. Fulmer has many of the qualities that students appreciate in an instructor. First, she is cordial and patient. Whenever dealing with new teaching material, she tried hard to get every detail to all students. In addition, she understands our difficulties and does her best to help us get over them. Second, she has an expressive look and an impressive tone. So she always manages to make her lectures interesting and exciting. Finally, Mrs. Fulmer is a very capable anizer. All of us appreciate the schedules of assignments she gives us at the beginning of a term. They allow us to plan our time reasonably and efficiently. Personally, I trust that as a dedicated woman. Mrs. Fulmer is believed to be a successful English instructor. (156 words) 考试作文4: Title: A Person"s Birthday Time Limit: 30 minutes Word Limit: No less than 120 words 参考范文Jim"s BirthdayYesterday was Jim"s birthday. He got a lot of presents from his friends and family. All the gifts were wrapped in colored paper. Some of the packages were large, but others were very *** all. One square package was blue; there was a book in it. Another one was long and narrow; it had an umbrella in it. Jim"s sister gave him a big, round package. He thought it was a ball, but it was not. When he removed the yellow paper that coveted it, he saw that it was a globe o。 7. 求一篇英语作文 150 Whereas other societies look to the past for guidance, we cast our s forward(面向未32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333238663036来)It is the belief in a brighter future that gives us optimi *** .Even these days, when not all progress seems positive (nuclear weapons, air pollution, unemployment, etc.), the belief remains that for every problem there is a rational solution.The job of the parents is to give the children every opportunity while they are growing up and then get out of their way.What deference people in authority do mand is based on their actual powers rather than on their age, wisdom, or dignity.In a society that changes as fast as ours, experience simply does not have the value that it does in traditional societies.It has taken a long time to convince the public that free enterprise does not mean that a pany should be free to pollute the air, foul the rivers, and destroy the forests.The assembly line reduced workers to cogs of machinery and made their jobs unutterably boring, but it produced goods fast.Food is prepackaged and shopping is impersonal, but the efficiency of the operation produces lower prices and less shopping time.。 8. 英语200字的作文:thewayIliketolearninmycurrentcollegedays要写200 You may feel that college life is boring.We do not know how to deal with the plenty of spare time.But I think the college life will bee wonderful as long as you make it meaningful.In your spare time,you could play basketball,football and so on.Doing sports is very interesting and good for your health.In fact,you can do anything which you are interested in.Do not be nervous.We are friends.Studying in college is a brand new start of our life.You can continue to study hard for the better scords.Libary is a good place for students to study in.If you want to show your talents and skills you can join in all kinds of activities.In a word,college life is wonderful!。 9. 英语作文200字四季 There are four seasons here in Beijing. Spring, summer,autumn and winter.Now it is spring. The weather gets warmer and warmer. But sometimes it has lots of winds. The flowers are everywhere and grass is green. The trees turn green and swallows e back. It"s best to fly kites in spring.Summer es after spring. It lasts from June to August. It"s the hottest season of the year. People like to go swimming in summer. Students have a summer holiday for about o months.Autumn is a harvist time. Farmers are busy with their crops. The sky is the bluest of the year. We often celebrate Mid-autumn
2023-06-07 11:14:411


1. 小学生英语作文 Last week, Gogo went hiking(去郊游) with his friends. Tony and Jenny planted trees, Gogo helped Tony and Jenny. Mr Green washed his boots and Mrs Green painted a picture. Ben cooked dinner and Lisa called her friend. They were very happy. 第二篇 A Happy Day Last Sunday, I visited my grandmother. We listened to music and planted flowers. I counted the flowers. There were ten.. Then I helped my grandmother cook lunch. When we finished, I washed the dishes and she cleaned the kitchen. In the evening, I watched TV and played the violin at home, It was fun. 第三篇 Chinese new year I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. I am as happy as a king. 第四篇 My Friend"s Birthday Today is monday. It is also my friend"s birthday. I sent a beautiful gift to him. He is very happy!We played games at his home. We danced,sang and so on. His mather bought a big birthday cake. It is very delicious! I like it very much! This day I"m very happy! 第五篇 My Dream I am a 5th class elementary student. Although I very am also young, but I have my dream! I after hoped I grow up may work as a singer. Because I like singing very much. It may give me to bring to pull many joy. 第六篇 My Good Friend My good friend"s name is called SARA. me and she together grows up since childhood. Is the very good very good friend. She is very lovable. Has a pair of enchanting big eye, *** all cheek, long hair. Her all are such perfect as if. Her personal connection unusual good! Sometimes I also very much envy her! 2. 【myschool小学英语作文】 My shool Hi,boys and girls .DO you have a beautiful shool?My shool is very big and very beautiful.You can see many beautiful grass and flowers in the garden.In summer,we can fly kites and play sports in the playground.There is a big library in our shool.In the library,you can read many intersting books.I like it very much.In our shool,there are many nice and strict teacher.They usually take care of us and they work hard.when people talk about our teacher,everyone would say“Oh!they are good teachers,we all like them very much.” I love my school very much.Wele to my school every timeMy ShoolI am a student in Grade Three .There are fifty five days left and I"m going to leave my school---Zunde middle school .I still remember what I did and what I learnt there .I used to play on the playground with my best friends ,but those won"t happen in this school .I really don"t want to leave my friends and our school .Wherever I go ,I will never fet Zunde middle school ,I will never fet my best friends .我的学校我是初三的一名学生,还有五十五天我就要离开我的母校---尊德中学了.我还记得自己以前在这做过什么,学到了什么.我过去常与好朋友在操场上打篮球,但是这些再也不会发生了.我真的不想离开我的学校和我的朋友.无论我在那里,我永远也不会忘记我的学校和我的好朋友.My Shool My second family is my school.She consists of 50 classes.The number of the teachers and the students is 2800.She is very beautiful.There are lots of flowers around the walls.With many trees on both sides of the road ,we feel very cool in summer.I love my school.She gives me lots of knowledge and teaches me how to be a good student .I will work hard and return her.。 3. 小学英语作文范文 没有关于什么题材的么?? 先给一篇小学生英语作文,是关于如何度过自己的周末 我的周末My Weekend The weekend is ing. i will have a happy weekend. on saturday morning, i"m going to do my homework. and then, i"m going out to play. i"m going to the bookstore and read some books. in the evening, i am going to have dinner with my parents outside.on sunday morning, i"m going to the library or do my homework. and then, i"m going to listen to music. in the afternoon, i"m going to go shopping with my mother. i like shopping very much. this is my happy and busy weekend. do you like this weekend? 文章大概是,因为周末即将来临,小作者期待着自己有个愉快的周末,星期六,她要先做好假体作业,然后出去玩,要去书店,在晚上的时候和父母一起晚餐,星期日。听英语,做好家庭作业,和妈妈一起购物。 4. 小学生英语作文 50字 My Mother My mother is a kind woman.She is 35 years old.She is tall.She has o big eyes.She is a good teacher.She teaches English.She goes work at 7 o"clock.She goes home at 6 o"clock.She likes reading book.On Saturday,she often does housework.Sometimes she does sports.She is a good mother.I love my mother. summer If you ask me.what is your faverite season? I am sure . I"ll choose summer Why? Let me tell you .In summer ,the weather is hot, so we can go swimming . i like it very much. summer it is ofter rainy and hot. sometimes rainy in summer .sometimes ci eat ice cream at home . so i very happy 5. 小学英语作文:MyfavoriteFood.(我喜欢吃蛋糕)小学英语作文,60词 my favourite food My favourite food is cake.because it is very delicious.Although cake is very sweet,it looks very beautiful.On my birthday,my mother bought a cake for me.I was very happy.There were many things on the birthday cake. For example ,some fruit and chocolate. There were also some candles on it.l like chocolate very much but it"s not healthy for me to have too much chocolate.Because I will be too fat. Cake is my favourite,I think you will also like it!一半自己写的一般抄的,英语不好啊.还有一般这种作文你不要专指什么东西,写我最喜欢吃蔬菜多好,因为蔬菜有好多种,你说你喜欢吃苹果那怎么写呢,又不能用英语描写什么苹果的清香色泽口感.。 6. 小学生英语作文(80词) Wele to the zoo,everyone!I am XXX. Here you can see a lovely monkey eating bananas on the tree.Look!He is so happy to see you and waving to you. Then we can see o panadas in the room.Their names was Xi Wang and Wei Wei.I hope everyone will love them. Next to the room live some rabbits.They always like to eat grass on the land,and very happy to stay outside. The last animals you can see are the stars in the zoo.Yes, you are right .They are o dolipines.They like swimming in the river.They can do many difficult activities to make children laugh. That"s all~See you~ 7. 12篇小学英语话题作文 My family My name is Wenwen。 I am 14 years old I like listen to music.My father is doctor .My mother is driver My brother is student I have a happy family!My English teacher I have a English teacher. She teaches very well. She often *** iles to us. When we are in trouble, she can always help us in time. Once I got a cold. She hurried to the office and took some medicine to me. I was better soon. I thanked her very much. I love my teacher very much. 写自己喜欢吃的食物 1 I like banana very much. banana always grows in the warm area. it"s nice to eat, and it is good for our healths. like us ,monkeys also like to eat bananas. you can see this in the zoo. 2 I"m a student.I like eggs and coconut.Because eggs is very good for me .It"s very healthy.The coconut is a very sweet .The HauNan"s coconut is very great.I like them. My class I"m a student.There are 38 desks and chairs in my classroom. And there are 6 windows on the wall. 38 students are in my class.My chinese teacher is Miss Gu ,my English teacher is Miss Feng and my math teacher is Miss Li.I like my class very much .Wele to my class. 2 I study in class ?and I feel very happy.there are 38 students and desks in my class.my chinese teacher,Miss gu,english teacher,miss feng and maths teacher,miss li,are all very friendly.I like them very much,and I like my class. Music Many people like music. It has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music fast, classical music great, light music relaxing, and children, music interesting. You can pick and choose whatever you like. Now popular songs are in fashion. If you like music, you usually like singing, too. I am no exception. My brother and I like pop songs, and my parents like to listen to soft music. We are a musical family. Do you like music? Is your family full of music, too? Music is really great! I like it very much. My Good Friend My name is ***.I have a good friend . Her name is Liu Yun. She lives in China . Her mather is a singer. She likes swimming. Her father is a TV reporter. He likes listening to mnsic. Liu Yun likes piaying the violin and riding her bike. Every morning , she goes to school on foot. Every evening, she reads newspaper ai home. Then she goes to bed at nine. This is my good friend Liu Yun. Cartoons There are many television programs in Taiwan today, from TV aeries, quiz shows, soap operas, movies to cartoons. Of all the programs, I like to watch cartoons the best, like Cartoon neork, Disney and many others. I like to watch cartoons because they are funny and very interesting, especially when I am sad, tired or bored. I also like cartoon characters. They are so cute and vivid. We must use our imagination when we watch cartoons. Because they are often exaggerated, so you need to have a sense of humor. My hometown(我的家乡) I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snow.How about you? My favourite fruit My favourite fruit is apples. I like apples,because they are delicious.There are many kinds of apples,and they have different colours:red and green.The red apples are sweet,but a lot of green apples are not very sweet.So,many people don"t like green apples at all. A lot of apples e from North China.Some of them are bigger than pears,and some of them are *** aller than peaches.It is very interesting,isn"t it?Their pulps also have different colours:light yellow and green.The apples"pulps are light yellow,of course,the green apples" pulps are green. The apples are good for your health,they can make your face red and pretty.Do you think so?You can go and try it! 够了吧。 8. 求几篇小学英文作文、 My pet(我的宠物) My pet is a lovely dog.Its name is "dian dian".because there are a lot of black circle on its skin.the "dian dian" is very friendly.Many childen like play with him.His favourite food is meat bones. His favourite toy is a doll. "dian dian " likes to run very much.It sleeps in a big box at night.It can run very fast and it has a girl friend.its name "na na".there are a lot of black circle on its skin,too.It is very lovely.I like my pet very much.It is a good pet!! It lives happily with my family. 我的宠物是 一条可爱的狗。它的名字是"点点" 。因为有很多黑的圆圈在它的皮肤上。"点点" 是非常友好的。许多孩子喜欢和它玩。他的喜爱食物是肉骨头。 他的喜爱玩具是玩偶。" 点点" 喜欢非常跑。夜晚他睡在一个大盒子里。它跑得非常快速并且它有一个女朋友。它的名字"娜娜" 。它的皮肤也有很多黑圈子。他很可爱。我非常喜欢我的宠物。这是一只好宠物!! 它与我的家庭一起生活的很快乐。 9. 小学生英语作文 Everybody has his hometown .Let me tell you something about my hometown. My hometown is a *** all town,it is not very famous but it is a quiet and beautiful place.There are many trees and flows there and people there are all very friendly and kind.And I always return to my hometown during holiday. I love my hometown very much.
2023-06-07 11:14:481


  1. It was my birthday yesterday. I got a lot of gifts. All of them were covered with coloured paper. Among them there were o interesting ones. My elder sister gave me a round paper bag and I thought it was a football. BUt when I opened it, it turned out to be a clock. My brother gave me a message, saying that My present has been put in your bedroom. As soon as I went into my bedroom, I found a box. I opened it and found a laptop. I was very happy. These o presents aim to let me study hard and not to waste time.   中文:昨天是我的生日,我收到了很多礼物.它们用彩纸包着,其中有两件有趣的东西. 我姐姐送了我一个圆纸包,开始我认为是个足球,但打开后才发现是一个闹钟.我哥给我留了张条,告诉我:“我的礼物已经放在你的卧室里了.”我走进卧室,发现一个盒子.我打开了它,里面是一台笔记本电脑.我非常高兴. 这两件礼物是为了让我好好学习,抓紧时间.   2. 题目: What do you think about gifts?   Everyone likes gifts, but most of people enjoy substance present rather than spirit present. However, the spirit present is the best gift. Love is the most popular gift among friends and families. So even if it is a very *** all gift, such as a leaf from a tree, it is enough to make others feel very happy. For example, if you hand your mother a cup of hot water when she"s cold, she will get happy; if you give some advice to your friend when he is in trouble, he will get happy, too; and if you help an old people go across the street, he will also get happy. Why do they get so happy? Because they receive your love. In a word, love is the best gift for others!   中文:每个人都喜欢礼物,但最重要的是,人们享受物质现实中而不是精神的礼物.然而,目前的最好的礼物是精神.爱是最受欢迎的礼物和朋友在一起,家庭.所以即使是它是一种非常小的礼物,例如叶子从树上,也会让别人觉得很高兴.例如,如果你把你的母亲一杯热水中她冷的时候,她会感到幸福;如果你给一些建议给你的朋友,当他遇到了麻烦,他将得到同样欢乐;如果你帮助老人们穿过大街,他也会感到快乐.为什么他们得到这么高兴?因为他们能得到你的爱.总之,爱是对他人的最好的礼物! 整理:zhl201607
2023-06-07 11:14:561


  无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都写过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?以下是我帮大家整理的英语优秀作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 英语优秀作文1   早上,我刚起床,就听见一阵“A——B——C——”的朗读声啊!声   音苍老而沙哑。“是姥爷!怎么姥爷也学起了英语,可真是奇怪呀!”我带着疑问走到了阳台上。   我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛:只见姥爷捧着一本英语书一本正经的朗读,表哥正在旁边一边认真地听着,一边点着头呢!老爷读完了,表哥就像一位小老师似地说:“学了这么多,累了吧?学以致用,学英语主要为了应用。今天我教你一个单词,注意我发音时的口形。yes!yes!也就是‘是"的意思。”   “yes!yes!yes···”老爷反复认真的读着,尽管念得不是很标准,可就他这年龄来看也够好的了。   中午,姥姥做饭时,发现酱油用完了,看到姥爷坐在沙发上正悠闲的读英语,就大声喊着:“老伴,快去买酱油!”姥爷愣了一下,“酱······酱油?”然后醒悟似地马上站起来,举起手向姥姥敬了个礼,说了一声:“Yes!”“耶丝,什么是耶丝?”姥姥一脸疑惑,我和表哥却忍不住大笑起来。   哎!真是个好学的姥爷呀!活到老,学到老! 英语优秀作文2   在成长的道路上,我们常听到:“人因梦想而伟大”以及“天下无难事,只怕有心人。”,然而我有个梦想,那就是当个英文老师。   我想当一个英文老师,因为我觉得英文不但很重要,还是国际语言,如果大家都会英文,有外国人来可以和他们说话,出国去玩也可以跟外国人对话,自己旅行也不成问题呢!会英文只要身高够高也可以当空姐、把英文翻译成中文的翻译官或医生等,学会英文后在日常生活也很方便。   我现在每个星期的星期 二、星期四、星期六都会去上英文课,上了两年的课,我们现在正在上Storyfun for Movers的课本,是剑桥英文检定考的课本,应该是明年一月要考试,只要每天练习念课文、背单字及练习句型一定可以拿到好成绩的,我可以在家里把我念的单字录起来,到哪里都可以听,也可以用星期六早上请小姨帮我加强。   “一个人,有了梦想,便有目标;有了目标,便有动力,有了动力,便有冲劲,生命便充满意义。”,所以我们要订立一个计划表,按照计划执行,这样就可以实现梦想,离自己的梦想更近。 英语优秀作文3   Hello! Welcome to our school. Let me show you around.   My school is beautiful, it is in Cheng gu.School classroom is capacious, also extremely clean. Our teacher is friendly to us. We have lessons in our classroom.Our teachers plan their lessons in the office. Our school learning environment is good.   I study in school and I"m very happy.   I love my school!   你好!欢迎来到我们学校。让我带你四处看看。   我的学校是美丽的,它是在顾城。学校的教室宽敞,也非常干净,我们的老师对我们很友好。我们在我们的教室上课。我们的老师在办公室计划他们的教训。我们学校的学习环境很好。   我在学校学习,我很高兴。   我爱我的学校! 英语优秀作文4   我有个同学,她的妈妈是教英语的老师,阿姨请我们到她家去学英语。   第一次去阿姨家,我一进门,就惊呆了,阿姨家是个小独院,有三层楼呢!有好几个朋友">小朋友都在阿姨家学英语,我们把客厅的一张乒乓球台当桌子,认认真真地听阿姨讲起课来。   我们每周的周二、周四、周六都去学英语。阿姨讲课很有趣,当我们学到颜色时,阿姨让我们每人画一幅画,涂色时,我们只能用一种颜色,阿姨把我们的画粘在黑板上,然后教们认颜色,阿姨又让我们把衣服、裤子、鞋子的颜色用英语说下来。最后,阿姨让我们每人画一道彩虹,当涂色时,用到什么颜色就用英语说出来,比如用到红色就说“red”,用到黄色就说“yellow”……   在阿姨家学英语真是开心,我既学了英语,又玩的快乐! 英语优秀作文5   我们的寒假放假时间是从一月十六号截至到二月七日。我想每个人在这期间,都会去做很多的事。但是我没有这样。下面就让我来给大家讲讲我的寒假发生的事吧。   我花了很长的时间来做作业…,在寒假这段时间里,我每天起的都很晚。然后呢,我听录音机(tape),转眼到九点了。之后,我吃完早饭再花一整天的时间去做作业!其实我做的并不慢,只是家庭作业布置的太多了!   我在玩耍方面也显得十分倒霉。在我玩爆竹的时候,伤着了我的手指。我手拿着放爆竹的时候,太不小心了,所以显得很是倒霉。   在我与朋友聚餐时也相当倒霉。早上,我是想着早点起,可是等我睡醒时已经是10:50.十分钟后,聚会就要开始!于是我只吃了块面包就径直向朋友家跑去!在朋友家呆了很长的时间后,我回到家,我爸爸妈妈很生气并且还大骂我一顿。   我很担心我的体重,上学期,我体重是48KG,但是现在我已经涨到51KG了!我必须减肥了!   但是更为重要的是,我已经去过了上海海洋水族馆,我非常期待去那,因为在那我可以看到马、猴子……还有大海。现在我实现这个愿望了。这也是我这个寒假唯一的一个亮点。 英语优秀作文6   电视里正在播放少儿英语节目,我坐在电视机前,也跟着一起说读。这时,爷爷做完饭从厨房走了过来,笑着说:“航航,你英语说得这么好,能不能教教我?”,爷爷买上是快70岁的人了,还要学英语?我真的不敢相信自己的耳朵,还拍了拍自己的头,以为自己是在做梦。我对爷爷说: “爷爷,我的英语说得真的不好,您找别人学吧!”。“你就别吹牛了,你的英语说得好的很!”我也说不过爷爷,只能来教爷爷英语。   我们来到房间里,我开始教爷爷最简单的英文单词。我这个小老师像模像样的从抽屉上拿出一张白色卡纸,在上面写了一五个英语单词,开始认真教读起来。最好笑的要数地三个英文单词的时候了。我用手指着“banana”这个英文单词,故意将小嘴的动作弄得很夸张,爷爷也跟着读起来。看着她那很一本正经的样子,我这个小老师该很敬业才是呀,要不然就太对不住奶奶了。于是,我提升了难度,把这个英文单词的写法告诉了爷爷。只见爷爷握着钢笔笔,照葫芦画瓢的在本子上写下了“banana”,还不停地念着:“不拉了,不拉了……”我听了,不禁笑起来了。哈哈,爷爷快70岁的人,还想学英语,还学得这么投入,真是一件新的事。 英语优秀作文7   My Friend   Helen is my best friend. She is 12 years old. She is very beautiful. She has a long hair, big eyes and a small mouth. She can speak English very well. She likes painting and reading books. Her birthday is in August. Chocolate and ice-cream are her favorite food. She is lovely and smart. She is my best friend forever.   译文:   海伦是我最好的朋友。她12岁了。她非常漂亮,她有着长长的头发,大大的眼睛,小小的嘴巴。她英语说得很好。她喜欢画画和看书。她的生日是在八月。她最喜欢的食物是巧克力和冰淇淋。她既可爱又聪明。她是我最好的"朋友。 英语优秀作文8   英语,English,一直以来都是我特别难攻克的科目,无论我怎么样学习,怎么样的努力,英语成绩总是提不上来。我的同桌小尘尘则不一样,她的英语总是特别的棒,每次考试总会成为班里面的前几名。   久而久之,我也开始慢慢的向小尘尘学习一下她学习英语的经验了。首先我注意到小尘尘的语法非常的扎实,在她的英语之中很少出现语法的错误。而我则不同,每次选择题都会错一大堆的语法题目。还有就是小尘尘的英语口语也很棒,而我的口语则说的不是很好。于是我去问小尘尘:“怎么样才能让我的口语和语法像你的一样好呢?”小尘尘想了想:“语法的话就是多做习题,口语的话就多看英文电影之类的,而且要大胆的说出来英语。”   得知了这些东西,我有了下一段的计划。首先先要攻克我的语法,既然小尘尘都说要多做习题了,那我就每天晚上看一章语法知识点,然后再每天晚上做一章对应的习题。至于口语嘛,每天我决定下载一部英文电影来观看,学习里面的发音,而且每天都要像爸爸妈妈多说英语,一定要让自己的口语好一点。   接下来的日子里面,我一定要加油让自己的英语像小尘尘的一样棒。 英语优秀作文9   我的英语学的很不好,英语考试成绩一直不理想,放暑假的时候妈妈给我找了一个英语班。虽然我很不情愿,但我还是去了。   在第一节课上,老师给我们制定了一整套学习方案。每天回家默写单词,听复读机读英语,让家长监督。刚开始的时候我很勤快,每天回到家里背单词,练口语。可有一天,我玩得很累,吃过晚饭就想睡觉,这时妈妈走过来问我:“小月,今天怎么没听到你读英语呢?”我哀求妈妈说:“今天我很累了,能不能不读了。”妈妈说:“做任何事情都要持之以恒,这样才能有一个好结果呀!”听了这话,我虽然很累,还是坚持把这一天的课程复习了一遍。   我们的英语老师课讲得很生动,我慢慢地对学英语产生了浓厚的兴趣。我每天都能够按时默写单词,听英语磁带,再也不用妈妈费心了。几个月过去了,我的英语成绩提高得很快,每次考试都在90分以上。这都是我一直以来勤奋练习的结果。   “业精于勤而荒于疏。”要想取得成绩,就要不怕吃苦,要持之以恒。 英语优秀作文10   去年寒假我和奶奶在家里闲着没事做,我想奶奶是在农村生活的,一定没学过英语,我就对奶奶说:“奶奶,我教你学英语吧?”奶奶说:“我这么老了,还学英语有什么用?”我说:“俗话说,活到老学到老嘛。”奶奶被我说服了。只好说:“好吧。”   我高兴得一蹦三尺高,摆出一副老师的样子,说:“奶奶同学请跟我读bed。”奶奶也跟着读bed 。我说:“我们今天学习四个单词:bed、one、two和Hi。奶奶同学今天你要把这四个单词都记住,还要会写。”说着我在奶奶的作业本上写了bed床、one一、two二、Hi你好。奶奶一下子就把其中的one和two这两个单词记住了。   第二天,我让奶奶默写这四个单词,没想到奶奶用了一晚上的时间居然全学会了!奶奶把四个单词默写完了后,我表扬她说:“奶奶你真棒!”
2023-06-07 11:15:021


  在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?以下是我收集整理的话题英语作文5篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 话题英语作文 篇1   Today is April 5th, it is the traditional Chinese festival - Qingming Festival. In the morning, I was pulled up at 5 and 6. I had a mess of clothes. I had not come and had breakfast. I was stuck in the car and started out to my home.   There are some unusual weather today, not only without rain, but also from the sun. There are many places to go to the tomb sweeping. The old grandma old grandpa had a very far distance, but no matter how far, we went to every point.   I asked the question that along the way, uncles said I was too small, what I did not say, but I was on the "Qingming rain have, the pedestrian on the road" this "deep sorrow" three words have a deeper understanding.   Inside these tombs, grandpa is the closest thing to my blood. Grandpa died before I was born. I"ve never seen him before, but I"d like to know what he looks like. Grandma there was a picture of Grandpa, but I was afraid to cause granny"s sadness and never dared to give her. See other children and their grandfather loudly, I have a heart of envy, and sad.   Before coming to Grandpa"s tomb, uncle uncle began to weeds and clear the garbage. In a moment, the grave was new. Mom and dad quickly from the bag out of the yellow paper, Mingbi with seal, burning ash in the grave, to send money in the underworld of Grandpa; then put round egg, savory pork, red apple we put the incense incense lit, hands in three rows to Grandpa worship, then. We set off firecrackers.   Qingming Festival is a festival to cherish the death of relatives, and every year we go home to sweep the grave. Yes, no one has a later one. 话题英语作文 篇2   The Prevalence of Western Holidays-it is noticeable that western holidays are becoming increasingly popular day by day, while Chinese traditional holidays are being somewhat neglected. Young people in China who are ignorant about Chinese traditional holidays are crazy about Christmas or Valentine"s Day.   There are several possible reasons for this phenomenon. First, western nations, such as the United States and Britain, are powerful and dominant in every aspect.   Everything in these countries is assumed to be superior and adored by some modern young people. Second, the prevalence of English as a world language and the development of globalization enable western cultu   re to prevail in China. Last but not least, some Chinese people have blind faith in foreign things while treating our own possessions with contempt.   I am critical of this trend. China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. If this trend is allowed to continue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let us join hand in hand to protect Chinese tradition, especially traditional holidays. (180 words) 话题英语作文 篇3   A Lesson from My Parents   Parents are your first teachers. Write a short essay to describe one of instructive lessons you once learned from your parents, including:   A distance of 500 miles separates my college from my hometown, an old city, where my parents have been living, but my heart has never been away for a single step, because the lesson from them will be a gift of lifetime.   When I was still 15, the laid-offs, or rather untimely retirements, of both my Mum and dad, arrived by far earlier than ever expected. Moreover, it could be hardly imagined how much their careers meant to them other than earning money.   Nevertheless, it would be not long before they managed to get over such a blow. They thus underwent all kinds of odd jobs they could run into, be they dirty or painstaking. That way with sufficient money for my tuition fee and living expenses I went through my three academic years.   Now one of them is getting weaker and both older, but the lesson that God only helps those who help themselves they taught me will endure in my mind despite the passage of time. 话题英语作文 篇4    以"My Chinese Teacher"为标题写一篇字数为80-100之间的英语短文。提示内容如下:   1.孙老师今年36岁,中等身材。   2.她关心。热爱学生,工作认真负责。   3.她语文课讲得生动。有趣。   参考范文:   My Chinese Teacher   Of all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher,Ms Sun. Though she has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and love her very much.   Ms Sun is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.She works very hard. She is always the first to come and the last to leave her office. She tries to make her classes lively and interesting. And we enjoy her lessons very much.   Ms Sun is very kind and friendly to us. And we're getting on well with each other. But she is very strict with us in our studies.Ms Sun teaches us so well that we all enjoy learning Chinese. All the students think she is one of the most popular teachers in our school.    询问学习外语的建议   假设你叫李华,你的"英国笔友Linda为了来中国参观奥运会而报名参加了汉语培训班学习汉语。她最近写信向你询问学习外语的建议。请根据下列提示和你学习英语的体会给Linda写一封回信。   注意:   1.回信需要包括全部要点;   2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;   3.字数60左右。   Dear Linda,   I"m very glad that you"ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language,but I have some ideas that may help.   ___________________________________________________________________________________________   Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China.   Yours,   Li Hua   参考范文:   Dear Linda,   I"m very glad that you"ll come toChinato watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help.   Firstly, it"s very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese. What"s more,you"d better plan your time well and study it regularly every day.   Above all, you should be confident in yourself and don"t give up whenever you meet with difficulty. I"m sure you will succeed through your hard work.   Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you inChina.   Yours,   Li Hua    The Ways for Students to Relax:适当方式放松自己   中学生学习时间长、压力大,专家建议学生每天课后应采取适当的方式放松自己。你代表班级在一次 "The Ways for Students to Relax"的学校座谈中与二(1)班的Terry讨论了这一话题,请根据他的观点和你自己的观点,用英语给你的外籍教师Mr. Griffin写一篇有关这次讨论的汇报材料。   His ideas & Your ideas   1. Watching TV …   2. Playing computer games …   3. Hanging out with friends …   注意:   1. 开头和结尾已经写好;   2. 可以适当增加谈论话题时经常用到的话语,使内容连贯   3. 所写内容必须包括上面表格中他的观点和你自己至少三个观点   4. 词数:70字左右。   Mr. Griffin,   Recently I have had a discussion about The Ways for Students to Relax with Terry, a student from Class One Grade Two.   __________________________________________________________   Yours,   Terry   参考范文:   Mr. Griffin,   Recently I have had a discussion about The Ways for Students to Relax with Terry, a student from Class One Grade Two.   As we study too long every day, every student should choose ways to relax. In his opinion, the best ways are watching TV and playing computer games. He also believes that sometimes hanging out with friends isn"t a bad way.   However, I"m not quite agree with him. In my opinion, watching TV or playing computer games is not a good way to help us relax. I think listening to music and playing sports are good ways because they can help us keep healthy. I often play Pingpong after class and I find it really helpful to both my health and my study. Besides, I think chatting with our friends isn"t a bad way. I think it can help me get on better with my friends.   That"s all and best wishes for you!   Yours,   Terry    Ellen看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待,感到特别高兴。为了鼓励大家学好英语,他准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。请 根据以下问题和答案的提示并结合你的实际情况,以"My English Learning"为题写一篇80词左右的英文稿件,要求至少涉及其中的三个问题,并且不能出现你的真实姓名和校名等。   提示:   When did you start learning English(in … /…years ago)   How do you learn English(listen carefully, study with a group, read English every day…)   What is difficult to learn(listening, grammar…)   What other helpful ways do you know to learn English well(watch English movies, sing English songs…)   参考范文:   English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old.   But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes and watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot.   In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries.   I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.    对作弊现象的建议    目前,学生考试作弊现象严重,请围绕以下要点谈谈其中原因以及个人建议。 原因:1.考试太多太难 2.自身勤奋不够 3.把大量时间用在上网和玩游戏上 4.为了骗取家长和老师高兴   看法与建议:1、作弊有害;2、要做人诚实,学习发奋;3、学校应减少考试。 要求:1、字数80-100;2、围绕要点可适当发挥;3、文章开头已给出,不计入总字数。   At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit--cheating in examinations.   参考范文:   At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit - cheating in examinations.   There are three main reasons. First, schools have given students too many exams, some of which are too difficult. Second, some students are not   hard-working and they don"t work hard at their lessons. Third, they waste a lot of time playing games or surfing the Internet. So they haven"t enough time to prepare for the exams. Finally, students have to do so to make their teachers and parents happy.   In my opinion, cheating in exams does great harm to our study. We students should be honest and diligent, and only in this way can we improve our study and make progress. Besides, our teachers should offer us fewer exams and more time to study for ourselves. 话题英语作文 篇5   When we were children, we often say that I want to grow up, or I want to be an adult. As children, we cannot do many things, while after we grow up, we can. However, we often complain that I don"t want to grow up when we become adults actually.   当我们还是小孩子的时候,我们常说,我要长大,或者我想成为大人。作为孩子,有很多事情我们都不能做,但是长大后,却可以做。然而,当我们真的长大之后,我们却常常抱怨不想长大。   Firstly, growing up means more responsibilities. We should make a living by ourselves or we should support our parents when they can"t earn enough money to make a living. Secondly, after graduation, we need to work instead of accomplishing nothing. We should have a target and work for it, so we have pressure on jobs. After that, when we meet with the right person, we will get marry with him or her to build a family. That is to say, we have heavier burden because of our family. Building a family and keeping it harmonious is not easy. In a word, there are many problems waiting for us once we grow up.   首先,成长意味着更多的责任。我们要自己谋生,或者在我们父母无法养活自己的时候,要赡养父母。其次,大学毕业后,我们需要工作而不是什么都不做。我们应该有目标,并朝着它工作,因此我们有了工作的压力。之后,当我们会遇到合适的人,我们会和他或她结婚并一起建立一个家庭。也就是说,因为我们自己的家庭,我们的负担加重了。组建一个和谐的家庭并不容易。总之,一旦我们长大了就会有很多问题在等着我们。   Every coin has two sides. Grow up can also broaden our horizon, offer us an opportunity to know more about our world, love and protect the important person in our life. Don"t be afraid of growing up, just be a better person and enjoy our life.   每个硬币都有两面性。长大了可以拓宽我们的视野,使我们有更多的机会地了解我们的世界,爱和保护我们生命中重要的人。不要害怕长大,那只是让你成为一个更好的人,并享受生活。
2023-06-07 11:15:101


1. 英语小作文怎么写 英语作文(书面表达)是英语综合能力的集中体现,是词汇语法阅读遣词造句篇章结构逻辑思维等的综合考查.一般有经验的老师只要看一下一个人写几句英语,就能大致判断其英语水平.要想 真正提高英语书面表达能力,非在词汇惯用法搭配和基本语法上下苦功夫.同时通过阅读来积累素材.从汉语作文就可知英语作文有多难.也可得到启示该怎么训练.小学到初中在到高中10 多年,有多少学生能够写出象样的汉语作文? 英语作文怎么写?好在知要求根据某个 情景话题写10 多句话,120词左右,同常要看懂提示,认真审题,1).审文体,要求 写成什么文体?如何开头结尾?是书信?是看图作文?还是根据图表写议论文?各种文体 有大致固定的结构. 2))审要点,特别是动词用哪个?评分 时,是按要点是否全部涉及,表达是否清楚来定 档次的. 要点确定后,重要的是用好 动词,可以在原文旁边或图上标出拟用的动词,最好一步到位,将时态 也带进去,确定全文基本时态 是现在时 还是过去时?直接将该词的形式表出来,省略打 草稿的步骤; 3),将要点扩充成句子,注意前后问的连贯和一致. 4),加 必要的连词,是全文连贯和文理通顺,有的句子前后再 调整合并,写成从句或使用非谓语等其他手段. 5).通读全文,检查是否有错.改正拼写和标点错误.写作文 是一个复杂 的思维过程.一篇 号作文需 反复修改,和进行周密的思维活动,没有必要的词汇,素材积累是无从下手的,多读范文,多练习,才有望 提高,正如游泳骑车等技能只有通过不断练习游 和骑 ,而不是纯理论能奏效的. 首先要搞好阅读。 阅读是写作的基础,在阅读方面下的功夫越深,驾驭语言的能力也就越强。所以要写好英语先要读好英语,在语言学习方面狠下苦功,教科书要读透,因为教科书中的文章都是一些很好的范文,文笔流畅,语言规范,精彩的一些课文段落要背诵。 再就是要进行大量课外阅读,并记住一些好文章的篇章结构。 加强练词造句训练 其次,要加强练词造句的训练。 词句对作文相当于造房的材料,无好材料就造不出好房子。平时在学习阅读时要注意收集积累,把好的词语、短语、句型做好笔记。 平时在练习中的错误也要做好记录,再对照正确句子,使地道的英语句子如同条件反射,落笔就对。 了解英语写作格式 还有,要了解英语写作的不同体裁与格式。 可以先看一本介绍英语写作入门的书,对英语写作有一个初步的概念,如怎么写议论文,如何提出论据,如何展开,如何确定中心句;又如,英语信的格式,如何根据不同身份写不同结束语等,然后根据不同的体裁进行写作练习。 用英语写日记 要养成记英语日记勤练笔的好习惯。 经常用英语记日记,等于天天在练笔,这无疑是提高英语协作的行之有效的好办法。在记日记时,不要总是用简单句,要有意识地用一些好的词组、句型、关联词和复合句等,使文句更优美生动。 还有要按照题目或所给情景写文章练笔。写好后对照范文,找出差距,然后再练习,这对提高英语作文也很有帮助,在游泳中学会游泳,只有多练习才能练好。 总之,平时学习语言素材积累多了,体裁格式记住了又经常练习不断提高,到作文下笔时就会得心应手,水到渠成。 2. 英语作文50字带翻译 My favorite holiday is New Year, Chinese New Year we can eat dumplings and a lot of good things to eat, but alsoReceive lucky money, parents will acpany us to the amusement park, parks,We are very happy New Year everyone likes, and I also like the Spring Festival. 我最喜欢的节日是春节,在春节我们可以吃饺子和很多好吃的东西,还可以收到压岁钱父母还会带我们去游乐园,公园,所有人都会很开心,所有人都喜欢春节,我也非常喜欢春节。 3. 写:英语小作文 Dear Xiao Min, Thanks for your last latter.I heard that you don"t want to learn English.I"m sorry to hear that.I know that if you are the first time to learn English,you"ll find English is kind of difficult.But learning English is important.If you learn English well, you"ll be able to talk with a native speaker of English.As you can see,most of the countries in the world are English-speaking countries.If you learn English well,you"ll be able to travel all over the world.If you learn English well,you"ll get good grades and your parents will be very happy.It"s very necessary and important for you to learn English well.Please try your best to learn English well! Please write to me soon! Yours Li Mi 4. 最短英语作文10篇每篇20字,带翻译 There is a park near my home.There are a lot of beautiful trees,flowersand birds in the park.So many people go to the park to enjoy theirweekends.They like walking or having a picnic in the park.But I like flying akite with my sisiter there. 我家附近有一个公园。 哪里有很多美丽的树、花和小鸟。所以很多人都喜欢到那里去度周末。 他们喜欢在公园里散步或是野餐.但是我喜欢和我姐姐在那里放风筝。Bedroom Ihave a *** all bedroom.There are only a *** all bed,a *** all desk and a *** all chairin the room.And there is a beautiful doll on my blue bed.Everyday I do myhomework,read books and play games with the doll in my bedroom.It is *** all,butit gives me much happiness. 我有一间小小的卧室。 那里有一张小小的床、小小桌子和一把小小的椅子。而且还有一个漂亮的娃娃在我那张蓝色的小床上。 我每天都在房间里写作业,看书和与我的娃娃玩。虽然房间很小,但是他给了我很多欢乐。 My father Myfather is a tall and handsome man.He is a policeman. Everyday he es backhome very late,because he must help the others.He doesn"t have time to examinemy homework and take me to the park.But I like my father,because he is a goodpoliceman. 我的爸爸是一个高大帅气的男人。他是一个警察。 他每天都很晚才回家,因为他要帮助其他的人。他没有时间给我检查作业和带我去公园。 但是我仍然很喜欢我的爸爸,因为他是一个好警察。I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather iswarm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I canswim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I canplay kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snow.我是来自深圳。 在春天,在天气温暖及潮湿。我可以玩风筝。 在夏季,天气炎热及潮湿。我可以游泳,在游泳池。 在秋天,天气凉爽,干燥。我可以玩风筝,太。 在冬季,天气寒冷及干燥。它从来没有积雪。 Today is my grandpa"s birthday. Our family wentback to my grandpa"s home in the morning. We got together to have a big familydinner to celebrate his birthady. We bought a big birthday cake and gave somepresents to my grandpa.In theafternoon, we went to the park to go boating. We had a good time. My grandpahad a nice time on his birthday.今天是爷爷的生日,我们全家早晨回到爷爷家。我们举行了大型家庭聚会来庆祝爷爷的生日。 我们买了一个大生日蛋糕,并且送给爷爷一些礼物。下午我们去公园划船。 我们玩得很开心,爷爷过了一个愉快的生日 Mr.Knott is a teacher. He is at home. Thetelephone rings. He answers the phone.He says,“Hello.Thisis 82654379. Who"s that?”“Watt”a man answers.“watt"syour name,please?”says Mr.Knott is angry.“Watt"s my name!”the other man is angey,too.knott先生是一名教师。他是在家中。 电话响了。他回答接起电话,说,“你好,这是82654379 。 你是谁? ”“瓦特”一个男人答道 。“请问你的名字是什么? ”knott先生生气地说。 “瓦特就是我的名字!”另一名男子是也生气了。A farmer has five sons.They areTed,Bob,Tom,John and Bill. John has no elder brother. He was four years olderwhen his first younger brother was born. The number of Tom"s elder brothers is equal to his youngerbrothers. Bill will be enty-one years old next year, and he is five yearsolder than Bob. Bob is o years younger than Tom. Ted was sad because he hasno younger brother. There are elve years beeen him and John.一个农民有5个儿子。 他们是Ted,Bob,Tom,John和 Bill。John没有比他大的哥哥,他比第一个出生的比他小的那个弟弟大4岁,Tom哥哥的数量和他的弟弟的数量是一样的(就是他是老三)Bill 明年就21岁了,他比Bob大5岁,比Tom小2岁,Ted因为没有弟弟而难过 Ted 和John之间差了12岁 Everything in this world has a nature of itsown. Some are charming, some are seducing, like the candy, chocolate, thecakes, and some burn everything like fire, as soon as you get near.天地万物各有其本质,有些东西很有吸引力、很诱人,像糖果、巧克力、蛋糕等;有些则像火一样,任何东西一靠近就会被它烧掉。 On My Way to School Today I got up very early in the morning. After I finished breakfast, Iwent to school. On my way to school Isaw something lying on the ground. I picked it up and found it was a mobilephone. I was afraid I would be late for school. I had no time to wait for theowner. So I gave it to the policeman.Shortly after I reached my school, the headmaster came to my class andpraised me in front of the class. Howcould he knew all about it? I guess it must be the policeman who told him whatI did.Iam very happy that I have done a good job.就我在上学的路上 今天,我得到了很早就在上午。当我完成早餐,我去了学校。 就我在上学的路上我看到的东西躺在地上。我挑选它,并发现这是一部手提电话。 5. 用英文写一篇小作文 "My Favorite Teacher My favorite teacher is my English teacher who is a kind-hearted woman. She is very strict with us students . She can make her calsses lively and interesting and helps us to overe the difficulties. She is a easygoing teacher and we get along well with her.All of the students love her,and she is our good friend. We are very lucky to meet such a good teacher,and we will remember her forever." 谢谢采纳! 译文: “我最喜欢的老师 我最喜欢的老师是我的英语老师,她是一个善良的人。她对我们学生要求很严格。她上的课也很生动有趣,她经常帮助我们克服困难。她是一个随和的老师,而且和我们与她相处得很好。所有的学生都喜欢她,她是我们的好朋友。我们非常幸运,遇到这样一位好老师,我们将不会忘记她。”谢谢采纳! 6. 速求20篇英语小作文, 1. Today my friend and I are taking a walk.suddenly, we are seeing a boy sit on the chair,he is crying,we go and ask him.“what"s the matter with you” he tell us“I can"t find my dog can you help me”.“yes,I can”.And we help him find his dong .oh it stay underthe big tree!今天我和我的朋友一起去散步。 突然我们看见一个男孩坐在椅子上,他哭的很伤心。我们走过去问他:“你怎么了”。 他告诉我们:“我的狗不见了,你们能帮我找到它吗”。“是的,我们能帮你找到你的狗”然后我们帮助他找到了他的狗,原来是它呆在一棵大树下。 2. One day an old man siselling a big elephant.A young man es to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly.The old man goes up to him and says inhis ear,“Don"t say anything about the elephant before I sell it,then i"ll give you some money.”“All right,”says the young man.After the old man slles the elephant,he gives the young man some money and says,“Now,can you tell me how you find the bad ears of theelephant?”“I don"t find the bad ears,”says the young man.“Then why do you look at the elephant slowly?”asks the old man.The young man answers,“Because I never see an elephant before,and I want to know what it looks like.”一天,一个老的男人正在卖一头大象。一个年轻的男人走向大象然后开始慢慢看着它(大象),这个老的男人走向他对着他的耳朵说,“不要在我卖出它(大象)之前说关于它(大象)的事,然后我会给你一些钱。” “好的”,这个年轻的男人说。在这个老的男人卖出大象后,他给了年轻的男人一些钱并且说,“现在,你可以告诉我你是怎样知道大象的坏的耳朵了吧?”“我不知道坏的耳朵”,这个年轻的男人说。 “然后为什么你慢慢的看着大象?”这个老的男人问。这个年轻的男人回答,“因为我在这之前从来没有见过大象,还有我想知道它(大象)是什么样子的。” 检举 回答人的补充 2009-08-28 16:28 3. The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it. Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young." 老猫 一位老妇有只猫,这只猫很老,它跑不快了,也咬不了东西,因为它年纪太大了。一天,老猫发现一只老鼠,它跳过去抓这只老鼠,然而,它咬不住这只老鼠。 因此,老鼠从它的嘴边溜掉了,因为老猫咬不了它。 于是,老妇很生气,因为老猫没有把老鼠咬死。 她开始打这只猫,猫说:“不要打你的老仆人,我已经为你服务了很多年,而且还愿意为你效劳,但是,我实在太老了,对年纪大的不要这么无情,要记住老年人在年青时所做过的有益的事情。” 4. My family I love my family, because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. What"s my mother job? Is she a teacher? Yes, you"re right! My mother is very kind and nice, she is thirty-seven. My mother is always laborious work. I love my parents! On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the library and play the piano, My father go to play basketball. Sometimes, we watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family. Because I"m very happy to live with my parents together! 我的家庭 我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭. 我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫Jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是赶什么呢?她是一名教师吗?是的.你说对了!我的妈妈是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年37岁.我妈妈总是勤劳的干活.我爱我的父母. 在星期六和星期天里,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐. 我爱我家.因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心!检举 回答人的补充 2009-08-28 16:28 5. My RoomThis is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, some flowers in a vase, a ruler and a pen. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above the end of my bed. I usually put my shoe under my bed. Of course there is a chair in front of the desk. I sit there and I can see the trees and roads outside.我的房间这是我的房间。 在窗口附近有一张书桌。 我经常在那做我的家庭作业。 您能看有些书,有些花在花瓶里,一把格尺和笔。 在墙壁在书桌有猫的图片。 有一个时钟在我的床上的末端。 我通常把我的鞋子放在我的床下。 当然有一把椅子在书桌前面。 我坐那。 7. 10个英语小作文,50字左右 什么都行,要快点 ,急 My teacher is Miss Li.She is my favorite teacher.She"s tall,slim and very *** art.Her favorite colour is blue.Shee likes reading and travelling when shee was free.Besides,she is helpful and patient as she"s always ready to help people who got in trouble.She ever won the first prize in the teaching petition i always like doing housework when i am free in weekends.And On saturday this week,I washed my clothes and shoes.I am really fond of doing it because i feel happy when i put myself in busy.And i did cook some dishes.And my parents enjoy it very much.They said it was delicious and i was happy. Latern festival is one of my favorite festivals.My parents always take me to grandma"s home to spend some time with them.We eat dumplings together and we always have a great time!and in this Year"s Lantern Festival,i also went to my grandparents" home.It seemed that they are happy to see me.then we went out to have a great meal.it was really cool! INTRODUCTION Wood, is hard, tough substance that forms the trunks of trees, and that has been used for thousands of years as a fuel and as a material of construction (see Building Construction). Technically, the term wood includes similar materials in other parts of the plant, including even the so-called veins in leaves, but only those portions of wood which have mercial importance are discussed in this article. House Frame Construction House Frame ConstructionCarpenters construct the wooden frame for a suburban home near Houston, Texas. With the mon use of steel and concrete for most building construction, work opportunities for carpenters have been concentrated in the area of residential construction.Encarta EncyclopediaPhoto Researchers, Inc./Spencer GrantFull Size For the botanical aspects of wood, including its structure and growth, see Tree; Xylem. For growth and distribution, see Forest. For the cultivation of trees for wood, see Forestry. For the cutting of trees and the manufacture of lumber, see Lumber Industry. II.GRAIN AND STRUCTUREHearood and Sapwood Hearood and Sapwood This diagram shows the types of wood found in a typical tree trunk. The wood at the center of the trunk, the hearood, is older, darker, and more durable than the younger wood surrounding it. As a tree grows, a thin layer of cells called the cambium generates new wood, called sapwood, just under the bark. Sapwood is softer and tends to be lighter in color than hearood. As the sapwood ages, natural substances called extractives invade the sapwood and gradually convert it to hearood.Encarta Encyclopedia Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.Full SizeThe typical markings, called grain, that are found on all types of natural wood are due to the structure of the wood. Wood consists essentially of fine cellular ducts or tubes, which carry water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves, and which are thus arranged more or less vertically within the trunk. When the wood is cut parallel to the axis of the trunk, straight-grained lumber is usually produced. In some trees, however, the ducts are helical; that is, they ist around the trunk as they ascend. Such trees produce cross-grained lumber, which is also obtained from ordinary trees when the cut is not parallel to the axis of the trunk. Many woods have prominent annual rings. The trunk
2023-06-07 11:15:171


  在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?下面是我帮大家整理的话题英语作文10篇,欢迎大家分享。 话题英语作文 篇1   如果今年6月份再出一个新的题型,我们也就只能依靠同学们自己在考场上的发挥来获得高分了,接下来我们讲第二个专题,那就是进行话题的分类,不管它以何种形式考察那么它都会携带一个话题,这些话题包括了社会的各个现象各个层面,那么我们对这些现象和层面有一个了解之后,在考试的时候可能会更加胸有成竹或者说是更有准备,写起来也更加富有信心。   首先我们把这个话题分成了十个角度,分成了十个方向。   角度十:永恒话题   最后一个叫做永恒话题,永恒话题讲的就是人生哲理个人价值观这样的话题,那么如果是给你这么一幅您看一下,这两个我们就直接给出答案了。   这幅图讲的是行动的重要性,如果你只会去看这一个自己喜欢的东西,而在那幻想不去行动是永远都得不到梦想的,所以这个可能就是要你去论述,人一定要积极地采取行动去获得成功。这种话题关于行动的重要性、乐趣、毅力、坚持、创新等等,就是我们说得永恒话题。   再来探讨一个健康和财富的话题,到底哪个更重要,或者说幸福的定义到底是什么等等,这种话题都是我们说得永恒话题,在写的时候我们只要论述话题的意义和积极性和重要性就可以了。不用去解释它的原因,也不用去分析它的根源,你只要说它对我们达成成功,或者说幸福美满人生的好处就行了。 话题英语作文 篇2   Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules. We can"t have breakfast in the classroom. Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroom. Then it becomes the class rules in my class. If anyone breaks this rule, he will be punished. So no one in my class dare to have breakfast in the classroom.    【参考译文】   我们学校有校规,我们班也有班级规定。我们不能在教室吃早饭。老师说如果我们在教室里吃饭,我们会弄脏书本的。然后,它成为类规则在我的类。如果有人违反了这项规定,他将受到惩罚。所以我们班没人敢在教室里吃早饭。 话题英语作文 篇3   例:假设你叫李华,你的外国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请根据以下提纲,给他写一封短信:   1、春节在中国人中的地位   2、春节前,人们……   3、春节期间,人们…… 参考词汇:对联couplet 爆竹firecracker   Dear John,   How time flies! Four moths have passed since we saw each other last time. I cannot helpbut miss you. You asked me about Chinese Spring Festival. Now I would like to tell yousomething about it.The Spring Festival is a Chinese traditional festival. It is the most important and enjoyable one. A few days before the festival, houses are cleaned and red couplets are put up on the doors of every household. They are said to frighten away the ghosts. On that day, people are dressed up. Firecrackers ring out in the air, which adds to the atmosphere of the festival. People after a year"s hard work begin to relax and visit one another. Presents and dinners are given to celebrate the happy reunion of friends and relatives. Families get together. They have jiaozi and enjoy the New Year TV show. Customs may vary from place to place, but the same happy atmosphere is to be found everywhere in the country.   Now, I hope you have some idea of Chinese Spring Festival.   Best wishes,   Yours,   Li Hua   亲爱的翰,   时光飞逝!自从我们上次见面以来,四个月过去了。我不能不想你。你问我关于春节的。现在我想告诉你一些关于它。春节是中国的传统节日。它是最重要和最令人愉快的。节日前几天,房子都打扫干净了,每个家庭的门都贴着红对联。他们被说要吓跑鬼魂。在那一天,人们打扮起来。鞭炮在空中响起,这增加了节日的气氛。人们经过一年的努力工作开始放松和互相拜访。礼物和晚餐都是为了庆祝朋友和亲戚的幸福团圆。家庭聚在一起。他们吃饺子,享受新年的电视节目。不同的风俗习惯会有所不同,但在全国各地都可以找到相同的欢乐气氛。   现在,我希望你有一些想法的中国春节。   最美好的祝愿,   你的,   李华 话题英语作文 篇4   用英语谈谈你对电影的看法:   Of all kinds of movies, I like comedies best. I think they"re interesting. My favorite actor is Jackie. I like his movie King of Comedy. I think it"s a successful comedy. For action movies, I like The Lord of the Ring best. It"s exciting. I like documentaries because they"re true stories. I like only some thrillers. Many thrillers are scary and boring.   在各种各样的电影中,我最喜欢喜剧片。我认为它们很有趣。我最喜欢的演员是成龙。我喜欢他的电影“喜剧之王”。我认为这是一个成功的喜剧。至于动作片,我最喜欢“指环王”。它令人兴奋。我喜欢纪录片,因为他们是真实的故事。我只喜欢一些恐怖片。许多恐怖片都太恐怖和无聊。   请你用英语写一篇短文,介绍你的周末生活:   I have a good weekend. On Saturday morning,I do my homework. After lunch, I go shopping with my mother. At about five o"clock, I go to play basketball with my friend. On Sunday, I watch a football game on TV. I often help my mother do housework. I watch TV with my parents in the evening. Then I go to bed at nine o"clock. I"m very happy on weekends.   我有一个美好的周末。星期六早上,我做我的作业。午饭后,我和我的母亲去购物。大约5点,我和我的朋友一起玩篮球。星期天,我在电视上观看足球比赛。我经常帮助妈妈做家务。晚上我和我的父母看电视。然后我在九点钟去睡觉。周末我很快乐。   以 My Favorite…为题,写一篇短文:   My favorite subject is English. I like it because it is interesting. I have English every day. I can speak a little English. I join the school English club. Every afternoon I go there to talk in English. I can see English movies and read English books. I think it is useful for me. I want to learn it well. I like English very much.   我最喜欢的科目是英语。我喜欢它,因为它很有趣。我每一天都上英语课。我会讲一点英语。我参加了学校的英语俱乐部。每天下午我去那里用英语交谈。我可以看英文电影和阅读英文书籍。我想这对我来说是有用的。我想学好它。我非常喜欢英语。 话题英语作文 篇5   我的偶像是姚明   I like Yao Ming very much who is the idol I like most. I like playing basketball and in my opinion, he is the best basketball player in China. When he started to play basketball in NBA, I was so excited that I saw the news about him everyday. When he performed well, I was really happy for him. When he did not, I hoped he could rearrange himself and did well in the next game. What"s more, his personalities attract me as well. He is kind-hearted and humorous. He always smiles and is kind to very body, even his opponents. Although he does not play basketball anymore, I still like him. I hope he can do well in other fields as well.   我非常喜欢姚明,他是我最喜欢的偶像。我喜欢打篮球,在我看来,他是中国最好的篮球运动员。当他开始在NBA打篮球,我太激动了,我每天都看关于他的消息。当他表现出色的时候,我真的很为他感到高兴。当他发挥不好时,我希望他能重新来振作起来,并在接下来的比赛中表现出色。更重要的是,他的个性吸引了我。他非常的善良和幽默。他总是微笑着面对一切,甚至他的对手。虽然他不打篮球了,但我还是喜欢他。我希望他能做好在其他领域的事业。 话题英语作文 篇6   Different people have different views on success. Some hold that making a great deal of money means success. Others argue that holding an important post in the government means success. Still others believe that having a high academic title at a famous university or a research institute means success.   In my opinion, success means brilliant achievement in our work. In other words, no matter what we do, making outstanding contributions to the development of our country and bringing help and happiness to others is success.   To achieve success, we should, first of all, have a clear long-term goal in our life. Besides, we should have short term goals in different periods of life. As we know, it is these short term goals that make our long-term goal possible. Second, we should be both perseverant and hardworking. Whatever we do, there are always two possibilities: success and failure. We should never lose heart when we come across difficulties or when we are confronted with failure. Instead, we should learn from our experience, build up our confidence and work even harder and smarter towards our purpose. Third, we should follow the examples of those who are successful and learn from them. Finally, we should try to get along well with our classmates and colleagues. We should care for each other and help each other in our study, our work and our life, because team work is of great importance in the realization of our dream.   If we can follow these principles, we will certainly achieve remarkable success in our life. 话题英语作文 篇7   It"s beyond reproach that we will come across all kinds of difficulties and challenges in our life time .Some will be subjected to frequent sadness .Some will lose their way to move on .Thus,only when we equip ourselves with hope and courage can we finally succeed in the uncertain future.   Forrest Gump showed so great courage in the movie that he touched me a lot . For one thing,no matter when and where Jenny got into trouble ,Forrest Gump would bring her out of it without thinking how dangerous the situation would be .Maybe we should all fell ashamed that we love ourselves more than we love love ,but Forrest showed great courage in love .For another,Forrest gump risked his life to save Bubba in the war.It"s courage that helped Forrest gain a series of honor after war .Forrest Gump is beautiful for his perseverance and touches others with his courage.   A person can"t do without courage in terms of love and friendship ,let alone life . A weak person may avoid the difficulties ,but a person with courage will face up to it head-on. Therefore,let"equip ourselves with great courage.    【参考译文】   我们一生中遇到各种困难和挑战是无可指责的,有些人会经常悲伤,有些人将失去前进的道路,只有当我们有希望和勇气时,我们才能在不确定的将来取得成功。   阿甘在电影中表现出如此大的勇气,他深深地打动了我。对于一件事,无论何时何地,詹妮陷入了麻烦,阿甘会带她出来不思考如何危险的情况会。也许我们都应该感到惭愧,我们爱自己比我们更爱的爱,但福雷斯特表现出了巨大的勇气的爱。另一方面,阿甘冒着生命危险去救Bubba在战争中,它的勇气使福雷斯特战争后获得一系列荣誉。阿甘是美丽的他的毅力和触动别人的勇气。   在爱情和友谊方面,一个人不能没有勇气,更不用说生活了。弱者可以逃避困难,但有勇气的人会勇敢地面对困难。因此,让我们以极大的勇气武装自己。 话题英语作文 篇8    一、英语话题作文写作的四大要素   1.点睛的结尾   俗话说,“编筐编篓,全在收口”,最后一段在整篇文章中也是占有举足轻重的位置。在英语话题作文的结尾段不能有拖泥带水的现象,要确实的表明作者的观点,并提出较为深远的深刻含义,最好是能够提出个人的见解,并给读者以启发,引发读者和评卷人的深思。此段的写作还对学生的总结及概括能力进行考核,争取用最简练的语句来表达清楚自己的观点和见解,最好还可以运用到实际的例子进行阐释和分析,这样更具有说服力,也更能使阅读者产生共鸣。   2.漂亮的句式   一篇优秀的英语话题作文文章,不仅要有新颖的主题思想、清晰的文章结构,与此同时,还要有漂亮的句式作为点缀和修饰。漂亮句式的运用不仅可以增加文章的结构感,还可以使文章具有可读性,这就要求同学们在日常的英语学习中勤加练习、提高文笔、熟练的造句。首先,在文章中要运用多个句型,随时的变换句式,给阅读人以新鲜感,这样作文的句子也增添了许多色彩;其次,使学生更加熟练的掌握各种句式的运用,在简单句式的基础上,使用一些定语从句、强调句以及倒装句来提高整篇作文的水平,使自己的文章更上一个档次,更具有可读性;再者,还可以在写作过程中多采用谚语以及名人名言等句子,这样即可以增加文章的逻辑性,又可以梳理段落之间的顺序主次。    二、创新教学模式   1.增加师生之间的交流   从教学角度来讲,活跃的课堂气氛是学生学习效率的至关因素,增加课堂中的师生交流是创新教学的新模式。以教师为主体,学生也为主体,以师生互动的方式进行主动的交流和学习,这样可以缓解学生紧张的情绪。在课堂中,教师组织学生进行话题作文的分析,引领学生主动的参与到情景教学中来,充分的发挥想象力,结合实际的应用和热点话题,进行交流和学习。促进全体师生学习和讨论的意识,在思考中得到提升和发展。互动教学是师生交往的一个平台,教和学要均衡发展。   2.小组之间的互相学习   教师在课堂教学中可以采用分组的教学学习方法,充分发挥小组学习的优势,这样不仅可以更容易的集中学生的注意力,还可以活跃课堂的气氛,减少学生的紧张心理。教师在授课过程中提出一个话题,让同学们以小组为单位进行讨论,分析话题作文之后,每个小组选出代表将分析的结果进行讲诉,最后由教师进行总结和点评。在不断的讨论中师生共同进步和学习。随着英语这一语种的不断发展,越来越多的人重视学习英语的重要性,随之而来的是对英语写作水平的不断提升。英语的作文水平可以反映出个人的.英语整体水平,而其中的话题作文写作更是考验学生的创新思维和应变能力,其写作水平不是一朝一夕就能够得到提高的,它需要长时间的积累和学习,同学们通过阅读大量的优秀的文章,进行临摹和分析,积累经典的句式和句型,在不同的话题作文写作中运用到,为自己的作文增添色彩。    三、结语   综上所述,通过以上的分析和策略,为我国学生的话题写作水平提供了参考和依据,同时也为我国的英语教学事业提供了发展的方向。 话题英语作文 篇9   以My Friend为题,写一篇短文:   I have a good friend. Her name is May. She is 12 years old. Her telephone number is 87634966. Her birthday is March 5th. She is good at English and Chiese. She often plays the piano. She likes reading books and listening to the music. Her hobbies are reading and listening to music. She is a nice girl. We often help each other. We are good friends.   我有一个好朋友。她的名字叫梅。她12岁。她的电话号码是87634*** 。她的生日是3月5日。她擅长英语和汉语。她经常弹钢琴。她喜欢看书和听音乐。她的爱好是读书和听音乐。她是一个好女孩。我们经常互相帮助。我们是好朋友。   假设你是李枚,下面的照片是你的全家福,请你写一篇文章介绍你的家庭:   Hello,everyone! I"m Li Mei. Look! This is my family photo. This is my grandmother. She is 58. This is my father. He is a teacher. He is 36,and my mother is 36,too. Who"s that boy? Oh, he is my brother. He is 13 and I am 12. My brother and I are students.   大家好!我是李梅。看!这是我的全家福。这是我的祖母。她58岁。这是我的父亲。他是一名教师。他36岁,我的母亲也是36岁。那个男孩是谁?哦,他是我哥哥。他13岁,我12岁。我的哥哥和我都是学生。   假设这是TOM的房间,请你用80词左右介绍他的房间:   Look! This is Tom"s room. His photos are on the wall. His T-shirt is on the bed. His baseball bat is behind the dresser. The keys are in the drawer. The computer is on the desk. Where is Tom"s baseball? Oh, It"s under the bed. What is on the floor? They are Tom"s shoes, socks and computer games. What do you think of Tom"s room?   瞧!这是汤姆的房间。他的照片挂在墙上。他的T恤在床上。他的棒球棒在梳妆台后面。钥匙在抽屉里。计算机在书桌上。汤姆的棒球在哪里?哦,在床底下。地板上是什么?它们是汤姆的鞋子、袜子和电脑游戏。你觉得汤姆的房间怎么样? 话题英语作文 篇10   There was an earthquake in Ya"an at about 8 o"clock on April 20, 20xx. Many houses fell down. 192 people were killed and more than10,000 people were hurt. After the earthquake, the doctors, nurses, firemen and volunteers from all over the country hurried to the scene and tried to cure the survivors. Some businesses donated many things such as clothes, food, water and medicine to the local people. Some pop stars organized charity shows to raise money. The local government took action actively to search for more lost people and helped them out of sadness. I hope the people there can cheer up and rebuild their homes as soon as possible. We must try our best to help them.   20xx年4月20日八点,雅安发生了地震。许多房屋倒塌。192人死亡,超过10000人受伤。地震后,各地的医生、护士、消防队员和志愿者赶到现场,试图治愈幸存者。有些企业捐赠了许多东西,比如衣服、食品、水和药品等,给当地人民。一些流行歌星举办慈善演出,以筹集资金。当地政府积极采取行动寻找更多失去的人,并帮助他们走出悲伤。我希望那里的人们能尽快振作起来,尽快重建家园。我们必须尽力帮助他们。
2023-06-07 11:15:371


  在学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是我为大家收集的英语话题作文8篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 英语话题作文 篇1   根据下列提示写一篇关于河水污染的感想。   1. 上星期天,你随父亲去钓鱼,看见河水污染,几乎钓不到鱼。   2. 河水被污染的原因。   3. 倘若全国各地的河水都被污染,后果如何?   4. 环境污染对人类危害极大,我国政府正在努力采取措施与污染作斗争。   5. 希望在不久的将来,河水会变干净。   词数 100~130 .   Last Sunday my father and I went fishing along a river. We found the water so dirty that we could hardly catch fish in it.   A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straight into the river which made the river water polluted. In this way most of the fish in the river were killed.   If the river water all over the country is polluted like this, no living things will exist in the water. As we all know, environmental pollution does great harm to living things and human beings. Now more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. Our government is doing her best to take measures to fight against pollution. We expect that the water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long. 英语话题作文 篇2   按系统论的观点,外语教学是一个系统,写作教学是其中的一个子系统,与听、说、读等教学共同构成一个科学的大系统,它是由英语词汇、语法、主题及其写作手法等互相依赖、互相作用的诸要素组成的有机整体。在小学阶段,大部分老师都非常注重学生的听、说和阅读能力的培养和训练,往往忽视了写作能力的训练,认为这是中学的要求,或者是因为觉得写作教学难,教师批改学生作文也难,因此一般对阅读理解较重视,而对写的重要性认识不足,忽视学生写的能力培养。我认为英语写作能唤起学生对所学或所掌握的语言的感觉;其次,每一次单元测试和期末考试,写作(写话)也占了一定的比例。因此,在小学高年级,英语的写作训练与听、说、读的训练同等重要。   一、小学英语话题写作的概念   小学高年级的英语写作是指学生能在教师指导下,围绕一个主题自觉运用所学的单词、句型起草一篇短小的习作或一两段话,初步能注意英汉的差异,能使用正确的英语表达法。   二、英语写作教学的目的   1、提高学生综合运用语言的能力;   2、发展学生从口头表达转向书面表达的能力;   3、让学生主动地整合所学的语法、句型等知识点,把它们变成一个有机的整体。   三、英语写作的常用模式   1、填空式写法   英语语音教学强调模仿,但英语写作教学却忽视模仿的作用。写作起步阶段可多进行摹仿写。填空式写作是保留文章或对话的主干,适当地调换内容让学生换上其它人、事和物进行填空。其优点是既降低写作难度,激发学生写作兴趣,又可加深对课文的理解,特别是新旧单词的综合运用;缺点是学生有可能忽视语法、时态问题,在培养学生创造力方面有欠缺。通常可以在每学完一篇课文或对话后,让学生进行填空写作。   2、仿例写法   学完一个完整的单元,为了帮助学生系统归纳、整理语言知识点,教师根据本   单元的教学要点,围绕一个人、一件事或一个动物写一篇短文,要求学生注意模仿例文的时态和语态仿写。通过仿写训练,能引起学生对英语时态和语态的重视。例如一般现在时主语是第三人称单数,动词加“s”或“es”,这是学习的难点。我让学生先写一写自己一天的生活,然后调查一个朋友或亲人一天的生活,模仿例文仿写。通过对比,使学生对同一时态不同人称动词的运用有了更深刻的理解,而不仅仅停留在记忆的层面上,也可免去老师重重复复的讲解和提醒。   3、启示式写法   前两种写法的缺点是局限较大,不能发挥学生创造力,习作不能体现学生个性。启示式写法是在学生有了一定习作基础和语感上,稍高层次的写作训练。师生共同围绕一个话题讨论写作内容,列出写作提纲,然后学生根据提纲自由发挥起草一段话。例如,师生围绕“zoo animals”这个话题进行讨论,得出可从“外形、能力、生活习性,来源国”等几方面进行描述。学生自由发挥,写出颇具个人特色小文章。此法的优点是既可体现学生个性,也避免学生跑题等现象的"发生。   4、命题式写法   此写法给予学生更大创意空间,难度也更大。教师只给予题目或主题,学生通过启动自身知识体系的搜索引擎,自主地搜集相关资料进行写作。例如写“Seasons in Guangzhou”,学生仔细浏览我设计的相关网页,选取某一个季节中一两个感兴趣的主题来表述,如“气候、衣着、食物和活动”等等。选题要与学生生活密切相关,并能激起他们写作的欲望;切忌主题过大,会让学生无所适从或无从下手。   四、注重写作策略的指导   1、“联系”和“迁移”   在写作课“zoo animals”上,我让学生讨论这个主题可以涵括的内容,要求学生在已有的词汇、句型中进行分析,提取相关信息,再综合运用。实际上就是要求学生联系所学知识,是对学生分析综合能力的训练。这时候,学生认为这足以能指导完成写作了,他们的思维通常到这个阶段就停滞不前了。但教师还应该培养学生迁移的能力,即把这种思考方式迁移到其他内容的写作上去,做到举一反三。   2、注意英汉差异,正确使用英语表达法   许多学生写英文短文,都习惯用汉语去思考。结果写出来的句子,读起来很拗口,句意生硬,令人费解。其原因就在于学生不明白英汉两种语言表达上的差异。例如,汉语中没有时态和语态的复杂变化,只借助于助词“着,了,过”;而英语则有复杂的时态和语态变化。再如,英语中名词分(1)可数名词———单数名词———复数名词--规则名词复数的变化;不规则名词复数的变化(2)不可数名词:water furniture , advice (3)名词单复数相同:sheep , deer , fish (4)既能可数又不可数的名词:hair , wood , pa?鄄per , rain , sand 。动词短语,介词短语等一些固定搭配,动词与其主语的一致,称谓的一致,等等。这些差异只要通过不断的积累和运用,才能逐步达到恰到好处。英语写作才能更规范,更标准,更符合英美人的表达习惯。   3、充分利用小组合作学习的力量。   通过小组成员相互鉴赏阅读,学会欣赏和借鉴别人的好词好句。   五、培养自改作文的能力,发挥学生主动性   我们总碰到这种现象:学生写完作文不经修改就交给老师,对老师形成依赖心理。在写作的初级阶段,可采取师生共同改一篇习作,指出学生普遍性错误,提醒学生注意;鼓励学生同一个意思用不同的表达方式。我认为修改阶段是反馈机制下的一个开放性过程,是通过师生信息互动,使学生的作文逐步完善的过程。采取反馈和同伴间互相阅读作文的方法,也可以形成一种语言意识。学生既是作者又是读者,他们通过批评性地阅读别人的作文,可以学到更多的写作知识和技巧;他们时刻留心语法及用词错误,写作时开始想到的是读者(而非教师)。学生作文经教师批改后,修订工作是通过个人作业和小组活动相结合进行的。这种做法能使学生学得更深、更广、更活,还能培养学生总结归纳的能力。   总之,学生英语写作能力在教师有计划的组织、有序的训练和耐心帮助、正确引导下,通过学生自主、积极密切的配合是能够得以逐步提高的。 英语话题作文 篇3    一、英语话题作文写作的四大要素   1.点睛的结尾   俗话说,“编筐编篓,全在收口”,最后一段在整篇文章中也是占有举足轻重的位置。在英语话题作文的结尾段不能有拖泥带水的现象,要确实的表明作者的观点,并提出较为深远的深刻含义,最好是能够提出个人的见解,并给读者以启发,引发读者和评卷人的深思。此段的写作还对学生的总结及概括能力进行考核,争取用最简练的语句来表达清楚自己的观点和见解,最好还可以运用到实际的例子进行阐释和分析,这样更具有说服力,也更能使阅读者产生共鸣。   2.漂亮的句式   一篇优秀的英语话题作文文章,不仅要有新颖的主题思想、清晰的文章结构,与此同时,还要有漂亮的句式作为点缀和修饰。漂亮句式的运用不仅可以增加文章的结构感,还可以使文章具有可读性,这就要求同学们在日常的英语学习中勤加练习、提高文笔、熟练的造句。首先,在文章中要运用多个句型,随时的变换句式,给阅读人以新鲜感,这样作文的句子也增添了许多色彩;其次,使学生更加熟练的掌握各种句式的运用,在简单句式的基础上,使用一些定语从句、强调句以及倒装句来提高整篇作文的水平,使自己的文章更上一个档次,更具有可读性;再者,还可以在写作过程中多采用谚语以及名人名言等句子,这样即可以增加文章的逻辑性,又可以梳理段落之间的顺序主次。    二、创新教学模式   1.增加师生之间的交流   从教学角度来讲,活跃的课堂气氛是学生学习效率的至关因素,增加课堂中的师生交流是创新教学的新模式。以教师为主体,学生也为主体,以师生互动的方式进行主动的交流和学习,这样可以缓解学生紧张的情绪。在课堂中,教师组织学生进行话题作文的分析,引领学生主动的参与到情景教学中来,充分的发挥想象力,结合实际的应用和热点话题,进行交流和学习。促进全体师生学习和讨论的意识,在思考中得到提升和发展。互动教学是师生交往的一个平台,教和学要均衡发展。   2.小组之间的互相学习   教师在课堂教学中可以采用分组的教学学习方法,充分发挥小组学习的优势,这样不仅可以更容易的集中学生的注意力,还可以活跃课堂的气氛,减少学生的紧张心理。教师在授课过程中提出一个话题,让同学们以小组为单位进行讨论,分析话题作文之后,每个小组选出代表将分析的结果进行讲诉,最后由教师进行总结和点评。在不断的讨论中师生共同进步和学习。随着英语这一语种的不断发展,越来越多的人重视学习英语的重要性,随之而来的是对英语写作水平的不断提升。英语的作文水平可以反映出个人的英语整体水平,而其中的话题作文写作更是考验学生的创新思维和应变能力,其写作水平不是一朝一夕就能够得到提高的,它需要长时间的积累和学习,同学们通过阅读大量的优秀的文章,进行临摹和分析,积累经典的句式和句型,在不同的话题作文写作中运用到,为自己的作文增添色彩。    三、结语   综上所述,通过以上的分析和策略,为我国学生的话题写作水平提供了参考和依据,同时也为我国的英语教学事业提供了发展的方向。 英语话题作文 篇4   内容包括:   1. 简要介绍造成现在学生学习压力大的原因。   2. 你认为来自于English Online调查结果的放松方式是否有效,为什么?   3.谈谈你个人自我放松的有效做法(至少三点)。   Dear fellows,   Not only adults but also we students often feel stressed because we have too much homework to do, and we are very busy studying every day, we don"t have our own time to do what we are interested in. We are very tired and sleepy all day, so we should learn to deal with it. What should we do to relax?   From the result of the survey, I think doing sports with classmates is a good way to relax. Because it"s good for our health and it can make us relaxed.   I also have three ways to relax ourselues. First, we can listen to music. Second, we can go to the movies with our parents on weekends. Don"t study at home all the weekend. Third, when we feel tired, we can think about something interesting.   I hope my suggestions can help you.Thanks! 英语话题作文 篇5   Topic one:Environment Protection环境保护   Water Pollution   With the development of industry, water pollution is becoming more serious now. The polluted water not only kills fish, it is also harmful to our health. Many people get sick because they drink the polluted water. In some rivers the water is so dirty that they can even kill plants.   We should fight against the pollution. We should stop using harmful things. I wish it is not a dream that in the near future we can have clean rivers again.   Environment Protection   Nowadays, peoples life has changed a lot with the development of modern technology and economy, which has put lots of negative effects on the environment.   Why this? Because, firstly, some factories are pouring wastes into rivers, lakes, seas and so forth; secondly, because of human activities, a great number of plants and animals are losing their lives; thirdly, using modern machines and chemicals is bad for the environment. Besides these, there are a lot of human activities which have done or are doing harm to our surroundings.   For this, I think, first, our government should make drastic measures to regulate human activities; second, we human beings should take pains-taking work to stop ourselves destroying the environment and try our best to protect our living space more.   Forest Pretention保护森林 英语话题作文 篇6   Recently, to improve the students" listening and speakingabilities, the English teacher in Class 3 conducted a survey amongthe whole class on whether they should have a three-minute speechin English at the beginning of a period. According to the survey,65% of the students firmly support the idea, for they think thismethod will be helpful to their English learning and it is a goodchance for them to practise their listening ability as well asspeaking ability. However, 35% of the students are strongly againstit, saying that it costs the limited time in class. What"s worse,if they can not make sense of the speeches, they will loseconfidence in learning English. As for me, I think it is a goodidea to have a three minutes" speech at the beginning of a periodbecause I believe practice makes perfect. 英语话题作文 篇7   do you know how we can keep a healthy lifestyle? now let me tell you. we should de exercise every day. for example, we can run in the morning and play ping-pong in the evening. we should eat healthy food every day. we try to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. and we shouldn"t eat too much junk food, because it is not good for our health. at night, we can drink some milk.   but we shouldn"t drink coffee. we should get up early and sleep early. and we shouldn"t watch tv and surf the internet for too long time. we should sleep nine hours every night.   a good healthy lifestyle helps us get good grades. good food and exercise help us to study better.   i have a healthy body, because i have a healthy lifestyle. i exercise every day, usually when i come home from school. my eating habits are pretty good. i try to eat a lot of vegetables. i eat fruit and drink milk every day.   but i never drink coffee, because my mom says, it is too bad for my health. i love junk food, too. but i eat it only once a week. i sleep nine hours every night. good food and good rest can help me to study better! and my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades! 英语话题作文 篇8   怎样学好英语   世界在发展,文化在交融,英语已经成为人们沟通的桥梁。怎样学好英语是我们一直在探索的问题。几年的学习经历你一定积累了许多成功的经验,请从听、说、读、写四方面谈谈你的建议。   要求:1.词数:80—100词(开头已给出,不计入总词数)   2.字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确,逻辑清晰。   ★范文   How to learn English well   English is important and useful tous. How can we learn it well?Here are my suggestions。   First , we should often listen to the tapes, English song sand programs. Watching English movie sisal so helpful tous. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Don"t beafraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you"ll make. We"d better join the Englishc lub and practice with others. Third, we can read more English new spapers and magazines. It"s good forus. Atlast, we should recite some good passage sand keep diaries。   In a word, a slong as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn English well。
2023-06-07 11:15:461


  在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是我精心整理的四年级的英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 四年级的英语作文1   《资治通鉴》里有言:经师易得,人师难求。正所谓“名师出高徒”,只有一位好的老师才能够教出一位好的学生,这也是众人皆知的。但是想找到一位好的老师是多么难。于是,我又想起了我的英语老师-----Ms Yan。   记得她第一次给我们上英语课时,我们特别激动-----马上就要学英语了。“你们愿意学习英语吗?”她一脸笑容地问我们。“愿意!”“你们想学好英语吗?”“想!”这勾起了我们极大的兴趣,从此,我们的英语课开始活跃起来。   后来,英语越来越难,我听着一个个英语单词,可以用四个字来形容----稀里糊涂。成绩一直中上中下的我,在课堂上就是个“隐形人”,现在变得更“隐形”了。但这样一件事改变了我的命运:刚上四年级,我的死对头蒋文就把我的英语书往对台上一丢,再也找不回来了,我只好看同桌的,但更多时间,傲慢的同桌总是把手一遮,我只好一个人读着“望天书”,但Msyan注意到了,向我询问了原因后,给了我一本崭新的英语书。在分组时,她还让我当上了英语小组长。从此,我开始认真学习英语了。功夫不负有心人,期末考试时,我的英语成绩赶上了一大截,我的信心也越来越大了。   暑假里,我不假思索地报了她的补习班。她仍推行她的加分制,并给我们每个人都取了英文名字,并在每周对加分高的小组进行奖励,大大提高了我们的兴趣、积极性,参与性也越来越浓。更绝的是,她让我们看动画片学音标,记得特别牢。   升上五年级,我的英语成绩已经大幅度上升了,这对于英文一窍不通的我是一个转折性的改变。这是奇迹吗?不-------这是我的英语启蒙老师对我的关心与鼓励。   我真诚地对她说一声:“Thank you!” 四年级的英语作文2   我们换了一位英俊潇洒的英语老师,帅气的他,个头中等,身材匀称,健康的皮肤,乌黑亮丽的短发,非常有形,高高的鼻梁上架着一副眼镜,可能是因为时间戴久了,已压出了一道深深印子,他看上去斯斯文文的,很有学问,他就是我们的英语老师——何云先生。   他上课风趣幽默,常把同学们逗得开怀大笑。记得有一次上英语课,他先让我们看着书拼读英语单词,我们拼的都很认真,然后他用同学们最感兴趣的开火车的方式,让我们不看书拼单词,大家一下子来了兴趣,纷纷举起了小手。第一个同学李天宇站起来虽然说的不是很流利,但老师还是伸出了鼓励的大拇指,大声的说了声:“棒”!又一位同学站起来响亮而流利的拼出了单词,老师亲切的拍了拍他得肩膀说:“酷毙了!”逗得同学们哈哈大笑。每次上课何老师总能把课堂气氛带动的非常活跃,同学们都能聚精会神的听课,不由得被他这风趣幽默的上课方式给深深地吸引。风趣的他,有时也很厉害哦,对我们的书写要求总是一丝不苟,必须达到工整、漂亮。该背的课文和该默写的单词一定要会背诵,达到会默写,不然绝不会手软,所以我们从不敢抱着侥幸心理,总是老实、认真的去完成。   我喜欢风趣幽默又不失严格的何老师,我想你们也一定和我一样,让我们爱上英语!爱上何老师吧! 四年级的英语作文3   大家都有敬佩的人吧,如:远近闻名的大名人,助人为乐的哥哥、姐姐,还是努力拼搏,自强不息的叔叔、阿姨,可我敬佩的是不知费了多少心血,为我们这些花朵无私奉献的园丁—英语老师。   英语老师大约有二十多岁,有一双明亮的大眼睛,一头棕色染发,好像一位大姐姐。   每次上英语课时,英语老师总是面带笑容的走进教室,教我们读、背单词的时候,老师总怕我们发音不标准,就让我们把音标记在课本上,然后一遍一遍的教我们。有时,因为单词太难学了,老是记不住,老师便想尽方法,让我们很容易的就学会。有时,学句子的时候学不好,心里太紧张了,老师为了让我们放松一下,便在课堂上玩起了游戏,这可不想老鹰捉小鸡那样跑啊、抓啊的,危险游戏,既好玩又可以让我们学英语学的更开心。   现在,说说自从英语老师来教我们这个班后,我们的成绩进步了多少。   自从英语老师来教我们这个班后,我们班的成绩便大大进步了许多,这次期中考试我们班的平均分是九十多分。老师为了让我们保持这样的成绩,每天给我们加了一个作业,那就是“背诵”。现在,整本课本教过的,老师觉得重要的,我们都可以倒背如流的背出来。而且,我的英语成绩也大大提升了。这次,期中考试,我的英语成绩是九十英语老师,因为她,我才可以考的这么好的成绩。   有时,英语老师就想一位知心姐姐。有一次,我和好朋友闹了一点点小矛盾,这几天总是心不在焉、无精打采的。有一次,下课了,我在走廊散步,可脸上还是无精打采的,那天刚好是英语老师值日,下课时,老师看见我无精打采的样子,便走过来,问我:“怎么了?怎么这几天老是无精打采的,上课就心不在焉,下课就垂头丧气呢?”我不想跟老师说,但……老师又问我:是不是因为有心事,还是看不见?”我心里憋不住,我也……我只好跟英语老师说了,英语老师像一位大姐姐一样安慰我,还问我为什么看不见,跟谁坐在一起……老师细声细语的问我、安慰我。仿佛我好像是一位小妹妹在姐姐哭泣。   啊~谢谢您,谢谢您的安慰和栽培。我敬佩的人是我的英语老师,她对每个学生的一样无私,谢谢您,英语老师! 四年级的英语作文4   我们的英语老师姓翟,她对我们关心、负责又严格。她上课津津有味,所以我们很喜欢上她的课。   翟老师非常辛苦,一个人就教三个年级的英语。常常一个年级的课刚上完,老师都顾不上喘口气,就要去另一个年级里去上课。老师多辛苦啊!   翟老师写得字非常的工整、漂亮,粉笔在她好像在她的手里,就像长了眼睛似的。讲课时,老师一点儿也不急躁,总是面带笑容来给我们讲课。而且老师的英语,灵活有趣,一点儿也不枯燥。   有一次,我们班的一名学生的英语副本写得一个单词都看不清,本子上画满了老师用红笔打的“X”。老师当着同学们的面,狠狠批评了那个同学,还毫不留情地把乱七八糟的作业撕了下来,让他重做。你看,我们这位老师够严格吧!   还有一次,学校组织团队活动,我毫不犹豫地报了翟老师的趣味英语团队。   万圣节那天,老师需要面具和糖果,让我和涵涵准备。可是,我不小心把老师交给我们买东西的钱弄丢了,只好自掏腰包,把我们平时积攒的钱用上了。这件事不知怎么传到了翟老师耳朵里。上趣味英语课时,老师问我们俩买糖花了多少钱?我说:“我花了5元,涵涵2元。”老师什么也没有说,就转身回办公室了。那天发下英语副本,我发现我的副本里夹有5元钱,涵涵的副本里有2元。我们就想:会不会是老师给我们的呢?   下了课,我们把7元钱交还翟老师,翟老师没有在办公室里,我们就放在翟老师的办公桌上就走了。可事后,她还是想方设法把钱还给了我们。你说,我们这个老师多么负责啊!   我非常喜欢翟老师,因为她严格认真,有责任心,是我们心中的好老师! 四年级的英语作文5   I have a good sister. She has short hair, small eyes, big ears and a big nose. Shes quiet and cute. She speaks Chinese well. She likes music and painting. Can you guess whats her name?   我有一个好姐姐。她有短头发,小眼睛,大耳朵,一个大鼻子。她很安静和可爱。她说中国好。她喜欢音乐和绘画。你能猜出她叫什么名字吗?   小学四年级英语作文 :我的狗狗(My Dog)   I have a dog. Its name is Doggy. I like it.   Doggy has two big eyes, two small ears, a big nose and a small mouth. Its black and white. It has a short tail. Its cute and lovely.   Doggy is strong. It likes bones, rice and meat very much. My dog is lazy. It can catch a ball. I love my dog very much.   我有一只狗。它的名字叫狗狗。我喜欢它。   狗狗有两只大大的眼睛,两只小小的耳朵,一个大鼻子和小嘴巴。它是黑色和白色。它有一个短尾巴。它很可爱和可爱。   狗是强大的。它喜欢骨头,米饭和肉。我的狗很懒。它可以接球。我非常爱我的狗。 四年级的英语作文6   暑假到了,妈妈给我报了一个英语补习班。我的老师叫“Mr Hu”,他五官端正,看上去很慈祥;他的个头不是很高,但是身体壮壮地;他不仅是我的英语老师,而且还是一个“健身达人”。我们班上一共有6名同学,其中一名是女孩,其他五名是男孩,我们都是小学生。   今天是星期五,也是老师给我们考核的日子。我们一个个都很高兴,因为老师要用一种特殊的考核方法,对我们进行考核,考核过关的都会得到老师的奖励。这种考核方法分为两轮,第一轮是团队考核,抽签分组,把同学们平均分成三组,每个组之间进行比拼,我和另外一个男孩组成一个团队,我们起名为“变形金刚队”,其他两个团队的名字叫“时间队”和“无名队”。第二轮是个人考核,每个团队的两个小伙伴互相抽题,我给他抽,他给我抽,以所得的分数来评判是否过关。第一轮考核开始了,同学们都非常的开心,在这种愉快的考核中,都发挥得很好。我和我的小伙伴齐心协力,最终得到了29分,与“无名队”并列第一。同学们个个摩拳擦掌,期待着第二轮个人比拼的开始。第二轮抽签开始了,其中一个男同学抽完题目后,尽然高兴的跳了起来,并且兴奋地说“太简单了,我都会啊”,又听到一个低沉的声音响起“不要高兴的太早了,你抽的题是队友的考题,你的考题在你的队友手里噢”老师摇了摇头,无奈地说:“第二轮的考核是团队成员互相考核,根据答题正确率来计算个人得分,每个人的最终考核结果以两轮的合计分数为准”。同学们是高兴过了头啊,这才开始认真的进行第二轮的考核。在第二轮考核中,我个人得了11分,其他同学也都不相上下。最终老师公布总分数,我们6个同学全部考核过关,既紧张又兴奋的考核结束了,老师给我们每人发一个冰淇淋,一边吃一边看英语动画片。同学们很喜欢这种学习方式,个个劲头十足。   我喜欢上英语补习班,因为上英语补习班很有趣,可以从游戏中学会英语。 四年级的英语作文7   I am a 10 years old boy. Smart and handsome. I am proud of myself. Because I can get perfect scores in Chinese, math and English. It is not good enough, I am also proud of being an elder brother. That is a Friday evening, my baby brother was crying all the time. My parents were both cooking for dinner. I said to my mum, let me look after this little thing. My mum said, “Are you sure you can?” “ Yes ,believe me I can.” I answered. Then mum went to the kitchen. I went towards my baby brother. “ Oh baby, don"t cry. I will sing a song for you…” I carried him and sing songs for him. After a while, he was asleep. I was so tired. My parents were happy and praised me a good boy. This is my first time to look after my baby brother and I feel proud of myself. 四年级的英语作文8   过去的一周,我好开心。因为上周二的下午,我代表我们钢三路小学去参加殷都区小学英语“学生讲故事”大赛,并荣获比赛特等奖。你说,我能不开心吗?   这次参加比赛的小选手们,都是经过各个学校比赛选拔出来的“英语小达人”。为了参加这次英语故事比赛,我精心准备了一个英语寓言小故事《Wolf Is Coming----狼来啦》。这个故事主要是告诫小朋友不要撒谎,撒谎的人终究没有好结果。我利用课余时间,先将准备好的英语稿子背熟,然后对着镜子练表情,练动作。回家后,我一遍一遍地讲给爸爸妈妈听,美化自己的语感和发音。   第一关,是参加班级的英语小故事选拔赛。班级选拔赛由班里参加英语故事大赛的小选手们一个接一个的将自己准备好的故事讲给同学们听,每班最后选出一名参加学校比赛的小选手。功夫不负有心人,我用自己声情并茂的表演征服了英语老师和班里的小观众,被推荐代表我们班参加学校英语小故事演讲比赛。   第二关,是参加学校英语小故事演讲比赛。全校的优秀小选手们同台竞技,一决高下,选出代表学校去参加殷都区小学英语“学生讲故事”比赛的选手。看到评委老师们挑剔的眼光,想到要与六年级的哥哥姐姐们一较高下,我心里不免多了一些紧张。怎样克服紧张呢?哼!我就把你们当成我在东教学楼后面练习时的那几棵白杨树吧。我把故事讲完后,台下传来了一阵雷鸣般的掌声。比赛结束后,我竟然荣获一等奖, 被推荐去参加殷都区小学英语“学生讲故事”比赛。   比赛在安阳市外国语小学进行。那天下午,我化好妆,梳好头,穿上自己最漂亮的衣服,由妈妈带我去参加比赛。轮到我上台比赛了,我看了看台下那么多的家长和小观众,心“砰!砰!”地跳着个不停,好像要从嗓子眼蹦出来一样。啊!我好紧张啊!腿也不停地颤抖。突然,我在人群中找到了妈妈的目光。妈妈似乎看出了我的心事,好像在安慰我说:“宝贝,不要紧张,就当台下只有妈妈一个观众!”我深吸一口气,把这个人人皆知的小故事用流利的英语讲给大家听。我讲的很有感情,动作感觉也是那么的优雅大方。我讲完后,台下热烈的掌声此起彼伏。   比赛结束了,我获得了特等奖!我给我们班级和学校争了光!这次比赛,我明白了一个道理“机会永远留给那些准备充分的人”。 四年级的英语作文9   我的英语老师中等个子,不胖也不瘦,她长着一双明亮的大眼睛,好像会说话似的。当你做了不应该做的事时,她就会用责备的眼神盯你好一会,知道你低下头来承认错误为止;当你做了令她高兴的好 事时,她便用含笑的眼睛足足看你两分钟,好像是在欣赏一件什么宝贝似的。   她对我们的学习,要求很严厉:课文要背熟,句子要会写,单词要记牢。有一次,有位同学单词不过关,老师让他练会,可是他直到放学也没练。于是放学后老师就陪着他练,知道练会为止。就这样 不是我们班的每一个同学成绩落后。   一次,英语老师布置了一个非常非常多的作业:M1—M10的单词一词8个,放学前必交!而当时已是第六节课!同学们赶紧奋笔疾书,写啊——为了节省时间,同学们看了一眼单词后,默记下来,然后快 速地写八遍。终于,大家都交上了作业。这时大家发现:默写的单词都记下来了!原来这是老师让我们背住单词的.方法!   可有时,他还会闹出一些小笑话。有一次,老师给我们讲练习册,本来是要讲第一单元和第二单元的,可是她刚讲完第一单元就把练习册给收了。同学们七嘴八舌地说:“老师,第二单元还没讲呢! ”“对呀!”“对呀!”老师这才恍然大悟:“快!快把练习册传下去!”我们都笑个不停。   这就是我们的英语老师,有可亲又可敬。 四年级的英语作文10   今天我要给大家介绍一位新老师,在五年级这一学期里她将担任我们的英语老师。   他很年轻,23岁。他的名字非常潇洒——邴超。长着一头棕色的长发。一双葡萄似会说话水灵灵的大眼睛。一张樱桃嘴,一双灵巧的手。一身打扮非常漂亮,像动画片中我们我们喜欢的花仙子,可以用 美不胜收来形容。   我还记得他给我们上的第一节课时的样子。“大家好!我叫邴超,以后大家叫我miss邴就可以了”她那清脆的声音让我更喜欢她了。还记得一次,他给我们上课就觉得跟玩差不多,不仅风趣幽默,还让 我们学得更快更好。他让我们学会本节课的知识。用金太阳动画式来教我们,还给我门看了他在美国时的照片并讲解给我们听,大家都听入迷了。就连我们班最不爱听讲的小凡这节课都听的入神了。   Miss邴还利用自己休息的时间来给我补习英语。因此我从心里感激他。我以后上课一定要好好学习,老这么辛苦的给我补习,又时很忙都不能给我补又是在我补习时她都忙得不可开交还有他有时身体不 舒服还坚持给我补课,我千万不能把英语给落下了所以我要用好成绩来回报老师对我的关爱!我真想在这对您说声:“谢谢您!Miss邴!您辛苦了!我爱您miss邴!你对我付出了这么多,我到现在还没 有回报您,真是对不起了!还有我真想有一个这样的好姐姐。   我爱您!邴老师! 四年级的英语作文11   我喜欢我的英语老师,我们都叫她张老师,她既是我们的英语老师,又是我们的电脑老师。张老师不胖不瘦,身材特别好,一张瓜子脸,乌黑光亮的头发下面有一对月牙般的眉毛,眉毛下有一对动人的慧眼,似乎能看透我们的心思,她的鼻子高高的,她说话字正腔圆。一笑起来,两边便会有一个迷人的酒窝,她的耳朵也很灵,仿佛掉下一根针,她都能听到。架在鼻子上的一副眼镜给她增添了一分严肃。   她上课时很会用一些英文单词,句子等,让我们在哄堂大笑中明白了许多英语句子的意思,她还教会我们一些四年级课本上还没有出现的句子。   有一次,正在上英语课的时候,张老师说要找几个演员上台表演,当然我也被老师给挑上去了,但是,她们第一个说出来形容我的英文句子竟然是she"sverytall用中文表达就是她非常高。顿时,全班乱成一锅粥,都在哈哈大笑,老师也笑了,但过了大约1分钟左右,老师不笑了,表情开始严肃起来。但同学们还在笑,老师拿起棍子在讲桌上恶狠狠的敲了两下。一听这声音,哎呀!完啦!老师发火了,我心想。全班立刻恢复了往常上课的平静。我们被老师狠狠的吵了一顿。   通过这件事以后,我们班以后不管是上英语课,还是上信息课,除了三四个个别同学以外,其他的都很认真地听老师讲课。   这就是我们的英语和信息课老师——张老师,难道你觉得这样的英语老师不值得我尊敬吗? 四年级的英语作文12   在教我的老师中,有亲切和蔼的语文老师,有严肃认真的数学老师,有活泼开朗的音乐老师,还有幽默诙谐的体育老师……这些老师都无私地教给我们各种知识,让我们在学习的海洋中自由地翱翔。最让我难忘的是教我英语的蒋老师,她不仅让我爱上了英语,更让我成为一个勇于克服缺点的人。   刚上一年级时,由于我在换牙,口齿不清,所以在英语课上根本就不敢进行口语练习,生怕同学们笑话我“大舌头“。当时同学们在老师的带领下,都能流利地用英语谈话,而一句简单的“mynameisyuxiaolin”我都说不出来。面对老师的提问,我总是把头低下,心想:别叫我,千万别叫我!开始,同学们都踊跃举手,所以蒋老师也就没有发现胆小的我。   可是随着时间的推移,老师终于在一次口语练习的时候叫到了把身体都快溜到课桌下的我。我在大家的注视下,红着脸站起来了,我感到自己的眼泪快要流出来了。“别着急,说出你的名字。”老师的语气是那么柔和,可是我说不出口。时间就在我的窘迫中渐渐流逝,终于老师打破了沉默,“我知道你的名字,老师们都夸奖你是个学习认真的孩子。同学们,是不是呀?”同学们都不假思索地应和:“是!”听到这些,我的眼泪不由自主地流下来了。蒋老师带领大家一起说出:“my name is yu xiao lin!my name is yu xiao lin!”奇怪,我竟然不害怕了,也跟着同学们一起说连续说了两遍,就在大家都停下时,由于惯性,我又说了“my name is yu xiao lin”。“你真棒!”老师竟然祝贺我,“好孩子,你能再大声说一遍吗?”“my name is yu xiao lin!”我终于敢张开嘴了,心里也仿佛卸下了一块大石头。同学们没有嘲笑我,老师没有批评我,耶!我不怕了!   从那以后,不论什么课,我都勇敢地举手发言了,胆小的毛病终于摆脱了。在英语课上,我的积极性更高,不仅敢发言,而且还愿意和老师、同学们对话,英语的口语交际能力明显提高了。当初那节英语课一直留在我记忆的最深处,蒋老师如春风般的话语时刻在我耳边响起。 四年级的英语作文13   一头乌黑发亮的头发,一双炯炯有神的眼睛,她有两件法宝,“千里眼”和“顺风耳”。这就是我们新来的英语老师,费老师。   为什么说她有这两件法宝?我听见有人问了,那我就先给你来讲讲“千里眼”吧!   在一个星期二的下午,英语课上,费老师就大模大样地走了进来,开始上课。   上去上去,费老师停了下来,我知道他用法宝“千里眼”了,已经盯住上了一只“小虫”,过了一会又开始上课,突然,她大声“咆啸”。原来,是单亦文在上课时,东张西望,有时看看窗外,有时看看四周,还有时跟同学聊天,被费老师发现了,第一次没有说她,第二次单亦文也还没改正过来,还是在那儿看窗外的风景,费老师一怒之下,向单亦文破口大骂,你在那里干什么!坐在窗户边的那个女的,下一次英语课之前把你刚才看窗外的风景外加一个500字作文。顿时,教室里鸦雀无声,费老师骂人的时候太可怕了哎呀!连一楼都听地见,从此大家不敢在英语课上搞小动作了。   我再说说她的另一个法宝,“顺风耳”。   费老师的“顺风耳”可不是用在上课的时候,是用在睡午觉的时候,睡觉时,是用法宝“顺风耳”的时候了,在有“小老鼠”的时候,她开始用了,老远听见有人说话了,就大声斥责。   这就是我们新来的英语老师,他虽然严格,但也有幽默的时候。 四年级的英语作文14   英语课上,经常能听到我们教室里欢声笑语,这归功于我们的英语老师――余老师。究竟是怎么回事呢?还是让我举个例子说明吧!   那天英语课,我们正好学到“学校”那一课,余老师就在黑板上画了一个学校的简图,一边画,一边教我们怎么读:hall(礼堂),classroom(教室),读到canteen(餐厅)的时候,因为跟中文发音非常相似,所以大家都哄堂大笑了起来,不过记得也牢。   过了一会儿,余老师让我们造“我们在要安静”的句式,我填的是hall,但我把它读成了hell,,余老师捧腹大笑着对我们翻译:“hell是地狱的意思”,我一脸尴尬地坐下,同学们笑的更欢了。   不知怎么回事儿,赵轩突然喊了一声:“萨拉咪好吃听得见”,被余老师听见了,他立刻对赵轩说:“去外面说十遍‘萨拉咪好吃听得见"”,有几个人不禁捂着嘴偷笑。“给萨拉咪做广告去”,余老师又说。这次我们忍不住了,一起开怀大笑,赵轩也认识到了错误,以后犯这种错误的时候也少了。   下课了,余老师莫名其妙地最后来了一句:“我觉得自己画的画比以前好了耶”,我们先是丈二和尚摸不着头脑,然后就争先恐后地开起了玩笑:“什么呀,还不是一样难看”,“比以前还难看呢!”   我们班上可能有人不喜欢英语,但肯定没有人不喜欢英语课,或许有些不喜欢英语的同学被余老师也弄得喜欢英语了呢! 四年级的英语作文15   一天, 妈妈看电视的时候,突然看到了小学生学英语。妈妈就跟我说:“小玥,你也来学习英语好吗?”看到电视上的小朋友说的是那样的好,我也喜欢上了英语。   第二天,妈妈带我到一所英语培训训学校,并给我报了名。教我的老师叫“Anny”,她长着一双大大的眼睛,长长地披肩发,嘴弯的像个月亮。我一下子就喜欢上了她。也同时开始了我的英语生活。   可是有一天,开始上课了,Anny笑眯眯的说:“同学们,大家好吗?”我们用英语说了一句:“I"m fine thank you。”Anny说:“同学们说英语还可以吗!”我骄傲的说:“Anny,能不能教我们难点的,这些太简单了。”Anny说:“好啊!”很快她又教会了我们一个很难的英语句式,我很快就学会了。这时,同学们说:“哇!说的好好呀!教教我吧。”我正得意着,Anny走过来说:“咱们来做个英语小游戏好吗?”“哦,对啦,我们就用英语从ONE—ONE HUNDRED 数数如何,看谁说得好。”我们异口同声的说:“OK!”可是没有数完我就不会说了,怎么办呢?同学们的眼睛都注视着我,我还真难为情呀!老师看出我的心思,就停了下来,一个一个耐心的教我。我这时非常认真的学,很快我也会说了。老师就此还表扬了我,说我学习很认真。我心里明白老师在给我留面子。   我非常感谢Anny老师,也同时为我的骄傲而惭愧。   虽然这件事已经过去了很久了,但是这件事我依然记忆犹新。因为这件事情告诉我:“做什么事情都不能骄傲,要虚心。骄傲会使人落后和搞不清自己的真实状况,不能正确的人是自己,人只有正确的认识自己,才会找到前进的目标。
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  在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是我为大家收集的英语话题作文8篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 英语话题作文 篇1   It"s going to be sunny on next Monday, has a highest temperature of 9 degree and a lowest of 5 degree . And it continues to be pretty good on Tuesday, has a highest temperature of 12 degree and possiblly a lowest temperature of 6 degree. But Wendsday is going to be a little windy, and getting cold. Highest temperature of 4 degree, lowest of -1 degree. And it will get colder and colder. Thursday is going to be cloudy, a highest temperature of 2 degree, a lowest temperature of -5. On Friday, it"s going to rain. Also very windy, so better put on some warm cloth for that day. A highest temperature of -5 degree, a lowest temperature of -10 degree. 英语话题作文 篇2   Everyone is eager for success and is afraid of failure. But in fact, failure is almost inevitable on the way to success. Failure and success just like a teacher and student. It is the large number of failure to guide us to success step by step.   Failure teaches us too much. First of all, failure make us see ourselves clearly. No one in the world is the wizard almighty, and we are all just good at some aspects. Failure let us know our own strengths and weaknesses, and enable us to find what is the most suitable for our own direction. Only concentrate investment can create a good self. Secondly, failure gives us a deeper view of things. There are always causes for failure, both subjective and objective.   After analysis subjective factors, we should seriously think about the objective factors that caused the failure, so that makes us see things more comprehensive. This in itself is a process of learning. Thirdly, failure make us have sense of shame and then courage. After each failure we are very painful, but also makes us more eager to succeed. We will turn grief into strength to meet the challenge again. Finally, failure makes us humility. Humility has always been the core of human nature. With it we can close in with each other. As Nelson Mandela said, “Great peacemakers are all people of integrity, of honesty, but humility.”   As the saying goes the best things are difficult. To achieve good results, certainly will not happen overnight, and definitely need to go step   by step. Only those people strong enough to face the failure, and learning successful methods from failure, can thay achieve desired success.   每个人都渴望成功,每个人都害怕失败。但其实,在通向成功的路上,失败几乎是难以避免的。失败与成功就像一对师生,正是这许许多多的失败才引导我们一步步地走向成功。   失败教会了我们太多太多。首先,失败让我们看清自己。世界上没有全能奇才,我们都只是擅长某些方面。失败让我们了解到自己的优缺点,使我们找到最适合自己的方向。专注地投入,才能成就一个优秀的自我。第二,失败让我们对事物的看法更深入。失败总是有原因的,有主观的也有客观的。分析完了主观因素,我们也应该认真想想导致失败的客观因素,这样会使我们对事物的看法更加全面。这本身就是一个学习的过程。第三,失败让我们知耻后勇。每一次失败之后我们都很难受,但也使我们对成功更加渴望。我们会化悲痛为力量,去迎接再一次的挑战。最后,失败让我们谦逊。谦逊一直是人性的核心。有了它,我们才能与彼此亲密无间。“创造和平的人不仅诚实、正直,更重要的是他们谦逊。”纳尔逊??德拉(Nelson Mandela)如是说。   俗话说好事多磨。要取得好的成绩,绝对不会一蹴而就,肯定是需要一步一个脚印地走下去。只有坚强地面对失败,从失败中学到成功之道,才能取得自己想要的成功。 英语话题作文 篇3   After going to the middle school, I have less time to play outside the school, because I always have a lot of homework to do. Though my leisure time is shorter, I still keep on after-class reading. Many years ago, my Chinese teacher introduced many classic books to us, I bought them and read them all, I fell in love with reading these books, I would be immerged in the stories. Reading these books helps me a lot, I have improved my writing skill. When I saw the topics, my mind will come out a lot of ideas, I have things to enrich my paper. What"s more, I also broaden my vision. 英语话题作文 篇4   Our environment is very important for our lives . We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on . In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees. Air pollution and water pollution are very serious . The environment around us becomes very terrible . We should protect our environment. First, we should plant many trees to keep water. Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work.. Third , we shouldn"t throw the dirty water into the river . Fourth, we shouldn"t use the plastic bags. Finally, we can ask more people to join us.   我们的环境对我们的生活非常重要。我们需要新鲜的空气,干净的水等等。在过去,我们周围有很多树木,空气新鲜,河水是干净的。但是现在,人们砍伐许多树木。空气污染和水污染是非常严重的。我们周围的环境变得非常可怕。我们应该保护我们的环境。首先,我们应该保持水种许多树。第二,我们可以骑自行车或步行到学校和工作。第三,我们不应该把脏水倒进河里。第四,我们不应该使用塑料袋。最后,我们可以要求更多的人加入我们。 英语话题作文 篇5   I like style A very much。I think wearing such school uniforms can make us look not only smart but also sporty。And we may feel energetic when we wear them。I like the colours as well。It"s good for boys to wear blue and white。They are a good match。They can make us feel less stressed。And red is also a good colour for girls。Red makes us feel full of energy and passion。It can make us take action easily。 英语话题作文 篇6   A recent survey shows that the health of the students in our school has been going from bad to worse in the past three years. It"s shocking that 92.5 percent of us are nearsighted now, compared to 78.20% in 20xx, which was already worrying. The same is true for students" sleeping condition. Nine students out of ten suffer from a lack of sleep at present.   There"re another two facts that shouldn"t be ignored. Two years ago, about one third of the students were in the trouble of overweight, and less than one third of them had problems in mental health. However, both numbers have risen to 50% or so within the past two years.   In view of the serious health condition, immediate steps should be taken before it"s too late. To begin with, the amount of homework should be properly controlled. Moreover, school should provide students with necessary knowledge on health and satisfy their needs for recreation. It is equally important that students should get rid of their unhealthy habits, become more efficient in their study and lead a healthy life. 英语话题作文 篇7   6月5日( June 5)是世界环境保护日, 我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染越来越严重。环境问题影响着人们的"工作,学习,生活等,而我们的工作,生活,生产等又使环境污染越来越严重。。。。。。如何保护我们的环境? 请以“ How to protect/save our environment/world? ”为题写一篇短文。   提示:存在问题:1。水污染越来越严重;2。砍伐森林严重;3。 大气污染严重;4。 白色垃圾等。   要求:如何改善/保护环境?至少:3———4个方面, 80字左右的。    ★ 范文   How to protect/save our environment/world?   The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today。 Water is polluted; we have no clean water to drink。 Many trees are cutting down, some animals is getting less and less。 Some factories are pouring dirty air in the sky, the population is increasing faster and faster, resources are getting less and less…etc。 Not only does it affect our lives and health, it but also has a great affection in the future。 People"s health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution。 Many people died of diseases。 In order to live a better life, we need protect our world。   We shouldn"t throw away rubbish everywhere。 We want to recycle, reduce, reuse things 。Don"t waste things。 This saves money and reduces pollution。 Use things for as long as possible。 We don"t use plastic bags。 We must plant more trees and stop the people cutting them 。We hope our world becomes more and more beautiful。 英语话题作文 篇8    Sample 1 : My hobbies 个人爱好   I have a lot of hobbies as same as others, for example: I like making friends and doing exercises as well as learning English, and so on. I think my hobbies are important not only for my study but also my life.   By making friends, we can know more people and groups outside world, just like a song says that “ you will walk more smoothly if you have more friends”.   Everyone knows that doing exercises is good for our health, and keep ourselves young and healthy, it will make us successful in our study.   Learning English is a good hobby as well, we could make more foreign friends and learn western cultures, it will open our minds in the coming future.   I am glad that I have such good hobbies, I will keep this forever.    Sample 2 : My best friend 最好的朋友   Maybe you would like to ask me “who is your best friend?” I can tell you the answer is Jack.   Jack used to be hard_working and interested in every subject we learn at school. He is good at Chinese and English. He is friendly and he makes many foreign friends. Meanwhile he gets on well with this classmates and friends. Jack likes dancing , and drawing as well. His work has won prizes for several times. We help each other not only in the study but also in our life.   It is possible that we are going to different schools in a few months , wherever we go, I believe/am sure Jack will be my best friend forever.    Sample 3 :Advice on following traffic rules 遵守交通规则   It is very important for us to know about the traffic rules. Everyone knows that red light means ‘stop" and you are not allowed to go. You can walk across the road safely when green light is on. One more thing is yellow light. Some people always forget it. Usually when the green light off, yellow light will be on, please be careful because red light will be on in a few seconds. So you must wait for a while patiently.   Here are some useful suggestions for following traffic rules. Firstly, we should follow the traffic lights and cannot break the traffic rules. Secondly, we had better remember the principle “slowly, look left and right side, go across finally”. Last but not least, (最后一条也是最重要的一条)do not forget that it is rather dangerous to play on the street. If everybody follows the traffic rules we will have a happy life in the future.    Sample 4:A letter on lending money 英文书信(借钱)   Hi! Alice ,   I"m glad to hear from you. Yes, just like you, sometimes I have the same problem. I think if she really needs the money. You had better lend it to her. You don"t need to worry too much about it. Maybe she will pay you back when she has money. You just think, If you don"t lend her the money ,I"m afraid(that)you may lose this friend.   I believe everyone may have trouble in life and we should help each other. So when my friends need money, we should try to help them. Maybe we will get it back, or maybe we won"t. Sometimes making friends means you may get more on one hand and less on the other hand.   I hope it can help you.   Yours,   Liu Ming    Sample 5:A letter on talking bus service in Beijing 英文书信(北京公共交通)   Dear Tony,   I am glad to know your grandpa is coming to Beijing.   Yes, your grandpa is right. The bus service in Beijing is really good now. There are more than 900 bus lines all over Beijing and bus can even take you to some small villages. Besides, special(yellow) seats are provided on buses. People do not have to spend a long time waiting for a bus and the tickets are very cheap.   I like taking a bus because I think it is comfortable and also good for our environment. So it is a good choice for your grandpa to travel by bus inBeijing.   If you have more questions, please ask me.   Yours,   Liu Jing    Sample6 : Pollution around us(保护环境)   In recent years our life is becoming better and better.   But our environment is becoming worse and worse. It"s very bad for our life. Now many people have air_conditioners and cars, they produce (give off ) waste gas. More and more trees are being cut down. There are so much sand on the earth (leaving only sand ) . We often see factories pour waste into rivers or lakes. Water in the river is quite dirty. We haven"t enough clean water to drink in cities. Now we are in danger. It"s very necessary and important to protect the environment well.   I think if everyone tries his best to protect the environment, the world will become much more beautiful , and our life will be better and better .    Example 7: How to live a low-carbon life (如何低碳生活)   假定你是李华,最近你们班就“低碳”生活方式进行了讨论,你的美国朋友 Jack来信向你询问讨论情况,请你用英语写封回信,简单参照作文地带介绍的以下讨论结果:   1.节水节电;   2.垃圾分类;   3.少用纸巾,重拾手帕;   4.步行,骑自行车或乘坐公交车。   参考词汇:低碳low carbon , 纸巾tissue ,垃圾分类sort out rubbishes ,手帕 handkerchief , 电electricity   注意:词数60字左右(不含开头和结尾所给出的字数);可适当增加细节了,以使行文连贯;开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。   Dear Jack,   Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon lifestyle. Here is something about it.   Everyone knows that we can do a lot of things in order to live a low-carbon life.   Firstly, we should save water and electricity. Secondly, we had better sortout rubbishes, which include recyclable and non_recyclable rubbishes. Thirdly, we could re_pick up our handkerchiefs, and use tissues as little as possible so we can stop more tress from cutting down. Last but not least, please try to walk if you have more free time, and ride bikes or take buses as often as possible.   Best wishes,   Li Bing    Example 8: Shopping on the Internet 网购利弊   随着互联网的发展和普及,网络购物在中国也变得越来越普遍了,甚至已经成了我们日常生活的一部分了;相信同学们身边一定有不少同学已经通过网络进行购物了,比如*****网,京东商城等;但是网络购物究竟有何利弊呢? 请写一篇短文,谈谈网上购物的好处与坏处。   提示词汇:网上购物shopping on the Internet(online shopping) , 京东商城360buy.com   Recently,we talk about advantages and disadvantages of shopping on the Internet. Some people think that it is very easy for us to go shopping online. The shops on Internet ,for example taobao.com, 360buy.com are open for almost 24 hours a day, so we can buy something we want at any time if we like. What"s more, we needn"t to wait for a long time.   However,
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啊 这个
2023-06-07 11:16:102


  在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是我收集整理的英语话题作文9篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。 英语话题作文 篇1   The Great Wall, the longest wall in the world, is one of thegreatest architectures in ancient China. The structure which wasbuilt in a time when countries were at war, once served as abarrier to keep out invading enemies. It remains a mystery howpeople built the Great Wall without the help of any high technologytwo thousand years ago. But there is no doubt that the Great Wall,with rich history and magnificent appearance, attracts a greatnumber of tourists, scientists and historians every year. Allvisitors think highly of the wisdom of ancient Chinese. 英语话题作文 篇2   按系统论的观点,外语教学是一个系统,写作教学是其中的一个子系统,与听、说、读等教学共同构成一个科学的大系统,它是由英语词汇、语法、主题及其写作手法等互相依赖、互相作用的诸要素组成的有机整体。在小学阶段,大部分老师都非常注重学生的听、说和阅读能力的培养和训练,往往忽视了写作能力的训练,认为这是中学的要求,或者是因为觉得写作教学难,教师批改学生作文也难,因此一般对阅读理解较重视,而对写的重要性认识不足,忽视学生写的能力培养。我认为英语写作能唤起学生对所学或所掌握的语言的感觉;其次,每一次单元测试和期末考试,写作(写话)也占了一定的比例。因此,在小学高年级,英语的写作训练与听、说、读的训练同等重要。   一、小学英语话题写作的概念   小学高年级的英语写作是指学生能在教师指导下,围绕一个主题自觉运用所学的单词、句型起草一篇短小的习作或一两段话,初步能注意英汉的差异,能使用正确的英语表达法。   二、英语写作教学的目的   1、提高学生综合运用语言的能力;   2、发展学生从口头表达转向书面表达的能力;   3、让学生主动地整合所学的语法、句型等知识点,把它们变成一个有机的整体。   三、英语写作的常用模式   1、填空式写法   英语语音教学强调模仿,但英语写作教学却忽视模仿的作用。写作起步阶段可多进行摹仿写。填空式写作是保留文章或对话的主干,适当地调换内容让学生换上其它人、事和物进行填空。其优点是既降低写作难度,激发学生写作兴趣,又可加深对课文的理解,特别是新旧单词的综合运用;缺点是学生有可能忽视语法、时态问题,在培养学生创造力方面有欠缺。通常可以在每学完一篇课文或对话后,让学生进行填空写作。   2、仿例写法   学完一个完整的单元,为了帮助学生系统归纳、整理语言知识点,教师根据本   单元的教学要点,围绕一个人、一件事或一个动物写一篇短文,要求学生注意模仿例文的时态和语态仿写。通过仿写训练,能引起学生对英语时态和语态的重视。例如一般现在时主语是第三人称单数,动词加“s”或“es”,这是学习的难点。我让学生先写一写自己一天的生活,然后调查一个朋友或亲人一天的生活,模仿例文仿写。通过对比,使学生对同一时态不同人称动词的运用有了更深刻的理解,而不仅仅停留在记忆的层面上,也可免去老师重重复复的讲解和提醒。   3、启示式写法   前两种写法的缺点是局限较大,不能发挥学生创造力,习作不能体现学生个性。启示式写法是在学生有了一定习作基础和语感上,稍高层次的写作训练。师生共同围绕一个话题讨论写作内容,列出写作提纲,然后学生根据提纲自由发挥起草一段话。例如,师生围绕“zoo animals”这个话题进行讨论,得出可从“外形、能力、生活习性,来源国”等几方面进行描述。学生自由发挥,写出颇具个人特色小文章。此法的优点是既可体现学生个性,也避免学生跑题等现象的发生。   4、命题式写法   此写法给予学生更大创意空间,难度也更大。教师只给予题目或主题,学生通过启动自身知识体系的搜索引擎,自主地搜集相关资料进行写作。例如写“Seasons in Guangzhou”,学生仔细浏览我设计的相关网页,选取某一个季节中一两个感兴趣的主题来表述,如“气候、衣着、食物和活动”等等。选题要与学生生活密切相关,并能激起他们写作的欲望;切忌主题过大,会让学生无所适从或无从下手。   四、注重写作策略的指导   1、“联系”和“迁移”   在写作课“zoo animals”上,我让学生讨论这个主题可以涵括的内容,要求学生在已有的词汇、句型中进行分析,提取相关信息,再综合运用。实际上就是要求学生联系所学知识,是对学生分析综合能力的训练。这时候,学生认为这足以能指导完成写作了,他们的思维通常到这个阶段就停滞不前了。但教师还应该培养学生迁移的能力,即把这种思考方式迁移到其他内容的写作上去,做到举一反三。   2、注意英汉差异,正确使用英语表达法   许多学生写英文短文,都习惯用汉语去思考。结果写出来的句子,读起来很拗口,句意生硬,令人费解。其原因就在于学生不明白英汉两种语言表达上的差异。例如,汉语中没有时态和语态的复杂变化,只借助于助词“着,了,过”;而英语则有复杂的时态和语态变化。再如,英语中名词分(1)可数名词———单数名词———复数名词--规则名词复数的变化;不规则名词复数的变化(2)不可数名词:water furniture , advice (3)名词单复数相同:sheep , deer , fish (4)既能可数又不可数的名词:hair , wood , pa?鄄per , rain , sand 。动词短语,介词短语等一些固定搭配,动词与其主语的一致,称谓的一致,等等。这些差异只要通过不断的积累和运用,才能逐步达到恰到好处。英语写作才能更规范,更标准,更符合英美人的表达习惯。   3、充分利用小组合作学习的力量。   通过小组成员相互鉴赏阅读,学会欣赏和借鉴别人的好词好句。   五、培养自改作文的能力,发挥学生主动性   我们总碰到这种现象:学生写完作文不经修改就交给老师,对老师形成依赖心理。在写作的初级阶段,可采取师生共同改一篇习作,指出学生普遍性错误,提醒学生注意;鼓励学生同一个意思用不同的表达方式。我认为修改阶段是反馈机制下的一个开放性过程,是通过师生信息互动,使学生的作文逐步完善的过程。采取反馈和同伴间互相阅读作文的方法,也可以形成一种语言意识。学生既是作者又是读者,他们通过批评性地阅读别人的作文,可以学到更多的写作知识和技巧;他们时刻留心语法及用词错误,写作时开始想到的是读者(而非教师)。学生作文经教师批改后,修订工作是通过个人作业和小组活动相结合进行的。这种做法能使学生学得更深、更广、更活,还能培养学生总结归纳的能力。   总之,学生英语写作能力在教师有计划的组织、有序的训练和耐心帮助、正确引导下,通过学生自主、积极密切的配合是能够得以逐步提高的。 英语话题作文 篇3   I guess the reason this question take this long time to argue is that some guys really want a long holiday, but some guys will prefer going back home in the traditional festival to have meal with their family. So, which one do I prefer?   我想这个问题的原因是很长时间的"争论是,有些人真的想要一个长假,但有些人会喜欢在传统节日回家吃饭与他们的家人。那么,我更喜欢哪一个?   In fact, although a long holiday sounds attractive, the day for rest is actually the same, I would like the second idea, which is still going on at this moment, because China is a country with a longest history in the world, when we are having holiday with our family in the festival, it"s actually a respectful to our history, which is a respectful to our country. I guessed that would be really important to a cultural country like this.   事实上,虽然长的假期听起来很有吸引力,但这一天的休息时间实际上是一样的,我想这一刻,因为中国是一个有着历史最悠久的国家,当我们与我们的家庭在节日里,它实际上是尊重我们的历史,这是尊重我们的国家。我想这对一个文化国家是非常重要的。 英语话题作文 篇4    大学英语六级作文热点话题预测:社会责任感    College Students"Social Responsibilities   1.许多大学生缺乏社会责任感,比如……   2.造成这种现象的原因   3.大学生应如何履行自身的社会责任    英语六级作文范文:   College Students"Social Responsibilities   If you Google“the 71st Anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre”(in Chinese)on the Internet,you will be impressed by the video show of a girl"s special commemoration.After watching the video.I Was wondering where college students were.Taking into consideration their indifference to other historic events such as the May 4 Movement,we can conclude that college students lack the due social responsibilities.   However,we should not simply criticize their indifference,and analysis should be made to reckon with underlying reasons.Firstly,college students are imposed excessive pressure by the job market.They have to pay more attention to their studies.Secondly,many students believe that the history has already been borne in mind,and it is unnecessary to commemorate historic anniversaries each year.For them,it is better to internalize the humiliated history and work hard than to hold ceremonies without concrete contents.   To my way of thinking,college students should not keep silent on those occasions.It is our responsibilities to voice Our aspirations and let the society know that we have not forgotten the history. 英语话题作文 篇5   To be or not to be punctual is a habit. We often fail to appreciate the influence of habit in our life. Habit is worklng for or against us every minute of the day. It has much to do with our future. So when we are young, we should try to be punctual every time and never be late, for the habit is much easier to acquire in youth than when we are older.   Punctuality is an important constituent of good character.A person who is always on time for his appointments shows real consideration for others. A person who is always late shows selfishness and thoughtlessness, and he is not a person that most people want for a friend. A few minutes‘ delay may not be a serious matter, but it may have bad results. Getting up ten minutes later than usual may upset the plan of the day.Calling on a friend five minutes later than the appointed time may cause him some unexpected trouble. One delay after another makes a man unable to exert himself. It also proves him to be untrustworthy.   Since punctuality is a good habit and a nice virtue, we should pay much attention to it and make much effort to cultivate this good habit so that we may have a strong sense of punctuality and do whatever we are supposed to do on time.   是否做到准时是一种习惯。我们在日常生活中往往没有意识到习惯的影响。 习惯每时每刻都在起作用,或起积极作用,或起不良作用。 习惯与我们的前途息息相关。所以,我们年轻时应该力求次次准时,从不迟到,因为准时的习惯在年轻时比年老时更容易养成。   准时是优良品格的一个重要成分。一个总是按时赴约的人真正做到了为别人着想。一个老是迟到的人说明他自私自利,不为别人考虑;大多数人都不愿和这样的人交友。耽搁几分钟也许是一件小事,但它可能引起不良后果。比平时起床晚十分钟可能打乱整天的计划。拜访朋友比约定的时间迟到五分钟会给朋友带来意想不到的麻烦。一次又一次的延误会让一个人无法竭尽全力,这也证明他是不值得信赖的。   既然准时是个好习惯,又是一种好品德,我们应该十分注重准时,努力养成这种好习惯,以便具有强烈的准时观念,凡是应该做的事,都按时去做。 英语话题作文 篇6   The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of modesty. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Modesty can inspire people to achieve greater success. Those who are modest will never be content with their current achievements, instead, they will work constantly to achieve a higher target. moreover,a modest people are more likely to be fitting in, win others" trust and enjoy a harmonious interpersonal relationship. To further illustrate the importance of modesty, I would like to take Newton as a case in point: how could he, one of the most influential scientists throughout the history of mankind, discover the Law of Momentum Conservation if he was simply content with the achievement of finding Three Laws of Motion ?   Accordingly, at no time should we be satisfied with our small accomplishments, instead , we need to keep an open mind to accept new things, absorb new information, acquire new knowledge and seize new opportunities. "Success consists in industry and modesty." A philosopher once said. 英语话题作文 篇7    such a promise种种承诺   when i first look at the car toon , i can"t help laughing at the hen who seems to be seriously making a foolis h announcement to the public that she always lays eggs , smooth and round and never without eggwhite and yolk in side the shell . howeve r , when i star t to study the car toon mor e ca refully , i find something significant in it and gradually i come to unde rstand the author"s intention .   nowadays , almost all tr ades and professions ar e r epeatedly making sincer e promises to people: government people assure that they a re noble and clean and will serve people hea rt and soulmer chants smilingly swear tha t the products they sell are of s uperior quality , genuine instead of false, life- time maintenance gua ranteed and the cheapest ma rket price; adver tisers take pains to r ecommend mir acle drugs and make-youbeautiful cosmetics , etc . year af ter year , s uch promises are repeated . i wonder why they t ake so much trouble to boast oudly about their obligations and duties . people believed them at first , but gradually became awakened becau se they have found some dishonesty in such bombing promises .   “actions speak louder than words .” the hen is foolish enough to make he r egg-promise, why shouldn"t those nonsense- maker s become cleve rer ?    cet6六级作文结构分析:   · paragraph 1 —   * inte rpretation of the car toon   * my understanding   · paragraph 2 —   * promises made by all t r ades and professions   * awakening of the people   · paragraph 3 —   *“actions speak louder than word s .”    ---------------------------------------------------------    cet6六级作文内容分析:   本文是一篇漫画作文, 画的寓意是“各行各业的种种承诺本应是自身的职责, 却要大肆渲染, 无疑是多此一举”, 其愚蠢程度不亚于图中“ 母鸡下蛋的承诺”。这类题型必须把握其寓意( hidden meaning) , 方能切中主题。本文第一段用两句解释了 漫画, 其开头不落俗套, 文笔幽默。第二段切入主题, 例举各种“ 多此一举”的承诺, 笔调生动, 最后一句是有力的揭露。结尾段 中引用了一句成语并奉劝承诺者不要像母鸡那样愚蠢本题曾是一次考研写作题, 漫画取自于21 世纪报, 作者借题自行撰文。    -----------------------------------------------------------    cet6六级作文万能句型:   car toon n . 漫画   can"t help + -ing 禁不住   lay eggs 下蛋   eggwhit e n . 蛋白   yolk n . 蛋黄   all t r ades and professions 各行各业   serve people hear t and soul 全心全意为人民服务   swear v . 发誓   superior quality 优质   genuine instead of false 真货而不是假货   life-time maintenance guarant eed 保证终身维修   take pains to + v . 费尽心思去   miracle drugs 神药   make-you-beautiful cosmetics “使你美”化妆品   year after year 年复一年   boast about 吹嘘   obligation n . 责职, 义务   dishonesty in such bombing promises 轰炸性的承诺中的欺骗   actions speak louder than words . 听其言更要观其行   nonsense-maker s 说废话者 英语话题作文 篇8   【写作要求】   Mary在学校参加了一个Buddy Club, 从那以后,她改变了很多。请你结合下面所给的提示,写一篇英语短文。   In the past   Now   Personalities   shy, quiet, get nervous easily   brave, outgoing…   Hobbies   reading   reading, singing…   Abilities   good at dancing, singing…    要求:   1. 覆盖要点,可以合理增加细节;   2. 80词左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数。   Joining a club sometimes changes a person greatly.   【优秀满分范文】   Joining a club sometimes changes a person greatly.   Mary used to be a shy and quiet girl. She used to get nervous easily and her face often turned red when she spoke with strangers. She liked nothing but reading alone in her free time. However, she has changed alot since she joined the Buddy Club. Now, Mary is so brave and outgoing that she isn"t afraid of speaking out in public any more. What"s more, she has lots of hobbies, such as singing, writing and dancing. She is good at them as well.   People sure change all the time, right? What we should do is to learn from Mary. Change ourselves and choose to be the best of ourselves. 英语话题作文 篇9   上课的内容是话题作文Health,执教的是潘老师,感谢潘老师给我们带来非常精彩的这堂课,整个教学过程如行云流水,课堂气氛非常活跃,学生语言知识得到有效训练,综合能力得到有效培养,教学效果非常好。我受益非浅,体现在下面几个方面:   1、学习内容有趣,符合学生胃口,大量的输入,保障了学生语言的输出。她利用多媒体课件,容纳更多地信息,使学生有话可说。   2、课堂环节层层深入,衔接自然。潘老师有很强的亲和力,面带微笑,教态自然。   3、课堂气氛活跃,学生对于老师的问题能及时做出反应。学生在本堂课中真正起到主体地位,老师起到主导地位。   我想每堂课最美的其实就是教学的过程。教师在精心备课之后,只有在师生互动过程中,轻松愉快的合作,课堂才能达到预期的效果,这才是我们教师所能得到的历练,教学才能相长。
2023-06-07 11:16:181


  在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是我精心整理的英语话题作文6篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 英语话题作文 篇1   In recent years,more and more lectures are being given on campus. They are organized either by the departments or by the students" unions with an aim to improve the students" quality both mentally and academically. These lectures are usually in series and on different topics, such as arts, life, economy, psychology, world issues, etc.   Generally speaking, the advantages of good lectures are various. First, they broaden the students" horizon and cultivate interests in different fields. Second,they make the life of the students colorful and enjoyable. With these merits, lectures are just complementary and subordinate to our school work. If students spend too much time attending lectures, their regular study will be affected and disturbed.   So,in my opinion, the students should, on the one hand, do their class work and homework well first, on the other hand, make good use of their spare time to attend instructive lectures so as to eich their knowledge. 英语话题作文 篇2   Should the Golden Week Holidays BeAbolished?   There is no denying the fact that the introductionof the Golden Week holidays in China has considerably promoted the development of thenation"s economy and touring industry and enriched people"s life. People around the countryhave spent more time and money traveling and relaxing themselves.   As every coin has two sides, the Golden Week holidays have also brought about piles ofproblems. For one thing, due to the fact that people across the country are spending theirvacations during the same period of time, it is terribly crowded almost everywhere: trains,buses, hotels, scenic spots, etc., which have ruined people"s mood for vacations. For another,some businessmen take advantage of the weeklong holidays and raise the price ofcommodities and services.   Personally, I believe that it is necessary for people to have long vacations, but there is noneed for them to have the vacations during the same period of time. Instead, they should beallowed the freedom to arrange their own vacations. Only in this way can they really relax andrefresh themselves for a new round of work. 英语话题作文 篇3   话题范围具体话题英文核心词社会效率、经济发展、人口需求、产品质量、满意度、文化、环境efficiency, revolution, culture, economic development, population, needs, quality, price, tension, natural resources financial, efficient, environmental recycle, protect生活健康类、新通讯工具类、节约和浪费、交通、食品安全internet, cell phone, vigor, simplicity, organic food energetic, exhausted cherish, thrift, waste, squander品质创新、奋斗、关爱、人生选择、责任、抗挫折、公正感honesty, fairness, self-discipline, fidelity, responsibility, belief, equality, perseverance, obligation, moral standard independent, considerate, confident, creative, selfish, isolated, conservative人际教育儿童,照顾老人,帮助他人、合作、人际关系、沟通cooperation, communication, harmony, humanity, assistance reciprocal, harmonious educate, encourage, understand 英语话题作文 篇4   例1:报纸和网站是当今两大主要媒体。请根据下表内容,以 Newspapers and Websites 为题,用英语写一篇短文,简要介绍这两种媒体的优缺点。   报 纸   1. 传统媒体,天天更新,信息可靠2. 携带方便,随时随地可以阅读3.仅有文字和图片   网 站   1. 新兴媒体,信息更新速度快2.依赖于电脑及互联网3. 包含文字、图片、音频和视频   注意:   1. 短文必须包括表中所有内容,可以适当发挥;2. 词数:100-1203. 参考词汇:更新update;音频audio;视频video   Newspapers and Websites   Newspapers and websites are two major new media in the world today, both of which can provide us with lots of news and information. But they"re different in some ways.   Newspapers enjoy a longer history and often come out daily with more reliable news and information. They can be carried and read almost anywhere you like. So many people like reading them. But they can only contain texts and photos.   On the other hand, websites are quite new and popular, especially among young people. Websites have not only texts with pictures but also audios and videos, which makes stories more interesting. What"s more, they are updated from time to time. So the latest news is always seen on websites instead of in newspapers. But it is not quite convenient for people without a computer connected with the Internet to get information from websites.   例2:目前,一些诸如GG, MM, Xia Mi 等网络语言在青少年中极为盛行,并且出现在家庭作业报告,甚至全国入学考试的作文中。请你以 Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited (禁止)?为题,根据下表内容用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你自己的看法。   一些同学认为网络语言生动、时尚 网络语言充满幽默与智慧 使网上聊天更快捷   另一些同学认为网络语言缺乏思想性没有被大部分人理解、接受过多使用使人不解,甚至误解?   你的看法   注意:   1. 短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数;2. 词数:100左右3. 参考词汇:生动的vivid;智慧intelligence   Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited?   At present, Internet Slang, such as GG, MM, Xia Mi, has become popular among the teenagers.   原文来源: 高考英语作文:高考英语话题作文范文 有关“网络”   There are different opinions on Internet Slang. Some students think Internet Slang is vivid, fashionable and full of humor and intelligence. Besides, it makes chatting on the Internet quicker.   However, some other students think Internet Slang lacks depth of thought and is too simple. Also, it is hard to understand and not accepted by most people. The words sometimes might make people confused, even resulting in misunderstanding.   Every coin has two sides. In my opinion, living in the Information Age, if we don"t know the Internet Slang, we seem to fall behind the times. It will be OK as long as these terms are used correctly in proper situations.   例3:假如你是李华,最近你对本班的60名同学(男女各半)进行了上网目的的调查,结果见下表。请你用英语给某报社写一篇报道,反映你调查的内容,以引起公众的关注。   注意:   1.报道应包括图表中的所有内容;2. 叙述中要适当增加个人观点,对学生上网情况进行评论,并提出建议;3.词数:100左右;4. 参考词汇:做调查make a survey   Dear editor,   I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in our class about their purpose(s) of getting on the Internet. The girls" favorite is chatting, but few boys like it. What boys like to do most is playing games and the girls also like them. Both boys and girls like to read news or send e-mails on the Internet. Maybe they think it"s the most convenient way to get information or keep in touch with friends. As for studying, the numbers of boys and girls are equal, but altogether only several of them will use the Internet as a tool to study. 英语话题作文 篇5   在教棒和粉笔的共同飞舞中,在老师声声叮咛,鼓励和无微不至地呵护下,多少位良师被学子深深地印在心里啊!   ---题记   我在这里写的是一位普普通通,平凡得不能再平凡的人民教师,50来岁,由于终日为我们不辞辛苦的操劳,脸上布满了皱纹,她的两眼黑得发亮,锋利的目光,仿佛要把什么刺穿似的。我有点害怕。她只教我们还不到四个月,但是,每当我想起她时。她对我们的严就像教练训练运动员那样一丝不苟;她对我们很关心,体贴,就像对待自己的儿女一样。 。z但是,那一次,我尽对她起了怨恨。那是一节自习课,英语老师让同学们把作业本A订正好交到办公室去批改,作业本B作好的也去批改。我怀着喜悦的心情拿着作好的B去批改,"报告""进来"她的声音很平稳,我走了进去,队伍并不长,我跑到英语老师右边去批改,无意间发现了电脑里有语文竞赛的成绩,我便很期盼得到自己的成绩,不听话的手尽往鼠标地区前行,不经意间,我触摸到了,这下手更不听使唤,一直往下翻动着,"啊"我目瞪口呆,倒数第三,我的"喜悦心情沉淀了下来,"谁呀,谁在动我的电脑?"一声果断而又严厉的语言向我发起进攻,我吓了一大跳,我心里想:哎呀,这下怎么办呀,不如来个死不承认,或者……英语老师的教棒在桌上"吃吃"作响,"把手拿过来。"我害怕极了,真想使用一下神仙的仙术,把英语老师的教棒变成长长的棉花棒,只有我能看见,而老师看不见,软软的棉花棒触摸了我一下,"哇!"教棒落下来了,打得好痛呀,我有点生气,心里暗暗想着;你这个老太太,太坏了,我只不过碰了一下鼠标,看了电脑屏幕一眼,也不过如此,您竟打我,只要教育几下就行了嘛,我可是个怕痛的女孩。我心中的怨恨一直不能平静。但刚想完,那教棒的滋味和对老师的怨恨跑掉了,我寻找着,发现它屹立在英语老师身上展现出来的无可抗拒的人格魅力上。   她总穿着比别人温暖的衣服,长得虽不出众,但是她的人格魅力在我心中是最出众的,那一次英语课,因我们作业做得不好,而被英语老师斥责了一翻,最使我深受教育的是这样一句话:我做事情,要做就要做到最好。"这声音在教室里久久回荡,震撼着我的心灵。做一个高尚的人"的种子便埋下了,自从那节课后,我猛然发觉自己长大了好多好多,幼稚正向我告别。我的心底默默地感谢这位教我如何做人的英语老师。 英语话题作文 篇6   1、(浙江丽水)Ellen看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待,感到特别高兴。为了鼓励大家学好英语,他准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。请根据以下问题和答案的提示并结合你的实际情况,以"My English Learning"为题写一篇80词左右的英文稿件,要求至少涉及其中的三个问题,并且不能出现你的真实姓名、校名和县名等。提示:   When did you start learning English? (in … /…years ago)   How do you learn English? (listen carefully, study with a group, read English every day…)   What is difficult to learn? (listening, grammar…)   What other helpful ways do you know to learn English well? (watch English movies, sing English songs…)   参考作文:   English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.   2、(四川资阳)假设你叫李华,你的英国笔友Linda为了来中国参观奥运会而报名参加了汉语培训班学习汉语。她最近写信向你询问学习外语的建议。请根据下列提示和你学习英语的体会给Linda写一封回信。   注意:1.回信需要包括全部要点;   2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;   3.字数60左右。   Dear Linda,   I"m very glad that you"ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help.   …….   Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China   Yours,   Li Hua   参考作文:   Dear Linda,   I"m very glad that you"ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. Firstly, it"s very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese. What"s more, you"d better plan your time well and study it regularly every day.   Above all, you should be confident in yourself and don"t give up whenever you meet with difficulty. I"m sure you will succeed through your hard work.   Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China.   Yours,   Li Hua
2023-06-07 11:16:401


  在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是我为大家收集的四年级英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 四年级英语作文1   Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has become a serious problem in nowadays. As our students, we also have to face with much pressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and so on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important.   由于世界的高度发展,压力已经成为现今一个严重的问题。作为学生,我们也必须面对压力,比如学习压力,考试压力,关系压力等等。但是,怎样缓解压力呢?这是最重要的。   Firstly, we should face the pressure appropriately. Pressure is inevitable in our daily life, so we can"t be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. Talking is a very effective way to ease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some suggestions and solutions. Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can deal with any troubles by ourselves or by others" help.   首先,我们应该正对面对压力。压力是我们日常生活中不可避免的,所以我们不能害怕她,要尽力去解决它们。其次,向别人倾诉压力。聊天是缓解压力的有效方式,在聊天过程中,我们可能会得到 四年级英语作文2   一天, 妈妈看电视的时候,突然看到了小学生学英语。妈妈就跟我说:“小玥,你也来学习英语好吗?”看到电视上的小朋友说的是那样的好,我也喜欢上了英语。   第二天,妈妈带我到一所英语培训训学校,并给我报了名。教我的老师叫“Anny”,她长着一双大大的眼睛,长长地披肩发,嘴弯的像个月亮。我一下子就喜欢上了她。也同时开始了我的英语生活。   可是有一天,开始上课了,Anny笑眯眯的说:“同学们,大家好吗?”我们用英语说了一句:“I"m fine thank you。”Anny说:“同学们说英语还可以吗!”我骄傲的说:“Anny,能不能教我们难点的,这些太简单了。”Anny说:“好啊!”很快她又教会了我们一个很难的英语句式,我很快就学会了。这时,同学们说:“哇!说的好好呀!教教我吧。”我正得意着,Anny走过来说:“咱们来做个英语小游戏好吗?”“哦,对啦,我们就用英语从ONE—ONE HUNDRED 数数如何,看谁说得好。”我们异口同声的说:“OK!”可是没有数完我就不会说了,怎么办呢?同学们的眼睛都注视着我,我还真难为情呀!老师看出我的心思,就停了下来,一个一个耐心的教我。我这时非常认真的学,很快我也会说了。老师就此还表扬了我,说我学习很认真。我心里明白老师在给我留面子。   我非常感谢Anny老师,也同时为我的骄傲而惭愧。   虽然这件事已经过去了很久了,但是这件事我依然记忆犹新。因为这件事情告诉我:“做什么事情都不能骄傲,要虚心。骄傲会使人落后和搞不清自己的真实状况,不能正确的人是自己,人只有正确的认识自己,才会找到前进的目标。 四年级英语作文3   Healthy eating habits are very important for our health. We should build healthy eating habits. We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits everyday.They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for us. We also should eat less meat everday.And we had better drink a glass of milk in the morning or at night. Besides, we should focus on abalanced diet, which assures us the necessary nutritions. Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from them. It is said that most of students do not eat anything at all in the morning. It is very bad for our health. Breakfast is the most important meal for people.   健康的饮食习惯对我们的健康很重要。我们应该建立健康的饮食习惯。我们应该每天吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果,它们能给我们提供丰富的必要维生素。我们每天还应该少吃肉,最好每天早晚喝一杯水。此外,我们应该注意饮食平衡,这能保证我们必要的营养。垃圾食品是我们健康的致命杀手,所以我们应该远离它们。据说大部分的学生早上几乎什么都不吃,这对我们的健康是有害的。早餐是人们最重要 四年级英语作文4   我们的英语老师姓翟,她对我们关心、负责又严格。她上课津津有味,所以我们很喜欢上她的课。   翟老师非常辛苦,一个人就教三个年级的英语。常常一个年级的课刚上完,老师都顾不上喘口气,就要去另一个年级里去上课。老师多辛苦啊!   翟老师写得字非常的工整、漂亮,粉笔在她好像在她的手里,就像长了眼睛似的。讲课时,老师一点儿也不急躁,总是面带笑容来给我们讲课。而且老师的英语,灵活有趣,一点儿也不枯燥。   有一次,我们班的一名学生的英语副本写得一个单词都看不清,本子上画满了老师用红笔打的“X”。老师当着同学们的面,狠狠批评了那个同学,还毫不留情地把乱七八糟的作业撕了下来,让他重做。你看,我们这位老师够严格吧!   还有一次,学校组织团队活动,我毫不犹豫地报了翟老师的趣味英语团队。   万圣节那天,老师需要面具和糖果,让我和涵涵准备。可是,我不小心把老师交给我们买东西的钱弄丢了,只好自掏腰包,把我们平时积攒的钱用上了。这件事不知怎么传到了翟老师耳朵里。上趣味英语课时,老师问我们俩买糖花了多少钱?我说:“我花了5元,涵涵2元。”老师什么也没有说,就转身回办公室了。那天发下英语副本,我发现我的副本里夹有5元钱,涵涵的副本里有2元。我们就想:会不会是老师给我们的呢?   下了课,我们把7元钱交还翟老师,翟老师没有在办公室里,我们就放在翟老师的办公桌上就走了。可事后,她还是想方设法把钱还给了我们。你说,我们这个老师多么负责啊!   我非常喜欢翟老师,因为她严格认真,有责任心,是我们心中的好老师! 四年级英语作文5   等我上完了大学,我会到小学里当个平凡的英语老师。   我会捧着教学工具,迈着轻快的步伐,精神饱满,面带着甜蜜的笑容走进教室,自信地站在讲台上,用标准的英语,说上一句:“同学们好!”当调皮的同学在那儿大声起哄时,我会静悄悄地走到他身边,说:“你的丑态已被我看见,举白旗吧,否则就再表演一遍刚才的情节给同学们看看,以证明你这个小′卓别林‵的魅力!”同学们听了哄堂大笑,笑过之后,我以一句“OK”引入课题。   单调的英语单词往往令学生们“晕头转向”,我会采用最有趣的教学方法教他们学习单词。像“SANDWICH”、“MANGO”这一类的单词记不住时,我会教他们结合单词的中文意思来读,“SANDWICH”中文意思的三明治,英文读音与中文读音有点像,只用记住中文意思,英文读音马上出现了咯!我还会让他们把一个读音分成几节来读,这样子就更能记得住了。   课外,我会经常地组织学生们去郊游,去游乐园,去动物园。在动物园里,我会和学生们一起和各种动物交朋友,同时教学生猴子的单词,“ELEPHANT”是什么动物,“TAIGER”可不可怕,“PANDA”可爱吗?在游乐园里,我会教学生们描绘各种心情的英语单词。   在我教的班级里是少不了竞赛的,记忆大比拼,绘图大比拼,搞笑大比拼……都是少不了的不错哦不错哦,学生个个都会玩的不亦乐乎,手舞足蹈,比赛的过程也会精彩万分。学生们在玩中学,学中玩,我的课堂欢声笑语,我成为全校最受欢迎的英语老师。不错哦   假如我是英语老师,我会努力做到最好! 四年级英语作文6   学校通过组织一个圣诞节英语派对,丰富同学们的课余生活,培养学生的学习兴趣和热情,增加小朋友们对于英语的"兴趣,让所有小朋友都能广泛参与。英语圣诞晚会,还能激发学生在我们学校学习英语,帮助学生提高综合素质评价,在同一时间,提高学生学习英语的能力,为以后学习和竞争中取得良好的优势。   今天中午吃完饭后,妈妈送我来到了我们英语学校举行的年度圣诞节晚会。   大约13:30的时候,我们的晚会正式开始了,我们大家都非常高兴。首先,我们观看了精彩的节目:有打架子鼓的,有弹吉他的,有跳拉丁舞的,还有打双节棍的,等等等等,真是精彩绝伦,赏心悦目啊!   看完精彩的节目之后,我们进行了三等奖的抽签活动之中。悲哀,我不是那30个当中幸运儿的其一,但是老师说,还有一等奖和二等奖。   我们休息了片刻,看了看同学变得小戏法之后,我们打二等奖抽签活动又开始了。果然,好心不负有心人,我是10名二等奖中的得主,获得了一个毛绒玩具。这时的我正在想,那丰富多彩的一等奖又会花落谁家呢?   接下来,我被邀请上台做了游戏。这个游戏的名字叫做家长互换。游戏规则:10位孩子站在舞台上,后面是自己的家长。然后,我们10位孩子蒙上眼睛,家长互相移动。1分钟之后,必须找到自己的家长。幸好妈妈有明显的标志物,手里拿着手机。   所有活动结束后,我们每个人都领了学习大礼包。里面有各种各样的学习文具,我们都异常的欢喜。   祝大家圣诞节节日快乐! 四年级英语作文7   今天,我把所有作业都做完了,闲着没事干,便萌生出一个想法:教奶奶学英语。于是,我对奶奶说:“奶奶,我教您学英语吧?”“好!”奶奶爽快地答应了。我递给奶奶一张预先准备好的“新生报名单”。上面写着:“欢迎您加入花朵芬芳学校英语初级班,请填写您的英文名字。”奶奶一看新生报名单就愣住了。“我哪有什么英文名字呀?”“没关系,我帮您取。”我对奶奶说。   我想了一下,问奶奶“lavender,怎么样?”   “好,好,好。”奶奶没有经过思考就回答着。可当我问她“您叫什么英文名字呀?”她却把刚才的lavender忘得九霄云外了。于是,教奶奶学英语就从教奶奶学读英文名字开始了。   我不厌其烦地把lavender反复读给奶奶听。奶奶看着我的嘴型认真地学着。“la--ven--der”,可她的发音很不标准。   “奶奶,您的嘴巴再扁一点,行吗?”“?—?—?。”我把奶奶读的不标准的地方,抽出来单独训练。我记得自己学小提琴的时候,老师一直叫我把掌握不好的地方抽出来单独练,这样效果很好。所以我也用这种方法教奶奶。还别说,经过我的耐心指导,奶奶终于学会读自己的英文名字了。生怕下次再遗忘,奶奶拿来纸和笔,认真地记着笔记。   真认真啊!我在心里默默想着,奶奶年纪这么大了,学习起来还这么认真,真值得我学习呀。   奶奶学会了自己的英文名,我又教了奶奶一些水果类的单词,每学一个单词,奶奶都非常认真。   “奶奶,今天学的单词,我下节课要抽背的哦。”在下课前,我对奶奶提出了要求。“好的,我会认真复习的。”奶奶说。   就这样,一节有趣的英语课结束了。从中我不仅感受到了当老师的快乐,还体会到了生活的乐趣。 四年级英语作文8   暑假到了,妈妈给我报了一个英语补习班。我的老师叫“Mr Hu”,他五官端正,看上去很慈祥;他的个头不是很高,但是身体壮壮地;他不仅是我的英语老师,而且还是一个“健身达人”。我们班上一共有6名同学,其中一名是女孩,其他五名是男孩,我们都是小学生。   今天是星期五,也是老师给我们考核的日子。我们一个个都很高兴,因为老师要用一种特殊的考核方法,对我们进行考核,考核过关的都会得到老师的奖励。这种考核方法分为两轮,第一轮是团队考核,抽签分组,把同学们平均分成三组,每个组之间进行比拼,我和另外一个男孩组成一个团队,我们起名为“变形金刚队”,其他两个团队的名字叫“时间队”和“无名队”。第二轮是个人考核,每个团队的两个小伙伴互相抽题,我给他抽,他给我抽,以所得的分数来评判是否过关。第一轮考核开始了,同学们都非常的开心,在这种愉快的考核中,都发挥得很好。我和我的小伙伴齐心协力,最终得到了29分,与“无名队”并列第一。同学们个个摩拳擦掌,期待着第二轮个人比拼的开始。第二轮抽签开始了,其中一个男同学抽完题目后,尽然高兴的跳了起来,并且兴奋地说“太简单了,我都会啊”,又听到一个低沉的声音响起“不要高兴的太早了,你抽的题是队友的考题,你的考题在你的队友手里噢”老师摇了摇头,无奈地说:“第二轮的考核是团队成员互相考核,根据答题正确率来计算个人得分,每个人的最终考核结果以两轮的合计分数为准”。同学们是高兴过了头啊,这才开始认真的进行第二轮的考核。在第二轮考核中,我个人得了11分,其他同学也都不相上下。最终老师公布总分数,我们6个同学全部考核过关,既紧张又兴奋的考核结束了,老师给我们每人发一个冰淇淋,一边吃一边看英语动画片。同学们很喜欢这种学习方式,个个劲头十足。   我喜欢上英语补习班,因为上英语补习班很有趣,可以从游戏中学会英语。 四年级英语作文9   在一个骄阳似火的午后,为了躲避酷暑,“二郎神”与“哆啦A梦”在花果山上的小树林不期而遇。   哆啦A梦毕恭毕敬地对二郎神说:“二伯伯,我对您可是久仰大名!您久居神位,一定无所不能吧!”二郎神得意地回答:“那是当然,你有什么困难,尽管来找我!”哆啦A梦瞪着他那圆圆的眼睛,故作惊讶:“真的吗?您能为我唱一首英语歌吗?”   二郎神一下子懵了,作为中国的神仙,怎么会唱英语的歌曲呢?这个“蓝胖子”分明是想羞辱自己,可是作为神仙又怎么可以说“不”?于是二郎神眼珠一转,计上心来,笑眯眯地对哆啦A梦说:“小意思,今天我忙得很,明天太阳下山之时你在这里等我,我为你演唱一曲最优美动听的英语歌!”   告别了哆啦A梦,二郎神赶紧化作一只小鸟,来到了金华市环城小学。当他落在四年级(1)班的教室窗边,发现有一位美丽的老师正在给孩子们上英语课。只见孩子们边唱边跳:“Ifyourfriendistallandquiet……”二郎神似懂非懂地念到:“衣服,用儿不乱的意思,逃安得快……”此时此刻,二郎神心想:原来英语也不过如此,哪难得倒我这神仙!我这就飞回花果山,一定要让那“蓝胖子”对我佩服得五体投地为止。   第二天夕阳西下,哆啦A梦如约来到小树林,只见二郎神嗖的一声从身边飞过,站在一块大石头上。他背对着哆啦A梦,右手不知何时变出一只金灿灿的麦克风,摆出一副大明星的样子,开始演唱“他的英语歌”。仅仅开口唱了几句歌词,哆啦A梦已经捂着肚子,笑趴在地上。   哆啦A梦慢慢地从“百宝口袋”中取出一台电视机,播放着刚才二郎神演唱的那首原版的英文歌曲,此时此刻,二郎神的脸却“由白变成了红,由红变成了黑”!只听见“呀”的一声,二郎神一个翻身,踉踉跄跄的向远方飞去……   从此以后,二郎神再也不敢妄自尊大,而是踏踏实实的开启了学习英语的进程!同学们,你们还想做那个“二郎神”吗? 四年级英语作文10   上三年级的时候,在第一次英语课上,一位年轻的女老师向我们作了自我介绍,她姓王,英文名叫Candy,是我们的英语老师。   王老师和蔼可亲、温柔大方。她上课时大多面带笑容,只有当我们都答错问题的时候,才会显示出生气的样子,下课后又是笑容满面。我非常喜欢这种乐观的风格,热情的态度,它让我觉得师生之间没有距离感,老师就像大姐姐一样。从第一节课开始,我就喜欢上了Candy老师,也喜欢上了英语。   Candy老师的课讲得生动形象,丰富多彩。为了让我们学好英语,Candy用了很多方法。在学单词的时候,Candy经常利用谐音教我们记单词,比如把“home”理解为“家里有厚厚的母爱”;把“queen”理解为“女王因参与国家大事,很困”;把“hen”理解为“母鸡会下蛋,很厉害,所以读恨”……这些奇奇怪怪的解释经常让我们哄堂大笑,然而,正是在这个过程中,我记住了这些单词。   在教我们读课文的时候,在单词的发音和语句的顺序上,Candy经常故意出错,然后让我们纠正,如果回答正确,就会得到相应的奖励。为了能获奖,我经常主动回答问题,获得了很多小奖励,随着奖励的增多,我朗读和背诵英文的水平也在提高。   在课间休息的时候,为了缓解疲劳,劳逸结合,Candy经常引导我们玩游戏,自己也经常参与其中,和我们一起玩,走廊里经常响起一连串的笑声。   感谢您——Candy老师,您在教英语的同时,给我带来了很多的快乐,在我的心目中,您永远是一个好老师! 四年级英语作文11   星期天,我做完作业,爷爷突然对我说:“樱樱,你帮我把二十六个英文字母写在白纸上。”我心想:我都四年级了,还抽查我二十六个字母啊?   爷爷又说:“字母要写得大,两行之间要有空隙!”我疑惑地问:“为什么?这是浪费纸资源。”其实我是想写得小点,可以快点写完,好看电视去。谁知,爷爷不好意思地说:“孙女,你教我学英语,先从二十六个字母开始。”我这才明白爷爷为什么要我写字母。于是,我非常标准地写完了二十六个英文字母,又快速地念了一遍。这可把爷爷急坏了,只见爷爷皱着眉头说:“樱樱,你慢点,我在做记录。”我一听,奇怪地问:“做记录?这也要做记录吗?”爷爷解释说:“我怕记不住,在字母下面都注了汉字,比如‘大比六"就是‘W",‘外"就是‘Y"等等。所以你得说慢点。”看着爷爷一副不学会不罢休的认真模样,我被感动了。渐渐地,我静下心来,开始耐心地教爷爷学英语,爷爷也在认真地给字母做汉语拼音。   突然,爷爷指着字母“G”问我:“孙女,你看,这个字母该怎么注音?”我一副洋洋得意的神情说:“呵呵,还是让我来告诉你吧!”我看着字母“G”,心想该怎么给它做汉语注音呢?还真把我给难住了,没办法,我只好找后援——妹妹,一起来想。   妹妹摸摸脑袋,眼珠“骨碌”一转,眉开眼笑地说:“‘G"不是‘急"吗?”我嘴里默念着“G——急——”对呀,于是赶忙帮爷爷写了上去。爷爷见了,乐得嘴都合不拢了。   看着爷爷认真的样子,我不由得想起了一句名言:活到老,学到老。其实,大家都应该有这种精神,因为知识是无穷无尽的。 四年级英语作文12   《资治通鉴》里有言:经师易得,人师难求。正所谓“名师出高徒”,只有一位好的老师才能够教出一位好的学生,这也是众人皆知的。但是想找到一位好的老师是多么难。于是,我又想起了我的英语老师-----Ms Yan。   记得她第一次给我们上英语课时,我们特别激动-----马上就要学英语了。“你们愿意学习英语吗?”她一脸笑容地问我们。“愿意!”“你们想学好英语吗?”“想!”这勾起了我们极大的兴趣,从此,我们的英语课开始活跃起来。   后来,英语越来越难,我听着一个个英语单词,可以用四个字来形容----稀里糊涂。成绩一直中上中下的我,在课堂上就是个“隐形人”,现在变得更“隐形”了。但这样一件事改变了我的命运:刚上四年级,我的死对头蒋文就把我的英语书往对台上一丢,再也找不回来了,我只好看同桌的,但更多时间,傲慢的同桌总是把手一遮,我只好一个人读着“望天书”,但Msyan注意到了,向我询问了原因后,给了我一本崭新的英语书。在分组时,她还让我当上了英语小组长。从此,我开始认真学习英语了。功夫不负有心人,期末考试时,我的英语成绩赶上了一大截,我的信心也越来越大了。   暑假里,我不假思索地报了她的补习班。她仍推行她的加分制,并给我们每个人都取了英文名字,并在每周对加分高的小组进行奖励,大大提高了我们的兴趣、积极性,参与性也越来越浓。更绝的是,她让我们看动画片学音标,记得特别牢。   升上五年级,我的英语成绩已经大幅度上升了,这对于英文一窍不通的我是一个转折性的改变。这是奇迹吗?不-------这是我的英语启蒙老师对我的关心与鼓励。   我真诚地对她说一声:“Thank you!”
2023-06-07 11:16:471

英语的短篇作文 10篇,50字左右的英语作文

第一天:the NEWSPAPER 报 纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances. 现今报纸拥有极大的价值,人人都应该看它.它每天提供我们各种类类的消息.它告诉我们世界政治局势.如果我们养成看报的习惯,我们就能得到足够的知识来因应我们的环境. 学生虽然每天须做功课,但他们至少应该匀出一两个小时来看报.哪些,他们不但能增加知识而且也能赶上时代.总而言之,看报对学生很有益处. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第二天:MY DAILY LIFE 我的日常生活 Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country. I get up at six o"clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o"clock. After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o"clock.then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed. 虽然我的日常生活十分单调,但我却竭力设法去适应它.为什么?因为我打算做一个好学生,希望将来为国家服务. 我每天六点起床、洗脸刷牙后,就开始复习功课,七点钟我就去上学. 放学后,我就回家了.我们通常在七点钟吃晚餐,之后我就开始做家庭作业,希望在睡觉前把它做完. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第三天:A MODEL STUDENT 模范学生 Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not. So far as I know, everybody intends to be (become) a model student. However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. First, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed. Secondly, he must remember to improve his health. Only a strong man can do GREat tasks. Thirdly, he should receive moral education. If his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him. 你价意被称为坏学生吗?当然不.就我所知,每个人都打算做模范学生. 然而,做模范学生却不容易.第一,他必须尽力获得知识(求知).一个没有足够知识的人是不会成功的.第二,他必须记住促进健康.只有强壮的人才能做大事.第三,他应该接受道德教育.如果他品行不好,没有人会考虑和他交朋友的. 第四天:HOW TO GET HAPPINESS 如何获得快乐 there is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points. First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness). Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life. Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress. 无疑的快乐是世界上最宝贵的东西.没有它,人生将是空虚的而且毫无意义的.如果你希望知道如何获得快乐,你须注意下面两点. 健康是快乐的要诀.唯有身体强壮的人才能享受人生的乐趣. 快乐在于知足.一个不满于现状的人终是处在痛苦之中. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第五天:BOOKS 书籍 As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books. Reading is a good thing, but we must pay GREat attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, bad books will do us more harm than good. 如众所周知,书籍教我们学习人生,真理,科学以及其它许多有用的东西.它们增加我们的知识,扩大我们的心胸并加强我们的品格.换句话说,它们是我们的良师益友.这是为什么我们的父母终是鼓励我们要多读书的理由. 读书是一好事,但我们必须多加注意书的选择.不错,我们能从好书中获得益处.然而,坏书却对我们有害无益. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第六天:A TRIP TO the COUNTRY 乡村游记One Sunday my mother (Mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him. While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers smile (smiling) at us and heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful). When we felt tired, we returned home. We saw Mother (our mother) wait (waiting) for us at the door. 有一个星期日,我母亲叫我带小弟弟去乡村游历.她吩咐我要好好照料他. 当我们沿着道路行走的时候,太阳灿烂地照耀着,微风轻轻地吹着.我们看见美丽的花儿对我们微笑着,并听见鸟儿在树上唱着悦耳的歌曲,风景实十分美丽. 当我们感觉到疲倦的时候,我们就回家了.我们看见母样正在门口等候我们. 第七天:BE PATRIOTIC 要爱国 It is the duty of every citizen to make the country rich and powerful (To make the country rich and strong is...). In order to accomplish this object one must be patriotic (love his country). I consider this an unchangeable truth. How can a student love his country (be patriotic)? I find my answer very simple and clear. He must study hard and store up knowledge so as to serve his (the) country in the future. If every student can do according to what I said, the country will certainly be rich and powerful. 要使国家富强是每个公民的责任.为了达到此目的,必须爱国.我认为这是一条不易的定理. 一个学生如何才能爱国呢?我发觉答复很简单明了.他必须用功读书并积储知识以便将来服务国家.如果每个学生能按照我所说的去做,国家一定会富强. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第八天:the VALUE OF TIME 爱惜时光 An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money. Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a GREat pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life. 英国有句谚语说,时间就是金钱.我认为这是不对的.为什么?因为我们大家都知道我们能够用工作赚钱,但无论如何却无法把时间争取回来.基于此种理由,我们可以说时间比钱钱更宝贵. 许多人不知爱惜时光.这确实是可惜的.我们必须记住浪费时间等于浪费生命. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第九天:WHY SHOULD WE STUDY ENGLISH 为什么我们要学英文 If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following.In the first place, English has become an international language. If you know English, you van make a trip round the world without being misunderstood.In the second place, most valuable books, newspapers and magazines are written in English. If you wish (hope) to get knowledge, you must learn English. 如果你要问我们为什么我们要学英文.我的答复很简单明了.现在让我来把我的理由一一列举在下面:英文已成为一种国际语言.如果你通晓它,你可以环游世界不会被人误解.大多数有价值的书籍,报纸和杂志都是用英文写的.如果你希望获得知识,你必须学习英文. Today is Tuesday!My best best friend came to see me!It was a surprise to me! we were watching the 29th Beijing Olympic game,seeing chinese winners,we feel very happy and proud! we wish our mothorland will stronger and stronger! Suddently I felt I should learn English well to contribute to our country!
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【 #小学英语# 导语】英文书写应符合书写规范,英文字母要写清楚、写整齐、写美观,字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称。书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮,通篇匀称和谐。以下是 整理的《四年级小学生简短英语作文范文(六篇)》,希望帮助到您。 四年级小学生简短英语作文范文篇一   My family lives on this street. In the morning, my father goes to work and all the children go to school. My mother takes us to school every day. She does the housework. She always has her lunch at home, and sees her friends in the afternoon. In the evening all the children come home from school. They always get home early. My father goes home from work and he is often late. After supper my two brothers and I do our homework. We go to bed at ten. 四年级小学生简短英语作文范文篇二   I have a good friend. She is a beautiful girl. She has long black hair, two big black eyes and a red mouth. Her voice is better. She is good at singing.   She is a clever girl. She likes reading books, playing computer games and chess. She is also nice. She often helps us. Our classmates like her very much. 四年级小学生简短英语作文范文篇三   What do know about the sea? Some people have seen it but others haven"t.The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day and it can be very tough when there is a strong wind. What other things do you know about it? Of course, the sea is very large. In the world there is more sea than land. If you have swum in the sea, you know that the sea is salty.   Rivers carry salt from the land into the sea. Some places of the sea are saltier than the other places. Do you know the Dead Sea? It is so salty that you can"t sink when you are in the water! And fish cannot live in it! 四年级小学生简短英语作文范文篇四   I like banana very much. Banana always grows in the warm area. It"s nice to eat, and it is good for our health.   Like us, monkeys also like to eat bananas. You can see them is in the zoo. I"m a student. I like eggs and coconut. Because eggs are very good for me .It"s very healthy. The coconut is a very sweet .The Hainan"s coconut is very great. I like them. 四年级小学生简短英语作文范文篇五   This is Beijing .It"s in the north of china .It"s got fourteen million people .It"s very big .There is a very famous wall in Beijing .The Great Wall.   It"s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers. And there is a famous square in the middle of Beijing it"s beautiful .It"s Tian"an men square .   I like Beijing .I want to go to Beijing one day. 四年级小学生简短英语作文范文篇六   The Children"s Day this year is the most unforgettable one for me because I"ll soon graduate. Even though it doesn"t come yet, I believe it must be the most unforgettable. I will no longer be a child once going to middle school.   What an unforgettable Children"s Day!
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  在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,下面是我整理的`话题英语作文600字7篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 话题英语作文600字 篇1   I am the monitor of Class 3,Grade3,No.22Middle School. Recently I have made a survey of the students in my class on ways to relax after class.   There are 60 students in my class(31 boys and 29 girls ).Different students have different ways to relax.Half of the students often watch TV.12students like to play computer games while 8 enjoy listening to music.5 students think doing sports is a good way and another five are busy to relax.   As we study too long every day and suffer from too much pressure,every student should choose proper ways to relax.In my opinion, watching TV or playing computer games is not a proper way to help us relax.)I thing taking exercise is a proper way because it can rest our brains and eyes. Besides,It can help improve our health.(Therefore,I often Play pingpong after class.It"s really helpful to both my health and my study. 话题英语作文600字 篇2   话题范围具体话题英文核心词社会效率、经济发展、人口需求、产品质量、满意度、文化、环境efficiency, revolution, culture, economic development, population, needs, quality, price, tension, natural resources financial, efficient, environmental recycle, protect生活健康类、新通讯工具类、节约和浪费、交通、食品安全internet, cell phone, vigor, simplicity, organic food energetic, exhausted cherish, thrift, waste, squander品质创新、奋斗、关爱、人生选择、责任、抗挫折、公正感honesty, fairness, self-discipline, fidelity, responsibility, belief, equality, perseverance, obligation, moral standard independent, considerate, confident, creative, selfish, isolated, conservative人际教育儿童,照顾老人,帮助他人、合作、人际关系、沟通cooperation, communication, harmony, humanity, assistance reciprocal, harmonious educate, encourage, understand 话题英语作文600字 篇3    汶川大地震   (黑龙江鸡西)A.5月12日,四川省汶川地区发生了罕见的大地震,那里的人们痛失亲人和家园。全国人民众志成城,抗震救灾。作为一名中学生,请你谈谈你的做法和感受。   要求:文章语言流畅,逻辑清晰,用词准确,80-100字左右;词汇参考:地震earthquake悲痛sorrow受到感动be deeply moved安慰comfort重建rebuild自愿做某事volunteer to do sth   参考范文:   On May 12th, a big earthquake happened in Wenchun, Sichuan. Many people lost their relatives and their homes. All the Chinese people feel quite sorrow.   A lot of people volunteer to help them. Some people raise money for them, some people buy something for them, some people go there to comfort the sad children. Thousands of soldiers help them to save their relatives and rebuild their homes Even foreign friends also give them a hand.   I"m deeply moved by these people. So I"ll use my pocket money to buy some food and school things for the children there. I think all of us should try our best to help them to get out of the trouble together. 话题英语作文600字 篇4   Dear Peter,   I remember you told me you were interested in China. Our school is looking for an English teacher, whose mother tongue is English. You will teach some courses to senior high students. They, who have at least three years of English learning experience, are going to learn the following four courses: speaking, writing, Britain Today and America Today. If you would come here, you have the chance to choose three of them for teaching. You need teach 12 hours a week. If you get the job, you are supposed to work as an advisor to our students" English club or our school"s English newspaper. That is to say, in spare time you will select some articles, which are fit for the students from English papers, English magazines and the Internet, and edit the articles from students.   If you are interested in the job or have any question, please let me know. I look forward to your reply.   Yours,   Li Hua 话题英语作文600字 篇5   Displaying Wealth Online   Nowadays, it is not rare to see people displaying their wealth on the Internet. Some post pictures of luxury goods, such as brand clothes and bags, luxurious automobiles or jewelries. Some write about their experiences in which a lot of money is spent.   People have different responses to this phenomenon. Some say that it is people"s right to share their possessions or experiences with others on the Internet, as   long as the things are legal and the experiences real. However, some criticize that the rich people are too arrogant. What"s worse, there are also a few who are not actually rich but put fake photos only to satisfy their vanity.   In my opinion, sharing is a good thing, and it is exactly the spirit of the Internet. But people should make careful choice on what they are sharing. After all,showing off is not very nice, not to mention faking. 话题英语作文600字 篇6   MY FAMILY Hello! Everybody.My name is XXX,I am eight years old this year. I go to school at Class seven,Grade three in the experimental primary school .My family have three people,I love my family.   I like drawing,because drawing can increase my imagination and creativity, and make me to be quiet.I like sporting too,it can exercise body and make me health.My father is a worker,His name is XiJianHua,He is tuhirty-eight years old,He likes reading and playing games with me.My mother is a teacher,her name is ZhangKun, she is thirty-three years old,she likes music and travel, She is very kind and nice.   This is my family. My family is an ordinary family,but it is the most warm and happy one. I am proud to have such a family. I love my parents! I love my family. 话题英语作文600字 篇7   Mr. Griffin,   Recently I have had a discussion about The Ways for Students to Relax with Terry, a student from Class One Grade Two. (As we study too long every day, every student should choose ways to relax.) In his opinion, the best ways are watching TV and playing computer games. He also believes that sometimes hanging out with friends isn"t a bad way.   However, I"m not quite agreeable with him. In my opinion, watching TV or playing computer games is not a good way to help us relax. I think listening to music and playing sports are good ways because they can help us keep healthy. I often play pingpong after class and I find it really helpful to both my health and my study. Besides, I think chatting with our friends isn"t a bad way. I think it can help me get on better with my friends.
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  在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?下面是我帮大家整理的英语话题作文7篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。 英语话题作文 篇1   英语四级写作要点提示:   1.酒驾频现引起广泛关注   2.酒驾的危害   3.为了减少酒驾,我们应该……   英语四级写作范文:   How to Reduce Drunken Driving   Currently, as a mass of reports on deaths andinjuries caused by drunken driving are all over thenews, the phenomenon of drunken driving hasaroused nationwide concern.   Drunken driving will undoubtedly give rise tosevere consequences if we turn a blind eye to it. Inthe first place, it will put the safety of drivers,passengers and pedestrians under threat by causing traffic accidents, injuries or even deaths.After that, it means a mournful waste of time and money to treat the injured and fix thecrashed cars. In addition, the irresponsible behaviors of the drunken drivers may lead to theunstabilization of the society.   Prompt and effective measures should be taken to reduce drunken driving before thingsget worse. On the one hand, it is essential that laws and regulations should be strictlyenforced to impose heavy penalty on those who violate the rules. On the other, more effortsshould be made to arouse public consciousness, such as propagating the bad influence ofdrunken driving. Only in this way can drunken driving be reduced. 英语话题作文 篇2    英语六级作文题目:   1.在现代社会,城市交通问题变得越来越严重   2.城市交通问题的表现以及对人们生活的影响   3.解决的方法与措施    题材连接: 城市交通问题属于比较热点的社会话题,对于六级考试的作文题材来说,越来越偏重于社会的次热点话题,而且与人们的生活密切相关,让考生拿到题目后有话可说,有文可写.对于目前的社会问题来说了,除了交通问题外,住房问题,就业的问题都可能作为考查的范围与话题    英语六级作文范文   There is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents of most urban areas. Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours. The limited transport capacity contributes largely to the vexing problem. How to solve the headache?.   The existing solutions to traffic jam mainly aim at creating metro bus systems and broadening major roads. Widening the existing roads can solve traffic snarls on some level. Soaring car ownership compounds the chronic annoying problem, so we must sharply reduce the heavy reliance on cars and drive a shift to the mass transportation. It is a cheap and good way. We can create a system of customized bus routes and highlight the development of subways, trolleys and light rail. The effective combination of these solutions will enable the urban areas to possess a smooth traffic. 英语话题作文 篇3    作文话题:   Sex Education   1. 现在人们越来越重视性教育   2. 开展性教育的意义   3. 家庭、学校、社会应该怎么做    范文:   Sex Education   China has long been considered a conservative country where people try to avoid talking about sex, especially to children. But things have started to change as people attach more importance to sex education. Now an increasing number of schools begin to offer sex education to students.   Sex education, especially at an earlier age, is vital for childrens growth. First, sex education provides children with the information they need to understand their bodies and gender roles in positive ways. Second, it boosts the likelihood that teens delay having sex. Third, it helps to prevent unwanted consequences such as premature pregnancy, HIV infection or AIDS.   To launch sex education correctly, parents, schools and the whole society should make joint efforts. At home, instead of telling the children that they were picked up on the street, parents should answer childrens questions honestly. In schools, especially high schools, sex education needs to go further, focusing, explicitly if possible, on safe sex. As for the society, it should lift taboo on sex and provide more channels for children to learn about sex. 英语话题作文 篇4   Without friends, life is not worth living. But what kind of person can be accepted as friend? Lots of people are classmates and aren"t friends. Lots of people are lovers but aren"t friends. You can appreciate or admire someone, but that doesn"t make them a friend. If their attitude is "for better or worse," if they stick with you through thick and thin, that"s when you can tell it"s friendship.   The term, friend, covers a wide range of meanings. It can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a partner, a playmate, a brother, etc. As life is full of obstacles and conflicts, we need friends to give us supports to get through tough times, we also need friends to give us warnings to go against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow and difficulties.   With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. I have friends in the rank and file. Some are rich and in power. Some are low and common. Some are like myself, working as an ordinary teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life. To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. I will not be cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word. 英语话题作文 篇5   Recently, it is very popular to live a low-carbon life.Living a low-carbon life is ofgreat importance to every one. First of all, it can protect the environment to a great extent. Second, it can save the limited natural resources and energy, and will leave a better world for our offspring.Third, it is a healthy lifestyle and will help mould a harmonious social atmosphere.   Therefore, how to create a low-carbon life is necessary for us to consider. To begin with, we should save the energy, such as the electricity, water and domestic gas. Second, when we go out we can walk or ride a bike instead of by car. Third, we should not use the plastic bags which are hard to break down. If so, we can live a low-carbon life and gain the happiness of it. 英语话题作文 篇6    大学英语六级作文热点话题预测:社会责任感    College Students"Social Responsibilities   1.许多大学生缺乏社会责任感,比如……   2.造成这种现象的原因   3.大学生应如何履行自身的社会责任    英语六级作文范文:   College Students"Social Responsibilities   If you Google“the 71st Anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre”(in Chinese)on the Internet,you will be impressed by the video show of a girl"s special commemoration.After watching the video.I Was wondering where college students were.Taking into consideration their indifference to other historic events such as the May 4 Movement,we can conclude that college students lack the due social responsibilities.   However,we should not simply criticize their indifference,and analysis should be made to reckon with underlying reasons.Firstly,college students are imposed excessive pressure by the job market.They have to pay more attention to their studies.Secondly,many students believe that the history has already been borne in mind,and it is unnecessary to commemorate historic anniversaries each year.For them,it is better to internalize the humiliated history and work hard than to hold ceremonies without concrete contents.   To my way of thinking,college students should not keep silent on those occasions.It is our responsibilities to voice Our aspirations and let the society know that we have not forgotten the history. 英语话题作文 篇7    以"My Chinese Teacher"为标题写一篇字数为80-100之间的英语短文。提示内容如下:   1.孙老师今年36岁,中等身材。   2.她关心。热爱学生,工作认真负责。   3.她语文课讲得生动。有趣。   参考范文:   My Chinese Teacher   Of all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher,Ms Sun. Though she has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and love her very much.   Ms Sun is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.She works very hard. She is always the first to come and the last to leave her office. She tries to make her classes lively and interesting. And we enjoy her lessons very much.   Ms Sun is very kind and friendly to us. And we're getting on well with each other. But she is very strict with us in our studies.Ms Sun teaches us so well that we all enjoy learning Chinese. All the students think she is one of the most popular teachers in our school.    询问学习外语的建议   假设你叫李华,你的英国笔友Linda为了来中国参观奥运会而报名参加了汉语培训班学习汉语。她最近写信向你询问学习外语的"建议。请根据下列提示和你学习英语的体会给Linda写一封回信。   注意:   1.回信需要包括全部要点;   2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;   3.字数60左右。   Dear Linda,   I"m very glad that you"ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language,but I have some ideas that may help.   ___________________________________________________________________________________________   Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China.   Yours,   Li Hua   参考范文:   Dear Linda,   I"m very glad that you"ll come toChinato watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help.   Firstly, it"s very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese. What"s more,you"d better plan your time well and study it regularly every day.   Above all, you should be confident in yourself and don"t give up whenever you meet with difficulty. I"m sure you will succeed through your hard work.   Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you inChina.   Yours,   Li Hua    The Ways for Students to Relax:适当方式放松自己   中学生学习时间长、压力大,专家建议学生每天课后应采取适当的方式放松自己。你代表班级在一次 "The Ways for Students to Relax"的学校座谈中与二(1)班的Terry讨论了这一话题,请根据他的观点和你自己的观点,用英语给你的外籍教师Mr. Griffin写一篇有关这次讨论的汇报材料。   His ideas & Your ideas   1. Watching TV …   2. Playing computer games …   3. Hanging out with friends …   注意:   1. 开头和结尾已经写好;   2. 可以适当增加谈论话题时经常用到的话语,使内容连贯   3. 所写内容必须包括上面表格中他的观点和你自己至少三个观点   4. 词数:70字左右。   Mr. Griffin,   Recently I have had a discussion about The Ways for Students to Relax with Terry, a student from Class One Grade Two.   __________________________________________________________   Yours,   Terry   参考范文:   Mr. Griffin,   Recently I have had a discussion about The Ways for Students to Relax with Terry, a student from Class One Grade Two.   As we study too long every day, every student should choose ways to relax. In his opinion, the best ways are watching TV and playing computer games. He also believes that sometimes hanging out with friends isn"t a bad way.   However, I"m not quite agree with him. In my opinion, watching TV or playing computer games is not a good way to help us relax. I think listening to music and playing sports are good ways because they can help us keep healthy. I often play Pingpong after class and I find it really helpful to both my health and my study. Besides, I think chatting with our friends isn"t a bad way. I think it can help me get on better with my friends.   That"s all and best wishes for you!   Yours,   Terry    Ellen看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待,感到特别高兴。为了鼓励大家学好英语,他准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。请 根据以下问题和答案的提示并结合你的实际情况,以"My English Learning"为题写一篇80词左右的英文稿件,要求至少涉及其中的三个问题,并且不能出现你的真实姓名和校名等。   提示:   When did you start learning English(in … /…years ago)   How do you learn English(listen carefully, study with a group, read English every day…)   What is difficult to learn(listening, grammar…)   What other helpful ways do you know to learn English well(watch English movies, sing English songs…)   参考范文:   English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old.   But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes and watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot.   In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries.   I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.    对作弊现象的建议    目前,学生考试作弊现象严重,请围绕以下要点谈谈其中原因以及个人建议。 原因:1.考试太多太难 2.自身勤奋不够 3.把大量时间用在上网和玩游戏上 4.为了骗取家长和老师高兴   看法与建议:1、作弊有害;2、要做人诚实,学习发奋;3、学校应减少考试。 要求:1、字数80-100;2、围绕要点可适当发挥;3、文章开头已给出,不计入总字数。   At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit--cheating in examinations.   参考范文:   At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit - cheating in examinations.   There are three main reasons. First, schools have given students too many exams, some of which are too difficult. Second, some students are not   hard-working and they don"t work hard at their lessons. Third, they waste a lot of time playing games or surfing the Internet. So they haven"t enough time to prepare for the exams. Finally, students have to do so to make their teachers and parents happy.   In my opinion, cheating in exams does great harm to our study. We students should be honest and diligent, and only in this way can we improve our st
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2023-06-07 11:17:444


  在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是我精心整理的英语话题作文5篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 英语话题作文 篇1   The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of making plans. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Making plan will enable us to achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize their dreams more rapidly. The more detailed plan we make , the more likely we are to make full use of time, enhance our work efficiency make full preparation in advance for unexpected cases. To further demonstrate the importance of making plans, I would like to take CEO as a case in point, how could a CEO, the head and decision-maker of a corporation , deal with all sorts of complicated things smoothly if he fails to draw up a detailed plan for routine work ?   这幅漫画的目的是告诉我们制定计划的重要性。肯定,没有一次可以否认它的重要性。制定计划将使我们能够更顺利地实现我们的目标,更快速地实现他们的梦想。我们制定的更详细的计划,更可能是充分利用时间,提高工作效率,为突发事件提前做好充分的准备。为了进一步证明制定计划的重要性,我想以首席执行官为例,公司的首席执行官,一个公司的总裁,一个公司的首席决策者,如果他没有制定一个详细的日常工作计划,能顺利地处理各种复杂的事情吗?   Accordingly, on no account should we overlook the power of plans. Furthermore, we should draw up detailed plans before we start to do anything and do things as planned . ““He who fails to plan, plans to fail.” A famous philosopher also once said.   因此,我们不应该忽视计划的力量。此外,在我们开始做任何事情之前,我们应该制定详细的计划,并按计划做事情。一位著名的哲学家也曾说:“没有计划,计划失败。”。 英语话题作文 篇2   My favorite thingis freedombecause I can do everything for mine without thinking!   “We do not stop playing because we are old;we grow old because we stop playing.”The secret to staying young is being happy and achieving success.This kind of life is my dream.   I don"t think anything,but the reality is the oppositeof my thought.When I play games, I need to consider that if it would spend my times for my work,and when Ican doother things. So,I don"t want this life and I need a new change.When I play games ordo other things, Iwon"t disturb others.   As for the thing I do,I wouldn"t regret for it. Because I will just regret what I haven"t do,as the elder usually don"t have regrets for whatthey did,but rather for thingstheyhave not do.The only people who fear death are those with regrets.   我要自由   我最喜欢的.是自由,因为我能够不加思考地做任何事情!   “我们并不是因为年老就不再玩耍;我们变老是因为我们不再玩耍。“保持年轻的秘密就是保持快乐和获得成。这就是我想要的生活。   我觉得没有什么,但现实和我认为的相反。当我玩游戏时我需要考虑到如果将花费我的工作时间,或是我什么时候可以去做别的事情。所以,我不想这样的生活,我需要一个新的改变。当我玩游戏或是做其他事情时,我不会打扰别人。   至于我做的事情,我不会后悔。因为我只会后悔我没有做过的事情,就像年长的人一般不会为他们所做的事情后悔,而会为他们所没有做的事。唯一害怕死亡的人是那些有遗憾的人。 英语话题作文 篇3   The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of modesty. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Modesty can inspire people to achieve greater success. Those who are modest will never be content with their current achievements, instead, they will work constantly to achieve a higher target. moreover,a modest people are more likely to be fitting in, win others" trust and enjoy a harmonious interpersonal relationship. To further illustrate the importance of modesty, I would like to take Newton as a case in point: how could he, one of the most influential scientists throughout the history of mankind, discover the Law of Momentum Conservation if he was simply content with the achievement of finding Three Laws of Motion ?   Accordingly, at no time should we be satisfied with our small accomplishments, instead , we need to keep an open mind to accept new things, absorb new information, acquire new knowledge and seize new opportunities. "Success consists in industry and modesty." A philosopher once said. 英语话题作文 篇4   1、(福建宁德)健康饮食关系到青少年的身心健康成长。请根据以下提供的内容和提示词,以"Healthy Eating"为题写一篇作文.   提示:1.健康饮食的重要性(important, energy); 2.良好的饮食习惯(keep a balanced diet); 3.健康饮食的益处(make…..stong)   Healthy eating is important for us in our daily life. Food can give us energy and help us build up our body. What and how should we eat to be healthier? First, we should have enough clean food each meal. Second, it"s important to keep a balanced diet. Different kinds of food provide us different nutrition we need every day. Third, we should have a regular meal. In this way, we"ll be strong and healthy, and we"ll do well in our study.   2、根据中英文提示,写出内容完整、意思连贯、符合逻辑的稿件。(字数不少于60词,英文提示词供选用)   有写学生不爱吃学校的午饭,常到校外去吃他们所喜欢吃的食物。但有些食物并不利于他们的身体健康。"英语角"打算针对这个问题展开讨论。请你准备一篇讨论稿,谈谈你的看法和建议。   参考词汇:not like, go out of school, be afraid, be back, more delicious, offer   范文:   We know that some of our students do not like eating lunch at school because the food isn"t delicious. So they often go out of school to buy something they like to eat. But I"m afraid it"s bad for their health to eat lunch outside because some of the food they buy isn"t healthy enough.   In my opinion, if our schools want more students to be back and enjoy lunch inside, they should make the food more delicious, and also they should offer our students a larger choice of food as well. 英语话题作文 篇5   1. 出国留学有很多好处   2. 出国留学也会遇到很多难题   3. 你的选择   出国留学的好处:   接触到全新的想法和趋势,增加知识,拓宽视野   Being exposed to entirely new ideas and trends,they can enrich their knowledge and expand their horizons.   在国外生活,更快地掌握外遇   by living and studying in a foreign country, one can improve his foreign language much faster than at home.   减少对父母的依靠   A great gift a parent can give is to let a child spread his /her wings and be independent   Reduce their dependence on their parents   出国留学遇到的困难:   语言难,沟通难   learning a foreign language and communicating smoothly with the local people is far from an easy thing at the outset for most people.   适应当地饮食,习俗,思想和气候   It also takes time for students to adapt themselves to a new diet, custom,set of ideas and even the climate
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Ⅴ。 Writing (20 points)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a composition of about 80 words according to the following topic.金钱是一切吗?(Is Money Everything?)二Ⅴ。 Writing (20 points)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a short composition of about 80 words on the title: Where to Live-in the City or in the Country? Base your composition on the outline given below.1.一些人喜欢住在城市,因为城市生活有许多便利。2.但有些人喜欢住在农村。3.我认为,……三Ⅴ。 Writing (20 points)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a letter of about 80 words according to the following situation.你叫李平,是英语系学生会主席。写一封信给王教授,请他做一个有关中国历史的报告。注意信中要包括目的、时间、日期和地点。四Ⅴ。 Writing (20 points)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a letter of about 80 words according to the following topic.男女应该平等吗?(Should Men and Women Be Equal?)五Ⅴ。 Writing (20 points)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a short composition of about 80 words on the title: The Bicycle in China. Base your composition on the outline given below.1.在中国,自行车是最为流行的交通工具。2.骑自行车有许多好处。3.自行车的未来……六Ⅴ。 Writing (20 points)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a letter of about 80 words according to the following situation.你是Helen,要写一封信给Julie,对她和她的丈夫昨日请你和你丈夫吃饭表示感谢,表示要回请他们,以答谢他们的盛情款待。七Ⅴ。 Writing (20 points)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a short composition of about 80 words on the title: Fake Commodities. Base your composition on the outline given below.1.假冒伪劣商品是个严重问题。2.一些原因导致了这种现象。3.为了扫除假冒伪劣商品,……八V. Writing (20 points)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a letter of about 80 words according to the following situation.你是Alice。你的朋友Bonnie很快就要到你的乡间小屋拜访,但你却要出去一会儿。留一张便条给她,告诉她食品在哪儿,告诉她一个人在屋里时应注意些什么。
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1. 介绍自己的大家庭用英语写一篇小作文.有姑姑奶奶,爷爷的 My family lives in Hsi-hu. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I. My father is tall and thin. He is a handsome man. He has big eyes. His hair is straight. He likes to watch TV and movies and read books. His job is an engineer. My mother works in an office. She cooks very well. She likes to read books, too. She is short and thin. My brother is a teacher. He works very hard every day. I am a student, too. But I study in a junior high school. I go to school every weekend. I like to play dodge ball and listen to music very much. much. I like my family because each family member helps me a lot。 2. 介绍自己的大家庭用英语写一篇小作文.有姑姑奶奶,爷爷的 My family lives in Hsi-hu. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I. My father is tall and thin. He is a handsome man. He has big eyes. His hair is straight. He likes to watch TV and movies and read books. His job is an engineer. My mother works in an office. She cooks very well. She likes to read books, too. She is short and thin. My brother is a teacher. He works very hard every day. I am a student, too. But I study in a junior high school. I go to school every weekend. I like to play dodge ball and listen to music very much. much. I like my family because each family member helps me a lot.。 3. 我的家庭的英文作文怎么写 I have a happy family.In my family,there are three people.They are my mother,my father and I.上面是开头,接下来就分别写你爸爸、妈妈以及你自己的外貌、职业、性格、爱好等方面,不用写得很全面,你可以一两个方面来进行刻画人物。 最后你就总结一下你自己对家庭的看法。例如:My family is full of happiness. I love my family very much。 4. 我的家庭,用英语写个作文 My family I have a happy family. My family have five poeple:grandpa, grandma, father, mother, and me. My grandparents live in countryside. They have six rooms. The room is big. There are o apple in the ground. They have sixteen goats and three cows. The goat is white. The cow is yellow. They are healthy. My parents and me live in city. My father is a worker. His work is hard. My mother is a high school"s Chinese teacher, She take bicycle go to work at seven"clock. In the afternoon, she doesn"t go home. In the evening, she make supper. The food is delicious. I am a student. I have Chinese, math and English everyday. That is boring. I have many friends. After class, I play with my friends. We are tried, but we are very happy. I love my family在百度上找的。 5. 关于我的家庭英语作文怎么写 英语 My name is xxx, I e from a very happy family! My father is a teacher and my mother is a doctor, I love my mom and dad. Family this word to me is very important, I think a family affects a person"s life. I"m a sunshine, good boy. My father is a very responsible man, sometimes dad is strict to me, but sometimes he will open the door to me! But this generally should looking is under what circumstances. My mother is a very virtuous very kind mother, whether in learning or in life, and mother every exchange will let me learn a lot of things. In conclusion, I think that my family is a very harmonious and happy family, have happy I, and most dear mom and dad! 中文 我的名字是xxx我来自一个很快乐的家庭! 我父亲是一位教师,我母亲是一名医生,我爱我的爸爸和妈妈。 这个词对我来说家庭是非常重要的,我觉得家庭影响人的生活。 我是一个阳光,好男孩。我父亲是一个非常负责任的男人,有时爸爸对我要求很严格,但有时他会打开门到我!但这通常要看是在什么情况下。 我母亲是一个很善良的很慈祥的母亲,无论在学习上还是生活上的,和妈妈每个交易所将让我学到很多东西。 总之,我认为我的家庭是一个非常和谐、幸福的家庭,有了快乐的我,最亲爱的爸爸妈妈! 觉得怎么样?这可是我自己写的哦!!! 6. 我的家庭英语作文怎么写 My Family-我的家庭My FamilyEveryone has a family. We live in it and feel very warm. There are three persons in my family, my mother, father and I. We live together very happily and there are many interesting stories about my family.My father is a hard-working man. He works as a doctor. He always tries his best to help every, patient and make patients fortable. But soimes he works so hard that he can"t remember the date.My mother is a woman with a bad memory. She always does a lot of housework, but sometimes she makes mistakes out of carelessness. For example, one day, she washed clothes in the washer, after the washer finished the work, she found she hadn"t filled the washer with water.Now let me tell you a funny thing: one day, father wanted to get up early as usual, buthe wasn"t able to do that, because he hadn"t set the alarm clock the night before, so when he got up, he did everything in a hurry. After father left, mother said to me mysteriously, "He will e back soon." "Why?" I was greatly surprised. "Because today is Sunday, his holiday!" Just as mother said, father came back home soon, and went to bed again--he was too tired.You see, what an interesting family have! I hope that you will have one like mine, too.译文:我的家庭每个人都有家。 我们大家生活在那里,并从那里获取温暖。我们家有三口人,我妈妈、爸爸,还有我。 我们在一起幸福地生活,我们家有许多有趣的故事。我爸爸工作认真。 他是一名医生,他总是尽他最大的努力 去帮助每一位病人,尽力使他们感觉舒服。有的时候,他工作太认真以致于忘了日期。 我妈妈是一位记性很不好的人。她总是做很多家务活,但有时却因为她的粗心而做错事。 比如说,有一天,她用洗衣机洗衣服,最后却发现自己忘了在洗衣机中放水。现在让我告诉你一件有趣的事:一天,爸爸想像平常一样早起,但是由于他前天没有设置闹钟,所以他起晚了,当他起床时,他匆匆忙忙地洗漱完毕就去上班了,爸爸离开后,妈妈神秘地对我说:“他一会儿一定会回来的。” “为什么?”我十分惊讶。“因为今天是星期天,他的假日。” 妈妈正说着的时候,不一会儿,爸爸就回来了,并且再一次上床睡觉了——因为他太累了。你瞧,多么有趣的家庭!我希望你也有一个像我一样的家庭。 7. 我的家庭作文英文怎么写 There are 3 people in my family, father, mother amd me. My father is a business man, he likes fishing. My mother is a housewife, she likes watching TV. I"m happy with this family. 扩充版: I have a happy family, father, mother amd me. My father is a business man, he travels a lot around this country. He likes fishing in the countryside to relax. My mother is a housewife, she liks watching TV, besides, as a typical woman, she also enjoy shopping, clothes, co *** tecis, etc. To me, I perfer play sports with friends. I"m very happy with this family. 8. 用英语写作文 我的家庭 My family lives in ShenZhen. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is tall and thin. He is a handsome man. He has big eyes. His hair is straight. He likes to watch TV and movies and read books. My mother works in an office. She cooks very well. She likes to read books, too. She is short and thin. My sister is a student. She is an independent girl. She is very graceful. I am a student, too. But I study in a junior high school. I go to school every weekend. I like to play dodge ball and listen to music very much. much. I like my family because each family member helps me a lot.。 9. 英语作文《我的家庭》怎么写 There are four people in my family,my parents,my bother and I.My family is pretty good. I"m really happy. My brother is shy and funny. He is good at sports and does well in volleyball.But he hates studying and his grades are bad. He like telling jokes. He always plays jokes on his friends and my family, and always makes us laugh. My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital of Sanya. He doesn"t like watching TV, but he likes reading newspaper and read it every night. My mother is a waitress. She works in a restaurant. She has good habits. She likes eating vegetables and drinking milk every day. But I don"t like milk. It is awful. She likes watching Beijing Opera at free time. She says it"s good for her to keep young and it can make her relaxed. My families are always doing what is best for me.They are always on my side. I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home. 我的家有4个人:我的父母,我的哥哥,和我.我的家庭很棒,我很快乐. 我的哥哥害羞而有趣.他很擅长运动并且在排球运动上犹为突出.但他不喜欢学习并且成绩不好.他喜欢讲笑话,经常和朋友和家人开玩笑并且总能使我们发笑. 我的父亲是一位医生.他在三亚的一家医院工作.他不喜欢看电视,但他很喜欢看报纸并且总是看到很晚. 我的母亲是一位侍者.她在一家餐厅工作.她有良好的习惯.她喜欢每天吃蔬菜和喝牛奶,但我不喜欢牛奶,它遭透了.空闲时间她喜欢看京剧,她说那有利于她保持年轻并且可以使她放松. 我的家人总是做一切对我有利的事.他们总是站在我这边. 我喜欢我的每一个家庭成员,我喜欢这个温暖的家. 10. 十句英语作文写我的家庭带翻译大全 There are 5 people in my family. My father is a doctor. My mother is a nurse. My brother is a policeman. My sister is a singer. My bother has a dog. His name is Jack. I am a student. I love my parents. They are very nice.我家有5口人。 我爸爸是医生。我妈妈是护士。 我哥哥是警察。我姐姐是歌手。 我哥哥有一只狗。他的名字叫杰克。 我是学生。我爱我的父母。 他们人很好。
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1. 写4个英语作文 ⒈ My grandmother will retirement after this year.She said she will stay healthy by doing morning exercise and eating more vegetables and fruits.My grandmother will join some extra-curricular club.She also study,she said want to learn English and puter science,beacuse she thinks that does"t understand the puter is impossible.When she is free,she can chat with the olds.I hope that she can have a happy old age life. ⒉ I love Michael Jackson.I think he is pretty good,i like singer that who can write their own songs and that i can dance to.When i listen to his songs,i always feel exciting. ⒊ My name is Li Ming.I was born in March,1990.I born in Hangzhou.I have o years school newspaper work experience and in 2005,i got the first prize in school English contest.I like reading english novels,collecting stamps and playing basketball.I"m good at english writing and puter.My mail address is liming@126.I really want to be a extra-curricular *** all reporter in your pany.please give me a change. ⒋ In the last summer vacation.Liuying want to see her grandparents in hometown.Frist,she from our school went by car arrived at Beijing Airport,it took her 40 minutes.Then she spent about 3 hours bying plane to Kunming.Next she took the train to Lijiang,it cost her 4 hours.Finally when she got out from Lijiang station,she had to walk half an hour to arrived at hometown. 不懂的话就问我。 2. 4个英语作文 s interesting.There"s also a tranditional festival. I love winter this season .I think more people will love winter,New year.In China New year is important.eveybody is busy in buying New year"s food.I like the atmosphere very much。Eveywhere is liveliness4.My favorite season is winter.Beacuse in winter eveything is white,eveywhere is quiet,eveyting is beautiful.Also is very cold in winter.But I can make snowmen and we can have a snowball fight.That" 3. 4个英语作文 4.My favorite season is winter.Beacuse in winter eveything is white,eveywhere is quiet,eveyting is beautiful.Also is very cold in winter.But I can make snowmen and we can have a snowball fight.That"s interesting.There"s also a tranditional festival,New year.In China New year is important.eveybody is busy in buying New year"s food。 Eveywhere is liveliness.I like the atmosphere very much.I love winter this season .I think more people will love winter。.。 4. 求4个英语小作文 I plan to do lots of homework today. First , I read english articles, next I wrote my science tests snd math tests. I had some questions. So I called to my clas *** ates to ask, then I listened to the music, I enjoyed it. In the afternoon, I drew some bananas, I believed I can draw it well. In the evening ,I played puter games. After that , I read a famous book on the bed. It was a happy day today.我打算今天做很多作业。 首先,我读英文文章,接下来我写我的数学考试测试snd的科学。我有一些问题。 所以我打电话给我的同学去问,然后我听音乐,我很喜欢它。在下午,我画了一些香蕉,我相信我能画得很好。 在晚上,我在玩电脑游戏。之后,我读了著名的书放在床上。 这是一个快乐的一天。 Today is New Year`s day. Today I`m not doing homework. I`m making dumplings. After that, we`re having lunch, my grangfather is saying to each other" Happy New Year", I`m saying to him" the same to you". We`re laughing. In the afternoon, I`m going shopping with my brother and sister. Two hours later, we`re getting home, we`re playing puter. Today is a happy day.今天是新年的第一天。 我今天没做家庭作业。我正在包饺子。 打那以后,我们正在吃午饭,我爷这次可是说错了彼此说,“新年快乐”,我对他说“你”。我们都很开心。 在下午,我要去购物,与我的兄弟姐妹。两小时之后,我们的主场比赛,我们玩电脑。 今天是一个快乐的一天。I went to my new house to my room. It is very big and beatiful. I will use a blue wardrobe and a blue bookcase. I saw a big bed and there was a blue sheet on it, I really liked them, because my favorite color is blue. But my desk was brown. In fact, I like brown, too. And there were many pet dogs and pet bears. They were cute, really eute. I loved them very much. 我去了我的新房子,我的房间。 这是非常大的和美丽。我将用一个蓝色的衣柜和一条蓝色的书架。 我看见一张大床上有一个蓝色的纸上,我真的很喜欢它们,因为我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色的。但是我的桌子是棕色的。 事实上,我喜欢棕色,真是太好了。有许多宠物狗和宠物的熊。 他们是可爱的,真的eute。我非常爱他们。 I got up early this morning and had breakfast quickly. Then my mother and I took the bus to my grandmother`s home. My grandmother was glad to see me again. She gave me candies and a cup of milk. She was really kind to me. At noon, we had lunch, There were lofts of people. After that, I talked with my grandmother. She laughed again and again. Then I played with my brother and my little sister. Finally , I said "see you " to each other.今天早晨我起床很早,吃过早餐很快。然后,我妈妈和我搭公共汽车去外婆家。 我的祖母是很高兴再见到我。她给我的糖果和一杯牛奶。 她真的很仁慈地对待我。中午,我们吃午饭,有阁楼的人。 之后,我跟我的祖母。她笑了一遍又一遍。 然后我与我的兄弟和我的小妹妹。最后,我们互相道别。 多了自己删减单词。 5. 英语作文怎么写 英语作文怎么写? 相对于英语的其它题目,作文的综合要求可能更高一点,那么我们就以这次考试的作文为例子来讲讲英语作文怎么写. 首先我先说说同学们在做作文的时候常常遇到的问题,然后我再给出一个大概的解决方法,最后呢,我们联系这次考试的作文题来实战一番. 从我们题目的要求来看,是一个记事的记叙文,并且是一个看图说话类的,所有的素材都在我们的图片里面了.那么我们就要先把图片仔细的看一下,选好线索,显然图片里面的钟暗示我们选择时间为我们的叙事线索.其次要选择好一个时态的问题,我们可以以晚上回忆的方式来叙述这个事情。 那么都是过去时。 那么开头是一个比较困难的事情,大家也许不知道从何说起.这里我给出了一个例子. Our class had already planned to go to Handian Nursing Home to visit those old people living there . We were all eager to go there as soon as we can. And today this time really came, so you could image how happy we were. At about 8:00 in the morning , with tools in hands, we went out of our school towards the Handian Nursing Home 下面我们不必过多的描述在路上的情形,我们重点将描述在敬老院里面的情形. It was about 9:00 when we arrived there. Though we were a little tired, none of us wanted to have a rest. As some of those old people seldom came out, so some of us helped them walk around to breathe the fresh air. Some help them to wash their clothes, and the others swept the ground. Most of us never do such things at home, so we maybe didn"t do these well, but we all tried our best. At about 11:55,we had lunch with them, and our monitor stood for us to bless them devoutly. During the lunch time, we were all very happy. After lunch, we had a party with those old people. Before we came here, we had already prepared some songs for them. As we expected, they all felt great pleased with our programs. Though maybe we didn"t performed well, the *** ile on their faces made us very happy. 该到说再见的时候了,一定要注意收尾工作. Happy time always goes fast. Though we didn"t notice that we had stayed here for a long time, the clock on the wall informed us clearly that it was time for us to go home. So we had to say good bye to those old people. On the way home, we all said this was really a significant day, and we decided to e back again whenever we had time.。 6. 请写4个英语日记可以吗 My familyThere are three people in my family. My mother, my father and I. We are all different.My mother is a laborious woman. Everyday she gets up esrliest in my home. She cooks greakfast and cleans the room in the morning. She is so busy! And I think she is a sociable woman. Because she has a lot of friends and she can talk with her friends in the street! Oh, this is my mother"s personality.My father is a easy-going man. He nevr plain to people. But sometimes he is a stubborn man. If he decedes to do something, no one can stop him.I think I am a broad-minded girl. I always like to help people and make them happy. But I am moody. I am bright and lively one minute, and quiet and bad-tempered the next.This is my family. Do you like us?Happy FamilyEveryone has a family. I have a family, too. I name it “Happy family”, because everyone in my family is happy.Come and meet my family, please! My mother is kind. I love her, and she loves me, too. My mother is pretty. She likes beautiful clothes. I call her“Dressy Mum”. My father is a boss. He is tall and thin. He has a *** all head. I give him a nickname“Small Head Father”. I am fat and lovely. I have a big head. I give myself a nickname“Big Head Girl”. I study hard. I am a good student.We are happy every day! My Lovely FatherI have a busy father . He works in a big office . He has a big pany.He is busy every day . He has many thing to do . He has no time to go home for lunch . He gets home at 7:00 p.m . At home he does the housework. He cooks nice dishes for mother and me .On weekends , he often goes to the park with me .Sometimes he goes to swim with me ,too. I like to stay with my father .He is a good father , he is also a happy business man .A DiaryMay 20,2005 Friday SunnyThis evening I went to the KTV with some of my good friends.This was the first time that I had been to a KTV. At first I didn"t want to go. I had been in a bad mood the whole afternoon because I didn"t do well in the math exam. At the KTV, everybody sang his favourite songs very happily except me. I was the only one of the audience.I didn"t dare to have a try. Because I was afraid that I couldn"t sing well. Encouraged by my clas *** ates, I picked up the microphone and sang an English song "I believe I can fly"I have bee cheerful now and above all I"ve regained selfconfidence. I believe that the worst enemy in one"s life is oneself. I shouldn"t lose heart just because of one or o failures. Because I still have chances to try.。 7. 英语作文4篇 Water is one of the elementary factors foe human life. It is one of our natural resources. Water is very important to our everyday life. If there were no water resources, human life would certainly be impossible. Let"s start it from the very start, when we wake up in the morning, we would probably need water. For toothbrushing, washing, and the like. When we cook, we need water, to clean, we needed water, and the serious one, when we caught fire, we would probably needed water to caught up the fire, and many of it. Water is just like our life partner, we would need it wherever we go. Without water, living things cannot exist. Plants, animal, human, all of the living things needed water. Without water, we would not be living, we would be dying of thirst. Inspite of this, we knew the importance of water. To keep a good supply of water, the first thing of all is to learn to conserve water, don"t waste water. We should love our natural resources, especially water, because without water, we would not exist in this world.
2023-06-07 11:18:141


  在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是我为大家整理的英语话题作文5篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 英语话题作文 篇1    正直诚实(好处)   1、enable honest person to succeed in work and life. (获得成功)   2、to work honestly to attain one"s life goal. (实现人生目标)   3、to enhance reputation of a country.    献爱心(好处、意义):   1、Contributing money and other necessities to people in need is a goal way to express human love. It reflects the sense of social responsibility.   2、It also expresses a feeling from deep with one"s heart.    人生价值   该类别主要包括:创新、 勇气、 奋斗、 勤俭 、高瞻远瞩、 奉献、 浪费、 社会公德 、幸福观 、勇敢 、得与失、 正直诚实、 持之以恒 、拼搏的奥运精神 、读书。   1、To be fair and upright; honest person;   2、economical and simple life; to learn to be frugal;   3、success derives from persistence; Olympic motto, read more books    情感友谊、团队合作、让座 邻里、献爱心   1、show love; provide assistance to others; teamwork and cooperation; selflessly offering help   2、contributing money and other necessities to people who are in great need    交流文化   该类别主要包括:中西方文化、 民族文化、 老外过春节 、老外学书法、 学英语、 城市发展与历史传承。   1、participating in the annual celebration of the Chinese spring festival   2、practicing Chinese calligraphy (书法)   3、cultural exchanges; acquire better understanding of each other;the traditional Chinese culture.   4、pass down culture habit and treasure; absorb and assimilate traditional culture; reserve and spread brilliant diverse culture; be under the threat of extinction; be in great danger   好处:   1、cultural exchanges can enhance international friendship.   2、people can acquire better understanding of each other.   3、can also greatly benefit the countries and stimulate their own social development and culture prosperity.    教育   1、in my opinions, there needs to be a comprehensive renovation in the educational system in which new educational concepts are introduced.   2、only by new teaching methods can we cultivate children into talents and elites who will meet the requirements of our society.    身体健康、锻炼、心理问题、减肥   1、 to develop good health   2、 to keep regular exercise   3、 to make more contributions to the society   4、 to make do with bad diet   5、 to neglect sports and exercise    职业道德及素质类   该类别主要包括:虚假宣传、假冒伪劣产品、排队、鼓掌、文明言行、文明交通、谦虚、宽容、医患矛盾、药品回扣诚信、豆腐渣、家庭作坊卫生、跳槽与商业机密。   1、the sanitation problem of family workshops   2、the promise of one"s own responsibility is like a method of cheating, and is quit against professional morals(职业道德)   3、low-quality products   4、the ignorance of sanitation   5、short of occupational disciplines   6、the false commercial advertising and promotion    家庭关系   该类别主要包括:家庭关系、 养老、 啃老。   Young people are used to relying financially on their families    交通事故   Traffic accidents have long been a problem and are becoming a severe problem   原因:   1、many drivers are forced to drive days and nights   2、a lot of people drive after drinking alcohol    工作就业前途   该类别主要包括:高薪、 加班、技能、学历、自立自强、创业。   1、to display talent and capability;   2、to be of real service to fellowmen and the country;   3、to feel guilty in front of parents and family supporters;   4、to encounter discrimination on the basis of sex or height or even birthplace;   5、to despise jobs of lower social status and less income;   6、to avoid the possibility of working in the rural areas   7、to find (searchhunt) the right career;    环境保护、动植物保护   该类别主要包括:保护森林、水污染、汽车尾气、沙尘暴、温室效应、节约资源、垃圾污染。   1、the exhaustion of resources;   2、pollution from industrial production transform many clean rivers into undrinkable water.   3、the convenience brought by cars, their harmful impact on the atmosphere.   4、garbage output, such as plastics and glass.   5、deforestation Global warming, current greenhouse effect remains out of control   6、human exploitation of natural resources    “问题”学生   该类别主要包括:教育、上网成瘾、上网交友、青少年犯罪、 个人隐私、出国留学、 知识学术欺诈、 望子成龙, 拔苗助长、 应试教育素质教育 、考试作弊 、相互攀比、 名牌、 浪费、 课业负担、 恋爱 、兼职 、富二代、 校园旅游 、教育平等 、独生子女、 农民工子女、 创新 、迷信、 溺爱(spoiled)。   1、To concentrate limited resources on creative talents, or elite;   2、to enhance the quality of population;   3、to promote scientific and technological level;   4、 to prepare one for a better and more meaningful life rather than a job;   5、one-child policy   6、migrant workers(农民工);   7、impartial education opportunities   8、overwhelming homework;   9、quality education(素质教育)   10、a comprehensive renovation    人口增长、 人口质量、养老与老龄化、 性别比例   1、population aging; outdated and abandoned; to improve the living condition of the aging population ; to respect and appreciate the aged; to provide safety and happiness   2、the number of males outweighs that of females;the population growth is almost out of control, the humans to live is increasingly circumscribed. 英语话题作文 篇2   【提要】高考英语作文 : 20xx年高考英语作文话题预测:采访某英文杂志正在举办以 "Fancy yourself as an interviewer" 为主题的征文活动,请你 以“A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview" 为题, 写一篇英语短文。   内容包括:   1. 采访的对象;   2. 采访的原因;   3. 想提的问题。   注意:   1. 词数120左右;   2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;   3. 短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息;   4. 短文的标题已给出,不计人总词数。   高考英语作文范文   The person I would like to interview is Yang Liwei.   I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to space but also one of the greatest astronauts in the world.I have long been interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal from him about it.   If I could interview him, I would ask him what made him an astronaut and how he was trained. I would also like to know how he felt in space and whether space travel is such great fun as I have read. I would like to ask a few questions about his personal life, which must be very interesting.   把梦想放大到心里,信心满满;把才华展示在考场中,尽情发挥;把智慧放逐到笔端,挥洒精彩;把心思投入到高考中,如鱼得水。 英语话题作文 篇3   Welcome to my home. Here are some of my family rules.   Let me tell you. I can"t eat in the bedroom but I can eat in the dining hall. I can"t go out on school nights. I can"t play computer games for a long time. I must clean my room every weekend. I must do my homework before dinner. I can"t play games on shool games. I must get up at 6:00. It includes the parents of my love.So I"m willing to abide by it.   These are my family rules!What about yours? Please tell me!    【参考译文】   欢迎来到我的家。这是我的一些家庭规则。   让我来告诉你。我在卧室里不能吃但我可以在食堂吃饭。我在有课的晚上不能出去。我不能玩电脑游戏很长时间了。每个周末我必须打扫我的房间。我必须在晚饭前做作业。我不能在学校玩游戏游戏。我必须6点起床。它包含了父母对我的爱。所以我很愿意遵守。   这些是我的家庭规则!你的`呢?请告诉我! 英语话题作文 篇4   例1:报纸和网站是当今两大主要媒体。请根据下表内容,以 Newspapers and Websites 为题,用英语写一篇短文,简要介绍这两种媒体的优缺点。   报 纸   1. 传统媒体,天天更新,信息可靠2. 携带方便,随时随地可以阅读3.仅有文字和图片   网 站   1. 新兴媒体,信息更新速度快2.依赖于电脑及互联网3. 包含文字、图片、音频和视频   注意:   1. 短文必须包括表中所有内容,可以适当发挥;2. 词数:100-1203. 参考词汇:更新update;音频audio;视频video   Newspapers and Websites   Newspapers and websites are two major new media in the world today, both of which can provide us with lots of news and information. But they"re different in some ways.   Newspapers enjoy a longer history and often come out daily with more reliable news and information. They can be carried and read almost anywhere you like. So many people like reading them. But they can only contain texts and photos.   On the other hand, websites are quite new and popular, especially among young people. Websites have not only texts with pictures but also audios and videos, which makes stories more interesting. What"s more, they are updated from time to time. So the latest news is always seen on websites instead of in newspapers. But it is not quite convenient for people without a computer connected with the Internet to get information from websites.   例2:目前,一些诸如GG, MM, Xia Mi 等网络语言在青少年中极为盛行,并且出现在家庭作业报告,甚至全国入学考试的作文中。请你以 Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited (禁止)?为题,根据下表内容用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你自己的看法。   一些同学认为网络语言生动、时尚 网络语言充满幽默与智慧 使网上聊天更快捷   另一些同学认为网络语言缺乏思想性没有被大部分人理解、接受过多使用使人不解,甚至误解?   你的看法   注意:   1. 短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数;2. 词数:100左右3. 参考词汇:生动的vivid;智慧intelligence   Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited?   At present, Internet Slang, such as GG, MM, Xia Mi, has become popular among the teenagers.   原文来源: 高考英语作文:高考英语话题作文范文 有关“网络”   There are different opinions on Internet Slang. Some students think Internet Slang is vivid, fashionable and full of humor and intelligence. Besides, it makes chatting on the Internet quicker.   However, some other students think Internet Slang lacks depth of thought and is too simple. Also, it is hard to understand and not accepted by most people. The words sometimes might make people confused, even resulting in misunderstanding.   Every coin has two sides. In my opinion, living in the Information Age, if we don"t know the Internet Slang, we seem to fall behind the times. It will be OK as long as these terms are used correctly in proper situations.   例3:假如你是李华,最近你对本班的60名同学(男女各半)进行了上网目的的调查,结果见下表。请你用英语给某报社写一篇报道,反映你调查的内容,以引起公众的关注。   注意:   1.报道应包括图表中的所有内容;2. 叙述中要适当增加个人观点,对学生上网情况进行评论,并提出建议;3.词数:100左右;4. 参考词汇:做调查make a survey   Dear editor,   I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in our class about their purpose(s) of getting on the Internet. The girls" favorite is chatting, but few boys like it. What boys like to do most is playing games and the girls also like them. Both boys and girls like to read news or send e-mails on the Internet. Maybe they think it"s the most convenient way to get information or keep in touch with friends. As for studying, the numbers of boys and girls are equal, but altogether only several of them will use the Internet as a tool to study. 英语话题作文 篇5   This picture is simple but significant. As is shown in the picture above, rising up his head, a young boy is holding a glorious sun with his firm hand. The caption indicates that, “ with dreams, our hearts can fly high; with flight, our dreams will not be far away.”   Why are dreams so importantWe may attribute its significance to three factors. First and foremost, dreams can give us courage and strength to overcome all the difficulties in our lives. Besides, having dreams is beneficial for us to be confident, passionate and energetic, and it may put us in a favorable position in our life journey. On the contrary, were there no dreams, our life will be dull and meaningless. Last but not least, if all of us have dreams, our society will be more vigorous and harmonious.   Considering every aspect of this positive issue, we should bear in mind that dreams are of great significance to both our society and ourselves.Therefore, the mass media, such as television, Internet and radio, should try best to propaganda and advocate it. As for ourselves, we should take practical actions to cherish our precious dreams and let them be realized. Then, we have every reason to be convinced that we can have a bright future if we have dreams.
2023-06-07 11:18:201


1、以“My Bedroom”为题,写一篇作文,内容自由发挥。My BedroomLook at this room. It"s my bedroom. There is a map of China and a photo of me>I like my bedroom very much. How about your bedroom? Tell me, please.我的卧室看这个房间,它是我的卧室。墙上有一张中国地图和一张我的照片。我的床不大,但是很漂亮。床上有一只可爱的玩具狗,我每天晚上都和它一起睡觉。在床的旁边,有一张桌子。桌面上有一个钟、一盏台灯和一些书本。我非常喜欢我的卧室。你的卧室是怎样的呢?请告诉我。My BedroomI have my own bedroom now.It"s small but nice.There is a bed,a picture of my family,a big closet and a mirror.There are two end tables and blue curtains.There is an air-conditioner.It"s cool.I love my bedroom very much.我的卧室我现在有我自己的卧室了。它很小但很漂亮。有一张床,一张我的家庭照,一个大衣橱和一个镜子。有两个床头柜和蓝色的窗帘。有一台空调,很凉爽。我非常爱我的卧室。2、以“My English Teacher”为题,写一篇作文。My English TeacherMiss Yuan is my English teacher. She"s young. She"s tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes dogs very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English class. She"s very kind to us. We all love her.我的英语老师袁老师是我的英语老师。她很年轻。她高高的瘦瘦的。她有两只大眼睛和一张小嘴巴。她的头发很长。她非常喜欢狗,也喜欢唱歌和跳舞。她的英文非常好。我们经常在英语课堂上玩游戏。她对我们很亲切,我们都很爱她。3、以“My Holiday”为题,介绍你的五一假期是怎样度过的。My HolidayIt was a long holiday. I have a lot of fun every day. I visited my grandparents with my mom in Guangzhou. We went there by bus. On the first day, we watched TV at home. On the second day, we went to the zoo to see elephants and took many pictures. On the third day, we went to a park, we rowed a boat. On the fourth day, I did my homework and bought presents for my friends. For the last day of the holiday, we came back home. It was a happy holiday.我的假期那是一个长假,我每天都过得很开心。我和我的妈妈去看望了广州的外祖父母,我们坐公共汽车去那里。第一天,我们在家里看电视。第二天,我们去了动物园看大象,还照了许多相片。第三天,我们去了公园,我们划了船。第四天,我做了我的家庭作业,还给我的朋友们买了礼物。假期的最后一天,我们回家了。这是一个开心的假期。4、以“My Last Weekend”为题,介绍你的五一假期是怎样度过的。My Last WeekendI was busy last weekend, but I have fun every day. On Saturday morning, I visited my grandma. It was my grandma"s birthday. We cooked noodles together. In the evening, we watched TV. Sunday morning, I played football with my friends. In the afternoon, I washed my clothes and cleaned my room. What about your last weekend? Tell me, please.我的上个周末上个周末我很忙,但是我每天都过得很开心。星期六早上,我去看望了我的外祖母,那是她是生日。我们一起煮面条。晚上,我们一起看电视。星期日早上,我和我的朋友一起踢足球。下午,我洗了我的衣服,还打扫了我的房间。你的上个周末是怎样的?请告诉我。5、以“My Friend”为题,介绍一下你的好朋友,写出他(她)的个性特征。My FriendI have a good friend. She is a girl, her name is Lily.She is 156cm tall.Her hair is long and black.She has big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth.She"s very active.She likes singing,dancing and swimming very much.I like swimming,too.We often go swimming together>我的朋友我有一个好朋友。她是一个女孩子,她的名字叫丽丽。她身高156厘米。她的头发又长又黑。她有着大大的眼睛,一个小鼻子和一张小嘴巴。她非常活跃。她非常喜欢唱歌、跳舞和游泳。我也喜欢游泳。我们周末经常一起去游泳,那很好玩。这就是我的好朋友。你的好朋友是怎样的?请告诉我。My FriendI have a good friend. He is a boy, his name is Tom.He is 160cm tall and srong.His hair is short and black.He has big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth.He"s very active.He likes making kites,playing football and swimming very much.I like playing football,too.We often play football together after school.It has a lot of fun.This is my good friend.What"s your good friend like? Tell me, please.我的朋友我有一个好朋友。他是一个男孩子,他的名字叫汤姆。他身高160厘米,而且很健壮。他的头发短短的黑黑的。他有着大大的眼睛,一个小鼻子和一张小嘴巴。他非常活跃。她非常喜欢放风筝、踢足球和游泳。我也喜欢踢足球。我们经常放学后一起踢足球,那很好玩。这就是我的好朋友。你的好朋友是怎样的?请告诉我。
2023-06-07 11:18:391


  在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是我帮大家整理的英语优秀作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 英语优秀作文1   There is a saying,”A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood”.I just had my eighteen years birthday.It"s certain that I have grown much more beautiful now.(laugh) My biggest change is not the appearance but in mind.I have become much more mature.I don"t always think about going out to play instead of focusing my attention on study.I start considering my future.I try my best not to quarel with my parents as I know what they do is for me.I know I should filial my parents.What"s more,I don"t bully my younger sister and brother any more.I have changed a lot,because I have grown up. 英语优秀作文2   As I learn more and grow up gradually, I change in many aspects. My teachers say I study harder and my parents say I am more sensible than before. As for me, I want to learn more in school and be a good boy to make my parents happy. Now, I am more focused on lessons and finish my homework actively. I know that only by working hard in study can I get a bright future. At home, I often help my mother in housework. I want to be more independent so that I can take good care of myself. I don"t want my parents worry too much about me. Besides, I like reading now. I realize books can be my friend, too. It is really interesting. 英语优秀作文3   Now, I am a middle school student in grade nine. It"s also the last year of middle school. Therefore, I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior school entrance exam. From this semester, I get up earlier than before because I want to do some more readings. After lunch, I also spend some time in study. I usually review the knowledge I learn in the morning. After dinner, I have class in school until 21:30. It"s for students to autonomous learning. Our teachers would come to the classroom, if we have any questions we could ask them. After school, I do not study at home. I think a good rest is important for me, so I go to bed early at night. Besides, due to the exam, I spend much less time in entertainment. I don"t think it"s bad for me, because a good senior school is my priority now. I must pay my most attention to it. 英语优秀作文4   妈妈学英语   ABCDE……desk……”“咦,这是谁在学英语呀?这声音怎么这么熟悉呀?”我推开家门一看,只见客厅的桌子上放了一大堆书。妈妈正坐在椅子上读英语字母和英语单词。   “妈妈,我回来了!”我边说边走进自己的小天地,等着妈妈像往常一样收拾桌子盛饭给我吃。过了一会儿,我走出小房间看到妈妈仍坐在那儿读英语。“嗨,看来妈妈今天要走火入魔了。”我轻轻地嘀咕着,“过一会儿再说吧!”我就回到房间拿出作业做了起来。   作业做好了,我抬头向上面的挂钟一看,呀,不得了,已经一点钟了,我一点半还得去上课呢!再看看妈妈,她还像一个机器人似的,只有眼睛、嘴巴在动。唉,还是自己盛饭吃吧。   我来到厨房,把所有的锅盆都掀了一个遍。天啊,竟然连一粒米饭,一滴菜汤都没有找到。这时,我想到自己的小房间里有饼干,冰箱里有冷馒头。我只好将就着吃了一只冷馒头和几块饼干,再加上一杯牛奶当了一顿午饭。然后,我就去上课了。唉,这事还没有完呢。一连几天我和爸爸都对付着自己准备好吃的。   b第五天,我放学回家。天哪!家里面到处贴着英语标签。凡是我能够看到的物品上都贴有英语标签。我在屋子里转了一圈,整个房间都快变成了英语王国了。这时,妈妈出现在我的面前,自豪地对我说:“怎么样,布置得还不错吧,这样学英语就方便多了。以后你们也就不用再做我的家务代理人了。”说完,她便乐呵呵地一边背着英语单词一边走进厨房去烧饭菜了。   于是,我又吃上了美味可口的饭菜。“嗯,这样对我学英语也有帮助……”我一边吃着香喷喷的饭菜,一边想着,心里不由升起一种对妈妈的敬佩之情。 英语优秀作文5   Now,I am a middle school student in grade nine.It"s also the last year of middle school.Therefore,I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior school entrance exam.From this semester,I get up earlier than before because I want to do some more readings.After lunch,I also spend some time in study.I usually review the knowledge I learn in the morning.After dinner,I have class in school until 21:30.It"s for students to autonomous learning.Our teachers would come to the classroom,if we have any questions we could ask them.After school,I do not study at home.I think a good rest is important for me,so I go to bed early at night.Besides,due to the exam,I spend much less time in entertainment.I don"t think it"s bad for me,because a good senior school is my priority now.I must pay my most attention to it. 英语优秀作文6   在我的记忆里,一直记得一件事:教奶奶说英文。   那天晚上,我和弟弟在看电视,奶奶在一旁看报纸,突然,奶奶看到一个大标题:学习说英语,老少皆可。过了一会儿,奶奶支支吾吾的说":先晓琳,先伟豪,你俩教教我说英语吧!”我和弟弟相互看了看对方,呆了,一秒,两秒,三秒“可不可以啊?”奶奶忍不住说了一句。我先开了口:“奶奶,你为什么突然要学英语啊?”“对啊,对啊。”弟弟听了以后也跟着表示了自己的想法。奶奶把手上的报纸一摊,告诉我们。哦,原来是这样啊,奶奶是因为看到报纸上写着“学习说英语,老少皆可。”的字样。我首先答应了,弟弟看我答应了,也不得不点了点头。“教奶奶说英语就从现在开始了!”我兴奋的说。首先,我和弟弟教奶奶说“one”可奶奶却说成“万”我和弟弟让奶奶勉强过关,后来,我和弟弟接着教了奶奶“two”至“ten”的单词,奶奶都是勉强过关。当我们开始教水果的单词的时候,奶奶就犯难了。一开始,我们先教奶奶说香蕉的单词,可是奶奶却说成“不奶奶”我和弟弟差点晕了过去,不管我和弟弟怎么重复的读这个单词,奶奶还是读不准,而且时不时还造出“新”的单词来!我们只好放弃这个单词,我又教奶奶读“等等”的单词,如“pen”、“bus”……可奶奶却读成“盘,巴死”……奶奶没学会一个单词,就会把我和弟弟弄得快笑死!过了一会儿,我和弟弟同时说“奶奶,求求你不要在学英语了!”奶奶听了以后,尴尬的把头低了下去。“YES。”我和弟弟大叫   学说英语真的快要把我和弟弟笑死!所以,我和弟弟坚决不会让奶奶再学说英语的! 英语优秀作文7   When I was a little child, I used to play with my friends all day long. We found that almost anything could bring fun to us. But now, I am growing up, things seem to change gradually that I don"t realize. I had a lot of time to play before, but now nearly all my time is spent on study and homework. I used to watch entertainment program but now I prefer news and English programs. Generally speaking, things turn better. Now, I am interested in reading and writing. I think that the more good books I read, the more knowledge I get. Writing is a good way to practice my thinking and improve my writing skills. Besides, I become more independent. I can deal with many problems by myself. I think it"s important change for me. 英语优秀作文8   If we want to keep our bodies healthy, we must have a good habit. We should get up and go to bed early and sleep at least eight hours every day. Do more exercise, such as walking, swimming, playing balls and so on. We should also eat healthy food——more fruit and vegetables and less meat. If you don"t feel well, you"d better see a doctor at once. And we should wash our hands before meals and drink enough boiled water every day. It"s necessary for our health.   We should not throw litter about, keep long fingernails and smoke etc. It"s also very important.    翻译:   如果我们想保持我们的身体健康,我们必须有一个良好的习惯。我们应该起床,早早上床睡觉,每天至少八小时。多做运动,如散步,游泳,玩球等。我们还应该吃健康食品 - 水果和蔬菜,少吃肉类。如果你觉得不舒服,你最好去看医生。我们应该饭前洗手,每天喝足够的.白开水。因此有必要为我们的健康。   我们不应该乱扔乱丢一下,留着长长的指甲和吸烟等,这也是非常重要的。 英语优秀作文9   我的奶奶退休在家,天天在家里打毛衣、看电视、玩手机……过着特别悠闲的日子,可是有一天奶奶坐不住了,非要找点儿新鲜事儿做。   周末,我的同学到我家来玩儿,还带来了一只猫,它跑到我的身边,不停的“喵喵喵”地叫,同学做出像懂猫语的样子,神秘地对我说:“他在说你长得像小王子呢!”我摸了摸小猫的头,有些害羞地说:“你说我长得像小王子,Thank you!”   “什么三克油?三克油是什么?咱家又没油了吗?”奶奶听到了,疑惑地问。   我不禁大笑起来,说:“这是英语!Thank you是谢谢的意思!”   当我的同学走了的时候,我对他说了一句“Goodbye”。奶奶摸了摸脑门儿说:“古大白?古大白又是什么?你是在说我很白吗?”我笑得弯下了腰,笑得口水都快要流出来了,轻轻地拍了拍奶奶的后背说:“奶奶Goodbye的意思是再见!”   可就在这时,我家的狗小黄从房间里屁颠屁颠地蹿了出来,奶奶看见了,一下子从椅子上跳了起来,好奇地问:“快告诉我,狗怎么讲?”   “dog!”我张口就来。奶奶又疑惑地问:“什么?大哥?看来以后我不能说大哥了,不然会有人以为我在骂他是狗!”奶奶自顾自地叨唠着。   我笑得快要哭出来了,对奶奶说:“你别说了,我快要被你笑死了!”   从那天以后,奶奶每天都开始认真地学英语,不到半年奶奶就有了很大的进步。真是“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”呀!会说英语的奶奶也比以前洋气多了!
2023-06-07 11:18:591


2023-06-07 11:19:092


  在我们平凡的日常里,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是我为大家整理的英语优秀作文,欢迎大家分享。 英语优秀作文1   妈妈学英语   ABCDE……desk……”“咦,这是谁在学英语呀?这声音怎么这么熟悉呀?”我推开家门一看,只见客厅的桌子上放了一大堆书。妈妈正坐在椅子上读英语字母和英语单词。   “妈妈,我回来了!”我边说边走进自己的小天地,等着妈妈像往常一样收拾桌子盛饭给我吃。过了一会儿,我走出小房间看到妈妈仍坐在那儿读英语。“嗨,看来妈妈今天要走火入魔了。”我轻轻地嘀咕着,“过一会儿再说吧!”我就回到房间拿出作业做了起来。   作业做好了,我抬头向上面的挂钟一看,呀,不得了,已经一点钟了,我一点半还得去上课呢!再看看妈妈,她还像一个机器人似的,只有眼睛、嘴巴在动。唉,还是自己盛饭吃吧。   我来到厨房,把所有的锅盆都掀了一个遍。天啊,竟然连一粒米饭,一滴菜汤都没有找到。这时,我想到自己的小房间里有饼干,冰箱里有冷馒头。我只好将就着吃了一只冷馒头和几块饼干,再加上一杯牛奶当了一顿午饭。然后,我就去上课了。唉,这事还没有完呢。一连几天我和爸爸都对付着自己准备好吃的。   b第五天,我放学回家。天哪!家里面到处贴着英语标签。凡是我能够看到的物品上都贴有英语标签。我在屋子里转了一圈,整个房间都快变成了英语王国了。这时,妈妈出现在我的面前,自豪地对我说:“怎么样,布置得还不错吧,这样学英语就方便多了。以后你们也就不用再做我的家务代理人了。”说完,她便乐呵呵地一边背着英语单词一边走进厨房去烧饭菜了。   于是,我又吃上了美味可口的饭菜。“嗯,这样对我学英语也有帮助……”我一边吃着香喷喷的饭菜,一边想着,心里不由升起一种对妈妈的敬佩之情。 英语优秀作文2   我的奶奶退休在家,天天在家里打毛衣、看电视、玩手机……过着特别悠闲的日子,可是有一天奶奶坐不住了,非要找点儿新鲜事儿做。   周末,我的同学到我家来玩儿,还带来了一只猫,它跑到我的身边,不停的“喵喵喵”地叫,同学做出像懂猫语的样子,神秘地对我说:“他在说你长得像小王子呢!”我摸了摸小猫的头,有些害羞地说:“你说我长得像小王子,Thank you!”   “什么三克油?三克油是什么?咱家又没油了吗?”奶奶听到了,疑惑地问。   我不禁大笑起来,说:“这是英语!Thank you是谢谢的意思!”   当我的同学走了的时候,我对他说了一句“Goodbye”。奶奶摸了摸脑门儿说:“古大白?古大白又是什么?你是在说我很白吗?”我笑得弯下了腰,笑得口水都快要流出来了,轻轻地拍了拍奶奶的后背说:“奶奶Goodbye的意思是再见!”   可就在这时,我家的狗小黄从房间里屁颠屁颠地蹿了出来,奶奶看见了,一下子从椅子上跳了起来,好奇地问:“快告诉我,狗怎么讲?”   “dog!”我张口就来。奶奶又疑惑地问:“什么?大哥?看来以后我不能说大哥了,不然会有人以为我在骂他是狗!”奶奶自顾自地叨唠着。   我笑得快要哭出来了,对奶奶说:“你别说了,我快要被你笑死了!”   从那天以后,奶奶每天都开始认真地学英语,不到半年奶奶就有了很大的进步。真是“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”呀!会说英语的奶奶也比以前洋气多了! 英语优秀作文3   When I was a little child, I used to play with my friends all day long. We found that almost anything could bring fun to us. But now, I am growing up, things seem to change gradually that I don"t realize. I had a lot of time to play before, but now nearly all my time is spent on study and homework. I used to watch entertainment program but now I prefer news and English programs. Generally speaking, things turn better. Now, I am interested in reading and writing. I think that the more good books I read, the more knowledge I get. Writing is a good way to practice my thinking and improve my writing skills. Besides, I become more independent. I can deal with many problems by myself. I think it"s important change for me. 英语优秀作文4   If we want to keep our bodies healthy, we must have a good habit. We should get up and go to bed early and sleep at least eight hours every day. Do more exercise, such as walking, swimming, playing balls and so on. We should also eat healthy food——more fruit and vegetables and less meat. If you don"t feel well, you"d better see a doctor at once. And we should wash our hands before meals and drink enough boiled water every day. It"s necessary for our health.   We should not throw litter about, keep long fingernails and smoke etc. It"s also very important.    翻译:   如果我们想保持我们的身体健康,我们必须有一个良好的`习惯。我们应该起床,早早上床睡觉,每天至少八小时。多做运动,如散步,游泳,玩球等。我们还应该吃健康食品 - 水果和蔬菜,少吃肉类。如果你觉得不舒服,你最好去看医生。我们应该饭前洗手,每天喝足够的白开水。因此有必要为我们的健康。   我们不应该乱扔乱丢一下,留着长长的指甲和吸烟等,这也是非常重要的。 英语优秀作文5   Now, I am a middle school student in grade nine. It"s also the last year of middle school. Therefore, I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior school entrance exam. From this semester, I get up earlier than before because I want to do some more readings. After lunch, I also spend some time in study. I usually review the knowledge I learn in the morning. After dinner, I have class in school until 21:30. It"s for students to autonomous learning. Our teachers would come to the classroom, if we have any questions we could ask them. After school, I do not study at home. I think a good rest is important for me, so I go to bed early at night. Besides, due to the exam, I spend much less time in entertainment. I don"t think it"s bad for me, because a good senior school is my priority now. I must pay my most attention to it. 英语优秀作文6   在我的记忆里,一直记得一件事:教奶奶说英文。   那天晚上,我和弟弟在看电视,奶奶在一旁看报纸,突然,奶奶看到一个大标题:学习说英语,老少皆可。过了一会儿,奶奶支支吾吾的说":先晓琳,先伟豪,你俩教教我说英语吧!”我和弟弟相互看了看对方,呆了,一秒,两秒,三秒“可不可以啊?”奶奶忍不住说了一句。我先开了口:“奶奶,你为什么突然要学英语啊?”“对啊,对啊。”弟弟听了以后也跟着表示了自己的想法。奶奶把手上的报纸一摊,告诉我们。哦,原来是这样啊,奶奶是因为看到报纸上写着“学习说英语,老少皆可。”的字样。我首先答应了,弟弟看我答应了,也不得不点了点头。“教奶奶说英语就从现在开始了!”我兴奋的说。首先,我和弟弟教奶奶说“one”可奶奶却说成“万”我和弟弟让奶奶勉强过关,后来,我和弟弟接着教了奶奶“two”至“ten”的单词,奶奶都是勉强过关。当我们开始教水果的单词的时候,奶奶就犯难了。一开始,我们先教奶奶说香蕉的单词,可是奶奶却说成“不奶奶”我和弟弟差点晕了过去,不管我和弟弟怎么重复的读这个单词,奶奶还是读不准,而且时不时还造出“新”的单词来!我们只好放弃这个单词,我又教奶奶读“等等”的单词,如“pen”、“bus”……可奶奶却读成“盘,巴死”……奶奶没学会一个单词,就会把我和弟弟弄得快笑死!过了一会儿,我和弟弟同时说“奶奶,求求你不要在学英语了!”奶奶听了以后,尴尬的把头低了下去。“YES。”我和弟弟大叫   学说英语真的快要把我和弟弟笑死!所以,我和弟弟坚决不会让奶奶再学说英语的! 英语优秀作文7   Now,I am a middle school student in grade nine.It"s also the last year of middle school.Therefore,I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior school entrance exam.From this semester,I get up earlier than before because I want to do some more readings.After lunch,I also spend some time in study.I usually review the knowledge I learn in the morning.After dinner,I have class in school until 21:30.It"s for students to autonomous learning.Our teachers would come to the classroom,if we have any questions we could ask them.After school,I do not study at home.I think a good rest is important for me,so I go to bed early at night.Besides,due to the exam,I spend much less time in entertainment.I don"t think it"s bad for me,because a good senior school is my priority now.I must pay my most attention to it. 英语优秀作文8   There is a saying,”A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood”.I just had my eighteen years birthday.It"s certain that I have grown much more beautiful now.(laugh) My biggest change is not the appearance but in mind.I have become much more mature.I don"t always think about going out to play instead of focusing my attention on study.I start considering my future.I try my best not to quarel with my parents as I know what they do is for me.I know I should filial my parents.What"s more,I don"t bully my younger sister and brother any more.I have changed a lot,because I have grown up. 英语优秀作文9   As I learn more and grow up gradually, I change in many aspects. My teachers say I study harder and my parents say I am more sensible than before. As for me, I want to learn more in school and be a good boy to make my parents happy. Now, I am more focused on lessons and finish my homework actively. I know that only by working hard in study can I get a bright future. At home, I often help my mother in housework. I want to be more independent so that I can take good care of myself. I don"t want my parents worry too much about me. Besides, I like reading now. I realize books can be my friend, too. It is really interesting.
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  在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是我为大家收集的英语话题作文4篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英语话题作文 篇1   There are many rules in my family.such as do not eat in the bed do not talk loudystudy should carefuly and so on.   I am always busy with my lessons and I have many homework to do every nightbut my parents still call me wash clothes and make the bedroom clean and tidy.I am tired every day what shound I do? I ask for help from my parentsbut they say to meyou are not a childyou should learn to take care of yourself.   Now I know my parents give me all their love. I love them.    【参考译文】   有许多规则在我的家庭。如不吃在床上不谈大声说话,学习要注意等等。   我总是忙于功课每天晚上我有很多作业要做但我的父母仍然叫我洗衣服把卧室清理的干净整洁。我每天都很累我应该怎么做呢?我从我的父母寻求帮助但是他们对我说你不是一个孩子了你应该学会照顾自己。   现在我知道我的父母给我所有的爱了。我爱他们。 英语话题作文 篇2   Memory, childhood is like the stars in the sky, countless. However, everyone has a childhood, and childhood story was like the sea the diversiform shells, glittering in the water company, exudes be riotous with colour brilliance, count the number of never-ending childhood like spring a riot of colours, so I delude one to folly; childhood like summer everywhere Cang green, make me energetic; childhood like autumn fruitful, let me harvest happiness and smile; childhood like winter Snow gleams white., let me feel the purity of heart.   We all had a pure and beautiful childhood, sculpting our beautiful life, the interpretation of our innocent and lively. In childhood we, is how of happiness, innocence and goodness, and ignore all the sadness and melancholy side occurs, do not set foot on the vicissitudes of the ocean, healthy and happy growth only in the parents under the wings, just play in the play. But time is always so rushed and short-lived, once beautiful childhood now vanish like soap bubbles, now we can do is to pursue the beautiful fragment of childhood, but can"t again.   When I was very young, I was very naive, also always want to study adults do, often whimsical, try to think of some wrong ideas, can not, one day after supper, I went with my mother to a bowl of wine, start my experiment, I foretaste taste wine, find it difficult to drink bitter. So I came to the kitchen, saw my mother cooking seasoning, think: my mother usually cooking, only put these ingredients, food is very delicious. If I put them also put some in, wine became a good drink it.   Say to work, first I put the salt and sugar together inside, then put the vinegar, oil, chicken together put in, then I picked up the chopsticks to stir it, stir well, I think I should taste to it, just put the bowl to his lips. Then I heard mother called me, I had to end with this bowl of things came to the mother, mother saw my hand with a bowl of things asked me what it is? So I am very proud with my mother about what had happened.   Mom listened to all of a sudden loud laugh, I confused, I do not know why is mother to laugh. I asked my mother how, mother said: "silly boy, originally is the taste of wine, you add these things can you drink? Maybe you can use chopsticks to make a bit of taste, what is the taste." I listened to my mother, to taste a little, say is what taste, but it is difficult to drink, also know why does mother smiled   Of course, after this, I also understand a truth, not what is put together, can be delicious good drink, then I will read some books about how to do the experiment, get more knowledge.   Childhood is like a seven color flowers, inside his body, is filled with all kinds of color, make life more beautiful: childhood is like a paper airplane, it flows on the good old days of childhood. 英语话题作文 篇3   假定你是李华,你发现生活中会有各种各样的流言(rumors)。对于流言,有些中学生不知道应该如何对待。请你就此问题用英文给报社编辑写一封信,谈谈你对该问题的看法。    内容主要包括:   1.生活中存在着各种各样的流言;   2.流言的危害(影响心情,造成伤害);   3.如何对待流言(无视流言,与传播者交流或不要轻易相信它)。   注意:   1.词数100左右;   2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;   3.信的开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数。   Dear editor,   As we all know, there are many kinds of rumors in our daily life. Some of them not only make us feel disturbed but also cause great damage to us.   When we face rumors, I think at first we should ignore them. Rumors will come to an end quickly if we don"t pay much attention to them. In addition, we can communicate with the people who spread the rumors in order to make them realize the harm of the rumors. Last but not least, please remember that rumors will have no effect on our life if we don"t believe them easily.   Yours   LiHua    【参考译文】   亲爱的编辑,   众所周知,日常生活中有各种各样的谣言。他们中的一些人不仅使我们感到不安,而且给我们造成了巨大的`伤害。   当我们面对谣言时,我认为首先我们应该忽视他们。如果我们不重视谣言,谣言很快就会告一个底。此外,我们还可以与传播谣言的人交流,以使他们意识到谣言的危害。最后但并非最不重要的,请记住,谣言将不会影响我们的生活,如果我们不相信他们很容易。   你的   李华 英语话题作文 篇4   Dear Peter,   I remember you told me you were interested in China. Our school is looking for an English teacher, whose mother tongue is English. You will teach some courses to senior high students. They, who have at least three years of English learning experience, are going to learn the following four courses: speaking, writing, Britain Today and America Today. If you would come here, you have the chance to choose three of them for teaching. You need teach 12 hours a week. If you get the job, you are supposed to work as an advisor to our students" English club or our school"s English newspaper. That is to say, in spare time you will select some articles, which are fit for the students from English papers, English magazines and the Internet, and edit the articles from students.   If you are interested in the job or have any question, please let me know. I look forward to your reply.   Yours,   Li Hua
2023-06-07 11:19:241


  在我们平凡的日常里,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是我为大家整理的四年级英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 四年级英语作文1   我的英语老师中等个子,不胖也不瘦,她长着一双明亮的大眼睛,好像会说话似的。当你做了不应该做的事时,她就会用责备的眼神盯你好一会,知道你低下头来承认错误为止;当你做了令她高兴的好 事时,她便用含笑的眼睛足足看你两分钟,好像是在欣赏一件什么宝贝似的。   她对我们的学习,要求很严厉:课文要背熟,句子要会写,单词要记牢。有一次,有位同学单词不过关,老师让他练会,可是他直到放学也没练。于是放学后老师就陪着他练,知道练会为止。就这样 不是我们班的每一个同学成绩落后。   一次,英语老师布置了一个非常非常多的作业:M1—M10的单词一词8个,放学前必交!而当时已是第六节课!同学们赶紧奋笔疾书,写啊——为了节省时间,同学们看了一眼单词后,默记下来,然后快 速地写八遍。终于,大家都交上了作业。这时大家发现:默写的单词都记下来了!原来这是老师让我们背住单词的方法!   可有时,他还会闹出一些小笑话。有一次,老师给我们讲练习册,本来是要讲第一单元和第二单元的,可是她刚讲完第一单元就把练习册给收了。同学们七嘴八舌地说:“老师,第二单元还没讲呢! ”“对呀!”“对呀!”老师这才恍然大悟:“快!快把练习册传下去!”我们都笑个不停。   这就是我们的英语老师,有可亲又可敬。 四年级英语作文2   《资治通鉴》里有言:经师易得,人师难求。正所谓“名师出高徒”,只有一位好的老师才能够教出一位好的学生,这也是众人皆知的。但是想找到一位好的老师是多么难。于是,我又想起了我的英语老师-----Ms Yan。   记得她第一次给我们上英语课时,我们特别激动-----马上就要学英语了。“你们愿意学习英语吗?”她一脸笑容地问我们。“愿意!”“你们想学好英语吗?”“想!”这勾起了我们极大的兴趣,从此,我们的英语课开始活跃起来。   后来,英语越来越难,我听着一个个英语单词,可以用四个字来形容----稀里糊涂。成绩一直中上中下的我,在课堂上就是个“隐形人”,现在变得更“隐形”了。但这样一件事改变了我的命运:刚上四年级,我的死对头蒋文就把我的英语书往对台上一丢,再也找不回来了,我只好看同桌的,但更多时间,傲慢的同桌总是把手一遮,我只好一个人读着“望天书”,但Msyan注意到了,向我询问了原因后,给了我一本崭新的英语书。在分组时,她还让我当上了英语小组长。从此,我开始认真学习英语了。功夫不负有心人,期末考试时,我的英语成绩赶上了一大截,我的信心也越来越大了。   暑假里,我不假思索地报了她的补习班。她仍推行她的加分制,并给我们每个人都取了英文名字,并在每周对加分高的小组进行奖励,大大提高了我们的兴趣、积极性,参与性也越来越浓。更绝的是,她让我们看动画片学音标,记得特别牢。   升上五年级,我的英语成绩已经大幅度上升了,这对于英文一窍不通的我是一个转折性的改变。这是奇迹吗?不-------这是我的英语启蒙老师对我的关心与鼓励。   我真诚地对她说一声:“Thank you!” 四年级英语作文3   10月7日下午,妈妈和我去萧山日报社参加小记者活动:亲子讲座《聪明的父母教你学习英语》。   主讲人是金山小学涂亿奕小记者的妈妈,她和我们一起分享了她给女儿制定的英语学习计划和她家英语学习的方法和体会。   讲座一开始,涂妈妈就问我们学习英语的动机和目标是什么?一位小记者站起来回答说:“我学习英语是为了以后出国能更好地与外国人交流”。“这是个非常好的目标”,涂妈妈接着说,“那么我们怎样才能学好英语呢?适合自己的学习方法很重要!”涂妈妈介绍了自己女儿的英语学习方法,她给女儿精心挑选了一本英文版《夏洛的网》,让女儿像学习语文一样学习英语,先泛读,再精读,每天读一段,通过每天的坚持,一段时间后她女儿终于读完了整本书,英语成绩也在不知不觉中提高了。接下来,涂妈妈又让女儿通过朗读短文、朗读原版书和学唱英文歌等多种形式来学习英语。涂妈妈说我们的母语学习是从听和看、读和唱、说和写逐步积累起来的,英语学习也是一样,只要坚持不懈就一定能学好!   最后,涂妈妈让我们自己制定一个英语学习计划。我的计划是:我想让妈妈给我买一套涂妈妈推荐的"蒲公英英语绘本,从自然拼读学起,通过阅读绘本、观看英语动画片和电影来逐步提高英语水平,同时我也要坚持每天阅读,争取这学期能看完看懂英文版《小王子》。 四年级英语作文4   星期天,我做完作业,爷爷突然对我说:“樱樱,你帮我把二十六个英文字母写在白纸上。”我心想:我都四年级了,还抽查我二十六个字母啊?   爷爷又说:“字母要写得大,两行之间要有空隙!”我疑惑地问:“为什么?这是浪费纸资源。”其实我是想写得小点,可以快点写完,好看电视去。谁知,爷爷不好意思地说:“孙女,你教我学英语,先从二十六个字母开始。”我这才明白爷爷为什么要我写字母。于是,我非常标准地写完了二十六个英文字母,又快速地念了一遍。这可把爷爷急坏了,只见爷爷皱着眉头说:“樱樱,你慢点,我在做记录。”我一听,奇怪地问:“做记录?这也要做记录吗?”爷爷解释说:“我怕记不住,在字母下面都注了汉字,比如‘大比六"就是‘W",‘外"就是‘Y"等等。所以你得说慢点。”看着爷爷一副不学会不罢休的认真模样,我被感动了。渐渐地,我静下心来,开始耐心地教爷爷学英语,爷爷也在认真地给字母做汉语拼音。   突然,爷爷指着字母“G”问我:“孙女,你看,这个字母该怎么注音?”我一副洋洋得意的神情说:“呵呵,还是让我来告诉你吧!”我看着字母“G”,心想该怎么给它做汉语注音呢?还真把我给难住了,没办法,我只好找后援——妹妹,一起来想。   妹妹摸摸脑袋,眼珠“骨碌”一转,眉开眼笑地说:“‘G"不是‘急"吗?”我嘴里默念着“G——急——”对呀,于是赶忙帮爷爷写了上去。爷爷见了,乐得嘴都合不拢了。   看着爷爷认真的样子,我不由得想起了一句名言:活到老,学到老。其实,大家都应该有这种精神,因为知识是无穷无尽的。 四年级英语作文5   今天,我把所有作业都做完了,闲着没事干,便萌生出一个想法:教奶奶学英语。于是,我对奶奶说:“奶奶,我教您学英语吧?”“好!”奶奶爽快地答应了。我递给奶奶一张预先准备好的“新生报名单”。上面写着:“欢迎您加入花朵芬芳学校英语初级班,请填写您的英文名字。”奶奶一看新生报名单就愣住了。“我哪有什么英文名字呀?”“没关系,我帮您取。”我对奶奶说。   我想了一下,问奶奶“lavender,怎么样?”   “好,好,好。”奶奶没有经过思考就回答着。可当我问她“您叫什么英文名字呀?”她却把刚才的lavender忘得九霄云外了。于是,教奶奶学英语就从教奶奶学读英文名字开始了。   我不厌其烦地把lavender反复读给奶奶听。奶奶看着我的嘴型认真地学着。“la--ven--der”,可她的发音很不标准。   “奶奶,您的嘴巴再扁一点,行吗?”“?—?—?。”我把奶奶读的不标准的地方,抽出来单独训练。我记得自己学小提琴的时候,老师一直叫我把掌握不好的地方抽出来单独练,这样效果很好。所以我也用这种方法教奶奶。还别说,经过我的耐心指导,奶奶终于学会读自己的英文名字了。生怕下次再遗忘,奶奶拿来纸和笔,认真地记着笔记。   真认真啊!我在心里默默想着,奶奶年纪这么大了,学习起来还这么认真,真值得我学习呀。   奶奶学会了自己的英文名,我又教了奶奶一些水果类的单词,每学一个单词,奶奶都非常认真。   “奶奶,今天学的单词,我下节课要抽背的哦。”在下课前,我对奶奶提出了要求。“好的,我会认真复习的。”奶奶说。   就这样,一节有趣的英语课结束了。从中我不仅感受到了当老师的快乐,还体会到了生活的乐趣。 四年级英语作文6   今天晚上,我去上英语课外班。上课时,英语CANDY老师教我们了一个英语小寓言,名字叫CityMouseandCountryMouse(城市老鼠和乡下老鼠)。这个寓言特别有意思,一只城市老鼠乘公交车去乡下看望他的老兄——乡下老鼠。他看见了在田野上有好多奶牛、马、池塘、篱笆、鸟。这时,他的表兄张下老鼠说:“你好,表弟,见到你很高兴。”   过了一会儿,城市老鼠不高兴了,说:“我好饿,可这里却没食物,还冷。还不如去城市,我可以让你住我的公寓,那里很暖和。”乡下老鼠说:“好,走吧!”   他们来到城市老鼠的家——一座公寓里。他们看见牛奶和奶酪放在一个大桌子上,正准备吃,却有一只猫要吃掉它们。乡下老鼠不想过惊险的日子,只好回到了乡下。   学完这篇小故事,老师要让我们表演,我很高兴,因为我最喜欢表演了。老师把全班16个同学分成四组,有四个角色:城市老鼠、乡下老鼠、大花猫、旁白。我和TINA、LILY1、DANG一组,我演乡下老鼠,TINA滨城市老鼠、LILY1演大花猫,DANG读旁白。   开始表演了,TINA假装坐着公交车来到乡下,我友好地打招呼,我们来到城市,我很惊讶,开心。我们表演得声情并茂,有时还加上小动作。4个小组表演完后,老师还说我们小组表演得最出色。   这个故事很有意思,同时我们表演得也很棒哦! 四年级英语作文7   嗨!大家好,今天我为你介绍一个英语家族吧!她们是四个怪ka,也是我的老师,她们是四个精通英语的女子,也是名副其实的宅女......   她们是阳光飞扬的老师,却都是亲戚。其中一位穿着北袋裤,一头男士短发,还是一名眼镜先生,简直是游戏中的玛丽奥。她的表姐是我的英语老师,一头乌黑发亮的长发已及腰,苗条如鱼的身材只能说貌若天仙......最后两位登场的是“彩”和“蓉”!她们的外表已无法用语言描述,可她们的外语可是一流的,千万不要把外国人和她们弄混了!   她们有一个共同的小家。一次,我去她们家做客。一进门,映入眼帘的是一个黑白相间茶几,茶几旁挤挤歪歪摆着两座沙发,再加上一台鞋柜和几个小凳子,这就足够让她们的客厅很充实。再往里走,向右转,是一间和客厅一般大的卫生间,甚至比客厅还装修的豪华!接着便是一条狭窄的走廊,一旁是厨房.....经过一段“曲折”的路终于到达目的地-----一张柔软的双人床,两旁分别有一个床头柜,堆积的全是书籍。阳台上铺着被子,还有一个卡通靠枕,阳光透过玻璃,洒在我们幸福的笑脸上,真是惬意极了!   我的这四位姐姐都是二十多岁的妙龄少女,每天一起逛街、谈心......我想正是这种力量让她们互相激励、拼搏到现在。我爱她们——丹、彩、洁、蓉! 四年级英语作文8 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:   大家好!我今天走上讲台参加竞选英语代表职务,我相信凭着我的勇气我一定可以的,因为我已经下了这个决心勇于拼搏的决心,这次演讲可能也就是下次就职演说。   我叫孟家玥,是一个有耐心的学生,这里的耐心是指有一次文哲在训练老师给我吩咐我一个任务让我给他们说一下作业。文哲突然让我给想起了一个事情,让我去帮她值班我就去了我一直等到六点半我才走了,这就是我比较有耐心的学生,对于我来说英语这方面我比我们班里的每一个人都了解,我还知道在国际音标里的元音有多少个,辅音有多少个……这些我都已经会背了。假如这次我竞选英语课代表竞选成功的话,我都会用一颗平常的心,温柔的心来对待。有了“宽容之心”,我才使胸怀宽广,虚怀若谷,虚心接受同学的意见乐于帮助他人,只有把英语搞好这才是最关键的。如果我这次竞选能成功的话我一定要把我以前坏的毛病去改一改,无论竞选成功还是没有成功我都会去改的。我要给同学们做一个好的榜样。   对待英语课上的说话,跑坐位。我又该如何做呢?首先,我认为上英语课必须要做到每个人管好自己,这是大关键,我觉得我制定的实施方案是可以的。 也许有时候我的胆子可能小了点,但是我相信有了同学们对我的信任,我一定会改掉自己的缺点,从而完善我以前的面目。   希望大家支持我! 四年级英语作文9   今天我要给大家介绍一位新老师,在五年级这一学期里她将担任我们的英语老师。   他很年轻,23岁。他的名字非常潇洒——邴超。长着一头棕色的长发。一双葡萄似会说话水灵灵的大眼睛。一张樱桃嘴,一双灵巧的手。一身打扮非常漂亮,像动画片中我们我们喜欢的花仙子,可以用 美不胜收来形容。   我还记得他给我们上的第一节课时的样子。“大家好!我叫邴超,以后大家叫我miss邴就可以了”她那清脆的声音让我更喜欢她了。还记得一次,他给我们上课就觉得跟玩差不多,不仅风趣幽默,还让 我们学得更快更好。他让我们学会本节课的知识。用金太阳动画式来教我们,还给我门看了他在美国时的照片并讲解给我们听,大家都听入迷了。就连我们班最不爱听讲的小凡这节课都听的入神了。   Miss邴还利用自己休息的时间来给我补习英语。因此我从心里感激他。我以后上课一定要好好学习,老这么辛苦的给我补习,又时很忙都不能给我补又是在我补习时她都忙得不可开交还有他有时身体不 舒服还坚持给我补课,我千万不能把英语给落下了所以我要用好成绩来回报老师对我的关爱!我真想在这对您说声:“谢谢您!Miss邴!您辛苦了!我爱您miss邴!你对我付出了这么多,我到现在还没 有回报您,真是对不起了!还有我真想有一个这样的好姐姐。   我爱您!邴老师! 四年级英语作文10   12月25日,我蹦蹦跳跳地走进教室。   第一项游戏开始了。只见老师在屏幕上显示出一张杂乱无章的字母表,说:“请你们把下列单词找出来,看看谁的眼睛最雪亮。我可是有礼物奖励哦。”我一看单词、顿时昏倒。Candy、ChristmasEve、England…都是些高难度的单词,再看看这巨大的单词表,让人眼花缭乱。过了一会儿,Bruse灵机一动,找到了一个Candy,就像一下子找到了我们大脑的钥匙,一“波”七嘴八舌的噪音向老师涌来。   还没等我们把礼物放入口袋,老师又宣布新的节目开始了。Una拿出三张单词表,她想干什么呢?原来,这是“我爱记单词”环节了。老师把我们分成三个小组,每组派出一位代表,轮流看单词表,每次10秒,共看三回,等所有代表都看好了,开始抢答,看哪位代表记住的单词最多就能为自已小组的小朋友赢取礼物。我第一个出马,可是拿到单词,顿时让我哭笑不得。笑的是因为单词量非常少,哭的是单词也实在太长了点。比如Boxingday、santaclues、ChristimasTree…由于紧张,我一个也没记住。接下来,幸好我们组的Rockit大显神威,一共记住了6个单词,才把我的损失弥补回来。 四年级英语作文11   My father is a nice man.He likes to play computer games.He is an owner of a factory which produces many things .He is good at designing.He works very hard.I love him very much because, sometimes,I can help him to do something in his factory .He is always on business trips because he has his business everywhere so it takes up too much of his time .   Therefore, he doesn"t have any time to play with me but I don"t blame him for that.I often spend a lot of my time on the computer,so I have something to do.My mother is usually on the phone and tells my father to get home early but my father doesn"t listen to her.So my mother and I sometimes are upset and I don"t like my father in a sense that he always gets home late.   I love my father but not his job! 四年级英语作文12   我们换了一位英俊潇洒的英语老师,帅气的他,个头中等,身材匀称,健康的皮肤,乌黑亮丽的短发,非常有形,高高的鼻梁上架着一副眼镜,可能是因为时间戴久了,已压出了一道深深印子,他看上去斯斯文文的,很有学问,他就是我们的英语老师——何云先生。   他上课风趣幽默,常把同学们逗得开怀大笑。记得有一次上英语课,他先让我们看着书拼读英语单词,我们拼的都很认真,然后他用同学们最感兴趣的开火车的方式,让我们不看书拼单词,大家一下子来了兴趣,纷纷举起了小手。第一个同学李天宇站起来虽然说的不是很流利,但老师还是伸出了鼓励的大拇指,大声的说了声:“棒”!又一位同学站起来响亮而流利的拼出了单词,老师亲切的拍了拍他得肩膀说:“酷毙了!”逗得同学们哈哈大笑。每次上课何老师总能把课堂气氛带动的非常活跃,同学们都能聚精会神的听课,不由得被他这风趣幽默的上课方式给深深地吸引。风趣的他,有时也很厉害哦,对我们的书写要求总是一丝不苟,必须达到工整、漂亮。该背的课文和该默写的单词一定要会背诵,达到会默写,不然绝不会手软,所以我们从不敢抱着侥幸心理,总是老实、认真的去完成。   我喜欢风趣幽默又不失严格的何老师,我想你们也一定和我一样,让我们爱上英语!爱上何老师吧! 四年级英语作文13   I have a good sister. She has short hair, small eyes, big ears and a big nose. Shes quiet and cute. She speaks Chinese well. She likes music and painting. Can you guess whats her name?   我有一个好姐姐。她有短头发,小眼睛,大耳朵,一个大鼻子。她很安静和可爱。她说中国好。她喜欢音乐和绘画。你能猜出她叫什么名字吗?   小学四年级英语作文 :我的狗狗(My Dog)   I have a dog. Its name is Doggy. I like it.   Doggy has two big eyes, two small ears, a big nose and a small mouth. Its black and white. It has a short tail. Its cute and lovely.   Doggy is strong. It likes bones, rice and meat very much. My dog is lazy. It can catch a ball. I love my dog very much.   我有一只狗。它的名字叫狗狗。我喜欢它。   狗狗有两只大大的眼睛,两只小小的耳朵,一个大鼻子和小嘴巴。它是黑色和白色。它有一个短尾巴。它很可爱和可爱。   狗是强大的。它喜欢骨头,米饭和肉。我的狗很懒。它可以接球。我非常爱我的狗。 四年级英语作文14   我喜欢我的英语老师,我们都叫她张老师,她既是我们的英语老师,又是我们的电脑老师。张老师不胖不瘦,身材特别好,一张瓜子脸,乌黑光亮的头发下面有一对月牙般的眉毛,眉毛下有一对动人的慧眼,似乎能看透我们的心思,她的鼻子高高的,她说话字正腔圆。一笑起来,两边便会有一个迷人的酒窝,她的耳朵也很灵,仿佛掉下一根针,她都能听到。架在鼻子上的一副眼镜给她增添了一分严肃。   她上课时很会用一些英文单词,句子等,让我们在哄堂大笑中明白了许多英语句子的意思,她还教会我们一些四年级课本上还没有出现的句子。   有一次,正在上英语课的时候,张老师说要找几个演员上台表演,当然我也被老师给挑上去了,但是,她们第一个说出来形容我的英文句子竟然是she"sverytall用中文表达就是她非常高。顿时,全班乱成一锅粥,都在哈哈大笑,老师也笑了,但过了大约1分钟左右,老师不笑了,表情开始严肃起来。但同学们还在笑,老师拿起棍子在讲桌上恶狠狠的敲了两下。一听这声音,哎呀!完啦!老师发火了,我心想。全班立刻恢复了往常上课的平静。我们被老师狠狠的吵了一顿。   通过这件事以后,我们班以后不管是上英语课,还是上信息课,除了三四个个别同学以外,其他的都很认真地听老师讲课。   这就是我们的英语和信息课老师——张老师,难道你觉得这样的英语老师不值得我尊敬吗? 四年级英语作文15   上三年级的时候,在第一次英语课上,一位年轻的女老师向我们作了自我介绍,她姓王,英文名叫Candy,是我们的英语老师。   王老师和蔼可亲、温柔大方。她上课时大多面带笑容,只有当我们都答错问题的时候,才会显示出生气的样子,下课后又是笑容满面。我非常喜欢这种乐观的风格,热情的态度,它让我觉得师生之间没有距离感,老师就像大姐姐一样。从第一节课开始,我就喜欢上了Candy老师,也喜欢上了英语。   Candy老师的课讲得生动形象,丰富多彩。为了让我们学好英语,Candy用了很多方法。在学单词的时候,Candy经常利用谐音教我们记单词,比如把“home”理解为“家里有厚厚的母爱”;把“queen”理解为“女王因参与国家大事,很困”;把“hen”理解为“母鸡会下蛋,很厉害,所以读恨”……这些奇奇怪怪的解释经常让我们哄堂大笑,然而,正是在这个过程中,我记住了这些单词。   在教我们读课文的时候,在单词的发音和语句的顺序上,Candy经常故意出错,然后让我们纠正,如果回答正确,就会得到相应的奖励。为了能获奖,我经常主动回答问题,获得了很多小奖励,随着奖励的增多,我朗读和背诵英文的水平也在提高。   在课间休息的时候,为了缓解疲劳,劳逸结合,Candy经常引导我们玩游戏,自己也经常参与其中,和我们一起玩,走廊里经常响起一连串的笑声。   感谢您——Candy老师,您在教英语的同时,给我带来了很多的快乐,在我的心目中,您永远是一个好老师!
2023-06-07 11:19:311


  在生活、工作和学习中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是我帮大家整理的英语话题作文8篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英语话题作文 篇1   Which is more important, wealth or health? Different people have different opinions.   Some people prefer wealth, holding that money can not bring everything, but without it, one can do nothing. In order to accumulate more money they can do anything. However, other people regard health as more important. Once health is lost, it is no use having a lot of money.   As far as I am concerned, I love wealth, but I value health more. Everybody wants to live a happy life. So they try their best to earn money which can ensure they lead a comfortable life, but if happiness and comfort are achieved at the cost of their health, how can they be happy? Without health money becomes meaningless.   In my opinion, no one agrees that a wealthy person without good health can be happy. So, just do our best to keep healthy.   Today is a special day for me. I graduate from middle school. Yesterday, I attended the high school entrance exam and I think I did very well in the exam. I am sure I can be admitted by the best senior school in my city. This morning, a big graduation ceremony is held in my school. All graduates and our teachers attend to it.   Our president makes a speech in the ceremony, wishing us a good future and hoping us to come back school often. After the ceremony, we go back to our classroom to spend the last time together. We are reluctant to each other. I hope we can keep our relationship forever. 英语话题作文 篇2   Ideals   Everyone has his ideals. A businessman wishes to make greater profit; a farmer expects plumper harvests; a student tries to learn more and better. And   However, one should be sensible about whether his ideal is well founded or not. If it is, one has to plan and work hard for its realization. Effort, skill and persistence are all necessary. And very often, one has to get help from others, including advice and support in one form or another.   My ideal is to become a doctor. It is said that the field of medicine is a well-paid profession, but I take it as a lofty profession entrusted with saving peoples lives. To realize my ideal I have concentrated on laboratory work to develop the analytical skills necessary to become a qualified doctor. Im sure I will realize my ideal if I keep on striving for it.   译文赏析:   理想   人人都有理想。商人的理想是赚取更大的利润;农民希望获得更大 的丰收;学生则争取学得更多、更好。每个人都为实现理想多多少少付 出了努力。 英语话题作文 篇3   假定你是李华,你发现生活中会有各种各样的流言(rumors)。对于流言,有些中学生不知道应该如何对待。请你就此问题用英文给报社编辑写一封信,谈谈你对该问题的看法。    内容主要包括:   1.生活中存在着各种各样的流言;   2.流言的危害(影响心情,造成伤害);   3.如何对待流言(无视流言,与传播者交流或不要轻易相信它)。   注意:   1.词数100左右;   2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;   3.信的开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数。   Dear editor,   As we all know, there are many kinds of rumors in our daily life. Some of them not only make us feel disturbed but also cause great damage to us.   When we face rumors, I think at first we should ignore them. Rumors will come to an end quickly if we don"t pay much attention to them. In addition, we can communicate with the people who spread the rumors in order to make them realize the harm of the rumors. Last but not least, please remember that rumors will have no effect on our life if we don"t believe them easily.   Yours   LiHua    【参考译文】   亲爱的编辑,   众所周知,日常生活中有各种各样的谣言。他们中的一些人不仅使我们感到不安,而且给我们造成了巨大的伤害。   当我们面对谣言时,我认为首先我们应该忽视他们。如果我们不重视谣言,谣言很快就会告一个底。此外,我们还可以与传播谣言的人交流,以使他们意识到谣言的危害。最后但并非最不重要的,请记住,谣言将不会影响我们的生活,如果我们不相信他们很容易。   你的   李华 英语话题作文 篇4   Heloo! Every! I have a good friend. His name is Sam. He is my best friend. he is a student. He kikes to listen to music. He can play the guitar. And he is good at speaking English. He likes pandas, because they are kind of cute.He gets up at 6:30.It"s so easy. Then he eats breakfast. He goes to school by bike. In the morning, he often plays sports. In the afternoon he sometimes plays basketball for half on hour. He is very tall and strong. He often help me, so I thank him very much. 英语话题作文 篇5    一、英语话题作文写作的四大要素   1.点睛的结尾   俗话说,“编筐编篓,全在收口”,最后一段在整篇文章中也是占有举足轻重的位置。在英语话题作文的结尾段不能有拖泥带水的现象,要确实的表明作者的观点,并提出较为深远的深刻含义,最好是能够提出个人的见解,并给读者以启发,引发读者和评卷人的深思。此段的写作还对学生的总结及概括能力进行考核,争取用最简练的语句来表达清楚自己的观点和见解,最好还可以运用到实际的例子进行阐释和分析,这样更具有说服力,也更能使阅读者产生共鸣。   2.漂亮的句式   一篇优秀的英语话题作文文章,不仅要有新颖的主题思想、清晰的文章结构,与此同时,还要有漂亮的句式作为点缀和修饰。漂亮句式的运用不仅可以增加文章的结构感,还可以使文章具有可读性,这就要求同学们在日常的英语学习中勤加练习、提高文笔、熟练的造句。首先,在文章中要运用多个句型,随时的变换句式,给阅读人以新鲜感,这样作文的句子也增添了许多色彩;其次,使学生更加熟练的掌握各种句式的运用,在简单句式的基础上,使用一些定语从句、强调句以及倒装句来提高整篇作文的水平,使自己的文章更上一个档次,更具有可读性;再者,还可以在写作过程中多采用谚语以及名人名言等句子,这样即可以增加文章的逻辑性,又可以梳理段落之间的顺序主次。    二、创新教学模式   1.增加师生之间的交流   从教学角度来讲,活跃的课堂气氛是学生学习效率的至关因素,增加课堂中的师生交流是创新教学的新模式。以教师为主体,学生也为主体,以师生互动的方式进行主动的交流和学习,这样可以缓解学生紧张的情绪。在课堂中,教师组织学生进行话题作文的分析,引领学生主动的参与到情景教学中来,充分的发挥想象力,结合实际的应用和热点话题,进行交流和学习。促进全体师生学习和讨论的意识,在思考中得到提升和发展。互动教学是师生交往的一个平台,教和学要均衡发展。   2.小组之间的互相学习   教师在课堂教学中可以采用分组的教学学习方法,充分发挥小组学习的优势,这样不仅可以更容易的集中学生的注意力,还可以活跃课堂的气氛,减少学生的紧张心理。教师在授课过程中提出一个话题,让同学们以小组为单位进行讨论,分析话题作文之后,每个小组选出代表将分析的结果进行讲诉,最后由教师进行总结和点评。在不断的讨论中师生共同进步和学习。随着英语这一语种的不断发展,越来越多的人重视学习英语的重要性,随之而来的是对英语写作水平的不断提升。英语的作文水平可以反映出个人的英语整体水平,而其中的话题作文写作更是考验学生的创新思维和应变能力,其写作水平不是一朝一夕就能够得到提高的,它需要长时间的积累和学习,同学们通过阅读大量的优秀的文章,进行临摹和分析,积累经典的句式和句型,在不同的话题作文写作中运用到,为自己的作文增添色彩。    三、结语   综上所述,通过以上的分析和策略,为我国学生的"话题写作水平提供了参考和依据,同时也为我国的英语教学事业提供了发展的方向。 英语话题作文 篇6   l have a best friend.her name is tina.we have many difference and similarities.she likes to do the same things as me.and she can make me laugh.but she is less more outgoing than me.she is very quiet.however,we both like reading.and do well in english.but she is smarter than me and l work harder than her.   l think friends are like books-you don`t need a lot of them as long as they are good. 英语话题作文 篇7   Our beautiful earth is only one, is also the only one. If you don"t cherish, in the end, the only regret. But now, people regardless of the image, the damage to the environment.   In the street, always see someone to walk less, will their garbage on the ground, this kind of behavior is damage to the environment, and not beautiful. Although there is a punishment, but has no effect. In the end, only the cleaner to clean up the mess. That if be in their own homes, garbage, flies are flying everywhere, do you feel better? That if no cleaner in the world, if so do you dare to imagine? Looking at people such behavior, the earth mother cry. Let"s ensure that their hand, whether in where, what time, please send their garbage home.   There is a bad behavior, and that is the grass. Every time after school, some children for fun, always likes to play football on the grass. When your foot jump on it, when enjoying the care of the earth, you can know it in complains to heaven. The grass also hurts, it just didn"t express. Dew on the grass face every morning there will be some, and the dew like their tears. The grass also have feelings, when it is happy, it will be a purposeful, enjoy the warmth of sunshine, the breeze bath; When it cry, it will be bent her waist; When it is complained that their is a humble grass, it dead. Let"s ensure that their feet, don"t trample on the lawn. Use action to soothe the soul of the dead, renewed the miracle of life.   Have you seen? Dozens of people saw an axe in hand, they are going to cut down trees. When forests there saw, with the trees fall. When there is a tornado and sandstorms, no trees to shelter from the rain. Then there is no regret medicine to eat. Without trees, also become no longer pure and fresh air. When you"re cold, you go to pick up trees make a fire, it is the warmth of your sacrifices for a tree. Some trees grow hundreds or even thousands of years, is a humble axe ended its long life. What a strong tree, I do not know the moment when it fell, it think about? How hardy tree, can eventually escapes according to the bad luck.   Friends, protect our environment, is to protect our earth. Cherish our only the earth, is to cherish our life. When a rainbow sky, means that garbage to go home, the grass smiles, uncle grandpa happy, our earth mother without crying.   参考翻译:   我们美丽的地球只有一个,也是唯一的一个。如果不好好珍惜,到头来,只有后悔。可现在,总有人不顾形象,在破坏环境。   在街上,总会看见有人为了少走几步路,将自己手中的垃圾随意扔在地上,这种行为既破坏环境,又不美观。虽然有惩罚,但一直以来并没有什么成效。到最后,只有清洁工来收拾残局。那假如是在自己的家里,到处都是垃圾、苍蝇还满天飞,你自己好过吗?那假如世界上没有清洁工,要是这样下去你敢想象吗?看着人们这样的行为,地球妈妈哭泣了。让我们管好自己的手,不管是在什么地方,什么时间,请将自己手中的垃圾送回家。   还有一种不好的行为,那就是践踏草坪。每当放学,有些孩子为了开心,总喜欢在草地上踢足球。当你的脚踏在上面蹦蹦跳跳的时候,享受大地关怀的时候,你可知道它在埋怨上天。小草也会疼,它只不过没有表达出来而已。每天早上小草脸上会有一些露珠,而这些露珠就像是它们的眼泪。小草也有感情,当它快乐的时候,它会挺直腰,享受阳光的温暖,微风的沐浴;当它哭泣的时候,它会弯下自己的腰;当它埋怨自己是颗不起眼的小草时,它已死去。让我们管好自己的脚,别再践踏草坪。用行动安抚已死去的灵魂,再度点燃生命的奇迹。   你看见过吗?几十个人的手里拿着电锯斧头,他们是要去砍伐树木。当森林出现电锯声时,将伴随着一棵棵树的倒下。当出现龙卷风和沙尘暴时,再也没有树木来挡风遮雨。到时再也没有后悔药可吃。没有了树,空气也变得不再清新。当你冷的时候,你去捡树木生火,可你的温暖却是牺牲一棵树换来的。有些树木生长了几百年甚至几千年,可就一把不起眼的斧头结束了它漫长的生命。多么坚强的树,不知当它倒下的那一瞬间,它想到了什么?多么顽强的树,可最终还是逃不过厄运的毒手。   朋友们,保护我们的环境,就是保护我们的地球。珍惜我们唯一的地球,就是珍惜我们的生命。当天空出现彩虹时,就说明垃圾回家了,小草笑了,大叔爷爷乐了,我们的地球妈妈没有在哭泣了。 英语话题作文 篇8    Sample 1 : My hobbies 个人爱好   I have a lot of hobbies as same as others, for example: I like making friends and doing exercises as well as learning English, and so on. I think my hobbies are important not only for my study but also my life.   By making friends, we can know more people and groups outside world, just like a song says that “ you will walk more smoothly if you have more friends”.   Everyone knows that doing exercises is good for our health, and keep ourselves young and healthy, it will make us successful in our study.   Learning English is a good hobby as well, we could make more foreign friends and learn western cultures, it will open our minds in the coming future.   I am glad that I have such good hobbies, I will keep this forever.    Sample 2 : My best friend 最好的朋友   Maybe you would like to ask me “who is your best friend?” I can tell you the answer is Jack.   Jack used to be hard_working and interested in every subject we learn at school. He is good at Chinese and English. He is friendly and he makes many foreign friends. Meanwhile he gets on well with this classmates and friends. Jack likes dancing , and drawing as well. His work has won prizes for several times. We help each other not only in the study but also in our life.   It is possible that we are going to different schools in a few months , wherever we go, I believe/am sure Jack will be my best friend forever.    Sample 3 :Advice on following traffic rules 遵守交通规则   It is very important for us to know about the traffic rules. Everyone knows that red light means ‘stop" and you are not allowed to go. You can walk across the road safely when green light is on. One more thing is yellow light. Some people always forget it. Usually when the green light off, yellow light will be on, please be careful because red light will be on in a few seconds. So you must wait for a while patiently.   Here are some useful suggestions for following traffic rules. Firstly, we should follow the traffic lights and cannot break the traffic rules. Secondly, we had better remember the principle “slowly, look left and right side, go across finally”. Last but not least, (最后一条也是最重要的一条)do not forget that it is rather dangerous to play on the street. If everybody follows the traffic rules we will have a happy life in the future.    Sample 4:A letter on lending money 英文书信(借钱)   Hi! Alice ,   I"m glad to hear from you. Yes, just like you, sometimes I have the same problem. I think if she really needs the money. You had better lend it to her. You don"t need to worry too much about it. Maybe she will pay you back when she has money. You just think, If you don"t lend her the money ,I"m afraid(that)you may lose this friend.   I believe everyone may have trouble in life and we should help each other. So when my friends need money, we should try to help them. Maybe we will get it back, or maybe we won"t. Sometimes making friends means you may get more on one hand and less on the other hand.   I hope it can help you.   Yours,   Liu Ming    Sample 5:A letter on talking bus service in Beijing 英文书信(北京公共交通)   Dear Tony,   I am glad to know your grandpa is coming to Beijing.   Yes, your grandpa is right. The bus service in Beijing is really good now. There are more than 900 bus lines all over Beijing and bus can even take you to some small villages. Besides, special(yellow) seats are provided on buses. People do not have to spend a long time waiting for a bus and the tickets are very cheap.   I like taking a bus because I think it is comfortable and also good for our environment. So it is a good choice for your grandpa to travel by bus inBeijing.   If you have more questions, please ask me.   Yours,   Liu Jing    Sample6 : Pollution around us(保护环境)   In recent years our life is becoming better and better.   But our environment is becoming worse and worse. It"s very bad for our life. Now many people have air_conditioners and cars, they produce (give off ) waste gas. More and more trees are being cut down. There are so much sand on the earth (leaving only sand ) . We often s
2023-06-07 11:19:401


  无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是我整理的英语话题作文8篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英语话题作文 篇1   1. Traffic laws are of little use if drivers simply ignore them and law enforcement departments fail to adopt effective enforcement programs .   如果司机完全无视交通法,法律实施部门不能采取有效的实施程序,交通法就没有一点儿作用。   2. Agricultural modernization cannot be achieved unless the government substantially increases funding ; farmers accept advanced agronomic techniques ; and consumers engaged in a concerted effort to reduce unnecessary and exorbitant waste .   除非政府大幅度地增加投资;农民接受高级的农业技术;消费者共同努力减少不必要的过度的浪费,农业现代化就不能实现。   3. Effective flood control is not only necessary , but is also essential for protecting the lives of millions of Chinese citizens .   有效地控制洪水不仅是必要的,而且对保护数百万中国公民的生命来说是必不可少的。   4. Simple expressions of indignation are no substitute for meaningful actions to right a wrong .   仅仅表示愤慨不能取代改正错误的有意义的行动。   5. Even modest increases in education allocations are better than none .   甚至对教育拨款的适度增加都比不增加好。 英语话题作文 篇2   高考英语话题作文:有关“信心与希望”   例:1、生活中困难不可避免,面对困难需要信心…   2、试举一例说明信心在学习(考试、生活等)方面的作用…   3、你对困难的态度…   It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties. When we are faced with them, nothing is more important than hope and self-confidence. With confidence, we can find sometimes the question is not as “huge”as we imagine.   Take most of us for example, the entrance exam to college seems to be a horrible monster. Accordingly, some people give up, some persist. In my eyes, with confidence, right assessment of the difficulties, as well as full preparation, try and exert your strength, and then we will overcome all problems and challenges. On the whole, I believe we youngsters should face the difficulties in right manner. And nothing is impossible, brave it out and just do it! 英语话题作文 篇3   按系统论的观点,外语教学是一个系统,写作教学是其中的一个子系统,与听、说、读等教学共同构成一个科学的大系统,它是由英语词汇、语法、主题及其写作手法等互相依赖、互相作用的诸要素组成的有机整体。在小学阶段,大部分老师都非常注重学生的听、说和阅读能力的培养和训练,往往忽视了写作能力的训练,认为这是中学的要求,或者是因为觉得写作教学难,教师批改学生作文也难,因此一般对阅读理解较重视,而对写的重要性认识不足,忽视学生写的能力培养。我认为英语写作能唤起学生对所学或所掌握的语言的感觉;其次,每一次单元测试和期末考试,写作(写话)也占了一定的比例。因此,在小学高年级,英语的写作训练与听、说、读的训练同等重要。   一、小学英语话题写作的概念   小学高年级的英语写作是指学生能在教师指导下,围绕一个主题自觉运用所学的单词、句型起草一篇短小的习作或一两段话,初步能注意英汉的差异,能使用正确的英语表达法。   二、英语写作教学的目的   1、提高学生综合运用语言的能力;   2、发展学生从口头表达转向书面表达的能力;   3、让学生主动地整合所学的语法、句型等知识点,把它们变成一个有机的整体。   三、英语写作的常用模式   1、填空式写法   英语语音教学强调模仿,但英语写作教学却忽视模仿的作用。写作起步阶段可多进行摹仿写。填空式写作是保留文章或对话的主干,适当地调换内容让学生换上其它人、事和物进行填空。其优点是既降低写作难度,激发学生写作兴趣,又可加深对课文的理解,特别是新旧单词的综合运用;缺点是学生有可能忽视语法、时态问题,在培养学生创造力方面有欠缺。通常可以在每学完一篇课文或对话后,让学生进行填空写作。   2、仿例写法   学完一个完整的单元,为了帮助学生系统归纳、整理语言知识点,教师根据本   单元的教学要点,围绕一个人、一件事或一个动物写一篇短文,要求学生注意模仿例文的时态和语态仿写。通过仿写训练,能引起学生对英语时态和语态的重视。例如一般现在时主语是第三人称单数,动词加“s”或“es”,这是学习的难点。我让学生先写一写自己一天的生活,然后调查一个朋友或亲人一天的生活,模仿例文仿写。通过对比,使学生对同一时态不同人称动词的运用有了更深刻的理解,而不仅仅停留在记忆的层面上,也可免去老师重重复复的讲解和提醒。   3、启示式写法   前两种写法的缺点是局限较大,不能发挥学生创造力,习作不能体现学生个性。启示式写法是在学生有了一定习作基础和语感上,稍高层次的写作训练。师生共同围绕一个话题讨论写作内容,列出写作提纲,然后学生根据提纲自由发挥起草一段话。例如,师生围绕“zoo animals”这个话题进行讨论,得出可从“外形、能力、生活习性,来源国”等几方面进行描述。学生自由发挥,写出颇具个人特色小文章。此法的优点是既可体现学生个性,也避免学生跑题等现象的发生。   4、命题式写法   此写法给予学生更大创意空间,难度也更大。教师只给予题目或主题,学生通过启动自身知识体系的搜索引擎,自主地搜集相关资料进行写作。例如写“Seasons in Guangzhou”,学生仔细浏览我设计的相关网页,选取某一个季节中一两个感兴趣的主题来表述,如“气候、衣着、食物和活动”等等。选题要与学生生活密切相关,并能激起他们写作的欲望;切忌主题过大,会让学生无所适从或无从下手。   四、注重写作策略的指导   1、“联系”和“迁移”   在写作课“zoo animals”上,我让学生讨论这个主题可以涵括的内容,要求学生在已有的词汇、句型中进行分析,提取相关信息,再综合运用。实际上就是要求学生联系所学知识,是对学生分析综合能力的训练。这时候,学生认为这足以能指导完成写作了,他们的思维通常到这个阶段就停滞不前了。但教师还应该培养学生迁移的能力,即把这种思考方式迁移到其他内容的写作上去,做到举一反三。   2、注意英汉差异,正确使用英语表达法   许多学生写英文短文,都习惯用汉语去思考。结果写出来的句子,读起来很拗口,句意生硬,令人费解。其原因就在于学生不明白英汉两种语言表达上的差异。例如,汉语中没有时态和语态的复杂变化,只借助于助词“着,了,过”;而英语则有复杂的时态和语态变化。再如,英语中名词分(1)可数名词———单数名词———复数名词--规则名词复数的变化;不规则名词复数的变化(2)不可数名词:water furniture , advice (3)名词单复数相同:sheep , deer , fish (4)既能可数又不可数的名词:hair , wood , pa?鄄per , rain , sand 。动词短语,介词短语等一些固定搭配,动词与其主语的一致,称谓的.一致,等等。这些差异只要通过不断的积累和运用,才能逐步达到恰到好处。英语写作才能更规范,更标准,更符合英美人的表达习惯。   3、充分利用小组合作学习的力量。   通过小组成员相互鉴赏阅读,学会欣赏和借鉴别人的好词好句。   五、培养自改作文的能力,发挥学生主动性   我们总碰到这种现象:学生写完作文不经修改就交给老师,对老师形成依赖心理。在写作的初级阶段,可采取师生共同改一篇习作,指出学生普遍性错误,提醒学生注意;鼓励学生同一个意思用不同的表达方式。我认为修改阶段是反馈机制下的一个开放性过程,是通过师生信息互动,使学生的作文逐步完善的过程。采取反馈和同伴间互相阅读作文的方法,也可以形成一种语言意识。学生既是作者又是读者,他们通过批评性地阅读别人的作文,可以学到更多的写作知识和技巧;他们时刻留心语法及用词错误,写作时开始想到的是读者(而非教师)。学生作文经教师批改后,修订工作是通过个人作业和小组活动相结合进行的。这种做法能使学生学得更深、更广、更活,还能培养学生总结归纳的能力。   总之,学生英语写作能力在教师有计划的组织、有序的训练和耐心帮助、正确引导下,通过学生自主、积极密切的配合是能够得以逐步提高的。 英语话题作文 篇4   Our society worships talent, and many people assume that possessing superior intelligence or ability—along with confidence in that ability—is a recipe for learning language very well.   The students who held a fixed mind-set, however, were concerned about looking smart with little regard for learning. They had negative views of effort, believing that having to work hard at something was a sign of low ability. They thought that a person with talent or intelligence did not need to work hard to do well. they have talent ,so they learn language faster and better .   In my opinion, a man who has talent for learning language can learn better and faster if he pay attention to the leatning for language.It can make a very importent role.it is important of learn. 英语话题作文 篇5   如果今年6月份再出一个新的题型,我们也就只能依靠同学们自己在考场上的发挥来获得高分了,接下来我们讲第二个专题,那就是进行话题的分类,不管它以何种形式考察那么它都会携带一个话题,这些话题包括了社会的各个现象各个层面,那么我们对这些现象和层面有一个了解之后,在考试的时候可能会更加胸有成竹或者说是更有准备,写起来也更加富有信心。   首先我们把这个话题分成了十个角度,分成了十个方向。   角度十:永恒话题   最后一个叫做永恒话题,永恒话题讲的就是人生哲理个人价值观这样的话题,那么如果是给你这么一幅您看一下,这两个我们就直接给出答案了。   这幅图讲的是行动的重要性,如果你只会去看这一个自己喜欢的东西,而在那幻想不去行动是永远都得不到梦想的,所以这个可能就是要你去论述,人一定要积极地采取行动去获得成功。这种话题关于行动的重要性、乐趣、毅力、坚持、创新等等,就是我们说得永恒话题。   再来探讨一个健康和财富的话题,到底哪个更重要,或者说幸福的定义到底是什么等等,这种话题都是我们说得永恒话题,在写的时候我们只要论述话题的意义和积极性和重要性就可以了。不用去解释它的原因,也不用去分析它的根源,你只要说它对我们达成成功,或者说幸福美满人生的好处就行了。 英语话题作文 篇6   l have a best friend.her name is tina.we have many difference and similarities.she likes to do the same things as me.and she can make me laugh.but she is less more outgoing than me.she is very quiet.however,we both like reading.and do well in english.but she is smarter than me and l work harder than her.   l think friends are like books-you don`t need a lot of them as long as they are good. 英语话题作文 篇7   第一段:Asis depicted by the picture, sb is doing sth/sth is happening, showing the importanceof environment. This picture shows the common phenomenon that environmentprotection is becoming increasingly urgent, suggesting the destructive effectshuman beings made on the ecological balance, which is very thought-provoking. (注意,第一段图画描述一定要短,如果只要你以“谈论某某事情”开头,那就在简单描述图画后立即谈论)   第二段:currently,with industry and economy developing rapidly, anincreasing number of people are paying little or no attention to therelationship between human beings and nature. A typical example is waterpollution. There is no denying in saying that, in order to develop industry,the number of various factories and plants is dramatically increasing, which,directly or indirectly, causes serious water waste and water pollution. (本段在分析污染的原因。大家务必学会举例,举例一定要举简单典型的例子,不可以详细描述,以免陷入太深而犯语法错误。)   第三段:It is high time that we took effective andefficient measures to solve the problem reflected by the picture. First andforemost, the administration should make legislations to punish those whopollute environment. Secondly, it is very critical to carry out thoselegislations. It is easier said than done. So carrying out is, to a largedegree, more important then thinking out. Last but not the least, to strengthenthe public awareness of environment protection is necessary. Only by doing so canwe find the way out for the problem of pollution. (本段在谈论解决措施。这一段有些长,大家可以摘抄其中的句子默写背诵)    框架总结(类型:现象+原因+措施):(非常重要)   第一段:Asis depicted by the picture, sb is doing sth/sth is happening, showing theimportance of ( ). This picture shows the common phenomenon that ( ) is becoming increasingly urgent, suggesting thedestructive effects of A on B, which is very thought-provoking.   第二段:currently,with industry and economy developing rapidly, anincreasing number of people are paying little or no attention to( ). A typical example is ( ). There is no denying in saying that, inorder to ( ), the number of ( ) is dramatically increasing, which,directly or indirectly, causes serious ( ).   第三段:It is high time that we took effective andefficient measures to solve the problem reflected by the picture. First andforemost, the 英语话题作文 篇8   Internet has become part of our life, people use computer everywhere, such as they keep in touch with their friends and family, they also use computer to do their work. There is no doubt that computer facilitate our life. But the problem also comes, as there is no clear and powerful laws to limite the act, some people attack others by the rude words. We also can read the rumors on the Internet, like the end of the world is coming. Such rumors bring negative sides to the society. As there is no rules can punish the person who spred the rumors, more and more people use the Internet to do the immoral acts. The celebrities are the main victims. In order to catch more people"s attention, some websites spread the untrue information about the celebrities, which annoys these public figures. Online rumors need to be limited.    【参考译文】   互联网已经成为我们生活的一部分,人们到处都在使用电脑,比如他们与朋友和家人保持联系,他们也用计算机来做他们的工作。毫无疑问,电脑方便了我们的生活。但问题也来了,由于没有明确和强有力的法律来限制行为,一些人通过粗鲁的话语来攻击别人。我们也可以从网络上看到谣言,比如世界末日即将来临。这样的谣言给社会带来消极的影响。因为没有规则可以惩罚传播谣言的人,越来越多的人利用互联网来做不道德的行为。名人是主要的受害者。为了吸引更多的人的关注,一些网站传播不真实的关于名人的信息,惹恼了这些公众人物。网上谣言需要是有限的。
2023-06-07 11:19:491


1. 用英语写一篇自我介绍的英语作文 1、Hello, everyone. My name is 。 I am .. years old. I am a middle school student. I am interested in spots. I can run fast. I go running or jogging almost every day. Swimming is my favorite sport. I can also play tabel tennis, but I can"t play tennis. I am kind and friendly. I am always ready to help others. I am good at English and Chinese. But my history is a bit weak. I will work hard on it. I hope I can be one of the top students in our school.I also like traveling very much. I have been to many places, such as, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqin and Dalian. But my favorite place is Beijing because it is the capital of China with a long history. When I grow up, I want to be a tour guid so that I can travel around the world and help lots of people to know more about the famous places2、Hellow,everyone!My name is XX.I study in XX middle school.Everyday,I have to work hard for my study,after all I am now a student and my duty is to learn more knowledge to get higher grades,especially in the eye of the teacher and my parents.Although I spend almost the whole day for my English,maths,Chinese,physics,chemtiy etc.,I still spare some time to do my hobbies.Everyday after the supper,I always play basketball with my clas *** ate.Our sweat makes us wet,but we feel happy and certainly we know that basketball makes us healthier and stronger.At night before going to sleep,I often talk about my ambition with my roommates. Despite the fact that I have no time for gaming,I still feel good cause hard-working makes me have a better future!。 2. 介绍我自己英语作文 Hello everybody! Here I stand to introduce myself to you. My name is***. I am a eleven-year-old girl with shoulder-length hair and alovely face. *** primary school is the place where I study. I am very thin but quite athletic and energetic actually. What"s more, I"ve got a good personality as I am always cheerful and confident. I have a positive attitude towards life even met with difficulties and critici *** . I interested in ***as well as***. Besides this, I am very keen on***.I like to make friends with other people and I would like to express and change my ideas through the munication. That"s all for it. Thank you all. 3. 【我要写一篇英语作文,应该怎么开头呢,HowdoIlearnEnglish】 How do yo learn english?Learning english can be a very difficult task for most people,this is because we dont live in a environment where we are forced to speak or write english.so i think the best way to learn english is by municating with others using the lagnguage itself and not just learn from the book.Im sure if you live in an environment such as a foreign country and were forced to speak and write english everyday then your english will imprve dramatically.Although we must agree that we need to read and write english from the book in order to get the foundations that we need for basic munication,this is essential but as i said,this is only a foundation,what you develop afterwards all depends on your ability to adapt to an environment and your courage.中文翻译:学习英语可以是一个非常艰巨的任务对大多数人来说,这是因为我们没有生活在一个环境下我们不得不说或写英文.所以,我认为最好的方式学习英语是沟通与他人使用语言本身,而不仅仅是学习这本书.进出口确保如果您的环境中生活,如国外,被迫说,写英语日常然后你的英语将成绩显着.虽然我们必须同意,我们需要阅读和书写英语的书籍,以便让基础,我们需要基本通信,这是必要的,但正如我所说,这只是一个基础,你的开发后,一切都取决于您的能够适应环境和你的勇气.你参考一下~。 4. 写英语作文,标题“自我介绍”用英文怎么写 To introduce myself(介绍我自己) Hello,every one!(大家好) My name is **** . (我叫****) I live in tI"m a 15 years old boy. (我是一个 15岁的男孩 )(具体情况自己改)he beautiful city of Rizhao.(我住在美丽的Rizhao城)(你可以把Rizhao改成自己家乡的城市的名称的拼音) I"m an active ,lovely and clever boy.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩) In the school , my favourite subject is maths . (在学校,我最喜欢数学) Perhaps someone thinks it"s difficult to study well .(也许有些人认为这很难学) But I like it.(但我喜欢他) I belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well.(我相信每件事付出努力就会有害结果) I also like sports very much.(我也很喜欢运动) Such as,running,volleyball and so on. (像跑步、排球等等) I"m kind-hearted.(我很热心) If you need help ,please e to me .(如果你需要帮助,就来找我) I hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友) OK.This is me .A sunny boy.(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩) 5. 英语小作文,题目:介绍我自己,这样的作文怎么写 Hello!My name is ( ).I"m ( )years old and I"m from( ).I have a happy family,there are three people in my family,my mother,my father and I.My favourite subject is( ).Because it"s interesting.And my favourite teacher is( ) teacher.I also like sports and I like basketbll best.。 6. 用英语写一篇自我介绍的作文大约30个字 Hi,, everyone ,may I introduce myself? I am a girl ,a kind-hearted girl,I think.I like English ,so I like studying English in class . I like making friends with others. I love you,my friends .That"s all ,thank you. 大家好。请允许自我介绍一下自己。我是一个女孩,我自认为是一个善良的女孩,我喜欢英语,因此在课堂上我喜欢学英语。我也喜欢交朋友。我爱你们,朋友。谢谢! 7. 求一篇英语作文的自我介绍~ 面试英语:自我介绍 A:Good morning. I"m Lydia Shen, the manager of the pany. What"s your name please? B:How do you do, Miss Shen. My name is Penny Zhao. And I"m ing for your advertisement for a trainee salesperson. A:How do you do, Penny? Well, for this job, we need people to work hard. Do you think you"re suitable for this kind of job? B:Oh, yes, I think so. A:Ok. Please talk something about yourself or introduce yourself. B:…… A:早上好。 我是Lydia Shen,这个公司的经理。你叫什么名字。 B:你好,沈小姐。我叫Penny。 我是来应聘见习推销员的。 A:你好,Penny。 对于这个工作,我们需要刻苦能干的人,你觉得你能适应这样的工作吗? B:恩,我想我能。 A:好吧。 那就说说你的情况吧,或者介绍一下自己。 B:…… 该介绍自己了,那么在面试中怎么做自我介绍呢?先来看一些背景知识: Background: 面试时需要做自我介绍,这个时候不要细致地谈自己的生活情况或者工作经验,而是要想方设法地让面试官对你有所了解,告诉他一些事情,这些事情应该使你在招聘过程中具有优势。 或许你想选取一些有人情味的故事讲给他听,但这么做,你要有把握与面试官的想法吻合。或者可以概述一下最近你干的工作和你正在申请的工作有什么联系,有怎样的帮助,以及你为什么要到这家公司工作等等。 特别值得提的是,要举例子,这样你的回答才更具真实性,更容易被接受,才能给对方留下深刻的印象。 或者当面试官让你做自我介绍的时候,你可以主动问一下对方想知道自己哪方面的情况,这样也便于你的回答更加有针对性。 但是这种做法的前提是你对面前的这个面试官有一定的把握,确信这样追问不会引起对方的反感才行。 有了这些背景知识,我们再掌握一些基本的单词和常用的句型来帮助我们理解对方的话和组织语言表达清楚自己的意思就足够了: Words & Expressions: part-time job: *** 工作 full-time: 全职 position / vacancy: 职位,空缺 manager: 经理 director: 主任 president: 董事长,总经理 General Manager: 总经理 saleperson: 推销员 engineer: 工程师 accountant: 会计 degree: 学位 introduce:(动词) 介绍 introduction: (名词)介绍 Let me introduce myself. / Let me do some introduction. 让我来介绍一下自己。 Which aspect do you want to know 埂肠囤段塬灯剁犬筏华about me? 或者 What do you want to know about myself? 您想知道我哪方面的情况?。 8. 写一篇关于自己的英语作文 My Chinese name is XU-XINYI, and my English name is Annie. I"m studying at hangzhou Yu-Cai Experimental school ,in Class 2,Grade 4. I like position ,and I have learned a Children-reporter training course .I also like sports ,such as table-tennis ,swimming and badminton . My favourite colors are yellow and pink . I enjoy travel ,and I have visited a lot of landscape places.For eg,Hainan ,Nanjing ,Qingdao 9. 给2019的自己写一封信英语作文 Write to yourself 10 years later (2019) Hi little stone When you see this letter, it is young (38), I was young (28 years old) you Are you happy now? Are you happy with your family? Are your parents in good health? Are they interesting?Over the past 10 years (09 years), now you still a programmer, holding a great ideal, looking at the systems *** yst tutorial , occasionally a few number of learning English, a weekend day, your life is what I really can not guess, maybe you want a programmer? Do advanced occupation, as a project manager or technical expert or architect of a class, how about your salary, I am now before 6.4K, what you say is also a times of me, or I am sorry I fight for you for so many years.Wife is now what? A woman? Haha, hand is so soft, *** all arm leg is still so tender? Or is not so good. Are you still in use of digital camera video recording function to record our life, the 320G mobile hard disk must have been filled with gone bad? Right. Who knows that when you have no interest in this. Oh ~ don"t fet ah.I don"t know if your work is busy or not. Anyway, you should put your family at the first place. I hope the parents, the wife and the children are all in good health In addition, do not have extramarital affairs, oh, this age you had better this one, Khan, you okay, you?Hey, for 10 years after their writing how are you feeling so awkward, feeling like to talk with an *** ah.写给10年后(2019)的自己 hi 小石 你看到这封信的时候,已经是青年(38)了吧,我是少年时(28岁)的你.你现在过的好吗? 家庭幸福吗? 爸妈的身体好吗? 小孩子有趣吗?10年过去了,现在(09年)的你还是一个程序员,抱着伟大的理想,每天看着,偶尔学习几下英语,数着周末过日子,你现在的生活是个啥样子我还真猜不出来,也许还是程序员?希望你能干点高级的职业,当个项目经理或者技术牛人或者架构师一类的,你的工资怎么样,我现在是税前6.4K,你怎么说也得是我的一倍了吧,不然都对不起我自己为你奋斗这么多年.老婆现在已经啥样子了?变成 *** 了?哈哈哈,手是否还是那么软,小胳膊小腿是否还是那么嫩?是不是还是那么乖. 你是不是还是在用数码相机的录像功能来记录咱们的生活,那个320G的移动硬盘坏了没?一定已经装满了吧.谁知道你这个时候还有没有这个兴趣. 唉~ 不要忘本阿.不知道你的工作忙不忙,无论如何要把家放在第一位,希望爸妈老婆孩的身体都好.小伙子好好努力,全家人都靠你呢.另外,不要搞婚外情哦,这个年代的你最好这一口了,汗,你还行吗你?哎,给10年后的自己写信感觉咋这么别扭呢,感觉跟和大人说话一样,哎呀呀.。
2023-06-07 11:19:571


in your letter of application,you will include the following information. 在你的求职信了,你将包括以下的信息。you name and department 你的名字和部门why you like english 你为什么喜欢英语your past experience with english and student activity organization 你过去的经验英语和学生活动的组织activities you would help to organize when you join the club 你工作将有助于组织当你加入这个俱乐部插入图片插入地图参考资料:匿名回答提交回答回答 共1条英文:Take a taxi from the airport, after library, reached the green street. Go straight along the street. See a bank, turn left. In the supermarket to get off. There a small supermarket next to the post office. Behind the post office is your house.中文:从机场打的士,经过图书馆,到达格林大街。沿着大街一直走。看见银行时,向左拐弯。在超级市场前下车。超级市场旁边有一家小邮局。邮局背后就是你家。 回答者: zs61156832 | 二级 | 2011-3-3 21:14转发到: Moster丶循环 一级我的提问 我的回答 积分商城(0)条消息等待处理今天你做任务了没?全部任务新手任务之回答篇 +20
2023-06-07 11:20:072


The value of Life is not related to how long it is. I totally understand after this event. After that day I decided to lived with no regrets. My doctor claimed that i am dying. I had a few months to live. That"s short but it"s enough. I will enjoy each day left. Honestly I had loved a girl for a long time. The first thing I decided to do is to tell her my feeling thought I cannot acpany her in the future. It"s disappointing. She refused me. But I have no time to be frustrated. I promised to live everyday good. I had not much saving. If i had I will leave it to my parents. But still I resigned my job. At that day I curse my boss with every curel words i know. I used the time to persue my dream being an artist. I don;t is a dying person more brave. I dare not to persue my dream yet I had had time. However I dare after i heard that news. it is sarcastic right? Anyway one man dying is more fancy. 参考: own Today is the worst day of my life because my doctor just told me that I only have a few months to live. However this is not the time to plain. I must change my way of living before it is too late. First of all I am going to make a list: spending more time with my family and friends doing munity services and achieving goals. I will be keeping record of what I am doing in the last stage of my life so I am going to buy a diary. Also I need to take more photos with my family and friends. That way even when I am gone they have something to remind them of. I must spend more time with my family and friends. They are the most important people in my life. Me and my family will be going on a vacation in Japan because I always wanted to go to Japan but we did not have the time and money. We are going to Disneyland in Tokyo and we will have lots and lots of fun. When we e back I will go out with my friends in the weekends and take a lot of photos. I will also be attending school and participate in any school activities. I love my family and friends. I want to do something for my munity within the little time I have got left. I will go regularly to nursing homes to help the elderly and people who are disabled. I can feed them assist them in activities that are hard for them and go out with them. This will help me to know more about the munity and that I am a very lucky person. I have such an awesome family and I have hands and legs so I can do whatever I want and whenever I want. The last thing I want to do is really special: I want to tell a person that I like them. Although they might not like me but at least they now know I like them. Nothing else matters because I am leaving soon. I do not want anyone to be sad about this especially people who love me and people I love. I hope I would not die in a few months but this is my destiny so I will just change my way of living to suit it. 参考: my own work
2023-06-07 11:20:251


  在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是我整理的英语话题作文5篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 英语话题作文 篇1   How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?! Too many times!They are well-meaning people, and they"d like to give away the food instead of wasting it by putting it in the dustbin. They"d maybe like to give the food to the needy or the poor, and there"s probably a few beggars just along the road if anyone was kind enough to go along and see if they are hungry.So why don"t they do it? Reason: Too many stupid rules!   Just as surely as there"s no pig bin anymore for food to be recycled as pork (because of various illconceived ideas about the health of pigs if they eat other people"s sunday lunches and leftovers), there"s no "well let"s give it to the beggars!".Apparently, beggars can in theory take the company to court if they are made ill by the food. Not that they are seriously going to be made ill by perfectly good food, and not that most beggars have the money to start a legal case. 英语话题作文 篇2    以"My Chinese Teacher"为标题写一篇字数为80-100之间的英语短文。提示内容如下:   1.孙老师今年36岁,中等身材。   2.她关心。热爱学生,工作认真负责。   3.她语文课讲得生动。有趣。   参考范文:   My Chinese Teacher   Of all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher,Ms Sun. Though she has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and love her very much.   Ms Sun is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.She works very hard. She is always the first to come and the last to leave her office. She tries to make her classes lively and interesting. And we enjoy her lessons very much.   Ms Sun is very kind and friendly to us. And we're getting on well with each other. But she is very strict with us in our studies.Ms Sun teaches us so well that we all enjoy learning Chinese. All the students think she is one of the most popular teachers in our school.    询问学习外语的建议   假设你叫李华,你的英国笔友Linda为了来中国参观奥运会而报名参加了汉语培训班学习汉语。她最近写信向你询问学习外语的建议。请根据下列提示和你学习英语的体会给Linda写一封回信。   注意:   1.回信需要包括全部要点;   2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;   3.字数60左右。   Dear Linda,   I"m very glad that you"ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language,but I have some ideas that may help.   ___________________________________________________________________________________________   Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China.   Yours,   Li Hua   参考范文:   Dear Linda,   I"m very glad that you"ll come toChinato watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help.   Firstly, it"s very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese. What"s more,you"d better plan your time well and study it regularly every day.   Above all, you should be confident in yourself and don"t give up whenever you meet with difficulty. I"m sure you will succeed through your hard work.   Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you inChina.   Yours,   Li Hua    The Ways for Students to Relax:适当方式放松自己   中学生学习时间长、压力大,专家建议学生每天课后应采取适当的方式放松自己。你代表班级在一次 "The Ways for Students to Relax"的学校座谈中与二(1)班的Terry讨论了这一话题,请根据他的观点和你自己的观点,用英语给你的外籍教师Mr. Griffin写一篇有关这次讨论的汇报材料。   His ideas & Your ideas   1. Watching TV …   2. Playing computer games …   3. Hanging out with friends …   注意:   1. 开头和结尾已经写好;   2. 可以适当增加谈论话题时经常用到的话语,使内容连贯   3. 所写内容必须包括上面表格中他的观点和你自己至少三个观点   4. 词数:70字左右。   Mr. Griffin,   Recently I have had a discussion about The Ways for Students to Relax with Terry, a student from Class One Grade Two.   __________________________________________________________   Yours,   Terry   参考范文:   Mr. Griffin,   Recently I have had a discussion about The Ways for Students to Relax with Terry, a student from Class One Grade Two.   As we study too long every day, every student should choose ways to relax. In his opinion, the best ways are watching TV and playing computer games. He also believes that sometimes hanging out with friends isn"t a bad way.   However, I"m not quite agree with him. In my opinion, watching TV or playing computer games is not a good way to help us relax. I think listening to music and playing sports are good ways because they can help us keep healthy. I often play Pingpong after class and I find it really helpful to both my health and my study. Besides, I think chatting with our friends isn"t a bad way. I think it can help me get on better with my friends.   That"s all and best wishes for you!   Yours,   Terry    Ellen看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待,感到特别高兴。为了鼓励大家学好英语,他准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。请 根据以下问题和答案的提示并结合你的实际情况,以"My English Learning"为题写一篇80词左右的`英文稿件,要求至少涉及其中的三个问题,并且不能出现你的真实姓名和校名等。   提示:   When did you start learning English(in … /…years ago)   How do you learn English(listen carefully, study with a group, read English every day…)   What is difficult to learn(listening, grammar…)   What other helpful ways do you know to learn English well(watch English movies, sing English songs…)   参考范文:   English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old.   But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes and watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot.   In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries.   I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.    对作弊现象的建议    目前,学生考试作弊现象严重,请围绕以下要点谈谈其中原因以及个人建议。 原因:1.考试太多太难 2.自身勤奋不够 3.把大量时间用在上网和玩游戏上 4.为了骗取家长和老师高兴   看法与建议:1、作弊有害;2、要做人诚实,学习发奋;3、学校应减少考试。 要求:1、字数80-100;2、围绕要点可适当发挥;3、文章开头已给出,不计入总字数。   At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit--cheating in examinations.   参考范文:   At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit - cheating in examinations.   There are three main reasons. First, schools have given students too many exams, some of which are too difficult. Second, some students are not   hard-working and they don"t work hard at their lessons. Third, they waste a lot of time playing games or surfing the Internet. So they haven"t enough time to prepare for the exams. Finally, students have to do so to make their teachers and parents happy.   In my opinion, cheating in exams does great harm to our study. We students should be honest and diligent, and only in this way can we improve our study and make progress. Besides, our teachers should offer us fewer exams and more time to study for ourselves. 英语话题作文 篇3   The summer holiday begins. I am very happy. Last week, I traveled to Zhuhai. It"s a small but beautiful city. The streets are clean and the buildings are huge. The traffic of Zhuhai is good. There is almost no traffic jams here,because the transportation system is good. Macau is on the opposite of Zhuhai.We can even see the cars running in the streets of Macau. I hope I can step into Macau to visti this magical city. 英语话题作文 篇4   周围的环境   1、(江苏南通)目前南通市正在积极创建全国文明城市,中学生也在为之努力。假如你是你是某中学的一名学生张通,请根据下列图表所示内容,给笔友John写一封电子邮件,介绍有关情况。   注意:1.邮件内容应包含所有要点,不要简单翻译,可适当发挥;   2.文中不得使用真实姓名、校名等信息;   3.词数90左右(邮件中已经写好了的部分,不计入总词数)。   4.参考词汇:civilized 文明的 respect 尊敬   Dear John,   I"m glad to hear from you. Now let me tell you something about our city. Nantong is trying to set up a national civilized city. We middle school students are also doing something for it.   Zhang Tong   参考答案:   Dear John,   I"m glad to hear from you. Now let me tell you something about our city. Nantong is trying to set up a national civilized city. We middle school students are also doing some things for it. We are all polite to our teachers. (In class, we listen careful to them./When we meet them, we always say hello to them./…)We also respect the old. For example, we help them cross the streets.   We are always ready to help each other.(When one has difficulty with his studies, others will help him at once./...)We often show our love to those in trouble. Last month, the students of my class donated money to the earthquake-hit areas.   Besides, we plant trees to protect the environment and make our city more beautiful.   Nantong is my hometown. I will do my best to turn Nantong into a civilized city.   Zhang Tong   2、假设你是李晓平,是黄冈中学的学生。请你围绕"建设和谐社会"的主题,根据下面所给出的提示,用英语给全省中学生写一封倡议书。   1.人与社会:祖国、家乡、学校,热爱关心;2.人与人:家人、师长、同学,诚信互助;3.人与自然:能源、环境、动植物,爱惜保护;4.你的态度:内容由考生自己拟定。   注意:1.词数100左右;2.倡议书的开头、结尾以及提示句已为你写好,不计入词数;3.内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。   Build a Harmonious Society   Dear fellow students,   Our government is going to build a "harmonious society". I think it is everyone"s duty to work hard to achieve this goal.As high school students, what should we do ?   First of all, we should love our motherland. Let"s take a great interest in the development of our hometowns and take an active part in our school"s activities.Secondly, let"s fill the world with love. We should show our respect for old people, our parents and our teachers. We should also care for each other and help those in need. Mostimportant of all, all of us must be faithful and honest in our daily life.Finally, let"s work together to save energy and protect our natural environment, including animals, trees, flowers and grass.   As for myself, I will study even harder and try my best to do all the above.Dear fellow students, let"s start right now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day,every hour, and every minute!   Li Xiaoping   From Huanggang High School   3、根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文。所给英文提示词语供选用。不能出现自己的真实姓名。   假设温哥华(Vancouver)的中学(Discovery Middle School)与你校是姊妹校,该校校刊"Discovery"将以"北京中学生与08奥运"为主题向你们征稿。你决定投稿,侧重介绍你的学校、你所在的社区或北京开展的促进"绿色奥运"的一些活动,这些活动为学校、社区或城市带来的变化,以及你从中获得的感受。   提示词:the Beijing 20xx Olympics, "Green Olympic", idea, volunteers, plant, save, change, environment, good for,   范文:   One important idea for the Beijing Olympics is "Green Olympics", for which the whole city has done a lot to improve the environment. So has our school.   Last month, my school formed a group of volunteers in every class. I was one of them. We cleaned up our school, watered the trees and flowers in our school garden. Now our school looks nicer. The more pleasant thing is that many students are beginning to change in behavior for the better, like stopping littering.   We"re proud of ourselves because we have done something both for the Beijing Olympic and the environment. 英语话题作文 篇5    【预测话题】共享单车    【预测题目】   假定你是红星中学初三学生李华。你的美国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他对中国新近出现的一种共享单车“mobike”很感兴趣,并请你做个简要介绍。请你给Jim回信,内容包括:   1. 这种单车的使用方法(如:APP查看车辆、扫码开锁等);   2. 这种单车的优势;   3. 你对这种单车的看法。   注意:1. 词数不少于80;   2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。   提示词:智能手机 smartphone, 二维码 the QR code    【参考范文】   Dear Jim,   I"m writing to tell you more about the new form of sharing bike--mobike mentioned in your latest letter.   It"s very convenient to use if you have a smartphone. What you do is to find a nearest mobike through the APP, scan the QR code on the bike, and enjoy your trip.   Compared to other forms of sharing bike, the greatest advantage of mobike is that you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it. It is becoming a new trend as a means of transportation, which relieves the traffic pressure and does good to the environment as well.   Hope to ride a mobike with you in China.   Yours,   Li Hua    【参考译文】   亲爱的吉姆,   我写信是要告诉你更多关于自行车共享的新形式--在你最近的信中提到摩拜。   这是非常方便的使用,如果你有一个智能手机。你要做的是通过APP找到最近摩拜、扫描QR码在自行车上,享受您的旅行。   相比于其他形式的自行车共享、摩拜的最大的好处就是你可以很容易的找到一个永远不担心停车的地方吗。作为一种交通工具,它不仅缓解了交通压力,而且对环境也有好处。   希望你在中国骑摩拜。   你的好朋友,   李华
2023-06-07 11:20:421